HomeMy WebLinkAboutR4440 (8) a STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Ms. Lori Beckwith DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BEVERLY EAVES PERDUE GOVERNOR August 20, 2010 Department of the Army; Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patterson Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006 Dear Ms. Beckwith: yam, qU6 ' V D A? EUGENE A. CON"rl, JR. SECRETARY SUBJECT: SECTION 404- NEPA MERGER PROCESS Application for a Department of the Army (DOA) Permit pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act to discharge dredged or fill material into waters of the United States to construct the proposed improvements to SR 1664 and SR 1114 (Needmore Road) from SR 1369 in Macon County to existing pavement in Swain County, North Carolina State Project Number 140.506010 and 14C.087019, WBS No. 35597 TIP Project R-4440 The following application, including separate attachments for (1) ENG Form 4345 including a continuation sheet (2) three tables (Tables 1, 2, and 3) presenting overall impacts, stream and wetland information and impacts, (3) a mailing list for the upcoming Combined Public Hearing and labels for property owners directly impacted by the project, and (4) three figures (Figure I - Vicinity Map, Figure 2 -Plan View (7 sheets); and Figure 3 -Typical Cross-Section), is submitted for your consideration. As you are aware, this project was selected for treatment under the Merger 01 process. At this juncture, the Regulatory Division has provided concurrence with Purpose and Need (CP 1), and with the selection of Detailed Study Alternatives (CP 2 and 2A). A State Environmental Assessment (SEA) was signed on February 26, 2010 and was distributed on March 31, 2010. The following information is a summary of relevant project details and is being provided to assist in the Section 404 regulatory review of the project. This letter and attachments, along with the previously distributed SEA, should provide sufficient information for the issuance of a Public Notice for the project. Please issue your,public notice at the earliest opportunity so that we can jointly proceed toward, selecting°the LEDPA (least environmentally damaging, practicable alternative which. meets the purpose and need of the project) following analysis of public input. Once the LEDPA (CP3) is selected and approved, efforts will be undertaken to further minimize impacts to wetlands and riparian buffers in the LEDPA corridor and to propose suitable compensatory mitigation to offset unavoidable impacts. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact Mr. Eugene Tarascio, at (919) 733-7844 extension 216. Sincerely, 7 Grego orpe, PH.D ,Manager Project De elopment and Environmental Analysis Branch CC: Mr. Scott Mclendon, USACOE, Wilmington (Cover Letter Only) Mr. Brian Wrenn, NCDWQ (7 copies) . Ms. Renee Gledhill-Earley, HPO Ms. Marla Chambers, NCWRC Mr. Chris Militshcher, USEPA Ms. Marella Buncick, USFWS Mr. Art McMillan, P.E., Highway Design Mr. Jay Bennett, P.E., Roadway Design Mr. Greg Prefetti, P.E., Structure Design Mr. David Chang, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. Phil Harris, P.E., Natural Environment Unit Mr. Joel Setzer, P.E., Division 14 Engineer Ms. Teresa Hart, P.E., Project Development Mr. Calvin Leggett, P.E., Program Development Mr. Ryan Sherby, Southwest RPO Mr. Jamille Robbins, Human Environment Unit APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-0003 (33 CFR 325) EXPIRES: 31 August 2012 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 11 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters, Executive Services and Communications Directorate, Information Management Division and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710.0003). Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject In any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number- Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applicatiorrs must be submitted to the Distncl Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344, Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, Section 103,33 USC 1413, Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers, Final Rule 33 CFR 320-332. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This Information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and bcal govemmem agencies, and the public and may be made available as part of a public notice as required by Federal law. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, if information is not provided. the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued- One set of anginal drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned_ (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1. APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETE (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BY APPLICANT) 5. APPLICANTS NAME: 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE (an agent is net required) First- Gregory Middle- J. Last- Thorpe First- Middle- Last- Company- PDEA araiwh, N.C. Depennre,+t o/TranappNtion Company- E-mail Address- gtho,?n rw,, E-mail Address - 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS. - 9_ AGENTS ADDRESS Address - Mail Service Center 1549 Address - City - aaielgh State- Nc Zip- zrrsa tsae Country - US Cry- State- Zip- Country - 7. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOs. W/AREA CODE. 10. AGENT'S PHONE Nos. WARFA CODE a. Residence b. Business a Fax a. Residence b. Business c. Fax 919-733-7844 919-733=9794 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION 11. I hereby authorize, to act in ray behalf as rry agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this pert application. APPLICANTS SIGNATURE DATE NAME, LOCATION, AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12 PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (sea rivmcvmsl NCDOT STIP Project R-4440, SR 1634 and SR 1114 (Needmore Road) Improvements 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN id awaodel 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (4 apploae) See attached Tables 2 thin 4 and Figure 2, Sheets 1-7 Address 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT ' Latitude 'N JS aeaew tSmMnee ss semr?m Longitude: °W nsageunm,.x., re.xmm city t city - State - Zip- 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN rsea imiruclbms) State Tax Parcel ID Municipality ' Section - Township - Rance - 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE Project begins at SR 1369 (Tellico Road) in Macon County and ends at existing pavement in Swain County. ENG FORM 4345, SEPT 2009 EDITION OF OCT 2004 IS OBSOLETE Pmponent: CECW-OR' 18. Nature of Activity (oesrnp'ion or pwc ini an reateres) See continuation sheet. 19. Project Purpose roes nee the reason or purpose of ure project, see inswcteal The purpose of the project is to improve the quality of travel for local residents that currently use Needmore Road; reduce existing sedimentation from Needmore Road into the Little Tennessee River; avoid or minimize adverse impacts to the existing high quality natural resources induding but net limited to water quality, habitat vegetation and reduce existing maintenance costs associated with Needmore Road. USE BLOCKS 20-23 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s)for Discharge The proposed discharge is required to accomplish the improvements listed in Block #18. 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards: Type Type Type Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards This iMo is not yet available, but will be provided es pan or fro section 4oa Permit Application tut ermeel Gunn, rro final aeegn of en vgea - 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled rsee vrstruNOns) Acres Wetlands: 0.044 acres Or Liner Feet Streams: 2,224 linear feet 23. Description of Avoidance, Minimization, and Compensation (see mrnucpons) See continuation sheet. - 24. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes 0 No 11 IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 25. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (If more man can ee enteree none, pgease attach a suPwrreetal fish. Address- See attached mailing list. - City - State- Zip- 26. List of Other Certifications or ApprovalslDenials Received from other Federal, State, or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL' IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED ' Would include but is not restricted to zoning, budding, and flood plain permits 27- Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in thus application is complete and accurate. I further codify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duty authorized agent of the applicant. - S OF ICANT DATE SIG NATURE OF AGENT DATE The applicabin ust signed by the Icon who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duty authorized agent if the statement in bl 11 as been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that Whoever, in any manner within the iunsdichorl of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined net more than $10,000 or imprisoned net more than five years or both. ENG FORM 4345, SEPT 2009 USACE Form 4345 Continuation Sheet STIP Project R-4440 Macon and Swain Counties Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Block 18 NCDOT proposes to improve SR 1364/SR1114 (Needmore Road) to a 2-lane paved facility consisting of a minimum 9-foot travel lane in each direction, with a minimum roadway width of 18 feet, and improvements to the shoulders of the roadway. This recommended alternative, Alternative E, will improve the entire facility to conform to NCDOT Division 14 Secondary Road Standards with design exceptions. The proposed alignment calls for widening the roadway away from the Little Tennessee River. All widening on the project will be toward or into the rock hillsides adjacent to the project, including areas identified as containing acidic rock. Other Alternatives that were considered included: No Build (Alternative A), No Pave with Selective Improvements (Alternative B), Pave in Place 18 feet Maximum Width (Alternative C) and Pave in Place 18 feet Minimum Width Alternative (Alternative D). Block 23 Avoidance - Jurisdictional stream and wetland areas are present within the project study area and will be impacted by the proposed project. Efforts have been and will continue to be made throughout the Project Development process ,to avoid impacts to the greatest extent practicable. It is not possible for the proposed project (Alternative E) to avoid all impacts to jurisdictional areas, due to the location of Needmore Road and design constraints. However, the proposed project avoids direct impact to the Little Tennessee River. Minimization - Impacts to natural environment features in the project area have been avoided and minimized through selection of the recommended alignment for the project. Minimization was achieved by widening away from the river and steepening cut slopes in rocky areas. Stream crossings and impacts were maintained as perpendicular where possible. Avoidance and minimization efforts on the project will be summarized and presented in detail to the merger team at a Concurrence Point 4A meeting. Compensatory mitigation - The need for compensatory mitigation is likely due to the size and location of the jurisdictional streams within the project study area. Mitigation will likely be required for stream impacts greater than 150 linear feet. A specific mitigation plan cannot be developed until final design is completed and final impacts are determined. Page 1 of2 USACE Form 4345 Continuation Sheet STIP Project R-4440 Macon and Swain Counties Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation The NCDOT will investigate potential on-site stream mitigation opportunities based on the recommended alternative. If on-site mitigation is not feasible, mitigation will be provided by North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP). In accordance with the "Memorandum of Agreement Among the North Carolina Department of Transportation, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District" (MOA), July 22, 2003, the EEP will be requested to provide off-site mitigation to satisfy the federal Clean Water Act compensatory mitigation requirements for this project. Tables and Figures and General Information The following tables are attached: I . Table 1 provides a comparison of overall impacts for all of the alternatives. 