HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400233_GEO THERMAL_20120124Permit Number Program Category Ground Water Permit Type W10400233 :/ Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW} Primary Reviewer eric.g.smith Coastal SW Rule PermlU.d Flow Facility Faclllty Name Todd Walker SFR Location Addre11 100 Crest Hill Rd Jamestown Owner Owner Name Todd Dates/Events NC 27282 Walker Scheduled Orlgl .. ue 01/24/12 App Received Draft Initiated laauanc• 12/02/11 Regulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Outfall NULL Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 01/24/12 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Version 1.00 Permit Cla11lflc1tlon Individual Permit ContaGt Afflllatlon David J. Brown 1908 Hamptonville Rd Hamptonville NC Major/Minor Minor Regio n Winston-Salem County Guilford Faclllty Contact Afflllatlon Ow ner Type Individual Owner Afflllatlon Todd Walker 100 Crest Hill Rd Jamestown Publlc Notice l11ue 01/24/12 NC Effective 01/24/12 27020 27282 Expiratio n Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Cla11 Subbaaln AVA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and· Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Todd Walker 100 Crest Hill Road. 'Jamestown, NC 27282 Charles Wakild, P.E. Director 1/24/2012 Subject: Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. WI0400233 I 00 Crest Hill Road, Jamestown, NC 27282 Dear Mr. Walker: Dee Freeman Secretary On December 2, 2011, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) received notification ofyour intent to construct a closed-loop water-only geothermal injection well system for the operation . of a ground-source heat pump located at the address referenced above. An individual permit is not required for the construction and operation of this type of geothermal injection well system as long as the · following conditions are met:. 1. The injection well system contains only potable water, 2. The injection well 'system is constructed in accordance with well construction standards specified in North Carolina Administrative Code Title I.SA Section 2C Subchapter .0213, and 3. · The required notification form and associated maps have been completely and accurately submitted. Failure to comply with all of these conditions constitutes a vi.9lation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subehapter .021 l(u)(2). Additionally, you should contact the Guilford County Health Dep~ent as they may have additional requirements for this type of system. Noncompliance with applicable state, county, or municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. · Please contact Mike Rog~rs at (919) 807-6406 or Michael.Rogers@ncdenr.gov if you have any questions. cc: Winston Salem Regional Office -APS APS Central Files -Permit No. Wl0400233 Guilford County Health Dept. Yadkin Well Company (David Brown) Blaze Air (Bob Boone) AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1'636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 276~9-1636 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phpne: 919-807-6464 \ FAX: 919-807-6496 Internet www.ncwaterquality.org An Equal Opportunity \ f\ffirmative Action Employer Sincerely, Otoirt IL B<Jau. ftJr Debra Watts -Supervisor Ni~~hCarolina -~--··i·· .. ··~~--. · 'h "t.1'11'/'I · · : . : "-:1. ~,,~j JI De�. 