HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400218_GEO THERMAL_20111018Permit Number Program Category Ground Water Permit Type WI0400218 / Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (SQW) Primary Reviewer eric.g.smith Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facility Facility Name Charles & Lesley Lewis SFR Location Address 355 Beaver Creek Estates Dr West Jefferson NC Owner Owner Name Charles Dates/Events 28694 Lewis Scheduled Orig Issue 10/18/11 App Received Draft Initiated Issuance 09/28/11 Regulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Outfall NULL Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 10/18/11 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Version 1;00 Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation David J. Brown 1908 Hamptonville Hamptonville Major/Minor Minor NC Region Winston-Salem County Ashe Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Individual Owner Affiliation Charles Lewis 355 Beaver Creek Estates Dr West Jefferson NC Public Notice Issue 10/18/11 Effective 10/18/11 27020 28694 Expiration Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasln A.VA HCDEHR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Charles Lewis Lesley Lewis 355 Beaver Creek Estates Drive West Jefferson., NC 28694 Coleen H. Sullins Director 10/19/2011 Subject: Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. WI0400218 355 Beaver Creek Estates Drive, West Jefferson, N.C. 28694 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Lewis: Dee Freeman Secretary On September 28, 2011, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) received notification of your intent to construct a closed-loop water- only geothermal injection well system for the operation of a ground-source heat pump located at the address referenced above. An individual permit is not required for the construction and operation of this type of geothermal injection well system as long as the following conditions are met: l. The injection well system contains only potable water, 2. The injection well system is constructed in accordance with well construction standards specified in North Carolina Administrative Code Title ISA Section 2C Subchapter .0213, and 3. The required notification form and associated maps have been completely and accurately submitted. Failure to comply with all of these conditions _constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .021 l(u)(2). Additionally, you should contact the Ashe. County Health Department as they may have additional requirements for this type of system. Noncompliance with applicable state, county, or municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. Please contact Mike Rogers at (919) 715-6166 or Michael.Roeers@ncdenr.swv if you have any questions. cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office -APS APS Central Files -Permit No. Wl0400218 Ashe County Health Dept. Yadkin Well Co. Inc. (David Brown) Scott Brothers Heating & Air, Inc. (Mike Carter) AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Sincerely, 0 U~A taw for Debra Watts Supervisor Phone: 919-733-3221 \ FAX 1: 919-715-0588; FAX 2: 919-715-6048 \ Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterguality.org An Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer NOneh·ri .'" ort L-arouna ,Naturall!I -Sep.28. 2011 10:31AM +nun+�r �_'_ °lNo.lab$ ' -P, 2 'r C+2 NORM CAROLINA DEFA)'iNMNT OF EN VUtONMENT AND NATURAL RBSOURM (NCDM) NOTMCATION OF iM1► T TO CONSTRUCT A CLMD10OP GEOTFTERMAL WATER -My INJECTION WELL SYSTEM. - TYPE 5—OW WELL(S) In Accordance Ivitiz ttLe provisions ofNCAC Title 15,Ar 02C.0200, please complete this notification mid =29 to address on the hart; page (please Prhaf or in izfotaxatian). DATE. 7".49 � 201j..