HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031127 Ver 3_401 Application_20100816o.5 - i?1-1 U3 DR. J.H. CARTER III & ASSOCIATES, INC. Environmental Consultants P.O. Box 891 • Southern Pines, N.C. 28388 (910) 695-1043 9 Fax (910) 695-3317 jcamain@pinehurst.net 12 August 2010 Ms. Cyndi Karoly N.C. Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Unit 2321 Crabtree blvd. suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 ?@fU?W E Do, 'u AUG 1 c 2010 ENR • WATER QUALITY Dr WETLANDS AND STORkTMAMR BRANCH Dear Ms. Karoly: Mr. D. Glenn Dickson would like to renew his Nationwide Permit No. 14 (copy attached) for the Ninth Street Durham Phase Il Redevelopment Project in downtown Durham (Action ID. 200321279 and DWQ# 03-1127). The permit which expired on May 8, 2010 is for the proposed culverting of 40 feet of intermittent stream in order to provide proper road and associated sidewalk alignment as required per City of Durham regulations for access to the site. The project is part of the urban redevelopment underway in Durham and due to the dramatic downturn in the economy that has occurred in the last 2 years, the project was unable to begin on schedule. The project is still viable, but to date there has been no work at this site. Please let us know if you have any questions or need additional information concerning the renewal of this permit. Attachment in e , William Mullin, Wetland Biologist Dr. J.H. Carter III & Associates, Inc. Endangered Species Surveys • Environmental Assessments • Land Management • Wetlands Mapping and Permitting W l1.\11\(i] ()N DIS I MC I' Aeticm 117. 200501218 (Amts: Durharrr 11SKS Quad: G ,NFR aal, I)FA 1'EI'I' (REGIONAL. AND NATIONWIDI ) VE.RIVICATION Propcrty ()wner ?` Authorized Dickson Address: Ninth Street North P.(). Rox 3160 1)urh:anr. NC 2771, C Wphonc Noz 914291-1620 Size and le> hit of property (Water body, road tawnelrturnber, town, etc.): The project site is located south of Green St. and east of Ninth W. in Durham. Durhtarn County, North Carolina Aguatic features on site drain to I llerhe Creek in the .`.".ruse River basin. Description of projects area and activity: 116 permit verification allows for mechanized land clearing, excavation the installation of culverts, and the placement of (ill recruited for the construction of a road widenirw associated with the development or a commercial site. Impacts to waters of the S. authorized by this permit total 40 Wear feet of strcant channel. Please note that this authorization renlaces the nrevious authorization dated Sentenrher 22. 2014. Aj rniti(, ati, n is required forthis 1) roposa1. Applieahle I aw: Section 404 A ican Wwr :Net, 33 r NU 1344) Section 10 (Divers and IlaHm s ?yct, 33 r SC' 403) Authorization: i v io rial General Permit Number: ation??idc Permit Number: 14 Your work is authorized by the above referenced pennit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance Qh the attached conditions and )Our suhrnitied plans. Any violation of the anached conditions or deviation from your ubmAd plans may, subject the permittee to a stop ?wrk order, a restoration order and'or appropri arc, legal action. Phis vcrification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below unless the nationwide authorization is rinafied, suspended or revoked. lf, prior to the expiration date identified below, the nationwide permh authorization is reissu,d :ntdor modified, this verification ;OH remain valid until the expiration date identified below, provided it complies with all requirement, of the rno iificd nationwide permit, if the nation"Ide permit authoriz-ation expires or is suspended, revoked, or is modified, Sucre that the activity would no longer comply' with the tarns and conditions of the nationv%ide permit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are undex contract to commence in reliance upn the nadoWde