HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400137_GEO THERMAL_20120124January 24, 2012 R. A. SIMMONS WELL DR-ILLING CO., INC. 60 DRILL RIG DRIVE BUCHANAN, VA 24066 Subject: Notice of Deficiencies Missing Injection Well Construction Data Dear R. A. Simmons Well Drilling Company, Inc.; JAN ·!, ,n1, Dee Freeman Secretary A recent review of our records indicates mJssins injection well construttion data (GW•l forms) for wells constructed under the foUowing permits; ✓ Wl03OOO48 ✓w104001e1 "'/ WIO50O172 .~elth and ~athy ~ehl, S~R Dalton McMichael Dr SQM ' . ' . lnje_~ion. ~!.>Ced Flu~d. ~SHP Well System (5QM) .'Injection Mi>ceOI Fluid GSHP Well System (SQM) • u~~tion Mixed Fluid GSHP W~il s·yst~m (SQM) Main Orange County Courthouse It was requited under the speejfic permit listed above that a~ of the Gw .. 1 records were to be submitted to the Aquifer Protection Section at the following address. Aquifer Protection Section -UIC Program DENR -Division of Water Quality 1630 Mail Service Center Raleigh,· NC 27699-1636 · Within 30 days of the receipt of thts letter, you must mall a copy of the completed Gw .. 1 records for each of the referenced permits to the address listed above. You can also choose to fax a copy to forms to (919) 807•6496. If you were not the well contractor for the specified permits, disregard this letter. · If you have not already done so for all of the above permits, please make sure you have submitted a copy of the GW-1 records to our Information Processing unit listed at the bottom of the GW•l form. Failure to do so is a violation of lSA NCAC 02C .0213(h)(l) and may result in the assessment of civil pen _alt .ies in accordance with North Carolina G·eneral Statute a.7 .. 94_ AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 M•il StNiC8 CeAl8(, Raletgh, Nonh C1rolina 21699-1638 Location; 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, Notth carolina 27604 . Ptione: 919-807,6464 \ FAX: 919-807-6496 - Internet: ww newarerouallty.g'l) · Ari l:qvel Opporhs11ilv \ Afilrtnc1!i110 A1;tioil_ Emptoya, -~Fr.F.TV~ ~'--~1-'1?. 12:47 FROM-TO- One .. . . NofhCaroJ1na. A~turn/111 NC DENR P&S · P001/008 . fl e~;e_ f'I\~ 14., c.op ,u V ~ H, ,., ,~ t kt?~ ' °'-".~ r V ~ I'! {':~,(~ " 1-L I" ·· t or rnt t> ft e.J ~-,~ vt_ +--. Wrol.\oo 1 'J ?- wro '1 <)~ \3 '-f Page I or I Stephen Brooks As s64 : ')qvvs4 213r 7001 From: "Stephen Brooks"-cs.brookstlsirnMonedrilling.corn> To: -crniChael.rage(9Gnodenr.goV> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 12:08 PM Subject: Injection M11 Permit No. W10300048 Mr. Michael Rogers Environmental Specialist NC•DiNR �y division of Water Quality RE: 1 O!� D d 0 4 8 Dear Mr. Rogers *,.a C4hl ;)Ehl sitriz a"Tdwa+ Dp-. Ocmi of-+ Nc . Some brood after March 19, IM, Rldtard f1hrrrnons Drilling Co., Inc, of Virginia. or the StaMwilln. No. of lm - Hallmark Drilling Co„ war. subcontraoied by Mr. Tom Rust of SingWon HNNOng s Air (dap Valloydale Rd., Charblle, NC. 28214) to drill? walla for a resWentlai Cloriea- loop goo Mermal Installation on the Nest aide of Lake Normand- An air -rotary rig wag Initially dispatched 8W found that condtticns dictated mud drilling to be rtraaeaary. That equipment was dfspatoned and the work completed by driller Randy Phillips (NC e22N) from our then Meresville, NC, Ofiloe. That afifcs was later marred to Staftylk in 2002 and later dosed In August of 2007. To date we have been unable to