HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400237_GEO THERMAL_20120201Permit Number Program Category Ground Water Permit Type WI0400237 Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW) Primary Reviewer eric.g;smith Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facility Facility Name Paul Cheong SFR Location Address 3390 Kirklees Winston Salem Owner Owner Name Paul Dates/Events NC 27104 Cheong Scheduled Orig Issue 02/01/12 App Received Draft Initiated Issuance 12/22/11 Regulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Outfall NULL Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 02/01/12 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Version 1.00 Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation David J. Brown 1908 Hamptonville Rd Hamptonville NC Major/Minor Minor _Region Winston-Salem County Forsyth Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Individual Owner Affiliation Paul Cheong 3757 Verbena Way Clemmons NC Public Notice Issue 02/01/12 Effective 02/01/12 27020 27012 Expiration Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Paul Choong 3759 Verbena Way Clemmons, NC 27012 AVA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources .Division of Water Quality Charles Wakild, PE Director February l, 2012 Subject: Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. WI0400237 3390 Kirklees, Winston Salem, NC 27104 Dear Mr Choong: Dee Freeman Secretary On. 12/22/2011., the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) received notification of your intent to construct a closed-loop water-only geothermal injection well system for the operation of a grourid-source heat pump located at the address referenced above. An individual permit is not required for. the construction and operation of this type of geothermal injection well system as long as the following conditions are met: · 1. The injection well system contains only potable water, 2. The injection wen system is constructed in accordance with well construction standards specified in North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .0213, and. 3. The required notification form and associated maps have been completely and accurately submitted. Failure to comply with all of these conditions constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .02ll(u)(2). Additionally, you should contact the Forsyth County Health Department as they may have additional requirements for this type of system. Noncompliance with applicable state, county, or municipal rµles and ·regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. Please contact Mike Rogers at (919) 807-6406 or Michae1.Ro gers @ncdenr.gov if you have any questions. cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office -APS APS Central Files -Permit No. WI0400237 Forsyth County Health Dept. Yadkin Well Co., Inc. (David J. Brown) Webb HVAC{JeffSessoms) AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-6464 \ FAX: 919-807-6496 Internet: www.ncwaterguality.org · An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer n~~. A. &lJlt forD~ Supervisor One ........ . .N_ijftli.Carobna :/Yfit.11:r.a/lV 12,0 e C. 22. 2011: '. B: 5 1 AW69995ad3 WEBB NORTH CAROLINA No, 1519 P. 2= 02/04 DEPARTMU OF'-ZNVMONbMT AND NATURAL RESOURCM Q�WDMM) NOTWCATION OFINTENT X`O CONSTRUCT A. C:LQS - OP GROTMRIUL WATER o St INJEC 11ON Vn= SY'STM TYPE -910 LU InAxordawe WA the prari51QW UMCAC Title 1.5A: 07C O20, pl= complete this notl5;c4on and msl1. to address ors flx ba&page please rat az �e ls��tiom}. RECEIVED / nPuc , PATZ: '`'uvff1WRprtn�gr rri tia IpN Wdl Type Col y1rmarfen: Does the proposed apte= cimulato potable ("&tge� go t, condnuoua piping that oo=plet4y lsoWes do1Md from Lho cAvIronsacmt (Le - se -tea Yes __ ..,, Continue completing this fa7m. 1ju, _Do Not compleba this farm Complete other MC applfoatim fhrms for iastalling vibes a $A7 %yell (wrn--loop %yell i nlecing potable seater into the aquifer) or a 5QM well (closed - loop Ivell coata;� a d' i suet as R-A t0anuL or other anf&ame or corrosion inWbftm). List Mh Property Q ►vaer listed on prod" deed Of own by a business or goverment ageuy, state name of entity and a representative wfkufharffy far sigaaturz): r4k (1) MailingAddress. - 375J�U r, W -� y Gitr r_�c emn, -" State: 1Je- zip Code: 7-700 Y cmty: H0M910fGce Te1e N0.: � - �� °� _ Cell NO.: Email Address; Nebsite: (2) Physical. Address O WtZ S itc (i£ differeatthan above): 3 3fn I e—� 'r4e. e- City: gomelOffacTaleNa: Ce o.: B. AUTHOR= AGENT OF OWNER, TFANY Cif the Permit A.pplk-,wt does not own the snbjecgropem' attach a letter &^our the groputy owner autho�wog Agent to %atop And opera 1AC Wea) Company Name: ConlectPersan: �_ - STv;An. Addm Address: Cety: Mate Zip Code: Cavnty: Office sale No.: Cell Aid.: W ebsite Address of Comp=y, if any: 12/Dec.12. 