HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201004 Ver 1_Restoration Summary_20201110 Jennings Environmental PLLC is licensed with the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors and is authori zed to practice engineering under the provisions of Chapter 89C and 55B of the General Statutes of North Carolina. License Number P-1932 7 Samuel Ashe Drive, Asheville, NC 28805 greg@jenningsenv.com 919-600-4790 October 31, 2020 STREAM RESTORATION DESIGN ANALYSIS Slusher – Sapphire Farm, Thompson River, Transylvania County, NC Owner: Mr. Shannon Slusher 3 Stansbury Dr., Asheville NC, 28803 spslusher@gmail.com 215-888-0994 Engineer: Greg Jennings, Ph.D., P.E., President Jennings Environmental PLLC This document summarizes stream restoration design analysis performed by me to support the proposed restoration of 333 linear feet of Thompson River on the owner’s property. The attached spreadsheet lists morphological and hydraulic parameters for the existing, reference, and design conditions. Parameters are explained below: • From USGS StreamStats, the watershed drainage area for the restoration reach is 0.8 sq mi and the estimated 2-YR Discharge from regional regression of gage data is 94 cfs. • The reference reach for this project is a 200-ft reach of Thompson River located upstream 100 ft of design reach. Reference reach morphology and calculated hydraulic information is presented below. • Target bankfull design Parameters were obtained from Regional Curves (Blue Ridge Ecoregion) and the Reference Reach. Design targets for Bank Height Ratio of 1.0 and Entrenchment Ratio of > 3 are based on optimizing floodplain connection for minimizing applied shear stress during overbank flow conditions. • Restoration reach existing condition top of bank morphology and calculated hydraulic parameters are listed to document departure from morphological equilibrium. Key indicators of morphological disequilibrium are Bank Height Ratio of 2.3 and Entrenchment Ratio of 1.2, resulting in a Rosgen Stream Type classification of G4/1 with evidence of active widening through bank erosion. The existing channel will carry greater than 500 cfs (approximate 100- year discharge) at an average velocity of 11 ft/s and applied shear stress of more than 3 psf. These hydraulic conditions will mobilize substrate with a diameter of approximately 14 inches, based on Shields Curve. Photos below show existing conditions of incision and bank erosion in restoration reach. Jennings Environmental PLLC www.jenningsenv.com 2 • Design bankfull morphology and calculated hydraulic parameters are listed for the optimal bank height ratio of 1.0. In order to achieve this floodplain connection condition, the streambed will be lifted using a constructed boulder/cobble/gravel cascade as shown on attached plan sheets. The proposed design Rosgen Stream Type classification is C4b, matching the upstream reference reach. The design bankfull channel will carry 82 cfs (less than the 2-year discharge and approximately matching the Regional Curve) at an average velocity of 5.1 ft/s s and applied shear stress of more than 1.2 psf. These hydraulic conditions will mobilize substrate with a diameter of approximately 7 inches, based on Shields Curve. • In order to size rocks to be used in building the proposed cascade, the maximum competency for the bankfull flow condition was multipled by a Factor of Safety of 3 to determine the minimum Threshold Substrate Size of 21 inches. Boulders to be used in this construction will be specified greater than this size. The existing stream bed in the channel section where the boulders will be installed is gravel overlaying bedrock. The boulder arches providing the backbone of the cascade will be installed in shallow notches in the bedrock and integrated into the bank to resist mobilization during extreme flow conditions. • In summary, benefits of the proposed stream restoration include (1) improved floodplain connection with elevated baseflow and reduce shear stress during overbank flows; (2) reduced bank erosion; and (3) enhanced riffle-pool bedform conditions. Respectfully Submitted, Gregory D. Jennings, Ph.D., P.E. President, Jennings Environmental PLLC Hydraulic Calculations Thompson River, Slusher Property, Sapphire, NC Blue Ridge Ecoregion 65 Greg Jennings, PhD, PE 10/30/20 Watershed Drainage Area, DA (sq mi)0.8 USGS StreamStats 2-YR Discharge, Q2 (cfs)94 Reference Reach Bankfull Design Parameter Regional Curve Reference Reach Watershed Drainage Area, DA (sq mi)0.8 0.7 Discharge, Q (cfs)78 70 Riffle Cross-Section Area, A (sq ft)15.7 14.0 Riffle Width, W (ft)15.0 14.0 Riffle Mean Depth, d (ft)1.0 1.0 Bank Height Ratio, BHR (ft/ft)1.0 1.0 Entrenchment Ratio, ER (ft/ft)> 3 2.5 Parameter (Top of Bank)Existing Channel Design Bankfull Reach Slope, S (ft/ft)0.022 0.022 Manning Roughness Coefficient, n 0.035 0.040 Width, W (ft)15.2 16.0 Cross-Section Area, A (sq ft)49.8 16.0 Bank Height Ratio, BHR (ft/ft)2.3 1.0 Entrenchment Ratio, ER (ft/ft)1.2 2.5 Stream Type G4/1 widening C4b Mean Depth, d (ft)3.3 1.0 Width-to-Depth Ratio, WDR (ft/ft)4.6 16.0 Hydraulic Radius, R (ft)2.3 0.9 Average Velocity, V (ft/s)11.0 5.1 Discharge (in channel), Q (cfs)546 82 Applied Shear Stress, t (lb/sq ft))3.14 1.22 Unit Stream Power, w (lb/ft/s)34.48 6.23 Maximum Competency, Dmax (mm)353 176 Threshold Substrate Factor of Safety, FoS 3.0 Threshold Substrate Size, D (inches)21 Thompson River upstream 100 ft of design reach u w x C Oa 10 0.1 1 10 100 Drainage Area (square miles) NC & TN Mountain Regional Curve: Bankfull Discharge Q = 92.76DAO.779 0.935 0 OEM NONNI 1, • • 1000 1 NC & TN Mountain Regional Curve: Bankfull Cross -Section Area 101111�_M i . 0.723 COME= MOMEMO ME MEN moll ■ 111 0.1 1 10 100 Drainage Area (square miles) NC & TN Mountain Regional Curves: Bankfull Width and Depth 100 Width O - ---- O W = 16.5 3 DAo.424 _ O 0-0 CD Rz = 0.950 O O O 00 10 --- - ------ � 0 0 Q 44 e Depth f cl�d = 1.098xo.3os ! Rz = 0.929 ! 0.1 ' 0.1 1 10 100 Drainage Area (square miles) t • V V • :: �.!! C!%� ►� OEM • ■_■_111111� ■■■ .�1 ' • '•wgMEMINHIMMEMEEM! ■■■■■111i� .' • •■■■�I11■■■■■� ■■■■■llll • • ` •••moll- 111 _ ■ _ _ _ Willi ��illillillillim