HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0300143_GEO THERMAL_20100309NA MCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor -City of Charlotte Mich~e Haas ·600 East Fourth Street · Charlotte, FL 28202 Coleen H. Sullins Director 3/9/2010 Subject: Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. WI0300143 3 725 Ellington Charlotte, NC 28202 Dear Ms. Michelle Haas: Dee Freeman Secretary In accordance with the application submitted to the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program that was received on 2/16/2010, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) acknowledges your intent to construct a closed-loop geothermal water-only injection well system for the operation of a ground-source heat pump located at3725 Ellington, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC 28202 . This system is deemed permitted by rule (North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, Subchapter 2C, Section .021 l(u)(2)). However, please note boreholes shall not connect separate aquifers, which have differences in. water quality (e.g., shallow surficial aquifers, saprolite, fractured bedrock, etc.) as specified in 15A NCAC 2C .0213(d)(8)(C). Please notify the Mouresville Regional Office at (704) 663-1699 at least 48 hours prior to well installation. Additionally, it is recommended ~t you contact the Mecklenburg County Health Department, as they may have additional construction or permitting requirements for this type of system. If you modify your system at any time, including the addition of antifreeze, corrosion inhibitors, or any other substances to the circulating fluid, you must contact the APS to yerify compliance with applicable rules. Thank you for submitting this notification. If you have any questions please call m e at (919) 715-6166. Sincerely, Q~A-~ \ \ t.Y' . Michael Rogers ,._. · Environmental Specialist GPU-Aquifer Protection Section cc: Mooresville Regional Office -APS APS Central Files· Pennit No. WI0300143 Mecklenburg County Health Dept. Janice Scott (Midsouth Geothcnnal LLC).8275 Tournament Dr Ste 185, Memphis, TN 38125 '" AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center. Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 . Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone : 919-733-3221 \ FAX 1: 919-715-0588; FAX 2: 91 g.:715-6048 I Customer Selvice: 1-877-623-6748 Internet .www.ncwatergua lilv.org An Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer _ .One N_flJth Carolina /\/Oturatlu Permit Number Program Category Ground Water WI0300143 / Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 03/08/10 Permit Tracking Slip Status Actfve Project Type New Project Permit Type Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (50W) Versfon 1.00 Permit Classification lndivicfual Primary Reviewer michael.rogers Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilitv Faclllty Name City of Charlotte -50W Location Address 3725 Ellington Charlotte Owner Owner Name City of Charlotte Dates/Events NC 28202 Orig Issue 03/08/10 App· Received Draft Initiated 02/16/10 Reg ulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Outfall h!UL i Waterbody Name Scheduled Issuance Permit Contact Afflllatlon Major/Minor Minor Region Mooresville County • Mecklenburg f aclllty Contact Affiliation Owner Type Government -Municipal Owner Affiliation Michelle Haas 600 E 4th St Charlotte Publlc Notice Issue 03/08/10 NC Effective 03/08/10 28202 Expiration Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasln 02/16/2010 1 1:55 9017489097 MID-SOUTH GEOTHERMAL NOR1H CAROLINA: DEPARTMENT OF J:.NVIRONMENT AND NA TUR.AL RESOURCES NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO CONSTRUCT A CLOSED-LOOP GEOTHERMAL WATER,-ONL Y INJECTION WELL SYSTEM TYPE SOW WELL(S) ln Accordance With the Provisions orNCAC Titlo 1 SA 02C.0200 Prifa or rype the required informatto11 arzd mail to address on the back page. DA'fE: ___ ~_-_;.)