HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051607 Ver 1_More Info Received_20051212HUGH J. GILLEECE & ASSOCIATES P.A. 873 WALNUT STREET SUITE 360 CARY, NORTII CAROLINA 27511 (909) 469-1101 Fax: (919) 460-7637 TO -t- LIEUTEIM @IF CTmZZmSn9C1rCad ATTENTION IRE: WE ARE SENDING YOU ? Attached O Under separate cover via the following items: ? Shop drawings ? Prints O Plans O Samples O Specifications 4?f Copy of letter ? Change order ? COPIES DATE NO. CRIPTION DE 1 17?(/O-1' S 1 .TI s-cL 1uL{ p•c"?'1 Jrn t !?/iL??i- ? ?'t?'?J <'? ?-'';.ic'.i?t;;^???' Wi??t?.-?G..cc? ?•? c'f-?o.•,? ? / y,r G%J'L1.LI,4 s?? ??]?l.l..lu?.??•. < yr ?VIC1 Y`L ?7(1'C:. t'.` G.(2C1/}?.' ?(J..JIDi !i'? ?i THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as chocked below: O For approval ? Approved as submitted ? Resubmit copies for approval For your uSo ? Approved as noted O Submit copios for distribution ?4As requested ? Rotumod for corrections O Roturn corroctod prints O For review and comment ? ? FOR BIDS DUE 20 O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS L9 Q? 2 0VIE 00 DEC 12 2005 LEN ti -'NWJ R QUALITY "E T LANDS N,D STC i,l f',,OTER BRANCH COPY TO SIGNED: y' ? ???-- I/ enU01U/e8 are not as noted, kindly notify ua of once. STORMWATER CONTOL STRUCTURE BIO-RETENTION MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT PROJECT: Highland Village RESPONSIBLE PARTY: DHIC, Inc. PHONE #: (919) 832-4345 ADDRESS: 113 S. Wilmington St. Raleigh NC 27601 Monthly or after every runoff producing rainfall, whichever comes first: a. Remove debris from bio-retention area. b. Inspect for ponding, washed-out areas, and soil conditions. c. Check for eroded areas of bio-retention area and repair before next rainfall. d. Check vegetation conditions within the bio-retention area and replace if necessary any damaged plant materials. II. Quarterly a. Inspect the collection system (i.e., catch basin, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates, and basin bottoms, and check piping for obstructions. b. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. Repair if necessary. c. Repair any broken pipes. d. Remulch any void areas by hand whenever needed. e. Replace rip rap at out let pipe that is choked with sediment. III. Semi-Annually a. Reseed grass swale or border twice yearly. b. Apply new mulch twice yearly. IV. General a. All components of bio-retention area to be kept in working order. b. This property and bio-retention area is also subject to the Operations and Maintenance Manual filed in relation to this project. c. In case the ownership of the Impoundment Transfers, the current owner shall, within thirty (30) days of transfer of ownership, notify the Town of Cary Engineering Department, Stormwater Management Division of such ownership transfer. I, ?lrelt/ /?,q bill's 0 n hereby acknowledge that I am the financially responsible party for maintenance of this impoundment. I will perform the maintenance as outlined above, as part of the Certificate of Compliance with Stormwa r Regulations received for this project. Signature: Date: Z O I, en l u U? ?. , a Notary Public for the State of d6r-?h 0A n County of Ip?QlLz- , do hereby certify that tYe )(J Eohi n g? personally appeared before me this O 4h day of _bP(\,Pm 6 ,gf , 2004 and acknowledge due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, Seal _ My commission expires: 'q - 31- "wo 12 ckc Maintenance !agreement C:\word Files\5400.15\M3intenance.doc Ccf t'1 Return to., Thomas L. Horstman, CPESC Erosion Control Supervisor DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Town of Cary PO Box 8005, Cary, NC 27512 NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY DEED OF RESERVOIR WATERSHED PROTECTION AND ACCESS AND MAINTENANCE EASEMENTS . AND AGREEMENT Highland Village Planned Community Cary. North Carolina THIS DEED OF EASEMENTS AND AGREEMENT is made this day of December, 2004, by and among (i) "Highland Village" developer DHIC, INC. a. North Carolina non-profit corporation ("Developer"); (ii) Highland Seniors Limited Partnership, a North Carolina limited partnership; (iii) Highland Village Limited Partnership, a North Carolina limited partnership, and (iv Highland Manor Apartments, Inc., a North Carolina non-profit corporation, parties of the first part and all having a principal address or 113 S. Wilmington Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 with, to, and for the benefit of the Town of Cary, a municipal corporation of the State of North Carolina ("Grantee" or the "Town") having an address, of Post Office Box 8005, Cary North Carolina 27512-8005, party of the second part. WI TNESSETH: WHEREAS, DHIC is the developer of "Highland Village Planned Community" ("Highland Village") located off High House Road in the Town of Cary, Wake County, North Carolina situated on a tract of land more particularly described as: BEING all of Tract 2 containing 17.9865 acres as shown on plat as shown on plat dated March 18, 2002 and recorded in the office of the Wake County Registry of Deeds,(the "County Registry') in Book of Maps 2002, Page 580, Wake County Registry, and being the same land conveyed to DHIC by deed recorded in the County Registry in Book 9370, Page 2182 (the "Highland Village Tract" or the "Property"); and WHEREAS, since acquiring the Highland Village Tract, DHIC has subdivided the parcel into six (6) tracts together with the creation of "Matheson Place (60' Public R/W)" and the extension of "Falcone Parkway (60' Public R/W)" pursuant to plat entitled "Highland Village, A Planned Unit Development," dated November 27, 2003 and recorded in the County Registry in Book of Maps 2002, Page 2030; and WHEREAS, DHIC is currently the owner of all of Lots 1, 2, and 3 of the Highland Village Tract but has conveyed the remaining three lots to other affiliate entities including the conveyance of (i) Lot 4 to Highland Seniors Limited Partnership ("Highland Seniors Partnership") by deed recorded in the County Registry in Book 9794, Page 1604; (ii) Lot 5 to Highland Village Limited Partnership ("Highland Village Partnership") by deed recorded in the County Registry in Book 10565, Page 167, and (ii) Lot 6 to Highland Manor Apartments, Inc. ("Highland Manor") by deed recorded in the County Registry in Book 10565, Page 162; and WHEREAS, the Highland Village Tract being located in a Reservoir Watershed Protection District within the Town's planning jurisdiction is subject to certain requirements set forth in the Town's Land Development Ordinance, as such ordinance may be amended from time to time (collectively, with all amendments thereto, if any, the "Cary LDO"); and WHEREAS, the Town has conditioned the development of the Property upon Developer's implementation of certain watershed protection measures including but not limited to (i) the conveyance or dedication of three (3) "Reservoir Watershed Protection" easements (the "RWP Easements"); (ii) the construction, operation and maintenance of one or more engineered stormwater control structures as required by the Cary LDO Including, as appropriate, bio•retention areas, grassed swales, inlet pipes, catch basins, rip rap, together with the establishment and maintenance of vegetative filters and groundcovers (collectively, the "Stormwater Control Structures"); (iii) the dedication of one or more "Access and Maintenance Easements for the Town's inspection and maintenance of the RWP Easement areas and the. Stormwater Control Structures respectively appurtenant thereto (the "Access and Maintenance Easements") and (iii) Developer's assumption and responsibility for certain specified maintenance and repair responsibilities together with the Benefited Property Owners' (as hereinafter defined) assumption of secondary liability for such responsibilities under the conditions specified herein; and WHEREAS, the "RWP Easements" and "Access and Maintenance Easements" are depicted as "Storm Water Best Management Practice, Access and Maintenance Easement(s)" "1 ,,, `2," (both as located on Lot 1) and "3" (located on Lot 5) as shown on plat and survey entitled "Easement Plat for Highland Village, A Planned Unit Development," Cary, Wake County, NC, dated December 15, 2004, prepared by Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc., Consulting Engineers," (the "Easement Plat"), which plat is (i) attached hereto as Exhibit A and hereby incorporated by reference and (ii) duly recorded or to be recorded in the County Registry; and 1934293 'ej V V Y WHEREAS, (i) DHIC is the fee simple owner of Lot 1 upon which "Easement #1" and "Easement #2" (as both such easements are shown on the Easement Plat) are located and (ii) Highland Village Partnership is the fee simple owner of Lot 5 upon which Easement #3 (as shown on the Easement Plat) is located; and WHEREAS, while no RWP Easements, Access and Maintenance Easements or Stormwater Control Structures are located on Lot 4 and Lot 6, these lots and their respective owners Highland Seniors Partnership and Highland Manor are beneficiaries of such easements and structures and the Town's allowing Developer to proceed with developing the Property pursuant to the execution and delivery of this instrument and the Town's issuance of a certification of compliance