2. Table 2 provides the stream characteristics within the project area. 3. Table 3 provides a stream impact summary. 4. Table 4 provides a wetland impact summary. The following figures are attached: 1. Project Vicinity Map (Figure 1) 2. Plan View (Figure 2, Sheets l to 7) 3. Typical Cross-Section (Figure 3) Page 2 of 2 R-4440 Mailing List for Notice of Combined Public Hearing (Macon County) ABRAMS EDITH D ANDERSON CONTRACTING CO INC ARMOR GEORGE MAXWELL IV , OR CURRENT RESIDENT PO BOX 38 OR CURRENT RESIDENT 2514 TELLICO RD PO BOX 1301 FRANKLIN, NC 28734 OLD TOWN, FL 32680 HIGHLANDS NC 28741 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON , R-4440 MACON ARROWHEAD MOUNTAIN LLC ASHE TOMMY R OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT AUSBURN ROBERT & MARGARET L 413 ARROWHEAD LN 3770 BURNINGTOWN ROAD 3423 NEFF LK RD WHITTIER, NC 28789 FRANKLIN, NC 28734 BROOKSVILLE, FL 34602 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON - R-4440 MACON AXXE GERALDINE D BATES JODIE BATES NELSON W LLC OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT 12445 BRYSON CITY RD 8 SPRING ST 1687 GEORGIA ROAD BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 FRANKLIN, NC 28734 FRANKLIN, NC 28734 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON BATHRICK WARD R OR CURRENT RESIDENT CARL B TRUSTEE BORUP BOWERS LOLA L. 9180 LOWER BURNINGTON RD 26 11 S 2611 S E 21 ST 1373 CALUMET FARMS DR FRANKLIN, NC 28734 LAUDERDALE, FL 33316 COLLIERVILLE, TN 38017 R-4440 MACON R- R-4440 MACON R-4440 4440 MACONACON BRANHAM JOYCE H BREEDLOVE JAKE LEE & ETTA MAE BROWN GEORGE D 5122 E SCIOTO DR OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT FAIRFIELD, OH 45014-1559 198 CLINT COLE RD 853 BUCKHEAD TRACE R-4440 MACON FRANKLIN, NC 28734 FRANKLIN, NC 28734 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON BYRD THAD C & LAURA L CABE J D HEIRS CABE JOSEPH HENRY CURRENT RESIDENT 5 WEST MAIN STREET OR CURRENT RESIDENT 1108 TELLICO RD 11 2352 TELLICO RD FRANKLIN, NC 28734 FRANKLIN, NC 28734 FRANKLIN NC 23734-5957 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON , R-4440 MACON CHANCY JOSEPH H COLE JOSEPH ALLEN COLE WAYNE 207 SW LORY GLN 9712 FRANKLIN HILL BLVD 940 CHEATHAM HILL RD LAKE CITY, FL 32024 KNOXVILLE, TN 37922 MARIETTA, GA 30064 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON COOPER W H HEIRS OR CURRENT RESIDENT CROSBY THOMAS W D & D CONSTRUCTION LLC C/O ED GIBSON 3355 S W QUAIL COVEY AVE 4069 MOFFETT RD PO BOX 547 OKEECHOBEE, FL 34974 MOBILE, AL 36618 BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON DAVIS ROBERT L DEHART ARTHUR JACKSON DILLS DONNA OR CURRENT RESIDENT C/O MERINDA S DEHART OR CURRENT RESIDENT 311 POPLAR COVE ROAD 215 SUNSET DR 45 JIM MESSER RD BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 KILL DEVIL HILLS, NC 27948 FRANKLIN, NC 28734 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON DOOZAN THOMAS E ENSLEY JOHNNY D FLING DENNIS M 947 BUNCKER VIEW DR OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT APOLLO BEACH, FL 33572 PO BOX 326 371 RUFUS RIDGE R-4440 MACON BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 FRANKLIN, NC 28734 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON R-4440 Mailing List for Notice of Combined Public Hearing (Macon County) FRIED NEIL I GABRIEL ELIN E TRUSTEE GARCIA WOODY 8644 BREEZY HILL DRIVE 480 DEAN FALLS TRAIL OR CURRENT RESIDENT BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33437 BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 49 CASCADE DR R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON WHITTIER, NC 28789 R-4440 MACON GIBSON JAMES MICHAEL GOLDING ROBERT CHARLES GOLF AND SEA CLUB INC 12 GYPSOPHILA CT OR CURRENT RESIDENT 801 GOLF & SEA BLVD HOMOSASSA, FL 34446 474 CABE COVE ROAD APOLLO BEACH FL 33572 R-4440 MACON FRANKLIN, NC 28734 , R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON GUFFIE PHYLLIS ANN HENDERSON DAVID 1 HOCKENSMITH RENEE OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT 1893 TELLICO RD 940 CABE COVE RD 4201 ORCHARD VIEW DR FRANKLIN, NC 28734 FRANKLIN, NC 28734 FRANKLIN, NC 28734 R-4440 MACON R4440 MACON R-4440 MACON JACKSON E EARL JONES FRED H KRAL RICHARD A OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT 175 CLINT COLE RD 61 E MAIN ST P O BOX 780 FRANKLIN, NC 28734-6212 FRANKLIN, NC 28734 FRANKLIN, NC 28744 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON KRAL RICHARD 1A LAMBERT BILLY M LEON GUSTAVO JR OR CURRENT RESIDENT 718 DAFFODIL ST OR CURRENT RESIDENT 1697 LAKE PLACID FL 33852 154 DEAN FALLS TRAIL F RANKLIN, , NC 28734 , R-4440 MACON BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON LINZALONE CHRISTINA LEE LOVEDAHL DORIS M - OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT LYNN DAVID R 186 DEAN FALLS TRAIL 405 TELLICO RD 226 HILL ST BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 FRANKLIN, NC 28734 - ATHENS, GA 30601 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON MALONE ALAN MALONE MICHAEL MARION MISHELLEE E 1751 VISTA TRACE 2505 PORT POTOMAC AVE OR CURRENT RESIDENT DECATUR, GA 30033 WOODBRIDGE, VA 22191 134 MASON MARION DRIVE R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON FRANKLIN, NC 28734 R-4440 MACON MARSH JOSEPH R JR MASON PHYLLIS G LIFE ESTATE MASON TERESA MARIE NOEL OR CURRENT RESIDENT 460 TELLICO RD OR CURRENT RESIDENT 2635 TELLICO RD FRANKLIN NC 28734 PO BOX 910 FRANKLIN, NC 28734 , R-4440 MACON CULLOWHEE, NC 28723 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON MCGAHA GREGORY NEAL MCGAHA KENNETH MCGAHA SANDRA SHUGART CURRENT RESIDENT 4055 KEOWEE SCHOOL ROAD OR CURRENT RESIDENT 127 12 RUFUS RIDGE RD SENECA SC 29672 74 CABE COVE RD FRANKLIN, NC 28734 , R-4440 MACON FRANKLIN, NC 28734 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON MCGAHA WILLIAM HAROLD MCGAHA WILLIAM TODD OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT MCKEE MICHAEL DOUGLAS A 676 RUFUS RIDGE 61 SECOND ST 1223 LOGAN FRANKLIN, NC 28734 FRANKLIN, NC 28734 FT MYERS, FL 33919 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON R-4440 Mailing List for Notice of Combined Public Hearing (Macon County) MESSER JIMMY E & VERA MESSER MICHAEL E MOULTHROP JEANETTE M OR CURRENT RESIDENT 12711 S W 77 ST 74 JIM MESSER RD 41 E ELM MIAMI, FL 33183 FRANKLIN, NC 28734 CHICAGO, IL 60611 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON NORMAN MARY ANN OWENBY MARGARET J OR CURRENT RESIDENT NUCCIO GARY OR CURRENT RESIDENT 821 KUDZU CORNER 2671 53RD TERRACE SW 12(A TELLICO RD BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 NAPLES, FL 34116-7653 FRANKLIN NC 28734 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON , R-4440 MACON PATTERSON CLAIRENE PERRIGO SANDRA LEE POSEY TONY D OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT 12740 BRYSON CITY ROAD 6414 NEEDMORE RD 108 DELIGHTFUL DR BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 FRANKLIN, NC 28734 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON PREBOR KARL V QUEEN MARY F OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT RIVERS EDGE DEVELOPMENT CO LLC P 0 BOX 503 6911 HIGHWAY 28 SOUTH 8900 WILD DUNES DRIVE FRANKLIN, NC 28744 BRYSON CITY NC 28713 SARASOTA, 34241 R-4440 MACON . , R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON L ROBIN E-1-FE CLINTA ESID OR CURRE OR CURRENT R RESIDENT SHUMATE OTIS D SNIPES MITCHELL W 88 RODEO DRIVE 1458 JOHNSON RD 1011 CEDAR CREST