HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400239_GEO THERMAL_20120216Permit Number WI0400239 Program Category Ground Water Pemiit Type Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW) Prim~ry Reviewer eric.g.smith Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilit Facility Name Pierre & Victoria Canu SFR Location Address 625 Grady Winkler Rd Boone NC Owner Owner Name Pierre Dates/Events 28607 Canu Scheduled Orig.Issue 02/16/12 App Received Draft Initiated Issuance 01/30/12 Regulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Outfall M_ULL · Central Flies: APS_ SWP_ 02/16/12 : Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Version 1.00 Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation David J. Brown t908 Hamptonville Rd Hamptonville NC Major/Minor Minor Region Winston-Salem County Watauga Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Individual Owner Affiliation Pierre Canu 625 Grady Winkler Rd Boone Public Notice Issue 02/16/12 NC Effective 02/16/12 27020 28607 Expiration Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin ·AVA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Pierre Canu Victoria Canu 625 Grady Winkler Road Boone, NC 28607 Charles WakildJ P.E. • Director February 16, 2012 Subject: Aclmowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. WI0400239 625 Grady Wit*ler-Road, Boone, NC 28607 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Canu: Dee Freeman Secretary On January 30, 2012, the Aquifer Protection Seep.on (APS) received notification of your intent to construct a closed-loop water-only geothermal injection well system for the op~ration of a ground-source heat pump located at the address referenced above. An individual permit is not required for the construction and operation of this type of geothermal injection well system as long as the following conditions are met: · 1. The injection well system contains only potable water, 2. The injection well system is constructed in accordance with well construction standards specified in North Carolina.Administrative Code Title ISA Section 2C Subchapter .021), and 3. The required notification form ·and _associated maps have been completely and accurately submitted. Failure to comply with all of these conditions constitutes~ violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .021 l(u)(2). Additionally, you should contact the Watauga County Health Department as they may have additional reqµirements-for this type of system. Noncompliance with applicable state, county, or . municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. Please contact Mike Rogers at (919) 807-6406 or Michael.Rogers@ncdenr.gov if you have any questions. cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office -APS APS Central Files..: :eermit No. WI:0400239 Watauga County Health Dept. David Brown•-Yadkin Well Co .• Inc. Mike Carter -Scott Bros Heating & Air., Inc. ~ :~Ci 1 ! ·~t~il:;~'.,, Location: 512 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-6464 \ FAX: 919-807-6496 Internet www.ncwaterguality.org An Equal Opportunity \ Affinnative Action Employer Sincerely, (()OM A:~ for Debr:Vatts Supervisor N0n~ .. Carolina :~-··m·······~~--. 'h · r14n-· 71· . . "~ .. '"~ .. : .:: : ....... ' : : Watauga County, NC ► .,_.R· \ I : ' • ' ' ..:1, Summary Profile Owner Sales R(·l8!d~ntial Commercial OBY Land Sketch Full Legal Agricultural Map Parcel Tree Values Comments PARID:2902575291000 LOT 1 SUG~RLOAF RIDGE Parcel ParID Tax Year SITUS Addess City, State, Zip Unit# Unit Description NBHD Class Land Use COde Uvlng Units CAMA Acres Zoning Map#_ Jan 1 Values Land Value. · Building Value Appraisal Total Exemptions or Exclusions Taxable Total Owner Mailing Tax Year Sequence Number Owner Number Owner Malling Address City, State, Zip Legal Description Township · City Code Jurisdiction (Tax Code District) Unit Desc Unit# Book Page Legal Desc 1 Deeded Acres Sale Data 15-FEB-08 Book 1352 ...... ~.~perty Record! .. Owner Address Parcel ID Advanced Map Search CANU, .PIERRE H CANU, VICTORIA K 625 GRADY WI.NKLER RD 2902575291000 2012 625 GRADY WINKLER RD , NC, 1030 -SUGARLOAF RIDGE Rl .: RESIDENTIAL 1 ROl -RESIDENTIAL 1 FAMILY 2.78 2902-57-5291-000 46,400 294,600 341,000 341,000 2012 0 163459.3 CANU, PIERRE H CANU, VICTORIA K 625 GRADY WINKLER RD BOONE NC 28607 10 -MEAT CAMP F09 -MEAT CAMP 1352 246 LOT 1 SUGARLOAF RIDGE 2.78 Pago 246 Sale Price Granter 350,000 Grant.ee Data Copyright Watauga County, NC [Privacy Polley] Last Updated: 02/16/2012 ~ Site Design Copyright 1999-2009 Akanda Group LLC, All rights reserved. http://www. wataugacounty .org/ias/Datalets/Datalet.aspx?slndex= 1 &idx=9 Page 1 of 1 CONTACT us I HELP Watauga County Home CURREN1" RECORD 1( if [I'ofii--., lWi I Return to Search Results I Property Record Card ······1 ~ Printable Summary l'.9i Printable Version 2/16/2012 1}FUMn.3b. 2012010:07AM Scott Brothars 12/29/2011 13:47 8262630859 FAX' No. 336 $77 2359 No. 1766 p. 2L STAFLZE PAGE 62/Od Jai. 1+ [Viv Y:U1Rin YI K13 OCLL 1�vl f � 1' 1 r. l:, rk � ■ • K: , � Ffl � I' �' •Y:. 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