for the Property in connection with its stormwater management requirements; Highland Seniors Partnership, Highland Manor together with Highland Village Partnership are secondarily responsible for Developer's compliance with the Stormwater Management Requirements and the general management of stormwater on their respective lots; and WHEREAS, the Town has procured this Deed of Easements and Agreement in accordance with the requirements of N.C.G.S. Sec 143-211 et• seq. and Chapter 10, Part 3 of the Cary LOO; and WHEREAS, (i) DHIC in its capacity as Developer shall hereinafter be referred to as "Developer;" (ii) DHIC and Highland Village Partnership in their capacity as grantors of the RWP Easements and the Access and Maintenance Easements" as shown on the Easement Plat shall hereinafter be referred to collectively as "Grantor; and (iii) Highland Village Partnership, Highland Seniors Partnership and Highland Manor in their respective capacities as fee simple owners of property within Highland Village benefiting from the execution and delivery of this instrument and the Town's issuance of a certification of compliance for the Property in connection with its stormwater management requirements shall be hereinafter- referred to collectively, as the "Additional Benefited Owners;"and WHEREAS, all the aforesaid recitals are incorporated within the body of this instrument as if fully set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration including the respective benefits to and the Town's allowing the continued development of the Property and other good and valuable consideration between and among the parties hereto, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, DHIC and Highland Village Limited Partnership has dedicated, bargained and conveyed and by these presents does hereby dedicate bargain, sell, grant and convey unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, the following perpetual, and irrevocable rights and easements in, on, over, under, through and across respectively Lots 1 and 5 of the Highland Village Tract for (2) those RWP Easements (as defined above and shown and depicted as described above on the Easement Plat) within which easements Developer shall construct, maintain, repair and reconstruct as necessary the Stormwater Control Structures (as 193s29v3 3 defined above), and (2) those certain Access and Maintenance Easements (as defined above and shown and depicted as described above on the Easement Plat) as shown and depicted on the Easement Plat, which latter easements shall be for the purpose of permitting the Town's inspection and, if necessary, its maintenance and repair of the RWP Easement areas and Stormwater Control Structures as more fully set forth herein and in the Cary UDO. The additional terms, conditions, and restrictions of this conveyance and agreement are as follows, Developer agrees it shall maintain the RWP Easement areas in accordance with the provisions set forth in Chapter 4, Part 4.6 of the Cary LDO and the "Operation and Maintenance Manual for Highland Village, Cary, NC," dated and prepared by Hugh J.. Gilleece, III and Associates (the "Operations and Maintenance Manual"), a copy of which is on file with the Town Engineering Department and which shall be recorded in . the County Registry by its attachment hereto as "Attachment One". Developer further agrees that as appropriate it (or its assigns) shall at its sole cost and expense perform the following work and maintenance respectively within and to the RWP Easements areas and the Stormwater Control Structures appurtenant thereto. 1.1 Monthly or after every runoff producing rainfall, whichever event shall first occur: 1.1.1 Remove debris from bio-retention area. 1.1.2 Inspect for ponding, washed-out areas, and soil conditions. 1.1.3 Check for eroded areas of bio-retention area and repair as is reasonably practical before next rainfall. 1.1.4 Check vegetation conditions within the bio-retention area and replace i( necessary any damaged plant materials. 1.2 Quarterly. 1.2.1 Inspect the collection system (i.e., catch basin, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates, and basin bottoms, and check piping for obstructions. 1.2.2 Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. Repair if necessary. 1.2.3 Repair any broken pipes. 1.2.4 Re-mulch any void areas by hand whenever needed. 1.2.5 Replace rip rap at out let pipe that is choked with sediment. 1.3 Semi-Annually. 1934293 4 W_lVvv 1.3.1 Reseed grass Swale or border twice yearly. 1.3.2 Apply new mulch twice yearly. 1.4 General Maintenance. 1.4.1 All components of bio-retention area to be kept in working order. 