HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000424_Fletcher Self Audit_20201106DRAFT PHASE II MS4 AUDIT TEMPLATE FOR PERMITS ISSUED PRIOR TO 2019 Edit yellow highlighted items to be specific to the MS4 being audited. MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM (MS4) PROGRAM AUDIT REPORT NPDES PERMIT NO. NCS000424 Fletcher, NORTH CAROLINA 300 Old Cane Creek Road Fletcher, NC 28732 Audit Date: 10/15/2020 (SELF AUDIT FOR POST CONSTRUCTION ONLY — as required Per our Notice of Violation) Received NOV - 6 2020 Land Quality Section Asheville North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Energy, Mineral & Land Resources Stormwater Program 512 N. Salisbury Street, 9th floor 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 MS4 Permit Audit Report Fletcher NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000424 I Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls I Staff Interviewed: Eric Rufa, Planning Director/Zoning Administrator (and SW Administrator by default) (Name, Title, Role) (** Note —Completing self audit for post construction minimum measure only as required as part of our NOV). We will be submitting Draft SWMP and this self audit prior to Nov. 19, 2020 deadline. Audit Date(s): 10/20/2020 Page 19 of 47 MS4 Permit Audit Report Fletcher NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000424 Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls Implementation (check all that apply): ❑ The permittee implements the components of this minimum measure. ® The permittee relies upon another entity to implement the components of this minimum measure: Henderson County handles much of the post construction minimum measure. Our draft SWMP will address issues such as improved legal agreements and inspection/maint practices as discussed during the audit on July 20, 2020. ❑ The permittee implements the following deemed -compliant program(s), which meet NPDES MS4 post -construction requirements for the areas where implemented and in compliance with the specific program requirements as provided in 15A NCAC and noted below (Complete Session Law 2006-246 section below): ❑ Water Supply Watershed I (WS-1)-15A NCAC 2B.0212 ❑ Water Supply Watershed II (WS-11) — SSA NCAC 28 .0214 ❑ Water Supply Watershed III (WS-III) —1SA NCAC 2B .0215 ❑ Water Supply Watershed IV (WS-IV) — 15A NCAC 2B.0216 ❑ Freshwater High Quality Waters (HQW) —15A NCAC 2H .1006 ❑ Freshwater Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) —15A NCAC 2H .1007 ❑ Neuse River Basin Nutrient Sensitive (NSW) Management Strategy —15A NCAC 2B .0235 ❑ Tar -Pamlico River Basin Nutrient Sensitive (NSW) Management Strategy-15A NCAC 2B .0258 ❑ Randleman Lake Water Supply Watershed Nutrient Management Strategy-15A NCAC 2B .0251 ❑ Universal Stormwater Management Program — 15A NCAC 2H .1020 Ordinance(s) (check all that apply): The permittee utilizes the following ordinances and/or regulatory authority to fulfill post construction minimum measure program requirements throughout the MS4 permitted area (check all that apply): ❑ DEQ model ordinance ® MS4 designed post -construction practices that meet or exceed 15A NCAC 02H .1000. (*Note- To the best of my knowledge, the Town's ordinance on post construction is DEQ compliant but I don't know that DEQ ever approved our ordinance when it was submitted to them in 2007) ❑ DEQ approved comprehensive watershed plan ❑ DEQ approved ordinance for a deemed -compliant Program (see list above) Instructions: For MS4s not implementing a S.L. 2006-246 deemed -compliant program, complete only the Permit Citation section below. For M54s implementing a S. L. 2006-246 deemed -compliant program, complete the Session Law 2006-246 section below. If the MS4 does not implement a deemed -compliant program throughout the entire MS4 permitted area, then complete the Permit Citation section below for the permitted areo(s) not covered under the S.L. 2006-246 deemed -compliant program. Session Law 2006- program Requirement Status Supporting 246 Doc No. Audit Date(s): 10/20/2020 Page 20 of 47 MS4 Permit Audit Report Fletcher NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000424 Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls Deemed -Compliant The permittee implements deemed -compliant Program requirements in Town of Program(s) accordance with the applicable 15A NCAC rules. Fletcher Yes Land Dev. Code The permittee implements deemed -compliant Program requirements throughout Town of the entire MS4 area (If not, also complete the Permit Citation section below.) Fletcher Yes Land Dev. Code The permittee applies deemed -compliant Program requirements to all federal, state and local government projects within the permitted MS4 area who do not Partial --- have their own NPDES stormwater permit. The permittee included deemed -compliant Program reporting in their MS4 Annual Reports. Not Reviewed The permittee included deemed -compliant Program implementation in their Stormwater Management Plan. Partial --- Comments The Town is currently working on a new SWMP. The current Post -Construction Program is administered by Henderson County under a jointly approved Agreement. Under the new SWMP the current Agreement and Ordinances will be reviewed and necessary improvements made. Permit Citation Program Requirement Status supporting Doc No. II.F.2.a The permittee maintained an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism designed Town of Legal Authority to meet the objectives of the Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls Stormwater Fletcher Management Program. Yes Land Dev. Code If yes, the ordinance applies throughout the corporate limits of the permittee (Verify permit coverage area listed in Part I.D of permit and modify Yes --- accordingly). The permittee has the authority to review designs and proposals for new development and redevelopment to determine whether adequate stormwater Yes --- control measures will be installed, implemented, and maintained. The permittee has the authority to request information such as stormwater plans, inspection reports, monitoring results, and other information deemed necessary to evaluate compliance with the Post -Construction Stormwater Management Yes Program. The permittee has the authority to enter private property for the purpose of inspecting at reasonable times any facilities, equipment, practices, or operations Yes --- related to stormwater discharges. Comments (If the permittee relies upon another entity, specifically note the legal authority that allows that entity to implement the program within the MS4 area) Henderson County (HC) currently handles stormwater review, permitting and inspections to make sure built as designed. The July 2020 audit revealed confusion over annual inspection requirements. Town received NOV. We are currently