permit, will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within twelve mortths of the data of the nationwide p m Ws expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary author itv has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify, suspend or revoke the authorization. Activities Subject to Section 404 (as indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality C: ertification. You should contact the N(' Diyicion of Watcr Quality (telephone 1919) 733-1786) to determine Section 401 requdemerns. For activities uccurrin = vN ithin the t%vcntt coastal counties Subject to regulat% under the C'oastrd Arm Nkiru urro t An ((','AMA), prior to beginning vi ork ? ou must contact the :N'.C" Division of ('oastal Nian:!vcrnent . Phis Department of the Army vc:rilication does not relieve the pcrnainee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Wool, Stutc or local approvals permits. It dwre ;nc any quesuonS ca,,rrdmg this Neduat4m, .env ohthe comdib"N ofdw Yemit, or the Qwps of 1 gbecrs regulatory prr3 yam, plca?c con ,act f:ric Aknl}cr. C'or175 Re?g'ulatory t) ?,ici:al Jarnrs 1_:rstim."e'r ,:..?wyt,ll Itrte: INV 8.2008 Fypir<rtiotl Date c?f 'erificatir?n: tilav k, 2010 11"e ??'il[nln Eton Dif.trtct is committed to prov ding the a,__nCSt lcNT1 of supp'.r- - il,:: r7r.'Nli:. To hoy w enarc, "c corltmu co do so, please wmpkw the t'umomer SNUKtion Sway RVAICil 0 cart White 0 Y c ol to complete the survev Onlillc'. Page I of 2 Determination of hit-isdietion: E_ Hand on preliminary infr7rttt0 -n, TA w api_:xto `?e u,a = of the KS i ,cludini, c?etlan is within the ah0W desetthWd pn,Q araa- I Ins plvinnin.iry dctermtnaiion :..., iii ..r .1 .'.die aabn unda the R 'ulawi Pro'..'.rarn :AlAnlih'atrce Appal Process ( Refers xe 33 CFR Part 331). Now an Nm igable A hers &Tic Liked `Mutes within the above described ro ct area sub ct to the p nik rec Owmet" oI section 10 of the. livers and l arbors Act and Section,104 of the Clean lV'ater 1ct. Unless there is a change in the labs or our ptlbiisia:d re{`'t11,160ns, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed nve years fiom the date of this noutication. J Men are waters of the US rmcLOrr wetlands within the abuve described project area subject to the permit requirements of Section 04 of the Clean Water Act. (C IVAH3 3 USC, y 154Y Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this doennination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. El I he jurisdictional areas within the above described project area hatie been identified under a previous ,stu n. Please reference jurtudicti{tnd detertnination issued lotion ID i3asis at .lot i'dictional Dctertnination: Appeals InfornIll tion ("this infnrruation applies only to approved jurisdictional deIerminadons.) Attached to this yeriticadon is an approved 1u tsdQdonal determination. If you am not it: agreement with that approved jurisdictional determination, you can make an aclnuriistratiae appeal und: r >> CFR 331. Fnclond you "Al find a Noulicadon of Appeal Process (NAP) Lict diect and request for appeaal (RFA) Wro. !Qou .etwo to appeal this c:ie.t:rmina bn yi,u must submit a ccnnpleted RF \ forrti to the f rlloi i:ttt address: [?i riot [:nginecr. Wilmington Re ,ulator? I)i" ision Attn: Jean Manuele, [Meld Office Chief. Ralci,,h Rc.ulatory Field Office 3,131 1L,rirar_e Trade Dr., Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 In or ter for an RFA to he accepod by the Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal ander 33 CFR part 331.1 and that it has been received byte District Ofltce within 60 days d die date of the NAP. Should you Jacide to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the abuve ;address ba july 8. 2008. " * h k nut nmvyar to subnut an RI A form to the Dist ' t 0111ee 1'Q0u do tot object to the Ltermination in this correspondence." ('orps Regulatory (Micial: Wes Lastinger Date stay 8, 2(108 hxpi"Wri Date NQv 12013 % I N FY PLA LS, HE I) SK.1W:I?L % i TFL-ANC) Df I . I \ .