HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201515_Meeting Minutes_20100831NC 87 IMPROVEMENTS (TIP NO. R-2561) - WOO NEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING Stantec CONCURRENCE POINT NO. 2A Meeting Date: August 31, 2010 Place/Time: Town Hall, Elizabethtown / Project Study Area 9:30 am Attendees: Ronnie Smith, US Army Corps of Engineers Gary Jordan, US Fish and Wildlife Service Rob Ridings, NC Division of Water Quality Mason Herndon, NC Division of Water Quality Travis Wilson, NC Wildlife Resources Commission Don Eggert, Cape Fear RPO Jim Rerko, NCDOT Division 6 Bill Zerman, NCDOT Hydraulics Unit Amy James, NCDOT Natural Environment Unit Jim Speer, NCDOT Roadway Design Unit, Nya Boayue, NCDOT Roadway: Design Unit Jay McInnis, NCDOT PDEA Branch Kim Gillespie, NCDOT PDEA Branch- Matt-Carlisle, NCDOT PDEA.Branch, Andrea; Dvorak-GrantZ Stantec' Paul Koch, Stantec. .'.'Amy Sackaroff, Stantec ,? Jim•D9Vis, Wetherill Engineering Y r Michael Woods; The Catena.Group%. Distribution .' Attendees Chris Militscher, US Environmental Protection 'Agency Renee Gledhill-Earley ; NC Department; of Cultural Resources PURPOSE OF MEETING: To obtain concurrence on the proposed major drainage structures (Concurrence Point 2A) ITEMS OF DISCUSSION: The following paragraphs summarize the discussion and decisions resulting from this meeting: ' The meeting opened with a brief introduction by Kim Gillespie who then turned the meeting over to Paul Koch. Mr. Koch reviewed the CP2A information packet and noted that after consulting with NCDOT Bridge Maintenance Unit, the recommendations for Sites 4, 9, and 10 were to replace the existing culverts rather than extend them. Bill Zerman added that these culverts received special attention because they are up for evaluation this year, but that there may be others in need of replacement. Mr. Koch noted that Chris Militscher would not be attending the meeting but that he, Jay McInnis and Kim Gillespie had met with Mr. Militscher on 8/25/10 to discuss the CP2A materials. Mr. Koch stated that Mr. Militscher had flagged Sites 4, 9, and 10 for discussion due to the size of the drainage areas. Mr. Militscher stated the proposed culverts were acceptable to him, but that he would defer to the decisions made by the group. It was decided that all but two of the eleven major drainage structure sites would be visited during the field survey. Sites 5 and 7 were not visited. The following table includes NCDOT's hydraulic recommendations presented at the meeting. AUGUST 26, 2010 MEETING MINUTES Page 2 of 5 Reference: NC 87 Improvements -Concurrence Point 2A PROPOSED BRIDGE/CULVERT LOCATIONS AND LENGTHS "J JLdIILCC Proposed Structure' Site Stream Existing Structure East West Hammond Bridge # 14 Bladen Replace bridge with ' 1 Creek , County, 28'x 180' dual bridges (40 x ' ' ' 200 , 36 x 200 Double RCBC Extend culvert ' ' ' 5' x 7'x70' (inlet) 2 Drunken Run 5'x7'x125' w/5 x7 x95 5' x 7' x 13' (outlet) outlet Single RCBC Extend culvert ' ' ' - 3 Donoho Creek 10'xTx50' x114 (inlet), w/10 x7 10'x7'x132' outlet Triple RCBC Replace ' ' ' 4 Carvers Creek 10'x 12'x 55' w/10 x14 x150 triple RCBC Double RCBC Extend culvert ' ' ' Extend culvert ' ' ' 5 Plummers Run 10'x9'x80' vv 10 x9 x10 (inlet); w/10 9 00 (inlet), .10'x9'x90' (outlet) 10'x9'x10' (outlet) Extend culvert '' % t'=Double RCBC< w/7'x7'x10' (inlet); .'- Extend culvert 6 Steep Run ..,;,7'x7'x65' with. 7'x7'x14' extension. w/7'x7'x82' (inlet), _ O'x20'.extension; 7x1 (sheathing), TxTx30',(outlet) " i 4e 7'xTx100outlet) '"Extend culvert, Extend'culvert 7 Bndge-8rain; ch Single RCBC '1 ' ' ' w/10'x8'x20',(inlet) w/10x& 0- (inlet), - 10 x8 05 , O'x8'x90' (outlet) 10'x8'x10' (outlet) averdam Be Double RCBC Extend culvert. w 8' e " 8 Creek 8'x9'x50 / x9x10t(Inl t) ' ' ' g x9 x80 outlet '" .•Tnple' :Replace. .; ' ' Replace . ' „ ' ' 9 Weyman Creek "'" 2'.x . 10'x1 55'' w)8 x14 x260 triple x14 x255 triple . w/8 ,.,, ,, RCBC RCBC Double RCBC Replace' „• Replace ' ' ' 10 Weyman Creek. 