HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0300125_GEO THERMAL_20080929-r--1_cd6Vl /{.t North Caronna• Department ot Environment and Natural Resourcea • Division ol Water Quallty~Groundwater Section 1638 Mall Sttvloe Center. Aalelgh, N,O. 27099--1830-,P/Jon,-(9HI) 733-3221 '' WELL CONSTRUCTION REGOFfo· WELL CONTRACTOR: R.A. Simmons ·Drill:Ln~ Co., Inc. . WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION#: WC03588 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#:-w""'r ... 0 .... 30-0-1-2~5---- 1. WELL USE (CheckAppllcabl• Box): ResldenUaf D Munlolpal O · Industrial D Recovery O Heat Pump Water Injection tit Other D If Olher, List Us_e: Agricultural D Monitoring D 2. WELL LOCATION; (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Salisbury Co.unty: __ R_o_w_an ________ _ 131 East Fisher St. {Road Name and Numbers, Community, or Subdlvlalon and Loi No,) 3. OWNER Bill Wagoner · Address 131 East Fisher St. · (Slreel or Roule No.) Salisbury NC 28144 DRILLING LOG From To 1 1 3 3 12 DEPTH Fonriallon DelCllpllOl'I To:e Soil Clay Silty material City or Town . _ Stale· Zip Code 4. DATEOR!LLE!O 9/23/08 12 18 Sandy material7water 5. TOTAL DEPTH 300 FT ,;.:s -"18 l,r.--....,•:,4l 41 Caving Sandi materia: 6. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES O No(IJ I .. 93 Saprolite 7. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES n NO{l] e. STATIC WATER LEVEL. Below Top of Casing: :t1r Fr, 93 105fi, Brown Weathered Rock 10.5 106_, ·'. Granite CU•••+• U Above Top or CUlnOI 9. TOP OF CASING IS NA FT. Above Land Surface• 106 118 . Brown Weathered Rock 118 121 ...... ,, ?;ranite .,.op ot casing t1nnlnat1d 11/or below land 1urfac1 requlrea • variance In accor, dance with 15A NCAC 2C ,0118 121 !48 Soft Brown Rock 10. YIELD (gpm): ...!!._ MEITHOD OF TEST ____ _ 11. WATER ZO~ES (depth): 5 GPM @ 23 2 FT ... .14.8. 232 Granite 232 23~~ Soft Granite.;, 233 251 Granite 12. CHLORINATION: Type ___ ......_ __ Amount __ _ 13. CASING:( ) . Removed :23 I 23~ · Green Granite 253 jut,;; Gra-qlte· Oepth ·· Diameter From_+2 __ To 101,_ Ft. 6. 625 WIii llllclcntll . or Welg_hllR. Maltlflll .188 Steel From To·---Ft •. --· --- From To---Ft,--- 14. GROUT: . . . -:.' .. -.,. . \. Oepth Material Method::_·;;:-,. ·· .. . . .. • · · LOCATION SKl;J:Q::f From -300 T~urfac~t, Bentonite Tremie . (Showdlrectlonand: 1 dlatanoefromatleasttwoState From __ To ___ Ft. Pressure Pumped Roada, orothe~m..P reference points) 15. SCREEN: Oep1h Diameter From _ro_Ft_ In. From-To-Ft,_ In. from_ To~FL-In. · 18. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size SlotSlzi Material -'"·-----'"·-----~1n, ___ _ Material From----to---FJ•--------- . From To Ft. ___ ------ (See Attached) "r.f· .:vclV•.i.. / s:1\if, / ,WQ l SEP 2 9 2008 5 GPM 17. REMARKS:: ___ ...,;_ ___ :-....:__ _________ ,____; _________ _ ., .. ,. .... ··:··· 131 e. fisher st, salisbury. nc. -Google Maps ' Ii,~ -0~ . -~ ~ f@ I . -1b -~ -~ . , •· -~ Address 131 E Fisher St Salisbury, NC 28144 ® ,.'