HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400061_GEO THERMAL_20000728DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GROUNDWATER SECTION July 28, 2000 MEMORANDUM To: Sherri Knight, E.I.T. Groundwater Section Winston-Salem Regional Office From: Mark Pritzl · (W,.e mark.pritzl@ncmail.net Hydrogeological Technician II UIC Group Groundwater Section Raleigh Central Office Re: Receipt of Notification for a Closed-Loop Geothermal Water-Only Injection Well System Type 5QW. Notification to construct and operate 30 injection wells for a geothermal heat pump system has been filed by Watauga County in the City of Boone, North Carolina and a ·copy of the Notification is enclosed for your files. The injection well system is deemed permitted by rule (NCAC T15A: 2C.21 l(u)2) and no regulatory action is necessary. If you have any questions, please contact me at (9.19) 715-6166 or Amy Axon at (919) 715-6165. cc: UIC Files Enclosures ATA NCDENR JAMES B. Huwr JR. GOVERNOR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES July 28, 2000 BILLHOLMAN SECRETARY Robert E. Nelson, Jr. KERR T. STEVENS DIRECTOR Watauga County Office of the County Manager Courthouse, Suite 1 '842 West King Street Boone, NC 28607 Dear Mr. Nelson: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY In accordance with the notification submitted on your behalf by Cove Creek Preservation & Development, dated July 19, 2000; the Groundwater Section acknowledges your intention to construct a closes -loop geothermal water -only injection wells for the operation of a ground -source heat pump. The system as ;described in your notification will not require an injection well permit and is deemed permitted by rule (North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A: 2C.0211(u)(2)). :y The Underground Injection Control Group has added your site to our inventory. If you modify your system, please contact the Groundwater Section to verify ;compliance. Thank you for submitting this notification. If you have any questions regarding geothermal heat pump wells please feel free to contact me at (919) 715-6166 or Amy Axon at (919) 715-6165. 1CC: Sincerely, Ma* Mark Pritzl Hydrogeological Technician II Underground Injection Control Program CO-UIC Files WSRO-UIC Files FIIZsr GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTtR, RALEION, NC 27699•1636 - 2728 CAPITAL, BLVD.. RALEIGH, NC 27604 PrrON E o 1 9.733-3221 FAX P 1#-718•0388 AN EOvAL OPPORTUNITY 1 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - S0% RECYCLED1109E POST-CONSUHEN PAPER July 19, 2000 Ms. Amy Axon UIC Program Groundwater Section North Carolina DENR-DWQ 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N. C. 27699-1636 Cove Creek Preservation & Development PO Box 344 • Sugar Grove, NC 28679 Phone: (828) 297-2200 • Fax: (828) 297-2205 www.covecreek.net cn Subject: Geothermal project at Historic Cove Creek High School Building, 207 Dale Adams Road, Sugar Grove, N. C. 28679. (N. C. State CIearinghouse Application No. 00-C-0000-0538) Dear Ms Axon: Enclosed is the form GW-57 filled out as I indicated we would do. Also enclosed is a copy of a site map locating the well field relative to the adjacent buildings and sewage disposal plant, a copy of a topographical map of the area, a tax map of the parcels involved, and a diagram of the injection system. After discussion with Earth Energy, the Engineering firm we expect to do the well field, we decided to go with potable water without the anti -freeze solution. The reason for this decision was because the pipe will be buried a minimum of 3 feet on the outside and because we are going to provide a Red Cross Disaster Emergency Center in the building, a 15kw generator will be located at the building. This generator will keep the water circulating in the event of a power outage for an extended period of time