....;;Sc..___, 20JQ PAGE 02/04 Well Typt Co,ifirmalion: Doos the proposed system circulate potable water only (no additives) in continuous piping that compietely isolates the fluid from the environment (i.e. closed-loop)? Yes~ Continue completing this fonn , No __ Do Not complete this form. Complete other UIC application forms for installing either a 5A7 well ~-loop well iniecting potable water into the aquifer) or a 5QM well (closed- loop 'well containing additives such es R-22, ethanol, or other ant.ifrce.t\; or coi:rosion inhibitors). A. PROPERTY OWNER(S)/APPLICANT(S) List each Property Owner listed on property deed (if owned by a business or government agencyt state name of entity and a. representative w/authorlty fRr signature): CN.'--' ~ ~V'tJ.,t-l o+te. \ {l ) (2) Physical Address of Well Site (if different than above): :?,7 a5 t: lL1 09f ±o () City: Ci;\a_ r I o tte.. State:)\)£!.. Zip Code: 2 ~')./) d) County: Meekl:en. lou..r£t Home/Office Tele No.: ___, Coll No.: - AUTHOlUZEl> AGENT OF' OWNl:B., IF ANY (if the Permit Applicant does not own the subject property, attach a letter from the property owne.r authorizing Agent to install and operate UlC well) CompanyName~--------------------------- Contact Person.~: -------------=E=MA=--IL~A=d...,dre..,.-ss.._: ________ _ Address: _________________ _ City: --· _______ State:_ Zip Code: -----'-· County: ______ _ Office Tele No.: Cell No.: Website Address of Company, if any: _____________ _ GPU/UlC 5QW Notificalion ofT~t Form (Revised 8/2008) 02/1£/2010' 11:55 9017489097 MID-SOUTH GEOTHERMAL PAGE 03/04 ' c. D. W.ELL DRILLER INFORMA115,)~. C CompanyName: ./0'.) l D$c)(Uh G:e6f+erc. (l.(a_{ \ LU Well Drllle, Coot,,,ctor', Name: .9\-o~~ J s!2..±-r.e.r NC Contractor Certification No.: JJO_JiJ: d.~ IB5--A Contact Person; J Q [\\C ~ Sr mr: EMAILAddressus~u \~~'WtJ(t.l Addtess:~1S:':Touu~o.M\ln t '1 12.. <S±e• l~ cc:r, City: t\A.e M f ½ ts Zip Code; -3~ I dis-County: 3''oe. L-At f Offioa Tele No.: Ci>l-7Y~ -s()qS Cell No.:_-_______ _ HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR INFORMATION (if different than driller) Company ~ame:~\\ DSOL}fu C-e&t'\-Q \<...UA.Q \ , \.. L.C ,, Contact PcI'$on i3"'~\'\.,Q e. &ore: EMAIL Address~$&~ :M-S5X>bu..%e:--\.\..hor1Ut 0 . __ ~ \.c;i.t:-~to11, Address::c,:;:};]S \ OU.;fJ::\cs,\'\I\Q 'C"\-C-~-~\-e-o p City: 'i',\-e ~~\,\\,> 'Zip ~e: :th) County: _S=\-'1€. __ u_~~i------ Office Tele No .: 9 D\~\.\~-°1C)Q~ CellNo .: _______ _ ,' E . STATUS OF APPLICANT F. G, Private: State: Federal:_ Municipal ; _1._ Commercial: Native An).erican Lands:_ lNJJi:CTlON l'ROCEDURE (briefly describe how the injection well(s) will be used) Q.\ D5-e_:tJ co13 -1_~ciJo.l' snu r• \ ,.o;;,.\if Seu re e.. mLL CONSTRUCTION DATA, (1) Proposed date to be constructed: g_\t1 \IO Number of borings: ----'\ __ Approximate depth of each boring (feet): 360 (l) Type of tubing to be used (copper, PVC, etc): \ 11 t-\t) PE' :V\rd:te.. f ~ f V (3) Well casing. Is the well(s) cased? (check either (a) Yes~ (b .) No below) (a) Yes __ if yes, then provide casing .information below Type: ~vanized steel _black steel__plastic_othet (specify) Casing depth : From ___ to ___ feet (reference to land surface) Casing extends to above ground __ .inches (b) No • ~ ( 4) Grout ln1b (matorial surrounding wcll casing and/or piping): <!!J!I (a) Grout cype: Neat Cement__ Bentonite __j_ Other (specify) ____ --..t'-'"""'i~~l (b) Grout placement: Pumping...