to6wto the OW -Nor this address thoupn believe a copy would have been mailed to hu contractor and DtENR upon payment for the work. IAIe hate been in oontact with the ddller (Mr. Phillips no longer worm for ou► company). Altrrough Mr. Phill" recalls doing the wort he doss not remember the numbosr of boMs. Ilthology etc. we feel necessary to accurately complMe and submit a OW1 for this work. We wlil however continue to sesm s Sknnrona archives to obtain the Info")On you request_ If you have any questions about this matter please call Stephen Brooks at WO) 25 -2709. Thank you, Stephon Brooke Geothermal Milnacwr m R.A. Simons Drat ing Co., Ine- RECEIVED 02-01` 12 12 :47 FSOM- TO- NC DENP HS P002/009 AVA* HCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment oNp. 9.twal Rds&rZbs oivision of Water Qualily Severly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Govemor Director C'loll [irlivensic� uurold XVIiittinzton — Sr, P of Finalu-r & Tt-chnt loo 100 C•dlripus Drive C7C-04 it tlW O'C F,Ioll. N.C. 27244 W Ipq1Dol?- `"C�a7 60-w►< YTS ' W L U 4 out 6 -' W j 5ubieui. Acknowledgement of ltuent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No, W1[900134 336 Dalt0t McMichael iiritC- Elott, N(' �7144 Dear Mr. V-hitiiog or- Dep Freeman 5ecrezGr; 0)) 4,'?71?UlU, the Aquifer Prntectiorl Section (APS) received notification of your intent to construct a closed -loop &gee-cj)jv geothermal iriiectjon well system for the operation of a ground -source heat pump located at the address, referenced above. Ali individual permit is not required for the, construction and operation of this type of ssotherrrlal injection well system " long nv she following conditions are met: The injection well system contains, only potable water, The irrjecNon well system is consn'ueted in aceordionec with well construction standards speciGcd in North Caroutta Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .0213, and The required notitivatu+st form and associated Chaps have been completely and accurately sutsmttted. Failure to comply with all of these conditions constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and forth Carolina Adrni"istrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter 0211(u)(2), Additionally; you should contact the Alarnancc County Hcaltlt Department as they may have additional rcquiFements for this type at• system. Noncomphance with applicable state, cuunty. or municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties, Please contact Milte Rogcrr� at (919) 715-6166 or IyIichaetRv�e�ti r nede•n� if you have my questions. Ter, Stvfskr W64 Sincerely, 1 rn❑ehr;, 41?aI44 �� a 7y ry, ... 1-i:r r ,..L✓+`-ViJ=r���i•i� �sgF �y •� rf cc: Winiton-Salem Kegivoal Off u: - APS Y AP Central Filet . Permit No. W it►dOU 1 A !ti,rmullec County Nealth Dept. SwpI-co Beiluks — Its, Siintnuns D 61hni; — 60 Drill R 1 & Dt. 6"h;kiluul, V A 24 6G AMI-ER DROTECTION S2C 0•'t 1 B3v" t►4alf �@fYiCB r,515�i. RalQlpp, tr'6ri1"• 4at01i11ii ? i I7��1• t G:f f �001iorl: 2778 :.;2o[to I Bouoyard Raleigr.. honr, :. MM9 273(V °rip!1B: 91U.73:•.3e"?t �, � :: °1�•" 9 U588; {P.'r' is a1c.aT7rot]&U ::u8!OmPr:aerv{ 1.87' •-M6748 TKIMOt www_n wacamualln+oro in Fsu�z! rmV,rn,r-11, - affem-�jtivfi.yLi1p11 ErnP!OYW ()n: NoftliC'araitna Afft L a ,ag,% RPr.T:TVFn R?