2011 . 8 : 52469965443 WEBS No, 1 y 1 9 P. 3= 03/04 C. WMT, Iazzuaam mo=iXWX Comparry33amm• of c Inc. RECEIVEo / DEHR I DWaQ ►�Otllrxl�ls�r�r. *rrnu w-rIOH DEC 2 2 2011 �Ye)l IIrlEler Caniteator's Nand Iada y MZ mig ,M,t�m 18'rQm War[ Cave We Conmolor Cectifl0etbmX0.: 257Z; A 3Q?�6-A . 4;3•A= .� GUat�ail'ersoti 7. H r : ehigmIcOrmil.cm Add";1908 R nptanvilt0 Rd.� _ City; n RQ Z12 Code: 27020OMMY, Yadkin_ O€flooTole ITo,: 336-4684440 CollNa.; 336374,V36 D. AFtT iUAM CWTACTOR MORII AMON (if Mao that tlaicr) company NAlw, W a-G y -tV CuntuctPecaon: �S trn� s BNJ[Ajl,rs: �:� e-S sc .-.4sb Lv�,c. w+►,� Address: 7 0 city.- + 1p Gods: 2-? W 6 Cauuty: 0t5oeTe*Iallo.: P I4 E -V-z4_--_, wxor 336 S 73 R. STATUS OF APP.TC.+ NT .Private; Federal,; Coumerolal: Stn1c: MtmidpaL• 'Native AmudcanLauds: 0 INJBCT Olq =OCEDI= (briegy durle bow tk W ecdcA wcD(s) zvlll be nand) d",leC;4 lit40- we �ele +kJ'.c<c. [U G. WELL C0XIST`RUCTI ON DATA �4( (l) Proposed dare, to Nutuber of borings: Approximate ds$h ofoRohborIng(tlsat); (2) Type of tublzg to be ascd (Gppper' PVC, ew): (S) WOLI CaS15g. la dm well(a) cased? (aheok eiilmr (FL) Yes n=r (b.) No belmv) (a) Yes ifye;, ftn praricicasing Id0r=d'QuWjoW Typo: ---plyaniDed steel blxok ater ,pfas8a athcr(spso*) Centres dapik ZX= to at (ref4mo to lend smjf cc) Caslug extends to abovo ground__----.i3ch1s (e) N4 (4) Grautbt'o (maWki surmuadW well raslag and/or plpfcV; rX�rinc� (a) Griout type; Neat Ceromt Bentonllc t/ 411gr (speotfy) 0) OrOMpSneamank Fumpingje/— Promr$ Other (cj [3roaE dep4k a£fu%iflg {re£ereu¢e to lead str11�49): Emm -,I — to., Q (rtet) If wolf has u4ng, ttt&Ww 9rout depth: irm_ to (ac* 12D —'22. 201 i; 8:7203599S$443 WEBB No. 1519 F. 4E 04104 RECFJvED I DENA 10 V, INJECTION RELATED XQU,IF=NT ,tom j1mR PmT1ArTr1N A -4 Attach a diagram showing the eagineerlug layout or proposed tuvdi$catim oflifDJ `�' 6ment and oderlor pipiagltoblag aasoclated with tho iWecdom vparatlornn. The manttihctuWs brochm may provide supplementary itrf'oa�oaatia+3. . 1. 1,OC,'TION47mu(s) ` Attach two copies of maps showbgthe fbllvwing 9n#brmat1ooa: (1) botude a site Map (c%D be ftwo) sbowiar. Wlftp, propettY lines, suribee water bo&s; potential sources of grooadwatar contaminat1cm and tbm crienbdm of and drbnvea bat►veeatke proposed weu($) sad auy existing well(s) of waste disposel faclliHes suaas septic tanb or drain -4plds located within 200 feet of to geatbermei hest pomp Well system, Label au Features clearly aad include (2) The Site leap must show the subject propert}► iu relation to Le s=omading area by using at Ieast tvm fixed rafuance points siicb as xoads, smarms, andlor bigbnray intersmcdons. J. CF,RT37rMCATION Note: This permit Application mast be sigued by each parson appearing ontha recorded lcgalproperty deed. `'I hereby cerdty, vuder pcaatty of law, that i have perscmally examined and am familiar with the Wftmatian subm fined im this dom ra and all aMrhments thutto and that based oa my inquiry of those individuals immedlataly respo=Ue for obtdniaoogsaid liftma lM I believs that the irr ormadon iaftA accurate and complete. I can mare that there are s%mlticant peuWties, including fe pmibilsty of ftes amd imprri2o=ant, for submitting f4he information. I agree to construct o2ezaV, rmirrlaiai. , and if applicable, abaudaa &a h4ection well and all related appurtenaaocs in accordance with the sp specifications_Vd-,-a ditsons of the Permit.°' tur o Psopmly OwnedApplfcaut Prlat or Tye Fa Nanx and title 5iwatuxe ofFroperV ftamalAppllcaut Piiru or Typo FUli Name and title Signature of Authorized Agents if any Priru or Typq NU Nam and tide FImsc retran two copies of the c ompleted Application passe to. Nor$ Cm ollua DZNR DNVQ Aquitferrrotectiva Section-DIC Program 1.636 Mat l coke Center R-iieigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone (919) 715-6935 Dec, 22. 2011 8:52AM No. 1519 P. 5 o" I. I 9,,o 4, P. ( G�,,n 9 3 2 cro #rci vk 1tt-i r RECEIVED l QENR! ow4 AQl11Fl�R •pRn �3�(3N SF� To 6 DEC 2 2 2011 w cj 2-7 Wo ti ;s 7.5"r ■t&r Dcc, 22. 2011 $;51AM No, 519 P. 1 w w a F=MILE TRMMMoH FORM OAYE: I it mi TIME: REE NO. LOG NO. COMPANY NAME FAX NO. or 0 DVX rkxA ❑ RE+[E W DELY FROM: � (t Co (ar) P%7 - �/-o feg COMPANY NAME FAIL NO. PL EAR ❑ AM REPLY INWOUAL NUMBER 5 G� S lNOLJDf4G NIS SHEET lay "= MESSAGE: • q a �- c� e7s a "FQFR ALL YOUR WATER N@EOS` YADKIN WELL CO., INC. I" HAM MWILLL ROAD 14AMPTONVILLE, NC 27020 OAVID J. BROWN, VICE PRES. TOLL. FRr6t (IM) 24&9355 OFFICE (334) 404 4440 FAX t33d1 440.40" RE8 i33d1 sN+4fi39 -GQW wgw3 Amdalc^ • COO LaVmf Ye.,• PLEAN MM uslUmE amy IF1Vlt DO NCiiA[wrOM P IN FULL