HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnfield Road1 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSEMENT FOR THE ENFIELD ROAD/WINDSOR PARK CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 'September 13, 2002 Project Applicant: City of Charlotte Storm Water Services Project Number: DWQ # 13120 Responsible Agency: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section Pursuant to the requirements of the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. § 113A-1, et seq.), an environmental assessment (EA) has been prepared for stormwater conveyance improvements involving streambank stabilization to address stream channel erosion and flooding in the City of Charlotte. The proposed improvements are within the Briar Creek watershed, encompassing the Enfield Road/Windsor Park neighborhood. The project includes streambank stabilization at various locations along approximately 2,653 bank feet (bf) of the approximately 3,350 linear feet (If) of stream channels, new stormwater pipe placement within 601 if of stream, and minor maintenance activities along 2,405 if of stream. Stormwater conveyance improvements are proposed for an unnamed tributary to Briar Creek and several unnamed stream channels. Several alternatives and the no-action alternative were considered for the proposed project. Three primary alternatives included (1) a partial repair involving only replacement of undersized culverts, (2) an upstream detention facility, and (3) streambank stabilization and new storm pipe placement. Upstream detention is not feasible due to a lack of suitable detention sites within this fully developed urban area. Alternative (3) is the preferred alternative because it would address continuing flooding problems and stream channel erosion in the project area. Under alternative (3), various methods of streambank stabilization were considered including Priority I-IV (Rosgen) restoration. Priority IV restoration using bioengineering, gabions, and rock toe protection was chosen and is often implemented where urban constraints limit alternatives. Soil bioengineering will consist of live staking and fascine installation using native species to reestablish natural streambank protection that has been damaged or lost. In areas of high shear stress, rock toe protection will be used in combination with soil bioengineering measures. For the new pipe placement, channel modification was also considered and determined to be unfeasible due to the close proximity to private residences and engineering constraints. The proposed project area is located north of Central Avenue between Briar Creek and Sharon Amity Road in Charlotte. The limits of the project, encompassing the Windsor Park neighborhood, extend from north of Central Avenue northward to Sudbury Road and northwest to Eastway Drive. Located in the lower Catawba River Basin in Mecklenburg County, the watershed contributing to the unnamed tributary to Briar Creek is approximately 378 acres. Land use is predominately single-family residential and zoned to allow four units per acre. The length of stream to be impacted by channel stabilization with rock toe protection totals 2,181 bf. Minimal, temporary impacts to aquatic habitat are expected to occur, however, the project is expected to have a net benefit on aquatic resources and habitat over the long term. Minor maintenance activities including culvert replacements will have minimal impacts. Enfield Road CIP Page 2 Gabion stream stabilization will impact 40 bf of stream. There will be 601 if of piping impacts. As a condition of the 401 Water Quality Certification for this project, it is anticipated that compensatory mitigation will be required to offset permanent losses of perennial stream channel for impacts associated with the placement of pipe (491 If) and gabions (40 bf). The applicants propose to use mitigation credits from the Hope Park Branch Stream Restoration Project. Potential impacts to streams will be minimized through implementation and maintenance of a State- approved erosion and sedimentation control plan and adherence to conditions of the 401 Water Quality Certification. Any buffer areas disturbed as a result of the proposed project will be stabilized and reseeded with emphasis on reforesting stream banks. Long-term water quality is expected to improve through a reduction in streambank erosion and sedimentation. Land use changes are not anticipated to result from the project. The project area is a fully developed, urban neighborhood. Changes to drainage patterns are not anticipated and no wetlands have been identified within the proposed project limits. Many of the proposed stabilization reaches are currently protected from development by Mecklenburg County's Surface Water and Management riparian buffer ordinance. Naturally vegetated buffers, ranging in width from 35 feet to 100 feet depending on the size of the drainage basin, are protected. These buffers will help protect the proposed stream stabilization project and stream channels from stormwater impacts. The Division of Water Quality has concluded that the proposed project will not result in significant impacts to the environment. This decision is based upon information provided in the EA and review by governmental agencies. This EA and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) are prerequisites for the issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certification by the Division of Water Quality. An environmental impact statement will not be prepared for this project. This FONSI completes the environmental review record, which is available for inspection at the State Clearinghouse. North Carolina Division of Water Quality September 13, 2002 F W A TF Michael F. Easley, Governor `OHO RQG William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director > =1 Division of Water Quality October 24, 2002 Ms. Mary C. Murray Charlotte Storm Water Services 600 E. Fourth St. Charlotte, NC 28202-2844 Subject: Enfield Road/Windsor Park Capital Improvements Project DWQ# 13120 Dear Ms. Murray: .e uG C ' Z' The NC Environmental Policy Act review for the subject project is complete. Refer to the attached letter from the Department of Administration. No comments were received during the course of the State Clearinghouse review. Charlotte Storm Water Services may now proceed with permit applications covering activities associated with this project. The applications should be consistent with the Finding of No Significant Impact issued by the Division of Water Quality on September 13, 2002 (attached). If there is anything I can assist you with, please give me a call at 919.733.5083 ext. 555. Sincerely, J. Todd Kennedy NC Environmental Policy Act Coordinator DWQ Water Quality Section t Attachments cc: John Dorney Steve Zoufaly Rex Gleason Reader File ltilt.?{.?Lik ?: N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 STATE d? ww North Carolina Department of Administration Michael F. Easley, Governor Gwynn T. Swinson, Secretary October 22, 2002 Mr. Todd Kennedy NC DEHNR, Div. of Water Quality Parker-Lincoln Building 1617 MSC Raleigh, NC Dear Mr. Kennedy: Re: SCH File # 03-E-4300-0085; Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact; Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities - Proposed Improvements to the Enfield Road/Windsor Park neighborhood in the Briar Creek watershed; streambank stabilzation and new stormwater pipes The above referenced environmental impact information has been reviewed through the State Clearinghouse under the provisions of the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. No comments were made by any state/local agencies in the course of this review. Therefore, no further environmental review action on your part is required for the compliance with the Act. Best regards. Sincerely, al- Ms. Chrys Baggett Environmental Policy Act Coordinator cc: Region F Mailing Address: 1302 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1302 Telephone: (919)807-2425 Fax (919)733-9571 State Courier #51-01-00 e-mail Chrys.Baggettancmail.net Location Address: 116 West Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer