HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0013981_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (4)F Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Table of Contents Section 1.0 Site Summary Section 2.0 Permit Application Form Owners and Addresses TCLP Analysis Results Biosolids Analysis Results Treatment/Stabilization Process Operations Plan Soil Scientist's Report Agronomist's Report Site Life Evaluation Section 3.0 Site Specific Information Section 4.0 Soils Information Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Site Summary Sheet Proiect: Rock Hill South Carolina Site Gross Acres Net Acres Owner UN97 81.3 72.0 Claude Pressly UN98 11.6 10.4 Mary Horn UN99 58.9 39.8 Banks, Ben, and Barry Choate UN100 81.3 45.0 John Shannon UN101 46.5 35.0 Bill Hornbeck UN102 204.6 143.0 Perry Brown Leon C. Grant Peter S. Welles UN103 102.4 90.7 Arthur Phillips Henry Phillips UN104 25.4 25.0 Arthur Phillips ' Henry Phillips UN105 21.5 17.5 Joe Roger Total 484.2 478.4 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division State of North Carolina Department of Environment,' Health aril °Naturah' Resources Divls. on. ofEnvironmental aManagement ,.__ `.'.'...._. :No1Dischage."Permit Appilcation,Form. ,y (THIS FORM MAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL)' _. _LAND APPLICATION OF ?RESIDUAL:; SOLIDS :This application,is.intended for residuals which will be regulated under 40 CFR Part 503 I. GENEP.kt'`•INFORMATION':` 1. . Applicant's name.(please specif y.the name of the municipality, corporation, individual, etc.): Roe - r� k NI1 2. Print Owners or Signing Official's name and title (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance).,-, IV l ._ .. 3. Mailing address: _...._.. R o G IC � i. (� � .. _State: S C: Zip: � `1 -] 31 1-1.0 6 City: -,4 a Telephone Number: 4: - APplication Date: �v. ►� e 9 5. Fee Submitted: S 4 00.00 [The permit processing fee sbould be as specified to 15A NCAC 2H :0205(c)(5).l 6.; S . cif .whether these residuals will be land a lied.to: a ncultural, lands, forest, public contact sites, Pe } .�.. _ . _ PP --�-: g reclamation sites; (Please -be ads ised, if tbese residuals -will be' -distributed -for lawn orhome-garden "tile, the application" for.:the_"DISTRIB,L�IIO: OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS' should be completed rather.than this, application.) 7. If the alternative for residua] disposal consists of surface disposal".as defined,under40 CFR Part 503 please coutplete the application titled "SURFACE DISPOSAL OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS. Please identify if there is.any storage of residuals in a surface impoun`dmer i or:disposal t4ru laneilling <Explain - .. - Dlsposa� _}b... 30 anv..S�or'ct�te...fJ'f=.dvf;.n4.-ihc�e:wte�f we.a+�he�. 8. For Class`B Residuals (or Cl s A' Residuals to be land applied'on-a dedicated,site);-please.specify_the number.of acres on which residual solids are to be land applied under the authority of this permit proposed in this application ..41 �. 5 acres total (current and proposedj: = 4 7 $ "5 awes 9. County(iesj where residuals ,; iU be land' applied: ' U;n t o ✓1 C o U ;�.} V II. PERMIT INFORMATION: L `-Application No. (will be competed by DENS); 2. Specify whether project is: a new; renewal`; modification For renewals, complete all sections included in the application, in addition, please submit updated cumulative -loadings for. the ten (10) pollutants and updated owner's agreement for gash site. 3_ If this application is being sun fitted as a result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number and its issue date FORM: LARS 06/94 Page 1 of 18 lli. t AC Lal 3 1`:%E3RMATIbNr;,,(at4ch, additional pages for, additional ,sources,. of ,residuals): 1. Name of facility where residuals are generated`or.prepared: C'li•V ,o ' Qoc�f: l—�� I 1 %� of v+e �t,rs�P�' W t,L -T P 2. Facility permit number., SC o02"044 3'; fa`cil ry petal t Bolder:..0 i �. V :o'F Ro ('C i'� i 3. Specify whether facility in Section III.1 is owned by: federal; private; state;_ (Y ez local govnment. 4. Specify facility design flow: 13. 6 mgd; facility average dailyflow: $• S mgd; Type of residual storage: gP g 8 - o A s 1 i ,e a+ Ma h c ies+e r ' w to T P. - Volume of residual storage: 1.3 0 % x 4- 1 d LJ OL V = 5 2L x 3 0 5 ffl � r y . •b nS •; Length of residuals storage at facility: 3 b days (the Division requires a minimum 30 days storage in units that are separate from treatment system, i.e. not in clarifiers, aeration basins, etc); Maximum storage time of residuals between application events: 3O days. ' Estimated volume of residuals: Sj O 0,0 (dry tonslyr.); 5. , Are there any other storage' facilities, other. thz `the above, currently,on site:. -Yes, X 3 Np If Yes, please identify: 6. Facility, contact (person familiar with residuals preparation): v►1 p5 o try 7. Facility co s telephone au.'*.beT: ( O 3 ) 3 9 • 4i 8. 'Location of treatment facility:' t' State; or S C - = y }Z .`.:. County 9. Mailing address: p.O 131D 1 1-1 O R o c.l•C 1-� � 11 5 C. � 9 1 '� I . -1 �10 6 , 10. Latitude: 34` 5-1' i30'i Longitude: -11 Specify the sou ce.of the residuals _ treamient of domestic wastewater, treatment of industrial wastewater; - other (explain) f. - Attach an explanation of eithe7 the treatment process, manufacturing process, or how the waste is generated. Provide full and complete details of the ent•� process:- 12. Does the facility which generates the residuals have an approved pretreatmenvprogram?-�= Yes; No This includes facilities whicb are classi-'f`ied a< a:,"Class I' facility (any publicly._owned treatment works required, under 40 t ^' CFR 403.8, to hav6 an 4ppro.•ed pretreatment program -or any 'facility treating domestic •sewage tliai 1sxlas`sitied as "Class _. i -by 1he'approprrate IV `RESIDUALS` INFORMATION' (attach.. -additional, pages .for additional .sources of residuals): 1: Information for.Itazardous V�'aste (RCRA) Ir_-termination. The informaucin requested on the iimitauuus sp�,c:ified below pertain only to tliose residual that are generaii8 from a municipal wasieatater treatment facility with industrial contribution or active pretreatment program and from,any !:, treatment facility with wastewater sources that include industrial sources. a. Are any.of the residuals covered by this application listed in 40 CFR 261.31-261.33? Yes; V No. If Yes, list the number(s): Do the residuals exhibit any of the four characteristics defined by 40 CFR 261.21-261.24? Yes; u No. Attach laboratory results for the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure Analyses, Reactivity, Ignitability, and Corrosivity for each residual. Note: If the following constituent levels (as determined by the Toxicity Characteristic Leacbing Procedure Analyses) are exceeded in the residuals or if the =.H of the residual is not within the range listed below, the residual is by definition a Hazardot:_ waste. Cbec_::al analyses must be made to Minimum Detection Levels. PP�vi PPS . Arsenic 5.0 Barium 100.0 Benzene 0.5 Cadmium 1.0 FORM: LARS 06l94 Page 2 of 18 Carbon tetrachloride 0.5 Chlordane 0.03 Chlorobenzene 100.0. Chloroform 6.0 ;ChroaiWin ` m-Cresol 200.0 p-Cresol 200.6- Cresol 200.0 IA-D 10.0 i,4-Dicblorobenzene . 7:5 - 1,2=Dichloroethane -0.5-.;• 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.7 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.13. Endrin 0.02 Heptachlor (and its hydroxide) 0.008 Hexachlorobenzene 0.13 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 0.5 Hexachloroethane 3.0 Lead 5.0 Lindane 0A Mercury. .0.2 Methoxychlor 10.0 Methyl- ethyl ketone 200.0 Nitrobenzene 2.0: Pentachlorophenol 100.0 Pyridine 5.0 Selenium 1.0 Silver 5.0 Techlonoethylene tra 0.7 - Tozaphene. 0.5 . Trichloroethylene 0.5 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 400.6 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2.0 2,4.57TP (Silvex) .. 1.0 .. Vinyl chloride 0.2 pH (2:1 vo1JwL):, >2.0 s.u. - <12.5 s.u. NOTE: " IF `ANY OF -THE RESIDUALS` MEET THE 'DEFINITIONS OF A HAZARDOUS WASTE, AS N6TED "IN EITHER "A" "OR "B"•ABOVE, A PERMIT CANNOT._BE ISSUED FOR THAT ''RESIDUAL AND" IT SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDED AS PART OF THIS APPLICATION. esidual,,please-attacl a complete chemical analysis.of the material. This analysis must be comprehensive enough to completely characterize the residual and must be based upon a review of -the process that generates:the material. If the facility, that will generate the residual is not. yet in operation, the characterization must be.based on similar existing facilities and projection based on the"type of -facility. The analysis` IItust include a minimum of the following parameters and any other known and suspected contaminants that are, tributary to the system. Molybdenum Calcium Phosphorus Cadinruirr Nickel ' Magnesium `Potassium Chromium Selenium Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen Soaiuin Copper... Zinc .- _ % Total Solids T1CN Aluminum .. pH Mercury Ammonia -Nitrogen Plant`Available Nitrogen (by calculation) 3.. Wastewater residuals shallnot lie applied to the land if the concentration of any pollutant in the residuals -exceeds the ceiling concentrations specified in the table below. Specify the. pollutant concentration of these residuals (attach lab analysis): Pollutant, `Pollutant Ceiling Concentration (mg/kg) Dr�KVei t_ht Basis `'::: .. Pollutant Concentration .(mg/kg) Dn «'eit ht Basis -Arsenic . 75 44; :Cadmium ' 85 MU Chromium , . _ . 3000 ... -: , .., • -1 C . Copper 4300 Lead 840 s 9 Mercury 57 t .1 5 Molybdenum 75 -13 Nickel 420 a 6 Selenium F 100 ► .$`i Zinc 7500 FORA: LARS 06/94 Page 3 of 18 V PATHOGEN :AND VECTOR ATTRACTION: REDUCTION INFORMATION (attach additional pages for additional sources of residuals): 1. In accordance with 40 CFR Pan 503, a residual can not be land'- applied if it does not meet one of.the following alternative for Class B pathogen reduction. b 5 Please specify a, bl;`b2, b3, b4, b5 or c from below (submit all lab analysis, test results and calculations). a. at least seven residuals samples should be' collected at the time of use and analyzed for Fecal coliforms during each monitoring period. The geometric mean of the densities of these samples will be calculated and should be less than 2,000,000 most probable number: per gram of total dry solids, or less than 2,000,000 Colony Forming Unitsper gram of total dry solids. b. the residuals must be treated by'one of the following "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens" (PSRP). 1. Aerobic Digestion - residuals are agitated with air or oxygen to maintain aerobic conditions for a mean cell residence time and temperature between 40 days at 200 C abd 60 days at 150 C. 2:. Air Drying - residuals, are dried. on sand beds or.on. paved or basins for a minimum of. three months. During two of thelhree months, the ambient average daily temperature is.above 0o C. 3. Anaerobic Digestion _ residuals are treated in the absence of air for a mean cell residence time and temperature between 15 days at 350 C to 550 C and 60 days at 200 C. 4. Qom in' using eitber the within -vessel, static aerated pile, or windrow composting methods, the temperature of residuais are raised'to 400 C or higher for five days: For four boors during the five days, the temperature in the compost pile exceeds 550 C.- 5._ i,jmP Sta i i at; n. =.surf cient; lime_it added to the residuals to raise the pH of the residuals 'to 12 after two hours of contact „ c. The residuals shall be treated by a process that is equivalent to a_"Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens" (PSRP` as determined by the permitting'. on on an evaluation of the recommendations provided by the Pathogi Equivalency Committee. 2. In addition; when residuals are being land applied, at least one of the following vector attraction reduction requirements (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, b, i, or j) described:bel.ow_must,be met. F Specify the letter(s) of the vector attraction reduction requirement that have been met (submit lab results, test .:.. resulu and calculations). Any yariation.of the below -must be.described in full detail and attached. a.' Aerobic or Anaerobic DiQ estion - The mass of volatile solids are reduced by at least 38%.' 'ladle solids reduction is : IIteasured between tlie`residuals, prior to,stabiai tion;;and' tbe,residtials ready for use or disposal. This criterion should be readily met by properly designed and operated anaerobic digestors; but not as readily met by aerobic digestors. Treatment facilities with aerobic digestors may need -to meet the vector attraction reduction =uiremert through 18c or. b. Anaerobic Digestion - If 38%volatile solids reduction cannot be achieved, vector attraction reduction can be demonstrated by further digesting a pordon-of the previously digested residuals in a bench scale,unit for an additional 40 days a000 Cto-37° C. If, at the end of'the-40 days, -the volatile solids are reduced by less than 17%, vector attraction reduction is achieved. C. Aerobic Dig -,i n - If 38% volatile solids reduction cannot be achieved, vector attraction reduction- can be demonstrated by further digesting a portion of the previously digested residuals that have a solids content of 2% or less in a bench scale ur'ut for an additional' 30 days at 200 C. If, at the end of the 30 days, the volatile, solids are reduced by less than 15%. vector attraction reduction is achieved. d Aerobic Digestion -The spec oxygen uptake rate (SOUR) shall be equal to or less than 1.5 milligrams of oxygen per hour per gram of total dry solids at 200 C. e. Aerobic Pic ct sses - The temperature of the residuals for at least 14 days shall be greater than 400 C. During this time, the average temperature sha11 be greater than 450 C. f. A1k�Jine C 2hit , 2ti .n.- The pH of the'residuals is raised to 12 or higher by alkali addition and, without the addition c more alkali, remains at 12 or higher for 2 hours and then at 11.5 or higher for an additional 22 hours. F'ORN1: LARS 06/94 Page 4 of 18 Dryingfsttbiliie� solids) -:The total solids of residuals that do not contain unstabilized solids, and which are generated, in.a primary:wastewater.treatment process,, shallbetequal w or.greater. than.75 Blending with othel materials is not allowed',to achieve;t a total solids percentage r h. Owing (unst?bilized soltdsl -,, totalfsohds of residuals that contains unstabiltzed soll=ds; and which are generated in a primary wastewater treatment process, shall be equal to or greatei than 90°k. Blending with othei htateiials is not allowed to,achieve the -total solids percentage. i. Injection - Liquid residuals are injected below the land surface, with no significant amoitnt..66esiduals present on the land surface after 1 hour, unless the residuals are Class A for pathogen reduction. In this case, the residuals shall be injected within'8 hours after being`discharg"ed from the pathogen treatment process.::; .. _.. j Ik on - Residuals dial are surface land applied shall be incorporated into.the:soil.within 6 hours of application, unless there.siduals are Class ATor pathogen reduction: In this case; the residuals shall be incorporated within 8 hours after. discharge from the pathogen treatment process. -' VI. RESIDUALS .TRANSPORT AND APPLICATION: 1. How will tlid residuals -be delivered. -to the application -.sites (leak proof trucks;_ 2. What type of equipment'will be utilized`for land application? SD �'ea`� er iY u tk 3. How will the application of the residual be controlled to ensure that there is'proper distribution over the site? Speed o� - k _ 4. Will the -land•ipplication _operation ,utilize ;a contractor: who specializes in Residuals Management or will the permittee management the: program? Contractor; Permittee.. If a contractor is utilized, provide the name of the firm, a contact, address, and telephone number W eel ab r'ct -6o Oro clos 7Iri� e Pellnar,n AL 3s1a4 :. Tor)�`;L:a►rso �04 334 91I1 .�o�n'vt ScadV,6 a:os;664 $A: VII:. -SITE -EVALUATION' AND RECOIVIMEDED` LOADiNG RATES: t 1. -The following saes are to be used for_land application under this perrrut'appl cation=[please attach map(s),see l:a.]: Application Area [acres] Maximum slope Site No. Countv Owner/Lessee (excluding buffers) (in percent) U"; ors. D::- :C1a►u�e-. Pros l` i ... VtJ9� l)h�or).. Wl:rs. .)N1arV. 440rn h i on Cain oa [ o Note: If more than ten (I0)'sites are to be covered by this application, please attach a form listing all of the sites along with the information listed below: a. A vicinity map must be attached. This map must show the location of each site in relation to at least two geographical references and major intersection (numbered roads, named streams/rivers, etc.). FOR'M: LARS 06/94 Page 5 of 18 b....For ali;new'or modified sites; a di:kA di'site location'map must-be'attached delineating-boiY"�.total and buffered acres. This mapmust be drawn tr; scaie' th topographical contoui inier; aOs not.ezoeeding ten'feet or 25'�'0 of. total site relief (whichever.is more descriptive) and showing the property.. es, existing wells; all_surface' waters and -drainage ways. =and 0 dwellings -within , 00 " t ,of ' eli6&application ireas;'and all buffers. _ Note:.., At.least the following buffers must be maintained. =If residuals are sprayed on the sites, larger buffers may be required: , -• ... - 1. f400 feet from any habitable residence or place of public assembly. under separate. ownership or which is to be sold for surface residua] application, 200 feet from any habitable residence or place of public assembly under separate ownership or which is to be sold for subsurface residual injection. 2. 100 feet between the disposal area and any public or private water supply source, all streams classified as WS or B, waters classified as SA or SB and any Class I or Class H impounded reservoir used as a source of drinking water.t 3. 100 feet between any surface residual application area and any stream, lake, river, or`natural drainage way, 50 feet between any -subsurface're'sidual injection area and any.stream; lake, river, or natural drainage way.t 4. 50 feet between the residual application area and property,. lines, for both surface and subsurface application (if the original permit, 'w as issued with-the.'buffer distance to `property" line as ._100 -feet, updated maps_ must,.be'submitted,:and me)' acre age:; delineated, for.the buffer,, to. be reduced). 5: 10 feet between the disposal area and' any interceptor drains or surface water diversions t(upslope). 6.- 25 feet -between the disposal area and any interceptor drains or surface water diversions {downslope). 7. 25 feet between the disposal area and any groundwater lowering and surface drainage ditches. t SPECIFY --THE NAME..OF.AND.CLASSMCATION OE;THE CLOSEST DOWNSLOPF, SURFACE WATERS (as established by the_Environmental Management Commission) TO THE LAND APPLICATION SITE(S). USE 'THE AT INFORMATION SHEET (PAGE 9 OF 18) TO'OBTAIN THIS INFORMATION. Note: The maximum slope for land application of residuals,i.s-1A for surface application and 18% for subsurface ....application... 2. For each land application site, attach .a soil evaluation .by` a -` soils scientist `(the" evauation! must be` signed by the s-it scientist)'wliich`addresses soil -color; the depth,; thickness and type:of restrictive.borizons;:,the;presence-or absence c seasonal high water table or bedrock within three vertical'ffeet of the deepest point or -residual applici6on pH and cati— exchange capacity. If the depth to either groundwater or bedrock is,less than three feet, please also attach a demonstration, using predictive calculations or modeling n«thods acceptaiile to the Director of the Division of Environmental Managemeni;-,that,the use. -of this. site.will,notresu:_ in,.the,contravention of classified_groundwater standards as contained in NCAC 2L .0200. Inn ease tliall,..he Separation be lesc"`t_ha'n -one foot. This report must -be signed by the soil Tscientist and= submitted =with application. 3. For each site, please attach -a project evaluationrconducted,byan agronomist including.recommendations n-concerning cover crops and theability to accept the proposed loading of liquids, solids; nitrogen; phosph'orris heavy metals, salts and any other contaminant.kriow..to be in, the residual; A part of the agronomists recommendations must beta crop management -:plan. This plan must determine the crops to be,groum on the siti(s),�wben' they should be,grown and bow they should be harvested -and- marketed: -This report `rntist 'be signed'- by the.. agronomist 'arid :submitted with application. 4. Attach a representative soils analysis -of each site_ The soils analysis shall include the following -parameters, along with -any other significant parameter that has been shown to be contained_ in the residual: Standard Soil Fertility Test (which includes): And the following Metals: pH Phosphorus Acidity Calcium Mae-nesium Zinc % Humic Matter Sodium Base Saturation (by calculation) Arsenic Lead, Cadmium Mercury Chromium Molybdenum Potassium Manganese Copper Cation Exchange Capacity Nickel Selenium 5. In order to assist DEM in the review of the proposed loading rates, please complete the calculations contained in attachment titled "Calculations Work Sheet" (beginning on Page 11 of 18). If more than one residual is to be covered by this permit, additional worksheets must be attached - 6 FORM: LARS 06/94 Page 6 of 18 TI. GENERAL INFORMATION: .. %;a; `i^,. r: iit (�i r::_•. i .�. , - -, .z � ;t .: pier ,,,:, t ,_ P 1. Five (5);complete copies of,the,permit,application and fve (5) copies of all required supporting information. mcludtng-;;- cover letters must be submitted or1he application package.will be returned as incomplete 2. Please explain how access to the land application sites, by both people and animals, will be controlled following the application of residuals: Pr + Ja e pos+ed I at »j -% CL a. 'Aninialishall not be grazed on ibe land application sites withiti-30 days:after e'application ofl`esidu&. b. Appropriate measures must be taken to control public access to the land applicationsites°during the'active site;use;and for 12 months following the last application event_ Such controls may include the posting of signs indicating the activities being conducted at the site.-- 3. 'Please dzplain the procedures_.that.,WMl bei used'to establish and maintain;the buffers during,the."applicationprocess. (i.e. will S;�-es the sites be flagged): LoIil be 4. Please attach an executed "Agreement For the Land Application of Residuals to Private Lands" for each land application site that is not owned by the applicant. -A -copy; of, the -DEM approved- form is attached. ; If .the applicant wishes to use a different form or a modified form, prior approval musi be received froiii'DEM: ' .5. Each application site must be assigned a site identification number., - 6- Attachments may be utilized to provide the information that is requested in this application form;,powever, if attachments are utilized, their location should be so indicated on the application form. All attachments must be numbered,to correspond to the individual pare of the application that require the attachment., If the attar hIItents ae part of a larger, document, a table must be provided that lists the locations of the required information. Applicaief,ss=.Cei tifi'cat-ion: I - F cI( S 4 attest `that "this application f'or C, 0r Rock Hill - bas been reviewed by me anA is accurate and complete:to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and .that if.all required supporting infora►a[ion arid`atachmenis `are not included; this application package will be returned as incomplete. _ Signature �� pate THE COASPLET£D APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDINGI ALL-.SUPPORTLNG INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SETT TO THE FOLLOWLNG ADDRESS: FORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIROtiMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION PERMITS AND ENGINEERING UNIT POST. OFFICE: BOX :29535 R-•SLEIGH, FORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535' TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-5083 FAX NUMBER: (919) 733-9919 'rnD'kT. T A T)C` nuns ! nr4re If-* fk) rA I Y 1 3 Processing of this application. will not be initiated until five (5) copies of all of the following . items "'h! bh! itt'Od "Add itib" n`--to""i i' (t-)'��.6bp`ie- s-c f--'the�Edo- Mplefed) a-0plicatibnJorm.-f any of the below items havbbeen 6,06-bkaob-;i le-alse b p 1. Is a general., loqa�jjpq-, ip#.- inctudod? - - -------- - YES X or NO 2. Is a site map (Oraw. -to,,sq-aIe)jn ludeds,which..d.elineates total and buffered -acres, and feet, topography; -d: et shows all property lines u rts,' existing wells 00 features;- and,,6ny.---sUrface,,,wate,rp?,i 6 r`NO- t - , ' clearly- -p ..:with:,respect.- to ed, brid os Whi 'fh rc;je'cts---.3locati&n 3 A,�t-a-VibihifV"Hdp,-- I c �4- -Iy�, in'dibcat'b's- thiB: State. roads and named Surface waters?!,.::: YE or NO, 4. Is a'signed soil"S'66ritist're-obtt a) field descriptions of texture, C8116 and -j:f '.11n a structure; b) depth and thickness of soil horizons, C) . presence of any restrictive soil horizons or layers, d) -depth to seasonal WgKWvatef ttLble,-,it C,Ivl Y-, b -) �,-t -C YES or NO 5. Is a signed agronomist's report included which identifies th? crop1,-,-a,nd-;-Joa 0 in g, recommendations for N-P K?-- . YES or NO 'j4, 6.. Is the Crop -Management, Plan: included in' the application: package —gige YES X or NO 7. Has the Land Ownbr's-ag'tebMeht been completed -and: signed? YES or NO 8. `Appropriate - eblrl�acco '. f accordance with' with'l 5A.NCA*C- 2H .0205-�(c)(.5)-.(e.ff..Februa.r.y. 1.119.9-3): New Applications, Modifications or Late Renewals /$400.00 e - Timely Renewals'wiihout'Mo'difi'catiotis* $.250.00 YES X or NO 9. Five (5) copies of all reports, evaluati'or�is''i,-ag-reeme*nts, supporting calculations, etc. must be...inclued as a part of theapplication package.. FORM: LARS 06/94 P age 8 of 18 May-2,7-97 09c;53Al.Th I May-21-97 02 : ®8P Thd Off ice of Todd: -:Larson 704 4-9.711', I*is form mint be completed by the appropriate Regional oince and Included with the submission of the application packa=e. a j iMUCTIONS TO APPLICANT In order to determine the classification of the watershed in which these land applic�tion.activities will be located. you are required to submit this form, with items I through 8 completed.. to: the approods-te Division of Environmental Minagement Regional -Water Quality Supervisor (see attached.listo��� AVA`Mkium, you Mug include an U' b I V cop of the portion of a 7.5 minute USGS i ra ic. hria � Wh[t h't6ws the: sub Y Y_ P �S Pb � . p . J� surf= wales. You must identity the location of the facility: and the closest dow�tsiope surffaee:ri =4 (galena for whicb you are requesting the classification) on. the; gubiditted map dopy The° aPPUtitiori' nay not be submitted until this form is completed and included` with the su mill. 1. Applicant (please specify the name of the murticipality, corporation, individu&). or other): G. .1 wilt rYi s.m•�V. �s Li u�� P -- 5 . C IV --a Gam. T `t O ' Fr 2. Nam and Complete Addrtss of Applicant: C � • P O .04- V-ocV. Hi:lk State: . e . 7sp: z9 i 31 s t ®6 Telephtute Number: ( 503) Z> PA — 'B? ® G 3. Projxt Nam:: -r !f f, t= eoc k. LL � l � ts. r_�.ns �m liJ UJT 4. Volume of residuals to be land applied: S o ®® dry tons per year . 5. -Name of closest stuiaft waters: SC..-{ CS 6. Counly(s) where land application site is located: l-1L3 t � C a . �_� • 7. Map name and date: 6-X h.o• w S.- Ap Scant Signature: _ TO: REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SUPERVISOR please provide me with the classification of the watershed Where these land application activities will Rcc ql as identified on the aumhed map segment: Nam of surface watem:- Ciassii'ication (as established by the Environmental Management Commission): Proposed Clauificatim if applicable: /I I Signature of regional office personnel: � � l Daft: FORM.; LARS 06/94 page 9 or 18 May-27=9.7 09:':53A The Office oi= Todd Larson 704 334 9731 x= ;P 03s { M_ ay-21-97 02:06P The Office of Todd Larson 704-334-9711 P.05 This rortn mast bo completedby the appropriate Regional Office_ and Included with the submUslon of tine application package. N UCTIONS TO APPLICANT In order to determine the classification of the watershed in which these land appUcuion activities will be located, you are required to submit this form. with items I through 8 completed, to the appropriate Division of Envimm mud Management Regional -water Quality Supervisor (see attached listing). At a tntaiinonnta, you tarns include an 8.S' by l I" copy of the portion of a 7.5 minute USGS Topographic Map which shows am suS.3—i adice water. You trust identify the location of the facility and the closest downslope surface waters (waters for which you ue requesung the classification) on the submitted map copy. The application may not bo submitted until this form is completed and included with the submittal. 1. Appuml (plaint specify the name of the municipality. corporation. individu4. or other r 2. Name and Complete Address of Applicant: C o IT `Z o 9-0 Cx p. i3o�c \L1®fo Cat}: �oeK kill State: S . C . gip; z� " 1 � 1 Telr?hone Number: 77 (03) 32 s �"t orfl - 3. PrOO Nam. 4. Volume of msidu& to be land applied: 3 ® ® O dry tons per year S. ' -Name of closest surface waters: C _ v- ,e-CK 6. County(s) where land application site is located: l> i 0Y'% C a - I. Map twine and daft: ' S �. e - y r �ytr �C. C 8. - Applicant Signature TO: REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SUPERVISOR Please provide me with the classification of the watershed where these land application activities w11� gcFq as idodW an the attached trap segment: Nam of surface waters: Classification (as established by the Envirotunenul Management Commission): Proposed Classificatim if applicable: Sipum of regional office pemn nel: [7 l Date: S' Page 9 of 18 FORM: L%RS 06194 May-27-97 09:.54A The OFiceof Toctct Larson: 704 334 9711 P 04 ` May-21-97 02:04P The O?ff.ice of Todd Layson 704-334-9711 P:..03' 1 Ed TWs form mint be completed by the appropriate Regional ®tllce and included with ithe submission of the application package. cat-. ,1STRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT In order to determine the classification of the watershed in which these land ap located, you are required to submit this form. with items 1 through 8 corupleted, to d Envimmr ental Manag=cnt Regional Water Quality Supervisor (see attached listing). include an 8.4' by 1 " copy of the portion of a 7.5 minute USGS Topographic Map surface waters. You must identify the location of dtc facility and the closest downsloo.. which you are requesting the classification) on the submitted map- opy _ submitted until this form 1s completed 'and Included wilth .. the aubmittal'a:L At uccivities will be 0.riate Division of tttlM-UM, YOU Must hows the- subject wtlm (Wage . for 1®n may rm be 1. Applicant (please R=ify the name ®f the municipality, corporation, individtkl;-or.other ): A -A 61krY1. WwA% eS I'm\ La i S . C 3. i amt and Complete Address of Applicanti- C i Y `i' 5>1 7-0 CX R p. 824 ®V1®6 City. gec wz MA State: s • C • Zip: Z-i `13! Tele;hwe N%unber: ( 3. Projxt Nme: V`r b t; rock U-) WT P. S.0 •4. Volume of residuals to be land applied: 3 0 0 dry toms per year S. -.Name of closest surface waters: 6. County(s) where landapplication site is located: Q k j l oY% G o . K3.0 • �„,. 1. Map name and date: C64 GLt'j bOL fj 8• Applicant Signature: TO: REGIONAL IN'ATER QUALITY SUPER`'ISOR Plum Fovide me with the classification of the watershed where these land application activities will occur, as kka ifiM on the attached reap segment: Nam of sud ne waters: ClassiCration (as embbshed by Litt Environmental Managanent COMMission): Proposed CIaxsif radon, if applicable: Signature of regional offiec personnel: Date: a 1 FORM: L.4RS 06194 " Pip 9 of 18 IM Ma 27-`97 09:54A The O-Fi=ice� of Todd La-rsoei°'704` 33�& 9711' � 5 k + May-21-97 02 :03P The Off ice of Todd Larson 704-334-9711' P _ 01 1 Tlals form must be eoaapisted by the appropriate Regional OfUce and Included with the submission of the application package. 4. r_ 'JiSTRUMONS TO APPLICANT In order to determine the classification of the watershed in which these land application aedvitles v ill bo located, you are required w submit this form. with items i through S completed, to the appropriate Divas w of Envitt =meal Mana erment Regional Water Quality Supervisor (see attached listing). At a aaatt routs; you jurist include an g.S' by I P capy of the portion of a 7.S minute USGS Topographic Map which sbaws tlK subjoc:t surface waters. You must identify the location of the facility and the closest dgwnslope surface waters (wares for which you are requesting the classification) on the submitted map coppy. 7tie application may not be subaaitud until this form Is completed and Included vith the 5_11 itsal. 1. Applicant (please Specify the name of the municipality. corporation, individual. or other): e- fS � lllJ�e9T . C a 2. Manx and complete Address of Applicant: C City: V_OGX, jL%A State: gip; Zit `7 31 - l 7 ob Telt-pMae N'utnber ( 0001) . 37- OG 3. Projxt Nine: A. volume of residuals to be land applied: _ 3 0 0 b dry tons per year S. -.Dime of closest surface waters: 6. Cam q(s) where land application site is located: i 0C� C a__ 7. Map name and date: C_ 01A_ c` .� iLi t� S . �- — N C- • S. Applicant signtttnre: ° I`1 TO: REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SUPERVISOR Please provide me with the classifcatson of the watershed where these land application utivides Will CcMr, as idauitaed on the attached neap segment: Name of surface waters: Clu ftcation (as established by the Environmental Management Commission): Proposed Cl Wrication, if applicable: Sipnture of regional offsce pasoribel: l L ®ate: - zZ FORM: LA RS 06194 ;<: "` Page 9 of 18 May" 27-97 09 55A The Off ice of Todd Larson 704334 973 3 P 08 May-21-97 01:48P The 0-F-fice of Todd Larson 704 334-9711. P_O4 Teals fortes trust be completed by the appropriate Regional oMce and Included with the subudsslon of the application package. i '• ,AMUCTIONS TO APPLICANT in order to determine the classification of the watershed in which these land application activitiat.vvill be located. you are required to submit this forma with items 1 through 8 completed,•to. the eppropri>tte.Divi ima of Environmental Management 1(egional-Water Qu Supervisor (sec attached, listing). At i tratnita�, you roast - include an 8.50 by 11' cop yy of the portion of a 7.9 minute USGS Topograp uc_lMap which tbdws the subjact stufaa waters. You roust adeatify the location of the facility and the closcst.dowrtslope surface.watetj, (v�rsteas, for ,trhich you are requesting the classification) on the submitted asap co y The apptieartiott may®t be submitted seated this form is. completed and included v4th' the 6u�mittal. 1. Applicant (please spaify tt name of the municipality, corpotstioa, individusj. or tuber):� , C a. Naas:: and Complete Address of Applicant:_ C t a 9—d CX City: State: S . G .—Zip: Tele;hone Dumber: 3. Pro*.t Asuae: 4. Volume of residuals to be land applied: ®� ® dry tons.per year S. .Name of closest surface waters: Cae 6. County(s) where land application site is located: l) W I c \ a 7. Map name and date: _ 0 I S C_ N C- t ci ) 1 8.. Applicant Signature: TO: REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SUPERVISOR pie ,ovide me with the classification of the watershed where these land application activities wild ow, as Weati6dd on the attached Maap sejrneM - - Name of surface waters: Classification (as established by the Environmental Management Conunission): Proposed Clttsification. if applicable: Sipatture of n:lioaal office personnel: bate: L " Page 9 of 1S FORM.: LARS 06194 May-27-97 09:55A The Office of Todd Larson 704 334 9711 ze< flay-21-97 01:52P The Office of Todd Larson 704-334-9711 P_O5 W TUM rom trust be Computed by &he appropriate Regional orQce and included with the submission of the application packa;e. ,p6TRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT In order to determine the classification of the watershed in which these land application activities wM be located, you ate required to submit this form. with items i through 9 completed, E0 ttttnue appropriite Division of Envjow=W Management Reyional-Water Qudit}► Supervisor (see anaclmd listing). At a mutuauta, you must include an 8.5' by I V coppy of the portion of a 7.5 minute USOS 'Topographic Map which shows the subjet t surf= W&WL You must ider tify the lmtion of the facility and the closest dowrislope surface waters (waters for whicb you ue requesting the classification) on the submitted ramp copy, The application tatty not be submitted until this form is completed and included with the submittal. 1. Apple Wll (please ePrctfy the aerate of the municipality, corporation, tndtvtdtu,). or a caber ):C i _ r— , , . A 1 awn { J. 1 Al. i s %I a Orr D . v , C - o 2. Nam$ and Complete Address of Applicant: P O- 6Wia(0 - - 6GK i���0 State: S. C . Zip; 7-2 11i — l206 Cat}: _�� 1 o fo Tekplmne Ntutaber t o3) �2 3. Pmj a Num: _ = -f 6 5-- Zo d. Yoll=e of residuals m be land applied: ®® 0 dry tons per year S. � .leartae Of �loSGSI suriaee YVi1tr3: — P �r0.�GF� 6. County(s) where land.application site is located: J12 t aY1 C 0 . «� 7. Map name and date: �G i. - App'icant signature: Nick- -- TO: REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SUPER`'ISOR Pkprovide me With the classification of the watershed where these land application actixiues �v1119XA', as it odfied an the attached tamp segment: Name of sueface waters: Ch.Wfication (as established by the Environmemal Management Commission): PWP0W Classification, if applicable: Signature of regional office; personnel: _ L� / Date: i'�ge 9 of 18 FORN4: LARS 06194 May-27-97 09:56A ..Tile O-F-Fice of .'Todd •Larson 7,04 33"4-9731 May-2.1-97 01 :48P The QFf ice of Todd Larson 704-334-9711 p.O3 Tis form mast he completed b the appropriate Regional Otdce and Included with the submtss on of the application package. r_ jNSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT in order to determine the classification of the watershed in which these land application activities will be located, you are rewired to submit this form, with items l through 8 completed. to the appropriate DiivW(M of Eneiroauaentil lMlana etnent Regional -Water Quality Supervisor (see attached list' ,). At:a lat =am.. yob mun include an 8.S' b 1 ` cop of the portion of a 73 minute USGS Topographic Map which Shows the �bj dr, sudacc waters. ou must identify the location of the facility and the closest downslope surface waters (wirers for which you are requesting the classification) on the submitted map 'copy. The applicatloh sk not be submitted tundl thls form is completed and included with the" aubmittaal. 1. AppliOnI (please :purify the name of the municipality, corporation. individual. or.odw l: 2. Name and Complete Address of Applicant: C City: ®cK ks"11A State: S. C . Zip: Zy"136 — I )o6 Telephone Number: (�) 32 �i — K1 O16 3. Project I�TatneT c� F &C 1.1,; �l tL �1� s �� u�T JC 4. Volune of residuals to be land applied: _ 3 o O O dry tons pee year. S. Na= of closest wface writers: =9{-'r 'ram^ 5- %A 6. County(s) where land application site is located: l) i OYN C 0, �•� 7. Map name and date: � 8. - Appicant Signature: TO: REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SUPERVISOR please provide me with the classifieation of the watershed where these land application activities way 0t;C11t, as identified on the ataashed trap segment: Name of stuffed waters: Classifttxtion (as established by the Environmental Management Commission): Proposed CkWficadon. if applicable: Sivatme of regional office personmd: Date: FORNI: L A RS 06194 P41ge 9 of 18 May-,27-97 09 5,4A. The Office' of> Todd Larson 704 334-9711 P 06, May-21-97 01:55P The Office ®f Todd Larson.704-334-9711 P:pg. Tts form saust be eompletea by the ap roprLate Regional ®fQst and included with the ssi submion, of the application package. ,. a14 STT�U(:TIONS TO APPLICANT- In order to determine the classification of the watershed in which these land application activities will be located. you are required to submit this form. with items 1 through 9 completed, to tie appropriate DivWon of F,nvirmwtal Management Regional Water Quality Supervisor (sec attached listing). At a nrirtiMUM, you must icclude an S.S' by II copy of the portion of a 7.5 minute USGS Topographic Map which slwws then suubjeat turfm waters. You must ldeotify the location of the facility and the closest downslope surface waters (waters for which you are requesting the classification) on the submitted neap copy. The application may not be submitted until this form is completed and Included with the submittal.' 1. Applicant (please specify the nerve. of the municipality, corporation. individua), or ad& ): �- PVC L,4 WilkrA &K is � w s . C . 2. N&= and Complete Address of Applicant: city., �ec� ILA State: S . C .-Zip: _ Z.R `13! — V106 Tek;hone h%=ber. ( ) 3Z 151®G 3. NO y t= 1�o L� t.�:1 W\ts.,roCl, < )T f . r A.- Volme of residuals to be land applied: _ ! dry torts per ycu S. ' .Name of closest suffice waters: 6. Couaty(s) where lan.d.application site is located: V kz! I Oyl C ® - C ?. hiap name and dire: �a dJC - C C_ L9 i. - Appicant Signature: TO: REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SUPERVISOR please provide me with the classification of the watershed where these land application activities will oeevrj as identified on the attached neap segment" Name of surfioe waters: - -_ CiassiGeatioa (as established by the Envirortmental Management Commission): propmed CisssiGcation. if applicable: Sigaature of regional office personnel: r L ` ®ate: FORM: L FRS 06194 Psge 9 of 18 {,, < a --' ..- ) @ s s a r i.Z r a .,..t i.::.:a '..- R- `: a^{a Cr;:... e; S �.. - ♦ Gen.y a, 5CALCULATI0NS WORK SHEET „ - - ¢"-LwJo � .. .,. +... . v: .. r:} "�.w.r s �.�:,.r .. a .•r::r, � t _G.f f ... _ .. is work sheet is designed to assist the Division)of Environmental Management n revie g this application as expeditious] as ssible. Its preparation in a complete and accurate"manner is"critical°to°this review -For?permits-that cover. multiple sources of residuals or different residuals from the same source; use,add tionalwwork sheets:.. ; T "r A. List the specific residuaF that is covered by�thew, calculafions,--(place or process of origin) City of Rork What are the total dry tons of this.residual to be. land,applied. each year,? Total Dny Tons = Gallons of Residuals'- 9b *' . Solids" 8 34""1bsJgallon- _. produced annually d 00 2,000 -lbs./ton w Total Dny Tons = * .15 5 * 8.34 lbs./gallon 2,000 lbs./ton Tons r`' t . y If the euantity. of residual will vary sigtiifcantly. orif there will be: a larger initial application, please attach a detailed `T explanation and provide calculations for each variation. B . Complete;Kthe following ;calculations to establish ;the portio�t o ..the residual that is made up -of the arious parameters:" - % Total Solids = 15 . a s (PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL CONSTITUENTS' ARETO BE 1N'""TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS) . PARAMETER- m /l, — % Solids _ (Decimal) `::;"_ m /k - (dive Wt::` x 0.602 =' lb"iddrv` ton Arsenic... ' __ 2 15 �'.5 , `_," _ - 1- 4 $, i x. 0 0C' o.oaq 6 Cadmium N"p.. . 