DRIVE FRANKLIN, NC 28734 AUBURNDALE, FL 33823 DEMOPOLIS, AL 36732 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON - R-4440 MACON STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA STANFORD JOYCE COLE N C STATE PROPERTY OFFICE STURGEON JOYCELYN C P 0 BOX 744 31440 PRESTWICK AVE TRAVELERS REST SC 29690 1321 MAIL SERVICE CENTER SORRENTO FL 32776 , R-4440 MACON RALEIGH, NC 27699 , R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON SYRING GEORGE R TRUSTEE TATE FRANK TELLICO BAPTIST CHURCH 4059 JUDITH AVE OR CURRENT RESIDENT 59 DELIGHTFUL DRIVE MERRITT ISLAND, FL 32953 5137 FAIRMEAD CIRCLE FRANKLIN, NC 28734 RALEIGH, NC 27613-7858 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON THRASHER D C THRASHER GARVIS GILBERT SR TIPPETT HAZEL LUANNE 84 FERGURSON DR OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT CHEALSEA AL 35043 675 BOWERS MTN ROAD 1893 TELLICO RD , NC 28734 FRANKLIN FRANKLIN NC 28734 R-4440 MACON , R-4440 MACON , R-4440 MACON TRUDEAU GLORIA DAILEY VAN ORDER WILLIAM F VANCE REAL ESTATE LIMITED OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT PARTNERSHIP 150 DEAN FALLS TRAIL 657 KUDZU CORNER 4049 SW 7TH ST BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 BRYSON COPY, NC 28713 PLANTATION, FL 33317 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON VOLTZ DAWNM WALDROOP WILLIAM &SARA ET ALS WHITETERESAKIM 5569 NORMANDY AVE OR CURRENT RESIDENT 2226 NORTH RIDGEWOOD , FL STUART 34997 85 PINE RIDGE DR TAMPA, FL 33602 R-4440 MACON R-4440 FRANKLIN, NC 28734 R-4440 MACON R-4440 MACON R-4440 Mailing List for Notice of Combined Public Hearing (Macon County) YOKEL DAVID JAY OR CURRENT RESIDENT 504 CABE COVE ROAD FRANKLIN, NC 28734 R-4440 MACON R-4440 Mailing List for Notice of Combined Public Hearing (Swain County) BAILEY CHARLES W & VICKIE BREEDLOVE JIMMY KEITH BREEDLOVE MAX OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT- OR CURRENT RESIDENT . 144 BULL HOLLOW RD 26 BREEDLOVE DR 120 BREEDLOVE DR BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 R-4440 SWAIN R-4440 SWAIN R-4440 SWAIN BURKE DAVID C & PAMELA M 109 OLYMPUS DR OCOEE, FL 34761 R-4440 SWAIN CARLSON JAY & GINA 325 SPRINGVIEW CIRCLE NW PROT CHARLOTTE, FL 33948 R-4440 SWAIN DORSEY CECIL & FRANCIS OR CURRENT RESIDENT 150 BULL HOLLOW RD BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 R-4440 SWAIN FALICON THOMAS LEON & MAGDALENA FRANKS ROBERT W & JUDY A OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT 1227 SAWMILL CR RD 4405 NEEDMORE RD BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 R-4440 SWAIN R-4440 SWAIN HOLSTEIN ROBERT B. & JEAN A 12001 EAST RIVER RUN CT INVERNESS, FL 34450 R-4440 SWAIN JENKINS JOE C & ROSIE MARIE OR CURRENT RESIDENT PO BOX 1824 BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 R-4440 SWAIN KERR JOHN C GERALD, SHERRY & JOHN JR 2605 RANCHWOOD CT MELBOURNE, FL 32934 R-4440 SWAIN PASSANTINO STEVEN M & SHERYL 130 RIVER PARK NEWNAN, GA 330265 R-4440 SWAIN POSEY NATHAN ALEXANDER OR CURRENT RESIDENT 112 LICKLOG RD BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 R-4440 SWAIN WIKLE CALVIN OR CURRENT RESIDENT 355 NEEDMORE BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 R-4440 SWAIN YARBROUGH MAUDE LIFE ESTATE WIKLE CALVIN 4647 NEEDMORE RD BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 R4440 SWAIN NELSON WANDA TABOR OR CURRENT RESIDENT 6344 HIGHWAY 28 S BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 R-4440 SWAIN PENELY MICHAEL A & ELIZABETH 1 OR CURRENT RESIDENT P0BOX28 ALMOND, NC 28702 R-4440 SWAIN SIKORSKI ROBERT T & TERESA A 6347 S W WILCOX STREET ARCADIA, FL 34266 R-4440 SWAIN WILLIAMS BRYAN NICHOLAS 10005 W TECHNOLOGY BLVD SUITE 151 DALLAS, TX 75220 R-4440 SWAIN HELTON WILLIAM & MARY OR CURRENT RESIDENT PO BOX 937 BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 R-4440 SWAIN JONES FRED OR CURRENT RESIDENT 61 E MAIN FRANKLIN, NC 28734 R-4440 SWAIN OLIVER BILLY & DONNA OR CURRENT RESIDENT PO BOX 1937 BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 