1.4.2 The Property and bio-retention area are also subject to the terms, restrictions and conditions of the Operations and Maintenance Manual attached hereto and pursuant to the recordation of this instrument duly filed in the County Registry. 1.4.3 In the event a change in ownership of the Property occurs, the current owner shall notify the Stormwater Management Division of the Town of Cary Engineering Department within thirty (30) days of such title transfer. 2. Developer represents and warrants that Developer is financially responsible for construction, maintenance, repair and replacement of all Stormwater Control Structures, appurtenances and vegetation including any and all impoundments. In consideration of the Town's issuance to Developer. of a Certificates of Compliance" with stormwater regulations for the Property, Developer agrees to, perform the maintenance as outlined above and in the Operations and Maintenance Manual (collectively, the "Stormwater Management Requirements"). In the event Developer fails to comply with the Stormwater Management Requirements, or any other obligations imposed herein or by the Cary LDO or Operations and Maintenance Manual, (i) the Additional Benefited Owners (as defined above) shall be responsible for controlling stormwater on their respective lots as required by the Town and (ii) the Town may fulfill such requirements and perform such work as Developer is responsible for and recover from Developer all costs and expenses in connection therewith. 4. This Easement and Agreement grants, gives and provides Grantee, its officers, employees, and agents the affirmative right to: . 4.1 Enter the RWP Easement and Access Easement areas whenever reasonably necessary for the purpose of inspection in order to determine Developer's compliance the Stormwater Management Requirements; 4.2 To maintain the stormwater management system and make repairs or replacements to the Stormwater Control Structures and appurtenances as may be necessary or convenient thereto: and 4.3 In the event Developer defaults in its obligations to recover from Developer the cost of carrying out Developer's stormwater management responsibilities and in addition to other rights and remedies available to it, to enforce by proceedings at 193a29v3 law or in equity the rights, covenants, duties, and other obligations herein imposed DHIC and Highland Village Partnership as Grantor or an affiliate thereof shall in all other respects (i) remain the fee owner of the Property and areas subject to the easements granted herein and (ii) may make all lawful uses of Property not inconsistent with such easements; provided further, however, that Grantor agrees that the terms, conditions and restrictions of this instrument shall be inserted by Grantor in any subsequent deed or other legal instrument by which DHIC and Highland Village Partnership respectively divest themselves of any of their respective fee simple or possessory interests (with the exception of residential leases or deeds to townhouse and condominium owners entered into in the ordinary course of business) in their respective portions of the Property. The designation Grantor and Grantee shall include DHIC and Highland Village Partnership and their respective successors and assigns. 6. Grantee shall not waive or forfeit the right to take any action to ensure compliance with the terms, conditions, restrictions and purposes set forth in this instrument by any prior failure to act. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid rights, privileges, and easements herein granted to Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, and DHIC and Highland Village Partnership as Grantor do each respectively covenant that each is seized respectively of Lots 1 and 5 of the Highland Village Tract in fee and has the right to convey the same, and except as to matters of title set forth on Schedule A (the "Permitted Exceptions"), such real property is free from all encumbrances and that each Grantor will warrant and defend the title to its respective lot or parcel of the Property against the claims of all persons whosoever. The covenants agreed hereto and the conditions imposed herein shall be binding as appropriate upon Grantor in its capacity as property owner and DHIC in its capacity as property owner and Developer and their respective agents, successors and assigns and all other successors to Grantor and Developer in interest and shall continue as a servitude running in perpetuity with the above described land. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, DHIC as Developer and Grantor and Highland Village Partnership as "Grantor" have caused this instrument to be signed in their respective names by their respective duly authorized officers and general partner and their respective seal to be hereunto affixed by authority duly given as of the day and year first above written. [SIGNATURE PAGES AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ATTACHED) 1934291v3 Signature and Acknowledgment Page Deed of Easement and Agreement DHIC, Inc., Grantor and Developer Highland Village Limited Partnership, Grantor Highland Seniors Limited Partnership et al Additional Benefited Owners Town of Cary, Grantee GRANTOR and DEVELOPER: DHIC, INC., a North Carolina non-profit corporation By: Greg ry R Warr n, President -- ;` ? ,??pa?rn?nnnnugAnp ATT Ir ST. Secretary a N _ d ' - HA. t (Affix Corporate Seal) -l" ? C? / NORTH CAROLINA ^fTy?s?'a,1?„? L7,,??oner'??~ WAKE COUNTY A a Notary Public for the State and County aforesaid do hereby certify that a nArr, !a a rp ? personally appeared before me this day and acknowledge that the is the Secretary of DHIC, Inc. and that the aforesaid instrument was signed in its corporate name by its President and the corporate seal duly affixed hereto all by authority duly given. Witness my hand and official seal this A5? day of December, 2004. -? w Notary Public My Commission Expires, (31 ?pOCp 193429Y2 193429v3 Signature and Acknowledgment Page Deed of Easement and Agreement DHIC, Inc., Grantor and Developer Highland Village Limited Partnership, Grantor Highland Seniors Limited Partnership et al Additional Benefited Owners Town of Cary, Grantee GRANTOR and ADDITIONAL BENEFITED PROPERTY OWNER: HIGHLAND VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a North Carolina Limited Partnership (SEAL) By: Highland Village Development, Inc., a North Carolina corporation and its general partner (SEAL) By Atteit: f Gre ory F. W ren, President 'r Sect-eta`^y („ ifix Corpordte.Seal) NORTH CAR0Li, NA WAKE COUNTY I, Lj I,-::- ? :',r ?zf! , a Notary Public for the State and County aforesaid do hereby certify that a.. ? a ?=A?r personally appeared before me this day and acknowledge that the is the Secretary of Highland Village Development Corporation which is the General Partner of HIGHLAND VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSSIP (the "Limited Partnership") and that the aforesaid instrument was signed on its in its corporate name in its capacity as General Partner of the Limited Partnership by its President and the corporate seal duly affixed hereto all by authority duly given. Witness my hand and official seal this,?;ROT%ay of December, 2004. l Notary Public My Commission Expires.* ?,? 193429vz a Signature and Acknowledgment Page Deed of Easement and Agreement DHIC, Inc.. Grantor and Developer Highland Village Limited Partnership, Grantor Highland Seniors Limited Partnership et at Additional Benefited Owners Town of Cary, Grantee [AFFIX CORPORATE SEAL) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE ADDITIONAL BENEFITED PROPERTY OWNER: HIGHLAND SENIORS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a North Carolina limited partnership (SEAL) By: HIGHLAND SENIORS DEVELOPMENT, INC., a North Carolina corporation, its managing general partner By: ?/' k (?? t V V ?-U Name: Natalie Connell Title: Vice President Ja Notary Public for the State and County aforesaid, certify that Natalie Connell personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged that she is Vice President of HIGHLAND SENIORS DEVELOPMENT, INC., a North Carolina corporation (the "Corporation") and managing general partner of HIGHLAND SENIORS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a North Carolina limited partnership (the "Partnership") and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Corporation in its capacity as general partner of the Partnership, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by her as its Vice President and sealed with its corporate seal. Witness my hand and official seal this ,20 l day of A(A'P'l, l, 2004. J J ?. Notary Public My commission expires: abo tp 193429v3 9 Signature and Acknowledgment Page Deed of Easement and Agreement DHIC, Inc., Grantor and Developer Highland Village Limited Partnership, Grantor Highland Seniors Limited Partnership et al Additional Benefited Owners Town of Cary, Grantee Additional Benefited Property Owner: HIGHLAND MANOR APARTMENTS, INC., a North Carolina non-profit corporation_ ,C - - - Name: Drew Robinson - '-- -- Title: Vice President [AFFIX-CORPORATE SEAL) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE Isar L; ti