%, ~ , C::,~ ·~~~ .,eJ-: ·..f ,• ~- "'r:i -~ ~~ ~♦ ~., ~ . ":,.j} Page 1 of 1 Get Google Maps on your phone g Tl!llt:theword "GMAPS•to 466453 ~ http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q= 131 +e. +fisher+st, +salisbury. +nc.... 9/25/2008 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins Director Division of Water Quality September 16, 2008 Bill Wagoner Fisher Street Theater 131 E. F isher Street Salisbury, NC 28144 Subject: Revised Aclmowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. Wl0300125 131 E. Fisher Street Salisbury, NC 28144 Dear Mr. Wagoner: In accordance with the revised Notification of Intent submitted to the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program that was received on September 15 , 2008, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) aclmowledges your intent to construct a closed-loop geothermal water-onlv injection well system for the operation of a ground-source heat pump located at the above referenc.ed address . This system is deemed permitted by rule (North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, Subchapter 2C , Section .021 l(u)(2)). The permit bas been revised to reflect Richard Simmons Drilling Co., Inc. as the-driller for this project (NC Certification #3588). However, it is recommended that you contact the Rowan County Health Department, as they may have additional construction or permitting requirements for this type of system. If you modify your system at any time, ·including the addition of antifreeze. corrosion inhibitors, or any other substances to the circulating fluid, you must contact the APS to verify compliance with applicable rules. Thank you for submitting this notification. If you have any questions please call me at (919) 715-6166. Sincerely, .~ /'~~ Michael Rogers / · cc: Mooresville Regional Office -APS w/attachments Environmental Specialist GPU-Aquifer Protection Section APS Central Files -Permit No. WI0300115 w/attachments Rowan County Environmental Health Dept. w/attachme.nts Stephan Brooks -Richard Simmons Drilling Co., fuc. (sent via.fax and US.P.S.) w/ou.t attachments City of Salisbury w/out attachments Aquifer Protection Section lnternet: www.ncwaterouality.org 1636 Mail Service Center Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer-50% Recycied/10% Post Consumer Paper Raleigh. NC27699-1636 Raleigh, NC 27604 'Telephone: Fax l : Fax2: Customer Service: 1Jf§;;));a (919) 733-3221 (919) 7 I 5-0588 (919) 715-6048 (8 77) 623-6748 DRILLING Richard S tm,,,ons !)rilling Co .. Inc. 6() Drill Rig Drive Buchanan, VA . 24066 p, (540) 2 54-2289 F . (5 40) 2 54--1 2 68 FAX TRANSMITTAL -S pages (including tbi8 p age) September 15, 2008 TO: RE: FROM: Notice of Intent -Geothermal Test Well -Salbbury, NC. Stephen B.-ook., As di scusse.d last week the attached fonn is being submitted by Simmons Drilling after the previou s drilling contractor failed to perform the work. All infonnation remains the same with the e~on oftne drilling con.trac tor. If possible, we ask that ''Acknowle,dgement o f Intent to Construct" be faxed to us at (540-254- 1268) so we may expedite our services for the c l ient. If y ou have any questions, I can be reached at (540 ) 2 54-2289. Thank you, Stephen Brooks Geothermal Manager SE.P 15 2008 7046377891 WAGGER CONST N0{(.UI CUOUNA DBPAR.TMBNT OP BNVIll(l)NMBNT. AND NA'llJRAL .RBSOURaiS NOTIFICATION OF . TO CONSTRUCT A CLQRQ-LQQr GEOTIIERMAL WAD R ~NLX INJECrION WELL SYSTEM (GRO~ Cfl)UPLED BEAT PUMP) ! I Ty),e5QWWe I .111 A.ca.._. wJtb Cbl.. pi!oflllw .of'NCAC nlil lSA; 02CJ>200 lic:ldal!.