and freezing should not be an issue. I am also enclosing a letter from the Watauga County Manager. As I discussed with you, Watauga County, N. C. owns the building and Cove Creek Preservation and Development, Inc. teases from the County as a Non Profit Community Organization. The letter indicates that Watauga County is aware of the project and expects no difficulty in getting the appropriate signature on the application OW-57 as property owner, but must go through the formality of voting on the issue at the next County Commissioner's meeting 8/7/00. At that time we will provide a properly signed application form. I trust this will satisfy all your requirements for us to proceed with the project. If not, please advise me what else you need at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, {lj{f!,~L ~ ~R.Simpson Board Member CCP&D WATAUGA COUNTY o MANAGER Courthouse, Suite 1- 842 West King Street - Boone, NC 28607 - (828) 265-8000 TDD 1-800-735-2962 - Voice 1-800-735-8262 July 24, 2000 Ms. Amy Axon UIC Program Groundwater Section North Carolina DENR-DWQ 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Dear Ms. Axon: Watauga County owns the property known as the old Cove Creek School that is leased to the Cove Creek Preservation & Development. The County is aware of the project to drill numerous wells for geothermal storage. The County is supportive of this project, and I am of the opinion that the Board of Commissioners will confirm this by official action at their August 7, 2000 meeting. The County will forward the appropriate documentation after endorsement. Sincerely, Robert E. Nelson, Jr. County Manager RENjrlehl .,. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO CONSTRUCT A CLOSED-LOOP GEOTHERMAL WATER -ONLY INJECTION WELL SYSTEM (GROUND COUPLED HEAT PUMP) Type SQW Wells In Accordance with the provisions of NCAC Title I SA: 02C.0200 Complete application and mail to address on the back page. This is not the proper form to be used for injection wells in an open-loop geothermal system. Do not use this form for systems that circulate an y substances other than water. TO: DIRECTOR, NORTH CAROLINA. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY DA TE: , L1 /v , 20 tJ fl t A. SYSTEM CLASSIFICATION Does the proposed system circulate potable water in continuous piping that completely isolates the fluid from the environment? YES ~ If yes, then continue completing this form. NO Ifno, do not complete this form. Form GW-57 HP, Application For Permit To Construct And/Or Use A Wel/(s) For Injection With A Heat Pump System, should be completed. B. SYSTEM FLUID Will any additives be introduced to the system's circulating heat transfer . fluid? This includes, but is not limited to corrosion inhibitors and/or antifreezes. YES If yes, do not complete this fonn. Form GW-57 HP, Application For Permit To Construct And/Or Use A Well(s) For Injection With A Heat Pump System, should be completed. NO ✓-If no, then continue completing this form. C. PROPERTY OWNER Name: W0: f?: v 9 "-· ~-ov,->f., .f z Address: 8 4-,2 W · 'k', 'n 1: 5 M ,:?r City: n ct G:2:'.:!d, / State: /l. t.., Zip Code: _,&.,.2-L,,<J?.:....,:C~o_? ______ _ County:~fc, f~.ve:'i: Telephone: --'-2?~6:.1..tf'----------------. I D. ST A TUS OF PROPERTY OWNER Private: Federal: Commercial: State: Municipal: (.../"'"~··· Native American Lands: GW-57 CL (Jan, 2000) Page J of 4 E. f' ACILITY (SITE) DATA (Fill out ONLY if the Status of Owner is Federal, State, Municipal or Commercial). Name of Business or Facility: r,)/ C c v -< (.,...-e. c Jc )--h ~ 1 J'~ /,p"" J p,, 1 )~/ \~ £ Address: 2 o z 12 q. I~ tf a!~ 4t. > /(()"'-✓ 7 > City: .!, v/· ",.--f.ro v-.: State: /f.r, l. Zip Code: 2.. c?t: 2 f County: j(,,. ,i f t:t , 7 ... t ~, Telephone: 1,2?-.,Z f ?