2, 2011 5; 84PM No. 1418 P. 2 NORTH CAROLDTA MPARTMMC OF E VMONI l T AND NATURAL ABSOURMS (=BM N0T1 cAT10N Ole RNTENT TO CONSTRUCT A CLOM)ZOOP G20TH MlAL [WATER Q Rim, CTION iiWELL SYSfi : Z'3_]PE 5-Q'W MV] U(8) $t Accorfutca 11Uft t4e,pra%dA ns of NCAC Title 1.5A: 02C.O200, please complete dis no0cadon and =2 to nddms an We bnci; page {pleased er Jxge h*MM =). ;Ye1[ 2ype Con flrinali'Da: Ones tht prep ed system circulate potablet#ater (no addif Val) in continuous piphig that completely isolates the fluid fmm the anviro==t (i.e. d9afid:1007 Yu Jif�Contiizue awriplet9ssg this form. No Do No[ complete this f u. Campleto other MC application farms for i0stalflgg ehher a 5A7 ivell 2M-10op wall ia'e i potable ivater�lnto (be aquifer) or a 5QM)vell (closed - loop well cantn,Wog ds ads such ss R 22, a snel, or attics anfid'reeza or aarrosian in bitoa s). A. PROPERTY OWNLR(S)IAPPMICANT(S) List egg property Owner listed on propcAy deed (iPo�vned 6y a bus4aess. errrgovers to agency, stale iipmc o E entity and a repreaent$tiva Woutbority inr signature): (1) MalliagAddresat city Zip Cade: County: HomrJ0ffic0Tt1,sNo.: , —. Cell M'.. Email A,ddiress•, (2) 1 Wc� lAddress ofWell Site (if diVereutthauabove): L�6Lc.iI LbY 1;?� City, `-- wr• Slate: Zip Cade: -21 U 2- CIDWl - v HomNOffice Telo No.: - - Cell uo.: B. A ITHO=M AGMXT OF UWM, IF ANY (if thv Permit Applicant 4 ,es�ot myn the subject Ixopuly, att ah a letter fiom file property owner autharb* Ageat to iastaii and operatc = woi1) ComponyName: ContactPersom: _ _. _ SMAR; Address: _ Address: City: State' Zip Coda; County; OfOoe Tele No.: 001 No.: _ Wabsite-Addrass ofCompany, many: DEL 0 Y, 1011 Dec', 2. 2011 51OPM No, 1418 ¢. 3 C. ►UL ARULER iM OR1V & Trt7X t'OF7ijiP11y 8ipb�.11�C i1rS Ctl Co.In4.. tiYetiprlEler Contraetar's Name: d wa MIN11cave NC ContrnalnrCertifitafiaaNa: �S7�-A -._ 303d- 8-A . �'ott#neI PCCS4I�: )•?RVf� �. ero�m W, A- -- _dr;-G�cidtiflersrgp� McItess:1909 HattaplbnAlleRd,_ - _ city; mp[amrltfc. N.C. E1pCcdc: 27020 Cfluntp; Yndi{ln v otf3ceCeieNu.: 336-46&-444 CeUNm.t 3[i-374-S73G D. AEA AN PUMR CONTA40MMCRMATrOX(if diftbAt WRY dri f") t;csapanyNa,no• - coulact 1'eriow r 8 ddr s; — Mdress• I H 0 i n7 O-"? " M 1� city. 0/'L Vp Cod a: a-110 _ Cott: alRce7steNa.; 3?*� Z� =33�Z " WI 3 L, 3•S = a_Z 3 � Cr. STABS OV APFJJr,ANT private �! PadmL Con=L-eclni• Sta[a'�. MunlaipAl;� �IaIfYCAmE�oartY,e�pda;____, ]�. IN.CTj0N)?Jx0 (�s UR2 (brlofly daseribe Imw Am injxtlon wcll(s) wIII ba tissd) a NMT 0VSTIWCTICNDd'rrA A ?-n ( k (1) Prapmsed data to ba Constructed: u� �. Numbr of borings:. Appruximat$ depni of each boring (fq4. 2 tip (a) Type of tfjtztng tm be tucd (Copper, P VG ate)7 f f- {3} �Vcll casing. � t$� �vell{s} caascd2 (dhaok aiihcr (n� i'es nr {b� Nu bclrnv] (a) yes ;fy�, itzen provlr3e crtcing Infmrcna4iam h�toiv Type: ___jalvn44ed steel Ulnak sltei_plastlo ,__alh�r (specky3 Caslr 6PIh: From to ��.