-.tMJto.wr..oa•beakpap.. I • ftkl1!1f11dlie,.....1ona••11teic1for-ill~welklaaa9Ptl:ieep 1•tll__,.,._. Doaotw ... toawre.-..-..t1111t~-m..,_,,ew:4F!h•-,w . I TO: DJkBCTOR. NOJl'l'll C.AaOLINA D~ OP WA TBR QUAUTY A, B. C. D. .DAT£: J\llf 16,lOOI l I SYSTEM CLASSJIIICATION Does die~~ circulade potable~ ill ooadauou, ptpinctbat c.ompletety ..._ dMi fluid~ tht enviromnent? l YES X · tf:vm, dttD oootmuejcrmp~dt.11 fi:nm. i NO _1f~ do llrOt oomp,.. '1m finl. PC!ffll G'W-57HP,App1Je«Jo,, For PDWIII To Co,,u,v;t MtllC>r Un.A ,,dl(I) Jro,, IJflet:.'IJolt ~A 8- ,-,, ~ lboald b.l~ I SYSTBM PU1lD Will-., ~jbe in1roducod to 11w ,,.,_,. oirouJ;tfas bllttnmficr floid? Tbb includiia, but ii not Jimihld ro oorro,ion inhibtton lftdtor ~ YllS ___ lf~ do not camp'j this tbaa. Porm G'W'-S7 HP, App/icdoft For l'fflllit To~ ~at-UH .4. 'lfd/(1) For l,;.:tfon "'1lr A Ila hwf,6),Mn.lbou.ldMOQlllplaled. . NO I traa,1beocoadaue~1411dQetbiaform. ~OWNER i Name: C Ir L,~ ! San: NC zl,, Code: ZS /If .us.i...J,~:_IU._-+:~----T~•1t4-i;D,Sl.11> ! STAlUS OF PR0!1Dl'JY OWNBI. i Fcdc:ral: _ i Col:nmerciaJ: _ Munlcipal:_x_ ! N'ldve~,Lmda: ! i 08/24 /2008 15:5 3 704 6377891 WAGONER CONST PAGE. 02 a. roe (&n'H) DA.f A Name: M~1'£=R.. 4··nia-eT clftiA'r~ ~~~:;;, !.~;!_~; ~W-JW!a.~ J½,Akl F. HEAT PUMP CONDACTOR DATA G. CONSTllU'CnON DATA (cbeck one) ____ EXISTING WELL(8) being proposed rot use aa a (P.'!:Jlmckouplcd Mat pmnp ~ll(t), Provim the iuformalion in (J) dlJouaJ,. (-4<) botow to tbe bolt of your lcnewled&e-Amch a copy of Form GW-1 (Well CoNtnsctioo ~ if nallable. X PROPOSBD WELL(S} to be constniotcid tor use as• ground-c,,oupled beat pamp "11(1). ~ the informatioa m (1) through (4) below a PROPOSED ~OD spec:ific:atloos, Sabal~~ Form GW-1 af\ior ~ction.. (1) w.n DrWiag c~·• Nqe: &~~~~4-S 1),,./!::. '-, N ti, a~., ~;.1,. I NC~ Cc1iuc:aJ:i0111JU1Dbr. ,k,L C._D ~:rA.t.:.. -------- Dam to be comtruatl!ld: St,, f' .t:>I Number of'boriop: _l ---Approdmall, depth of each borins(feet):_300' _________ _ (l) Woll casins; Js the weU(1) cuc:d? (a) YES_ lfyes, ttM:n JJ")Ylde U... cuta1 information below. Type: Ga1\'dfzed .&1eel_Black·.-1 __ Pluti0_ Other (specify), ____ _ c.ing depth: Pn:m __ ao ___ ft:. (fflference to land susf&co) Cadu1 ex1Dada ebove pJUCl ___ mcbta (b)NO__..,X.,__ __ _ (3) Grout {srollt 1h11 verticaJ length of tbc borehole to a mJoimwn deptll of20 r-t b.l..s.}; <•> Orouttype: eanent_Bentanite _x_:_ Other (spcoffy) _____ _ (t,) Oroutad SUl'&ice aod aroat deJQ (re~ to land surface): _L uoond cio.d loop piping; ~ ...L co ..J!L (=«). _ mound well cuing; fnxn _to_ (feet). NO'I'$: 111B W1!U.. CRIWNO ~ CAN SUPPLY natl>ATA FOR B'l'ffl1!1lmasnNG O!;t PR.Ol'OSISD WIIU.