__ l>ressure__ Other__ fi (c) Grout depth of tubing (reference to land surface): ftom _t =---to 76" (feet) 6-" If well has casing, indicate grout depth: from ___ to ___ (feet) GPU/UIC SQW Notification ofintent Form (Rivised 812008) IS) "3 ..... .... In ..... I . i ' ... 1"I "3 I pi li .f a 8 s t r t .. IS) ,..., ~· I i-> .... I i U1 : (J1 I -r '· I ii ! la.• i a ·1 r I l lO t IS) .... >I Ji I -.J -r 'it ' JJ Ji h• i. . .i:,. tD tD I IS) ! . . i1J!a. i! 1i ?J tr lO -.J ,!9 filh tr f I -~rr r q. l f f i UJJl,f ~ il i-1,f I J.f =~ J i O _..,. t:1 -J~ . I i! il: . -I I ltEr I',. ' ~ lif l .. -i -· 1 I 1i1 ~ f r-J. h J ~-1 f ctf ,. ~ H 0 ch f J . ft ft. . l f J • s . a e I a -l I · ~ f 1 ·11 al J lRf J G) .,, : 0 ' Jr ·r _u l . '1' p ~ I l \ ~ I .if.I ! I J a: . 'f:- ... ~ ~ fttfit I •h . t -J 9 iJUI 1 §ii · ll " ~ l . Ii i '1. I I> ~ ~ ~ ' (S) I~ IS) "" -vJCVUTVMAP ...... - SIGN LEGEND 0 0 ! .. I! "'' ~M , .. ··• ~';. .... ZQ!tlN§ 9X>f N'l¥JIY -~ ---~-t M9JL.__ . ----·--.... .,..., ---~-'------...!MP!.... ............ .. __ _..______.,_~ ---------------·=~=~~ =-z:-..__.__ -A,._____,. ::£-~ ..... 9,..___ ~.llie :: .. 11: --.....J!__4>,1t-, .... ....._ ----------....,~ "-,_...,_..._,......_...,. ____ __ ~r.=--.ii-~--... =r....:...-~ ...,,_...,. __ "~':'::.-:..-::.=a'SUJI ·---=-~ ........... -c..-• ...... .._~-----.-·-----4._~.aw.ar·-·---- •=t~11C1::1~ • i::=:r.-11111a...,..lll':.'\l:r.ll --~,._-....-nz11ta•----•• ·u11m• ............... __ --·---------------11.,;::c-_._.._....,_~-~-----•ttr.a..~~.:=••---.. r.a-o~•-.. ~-----~ ............... __ ,_ __ _ . ....,. ________ _ . ______ ...,. ____ .., ---...----- -~Amt. ~-~~ -~ ---= -------='-==-~--------------___ .._ __ ..,....., _______ ~ -OCALII 'El LH 1 a © ~- STl!WAAT ,. .,.;;.;;:z:. ,, 7!lffl- ..._, a Q) 0 Q) -~ 0 C 0.. 0 ·en 0 ·;; L.. :) 0 .0 C Q) a, u .:¥. C (.) Q) Q) u 2 ·5- 0 Q.) L -+-I (L I) I C. I ------ SllE PLAN C2,0 02/~6/201~ 11:55 9017489097 MID-SOUTH GE□l ~ ~;,, ,/.e~ 0 ~.Jlifi To: Comp;my: Fax Number. Pages (inciude. cover): Dat.c: From: 6. MidSouth .-GEOTHERMAL Specialty Geothermal Well Field Services FAX LEAD SHEET Mr. Michael Rogers NC Dept of Environment & Natural Resource 919-715-0588 4 February 16, 2010 Janice Scott ~: CMPD Test Well -NC DENR 5QW Drilling Pennit Mr. Rogers, Attached is the NC DENR permit application a drilling the test well in Charlotte, NC. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or require additional information. My number is (901} 748-9095. Sincerely, Janice E. Scott 8275 Tournament Drive Ste. 135 • Memphis, TN ~8125-08S1 Office (901) 748-9095 • Fax (901) 748-9097 Rogers, Michael From: Sent: To: Janice Scott Oscott@midsouthgeothermal.com] Wednesday, February 17, 201011 :57 AM Rogers, Michael Cc: Subject: Attachments: Michael, Janice Scott CMPD Site.pdf 2/17/10 CMPD Site.pdf Attached .is a site layout for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Dept. The job could produce at most 22 wells . The wells should be 300 ft deep for grouting. Let me know if this covers everything or if you need anything else. Thank you for all your help. Janice E. Scott Office Manager MidSouth Geothermal, LLC 8275 Tournament Dr. Ste. 185 Memphis, TN 38125 -0851 Office (901)748-9095 Fax (90~)748-9097 j scottfn1midsouthgeothermal. com www .midsouthgeothermal.com 1 ' GA ~CDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Reso.urces Division of Water Qualill'----------~~~!""'"""