-R1-117 19 - A7 FRQM— TO- NO DEER P&5 P003/008 Ncb- Narth Carolina Deplar#ment of Environment and NOKa� Feb Divislon of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Directlar 5e�rBTery 61-2112010 Elan Univertaity Attn: Gerald Alhittington. VP Finance & Tech iotl Campus Drivt; W 10400/3 y Ca r�I(In, NC27244 �'Ib-...: n-s' y P 15 is � t u►14+00/(V 4 w w4o2 on { subject, Acknowledgement of Intent to Const-weT Type 5QW Injection Wall System Permit No. W10400137 -e-6— 33� Dolton McNfic;hael 17rlve Deaf W Whyaington: On 6'1/20)4, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) received nvtifeetion of your intent to construct. a cloacd-loop Waterton(y geuthermal injection well system for the operation of a ground -source beat pump located at the address referenced above, An individual permit is not required for the consuumion and operation of this type of geothermal injection weli systcrn as long as the following conditions are rnct: 1. The injection well systems contains only potable water, 2 The injection well system is constructed to accordance with well construction standard& specified in North Carolina Adrninistm1ivt Cade Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter ,0213, and 3. The required notification form and associated maps have been completely sad accurately submitted; Failure to comply with all of these conditions constitutcs a violation of the North Carolina Well Constructipn Act and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .0211(u)(2), Additiotutlly, you should contact the A;nntttnce County Health Department as they may have additional requiremeaw for this type of system. Noncompliance with applicable state, county. or municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. Plea.so contact Mike Rogers at (919) 715.6166 or Micliacl. ers(a ncdenr.anv if you bkNe any yuestlons. Sincerely, oo ]rir Debra W'aiN Supervisor cc: Wiliston-S;�icly Rcgiunai Office- APS Ai'S C:enrai Filc5 - Pcrnlir Nt7. WI[l4tlil137 /1Ikowwct+ County lleaicit f]cpt. K.A. 5isnintin4 DrIllinS (Stephen S. Elroolta) 60 Drill Rii Ddvo, 13vchan4n, VA 224001; AUUIFEI? PROTECTION SECTION 1616 Mail ywce Code. Ra"e , Nurrh Carosne 2769P6U L00tian: 2726 taajial Boulevard, RaI09h. NoM Caroline 7 604 Pilonw 919.733.32i1 '; FAX 1• 919-71$•p582-1 FAX 2: 5IS-715.4040 t Customer Sorvlce: 1.877.E-23-u748 In;emet; n it :r Lt1yill OPPOnunq s A&MIhwe AMOK emaowr One N'-;01thCaro1.ina atundlw RECEIVED 02-04-'72 12:47 FROM - TO- NC DENP P&S P004/008 ►A NCDE North Carotiina ❑epartment of Environma, nt acid Natural Division of 'Water duality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullin, +lee Frep~r an A �pVcrllCr DirgCror :�°Cre48ry lanuary 4- 2011 Gerald Whittington. Sr, VP Sumness Finance &- Tethnolog? Elon University 100 Campus Drive Elm. NC 27244 Subfecr Acknowledgement of Application No. W10400167 Eton University In Mixed Muid GSHP Well System (5QM) Alamance Dear Mr. Whiuington. wLite-❑ rLu; 13 The AtluIferProtection Sectior of site Division of Water Quality (Division) acknowledges receipt of your permir application and supporting materials on QcLuber 16. 