-A, I'M01 F O R W. PLANS, E, IC., h BE .\I IA( lil-D 10 1111i HIT COPY OF I1lls I t ARM, IF RI:(1[?IRLD C7R WAILABIJ-.. Copy FttrnisheJ: I)r. El 1. Carter III and A,uociatcs Al IN: William Mullin P. O. BOX 891 s(vahe•rrt Pines, Nt: 2808 loge 2 of 2 Action ID Number:S, NNI-2008-1)1218 Collnty: Dur•harrr Permittee: Glenn Dickson Date Verification Issued: May 8, 2008 Project Manac-rer: brie Alsinvcr Upon eompledon of the activity authorized by this permit and any miti adon required by the permit, A n this certification and return it to the following address: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS «'II,NLINGTON DIS'T'RICT R:ILFICII REGUL-AWRY FIFIA) OFFICE 3331 11 vivrVAGE rRADE DR. SLUT 105 \\V\IVE I OREST, NORTH C'AROI,INA 27587 Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by a K K Arm), Corps of` Engineers representative. If you fail to comply with this permit you are subject to permit suspension, modification, or revocation. I herehy certify that the work authorised by the above referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and condition of the said perinit, and required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. Si"'nature of Pernaittee Date NOTIFICATION OF ADIv MSTRATIVE APPEAL OPTIONS AND PROCESS AND uQUES'T' FOR APPEAL-'- C soil ? File \tutll?t: St1???-2OUB- Date. May 8, 2008 ? ?tt?trhed i;: See Sec:thn below .. .. . i\1I 1.11. 112t)FFERI D Pi RNII F (St, ndani 10nnit or Letter of 1 Pit OI I L:Z1?D P RY V (Stanclttrd Permit ire Letter Qernti;tijutt) 13 MPRO IA) JI, R1Simi-KKA1. DIJI MIN. I I()N 1) 1=1.[\il\;?[Z1` ,ft`i:ISI)IC CIC)\:Al. Iiil I.i<\fl ?li? Clt)\ 1, L Pit SECTION I The fulitm ing i ic,ntiiies ywr iights and, opiWns rt 9Mdh9 vii a?ltt7itiistr?tti? c_?tppe ?I ??f?thc .lbu?e deeisioit. Adchbotial inkrmmatiunmay he Cound at or Col .s re??ttlatit?r?s at ) CFR Part 311. INITIAL PRO hi I:RLD P1.R\II [': Y'c?tr teal :reccpt or cibject to the hermit. \t CEPI'? Ifyou rece0d A y_ 1 and Permit, you may Qn Me permit document and return it to the district cnymeer Air final authori/ntion. if you received a Letts of Permission (Lai tPI you may accept the I OP and your ??ork is authorized. Your s' nature un the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LC)P means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive aU righta to appal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations anociated with the permit. • OBJECT: if you abject to the permit (Standard or L(AP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may request that tiie permit be modelled accordingly. You mug cotnp1etc W no Il of this form and return Be form to the district engineer. Your tbjections trust be received by the district engineer within GO clays of the date of this notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the perrnit in Be future. Llpon receipt of your letter, Be district engineer wil) evaluate your objections and may: (a) modify the permit to address all of your concerns, (b) mocli fy the permit to address some Of your objections, or (c) not modify the permit ha%inf; determined that the permit shmdd be issued as previously "dwri. Alter evaluating your objections, the dArict engineer ??. ill mad you a pr AWNd pennit Or )OW reconsidwat4m, as indicate, in WK on i3 below. 