-,ZU. o Contact Person: .J a. c /c .S>·~§/ ~cn-z o -J fMJflf)' H"-.1 ),..s~ Standard Industrial Code(s), SIC, which describes commercial facility: ________ _ F. HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR DATA Name: N07 a.v ,:J~b/-c.. -JB,d. /J y<ci ~c:..S> p .JJ .:.c..ftJ co--1 )-(_f~ . .b 7 ZH))t,O Address: r ' City: _________ State: __ Zip Code: _____ County: ____ _ Telephone: _________ Contact Person: ____________ _ G. CONSTRUCTION DATA (check one) (1) EXISTING WELL(S) being proposed for use as a ground-coupled heat pump well(s). Provide the information in (1) through (4) below to the best of your knowledge. Attach a copy of Form GW-1 (Well Construction Record) if available. PROPOSED WELL{S) to be constructed for use as a ground-coupled heat pump well(s) . Provide the information in (1) through (4) below as PROPOSED construction specifications. Submit Form GW-1 after construction. Well Drilling Contractor's Name: _J ...... (""""'e_V_J_, ~----.9---c_f ___ , ___ , .s __ · --<'-~ ....... 1_-)_( ..... o_i.v.aa......o...z ......... k--;i~ ..... ' __ _ ~ NC Contractor Certification number: __ 2_ _______ f_Q: ___ j ____________ _ Date to be constructed: e; f 3 II l o(, Number of borings: 3 Q c:, ~- 1 --=----"------ Approximate depth of each boring (feet): ______ 3...........,;:o;.......=..o ___________ _ (2) Well casing: Is the well(s) cased? Nr, (a) YES If yes, then provide the casing information below. Type: Galvanized steel __ Black steel __ Plastic __ Other (specify) ____ _ Casing depth: From ___ to ___ ft. (reference to land surface) Casing extends above ground ____ inches (b) NO ~ (3) Grout (grout the vertical length of the borehole to a minimum depth of 20 feet b .1.s.): NOTE: (a) Grout type: Cement__ Bentonite ~ Other (specify) ______ _ (b) Grouted surface and grout depth (reference to land surface): __ around closed loop piping; from O to 1 () (feet). __ around well casing; from __ to __ (feet). THE WELL ORILLING CONTRACTOR CAN SUPPLY THE DA TA FOR EITHER EXISTING OR PROPOSED WELLS IF THIS INFORMATION IS UNAVAILABLE BY OTHER MEANS. GW-57 CL (Jan, 2000) Page 2 of 4 H. INJECTION -RELATED EQUIPMENT Attach a diagram showing the engineering layout of the injection equipment and exterior piping/tubing associated with the injection operation. The manufacturer's brochure may provide supplementary information. I. LOCATION OF WELL(S) Attach two maps. (I) Include a site map (can be drawn) showing: buildings, property lines surface water bodies, potential sources of groundwater contamination and the orientation of and distances between the proposed well(s) and any existing well(s) or waste disposal facilities such as septic tanks or drain fields located within 200 feet of the ground -coupled heat pump well system. Label all features clearly and include a north arrow. (2) location map referencing the site to two nearby permanent reference points (such as roads, streams and highway intersections). J. PERMIT LIST: Attach a list of all permits or construction approvals that are related to the site. Examples include: (1) (2) (3) Hazardous Waste Management program permits under RCRA NC Division of Water Quality Non -Discharge permits Sewage Treatment and Disposal Permits K. CERTIFICATION "I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. ] am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the ground -source heat pump system and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit." Itgnature of Well Owner oT Authprized Agent) 60- rt e_ C_C��D If authorized agent is acting on behalf of the well owner, please supply a letter signed by the owner authorizing the above agent. G W-57 CL (Jan, 244O) Pagr 3 of 4 L. CONSENT OF PROPERTY OWNER (Owner means any person who holds the fee or other property rights in the well being constructed. A well is real property and its construction on land rests ownership in the landowner in the absence of contrary agreement