12'x12 x47 w/12 x12'x1.40'. w/12 x12 x145 . ' . double RCBC RCBC double Livingston Bridge # 14, ". ' Replace bridge with ' x f; 11 Creek Columbus County; 28 dual bridges (36 x ' x 180' 200 ) NOTES: 1 Recommended structure dimensions show culvert extension lengths only. The eastern widening scenarios for Sites 2, 4, & 10 are also likely to require headwall work at opposite culvert ends. The following table summarizes comments made at each of the major drainage structures visited during the field survey. Site Comments 1 Members of the team requested that the bridge length be extended to provide a 30-foot wide animal passage on each bank between the water's edge and toe of slope. 2 Team members agreed with proposed culvert extension. Ronnie Smith asked about realigning the widening scenarios by shifting from the west to the east for a short segment in the vicinity of this crossing and potentially bridging. Mr. Koch replied that option could be considered at CNA, but at this stage widening for each segment was being evaluated as either all on the west or east side. [The stream impacts shown in Table 2 were revisited after the field meeting. Impacts for the east side are revised to 138 feet. AUGUST 26, 2010 MEETING MINUTES Page 3 of 5 Reference: NC 87 Improvements - Concurrence Point 2A Site Comments 3 Travis Wilson requested that NCDOT examine constructing a cross-pipe under the driveway on the west side of NC 87, which could allow drainage on the south side of the driveway to pass under the driveway and flow through the culvert under NC 87 on the north side of the driveway. The addition of the cross-pipe would eliminate the need for the pipe under NC 87 on the south side of the driveway. Jim Rerko noted that there may be constructability issues associated with this modification. It was agreed that NCDOT would examine the feasibility of this modification. 4 Team members agreed with proposed culvert extension after considering the proximity of Grimsle Road, adjacent wetlands, and an upstream impoundment. 5 Team members agreed with proposed culvert extension. 6 Team members agreed with proposed extension after considering the grade issues associated with removing the existin culvert. 7 Team members agreed with the proposed culvert extension. 8 Team members a reed with proposed culvert extension. 9 Members of the team requested that NCDOT examine the use of a bridge at this location. 10 Members of the team requested that NCDOT examine use of a bridge at this location. 11 Members of the team requested that the bridge length be extended to provide a 30-foot wide animal passage on?each bank between the'.water's edge and toe of slope. Elimination of Widening Scenarios,, Several small group discussions-were held on,the possibility of eliminating some sections originally carried forward at-&2' . At the .8/25110. meeting with Mr. 'Militscher, it was noted that Section 6 West, Section 12 Vilest, Sect ioh ,.l4 East; Section•,19 West, 'and Section 20 West-could be eliminated from additional, study. Mr. Sriith-also recommended these sections for elimination-,:-,. . at the CP2A field meeting: [It is'noted that,the-Preliminary Hydraulic Report recommendations for. : Section 12 include widening to the west for 8ites.5 and 6: and to the east for Site 7. Elimination of any additional widening scenarios should also' consider. the results of historic architecture-, surveys, which are still in progress.] _ , :. s•= . CONCLUSIONS:-The meeting concluded with`the Merger Team agreeing that alternate hydraulic=.- structures would be examined for Sites 1-,'3, 9;':10; and 11.. i ±• ... ACTION ITEMS:' NCDOT-to examine hydraulic structure options for Sites 1, 3, 9, 10, and-11. NCDOT to'complete historic architecture surveys and coordinate with the Team to eliminate some widening scenarios originally carried forward at CP2. CORRECTIONS & OMISSIONS: This summary. is the writer's interpretation of the events, . discussions, and transactions that took place: during-the meeting. If there are any additions and/or corrections please inform Kim Gillespie at- 733-7844 ext. 247 or klgillespie@ncdot.gov within seven days. Paul R. Koch, PE Project Manager paul. koch@stantec.com PRKlacs cc: File StanW