2010. This eppIication Packsge had been assigned the number listed shove and will be reviewtd by John McCray. The reviewer wi13 perform a detailed review and contact. you with a request for additional information if necessary, To ergsure the maximum efficiency in processing permit aFpiicaricns, the pivision regoesm your assistance in providing a timcly and complete response to any additiornal information requcs��. PI mse be aware that the Division's Regional (thee. cvpkd below. must provide rct+ornmendations prior to final action by the Divisiom P1easc also note as chic time. procc-4sing perntit appIicaticns case take ac Ivng hs 60 - 90 days after reccipe 0f a complete c+pplivation. If you have any quest;ors�. please con Luct Jolu7 McCray at 919-715.6168. or via a -mail etjohn.mecray@�ncdenr,gov 1fthe rcviewcj i unavailable. you moy tee Ye a message. and they will respond promptly. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION NUMBED WHEN MAJaNG INQUIRIES ON THIS PRO-JECT. S i nce:,e ly. of ��j .' 'x I0j- Debre d. Wans Supervisor _ Winston-Salem Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section RA Simmon.t Drilling (Stephen S. Brooks) Machwurh5 Mechanical (,Andy Swofford) Permit Apphcatiun Fife W/9400167 Buis; Ia1Air Serv�r� f:iM�ter. RalFflgf �+art� L'a'�;�n;s "`I+�`t;'s+_ Pn0me-, a 14. 3 322" FAY.' s' Q+9.7'F+ 0588: rr;Y5S-715.6t}4$ `. •':uFaom4: ";%MM. 1477.523•b749 I .Je°ne;•MAYWA"71 MUN Y-0 One N0r61 C u,-c) h r)a RFC7Ti1Fi} 02—011—' 12 12 ; 47 ROM — TO- NC DENP, P&S P005/008 LINVatuviriagglo &A 2011 North Carolina Department of EnWronmentes OAL DWfon of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Govomor Oirector )arnuM 28, 201) Elon Univeniry Atta; Gerald Whittington, Senior VP Business Finance and TochnDlogy 100 Canlpue Drive Eton, NC 272A Ref: Imtsweadlnjw irnn Wep Permlt WI0400167 blued to Elon University Elora, Alannmce County, North Camlina Doer Mr. Whitti4i= / r Dee Freeman secnefary In acaardwwe with the appiieahon received on December 15, 2010,1 am forwwddh$ pmoh mbar W10400167 fo'r the comauetion and operation of a vertical closed -loop goadmAW mixed -fluid boat pwnp Uvec ion yell systom. This permit shall be effamve from the date of lasoance u>afil Deoamber 31, 2015, and sWI by subjoat to the oondi6ons and limitations ,Mated ti mlCia, Wctudmg the regniremeM to hffatall weft Mentifkatice tags as shied in Put IU aud o abok weU mv&ocdoa records at apecliied in Part VILI Bc aura to read the entire pe mit to CMSUM that you are aw. 7 of 4 compliance mquinm=ts of the penult. You wily dead to notify tbia off= at lesi t 48 hours prior to begi ring cousmmuna wW opemtioa of the in}cation well ayatem. In order to coutimm vniaf?=Vtvd le* use of the injection faGi* for the dated purpoec► you must submit an application to nuaw thoo perrait 120 days prior to its apimdoa daw. This permit is not Refer bie to any person without prior notion to and approval by tine Djrwwr ofthe Diviox of Water Quality. Please cmuct me at (919) 715-6168 or john=Av ay@ncdcar.gov if you have my question about y&z permit. ec; Sherri Knight. Wim"On•Salern Re-gional UPFice WID40tlt67 Pernvt Fife Aiamance. County EavixonrneaW HoWth Dcpt AOUIFER PROTt:OM SEC NON 16H Mall %nft Cww. Ra Mp. NmCmina 27WI63 B LocM n: V" Cl" eoE,i wa, naWp. ftIM Csro & 27M4 Pe: 9W783-M11 FAX 1: 919-7154W8 FAX 2; 919.7134WO V CurOW SNgipe:1477.62MAI Beat Ri pWa, �D1ta 1a1CCray Fnvimrn axal Specialist An Egvll Oppa[lunr4lA�+gafre AC(ro14 RFr,ETV;;n 12,47 1:ROM- TO- NC DENP P&5 PO SAN NORTR CAROLI NA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CO nR1�l SSIOY ry? r7 i _ ED DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMEM AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGIE15 NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A WELL FOR INJECTION In accordanoe with the provisions of Article, 