a Notary Public for the State and County aforesaid, certify that Drew Robinson personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged that he is Vice President of HIGHLAND MANOR APARTMENTS INC. a North Carolina non-profit corporation (the "Corporation") and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by him as its Vice President and sealed with its corporate seal. Witness my hand and official seal thisc2drh day of 1 2004. Notary Public My commission expires: J,__>JL_ t 3 1 ?Ov 1934293 10 I v? SP f E c' €- _ 8E tla 9 . €L Ii Em BNa ? I S 7 a g -.eF• - OLp"-., r:. c. cx:o N7nTN z - ?CklZp• ?.. ?nr?'est i I •'? ??? ;ice ? \ e ri {,+ 6 FXEnTT A EASE' ra'NTFOR THE EL14EFIT OF nM CIS`! OC'CARY MC;R?M Va.LAGP PLASNN D CON:MUNIIY •I g i p l1- ? fl SI ( k 1 ?( rl (E a i: C a ? a t 'i a a i 5r e ot a tl: ha t '- t B ' (? 3c c : t: :e t a a e tt 2 as c c A a=.e,r xz Ir 6 {A )Mal z S C; 4 ?? IF O r1ie!I =a o o ! i? 8 ? I; '? ? fit{ I 9 - ? 7viV ??3 i i U 7.1 E m c??'?g I ? u III ? q;7 I, t n II s= ?? { 3? il' :;• x$ A G p~_ ??' r LL • ??2 ? off ??/ ? 3 n ? z _::3?_: ? a z o c? Siq _? ? + o Lsr?t •` ' ? c OI` r51r+? !j { x ; t o : P`?i ? 2 ? S 1lv? ? ?,i l ? j1. 4!a I SI? ? ? ?? tIf'•t a? : ? 4? R r e i F P a a P i 9 1 C, o0> S n ?nq c m K t17?1y0„_. y' •n es? x O ,•Mt O H OC> n dz? 9v ooh zz?. t t I ' wI ATTACHMENT ONE OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE MANUAL STORMWATER CONTROL STRUCTURE AND B10-RETENTION AREA(S) Responsible Party: DHIC, INC. Address: 113 South Wilmington Street, Raleigh, NC. Phone Number: (919) 832-4343 Prepared by: Hugh J. Gilleece, IIII and Associates Date: Project: HIGHLAND VILLAGE PLANNED COMMUNITY Date Constructed: November 2003 Location: High House Rd., Cary, North Carolina Receiving Water Course, Swift Creek (Neuse River Basinj Contractor(s): (Listed below): Landscape Contractor Custis Nursery, Inc. Grading Contractor Mammouth Grading OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL HIGHLAND VILLAGE STORMWATER BIO-RETENTION AREA This manual establishes procedures for maintenance and operation of the Highland Village Bio-retention area (s) in accordance with the Town of Cary guidelines as set forth in the LDO Section 4.4.6 MAINTENANCE OF 910-RETENTION AREAS Vegetation-- The drainage areas have a ground cover of warm season grasses or fescue, which if properly maintained will prevent erosion of the embankment and provide an easy surface for inspection. The grass will be most difficult to obtain in the area subject to water level fluctuation. Grass should be fertilized every October and April. Re-Seeding- Periodic re-seeding may be required to establish grass on areas where seed did not take or have been destroyed. Before seeding, fertilizer (12-12-12) should be applied at a minimum rate of 12 to 15 pounds per 1,000 SF. The seed should be evenly sown at a rate of three pounds per 1,000 SF. The seed should be covered with soil to the depth of approximately '/d". Immediately following the planting, the area should be mulched with straw. Trees and Shrubs Trees, shrubs and other landscape vegetation should be permitted only as shown on the approved planting plan. The vegetation should be kept healthy and vibrant. If a tree or shrub dies it should be removed and replaced with another tree or shrub from the same species (see attached maintenance schedule). Mowing-Grass . mowing, brush cutting and removal of weed vegetation will be necessary for the proper maintenance of the areas. AJI area slopes and vegetation should be mowed when the grass exceeds 8" in height. Acceptable methods include the use of weed whips or power brush cutters and mowers. Erosion---Erosion occurs when the water concentrates causing failure of the vegetation or when vegetation dies and sets up the environment for rill erosion and eventually gullies from the stormwater runoff. The areas should be inspected. Proper care of vegetative areas that develop erosion is required to prevent more serious damage to the site. Rills and gullies should be filled with suitable soil compacted and then seeded. Methods described earlier on vegetation should be used to properly establish the grass surface. Where eroded areas are detected, the cause of the erosion should be addressed to prevent a continued maintenance problem. Frequently, problems result from the concentration of runoff to one point of the bio-retention area instead of a j uniform distribution of runoff. This can be corrected by reshaping, to more evenly distribute the runoff to areas not experiencing erosion problems. Rodent Control-Generally in this urban environment, rodents