$1' fflJ8 INJIOkMA'ffON 1$ VNA V AIUJJta DY OJ'HPJl MJW,JS, OW-57.CL (Jan, 2000) .... ?.' U1 w 08/24/2008 15:53 7846377e9l WAGONER CONST PAGE 04 L, CONSQIT OF PROPmlTY OWNER (Owner means an;y person who hoJds the fee or othet propmy rights in tbe wall boing comtrucuwJ. A -11 is roaJ propeny and its CQlllttUctioll on land rem awnenbip in 1be I~ in lbe ablencc of CClllltnry agreematt in writing.) If the ll'oparty is owned by someoae otherthu 1be applicant, tht property owner herebycooaents to allow die appticaatt to comb'uCt ll!IICh bdecdon wett as out:liDcd iD Ibis application. and that it shall be die ~ ()f1he applicant to c:1111n tr.at the ground-source beat pump S}'Sblln°a well(,) 1.:011fonr.s to UICI Well~ s.ndatdt (fide lSA NCAC 2C .0200) OW..$'1 CL Pleue ntum t,ro «,pi~ of ahe oompleted Appliadicla package to: UICProeram Grvaactwaeei-Seetion Nordl Carolina DENR•DWQ 1636 Mail Service Center Ralei~ NC 2769',.1636 Telepholle (919) 715-6165 (Jm, 2000) .,._e 4 af ,4 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr .• Secretary NoJth Carolina Department of Environment and Notuml Resources Coleen H. Sullins Director Division of Water Quality September l 6~ 2008 Bill Wagoner Fisher Street Theater 1'31 E. Fisher Street Salisbury, NC 28144 Subject: Revised Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type SQW Injection Well System Permit No. WI0300125 131 E. Fisher Street Salisbury, NC 28144 Dear Mr. Wagoner: In accordance with the revised Notification of Intent submitted to the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program that was received on September 15, 2008, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) acknowledges your intent to construct a closed-loop geothermal water-onlv injection well system for the operation of a ground-source beat pump located at the above referenced address. This system is deemed pennitted by rule (North Carolina Administrative Code Title lSA, Subcbapter 2C, Section .021 l{u)(2)). The permit bas been revised to reflect Richard Simmons Drilling Co., Inc. as the driller for this project (NC Certification #3588). However, it is recommended that you contact the Rowan County Health Department, as they may have additional construction or permitting requirements for this type of system. If you modify your system at any time, including the addition of antifreeze, corrosion inhibitors. or any other substances to the circulating fluid , you must contact the APS to verify compliance with applicable rules. Thank you for submitting this notification. If you have any questions please call me at (919) 715-6166, Sincerely, ~/4-ry~ Micbae1 Rogers / cc: Mooresville Regional Office -APS w/attachments Environmental Specialist GPU~Aquifer Protection Section APS Central Files -Permit No. WI0300125 w/at.tachments Rowiµi County Environmental Health Dept. w/attachments Stephan Brooks -Richard Simmons Drilling Co., Inc. (sent via fax and U.S.P.S.) w/out attachments City of Salisbury w/out attachments Aquifer Protection Section ln1emet: www.ncw!!lergualitv .om 1636 Mail Service Center Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer-50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Raleigh.. NC 27604 Telephone: Fax I: Fax2: Customer Service: N.?JtbCarolirul /\lllfllfllll!f (919) 733-3221 (919) 715--0588 (919) 715-6048 (877) 623-6748 I "TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT 09/16 10 :20 915402541268 00 :00:37 01 DK STANDARD ECM TIME 09/16/2008 10:21