~ Coleen H. Sullins ~ ~ (G (E a W/ ~ w Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor City of Charlotte. Michelle Haas 600 East Fourth Street Charlotte, FL 28202 Director LJ 3;912010 MAR l O 3)10 NCDF.NRMRO owa ~ A uifer Protection Subject: Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System PermifNo. V..1 0300143 3725 E llington Charlotte, NC 28202 Dear Ms. Michelle Haas: Dee Freeman Secretary In accordance with the application submitted to the Underground Injection Control (UlC) Program that was received on 2 /16/2010, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) acknowledges your intent to construct a closed-loop geothermal water-onh· injection well system for the operation of a ground-source beat pump located at 3725 Ellington, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC 28202. This system is deemed pennitted by rule (North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, Subchapter 2C, Section .021 l(u)(2)). However, please note boreholes shall not connect separate aquifers, which have differences in. water quality (e.g., shallow surficial aquifers, saprohte, fractured·bedrock, etc.) as specified in 15A NCAC 2C .02!3(d)(8)(C). Please notify the Mooresville Regional Office at (704) 663-1699 at least 48 hours prior to well installation. Additionally, it is recommended that you contact the Mecklenbw-g County Health Department, as they may have additional construction or pennitting requirements for this type of system. If you modify yow-system at any lime, including the addition of antifreeze, corrosion inhibitors, or any other substances to the circulating fluid , you must contact the APS to verify compliance with.applicable rules. Thank you for submitting this notification. If you have any questions please call me at (919) 715-6166. Sincerely, O~A-~ cc: Mooresville Regional Office -APS APS Central Files -Permit No. WI0300143 Mccklenbur_g County Health Dept Michael Rogers Environmental Specialist GPU-Aquifer Protection Section Jamee Sco_tt (Midsouth Geothermal LLC) 8275 Tournament Dr Ste 185, Memphis, TN 38125 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mai l Service Center. Raleigh , North Carolina 27699-1636 location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Ratelgh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919,733-3221 I FAX 1: 919-715-0588: FAX 2: 919:715-6048 •, Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterguality.org AA Equal Opporruni1y I Affirmative Action Employe, RECEIVED I DENR I DWQ Aquifer Protadlon Section JUL 19 2010 0 ~1-.c lin No1u1 aro · a ;Natura/lg Permit Number WJ0300143 Program Category Ground Water Permit Type Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (SOW ) Primary Reviewer michael.rogers Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facllitv Facility Name City of Charlotte -5QW Location Address 3725 Ellington Charlotte Owner Owner Name City of Charlotte Dates/Events NC 28202 Orig Issue 03/08/10 App Received Draft Initiated 02/16/10 Reaul ated Activities Heat Pump Injection Outfall NULL Scheduled Issuance Central Flies: APS_ SWP_ 03/08/10 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Version 1.00 Project Type New Project Permit Classification Individual PermitContactAffiltii'm';'!D v-,-r.~-© ~ D w ~ rm LAR 1 O 3lll I.!!) NC:f DF.NR.MRO DWQ - A ulfer Protection Major/Minor Minor Region Mooresville County Mecklenburg Facility Contact Affil iation Owner Type Government~ Municipal Owner Affi l iation Michelle Haas 600 E 4th St C~arlotte Public Notice Issue 03/08/10 NC Effectrve 03/08/10 28202 Expiration Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class SUbbHTn 02/1E/201 0 11:55 9017 489097 MID-SOUTH GEOTHERMAL NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTh.ffiNT OF :ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO CONSTRUCT A CLOSED-LOOP GEOTHERMAL WATER-ONLY INJECTION WELL SYSTEM TYPE SQW WELL{S) In Accordance Wjth the Provisions ofNCAC Title 15A 02C.0200 fr int or rype the required i,iformat£on and mail to address on the back page. 20J..Q_ PAGE '62/0 4 Well Type Confirmation: Does the propo~ed system circulate potable water onlv (no additives) in continuous piping that completely isolates the fluid from the environment (i.e. closed-loo p)? Yes~ Continue completing this fonn. No ___ Do Not complete this form . Complete other UIC application foims for installing either a 5A7 well (open-loop well iniecting potable water into the aquifer) or a SQM well (closed. loop well C-Ontaining additives such as R-22, ethauol, or other antifreeze or corrosion inhibltors). A, PROPERTY OWNER(S)/APPLlCANT(S) Ust each Property Oyvner listed on property deed (if owned by a business or government agency, state name of entity and a representative w/authority fyr signature): t-w ~ ~ Q,~':lLt I o:tl-c \ (l) (:2) Physical Address of Well Site (if different than above): ~7 '.J.. 5 L. LL) t". at i-0 ('\ C{ty: Q.'\G:. ( j £) t+e.. State:t0(!., Zip Code: ~ li?J.Q d:) CoW1ty:(Y)-e.e kl.en k:)Uf't Home/Office Tele No,; ___.. Cell No.: - B. AUTHORlZED AGENT OF OWNER, IF ANY (if the Penn.it Applicant does !:!Of own the subject property, attach a letter froro the property owner authorizing Agent to install 81).d operate UlC well) Company Name : ___________________________ _ ContactPerson . .,_: _____________ ::,,:.EMA==IL"'-'-'A=d=dre=ss=a...: _________ _ Address: __________________ _ Cilf. _________ State: __ ZipCode : ______ County: ______ _ Office Tele No.: Cell No.: Website Address of Company. if any: _____________ _ GPU/UIC 5QW Notification oflnten.t Form (Revised 8/2008) 0C/15/201B 11:55 9017489097 MID-SOUTH GEOTHERMAL PAGE 03/04 c. E. F, G. WELL »RILLER INFORMATIP N c Company Name: t1Y\ I D>cxAh Gec¼+>e.fc. (µa._{ \ L~ Well Driller Contra'.tor''.Name Sk&:~ \ SQ::i__:t.e.r NC Contractor Certification No.: _____Q{:j~ bl IB 5 A Contact Person:J Q f\\ C '2.-S,r t:, IT EMAIL Ad&ess;tS~ \ ~,yzM,wr ~{ · Address: ~~ S:'::tou U\OJ\'l~r+ s /2.. 'S+e' l~ '-._j CCM City: I\Ae M f V\\ ,s z~ Code ; '38: I Al s-County: S,he u'=sl( OfficeTeleNo.: cpj-r4g -q6qS CellNo.:_-______ _ HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR INFORMATION (if different than driller) CompanyName:t"v\\ t:DDL}-½t:\ b-e,6\{'),QQ..uA.Q\, \_.l C,,., Contact rerso110Ct.. \\\(' e.. Sc-:cs=rr: EMA.IL Address:-;s &2~ ½\'µ>t}. ~c::.,.,,..\\.11\-01'\Ul 0 ._-~ ~, ..... ~. L Q ~ f':"tOl'l "') Address:p)';.J,'::, \ C)l.>...~'.':,(t)'\W ,,-,-~. ~~ \.C>~ City: ~~ 'M..?,\,\\_S -Zip C~e: :::n0 County: ._$;_Y'i€. __ u._~_l------ Office Tele No.: 9 D\ ::i '-\ ~ ·°J \)Cl':::> Cell No.: _______ _ STATUS OF APPLlCANT Ptivate: _. State:~ Federal: Municipal: 'j., Commercial: Native American Lands: INJEC'l'ION PROCEDURE (briefly describe bow the irtjection well(s) will be. used) C!.\ t;-SR ~~=z Ls!' cl·lw SI ,, I c:,. \ I=-~ Seu rl "' WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA (1) Proposed date to be constructed: G..