HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960722 Ver 1_Monitoring Report_20021003SPANGLER ? ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Land Planning • Permitting • Environmental Consulting • Construction Management • Expert Testimony September 30, 2002 s " r-a Q Mr. Eric Alsmeyer i{ 2 Off 3 US Army Corps of Engineers 6508 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 120 W SECTION Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 L- -M -- - --°°" Re: Management and Monitoring Report Eagle Ridge Golf Community; USACE Action ID #199910576, NC DENR Division of Water Quality Project # 960722 SEI Project #9905022 Dear Mr. Alsmeyer: Pursuant to US Army Corps of Engineers Action ID #199910576, please find the enclosed management and monitoring report, dated September 3, 2002. Included in the report, please find an assessment of general ecological condition, hydrologic observations and planted vegetation condition. As you can see, these criteria were qualified in the field for general diagnostic purposes in order to produce the accompanying preliminary mitigation management schedule and conceptual stream restoration plan. A more detailed quantitative assessment will follow as our mitigation management schedule progresses, i.e. well readings for estimating the area of saturation within the wetland creation area; channel width to depth ratios in the stream relocation area; and areal coverage of native species throughout the mitigation areas. If you have any questions regarding our preliminary mitigation management schedule or conceptual stream restoration plan, please call. Sincerely, Spangler EqLr r nmental, Inc. Mark Vosberg Project Leader Encl. CC: Mr. John Meyer/Arland Community Development Mr. John Dorney/NC DENR Division of Water Quality 224 Fayetteville Street Mall, Suite 400 P. 0. Box 387 Raleigh, N.C. 27602 tel 919-546-0754 fax 919-546-0757 3961-B Market Street Wilmington, N.C. 28403 tel 910-343-9375 fax 910-343-8351 1-866-SPANGLER spangler-sei.com SPANGLER ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Management and Monitoring Report Date: September 3, 2002 SEI Project No. 9905022 Client Name: Arland Community Development USACE Action ID. 199920576 Project Name: Eagle Ridge Golf Community DENR/DWQ Project No. 960722 Copies To: Eric Alsmeyer; John Meyers; and John Dorney 1. General Ecological Condition: Ecosystems developing towards dynamic equilibrium such as the created wetland and riparian areas onsite are susceptible to invasion by exotic species and/or erosion due to channel scour, i.e. in the absence of management, the created wetland/buffer area is developing into a low quality scrub-shrub/forested wetland (Photos 1-4); and the stream relocation area is developing depositional features in its upper and lower reaches (Photos 5-7) while its middle reach is developing erosive features (Photos 8-10). 2. Hydrologic Observations: Permanent to semi-permanent inundation in the absence of periodic draw down appears to be creating an early successional scrub-shrub/forested wetland dominated by Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), Black Willow (Salix nigra), Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciua), Blackberry (Rubus argutus) and Small Evening Primrose (Oenothera perennis); the erosion due to down cutting and bank scour appears to be a function of increasing velocity from the streams' relatively steep (g = 0.64%) upper reach and a moderate gradient (0.42%) within the streams' middle reach. Wetland Creation Area Surface Water Elevation Staff gauze readings: 2. 3. Stream Relocation Area Geomorphologic Features Prima Pool & Riffle Sequence Natural Levees Sinuosity Active Floodplain Braided Channel Alluvium Deposits Bankfull Bench Bed & Bank 3. Planted Vegetation Condition: Riparian Buffer Area Good Fair Poor N/A Ground Water Elevation Piezometer readings: 1. 2. 3. Secondary Head Cut Grade Control Point Natural Drainage Way Wetland Creation Area Good Fair Poor N/A _ Littoral H bitat Area Good Fair Poor N/A Enhancement Area Good _ Fair Poor N/A Stream Relocation Area Good Fair Poor N/A 4. Specific Management Recommendations: In response to USACE and NC DENR Division of Water Quality mitigation compliance requirements, Spangler Environmental staff recommends: a) an applied ecological approach to the eradication of invasive plants from the wetland creation area in order to restore the intended fresh water marsh community type as shown by the attached preliminary mitigation management schedule; and b) the implementation of similar applied geomorphological approach for the restoration of the stream relocation area as illustrated by Figure 1. This management and monitoring - short form was produced by Spangler Environmental, Inc. to: a) provide our clients and the Army Corp of Engineers with an accurate and timely response to Section 404 permit requirements and/or special conditions; and b) to minimize the time and paperwork involved with periodic reporting requirements. Q 1f } x fw.jwt_'?" PHOTO I - WETLAND CREATION AREA VIEWING NORTHWEST; NOTE DOMI- NANCE BY L. TULIPIFERA AND S. NIGRA IN DRAINAGE WAY m PHOTO 3 - WETLAND CREATION AREA VIEWING NORTHEAST; NOTE V TEER BROOMSEDGE (ANDROPOGON VIRGINICUS) IN LEFT FOREGROUND (EUPATORIUM CAPI LIFOLIUM) INTERSPERSION WITH A. VIRGINICA PHOTO 5 - UPPER REACH OF S'T'REAM RELOCATION AREA VIEWING NORTHWEST; NOTE DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES SUCH AS SINUOSITY AND DEVELOPMENTOF BANKFULL BENCH IN FOREGROUND t 4 ti . Y.-. e .?, 1?s5 x.41 a-yy3 ? ? 3). ?If ,,iM. .':s s.- ?•_ ri '•^, ti; ??; .'-'•."vs"; . ».,. ?F .i 4s?s„ rt i,i PHOTO 6 - LOWER REACH OF STREAM RELOCATION AREA VIEWING SOUTHWEST; NOTE SIMILAR DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES TO THOSE DE- SCRIPED ABOVE 1 ^y. ?. 7t 5 i,T sr 1 .. ??•yi .? r t e y?'. :jp r ?y? y Nf i t vim: r? t r+ Tj 't +r <T ?. Sri ? ?v. , v .m t ? 10TO 8 - MIDDLE RE- OF STREAM RELUGAHON AREA, JUST B CUT; NOTE EROSIVE FEATURES PHOTO 7 - UPPER REACH OF STREAM RELOCATION AREA, JUST ABOVE HEAD CUT; NOTE DOMINANCE BY MICROSTISEUM AND E. CAPPILLR M ON BANKFULL BENCH AND SLOPES, RESPECTIVELY 514" :ey yJ? i Awl 146 PHOTO(D - MIDDLE REACH OF STREAM RELOCATION AREA; NOTE UNDERCUTTING AND SEVERE SCOUR AT TOE OF SLOPE t t' `? ?5. .. .•u' .. .., ??- of 4 ? n^_l.?tit y +brl PHUI U 9 - MR)ULE KEAI H UP J t KCAM KP,LUI.A 1 lU1N AKCA; 1NU 1 P. 1JU W 1V k- V l - TING, THE ABSENCE OF ANY DEPOSITIONAL FEATURES AND SCOUR AT TOE OF SLOPE (LEFT FOREGROUND) EAGLE RIDGE GOLF COMMUNITY Preliminary Mitigation Management Schedule Dec. 1 - Dec. 31, 2002 Dec. 1 - Dec. 31, 2002 Jan. 1 - Jan. 31, 2002 Apr. 1, 2003 - Oct. 31, 2003 remove invasive trees and shrubs mow grass" signs Recontour slopes and install nttles as specified; install cobbles and live stakes at toe of slope as specified; plant mesic prairie mix as specified Selectively herbicide invasive herbaceous species; cut, treat and remove invasive trees and shrubs Mow and/or control burn riparian buffer area; disc or rotovate buffer area and plant specified seed mix Selectively herbicide invasive herbaceous species; remedial cut, treat and remove invasive trees and shrubs as needed Plant with Me_ic: Prairie Mix LEGEND F<econtouraC Apex ,i Meander (typical) l V T °ATY 224 Faydtcnlle 5t. Mall Ar^ ® R !+ iew ypica Plan Conceptual Stream Restoration Plan - Wakefield Development Smte0400 Ea le Rid e Golf Commune Company 5f-ANGLER Kai yh, NC 2702.0387 Garner, North Carolina ?h ©20025p-jli Emma.-uj,i- I ENVIRONMENTAL,INC. (9is) Sa6a7sa I isrvest C.:,.-.:J, n: a Iv"take ;w .•?ia nt k'Ja? e? ?i jaI}??IIy-o5"•ya d fr i .. j )J I'. .. . u Kiffl? (lyl?c I