5: I'1'(>F1IIF1) PA \11 F1'rlu may accept or al)heal the permit V t"i PI : It'?,,u receWnd a `;tan l ud !Ynmt. von ina, Agn the permit dou mac and return i to the db ci an t, t cr An Sal ,Uchori,ation.' If ?' on r"Chal a I C ma of I'ernIGun 1_(41n Iou may accept the I."P and %my mvok is anthn ind. Yogi ? jrnaturc can the Standard Permit ur acceptance of the I_i tP mean that you ucept the permit :n its entirety. and +caN e all Q NS to .tppeal tine trine, ,mchidln", it, t?e[ln? and .Jlldttio 5' Ind appio%ed j u! i5Jii,!iollal J;.Iernlhla.imi, I'?ksl;lred %1ith the hermit A'P1:AL: I1 you choose to dcchne the;vni cred pci-mb (Warntarid of LOP) hevauyc o lcrtaln terms a[id cmdihms thei-ch You Ping ahpral the dcrlined permit under the Girls Wn..inoas Adi,liniwatka ;Appeal Pro"" 1, "mmkik 5"Kin 1I trfthk form and see Ila ,? tite form to the division ea< m"r. I his login must be received by the division engineer %% nhin tit) days of tale date Of Wk nonce. C: PI . H I IA MiAI You may appeal the denial of a permit under Be t?orjn ??f (:n? ineeie Admini>t. ohe Appeal Pnwcw by complain.' Section H of this form and wending Be form to the division wrignecr. Mis form must be .-tceked'>s the dig isiun eilyineer u ithin 00 cl.rys of the date of this notice. D: .A1'1'Rt)? F.D J141:ISD1? 1 Its\.AL. Dl?,li.t:?liA:? l ill\: Y??u may :ucept tir al?i?et;l the apprtivcd JD ur hrrty ide new information. • AM PT: You do not v c. -1' ? nwif;; the MT to accept as approved 117. Failure to notify the l'yp GAWK tits by of to 1" of this notice, lneans d ?t ? ?u apt the e.i proved JD in is airein and %nj%c all rights to q,}xA the apprcaW Al • .1PPFAI_: it nm die with the approve;! JD, you may appeal the approved JD under the ('oip? 'CI ?71ec, , A'Iniinkuative Appeal Process hv cutru etiflSg' Section W this this Ann and sending the Ann to tho diaNt e ginex, i KK !" n mum he recd ul b.v ;ti , di\ ision en, us er within 60 days of the date of this notice. I..: PfZI?I.1 vIl\AILY al_`RISDIC"1IC?NAL DlrfhltilINATIC)N: You do not need to respornd to the Corps regarding tltc preliminary JD. The Prr:liminary JD is not appealable. If you wish, YOU may request an approved JD ("Wch nmy be appcaledh by contacting the Corps dissict for further instruction. Also you may, provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevaluate the JD. SI7C,"IJON ll -FtiL0t'f S 1APPI'AL or (:)13TL(-:1'I0NS 10 ;AN' IN] I LAL PROIFF:RED PL?I:?11 is ISO 4141 kilo P1 6" ohWet( nn w mi Inithd prtolbred pcrtnlt in clear wincisc statetnents. You mat" attach additional Inforination to dis tone w clNA vvWre your reasons t)r objeorthns aw addwsnJ nl dw adtnlnisttattvc 1-ccold.l ADDHIONAL INFO RNTAT ON: The appeal is limited to a redew of the <rdministrath-e record, the Corps inernorandum for the record of the appeal conference or tneetin<g, and any supplemental information that the review officer has determined is needed to clarify the administrative record. Neither the appellant nor the Corps may add new in nnadon or analyses to the record. Ilowever, you may provide additional inkrma on to clarify the location of inforination that is already in the adrninistrativ e i ecord. POINT' 01' CON'I"A FOR [Jj-,ST10NS OR INFORNIATIC)N: If you hav; yuestrons regarding this decision If you only have Clues- of s rcaarding; the appcA process you and/ or the appeal process you may contact: may also contact: Eric Aklnver, Project lianazger \Is. Jean N'lanuele, I-ield Office Chief l:aleii?It Regulatory I"ield Office Raleigh Regulatory Field C)flice >31 I ferule e Trade Dr.. suite. 105 3331 1 i 6tage hr Me Do. Ate 105 'Alke Anc>t. NC 27587 )t'ake Forest. NC 27587 RA WC)[ 1 N"IT:Y: 1 ,stn !i _Uature below gnuats the ri±aht of entry to C't?rps -af l:ngrnct rs personnel. and any ?'ovcrnmcnt consultants, to t: nnduct h csti[ wAm o%c project site durinq(,1, the course afthc al,peal lar?a?c s. ?'ou vv ill he prov Ved a 17 day notice of any site inv w6gatimL and "Al have the apportw ily to participate in all site IIIvest I attC Date: ? 1'elephune nul?ther: tii?ilature of app?Ilant or a<?Cnt. _ _ For appeals on Initial Proffered Pennies and appnnTd Jurisdictional Determinations send this form to: District Engineer, Wilrnington Regulatory Division, Attn: Jean Ni anucle, Field Of% Chief, Raleigh Regulatory Field wnce, 3331 Fledtage 1 rade Dn, We 105, Wake Forest, Koh Carolina 27587 For l'crndt denials and Proffered Perruits send this form to: