HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201640 Ver 1_SAW-2019-01495 MOA_20201202MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT AMONG THE UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION ā¯‘FFICER, AND THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REGARDING WBS NO.17BP.7.C.17 REPLACEMENT OF GUILFORD COUNTY PIPE NO. 40 2112 ON SR 2735 (SOCKWELL ROAD) OVER UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF REEDY FORK, GUILFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is considering issuance of a permit under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) for the replacement of Pipe No. 40 2112 on SR 2735 (Sockwell Road) over Unnamed Tributary of Reedy Fork in Guilford County, North Carolina (hereafter, the Undertaking); and WHEREAS, the USACE has determined that the Undertaking will have an adverse effect upon Guilford County Pipe No. 40 2112, a structure determined eligible for the listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP); and WHEREAS, the USACE has consulted with the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) pursuant to 36 CFR Part 800, regulations implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (1.6 U.S.C. 470f); and WHEREAS, the USACE has notified the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) of the adverse effect, and the ACHP has declined to comment or participate in the consultation; and WHEREAS, the NCDOT has participated in the consultation and has been invited by the USACE and SHPO to be a signatory to this Memorandum of Agreement (MOA); NOW, THEREFORE, the USACE, SHPO, and NCDOT agree that any authorization issued for the Undertaking shall include the following stipulations to take into account the effect of the Undertaking on the historic property. STIPULATIONS The USACE will require compliance with the following measures by including a special condition in any authorization that is issued to NCDOT for the Undertaking, under 36 CRE Part 800, regulations implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (54 U.S.C. 300101 et seq.). I. Photo documentation Prior to the initiation of construction, the NCDOT Environmental Analysis Unit will photograph the existing condition of Guilford County Pipe No. 40 2112 in accordance with the attached Historic Structures and Landscape Recordation Plan (Appendix A). Photodocumentation will be coordinated with Archaeological Monitoring (see Stipulation I1I). Copies of the documentation will be deposited in the files of the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office and the NCDOT Environmental Analysis Unit. I1. LiDAR Scans and Renderings Prior to the initiation of construction, the NCDOT Photogrammetry Unit will carry out terrestrial LiDAR scans of Guilford County Pipe No. 40 2122 and produce 3-D renderings. Copies of the scans and renderings will be deposited in the files of the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office and the NCDOT Environmental Analysis Unit. III. Archaeological Monitoring NCDOT Division 7 (D-7) will notify NCDOT`s Archaeology Team (NCDOT-AT) [Matt Wilkerson, NCDOT Archaeology Team Lead, 919- 707-6089, rntwilkerson(imcdot.gov or Paul J. Mohler, NCDOT Archaeologist, 919-707-6080, pimohlerConcdot._gov]) at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of when ground -disturbing activities are scheduled. The forty-eight (48)-hour period will begin upon acknowledgement by the NCDOT-AT that they have been contacted by the contractor. D-7 shall not begin ground disturbance at the location until NCDOT-AT is on site. NCDOT-AT project manager will be on site to monitor and document the removal of the culvert. Monitoring activities may include: 1. Cleaning and photographing areas exposed during construction, 2. Mapping plan and profile views of open trenches and culvert cross -sections, and Memorandum of Agreement Guilford County Pipe No. 40 2112, WBS No. 17BP.7.C.17 3. Collecting representative samples of terra-cotta tiles, materials or artifacts exposed during the removal process. 4. Any tiles recovered and curated by the NCDOT-AT may be provided to the Greensboro Museum or the North Carolina Pottery Center (or any other appropriate repository) for their unrestricted use. NCDOT-AT will have the authority to halt all construction work at the location in order to assess the need for further archaeological excavations. Should the NCDOT-AT identify additional NRHP-eligible archaeological resources during the monitoring, all work shall cease within the limits of the NRHP-eligible resource, and D-7 and SHPO shall be contacted. If after consultation, additional mitigation is determined necessary, the NCDOT- AT will develop an appropriate treatment plan and upon concurrence implement the appropriate protection/mitigation measures for the identified resource. No work shall resume within the limits of the NRHP- eligible resource until the NCDOT-AT gives D-7 the approval to continue with the undertaking. IV. Unanticipated Discovery In accordance with 36 CFR 800.13(b), if NCDOT identifies additional cultural resource(s) during construction, all work will be halted within the limits of the resource(s) and the USACE will be contacted. The USACE will initiate the appropriate agency and/or Tribal coordination required for a determination of eligibility or recovery effort. If after consultation between the Signatories and concurring parties, additional mitigation is determined necessary, the NCDDT, in consultation with the Signatories and concurring parties, will develop and implement appropriate pro tection/mitigation measures for the resource(s). Inadvertent or accidental discovery of human remains will be handled in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes 65 and 70. V. Dispute Resolution Should any of the Signatory Parties object within thirty (30) days to any plans or documentation provided for review pursuant to this MOA, the USACE will consult with the objecting party(ies) to resolve the objection. If the USACE or the objecting party(ies) determines that the objection cannot be resolved, the USACE will forward all documentation relevant to the dispute to the ACHP. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of all pertinent documentation, the ACHP will either: Memorandum of Agreement 3 Guilford County Pipe No. 40 2112, WBS No. 17BP.7.C.17 1. Provide the USACE with recommendations, which the USACE will take into account in reaching a final decision regarding the dispute, or 2. Notify the USACE that it will comment pursuant to 36 CFR 800.7(c) and proceed to comment. The USACE will take into account any ACHP comment provided in response to such a request in accordance with 36 CFR 800.7(c)(4) with reference to the subject of the dispute. Any recommendation or comment provided by the USACE will be understood to pertain only to the subject of the dispute; the USACE's and NCDOT's responsibility to carry out all of the actions under this MOA that are not the subject of the dispute will remain unchanged. VI. Amendments Should any of the Signatory Parties to this MOA believe that its terms cannot be carried out or that an amendment to the terms must be made, that (those) party(ies) will immediately consult with the other party(ies) to develop amendments in accordance with 36 CFR 800.6(c)(7). This MOA may be amended when such an amendment is agreed to in writing by all signatories. The amendment will be effective on the date a copy, signed by all of the signatories, is filed with the ACHP. If an amendment cannot be agreed upon, the dispute resolution process set forth in Stipulation V will be followed. VII. Termination Any of the Signatory Parties may terminate the MOA by providing thirty (30) days written notice to the other parties, provided that the signatories will consult during the period prior to termination to seek agreement on amendments or other actions that would avoid termination. Termination of this MOA will require compliance with 36 CFR 800. This MOA may be terminated by the execution of a subsequent MOA that explicitly terminates or supersedes its terms. V1II. Duration Unless terminated pursuant to Stipulation VII, this MOA will be in effect until USACE, in consultation with the other Signatory Parties, determines that all of its terms have been fulfilled satisfactorily or if NCDDT is unable or decides not to construct the Undertaking. Memorandum of Agreement Guilford County Pipe No. 40 2112, WBS No. 17BP.7.C.17 Execution of this MOA by the USA CE, SHPO, and NCDOT, its subsequent filing with the ACHP, and implementation of its terms evidence that the USA CE has · afforded the ACHP an opportunity to comment on the Undertaking and that the USA CE has taken into account the effects of the Undertaking on Guilford County Pipe No. 40 2112. AGREE: United States Army Corps of Engineers: Chief, Regulatory Division Wilmington District Memorandum of Agreement Guilford County Pipe No. 40 2112, WBS No. 17BP.7.C.17 Zo Date 5 AGREE: State Historic Preservation Officer: Kevin Cherry, Ph.D Date North Carolina State Historic Preservation Officer North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources Memorandum of Agreement Guilford County Pipe No. 40 2112, WB5 No.176P.7.C.17 AGREE: North Carolina Department of Transportation: Philip S. Harris III, P.E., C.P.M. Date Environmental Analysis Unit Head North Carolina Department of Transportation Memorandum of Agreement Guilford County Pipe No. 40 2112, WBS No. 17BP.7.C.17 FILED: Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Date Memorandum of Agreement Guilford County ripe No. 40 2112, WBS No.17BP.7.C.17 APPENDIX A Historic Structures and Landscape Recordation Plan Replacement of Guilford County Pipe No. 40 2112 on SR 2735 (Sockwell Road) over Unnamed Tributary of Reedy Fork Guilford County, North Carolina WBS No. 17BP.7.C.17 PHOTOGRAPHIc REQUIREMENTS D Overall views of Guilford County Pipe Number 40 2112 and its surroundings, keyed to a site plan. Images showing the details of the Guilford County Pipe Number 40 2122. PHOTOGRAPHIC FORMAT Color digital images (all views). Images are to be shot on a SLR digital camera and labeled according to the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office standards. All processing to be done to archival standards. The accompanying printed inventory of the images -- including subject, location, date, and photographer information for each image -- is to be completed according to the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office Standards. COPIES AND CURATION D One (1) set each of all photographic documentation, including a compact disc of labeled images, will be deposited with the North Carolina Office of Archives and History/Historic Preservation Office to be made a permanent part of the statewide survey and iconographic collection. One (1) contact sheet will be deposited in the files of the Environmental Analysis Unit of NCDOT. Memorandum of Agreement 9 Guilford County Pipe No. 40 2112, WBS No. 17BP.7.C.17