- V_S� 0 4 0 0 D'V� WeI! Type ConfrrmatiM: Does the proposed syst= circulate potable water only (n❑ additives) in continuous piping that completely isolates the fluid ftom the environment (i.e. as h Yes _X . Continue completing this form. No _ Do Nat complete this form. Complete other UZC applimtlomforrzs for metal( ng either a SA7 well {deg -loop well jecti& potable water into the aquifer) or a 5QM w611(ciosed- loop well containing add' vas such as R-22, ethanol, or other antifreeze or corrosion inhibitors). A, - PROPERTY OWN-ER(S)IAPPLI<CANT(S) List each Property Owner listed oxx property deed (if owu.�d by a business ox government ageAcy, sects name of entity and a represeutative wlauthority for signature): C P. eS (1) Meiug Address: 355 9ec+. V e r Greek , s 1�c� �S f Cit}r: 5tm. h1 L Zip CodeAr Hoe eOffiee Tel. - No.: Cell No.., - Bmail Address Website: (2) Physical Address of Well Site (if different than above): city� State: Zip Code; K=el0 Moe Felt No,: r'.11 N .: County: B. A,U' 50=RD ACZNT OF OWNR, IF ANY (if the Permit Applicant doe$ a own the subject property, aMzh a letter from, the property owner anthorizing A.g t to install and aperate UIC well) Company N&=. Contact Parsons - EMAIL Address: �. Address: Cfty: State: Zip Code: ❑ffloe Tele No.: Ce11 6Webske Address of Company, if any: County: RECEIVED 1 DENR 1 [)vvQ Aquifer ProterW i SecUon ,%P28Mt 'Seo.2$, 2011 10:31AM YAugN wt-_ Nk 1068 ",P, 3 L5, Q Lx) C. 'VELL DRMLER L' FO-AXATIOX C.cmpnuy 3�'aiae:Yadkin FJ9tI Ca c. WeIIDsI(l� Caaaactar`s itiame: Ia Muiiis Msttl:ow _rown, Milto�z �,.� NC Contractor Ctttiftr.stion No.: 2572-A 3-WA 3548-R . Cozaact person: Dxvic3 J. Bro�vts a F�UTAIL A : c$ie dei o� ss.cn� Address: 1903 R=ptaaville Rdti City: , 4nvitla _ N-C. zi2 Code: 27020 County: Yadki 0fn" Tel&Nc-- 336-463.4444 CellNo.:_�36-3744736 D. HEAT ]PUbM CONTR6,CT01? IMF OSKA' ION(if differoat tixa &Mer) company Name:�5=o p ' &-nj L-� j d J' my - � r J ' At2G4l?er3� r�1LT L�Carre r AiL A ddres : @ *bro Address: _I.8 �o���ve• �. -_ G�a u � Gi14, -� _� _ City: Zip Code: gfI6.2t. County: Ask s Df ice Te1eWo.: 36 ,P77 IT0.9 Coll No.: ,Ls _8 7 i-- 4,V 2 z 1r, STATGS 4F AFFIJ"NT Private: a,1 Federal: Car�mertial: State: Municipal: NativcA=erimLands. F. DMCTrC:F PROCX.DU W- (bri8y desczlbe how the lajectiva wv11(s) will be, used) G. WELL. CONMUCTIO DkTA, (1) PrOpaeed date to be cant aed-. 04 - • ? tat' { Xumbtr of borings: off. Apgmxitrxte depth of etch, boring (feet): .2 54 (2) Type of tubLcg to be -used (eoppa, PVC, eta): r — ( % (3) Well using. IS the wall(s) cased? (aeck either (a.) 'des ar (b.) Z! io b"v) (a) Yes if yez, then proide casing inf7rmat1on below Type: --gat,faniaed steaI blao?r steel piasEio other (specLW Casino, depth: FFcqua to fsst (-N^encc to Said Suttee) Casing axterdt+o above ground inrhss (b) -ya .! (4) Gr vut Info (material suzrotmding ►rtli wring amVor piping): (a) Grout, IyTa: Neat Cezueat�Scritarsite tf other (spacirv) Co) Ctraut placement: PumpiBL—Z Fresatne other (C) Grant depth o£tuting (reference to land surfaoe): from ZLJ7o to D (feat) I`will has easing, 3,a iwt grout depth, tom to (feet) RECEIVED i DENR I DM Aquifer Protetion SOCJon "Sep, 28, 2011 10: 32AM T'd%1" .'r_ _, " No. 1068 P. g. Va, CTiON-RELATU EQ'UTMENT (VLu A.tt=h a diagram showing tize cugineerina layout or proposed modiBcau00 of the iajwdort equipment and esx-Cior pipingltubirg associated witli the iajeMoa operation. Tic manufacturer's broehi'e may provide sapplamelltary in£ozmatia,u. . I.. LOCATION OF WELL(S) .attach two copies of maps showing the follow-iAg ilaforiti= (1) iticlude a Site Map (can he drawn) showing: buildings, property lines, surface water bodies; gvteatia2 sourc;.s of groundwater cou= azation and the orientation of and distances between the proposed well(s) and any existing well(s) or waste disposal facilities such ag seprtit tanks ❑r dra h $eIds located witbiz 200 feet of tl�a geothermal hest pump well system. Label nit features clearly and include a n ow, (2) The Site Map rnut show the subject property in relation to the surmun&g area by tisixig ai xeast mo fixed reference po.mts such as roads, streams, and/or highway intersections. ;- CERTIFICATION Note: This PcrmitAPPUestion must be signed by Leon Berson Appearing on the recorded lega3, property deed. "I hereby certify, under peuatty of law, that I have personify examined anal am familiar with tine Wormaiioa submined in this dccumeat and all attQchmeuts thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsih!a for obtaining said informatim I believe that the informmation, is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are saga ficant penalties, t�aludiug the possibility of. fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information,. I agree to construct, opmte, maiatain,, repair, and if applicabie, abazdon the injection well and all related appurteaamcw in accord—ance %Ykh the a proved specifcarions artd cala l = ofthe Permit." t Siga"e or Property Orvvner/Appllcart 'PI/- Cl rlej /61 Jher �—FwI� Prim or Type Full, Xame aid title Sigasture of erty ow�rlApplicant Frizt or Type Full Yame and title SIVRture of AGlnorixed Agent; if any Print or Type Full Name =d title Please ze= two copies of the completed Apphcation package to. North Carolina DENR-DWQ Aquifer Prnteetion Seetiou-UIC Program. 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, KC 276W1636 Telephone (919) 715-6935 RFCEIVED i al<MR I Ltd koter prde iio;t S50011 SEP I8 IN Sep. 28. 2011 10,32AM No, 1068 P. 5 G4�[�� GeW;1 J 4 541--6J4 llk-j #CtA*V 4,ill S RECEiVEO I OENR I DvvQ AquPr°Seal, a r� SEP 28 ?ntt Sep. 28, 2011 10:35AM NG.1069 P. 1 �J r Y FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION FORM DATE: { TIME: -, REF NO. LAG NO, TO: e' p Na 7[r - 6 a f g COMPANY NAME FAX NO, PI,m 0 [] DuEUVEU�LY ATTENTION DEn COMPANY NAME mX NO. nrAj a, — - - p � T3$RLY INOMDVAL DEPC NUMBER OF PAGES � PL EA8E ORIGIHATOMS OG i INCLUMUG THIS SHEEP REPLY BY =NATI IRE - MESSAGE: r "FOR ALL YOUR WATER NEE1363 YADKIN WELL CO., INC. }ypa HAMPTONVILLE ROAD HAMlPTONVILLE. NO 27020 owo J. BROWN, VICE PRES. TOLL FPl66 4464i 24043" OFFICE 13M) 468.4440 FAx r336) 46840AS pas swel AG&4459 °EF' 28 2011 FLSAW I M LTG SDACDIRTMY IF'VOU DO HOT RWUA $ FACWLS TN FULL -'Sep,29. 2011 10:35AM rnunt+r rrt'- r Flo. 1069 P. Z ~QV.." NORTH C.AROLINA DEPA.RTMMa OF FNVMONUENT AND NATURAL nSOURCES (NCDENR) NOTTa9'ICATIOI4 OF INTENT TO CONSTRUCT A CLOSE OOP GEOTIM M kL WATX -QNLY INJECTION WELL SYSTEM: TYPE 5- W LL Tit Accorda= lvith the provis = of NCAC Title 15A: 02 C,4204. please cowplete this not&cadou aid =1 to address on the barb, page (please !! or Lv2—c i vfbr=iou). DATE: �� _ 20_ bill Type Conflrmat4ore, Does the proposed system circulate potable water oral (no adMvet) in continuow pip4ig chat catoplc;ely isolates the fluid from the eavkuwnad (i.e. c sed-loo 0 Yes X; Continue oompleting this fornt. No I)o Tot complete this form. Complete otber UIO appitcatozz foru:s for iostaU xx47 either a 5A'7 wall o en -loop wall ini� potable water into the aqulfer) or a 5QU wall (closed - loop well codaining ad 'ves such as R-22, et#aanoL or othm antiixeeze or corrosion inhibitors). A. PROPERTY 0WNXP.(5)IAM1CANT(S) Lot each Property Ow= listed on property deed (if ovvaed by a business or governxaentr agency, state Wme of entity and a repros eatadve wlauthority for signature): cti f ) e-g (1) Mailing Address: -f5 Creek Fr La Is Z)r, City: We + � a� �..ro .1 State_ A/ G Zip Code:^.8 6 9 � — County: rd s Home/o fflce Tele No 3334� 2 7 7,- -" 6 _ Cell No. - Email Address = Websita: (2) Physical Address of Well Site (if different th34 zbovs): City-: State: ?lip Code, Ccna dye Hame'Of "Tale No., Cell ltia.: 13. AUT]E 0XZED AGENT OF OWi1ER, IF ANY (if the Permit Applicant does not own the subject property, atnch 3 letter tram the property owner w7thorizing A.gera to iosw and operate UIC well) Company 11 amz: Contact Parson: = a Address: Address: City: State; Zip Code: County: OfEce Telo No.: Cell No. Websim ,Address of Company; hazy: _ oGCEiVED ► GENR i OM j qultei Prott~dion Ee,10 I SEP 28 Hii Sep. 28. 