HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCSD0349_NOV-2020-DV-0478 and 0479 Response_20201112._�„�,R ;.., p.... ..,, ,..,.. „y.�,�.,ua.. _,q,._�. �,,:�.. .; A. � -n,'.' J-.. _.. r. ,•-.:^W."".... .. . "or�,i "Ye":AM1.. .a tR p. _-^p2,. `7 .."3R x !.' -:'4. 1. November 6, 2020 Mr. Tim Heim NC DEQ Division of Water Resources Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 1 157 NOV 12 2020 Vft t: Quality regional Operations ; lle Regional Office Response to: NOV-2020-DV-0478, NOV-2020-DV-0479 Dear Mr. Heim: am replying to the above -mentioned Notice of Violations, dated November 3, 2020, and will outline our response/corrective actions taken. First, as to Incident Number 202002641, dated 9-8-2020, Mountain Air Utilities Corporation (MAUC) had already retained Gopher Utility Services, Inc. of Kannapolis, NC to evaluate and make all necessary repairs to Lift Station #14. After their on -site evaluation, it was determined that there were electronic malfunctions in the control panel, and it was also noted that there was deterioration due to age/wear and tear to internal components of the lift station. Parts were ordered (including two new internal grinder pumps), all internal plumbing was rebuilt, the electric control panel was rehabilitated and all work has now been completed by Gopher Utility Services. In summary, while the initial culprit of the lift station malfunction was an electronic control panel issue, we i instructed Gopher to essentially rebuild the entire lift station assembly. I have attached photographs of the recently -completed work. ! There is also reference to Lift Station #8 in the above -referenced incident report.. Specifically, there was no overflow impact to surface waters from' this particular lift station. Unlike LS #14, LS #8 is immediately adjacent to Mountain Air Drive it and we were able to periodically pump out LS #8 utilizing a pump and haul contractor until repairs could be made. LS #8 also has also essentially been I,I rebuilt with new plumbing components, pumps, etc. Regarding Incident Number 202002839, dated 10-25-2020, this particular malfunction (very short in duration with little overflow impact) was a result of unintentional human error. The Gopher Utility crew.was evaluating another potential lift station issue "upline" above Lift Station # 13. They had turned LS #13 off so that it was not pumping into the next -in -line lift station that they were, working. on, and when they completed their work for the day,, they forgotrto turn, IS # 13 back on. When the malfunction was .reported, our on -site staff` member responded (on the weekend) within two hours of the report and turned iS #13 back on. He also -raked and spread lime in the area around LS #13 that was impacted by the minimal_overflow. As further information, I would also like to add that while the Gopher Utility crew has been onsite (now for over seven weeks); we have had them evaluate several other lift stations. As a result, we have instructed them to make numerous plumbing repairs/upgrades, replace several lift station pumps, rehabilitate several lift station. electronic control panels and repair/replace lift station visual, and audible alarms. It is also noted thatall of our lift, stationsareidentified b y number with a -phone number prominently displayed on each lift station to call in case a malfunction is noted or the alarm is activated. Total recent expenditures by MAUC for the above -mentioned work to date is in excess of $100,000. As you noted during your site visit, the Mountain Air sewer collection system, due to the extreme elevation changes and topography, is a very complex one that is challenging and expensive to operate and maintain. With 28 main sewer lift stations throughout the property,. I believe you said that Mountain Air has more sewer lift stations than the city of Asheville! We strive to maintain and operate the system to the best of our ability and within the constraints of our financial resources, which are not unlimited (particularly now!) As I also mentioned to you on our call, we have signed an agreement to transfer the MAUC system to Central States Water Resources of St. Louis, MO (dba in North Carolina as Red Bird Utility Company.) The application for transfer has already been filed with the NCUC (on October 8, 2020.) It is my hope that this transfer can move along quickly so that a much more capable entity, particularly financially speaking, can assume the ownership and operation of our Mountain Air system asap. Please let me know if you have additional questions about the information that have provided. Thank you for your time, assistance and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Randy Banks President Mountain Air Utilities Corporation PO Box 1037 Burnsville, NC 28714 I 1.� 11 ,,- -.- - -111 liili`,�Iilz '-,,I� �11 - �� .... 11 , 'I''.. II .1 ---. __. :.. ...k,;p, .. . ar-., i�",��:":��:�,,, � . -.- I I ,,, --, .. .. >..... :. �:" ,, }: " ,,t,,i�iilI1I ,I!�- t i '' .., '- :: .. .. .:.m.. .., ... :i —,,� ': ', .. 1t:� -: '; .-z1 l.��i�" ..... .. ....-.:.�...y .. . � � �.1- I i ,. :. r � t,�rt,.� .- �1`11 .,I-,`l I. 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