\ l I \ l O Number of borings: --"\ __ Approximate depth of ea.ch boring (feet): 3()0 (2) typeoftubingto be used (~pper, PVC, etc): \ I\ \-\t) p e :v\os\::LQ,, f ~f -V (3) Well casing. Is the well(s) cased? (check either (a.) Yes fil'. (b.) No below) (a) Yes ___ if yes, then provide casing information below TYPe: __galvanized steel __ black steel__plastic_other (specify) Casing depth: From ___ to ___ feet (referenc e to land surface) Casing extends to above ground ___ inches (b) No Y-.. (4) Grout Info (material surrounding well casing and/or piping): (a) Grout type: Neat Cement___ Bentonite _j_ (b) Grout placement: Pumping__ Pressure __ (c) Grout depth of tubing (reference to land surface): from <ff .. Other (specify) ~ ---~...,.F~I ~" w Other__ I ,;--to 7 c[j (feet) lf well has casing, indicate gro\lt depth: from ___ to ____ (feet) GPU/UIC 5QW Notification of Intent Form (Revised 812008) Page2 02/~5/2018 11:55 9017489097 MID-SOUTH GEOTHERMAL PAGE 0i./04 B. m.tEC110N-RE.LATm iQoma.NT Affal:ll a~~ The qfne.1di:lg !a,yQv.t Qt' p,oposea n:xodl.fie.ation of the ~ec:tioll equi~ and. exterior ~:' aaodated ~ the jq)e(ijan opc:ratiOl). Tbo m~, ~ may prowic &upt,lemema?y i ~nos or~) Attacll e.t-o copies of m~ showing ttu: ron~ infom.e.tfott! O) tn..lude as~ Map (eat1 tie dnl~ sbowl%ig; buildi%l$5. property 11nea, $~ ~ bodi~ ~ ~ of ground~ ~t8t11Jnation lbd the oricnti:tian of 3llod ~es between tbe proposed well(s) «D4 any aicti.ag Vt'e.11(1) ar ~ diapci,11 ~uss Sw:l\ as 5ef't~ ~ or dta1n. 'fi~ds ~ 'l\lithh\ 200 k or the ~al heat~ wl S)'ctem. ~I all~ elaaey Rad ipolud,e •:run:9) gw. (l) 11:le Stte Map must sbr;Tw tbe subject~~ in !d&iiotl tlO lhe ~ IUea by lllltll at least two ~ ,e.fcn.nce Poinli sual1. uroam, ~ and/or highway mmsect!om;. J, C!JlTmcAtlON Noc. '.['Ilk V..UA.pp~ man be •td ·t>, !!Sil Pffl• appezruta 01. the . reootded ltgal proptrt:Y cited. ."1 he(w)y cenify. under r,enaltr of law, that I hive ~ c:uminCIJ and am familiar with ~ inil:mnctlon sub!lrttted in 1bi& d~ md ~ 8tiacbmen1$ then.to an4 that. ~ on my iQquiry of ~~ ~ · iznntedl=ty rqpou'ble !Qr ot,,tainmg sai4 ~on, l beliwe 1bet tbe iDfoTm.atlon iS 11'1U:, 11CC&Zr81a 111d complett-. l am trWQre that there are tlgnifi~t pdlalti.a, mehad!ng tho poosfbUi.ty of ruxis and ~, for submittulg' 1a1st infim:nciati. l asree 10 coo.suuct, oi,caq, mainU!.o., ~, and If app~te, ebandon the u,,iection ~11 IDd ilJ1 idad ~ in ~wi'Cl tbt approw:d spctlfioclG and~ oftbePemrlt," ll'UC--:h;~ · 8 Q.£1.4-/p1 C..1fy.z,f(harl~ Siplture of Prt.,pmty O'Maer/Applicartt 01 IC.~ tie f:lao..s I Sr, ?r~♦.,e,f /1bJ1¢q?r 'Prim or fype Full Name and lnlt ' .J · Si~ of~ Agent. if flSJY l'riat Ol" Type F\111 Name and titl1 ?tisase rel.um two oop"9 Qf ttw ~l~ Appliccion paelcap t.o: Nortlt Cuolbaa.J>INR.·D'WQ .i\.ft~ Fa ometiou Section-UIC Pl'Ogl'IIDl lUf Mails.rw=eCeat.r Ralet~NC 27699-1'36 Telaplu,n•(919)~21 GPU/OIC :.QW Nollicadioo c(1aid J<n1, ~ WOI) ---------- VIONM'V MAP -1D ...... SIGN U:GENO ~ -~ -·--. _.....,...,..._~_ -· lre9:::r!! __ .., ---■ ·-------·---------_,,,_ , _ _..__~_ -•'-~-- -~_, .... ..,. .... ~f\ --_.J,l_a,,.~ ...... .....,.."l,.-.!11.-. --=~=~~ :-z-;-.____ -9,...____. _.., u, ____,._ --ft"'"----" =~.1c;e ::-.. 11= ---~ __.....,..._ ~"'~"" ________ ....,.. ____ _ ~J'!=-~~--- ~ "=~":"::.-:..,.-::.::w.~...::.c. ·~~-,---~----·~------··.,,.....-----"~:1.-WJJ:t•----- "=.t~~~-=--~ . :.r::=-:::-.Jll'...r.=:'"~-'=---~...::.:.::=------•:.,:,.""'-,:::.---~···--·-·~ ...... ,..lftllll. ......... _ --~ .... --~----=--_,_.,_...,. __ ~---.. ·~~-=-~~-=~=---•::=-::::=.='•-"'--..---·=::--.... -·-.. ---·-· .., __________ ____ ________ ,.. .... ,-...... -.d' ., ______ _ ·~tr~L.==-=-i.· ·e-~'3..~.....S:-:r-- ---= ~ -·--~ I· -I ---------------------0.---~ __ ...,. __ ,,_.._""" . ............ 'k,_,._ L...H a o--•-.. S:.:,.."':'o.r"-· I 'lmi& ·- ....., 0 OJ 0 u, -~ 0 C a.. 0 'u'i cr :~ L.. :::i 0 .D C QI (l} u ..:::,:_ C u (lJ Q) -0 2 ·;; 0 (I) L.. -+--' Cl.. (.' 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