15� 5 =:. ", N l7:.- 0.002`t a�_D Chromium 1 a : o= : 15 5- _ 'i 9 x-"O.'002" Copper 1141 . . 15�5 = _5: ,t t x.�0002: t 504 . Lead 91 .o.x:: ". 0.002: � 1 Mercur .1'1, ..' '. .. � 5. 5 t- ... .._ 1,A 15 x . 0.002'" Molybdenum 5 1:t,5 _ - y13 x 0:002 Nickel 4. t, .,I s 5 = Z 6 -x . 0.002 = ".0612 Selcnium . a q :15 �L 5 = l 9 x 0.002 = o o3—i a Zinc 9 5.7 ' . ;:�.5;�.5 _": _. = °' �''.:aS x0.002 = t : as.b. Ammonia-N 39 6. 5 .1:5•a S. = a & op x 0.002 = 5 • a Calcium 116 3.6 1 5 a 5 t `j'000 x 0.002 = 2 4 MaQrlesium 533.1 S.00. x .0.002 = -1 N0302,N a �' t 5.a5 = IS x 0.002' _ :036 Phosphorus a :b 1 5:a_5-1.. _ .1,1 _ x. 0 002 Potassium -4`z'; 1 5 a5 .. = :2�bdo; x 0:002: 5 : (b" Sodium•1- 5 ;t 5 = a 1.00 x ' 0:002 = 4 . T TKN ao991.5 1 5a 5 _.. _.. 5411v6,D 'x 0.002 FORM: LARS 06194 Page 11 of 18 C. Plant Available* Nitrogen, (PAN) 3calculations and Ian . d application area requirements: CONSTITUENTS Mg/Kg.:-. DRY WEIGHT TIM - 60, AI�MONIA-N NO3-NO2-N 1 r6 .L....MineralizationRate W 3o (These values can be established for the specific residual'or default Valdes can belused for domesticwastewater treatment residuals. If actual values are established, attach.,the documentation. The default values are as follows): Unstabilized Primary and Secondary Residuals 40%-­­- Aerobically Digested Residuals Anaerobical]y Digested Residuals 20% Composted Residuals (If the default values are used, attach an explanation as to why­the.spe6h'C. chosen default value is appropriate.) 2. Co . mplete the following calculations for the application method proposed , (Please * note, the Mineralization Rate ['MR] should be utilized in the following calculations as a decimal): -Application;l -:,PA;N for: Surface PAN = ['(M'R) x (l-KN - NH3)) +.5 x (NH3) + (NO3-NO2-N) P A -IN + PAN =-1%2S00 PPM Dry Weight rPAl\ for ce.-_Application - Subsurface.. _.pp, ---PAN.I TH91 N) .=-(0dR-)xCTKN­ N --+-(NH-3)�+,;0NO3TN0� 2 PkN P- .. applied 6d- ------ -3-,.:1TPW per. year and Appli A - Total dry tons of residual to be land,2pplied per year : Total PAN mpounds - Pounds I Ton ii tVAN, .in DT—N, Wci ibb� x 0 Dry Weight) X,0-0 2-- -6 A "6 Ton/Year PouhdVDrN Total. PAN in pounds in- Pounds Dry Ton) xTotal tons of residual to be land applied 4 1:4 Ob of Q Pounds/Year in years Due to the fact that oreanic nitro N. comes available nitrogen if neralized slowly over b#fe the amount, of nitrogen that rates for the subsequent 46 -ibR the initial into con si derid6ri,..w1rn. calculating application IloA application mustibeltaken� p years. This -being the case, pleas... attach an evaluation of this.factccand'its impactonloading rates.-.,Sbow the adjusted _ for at least five years. The maximum adjusted annual PAN is - Pounds/Year. FORM: LARS 06/94 Page 12 of 18 0 4. Crop information bnrrmrogen uptake pe'ryear J i" t z .. ..... .. e ., ,V.7 (Dtvi"sion `s RecoinmendaUons) '(Pcovi4e Mors the ;Crops_,Specified) Crop(s) PAN (Ibs.facre/year) PAN (Ibi /icce4 ar)'``' Alfalfa _ u... 200 Bermuda Grass=(Hay;.Pasture) 220. 350' Coct's1=d l berintida' `�q)[ Blue,Grass.:..,.. - - . 120'.:_: : - .. Corn (Grain) 160 Corn (Silage) _ ! 200 :,- Cotton Fescue 70 250 Forest (Hardwood & Softwood) 75 Milo .. 100� Small Grain (Wheat, barley, oats) 100 Sorghum, Sudex (Pasture).__ .. -_. 190 Sorghum, Sudex (Silage) 220 Soybeans 200 v Timothy, Orchard; "&. Rye Grass .._ 200- t , t Please pro.ride the basis for. the uptake used.,if different than Division Recommendations 350 -�ortrue coct s „ 1 be U c�a �1c2LLy _. ... er.,..:ExAe", , t`on "Y`cco vrteri`da+tpn..: _ 5: Total acres -needed to land apply. the pounds of .available nitrogen calculated above Total aces needed ... w ::,Maximum total Pounds of plant a�,ai able nitrogen tPAl << Pounds of nitrogen needed for crop, too -- Minimum.. acres need ed..,based on , most L restrictive PAN< —1 `1' $ acres - " This value -must -be. the value for -the crop`to=be that -has the lowest nitrogen_uptaxe'rate per aae ; :If.there are various crops that will only be utilized for certain sites, please attach:the calculationsfor each site and determine . ;the total ,needed acres using the format outluie�above:;-- D Calculate; the° Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) (*.*This section must be completed in mgll-,to convert: mg7kg x %solids [as a -decimal] = mg/1**) SAR * Na Milli Equivalent T [0.5 (Ca,Mi11i Equivalent + Mg M0 5 - - CONCENTRATION,(mg/1) + Equivalent Weight Milli Equivalents of Ion SODIUM (Na), .. 3 2. o (mom) +.. 23 .CALCWitj'(Ca); . ► Cb3 b. - . (mgn).:+ 20 .. = MAGNTEST TIM (ti1g) 5 3 3 (mg/I) T.... ....._.' 12'.. _ 4 SAR = 1.10 FORM:- LARS 06/94 Page 13 of 18 O If calculation sheets are being completed for morethan one residual or ;site, please" attach a' 4 s cheet.•tti;at :bring the results: of all: the calctilafionsheetstoote poin r; L'etermine`the Srte Life' for-rthis�landaapphcahon site . a{. The lifetime,pollutantjoadings shall not be exceeded: 1 he'site life is determined by calculating the nu mber of years that the sit "can receive the residual without.excee�ing the lifetime pollutant loadings. .The site life calculations will be based on the most ;i restrictive'crop plant a�aiiable nitrogen (PAN) requirement speed and the maximum dry=tons of;siestduals t,� be land applied annually. Therefore, in the table below the Tons of .Residuals to be Applied/Acre/Year will be calculat.edja . 1. Most restrictive crop based on the plant available nitrogen (PAN) requirement W he4+ l O O Associated plant available nitrogen (PAN) requirement:-. < ' 100 (ibsJacre/year).; _t 4 2. ° °Minimuui'acres needed based, on most restrictive PAN (as found in C.S above): $ ides 3. Dry Tons of Residuals to be land applied per year. a O 5 I dry tons per year 4,-Tons of Residuals to be Applied/Acre/Year = Drv'Tons/Year of Residuals to land aonlied Minimum number of acres required for land application'=- Tons of Residuals to be Applied/AcrelYear = of •� If any. of the application sites are to be loaded at greater than the rate specified above, please specify the loading rate and explain: Tons of Residuals to be Applied/Acre/Year (different from above) _ Explananon FPS c e a 5 O a O 51 300 = 6 ger,rvmuda 1Ao,\/ 35o aos1 s O�iT Q`OD)iCQ�1�O✓1 QT�P't''. 4 t^GY'Z� s1q• ©.r ..'CJ'i ✓1`9: - ...... In the table below, the highest annual loading (T�ns'of Residuals toibe Apphed/AcrefYear) specified above, will be multiplie•' _.. _ by the lbs /dry ton of each pollutant as found'in B"above. The SiteLife-can-then 1determmed.by.. Site Life (Years) = Allowable Lifetime Loadings" (lbs /acre) - �--- �-- Projected-„Pound..­to'-be­Applied/Acre/Year._.-... Pollutant Tons of lbs /dry ton of each Projected Allowable Lifetime Residuals to be' `pollutant Pounds to `be Pollutant Loadings :Site Life Applied pert- = '(as,found in an, 41pplied/Acre (lbs./acre) • (Years) Acre per Year . ;., above) /Yea r Arsenic q.� * ooa9b _ p;..d'a$. __ 36_,..,. _ ►a4,5 Cad*n urn .. T 14D Chromium...:. q.::�:i .. * ,15Q; = 1,..5 I,b•_:_ _ 2,5 7 7 = .1."1 5 Copper 1.5 og- _ .1 4.438 .[. 3.a ,267� merc,ury, Nici el 9.6 * o s Z = 4:q `i' :.. 374 = '149 Selenium o '89 = a 4'1 a Zinc 9.6 * 1.<<a 5-6 = i 2.05`:7 .. _ 2498 Compare the nine (9) pollutants above and detetanine which p61 :7 rit that Will result in the shortest'life'for this site ' The Limiting Pollutant isCoPAer The Site Life is 01a7. _ —,years based ors Coas-c�17 ,n-�-vd �aY FORM: LARS 06/94 Page 14 of 18 North Carolina Division of Enviro en'tal Manageftx ,,, AGREEMEWTTOR� S'I'VWX ,T�iE-LAN_ OMOF.-W-A t _j "T'O" Permittee Contact Person: Hicks Address of Itm:' J�d " rm'* , P. G), -RorkS­ C List of wastewater residuals to be applied to these lands: Pock Hill : Site.:ID, Field Number: % The undersigned land owner or lus representdtiy­&hereby permits h a' -,location `"'d as e2P t6� I the I above sfdu"i and, t- e* hereinafter. refeitt -to' the ermittee-, apply e, a ove e residuals s.- onto. shown as described herein -iri accordance with the restrictions and stipulations as given below. The landowner or his representative receives, ­in'conside'ration; fiill`bse dthe ''nutrient valu'e of -the applied residuals while the Perrnitt6e receives, in consideration, the use of the land described above for the This agreement shall rem'ainin effect for :Division of �;,iter rtsidua.ls. s agreem disposal asie 'ff �r ih6' i� &'bf`the` Environmental, Management land., application permit and-,shall,,be renewed each -time -,the Iand,,application permit is renewed. The undersigned land owner or his representative an'd agree to abide: with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as Written notification;: give-n-t,hirty (3Q) days -in advance, modifies or cancels this Land owner's A2mernn't-.' Notification of can6ellation of this ;a& &nt shall be immediately, f6r.,A,iid6dIb: Division of Environmental Management Permits and Engineering Unit Post t' b f fi'66' B' o' x". 2-9' 5-3 5'' Raleigh, North Carolina 27.626-0535 FORM: LARS 06194 Page..15 of-1.8 !'TIPULATIO7 ��.,,�� J',+ r.�: 'r NS'. 1. The Iandownei or -his repr`eseriiative�he eby,�authorizes ftie=Per nittee=Cotinty and Staie:Officials or their representatives to inspect each parcel ofpropert , or to; during, and after residual application and to established monitoring facilities on or near the application site as regtured hy-.the residual land,.,_.- application"permit `.....,.__. _ .._...__.. _._ -... _ .._. 2. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee- .County;and:,State Officials or,_their representatives to take necessarysoil; surface" Ind. ground water 'samples-duruig the tert'n of, and twelve (12) months after- termination of; this.Agreemen't 3. The Perriiittee`will provide eacli'landoazier or" his -'representative with a copy of th-e land'application perrriit.as.issued --by the....N.C._Department .,of__Environment,-Health_. and- Natural. Resources ... (NCDEHNR) Division of Environmental Management (DEM) for the land described above prior to comrrienceinent'of. residual""application: TheeNCDEHNR-DEM'--permit--will-specify-maximum - applicatiomrates,.limitations. and..other restrictions prescribed -by the laws and regulations. 4. The Pefmitttt fias provided `the landov;ter or his representative with information and data concerning the program for .land:applicati ori"oftresiduals",to-privately owned -lands- which; includes --an' analysis of constituents of the residual, residual- application,methods and schedules for jypieal cropping patterns and a description of the equipment used by tire -Per uttee for residual application. - 5 _ The Permittee ws represent ill furnish each landowner or his with a copy of.the,results- of each,soil analysis...... - 6. The site shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to.residual application. Residuals may be applied to sites with- a 'pH- of less than -6.0 provided- a sufficient amount of lime is also applied to achieve.a final..pH of the lime,.residual and soil mixture of at least'6.0. 7. The Iandowner'of his -representative willinform the-Permittee of any revisions -or modifications to the intended use`and7cropping patterns shown above prior to each planting season io'enable the Peimittee­ to amend this Agreement and schedule applications at appropriate periods. Within the limits of the NCDEHN-R DEM permit; the owner or his i-epresentative..and the:P,ermittee Twill determine residual application 'rates and-schedules�based on crop patterns and the'results of`soil'samples. 8: Crops for direct.human consumption_ shall, -be harvested: in accordance with_the;conditions of -the. perm.- . 9_ The-landowneror.his.representatives.or successors shall.adhere_to the provisions, of this Agreement fora period of eighieen (18) rrionths from the date of the most`recent�residual application: 10. Appropriate.--measures-must. betaken --by the. Permittee-or. Land-Ownerto control public:. access to"the land"application sitea s urin'g active site use and for the twelve�(12) month period following: residual .-application: `,Such controls`,may- include the- posting,ofsigns:.indicatiiig the activities,being conducted at.each.site... , 11. Specific `resi dual application, area boundaries shallbeclearly marked on each site by the Permittee or Land Owner (Lessee) prior to and during application. 12. ShouId the Iandowner or his representative lease.or otherwise permit. the use of the land by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to insure'tfie'ihird party agrees and eomplies"with the terms and conditions of this Agreement 13. The existing lessee,. if any, of the site agrees; .by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. - FORM: LARS 06/94 Page,_• 16 of 18 �-14 411is Agreement shall ,be binding on th an e grantees, the successors d assigns, of, the parties hereto pl, . I - iL­ reference to the subiect matter of this Agfezment-: 1�' LI Animals, should not be grazed on residual applied lands within a'thirty (30) day period following the g- razin fencing, that will b�� residual g-shall-haw used to prevent access during these periods after each _,ap ,application: . z p 16. Prior tora--transfer-of this land to a new.,ow.ner., -a permit modification dification must be requested and obtained from the Division of Environmental Management: nt The request shall contain appropriate fees and agreements. In addition, a notice shall be given by the current landowner, to the: new landowner that 9 -or gives full -details of the materials applied,, -incorporated at each site. 17. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Environmental Management may, upon-presentid 1 6 h of credentials, -enter.. - and.inspect any property';,"premises-'or place on or related to the application* site and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of. . - I r; . copy a determining-c-this-with-t-his--pennit�-,�may,--inspect. o nyrecbrdst.haumust'be kept under the terms and conditions of thus permit- or may obtain samples of groundwater, 'surface water, or. leachate. ;' 18. The Iandowner shill not ­e7ni0Anto -any "additional -waste,dispsal, contracts or agreement§ with - another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for -the land specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional wastewater residual sources, other than the residuals specified by this permit, is prohibited. RESTRICTIONS: FORNI: LARS 06194 Page .17 -of :18, }14c±1.1 5AL fj H, ,rs bt',r t.'kr¢v1�{ r...ip��d2i?. ..,'�ki.J:.r r., -Yr t'3C/: �-.Di t 5 haye;read this land owner's agreement and do hereby grant permission (. to the Perminee to apply sludgehesidual to my lands as. speeified:.kerem WITN7ESS my ban d-andofficial, sealjhis:day of: , 19 NOTARY PUBLIC My commission Expires SEAL: *t*******.t********************t****t*****************t** I, have read this land ovmer's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee Date * * * -* * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * .* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I, have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as speed herein. Permittee Date FORM: LARS 06/94 Page 18 of 18 NORTH CAROLINA, U N I c l COUNTY, I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that ow L. r'l personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the_due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of 2 IV I, 19 My co ires, d C 5• HAM, S � Z,)© �- o-rAR y Av L0Cj a 'Qir�110 . I, have read this land owner's agreement and dohereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as spMfied herein. Lessee Date ******************************************************** I, the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by Permittee Date FORM: LARS 05194 Page 18 of 18 I, cea l have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby grant permission to the PermittiW to apply sludge/residual to my lands as specified herein. Land Owner Lf -30 -y7 Date NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY, I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of , 19 IN(OTARY PUBLIC My commission, Expires` ! 9 SEAL • .� S. HA tek . to 140TARt. Q 5 It - _ - ••......-• G.. I, V have read this.land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations restrictions as specified herein. I, the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee Date have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by Permittee M FORM: LARS '05/94 Page 18 of 18 Date NORTH CAROLINA, V tj COUNTY, I. the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of 2 , 19 Zo oc� My commission Expires 9' �.� S. HAM�� V�� o SEAL: .,......•••,� � NOTAgy ; � ebb.* ljg SIG co.,N�• have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee Date have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. P6rmittee — Date FORM: LARS 05/94 Page 18 . of 18 .. µ r tSf an have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby grant. permission to the Permittee to appll sludge/residual to my lands as specified herein. �n n n ... l �.D,�►1i Land Owner _21 Date NORTH CAROLINA,. 0A/ i A CODUNTY I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of , 19 g My commission Expir b } +ttRUM/ SEAL-. 'S. HA� •0_ A 6. I, have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulatior4d restrictions as`specified herein. Lessee Date ******************************************************** have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and -strictions as specified herein. Permittee Date FORM: LARS 05/94 Page 18 of 18 Date NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY, nn I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of , 19 My commission Expires 9 ze,2,0 SEAL: 1, �C have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee Date have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Permittee Date FORM: LARS 05/94 Page 18 of 18 r r r r r1 t r r r I r e r r r r r r r t•# r t r r## t♦ r• r r r r• r♦ r♦ r r• r r• r• r r r# r• r t I. n 1� V�. � YyN v�1Y� have read'this land owner's agreement and do hereby grant permission 8 to the Perauttee to apply sludgehesidual to my lands as specified herein. er Date NORTH CAROLINA, u w r./1 COUNTY, I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that —[! D 0 L=r� � personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WI'iNESS my hand and official seal this day of44 , 19 My commission Expires S E Q't S. H, 4,f ••'•.T ICU. .0� e10T" : cn e (�8 L%CO <N CO. N' • t• r t r a r t e r r r r r r♦ r•♦• r r# r#♦♦ r r# r r t t t t# r♦* r••♦ r#♦##•• have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Date r•* r r r• t r•#•* r t• r• r t♦•• t r♦♦ t r♦##••• t♦ r r t r•• r t r t•••• r r r r t the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by Permittee Date FORM: LARS 05/94 Page 18 of 18 : r• s t r r) t• �•7• • r•• t• r r r r r t•• r t r r•• r r r r• r r r** r a r r a a• r r+• t t•• ° cyy� — have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to apply sludgelresldual to my lands as specified herein. d Land er 1;7 Dale NORTH CAROLINA, bCOUNTY, I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that `T—a o o L-wr1.� personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WTINESS my hand and official seal this day of Z/ . 19 ?7 My commission Expi o d 4tU; D �\ O•T _a Ali l�1. iN a AVBL%G t t r• r•• r r r r r r• r r• r• i t t• r• t r r r t r r t r t a r• a• a a t r• r a• have read this land owners agreement and do hereby agree. to abide by the stipulations and restti 'ons as specified herein. Lessee f Date t•• r••• a•••• t t a r r t• t r a t r r• r• t t•• a t t t r 4 r• t• t r r t t• f••:••• s 1, the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by Permittee Date FORM: LARS 05/94 Page 18 of 18 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ► * * * * * * * * ! * * t ► ► * * * ! * ! ► + * * * * ► * * * * * * * * * * t ! * * I• �`�� have read this land o s agreement and do bereb ' $ y grant permission to the Permi ply sludgettesidual to my lands as specified herein. Land Owner - q'7 Date NORTH CAROLINA, \r tJo'K\ COUNTY, I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of , 19 My commission Expires l a v SEAL: 4,01 rg" 00TAq y A&8 L%G the stipulations q as specified heron. have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by Lessee Date e • * ► * * t t + * + * t ► * t * * • t t + r * t + + + + * * t + + * * + * t t + + * ! _ ! t t t + • • * t * a 1. the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. have read this land owtter's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by Petmittee Date FORM: LARS 05/94 Page 18 of 18 w. A • e / a t a r t t t r a r* a r t r t* t t s a tq a a t t a r r• a r r• r r f*• a r t a•••• r a• a r• r: have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby grant permission to the Permime to apply sludgehesidual to my lands as specified herein. T—U2 Own t Dare NORTH CAROLINA, ����� COUNTY, .1— I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day and acknowled ed the due execution of the forgoing insmitnent. WITVTESS my hand and official seal this day of , 19 NOTARY PUBtIC My commission E ires�6 FitA �• •.� • o• ' r1OTAf? •: P o � e B L`9 ' .• v CN CO•• =tt::= t-ut'*=*:�e==:=:==z t=t•==>t t>t at�s:=t==*===r r r== I, the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by pa�,— -L� L-01�� — Lessee Dale t=_______= r= r t r r a a a t r r r r t r a r= r r== i r r r r r t r r r t r r r r r r r= r r=_ I. have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Permictee Date ]FORM: LARS 11193 Page 22 of 22 r t r t r r r r r a r r r a t a a a t• t r a a r t a t t r r• t r• r e a r r a a r a• a r a• e r r r r r r 1, Wc 1 to the Perminee, to apply sludgetresidual to my lands as NORTH CAROLINA, ��} % �� COUNTY, I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that T— personally appeared before me this day and aclmowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITINESS my hand and official seal this day of 19 r ' GTARY Pli UC 00, My commission Lpire�� `���li� ZO 111� SEAL : trrrse� HAtij��To �� s 4(�. .y (t . t%OAR • N + '? t t t, �t�� t`�� t: f,.4„�e : # a# t: t t t• t t t t t: t:# x t# t # t t# t t: t t# t t t a t t# t I, have read this land owner' agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee .1 Dare # t � f##•# r s t t r t t t t t# t t r r r# t r t t t• t# t# t t t# #'r t t# t t## t# t t# :: : 1, have read this land owners agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Permittee Dare - • FORM: LARS 11/93 Page 22 of 22 ! f if 4 f! 4 f• i f I f t!! t i! f!$! t• i!* t••! f!•! i* t! f f f• t f f• f• t• f f f• i 1. I-'2W F- ow lip, V have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to apply sludge/residual to my lands as specified herein. Land Owner Is-/s-9 Date NORTH CAROLINA, WUy "(41 COUNTY, I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that —F0 0 U) L-VAVaa' personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of , 19 My commission Expires d a SEAL: i t * • ! f f * • * * * i * t * * ! ! * ! * * • • t * * • * * * * * * * f * t * t * * * t • f • t * i * t * • * 1. : 2yyJ Vj r `� ��� have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee 9-IL-7 Date i• t i t !• t i t t 4* f i•* t• t i♦• i i f t! i**• i t• t f f f! t �! * t! t t t t i f * f• t 1, the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by Permittee Date FORM: LA RS 05/94 Page 18 of 18 * t * * • t * t t t * * t t * t * * * * * * t * * * t * * t * t t * t * * t * * t * • t * • * * * t * * * t • t �•-112 Rt h'^ �—v w �`� +� have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby y grant permission to the Permittee to apply sludge/residual to my lands as specified herein. J6 q:_ Date NORTH CAROLINA, _ () �J () ,— COUNTY, I. the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that ---o o-o personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of ke 2 , 19, — si NOTARY PUBLIC My commission Expires_/ o SEAL: t t t a*• t* t t t t t e t** t r t t t• t• t r* •tttttt •tttttt * t***•*** r** t t have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specifed herein. Lessee Date Q * t t ♦ t • t * * * * t * t * * t * * t * t * * * • t * * * * * * * t * * * t * * t t t t t t * * t * t * t • 1, the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by Permittee Date FORM: LABS 05194 Page 18 of 18 r•irr •••rirrr•11rnntt1rr•t�rttsrtrr� ttr••rrtrr••rtr••rtrrirtt `r G'e 2 N �� `1 S have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to 4ply sludgelresidual to Iny lands as specified herein. • r � d Dale NORTH CAROLINA, U °J �� COUNTY, I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that 600 LVWA,- . personally appeared before me this day and acknowled ed the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of Z , 19�_ My commission Expires D o SEAL: i t••• r t t t t r t t r t i: t t t r r r r• r•• t i r r• t r r•• r• i i r• i••••• i• r r• r Lp have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations d restrictions as specified herein. Date r• r r i i r• r r•• i r••: t i r i r•• r• r r r i i t•• i t r t* t i i i r r• t i i i• e r i r• 1, have read this land owtser's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Permittee Date FORM: LARS 05194 Page 18 of 18 * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • • • * * * * * * * *.• * * • * • * * * * • • • • 1. �7 Dt KV\. have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby grant permission to the Permince to apply sludge/residual to my lands as specified herein. �5 -/5 z Dale G� NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY, I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that IT personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing .instrument. WrrNESS my hand and official seal this day of , 19 My commission Expires o SE O% E I : tOTA ocP .33 th d • '""t3 L%C 1. e t l l� have read this land owners agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulatio d restrictions as specified herein. �� a& - Lessee X111*01"97 Date * * * * * * • * * • * * * • • * * * * * * * * • * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * • • * * • ! * * * * • * e.* * • 1. have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Permittee Date FORM: LARS 05l94 Page 18 of 18 e,- I, W�l have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to apply udge/residual to my lands as specified herein. L er NORTH CAROLINA, Date COUNTY, I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that \ v personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of , 19 q% My Expir 1W1- WA �; • 0 f 1 V G BL% G�,_ I, the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by LeSS Date I, have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Permittee Date FORM: LARS 05/94 Page 18 of 18 Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Owners and Addresses Site Name Address City, State, Zip Phone UN97 Claude Pressly 1863 Cassamia Place Charlotte, NC 28211 704.366.4903 UN98 Mary Horn 416 Waxhaw Mawin Road Waxhaw, NC 28173 704.843.4488 UN99 Banks Choate ., 2824 Sandy porter Road Charlotte, NC 28273 704.588.0746 UN99 Barry Choate 5415 Plae Green Road Mechanicsville, VA 23116 804.779.7800 UN99 Ben Choate 7361 Claude Phillips Road Lancaster, SC 29270 803.285.7204 UN100 John Shannon 7102 Highway 75 Waxhaw, NC 28108 704.843.2815 UN101 Bill Hornbeck Post Office Box 96 Mineral Springs, NC 28108 704.843.3207 UN102 Perry Brown 8225 Lancaster Highway Waxhaw, NC 28173 704.843.3468 UN102 Leon C. Grant 5806 Brigham Road Waxhaw, NC 28173 704.843.4667 UN102 Peter S. Welles 3013 Caves Road Owings Mills, MD 21117 410.363.0157 UN103 Frank Fowler 6620 Marvin Fowler Road Waxhaw, NC 28173 704.843.3655 UN103 Joann Fowler for Arthur Phillips 6620 Marvin Folwer Road Waxhaw, NC 28173 704.843.3655 UN104 Henry Lee Phillips 3113 Mary Elizabeth Church Rd. Waxhaw, NC 28173 704.843.2012 UN 05 Joe Roger 5520 Rehobet Road Waxhaw, NC 8 3 7K843,2083 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division CITY OF ROCK HILL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING LABORATORY CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Project Name: Annual POTW Assessment (1996) of Influent/EffluentiWAS for IPP Sample ID: MSC-0518 (Influent) Date Collected: 12/17/96 Flow: Analysis By: See respective worksheets Methodology: In accordance with 40 CFR 136 or approved equivalent mgd Parameter Results Parameter Results Temperature Aluminum pH(field)ntrmon pH(lab) 9.41 su Arsenic <0.300m Residual C12 Barium BOD5 210m * Beryllium <0.0100m COD 603m Cadmium <0.00500m TOC 20m Chromium ex TSS 192m Chromium Total <0.0300m Spec. Conductivity 864 uhmos/cm Copper 0.0847m Chloride Lead <0.100m Sulfate Mercury <0.0005m Total Phosphate 3_8m Nickel OmgJL Oil & Grease 21m Palladium Hydrocarbons 19m Selenium <0.300m d 0.0129m Silver <0.0300m ToW_ henols 0 0263m -- Thallium _ <0.300m Ammonia 13m Z�in---� —� T A 3 - '- VOC PrioriPollutants 0:0098m ,Z TTO Released By: `Qwn, -_ M - Date:3L CITY OF ROCK DILL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING LABORATORY CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Project Name: Annual POTW Assessment (1996) of Influent/EffluentNWAS for IPP Sample ID: MSC-0519 (Effluent) Date Collected: 12/17/96 Flow: mgd Analysis By: See respective worksheets Methodology: In accordance with 40 CFR 136 or approved equivalent Parameter Results Parameter Results Temperature Aluminum pH(field) Antimony0' °117 pH(lab) 8.00su Arsenic <0.300m Residual C12 Barium BOD5 17m * . Beryllium <0.0100mgfL COD 94m Cadmium <0.00500m TOC 79.5m Chromium ex TSS 7.8m Chromium(Total) <0.0300m Spec. Conductivity 804 uhoms/cm Copper- <0.0300m Chloride Lead <0.100m Sulfate Merc <0.0005m Total Phosphate 1.4m Nickel <0.0300m Oil & Grease <5m Palladium Hydrocarbons <5m Selenium <0.300m Cyanide <0.0100m Silver <0.0300m Total Phenols 0.0112m Thallium <0.300m Ammonia 2.5m Zinc®0434m VOC Priority Pollutants 0.002m TTO Released By:Uk4jAMA Date:' 20 CITY OF ROCK HILL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING LABORATORY CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Project Name: Annual POTW Assessment (1996) of Influent/ Effluent/ WAS for IPP Sample ID: MSC-0520 (MFPS) Date Collected: 12/17/96 Flow: Analysis By: See respective worksheets Methodology: In accordance with 40 CFR 136 or approved equivalent mgd Parameter Results Parameter Results Temperature Aluminum pH(field) Antimony 1- o ° 1 pH(lab) Arsenic <5.82m Residual C12 Barium BOD5 Beryllium <2.91m %TS 16.9% Cadmium <2.91m %TVs 11.5% Chromium ex Flash Point . >145F Chromium(Total) ,KGB 4m TDS Copper �6�2 Chloride Leaden Sulfate Mercury Total Phosphate Nickel 1; Oil & Grease °376Otn _ Palladium Total Pet. Hydrocarbons 31770-:0 i Selenium 9�6m Cyanide a47,m ' Silver - gym. Total. Phenols{; Thallium <5.82m Fecal Coliforms Zinc 19Wif `°K" VOC Priority Pollutants ,:._ TOWNg`: TTO Released By: 'yn_� Date: r i • CITY OF ROCK HILL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING LABORATORY CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Project Name: Annual POTW Assessment (1996) of Influent/ Effluent/ WAS for 1PP Sample ID: MSC-0520 TCLP Date Collected: 12/17/96 Flow: mgd Analysis By: See respective worksheets Methodology: In accordance with 40 CFR 136 or approved equivalent Parameter Results Parameter Results Temperature Aluminum pH(field) pH(lab) -Antimony Arsenic <0.500m Residual C12 Baum <10.Omg/L BOD5 Beryllium %TS Cadmium <0.100m COD Chromium ex TSS Chromium(Total) <0.500mWL IDS Copper Chloride Lead <0.500m Sulfate Mercury Q,022 m Total Phosphate Nickel Oil & Grease Palladium Hydrocarbon Selenium <0.300m Cyanide Silver <0.500m Total Phenols Thallium Fecal Coliforms Zinc VOC Priority Pollutants TTO Released By: Am LAW Date: ' City of Rock Hill PO Box 11706 310 Red River Rd Rock Hill, SC 29731 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Attn: Margaret Walker id Ir w M.M.L. Nwa, 11,001'a, =Emil; 00111,1 �■■11■■Iv111���������W� ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: PRESERVATION: CONTAINER TY`PE- CUSTODY SEALS: NM= READING: LOCK(S) STATUS: 1. H2SO4 4. NAOH 7. OT]HER 2. HNO3 5. NONE 3. HCL 6. COOL 4 DEG. C P - PLASTIC G - GLASS TFE - TEFLON RELINQUISHED BY: RELINQUISHED BY: FIRM 2 2011 Wr CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD City of Rock Hill PO Box 11706 310 Red River Rd. Rock Hill, SC 29731 Attn: Margaret Walker PROJECT NAME: Annual POTW Asse%ment ejj%) r. ep 74tue . E TPP 7 LOCATION: T lY r6esf r- i al luPnt Q v; •-. COLLECTED U AMPLE ID DATE TEVM pH REMARKS 111SC Z Samples are + 1.0 G 6 OF lbda's 01 Samples Ft�- jggj u 1 1.0 G 6 iQ 051$ �� 9G 9 0 A held MSC- 500 -qeX scmpw Wcri X 1 P 2,6 all de +rai Into fk 51 IZ 4 ml 0 m5<' rnw d .qnd Pouid X 1 1.OL P 4,6 x in{o +ks4 ro�r� 051 InSC- 1 500 G 1,6 J 51 ml msc- Ia 40m1 G 36 Z ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: PRESERVATION: CONTAINER TYPE: CUSTODY SEALS: METER READING: 1. H2SO4 4. NAOH 7. OTHER 2. HNO3 5. NONE P = PLASTIC G = GLASS LOCK(S) STATUS: 3. HCL 6. COOL 4 DEG. C TFE - TEFLON ' RE L BY: TIME: RELINQUISHED BY: DATE: TIME: RELINQUISHED BY: DATE: TIME: RDATTE: 100 pCEIVED BY: TIME: RECEIVED BY: 05 DATE; TIME: RECEIVED BY: DATE: TIIvfE: 7 6 t111' City of Rock Hill PO Box 11706 310 Red River Rd Rock Hill, SC 29731 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD A=: Margaret Walker PROJECT NAUE: nnuoJ I Is mi CIRCLE THE APPROPRIATE Wisp, 0210--j-24-wn-M MR �■■11�■Iv111� �������W� ADDITIONALINFORMATION: CUSTODY SEALS: NETM READING: LOCK(S) STATUS: PR ESERVATION: 2. HNO3 5. NONE 3. HCL 6. COOL 4 DEG. C CONTAINER TYPE: G - GLASS 77E - TEFLON IVA , mto CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD City of Rock Hill PO Box 11706 310 Red River Rd Rock Hill, SC 29731 Attn: Margaret Walker 'INA. VVIN .6 m, APPROPRIATE METALS ANALYSISI NJ EN rd Ni, Pd, S6, Ag, �■■11�■Iv111����������11� ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: PRESERVATION: CONTAINER TYPE: CUSTODY SEALS: 1. H2SO4 4. NAOH 7. O]THER 2. HNO3 5. NONE P - PLASTIC (3 -GLASS NMI RELINQUISHED BY: REC) IVED BY: ZIP PROJECT NAME: A t)I)UOl of T LOCATION: 10 OMM-4 1 msc— msc- 051 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: CUSTODY SEALS: LOCK(S) STATUS: RELW01ftS BY Im5M 6.4 m"itial". i City of Rock I ­ PO Box 11706 3 Lp Red River Rd. Rock Hill, SC 29731 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Attn: Margaret Walker 5Se55me4 ( I q % I:PP �I I� � 0 v pH Recorder Information: Date: Time: Circle .Set -Up 2. Check Recorder 3. Take Down - U Probe Condition: 1. Good 2. Dirty 3. Broken sIu. Pdwer Supply Status: 1, Good 2. Weak 3, Inoperable I P 6 X Calibration Check: 1. Good 2. Out of Range I `� ml P 1 6 X Recalibration: 1. Yes 2. No Buffer Reading: 4.0 7.0 10.0 PRESERVATION: CONTAINER TYPE: 1. H2SO4 4. NAOH 7. OTHER P = PLASTIC METER READING: 2. HNO3 5, NONE G = GLASS 3. HCL 6. COOL 4 DEG, C TFE = TEFLON DA : TM E: RELINQUISHED BY: DATE: TINE: RELINQUISHED BY: DATE: TINE: DATE: TIME: RECEIVED BY: DATE: T]2v1E: RECEIVED BY: DATE: TIME: CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD wilAw ffi-� 12"A • p O LE ID I DATE msc- m sc- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: CUSTODY SEALS: LOCK(S) STATUS: RELINOL4SHKD BY: RECEIVED BY: N" 0 WN nee 101, E, i I INN ' 11N11111 110�018NNIII PRESERVATION: 1. H2SO4 4. NAOH 7. OTHER METER LEADING: 2, HNO3 S. NONE 3. HCL 6. COOL 4 DEG. C DATE: TIME: RELINQUISHED BY: DATE: TINE: RELINQUISHED BY: 2 � ' DATE: TM E: RECETVED'BY: DATE: TIME: RECEIVED BY: City of Rock I PO Box 11706 310 Red River Rd, Rock Hill, SC 29731 Attn: Margaret Walker pH Recorder Information: Date: Time: Circle 1.Set-Up 2. Check Recorder 3. Take Down Probe Condition: 1. Good 2. Dirty 3. Broken Power Supply Status: 1. Good 2, Weak 3, Inoperable Calibration Check: 1. Good 2. Out of Range Recalibration: 1, Yes 2. No Buffer Reading: 4.0 _ 7.0 10.0 :�ONTAINER TYPE: P = PLASTIC 3 = GLASS rFE = TEFLON DATE: I TIME: DATE: (01 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD City of Rock Hill PO Box 11706 310 Red River Rd. Rock Hill, SC 29731 Attn: Margaret Walker PROJECT NAME: Atinu&.l PQTW Assessrne„ 4 (I ?q4) •, Igg luent WAs r LOCATION: r � P G COLLE TE B REMARKS AMPLE ID DATE TIME pH s.u. J I lY1SC- x, S¢mPles ctre y� 1.0 G 6 �C 10 d ay s aF corm 5 5 msc- sQ"� 1 1.0 G 6 �( &4o !2i 171% co 11 ® 6 msc- 500 samP�s 1 P 2,6 �( a1l de(�s�t� 1n-fo 051 2 X ml msc- the Sri�nc nor X 1 1.OL P 4,6 Mti' qnd fw{ed 0 5 r z 17 q rnS 500 sariwners Cor 0519 l ml G 1,6 an*sa, rnsc- �t o51Q IZ 7 `� S 40m1 G 36 T)� ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: PRESERVATION: CONTAINER TYPE: 1. H2SO4 4. NAOH 7. OTHER P = PLASTIC CUSTODY SEALS: METER READING: 2. HNO3 5. NONE G = GLASS LOCK(S) STATUS: 3. HCL 6. COOL 4 DEG. C TFE = TEFLON BY: DATE: TIME: RELINQUISHED BY: TINE: RELINQUISHED BY: DATE: TIME: 7XZ/ h /0,3D FDATE: RECEIVED BY: DATE: TIME: REC VED BY: U P5 TINE: RECEIVED BY: DATE: TIME: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: CUSTODY SEALS: LOCK(S) STATUS: RELINQI BY: a i 11, -1011 2 mi CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ME ER READING: � • 1 I MWAP1.16, "Isic" mm �1 r City of Rock Hill PO Box 11706 310 Red River Rd Rock Hill, SC 29731 Attn: Margaret Walker • CIRCLE THE APPROPRIATE METALS ANALYSIS As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Mo, Ni, Pd, Se, Ag, Zn, Hg, Sb REMARFCS 1 PRESERVATION: CONTAINER TYPE: 1. H2SO4 4. NAOH 7, OTHER P - PLASTIC 2. HNO3 S. NONE G - GLASS 3. HCL 6. COOL 4 DEG. C TFE - TEFLON DATE: TIME: RELINQUISHED BY: DATE: TIME: Z 6 1635 DATE: TIME: RECEIVED BY: DATE:.. TIME: City of Rock Hill PO Box 11706 310 Red River Rd Rock Hill, SC 29731 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Attu. Margaret Walker 1- CIRCLE THE APPROPRIATE 04 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: CUSTODY SEALS: ME= READING: LOCK(S) STATUS: PRESERVATION: 1. H2SQ4 4. NAOH 7. OTHER] 2. HNO3 5. NONE 3. HCL 6. COOL 4 DEG. C CONTAINER TYPE: rP- ]PLASTIC 0 - GLASS TEFLON Mal I City of Rock Hill PO Box 11706 310 Red River Rd Rock Hill, SC 29731 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD AUn: Margaret Walker APPROPRIATE REMARKS . Mr 0 E ad �■�11�■I��III��������NII� ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Vosfe Wo�W CUSTODY SEALS: METER READING: LOCK(S) STATUS: PRESERVATION: 2. HNO3 5. NONE 3. HCL 6. COOL 4 DEG, C CONTAINER TYPE: G - GIASS TFE - TEFLON 21 MAM Emu AM City of Rock Hill PO Box 11706 310 Red River Rd Rock Hill, SC 29731 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD `ftn:Margaret Walker _ CIRCLE • •� ytl • i • �• .'• APPROPRIATE ri o 110lp - • e /� '- I , / • • Ir .- I is .. I BM o • • =06 M61,10015-1-1 L. ADDMONAL INFORMATION:•N: CONTAINER 1. 1' 4. NAOHOTHER CUSTODY SEALS: N4ETM READING: 2. HNO3 5. NONE G - GLASS •,K(S) STATUS: 3. HCL 6. COOL 4 DEG. • •c1 • 121/ i . , , ' so IMID1.1 imam .91• C • • D zip i • • , ,RECEIVED BY.• • , , t}r1Pr� 2 rA n ORq r005 i Client: Contact: GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow. Laboratory Certifications STATE GEL EPI FL E8715687294 E87472/87458 NC 233 Sc 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Ms. Margaret M. Walker cc: RHMKO0195 Report Date: January 09,1997 Page 1 of 6 Sample ID- : MSC-0520 - Lab ID : 9612390-05 Matrix Date Collected : 12/17 ' Date Received : 12/18/96 Priority : Routine Collector : Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch M Volatile Organics Priority Pollutant Volatiles - 34 items 1,1,1 Trichloroethane U ND 294 588 .ug/kg 50. MKP 12/31/96 2053 95377 1 1,1,2,2 Tetraehloroethane U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. 1,1,2 Trichloroethane U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. 1,1-Dichlorbethane U ND 294 * 588 ug/kg 50. 1,1-Dichloroethylene U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. 1,2-Dichloroedme U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. 1,2-Dichloropropane U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. 1,2-trans-Dichloroethylene U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. 1,3-Dichlorobenzene U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether U ND 588 1470 ug/kg 50. Acrolein U ND 2940 5880 ug/kg 50. Acrylonitrile U ND 1470 14700 ug/kg 50. Benzene U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. Bmmoform U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. Carbon Tetrachloride U ND 294 .588 ug/kg 50. Chlorobenzene U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. Chlorodibromomethane U -ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. Chloroethane U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. Chloroform U ND 294 588' . ug/kg 50. Dichlorobromomethane U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. Dichlorodiiluoromethane U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. Ethylbenzene U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. Methyl Bromide U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. Methyl Chloride U ND 294 588 ug/kg ' 50. M'etilij' ag-cpClilonde J _ 579 294 1470 ug/kg 50. Tetrachloroethylene U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. PO.Boic 30712 . Charleston; -.SC 29417 • 2040 Savage Road • 29407 1 Jill 111111111111 JJIII JJ111 11 1111111111111 (803) 556-8171 i•Fax (803) 766-1178 *9612390-05* J n F °''4 rook§' GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow. Client: City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Contact Ms. Margaret M. Walker cc: RHMK00195 Report Date: January 09, 1997 Sample ID MSC-0520 laboratory Certifications STATE GEL EPI FL E97156/87294 E87472/87458 NC 233 SC 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 Page 2 of 6 Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch M Toluene':; -- - - 9610 _ - -7 Trichloroethylene U - ND ____ Trichlorofluoromethane U ND Vinyl chloride U ND cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene U ND trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene U ND Organic Prep Evaporative Loss @ 105 C 83.0 Extractable Organics Priority Pollutant Acid Compounds - 11 items 2,4,6-Tricllorophenol U ND 2,4-Dichlorophenol U ND 2,4-Dimethylphenol U ND 2,4-Dinitrophenol U ND 2-Chlorophenol U ND 2-Nitrophenol U ND 2-methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol U ND 4-Nitrophenol U ND 4-chloro-3-methyl phenol U ND Pentachlorophenol U ND Phenol U ND Priority Pollutant BIN Compounds - 59 items 1,2,4 Trichlorobenzene U ND 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine U ND 2,4-Dinitrotoluene U ND 2,6-Dinitrotoluene U ND 2-Chloronaphthalene U ND 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine U ND 4,4'-DDD U ND 4,4'-DDE U ND 4,4'-DDT U ND 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether U ND 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether U ND Acenaphthene U ND Acenaphthylene U ND Aldrin U ND 294 588 ug/kg 50. 294 588 ug/kg 50. MKP 12/31/96 2053 95377 1 294 588 ug/kg 50. 294 588 ug/kg 50. 294 588 ug/kg 50. 294 588 ug/kg 50. 1.00 1.00 wt% 1.0 CEC 12/18/96 1810 95278 2 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. JCB 12/30/96 1922 95357 3 58600 147000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 117000 234000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 93800 117000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 586000 586000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. PO ,136x 30712 • Charleston; SC 29417 • 2040 Savage Road • 29407 (803) 556-8171. - Fax (803) 766-1178 *9612390-05* cc: FJ MKO0195 Client: Contact: GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow. City of Rock Hill . P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Ms. Margaret M. Walker Report Date: January 09,1997 Sample ID : MSC-0526 Laboratory Certifications STATE GEL_ ER FL E87156/87294 E87472J87458 NC 233 Sc 10120 10.582 TN 02934 02934 Page 3 of 6 Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch M Anthracene U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Benzidine U ND 586000 586000 ug/kg 40. JCB Benzo(a)anthracene U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Benzo(a)pyrene U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Benzo(b)fluoranthene U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Benzo(ghi)perylene U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Benzo(k)fluoranthene U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Butyl benzyl phthalate U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Chrysene U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Di-n-butyl phthalate U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Di-n-octyl phthalate U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene U ND 58600 117000 a ug/kg 40. Dieldrin U ND 58600 58600 ug/kg 40. Diethyl phthalate U ND 45600 117000 ug/kg 40. Dimethyl phthalate U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Endosulfan I U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Endosulfan H U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Endosulfan sulfate U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Endrin U ND .58600 1170W ug/kg 40. Endrin aldehyde U ND 117000 234000 ug/kg 40. Fluoranthene U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Fluorene U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Heptachlor U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Heptachlor epoxide U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Hexachlorobenzene U ND 70300 117000 ug/kg 40. Hexachlorobutadiene U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Hexachlorocyclopentadiene U ND 82000 1170W ug/kg 40. Hexachloroethane U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Indeno(1.2,3-c,d)pyrene U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Isophorone U ND 58600 117000 _ ug/kg 40. N-Nitrosodimethylamine U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. N Nitrosodiphenylamine U ,ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. N-Ntrosodipropylamine U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Naphthalene U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Nitrobenzene U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. Phenanthrene U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. 12/30/'961922. 95357 3 PO Box 30712 • Charleston, SC 29417 • 2040 Savage Road • 29407 (803)556-817-1- Fax (803) 766-1178 *9612390-05* Washington Dept. of Health Chemical Coritamina... Page 2 of 2 drinking water at 0.006 ppm. Air Atmospheric studies indicate that antimony can be transported far from its source. Air concentrations in the United States are lowest in remote areas and 10 to 100 times higher in urban areas. Industrial dust and emission of gases from the burning of petroleum fuels are the main sources of antimony in urban air. The discharge of firearms has been shown to be significant source of antimony in the air of indoor firing ranges. Soil and Sediments Air deposition is the source of most of the antimony releases onto the land. Soil monitoring studies show that background levels of antimony are very low, ranging from less than 1 to 8 ppm, with a mean of 0.48 ppm. Soil samples, taken downwind from a copper smelter near Tacoma, Washington, had antimony concentrations in the range of 11 to 109 ppm. Soluble antimony is readily absorbed from soils by plants and may be a contaminant in vegetation growing in polluted areas. Studies have shown that leaching of antimony from sediments increases under alkaline conditions. Food The federal Food and Drug Administration found that the mean antimony concentration in 12 table -ready foods - meats, seafoods, and vegetables ranged from 0.46 to 1.15, 0.22 to 1.81, and 1.09 to 2.81 parts per billion respectively. Available environmental studies on aquatic organisms, fish, and small mammals show there is little indication that antimony would bioconcentrate in the food chain. Bibliography Handbood on Toxicity of Inorganic Compounds, Hans G. Seiler, H. Sigel, and A. Sigel (Eds.), Marcel Dekker, Inc, 1988. Heavy Metals in Soils, B.J. Alloway, John Wiley and Sons, 1990. The Toxicological Profile for Antimony, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, September 1992. Need More Information? Please Contact: Your county health agency Additional copies of this fact sheet can be obtained from: Office of Toxic Substances P.O. Box 47825 Olympia, Washington 98504-7825 (360) 664=8450 F Ni 4Ftt>N" NTAL 1iEALTit PAGE. Ef€)1y11� :'�.BOU � 00it �' ? p 7 i.OPIC Copyright © 1996 Washington State Department of Health Last Update : February 13, 1997 01:15 PM Comments or questions regarding this page? Sand -mail -to. the--- hN, http://www.doh.wa.gov/ehp/ts/Antimony.HTM 9/5/97 CFR 40 - Updated as of July 31, 1997 Page 1 of 3 F .: General requirements. § 503.13 Pollutant limits. (a) Sewage sludge. (1) Bulk sewage sludge or sewage sludge sold or given away in a bag or other container shall not be applied to the land if the concentration of any pollutant in the sewage sludge exceeds the ceiling concentration for the pollutant in Table 1 of § 503.13. (2) If bulk sewage sludge is applied to agricultural land; forest, a public contact site, or a reclamation site, either: (i) The cumulative loading rate for each pollutant shall not exceed the cumulative pollutant loading rate for the pollutant in Table 2 of § 503.13; or (ii) The concentration of each pollutant in the sewage sludge shall not.exceed the concentration for the pollutant in Table 3 of § 503.13. (3) If bulk sewage sludge is applied to a lawn or a home garden, the concentration of each pollutant in the sewage sludge shall not exceed the concentration for the pollutant in Table 3 of § 503.13. (4) If sewage sludge is sold or given away in a bag or other container for application to the land, either: (i) The concentration of each pollutant in the sewage sludge shall not exceed the concentration for the pollutant in Table 3 of § 503.13; or (ii) The product of the concentration of each pollutant in the sewage sludge and the annual whole sludge application rate for the sewage sludge shall not cause the annual pollutant loading rate for the pollutant in Table 4 of § 503.13 to be exceeded. The procedure used to determine the annual whole sludge application rate is presented in appendix A of this part. + (b) Pollutant concentrations and loading rates -sewage sludge. + (1) Ceiling concentrations. + Table 1 of § 503.13.-Ceiling Concentrations +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + I Ceiling co- + I ncentration + Pollutant I (milligrams + per + kilogram) + {1} http://cfr.counterpoint.com/cfr/40/1997/0731/0016015.html 9/5/97 CFR 40 - Updated as of July 31, 1997 Page 1 of 1 CFIR 40:; 0 = Relationship to other regulations. § 503.5 Additional or more stringent requirements. (a) On a case -by -case basis, the permitting authority may impose requirements for the use or disposal of sewage sludge in addition to or more stringent than the requirements in this part when necessary to protect public health and the environment from any adverse effect of a pollutant in the sewage sludge. (b) Nothing in this part precludes a State or political subdivision thereof or interstate agency from imposing requirements for the use or disposal of sewage sludge more stringent than the requirements in this part or from imposing additional requirements for the use or disposal of sewage sludge. s Exclusions. lWrl)' Z. http://cfr.counterpoint.com/cfr/40/1997/0731/0016006.html 9/5/97 scFPR sRegfmlll R4W/Offl F$v JMVJJ%7O/S orHEAST Basis: C=carcinogenic effects N=noncarcinogenic effects E=EPA draft Soil Screening Level 1 E=EPA-NCEA Regional Support provisional value O=Other EPA documents. S=soil saturation concentration M=EPA MCL. ::::::.:::::.:::::::::::::::. nxttzat►�ns... ............................................................:.::::::::...............:.::.:;..::::.::::. ��15 reeia Izeels- :> . . 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Acephate 30560191 4.00E-03 8.70E-03 7.70E+00 c 7.20E-01 c 3.60E-01 c 6.60E+02 c 7.30E+01 c 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Acetaldehyde 75070 2.57E-03 7.70E-03 i 9.40E+01 N 8.10E-01 c 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Acetochlor 34256821 2.00E-02 7.30E+02 N 7.30E+01 N 2.70E+01 N 4.10E+04 N 1.60E+03 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Acetone 67641 1.00E-01 3.70E+03 N 3.70E+02 N 1.40E+02 N 2.00E+05 N 7.80E+03 N 6.20E+04 E 8.00E+00 E Acetone cyanohydrin 75865 7.00E-02 H 4.00E-02 A 2.60E+03 N 1.50E+02 N 9.50E+01 N 1.40E+05 N 5.50E+03 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Acetonitrile 75078 6.00E-03 i 1.43E-02 A 2.20E+02 N 5.20E+01 N 8.10E+00 N 1.20E+04 N 4.70E+02 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Acetophenone 98862 1.00E-01 1 5.71E-06 w C7 4.20E-02 N 2.10E-02 N 1.40E+02 N 2.00E+05 N 7.80E+03 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Acifluorfen 62476599 1.30E-02 j 4.70E+02 N 4.70E+01 N 1.80E+01 N 2.70E+04 N 1.00E+03 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Acrolein 107028 2.00E-02 H 5.71 E-06 i 7.30E+02 N 2.10E-02 N 2.70E+01 N 4.10E+04 N 1.60E+03 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Acrylamide 79061 2.00E-04 i 4.50E+00 i 4.55E+00 i 1.50E-02 c 1.40E-03 c 7.00E-04 c 1.30E+00 c 1.40E-01 c 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Acrylic acid 79107 5.00E-01 i 2.86E-04 i 1.80E+04 N 1.00E+00 N 6.80E+02 N 1.00E+06 N 3.90E+04 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Acrylonitrile 107131 1.00E-03 H 5.71 E-04 j 5.40E-01 i 2.38E-01 i 1.20E-01 c 2.60E-02 c 5.80E-03 c 1.10E+01 c 1.20E+00 c 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Alachlor 15972608 1.00E-02 8.00E-02 H 8.40E-01 c 7.80E-02 c 3.90E-02 c 7.20E+01 c 8.00E+00 c 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Alar 1596845 1.50E-01 5.50E+03 N 5.50E+02 N 2.00E+02 N 3.10E+05 N 1.20E+04 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Aldicarb 116063 1.00E-03 3.70E+01 N 3.70E+00 N 1.40E+00 N 2.00E+03 N 7.80E+01 N 5.70E+02 s 3.60E-02 M Aldicarb sulfone 1646884 1.00E-03 3.70E+01 N 3.70E+00 N 1.40E+00 N 2.00E+03 N 7.80E+01 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Aldrin 309002 3.00E-05 i 1.70E+01 i 1.71E+01 4.00E-03 c 3.70E-04 c 1.90E-04 c 3.40E-01 c 3.80E-02 c 5.00E-01 E 5.00E-03 E Ally 74223646 2.50E-01 9.10E+03 N 9.10E+02 N 3.40E+02 N 5.10E+05 N 2.00E+04 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Allyl alcohol 107186 5.00E-03 1.80E+02 N 1.80E+01 N 6.80E+00 N 1.00E+04 N 3.90E+02 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Allyl chloride 107051 5.00E-02 w 2.86E-04 i 1.80E+03 N 1.00E+00 N 6.80E+01 N 1.00E+05 N 3.90E+03 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Aluminum 7429905 1.00E+00 E 3.70E+04 N 3.70E+03 N 1.40E+03 N 1.00E+06 N 7.80E+04 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Aluminum phosphide 20859738 4.00E-04 1.50E+01 N 1.50E+00 N 5.40E-01 N 8.20E+02 N 3.10E+01 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Amdro 67485294 3.00E-04 1.10E+01 N 1.10E+00 N 4.10E-01 N 6.10E+02 N 2.30E+01 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Ametryn 834128 9.00E-03 3.30E+02 N 3.30E+01 N 1.20E+01 N 1.80E+04 N 7.00E+02 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 m-Aminophenol 591275 7.00E-02 H 2.60E+03 N 2.60E+02 N 9.50E+01 N 1.40E+05 N 5.50E+03 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4-Aminopyridine 504245 2.00E-05 H 7.30E-01 N 7.30E-02 N 2.70E-02 N 4.10E+01 N 1.60E+00 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Amitraz 33089611 2.50E-03 , 9.10E+01 N 9.10E+00 N 3.40E+00 N 5.10E+03 N 2.00E+02 N 0.00E+00- 0.00E+00 Ammonia 7664417 2.86E-02 1.00E+03 N 1.00E+02 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Ammonium sulfamate 7773060 2.00E-01 i 7.30E+03 N 7.30E+02 N 2.70E+02 N 4.10E+05 N 1.60E+04 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Aniline 625331. 2.86E-04 5 E-03 - .00E+01 N 1.00E+00 N 5.50E-01 c 1.00E+03 c 1.10E+02 c 4.50E+01 N 3.10E-02 N simony and compafiuds 77�4449360 4.00E-04 I 50. +01 N 1 5 00 5.40E 01 a 820E+02 3.10E+01 N r0?OOE+OD O.o0E+00 Antimony pentoxide 1314609 5.00E-04 H 1.80E+01 N 1.80E+00 N 6.80E-01 N 1.00E+03 N 3.90E+01 N 0.00 + 0 00 0.00E+00 Antimony potassium tartrate 304610 9.00E-04 H 3.30E+01 N 3.30E+00 N 1.20E+00 N 1.80E+03 N 7.00E+01 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Antimony tetro dde 1332316 4.00E-04 H 1.50E+01 N 1.50E+00 N 5.40E-01 N 8.20E+02 N 3.10E+01 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Antimony trioxide 1309644 4.00E-04 H 1.50E+01 N 1.50E+00 N 5.40E-01 N 8.20E+02 N 3.10E+01 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Apollo 74115245 1.30E-02 , 4.70E+02 N 4.70E+01 N 1.80E+01 N 2.70E+04 N 1.00E+03 N 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Aramite 140578 5.00E-02 H 2.50E-02 i 2.49E-0 2.70E+00 c 2.50E-01 c 1.30E-01 c 2.30E+02 c 2.60E+01 c 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3IiC 7440382 3.00E-04 1.10E+01 N 1.10E+{30 N 4.10E-01 N 6.1'OE+02 2.30E+04 ni 3.80E+02 E 1.50E+01 E senie ( e rcinogen) 7440382 1.50E+00 , 1.51E+01 4.50E-02 c 4.10E-04 c 2.10E-03 c 3.80E+00 c 4.30E-01 c 3.80E+02 E 1.50E+01 E p GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow. Isboratory Certifications C i STATE GEL EPI 7, FL E8715687294 E87472l87458 rovm5' NC 233 SC 0120 I0582 TN 02934 02934 Client: City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Contact: Ms. Margaret M. Walker cc: RHMKO0195 Report Date: January 09, 1997 Page 4 of 6 Sample ID : MSC-0520 Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch M Pyrene U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. alpha-BHC U ND 23400 117000 ug/kg 40. JCB 12/30/96 1922 95357 3 beta-BHC U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. bis(2-Moroethyl) ether U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. bis(2-Odoroisopropyl)ether U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. bis(2-Ethy1hexyl)phthalate U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. delta-BHC U ND 58600 117000 ug/kg 40. gamma-BHC U ND 23400 117000 ug/kg 40. Method 8080 - Multicomponent Compounds - 9 items Chlordane U ND 488 975 ug/kg 20. JEB 01/09/97 1151 95498 4 PCB-1016. U ND 390 488 ug/kg 20. PCB-1221 U ND 390 488 ug/kg 20. PCB-1232 U ND 390 488 ug/kg 20. PCB-1242 U ND 390 488 ug/kg 20. PCB-1248 U ND 390 488 ug/kg 20. PCB-1254 U ND 390 488 ug/kg 20. PCB-1260 U ND 390 488 ug/kg 20. Toxaphene U ND 1950 3900 ug/kg 20. Metals Analysis Thallium U . ND GeneralrChemistry .47 o Ttal Rec. Petrol arbons 31 W-T �.�� .yam 0.0144 0200 mg/kg 1.0 CRB 12/20/96 1818 95304 5 1450 5820 ug/kg 2.0 NRM 12/30/96 2024 95307 6 1080 5820 ug/kg 2.0 6.63 2910 ug/kg 2.0 56.5 2910 ug/kg 2.0 347 5820 ug/kg 2.0 314 5820 ug/kg 2.0 470 5820 ug/kg 2.0 658 2910 ug/kg 2.0. 558 5820 ug/kg 2.0 832 2910 ug/kg 2.0 1200 5820 ug/kg 2.0 1570 11600 ug/kg 2.0 0.426 2.84 mg/kg 1.0 JWF 12/23/96 1858 95355 7 58.8 58.8 mg/kg 100 JEN 12/26/96 1400 95510 8 PO 'Box 30712 • Charleston, SC 29417 2040 Savage Road • 29407 (803) 556-8171-e Fax (803) 766-1178 *9612390-05* GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow. Laboratory Certifications STATE GEL EPI FL E87156Nn94 E8747Z/87458 NC 233 SC 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 Client: City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Contact: Ms. Margaret M. Walker cc: RHMKO0195 Report Date: January 09, 1997 Page 5 of 6 Sample ID : MSC-0520 Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch M Flash Point, closed cup > 145 Oil & Grease_ -. 3760 Phenot' 1s,wTatal 10300j Solids, Total 16.9 Solids, Volatile 11.5 The following prep procedures were performed: GC/MS Acid Compounds GC/MS Base/Neutral Compounds Pesticides Mercury 140 140 F 1.0 JBH 12/26/96 0930 95509 9 147 147 mg/kg 1.0 TSM 12/23/'96 1000 95452 10 1710 6820 ug/kg 4.0 JWF 12/21/96 1839 95375 11 0,0100 0.0100 wtco 1.0 CEC 12/18/96 1700 95267 12 0.0200 0.0200 wt9o' 1.0 CEC 12/18/96 1700 95267 13 MS 12/26/961300 95357 2 MS 12/2.6/96 1300 95357 2 MS 12/30/961300 95498 2 CRB 12/19/96 1830 95304 5 Comments: A dilution was required for Extractables Organics due to matrix interference. As a result, the detection limits are elevated. Surrogate Recovery Test Percent% Acceptable Limits 2,4,6 Tribromophenol PP ACID 0.00* (403 -122.) 2-Fluorophenol PP ACID 0.00* (25.0 - 121.) Phenol-& PP ACID 0.00* (24.0 - 113.) 2-Fluorobiphenyi PP B/N 0.00* (30.0 -115.) Nitrobenzene-05 PP B/N 0.00* (23.0 -120.) p-Terphenyl-dl4 PP B/N 0.00* (373 -128.) 4CMX M8080 MULTI 0.00 (-) Bromofluorobenzene PP VOA-8260 101. (93.0 - 110.) Dibromofluoromethane PP VOA-8260 112. (79.0 -118.) Toluene-d8 PP VOA-8260 104. (98.0 - 117.) PO Box 30712 • Charleston, SC 29417 • 2040 Savage Road • 29407 (803) 556-8171 • Fax (803) 766-1178 *9612390-05* VtNGIN GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow. Laboratory Certifications STATE GEL EPI ��' FL E87156/87294 E87477/87458 �� °RgrOR,�rj` NC 233 SC 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 Client: City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Contact: Ms. Margaret M. Walker cc: RHMKO0195 Report Date: January 09, 1997 Page 6 of 6 Sample ID : MSC-0520 M = Method Method -Description M 1 EPA 8260 M 2 EPA 3550 M 3 EPA 8270 M 4 EPA 8080 M 5 EPA 7471 M 6 EPA 6010A M 7 SW846 9010A/9012 M 8 EPA 418.1 Modified M 9 SW 846 1010 M 10 EPA 9071 Mil EPA 420.2 modified M 12 EPA 160.3 M 13 EPA 160.4 Notes: The qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: ND indicates that the analyte was not detected at a concentration. greater than the detection limit. J indicates presence of analyte at a concentration less than the reporting limit (RL) and greater than the detection limit (DL). U indicates that the analyte was not detected at a concentration greater than the detection limit. * indicates that a quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria. Data reported in masshnass units is reported as 'dry weight'. This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, To4 Kraft J03d 769-7390. Reviewed By PO Box 30712 • Charleston, SC 29417 • 2040 Savage Road • 29407 (803) 556-8171sr Fax (803) 766-1178 *9612390-05* cc: RHMKO0195 Client: Contact GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow. Laboratory Certircat;ons STATE GEL EPI FL E97156/87294 E87472/87458 NC 233 Sc 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Ms. Margaret M. Walker Report Date: January 09,1997 Sample ID : MSC-0520 Lab ID : 9612390-06 Matrix : TCLP Date Collected : 12/17/96 Date Received :.12/18/96 Priority : Routine Collector : Client Page 1 of 4 Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch M Volatile Organics TCLP Volatile Compounds -11 items 1,1-Dichloroethylene U ND 10.0 70.0 ug/1 10. RMB.01/03/97 1246 95689 1 1,2-Dichloroethane U ND 10.0 50.0 ug/1 10. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene U ND 10.0 750 ug/I 10. Q!-Butanone?' , , ----�` J 231- 20.0 2000 ug/1 10. Benzene U ND 10.0 50.0 ug/l 10. Carbon Tetrachloride U ND 10.0 20.0 ug/1 10. Chlorobenzene U ND 10.0 1000 ug/1 10. Chloroform U ND 10.0 600 ug/1 10. Tetrachloroethylene U ND 10.0 70.0 ug/1 10. Trichloroethylene U ND 10.0 50.0 ug/1 10. Vinyl chloride U ND 10.0 20.0 ug/1 10. Extractable Organics TCLP Acid Compounds - S items 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol U ND 0.00500 40.0 mg/1 1.0 RLC 12/27/96 1844 95441 2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol U ND 0.00500 0.200 mg/l 1.0 Pentachlorophenol U ND 0.00500 10.0 mg/1 1.0 m,p-Cresol U ND 0.00113 20.0 mg/l 1.0 o-Cresol U ND 0.00500 20.0 mg/1 1.0 TCLP Base/Neutral Compounds - 6 items _ 2,4-Dinitrotoluene U ND 0.00500 0.130 mg/1 1.0 Hexachlorobenzene U ND 0.00500 0.130 mg/I 1.0 Hexachlorobutadiene U ND 0.00500 0.100 mg/1 1.0 Hexachloroethane U ND 0.00500 0300 mg/l 1.0 Nitrobenzene U ND 0.00500 0200 mg/1 1.0 Pyridine U ND 0.00500 0.500 mg/1 1.0 TCLP Herbicides - 2 items 2,4, -TP U ND 0.00250 0.100 mg/1 1.0 JPA 12/27/96 2246 95440 3 2,4-D U ND 0.00500 1.00 mg/1 1.0 TCLP Pesticides - 8 items PO Brix 30712 • Charleston,,.SC 29417 • 2040 Savage Road • 29407 I JjjJJl Ili IliliJll IIIIIhill jluIIII Illy hill IIll Illl . (803) 556-8171`Fax (803) 766-1178 *961239--006* ti} GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow Laboratory Certincatlow STATE GEL EPI FL EV156/87294 E8747ZIS74SS NC 233 ORgT0R1sc 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 Client: City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Contact: Ms. Margaret M. Walker cc: RHMKO0195 Report Date: January 09,1997 Page 2 of 4 Sample ID : MSC-0520 Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch M Chlordane U ND 0.00625 0.0125 mg/1 1.0 JEB 12/27/96 0922 95443 4 Endrin U ND 0.00125 0.00300 mg/1 1.0 JEB 12/27/96 0922 95443 4 Heptachlor U ND 0.00125 0.00250 mg/1 1.0 Heptachlor 8c Hep. Epoxide U ND 0.00125 0.00250 mg/1 1.0 Heptachlor epoxide U ND 0.00125 0.00250 mg/1 1.0 Methoxychlor U ND 0.0125 1.00 mg/1 1.0 Toxaphene U ND 0.0250 0.0500 mg/1 1.0 gamma-BHC U ND 0.000625 0.0400 mg/1 1.0 Metals Analysis Silver U ND 0.00780 0S00 mg/l 1.0 JSS 12/23/96 1325 95352 5 Arsenic _ --U--- T - --ND- _ 0.0421 0S00 mg/1 1.0 Bjium --�--J 0.494. _ 0.00220 a 10.0 mg/1 1.0 Cadmium U ND 0.00330 0.100 mg/1 1.0 Chromium U ND 0.00420 0S00 mg/1 1.0 Lead U ND 0.0364 0S00 mg/1 1.0 Selenium U ND 0.0941 0300 mg/1 1.0 0.000148 0.0200 mg/1 1.0 JL 12126/96 1513 95374 6 The following prep procedures were performed: GC/MS Acid Compounds HDB 12/26/96 1600 95441 7 GC/MS Base/Neutral Compounds HDB 12/26/96 1600 95441 7 Herbicides GWL 12/26/96 1200 95440 8 Pesticides JPB 12/26/96 1300 95443 7 ICP FGD 12/20/96 1400 95352 9 Merry CRB 12120/961600 95374 10 TCLP Extraction - Semivolatiles JL 12/18/96 1900 95239 11 TCLP Extraction - voiatiles - JL 12/27/96 2235 95501 11 TCLP Prep for Metals JL 12/18/96 1900 95236 11 Surrogate Recovery Test Percent% Acceptable Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 2-Morophenol Phenol-d6 TCLP ACID TCLP ACID TCLP ACID 61.8 28.8 32.1 (26.9 -123.) (21.0 -100.) (18.9 - 94.0) PO Box 30712 • Charlestori; SC 29417 • 2040 Savage Road • 29407 (803) 556-8171'4 Fax (803) 766-1178 *9612390-06* U r 0 tt 7. ►� �� �R4 rovaf GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow. Client: City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Contact: Ms. Margaret M. Walker cc: RHMKO0195 Report Date: January 09, 1997 Sample ID : MSC-0520 Laboratorq Certit(caflons STATE GEL EPI FL E87156/87294 E8747ZW458 NC 233 sC 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 Page 3 of 4 Surrogate Recovery Test Percent% Acceptable Limits 2-Fluom_biphertyl;----�.�.-- TC_ LP N`' -__ �_____33;4*---4._ (43.0-108.) Nitrobenzene-d5 TCLP B/N - - — --- — : 49:0"-- - _j (35.0 -111.) p-Terphenyl-d14 TCLP B/N 51.8 (33.0 - 125.) 4-(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy)Butyric TCLP HERBICIDES 62.5 (40.0 -139.) 4CMX TCLP PESTICIDES 80.0 (40.0 -124.) Dibutylchlorendate TCLP PESTICIDES 53.6 (40.0 -156.) Bromofluorobenzene TCLP VOA-8260 104. (80.0 -128.) Dibromofluoromethane TCLP VOA-8260 121. (67.7 - 135.) Toluene-08 TCLP VOA-8260 88.8 (76.8 -122.) M = Method Method -Description M 1 EPA 8260 M 2 EPA 8270 M 3 EPA 8150 modified M 4 EPA 8080 M 5 EPA 6010A M 6 EPA 7471 M 7 EPA 3510 M 8 EPA 8150 M 9 EPA 3005 M 10 EPA 7470 Mil EPA 1311 Notes: The qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: ND indicates that the analyte was not detected at a concentration greater than the detection limit. J indicates presence of analyte at a concentration less than the reporting limit (RL) and greater than the detection limit (DL). U indicates that the analyte was not detected at a concentration greater than the detection limit. * indicates that a quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria. PO Box 30712 • Charleston, SC 29417 0 2040 Savage Road • 29407 (803)556-8171.,e Pax (803) 766-1178 *9612390-06* GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow. ILboratory Certifications STATE GEL EPI FL E87156/87294 E87477J87458 NC 233 Sc 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 Client: City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Contact: Ms. Margaret M. Walker cc: RHMKO0195 Report Date: January 09, 1997 Sample ID :.M&C-0520 M = Method Method -Description This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Tom Kraft at (803) 769-7390. Reviewed By a Page 4 of 4 PO Box 30712 • Charleston; SC 29417 • 2040 Savage Road • 29407 (803) 556-8171>. Fax (803) 766-1178 *9612M-06* CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD City of Rock Hill PO Box 11706 310 Red River Rd. Rock Hill, SC 29731 Attn: Margaret Walker PROJECT NAME: AnmaJ w `''s,m°�,i (�`{�G) d A HE CIRCLE �- ^ ;� APPROPRIATIAT E METALS ANALYSIS n l s As, Ba, Be, Cd, LOCATION: 4• 51 Cr, Cu, Pb, Mo, C 13 �,� O -L, Ni, Pd, Se, Ag, COLLE w7-1 =t Zn, Hg, Sb U ��,, UR1 a REMARKS AMPLE ID DATE TIME pH S.0 � L � �� �m�e Aran+x• m) 0520 Iz t � SumPlr, arei�' 5braf a� �C' .5com(�►g lwr � Q.r1 r 'rn4o 2 cod ptd ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: PRESERVATION: 1. H2SO4 4. NAOH 7.OTHER CONTAINER TYPE: P' PLASTIC HNO3 s. NONE - GLASS, CUSTODY SEALS: 2. i.METER READING: 3. HCL 6. COOL 4 DEG. C - TEFL ON LOCK(S) STATUS: RELIN BY: DATE: TIME: RELINQUISHED BY: DATE: TIME: RELINQUISHED BY: DATE: _ TIME: RECEIVED BY: DATE: TIME: RECEIVED BY: U DA TIME: RECEIVED BY: DATE: TIMS: CR .1 11tA rnnr, L Client: Contact: GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow. Laburtory Certifications STATE GEL EPI FL E8715687294 E87472/87458 NC 233 SC 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Ms. Margaret M. Walker cc: RHMKO0195 Report Date: January 09, 1997 Page 1 of 6 Sample ID : MSC-0519 Lab ID : 9612390-02 Matrix : WasteH2O Date Collected : 12/17/96 Date Received : 12/18/96 Priority : Routine Collector : Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch M Volatile Organics Priority Pollutant Volatiles - 34 items 1,1,1 Trichloroethane U ND 1.00 2.00 . ug/1 1.0 MKP 12/24/96 1141 95491 1 1,12,2 Tetrachloroethane U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1,12Trichloroethane U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1,1-Dichl6roethane U ND 1.00 , 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1,1-Dichloroethylene U ND 1.00 2.00 u9/1 1.0 1,2-Dichlorobenzene U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1,2-Dichloroethane U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1,2-Dichloropropane U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1,2-trans-Dichloroethylene U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/l 1.0 1,3-Dichlorobenzene U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1,4-Dichlorobenzene U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/l 1:0 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/l 1.0 Acrolein U ND 10.0 20.0 ug/l 1.0 Acrylonitrile U ND 5.00 50.0 ug/l 1.0 Benzene U ND 1.00 2-00 ug/1 1.0 Bromoform U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 Carbon Tetrachloride U ND 1:00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 Chlorobenzene U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/l 1.0 Chlorodibromomethane U : ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 Chloroethane U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 Chloroform 2.00 1.00 2.00 ug/l 1.0 Dichlorobromomethane U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/l 1.0 Dichlorodifluoromethane U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 Ethylbenzene U ND �ND 1.00 2.00 ug/l 1.0 Methyl Bromide U 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 Methyl Chloride U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/l 1.0 Methylene Chloride U ND 1.00 5.00 ug/1 1.0 Tetrachloroethylene U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 PO Box 30712 • Charleston, SC 29417 • 2040 Savage Road • 29407 I null Uue IIIII IUII II�II Ulu lrlu lul A�III IIIII Ilu 111 (803) 556-8171`,.Fax (803) 766-1178 *9612390-02* GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow. Client: City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Contact: Ms. Margaret M. Walker cc: RHMK00195 Report Date: January 09,1997 SampleID : MSC-0519 Iiboratory Certification STATE GEL EPI FL E87156/87294 E87477J87458 NC 233 SC 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 Page 2 of 6 Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch M Toluene U ND Trichloroethylene U ND Trichlorofluoromethane U ND Vinyl chloride U ND cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene U ND trans=1,3-Dichloropropylene U ND Extractable Organics Priority Pollutant Acid Compounds -11 items 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol U ND 2,4-Dichlorophcnol U ND 2,4-Dimethylphenol U ND 2,4-Dinitrophenol U ND 2-Chlorophenol U ND 2-Nitrophenol U ND 2-methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol U ND 4-Nitrophenol U ND 4-chloro-3-methyl phenol U ND Pentachlorophenol U ND Phenol U ND Priority Pollutant BIN Compounds - 59 items 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene U ND 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine U ND 2,4-Dinitrotoluene U ND 2,6-Dinitrotoluene U ND 2-Chloronaphthalene U ND 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidme U ND 4,4'-DDD U : ND 4,4'-DDE U ND 4,4'-DDT U ND 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether U ND 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether U ND Acenaphthene U ND Acenaphthylene U ND Aldrin U ND Anthracene U ND Benzidine U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 MKP 12124/96 1141 95491 1 1.00 2.00 ug/l 1.0 1.00 2.00 ug/l 1.0 1.00 2.00 ug/l 1.0 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 48.1 962 ug/l 10. BDG 12/23/'96 1724 95339 2 48.1 962 ug/1 10. 48.1 962 ug/l 10. 962 192 ug/l 10. 48.1 96.2 ug/1 10. 48.1 962 ug/1 10. 48.1 96.2 ug/1 10. 962 192 no 10. 48.1 962 ug/l 10. 48.1 96.2 ug/1 10. 48.1 96.2 ug/1 10. 48.1 96.2 ug/l 10. 48.1 962 ug/l 10. 48.1 962 ug/1 10. 48.1 962 ug/1 10. 48.1 962 ug/1 10. 481 481 ug/1 10. 48.1 96.2 ug/1 10. 48.1 962 ug/l 10. 48.1 96.2 ug/l 10- 48.1 48.1 962 ug/1 10. 48.1 96.2 ug/l 10. 48.1 962 ug/l 10. 48.1 96.2 ug/1 10. 48.1 962 ug/l 10. 48.1 962 ug/1 10. 481 481 ug/1 10. PO Box 30712 • Charleston;, SC 29417 • 2040 Savage Road • 29407 (803) 556-8171'e Fax (803) 766-1178 *9612390-02* *ZO-06£Z196* 8LI I-99L (£08) xu3�r IL19-999 (£08) L0176Z • PEON Q2LAUS OVOZ • LI176Z DS`nOisaliugD • ZILO£ xqg Od '01 On Z-96 I"817 CIN fl DHg-Eildlu 'OT On Z'96 I'8v CN fl auai,Cd '01 On Z"96 I'8b CIN fl auanpuAioq l '01 On Z"96 1'81V CIN fl auazuagQnIN '01 On Z 96 1'817 (Di fl auaTEipgdEH .01 On Z796 I'8v CIN, fl omumlideadrposoxitN-H OT I/$n Z 96 1'8ti CIN f1 aunilElAuagdipososi?IS-rI 'OI On Z'96 I'8v CN fl all!=iAlpaunpos"nK-N '01 i/8n V96 I"8v CIN fl auoiogdosl '01 On Z"96 1'8t, aw fl ouai,(d(P'O-£`Z`T)ot-puI '01 On Z 96 1'8v CIN fl aumPO-'Olg3uxaH OT On Z 96 I"8V QN fl auzTpinmdolokoololilouxaH '0I On Z'96 I'817 CN fl auzTmngomigOExaH '01 On Z"96 1'817 CN fl ouazuagomlgmxaH 'OI On Z'96 I'8V CIN fl opixoda iolgomd;)H 'OT LBn Z'96 I'817 CIN fl iolq=ldaH '01 L/Sn Z'96 1'817 CN fl aa2mn1d OI On Z'96 I'8b CN fl ouaq=-ionid '0I L/8n Z6I Z'96 CIN fl apAllzplu uiipug OT On Z'96 I'8b CN fl uupir3 '01 On Z'96 I'817 CN fl aMJM URAMopug -01 On Z"96 I'8v CIN fl I[ue3Tnsopug OT On Z"96 I'8V (IN fl IURAWOPUH "OI On Z'96 I'817 CIN fl aiuMRd Ikipauna '01 On Z796 ` I'8b CN fl mqui igd jXtp?Q '0I I/$n Z"96 I"8t7 CN fl TUPI2TU 'OT i/an Z 96 I'8ti CN - fl zt-mmIiTTE(TI'e)OZ11agTQ "OT On Z 96 1'817 CN fl mluTlgd IMoo-u-T '01 I/Sn Z'96 T'8b CN fl wulEipgdl)[inq-u-T .01 On Z'96 I'8v (IN fl auasAl .01 On Z"96 I'817 CN fl mrmRdIxzTaq-lfqng OI On Z 96 I'817 CN fl ouagiuEionB(3[)o=E[ OI i/Sn Z 96 I'8v QM fl aualAL-Xd(nfa)OZMg "0I On Z 96 I'8b CN fl ouaipnesonU(q)oznag Z 6££56 I7ZLI 96✓£ZlZI DUH '01 On Z'96 1'8b CN fl =lAd(v)ozu g '0I On Z'96 1'8t, CN fl au—RpuE(E)OZUag T\i qO;eg aun l a;eQ as.CIETTV gQ SIIufl 7H 'IQ llns-a2T lai;ligna xnamwed 6TS0-DSW : C[[ oldumS 9 3o £ a$Ed L66I '60-CmnuEf :M(l UodaN 961007IYUW :00 'OEM 'NI 'a-mg-w 1I "sw 90LI-T£L6Z eugOmD WOS ` M MOON 9OLT I xOEI "O"d IPH 100-d PAID K6Z0 K6ZO N"L Z850I OZiOi JS ££Z ON 85t'=LtiL8H 46ZL8/95IL89 'M idEl 'M H.LVIS SUOD-jin-Z)L-r-iogrl niouourol lof'uots/n v yl?ni spaau s,I(vpol Bu1la0pv - sMxosVxogVz -9NTx2lauf)uH zVxHNHD -IMMOD :ivaTID Client: Contact: cc: RHMKO0195 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow. City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Ms. Margaret M. Walker Sample ID Report Date: January 09, 1997 : MSC-0519 Laboratory Certifications STATE GEL FP1 FL E87156/87294 E87472J87458 NC 233 SC 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 Page 4 of 6 Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch M beta-BHC U ND 48.1 962 ug/1 10. bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane U ND 48.1 962 ug/1 10. BDG 1212.3196 1724 95339 2 bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether U ND 48.1 96.2 ug/1 10. bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether U ND 48.1 962 ug/1 10. bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate J 49.1 48.1 962 ug/1 10. delta=BHC U ND 48.1 962 ug/1 10. gamma-BHC U ND 48.1 962 ug/1 10. Method 8080 - Multicomponent Compounds - 9 items Chlordane U ND 1.25 2.50 ug/1 10. JEB 12/30/96 0613 95430 3 PCB-1016 U ND 1.00 1.25 ug/l 10. PCB=1221 'U ND 1.00 1.25 ug/1 10. PCB-1232- U ND 1.00 1.25 ug/1 10. PCB-1242 U ND 1.00 a 1.25 ug/l 10. PCB-1248 U ND 1.00 1.25 ug/1 10. PCB-1254 U ND 1.00 1.25 ug/1 10. PCB-1260 U ND 1.00 1.25 ug/l 10. Toxaphene U ND 5.00 10.0 ug/l 10. Metals Analysis Silver U ND 0.00780 0.0300 mg/1 1.0 JSS 12/20/96 1420 95296 4 Arsenic U ND 0.0421 0300 mg/1 1.0 Beryllium J 0.00139 0.000300 0.0100 mg/1 1.0 Cadmium U ND 0.00330 0.00500 mg/1 1.0 Chromium U ND 0.00420 0.0300 mg/f 1.0 Copper J 0.00886 0.00840 0.0300 mg/l 1.0 Nickel U ND 0.00790 0.0300 mg/l 1.0 Lead J 0.0398 0.0364 0.100 mg/1 1.0 Antimony Q.117 0.0400 0.100 mg/l 1.0 Selenium U ND 0.0841 0300 mg/1 1.0 Thallium J 0.0785 0.0470 0300 mg/l 1.0 Zinc 0.0434 0.00210 0.0200 mg/1 1.0 Mercury U ND 0.0148 0S00 ug/1 1.0 CRB 12/23/96 1027 95319 5 General Chemistry Cyanide, Total J 0.00434 0.00147 0.0100 mg/l 1.0 JWF 12/22/96 2123 95326 6 Phenols, Total 112 1.95 5.00 ug/l 1.0 JWF 12/22/96 0006 95405 7 PO Box 30712 • Charleston, SC 29417 • 2040 Savage Road a 29407 (803) 556-8171,t Fax (803) 766-1178 *9612390-02* wip GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow. 7 Rq -roml Iiboratory Certifications STATE GEL EPI FL E8715687294 E87472/87458 NC 233 sc 10120 10582 IN 02934 02934 Client: City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Contact: Ms. Margaret M. Walker cc: RHMKO0195 Report Date: January 09,1997 Page 5 of 6 Sample ID : MSC-0519 Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch M The following prep procedures were performed: GC/MS Acid Compounds MS 12/20/96 1100 95339 8 GC/MS Base/Neutral Compounds MS 12/20/96 1100 95339 8 Pesticides JPB 12/23/96 1100 95430 9 ICP FGD 12/19/96 1830 95296 10 Mercury CRB 12/20/961600 95319 5 Comments: A dilution was required for Extractables Organics due to matrix interference. As a result, the detection limits are elevated. z Surrogate Recovery Test Percent% Acceptable Limits 2,4,6-Tribiomophenol PP ACID 82.0 (34.6 -123.) 2-Fluorophenol PP ACID 0.00* (27.0 - 93.6) Phenol-& PP ACID 0.00* (212 - 75.6) 2-Fluorobiphenyl PP B/N 112. (50A - 114.) Nitrobenzened5 PP B/N 0.00* (35.0 - 107.) - p-Terphenyl-d14 PP B/N 0.00* (33.0 -130.) 4CMX M8080 MULTI 125. (40.0 - 137.) Bromofluorobenzene PP VOA-8260 93.6 (743 - 125.) Dibromofluoromethane PP VOA-8260 101. (63.1 -133.) Toluene-d8 PP VOA-8260 97.2 (78.5 -118.) M = Method Method -Description M 1 EPA 624 M 2 EPA 625 M 3 . EPA 8080 M 4 EPA 200.7 M 5 EPA 245.1 M 6 EPA 3353/335A PO Box 30712 • Charleston; SC 29417 • 2040 Savage Road • 29407 (803) 556-8171'Tax (803) 766-1178 *9612390-02* cc: RBMK00195 Client Contact GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Ms. Margaret M. Walker Report Date: January 09, 1997 Sample ID : MX-0519 ` 1AWratoryCertitieatiow STATE JGEL EK FL E87156/87294 E9747ZIS7458 NC 233, Sc 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 Page 6 of 6 M = Method Method -Description M 7 EPA 420.2 M 8 EPA 3510/625 M 9 EPA 3510/608 M 10 EPA 200/3010 Notes: The qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: ND indicates that the analyte was not detected at a concentration greater than the detection limit. J indicates presence of analyte at a concentration less than the reporting limit (RL) and greater than the detection limit (DL). U indicates that the analyte was not detected at a concentration greater than the detection limit. * indicates that a quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria. This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions. to your Project Manager, Tom Kraft at (803) 769-7390. Reviewed By PO. Box 30712 Charleston, SC 29417 • 2040 Savage Road • 29407 (803) 556-8171,.•. Fax (803) 766-1178 *96M90-02* CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD City of Rock Hill PO Box 11706 310 Red River Rd. Rock Hill, SC 29731 Attn: Margaret Walker PROJECT NAME: PaW j Ss,,,Zm,,4 (r 94G ) P4 u f ( I uent W A 5r LOCATION: r Q , COLLE TERE U AMPLE ID DATE TIME I pH REMARKS S.u. msc- z Sam�le, aye " .j, 1.0 1 G 6 days Acar',' � 1 1.9 G 6 � •lo njn�u rolraf 500 1P5oQ s[rir}P�Sml P 2,6 �( r-10detf� .'iJnu�o liff msc- 1 1.OL P 4,6 K mwd Ord (urrd a5 rz i7 , X msc- 500 o5i rz 7 9N n X 1 ml G 1,6 )C orylkmi, rns Y 40ml G 3,6 i� �519 !z ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: PRESERVATION: CONTAINER TYPE: 1. H2SO4 4. NAOH 7. OTHER P — PLASTIC CUSTODY SEALS: METER READING: 2. HNO3 5. NONE G Q GLASS LOCK(S) STATUS: 3. HCL 6. COOL 4 DEG, C TFE a TEFLON RRT • BY: DATE: TIN fE: RELINQUISHED BY: DATE: TIME: RELINQUISHED BY: DATE: TTT E: h `- z RECEIVED BY: DATE: TIME: RECEIVED BY: U p5 DATE: TIME: CEIVED BY: DATE: . TIME:Ad")%' M��.j )di7,A'1P:0 Client: Contact: GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow. City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Ms. Margaret M. Walker cc: RHMKO0195 Report Date: January 09,1997 Sample ID : MSC-0519 Lab ID : 9612390-04 Matrix : WasteH2O Date Collected : 12/17/96 Date Received : 12/18/96 Priority : Routine Collector : Client Laboratory Certifications STATE GEL EPI FL E87156187294 E87472/87458 NC 233 sc 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 Page 1 of 1 Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch M General Chemistry Total Organic Carbon 79-5 1.43 10.0 mg/l 10. SJ 12/23/96 1400 95371 1 M = Method Method -Description M 1 EPA 415.1 Notes: The qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: ND indicates that the analyte was not detected at a concentration greater than the detection limit. J indicates presence of analyte at a concentration less than the reporting limit (RL) and greater than the detection limit (DL). U indicates that the analyte was not detected at a concentration greater than the detection limit. * indicates that a quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria. I This data report has been prepared and reviewed. in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to vour Proiect Manager, Tom Kraft at (803) 769-7390. Reviewed By PO Box 30712 • Charleston, SC 29417 • 2040 Savage Road • 29407 I �llll IIIII I111I IIIII 1111111111 ININ HE 111 11 (803) 556-8171.• Fax (803) 766-1178 *9`61239U0-04* CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD - City of Rock Hill PO Box 11706 310 Red River Rd Rock Hill, SC 29731 Attn: Margaret Walker CIRCLE THE 0 REMARKS11 IBMa Ell 5. NONE AD -,", w"Isi, Emu ENCINF n C'Qq TOR��S cc: RHMKO0195 Client: Contact: GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow. City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Ms. Margaret M. Walker Report Date: January 09, 1997 Sample ID : MSC-0518 Lab ID : 9612390-01 �viacrix - v � VdasteH2'O _ _ _. `• -_ _ Date Collected : 12/17/96 Date Received : 12/18/96 Priority : Routine Collector : Client laboratory Certifications STATE GEL EPI FL F-87156/87294 E87472/87458 NC 233 Sc 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 Page 1 of 6 Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch M Volatile Organics Priority Pollutant Volatiles - 34 hems 1,1,1 Trichloroethane U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 MKP .12/24/96 1212 95491 1 1,1,2,2 Tetrachloroethane U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1,1,2-Trichloroethane U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1,1-Dichloroethane U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1,1-Dichloroethylene U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1,2-Dichlorobenzene U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1,2-Dichloroethane U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1,2-Dichloropropane U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1,2-trans-Dichloroethylene U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1,3-Dichlorobenzene U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1,4-Dichlorobenzene U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 Acrolein U ND 10.0 20.0 ug/1 1.0 Acrylonitrile U ND 5.00 50.0 ug/1 1.0 Benzene U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 Bromoform U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 Carbon Tetrachloride U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 Chlorobenzene U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 Chlorodibromomethane U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/l 1.0 Chloroethane U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 Chloroform 6.00 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 Dichlorobromomedme U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/l 1.0 Dichlorodifluoromethane U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/l 1.0 Ethylbenzene U , ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 Methyl Bromide U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 Methyl Chloride U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1_. _.-_.- 1�0 Methylene Chloride J _ _ _120 �1.Q0 _ _ 5,00, ug/1- - -1-.0 - --- - - ' ��Tetracl►loioethylene�"_ -�- _� 3:80���_-_ _�1:00-----2.tm.--ug/1_'_1:0---_---- -- POJ$ox 30712 • Charleston, SC 29417 • 20Q Savage Road • 29407 (IIIII I'lllIII'III'll IIIUIIIIIIII Ilu �IIUIIIIIIlu WI (803) 556-8171:• Fax (803) 766-1178 *961239u0-0u1*u GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow Client: City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Contact: Ms. Margaret M. Walker cc: RHMKO0195 Report Date: January 09, 1997 Sample n : MSC-0518 Iiboratory Cerdriications STATE GEL EPI FL E8715687294 E87472/87458 NC 233 Sc 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 Page 2 of 6 Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch M Toluene U ND Trichloroethylene U ND Trichlorofluoromethane U ND Vinyl chloride U ND cis-13-Dichloropropylene U ND trans-4,3-Dichloropropy1ene U - ND Extractable Organics Priority Pollutant Acid Compounds -11 items 2,4,6-Tricblorophenol U ND 2,4-Dichlorophenol U ND 2,4-Dimethylphenol U ND 2,4-Dinitrophenol U ND 2-Chlorophenol U ND 2-Nitrophenol U ND 2-methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol U ND 4-Nitrophenol U ND 4-chloro-3-methyl phenol U ND Pentachlorophenol U ND Phenol U ND Priority Pollutant BIN Compounds - 59 items 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene U ND 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine U ND 2,4-Dinitrotoluene U ND 2,6-Dinitrotoluene U ND 2-Chloronaphthalene U ND 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine U ND 4,4'-DDD U ND 4,4'-DDE U ND 4,4'-DDT U ND 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether U ND 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether U ND Acenaphthene U ,ND Acenaphthylene U ND Aldrin U ND Anthracene U ND Benzidine U ND 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 MKP 12/24/96 1212 95491 1 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 1.00 2.00 ug/1 1.0 545 109 ug/1 10. BDG 12123/96 1650 95339 2 545 109 ug/1 10. 545 109 ug/1 10. 109 218 ug/1 10. 545 109 ug/1 10. 545 109 ug/1 10. 545 109 ug/1 10. 109 218 ug/1 10. 545 109 ug/1 10. 54.5 109 ug/1 10. 545 109 ug/1 10. 54.5 109 ug/1 10. 545 109 ug/1 10. 54.5 109 ug/1 10. 545 109 ug/1 10. 54.5 109 ug/1 10. 545 545 ug/1 10. 545 109 ug/1 10. 545 109 ug/1 10. 545 109 ug/1 10. 545 109 ug/1 10. 545 109 ug/1 10. 545 109 ug/1 10. 545 109 ug/1 10. 545 109 ug/1 10. 545 109 ug/1 10. 545 545 ug/1 10. PO Box 30712 • Charleston, SC 29417 • 2040 Savage Road • 29407 (803)556-8171 Fax (803) 766-1178 *9612390-01* GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow. Client: City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Contact: MS. Margaret M. Walker cc: RHMKO0195 Report Date: January 09,1997 Sample ID : MSC-0518 Laboratory Certifications STATE GEL EPI FL E&7156/97294 E&74721&7458 NC 233 sc 10120 10592 TN 02934 02934 Page 3 of 6 Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch M Benzo(a)anthracene U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Benzo(a)pyrene U ND 54.5 109 ug/1 10. BDG 12/23/96 1650 95339 2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Benzo(ghi)perylene U ND :545 109 ug/1 10. Benzo(k)fluoranthene U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Butyl benzyl phthalate U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Chrysene U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Di-n-butyl phthalate U ND 54.5 109 ug/1 10. Di-n-octyl phthalate U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene U ND 545 109 ug/1 1.0. Dieldrin U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Diethyl phthalate U ND 54.5 , 109 ug/1 10. Dimethyl phthalate U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. EndosulfanI U ND -545 109 ug/1 10. Endosulfan H U ND 545 109 ug/1 - 10. Endosulfan sulfate U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Endrin U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Endrin aldehyde U ND 109 218 ug/1 10. Fluoranthene U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Fluorene U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Heptachlor U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Heptachlor epoxide U ND 54.5 109 ug/1 10. Hexachlorobenzene U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Hexachlorobutadiene U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Hexachlorocyclopentadiene U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Hexachloroethane U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene U -ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Isophorone U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. N-Nitrosodimethylamine U ND 54.5 109 ug/l 10. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. N-Nitrosodipropylamine U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Naphthalene U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Nitrobenzene U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Phertanthrene U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. Pyrene U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. alpha-BHC U ND 545 109 ug/1 10. PO Box 30712 • Charleston-, SC 29417 • 2040 Savage Road • 29407 (803) 556-8171 �'- )Fax (803) 766-1178 *9612390-01* Client: Contact: GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today.'s needs with a vision for tomorrow City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Ms. Margaret M. Walker Laboratory Certifications STATE GEL EPI FL E87156/87294 E87472187458 NC 233 SC 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 cc: RHMKO0195 Report Date: January 09,1997 Page 4 of 6 Sample ID : MSC-0518 Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch M beta-BHC U ND 54.5 109 ug/1 10. bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane U ND 54.5 109 ug/1 10. BDG 12/23/'96 1650 95339 2 bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether U ND 54.5 109 ug/l 10. bis(2-Chloroisopropyl.)ether-_U__--ND T_ 54.5 109 ug/1 10. beta 2 Ethylhexyl)phthalate- J--------61.0-_ _ _- � _ _�T-545--- -; 109 ug/1 10. delta`BHC U ND 545- 109 ug/1 10. gamma-BHC U ND 54.5 109 ug/1 10. Method 8080 - Multicomponent Compounds - 9 items Chlordane U ND 1.24 2.48 ug/1 10. JEB 12/30/96 0502 95430 3 PCB-1016 . U ND 0.990 1.24 ug/1 10. PCB-1221 U ND 0.990 1.24 ug/1 10. PCB-1232' U ND 0.990 1.24 ug/1 10. PCB-1242 U ND 0.990 1.24 ug/1 10. PCB-1248 U ND 0.990 1.24 ug/1 10. PCB-1254 U ND 0.990 1.24 ug/1 10. PCB-1260 U ND 0.990 1.24 ug/1 10. Toxaphene U ND 4.95 9.90 ug/1 10. Metals Analysis Silver U ND 0.00780 0.0300 mg/1 1.0 JSS 12/20/96 1407 95296 4 Arsenic U ND 0.0421 0300 mg/1 1.0 Beryllium U ND 0.000300 0.0100 mg/1 1.0 Cadmium U ND 0.00330 0.00500 mg/1 1.0 - Chromium _ U ND 0.00420 0.0300 mg/1 1.0 T -- 0:0847T- -'- -� 0.00840 0.0300 mg/1 1.0 Nickel U ND 0.00790 0.0300 mg/1 1.0 Lead U ND 0.0364 0.100 mg/1 1.0 Antimony _ --� 0-108---�_`� - 0.0400 0.100 mg/1 1.0 Selenium U ND 1 0.0841 0300 mg/l 1.0 Thallium U ND 0.0470 0300 mg/l 1.0 0:00210 _ 0.0200 mg/1 1.0 Mercury U ND 0.0148 0S00 ug/l 1.0 CRB 12/23/96 1024 95319 5 General Chemistry Cyanide; Total - -- 0.0129 ---- T 0.00147 0.0100 mg/1 1.0 JWF 12/22j96.2122 95326 6 ---T1:95- __ 5.00 ug/1 1.0 JWF 12/22/96 0004 95405 7 PO Box 30712 • Charleston, SC 29417 • 2040 Savage Road • 29407 (803) 556-8171! -,Fax (803) 766-1178 *9612390-01* tN GIN VGENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow.7, ORq Client: City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Contact: Ms. Margaret M. Walker cc: RHMKO0195 Report Date: January 09,1997 Sample ID : MSC-0518 Laboratory Certifications STATE GEL EPI FL E87156/87294 E87472/87458 NC 233 Sc 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 Page 5 of 6 Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch M The following prep procedures were performed: GC/MS Acid Compounds GC/MS Base/Neutral Compounds Pesticides ICP Mercury Comments: A dilution was required for Extractables Organics due to matrix interference. As a result, the detection limits are elevated. MS 12/20/96 1100 95339 8 MS 12/20/96 1100 95339 8 JPB 12/23/96 1100 95430 9 FGD 12/19/961830 95296 10 CRB 12/20/961600 95319 5 Surrogate Recovery Test Percent% Acceptable Limits 2,4,6-Tnbromophenol PP ACID 90.7 (34.6 -123.) 2-Fluorophenol PP ACID 0.00* (27.0 - 93.6) Phenol-d6 PP ACID 0.00* (212 - 75.6) 2-Fluorobiphenyl PP B/N 114. (50A -114.) Nitrobenzene-d5 PP B/N 0.00* (35.0 -107.) p-Terphenyl-d14 PP B/N 0.00* (33.0 -130.) 4CMX M8080 MULTI 812 (40.0 -137.) Bromofluorobenzene PP VOA-8260 94A (743 -125.) Dibromofluoromethane PP VOA-8260 99.2 (63.1 -133.) Toluene-08 PP VOA-8260 98A (78.5 - 118.) M = Method Method -Description M 1 EPA 624 M 2 EPA 625 M 3 EPA 8080 M 4 EPA 200.7 M 5 EPA 245.1 M 6 EPA 3353/335.4 PO Box 30712 • Charleston, SC 29417 2040 Savage Road • 29407 (803)556-8171• Fax (803) 766-1178 *9612390-01* Client: Contact: GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow. City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Ms. Margaret M. Walker Report Date: January 09, 1997 Sample ID : MSC-0518 M = Method Method -Description M 7 EPA 420.2 M 8 EPA 3510/625 M 9 EPA 3510/608 M 10 EPA 200/3010 Laboratory Certitic 2dons STATE GEL EPI FL E87156/87294 E8747287458 NC 233 SC 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 Notes: The qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: ND indicates that.the analyte was not detected at a concentration greater than the detection limit J indicates presence of analyte, at a concentration less than the reporting limit (RL) and greater than the detection limit (DL). U`indicates that the analyte was not detected at a concentration greater than the detection limit- * indicates that a quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria. This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Tom Kraft at (803) 769-7390. Reviewed By Page 6 of 6 PO Box 30712 • Charlestoh, SC 29417 • 2040 Savage Road • 29407 (803) 556-8171 Fax (803) 766-1178 *9612390-01* �L Ql n 19 6qC7 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD City of Rock Hill PO Box 11706 310 Red River Rd. Rock Hill, SC 29731 Attn: Margaret Walker PROJECT NAME: gnnwd PoTw As:�55mcnf (l946) c f f iurt} WAS j, DPP Z LOCATION: "r chPSinr 6fnjd lr4iomt �G! COLLEC IZ14 U. 4 ,AMPLE ID DATE TIME pH U REMARKS S.u. . m5c— Z Snmprn: ore .�, 1.0 1 G 6 eolpf;rl-r of Jej(up 06il 12104 43b ��_ $urnplr, fTeu. �2�4 1 LOL G 6 `/ tv ri�r��94 �ollKbxl 500 051� lz 46 C�1:3C X 1 ml P 2,6 W. de" 'snit• ik ,o r d ,nlv(d qnd POurad mom_ 1 LOL P 4,6 )Air. 4,4 P�ot�t 0518 I'J 94 09 nm6im�n im X 1 500 G 1,6 OSIS '7 6 430 ml , msc- %I X •{ 1.5 40m1 G 3,6 ' 0518 Z 17 0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: PRESERVATION: CONTAINER TYPE: 1. H2SO4 4. NAOH 7.OTHER P @ PLASTIC CUSTODY SEALS: META READING: 2. HNO3 S. NONE G o GLASS LOCK(S) STATUS: 3. HCL 6. COOL 4 DEG. C TFE — TEFLON RELIN BY: DA TIME: RELINQUISHED BY: DATE: TIIvlE: RELINQUISHED BY: DATE: TIME: 2a `y� 1030 rl: r CEWED BY: DATE: TIME: RECEIVED BY: U P-5 DATE: TIIVM: D BY: DATE: TIME: EE r 2��� EN C/^,��? U C) OR4 TORXES GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES - Meeting today's needs with a vision for tomorrow. Uborstou Certifications STATE ZEL EPI FL -E87156/87294 E87474/87458 NC 233 SC 10120 10582 TN 02934 02934 Client: City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29731-1706 Contact: Ms. Margaret M. Walker cc: RHMKO0195 Report Date: January 09, 1997 Page 1 of 1 Sample ID : MSC-0518 Lab ID : 9612390-03 Matrix : WasteH20 Date Collected : 12/17/96 Date Received : 12/18/96 Priority : Routine Collector : Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch M General Chemistry Total Organic Carbon 20.0 1.43 10.0 mg/l 10. SJ 12r23i96 1400 95371 1 M = Method Method -Description M 1 EPA 415.1 ' Notes: The qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: ND indicates that the analyte was not detected at a concentration greater than the detection limit. J indicates presence of analyte at a concentration less than the.reporting limit (RL) and greater than the detection limit (DL). U indicates that the analyte was not detected at a concentration greater than the detection limit. * indicates that a quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria. This data report has beer. prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Tom lift at (803) 769-7390. Reviewed By PO.Sox 30712 • Charleston, SC 29417 2040 Savage Road • 29407 IIIIIII II��IIjllllul�IIIUI�IIIIIIII�IIIIIIUIIIII (803) 556-8171 • Fax (803) 766-1178 *9612390-03* CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD City of Rock Hill PO Box 11706 310 Red River Rd Rock Hill, SC 29731 Attn: Margaret Walker APPROPRIATE pj REMARK ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: PRESERVATION'. CONTAINER TYPE: CUSTODY SEALS: ME-M READING: 2. HNO3 5. NONE G*- GLASS LOCK(S) STATUS: 3. HCL 6. COOL 4 DEG. C TFE - TEFLJON p, mm RELINQUISHED BY: . all zip all 0 ,2 t� • r COMMONWEALTH LABORATORIES OF S.C., INCORPORATED P. O. BOX 16387 209 WEST ANTRIM DRIVE GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29606-6387 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS January 14, 1997 City of Rock Hill P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, SC 29731-1706 Attn- Margaret Walker Program Area: Wastewater Sample No: 96-136-5705 Date Received: 12/18/96 Results Date/Time Oil & Grease, mg/1 21 Hydrocarbon,mg/l 19 Sample Markings Project Name: Location: Sample ID: Date: Time: Collected by: Type sample: 1/6/97 0930 1/7/97 1030 AREA CODE 864 TELEPHONE: 271-3256 FAX: 864-235-8340 Method Analyst Reference MW EPA 413.1 MW SM.5520F Annual POTW Assessment (1996) of Influent/Effluent/WAS for IPP Manchester Combined Influent MSC 051e 12/17/96 0930 M. Faulk Composite Comments: Holding times comply with 40 CFR Part 136. Respectfully submitted, South Carolina Lab Identification Nb. 23101 North Carolina Certification No. 24 City of Rock Hill �- PO Box 11706 310 Red River Rd Rock Hill, SC 29731 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD. Attn: Margaret walker PROJECT NAME: A nnaal Pbj'w A,;5e! i,ro,i i ,19 G) CIRCLE THE lnf l�u„ 1r ►,��;,+ IA �A Z `' : APPROPRIATE METALS ANALYSIS As, Ba, Be, Cd, LOCATION: * ' 1 Cr, Cu, Pb, Mo, Ni, Pd, Se, Ag, Zn, Hg, Sb COLLE / Bf I U REMARKS AMPLE ID BATE TIME pH S.u) C�')I I Z � 17 `i( r(1-40 � l Y LL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: �QQpy PRESERVATION: CONTAINERTYPE: CUSTODY SEALS: METER READING: 1. H2SO4 4. NAOH 7. OTHER 2. HNO3 s. NONE P - PLASTIC G - GLASS LOCK(S) STATUS: 3. HCL 6. COOL 4 DEG. C TYE - TEFLON . RELII�J 5i�`-�BY: DATE�:/ TRAE: RELINQUISHEDBY: DATE: TIlvIE: RELINQUISH\EDD BY: DATE: TRVM: � ,�� lV ��%%/`/(.. /��� .�� �.•7 (��r74 l:1•.i: �n•" lam\ RECEIVED BY: DATE: TRAE:. RECEIVED BY: D TL TIME: RECEIVED BY: DATE: TIME: COMMONWEALTH LABORATORIES OF S.C., INCORPORATED P. 0. BOX 16387 209 WEST ANTRIM DRIVE GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29606-6387 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS January 14, 1997 City of Rock Hill P 0. Box 11706 Rock Hill, SC 29731-1706 Attn: Margaret Walker Program Area: Wastewater Sample No: 96-136-5706 Date Received: 12/18/96 PI rameter Results Oil & Grease, mg/l <5 Hydrocarbon,mg/1 <5 AREA CODE 864 TELEPHONE: 271-3256 FAX: 864-235-8340 Method Date/Time Analyst Reference 1/6/97 0930 MW EPA 4-13.1 1/7/97 1030 MW SM 5520F ample Markings Project Name: Annual POTW Assessment (1996) of Influent/Effluent/WAS by IPP Location: Manchester Effluent Discharge Sample ID: MSC 0519 Date: 12/17/96 Time: 0950 Collected.by: M. Faulk Type sample: Composite omments: olding times comply with 40 CFR Part 136. Respectfully submitted, South Carolina ILab Identification No. 23101 North Carolina Certification No. 24 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD City of Rock Hill PO Box 11706 310 Red River Rd. Rock Hill, SC 29731 Attn: Margaret Walker PROTECT NAME: Arwlue, I CIRCLE THE i A ( I'i) _k APPROPRIATE METALS ANALYSIS As, Ba, Be, Cd, LOCATION: Cr, Cu, Pb, Mo, Ni, Pd, Se, Ag, Zn, Hg, Sb COLLE Bx'"- ;( � U REMARKS AMPLE ID DATE TIME PH S.0 r►15C • . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: \,V(6jo Ltd-n- PRESERVATION: CONTAINERTYPE: 1. H2SO4 4. NAOH 7.OTHER P -• PLASTIC CUSTODY SEALS: METER READING: 2. HNO3 s. NONE G - GLASS LOCKS) STATUS: 3. HCL 6. COOL 4 DEG. C TFE e TEFLON RELPI UI§HED BY: DATE: TINE: RELINQUISHED BY: DATE: TIIviE: RELINQUISHED BY: DATE: T V E: IL IZ ) RECEIVED BY: DATE: T7IvIE: RECEIVED BY: (� �.'. DATE: TIME: RECEIVED BY: DATE: TIME: �� ��� U .�� ������ ������K��U UU�~�x��.K� �� LABORATORIES, U���� = �� =~ L. EASTERN ~~" ""~ ����"°"~~~�°~" _~ ~.~- ._. .~~~~.~ .. ~~. ..~~`~x ..~~=. � 7621�V��t8 'O8[�O8d"`F�iOh[O Virginia ��7 � /��4\�74���4�1 Fax [�O.8O��271-6446 ' /� \` REPORT NUMBER BIO GRO SYSTEMS, INC,, ROCK HILL SC 2082 ' TODD LARSON ^ COPY TO� L�RSON & MIr ' 908 BELCHER_DRIVE PELHAM AL 35124 ' BIOSOLI[g ANALyg�IS REPORT ' DATE 97. _- �___. .~ .'. LAB ^NUMBER = 4149O ` D�TE RECE%VED "'..� "�"�~,�" 03/27/97`'�-` "_,="''/ f SAMPLE ID = ROCK HILL ` . D�TE REPORTED 04/01y97-/'� ' � DETE~ �TION ` ^ ' RE8ULT RESULT LIMIT ANALYSIS PARA'METER --+----------------- (� % ) -------_ (MG/K8) ------- (MG/KGy ------- ANALYST ------- DATE -_----- METHOD ---- REFERENCE` SOLIDS 15,25 15 0 100 ' JCM .03/27/97 SM NITROGEN (TKN) .5490 59000 100 LDR 03/287 EP/f 351,3' PHOSPHORUS . 1^71 17160, `100 JCM 03/28/7. EPH POTASSIUM 0+28 2' 0 . ZOO DCN 3/2897' SW ' SULFUR � 0^74 � 74OO 100 DCN 03 SW 8 i 601O ' CALCIUM 1'^20 1210.90 �`1O0 DCN �O3 2 7 SW M0GNE3IUM 0^35 3�'' J. DCN O3/ ` � 7 SW ` DCN 03 - 7' sW DCN 03/28/97 -SW Olt DCN 03/2847 SW 846---6010 DCN SW SW J. DCN 03/28/97 SW ` AMMONIA LDR 03 EPA 350*2 n03-mu2 N1|UUOEN 18 10` DCH 03 8 SM 4 3 IF DCN 03 ' SW 713 " DCN 03 � ' 7� ` SW� ` DCN 03/27` 'SW' --------------------'------59-~-___-�5_�-� DCN 03/28/97 SW 4 ` LL V�LUES EXCEPT SOLIDS OND TS8 ARp ON A DRY QFT�AT n�q7o `~ '- -- -�� �� --. ..---'. _.~^~, / NE "``nuvnn Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use mou,clients, and maynot uereproduced inwhole v,inp art, nor may any. to. the work, the results, n,the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior.written authorization. oopynoot1o77 A & LEASTERN AGRICULTU.riAL -LAB0R1AT0R1.ES,--3INC. 762 1'Wh itep i ne. R8-ad,'- hich t,nb lqd', V! r9 inia'23237 (804 )�,743-040 Fax N d.: (804) 271 -6446 I's U IYD U At V U U REPORTNUMBER R 0 C K; Iz.L. SG:. 2082 kSON CDPYJO +* 8 In' L C H ER:lr 1U., I""24it"�, it -....08 1 74". F' FiT - t -N, D.A T E0 X/; 1 0 E'l 'N U M B In 414910 DATE RECEIVED 2 7/ P 7 S A M PL E I D' R C) (3, K HT 1. J UED :�04:/-Q 19271-,` 'D A T E' REPOr ..... .. .. .. D ET E CT 10 N r�ESULT'. RESULT I ANALYSTS. PA. 146m E T E R (HG/0)!. (mbAp) ANALYST D AT E.: P) E F E R E bff` A R,13 E N T C -7 oj M4LE3 0 4- DCN 03/28/97. -SW b46-7061. MER(:rURY 0 ticN 03/28/97 SW 846---7471 S In: L E N 1: 1.) JM 0 + :U DCN 03/28/97 SW 846-7741 PI --I (STANDARD UN I I'S 7#20 t) n 6;3X,,.'619.7- EPA J. 50 + I CALCIUM CARBONATE: ND - 1.00 D C 1.4 03/28/97 AOAC 955+01 V 0 L ATI I E E.) OL 111's, 7-4o48 744800 100 L.DR 03/26/9.77 SM 254,00 0 R G A WE C N IT R 0 O'E"W 5.64 .5 6 4 0-0',�:', - 1.00. DCH 03/28/9.7-:..... CALC.LJL MOLYE41:07ENUM" DGN 2) 0 97• 3 --.6TED SIN fl L. V 61 EXCEPT SOLI1"t93 AND TSS ARE ON A DRY MUGFIT D A S1 S At L) 1 C, C1 Our reports and letters are fog the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news rele'asej or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written. authorization. Copyright 1977 of Rock Hill, South Carolina , Operations Plan Bio Gro proposes to land -apply lime stabilized cake biosolids generated from the City of Rock Hill Manchester Wastewater Treatment Plant. olids will be handled as dewatered cake. Biosolids will be dewatered to 20% percent total solids lime stabilized to meet Class B pathogen reduction requirements. Biosolids will be loaded at the plant and then transported as a cake material in truck mounted spreaders to permitted land application sites. Bio Gro will land -apply the biosolids in accordance with the operational procedures described herein and at rates set in the permit. Application sites will be rotated so as not to adversely impact local community transportation systems. Highway regulations, weight limits and other ordinances are known and will be observed. Biosolids Removal, Transport and Application Cake biosolids will be loaded directly into spreader trucks. The tailgates of the truck mounted spreaders will be completely sealed to prevent leakage and equipped with spill guards and full mud flaps. Haul routes will be planned to minimize travel through populated areas. To ensure adequate control of the application rate for each site, the equipment used for spreading the biosolids will be calibrated by measuring the amount handled on a known square footage. The rate of discharge from the spreader box can be controlled by both speed of the vehicle and the speed of the hydraulic ram which pushes the biosolids into the beater drum, thereby achieving desired application rates. Operations will be discontinued when soils are saturated and will not be resumed until sufficient drying of the field has occurred to allow equipment access without causing excessive soil compaction or rutting. The truck units will be inspected, licensed and appropriately marked, as required, for the purpose of transporting the dewatered biosolids. To prevent adherence of the cake biosolids to the transport vehicle, the truck mounted spreaders will be equipped with full rear mud flaps. This will prevent the biosolids from adhering to the tires and undercarriage of the transport vehicle, thereby preventing biosolids from being tracked onto roadways. Biosolids adhering to the mind flap will be scraped off in the field before the truck returns to the roadway. Site Operation 1) The principal method of application will be surface application. 2) The amount of biosolids applied will be limited to the annual allowable dry tons per acre as required by the permit for the site. 3) Buffer zones will be flagged and no biosolids will be applied within them. The most restrictive buffer will apply in combined situations. 4) Operational provisions will be taken to prevent soil loss through erosion. Provisions will include contour application and avoidance of areas where surface drainage patterns result Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division 5) 6) 7) 8) of Rock Hill, South Carolina in concentrated flow of runoff from rainfall. In accordance with good agronomic practice, areas which are unseasonably wet and would produce rutting or damage to the field will not be utilized for biosolids application farming operation during those periods. Operations will be discontinued when soils are saturated and will not be resumed until sufficient drying of the field has occurred. Public access to sites which have had biosolids applied will be controlled for a period of 12 months from the time of the last biosolids application. All grazing by animals whose products are consumed by humans must be prevented for one month following the last application event. Any hay or forage harvested during this same time period will not be fed to these animals for one month following the biosolids application event. Producing dairy animals will not graze treated pasture for 12 months following biosolids application. Tod ensure that biosolids are continuously applied at the correct application rate and in a manner consistent with the Operations Plan, a Bio Gro project manager will be in direct charge of the field opierations, controlling the amount of biosolids delivered to each field and conducting daily field inspections. Field inspections will include ensuring that flags are in place, biosolids are applied un�jformly at the designated application rate, setbacks are observed, trucks are unloading at best location, trucks are not driving over biosolids, trucks are cleaned before leaving the field and land application equipment is maintained in working condition. Spill Prevention and Control In the unlikely event of a spill, Bio Gro will take the following actions immediately. • • • Halt Source of Spill. Use of any leaking or damaged unit which is causing the spill will cease immediately. The unit will be repaired before resuming its use. Contain Spill. In the event large quantities of biosolids have been spilled, straw bales will be used where available to either form a barrier or soak -up biosolids. Clean -Up. Depending on the type and amount of biosolids spilled, a variety of equipment may be used to remove the biosolids: front-end loader, shovels and brooms and vacuum equipment of a liquid biosolids applicator. Any biosolids removed from the spill site will be spread on an approved application site. Final Clean -Up. Flush roadways with water or sweep as necessary to clean. Allow to dry and incorporate if spill occurs on non -paved and tillable area. In the event a spill occurs on private property, final clean-up should be completed immediately to the satisfaction of the owner. Management of Clean -Up Efforts. The project manager will take immediate charge and Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina initiate clean-up activities. Bio Gro labor will be used, with additional labor secured as needed. The project manager will also communicate with the public on the scene, answering questions and advising of clean-up activities. • Reporting. All spills will be reported immediately to Bio Gro's regional office at 205. 664-8440. The North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Managerment and Mr. Phil Thompson with the City of Rock Hill at 803.329.8706 will also be immediately notified. Within 24 hours of the spill, the project manager will send to Bio Gro's main office, a written report detailing how the spill occurred and remedial action taken. • Spill Prevention. The project manager will take the following steps to ensure spill protection: 1) Ensure truck drivers watch trailer while loading and do not overload; 2) Ensure trailer hatches are closed and latched while transporting; 3) Inspect trailer seals daily and replace as necessary; and 4) Ensure unloading operations in the field are conducted to minimize any potential runoff or:tracking. Safety - The potential for employee injuries and equipment accidbnts during land application operations is minimized by strict adherence to the following: a. New employee orientations; b. Safe work procedures as delineated in a 27 chapter Land Application Safety Manual updated biennially. Special training provided as needed; C. Mandatory use of personal protective equipment (safety glasses, safety boots, etc.); d. Weekly and/or monthly documented safety meetings; e. Compliance with- applicable OSHA standards and Department of Transportation (Federal and State) trucking safety regulations; f. Prompt dissemination of useful safety information and "lessons learned" to local operating levels; g. Immediate reporting and investigation of any incidents or "near misses"; h. Monthly, documented site safety inspections conducted by the Project Manager or his/her designate; Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Unannounced site safety inspections conducted by the corporate Safety Manager and region Safety Coordinators; Periodic Environmental, Health and Safety Compliance Audits directed by the corporate Legal Department; k. A safety awards program to recognize individuals and projects with exemplary safety performance; and I. A disciplinary program to correct or eliminate negligent behavior with regard to safety. Safety is our number 1 priority. The Project Manager is totally responsible for on -site safety and can rely on corporate and region safety representatives to assist whenever necessary. Careful attention to safe working conditions and methods of operation (e.g. the proper method of lifting heavy objects and the operation of heavy equipment only by trained and competent operators) should preclude most of the potential for safety hazards in the land application operation. Should an accident occur, the project manager will be informed immediately and will thoroughly investigate and complete an accident report, including the workman's compensation and liability forms. The implementation of all safety and housekeeping procedures will be the responsibility of the project manager. The project manager will maintain the work areas so as to protect the health and safety of all personnel using the areas. a Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Soil Scientist's Report The sites contained in this package were evaluated by examining existing USDA-SCS Soil Survey information, the soil material exposed in a series of hand auger borings and by soil sampling and testing. Other important items that were taken into consideration were depth to bedrock and seasonal high water tables. Slope on these sites are typical of the area of the state. The slopes range from nearly level to the maximum of approximately 10 percent in extreme cases. Topography will not limit surface application of waste on these sites. The soils information necessary to determine suitability for the land application of treated sludge must address both agronomic and engineering properties of the soil materials encountered on the sites. These properties can be evaluated on a preliminary basis by examining published literature such as that contained in Soil Surveys published through the Soil Conservation Service. In addition, an actual site investigation is necessary to confirm the soils information contained in the soil survey. The soils were evaluated by examining material extracted from the sites with a hand auger. Hand auger borings were taken at selected locations on the sites representative of the major soil types represented in the soil survey. The soil material extracted was evaluated with increasing depth for selected properties. Those properties include: depth, color, texture, presence of restrictive horizons and presence or absence of a seasonal high water table or bedrock within 3 feet of the sludge application zone.: In addition, a series of core samples were collected and composited from the plow layer on the sites to determine soil cation exchange capacity and pH to establish background levels for selected site constituents. The results of the auger borings and core samples are contained in this submittal. Application Rate Recommendation The biosolids generated for this project have been tested and found to be non -toxic, non- hazardous and suitable for application onto agricultural land. Based on the analyses of biosolids, nitrogen is the most limiting factor to the annual application of this sludge. At the nitrogen application rate sufficient phosphorus is also applied. The farm operator will need to apply potassium since the sludge is low in this element. Salt additions at these application rates do not pose a problem. In general, salts are not a problem in humid and sub -humid regions because there is sufficient rainfall to leach them down through the soil profile and away from the crop root zone. Soil testing of the proposed sites indicates that the cation exchange capacity of the topsoil material on the sites is generally in the low category. Research conducted in recent years has shown that soil chemical properties such as low cation exchange capacity are not limiting factors when low metal sludges are applied at agronomic rates. Cumulative trace metal loading limits contained in this submittal reflect the current USDA -EPA recommended limits for the lowest cation exchange capacity category (0 - 5 meq/100 gram). Based on this, the most limiting metal in terms of cumulative loading is copper and it would take approximately 92 years of annual application to reach this level based on a typical average application rate of 9.6 dry tons per year based on surface application on coastal bermuda hay. Conclusion The material proposed for application on these sites is an excellent source of nutrients. Neither Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Rock Hill 03/26/97 DOSAGE RATE EVALUATION PERMIT INFORMATION (LIFETIME RATES) CONCENTRATION PARAMETER (PPM) PAN (Inject) 19,538 PAN (surface) 18,238 P Phosphorus 17,100 K Potassium 2,800 Zn Zinc 628 Cu Copper 752 As Arsenic 1.5 Cd Cadmium 1.0 Cr Chromium 79.0 Pb Lead 59 Hg Mercury 1.150 Mo Molybdenum 13.0 NI Nickel 26 Be Selenium 1.89 LAB REPORT:R095-041 LBS/DT Allowable of Sludge Ibs/ec 39.076 100 - 200 36.476 100 - 200 34.200 5.600 1.256 2.492.0 cumm. 1.504 1,335.0 cumm. 0.003 36.5 cumm. 0.002 33.0 cumm. 0.158 2,670.0 cumm. 0.118 267.0 cumm. 0.002 14.0 cumm. 0.026 15.0 cumm. 0.052 373.0 cumm. 0.004 89.0 cumm. Formulae: PlantAvailable N = ((f (ppm Org N)) + (ppm NH -N) +(ppm NO-N))0.002 ' (Inject) PlantAvailable N = ((f (ppm Org N)) +v (ppm NH -N) +(ppm NO N))0.002 (Surface) parameter (lbs/DT) = parameter (ppm) x 0.002 PLANT AVAILABLE NITROGEN DT Sludge/AC Load/AC K CROP PAN Required (surface) (surface) #/AC Corn (Silage) 200 5.4 4.1 30.4 Corn (Grain) 160 4.4 3.3 24.4 ' Fescue/Hay/Pasture 250 6.9 5.2 38.4 Soybeans 200 5.5 4.2 30.7 Wheat&Barley 100 2.7 2.1 15.1 Clover/Alfalfa 250 6.8 6.2 38.1 Bermuda Grass 350 9.5 7.3 53.5 DT Sludge/AC Load/AC K CROP PAN Required (inject) (Inject) H/AC Com (Silage) 200 5.1 3.9 28.5 Corn (Grain) 160 4.0 3.1 22.6 Fescue/Hay/Pasture 250 6.4 4.9 35.7 Soybeans 200 5.1 3.9 28.6 Wheat 8 Barley 100 2.6 2.0 14.3 Clover/Afalfa 250 6.4 4.9 35.8 Bermuda Grass 350 9.0 6.8 50.2 Allowable Input Data for DT/AC Plant Available Nitrogen 2.56 5.12 Ammonia Nitrogen % 2.74 5.48 Nitrate Nitrogen PPM Organic Nitrogen % Digestion Factor 1,984.1 Percent Solids 887.6 GL or CY / Load 12331.1 Dry Tons Per Load 16,600.0 16898.7 2,262.7 6087.0 576.9 7,173.1 23545.0 TERMS: f = mineralization rate = Digestion Factor v = non voiatllized fraction of NH -'N = 0.50 PAN = Plant Available Nitrogen NOTE: This utilizes EPA Part 503.13 Standards or North Carolina Standards whichever is the most stringent. CEC<5 P METALS: LIFETIME YEARS BASED ON PAN DT/AC Ibs/acre Cd Cu Zn NI Pb 185.8 3,037.0 yr 163.4 yr 365.2 yr 1,320.3 yr 416.5 yr 149.0 3,787.5 yr 203.8 yr 455.4 yr 1,646.5 yr 519.4 yr 234.4 2,407.4 yr 129.5 yr 289.5 yr 1,046.6 yr 330.1 yr 187.5 3,009.3 yr 161.9 yr 361.9 yr 1,308.2 yr 412.7 yr 92.1 6,130.3 yr 329.8 yr 737.2 yr 2,665.1 yr 840.7 yr 232.7 2,425.1 yr 130.5 yr 291.6 yr 1,054.3 yr 332.6 yr 326.5 1,728.6 yr 93.0 yr 207.9 yr 751.5 yr 237.0 yr to CEC<5 P METALS: LIFETIME YEARS BASED ON PAN DT/AC Ibs/acre Cd Cu Zn NI Pb 174.2 3,238.9 yr 174.2 yr 389.5 yr 1,408.1 yr 444.2 yr 138.3 4,079.5 yr 219.5 yr 490.6 yr 1,773.5 yr 559.4 yr 218.3 2,584.7 yr 139.0 yr 310.8 yr 1,123.6 yr 354.4 yr 174.6 3,232.6 yr 173.9 yr 388.7 yr 1,405.3 yr 443.3 yr 87.5 6,447.5 yr 346.9 yr 775.3 yr 2,803.0 yr 884.2 yr 218.8 2,579.0 yr 138.7 yr 310.1 yr 1,121.2 yr 353.7 yr 306.3 1,842.2 yr 99.1 yr 221.5 yr 800.8 yr 252.6 yr 0.26 18 5.64 0.3 15.3 10 1.31 As Se Mo Hg Cr 2,269.6 yr 4,333.7 yr 106.2 yr 1,120.4 yr 3,110.4 yr 2,830.5 yr 5,404.6 yr 132.4 yr 1,397.2 yr 3,879.0 yr 1,799.2 yr 3,436.3 yr 84.2 yr 888.1- yr 2,465.6 yr 2,248.9 yr 4,294.1 yr 105.2 yr 1,110.1 yr 3,082.0 yr 4,581.4 yr 8,747.8 yr 214.3 yr 2,261.5 yr • 6,278.5 yr 1,812.4 yr 3,460.6 yr 84.8 yr 894.6 yr 2,483.7 yr 1,291.8 yr 2,466.6 yr 60.4 yr 637.7 yr 1,770.4 yr As Se Mo Hg Cr 2,420.5 yr 4,621.8 yr 113.2 yr 1,194.8 yr 3,317.2 yr 3,048-8 yr 5,821.4 yr 142.6 yr 1,505.0 yr 4,178.1 yr 1,931.6 yr 3,688.2 yr 90.4 yr 953.5 yr 2,647.1 yr 2,415.9 yr 4,612.8 yr 113.0 yr 1,192.5 yr 3,310.7 yr 4,818.5 yr 9,200.4 yr 225.4 yr 2,378.5 yr 6,603.3 yr 1,927.4 yr 3,680.2 yr 90.2 yr 951.4 yr 2,641.3 yr 1.376.7 yr 2,628.7 yr 64.4 yr 679.6 yr 1,886.7 yr Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Site UN97 Request and Consent for Biosolids Field Summary Sheet Field Data Sheet Vicinity Map Site Map Topographic Map Flood Plain Information Soils Information Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division SOURCE: FARM OPE ADDRESS: , Division AWheelabrator Clean Water Systems Inc. REQUEST -AND CONSENT FOR BIOSO IDS 011'l� Lill S� . fv 4J i PHONE: (76Cf FARM LOCATION: /11e4J711 TOTAL ACREAGE: 106 —COUNTY. CROPS: F-PSC ot 1 -- Pa "^e 1. I agree to be responsible for adhering to the following conditions, where applicable: a. The soil pH will be.adjusted to> when biosolids are applied. (This maybe accomplished through the application of lime -treated biosolids.) b. Do not graze animals on the land for 30`days after the application of biosolids. In addition, animals intended for dairy production shall not be allowed to graze on the land for days after the applicatior of biosolids:-. c. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface shall not be harvested for' Z-{ months after the application of biosolids. d. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not ,be. harvested for .2-j6,.. months after the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface > 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38 months when the. biosolids remain on the land surface < 4 months prior to incorporation. e. Food crops, feed*crops, and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. f. Public access to land with a low potential for public exposure shall be restricted for days. Public access to land with a high potential for public exposure shall be restricted for 1 year. g. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authordy 2. 1 understand that this transaction is not contemplated by the parties to be a sale of goods, and that Wheelabrator Clean Water Systems Inc. - Bio Gro Division' (hereinafter Bio Gro) is willing to provide to -me without charge the service of land applying biosolids which have been approved by the appropriate regulatory agencies for land application. 3. 1 understand that successful crop production, depends on many variables, such as weather, soil conditions and specific farming practices and that while Bio Gro'has experience with land application of biosolids, the responsibility for properly accommodating agricultural practices to biosolids utilization are solely mine. I have also read and understand the."Important Information About Using Biosolids as a Fertilizer which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this -Request and Consent. OPERATOR'S- SIGNATURE DATE V -- v WCWS-Bio.bro Division 908. Belcher Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 -Ind Wheelabrator Water Technologies Bio Gro Division A WMXTechwWies Company LANDOWNER CONSENT FOR BIOSOLIDS APPLICATION The undersigned hereby agrees to the application of biosolids by Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. — Bio Gro Division (hereinafter Bio Gro) at application rates in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. OWNER NAME: C I Ci _V � L"o La--) ADDRESS: 1643 -22 PHONE: (76y ) : 6GG 6S. . OPERATOR NAME: FARM LOCATION(S): I (c +- �J x� 40i-x-) F`} TOTAL ACRES: I U"b COUNTY: ( }�J "C/ 1. 1 understand that Bio Gro will coordinate biosolids deliveries with my farm operator hereinafter (leasee) unless otherwise advised by me. 2. 1 agree to allow Bio Gro and federal, state and local regulatory staff access to my land for the purposes of permitting the site, inspecting the site, applying biosolids, obtaining samples from the site and testing. I reserve the right to ask the above parties for proper identification at any time. 3. 1 understand that the following conditions apply to my land following biosolids applications and that my leasee has signed an. -agreement form with Bio Gro stating that my leasee will be responsible for following these conditions where -applicable: a. Do not graze animals on the land for 30 days after the application of biosolids.- In addition, animals intended for dairy production shall not be allowed to graze on the land for SD days after the application of biosolids. b. Food crops (crops consumed by humans including but not limited to fruits, vegetables and tobacco) with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface shall not be harvested for z-`( months after the application of biosolids. c. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for Z(o months after the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface > 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38 months when the biosolids remain on the land surface < 4 months prior to incorporation. d. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. e. Public access to land .with a low potential for public exposure (I d the public uses infrequently including but not limited to agricultural land and forests) shall be restricted for 3 days. Public access to land with a high potential for public exposure (land the public uses frequently including but not limited to a public contact site such as parks, playgrounds and golf courses) shall be restricted for 1 year. f. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authority. 4. 1 have also read the "Information About Biosolids" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Consent. 5. The term of this Consent shall continue until written notification is given by either party to terminate this agreement. 6. 1 certify that I am holder of legal title to the above described property or am authorized by the holder to give consent for the land application of biosolids and that there are no restrictions to the granting of consent under this form. _5Z OWNER SIGNATURE (If ninglas a representati e ja6lude title) DATE WWT-Bio Gro Division • 908 Belcher Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 e 205/664-8440 Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Summary Sheet: Site UN97 Project: Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Gross Acres Net Acres Owner Operator 1 11.2 9.8 Claude Presley Claude Presley 2 29.3 29.3 Claude Presley Claude Presley 3 9.9 9.9 Claude Presley Claude Presley 4 10.4 10.0 Claude Presley Claude Presley 5 3.5 3.0 Claude Presley Claude Presley 6 17.0 10.0 Claude Presley Claude Presley Total 81.3 72.0 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Data Sheet: Site UN97 Project: Rock Hill, South Carolina Field County Topographic Quad Latitude Longitude U.S.D.A Soil Survey Sheet Number Predominant Soils 1 Union Catawba NE SC - NC 1968 34059'15" 80046'49" Union County 21 CeB2 2 Union Catawba NE SC - NC 1968 34059'15" 80°46'49" Union County 21 CeB2 3 Union Catawba NE SC - NC 1968 34059115" 80046'49" Union County 21 CeB2, GfB2 4 Union Catawba NE SC - NC 1968 34059'15" 80046'49" Union County 21 GfB2 5 Union Catawba NE SC - NC 1968 34°59'15" 80°46'49" Union County 21 CeB2 6 Union Weddin ton NC -SC 1968 1 35000'07" 80045'44" Union Countv 16 CeB2. Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WW Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region _ Fax 205.6643678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 `aG o 4 r. 4 s i 1 -)Vicinity Map: Site UN97 M1F� ill { y1 1. . P C C cafe: 1" = 2 miles VWV s ey Y' `EE W ` s 4 2 N zt. y 3 WQ. v R 7 O PULER Q 84 4 -r pP 8a"'R RD HFIY Y � � oN ,?�Q' 'rTE '1 )' rE rC^ (qf�•. pN05 E'p0 = u QO pp�E c JZ' B Nr.YK c i t aaF �� A'rS e'R �1L aN ON rr�,',F},( N 6EA Q 5} V g � W ocPne r7 ♦� $� JK, eft Wr I V = c y RM ° °t I.r OE t R C t RAv 16 nq` juNYE G/(p �• � `'P f�.o o QO }c,�L. Aoust p} `P e.an . a� ea B }�+r 4dr pia A t s a * rr , ' ■ . a �nera ZGtTIP so' Lm OF a +o 98 " • : e4 `Qr sscwarU' „ 9-Spring 9` rt,Jy C. 4 i I Oa ON �a91i Lea L 7 Qp�,.tr O Co FYM W +04 T' i EJa~ 9 u� fop. W ! �E Lr t w K ,,iCr (f 4t ��. IDv dB. McH EELoY k v �� P ° • +e+ OOSTER : oN 4 f �� •�PEr d /�x� s.00ECRom — — t DEER �/� lop 75 S MAIN 0` 1 NC v i r: 11 t:` ROelry - U RDN MIIRPHYLAI 4 �+'7ti LON G 0 0' V� C .�.� -e P >N:AUPCL � pN 9 �s pC I ¢ q x DNIrn qY d v r n'+ R\FF/l N �' � G TH ? O 6 D '�4. ' ♦ Hpe\ r, ua �N-„P 8 } �l I I .''n_.{.�a � y RELDIR YI `MF( +e y o DErs KIN LAM Ar elf O�N1 U D(D A7(NAW µ' - q9•J- I eM'r° _ k'000 SCHOO11 ! rc_.N.6LE M a y Dy RD e , A ¢ c e O L RD. z ' °*LEr'n'°5 =e COOK c0 } J S\kS ¢ a svoNE.000 L- $ o o� Nr cfO IL-LOLLr Not ESRIi - ncw•..RQ R + Y UOL! :.'. 4Q 4 otter _ QS DA RD �M Lv PO' LoetoLLCIN M4 EY 'm ~DR E I s� c AN cA■►D DZSt.g cQ 9 / A ¢`�00 e ' �` y +�pTRY VEPANpPZ CA I �� o yLF �O. �LRsAH o r 4r°i YALP P. qlRLfElzr+IR o a °+S"/ L DY O CC RD Jackson D @ nP ' 4`0 IAARi 4 ref L .' $5 �] 1_ rf 22 y RAN d ` Td S D _ 10 A0L RO" e ( A /r _! ill. .'O {. �- L RKMK CLE AIR T ANOREW� .Iq� O • 'cc JACKSON o� aea -Ci �i oQStEELE AO s - IO� old v i 1■ 11 / J MEMORIALo, a L Ran 09 z I .; *E .A9DSPfCT Z��F, nYE:E v. C OF,R +�i vcc+ AIL ` 474fr 'offSr i^ ♦d Syn fNrao '�q,ty 'rR 0 iM _ a Ao „ oN E (+.o� D '. Q• /v9 Q 10 u J O �O Si RN S RD oy 0o Sri RNES CEM F �` e`o •o i �4 p � P ANE CREEK K 7 7R(Rt TRINI _ fioN E�vv��oS�oL UN as (QI'RGtNcv `` f` 0�y � l �.�Sf o • - PO c4 SOA 9ON O- NAn N' NIEL ON dd (U� CH URCH R OLD C Gs ? •qo . �f Nucr RD J DARN CANE CREE is •6i (+ I ` OO1�, I E •♦ N f/KRERo � Y o TIRZ AN S'C' t LANC A S F ER�g COUNTY - c O.M.C. O I Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WMX Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.890 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 Wheelabra'tor Water Technologies Inc. AAL Bio Gro Division A WMX Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.82140 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 fA. i�, Site Map: Site UN97 4. 5-6FR�k-0 Field 6 T122 1: Scale: 1" = 660' 333t f w N67-4 30 Y Ik 41 C?4-. "s- OWN. NV ;o - 7. zi. rMAJ A gg Am 0 X lti wR Z' On 4 - r—.6 A!F1 4 _r ­:: �F' .—A X. .mowA -.1" - F. - . K X N Y' "'4 f! JIVIO I"' AC'�V %,fro 0 ew Af, Pr )e Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WMX Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 Topo Map: Site UN97 Fields 1 through 6 l � . :%�-._:--- � \,' , •�:`, • � � ` r � %/ Scale: 1" - 24,000' '� 1. - �_ �j ". \ :` l �:��•=,i"' vim---� - - — r as14 \_-. ,•� 1•�� �. \�lI/- ; ""J \� '>�.. -.--� yr XA1 730 BM 671 \ . C555 667 \ .1872 q1Ro Land, g 650 ;I 7 OwN h .Pan Ines - Redding Sprin Ch \ � 03. 658 g \- e n p ., 0 639 3871 1 � 5p 650 /� , \ 720 ( 1 I o \ (S. C: Cam_ 0 \ \ \ 70 i. 0 =':.' B�ds C ei 3 ..61 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WMX Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 Flood Plain: Site UN97 I'Fields 1 through 5 Scale: 1" = 1,000' q1�Z ZONE A 1� • J Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WMX Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 G s 60 Flood Plain: Site UN97 Field 6 Scale: V = 1,000' 0 t I ZONE A 141 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Blo Gro Division A WW Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7.678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 Soils Map: Site UN97 (Joins sheet 16) Fields I through 5 Ga E 17; IrA Scale: 1" 24,000 ZnB ' HeB T Hau'. CeC2 C.02 B ApB W CoAi-W2 ChA f;eUZ , U132HeB ApB C2 Ce82 IaC h ApB C GWI. B A Zn eS CeC2 CeB2 Iiee ApB )3091 VV . - Pleasdnt Pines C ApB CeC.2 IsTaQW- -town Ch !A7, ApB B2 "A 3Ce62 CeC2,, CoA C! ApB N." -71 cee rP -NN Ce Tb InAk HiB C2 162. IbB2 ffTln* CoA j3aQ N., tB CeR2 TbB2 -eB2 Tac A 4i, ItTb82 f TaC TaC 1307 TbB2MBtom Tab 'ThFfTaC APB Ba �&2 b ChA "j TaB -r Tb82 Bd faC T6C2 ^ GeB Ta TbC2 BaC Tb82 TaB TaC aC... V41 'EPORTNUMBER A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. R,127 -030 7621. Whitepine Road ■ Richmond, Virginia 23237 ■.(804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 , SEND 5IO•GRO SYS•TEMSP INC. TO: 908.'BELCHER DRIVE P'EL-HAH ' AL 35124 ATE OF REPORT 0/0/97,. 'PAGE 1 CLAUDIE PRESSLY UN97 GROWER: SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT ACCT #900108 SAMPLES SUBMITTED T O D D L A R S ON BY: COPY TO: TODD LARSON DATE RECEIVED 0.5/06i."9.7 .DATE . OF ANALYSIS 05 /01,97 .ru«,, 3 •., .., .. r.. SAMRLE.. , . .? • E r.. N'U B R , . ., ,, r -,.. ..., ,. „ . , r , , . „ ., .. T >":iCyx ...•.. .. 'z'... .. ,._ ,. LAB -• ... .: 1 �! NU MBE � .: ... .. ... .. .. �- ., .,.. rt- x".�^ ...-. ..,=,a.,q� J �.,3•,•, .rr,• ,,.v .�' .1... •, 1 Ir, R . k .. ... ...X, , .. k ,.. �. . d. r .,. ,. s ,, • . , ,�, * * c ,, r a. .R.. a^ � . „ h I ,... .�• 9 k..Ei .,,. N , r , , a> . "ti d,..a ,r, y �;,�, �Er .1��::.,=a..a.PP ..,,., .,. .. ,...;. 5c1; rBI10SpHORUS 7i t Es. �. r,. ,. 'n, y, -,.,,• >.:•_ t^4'4. ,.,.t ,r: t P 9 Pi.,,., 2 t" .... ., , ,.. ,,,.,. ., ...., r. .•, ..., � ,.4. .,. t 3' r p: , . B r s� on Para a ., -... tir a• .., . .E, M. * n r S yl� ... �f ., ,➢ , . ,,.. k}t..} .. ,>. , i.. t ,Nr ,., r• , . c. „. .. ,. � :. •. ,r, M•.ry ,�..:-:.- dl,:.P�.>r...$,+�. _.:• ..,,. .. os,-.....,. POtASS1UMt �a:,,J ,. , . ,.. ;K', " $: kl w. ......, � .1 - r.. ? ,. ,, .,, d ,. d ,..< ,-K ,. A W : 7 .f .. � 1 a r ,. a..Ir„ ,. 9r,a. ! � �, C t i i J ,�f ,r� „ r. $. i , R E4.. . ..pb� w. �. .. _._.., 1(AAGNESIU t-,aCALCI�IM rt ,.. .y,5 .m q•.-r ;! ,ra,g.,, F. ,,. r 1 P . F. t,. s � ,. ,-: °n. i, r... , IU e , t. ,� ^. d rM. : ,�.. ... ,,.: d * N .: h wr , „ w, : ea f . ,::... 5•, . 1 -i+� .. w .x i y,,•s.^ x,r+ `til IVI RA.I C PP ,..�t...: -�,. .�v.A.: .,., .... .r , ! x .,4" 1' G.*..._.. , t' :not , „ ..s 4n. ,i. „.. ... 01, .-a ,. C� :, V.. ,u.. ,. r, .' , , � b.,, yy b , h" ,. rA �. � ..rn,. � *. YC' .. , .., ra �t . , `:.. .. 4 .L' t +.. ..,�i�x•7t,. :.,...: y . i �v S' 'IUtlh �� s. 4P r.-r r`.5 .1' . 'd'U;, .r ... �.. a .rr ,„Na "hSw w , � ,) n ., ...r •.yy (. ! A., A � t s ai, G�i , 3., .,.'*.p. 45- le., , h+p.,u.: k � "4,.. a.. ;....� b r .... r,. ,�` PP �,5,!7. rR t: �',, �?� 1. SPX' a a hy "{*fir`. , ) rA- 50 ff w t :. IL, � .. ', .. ,. : 1„ .?' � ~,� , .1,• kk A,w. r�..w C,.. .. ,,: � . : . ,Tp ,�,..A�r r.. ,n. -EX.r � P�,r+.. �. >,)., •.;a Flirw i ,r . ;.. ,,,,1 z R ` :.•. ��qq'� . � AJ�, :. , ,� , r• ... � J , .:. f w ,, r ., a a a ,. , 5., 1� � M.1le -v, d!,". a. � 9f1 a , r ,, q� . � , ii•:t a ,t.adyi,Cl.tt-. ,. •^`F'[s 4,k d n t t, '�.:� P, T!rl=r""^KC')G , v " n r.. � re., � �v, u. o. A e .. .r Y t. � � :..h , ,� c w ,: v. � .'� 9 •R. .T':r, t ..' u,4 j, • , Cajgg �`��, .,,�., y n I 9. „.. ..t, e • 4" rC'" `� ' 6,� q � $. �. • 9y� q d Lf ,",rw, an,.. a..rs'rvet a r�.. 1 .:l t'a, a":1.'qr. ^„r, . �.�.§ ,- fi.. Y prr. as�•'r $E'S Y.URQ'T A�i.i,t„pw:Y.Nk... .j a, w..s. : vn , ^+.,t v r,. •"n,-- R: . e"L. ...- r, 5. 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H 8 VL 7.3 0 D 4.3 1 .4 17.9 791,8 "`. 0. 0 : (SEE EXPLANATION ON BACK) ` r ._. ,.r � .:... ,. i. , r ;•,.. ,, },(" ,. ,..: .,j 'C SANIP.LE. .,.. - 'b i ,,,,, n .h, .. ., :,1;., .#� 4,..e�'. � � .!a,1.l`r NITR ..:^% , ':,:t vrr F. 3. ,. • .... - -• rf tv. �. 2 .. t r~ 6h.. (ply !. wa,�. A ,Asd ': r+Y 1 �I ...f+ o.• d + � ,..i: ., ., +M:..... e.. ...,.,.,.. , ,. r. , ^. ..... a.,.,. , ,-,t . .,., 74i1d w.-, . I Cyy.. .... r...rcf,m � 9.erk: r:^,,C:...`r. 1 ,.` I ,C ,,., ':-. ..,., yr,., t .. Zit.,, e. C., .. .,,. ,,, rv.._ .., ,i i,b.,, (a,4 t1� �. � ,,. � t.,Yx ,. a , :. a. s. , . r ., ..• }# 1 # , F,.ZF+o, . uix•. .sa.,. , , . }2 '1 „ � .d4 a . �.: , w�•.t,G,.7,. ., 'vl ^... ," , , pwt'� �1 a.,: " ti.:,r d..;y1, ,r .irt .. ., �, /'1 *,:.r,, ,h,( .„, ., s, i, 1, F� :- ,,,.y..Gy .r .. ! .a ,R•.6'. F, Rf., � �•�. �.. , !' ,. r�R,•�n,�b,..,;tl� ..�e v�r� ,. . P r r ,,,. .. , �I.f ,• as ,r . 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'.k•�;. ;),.k,.,., d,�.,�.. , ATE' ,3,. .:¢tt•y�.r` ,, -�„� ..',..,. .r., s•,a r'tl,M<, � , c"', , ti',t�I��,ib p. m"Fe. ,ATE .. .. x•Cr '+.,+ , t� •�: ti' �r, ,. ,3a ts` . � .,, z� r�, ...,'h ..:,fk ..t.C, m Cu, . A t k '�4fr 14. , ,s„ i . t ((,, , <�' « a: •t'• '"t"virY'iLvfr. :: ,,,� f :,� ,. w , v �1f';f' t•� .?'":'S'•!i!fv: n'r. ,,;,, s �, +c.7 .' c:.; )f,9 Mrr : S 5 rr�� . r m" os/c {RATE I- ti .."� Y,W'. �..s. i., , ',a. t rc1-Cl 1 !. 3v .h..,li:':;;c '.'I:Z,E:-�;,f•1�:ti�w`'d tt %%' •!s�14':".t �tS•.�",�'. q '.�b``���,�"��F���� - .f 1' 7 L 2. 3 M 1 E M 1 9 H 0.7 1�, D.4' L- <. 3' VL 2 11 :NS 7.'4 H 16..M 1.9 H., I B M 0.5,,L 0.3 VL 3 8 M 11.0 VH 23 H 38 H 0.:9:M 0:0: 6 M <.3.VL This report Iles to the sample(s) tested. :Sernples.are retained •a: maximum (rty days after testing. $oll Analysis prepared by: 4 9 M 130 V H : 1� M 33 H C 9 M • 0. 5 .L� < 3' V L & L ST AGRICULTURAL LABOR RIES,' INC:°•." 5 6 L 1. 7 L 1 E M 1 r3 H 1 .0 M 0.3 VL <.3 VL C N R AA 'DONE' - b v CODE TO RATING: VERY LOW (VL), LOW (I.), MEDIUM (M), HIGH (H), VERY HIGH (VH), AND NONE (N). "" MULTIPLY THE RESULTS IN ppm BY 4.8 TO CONVERT TO LBS. PER ACRE P O6 I_w I • IES'tIMA1'IcU NI'rIaUC GN IIhLLASG MULTIPLY THE RESULTS IN ppm BY 2A TO CONVERT TO LDS. PER ACRE K?0 EPORT NUMBER A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. R127-030 7621 Whitepine Road - Richmond, Virginia 2323.7 - (804) 743-9401 Fax* No. (804) 271-6446 SEND F-,IO GRO SYSTEMSr INC. TO: 908 BELCHER DRIVE PELHAM AL 35124, ' 2 ATE OF REPORT 05/08/97PAGE CLAUDE PRESSLY UN97 GROWER: i SOILANALYSIS REPORT ACCT -I SAMPLES SUBMITTED TODD LARSON BY: COPY TO.- TODD LARSON DATE RECEIVED 0 5 / 04 /�-9 7 DATE OF ANALYSIS 0 5 / 0 7. i`,97 NUMBER INUM & B ay) Oi A 8D "PlIpg, 4 'N w tm n 6 5 0 8 7.1 8 81 M; 14 L 18- L 12* V1. 55 W; 46U H :3 �VL 6.2� --6.4- 'd 4'. .3.2- 1.0 14.4 72.1 12 �'l `.'0* `4: F6;0 ,NO1art9-MiT�Nr. "F N E��,,,, w d. •KR, � PP N y wwm,�, --- 6 5 L 0 7 V L 9 L 8 M 0.4 5, L 3 VL This report a to the sample(s) tested. Samplesire retained a maximum 0 1 days after testing. Soil Analysis''prepared by: EA ER GRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. by CODE TO RATING: VERY LOW (VL),� (L), MELAUM (M). MIUM (m), VtHy Mum (vrl). ANU INUiNt kIN)- ..... .1. --. — PP." — — — — 1— 1 2 M1 11 TIPI Y THE RESULTS IN oom BY 2.4 TO CONVERT TO LBS. P�� K21 iEPORT NUMBER: R 127-030 A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 • (804) 743-9401 Fax No. '(804) 271-6446 SEND TO: BI O ORO SYSTEMS, INC. 9(--)9 BELCHER DRIVE PELFIAM AL 35124 )ATE OFF EPORT 05/o9/97 PAGE 1 GROWER: CLAUDE PRESSLY LJN97 SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT ACCT # 9c 068 SAMPLES SUBMITTED BY: TODD LARSON COPY TO'. TODD LARSON, DATE RECEIVED o5/06/47` DATE OF ANALYSIS Nitro en 9 „ a� .. .u::�. 4 u. .., _„ .. ! S Potasslum ;^ :. ,.�� .' M1P'. r.. v..,�. 1 �, �ur .•S�Ifur f '.•'-` 4. k. 1„Y� d ,. a... � >,..+, .xp(:alctum.y? �. a �F I ,na. i F.,. M.I �r r, ,., ,. Me neslumo,ar.•Sodlum,L,,lylrorisGr:yf :I r. q..:., •,rl �k, �. `•1 ArY •k r., : of ,ha a�• rII M. rio. 1 b �.S,,,rf lS ,AiUin�hUhic' P.. S, N. 1..1 �„U..r<{�'may ,. n¢.:r':. •�an enese+>)Co qFy l,. P.,'r ri '41. ,. R x21ncr_ ,._ ,. ' mOna a :Nifrete) SAMPLE ',: ..- , :.. LAB" , - . ,.: ,:,.:v . „ . -;; .:;• , . , '� , =, hr. k: .. s�, r. 2n �°' � Nitro ei ~� F>•y::a-:.xs- Nigro eh� IDENT.. '. ..^ ... . •. -.. .... .-.. ... ..,. .• P,i �.. ,4 Ik r P .. .•. 'A ..• •�. ,.•„..'. " 8,,.,rf }.. r.,.d w ,� F I. k.ra ft ..v+a ^;....1..f m1. ,Ll,,:,., ,. .... d.�'r.. `F r,,,. � „,r,,...I.r• ^.r;iI. nl.�.. 1 r, s:,: ,i::,, aa.. ,R r.+, Y, :.r ,. .rt�., t., a ry �, Ll,. Ir� mi ,..,y6li.� :I.I Y4d. ,.. I rllhWl�n .1 `f { r,,•,lIh,5a ,�uI �I I fi.,,a . "-rrY�5, 4. r�' mhL<.' : ,f' „5,r, .F.0 7n ;v4 . I a...m �,xrI,,rl • '.A.` - i aMtllr,��,.r : }^ � '4 1_ ,wr`_.r.. ;2 +j:l ., „'5:,' �,y - , .., ,., .,J ,.,,, . ,.., ,,.-,.,. ..• .. .m...;9 , 9 n;,.', ,.�. n.�..,�. m_.. 9!.�..9. . , .m...9.. . 9r., f., ''.. .,, ,...�,, 1. 1,:9r1.� ;.•aLv l.i, . 9r,:d,.,-� 9 b ,IL. . � 9y�vly9ul hra. Il...,.,..�,, f..:,,;,p.I,m 1.1 9�6. r.9u,.„ ,l kI ,l,!lro r,Ihf ,ul:lIibh9 �t..,.. :,:�r,r ru.,lPMe IR%.I9�v, I.rI��:,al � , 9u ;�I I .Ia "�,�F.Il,y III I"I 9,^,,.r'4,f,,.. q „+ _ I. r�r+u.l m4 , m.�N:�r:. 9TA,a^:� 1 05082 3 05084 4 (_)5�)85 Y .. 05086 .. .. .o,t.c C :.. ,I Ch,lS. m.Ar Y.,t ,. .?N. L ..,I yr..l,e..4 r.iM1Ix. e. niM.P,,H:II: .�:rI sA..�.:e.s. trI .�, �„.I:f,.. .�,I ' c . uI ,,,f. e.p�I+ ,7.,",Y-+�...�l rGk:-� le ,,r ,. e-S,. a,e..1, •I nh�,,. iI »I rI ,I ,.., . :,.rnc. ,l,ss,aF .,,. A�' lw F�I h.I �, .rMr,•7 :q,,1 .rIi.. ,.,...: ..IY„..,,I, • lvI sf, •.LAB,: . :.I ..- :: �„ NO. ...-,....F,,.,. k. dg,.,ef, ,,.: w'a,., IL'_,a:.. .r,,,T�.Cr . u� .. r- b.A,..I ,",„,,�v• .'b. nr,.ra4.o ,,'. C {,L. :,..' �.. , , .,.,,.,...,r...:+.,...,:, L�a..I,.. p:, ,S . a,�. ;: I,.. ,,.•+t. .:..., :. I. Peab,dI �;r �..i.,4.:I: tI.. . Ii,.iIc . l^, r>.. �-: .;..1, _i.s ,aA..:�,. .�.:. .rr..,. .I .Idf.a,l ,I T.�}r'b . ,"I �„[..•I,f..l:�r l.,a.I, lIL •r,� . :,,.r_. ��M J,..."n,+�. r �tI ,I , ,. . Gl•)I :u:I . +"''l 4I Irn, I k. : , {4:l�' 7MI,s +1l OIp� S, e 9nr:.erl.', :•,�l, ,i., ,a. II. n,•'Gr � � Pdmumt I. n. L. ,.II I.,. .r,I�I r,M r III• I n Ie .a aIlY4.,"1.I ,,�., I.n.�:,. :. I I M1I.s....�. I L _.,I .1.Ia . II ,G. I kI. I, I I, I �^.II .I �.I,V ".H rI ,,, ., n€l aa ,.. �. �,�r,.. � I I I,. �. I � L. I h Ir II I. Y.I rf�. ��¢f„I ,+r.. �.i 1. LI,I. p ; ,. •, r.d..• ,,;m x. C.hlp, .v ia.l r} ,:,m :!',; I. , ..,. , m ,ffi :.,. a :J 41..•.ht I ,, �4, I. .I �I.li: I„rrV r. , �I I I i :. I r� G 4. I ,. iu„ r:l. I�tn ,Iy, .I. � , ...1- ,, ,....I :.,. ,I I I„I .ry. I , F r � .�. :G �� W I 9�..,1 L,,. I,1• ,. L I ' I.I I ! , 1 I, � I Er,k 1I II�� ., ,,a,ll,l;h i� �r I IA vu. I I• i., ,i. I,. - I I}, �d d � � :., ,., I :,..,.:. i 'n. .. � , 1, L ,�. � : ,M. .., 11 vi �,< !� y,.�r ..- .. ••;.,,. : :. 6,, ,:^, r I..... .: r_4..: .�... f. ^' .. . ,.. 1, ::�. •... , 4. r. : .. .I i ;^ ., , .,a:r ... ,. , •, I. ,a .r ..17,:..lr,... .,. , , .I. i„ n..d .: '!.: ,.:'.. :u I. r.,.. I A. ! 4. J:I-3. :u,F,a,IL'. ,rl'-tu..d,�:u , , • I. It:r ... %V4. .rtbl.!I. ,r .. P,r:l, IL. I .., ,I ,ICI I ft,.l., r 1.:,.l,t, ,Y.r,A„P,�.e�l,ll • .,I , .:I, ,, �. I, I.. J ,L.� ,C , .� . ,,..� .. r... I ! W,,m{.. r,r' ,.[:lrn .. Id V., S I , u,. ,,I, Iu r.n..:6r. a ,I : a , , , ...:i, W. tf bit L,a.. r.�-+.Y, .... ,, .f�. 1 .. :, r.a„•..R.S,r^U:,x,S�l ,li✓�.+i , ,,.:.: -..,. .v„, ..n, ,nCiC ., � . ., .cra." elf, I . k 'wa aM�o�.«,.,4.:k��Ra{iH.��fi•9{-# , ,, .^.'a[ PPM C)50e2 1 12 :: 5 21. 2. 67 <t:). 01 0.24 r; 5 050S3 1 29 7 42 2„ 26 ::(D„ 01 0. 34 7 05034 1 39 10 28 2•f 00 :::C)„ 01 0. 1 E3 5 05095 : 1 21 6 44 2„ 48 <0a 01 0„ 30 7 (:)SOe6 <1 1 30 b 30 1„ 59 ;t:)„ 01 0. 18 r� � bur reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. This r plies only to the ret e m of t A& C L I by INC, CitS'i tEPORT NUMBER: R1. 27-030 A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 • (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 SEND TO: BI O ORO SYSTE MS9 INC. 90e BELCHER DRIVE PELHAM AI__ 35124 )ATF nF•RFPnRT o5/08/97 PAGE 2 SAMPLES GROWER: CLAUDE PRESSLY UN97 SUBMITTED BY: SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT I R 'tu''i �ctran rrr,^' 9'^4rf w tt ACCT # 90008.' T ODD LARSON COPY TO' TODD LARSON DATE RECEIVED 05/05/97 DATE OF. ANALYSIS 05/07/97 t..; 4.t..:. .Nitro en` : " g.. F ....,.. Phos r ,; ;, .;...: ,. ,. r Potasslitm a 3;:.. d•.y+. - at Sulfut,; Calcium ,, "�.., h Ma9n eslum t :Sotlium Irony J .r> i .z .+:tir?;3 .l fAluminurti, rN4b'fa.'v,.,K .Man a ese g. ,7�:>hs ry. Co r PP8: .::-:C."e;f Zinc •, 4R", > Am onla', .„: A ;NRiate ; n. SAMPLE LIAB .,. ,:.. .. .. i �.. . N . holes,>. :. K.. � % .. s, + 1 r t,, .,, . ., ;�.a x ,Na I" ,�F e ff, '& A I r r: f M}. 4. _ (DENT: ., .... ...., NO ,... .. s.: ,... i. i -Y. ,.t- s Pz, A .. � @ ,. }, 1t ,„,,. k mglkg" ,.,.-. .:.,. mglkg I.,,[a,l 1:d „il', Pg - t.. 1 f" rhglkg, Y ,.,..h L9,. ,:iY m M 4 't f..;°MV( ,i 9g GC .r."" ✓ti, �.,.'.�T:n ►n99i d .,,r..I m9lrvb - �,, � r,�... m z, k l ! r . n!9�g, . r m mglkg .,, , ,m�lkg .,,, Im9g r, , . , '.tr 05087 LAB Cadmiu:,.. m_ ,, -.:: :,_,., .. °,Chromium ,,r. 1 ;-r.•• .. ,� Nickel .. , t<-, I , Lead - _ � _:: n. •r •..,_. ; Arsenic .: , ''.i ,: lI ,� ..,. ,., :.,•,,, ,Mercury r .. P.. .. .. ta,,. i,;� ,-,,�..: z,4Selenium .{..i, ,r het: ,, I NOr ahlc g ,,.. s;; I , , i "a & � Total, i.. i" . ,,� ,F r :l y.. 7J s,.. S.th �' r w J .,,.,. it � ° f t a = ° � `',,,;' c.. r , p J. a y t, inr� a{ ° , ,yklt�hT3;< i . r.. ?fr j'r r4��rttkt;l'i ,�m'ti n T•M .PjR.ia1 a' ..: v. i s NO. .;.. r+r ..., .99 ,t .r ,,:.:d� i?::-:. .,..r.,. ,' ... `�,,. k h, . +, fi r , �,, >. `�" 1.0. 0"g' )luI IF fd' 4xi,t : r ] �;.1�,r:y,. i , r, ;� a ? Y, 6ruSrs 7<I�-, %: .? r•,.. a t +,r, t:r': r . :<:�,: , t is i. A.Y a�i .$,,e ec,rrr�f,,, r m „.rs.. ..., S�9e ,., ..:,.n'. • ...-. :.:::;,,,.: ..9 1.,.: f � ,,. s"�df ,s• u r : r :.:, Lr, g ei,_'^+r1.;, I , ,� I r, �;:� I (m: ,,, „ ( �, r � „ ",_:ral ,k , , I k h i.x+h.:{.r 41.,a rar. ,�s,.z. 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A&L A A C A p`tb INC. . by 3 Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Site UN98 Request and Consent for Biosolids Field Summary Sheet Field Data Sheet Vicinity Map Site Map Topographic Map Flood Plain Information Soils Information Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division 61"R Division ion Clean Water S sterns -Inc i MM. e. M. Home- C 28173 - REQUEST AND CONSENT FOR BIOSOLIDS �. 4118 Wa H►azfiaw, NNC 8173 Rd. SOURCE: ROCA< 4 t l W_—� T P J ---- .. — — — FARM OPERATOR: - IV O'V'!�r%. 'M0a-,'.J ADDRESS: - J 1/-4 GlJl4�C�1 FLcJ U , AL) l.V o•K (tie-c.y , QQ tiJ C PHONE: (�-z ) PY3 Ycl�C� FARM LOCATION: kA w Y-r) — IlZD TOTALACREAGE: Sq r COUNTY - CROPS: E• ScL,.,a 1. 1 agree to be responsible for adhering to the following conditions, where applicable: a. The soil pH will be adjusted to> .(— when biosolids are applied. (This may be accomplished through the application of lime -treated biosolids.) b. Do not graze animals on the land for 30 days after the application of biosolids. In addition, animals intended for dairy production shall not be allowed to graze on the land for 30 days after the application of biosolids. c. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totallyabove the land surface shall not be harvested for Vq months after the application of biosolids. 2 d. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not. be harvested for. Zmonths after the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface > 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38 months when the biosolids remain on the land surface < 4 months prior to incorporation. e. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. f. Public access to land with a low potential for public exposure shall be restricted for days. Public access to land with a high potential for public exposure shall be restricted for 1 year. g. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on. either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authority. 2. 1 understand that this transaction is not contemplated by the parties to be a sale of goods, and that Wheelabrator Clean Water Systems Inc. - Bio Gro Division (hereinafter Bio Gro) is willing to provide to me without charge the service of land applying biosolids which have been approved by the appropriate regulatory agencies for land application. 3. 1 understand that successful crop production depends on many variables, such as weather, soil conditions and specific farming practices and that while Bio Gro has experience with land application of biosolids, the responsibility for properly accommodating agricultural practices to biosolids utilization are solely mine. I have also read and understand the "Important Information About Using Biosolids as a Fertilizer" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Request and Consent. OPERATOR'S SIGNMURE DATE WCWS-Bio Gro Division - 908 Belcher Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 AWheelabrator:Water Technolagies`IInc. - Bio Grp' Division A MTeclirwlogies company LANDOWNER CONSENT FOR BIOSOLIDS APPLICATION The undersigned hereby agrees to the application of biosolids by Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. - Bio Gro Division (hereinafter Bio Gro) at application rates in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. OWNER NAME: yYA2 ti ADDRESS: / J C W °-�,o�.� - r' Al o--Q J, , -y\ �_ . -L - I n 3 PHONE: ( rI ° `f) 3 - 14 4 Y N OPERATOR NAME: FARM LOCATION(S): 41 1 L TOTAL ACRES: COUNTY:'"—' 1. 1 understand that Bio Gro will coordinate biosolids deliveries with my farm operator hereinafter (leasee) unless otherwise advised by me. 2. 1 agree to allow Bio Gro and federal, state and local regulatory staff access to my land for the purposes of permitting the site, inspecting the site, applying biosolids, obtaining samples from the site and testing. I reserve the right to ask the above parties for proper identification.at any time. 3. 1 understand that the'following conditions apply to my land following biosolids applications and that my leasee has signed an -agreement form with Bio Gro stating that my leasee will be responsible for following these conditions where applicable: a. Do not graze animals on the land for 30 days after the applicatiow of biosolids. In addition, animals intended for dairy production shall not be allowed to graze on the land for'3 O days after the application of biosolids. b. Food crops (crops consumed by humans including but not limited to fruits, vegetables and tobacco) with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface shall not be harvested for Z`F months after the application of biosolids. c. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for 7-6 months after the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface > 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38 months when the. biosolids remain on the land surface < 4 months prior to incorporation. d. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. e. Public access to land with a low potential for public exposure (land the public uses infrequently including but not limited to agricultural lafid and forests) shall be restricted for T,67 days. Public access to land with a high potential for public exposure (land the public uses frequently including but not limited to a public contact site such as parks, playgrounds and golf courses) shall be restricted for 1 year. f. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authority. 4. 1 have also read the "Information. About Biosolids" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Consent. 5. The term of this Consent shall continue until written notification is given by either party to terminate this agreement. 6. 1 certify that I am holder of legal title to the above described property or am authorized by the holder to give consent for the land application of biosolids and that there are no restrictions to the granting of consent under this form. 30-q1 `j RE (If signing as a representative, include title) DATE VW T—Bio Gro Division • 908 Belcher Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Summary Sheet: Site UN98 Project: Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Gross Acres Net Acres Owner Operator 1 4.4 3.4 Mary Horn Mary Horn 2 7.2 7.0 Mary Horn Mary Horn Total 11.6 10.4 a Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Data Sheet: Site UN98 Project: Rock Hill, South Carolina F1U nty Topographic Quad Latitude Longitude U.S.D.A Soil Survey Sheet Number Predominant Soils on Catawba NE SC - NC 1968 34056'55" 80046'28" Union County 26 TbB2 2 Union Catawba NE SC - NC 1968 34°56'55" 80°46'28" Union Count 26 TbB2 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WMX Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 Vicinity Map: Site UN98 mlr r� AM: 90hF' 84 EO�� D o cafe: 111= 2 miles ink s ey Pfft �V./ 1. t0 � RD.� s • W oNr. �`S LA O � 6 8 NRCT SP - - _ `♦P� a •.E O Q ^ t0•� i� Opi 4= R.(6 CCU, / oo 1��� o: �0 RWc W\UAOGJJej. yP E k. 1 rs si r 7 J al. tiPPO \,PLYLER w 3 RD v� +• o .1 �usltsOm t 84 CC p� � PR 8Q"'RI RI- J RO ¢ •� �s BEER 4 r M OROS GRO i PO '♦6C i VJ B BLACK cy♦ a qR}`� \,��R OR _ ' W�d+*P ,p !� `W`"} O': +� d"` ocRna r _ °RCHU E/ rE R�� �P A WI I(„ a ♦ „ s V o °g ,��.. O� `p t s ns, Np R C RA{ V Nw.'p GAO �, ,�V■�/.D EF o ♦ PO+�, ,.a juOUsI i. SGS�F.J 6rRR a0 P�n+,�,,,° �+� 6 �op� 4 i^s g00'y p�Od �i �1 ♦�t'� A ♦ Yr �3a `♦ 98 ■ ■ • ■ r py b GR t/11SIIner� "`4 fqs xA �..p AOtWr' Ern � R rin 4 Pow cTIRr 1^ �`9,�P` � ss s � r�'A cr R b p 9 O 4 \NGTOR .ILa � I ems. L`+E'(y " N.E�p rn � �� s � t a d• iP �a a — — RD ER I� � — �fR J� 5(M' �p o IFaro— r00n 4v A. NSf M W1 �F t ti y -�s CO.-aOQF, �O RD UQ Q= AUGD. US -I- rux `♦ ,ao {�a `��yy _8 IN 18 WV Prgr 75 xE rI S MAIN �� `'� '' 091 R NRDN "'?OHYL i - arE If LONG ILO BU m o' r u + a` .�� �o P LAUREL i AC ON 9 °s ¢ �q. �' cart? '� q� IFFJT qY 1•' TH O. 0 �I4 ♦♦ ♦ ` �N'A U i OI I I r �+p O 9l.GR R ID ¢ YICRA� q �♦ DLIS :� KIN \ MDQ pa °(D N N' k'OOD n °s y ,P4 r I A7(NAW 2 Q e SCHOOL i RD. O Oy =� COOK ' °;'FefR�b°5 RO c CRD W S 1 } l Z\�' 2SS01�[YO°° � r 0 DRY I-LOLLYAIIIIDa SSIT t\ J OEERE LDeLOLLYR MOR MA E`y' E uCrL1R♦R Dish R ¢ r fA4 : 4 a sr'� Lr oa. �Maiso r . O� N %qR at �SMif .rff 4 ( °YJackson O O YIP e P w r�Ky�� ' G Co. s r01N ~" W E 22 y ORNS + ^r TT. •0 Aia� •$ r� C PO C CLE ANDREW- c "IN �QO ... IJACKSON o �* +oc-rD�,LtLEK. O = W lo� c c C a 11 � 9OSPE CT w IMEMRIAL;, o S 9P`` �A y0. I � a` t0 EP4• uRE.E v, O£ + 0 0 O oR0UOA01I c k4�aars9: fC4o s �s o s""� g _ Mio Y�E 4a a !�?�'v I TO �• R u J O ea ST y Gf`QO �P s O RN S HO oy PO ST GP P INES CEIA �` `fc ♦♦ •e �. o, v"5. p PO 4HE CREEK P TRI i �oM a��d��•P aP~ao r� E` 0�{ � P4y0 i TRJp/ o MtYPc{ fPf P\� YEC PO- t 51U.PSON O- R MVI xlE siaax CHURCH RC o° y i Pao NUE xurr Ro RD CANE CREE 1 ACE DR Y ` �%'t JQIGP C9P D O c.�• `I, W?� • a p F t o TIRZAH N S. CR L A N' C A S E Rg C O U N T Y R c O.M.0 j:. 0 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. I �I ✓i Boo -Gro Dmsan A WW Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 G (� b"w Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 ` 6��,6jf 908 Belcher DrivePelham, AL 35124 '.'Site UN98 ;SMSi -�" -.'�` - .::..:—\: Sri ,.. Q'• sLY• �^ .<<...• . ; Vic. ��•' �• _ ; . - _ :;.. d, :�� 3 7 Fields 1 and 2 i•�s�;a? Scale: 1" = 660' _i1�, r i>: �-_ .-i�.{�,, ,),fix. ��` ♦ fR. 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Bio - Gro Division A1MJIX Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southem Region Fax 205.664.7678, 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 SPORT "UMBER A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL.LABORATORIES, INC. R1 27-029 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 • (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (80.4) 271-6446 SEND EIO GRO SYSTEMSP INC. TO: 908 BELC'H?ER DRIVE P ELH Ali AL 35124 A I H OF REPORT PAGE M RY HORN UN98 GROWER: SOIL'=ANALYSIS REPORT ACCT # 90003 SAMPLES SUBMITTED T 0 D D L A R S ON BY: COPY TO: TODD LARSON., DATE RECEIVED 05106/97 DATE .OF ANALYSIS 05 /074-97 f .. .. r'.. ,. •,..�x.,.. :., .., ,. .�+. r. 1,, ,'O.R S p .,.. �:.:. .. , ...-,. *... �. ,..,.. ,. ...:.... ',r 8 ¢, (rY,: AGfx�ESlfl � �� tfr'�.., .,,,^; „�,. aa„+r•hs?;...,,, ,. «e,•.,,y.^+.. , ... , e..:. 4.. ^ CALCIUM » , j1c _, ,„ ,,, ' ,., ., r ,r 't,::. , ,. 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SALT�r1,, � ,,(( .t�, .,. r , "�. r! 7F'.,, �1 tF r � 6 pp «^+'. Y ,.t.. • �; .r. ,� {� , •�. : NrUMBER - , .. , x ', �, ,!. � •. .,. ,too .N.z . 'cr..,. �, ' �' ,,, ,, ,. . ), . M1. •e,..,, r„ :,:e � � , .r•..,,-�,, . d, .t" ,n, 'I? , :rc_„d l.x It ,,, ..�t i � . �r2 ,r. �'� ., .. 7,w t ,:. �i . ., ,` v, {F. C,H �"`s $.. au1`+�. � x.: ., ,"�. " �om:,Atf�"' � A ��erdr +^. O.or ;dp,+r1 k �� :t� ��, ^�� ...: ,:. .,, � , x, .. ��..�. , � . ;.�.,..,, � Y. �.P s^. ,:•, ,;. ",. , :4 .. ��..✓ ,\, ub , m-Fe• TE . N. .,f -.. �ii� fe + ��: H'.T � m �ixtrh fflKil s '�Yi^ 1 � to +§Y,"�ii 1t 9';j>7„ .. -. _., ...,� ,.-• Y: ,,.� ,a w� � �x,,Prry�t�(Jea�; J:,(P .. ,. ,. rP> ^,{. r • a... r(sia-Lr, 7�,,� .! .P s.. a T.;�.,x�,: i. {,+r.,•k:n,t.�r. t \ x u'r"�k�ti,,.a�x.;:�., v:�a, ,„. .,. k111",wh .,+:,u:r. ,ref...nF,$. ,?I� n�� 1, e{" ::F1 4. 7 H 33H 30, H '0.8tk 0.6. M 3 VL 2 6 L 3. 8 H '.. Z., H 24 H '1 .' H .0.5 „L ' <.3 VL plles to the samples) tested. Samples;are tetained.,a:. irty days. after testing. Soil Analysts;prepared by: e ST AGRICULTURAL LABORIES,.INC. r t$ J by COD[. TO HATING: VFHY LOW (VL), LOW (I.), MI:IJIUM (M), r iLiii (rp, vt nr nuri tvn), tm w IvurvG pv), tnua.,,ru , - n- , o uv Ignu u r •r,u v O LOS. PER ACRE K20 FNR - FRTIMATFD NITROGEN nFLEASE "" MULTIPLY THE RESULTS IN ppm OY 2A TO CONVERT T - -- -- ^^ - , , IEPORTNUMBER: A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. R127-029 7621 Whitepine Road , Richmond, Virginia 23237 • (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 SEND TO: E(I 0 GRID SYSTEMS, I NC. 90e BELCHER DRIVE PF-LHAM AL. 351 r^_4 tATF nF REPORT 05/oB/97 PAGE I SAMPLES GROWER: MARY HORN UN98 SUBMITTED BY: SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT ACGT # 90008 TODD L.ARSON COPY TO: TODD LARSON DATE RECEIVED 05/06/97 DATE_ OF ANALYSIS 05/07/97 SAMPLE ' ...: DENT. p, . • .. ., B., .: -" LA .., ,; ..-...� . , ..�:� : -'..,. „ ., . .. NO. ... . Nitrogen , . -'"I.. •.: t 5 •. ;-. pitorus .':�.^ .„ ..ti...c, PotBsslum .�'.V s ,^,✓+ I , „. Sli fflr `7 t1. �:.; �. :y4, r,:, iY.^t1. ;.I'.b {., n...a .r. Ir4 t Ca�ciUM�.$+ r :r2,.� G'. w;, .; : u'. I,.^ r All': I.J. o 1114. I, 1, f>•., � i1Aa neslt�ml.a.+�Sodlim 3'^ :s� ..,'', .f^/� A I 6. 1':.!Yr';I u I N I ,,.J.. I , p �>,, : ,t y a I',�,.f N: I "-�.'0'.'.y I I:, 6.l 1. fl. , 6 'I ::,Iron , l;• r i{,.'�i'A f:• .�, r. •e. ,, Y. XN. ! I I I .:r .h9 afi ,Ya ,AI�iminuM.,.�N�i1 Ww All I I� i�.1rh:IlFll . 7 :,•,,, 41 A,. .., hl�..1, 4.. I .. .v h 4 M1 I dnese 1.nA1,. .k` 4! t.� Sa= II,I I:46..f,.�.S4 PJ Iv '. r::•, ;: ! u tl :, m r l r l„M.. LJ V� ,. �w ,':Co er �'°': fl':.. et .Y,`.:°' ��k,.„,G ..I Gr a ,nrr • ,,: .L:. fy i'., ,Ilr,. ?tiY>?,,.a, #r,rZl�cr ���' ...E;,.i.�Y > r ,.,, �.C>.,,, d�,.la ?•3 Y. I?i ..A r ��i4in �n�a^'I�+�Nkrata'� 3..:v1, ; , T-. m'.:,;s &�..r.7, .,.u'�e h14 r. , ^k,! }., r M fET , - i•.n.t � .3^., 0 1 050C,0 S.' (.)5(.)81 i ...:. .... .. .. .. „ 'a4 d lum, Chromium . Nickel ,. ,:... r.r Lead' ,, ..,. ':. , r. 7 ,, . Arsenic ,:,-: , r,s, .nh r Y7a :n'.' •a Mercu r s rlYl Y :.,, . um,'Ix4' .Selen urh I „„,I. a.n9+ , 'Ilk L. ,y ?M1 a. Qr aniC , 9 IJ ,^� , . I , I , r ru�d..� r 3,.. , , , Tote p , ....I. I u I ti ' ,,.' { �, m �a�:a I, I . , 7 n. a 7 C $ I„ . iI"% d I , , .,Y f "° '' µ . G tl (l, jjdFy, L«a; 4� h 7 u A h, , ,s+"1daiti� ,I „ {,, � ;' $� �, r, � �t ,,LAB' ..Cam . Cd �: :,,� r'Cr � , ,. ,: ' '_ INI , :., , .. .Pb, , I ,. ,r, a i,. I .As... .. I I '..,,...ii.µ .r.l ., : Y., 7...�.N., ii L•, r,,f g � , x .. , ...r ,. � , 'i. V 1... h,..,i, { c,l$e a ,I . , ., i::-1 k :,q,,..�' I1Nf#ro en,, s.,,N r ., : � ,.: I I,. it i !. I .i19 ,.' H.„,. o,{.r p,r .:.I � r ,ir i. r. ,. -,. I L�., ,y I pri I � .. , I , I •ii N n"4- : iif.. I f I{4.f`:i Ir .r I,'Al�iMC')„ , ,., �:, Y ,II,I I I I„I I' I" ¢t • r .cd,1 :4. I I I .,, V P . 4.,} '.....r ,,:I f l �+ ll. 4., dr t, „:t. .,� I .uF p. .... I , I I 4 I ,,. I�III � � , - 4 P. �. � rlp:rvhl4 I ,FV a,•�,r. I� r✓,,r r� px;, V, A r•. {f. k: c LI�V r nr a , # �; NO. .,.,. ". r ,.: '; .. '.:. .,,. l , , .,... .'�.- .. �, ,.� .,..•,., mglkg'>s ,,. + .u'�. ' , r.�. I. mg/k9 , r. .,i :b , � , , a d,',.. .g �,. n.R J I`2V ,�,..,., •,� sJ ..". ;, . , ,.,r,;' t(meg/100g)l ;,, tr= f ., ,. : ,y„ II . z+.w ,0 1,,.:rs� 4 ry g :x r n?9�9:; :m9�9 - mg/kg smglkg �tnglkg ,etd l , PPM 05080 1 27 10 3e 3.04 ;0.01 (:1.36 7 o5081 : 1 25 15 47 5,. 13 <0. 01 0„ 46 7 This91i the samples) tested.. Samples are Dur reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made retaio the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. A&L 0 (, INC.: by Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Site UN99 Request and Consent for Biosolids Field Summary Sheet Field Data Sheet Vicinity Map Site Map Topographic Map Flood Plain Information Soils Information Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division REQUEST AND CONSENT FOR BIOSOLIDS' SOURCE: FARM OPERATOR: ADDRESS: rl-- V 2 PHONE: ( "log{ ) FARM LOCATION: N-C, f 137-73 �G TOTAL ACREAGE: COUNTY: A)? CROPS: 1: I agree to be responsible for adhering to -the following conditions, where applicable: a. The soil pH will be adjusted to > b • when biosolids are applied. (This maybe accomplished through the application of lime -treated biosolids.) b. Do not graze animals on the land for 30 days after the application of biosolids. In addition, animals intended for dairy production shall not be allowed to graze on the land for ? b days after the application of biosolids.- o: Food crops with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mature and are totally above the land surface shall not be harvested for AIA months after the application of biosolids. d. "Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not. be_ harvested for-U. ` months after the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface > 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38 months when the, biosolids remain on the land surface < 4 months prior to incorporation. e. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. f. Public access to [arid with a low potential for public exposure shall be restricted for ;O days. Public access to land with a high potential for public'exposure shall be restricted for 1 year. g. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authdtity. 2. 1 understand that this transaction is not contemplated by the parties to be a sale of goods, and that Wheelabrator Clean Water Systems Inc. - Bio Gro Division (hereinafter Bio Gro) is willing to provide to me without charge the service of land applying biosolids which have been approved by. the appropriate regulatory agencies for land application. 3. 1 understand that successful crop production depends on many variables, such as weather, soil conditions and specific farming practices and that while Bio Gro has experience with land application of biosolids, the responsibility for properly accommodating agricultural practices to biosolids utilization are solely mine. 1 have also read and understand the.. "Important Information About Using Biosolids as a Fertilizer" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Request and Consent. OPERATOR'S SIGNATURE 3-4-17 DATE WCWS-Bio:Gro Division - 908 Belcher Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 BI I R Division AWheelabratcllir Clean Water Systems inc. LANDOWNER CONSENT FOR BIOSOLIDS' APPLICATION The undersigned hereby agrees to the application of biosolids by Wheelabrator Clean Water Systems Inc. - Bio Gro Division (hereinafter Bio Gro) at application rates in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: Z. K Z PHONE::(. _7oj. ) OPERATOR NAME: FARM LOCATION(S; TOTAL ACRES:. - j ~. COUNTY' -A-Z4 A) 1. I understand that Bio Gro 'will coordinate biosolids deliveries with :my farm operator hereinafter (leasee) unless otherwise advised by me. 2. 1 agree.to allow .Bio_Gro and federal, state and local regulatory staff access to. my land for the purposes. of Permitting the site, inspecting the site, applying biosolids, obtaining samples from the site and testing. I reserve the right to ask the above parties for proper identificatioin at -any time 3. 1 understand that the following conditions apply to my land following biosolids applications and that my:lease&has.signed an agreement form with Bio Gro stating that my leasee will be respowible for following these conditions where applicable: a. Do not graze animals on the land for. 30 days afterthe applicatioh of biosolids.. In addition,lanimals intended for'dairy production shall not be allowed to' graze:on-.the:land for.3G� . days after.the:application of biosolids: b. Food crops (crops consumed by humans including but not limited to fruits; vegetables and tobacco) with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally above the land=siiiface'sh'all riot be' harvested for_-. -A1 months after he'application.of biosolids:_-.:::.: c. _ .Food'ap. with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for months after the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface > 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38 months when `fhe biosolids remain on the -kind surface < 4 monthsprior to incorporation. d. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops shall not be.harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. e. - Public access .to land_with a-1ow potential.. for- public exposur land the public.uses: infrequently_ including. but- not limited.to_agricultural land and forests) shall be restricted for days::.P..ublic access to land with a high potential for public exposure (land the public uses frequently .including but. not limited to a public contact site such, as parks; playgrounds and golf courses) shall be restricted for 1 year. e. f. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the -permitting authority 4. 1 have also. read the "Information About Biosolids" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Consent 5. The term of this Consent shall continue until written notificatiori is given by either partyto terminate this agreement. 6. 1 certify that 1. am holder of, legal title to the above described property or am authorized by the holder to give consent for the land application of biosolids and that there are no restrictions to the granting of consent under this form. OWNER SIGNATURE (If signing as a representative, include title) DATE WCWS—Bio Gro Division • 908 Belcher. Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 1 R Division AWheielabrator'Clean Water"Systen>ts Inc. REQUEST ND CO SENT FORLBIOSOLIDS SOURCE: FARM OPERATOR: - ADDRESS: 'J" Ll / 5—I Pam% Z a,,- Tt1, Z 3 /Z PHONE: (g o `f ) 7 'l R' FARM.LOCATION: TOTAL ACREAGE: G - COUNTY - CROPS: , 1. I agree to be responsible for adhering to the following conditions, where applicable: a. The soil pH will be adjusted to> when biosolids are applied. (This may be accomplished through the application of lime -treated biosolids.) b.. Do not graze animals on the land for 30 days -after the application of biosolids. In addition, animals intended for dairy production shall not be allowed to graze on the land for 0 days after the application of biosolids. c: Food crops with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface shall not be harvested for A1114 months after the -application of biosolids. d. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be .harvested for months after the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface> 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38 months when the biosolids remain on the land surface < 4 months prior to incorporation. e. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. f. Public access to land with a low potential for public exposure shall be restricted for A�> days. Public access to land with a high potential for public exposure shall be restricted for 1 year. g. Turf grown. on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either.land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authority. 2. 1 understandthat this transaction is not contemplated by the parties to be a sale of. goods, and that Wheelabrator Clean Water Systems Inc. - Bio Gro Division (hereinafter Bio Gro) is willing to provide to me without charge the service of land applying biosolids which have been approved by the appropriate regulatory -agencies for land application. 3. 1 understand that successful crop production depends on many variables, such as weather, soil conditions and specific farming practices and that while Bio Gro has experience with land application of biosolids, the responsibility for properly accommodating agricultural practices to biosolids utilization are solely mine. I have also read and understand the "Important Information About Using Biosolids as a Fertilizer" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Request and Consent. OPERATOR'S SIGN TURE DATE —� WCWS-Bio .Gro Division 908 Beldier Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 Division ii- AWheelabrat:or'Clean Water Systems Inc: LANDOWNER CONSENT FOR .BIOSOLOVAPPLICATION The undersigned hereby agrees to the application of biosolids by Wheelabrator Clean Water Systems Inc. - Bio Gro Division (hereinafter Bio Gro) at application rates in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: ( gd ).. 7"`7T'��;o o OPERATOR NAME:A A ; -�L FARM LOCATION(S): q 42 1 !4 A& „62 TOTAL ACRES: COUNTY AI . G . 1. I understand that Bio Gro will coordinate biosolids deliveries with my farm operator hereinafter (leasee) unless otherwise advised by me. 2. 1 agree to allow Bio Gro and federal, state and local regulatory staff access to my land for the purposes of permitting the site, inspecting tt q.site', applying biosolids, obtaining samples from the site and testing. I reserve the right to ask the above. parties for proper' identification`:at any time:. 3. I understand that the following conditions apply to my land following biosolids applications and that my leasee has signed an agreement form with Bio Gro stating that my leasee will be responsible for following these conditions where applicable: a. Do not graze animals on the land for 30 days after the applicLation of biosolids..- In addition,' animals`intended for,dairy production shall not be allowed to graze:on the land for daysafter,tlie;.application of biosolids: b. Food crops (crops consumed by humans including but not limited to fruits, vegetables and tobacco) with harvested parts that touch :the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally above the land "surface'shall not be harvested for_ Al months after:the application of biosolids. c: Food crops with. harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for 4/k months after the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface > 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38 months when the biosolids remain-on'the land surface < 4'months prior to incorporation. -' d. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. e. Public access. to land with a- low potential for public exposure.: (land the. public uses:infrequently;.including-but not limited to agricultural land and forests) shall be restricted for 3Q' : days:. -Public access to land with a high potential for public exposure (land the public uses frequently.including but not limited. to a public contact site such as parks, playgrounds and golf courses) shall be restricted for 1 year. f. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authority. 4. 1 have also read the "Information About Biosolidsr which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Consent. 5. The term of this Consent shall continue until written notification is given by either party to terminate this agreement: �. I certify that.1 am holder of legal title.to the above described property or am authorized by the holder to, give consent for the land application of biosolids and that there are no restrictions to the granting of consent under this form. (If signing as a representative, include title) 3-H -17 DATE WCWS-Bio Gro Division • 908 Belcher Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 SOURCE: FARM OPERATOR: ADDRESS: - f ' R Division AWh e-elabrator Clean Water. Systems Inc. REQUEST AND CONSENT FOR` BIOSOLIDS 4 PHONE:( j l) f? 2 R i 2 0 4 FARM LOCATION: I D / �{ `(J Dom. ,f ��p� All TOTAL ACREAGE: �o �� COUNTY: CROPS: I agree to be responsible for adhering to the following conditions, where applicable: a The soil pH will be adjusted to > when biosolids are applied. (This may be accomplished through the application of lime -treated biosolids.) b. Do not graze animals on the land for 30 days after the application of biosolids. In addition, animals intended for dairy production shall not be allowed to graze on the land for 30 days, after the application of biosolids. c. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mi4ture and are totally above the land surface shall not be harvested for months after the application of biosolids. d. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be, harvested for Vol months after the application. of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface > 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38 months when the biosolids remain on the land surface < 4 months prior to incorporation. e. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops -shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. f. Public access to land with a low potential for public exposure shall be restricted for 3V days. Public access to land with a high potential for public exposure shall be restricted for 1 year. g.. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not_be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on. either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authority. 2. 1 understand that this transaction is not contemplated by the parties. to be a sale of goods, and that Wheelabrator Clean Water Systems Inc. - Bio Gro Division (hereinafter, Bio Gro) is willing to provide to me without charge the, service of land applying biosolids which have been approved by the appropriate regulatory agencies for land application. 3. 1 understand that successful crop production depends on many variables, such as weather, soil conditions and specific farming practices and that while Bio Gro has experience with land application of biosolids, the responsibility for properly accommodating agricultural practices to biosolids utilization are solely mine. I have also read and understand the "Important Information About Using Biosolids as a Fertilizer" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Request and Consent. OP TORS SIGNATURE DATE WCWS-Bio Gro Division 908 Belcher Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 A=.,Wheelabr"at-"dr"Cl-e'a'ri J��DiVision Water..Systems Inc. LANDOWNER -CONSENT FOR',BIOSOLIDS APPLICATION The undersigned hereby agrees to the application of biosolids by Wheelabrator Clean Water Systems Inc. - Bio Gro Division (hereinafter Bio Gro) at application rates in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. g ions. OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: Y. OPERATOR NAME: FARM LOCATIONS; TOTAL ACRES: CouNTY" 1. 1 understand that Bio Gro will coordinate biosolids deliveries with my farm operator hereinafter- (leasee) unless otherwise advised by me. -2. 1 agree to allow Bio"Gro and federal, state local regulatory staff access s to my land for the pu - 6s.-df permitting the site, r . - . . Gro_and . federal, . - . ... . - rpo inspecting the- Re,' os 6btaihifid. samples from the'siteand testing. I reserve'the riqfifto'ask the above Re,' :applyingbi'. Plids, Pali. !or p cation at any time parties ; proper . per idenn , , , " t` , 3. 1 understand that the following conditions apply to my land following biosolids applications and that my l9asee has signed a riagr . eemdnt form with Bio Gro stating that my leasee will be respowible for following these condition s where applicable: a. Do not graze animals on the.land.for30 days after the applicabod'of biosolids.- In addition,-animals1ritended for.dalry production shall not be allowed to:g'raze on the land for Q�days afterilhe-application ofibiosoIids..,.'­.-:­'-'­ b. Food crops (crops consumed by humans including but not limited to fruits, vetables and tobacco) -with harveqtqd parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally above the lansurface �hd I I not be hdrVest6d Joe" mohths.aftetJhe.alpplicatio-n,of bii:isolid&:,� harvested part'. - 6w.-th c. Food croos'with ha s below e'surface of the land shall not be harvested for months after the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface > 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38 months when the biosolids remain on thelandsurface < 4 months prior to incorporation. d. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. e. Public access to land wfth`a low p ptential. for public exposure .'(land the public, uses. infrequently ..including but not limited to-Agricultural4and and forests) shall be restricted for 3�r.::.days. 1 Public access to land with a high potential for public exposure (land the public uses frequently.including but not limited to a public contact site such as parks, playgrounds and golf courses) shall be restricted for 1 year. f. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless. otherwisespecified by !he. permitting authority. 4. 1 have also read the "Information'Xbout Biosolids" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Consent 5. The term of this Consent shall continue until written notification is given by -either party to terminate this agreement 6. 1 certify that I am holder of legal tide to the above described property or am authorized by the holder to give consent for the land application of biosolids and that there are no restrictions to the granting of consent under this form. - ER SIGNATURE Of-slg-fi-ing as_a r-epres6fitative, include title) DATE WCWS-Bio Oro Division - 908 Belchbj,Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/66443440 Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Summary Sheet: Site UN99 Project: Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Gross Acres Net Acres Owner Operator 1 25.6 19.0 Banks, Barry, and Banks, Barry, and Ben Choate Ben Choate 2 5.0 4.0 Banks, Barry, and Banks, Barry, and Ben Choate Ben Choate 3 13.3 8:8 Banks, Barry, and Banks, Barry, and Ben Choate Ben Choate 4 15.0 8.0 Banks, Barry, and Banks, Barry, and Ben Choate Ben Choate Total 58.9 : 39.8 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Data Sheet: Site UN99 Project: Rock Hill, South Carolina Field County Topographic Quad Latitude . Longitude U.S.D.A Soil Survey Sheet Number Predominant Soils 1 Union Unity SC - NC 1968 34049'10" 80045'0" Union County 41 & 42 Ce62 2 Union Van Wyck SC - NC 1968 34049'10" 80045'00" Union County 41 Ce62 3 Union Van Wyck SC - NC 1968 34049'10" 80045'00" Union County 41 CeB2 4 Union Van W ck SC - NC 1968 34'49'10" 80°45'00" Union Countv 41 P C Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A VvW Tedviologies Company Tel. 205.664.8W Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 <11�IG 'Pri$ Y�• � ry 'b` 'a� +' l� Vicinity Map: Site UN99 •YTp'PD rf 9 imp hM. ° Scale: 1" = 2 miles ICY s eY —� 4 I�.T� 3� � Q°P = a21. CCt ( �m W Hgr a .r •�' 97 Is v r 4 @O PULER RD v ea l.om 84 ►a fA m$a c mollit RD 5 ON°�Sj.GaO_ i 0 QO N c J? 6 PL'IC; ��S m qS t�af3p a[w 0 r:�t ZDR P.IrC ` rd V I6 JU Cq ED P I �, r p E� o ?°� r , OUSt �a emu+ ` B,POO e,°�°ar 4'� �fe,t•► s �: • ecs a ' . sG4 qpft� a 'pOaNpO Wiineral; "mad �a� Spring � 75 °� 4 •44N v� ��i�'PLE � t� ° d`� �� i INGTOR �' L �,C pa { t-, u2� N g•0`w�' e°•P 4. •°•�. 4 a °a Po • wp 'F• ¢ :s i OR rrL • ' �V , �J ''ad McN may` o OOSTER �T N �/PpI� RD 3 xEr Le, i`I��caE�?QO tK� DPI t°N�i Pc •o `s x*1 . W ELM . 1Q tIN roo,lw y 3 nrL N iP ^6 tt YCROW SO v Aucus OQ us ay,µ R0 . LEE 75 } S WIN ���� R°RINROh �i1RpHyL P rrE q LORD 20 BU ME i � N Q v ACW101ON � �' : �¢ q. d'� L' ?, C's galfFll o crirr �-� ArTNL.ua[i p cT i4 ! � F uv y4r Its LN ,M d P. 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RAVI RNE NIEL OR 4. 0(p R Gf 0o y xu[ xu[r AT CANE CO. +' iY Y �O P4 OP�O 9F\ rr .D J 00 L.•' �t e E ft#PE*,rB 9 TIR2►Nr- �� �� ���� �� � � ter• ERA€ ���� t SO C. LAN'.CA S COUNTY I c O. M. C. O Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. ®io Gro Division A WND( Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 3�;tK,�;�:.•.1 '��Y; ::ai,.•�� _Q t�. Site Map: Site UN99 fir,: 'Y , �.,r_''^:,, r..c.: :.'�`: ; •r��' Fields 1 through la* t ;�+{;L'h, tsr�rtfL'.aa ;•.'� y4'"+',:;`"f.(•�%"4='� Scale: 1 = 660' P ... f..�y,\• •Ib'�'• '�;r•r :►i •rI- :i • .ra.�;t4 'n'i •K''��+Itr: _.i:�: f,'�'•,�'..-� t "Yfi.. .,;�' - - .� ... f' .. .•, n i 'Y• '. 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Bio Gro Division A WMX Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham. AL 35124 Topo Map: Site UN99 Fields 1 through 4 Scale: 1' = 24 000' 60 (66 615 ei J 11C0' �y \—;6i9 �� .l `�1 �• ; �~ `� ari'_ r KN 01 UN r LA CA R < CO li,`lC�- t ,�•_ 1 I ! ti :+•. ��;-. '�. ,-'..���;: - ��., -�; /__ -� ,`,.. 1.,, ��� 1. y. � � \ %,� �`\� c i t ��\ Yam', sso \.;,, � ,�•\. r ,(� 1 / I '�• -1 .I SSa l't�� l �` 1,� , r, �.1 `� ��• �i1•_ ` o....1, .�/I _ _ � _ _ ,: � .... I ti.�:a>_(\. - _______ �::_L _�_�._ .. S:�\ "._ _ ill �•-, ; _ _. � _ .. s-.. - _ Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A 1NMX Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 oils Map: Site UN99 71' APB ceczm: Fields 1 through 4 CCU Ceua 110ceez 0 Scale: 1" = 24,000' Zn8 / \ oA Ce62 — 1c� Me82 CeC2 ; P C PgC Cea2 ZnC g \ qPB CoA PgC . ! w CeC2 CeC2 ChA PaE2 Un 2 t PaE2 InC He8 "00 at l Cea2 Iron UK ' Ce82 9C dC2 Y? / Ce02-- �vti�E2f, A :Par PgC UN- PaE2 i ,''t ` �t ChA ' FgC Me82 PaE2 .3 4 CeC2 1UTH IPAROLINA Pec ZnC CeC2 PaE2 - . ..,stir r�-.� •• Nq� ` I• 1470000FLCI I 1475000FELT i EPORT NUMBER A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. R127-028 7621 Whitepine Road - Richmond, Virginia 23237 9 (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 ACCT # 90008 SAMPLES SEND '10 GRO SYSTEMS.- INC. CHOATE FARM UN99 SUBMITTED TODD LARSON TO: GROWER: BY: COPY TO: TODD LARSON 908 BELCH ER DRIVE PELHAM AL 35124 -DATE RECEIVED 05/061,97 97 05/08/97, ;DATE OF ANALYSIS 05/071, ATE OF REPORT PAGE SOILANALYSIS REPORT ,N MB' 4B `�t ER 8 TT.e A ib -Q K 4.� R A 0 �-' * � "'Ax� 27 '19 NY i TP § 40111W'i"R�Y EN 111,15, 80 3507 6.'3 0'9 •A 1 8H 1 08 V H 1 A 2: VH 155 V1 125 H 1 080' H 3 VL 6.9: 0 :1 6.9 5.7 15.0 77.7 1 a4 Fq. 2 35077'4.4 126H 25 F 70 VH'11E M 215 VH1230 H 1.4 VL 6.9 0.1 8.4 3.6 21.3 • 73.0 -.4 7 3 3507 8 o'2.5 91M 26 F. 52 H 510 L 150 VH 910 H 10 VL 7.2 0.0 6.0 2.1 20.9 76.2 Oi. G, 'Q, 70- - 4 13507 9: 4.6 133W 56 V H.'1 21 'VH 47 V L: 88 M 1-130 VH 9 VL 7.0 0.10 6.5 1.8 1.2 6 4 0.0:6. PCZ P: PYPI ANATI 1\1 (-)N RACK) SA N Ti -,,eSUVELIP IN A� r: 9 6-1 'X5i N w1k,941)"66 IN) Q I&MBE )r ai N O�� pp; tg R2- T""-z I NE �Tm P, R' iVtg 1 0, .14 4. 3 H 24 H 34 H 6.3 Vff':'r()`.4 L .6.3 VL 2 11 M 4.2 H 3K H 76 V 4 3 . 5. V 4',: 0. 4 L <.'-z VL 3 11 -M 1.8 L 1 C, M 27 H 1.5 H -0.5 L 3 VL This report s to the sample(s) tested. Samples are retained a maximummax,mu0,�e,d ays after testing. Sol[ Analysis. prepared by: 4 10 M 4. 2 H '41 H 180 V 4 1.4 H 0.6 M 3 VL 9T E AGRICULTURAL LAB IES n& L E 'zR Z 4 MAC-.S. C. r CODE TO RATING: VERY LOW (VL), LOW (L), MEDIUM (M). HIGH (H), vtlly HIGH (VH), AND NUNt: (N). .... MUD IWar INt HUJULIO IN PPM cT 14.0 1UUU1 VMMI I LOO. run Hunt `­2v5 . : rmn . ESTIMATED NITROGEN RELEASE ..... MULTIPLY THE RESULTS IN pprn BY 2.4 TO CONVERT TO LBS. PER ACRE K20 nc•n EPORT NUMBER: A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. R1. 2; 7_-� )2- 8 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 • (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 SEND TO: BI O GRO SYSTEMS, INC. 908 BELCHER DRIVE P'I =LHAM AL 35124 ,ATE OF REPORT 05 / 08 / 97 PAGE 1 GROWER: CHOATE FARM IJN 9 9 SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT ACCT # 90008 SAMPLES SUBMITTED BY: TODD L.ARSON COPY TO". TODD L:.ARSON DATE RECEIVED 05/06/97? DATE OF ANALYSIS 0 ;/07497 r SAMPLE .. IDENT. . .::. ... :, , _LAB...._... :.: r ... NO ,.:., ....:: ' Nitro en .. r 9 ,:. .,:: m g�91 f ,rt .-.. •� ,.r horusf,;: r_. P ,,,:: .,sP.otasslum.. � .•,.., : 1,¢, „ , K , �-� •, ..,,Sulfur ` : ar':,.,, , �,. S 4 .y,, ,;,: Calc�m _.'Ma . ; � s Ca• d I v neslumut ��, °' Sodium �P„4� a� a 11ron r::e ,. Alumltium -� , s,Al ,:e Man 'anew ;i: ,:�INn ,,'.f, N9= r � �-,, �, �. , .><. a.k � � G4 m 9�9 ,,P i r, c,l+:'::, x Zlnc � �, �,�• �. �• Zn m 5 it I ,„i:r, 71 $L IAttiinohlaf a. ..�,..: , �N�tro n . ,a„smlt g?99: a , •,.... I,s 4• ., >r a,nj NI rate ` J�..,,�-ter,. u n ,. .n f 2. .r.:,,�' 1 o5c_)76 05077 3 C)5078 4 05079 , . s: � , .. Cadmium„r, Chromi'um,. N r • : ickel '; }Lead :Arsenic 4 LAB ... .;.� .. :..: , .. .,, — . • ., .... [. ,, , Cd:,. ,...�,.,....m,.d':.,. . ., ;.. .... .;: , , -- ., wt ,... , i .,. W .... ,: ,„r: r,,,:P... „, „., .. .w,.. .,4 .,..n.4: .A .Mercu s..:e .r,1 :;r.. r9 a J-,. +' o.,::L,,d,i: nvtl FI k.r , 1,r,. rvfl I,•7 I L,tia .., J:.•.L, Sf ... a I �,Lt yI dLJ ,✓!� ,„,. 4 Ni.l....r,l'on 9�e.t1n1,.�. �,::,„,.. P M l'� 4 C,. ,ut, d,'rd 'ri I I 61,,{ ". �I:v..k,. -,:",.-0.,„vIva., ,, II �,YYI,,91 rI �k}, 4i ,iNl,rt': 1l�I k ,S`✓ ,,„PInf,:•rrf i` i�.' 'Y lyr. �^ i.f -;,, °'.. .w .!.9,:. .. ..,..:.,, a..� . .. r . .rr....::.. , .:A.. :C,, , ,:y[9>�.::..,, . E:,l. 9.t,I 4=.,1J,.,,a x,I_N:I:,:. , l 1S:efnl,,9l. c:I,=,. Ik,.,,l,,:,i :i ph, k ... .4: ,P.,.rE: at: I,:':.1,:,.aI:., l �d4 III, -� � 1� Dk�V1 V p�:l.�:,, I. I,. NO. ... .,, ..,:. 9�r. . , km9!9 mr,, 9N�I l!�I . m, g?.br�k• r ...;' :,..r.._..m.. m i.Cd0. �1i,�iJ1t,y�11r : .. rPrl 05076 1 35 10 32 1.74 : 0. 01 O. 35 6 05077 < 1 57 14 42 2.52 '.,C). 111. 0.51 9 05078 1. 96 11 36 21, 59 :t..), ()1 b. 4e 9 0 079 1 69 9 29 1.27 <0. 01 0.29 6 This rep a plies only to the sample(s) to d: Samples are.: `.,•';' )ur reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced In whole or In part, nor may any reference be made retain m xi o",&r tf� t�the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. A&L T0 ES INC. . by Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Site UN100 Request and Consent for Biosolids Field Summary Sheet Field Data Sheet Vicinity Map Site Map Topographic Map Flood Plain Information Soils Information Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. , Bio Gro Division it R Division AWhe-elabrator Clean Water Systems Inc. REQUEST AND CONSENT*FOR BIOSOLIDS SOURCE: loGK 1AV tU V FARM OPERATOR: ADDRESS: 2 tlwca_ `7 U_J C-� he..-U,U, N c Z&1o8 PHONE: (1 o4 ) g 4 3 - 2 FARM LOCATION: u U-) y, � TOTAL ACREAGE: (o O COUNTY. CROPS: -,v ur e 1: I agree to be responsible for adhering to the following conditions, where applicable: a. The soil pH will be adjusted to> when biosolids are applied. (This may be accomplished through the application of lime -treated biosolids.) b.. Do not graze animals on the land for 30 days after the application of biosolids. In addition, animals intended for dairy production shall not be allowed to graze on the land for -3 U days after the application.of biosolids. c. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally'above the land surface shall not be harvested forte_ months after the -application of biosolids'- .. d. Food crops .with harvested parts below the .surface of the land shall not be harvested for. months_ after the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface ! 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38 months when the biosolids remain on the land surface < 4 months prior to incorporation.. e. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops shall.not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. f. Public access to land with a low potential for public exposure shall be restricted for 56 S days. Public access to land with a high potential for public exposure shall be restricted for 1 year. g. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authority. 2. 1 understand that this transaction is not contemplated by the parties to be a sale of goods, and that Wheelabrator Clean Water Systems Inc. - Bio Gro Division (hereinafter Bio Gro) is willing to provide to me without charge the service of land applying biosolids which have been approved by the appropriate regulatory agencies for land application. 3. 1 understand that successful crop production depends on many variables, such as weather, soil conditions and specific farming practices and that while Bio Gro has experience with land application of biosolids, the responsibility for properly accommodating agricultural practices to biosolids utilization are solely mine. I have also read and understand the "Important Information About Using Biosolids as a Fertilizer" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Request and Consent. OPERAT S SIGNATURE DATE WCWS-Bio Gro Division 908 Belcfter Drive - Pelham, AL 35124 - 205/664-8440 A Wheelabrator Water T'echnol ies ine. Bio- Gro Division A WWTechnologies Company LANDOWNER CONSENTFOR'BIOSOLIDS APPLICATION The undersigned hereby agrees to the application of biosolids by Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. - Bio Gro Division (hereinafter Bio Gro) at application rates in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. OWNER NAME: 70 V�;1n S V%, llY1 ADDRESS: '7/0 -Z — 9'(; tx 7 N/, Z f a PHONE: ( -70y) OPERATOR NAME: FARM LOCATION(S): P-S l O ;p U,-, L,� U,--) TOTAL ACRES: -70 COUNTY U dt/ r en 1. 1 understand that Bio Gro will coordinate biosolids deliveries with my farm operator hereinafter (leasee) unless otherwise advised by me. 2. 1 agree to allow.Bio Gro and federal, state and local regulatory staff access to my land for the purposes of permitting the site, inspecting the site, applying biosolids, obtaining samples from the site and testing. I reserve the right to ask the above parties for proper identification at any time. 3. 1 understand that the following conditions apply to my land following biosolids applications and that my leasee has signed an agreement form with Bio Gro stating that my leasee will be responsible for following these conditions where applicable: a. Do not graze animals on the land for 30 days after the application of biosolids. In addition, animals intended for dairy production shall not be allowed to graze on the land for` 30 days after the application of biosolids. b. Food crops (crops consumed by humans including but not limited to fruits, vegetables and tobacco) with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface shall not be harvested for months after the application of biosolids. c. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for "2(- months after the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface > 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38 months when the biosolids remain on the land surface < 4 months prior to incorporation. d. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. e.- Public access to land with a low potential for public exposure (land the public uses infrequently including but not limited to agricultural land and forests) shall be restricted for 3to S days. Public access to land with a high potential for public exposure (land the public uses frequently including but not limited to a public contact site such as parks, playgrounds and golf courses) shall be restricted for 1 year. f. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authority. 4. 1 have also read the "Infonnation.About Biosolids" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Consent. 5. The term of this Consent shall continue until written notification is given by either party to terminate this agreement. 6. 1 certify that I am holder of legal title to the above described property or am authorized by the holder to give consent for the .11 land application of biosolids and that there are no restrictions to the granting of consent under this form. OWNT JIGNATURE (If signing as a representative; include title) DATE WWT—Bio Gro Division • 908 Belcher Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Summary Sheet: Site UN100 Project: Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Gross Acres Net Acres Owner Operator 1 15.0 8.0 John Shannon John Shannon 2 45.0 37.0 John Shannon John Shannon Total 60.0 45.0 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Data Sheet: Site UN100 Project: Rock Hill, South Carolina Field County Topographic Quad Latitude Longitude U.S.D.A Soil Survey Sheet Number Predominant Soils 1 Union Waxhaw NC 1970 34055'50" 80041'46" Union County 27 ZnB 2 Union Waxhaw NC 1970 34°55'50" 80°41'46" Union County 27 TbB2 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WMX Technologies Company U. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 9W Belcher Drive Pemam AL35124 �G o p° c Vicinity Map: Site UN100 T- II .�, mr AM.' C Iv 1" = 2 miles i. h Y 1. t ® RD.r.o �84 wEp°� ♦gf4o 6 g`�:Scale: jj rRtET sK.n 4 TO • r-, 34•°P ? azr• !!< 3UGH GyrO Wp}AHY 97 ES .31 Q3v ►� rr= 84- ( t pP Sa � IR' J RD � 6'Q Hew ? r� kRrJr�. r ty i; , y �a ^6so am y r � � 5 o^ Y�C r" _�; 2 0 B &LACK DY a H,'kS `•a•0' V<� OR N �"" �• A A ofy4 1. v rKrY� D. u. Toy R A !rw Y. 9 �` �• ins. N� R I(„ 3 a may, °f, N RD p CRO E"D op °cCar. AiOV st �anKo Oo Aq� �q as * rV J1VIinera(�° 'e4 ROGegH z�fE� i erAK _ Q 'P I V naa . RD '3", �Q ,' sn.EE(LK NA b 5pring z 5{ rR• . F OR t hi Vla$ w . ' = 8 4.s &•+f°7a k �•: i a O VIP STER Ea. DEER ,pQo YOPI�a Ib.��.� NSf M i� C' ��,� 4 ^�'"_, S�F'� CB°µ. Q �R •� �" W oe�o 8� -.�a N I °QE RD. Lu 75 - r1 5 MArN u *r �pl R°RIH RDH gpNYI + rEwiif LONE 20 YU YE • V ` u W. a P Jj a W EADREE /� w' AC ON . s x q g' cRlr/i� o: 1fFIT 4r aT i• GR TH ? 0 e _ ((- '^ ..AK v LN 10 I .''n ' .. o s KErD 411C �9! co D KIN RO ss". E 8 +ia pN o 0(0 AXFIAW �' y ¢ f ,J w00° SCHOOL ! rC'w;:v+ oveEE �v RD C .O ~ f' y 0 RO t \4yp `�P o O RD. o i C°OK �N -.0 EWOOO D aav f4 (LO&LO—Y AD) '(' J NESBIT booL!� L. S~DEERr DR RO .7•i m ---- -- eJ/. AAA EyR ~OR RD. E O CLAN cArrD ° Dist D" 5 ap0 i ' �99 �o �P�NP DR SS• e� f�` ,r°"WS VEatµO>Z ,e. •p Ct I O °, = ER - SA eo. Y c F°efR r� �r c >t eA�Er r 9 8 P P W'1. SfTLE 4R E5 r s . iz ii �3NIr• r "f� E °r s RQ Jackson ° 0 ; Q TO O. s u IV 22 e a G+pf&� TDrRS •° rq T .F 0 T Z t �1�. .10 /. t ` C RANK \Q'0 C CLE ; S ANDREW- o `Q° ' JACKSON s :: 'vEMORIAIo - lsy E.S. 1� �:�++ i pP EEL( St RO i J r Fq ~ h o a I03 O i- .. r e &BODY( RD ' 1 Ct ■ A9 1 / °SPECT o +ar• 09 o• =+`f+ `A i"` _� i e ;rE / 90 GP aE O4E.E.r °EN w ROW so p REDO G C q�4' :�4 jw ' •� w sAy`o GA si, 4 _ } ram" io o FI OR E 4a. 0 �' �a5 l 6 r I O G, Si 9 P° .rP •s RN S RO oy 0Qo ST `Po'�Po R/rES CEY ~ eC+/, ANE CREEK a` f \q Q' TRI _ ` • ,\SAC 4,�a" oa a /,Tp - ° �-( �° J K �i�'e 7_ TR/,�.� p • MC PO .t P 9 51M PEON Vo- ww R. IIIEC DR &TARN( fy CHURCH R OLD . cGv' 1 ? • c ' FIDE k FIvfr Ro 5 rf RD CAME +J ,v to $. �, 4CE OR. Y gia J�°a 09F - b LZ `^� OO �1 \. Ga'• Qtt� d ���v •R/mfRrypl E CR ji y r Y TIRZAN N 9 90 �EQp'�'Q° 90 r r. r• -- 0 -- S. C. LAN''CA S ER�g COUNTY _ " G Q. M. C. �.. 0 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A VM Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WMX Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 U. ,t•I \ �.1 ` - / Topo Map: Site UN100 uj 'X6&3 Fields 1 and 2 c, 1 c : \ G �� Scale: 1' = 24,000' am +(�, { !�G'`. ��f�. '(/�.' {;�%;•: T. 75 C -•" ••%Thompson ' = h. 0 too -147 1 �.. o'er-_, 694 i. ,�� �/"-'� \ 6 0 _ ' / I 660 1 .. _- �.: _ este .43.' �• � _ � 1J - - � , �-j` 10 so CL \ 708. ...•ter •;1 ... _ - a — - _ �_ .V-..- --'--' — -�- ��` y Ill, ✓/ I ` r�L.�`_ �' oil �` r � � ci-�- ^y { `\\� - It _,� �-� •, m -�� t I�.L: 101 ° _ - - _ ,.`. - _ `�` . ,j; � __-_1������� e'`• �'.'i% �� 1 is � � 6� '��-���� �l� —`1�✓�' ,d'° _/rl�: t (jai``\\'��t�'LJ ��"� � (/ 8� ; _ 'j�l ��/� o - :� - _ ' ;� � '� ;; � ice;,.. 1',�,�\�;•�:- � ����, �:: � (,�� / b5 ,� � , 7 / L_ Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. A Sio Gro Division A WMX Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 ZONE A Flood Plain: Site UN100 -- 1 Fields 1 and 2 ZONE C �i Scale: 1" = 1,000' 'MINERAL SPRING i ZONE A 1326 LINE RAIL ROAD — — • - COAST SEABOARD i a ZONE A�? a a run, U ZONE A r� o 0 111 1 11 11 U II 1\ p ��� 11 ,�• J �o p 1140 /�,= ZONE A Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Giro Division A WMX Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, Al 35124 IE PORTNUMBER A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURALLABORATORIES, IN.C. 41:'!'049 7621 Whitepine Road - Richmond, Virginia "�,.3237 -,..'(804) 743-9401 : Fax: No. :.(804) 271'6446 # SAMPLES ACCT SEND', SUBMITTED i.,;SIO "GRO (S YST J0"N'1.•Sf4N*4,'0N UNIOJD� :TODVLARSON T GROWER: BY ROCK: HILL COPY'TOI- TOVVLARSOW -108 B ELC-H. FE R D-:k1 VE ELHIiM.,"A 151`24 DATE 0511901971, -RECEIVEV! -.q�T )A?igo jgP RT �i2P�SOIL' ' :E OIL-- ANALYSIS REPD f -4 VH4411p'VE H 74 1670!K� 2, - v L 6 I1 t I , 0 1" 5.0 4.4! 12 0-4'67* 3e 7 8 8ail J� 0 O� 7 Ali W :�Oft -f244 125 3 1. 2. TO 6' *0 722 F 5 % ------------ - - - (SEE EXPLANATION ON BACK), r��}..',. . ,. �y:.. ,' �' � yA , '. �,�,.,.. , �r�:..',�!�w �,,� , ��- i..+d�.,.k,. . �ktwa� ro-.' $' :�S r„t ..�h,.. .,,y'�,�, �i>�3us�".rifir�,rw,,�.,�.ei8a.r..,: tr::+.•a. a.:. ..&7rv. �f. t..�.y&iFvwS:,'9,", .rFOu..r.. �;,,��5xY�'.Ar, v' ii�l�s,»r �,M,,,�U!fi.'€b1,^rz,i�,'rr�qa'c;. " . : E ,c.«+`. t,,. kxs.„ n � ,.. "�t" ,,��,..°aJ.k�,., ._ , �,:� .�,.S,'r7,k.«.wa.r.a,. ..5. .d"a. w, .w,i."�M.�,�'z�.,nwl�3'.��..,�..,r, �,,.r,, 'Vt.'�.„Mr ;,aJ. .S...,Pr�.v„CBar,".m,�.1n.''��W. ,t.?i,x�r "xi�, :�.,e. ,„': . ffi 1,Er,nn �, ` �._.. hie "`#m 111 101011" 0 FOR 3 "vL. < 49% - -3 z;9 H 4 V. 4 .-60 V 5 0. 4 VL 11 . 14, V H � This report sample(s) tested. Samples are retained a _T P., I to "a "'aXin", day. ft., testing. Soil Analysis prepared by: ORATORIES, INC. EAJ,RIPULTURAL.LA13 M, L L CODE TO RATING: VERY LOW (VL), LOW (L), MEDIUM (M), HIGH (H), VERY HIGH (VH), AND NONE (N). MULTIPLY THE RESULTS IN ppm BY 4.6 TO CONVERT TO LBS. PER ACRE P205 ENR - ESTIMATED NITROGEN RELEASE MULT PLY THE RESULTS IN ppm BY 2.4 TO CONVERT TO LBS. PER ACRE K20 A & L EASTERN AGRICULTUKAL LABORATORIES., INC. 7.621 Whitepine Road .-,-.Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 R141-.-ii:049 Faix No..(804) 271-6446 REPORT NUMBER 'SIO S YSTEAS.,i, 19C.- ROCK::'RILL 91W'1".'0ELC HER DRIVE PELVAfC'AL 35'1?-4- 05122197 �t W Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. Copyright 1977 EPORT NUMBER: R1'41-049 A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Vi"rginia 23237 • (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 SEND TO; BI O GRO SYSTEMS, I NC. 9b9 BELCHER DRI;VE PELHAM' Al- 35124 05/23/97 1 ATE OF Fi�PORT '-PAGE 07221 07222 GROWER: JOHN SHANNON UN1()o ROCK HILL SOIL -ANALYSIS REPORT ACCT # SAMPLES SUBMITTED TODD LARSON BY: COPY TO:: TODD L.ARSOIu" DATE RECEIVED 012/97 ry i U :DATE:. OF ANALYSIS 5 ur reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced In whole or In part, nor may any reference be made the work, the results, or the company In any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. Permit Application , City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Site UN101 Request and Consent for Biosolids Field Summary Sheet Field Data Sheet Vicinity Map Site Map Topographic Map Flood Plain Information Soils Information Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division SOURCE: Nalt&WiAsion AM, eelatirator Clean Water Systems Inc. REQUEST AND CONSENT FOR BIOSOLIDS OC-t< 0;t ww�P FARM OPERATOR: ADDRESS: P , U III a \-I9 \A --CA SD 11 LA4S PHONE: (70 j6) g q Zo FARM LOCATION: PG TOTAL ACREAGE: =6r COUNTY LlCROPS: . S C LA-e V 1. 1 agree to be responsible.for adhering to the following conditions, where applicable: a. The soil pH will be adjusted.to> when biosolids are applied. (This maybe accomplished through the application of lime -treated biosolids.) - b. Do not graze animals -on the land for 30 days after the applig ation of biosolids. In addition, animals intended for dairy production shall not tie allowed to graze on the land for days after the application, of biosolids: c. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface shall not be harvested for months after the application of biosolids.' d. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for; ?� months after the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface > 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38 months when the, biosolids remain on the land surface < 4 months prior to incorporation. e. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. f. Public access to land with a low potential for public exposure shall be restricted for L days. Public access to land with a high potential for public.exposure shall be restricted for 1 year. g. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for.publiic exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authority. 2. 1 understand that this transaction is not contemplated by the parties to be a sale of goods, and that Wheelabrator Clean Water'Systems Inc. - Bio Gro 'Division (hereinafter Bio Gro) is willing to provide to me without charge.the service of land applying biosolids which have been approved by the appropriate regulatory agencies for land application. 3. 1 understand that successful crop production depends on many variables, such as weather, soil conditions and specific farming practices and that while Bio Gro has experience with land application of biosolids, the responsibility for properly accommodating agricultural practices to biosolids utilization are solely mine. I have also read and understand the "Important Information About Using Biosolids as a Fertilizer" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Request and Consent. DATE WCWS-Bio `Gro Division .• 908 Belcl?er Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio - Gro- Division A WMXTechnolopies Company _ LANDOWNER CONSENT FOR BIOSOLIDS APPLICATION The undersigned hereby agrees to the application of biosolids by Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. - Bio Gro Division (hereinafter Bio Gro) at application rates in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. OWNER NAME: t `� �-.i'Lt L)e__c-V, ADDRESS: `�. (� C� o 076 fy\ s C z 8 CyCO, PHONE: C&3 — 3 Z D� OPERATOR NAME: f�>i (� FARM LOCATION(S): TOTAL ACRES:y COUNTY: 1. .I understand that Bio Gro will coordinate biosolids deliveries with my farm operator hereinafter (leasee) unless otherwise advised by me. 2. 1 agree to allow Bio Gro and federal, state.and local regulatory staff access to my land for the purposes of permitting the site, inspecting the site, applying biosolids, obtaining samples from the site and testing. I reserve the right to ask the above parties for proper identification at any time. 3. 1 understand that the following conditions apply to my land following biosolids applications and that my leasee h'as`signed an.agreement form with Bio Gro stating that my leasee will be responsible for following these conditions where applicable: a. Do not graze animals'on the land for 30 days after the application of biosolids. In addition, animals intended for dairy production shall not, be allowed to graze on the land for _1�0 days afterthe application of biosolids b. Food crops (crops consumed by humans including but not limited to fruits, vegetables and tobacco) with. harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface.shall not be harvested for ? Y months after the application of biosolids. c. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for 7�� months after the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface > 4 months prior to incorporation into'the soil, or 38, months when the biosolids remain on the land surface < 4 months prior to incorporation. d. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. e. Public access to land with -a-'low potential for public exposure (lapd the public uses infrequently including but not limited to agricultural land and forests) shall be restricted for{days. Public access to land with a high potential for public exposure (land the public uses frequently including but not limited to a public contact site such as parks, playgrounds and golf courses) shall be restricted for 1 year. f. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year'after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authority. 4. 1 have also read the "InformatiorLAbout Biosolids" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Consent. 5. The term of this Consent.shall continue until written notification is given by either party to terminate this agreement. 6. 1 certify that I am holder of legal title to the above described property or am authorized by the holder to give consent for the land application of biosolids aV thatthere are no restrictions to the granting of consent under this form. 44 4Z�g � - 9� OwtKt SIG URE (if signing as a representative; :include title) DATE 17 WWT-Bio Gro Division • 908 Belcher Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Summary Sheet: Site UN101 Project: Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Gross Acres Net Acres Owner Operator 1 25.0 20.0 Bill Hornbeck Bill Hornbeck 2 14.1 11.0 Bill Hornbeck Bill Hornbeck 3 7.4 4.0 Bill Hornbeck Bill Hornbeck Total 46.5 35.0 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Data Sheet: Site UN101 Project: Rock Hill, South Carolina Field County Topographic Quad Latitude Longitude U.S.D.A Soil Survey Sheet Number Predominant Soils 1 Union Waxhaw NC 1970 34054'52" 80040'20" Union County 32 TbB2 2 Union Waxhaw NC 1970 34054'52" 80.°40'20" Union County 32 TbB2 3 Union Waxhaw NC 1970 34°54'52" 80°40'20" Union Count 32 TbB2 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A VM Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham. AL 35124 111�I �T a o F ;SFr 4 , s Vicinity Map: Site UN101 84 Iv WEpo� � Scale: 1" = 2 miles is s ey �� •Ec ■■ 1w O RO.� O' NPJZ MrEt4o h 6 �417 °p 4••.�M� •.r a • ' r ; � 3�00 WTLCOUG W or A W O y PLYLER Q usluFam RO r H �, KRlerp "rr s OEM o J Z oy'"t [ �1 bc• d°t ] w Qo ' •cE � a1` a elyyT w �, �"" � Si OR orcp[Ndprar�o O E WI s offi '' � a �y ns' No R qr VT► rem � I � 3 • s ° .�' OF' I . c RA+ 16 � �, 'R cip � ,OUSt R" �`'l B4iq RO Rr �t4[ . D f c ' C ■ ■ � r RJ%Yfq alinerat�' I b4.r � 9$ .� P e`4POF' 90 � � x•Nb Spring ����i� fy � IN aTON liQ�la<- L .Qr� dos �f• "k'G, � 'tEy i v� i5 E '% � L ^� d- a`,P f u$ 1 p { at ,Q. r Now ti4 hvr°�► °° k .ldMcN EELY •d v o �p t•� STER s TN 4 Ja o —'OD a PPQ � ti �E w Y CR AUGUS '4 US �ouMR NSf M 7: �.. ,so5g5 c a• ,tfl wE;n Yn h oW P RD. LEE 75 S MAIN a rro - / ear ROBI4r RDN 1JtpNY z L A*f G B� °YKJt LID 20 NE i moo V •� AURci Q v AC ON I ¢' Y' u GnlFgy -k q'+s gQIFFQ qY v R0 • • ..AK u �o� I •r ♦ y O 9 f NEW C YlCll�t, ,r t o o Iwi. (� us KIN p ssrr`• ! u ON v o(p ,� 9,f eF',Th v oue E . c= owa 41t,$ RD ; `ctt RD , Alp{AWSCHOOL ! RD. o o LEK e0r.s S• C00 v D c R c ��S ¢ • os+ i000 0 o�oR+ c• 0.al0ur R°I '�' NESBIi ruou rHcn` Q sl�o[ur _ oK RO tY'� o R° LOe LOLI[IR C EY = �'/pq Rp' E CUR ■T■i} L s L �w h eP0`+0�"yE L 9i f 99 QQ `ptN q3 6 ' .'' RAxoAZ �•`w[ 9 C. SA rRrR' rR 4+ �' sr�a l4Lr pR. MORR/Sp o ■ . O 'trgq EES r s . li G iz � E Jackson � p m rl. e V'o IAR[s W f�f L . 5 ►/� 1" 22 y RAN ,� K,}:.� TORN�u R° R:N /�f� : t p�iJ. ��%/, w_- R ti r' KlN[ \P0 C (.LE = ANDREWt o°' •:' 'JACKSON o� ,f�' - f I �oaSSEELE RO i (nR ./ m 2 O r. �O� �Q �e I scoot[ Ro 11 r .A9p5PECT / vvE1EY1 QE•R f MEMORIAIa`i a! s Ror y'�1 dq �y � fo +�„ "� s ♦ @ • s" y i • � � � ' t°��� Qf1,F, r, 90 O� Q. CP P PQUA., C '�V( oo _ II s A It —LE oa .4 // t `e ttO" ^F : S� +•�i`orGa % <<w `r 1L o' e:. p �r� E{lJ `? J o eo Si � R S Ro oy 0P� ST � RNES CEY •o a s. = for st+TE `s�►" o• .o iS 'l'ir ME.RCT EFE P� t p 04,{ e J � 4rJE CREEK �i`' >_ iRJp/ o � CHURCH R • TRINI CG � lI Qp t RQ ti q+f SOPSON RP' NAYI FL NULL OR �d OLD J' �i.l Opp �"o rE NOE �p Nurr Ro s3 ROARNE LINE CREE 'off $ 4 4CE pR. Y �• 4. Q.L� C'PF 0O ' ( l•' v rRlftr(� r TNt2AH N 11 90Qp.'tll•QQ S'C' LAN' -CA S ER�g C0-UNTY c O. M.0 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WMX Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.B440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 To o Map: Site UN101 Fields 1 through 3 Scale: 1 24,000' `� �� 1 � � \ ✓ ,r' Sly \\ it V � /6� / 1 \� •i 1\V' {[ I 1 `A 1 'i o � � � ✓ 1. � -� n"- 1327 r O) 75 �\ 1326•��CChhaojson 650 N C I° 6 = / . ey 68 0 v �• J ti ��7 /1 v \ Ir >7 -17 - - `667 �i � .- �'• � 6so �l 7 � � � �- �f L, 1 Cem 660 ,+ • ,11,-,/ ice` _ /,.:^� ) _ `N j7f '1,�L�/� �'. - • WesternrUnion\�'� \ / 143, 27 650 r a f �— 708 71 -- W/j o`er- - tot- �lda Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WM Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.890 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham AL 35124 9EPORTNUMBER /'•'l&L: EASTERN AGRICULTU.RAL,LABORATORIES,, INC. R �a1 �04g 7621 "Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia •23237 •' (804) 743-9401 Fax No.'(804) 271'644& l SAMPLES ACCT. r4 008. SEND :' SUBMITTED TO V gI'0; GR0 .'.'$ Y.STEKS. I IBC. GRowER , BIi.1.;'.:Fi Akd CK. UN1G1 BY; TO®D 'LJAR'SON ROC6C H'I�LL :.; COPY ' TO: ' TODD ,-LARSON 3.N, �Dg'°BELCItE :DRIVE 24 DATE '. RECEIVED. < 05190197 �ATEOF REPORT Q'S�'22�97 r PAGE.. 1 SOIL, ANALYSIS REPORT RATE .''0F '. AtuALYSiS :' 05 /Z1/97': f' , ,',d..� . .� ..i,: a ^..,.J:.,.r. S, r•, ,. ,�.#.{�rlayh;.P:.. r.. . ���: �4�,.•1 . >7 R Ir"y ;r ,,; ^, '��,.; ,� a:r,x a<.. :..:.., . '+�P'' .V .i . ��kh.:i i,a 6� ,,�. .,. .n, `,�4K.,x-.r . >„ .. . '",,q"'"�e. d: .. ., �7cV, ', .,�.r. Y��.>.'Str^M'tiTn, •�' ,� � ,.:�Yf�'n, vrp^�hw�'..'.E.,:.d7n ...►^�. . f'""p,�Y�it�ra�.9 eGr•.dJ+.. •yy_2n . ..a!4. . �?',,.�(n4 +P'�. y^"t '�•.1k.x?i. 'h :# 'r � a, #�'. ', rr k,k:.,, 'p: '^.•.n. ,i. . .�4,U.,t8�.A; ,i+ '.,,'i'x.3.s.,:vC... '�JN&!, fpN„n..nA��.w.,a.,,�\,�.r..,,.�7l,T,iet'F. 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I .k✓ J�.'Pk7i, .� 11`•'' -` - -'y a` ,� 1J LL ✓4 j,� r 7 r ,, �:a V ' .; i., ty - 729'26t1' 49ii 91 �.. d'`6U<;f 2. V1 6..5 ':,u.5>;,' .a„S b4 .:3'.6 '0.9'_ b..5°: 7:. �+ •a�.5 _ 722 ' 5: $ :140V '4°59 V H 231 VE 223 V ;175 VH 4101 H 19 ' VL 7. 0 0.0� 9.2 6.2 15.9 '. T6.9 :. 0. 0 CIO iZ :T (SEE EXPLANATION ON BACK) c5 =00 9r. ,'Y�,„, A l�(h 1 d'` � \, W vdsl•, ode J� F ed �" • lyur ', .. B� 3. Yti ta, %:Yd7 3tg u ri7 n f� t� �3{rR 0� ,[ �.! 2i7' l7 1 �y 2r+!t do di a� 1, <.,'� tlL '� ��'" �` $ s !I'. `o� Vi'' .This ort ap S. 4othe sampls(s) tested..Samples are retained a `m um,'of rty ays after testing. Solt Analysis prepared by: _ A L',EA RN AORIC TURA BORA IES, INC. t Y CODE TO RATING: VERY LOW (VL), LOW (L), MEDIUM (M), HIGH (H), VERY HIGH (VH), AND NONE (N). •••• MULTIPLY THE RESULTS IN ppm BY 4.6 TO CONVERT -TO LBS. PER ACRE P206 ENR - ESTIMATED NITROGEN RELEASE MULTIPLY THE RESULTS IN ppm BY 2.4 TO CONVERT TO LBS. PER ACRE K20 (/ •., , {nni ont {nine mov rnrcinurn rnn u. r•.,r nr nnu .•v in{nuee nrco EPORT NUMBER: A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. R.1 41 —048 7621 Whitepine Road - Richmond, Virginia 23237 - (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 SEND TO: BI-O GRO, SYSTEMS, I NC. 908 BELCHER DRIVE PELHAM AL 35124 ATE'61l'qEPORT '05/23/91.7 .,PAGE I GROWER: BILL HORNBECK UN 101 ROCK HILL SOIL -A, NALYSIS REPORT ACCT. SAMPLES SUBMITTED TODD LARSON'. BY: COPY TO".- TODD -LAR '01 "DATE -, RECEI VED op/2'9. :DATE. OF ANALYSIS 0.5421; ly ,SA Willi ,alw bNa§.�'r.I. I"lir�I 1 't V IX tl 71 W1 Igo U " 'I NJE1416�a II ape i�.' "arr. �Jilp fi M11 1@lill 1�r. 11141 1 � ��Ir471�111: W 11�1 'I, PI U, ,I Am-n 07218 2, 07219 3 07220 n.Cad M" UON�ff ck N Um :I IN k, 07218 r 1 36 11 33 3. 94 < 0. 0*1 .'0. 33 6 07219 11 1 36 12 38 4.71 0u 01: 0. 47' 7 N'y 101 N 07220 1 92 18 41 5.26 01 0.49 e T 'Neport as oDl� to the sampltestad. ur reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced In whole or In part, nor retained may any reference be made . I � ! M."", samples) the work, the results, or the company In any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. A&LE TE I IN 41i Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Site UN102 Request and Consent for Biosolids Field Summary Sheet Field Data Sheet Vicinity Map Site Map Topographic Map Flood Plain Information Soils Information Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division j out[ AW'he-e I ab rat or Clean Water Systems Inc. REQUEST AND CONSENT FOR' BIOSOLIDS SOURCE: K. ock i� - l l S . C u5 FARM OPERATOR: ADDRESS: ZZ a- PHONE:. (-70� FARM LOCATION: TOTAL ACREAGE: l a cl> CROPS: i--e-.S C, z COUNTY. 1_ I agree to be responsible for adhering to the following conditions, where'applicable: a. The soil pH will be adjusted to > L40when biosolids are applied. (This maybe accomplished through the application of lime -treated biosolids.) b. . Do not graze animals on the land for 30 days after the application of biosolids. In addition, animals intended for dairy production shall not be allowed to graze on the land for 36 days after the application of biosolids. c.- Food crops with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface shall -not be harvested for Z`F months after the application of biosolids. d. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not. be -harvested for, months after..the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface> 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38 months when the biosolids remain on the land surface < 4 months prior to incorporation. . e. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. f. Public access to land with a low potential for public exposure shall be restricted for _days. Public access to land with a high potential for public exposure shall be restricted for 1 year. g. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high. potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authority. 2: 1 understand that this transaction is not contemplated -by the parties to be a sale of goods, and that Wheelabrator Clean Water Systems Inc. - Bio Gro Division (hereinafter Bio Gro). is willing to provide to me without charge the service of land applying biosolids which have been approved by the appropriate regulatory agencies for land application. 3. 1 understand that successful crop production depends on many variables, such as weather, soil conditions and specific farming practices and that while Bio Gro has experience with land application of biosolids, the responsibility for properly accommodating agricultural practices to biosolids utilization are solely mine. I have also read and understand the "Important Information About Using Biosolids as a Fertilizer" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Request and Consent. TORS SUG ATURE WCWS-Bio Gro Division 908 Belcher Drive • Pelham, AL DATE 35124 • 205/664-8440 AWheela_ brator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division AV= Technologies Company LANDOWNER CONSENT FOR BIOSOLIDS APPLICATION The undersigned hereby agrees to the application of biosolids by Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. - Bio Gro Division (hereinafter Bio Gro) at application rates in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. OWNER NAME: 1 ,�9,0j" ADDRESS: r� u g50Z L-c-tic-&1 b-r N C PHONE: (-704 ) '2N 3 3 14 6._8 OPERATOR NAME: ��� `f ii0 w FARM LOCATION(S): TOTAL ACRES: t oo COUNTY V r.i tN C- 1.. 1 understand that Bio Gro will coordinate biosolids deliveries with my farm operator hereinafter (leasee) unless otherwise advised by me. 2. 1 agree to allow Bio Gro and federal,.state and local regulatory staff access to my land forthe purposes of permitting the site, inspecting the site, applying biosolids, obtaining samples from the site and testing. I reserve the-right'to ask the above parties for proper identification at any time. 3. 1 understand that the following conditions apply to my land following biosolids applications and that my leasee has signed an agreement form with.Bio Gro stating that my leasee will be responsible for following these conditions where applicable: a. Do not graze animals on the land for 30'days after the application of biosolids. In addition, animals intended for dairy production shall not be allowed to graze on the land for 3-6 days after the application of biosolids. b. Food crops (crops consumed. by humans including but not limited to fruits, vegetables and tobacco),with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface shall not be harvested for months after the application of biosolids. c. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for months after the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface > 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38 months when the biosolids remain on the land surface < 4 months prior to incorporation. d. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. e. Public access to, land with" a low potential for public exposure (land the° public uses infrequently including but not limited to agricultural land and forests) shall be restricted for 3(, days. Public access to land with a high potential for public exposure (land the public uses frequently including but not limited to a public contact site such -as parks, playgrounds and golf courses) shall be restricted for 1 year. f. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authority. 4. 1 have also read the "InformationAbout Biosolids" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Consent. 5. The term of this Consent shall continue until written notification is given by either party to terminate this agreement. 6. 1 certify that I am holder of legal title to the above described property or am authorized by the holder to give consent for the la application of biosolids and that,there are no restrictions to the granting of consent under this form. s"— 9� --9 2 OW ER SIGNA RE (If signing as a representative, include title) DATE WWT—Bio Gro Division • -908 Belcher Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 LANDOWNER CONSENT FOR BIOSOLIDS APPLICATION . The undersigned hereby agrees to the application of biosolids by Bio Gro Systems, Inc. at agricultural rates for cropping purposes, rn ordance with appplicable laws and regulations. OWNER NAME: _ Pe,-Ie, /e �V 'aje, e. S ADDRESS: / 3 e - W NgS M 1IS M �_ a �� 7 PHONE: (,�64, �() .10 _ 3 — b 7 - . .— io OPERATOR NAME: -e- FARM LOCATION(S): D A- GU4 x* w. 0-4! - a g r-ra TOTAL ACRES: 3_T COUNTY: 1. I agree to be responsible for adhering to the following conditions, where applicable: a_ Animals shah not be allowed to graze on the land for 30 days afterthe application of biosolids. In addition, animals intended for dairy production shall not be allowed to graze on the land for days after the application of biosolids. b. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the-biosolidslsoil mixture and are totally above the land surface shall not be harvested for months after the application of biosolids. C. Food crops with the harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for months after the application of biosolids wheh the biosolids remain on the land surface >_ 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38 months when the biosolids remain on the land surface < 4 months prior to incorporation. d. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. e. Public access to land with a low potential for public exposure shall be restricted for days. Public access to land with a high potential for public exposure shall be restricted for 1 year. f. Turf grown on land where biosotids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authority. 2_ 1 understand that Elio Gro will coordinate biosolids deliveries with my farm operator (leases) unless otherwise advised by me. 3. 1 agree to allow Bio Gro and federal, state and local regulatory staff access to my land for the purposes of permitting the site. inspecting the site, applying biosolids, obtaining samples from the site and testing. I reserve the right to ask the above parties for proper identification at any time. 4. 1 agree that this is an exclusive agreement with Bio Gro Systems and I will not accept delivery of biosolids from persons other than Bio Gro. 5. 1 understand that successful crop production depends on many variables, such as weather, soil conditions and specific farming practices and that while Bio Gro has experience with land application of biosolids, the responsibility for properly accommodating agricultural practices to biosolids; utilization are solely mine. I have also read and understand the document entitled 'Important Information about Using Biosolids as a Fertilizer' which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference. 6. The term of this Consent shall be for years from the date the Consent is signed The Consent may only be terminated in the event of a mutual breach or in the event either party gives days written notice of an intent to terminate for convenience. ' 7. 1 certify that I am holder of legal title to the above described property or am authorized by the holder to give consent for land application of biosolids and that there are no restrictions to the granfing of consent under this form. OWNER SIGNATURE (If signing as a repr entative, include title) DA ❑ Bio Gro Systems, Inc:: 900 Fox Valley Drive,'Suite 210 - Longwood, FL 32779 - (407) 682-2272 r7 Sio Gro Systems, Inc.:', 12701 Lancaster Highway, Pineville, NC 28134 • (704) 542-0937 SYS�Il1S LANDOWNER CONSENT FOR BIOSOLIDS APPLICATION The undersigned hereby agrees to the application of biosolids by Bio Gro Systems, Inc. at agricultural rates for cropping purposes, in accordance with appli/ble laws and gulations. OWNER NAME:_ L e-O xy if, - CT X � IV 7 ADDRESS: 6 1 g h# !4,v lecl- 5 Y O PHONE: (1,64) OPERATOR NAME: 2 �2 FARM LOCATION(S): �R A TOTAL ACRES: COUNTY: MAI 1. 1 agree to be responsible for adhering to the following conditions, where applicable: a. Animals shall not be allowed to graze on the land for 30days afterthe application of biosolids. In addition, animals intended for dairy production shall not be allowed to graze on the land for days after the application of biosolids. b. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/sol mixture and are totally above the land surface shall not be harvested for months after the application of biosolids. C. Food crops with tfe harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for months after the application of'biosolids when the biosolids remain on the•land surface _> 4 months prior to incorporation into the sol, or 38 months when the biosolids remain on the land surface < 4 months prior to incorporation. d. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. e. Public access to land with a low potential for public exposure shall be restricted for days_ Public access to land with a high potential for public exposure shall be restricted for 1 year. f. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authority. 2. 1 understand that Bio Gro will coordinate biosolids deliveries with my farm operator (leasee) unless otherwise advised by me. 3. 1 agree to allow Bio Gro and federal, state and local regulatory staff access to my land for the purposes of permitting the site, inspecting the site, applying biosolids, obtaining samples from the site and testing. I reserve' the right to ask the above parties for proper identification at any time. 4. 1 agree that this is an exclusive agreement with Bio Gro Systems and I will not accept delivery of biosolids from persons other than Bio Gro. 5. 1 understand that this transaction is not contemplated by the parties to be a sale of goods, and that Bio Gro Systems is willing to provide to me without charge the service of applying biosolids which have been approved by the appropriate regulatory agencies for land application. 6. 1 understand that successful crop production depends on many variables, such as weather, soil conditions and specific farming practices and that while Bio Gro has experience with land application of biosolids, the responsibility for properly accommodating agricultural practices to biosolids utilization are solely mine. I have also read and understand the document entitled `Important Information about Using Biosolids as a Fertilizer" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference. 7_ The term of this Consent shall be for years from the date the Consent is signed. The Consent may only be terminated in the event of a riiutual breach or in the event either party gives days written notice of an intent to terminate for convenience- 8- 1 certify that I am holder of legal title to K4bove described property or am authorized by the holder to give consent for the land application of bios s d at e re no restrictions to the granting of consent under this form. signing as � representati e, include title) DATE Bio Gro Systems, Inc. •`l80 Admiral Cochrane Drive, Suite 305 • Annapolis, MD 21401 •410/224-0022 Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Summary Sheet: Site UN102 Project: Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Gross Acres Net Acres Owner Operator 1, 33.0 27.2 Peter S. Wells Perry Brown 2 17.6 14.2 Leon C. Grant Perry Brown 3 30.0 13.0 Perry Brown Perry Brown 4 35.0 25.3 Perry Brown Perry Brown 5 30.0 23.0 Perry Brown Perry Brown 6 4.0 3.5 Perry Brown Perry Brown 7 25.0 16.0 Perry Brown Perry Brown 8 30.0 21.2 Perry Brown Perry Brown. Total 204.6 143.4 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. 7 Bio Gro Division Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Data Sheet: Site UN102 Project: Rock Hill, South Carolina Field County Topographic Quad Latitude Longitude U.S.D.A Soil Survey Sheet Number Predominant Soils 1 Union Unity SC - NC 1971 34051'45" 80041'23" Union County 37 TbB2 2 Union Unity SC - NC 1971 34051'45" 80°41'23" Union County 37 TaB 3 -Union Unity SC - NC 1971 34051'45" 80041'23" Union County 37 TaC, MhA 4 Union Unity SC - NC 1971 34051'45" 80041'23" Union County 37 TaB, CmB, TbB2 5 Union Unity SC - NC 1971 34051'45" 80041'23" Union County 37 TaB, TbB2 6 Union Unity SC - NC 1971 34051',45" 80041'23" Union County 37 TbB2 7 Union Unity SC - NC 1971 34051'45" 80041'23" Union County 37 TaB, TbB2, ScA 8 Union Unit SC - NC 1971 34°51'45" 80041'23" Union Countv 37 TbB2 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WW Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 OR S f r 4 a� Vicinity Map: Site UN102 NFQ9p G +L Scale: 1" = 2 miles 4EE' ■■ O -i•O �`• �. N��y MraE[y ; a ' ' . w� - A _ J•� L OE r B P o r C o0 UG oa / 3 V1E NaY . r ` f S r 31 97 o PLrLER e3yiii.RD `•.\ a +` 84 `�7 J\' ` E ►P 8o 0Y 'R' j RO ¢ 3 GRp. QO fyGt• c �'L B BL4ft Jx„J 0 p5 ' .�} a�- H 4y •a.• \4 � ON.101C �RD v� �rOaptwy^ \ CN. •�C,� ac• 3 ti 4 o* p ♦ 4 G� WI I/„ ; ♦ p S p °'R tiW Of. �O s A°• S NV R C 6 RAC 16P �, '� RRrp GRO E� o PO Ic+ ,joust sW �'i�.J' e•an an ♦c 4y° ae 6,P : �f° �a[ O°� o* o t�'o - 4 r 4.v�' P' b GEEpyt, a✓nerq�`°fB" HOfrt�° Ppring q srf • o • BR R0 s o-°e• p •N �' s J cp a`� � = �.y11 dg MCN EELY l• 1,0 D05iER - y oR 4'4 • Ib , 1 . no a� id9-N �n l�aQ -- t� YORo°t°i w r DEEN • - ` j A y o 1' e 'a •' �- 1�qFt* tidy r�Ba CRQ AUGU US r-VONA W :� .�' NST M - 2� �aoa(_i �� wE;t!+a Q4 \I W Qi. •. NO. RD. LEE `75 - y S MaIN e�T ,k u c?� ,a*• E� ROOI,yRQh �URrNyL rat LONG 20 �V v RE Z. • .� ". m o' J �'' a ` c ♦ : > auBEi P v AC I q celrr?� : 4Y d o y p}• GRIFFIT TN t Q 0 • J E 4r ♦ • (,. ^ Wn tea[ N Jul I J o-ti\ REIB YICN4E 7° RO (�• Is 110 KIN .s- 1 8 MON Cs - 9t ' e wooQ „. w r Gy�c °4 AXON`�v` 90 SCHOOL ! R0. o c °*�Ers ; CppX RD ' ♦ � ��S 4 t �b StoYEw R r 9 G O OCOaY ' 'Sr NESDIT J - ena•.•'uxa r xH DEEaf S OR RO ct° •n lr'S IL—OLLY aol PO LOBLOLLr Z °/y MA EyR H°R RD . E I .r0 .� 9q� CR cUarr° 6�• ti D ist y �p°S°�p4 i ' t �O �P�NP $ lR e4r=O co S•M QO 'C ry R' r 4 Siva a ox. aOBREa° o P • O�Q Nw s 4R � � RD Jackson itc 40 ,.RRS w IS o• ♦ 4 q. L 0'>#s � 1h A r 22 0a a CLE •° a 4R t i - INf �� ° �f ES. , rrr��� O /, = t °rr 103 ' tr Fq h J m C Ra[R \Q C BROORE 110 ANDREW- ` O' • ' '`; •°+ 4 �1� oe H ti '()3 00- • u-O9 OS / R i �JACKSON r s °o• =EMORIALo ° wr NOW ZEELE _ °+ 5 0 i �> Q- ae ae• CT / ELEv �O OO►IL ° A ST R S qQ oy 0Po ST RNES CEr . o v r^ O p aNE CREEK I w iR1 • y SA Ii' e\A. CNURCN c wE"•c c �'N( aoQ+ t9+i SIMP90N �O Ravl a11N MIEIOR �° �Ir R OLQ `j ♦ ea YUE ak Rurr CARE CREE +o- ry —LE QR y �f ° `� *OfVB4' JRG� qP RB 0� •�C v NfbERIrO ty o ct9 Q �N cep trQ'tSt QO E NO o Do TIRZ T ER C. LA•N:C A S CCU U N T Y - - c 0. M. C. O 5 -F A 4 .3 'N .16'. x :V .—V •7N A3 P7 5w P O b ; ;:�: ti .. IN 41, 11P IV 43 Ar %X 41 w An' :r- JJ— T" Al V, -v- Lq. % 10 .4 WINFIS Ne. t 'I, !4 %K. . �w *zp Af 't or o"I 000 P v 11 11 101 qt I 4 .`e! a- "�li /VY • �!'iy,r'�r�n.i; �,i' t�?I -A 1h. ti 7W1i %1ZI IV. ximvar Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Giro Division A WAN( Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 .a -..'..`� '"�'•t"':,""",r . "'.'T.'.q,+ r'-i 1,""f'''.Pc p— g,.rK ite-Map: Site UN102 ; ,.Meld 1 7 . kT Scale: 1" = 660' j l O �"5 y�(k�"L4.'. f y •�J'''it Y 1 . 1 y'� t�,._a�..k�"' �' wS1�. q,'•i. 2i :-��+ � L�' '� k ^ - f. I � [ .a.+ a'«i 'lT,r4`c* "'`�.J � � � ♦ �-;•' r �. of Y ! "*�,y4''•• �..4 d 7. .(y, ✓ ; . �•''�. �' .:-.`!- i <1.. t, t J J'Vi'. ) fiaU, 2 .i'.r '/r �,PS �,.y 1•G'•1 f� 7r•.v\ x`' t' ••2ak'3,,y'rb r i . _`gat i `kfi� 'z.- h4 G�bra?' -'.., xay+�'C...r •'`�.' 1 .a. a-�eN't,r ♦.tdi�. ♦ r3.f "si .d ,�. }.1 .p �'S.-` `f� E .-, �. - � ' -`ti•,�: f _ c )y �t �' �1'�4h. <-�' 1='•1^-.'-' `�'•�`� •'''a '� ,,�ri-:,t�G`-t/�yy�`1. \�+• y < w it a. ^ ♦ a� t.�-�' .� =.,7• ti -•' Y`.. J . �r i� [ ai✓:.f -lfe,f•� rk�� as ` y � ♦ � ,�•.FF'\ n i• S 1"� G? t� a -r � k � �{-c .i.����� \ 2�. a 11. y •�. a l . d� /'•_ -. Y 6n e r r t i,♦5Ci jA 7116 2- �. �' 4� � t � 7 � / �'� _„r. `c ,+r,, ¢^,� -��� ' _ ;7 � (3 ?cam i"S `• . '�Y " �� - � ! � �, (ifs < tda. '�'�s'.. � - ' ♦, ?'{� C` { f * a ... ..��.,n - e �_ �.... �l •yea t 'tom .� �� [ L_ .�F� >( • `iY. �. yam' j �. •y��y�`�� i �� ' fi??ssrrtt'' S (�4{� "�{ i. It ' !� SJ'�}-Y / y�1•�,\,`;' SL'ji 1- N air ..:`. � °' d' 4 -P �•y.. fix' .' +� .. = !- := ' - •. + : '1' j J mot' j� ,S -` � ;eF`-e" ♦ ' cc�. '` � -- : =.�E_ 11Lj� r b� f•4-.� a cv� Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WMX Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 [ y Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Beldw Drive ,���]] �j` (/ Wham_ AI 15124 f An a` Mil 4 Topo Map: Site UN102 Fields 1 through 8 Scale: 1" = 24,000' 530 40, 5311 M Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Di ilsion A WW Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 4853 1 NW 528 (WAXHAW) 529 . 60 ail + WalkersoW n- 626�m � M • F�.s 0 � I L p r J 6 ONROE 8 Ml. Tr�!j oil' IN Wheelabr'atorMater Technologles.Inc. Blo Gro Division A WIM Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Regan Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WMX Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AC 35124 "PORT NUMBER A&L EASTERN AGRICIJLTURAL=L BORATORIE....,;,, INC. R141-047 762,1 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 -!(804) 743-9401 JE,0F REPORT 0512 Z'" `PA1' "ANAL YSIS. REPORT OfAn kicy Otz 0 VI I . VL `.�8.3: :::6 A Z5.8: 4.7 --, 2 6. V" 0 1- 07 210- VL 7.3 9'. , I L 499" 22 5 Lz- 1 V, llh, 14,37 H 14 : � -Iflw w )721 2'�� 3. 11 3M 34 K 7 9*l� VH 61 L 160Ht ",V10 'M 63 LL. 6.1 6*0 8! 2' 9.1 1 "i 7; 14T8Jiw IN 2 0 Vfl 10'4 fq V H 1 229 Vtfk,,: 33:. VL: 7 1 .0- 7 570 Iq -"4: �:` 26 w6 7213., 3. 4�',108N 1:• 4 Q� a 3 0- M j `3` 2`3 �3S 4 118 �p, `41 99 49 VL 4: �7 6 6 -7 3:- '11 '3 7 14 16M ;nZ 3. 8 0 bAd. SES E�PEANATLONPN-. '1Z, q L;� to!11 42..H b2CI v r,0, 3% VL .' .5 'k B, 8,':6 VV,fVet0 3:'V L M: Vill,.; 3 31 6-ited—SalA in 3. A M -U 6 :This report Iss.�tic�,.the. sample(s)'f p 0. 3 VL` Is are maximum hl' diys:after,testInd. Polj;4 i1j( 9,I.-IR 3: VL", & A LIL U -21, H 222., - - 13'. 0 V.1 3 V 4-1,1 GF116 L p b '............ P 5 15 H. 2. 6 M 6t'. V 192 3., 7�'A 3 VL by C CODE TO RATING: 'VERY LOW (VL), LOW (L), MEDIUM (M), HIGH (H), VERY HIGH (VH), AND NONE (N). MULTIPLY THE RESULTS IN ppm BY 4.6 TO CONVEPTIO LBS. PER ACRE P2O'. 4 Y ENR -ESTIMATED NITROGEN RELEASE MULTIPLY THE RESULTS IN ppm BY 2.4 TO CONVERT TO LBS. PER ACRE K20 — ­­ --- ,, , -- -1. — — 1nncl Cnit'C MICIr," nAin f91 hAn i ww Poi isinq fnpy WPIPHT) MA AN ArI.RF- OF SOIL 62A 1NC4S DEEP EPORT NUMBER A&L EASTERN AGRICULTU.RAL:L.ABORATORIE., INC.. R141P047 762-1.';Whitepine Road •Richmond, Virginia 23237 •(804) 743-9401 Fait No. (804). 271 ' 446 ,. CC T # SAMPLES SEND SUBMITTED ' TO , .I�1® 6R0.:SYSTEMS.-, vqc.': GROWER PERAY:I SI9�OWIC.UN102'' i' gY,, TODD !LARSON r 9 OCK :HILL COPY .;:TO TODD'_,LAR'SON.� .: rVO0r�8 SELCff ER _.DR{ItVE j �0"iti 'AI9 AL.,'351 �4 r �p •I� i, fC r, c i I i.c r! 'r r.,i hD-;f �:RI:CEiVE 0 '1.�cYf�? r c t- e 4TE,OF REPORT ; Q5122%9?' PAGE 2v; SOIL'ANALY$IS REPb'.FiTJf��? �. a,. :fw."�:{.1 w, Fbn. a:+t., � v .z ..,/b ', !�7 y:�. ,.. rv.. ,. ,. i.. . w� x �!. 1? .. „+. .. •. y F�. _.rt� .•,, :.r.. ,... �� ,•w:, . � ,. ?W;,:r:• �d1. ...1 .� �:� 7d . �, I ;..r. . �e ... , A.a,.�: •6. ,,.... b .,.. ,. x .'� {>716E .... .. P . a �r. r�,,rr. -f..e 3;{9,. ��.. .,,,. ..,.:�•: .,�rz...;CE,�:�'ll�S }. il1'wl:. \. ��C if f Q '�,+ E :. Fs .. �. ,.,. ,•..8 �,. .. rry , .an. � ..s i s �_ „. r. .. � ,Y. �¢, // ;..; �f 4 ,u,..v,•.. q, .. e�' R � 1V�R { .�, C. , ,� ,y..l: � � � . a .- �R,:�;,:}n�P„ .vun .J..: !> �• ,,.PHOS`�F(C3R1�5 S ,.r-:. .,., <>F#�' + .. w. �#�pprnrn �... 8F" ., ,....'"FL...- �T� " fi ,.>r. - 9. 7 .•. A.. .. ..� . . ,��,....,y , ,� ,: ..i � .R '� l t�l.P . 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V t'226A V ' 38 V ::2?S,Y V4H 964 I�L 2;6 ' VL . 6.8 .: tl. 3.5 . 6.2 ° '7.2 2.8 t' 721 M 5.1 :139H 51 : = V 1;05 y V 15�:. V "175`:; VH 120 ! 345� VH ?l 2.4* ... .. .: 8 is 721 3. OM {40 VH 213 V234 V ? 00 5.61� 0 Orz..i - r , ' _ t r... �< �it'S u.., ,..��..a.s (�. x- '+ gaYB. ..,.,.- .�:r''�":. u•a �g; ,r.», �]y � �?i�'�')r p�t,.�..�y . ar',,y lr:4 �"F. � �:yM. �: - + z•;,,�, \, .. . � r .. �i �' I.l� � "F • � � , r ,x i , '� � y. �.. �' i,� 3 � F an, �"�`Fa�4R' �F �.„f �" � � lY ,, � q � „t , �, +;. �i Rtls/� ;RATE �, rt��Cl( -�� � t t ._.r .,�_,•�„ �• �� .,c�. .�a . � ,,� •�a� , t.::� ?' �w ..:Fc�,��1,_., .�ti r==vur,.T�s�;wa��k"rti, �� ,.�� ;��,.. OM tC - 5 12 F! 22.0 VW 73 :' V 8.1 if- r°1.1 'fit : 0.6 L r z 'C' . 3 85 'V N'6. 2 H s 77'-V z71' V l.1..1O V sKl1s1 1.0 M u.. 8 IT14 "' 9. 3 YH' ' 46 '^"` 202 r V 18.0 V Oa'� 0.4- VL ai This report applies the sample(s) tested. Sam les:are retained . maximum of thlrt ys after testing. Soil Analysls'prepared G A SC AG ICULTURAC LABdf�ATOaIES, INC ii ,AST {' .R _ •v'it` ..F v 1 CODE TO RATING: VERY LOW (VL), LOW (L), MEDIUM (M), HIGH (H), VEHY HIGH (VH), AND NONE (N). "" MULTIPLY THE RESULTS IN ppm by 4.6 I U UUNVEH I I U LHS, PEH ACHE YZUs•, ' ENR -ESTIMATED NITROGEN RELEASE ""' MULTIPLY THE RESULTS IN ppm BY 2,4 TO CONVERT TO LBS. PER ACRE KZ0 . - _ _ - ___... __ ... _.. - __ __....___ __ . __ ___ . ___ __ _„- _, _.--,-,.. ..--- __..- ruin rm "'. , , , nn,", m , wnr_ur\ r e nr "enu azr, Intcuec nGeo A & L EASTERN AGRICULTUWAIL LABORATORIESINC. , 7621 Whitepine Road .- Richmond, Virginia 23237 - (804) 743-9401 RI 41!!!047 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 REPORT NUMBER BIO';: SRO SYSTEMS. -,0 ""INC.: '9 &I.SEL.CKER- DRIVE PELHA1147'AL;± .35124 05122/97 ;ACCT' #'0008` PERRY ;BROWN ON102 .ROCK ,,HILL - A . AVER ESTIAATED DUE TO., EXCESSIVE - LI-H E;, : H ISH"C'A HIGN NA 7 ��MAY.�SE 4. 1 I ho Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential ' use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. Copyright 1977 EPORT NUMBER: A&LEASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. RI 41 -047 7621 Whitepine Road - Richmond, Virginia 23237 - (804) 74 . 3-9401 Fax No. (804).271-6446 SEND TO: EMI 0. GRO SYSTEMS,I NC. 908 BELCHER DRIVE PELHAM Al- 35124- a Ti'� POPT 05/23/S7. P -� lm* .. ." p4nr-' I GROWER: PERRY BROWN UNI 02 ROCK HILL. SOILANALYSIS REPORT ACCT SAMPLES SUBMITTED BY: TODD LARSON COPY TO. TODD DATE RECEIVED: -.;DATE OF ANALYSIS Q/2,i LA rjjj�! II 9 l'), P11,694 j4j I, si!" I i4l !1!, 1, 1, 1 �� 1 !� !� � I I jii� I � ajjj�1111! 1111111 Jill 111 lli 1 IF R�NLJL,11�0,.,,�, 01$101161 J�jjqj! I g� [ r. Pill' 911111-dl$1111,91141 TANI! ig 1, Um 4T 01,5 `%77, 1% w. 5�10011,1,111111 N "00 110 1 EMMA! fKl "frill rep LEM 1 07210 07211 3 07212 4 .0721-3 5 07214 I zn ,,AB' A' IFN I �J� 0gigm yyrJl 1,RR0 I ',K PPM 07210 1 45 9 40 5. 4e <0. .01 0.63 8 07211 1 33 9 29' 1.94 <0. 01 0.21 5 07212 1 22 9 30 1.91 0. 0 1 0.24 5 07213 1 20 7 45 2.55 <0. 01 0.* 28 < 5 07214 1 1 _8 e 33 2.12 0. 0 1 0.26 5 Jur reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced In whole or In part, nor may any reference be made This repo applies only to the samplestedi�..,,,., rat oft (M the work, the results, or the company In any advertlslng, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. A ST L N b EPORT NUMBER: R141-047 A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whitepine Road i Richmond, Virginia 23237 - (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 SEND TO: BTO SRO SYSTEMS, INC. 908 ' 'BELCHER DRIiVE PELHAKAL 35124-1 = ATE OF REPORT '05-/23/9-7-, ''PAGE -2 GROWER: PERRY BROWN UN102 ROCK, HILL Sol. LANALYS-1S.REPORT 4A IF M I�R* 131 M a I FL 6 '6 -N XA M 0 n I &I Q i�pooltis,,,Y Ca WIV, gj N �Vl b -.114--li", 11�� R �,I� g, I t pi. .ri URI �? . ...... ,Jjal� �J N 1, 1'� � A-111111, Ail IRRJI'-M�Lli j I 'IR Viii;� , jiJirY, I R 6 07215 7' 07216 8 0721-7 i.Xm "M d MW IuKrYc.l w1. �JA'Y. Y"I, X"o Ini i "ING Z .tlm,4 kMaINLIJI r41�nl ll�lw E VN PPM 07215 1 86 .20- 44 6.35 <0. 01 0.57 9 07216 1 31 7 .27 1.97 <0. .01 0. 24. 5 07217 1 49 13 39 5.19- 01 1+0 5 wur reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be repfoduced,ln whole or in part, nor may any reference be made ) the work, the results, or the company In any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Site UN103 Request and Consent for Biosolids Field Summary Sheet Field Data Sheet Vicinity Map Site Map Topographic Map Flood Plain Information Soils Information Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division by t u Wheelablrator Clean :Water System's Inc. - "REQUEST AND CONSENT FOR BIOSOLIDS' SOURCE: Zyc-k FARM OPERATOR: ADDRESS: In(o 7.y 111h i v L H KoitJJ1 ..N.c :2- .PHONE: ( 7vy FARM LOCATION:— TOTAL ACREAGE: COUNTY CROPS: 1: 1 agree to be responsible for adhering to the following conditions, where applicable a. The soil pH,wrll be adjusted > 6 Q when biosolids,are.applied. (Thismay,be.accomplished through the application _ . of lime -treated. biosolids ). ,­ b.. Do not graze animals on the land for 30 days after"the applicat16h of biosolids In additiori,_animals intended for dairy p reduction shall nof 6e allowed to graze.on the.land for 3b.:,; days aftei th application of biosolids c. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the biosolids%soil mature and are totally`above the land surface shall not be harvested for months after the applicaiion•of biosolids d. Food crops with -harvested. parts below the surface of the land shall notabe harvested for4 months after the applicatoor of biosolids 'when the biosolidsr'emain on the land surface > 4 months pnor to incorporation into�th,, soil, or 38 months when'•the biosolids remain on. the land surface < 4 months prior to incorporation e. Food crops,.#eed:crops,;and fiber;crops shall not:be harvested for.30 days after application of biosolids f: Public access to land with a low potential for public"expos`ure shall be restricted for days Public access to land with:a:hidh potential-for=public exposure•shall�be restricted -for 1 year g. Turf grown ori�land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for pubic exposure.or a lawn, unless etherwise specified byafie permitti g authority. ` 2. 1 understand that this transaction rs not,contemplated by the parUes;to be a sale of goods,;and that Wheelabrator Clean r _ e Water Systems Inc.- Bio Gro.Division: (hereinafter-Bio Grp) is, willing to provide tomewithout charge"the seance of land applying biosolids which havebeen approved by the appropriate regulatory agencies #or land application. 3. 1 understand that successful crop production depends on many variables, such as weather, soil conditions and specific farming practices and that while Bio•Gro hasexperience with land application of biosolids, the responsibility.for properly accommodating agricultural practices to biosolids.utiliiation are solely mine:;.I;tiaye also read and understand the "Important Information About Using Biosolids as a. Fertilizer" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by-referencein this Request and Consent S' y' OPERATOR'S SIGNATURE DATE WCWS-Bio`Gro Division 908 Belcher Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 Wfteelabi'atoe' 1Nnolocpes,lnc.. Biid- Gro Division', A WWTechnolagies Compairy r LANDOWNER CONSENT.'FOR'BIOSOLIDS`APPLICATION - 4 � _ .. . .... . .... The undersigned hereby agrees to the application of biosolids by Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. - Bio Gro Division (hereinafter Bio Gro) at application rates in accordance with applicable laws and .regulations. OWNER NAME: (LYktJ ADDRESS: (o io Z(7 'M U� Vito r o w tQi.- PHONE: OPERATOR NAME " r ' FARMLOCATION(S): Rfl V�n.�y� �n ��ow 1�� �� , I(�m� lil�7iab� G`y'`` TOTAL ACRES: �- COUNTY V L✓` 1. I understand .that Bio Gro will coordinate biosolidsf deliveries with my farm operator hereinafter (leasee) unless otherwise advised by me. 2. 1 agree to allow: Bio Gro and federal, state. and local,re. gulatory staff access to my. land for the purposes:of;permitting thesite; inspecting the site,.applying.biosolids, .obtaining samples from the. site: and. testing.,_ 1, reserve the right to ask: the above parties for properidentification at anytime. ; 3. 1 understand that tfie'following conditions apply to`my and following biosolids applications�and that my easee Kdssigned an -agreement form with Bio Gro stating that my leasee will be responsible for following these. conditions :where applicable: a.' Do not graze animals on the land for,30 days after the applioatios of biosolids In adddion, animals ntended for dairy production 'shall not be allowed to graze on the' land for 3d days aftertfie application of biosolids - b. Food crops (crops consumed by humans including but not limited to fruits, vegetables and tobacco) with.Kiivested. parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally above the land- surface -shall not be. :#or".�. . months after the application of biosolids. c.. Food cropswith harvestedd parts below the surface ,of -the_ land.shall not be harvested for . months after,the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface > 4 months prior to -incorporation into the soil, ..or 38 months when the-biosolids remain. on,the land surface < 4- months ,prior to incorporation. . d. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids: e. , Public access to land with a low potential for public exposure (land the Public uses infrequently mduding but not _ . limited to agncultural land and forests) shall be restricted `for days Public access to land with a high potential: for'—': c exposure (land the-putilic uses frequently including buf not limited to a public contact"site such asYgar ks; playgrounds and golf courses) shall be restricted for 1 year. _ =' f. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting Authority. - 4. I have alsoreadthe "Information About Biosolids.".which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Consent. 5. The term of this Consent -,shall continue until written notification is given by either party to terminate this -agreement. 6. 1 certify that I am holder of legal title tp the above'described property or am authorized by the holder,to give cbnsent for the land application of biosolids and that there'are no -restrictions to the granting of�consenfunder this form SIGNATURE (If signing as a representative,_include title) DATE VVVVf Bio Gro Division • 908 Belcher Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 The undersigned hereby agrees to the application of biosolids by Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. - Bio Gro Division (hereinafter Bio Gro) at application rates in accordance witfi applicable laws and regulations. OWNER NAME: aL_�.v� T ADDRESS: f,,2 0 LA ryy\ V-7vCA-� W a—k . w ti r✓ z-16' c� 3 PHONE: G�..) .. C._ .. i k,., a1 OPERATOR NAME. � • FARM LOCATION(S):`rG�- TOTAL ACRES: ;< Z'L COUNTY 1.. 1 understand that.Bio. Gro will -coordinate biosolids deliveries with my farm operator hereinafter (leasee);'unless otherwise advised by me. 2. I agree.to allow Bio Gro and federal, state and local regulatory staff access to my, land for the purposes of. permitting the site, inspecting •the site; applying-biosolids, obtaining samples from the site and testing. 1-reserve the right,to ask the, above parties for propecidentification at anytime • - =. _ . 3. 1 understand that'ttie following conddions apply`to my land following biosolids applicationsand that my easee has signed an agreement form with Bio Gro stating that my leasee will be responsible for followingthese conditions _where `Apo cable: a: Do not`graze arnmals on the land for:30 days after the application of biosolids In adddion animals intended for dairy ` productionsfiall not.be allowed to graze on the land for '3� days after`the apPlicat�on of biosolids' {' r b. Food crops (crops consumed by humans; including but not limited to its, vegetables and tobacco) with harvested parts that.touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface. shall not be harvested -.for months after the application -of biosolids.. c.. Food crops,with harvested parts below the -surface of -the, land shall not, be harvested for? months. after the application:of; biosolids_when the biosolids remain on the land surface > 4. months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38,months.when the.b osolids remain on.theaand surface < 4.,months,prior,to incorporation d. Food crops, feed cropsand fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids'. e: Public access rto' land vtiith a low potential for public exposure (la'nd the `public uses infrequently'mcluding but not 9. P limited to agncuftural Ind and forests) shall be restricted for -3 6 days Public access to landwitha hih otential for public-exposure'(land the public uses frequentlylncludirig but not limitedtea public contact site soch'as parks, playgrounds and golf courses) shall be restricted for 1 year. f. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of-biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authority' 4. 1 have also read the "Information `About Biosolids"• which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this -Consent. 5. The term of this Consent shall continue until written notification is given by either party_ to terminate this ,agreement 6. 1 certify that U amholder-of legal title to the above described property or am authorized by the holder to give_ consent for the land application 'of biosolids and that there are no restrictions to the granting of consent under this form. 92 OWNER SIGNATURE -(If si ning resentative;, include title) DATE WWT-Bio Gro Division • 908 Belcher Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Summary Sheet: Site UN103 Project: Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Gross Acres Net Acres Owner Operator 1 24.0 21.0 Arthur Phillips Frank Fowler 2 8.0 7.2 Frank fowler. Frank Fowler 3 25.0 21.0 Frank Fowler Frank Fowler 4 18.0 15.2 Frank Fowler Frank Fowler 5 7.3 7.0 Frank Fowler Frank Fowler 6 5.8 5.5 Frank Fowler Frank Fowler 7 5.8 5.8 Frank Fowler Frank Fowler 8 8.5 8.0 Frank Fowler Frank Fowler Total 102.4 90.7 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Data Sheet: Site UN103 Project: Rock Hill, South Carolina Field County Topographic Quad Latitude Longitude U.S.D.A Soil Survey Sheet Number Predominant Soils 1 Union Unity SC - NC 1971 34°51'25" 80041'06" Union County 37 TbB2 2 Union Unity SC - NC 1971 34051'25" 80°41'06" Union County 37 TaB 3 Union Unity SC - NC 1971 34051'25" 80041'06" Union County 37 TaB 4 Union Unity SC - NC 1971 34051'25" 80041'06" Union County 37 Tb132 5 Union Unity SC - NC 1971 34051'25" 80041'06" Union County 37 TaB 6 Union Unity SC - NC 1971 34051'25" 80041'06" Union County 37 TaB 7 Union Unity SC - NC 1971 34°51 25" 80041'06" Union County 37 TaB 8 Union Unit SC - NC 1971 34051'25" 80041'06" 1 Union Count 37 TaB Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WW Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelliam, AL 35124 1 b�• 17f° � °F� s `11�1 6 t ° 1 r 9' s � Vicinity Map: Site UN103 1 S @y Y< <GE 84 Iv �� r'Scale: 1" = 2-miles ■■ �'. ,•g�S N�4 v Eattr uv J.. �a44 °` L o0o o 9/ PLYLER v 84 RO f`j #rt#rEy 'y ayt OEM DNOS °pD a ��� 1•�+aJ n ��N�P •! � �1 i L�{�L4 °a°�F 1 oca�npo'r r°' w•YI : N� + ` ,c'rs o4 �' / !b.'F4 n1. �V r^ ouc 1� OF' t , R x • RAY I6 RREp RHO P E4° o P° 'ArO` ,joust F e�¢n4o Ao . fftfto t• �P°j \j RO f9 a °7l�l inergp�! ,,,� `'POMP° f, Im ' .n g°?t^ G� q ar O Co Fral prang I 4 E IN4RTON ;.4,P` UZ L R D i a1j Gt; t��Q, 4E � .dr I P o. • OI 'M S q. _* • I� a ddMcN EELY - o 4I_Jq ��ER N f _ a• saoac.� S` E>" a Eck pDo w no >< La" �. .L N 3d�� Qo j Yroo°kr0y A y s es A� NST M 5 I rc�y1 t� ~ o, C x.* I HOW AUGU vB us � par# 1: "+ W o�co -�Q9 );R.1 s a°? R0. LEE S MAIN � _ c' ` ROBIp Roh �RPNY L � y E�tE LONG 2O V NE t 0'+ J > CAUR[L w Q AC ON I � � g f. � - o GRirriry 'i }'7r.Go FFIP 4Y ON v¢- us !m KER �4. ♦ „ LN Ls�p4\- u ` ��� I •'n �ti 9 I e , REED LX4� 90 t CIA BLE y9 rb RO lyc°.x°. Q O +fie O( h MOH `v AXHAW �Q o t� F DR ° l'C LEE S sae. " WOK #°4os RD e Ics1 S\�`' cCa _ ¢ s1°NERo°G jIi r' f Ya�J ESBITDEERF •r lM x ai P LOe LOLLY NOR .° EY# Z E ° �9� carrG 1. Dist y L ' QO\'p��P �S+ R pW=o ePOS°JE' n obi '0</ �O Lh Y SAN a QO a< QIA, r4 e 4'r sr:$ ealr OR. R140110 90 _ g P. °'rQ N'KY- T Srq LEES r s . Ix ii 3 �s#p rEc Po9' � t ny � RO Jackson ° C D 71I Q Q 4 r G4 ,iaRRs 4 TO.r t r ? Q85 .GI �s4� R r s 1 .e rE a t OP �3 /, 0 22 i 0 C PAN CLE fo a1R T`�4� O .:x ANOREW-'Of tp ` 4 Fs 1C ♦.° - �' c lf9 m IQ� 02o- a W eRoor[ RG a 90S IJACKSON a�*oa'SSEELE MEMORIAIo n Ho : aac I or:Lc. Cr C �4�tG c'E 9 ao1L nl S� iaxi` iO t,` 0 { a t F po X ORE 4a ie ?� O Cj �p Si RN S HO y0Q° ST RNES CEM LEQ� • ONE CREEK ?' i eat W e� TRINI Q�NGT G �O- b7 It S%IAP90N Q,O. RAVI ]T.RNE atE OR ry CH URCH OLD R C Gf ♦'o RUE ruer RO Carr CREE P j4 4 Y 4CE DR. j •o G}' ft �� AGE Q�'' E'ARE CR ji w o o G a � TR21LN 9 t S'C` LAN'_C A S ER�g COUNTY G ;.. o Wheellabiator Water Technologies Inc. Blo Gro Division A WM Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belch Drive Pelham, AL 35124 Site Map: Site UN103 Fields 2 through 8 Scale: 1 " = 660 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WW Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 ---�iopo Map: Site UN103 _ �L Fields 1 through 8 j .1 Scale: 1" = 24,000 4853 r NW 528 MAXHAW) 529 - ' 530 4 5311 MONROE 8 Ml. Walkerstll : eso 1 626 M • �J ` \i�J�' r - ' 0 th h , r 1 li e-° e t, Wheelabiaior Water Technologies Inc. ' Bio Gro Division A WW Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Soulhem Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 Flood Plain: Site UN Fields 1 through 8 Scale: 1 " = 1,000' j - -ri ZONE A �= rile: ' Branch ... . ::. ...... 126 `- •••gyp .. \� 1 11 JACKSON i;; 112a a 1(1 . Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A VVW Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Olive Pelham, AL 35124 UNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SHEET NUMBER 37 Soils Map: Site UN103 - Fields 1 through 8 Scale: 1" = 24,000' _.: TbB2 Y .. TbB2 ; IiKa F. ; TbB2 TbB2 Tab TbB2 Cm8 TbB2 " 0 �; TaB �. ' Walkerswlle 'inseal w , �' V TbB2 4_ , i a : Cm8 t' ib82 ' Bab ,a rr�n_F , t ib82 Tate yag tTbB2;. TUBnB ' � � * k.\ i � , : r � • � to • � _ Tb82 p ,� � B 2SCA 13` ill b@ ivDi' �: l;. 4 Mary Eli t -' T. f' -tom - r II28 ScA s'.r'•�.f,l• ibB2 P r. _ TbB2 1 f 74 9 T` Bab BdC2 '' a t 6j�V -��( - �f. Gam.: 'S j� .�• �- -• �i�' - TaQ- ar` �a •.:r . ' it I •� mZi16 TbB2 V C a f ' A •1ThP7 " • Y. =—PORT NUMBER A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURALLABORATORIES, INC. ti 9`401 R," 14l050 762:1 -Whitepine Road - Richmond, Virginia 28237 8 04) 743- Fax No. (804) 271 6446 SAMPLES ACCT # Odo SENP SUBMITTED 'INC. F RANK FOULER UNI 03 TODD:LAFtSO14 -S YSTE MSP 10 G RO.:,. GROWER: T& BY: V7.00 D t ROtK;. HILL COP ,.:TO: 90i �,'liMtk kFt DRIVE I ..FELAA*--Af' 35124 1-20 21 �si 2 7. blUANALYSIS REPOAT T 0512 1§9 wl PAGE t,.. Tg:' S, Ne N-L, P. • gt, K r Orr- B. ot RA, I wu., ME 12.0 0 OTTO �Mpp fl,�Rlplll 23­ If H 167 V I Vflts,, '85 910- 2VL072 . 6' 722 4 4 QVf 1.17 1 VF 2 80'� VIL�135,*H;' 12 L�; 6s. -16. 0. 4* 3 072 2 5:' 6. 3,' 14 OVII 202 VH.`11.232,;Vt :,320'VIC: 170 H`1500-14 86 L. -60 2 1; 6m 8 1 .4, - 1a5 12. 3'.' 6 5 4 72-26 6-.2A-4-0Vll2-U8 W 232r'Vt 366 VI 164 1410; M 84 L 6 7'6o,8 *3 2 t 2. `6 6. 2" 1 4 0 V112.08'V 32 V 2 -J 1 Vic'. 296 "'. - '640A"! t. 44 VL 7 "1 ` 2 51. ld, L2. 0"' 0" v 6"" :1 Z. ", S 04 (PEE EXPLANATION ON BA�qk R5 3, - 1_11 E -.11, - R A qu bgg 6.n �3,' , V 't 11 I ;t-r R.- 9. DO I v in ti, .7w -P a V 2 ajavm 3. H 17 4.,*W 2 0, 4 - VL 3 T V v 44- �ib n llfl'i 5` H. a!� : 0. 4, VL%:-. This repo Qn re retained a m d a axlmu Lthlrt�,d�ys,after testing. Soli 4 12, 17,,=- 0, VH 3 C�A H 7 5" V -'v - 'O. 4VL ' & L T N, RICULTURAL 5 .12 .14, 36. T', VE �'!86: V 24 0' V -�47 6`0 ��4 '6: H �0.9 M 4 y jo CODE TO RATING: VERY LOW (VL). LOW (L). MEDIUM (M). HIUM (H). Vt:tiy NiUm (VNJ. ANU NuNt (IV). MULTI;LT TIMM 2 5 MIli PLY HERESULS PER ACRE K �Y 2.1 20 EPORT NUMBER A&L EASTERN AGRICULTU,RAL,L-AB®RAT®RIES, INC. R'141-050 762.1-Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 •`(804) 743-0,401 Fax: No. '(804) 271.' 6446. ww- SAMPLES AC'CT ..:VOUB c irn: SEND SUBMITTED i 810 GR0 SYSTEMSi.. 3t3C. FR"AAIK FO:VL ER UN103' TODD i'ARSON TO: ' GROWER: BY: " !ROCK HILL COPY TO: TO91? ,LARSON ,.904 .EE1`CM ER DRIVE 3 5124 �XiE; RIGCEIVED " 0 SIZOl47 ATE,OFR&ORT 5�2Z 47' PAGE ; .SO,,I ANALYSIS REPORT DATEi.:OF..ANALYSIS .:05/2�'�+97 .: '_�� S,i4. 15 ,,}, ti ,. • p. .Plk .nCc. +, r"'. .. -`r , , r. �...� , .- ��uu �p��j"�i� � R , IVY - `�', ..,Gi xi. �) jj _3,a i St .s. , .. kyt. r ,IVUM�G 1 ?. � � u. ' �. ,�� : :: A �, . i rg5 S�,��: .. ,r, ! ,) •�(, ..-,, ,: , • _ �F!kQSd ,.,.a. i. , r r aF ., Y ,.r .. ,r. l+2 fi•w n .,� . 6d :af8 . � h1'.•..:..r S �'. :`�' �.�t -� 1 _ yf,4t •�u' ::_ .Y• P b, .v(..`S ,4 ,,, .� h Lx«�'�. w„ y�I � S „$': , � :. R {TA,S�1INll%1GB�iUIG�ILC�LIIi�is., �,:-. a ' r •-7 < �*�, Y(Cy. .r. 1tr. KY S � >�S�OD�1151, a t..x Y;r. x F ;'��r .: t•:inn �{1''`�� '.�Int': ra # r? . i•r ..75 , $" "t �k� Y' ,,m. i},.,� ,$.,., � lL G � r U , .r, , ,, , .w, :,y+� }} m� t � �y. qe '„r,9, �' [N•, K. ' • , 7i, 4" ,r � , s ti '.r. w(� �s^�.:93 ,;, #q,�-`�• C9{off ,, "4k { 4Y ) r. I. �1' Lis., �. py�r.�('�{ t.pi`V ��.� .. :'CGf.1.1:i� :�; ` ., 1 k '.... '1p: /�T�j t�'?"; .. `�.',,r:,: , A , 1 ��' ,.. 7 , •�,���� +,,,. � �� 1' 7 "� ' , ; 1.. 6. tr, , . `"V1 . �i)• '� •it. r: ,. S* .< . r t. 1a ,iy r, • ,}C �. •��,� : '�., Ft �', �. c..,. . 3. ti, £ kd.: �, ,k��l ,� ,;, � , ,. y4 '� ,+. ,., d , n,.Y. ,. + �' 4w r�,� �' .4r.:.,+,,, , A• �.?a 5; .a.,S'°' Yi'', pp..F r r! , td..[i rd V, [: Y d+. Yf .. d„ t .., r, � :, { h xn( �. yfi'yy � J.( d xl. r... � ,,. a.. 8. c v. �,a)" r✓I�. � �..,. , m : r, �,t��: a. r.. ..»:, i ��, Y ,e eN "' �• �...�..Y �,g.Pz .. ,£ M ..Ej*1. •F , , , �� . C�r',p' r• t 1`� rI _ 'tC+ '1l a. l� ,+w. 1 h. �a ,{[�5•,{J(ti.�'2.14 <-a"� } � � 7 '^'•� . i F" :1. . , If A :fF• 1 ;1 ,'d+t � ,w L'.d .. inC "S,. (, /°^yd? .1 �i i. .iC }} Fu; i 5,gy, J ..�`t `. P. rq"Y."�'. h", • i ,� � �,ae `�,4��n) gip, u�., �riii'�+T :Swu�, T. �9,. 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' ' V'L 6. 2 ::: fj. $ 1 w�. :. 8.2 . ` 6.6 , 4.9 .3 ° 2 $<; �1:<• 722 S.Os:1' $H ��B.:V 3.232 :V . 213 V ., 249' 9�L4 910 'M:` 4: VL 6.2, ` 6.8 'i.0: 8.4 6.5 4..7 �4.2:: 2:1 B 0723 0>5.7:'B4t3V 11208'V H 232: Vt 225 V11 258'VH:910-:M 44 YL 6.2 :6.8 Joe 8.5 6.8 S.3 3.5:':: 2.'!` T2.3' Av f. s • ; f 1 1, t'r l� iA 4 /RFF FXPI'ANA IICIN UN BAUK10 0 ,., :.., r,,. ••-i ,:.ni s. �,-,at, q'etytn, 'r .itrr1�,N�'ti y �,�� , ...' „ w ^.. ♦ �k .,: .(, ,�,+ ... � 4,. ,�, �., y ... M -. W$Ale ! Y 'fir �. , r"1,,, <y, �. � , � ¢s rd'tt , kJ ey,riM,! tp ,t°. �p .,?,+. 7.. t,,::"C e?',t; '��" Sri .�,a'."I ::.. a1, , A ; v �NC`�a3}' 'i '.. •• r a ,:PF. y r�t; .. ',,Srv,�� fih1�7� �Bp r. w; M1 1.. ,., - rodti•;'N,Jt,..-. .,. „JJ. � ... �F 11: .. , ....:A ,� �t,L,.. f;r_x� . r '�.� IRO t�A� vA' _ ,.,'�A. - '.,,p: .:• li � �, g� •.Oi�. Kl • .. m: : r'� Uy�,"+. ''�.. � $�"" � 'v' � ,. .D , ',y, � R' • �t r � r' N' M' ^;�a , Ya� ter +..�I"1�. •ty�' � a . �,y,� ��i' wHm "fir r.H' A k:..'.*d h�•l,-�d'e C. �� (�f! 1 R� ,jCS t� � .tr e nt O�f3�•.} .q f... •x. A, r,�,�'.: i",,yy�, i,,"d"^ry'�!r f�l� t f✓ �y.,r�`t4,'� ,'u t'+CHC�;RI E�� r w •a.,, e.. r. i. �, .l-") �. , ' l� r fig.?». y � •I,c .{ 1 `,� ! '..M"n".. ''�,>: � +� �' 'tt° %. v� ;�E., n�c " 1 ' �„ , n - '�• BA- PL�•= ll�� ��yy+�., r� i.. Y. 1:f 4: '� t� :�'c.,�;-1`7-s:`�n'>4 l7 � *�y�.TX - 1�� - i:; /��ry'�rT > 4r ,Y;^t . "��,: �.q.5` ' �9 ;�:,:: A� , �;. f�J' jC[��' t� ��' � •e•_:�4�.,.v,�A�fS�>�;�,Q�i.:,rc'iC�t��. _� , 't',�.,3� ) 7-°`f•rc. 7 �y, f rr,��f� F � r �f+,t�-<- q:�. j' � 4�.'�.�++�+$.•.I.hs v�v :.. I:. aka p, -�9 �`s.60 ••�� z. d � k 'N°�. y 3}• ��d • d�', fr�mi,-, f z -�;�; ali k„��r':h ` �r.:� �1rz ':�3��'.5i ,... . ,W 25.#3YR.4S1k - J 18S` V 37� V F'Y.2 M :0.3 VL 1 J ` r �.: . ! 27!0 V R 8VYJ 1.J 14 0..3 VL ... ,� a I•`. Y ;- L , 8 11' :' 5. YH " 51 V 5 1 7 9. Y 3g �� Y 1 i3 N 0.. 3 VL This report eppll o..the samples) tesfed..Samples ere retalneda.' maximum oft d'sys after testing. Soll Analysis ptepared.by L,EA RN ICULTURAL LABOFlik RIES, INC G by s, C.:;•i•N.ORMA ::;oflt�i CODE TO RATING: VERY LOW (VL), LOW (L), MEUIUM (M), RIGR (h), VthT hlU (VM), ANU NUNt tN), ---- MULI Ir'LY I Mt ht.Z,'ULI S IN ppm tlY 4,6 I U ULJNVth I' I U LUA. rCM AGrir r2US ENR - ESTIMATED NITROGEN RELEASE ""' MULTIPLY THE RESULTS IN ppm BY 2.4 TO CONVERT TO LES. PER ACRE K20 ,. EPORT NUMBER: R141 •-050 A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 - (804) 743-9401 Fax No. '(80.4) 271-6446 SEND TO: BI O GRO SYSTEMS, INC. 908 13ELCHER DRIVE PEI_HAM Al- 35124 ATE OF'R EPORT 05/23/97 PAGE 1 1 GROWER: FRANK FOWLER UN103 ROCK 1-II LL, SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT �r:-r•a�• tlg ' ACCT #k 90008•',, SAMPLES SUBMITTED BY: TODD LARSON COPY TO. TODD tARsbi DATE RECEIVED 05/.2Q/" 97':`' DATE -OF ANALYSIS 05/21/97.: , .E. , r .va,.�:.,, :: .._.,a.I..,,e.,.. ...d,,._.rT .-.. ..: .Y.., ,r.. ,.-.., ,...:I�f,., , n.. ,:.,S : . , 1.. I'�f ,..sf .'., .,.... lr .,.ryJI� ..-..mt.„, y,9a .r 1�..,sI ,.,1. ,1 a' u.,�,.war'•.....•,..:_. ,,,C,.,.�,::. »... 1P i„,»,o-..: r..,9i.. i.I ,,,. „.„r-.,',, ,,.{,':.,.t1.. ' 7.,,r ..,.,.S...a ,tlI I. Y.,e�,.Th,!,n,.i,f .rL...I{9,..�. N. c� A,r.,9I ,v,.. ...,,I.r..nd,.„>.�. d,h,r 14iPhos�,. .,ti,t .n�, !.V1:r +:r<u_i r ,,.,: ih,I...:;.sr,l . l.fiiIe:NUIi,�8,, Jrr-{:< ..,.,.:�t,, I I�r'd. J-i .^I.{I.I oS I.,n,,,I Ir:.>u I I:, I>ri. , ,.,I'„ C1ai1.,Pi:. SI IIr1.- U1t. h�1I,I:,r I.�,...IIJu...-,,L.i :..{.EI `Cr 4d...,L ,. F edb4i�l., .r5.II:4n:-. J:kiI.i1,n. i.L Ic.a Yihr.pl vx•,1V..�..,.J,.af1_-z, ,. Inr,..Yr l..i:: I.. I6rt-..r , yyffN,9 4,r~,.,�I r. I a.< ,c��. . V.�. I� r4nV :I...l-.I-s.�xtI:.rk.. I . .,I .,:,,..,., .,]n....- .1�,: Iv. L..I.m,.sl...,l,.k ,d..,. r,r,pl,. :,". a I,�{'a I:.1, J .�i`Il,iI.nI tt�r•,.�.k���.r.I .,..rv_� .t..s.I ,:�r4. ar.r� I.kpIJ ,l e.,,,r .Ym .,.` .=: da-a, -.•l.n,,..ka,.In e r .I..n I.�: •S C,I.WINa.J ,u ..; I d Yw hir:':7 Ir1Wti4,er '}°,ii•' A' � 9..t: •S\4.p.�,,.�'. .n .,. ..r . •:, ....._.:,.. ..:�.v._..... .:.. .. .+...� .N ,� , <,. .. .r,.,: „..I...r,.� .:. .r ?. .Ir. �s.,4. .r.. .r ,,1., ,..:... . _.� ,n..-,>...,.., ,. 9,ItIr .I .'f, 1.A.tl :N,I.r:..Ir.a.r. _ ..,I,, ,,.,.,.,.J.� _ .�r.= .,-: „,-::., r, o 'J. .. , r .. ce�t. .3. K.,.. 7 ,,..n, ck. r.,iV.. .,I . x,xh..,..i. . . .I ,r.. _..:: .;.rsI, ,, .�E YI r -�..x.„..�:..;S..,.,I ..� l::�u rImIE +r.r . t+9sr f7. x1...a.rJ�iLt.1,, .,I :.tl�.,b:._n,r. r.., ,. ...d.{. ,.u.,:_.I. _.lr1... ...r �l. �,: r1l .. ,d.r...119I�I1rl:aI.•i,. .4,, .m-9I:.Ir,.. 1 . ..tr ,IL.r:I➢-.,O ,�: - .I.I.." t.I. .,<r,,V,. •I�y: t.•9.,,,.,� .-:., .:. .�,r rmu,�,. I ,ASAMPLE i�11vI.. tYiu~,pM:I ,,qi,I,� '. ,fti.i.I I� ,r::...,I .yF_.r �`II .�.E , aM.�-g '""�1 9 �ryIp��.I , �W,rs,II �9Fgrstl.ko.,.yrr,`J'01. .r, rtd • e :,. '1 .. .D.. , ffI ,., _.,._L4, .. .. ,� f,.,.. JiE .. ., . ,._, n. .L:•..f 1 ,f .:oN GC,.. ,., ,ry �:.9 �rtM m �... , . mr..es.r..- n., I ,,,.r� �< 9,. �: ,, 9 r.::.� 1., 9�9, ,.?l. ,,mI..,6 ,.:I. m,. . 9III ,, .i ,II 9..,LF9rr : .,Pa,. .n.rvI' ,�... „,-:,:•urI .,r..�•,,, G ,,:> "1.� 9,iae.. U ���"l:; I. ol, •fk7e ,:... .L, J...,. .........,,.- „,..:�...,. r. ,,,� . ,.. ,_: : r, l .. I. I Ic....�,� ..N�4..,.,,.:. ..i..4ftF� w ..a,y-,..:., .Y.�, . .q . . .,mr -�.ir ..:.. 1t.., ,.: :ppnI , � �.,>a: V:.. II.01 I f. . u. I,,y Ir I .ch..,.,,: I, ,.J ..I11. 1nMI 1 ._,,.I. ��, AU...FI: rJ I .1:. I:.r Ie� . u {..„ . 11ry r. �. s ..„.d Is .�..-tE.m.,..h 1roJinF �t u.K y i 0722 3' :r x - 072 24 41 3 07225 4 07226 V r 5 072227 ,�,. . .. , 1 „ , ....,..... .. ...... ...... ... r . ., ,. , I. { K, M. �r :. �. 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Be ,:0. 01 0. 19 5 07227 1 44 8 23 3. 19 ':0. 01 0. 25 lur reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced In whole or In part, nor may any reference be made r the work, the results, or the company In any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. Thls reportplies only to the sample(s) tes Samples are , `rs retained m t to A&L E T III 0 ! F by y EOORT NUMBER: R 141 —050 A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whitepine Road -'Richmiond, Virginia 23237 - (804) 743-;940 . 1 Fax No. (80,4) 271-6446 SEND TO: 'HI-0 SRO SYSTEMS; I INC. 9013 'BELCHER DRIVE PELHAM AL 35124 ATE -qEPORT 05./23/97 1 PAGE. '2 GROWER: FRANK FOWLER UN103 ROCK HILL SOIL ANALYSI,.S. REPORT ACCT SAMPLES SUBMITTED BY: TODD LARSON,.- COPY. TO".' TODD', LA_RSO1 DATE RECEIVED 05/20Y"R.77'.. tAtt OF ANALYSIS- 05 7­ �"! i*M, 10 11&i1Cf6R A I 1�i 1' 4 A M� Jill i; n 0. 0 9 akJ 6 07228 07229 8 07230 IT "I MT'cCdlrt No �,A f11:11"i'l.ill A F'F'M 07228 1 87 12 31 7.82 < 0. 01 0.39 7 07229 1 74 13 29 12.55 <0.01 Or, 47 6 07230 1 64 '13 32 12. 00 0. 01 0. 49 tr : ' This repo as only to the sample(s)-tested. MPIjq are 4 �ur reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced In whole or In part, nor may any reference be made retalne a A t '2 the work, the results, or the company In any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization, A&L 8 E 1 0. by Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Site UN104 Request and Consent for Biosolids Field Summary Sheet Field Data Sheet Vicinity Map Site Map Topographic Map Flood Plain Information Soils Information Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division REQUESTfAND CON: SOURCE: — FARM OPERATOR::-._­.\X----A&V - 7 ADDRESS: _O� (��-2 7 4L \Ic��Lu PHONE:( 70 FARM LOCATION:— TOTALACREAGE: COUNTY- 7 I CROPS: ", 1. 1 agree to beresponsible for adhering to the following conditions, whereapplicable: -a.,. The soil pH yy%be adjusted When biosolids are applied., (This,maybe accomplished thrpughthe;application of lime -treated biosolids.) - b. Do not graze animals on the land for 30 days after'thbaoplic&ti6fio 16-96lids.. In addition, kfilffials; "ended for dairy produc116 n shall not be- allowed td'graize on the land for-­?0, !,!days-aftbrthe.,apolicbffi6ri-.6f,.,bi&olid!i.,,' c. Food crops with harvested parts that touchthe bio ' solids/soil mi�iu`re' andaretotally above thb..l all not be harvested ,-'for -'.L-`mo6ihs%:aft6t'the .­ application ;Hc arvested parts:below e' sl­q'i4a�c'e` oft'h"e. 1';Jn�d­'s'h`aIVhot be har,6itdd.4o aft6r,the h & Food crops... th. application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the 4 months prior tp.Anporpordtidn into soil; or 38 months when the biosolids - remain . on the I . and urf ac . e . -< - 4 .- months i "riffi, --t o .,,spincorporation.�-`-,--_'__­_., nor, o q-: ,Foo8,qrqp§jJeq!brops,".and fib.,Fdrobs_§hallnot,belh,arvest6d for "30Aaysbiosolidsafter-alicatoi of. . ; "aid- 66 st s." ' o "I tand witha low potential for 'pb­bIic'- exposureir 41h"a.-Il. be`restricted for days. 'Public access to land f.- Public .:,with a high potential for public exposue_shall be restricted for 1 year. -n_,­ _wh6re.b!os6Iids_ar6_a `hone-ye . year after . application of bios6lids when . g.. Turf.grpwrion.land applied not 6e--. the harvested Q'is-pla6ed.oneither land with "a"-hia'h,p-o-t4e.-nitial'for public eXDOSUre or a,laWn. unlesEiotherwisd specified y the,permitting authority 2. I. understand•that this ,transaction :is,not contemplaited'by the -parries to be a �--­ sale -of goods:and ha-VVheelabrator,Clea Y. Anc—Bio Go Divisionjhdreifiaftef.3'6dr isiwifiland applying biosolids which have, been app!qyed.by.the, appropriate; relato agencies for land application.. ._ gq ry... a 3. 1 understand that successful crop production depends on many variables, such as weather, soil conditions and specific, farming practices andthat while Bio Gro has -experience with land application of biosolids, the responsibility for properly .. !. . I mine. . . have. . . Accommodating;agricuiftural practices tobiosolids.utilization are solely .J have. also read and understand the Important Information About Using Biosoli6s asla Fertilizer." Which is.-on.th-e-reve . rse side andkicoii3brAted by reference in this"Recluest and Consent. DATE Wma-Bio Gro Division -"908 BelchqF Drive - Pelham, AL 35124 - 205/664-8440 The undersigned, hereby agrees to the application of biosolids by Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. — Bio Gro Division (hereinafter Bio Gro) at application rates in accordance with applicable laws and: regulations. OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: 1 a1` uu C_ -ZQ� t-�3 o�Z PHONE: OPERATOR'NAME FARM LOCATION(S): TOTAL ACRES �i �- �` COUNTY: f/l ,i40-Y 1. I understand that Bio-Gro will coordinate,biosolids deliveries with my -farm operator.hereinafter,(leasee) unless otherwise advised by me. 2:- 1 agree;to allowtio..Gro and.. federal,:state.and local regulatory. staff access to my:land for the purposes of permitting the site, inspecting the -site .applying biosolids,. obtaining samples from the site,_and,tesfing.:.I reserve the,right;to: ask the above parties fornproperidentificatiomat any Aime: , - 3. 1 ur derstand'that"the followmg'conditions apply to`my land following biosolids appiications'and that my leasee has signed an agreement form with Bio Gro stating that my leasee will, be responsible for following these conditions. where'applicable: a. Do not, graze animals on the land fof.30 days after the application of biosolids In adddion, animalsmtended for dairy production shall not be allowed to graze on the lays after the application of biosolids ' b. . Food -crops (crops consumed by humans including but not limited to fruits, vegetables and tobacco) with harvested parts that.touoh the biosolids/soil` mixture and are totally above the land "surface shall not be harvested .for - months after the. application of biosolids. c:.. Food crops., h •harvested parts below the surface of the .land shall not be harvested for Z6 months after the application ofbiosolids_ when.the,biosolids.remain on the land surface > 4. months prior to, incorporation into the soil, or 38:monthswhen the,biosolids;remain onthe land -surface <•4. months prior to incorporation d. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. e Public accds 'to land wdh t low potential for public exposu a (land the public uses infrequently includin'g'' but not limited to agricultural land �an i forests) shaltbe restricted for 'r `days Public access'to land with a high potential fo'r public exposure (land the'pdblic� uses frequently including but not limited to a putilic'contacf'slte`such as parks, r iv playgrounds and golf courses) shall be restricted for 1 year. -- f. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authority. :. 4. 1 have also read the "Information,About Biosolids" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Consent. Y !tY . ate 5. The term of this Consent shall continue until written notification given, iven.b either Pato termin this: agreement. 6: 1 certify that I am°holderof legal 'title t6the above described propertyor am'authorized by the holder -to give consent for the land application of biosolids and that there are no'restrictioris to the granting of consent -'under this'form.- OWNER SIGNA RE (If signing as a repres tative; include title) AT VW T--Bio Gro Division • 908 Belcher Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 The undersigned hereby agrees to the application of biosolids by Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. - Bio Gro Division (hereinafter Bio Gro) at application rates in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. OWNER NAME: , a ,y, 1za �v L e i— ADDRESS: jB(o -2f-') Ili^ fir, VZ y1 'V-_V LkkeA 10 C. Z 45 C 7 3 PHONE: ('704) (A3 ^ 3 5 S OPERATOR NAME: kw_ G::° `y Lan FARM LOCATION(S): TOTAL ACRES: ZZ COUNTY 1. 1 understand that Bio Gro will coordinate biosolids deliveries with my farm operator hereinafter (leasee) unless otherwise advised by me. 2. 1 agree to allow Bio Gro and federal, state and local regulatory staff access to my land forthe purposes of permitting the site, .inspecting the site, applying biosolids, obtaining samples from the site and testing. 1 reserve the right to ask the above parties for proper identification at any time. 3. 1 understand that the following conditions apply to my land following biosolids applications and that my leasee has signed. an agreement form with Bio Gro stating that my leasee will be responsible for following these conditions where applicable: a. Do not graze animals on the land for 30 days after the applicatiorrof biosolids. In addition, animals intended for dairy production.shall not be all to graze on the land for 3U days after the application of biosolids. - b. Food crops (crops consumed by,humans including but not limited to fruits, vegetables and tobacco) with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface. shall not be harvested -for months after the application of biosolids. c. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for Zb months after the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface > 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38 months when the biosolids remain on the land surface < 4 months prior to incorporation. d. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids. e. Public access to land with a low potential for public exposure (land the public uses infrequently including but. not limited to .agricultural land and forests) shall be restricted for 3 6 � days. Public access to land with a high potential for public exposure (land the public uses frequently including but not limited to a public contact site such as parks, playgrounds and golf courses) shall be restricted for 1 year. f. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authority. 4. 1 have also read the "Information About Biosolids" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Consent. 5. The term of this Consent shall continue until written notification is given by either party to terminate this agreement. 6. 1 certify that 1 am holder of legal title to the above described property or am authorized by the holder to give consent for the land application of biosolids and that there are no restrictions to the granting of consent under this form. OWNER SIGNATURE (If si ning resentativdn-include title) DATE WWT-Bio Gro Division • 908 Belcher;Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Summary Sheet: Site UN104 Project: Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Gross Acres Net Acres Owner Operator 1 11.0 9.3 Henry Lee Phillips Henry Lee Phillips 2 8.5 7.2 Arthur Phillips Henry Lee Phillips 3 5.9 4.5 Arthur Phillips Henry Lee Phillips Total 25.4 21.0 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Data Sheet: Site UN104 Project: Rock Hill, South Carolina Field County Topographic Quad Latitude Longitude U.S.D.A Soil Survey Sheet Number Predominant Soils 1 Union Unity SC - NC 1971 34652'00" 80039'24" Union County 37 TbB2 2 Union Unity SC - NC 1971 34052'00" 80039'24" Union County 37 TbB2 3 Union Unit SC - NC 1971 34052'00" 8003.9'24" Union Countv 37 TbB2 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. eio Gro Division Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A ww Lnhnologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southem Region fax 205.664.7678 908 Bdd w Drive Pelham, AL 35124 wo r• 4 ,>ri��G o `�� F 4j�if YA;! ry � r ��, �• s r �� Vicinity Map: Site UN104 4Fr,M 1i11��11 �O AK: s ey v� P[f (y'Po - 84 I� .WEo�� Scale: 1" = 2 miles _ Rp,,•o rN' rrr L t S' He<Ey ? P ` DR ��F O • ��y a, 000a UG lA 9 84 J RD w _ �t m0 'R' KKr sr � ry NEw Dial isJ 2 asrt TM+a 6 a A C 1 J �' dew Y? r rE m f gt.6oA o �i �• O ocana r a ?� y .+ .'• C kN� I /O�� � DR AEI QY (��H � fFF ` `C R RA'I IV JUxxc "1 \�� P. E DV$t Pi s au¢RKD P a�' 1*O*r �� c: 09 mod 9$ �� PSp Yi 4, ROROCffH a iner q Oars aa Rn l v, 13 qv �Q r ti� o „OxusC amp . °`Q� �s x•R6tp"ring E Ts�E \00.ON '6q,P`' �qso `t�` `'fy rlE y' s ¢ L, d d' i,C' I wa at� " � ^ y t, 4 ♦E�� Pg`d. McN EELY � � 0 Wp•� c° 4� R S IV . `av _ nip 1 x �rr3s.mEErlo°° _ _ R0 _EM `',�O�F•,— — Ro x fEoro.. �� ¢ two t•R YWnt RD 1 I 7 v nr'�L M. 3 °W' [�y�.tP tP � � n� ,AFC •� ' O Q ¢ R° cr ! SS t �i; R� � � NSf M W Pt•e �. �.�—, _�] NF:.:T: Nn \ ' 6'OW QE• E[E 75 S M4IN . Al- r[- � � r r R081ry � Rory MaRPNy L z H��vKs N EOAq LONE 2� Bu P V L•UREL �,d P - AC ON ¢' oqc+ 8 o cahrr4y'\ *yrORIFFI7 4p , �N VQ-. M• �4r ♦ 1tD 0. A. pP Vt a '� 101 I N Ph i REID a YlCxa_ qQ u uR EM y9 ; �I• us KIN D s`� ( u eta DR o AXNAW k' 9 I � .F a �.. k�D SCHOOL i oueEE �o RD ` «orD DA6 !-(E, �� ow Oy s RD e e K q II W `Qv ao 2¢ R0. o J` o`J o'slgtr„�s� COOK c rr' gtM`J qO S o stoNnooD $ �o 4P�rY ILwLDtV AI ti ESRIi - .nR.r•.` N y YIDDt!':Ex tQ i SS OEEwf _ RD •P r s 0 Dist O' C N EOREouv R rn Y EY= OR R0, E 0$ ♦ DR Cur c•rK e'=o I SAN �i'vEx•DDZ _ i,a o 40U g -0 QO r ¢ ra rR r 4* EJ sr73 B4r` oa. rORersa 9 P . O�Q "W+ Sr4q ES. r s a lz az ANNsKrr rfE" t °y RD Jackson ° it °TIa ��4°aE. JKRI13 rM Q�>• ` TOwN D +f __ rEi 0E:S RD!r f io. far RD IV A ? t O1' .10r� 1-. TFR 22 0 f' R•xR \Q' C RAN CLE •° KMo r4� , s ANDREW o ✓AA I.ECCo /r1 `di -. pis Es. Iv iLE 'p0 i ' a `' J y IO� Qo eeo°rE Ro r 9DSPECT . RIAio •�j r °+SZE' r' tK m :�a� I �� <oEE\\ AI .R: EC. ELf- = RDr 1 C gIK1E � aoo '*G•o S DR c 6 C, 9 O N RO OO G J �+ . �� '0 N •o i `y o f o •� O P O. _ � ANE CREEK ptt' ST CC Q RRES CEs► TRIXI \q �' Ll. RE,wCS �w ♦ P � it CHURCH R • c P ��, VAPSON R,O lout f7ilnxE x1EtDR dd OLD e'�, Pp� a PPo ra MUE r� xury RD RD CUIE CREE rV4. ,�f 4 ACE ti E 40 e`t JQ,G`P cqF� 6 G2 9 ! M) ce'• \� Qtt Iry ' ` r /. rK/PER/,ugQp' E CR yi • m �o Y oV o TIRMA 1. 90 QFS� �o 90 4 r Sr Ca ' LAN'CA S ER�g COUNTY c O.M.C. e ---- O Wheelabrator V1/ater Technologies Inc. Sio Gro Division A Wf& Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region - Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham AL 35124 Topo Map: Site UN104 Fields 1 through 3 Scale 1 = ,A UNITY QUADRANG SOUTH CAROLINA—NORTH C .7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGF 530 4 5311 momioE 8 mi. 532 2 110000 FEET (S. C.I) <<�`,5 1 / % 65° iO3 1 n I V (J \J \ 0 all, ((� �� • (- 6 1 CP;Jr 650 lint 130 �)x �� _ARK (.•, „ d ������. ��,� :� .. `.- , �J�, O u i It � I` �� ✓ is � Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A VVW Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 -- - -� -- Flood Plain: Site UN10 � �= Fields 1 through 3 Scale: V = 1,000' ZONE A .......... Brunch - P II 11 � it 11 ZONE A 3 "J 1137 i ' Al - Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A Ww Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region.. Fax 205.664.767E 908 Belcher Drive PelharrL AL 35124 (Joins sheet 32) + Fun1 O Th82 ZnB: L'. ('. 1131 ., Tb82 t " Ta6 t . Tb82: Cm6 Tb82 is BaB } >Cm8 T. ��, e Tb82=: 1 CmB e.. a j aTbB2' 7bB2 1 .. T6B2 7aB.a 1 Z + T6B2 3 M 4 ThB2 '`�.> - BdB2 Tb82 • , f 1$�q { Zne "�.. /J TbC2 s j �: i �•: CmB z� � � .� _ `,o�:c BdC2 r ChA 3-.• 2n13 ) ; }znB ' TbB r: Zp8 I Mary Eli Ch510 ThC< TbB 'Tb82 1 22s c T682. Y i ScA , 0aG Bd8 tw- ' Zn6 J Y: ¢k 'i- ZnB jp ScA"` Ta8 SG1 2nB ThB2 :i TbB2 c Tb82. BaB � BdC2 � � i Ta •�cA _ �C � `- a�j 4 oaz ' 'roc ScA cQ - Too EPORTNUMBERL A&L EASTERN AGRICULTU.RAL,14130RATORIES5 INC. R1.41 046 7621,Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia"23237 • �(804) 743-9401 Fax:No.',(804) 2716446: SAMPLES ACCT # SEND SUBMITTED :: 6'I0',`6RO ..5`Y:STE: S ' It3C. GROWER: HENRY LE£ NIILLIPS: UN104 gY; TODD LARSON: TO: n ROCK HILL JS�08 16ELCii ER' . D RIVE PELFI:AN AL ;-35124 DATE -RECEIVED,.: 05. 20,197 n !n1 . Sapnar I' J � /;9TY: 3 PAGE .r i SO:ILANALYSIS REPORT 'DATE; OF ANALYsiS 05f21r%'97 r:�. �jj��„#'.y.,'., A Yq'.� .;.dcI�, .�R'. \ y.tdp.f,:•dI+��yI .yyiv ' ,.0 7nn'�p t�.W . ,.. kn„k', �h�gg"C,i'.%,.Tt? ; 1,tYMm'.� ' x' � .`.�'rvi +.,{c.(YE�n:h"�i.. +�xw� .( U1 , p ; t �'�F�, .#.n.':��. u. '.:',:,.,,,.,�"y.4:� ini' r�Ttqor1.rM',#I,Nr!.#•i, � f„r„,.".h,pKM.1+� *MY�- :Ii;i ,�,Atslry '�.�K� ,.;.�,. r(4>"N~.:k.s5�.' ..,v�At",Yfs ef'"a� �.",�.4.�#+. ',z�(M�' r�k"d�+ {i_ J+c: v�Y,d+c«�'c.+ CiFA1�'.11' . M'% �•R�ery,,.7 l $S.' N, 'f T� i,i, �..' .�1 .' mIry. ; 1 yVA ' i: l�R T a P T ,: pP1m P..� pZ!y�W� ' 58°:1 .; O? V 3 ' `51i20 ' . 4AV ,�};... 720 :.. a;:5 8 65 v H .V 7.2 D,Q '5; b.5 .F b.54flV2491 .1' _ . .l 31;P ?ZO 1:40V. 2 09 V 233 'V '.' 705 V 238 VH 810 H 46: VL 7.1 . 0.0 3.0 3.9' 5.2 :: 9.4 ' 0. 0' i 1.5` :6.8: lJ L9 1 m b J . ,DAli �• t� .. •. 4aH"s�31� _, Y{f .,.�, .y "'y�y1• C.@.+'"?"I'�'�'tyt+x�1.�. - �i .y. y.. A ) E�� ... — c.,. k„: y, *'3 �$�it:J'Y t, %L'V3' M ' - -c;k,. 9 a%•` r�±a},p�'!.n':Sj} ,.y r fY'(,j�p..r{ g mgm t S, J"Si +19 f �', i `,� �};6 }y.•�('j ��:, Q`' :� t 1hb.:,tI}+�{p1�[y', ,Ng j w . ' J3 ..3�4v�'};t F�L� ID ' Jp�t�T ^' i rr! ' ��1, •v' 4'd �i t,+ l�- �i;tf r •: +�'r fi� ~Z qq���»4 t .� �•r:« +�,�'!�` M �l� L�� � It , -e' 11 d' '.111 .,. :."� A�7 * ''`: •. ,,'ti •,4�t4 y ,fir.. a ' h�11""Iz •, ;t,'?^ A 1p" Sep' +" t - ��jj �yy 1,E'=i'L }'y 4.2.. Q--Vff of �tl fi y w t, 1,I.Cu H 9:7 rtr }� (4 C 4_0.V... , �y y V. f: L l R n i is. .• . ; 1 v1.1 ,.1� 27, V?h of ''16b%V 19� 4 440i' � r�A� 0.4,iL 33. 0: VH v 47r H t 90;1;V 3b.0 Y :';2:1 H 0.7 L ;'' ;;:; This report ap s1to,.the sample(s) tested. Samples are retained a maximum of yida after testing. Sell Analysis prepared by: ' n: GEq ERN ICULTUHA� LA IES, INC. tea~{ by d.' C. O. d0 CODE TO RATING: VERY. LOW (VL), LUW (L), MtlJ1Um (M), nlun kn), VMnr n—n (V n), nrvu I��rv� qi.t. .E , ,E`.,..LTS I,, rr..,... _R .._.. .., ,ACRE ENR - ESTIMATED NITROGEN RELEASE MULTIPLY THE RESULTS IN pp BY 2,4 TO CONVERT TO LBS. PER ACRE K20 ' _.._.. _„_.. ....,._ ,...,, „,.,.,.., , T,.,,, ,,., .., I inns onl n,inc mov In,nr_uTt er,o �.:.r`oe r,e enn ��,. miruvc nr:co EPORT NUMBER: A&L EASTERN AGR ICULTURAL LABORATORIES,,: R141-046 7621 Whitepine.Road`': Richmond, Virginia 28237 P.(804) 743-9401 Fax No.'(804) 271-6446 SEND TO: BIO GRO SYSTEMS, INC. 90,8, ..BELCHER DRIVE PELHAM AL 35124.: ATE OF REPORT 05/23/V7 'PAGE GROWER A C C T SAMPLES HENRY LEE PHI LLIFS UNIOVBMITTED TODD I. -ARSON ROCK HILL ALYSISREPORT -,-.DATE RECEIVED 057-20; YA.S., OTE.;IJF ANALYSIS Wfl., SS y, jr 9 '14 li t, M M 1 091 EMS 1 ;1 1100 111 11110 Ill!"M TIMM, 07207 4.4 P/ .07208 3 07209 0M 51, '2kli' iselonlum iT @dli Ag�� li NO F -IFIM 07207 1 33 9 213 7.12 <0. 01, -1). 35 6 07208 1 21 11 so 4.42 <Q. 0 1: 0.33 5 07209 1 '34 10 33 7. 3e 1: 01, 0. 49 fur reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced In whole or In part, nor may any reference be made the work, the results, or the company In any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. This report fes only jo'the sample(s) t0' retained a Im of t r 1 A&L EA 0 bv Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Site UN105 Request and Consent for Diosolids Field Summary Sheet Field Data Sheet Vicinity Map Site Map Topographic Map Flood Plain Information Soils Information Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division a / Whe6fidi for Clean ..Water; Systems ,Inc. - REQUESTANDCONSENTEORBIOSOLIDS- SOURCE: FARM OPERATOR: ADDRESS: S' Zo::... aet CROPS:' iJ : 1. I agree to be responsible for adhering to the following conditions, where applicable: a..::The soil_pH,will be adjusted to > -� , when biosolids are applied. (This.may,be accomplished through the application of;lime-treated biosolids:)_ b.Do not graze animals on the land for 30 days after the application of biosolids: -in addition,-animals_intehded for dairy . r: production shall,not be allowed to graze: on'.the land for: 0: _: days afterthe:applicatiowof biosolids:, c: Food crops with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totallyabove the land surface shall not be harvested for 2.�f tmonths after the application'of_biosolids d. Food crops with harvested parts below the. surface of the and shall not be harvested forte months after the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface > 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38 months when the biosolids remain on the land surface < 4 months:prior to incorporation.. _ e. Food crops, •feed crops,: and, fiber; cropsshall not be.harvested for 30.days after,application,of biosolids..:: f: Public access to land with a low potential forputilic"exposure' shall be restricted for days. Public access to and with.a-high. potential for public•exposure.shall be restricted for_1 year.•: g. Turf_ grown on land where biosolids.are applied shall not be ,harvested for one year:after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on erther.land wrtfi a high potential for public exposure or.a lawn, unless otherwise specified by tfie`perrnitting auttionty_ _ :. _ . f ' 2. .1 understand.that,this transaction: is .not contemplated by.the parties to be a -sale of.goods„and,that Wheelabrator.Clean Water :Systems ,Inc - l3io Gro. Dnrision (hereinafter Bio.Gro) is willing to provide to me without charge.the service. of land applying biosolids.which have been approved by the appropriate regulatory.agencies4or, land application. . 3. 1 understand that successful crop production depends on many variables, such as weather, soil conditions and specific farming practices and that while Bio Gro. has experience with land application of biosolids; the responsibility for properly accommodating agricultural practices to biosolids.utilization are solely mine. J have also read,aitd understand the -"Important Information About Using Biosolids as a Fertilizer" which -is on the reverse side and incorporated. by reference'in this Request and Consent. DATE WCWS-Bio Gro Division • 908 Belcher Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 'r' s The undersigned hereby agrees to the application of biosolids by Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. - Bio Gro Division (hereinafter Bio Gro) at application rates in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. OWNER NAME: .,e ADDRESS: TOTAL ACRES: Z COUNTY tj 1. 1 understand that Bio Gro will coordinate biosolidsAeliveries with my farm operator hereinafter (leasee) unless otherwise advised by me. 2. I agree to allow Bio Gro and federal, state and local regulatory staff access to my land for the purposes of permitting the site, inspecting .the site, applying 'biosolids, obtaining samples from. the site and testing. I: reserve the, right Ito ask. the above :parties for proper, identification at anytime. 3. 1 understand that the following conditionsapply to my land following biosolids applications -and that my leases. has signed an agreement form with Bio Gro stating that my leasee will be responsible for following these conditions where applicable: a.' Do not graze animals on the land for:30 days after the applicatiop of biosolids In addition, animals intended for dairy production'shall not. beiallowed to graze on the land for iosolids b. Food crops (crops consumed by humans including but not limited to fruits; vegetables and tobacco) with _harvested ,parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally -above the land surface, shall not be. harvested for: months after the application'of biosolids. c., Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not. be harvested for 2L months after the application of biosolids when the biosolids remain on the land surface > 4 months prior to incorporation into the soil, or 38-months•when the biosolids remain on the land surface < 4 months. prior. to incorporation.. d. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids: e.` Public access to land with allow potential for public exposure (land"the public uses infrequently including but not limited to agricultural land and forests) shall be restricted for 36 days. Public`a_ccess to land with afiigh potential for public exposure (land tfie public uses irequ'ently including tint not limited to a public contact site such as parks, playgrounds and golf courses) shall be restricted for 1 year. f. Turf grown on land where biosolids are applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the permitting authority. 4. 1 have also read the "Information About Biosolids" which is on the reverse side and incorporated by reference in this Consent. 5. The term of this Consent shall continue until written notification is given by either parry to terminate this agreement. 6. 1 certify that I am holder of legal title to the above described property •or am authorized by the holder to give consent for the land application of biosolids and that there are no restrictions to the granting of consent under this form. OWNE GN URE (If signin s a representative, include title) DATE _R WWT-Bio Gro Division • 908 Belcher Drive • Pelham, AL 35124 • 205/664-8440 Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Summary Sheet: Site UN102 Project: Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Gross Acres Net Acres Owner Operator 1 12.4 6.7 Joe Roger Joe Roger 2 9.1 10.8 Joe Roger Joe Roger Total 21.5 17.5 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Field Data Sheet: Site UN105 Project: Rock Hill, South Carolina Field County Topographic Quad Latitude Longitude U.S.D.A Soil Survey Sheet Number Predominant Soils 1 Union Catawba NE SC - NC 1968 34053'55" 80045'50" Union County 31 AeB 2 Union Catawba NE SC - NC 1968 34°53'55" 80045'50" Union Count 31 AeB Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WMX Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 T.1 hK: t y 7 O LR •0 64 Iv RD S. 1. Ng\y tiEEw v E P o 77 ti P t PLYLER f5.71 WJ\ EE NIL 3 RD OgOS GRO L•jGf W�` 0 'pNyS t•�+• D. r o 4� e dv 1•'' WI �V 3 CH in I ;P ■ • f ■ • RD PyP r ii of s �� spp • '� b ROGIf'P ¢ �y Q 9l1 n3a +,�, obQ �swA 4 GTON y [ L ,i.�• IOR '9Li 14 c c�� W ETI RrF'EY M .T DEFE Ro * • �• a 4 16 ` �� R �d. McH Jfi[ Ib. Fkg1�E+.om ' fwL RD 3 DEER 10 icinity Map: Site UN105 i cale: 1" = 2 miles .r .Doo 84 s0 �} OR /\ icinity Map: Site UN105 i cale: 1" = 2 miles .r .Doo 84 s0 �} OR so' I OR111•'- I �4.r �`r +YE^ •o ' V ineral' ���,� 5prin9 �+ v 1 r0 =s9� ODDER OR i•u. yN afLoTo �M' 01 �p QO S",= J p•1., W YDO+E WI �' ti �I S AUG us US �OIW ROW ?� 2LEE Y` R� OBINROR �IIRPN,, z rErc EE LONE t` ZO vBU AC �D� ON > 4Y P I � � qi. �'. t cm�prM y1�4�s Git1FFON lT V? ;f REID ¢ YI `, 9 `" 9 i 0 O DOS RD KIX ' t ig ( r�0 V V ­4, 6,IR oc CIAFD'Y1 U LE �9lE,il ?� RD ; ��4�Q / RD O<0 AXXAw M ceP WooD SCHOOL ! RD. o o` srn w <rsrgfr s �m COOK RD c o CC 105 S a o �,r II +J r�\N► = 4 � ! � StpNCMODO- _ v r HESBIi — �Ano�f ��,cn S4'� DEEI •E�44LM N �O. 0. RLOLLY OD LOLII[111 ti + RD P DR RD ■T■ �+ MA EY Z W'fDR E ` cwic �'Vr0 L1.7t.t y g�pOS�VE i 9i I 9'p 1, PO. N �S+ a �, •'.•� e eI � s � SAN +.� PAMDA= a. o AtrR rt g �A• ;- eau r 4130. Dyrxa :@ +tom � E OY �V'ORE, J►RRS TORMS ` RO x t l' �- RAM1 aD Ai4 T - ♦' !'t Es. I ! (ER BROD.E RD ANDREW-' O 41•` a 1� 'JACKSON ot♦ +Pe.STEELE RO i I�� �� r e ct NT 6 ouoEr.. 9OSPECT =EYORIAIo a oA! ROR 4� 09 =+ts`°to `� q��ba ELE� 90 `o O t+ P P DR p Roo L C kq�,l' t Y o O Ew fA'•r 6o t �4m• _ i RO. Si RN S R 0Qp 5T RkES CEV F ANE CREEK 0` Cr e TRINI J iF S T i tDK �t�R `��•� ow sa�� H4. Rlp� o r�N�E+•E p0 �t 41� t' g1MON PSRO• ylw x• ' NIEL DR CHURCH R • CGS .TARMECAME c.EE �J Ev4i DLO R oor ty R.5 xuE Ro ! 4CE j !'p "C!" RD J Al. '$ 4 DR. y� 101 qA t S'C• LAWCA S ER�g C0-UNTY - c O. M. C. O DOS RD KIX ' t ig ( r�0 V V ­4, 6,IR oc CIAFD'Y1 U LE �9lE,il ?� RD ; ��4�Q / RD O<0 AXXAw M ceP WooD SCHOOL ! RD. o o` srn w <rsrgfr s �m COOK RD c o CC 105 S a o �,r II +J r�\N► = 4 � ! � StpNCMODO- _ v r HESBIi — �Ano�f ��,cn S4'� DEEI •E�44LM N �O. 0. RLOLLY OD LOLII[111 ti + RD P DR RD ■T■ �+ MA EY Z W'fDR E ` cwic �'Vr0 L1.7t.t y g�pOS�VE i 9i I 9'p 1, PO. N �S+ a �, •'.•� e eI � s � SAN +.� PAMDA= a. o AtrR rt g �A• ;- eau r 4130. Dyrxa :@ +tom � E OY �V'ORE, J►RRS TORMS ` RO x t l' �- RAM1 aD Ai4 T - ♦' !'t Es. I ! (ER BROD.E RD ANDREW-' O 41•` a 1� 'JACKSON ot♦ +Pe.STEELE RO i I�� �� r e ct NT 6 ouoEr.. 9OSPECT =EYORIAIo a oA! ROR 4� 09 =+ts`°to `� q��ba ELE� 90 `o O t+ P P DR p Roo L C kq�,l' t Y o O Ew fA'•r 6o t �4m• _ i RO. Si RN S R 0Qp 5T RkES CEV F ANE CREEK 0` Cr e TRINI J iF S T i tDK �t�R `��•� ow sa�� H4. Rlp� o r�N�E+•E p0 �t 41� t' g1MON PSRO• ylw x• ' NIEL DR CHURCH R • CGS .TARMECAME c.EE �J Ev4i DLO R oor ty R.5 xuE Ro ! 4CE j !'p "C!" RD J Al. '$ 4 DR. y� 101 qA t S'C• LAWCA S ER�g C0-UNTY - c O. M. C. a. o AtrR rt g �A• ;- eau r 4130. Dyrxa :@ +tom � E OY �V'ORE, J►RRS TORMS ` RO x t l' �- RAM1 aD Ai4 T - ♦' !'t Es. I ! (ER BROD.E RD ANDREW-' O 41•` a 1� 'JACKSON ot♦ +Pe.STEELE RO i I�� �� r e ct NT 6 ouoEr.. 9OSPECT =EYORIAIo a oA! ROR 4� 09 =+ts`°to `� q��ba ELE� 90 `o O t+ P P DR p Roo L C kq�,l' t Y o O Ew fA'•r 6o t �4m• _ i RO. Si RN S R 0Qp 5T RkES CEV F ANE CREEK 0` Cr e TRINI J iF S T i tDK �t�R `��•� ow sa�� H4. Rlp� o r�N�E+•E p0 �t 41� t' g1MON PSRO• ylw x• ' NIEL DR CHURCH R • CGS .TARMECAME c.EE �J Ev4i DLO R oor ty R.5 xuE Ro ! 4CE j !'p "C!" RD J Al. '$ 4 DR. y� 101 qA t S'C• LAWCA S ER�g C0-UNTY - c O. M. C. i tDK �t�R `��•� ow sa�� H4. Rlp� o r�N�E+•E p0 �t 41� t' g1MON PSRO• ylw x• ' NIEL DR CHURCH R • CGS .TARMECAME c.EE �J Ev4i DLO R oor ty R.5 xuE Ro ! 4CE j !'p "C!" RD J Al. '$ 4 DR. y� 101 qA t S'C• LAWCA S ER�g C0-UNTY - c O. M. C. Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WMX Technologies Compairy Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham AL35124 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WW Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 " b Topo Map: Site UN 105 + _ Fields 1 and 2 ; p R ee� o l Scale: 1" = 24,000'— - - uL!t— c\t 5831 ` Soo 0.LAI P` Bra 550 SO • RICHAR OT \ r650 1 J % = - 72 ell 62 'J \ ! L%724 t10 /` \ ,� \• ! � �' � ' \ to y �- \ % . u 698 1 -1'� �� � ' !l/' 765 Ce ' J Heath. Memorial Towers \718 _� = // c ,. \ \.. Rehobeth O I/ 1a oP� / Ch 1rp \ a' Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WMX Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 Flood Plain: Site UN105 Fields 1 and 2 Scale: 1" = 1,000' II07 ZONE C MEMMMlim Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division A WW Technologies Company Tel. 205.664.8440 Southern Region Fax 205.664.7678 908 Belcher Drive Pelham, AL 35124 Soils Map: Site UN105 Fields 1 and 2 Scale: 1" = 24,000' (Joins sheef 26) GI82 Gf82 Gf62 GfB2 TaD UC2 T6C2 Gf82 '`. a Ce62 CeB2 ChA TbC2 CeC2 TaD f CeC2 - PaF-2 N ROne rQnC ChA , . ceez n ChA PaE2 PaE2�� `- CeB2 - - r. i Irea AeB 7: CeC2 AeB' PaE2 AeB q .CeB2 AeB A8C 1 PaL2 ate' t ' . 1111 �'' CeC1 ' F AeB / a AeB f AeB �S-{. AeB }Ce62 `u t.. _ AgC urz ASC. WS L 4- -o z PaE2x APC AeB - 5 f� + y-: � ,. F .fs t '�^s AeB t �.- 1112 U132 c r Ae6': t U kietith . AeB a Memorial Ch Rehobethf. AeB'' ' ;CeB2 c PgC�. AB t Ce62 Y c \ Z A6V 4 CeC2 �•,,,�(f� AeB .a t `--• - ^6" • �`: ` rrm AeB Ce82 a t' Pgc N \ cecz) - iEPORTNUMBER A&L.E`ASTERN AGRICULTU.RAL,LABORATORIE% INC. 7621;White ine Road Richmond, Vir inia 23237 • : 804 743 9401� r�;f • Fax., No. '(804): 271�6446> SAMPLES ACCT ;9U008 SEND SUBMITTED TO `' ��® 6RO GrS If'ST '�Si.' TNC'■ GROWER: : J OE';'ROIDCEit'S.r UN105` eY; TODD ' LARSON �;OCK ` l ILL' COPY ' T:.O: 000 LARSON' s K 908 <-6EL4h E D'RI VE DATE'..RCr--IVE.D 05/24,497 )ATE'OFRHPORT N ;'O5/22f4T PAGE:, tl�. SQIL`'ANA►LYSIS REPO��T DATE i•0P ANALYSIS 05/21`/97 n' :, v �'�a - •, .. , ^> , �� y�" ;' ■■M, r 'a � '__;OS - ..." N..N ^}., R — i .T � -0 �i1S��"�!PO�A •... k �, � 'f" . • .. „c SIUM�?�Hl�.�a�ESI,U..��'Cl�,1.k�CIU1�s�;��a��&0.�1�1T1[�,.:���������R��ka'�'�x.. , S•x• .. k.^. r ^+ � I�„ r .. •°1 `A4.a.'r; 9. �i µ'DJ" ~`� �,� : pp y4yyyy�� (,J•r�" a .+ w'1�YyI.[ i, , �!r�r ur.f ri'tJ'. f,;. ,,. . , ,. aM I'w r!x':�Y y,,+.' M n �'y,b. .W!:'h �4'11.3Y:'4�M q.(:.• Y J- n}, �.�p m B K „C? L 4' .:. 7 :,. w , ., ,r'�w`). r� ... �� •, y^ '. 5 1 . •,,.�' '� n4 wx � 4 ;*'•.. , re. .":fr. 5�5...,..: .'.� S �",1��� ,,. : r "t,... ? ��,�,"..��'81�^r�a°w.•�r.l?,m Z-V V%��`''5.�8� , P..: IL ,M.. �,:.. Rx.':i ,,s �..'� r x':li'd!a` ' ?f. - �. ,,... ::� k'tk5` '•. rt ,�-i b.9': � �.�; � , � : " r �' �����". �,,, �$� c- p � �-l�n +'* t�.wk'"^.. .,.�' �y. rix��Y!W,l 8�",Q 2.5 f"���•'3��"`^�r F.-hF� w.. ?a�'�i��,.' rS:J Y Q �fT' <51 . 3..6 " r !� � ..:.r:. '.Y 4 .b:: ,'� . ,�T •'(� ✓I') C Xk , 5t.2 ` *p����'`'°'' !Y X14� .4,;, .. � ,:i.'1 �,t: 9,0. {Q�".��.� S+. 'ti 0 . . 3..5: ,i. 7..u,::, s yu ?20 5 �, w : Il:2:'�� _ 9 ;: rs. 1 "V •-L :; .. d:.v-,.. 'I r :r i�•c.`�,.`,'.t `3b.' L 75 ' VH `-.250',1�: 3 F. QI u ;. . 7:20:4.5t`3'V. ,. 68 ' V t );`5}I:1 ,. T� N :,13T..,;jjJ> 550 M . 18 VL;t:S..- . b.:::.10 _5.1 3.E .` ,2.2 :.5,' 9.0. 1�5: �i;rfG a, c ' v r .'.: in ;,•:; r. ,. .. ':. :I' T. lRFF PXPI ANATIr7N f7N RACKIii cf - vt r1 ,• .. :=.I - _ ' �° ..J:rat! +frf .:f �� , ` �'�* � ..� '. r ,�. 4:3 ✓ �,,.i: �` "�#.�" Fp !3 � r.. Jd • � 'y^, k: 1'�, a �y"k� S :eF�- •+f�.., y)" t : g� ,'�'� k� '13' .. ,, "E �.:p� A. ,. 4" "'3 � ,.i� p „ .s �1. �q,� '�>F^ �•�s ,,��"'";�'aT+,..,0 � . ��(.�Ir . a f '�unY �r 1 ��' f r�1 k"J.d B:, 4 -M+�}. 7, , �!"F`... '��fi:'Yi�:' .r ,,�i ... oIA�`L` ,P )'�" Y,h ;. ��t, � -�..x "s.'- ti fi • , S%f5f 'r ., •k'V�',: ,.,14r , wr '" � 5' '.,'7 f'' , �' xd s t ' y, ��..... � ,:4 a. � G'� '. _� '^u?;7, f , J'�: A ' zu :�5+: � '�'B� c fe��� .e'. "P' •r • ,(r: �., �' � - E. ^tr,'.�, ,..�'Ifr,�...,,. ,...�, w+. kORIQ�d. ,+" ' � , � r,"" ( 4� iR�4,`y '' 4' '. �. � A;1�/�=7^.�'.'� , ak+ •^ a SF `r',:•:...y <J?i`�k� '4, ',c" Rw :( gam,.. M: ' - " 1' 3 r , ad. 7��' L5 •'� i., {, �piy 15+r .i+L? ,"� — �, , f� . . �Pr ' w �i. .iV..k�•+�`.�r. � , .:'9 mill 4'� H .5 t 24 N 1.5 H 0.5 L.3'`Vi ? 4� 1 125.rV 1.0;M' ®:. <.'S`NL; ' This report le(s) tested. Samples are retained a maximum afterng. Soil dnalysls prepared by: m I um o .. LT_URAL,LABORATORIES, INC. RJR - .. C. _ .. - .CODE TO RATING: VERY LOW (VL), LOW (L), MtuluM km), r,wn (n), vtnx rvun.tvn), M[Nlu fvurvc pvr. NNn, o, •..v ,.. ENR - ESTIMATED NITROGEN RELEASE ""' MULTIPLY THE RESULTS IN ppm BY 2.4 TO CONVERT TO LBS. PER ACRE KZO " _.. _.. , ,-..-- .... •.., ...�.,.. , -...,. ,.....,, , ,n+, nn, ume mnv a CONVERT T. � BS .. ACRE nn„ �„ ,urure Hero EPORT NUMBER: A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. RI 41 -045. 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 - (804) 743-9401 Fax No.(804) 271-6446 SEND TO: B1'O'-GRO SYSTEMS, '.INC. 90.8 `. BELCHER 'DRIVE PELHAM AL 35124'...' ATE 0' NEPORT 051237,97 1 PAGE.,' GROWER: JOE RODGERS.� UNI 05 ROCK,'HILL S.01 L . ;A . NALYSIS REPORT ACCT # SAMPLES SUBMITTED TODD LARSO BY: N COPY TO: TODD LARso'. DATE RECEIVED 05466,4977 DATE OF ANALYSIS 05 ', P11 #b ry g Ir aMl ';k",ri PB igyvmtn-.rn & . OAR, 01 07205 .0,7206 fi -A1h.I.qr.L.rr, ­# A2 F'F'M 07205, 1 .6 5 - 11 0. 91 0. 01 --0. 26 5 07206 1 .13 < 5 1 12 .."0or 0., 0 1 5 .15 Till. re o Iles,I fk;, "—Al. ur reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced In whole or In part, nor may any reference be made retal y k the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. A&L by ffNflMNW Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Section 4.0 Soils Information Soil Borings for Sites UN97 through UN105 were conducted in May, 1997. Soil Boring Key: Site Field Soils UN97 1 Ce132 2 CeB2 3 Ce132 and Gf132 4 GfB2 5 CeB2 6 CeB2 UN98 1 TbB2 2 TbB2 UN99 1 CeB2 2 CeB2 3 CeB2 4 FgC UN100 1 ZnB 2 TbB2 UN101 1 TbB2 2 TbB2 3 TbB2 UN102 1 TbB2 2 TaB 3 TaC, MhA 4 TaB, CmB, TbB2 5 TaB, TbB2 6 TbB2 7 TaB, TbB2, ScA 8 TbB2 UN103 1 TbB2 2 TaB 3 TaB 4 TbB2 5 TaB 6 TaB 7 TaB 8 TaB- UN104 1 TbB2 2 TbB2 3 TbB2 UN105 1 AeB 2 AeB Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Physical and Chemical Properties of the Soils Soil Series Infiltration Percolation Texture Available water Shrink/swell Depth Water Capacity (in/hour) capacity (in/hr) potential Sea (in/hr) Pacolet PgC 0.6 - 2.0 0.6 - 2.0 Clay loam .10 - .14 Low >6.0 Cecil CeB2 2.0 - 6.0 0.6 - 2.0 Sandy clay loam .13 - .15 Low 6.0 Misenheimer 0.6 - 6.0 0.6 - 6.0 Sandy loam 0.12 - 0.18 Low -- MhA CID CmB 0.6 - 2.0 0.6 - 2.0 Silty loam .14 - .20 Low 1.5 - 2.5 Dec - May Georgeville 0.6 - 2.0 0.6 - 2.0 Clay .13 - .18 Low 6.0 GfB2 Secrestcod 0.6 - 2.0 0.6 - 2.0 Sandy clay loam .08 - .15 Low 1.5 - 2.5 Complex ScA Dec - May Tatum TbB2 - 0.6 - 2.0 0.6 - 2.0 Silty loam .10 - .17 Low 6.0 Zion ZnB 0.6 - 2.0 .06 - 0.6 y Loam .14 - .20 Low 6.0 Tatum TaC 0.0 - .06 0.0 - .06 Sandy clay loam .08 - .12 Moderate 3-4 Tatum TaB 0.0 - .06 0.0 - .06 Sandy clay loam .08 - .12 Moderate 3-4 Ailey AeB 6.0 - 20 6.0 - 20 Sandy loam .03 - .05 Low 4-5 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Boring Log Predominant Depth Color Texture Bedrock Mottling Soil Cecil 0" - 6" yellowish red 5YR 5/6 gravelly sandy clay No loam 6" - 47" red 2.5 YR 4/6 Clay No Misenheimer 0" - 6" greyish brown channery sandy loam No 10 YR 5/3 6" - 18" pale yellow channery sandy loam No Yes 2.5 Y 7/4 18" - 24" Yes CiD 0' - 4" light brown channery silt 10YR 6/2 4" - 9" pale yellow sandy clay loam No Yes 2.5 YR 7/4 16" - 22" light yellowish brown, 10YR 6/4" clay 22" - 27" greyish brown sandy clay No Yes 10 YR 5/2 27" - 32" Yes Georgeville 0" - 7" reddish brown sandy clay loam No 5 YR 5/4 7" - 37" red clay No 2.5 YR 4/6 Secrest 0" - 8" pale brown sandy loam No 10 YR 6/3 Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Secrest 8" - 11" olive yellow 2.5 Y 6/6 11" - 21" brownish yellow 10 YR 6/6 21" - 43" brownish yellow 10 YR 6/6 Tatum 0" - 6" yellowish red 5 YR 5/4 6" - 23" red 2.5 YR 4/6 23" - 33" red 2.5 YR 4/8 ' 33" - 45" mixed red 2.5 YR 5/8 Zion 0" - 8" brown 10 YR 5/3 8" - 15" yellow brown 10 YR 5/4 15" - 23" dark yellow brown 10 YR 4/4 23" - 26" yellowish brown 10 YR 5/8 30" Pacolet 0" - 5" yellowish red 5 YR 5/6 5" - 26" red 2.5 YR 4/8 sandy loam No sandy clay loam No sandy clay loam No gravelly No sandy clay loam clay No sandy clay loam No sandy clay loam No gravelly loam No r gravelly clay loam No blocky No gravelly clay loam No Yes sandy clay loam No clay No Yes Yes Yes Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Bio Gro Division m Permit Application City of Rock Hill, South Carolina City of Rock Hill, South Carolina Pacolet 26" - 35" red sandy clay loam No Yes 2.5 YR 5/8 Ailey 0" - 7" brown loamy sand No 10 YR 5/3 7" - 25" light yellow brown loamy sand No 10 YR 4/6 25" - 36" yellow brown sandy loam No 10 YR 5/8 V Wheelabrator Water Technologies Inc. Bio Gro Division Bio Gro Division