HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091345 Ver 2_More Info Received_20100909SeSEPI ENGINEERING GROUP To: NCDENR-DWQ Attention: Annette Lucas 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 Phone: 919-733-1786 From: David Whittington Subject: Granville Medical Center 1)?- t3 45 0 2, Date: September 9, 2010 VIA: Drop-off SEPI Project and Task No.: SC09.006.00 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL SEPI Engineering Group, Inc. 1025 Wade Ave Raleigh, NC 27605 Tel 919.789.9977 Fax 919.789.9591 Site/Civil Group 19@@OV@ SEP - 9 2010 WETtAQM0S "YA 9RWQ4 We are sending you: ? Shop Drawings ? Prints ® Plans ? Samples ? Specifications ? Copy of Letter ? Change Order ? Reports ? Checks Copies Date Description 5 2010-09-08 Sheets EXfTB-0 1-06 5 2010-09-08 Package to respond to August 23rd comments (incl. response to comments, revised calculations for runoff and sandfilter, DWQ BMP Supplement, and email to grade on adjacent parcel These are transmitted as indicated below: ® For Approval ? As Requested ? Approved as Noted ? Returned after Loan ® For Your Use ? Approved as ? Returned for ? Resubmit Copies for Submitted Corrections Approval ? For Review and ? For Your File Comment Other comments: Annette, Please find the attached sheets and package for your use in the GMC review. Please let me know if you need anything else or have any questions. Thanks, I ,. Signed: Page: 1/1 . t D? -134S 02,,, DWQ 401 Oversight/Express Review Permittin6 Unit Package to Respond to August 23, 2010 Comments Granville Medical Center Emergencii Department Expansion 1010 College Street Oxford, North Carolina 1&3@@BVR SEP _ 9 ?010 r4'n*a`"" r Prepared BL,: E PI (e- ,)S ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION SEPI En8ineerin8 & Construction 1025 Wade Avenue Ralei8h, NC 27605 September 8, 2010 eSEPI ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION Contents Response to Comments Dated August 23, 2010 Summary of Revisions Revised DWQ BMP Supplement Form & Checklist Revised Sand Filter Calculation Spreadsheet (with drawdown calcs) Previouslig Submitted Sand Filter Runoff Calculations (b-Lj I i-draflow) Storm Sewer Flow Calculations (b-y Hij draflow) Revised Flow Splitter Calculations Approval to Grade on Adjacent Parcel Email Revised Exhibits 01-06 E PI (e- ,)S ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION E PI (e- ,)S ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION September 8, 2010 Mr. Ian McMillan Acting Supervisor, 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit NCDENR-DWQ 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 RE: Request for more information - Stream impacts for Granville Medical Center Emergency Department Addition Dear Mr. McMillan: Regarding the comment letter we received from your office dated August 23, 2010, we have addressed all comments and concerns as follows: The depiction of the storm drainage system remains unclear. Some of the issues of concern are: On the northern, 0.27 acre parking lot, it appears that a ditch or curbing along the east side of the parking lot will need to be added to direct the stormwater to the BMP. Additional curb and gutter has been added along this section to ensure that runoff is collected in the BMP. On the southern, 0.91 acre parking lot, please provide calculations that show whether the curb will be overtopped during the one inch storm. If the curb is likely to be overtopped during the design storm, then additional inlet structures must be provided. Minor changes to the parking lot have taken place in this area, including the addition of 3 catch basins, to accommodate an adequately sized BMP. Calculations have been performed which show that the curb will not be overtopped during the 10-year storm. 2. The sediment basin and sand filter do not appear to have enough capacity to store the entire adjusted water quality volume. Please re-design to provide this additional volume and submit calculations to support the design. Please also provide calculations of the draw down rate. The sediment basin and sand filter have been resized and regraded, and calculations have been provided which show that the system has now been sized to handle the design runoff. The pipes conveying water from the sediment basin to the sand filter is at a very steep slope (over ten percent). In your redesign of the sand filter, please significantly reduce the slope of that pipe to prevent scouring in the sand filter. We have modified our BMP detail and have reduced the slope of this pipe. Please see detail exhibit sheet EXHB-04. 1025 WADE AVENUE • RALEIGH, NC 27605 • TEL 919.789.9977 • FAX 919.789.9591 • SEPIENGINEERING.COM 4. The embankment that separates the sediment basin from the sand filter looks likely to have stability issues above the PVC pipes. In your redesign of the sand filter, please ensure that there is a continuous, unbroken side slope of no greater than 3:1. Noted and done. The interior slopes of the sand filter pond, as well as the exterior fill slopes, have now been regraded at a 3:1 slope. We trust these responses to be satisfactory; however, if you need further clarification or have additional comments please do not hesitate to let us know. T-1- David Whittington, El SEPI Engineering & Construction Project Engineer 1025 WADE AvENUE • RALEIGH, NC 27605 • TEL 919.789.9977 • FAX 919.789.9591 • SEPIENGINEERING.COM Sumnidy-g of Revisions In addition to the comment responses, we felt it necessary to describe some of the revisions made to the plans and calculations. The sand filter area has been expanded to hold the adjusted water quality volume. To accomplish this, some grading must be done on the adjacent property, which is owned by the Granville Medical Center as well. An email from the GMC facility manager is included in this submittal. In order to accommodate the increase in size of the sand filter, two parking spaces were removed to allow for more area. The southern parking lot was steepened in an effort to pull grades up and away from the riparian buffer zones. Along with this, curb and gutter was installed along the east side of the southern parking area to allow for stormwater to be piped to the flow splitter and sedimentation chamber. S EPI (e- C) ENGINEERING&CONSTRUCTION Revised DVV Q BMP Supplement Form & Checklist CSEPI ENGINEERING & ONSTRu noN Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) ?T" •' *)A NCDENR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM SAND FILTER SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out on line, printed and submitted with all of the required information. Make sure to also fill out and submit the Required Items Checklist (Section III) and the I&M Agreement (Section IV) O?OF W ATFRQG O 'c I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project name Granville Medical Center Contact name Phone number Date Drainage area number Bill Piver, PE 919-789-9977 September 7, 2010 1 (Parking Areas & Additional Runoff) II. DESIGN INFORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area (A p) 79,715.00 ft2 OK Impervious area 51,837.00 ft2 % Impervious (I A) 65.0% % Design rainfall depth (RD) 1.00 in Peak Flow Calculations 1-yr, 24-hr runoff depth 1-yr, 24-hr intensity Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff Pre/Post 1-yr, 24-hr peak control Storage Volume Design volume (WQV) Adjusted water quality volume (WQV Ad) Volume contained in the sedimentation basin and on top of the sand filter Top of sand filter/grate elevation Weir elevation (between chambers) Maximum head on the sedimentation basin and sand filter (h Maxrllter) Average head on the sedimentation basin and sand filter (h A) Runoff Coefficient (Rv) Type of Sand Filter Open sand filter? SHWT elevation Bottom of the sand filter elevation Clearance (d SHWr) Closed/pre-cast sand filter? SHWT elevation Bottom of the sand filter elevation Clearance (d sHWT) If this is a closed, underground closed sand filter: The clearance between the surface of the sand filter and the bottom of the roof of the underground structure (dsp...) 2.82 in 0.12 in/hr ft3/sec ft3/sec ft3/sec 4,220.00 ft' 3,165.00 ft3 3,168.00 453.5 ft amsl 453.75 ft amsl 3.00 ft 1.50 ft 0.64 (unitless) Y Yor N 444.00 ft amsl 449.00 ft amsl 5.00 N Yor N ft amsl ft amsl OK OK OK Form SW401-Sand Filter-Rev.5 2009Sept17 Parts I and II. Project Design Summary, Page 1 of 2 0 IA. Sedimentation Basin Surface area of sedimentation basin (A s) Sedimentation basin/chamber depth Sand Filter Surface area of sand filter (A F) Top of sand media filter bed elevation Bottom of sand media filter bed/drain elevation Depth of the sand media filter bed (d F) Coefficient of permeability for the sand filter (k) Outlet diameter Outlet discharge/flowrate Time to drain the sand filter (t) Time to drain the sand filter (t) Additional Information Does volume in excess of the design volume bypass the sand filter? Is an off-line flow-splitting device used? If draining to SA waters: Does volume in excess of the design volume flow evenly distributed through a vegetated filter? What is the length of the vegetated filter? Does the design use a level spreader to evenly distribute flow? Is the BMP located at least 30ft from surface waters (50ft if SA waters)? If not a closed bottom, is BMP located at least 100ft from water supply wells? Are the vegetated side slopes equal to or less than 3:1 Is the BMP located in a recorded drainage easement with a recorded access easement to a public Right of Way (ROW)? What is the width of the sedimentation chamber/forebay (W sea)? What is the depth of sand over the outlet pipe (dpipe)? Form SW401-Sand Filter-Rev.5 2009Sept17 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) 279 00 ft 2 Vr\. IVICCW II III IIIIIUIII, UUl 111cly IICCU LV UC IIIL.ICQJCU LV . ,,,,,.a,,:., aL...............1 .,..I.......:t ..........,.1... ea......... 3.00 ft 00 777 2 Vr\. IMUlb III II III I I UI I I, UUL IIIdy I ICCU IV UC 111"ICAJCU LV . ft 450.50 ft amsl 449.00 ft amsl 1.50 ft 5,00 (ft/day) 15.00 in 1.68 ft3/sec 19.20 hours OK. Submit drainage calculations. 0.80 days Y Y or N OK Y Y or N OK N/A Y or N Enter Data N/A ft N/A Y or N Enter Data Y Y or N OK Y Y or N OK Y Y or N OK y Yor N OK 9.00 ft OK 1.50 ft OK Parts I and H. Project Design Summary, Page 2 of 2 Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) III. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Initials Pagel Plan Sheet No. 1. Plans (1" - 50' or larger) of the entire site with labeled drainage area boundaries - System dimensions (length, width, and depth) for both the sedimentation chamber and the filter chamber, - Maintenance access, - Flow splitting device, - Proposed drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), - Design at ultimate build-out, - Off-site drainage (if applicable), and - Boundaries of drainage easement. 2. Plan details (1" = 30' or larger) for the sand filter showing: - System dimensions (length, width, and depth) for both the sedimentation chamber and the chamber, - Maintenance access, - Flow splitting device, - Vegetative filter strip dimensions and slope (if SA waters), - Proposed drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), - Design at ultimate build-out, - Off-site drainage (if applicable), and - Boundaries of drainage easement. 3. Section view of the sand filter (1" = 20' or larger) showing: - Depth(s) of the sedimentation chamber and sand filter chamber, - Depth of sand filter media, filter - Connection between the sedimentation chamber and the sand filter chamber and weir elevation, - SHWT elevation, - Outlet pipe, and - Clearance from the surface of the sand filter to the bottom of the roof of the underground structure (if applicable). 4. A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigation, soil borings, and infiltration tests. The results of the soils report must be verified in the field by DWQ, by completing & submitting the soils investigation request form. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. 5. Supporting calculations (including drainage calculations) rz `c:. ` 6. Signed and notarized operation and maintenance (0&M) agreement / 7. A copy of the deed restrictions (if required). Form SW401-Sand Filter-Rev.5 2009Sept17 Part III, Page 3 of 5 Revised Sand Filter Calculation Spreadsheet (With drawdown calcS) E PI (e- C)S ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION SAND FILTER CALCULATIONS Project Granville Medical Center Calcs by D Whittington Project No. SC09.006.00 Date 8/29/2010 Drainage Area Information Area Impervious Area 1. 19 ac. Pervious Area 0.64 ac. Total Drainage Area to Sand Filter (A) 1.83 ac. Impervious Area Percentage (1) 0.650 ac. Water Quality Volume Calculations WQV = 3,630 (Ro)*(Rv)*(Ao) = 4,219.88 cu ft Where: Design Rainfall (R)) = 1.0 in Rv = 0.05 + 0.9(h) = 0.635 WQV?di= 0.75*WQV = 3,164.91 cu ft Sand Filter Calculations e imen a ion Basin Surface Area= 0.066*WQV = 278.51 s Sand Filter Bed WQV(Df) _ Surface Area = k*t(R,+Dr) 254.21 s where: Depth of Filter (n) = 1.5 ft Maximum Head on Sand Filter (h) = 3.0 ft Average Head (H) = 1.5 ft "Coefficient of Permeability (k) = 5.0 ft/day (=2.5 in/hr) Time to Drain (t) = 1.66 days Results **based on specification for ASTM C33 Construction Sand Sedimentation Basin Surface Area (Required): 278.51 sq ft Sedimentation Basin Surface Area (Provided): 279.00 sq ft Sand Filter Bed Surface Area (Required): 254.21 sq ft Sand Filter Bed Surface Area (Provided): 755.00 sq ft Check WQVad1 Containment (by average end method) Sedimentation Chamber Storage Elevation Area (sq ft) Incremental Volume Accumulated Volume 451 279.0 sq ft 0,000.00 cu ft 0,000 cu ft 452 619.0 sq ft 0,449.00 cu ft 0,449 cu ft 453 1015.0 sq ft 0,817.00 cu ft 1,266 cu ft Total Storage Volume Sand Filter Storage 5,229 cu ft Elevation Area (sq ft) Incremental Volume Accumulated Volume 450.5 755.0 sq ft 0,000.00 cu ft 0,000 cu ft 451 985.0 sq ft 0,870.00 cu ft 0,870 cu ft 452 1489.0 sq ft 1,237.00 cu ft 2,107 cu ft 453 2046.0 sq ft 1,767.50 cu ft 3,005 cu ft 453.5 2344.0 sq ft 2,195.00 cu ft 3,963 cu ft Check Drawdown Rate (from DWQ BMP Manual Ch. 16) T=Vol/(2*A*K) = 0.8 days or 20.1 hrs (< 40 hrs,so OK) Volume (CO = 3,164.91 cu ft Area (so = 755.00 sq ft K (in/hr) = 2.50000 PYCV1ouslLj Submitted Sand Filter Ru11o2I Calculations (bl] ILL, drallow) eSEPI ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION Table of Contents 2010-06-02 Runoff To Sand Filter.gpw Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Tuesday, Aug 3 2010, 4:19 PM Hydrograph Return Period Recap ................................................................... 1 1 - Year Summary Report .............................................................................................................. 2 Hydrograph Reports ........................................................................................................ 3 Hydrograph No. 1, Rational, Sand Filter Runoff ............................................................ 3 2 - Year Summary Report .............................................................................................................. 4 Hydrograph Reports .................................................................................................:...... 5 Hydrograph No. 1, Rational, Sand Filter Runoff ............................................................ 