7, Chagta 87; Article 21, Chapter 143; and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Elan University FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF 112 TYPE 5QM INJECTION WELL(S), defined in Title l SA Nosh Caroline. Administrative Cede 2C .4209(e)(3)(F), for the purpose of operating a vertical closed loop geothermal mixed fluid heat pump system. This system is loured at 336 Dalton iMcMichacl Dr., Elan, Alaman,ce County, and will bo constructed and operated in accordance with the application received December 15, 2010, and in coibmity with the specifications and supporting data submitted, all of which are filed with the Department of F vironment and Natural Resoumes and are considered a part of this permit This permit is for Construction and Operation of an injection well and shall be in compliance with Title 1SA of the Nord, Carolina Administrative Cock 2C .0100 and .0200 plus any other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations pertaimag to well oonstruction and use,. This permit WWI be effective:, unless revoked, from the date of its issuance until December 31. 2015, and shall be subject to the spocifie}d conditions and limitations sett fie * in Parts I through IX hereof. Permit issued this the 28th day of January, 2010. Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission., Permit NWI0400167 IJIC/SQM ver. 03/201 f Page 1 of 5 nr_rr,rs2r_n n1)_n-1 _e'I') qe) • A'7 =nm- Tn- Ar T17NP PX5 P007/0W RE: Wl 0S00 172 Main Orange County Courthouse R. A. Simmons Drilling Co., Inc. did not do this work. Possibly-LoopMaster International Inc., Indianapolis, IN. r �z Aria NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H, Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary 6i2/2010 Elon University Attu: Gerald Whittington. VP Finance &'tech 100 Campus Drive Eton. NC 27244 Subject: Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. WI0400137 336 Dalton McMichael Drive Dear Mr. Whittington: On 61112010, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) received notification of your intent to construct a closed -loop water -only geothermal injection well system for the operation of a ground -source heat pump located at the address referenced above. An individual permit is not required for the construction and operation of this type of geothermal injection well system as long as the following conditions are met: I. The injection well system contains only potable water, 2. The injection well system is constructed in accordance with well construction standards specified in North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .0213, and 3_ The required notification form and associated maps have been completely and accurately submitted. Failure to comply with all of these conditions constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .0211(u)(2). Additionally, you should contact the Alamance County Health Department as they may have additional requirements for this type of system. Noncompliance with applicable state, county, or municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. Please contact Mike Rogers at (919) 715-6166 or Michaal.Rog-ers+wncdenr.vov if you have any questions. Sincerely, for Debra Watts Supervisor cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office- APS APS Central Files - Permit No. W10400137 Alamance County Health Dept. R.A. Simmons Drilling (Stephen S. Brooks} 60 Drill Rib Drive, Buchanan. VA 24006 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Servjce Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone, 919-733-3221 1 FkX V 919.715 0588; FAX 2: 919-715-6p48 + Customer Service:1-87-623.6748 Internet www=waWuualb.o ti An Equal gpportuTii Y t AfHmiahve AcWn Employer NorthCarolina Naturally Permit Number WI0400137 Program Category Ground Water Permit Type Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW) Primary Reviewer michael.rogers .Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilit Facility Name 336 Dalton McMichael Drive Location Address 336 Dalton McMichael Dr Elon Owner Owner Name Elon University Dates/Events NC 27244 Central Flies: APS_ SWP_ 06/02/10 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Version 1.00 Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Stephen Brooks 60 Drill Rig Dr Buchanan VA Major/Minor Minor Region Winston-Salem County Alamance Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Non-Government Owner Affiliation Neil Bromilow Campus Box 2060 Elon NC· 24066 27244 Orig Issue 06/02/10 App Received Draft Initiated Scheduled Issuance Public Notice Issue 06/02/10 Effective 06/02/10 Expiration 06/01/10 Re g ulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Outfall NUL:. . Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin RECENED i DFNR I DWO AQUIFFR PAMF{'. ON SECTION JUN 012010 NORTH CAROLWA DEPARTMENT' OF SNVIRONII Efr AND NATURAL RESOURCES (NC DM&) NCrIMCAnON OF 1N7MU TD CD ICY' A DPCMOTERMMAL WAI E NLYEKJFj TiON MWL SYSTEM - In Amor+ ism wft Oc pwisives of NC'AC TSde 13A:112C`.t M, puns cmnplate this notffpgion and mad to mWn= an die 1a* pop (anx Eft or 3�ug imbmutkm). DATE: Ai i1-27_2d1D Flo IL Nell Type Camfrrmsfivn: Does the pmposod syslao dradate pdahle v�atar ay�t (Do additim) in cWhumn PrPM8 *& compkt* isobfts the Braid Gum the eat► 0umrad (La. dapec�l7 Yes x Cant = Complating this farm_ NO Do Not carnplde this farm. Complete other UIC %Vbcatar< farms far and ail�g eidwr a SA7 well (gxgt4vop well ini potable WAM Ito floe S*Hfcr) or a SQM WS (cla wd, loop won CWWD*9 sub as R 22, edwag, or other aa"6oeac or conasian injulpiton). tROPE M OWNER(SyAFPIdCA1rM) Liat arc Property Owner hood an p mVerty dead (if owned by a boos or government agency, dew now of antitty and a repressive wiw&ority for ): ELoN UNlVERSIIY, GERALD wHrrmGTON SENIOR VP BUSINESS FINANCE ANDTECEMLOGY (1) Maft Address: 100 CAMPUS DRIVE City: ELON State` NC Tp Code: 272" County AIAMANCE_ - _ Han&Vffice Tale No.: 336 279 5434 Cell No.- Email Address: N .® (2) Physical Address of Wall Site (d dilEx at than above): 336 DALTON MCMICHAEL DRIVE Cady: ELON State: NC 2;p C oft 27244 - _County ALAMANCE Ha w&VWca Tela No,: 336 M 549D Ca11 No.: AUTHORMD AGWr OF DWMM IF ANY (if the Permit Appticaot dnes awn the subject pr opmty, 9MK6 a lcaw fi van the proporty owaw mthorming Agog to iO" and op mft UIC well) CompW Name: NA M Offia+c Tale No.. Wabsite Address of Company, if any: C Fin WELL. DRILLER VOORMATION Cmnpany Name: 599 Well Driller Cantradar's Namo: Hrml T. Jones NC Camradur CArtffication Na: #3034 Carom Address: 60 DhII Rig Dsive City: Bachanam_ VA _ Zip Code: 24066 Ofte Tole No.: 340-254-2299 'CO No.: 540-400-4411 HEAT PIIW CON I ACTOR DM ORMATIDN (it NO t thx n *Mw) company Namae: NA CoulactPa w&. EMAIL. Address - A: Office Tak No.: E. STATUS OF APPLLCANT Privaft: ]f FodamL F. Zip Cade: COY Cecil No.: State: Municipal: Native Amaricam bands: INJEMON PROLE H= (Ww ly describe how the imriackon wd!