HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400247_GEO THERMAL_20120418Permit Number Program Category Ground Water Permit Type Wl0!4,00247 / Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW} Primary Reviewer eric.g.smith Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facility · Facility Name David & Kathryn Adams SFR Location Address 4700 Duffer Ln Pfafftown Owner Owner Name David Dates/Events NC 27040 Adams Scheduled Orig Issue 04/18/12 App Received Draft Initiated Issuance 04/09/12 Regulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Outfall NULL Central Files: APS_ SWP_· _ 04/18/12 Permit Tra_~~ing Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Version 1.00 Permit Classification Individual Perm it Contact.Affiliation David J. Brown 1908 Hamptonville Rd Hamptonville NC Major/Minor Minor Region Winston-Salem County Forsyth Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Individual Owner Affiliation David· Adams 4 700 Duffer Ln Pfafftown Public Notice Issue 04/18/12 NC Effective 04/18/12 27020 27040 Expiration Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor David Adams Kathryn Adams 4 700 Duffer Lane Pfafftown, N.C. 27040 AVA .N CDENR , North Carolin·a Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Charles Wakild, P .E-. Director April 19, 2012 Subject: Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well ·System Permit No. WI040024 7 -Injection we]lsystem address Dear David & Kathryn: Dee Freeman Secretary On April 9, 2012, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) received notification of your intent to construct a closed-loop water-only geothermal injection well system for · the operation of a ground-source heat pump located · at the address referenced above. 'An individual permit is not required for the construction and operation of this type of geothermal injection well system as long as the following conditions are met: . 1. The injection well system contains only potable water, 2. The ·injection well system is constructed in accordance with well construction standards specified in North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .0213, and 3. The required notification form and associated maps have been completely and accurately submitted. Failure to comply with all of these conditions constitutes a violation of the. North Carolina Well Construction Act and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Se~tion 2C Subchapter .0211(u)(2). Additionally, you should contact the Forsyth County Health Department as they may have additional requirements for this type of system. Noncompliance with applicable state, county, or municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. Please contact Mike Rogers at (919) 807-6406 ()r Michae1.Rogers@ncdenr.gov ifyouhave any questions. cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office -APS APS Central Files -Permit No. Wl0400247 Forsyth County Health Dept. · Yadkin Well Co. Inc. (David J. Brown) Logan heating & Air, Inc. (Mark Hollingsworth) AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center; Raleigh, North Carolina ~7699-1636 Location: 5.12 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh; North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-6464 \ FAX: 919-807~96 Internet: www.ncwatemuality.org · An·Equ·a1 Opportunity\ Aflinnative Action Employer Sincerely, ()t'l-1-fl A-~ forD~a~tts Supervisor :· One ... · North Carolina :/yatilr4//g · Apr. 9. 