�hai (rcftireiacCtalaud snr&ce} G�sing vKtcnds toahove ground ;noes (�} Grautln'fa(matarlatsutroundin�Neil caSlt�pmdlaxpt�tf�tgj: �� ►�rfl� ������ (a) (irbut typal Neat cement (b) [grout pIacerst+ nt: Pttxaping �' r BentMalta L'/ Q ther (apaeiry) Presaura Other {c} r3ronEdeptZ� ad'tabing {ref'rrance to }aad�rj�at}: frca��-`�� ta��(Feat} If wall has w11% L I M($ gout depth! from t4 (festj Deg. 2. V11 7;a0°M No. 141$ ?, 4 M UjJMCT'SON-RTLATED iQ=MST Math a diagram ahowing fhe engiMuing layout or proposed mod'ifcatien of the injection equipment and exterior giplttgltabiog associated with Ilia i�ectien operation, Ths manitiaotu�r's 1>m�hury �z7ay provlrle supplementary infvxrnaizou. I. LOCATION OF WILL(S) Attt+eh tsvo rnpiea ofrnaps showing ttm f❑llciving h tbsmation: (1) laaludo a Site Mall (caa be drawn) showing: buildings, property lines, surface water bodies; poteuftl sottrees of groundwater oantasninatiaP and the urieztatioa of and dislaMes bahveea the proposed W41(3) and any existing Wcll(s) or haste disposal faaiIlttes suoiz as sapfla tanks or drain fig1d located rvitltin 200 feet of the gaotbers ml heat pump well system. Label O flhatvres clearly mud oluds a aortherrow. (2) The Site Nlap must stow the sQject property in relariort to the suttoanding area byuslrsg at least ttivo fixed roferenra points such as ABds, streams, a0or WShlvay interseedoas. 'T. ft, RT MCATION :iota: xhfa) admit Afrplication must be sigacd by egich person nppearing va t119 raaorded legal property dear. "1 hopby+ certify, under penalty of lave, that I have psrsomily =a.inined and am fan.Har with tt►e information subruitmd %a Us daouazent and all atts"jents thereto find :bat, based on my incintry of those Individuals lmraediateiyresponsibie '(vr abtalm. 9sa!d ]nforinabon, I believe tot the iliforinatidra is true, Accurate and completo. I am aware thei fligtg era .61114ficant PeAftl ies, including tits pgssli M7 of fEnas and impriaanment, for subrazttntg false fnform Bon, I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, pad iffapplicable, abandon the Injocdon frail and n3i related appurtenanaea in accardariec Sviththe gppri�*ed s ecificatia ,s an onditions of the Permit" Sigr[atcre o t l'rat�erty thvrier1A13D11c8�t — -7'o-dd kla Aker awn e r Print ar TYP6 Pull Name and title Signatuie oMoperttiy 0voWAppl]cPjnt Print or Type Full Nume and title ftenture ofAuthor]xadAsont, Ifazwy Pdd or spa Full Noma dud tittle Pleas aretwntwo copims of the completed App]laationpaokage to; North CA.roha 1)1W ; J)WQ Aquifer Pntectipn Section-mc ?rogrdm, 163dnag Ssz-ice Center RECEIVED r LENR I DVyU lWeigh, NC 27699-Y63ti A�llifer ��1Pt-l;rnd:an Telephone (919) 715-6935 DEC 0 2 2011 Dee, P 11 5'OOPM No. 1418 P 5 -�-� CLI wat�Av' Cvfl.4 J � C'mo — 'col M j k Ll arc, 2. 2011 4,59PM No, 1418 P. 1 FAGS ILE TRANSIMON FORM DATE: .�- TIME: REF NO. TO: LOG NO. COMPANY NAME FAX K. EASE l o h v q � r CJ / , c, - _ . ❑ dEaw►I�IAULM TT:Ir ►q mllnom f FROM: y� � - (- l ^ cj� L� G� DEPL t ,� a�� - A AA COMAW NAME ` ClI:� C FAX ND. R.WE MM ❑ REPLY IN3WIOIJAL DEPT NUMBEA OF ME$ INCLUDING THIS SHEET PLEASE KEW BY OAIGINATDn S1GF[AiiiRE MESSAGE: 6&---> rr `4.r T A Twg, — "FOR ALL YOGA WATER NEEDS' YADKIN WELL CO., INC. 190 HAMPTONVILLE ROAD 14AMPTONVII LE. NC 27020 OAVID J BROWN, VICE PR£B. TOLL FRET ISM 2A&9=5 OFFICE s'. 361 A644440 FAX 13361 A"4044 RE$ (3WI 468-A659 ^wav µn,s AwemlcA • gap uaas vou- L II PLEASE IWOR M US IMMEL?MMY iF I OU I)O NGC Fi6CEIV6lM8p W N SJLL