working on new SWMP that will address the issues. Audit Date(s): 10/20/2020 Page 21 of 47 MS4 Permit Audit Report Fletcher NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000424 Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls II.F.2.b Stormwater Control The permittee utilizes strategies which include SCMs appropriate for the MS4. Yes --- Measures (SCMs) Our Ord SCMs comply with 15A NCAC 02H .1000. Yes ref state design man. Comments II.F.2.c The permittee conducted site plan reviews of all new development and Plan Reviews redeveloped sites that disturb greater than or equal to one acre (including sites that disturb less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of Yes development or sale). If yes, the site plan reviews addressed how the project applicant meets the performance standards. Yes If yes, the site plan reviews addressed how the project will ensure long-term maintenance. Yes Comments II.F.2.d The permittee maintained an inventory of projects with post -construction Held by Inventory of Projects structural stormwater control measures installed and implemented at new Yes Reviewe development and redeveloped sites. r -HC The inventory included both public and private sector sites located within the Held by permittee's corporate limits that are covered by its post -construction ordinance Yes Reviewe requirements. r -HC Comments: Currently the County holds the project listings and Inventory of SCMs of all projects within the Town's jurisdictional limits. Acquiring these listings and having a data base at the Town is being addressed in the new SWMP. II.F.2.e The permittee provided mechanisms such as recorded deed restrictions and Deed Restrictions protective covenants that ensure development activities will maintain the project Yes - and Protective consistent with approved plans. Covenants Comments II.F.2.f The permittee implemented or required an operation and maintenance plan for Mechanism to the long-term operation of the SCMs required by the program. Yes --- Require Long-term Operation and The operation and maintenance plan required the owner of each SCM to perform Maintenance and maintain a record of annual inspections of each SCM. Yes --- Audit Date(s): 10/20/2020 Page 22 of 47 MS4 Permit Audit Report Fletcher NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000424 Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls Annual inspection of permitted structural SCMs are required to be performed by a qualified professional. Yes Comments: During July 2010 audit, there was confusion over who was responsible for annual inspections. (absent a SWMP). Currently the program requires an annual inspection and certification to HC from a qualified professional for all SCMs. The Town is working on a new SWMP that will address inspections by the Town to comply with their MS4 permit. II.F.2.¢ The permittee conducted and documented inspections of each project site covered Will be Inspections of under performance standards, at least one time during the permit term (Verify this No addresse Structural is a permit condition in Part II.F.2.g of permit and modify accordingly). d in new Stormwater Control SWMP Measures Before issuing a certificate of occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy, the permittee conducted a post -construction inspection to verify that the permittee's performance standards have been met or a bond is in place to guarantee Yes --- completion(Verify this is a permit condition in Part II.F.2.g of permit and modify accordingly. The permittee developed and implemented a written inspection program for SCMs installed pursuant to the post -construction program (Verify this is o permit No condition in Part II.F.2.g of permit and modify accordingly. The permittee documented and maintained records of inspections. No --- The permittee documented and maintained records of enforcement actions. No --- Comments Town will address all deficiencies noted in our NOV with the drafting of the new SWMP and procedures will be Improved upon to ensure annual inspection requirements are being met. (We are under an active NOV w/ new SWMP due to state by Nov. 19 2020.) II.F.2.h The permittee made available through paper or electronic means, ordinances, Educational post -construction requirements, design standards checklists, and other materials Materials and appropriate for developers. Training for Note: New materials may be developed by the permittee, or the permittee may use Yes --- Developers materials adopted from other programs and adopted to the permittee's new development and redevelopment program. Comments (If the permittee has adopted materials from other programs, indicate here which materials they are using) SW requirements covered under Article 6 of the Town's Land Development Code. Henderson County reviews plans and issues permits and inspects prior to CO issuance for the Town. Audit Date(s): 10/20/2020 Page 23 of 47 MS4 Permit Audit Report Fletcher NC: NPDES Permit No. NCS000424 Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls II.F.2.1 Enforcement The permittee tracked the issuance of notices of violation and enforcement actions. Partial If yes, the tracking mechanism included the ability to identify chronic violators Choose for initiation of actions t6 reduce noncompliance. an item. Comments Town's new SWMP will address any violations/deficiencies. II.F3.b The permittee fully complies with post construction program requirements on its New Development own publicly funded construction projects. Partial Comments The Town only has one facility that was built under NPDES rules. During our audit In July, we learned more about specific requirements and are In process of having our SCM inspected and maintained. This will continue going forward under new SWMP II.F3.c Does the MS4 have areas drainingto Nutrient Sensitive Waters NSW (NSW) to Nutrient Sensitive 15A NCAC 02H .0150? No Waters If yes, does the permittee use SCMs that reduce nutrient loading in order to Choose meet local program requirements. an item. If yes, does the permittee also still incorporate the stormwater controls Choose required for the project's density level. an item. If yes, does the permittee also require documentation where it is not feasible to Choose use SCMs that reduce nutrient loading. an item. Comments (Provide reference for local requirements) II.F.3.d The permittee ensured that the design volumes of SCMs take into account the HC Design Volume runoff at build out from all surfaces draining to the system. Yes reviews Where "streets" convey stormwater, the permittee designed SCMs to be sized to treat and control stormwater runoff from all surfaces draining to the SCM including Not Reviewed streets, driveways, and other impervious surfaces. Comments Audit Date(s): 10/20/2020 Page 24 of 47