(s) vi1 be eared) G. VA LL CONSTRUMON DATA (1) Pmpawd dabs to ba cawt cted: ' -- 17 j r b Number of borings: 1114 t c 6 ST 1 tA4 App udma* depth of ask baring (Poet): 440 (2) Type of tubing to be used (copper, PVC, ems} PE (3) Wei[ min& Is the vrWe) cased? (check ekk r (a.) Yes a (b.) No belay.) (s) Yes if yes, tbraa provide casing information blow --samibed steel blade sh d____Pb9liPOther ( +) Casing depth: From to foot (rdareawe to had sariaco) Cmng w*mds to above grauad. inchm (b) No X (4) [h W Info (mmam d surrounding weal ca nag sadlar piping): (a) Groat type: Naar Oment Beetonibe : TlaamaVy Fzhancad Den tonite Cmw (b) Grout Plsomat Pem p ag: x Pnn m+e: x Other (c) Grout depth of tabing (refe reme to land sarfsoe): fi aim: -440 to Smfaca (fiect) lf'v eR hm caring, indicate grout depth: fivm to (foes) r l I t 21 f ~, m I' t-i 'ii: i a. !~;, .,. .' ,. 111!~1 0 I"' ~· ~ 2 ~ ~ h1 ·h I i s s l 8 . : i l~na l1 ;nu.u,lf.l~~ .1~ind ull-~-t-; .1 .. ii. I a .._~•.SI .a • ~ ~ rs-. ,,.•11:i'ill Jtiil,-~J. !·1,-,- i a. f . '.'' : . ~ i J · Ji :r I t: !d~,t .. ,lr!i -· ih;l f -· -· I ~ 9 ·Hh 1 I Ii hf.. I -~ -1 I ,. ft ii ~ 1 tii_ ill 1 i·1' !jt--N• .I. (a~ 1 ~ 11 , ti--:•· j-f r · ft I J i $, rt Ju I • ;'1 r~ > t I .. •· " l -h 1 · 2 '"'it= J· a(' -~·1fr a ~ tll 1.1 2 _;uni J I I I . J .1. o ~ o · i ' J :;~ 1 ii · 11 ~ JI l J I 13' ,11 l B fg~ I. s.l . I 60 . z and to M to the de to aterial . An e until ising is lly f NOT NS. LOCAL GEOTHERMAL INFORMATION SCHEDULE Geothermal WeNs Number of Wells 111 + 1 EXISTING Well Depth 440ft ea. (49,28Dft tot) Number of Well Circuits 14 Number of Wells per Circuit 8 Grout Maly 61 Enh Berm Grout Minimum Thermal Conductjvq 1.2 BTI JIhr.-ft °F GaaUm rrrai Pipe Size WeI I Size (in.) 1-114" Branch Size (in.) 2" to 3" Manifold Size (in.) loll Minimum Cover Depth (in.) I 48" Geothefmai Pipe Material Well Pipe SDR 11 HDPE Branch Pipe SDR 11 HDPE Manifold Pipe SDR 11 HDPE Supply and Return Mains SDR 11 HDPE Insulation (Piping in Vaunt " AP Armadlex Fluid Infomintion Fluid Water Flow (GPM) 750 Well Field Pressure Drop to Buildi 40 ft (Not Incl. Mach) Maximum Entering Water Temperature 103 OF Minimum Entering Water Temperature 36 OF CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! The State of North Carolina Underground Damage Prevention Act requires anyone, except as provided in G_S. 87-106, before commencing all excavations in highways, public spaces or in private easements of utility owners to notify each utility owner having underground utilities located In the proposed area to be excavated, either orally or in writing not less than two nor more than ten business days prior to starting, of his intent to excavate. North Carolina One -Call Canter 1-800-632-4949 P L) W 13 a ILI IL J J W 3 J Q W I H 0 w 0 DATE SCALE PRE)JEC7 NUMBER ' DRAWN R' �.. '.�._•--.�.;.-� •i "� .{yr n' iASTai i �7y] {���J f� _ ..._} � � ';�' :+..a ■ � ��} [^�r�fgr{�►�r RRr [��4y�]i ✓1.-� �J YR Y7 r •-�,»]1 _.•- is ' 14 R 16 `16 77 la R 1Y Y 'AO - L/ �� ``I = 4J� `L/ `Jr .. �+!, �.. - -- _�..�F UP ems. Lg%� - - - - v -- •ram �+Y `7ba1011Qat�flMWi�l AT CIA uolar.wcr. - - - - - - - .rrvoc s- 4 1 +. a ■ ■ ■w _ ■ _ r f } • ■ ■ r ■ ■ +�t+a sa}�. 1 - 1 ILOI M63EA i1�1IW111Yi14«PLI® ,M WRLS2 =m COMPILM ■ram .arm o g` . NkLE REAM •,� -• mewnnee7� - Mori 3 _ ^..err a — _--iL +