R-4440 SWAIN POOLE STEPHEN H & DOROTHY V OR CURRENT RESIDENT 659 KUDZU CORNER BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 R-4440 SWAIN WIKE MICHAEL E & THERESA JEAN OR CURRENT RESIDENT PO BOX 1152 BRYSON CITY, NC 28713 R-4440 SWAIN WINCHESTER BENJAMIN H OR CURRENT RESIDENT 1 145 OAK HILL DRIVE LEXINGTON,NC 27295 R-4440 SWAIN wwvv.avery eom 1-800-GO-AVERY w LWERVO 51624D DOOZAN THOMAS E 947 BUNCKER VIEW DR APOLLO BEACH, FL 33572 MR. POWELL WHEELER NC WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION 20830 GREAT SMOKY MTN. EXPY. WAYNESVILLE, NC 28276 OWENBY MARGARET I OR CURRENT RESIDENT 1264 TELLICO RD FRANKLIN, NC 28734 MS. MARLA CHAMBERS NC WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION 12275 SWIFT ROAD OAKBORO, NC 28129 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA N C STATE PROPERTY OFFICE 1321 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699 •-?",-„u?'. app, oMS 32P94HU okuAV asni oun4u lAd nano aropnwg pue weI i Table 1 Comparison of Impacts for Improvement Alternatives cy. 3 " Resource $ r4 ]e 'e I V 1 I T ..,.?n, use.... f Alternative ,{ S( k Alternative } d@C Alternati f N" CrW "Alternahvel° h 11 ,96?. 5. Alters}attve # k d ri a Railroad Crossings 0 0 0 0 0 Schools 0 0 0 0 0 Recreational Areas and Parks I 1 1 1 l Churches 0 0 0 0 0 Cemeteries 0 0 0 0 0 Major Utility Crossings 0 0 0 0 0 National Register Eligible Properties/ Areas 0 0 1 1 1 Archaeological Sites 0 0 0 0 0 Federally-Listed Species within Corridor 13 13 13 13 13 100-Year Floodplain Crossings 1 1 1- 1 1 Prime Farmland 0 0 0 0. 0 Residential Relocations 0 0 0 0 0 Business Relocations 0 0 0 0 0 Hazardous Material Sites 0 0 0 0 0 Wetland Impacts 0 acres 0 acres 0 acres 0.023 acres 0.044 acres Stream Crossings 14 14 14 14 14 Stream Impacts 0 If 0 If 0 if 4,988 If 2,224 If Riparian Buffer Impacts 0 acres 0 acres 0 acres 17.6 acres IS.I acres Terrestrial Natural Community Impacts - Maintained/Disturbed 0 acres 0 acres 0 acres 7.0 acres 7.0 acres - Mixed Pine Hardwood 0 acres 0 acres 0 acres 1.8 acres 1.8 acres - Montane Alluvial Forest 0 acres 0 acres 0 acres 6.1 acres 6.1 acres - Acidic Cove Forest 0 acres 0 acres 0 acres 1.9 acres 1.9 acres - Montane Acidic Cliff 0 acres 0 acres 0. acres 1.8 acres 1.8 acres - White Pine Forest 0 acres 0 acres 0 acres 1.6 acres 1.6 acres Acidic or "hot" Rock 0 cubic yards 0 cubic yards 0 cubic yards 0 cubic yards 24,201 cubic yards Substantial Noise Impacts 0 0 0 0 0 Water Supply Watershed Protected Areas 0 0 0 0 0 Wildlife Refuges and Game Lands I I 1 I 1 Section 4(1) Impacts (Historic) 0 0 0 0 0 Low Income Population Impacts None None None None None Minority Population Impacts None None None None None Construction Cost $ 0 $ 375,000 $ 5,200,000 $9,000,000 $ 13,100,000 Utility Cost $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Right of Way Cost $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 otal Cost $ 0`- $ 375,000 5;200,000 ;,; , $ 9';000;000 `; $.13,100;000. `" F ? 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A., 1 r ' r i i CD 0 0 ?. o N Q- U) ' CL - p r v w N U) Q N CD 3 N ¦ vxn?;Nvm as Emil pit j ..• .. OR r K? e mac;': i r ? atl _? J m r ? m z m a cn m ?hr_` ' L R ?.. _ 1, ?v .1 lip lib ? ? '\.. •?- ?f ?[ I w•?. -* ,_ yam.. . e r.1 n V t iC 1w" ?r a ? ?. t, i it I. WL JIM t i 4 m mw M Y AL, Ir Al s ?i A Zmk. iJj? .. .. 'r ' loll- At Y ...? }' .1. .: °a? r+? ter' AyL 5. A *J •.r y ;,may, y ` r'F • V' 1 4 I ", ?l lJ - ?70.. u • ?? 7of ti m f CD m T T c- L o _0 o _0 am. cn iL O 0 a m CL - Cl r? o 0 r v a Cn v CD l< 33 3 in -01 0 CD CD CD lp tW m h - ` T7 ?. - 4 s$ t . NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND f ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH y_ TYPICAL SECTIONS FOR NEEDNIORE ROAD NVIDENIING MACON & SWAIN COUNTIES T'I P PROEFC T R-4440 County MACON,'SWAIN D,,: 14 TIP# R-4440 WBS 35597.1 1 Date August 2010 Figure 3 TYPICAL SECTION IN HOT ROCK AREAS TYPICAL SECTION IN NON-HOT ROCK AREAS