2012- 4:54PM No. 2156—P, 2 f 04� � NO= CAII` UXA DEPARTL MT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATLT AL R OURCM (MCDENR) NOTMCAIION OF MWr TO CONSTRUCT` 4 C1,091002' GEOTBI NAL In Acoardam with tfie prtisviaxoB dW AC Tile BA: 02CO2M, pIAM mnapiete this m:Aoaft end mmi to ed+itwo ante ba&, gaga (pl Prim ar 7)a8roioQ. Waft aZyjm Con, finna*n: Doan tam prgmed system cb=hft pohibk [aa addWvdoj in omtim vs *ing that oongdeWy Tsar tbo $tad fmm the en► i mment CLe.. das�locn77 Yens X Conews comp)eting this fWm. lea Do Not aomple beds foam Complete o&er u[C appliaatica fm= for UWWEatg eitber a SA? well (gM Imp wd Woodn pomble water ifo tho agu*r)ar a SQM w*l1 tc3mW- ioop wee coo Wa&g &ddi� main as R 22. zd=ol, or odw andf=o or cmrmiaa inbfl itmr A. PROPERTY 0VM{SYApPMCA (8) Lin as& Prosy Qrwcer listed on props* deed (if owned by a bus3ceaa ar govornment agency, sty Ram of eDtity and a representative wfauthority for sig mtute): D . iA Ali= S StxtVACLOp Cadet Ca�,cryr. f HomefGfftoe Tale Na: 9 C� Em&U Addm; (2) phyzical Address of V .�' a {9f ditrem thm above)! City: Stain asp Cone' CoWsgr: Hoanal fbo Taco No.: , C-_U_No.• $. AVMOR=D AdENT OF OWMM. IF ANY (if The Permit Applicant does awa the, subject prcpwt rl aitacha- low from tha proputy r►Huer aM "144g Agent to insO•a>nd operats'CT,CC wdi Company Name: — - Comact prntogiy(.AIL .4ddt.ss• _ , Addt�ss: . C1rr; S iz. Zip Code: Cvumty: Cou No.. Webs t=Mdress ofCompmyp i,Fsay� 1 /DENROWQ -; ,. ... � fir APR 4 9 Z0l2 ►44Ufier PMW*, RECEIVED� 0 09-' �.2 15 ; 31 FROh3- T0- NC D P&S Ap r, 9. 2012 4:55PM -- No. 2156—P, 3 , C- WELL DmLaIR to ORIWIO rt CorrnppanrName:Y V t3 y��. _ Waif Driller Cottn='a Name: Jody bdalft i i ar evrammckm NC Caaractrx C�a#i,aaNc�: 3+� A �Q3�;,a 3sas;.g,� _. _ CoataetP', David J.-moli.2j w—a - - AxL Add em-- AkMWkrQMM= Addrew 1008 Hampt mMo Rd, city: R 4MRZOVIRG 4pc4ae: 27024 O si"acaTeloga: 336•46"40 _ CenNe.: 33�3Tb-E736 D. MAIT MU P l;0pTRA==► It1H.� 1►I (if dzfferea! lhoa dariDos') Coomd aty: 6D Rs4= nN V =_Z# Lodi Of &Z T& X04 5��• �I�f E. STA3" Q'S OF APPLICANT Pxivale: +/ FadataL• 5>ata: 3�miapm3: Commsrclai: WativeAmcdmLattds: R INX8C nQX PRACRDIlI�__ B ( TkDy d bow As biffedeavyu(s) wiO be 0110 G6 W= C ISTRUCIMDATA ' (1)PsWasM date to be ong=W.' AN 1 9 �+u*xr bmiagc q) 'i W dtabittlD be WW (WPM-, Mat), _ �,p-���p - l �i __� � •• _ _ (3) Wdl case, Is &o wcDCs) cwe3? (check either (a ) Yes _r (b) No below) (1) Yes if yea, them proA& aft kr=aduu b4ow Type: _ Melva d smd _—Mack steel Vlas& ahu (ePedfy) ❑wins dop k Pr=__.m *et (mforwc4 to land swtct), cams aas& to ak" V*W d---. WW (b) , Ifa (d] �'� (amtnya► stlrra+mding Nell �& agar T?