in writing.) If the property is owned by someone other than the applicant, the property owner hereby consents to allow the applicant to construct each injection well as outlined in this application· and that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the ground-source heat pump system's well(s) conforms to the Well Construction Standards (Title ISA NCAC 2C .0200) GW-57 CL (Jan, 2000) (Signature Of Property Owner If Different From Applicant) Please return two copies of the completed Application package to: UIC Program Groundwater Section North Carolina DENR-DWQ 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone (919) 715-6165 Page 4 of 4 I c ( ICIFIELO 1506x40. IMTH 3 ROWS OF 10 EA. VERTICAL WELLS ON 2T CENTER GRID CAFETERIA BLDG. SEE ENLARGED MECH. ROOM COW CREEK FfGH SCHOOL UEDIA CENTER L 250' R J SEE DETAIL "B' 7d d»W dt9=tO 00-6t-Lnr Jul-19-00 03:50P MECA PC P.02 5 , U r.._.� S N r 1 5 R DETAIL "B" SCALCs NOT TO SCALE R I 3" TYP TO PUMPS T-2 P-1 & P-2 G-1 0"100C 4" BUTTERFLY VALVE , Di i SUPPLY I I fl HEADER i` DRAIN PT {TYP.) (TM) FROM Ka TO WELL FIELD FIELD 3" TYP. 7-1 FROM PUMPS G-1 0- 100T P-1 & F-2 N 0000 6" BALL VALVE (TP) NOTES: COMBINE SUPPLY & RETURN PIPING TO SAME TRENCH OUTSIDE BUILDING. PROVIDE WALL CLAMPS AS NECESSARY TO SUPPORT PIPE. 1 ` DRAIN (•) - ----4" BUTTERFLY VALVE • 11111 RETURN HEADER -SCH. 40 STEEL-PIPr FLOOR SUPPLY & RETURN HEADER DETAIL NOT TO SCALE - 0 TO GEOTHERMAL WELL FIELD FROM GEOTHERMAL WELL FIELD PRESSURE GAUGE (TYP) -00 v.5 4 N.O. V- 4 N.C. Ji V- 6 N.O. TEMPERATURE SENSOR TT-T-T TRANSMITTER (TYP) MAKE-UP WATER AIR SEPARATOR V-3 N.C. N.O. V- 2 4" FROM BUILDING i 4" TO BUILDING V-1 N.Q. (PRESSO TYPE DIN.) TRIFLE DUTY VAI VE (TYP.) WATER SOURCE HEAT PUMP CLOSED LOOP PIPING SCHEMATIC NO1 TO SCALE VALVE POSITIONS SHOWN NORMAL OPERATIONS: LDG CIRc. ONLY V-1 - OPEN V-2 - OPEN V-3 - CLOSED V-4 - OPEN V-5 - CLOSED V-6 - CLOSED WELL FIELD GRC. C LY V-1 - CLOSED V- 2 - CLOSED V-3 - OPEN V--4 - CLOSED V-5 - OPEN V-6 - OPEN "1rf H7g1.&I NOTE': PIPES SHOW SIPARALLD F IN CLARITY TO BE STACKED 3" PIPi (2 TO +U+ELL FIELD 2 FROM WELL. FIELD) 4" CONCRETE PAD —' FOR PUMPS HAKE -UP WATER SEE RASING PLAN TEIPERATURE SENSOR TRANSMITTER ET.I 4-4" 4" V-6 - (N.O.) {IH VERT.]I1 TRANSMITTER SWITCH 6 45" CONTROL SUPPLY HEADER T RUN PIPES AS HIGH - RETURN HEXER AS POSSIBLE PANEL FLOW METER TRANSMITTER .1- T 3N VARIABLE SPEED I�BTEr DRIVE CONTROL ` ALL PIPING TO BE INSULATED SEE SPEC. 15180 PHL. "Ens V-2 (N.O.) BUTTERFLYI VALVE (TIP.) V-5 (NA.) (IN VERT.) Enlarged Mechanical Room - Level One SCAL.e: 1/41.'1'-QII PNL. "HA - PN • AIR VENT L FROM BUILDING rSYSTEM AIR SEPARATOR (SEE SCHEDULE) EXPANSION TANK (SEE SCHEDULE) FLOOR --� PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE RVICF VALVE PBP j-t COLO WATER \-PRESSURE REDUCING MAKE-UP BACKFLOW PREVENTER SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS PRESSURE AIR VENT GAUGE DRAIN TRIPLE DUTY VALVE r rTO BUILDING SYSTEM L SYSTEM PUMP (SEE PUMP DETAIL) ti SUCTION DIFFUSER EXPANSION TANK/AIR SEPARATOR PIPING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ► 7• • NPS Form 10-900 (Oct. 1990) tJnited states Department of the Interior Rational .Park Service 0MB NO. 10024-0018 Hatioraa1 Register 0£ Historic P1aces Continuation Sheet Section 10 Page! Cove Creek High School, Sugar Grove Watauga County, NC Verbal Boundar y Descrip tion Watauga County Tax Map. Parcel Numbers: 1972-86-8255-85-8876-6892-95-0919 Boundary j ustification The nominated property includes the entire parcel of ten and one-half acres historically associated with the Cove Creek High School at 240 Dale Adams Road, Sugar Grove, North Carolina, excluding the three buildings added in 1952, 1956, and 1981. 8 N 926,000 7 6 N 926,000 ,. .. 2?71 Heavy-duty • · Medium-duty I ·\. •,•~,lat.ill.~,::: '... \" ,.,, \ L \ \. \ ' ... ,. I • """' . '· Mr