5 10 - Year Summary Report .............................................................................................................. n Hydrograph Reports ........................................................................................................ 7 Hydrograph No. 1, Rational, Sand Filter Runoff ............................................................ 7 Hydrograph Return Period Recap Hyd. Hydrograph Inflow Peak Outflow (cfs) Hydrograph i i ?. type (origin) Hyd(s) 1-Yr 2-Yr 3-Yr 5-Yr 10-Yr 25-Yr 50-Yr 100-Yr descr pt on 1 Rational ------- 5.58 6.40 ------- ------- 7.76 ------- ------- ------- Sand Filter Runoff Proj. file: 2010-06-02 Runoff To Sand Filter.gpw Tuesday, Aug 3 2010, 4:19 PM Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hydrograph Summary Report Hyd. ?. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to peak (min) Volume (cuft) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Maximum storage (cuft) Hydrograph description 1 Rational 5.58 1 5 1,673 ---- ------ ------ Sand Filter Runoff 2010-06-02 Runoff To Sand Filter.g vReturn Period: 1 Year Tuesday, Aug 3 2010, 4:19 PM Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve ¦ M Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intellsolve Hyd. No. 1 Sand Filter Runoff Hydrograph type = Rational Storm frequency = 1 yrs Drainage area = 1.830 ac Intensity = 4.914 in/hr OF Curve = Franklinton, NC.IDF Tuesday, Aug 3 2010, 4:19 PM Peak discharge = 5.58 cfs Time interval = 1 min Runoff coeff. = 0.62 Tc by User = 5.00 min Asc/Rec limb fact = 1/1 Hydrograph Volume = 1,673 cuft Q (cfs) 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 -y- 0.0 Hyd No. 1 Sand Filter Runoff Hyd. No. 1 -- 1 Yr 0.1 Q (cfs) 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 N0.00 0.2 Time (hrs) 3 X -1 4 Hydrograph Summary Report Hyd. Hydrograph Peak Time Time to Volume Inflow Maximum Maximum Hydrograph ?. type flow interval peak hyd(s) elevation storage description (origin) (cfs) (min) (min) (cuft) (ft) (cuft) 1 Rational 6.40 1 5 1,919 ---- ------ ------ Sand Filter Runoff 2010-06-02 Runoff To Sand Filter.g?vAReturn Period: 2 Year I Tuesday, Aug 3 2010, 4:19 PM Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve w Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 1 Sand Filter Runoff Hydrograph type = Rational Storm frequency = 2 yrs Drainage area = 1.830 ac Intensity = 5.637 in/hr OF Curve = Franklinton, NC.IDF Tuesday, Aug 3 2010, 4:19 PM Peak discharge = 6.40 cfs Time interval = 1 min Runoff coeff. = 0.62 Tc by User = 5.00 min Asc/Rec limb fact = 1/1 Hydrograph Volume = 1,919 cuft Q (cfs) 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 -V- 0.0 Hyd No. 1 Sand Filter Runoff Hyd. No. 1 -- 2 Yr 0.1 Q (cfs) 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 N 0.00 0.2 Time (hrs) 5 Hydrograph Summary Report Hyd. ?. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to peak (min) Volume (cuft) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Maximum storage (cuft) Hydrograph description 1 Rational 7.76 1 5 2,328 ---- ------ ------ Sand Filter Runoff 2010-06-02 Runoff To Sand Filter.g viReturn Period: 10 Year Tuesday, Aug 3 2010, 4:19 PM Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve A A Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 1 Sand Filter Runoff Hydrograph type = Rational Storm frequency = 10 yrs Drainage area = 1.830 ac Intensity = 6.839 in/hr OF Curve = Franklinton, NC.IDF Tuesday, Aug 3 2010, 4:19 PM Peak discharge = 7.76 cfs Time interval = 1 min Runoff coeff. = 0.62 Tc by User = 5.00 min Asc/Rec limb fact = 1/1 Hydrograph Volume = 2,328 cuft Q (cfs) 8.00 Sand Filter Runoff Hyd. No. 1 -- 10 Yr 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 -L 0.0 Hyd No. 1 0.1 Q (cfs) 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 -x_ 0.00 0.2 Time (hrs) 7 Storm Sewer Flow Calculations (bij I -Lj draflow) S E P I C ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION ia 0 0 N 0 M V D /Q V O Q L O C C c c c u i c i o N h N (6 0 z 0 N CO 0 ,L) E 3 a ? E ` o ` a m U) 0 9 0 o 0 LL ! U N O O W L 3 L O ''?^ V/ 3 O L T V i a d rn R a t c^ i.? G7 C a i a 3 Q U, E L C } U, s a u W m m m U c LL U U U E J o o 0 O 1- i Cl) N L _ O co m co O N U U U F5 r - rn W LO o rn ? d E ^ 06 am r--: oi im CD d ' V V ' V N NO LO Cl)) O O U Y -B y M Cl) M co ? O O O O Z, v O O O O V d U U U U i6 a) m ? c J cn - o l4 V N Q N u7 LO Lr) E a CN= r z J cn z. t+ Q 14: G? O Cl) M CD Cl) Cl) Lr) (D LO C lJ1 V V ' ? IT a) Q Cl) O to O O v 00 C O ^ t- O N J N o t.' C O N I? (O ? r CO Cl) Lr) Cl) LO "T tr) co LO C Ll1 ? V d' V V' E C O O O O p 7 u O o) O) 6) U') u 3 0^ O O O 6 wo- o LL V CO Lq M -: W 07 L L v oa O O O Cl 0 0 0 0 Y C 0 0 0 E T O r U T O U O U U E O ?H 04 04 ? n CD co d Oo d. h N L Lt7 O LL C m E mid ?o 00 m a c m i y 0 0 0 0 O a m e 0 0 0 0 C J $ a co LO C CA O 1 J O i L N i N df O C p c N anz W N ? V N C N CO V O d JZ d mm (L L rC Y Q L. d C, 0 c 0 c 0 c 0 { Ic a C cu c cc c c is u CL ~ O O O 2 O i U U U N 0') N C C O C W N N " 0 J Z p c U M O ? ? J o ) C V L0 L0 U') ( L0 (r Lo 2 $ L0 ? V Lo L O C N m M N N ?? C O C C 0) M O f- d 0) t` N U' Q ^ . $ V Lo v Lo (0 U) (0 Lr) C m X It 'Q IT V O M co V Lo O m M N -0 E C V Lo d' Lo Lo Lo ;T Lo O Z 0 O^ V V V 3: 0 co 0) O V d N O Q o') (n O 00 O _O o r O N -i U) ? 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N L O O ZZ- (C) O O C ?. V N ? J C? (D C) U ? Q O p J, f.Y] Q U O U C? '9 C) = 4 p C O _ U C LO Ln U U O N C a E m 11 _ U a) ?$ O a? ? a J c 0 c LU N `m 3 E in 0 `m .1 'r Revised Flow Splitter Calculations ?C'SEPI C ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION A <. l SEPI V ENGINEERING GROUP f. Project Subiect i Designer. Page of Date --7-2010 IA09 %A/_J_ A ........,. D-]-:-L, Kl!' 07A04 . T..I 010 7000077 . r-- 010 70O OS01 . .., -;---;_,;_ ,.-- ! . < -j Approval to Grade on Adjacent Parcel E1 ail Ce SEPI C ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION A , R Lee Bakely From: Lee Bakely Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 9:04 AM To: 'Gerald Leighton'; David Whittington Cc: Bill Piver; Bruce Brooks Subject: RE: Granville Medical Center Sand Filter Good morning Gerald, Page 1 of 2 We only lost two spaces... the two closest to the sand filter. The drive aisle through this area still maintains a 24 foot width, it just looks a little different since its on a 45 degree angle. Attached is a site plan exhibit showing the parking lot striping. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to give me a call. Lec Bakely, PE SLPI Engineering 919.573.9930 From: Gerald Leighton [mailto:gleighton@granvillemedical.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 5:43 PM To: David Whittington Cc: Bill Piver; Lee Bakely; Bruce Brooks Subject: RE: Granville Medical Center Sand Filter David I think this should be good, however I would like to know how many parking spaced do I loose, and what is the traffic routes. It is very hard to tell by the partial drawing, and it appears as though traffic flow may be impeded. Can you provide a drawing based on a larger prospective of the parking lot? Gerry Leighton Director, Facility Services Granville Health System 919.690.3415 From: David Whittington [maiIto: DWhittington@sepiengineering.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 4:56 PM To: Gerald Leighton Cc: Bill Piver; Lee Bakely Subject: Granville Medical Center Sand Filter Mr. Leighton, As discussed with Mr.Piver, please review the attached PDF and see if this an acceptable position for the sand filter, and if you see a problem grading on the hospitals adjacent property. Let us know if you have any comments or questions. -Thanks, David David Whittington Project Engineer 1025 Wade Avenue 9/8/2010 A . -1 Raleigh, NC 27605 Phone: (919) 789-9977 Direct: (919) 573-9933 Fax: (919) 789-9591 www.sei)ien2ineering.com Page 2 of 2 9/8/2010