��3= �,���.iq*t t �� (a) om at type: -Neat Coraer<t 'Bewopltei� 011" (spec:.M (b) Grant Pub Pump Free =t oaw (c) Ormt dbp& of tbblog (teftrem to bmd ice): from to. _ f�Cety if wrx has oosqs ladloafs 9rcut aal*k fr9m _� to r f *hc . ram RECEIVED: 04- 9-' 12 IS: 31 FROM- • • e! . I V iY TO- NC DENR P&S . y v y P003/005 A r, 9, 2012 4; 55PM No. 2156—P. 4 1�L �D�F ATtt_i's`�RTS $Q�71pr �'r Attscb a diagram show'lag tl e =&aft iayout or dosed moftea = of the iujection equipment aad exterior pipiugltub* essoriate-d with the in ccdou op=r oa. The �Y.ecj'e pzeviie suiJpie�nentary infs�txon I. l;0CA170N OF q zLL(S) Attach two wp6w of amps shu" f lha Wawtiog (1) Iaoiuda a She Map (cm be dbswo) gwwiur. btdldinn ptapergr l t^ to&an wrier bodies; potmtlai aonroea of gt?aaadwmw can=dnadon ad -the criathfivn of and dis'mioaes between ft proposed vreU(s) and aW wdsftg tivWs) or waste Aspwal AdWas such as septic teals ar drain fields located Nvirbin 200 fed of the geaftraW beat pmap well system. Label all YaaMes dears axed' s (2) The Silt bbp m= skew the Seat group In relaSon to the s==&g tea by Uswg at lew two 9Vd le*=& pans such as roads, m m ms, =for bi 1twayi omts. X CMTIFG177ON 11 Note: Thtr Permit AppSaatto'a mlW bo sfpaA by lLak porava sppeorbg on the xrecardod kgd properti dew - "I heaeby sst*, tuzder pea&W of taw, *at I have pmenaliy cumalud end am NuOu wlth the bS=m w su'bwood in Us doc ma mud %U audmaerts thereto and ths; booed on my Lmpiry of thaw is dMduab immediately respo=i.[e for obWnhg raid frftmadon, I bcBtve rho# ihs ivf=m dcn is true, accu¢ata and comwate. I ant amn tbat tbere are eagai�fitatat pie, i= tba po� of fps sued iwpisc am for svbmitfmg £area axxformataoo. I ag= to comtmct operat46 msfaia, te*4 ad ifsppliaablo, abandoathe i$jeodon wall and all rd&A2ppwWn&nros'h mcmila= wtGtbe aPzaoved spedd`icadcw gmdcoudlons of the permit" She offnlied rty Qc+►svedAppuaaxrt . • �J t11 �c� :r�It[-� Ida a= ' � like os Type F�ANarae sad tads - Si�ature of ►vnddppiia� Prbst or Us PWW� wd We r. M2 eipature of Awha Aged if wW Priet oe�3�iilNtIDxe a��ie ' Pleeae xatam "0 copia of the pvmplered A,ppEcadoa package to: Norfb Carofta DMM-DWQ A4%itfar Pr+otcfion Sec dog UIC ProgMa ' *636Xa9 strAce C=!er RECENEDIDENRI0INQ RWdgl4 I(rC 27699-1636 , TehThorie ( M 715.MS APR 9 9 ZU l Aquifer ftlection Section RECEIVED 04-09-'12 15:31 FROM- TO- NC DENS P&S P0041005 i- n 1. � . u - ..w .. r r - . r A r. 9, 2012 4: 55PM No, 2156 P. 5 DaUA RECENEDIDENMWQ ©col h APR 49 2012 Aquifer Protection Section P14 r ar �L f 700 16 Y AQ zz. 3 RECEIVED 04-05-'12 15:31 FROM- TO- NC DENR P&5 P005/005 Apr. 9, 2012 4; 54PM No, 2156 P. 1 FACS[MILE TRAKHMON FORM DATE: 9 TIME: REF. NO. LOG NO. TO c COMPANY NAME yam. FAX NO, PLEAESykUELMR Ari�E�aT101r r - �Li ImLy FROM: 7�a&k_A_iWe-CL_.Cu . Z& campoxy NAME - FAx NO. PEASE 0 HIM NUMBER U PARES PLEUI ORIGINACOR'S INCLUDING THIS $MEET - REPLY By S16NANR5 . MESSAGE: 'FOR ALL Y41JR WATER NEEDS` YADKIN WULL Co., INC, !Soa HAS 4PTONVILLE �aao NAM"ONVILLK. NC R70M DAVIC J, BROWN, VICE PRES. OFFICE-4620i 46&AA40 FAX 13381 465-4048 AEG LUC 468.465o -0000 hews 0ma"ca , =a 6wis VOW ECE Q_15 ; 31 FROM- PWIiE NFOiFiNI CIS IIYN11®fIR�71R Y�100 NIpP R� F�AALR N. AJLL TO— NC DENR P&S n P001I005