2011 10:35AM YA! KtN 4!'k C. V►ELL DR]LLLER L�7R,IVIATION iori7my Neute:Yadldn W$]I o. c. 1069 P, 3 S' Q ('�-) wall Drift Ccrtttmctor'a Na=. JodLMullis Ngrbo—y grown _ _ 1MiIt-04 aWa NC Cgntractar Certi&ra aahio.: 2S7Z-A 3 36 -A. 3548-A . Contact ftsos, jDavid 3- $roF�n�19.9-A EMAIL All , chiefd ' �,00 Address: 1909 Hamptanville Rd. City; i3smpt nVille hi.C. _^ Zjp Coda; 27020 County: Yadkim,, ..-. Off4o Tele No,, A336-46S-4440 Ceii N'v.:�336-374-873b A. HEAT[` PUMP CONTR.. CTf>~R .Le1II�,Fb OPMATIO1 (if different j�tbRz arMer) CaraljEcsj+?�latne' SCc7 C+ �7 ��r� a i rtts L�- l'F f i c'oatact 1 Address: City: ,L DfMce Te1sN1o.: Call No,:. 36) 8 7 i— 6 yZ 2— E. Sz'ATCS OR gFPlaCAn Friv..te. t!, Federal: Cnrnmerni�.l: Statc; Ivltmicipal. Native American Unds. F )N,%ECMN' FRQCED1=- (briefly dtscrlbe }taw the Weeiou we?F(s) will be used) I 00 G. A7ELT. C01%nVCT10 1) ATA (1) Proposed dateta be constl'=ed T=0c' 20 t Number of bcling& v2— AppTa:drwc depth of etch boring (.feet): r2 5a (2) '[ape of t�gto be us#d (capper, PVC, vto): F' { (3) Well easing. Is the weil(s) cased? (turtle either (a.) Yes or (b.) No below) (a) Yes _ if yes, then provide casing infor=don belaw Type: galvarkedstec1 blao% steel plastic other (spectzy) Casiag depth.- From to �iret (reference to Itod sur_fece) Cssing extents to aba'vs ground iuchss (b) 24a (4) Grott Info (rrAttrW stz ;mdirg well casing and/or piping): T�r.w,••�1� �,.� � (a) orau< we., Nest Cement &entonite other (a pacify) mac.. Cow (b) GTCUt p,l=Zlent: Pumping FtCSIMe— othar (c} Groat depth of tvbirg (mferenee to ]and surPaco): ftm 2 ro to O (sty Tf wall hna casing, i,odicxte grout daptb: frotrz,`= to 14. (fees �TrGE1VED 117EfVR Aquifer Prctectean Section SEP 28 2011 Seo.28. 2011 10:35AM "`No.1069 P. 4 Ii. INJECTiON ULATED EQiTJVZv ENS' Attach a diagram shvwia g the engineeriaz layout or proposed modifica�oa of the injection egnipment and exterior pipia;ttl ing associated with the iajacRon aperetim The rmmSzcturpr's brochure may provide suppleroas wy information. L LOCATION O7F YaLL(S) Attach two o❑pies of traps showing the follow]mg zufar=tion; (1) Includs a Site lylap (coat be drawn) showing: bttildiags, property lines, surface water bodies; potential sources of groundwattr wntamination and the orientation of and dices bet veera tbit proposed wells) =d any existing welI(s) or waste disposal facilities such as septic tanks or drama fields located within 200 feet of the gtotbermal hcat pump wilt system. Libel all features clearly and iris udY I north (2) The Site Map must show the Subject property in relation to the surrounding area by using At Iesst two faxed reference points such as reads. streams, and/or highway intersections. J- CtRTTFICATION Nate. This Permit Application crust be signed by eaeb parson appearixg on the recorded ietrpI property deed. "I heraby certify, uu&— ponalty of law, that i have peasonaty examined and am familiar wit The iuformetian submitted in #iis document and aU attachments thereto and that, based on nV lrquiry of those individuals immediately irespomible for abtainsi said i fozrnatiorl, I believe that the information is true, acawate and aomplety. I am aware that there are significant penalties, iaaludiug the possibility of fiaos and imprisonmexa; foz submffing false idormadon. I agree to eowtm4 operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well and all related gptuteaanccs in accordance with the a roved s�pecafications and conditions of the permit„ r Sigraattire of PropeAV Owner/Applicant )VL-C4r%F$ /14l �r -Fwi2 Ffiat or Type Full Name :.ud ti de r� Sigaa�tvroofP�erryovvaar/Applirut Print ar Type F 11 Yz=e aztd title siguxttzra of Authorized Agent if 24Y Print or Type Full Naive znd tide Flease rez= two copies of the completed Applicatian package to: Korth Carolina D ENR DWQ Aquifer Protection Section-QIC ?roaram 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone (919) 715-693a RECEIVED / DENR 1 MQ muftr Pmte-dirm Sec6orr SEP 28 2011 5ev, 28. 2011 10:36AM No.1069 P. 5 54:�4 ov &--; #;13 4'dw'w wyO D�F�4 RECEIVED ► [ENR 1 MU Aquifer Pmterftn so,-