are not a problem. Rodents such as groundhogs, muskrats and moles are attracted to moist, wet areas and can be quite dangerous to structural integrity and proper performance of the earthwork and drainage. Groundhogs and muskrats thrive on burrowing into the manmade earthwork, which become pathways for seepage. In the event that burrows are detected within the bio-retention area, the rodents should be dealt with by removal. Trash and Debris--Trash acts as a barrier to stormwater infiltration and attracts unwanted pests. The bio-retention area should be kept clear of debris such as loose bottles, cans, food containers and other forms of rubbish. The area should be cleared of debris as needed, but no less than twice a year. MAINTENANCE OF SPILLWAYS AND CONTROL STRUCTURE Inspection of Conduits--Conduits should be inspected thoroughly once a year. Conduits should be visually inspected at the joints. Pipes should be inspected for proper alignment (sagging), elongation and displacement at joints, cracks, leaks, surface wear, loss of protective coating, corrosion and blocking. Problems with conduits most often occur at joints and special attention should be given to them during inspection. Joints should be checked for gaps caused by elongation or settlement and loss of joint filler material. Open joints can permit erosion of the earthwork and possibly the piping of soil material through the joints. A depression in the soil surface over the pipe may be signs that soil is being removed from around the pipe. 2 OPERATION Drainpipes--Drainpipes should always be operable so that the water can be drawn down in the event of severe rain or for repairs or maintenance. Record Keeping-Operation of bio-retention area should include recording of the ,following: Annual Inspection Reports--A collection of written inspection reports should be kept on record in Section IV of this manual. Inspection should be conducted annually. Copies should be provided to the Stormwater Management Section of the Town of Cary Engineering Department. Observations--AII observations should be recorded. Where periodic inspections are performed following significant rainfall, these inspections should be logged into the Periodic Inspection, Operations and Maintenance Form in Section IV of this manual. Maintenance--Written records of maintenance and/or repairs should be recorded on the Periodic Inspection, Operation and Maintenance Form in Section IV of this manual. Other Operational Procedures-The owner should maintain a complete and up-to-date set of plans (as-built drawings) and all changes made to the bio-retention area over time should be recorded on the as-builts. Sedimentation and Dredging--Sedimentation from on-site and off-site soils will eventually result in the clogging of drainage conduits and will have to be removed. The frequency of this sediment removal can be reduced by ensuring that the site areas around the building be stabilized with a vegetative ground cover such that it restrains erosion. This would include a periodic application of fertilizer and/or other treatment necessary to promote a stable ground cover and minimize sedimentation to the pond. The removed material should be hauled offsite to a suitable landfill site or mounded somewhere on site and stabilized with a ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion. Example Maintenance Schedule for Bio-retention Areas Description Method Frequency Time of year SOIL Inspect and repair erosion Visual Monthly All year ORGANIC LAYER Remulch an void area B hand As needed As needed Remove previous mulch layer before applying new layer (optional) By hand Once every 2-3 years Spring An additional mulch added B hand Once a year Spring PLANTS Removal and replacement See planting Twice a ear As directed b of all dead and diseased specifications landscaper vegetation considered beyond treatment Treat all diseased trees Mechanical NIA Varies, dependent and shrubs or by hand on insect or disease infestation Removal of cattails and By hand or As needed As needed other invasive species through hand application of herbicide Watering of plant material By hand Daily Immediately after shall take place at the end completion of project of each day for fourteen consecutive days and after planting is completed Replacement of support By hand Once a year ly remove stake 7 stakes th e spring in Replace any deficient By hand As needed As needed stakes or wires Detail of Planting Guide for each Bio-Retention Basin SCHEDULE A Permitted Title Exceptions 1) Lien of ad valorem taxes for the year 2005 and subsequent years not yet due and payable (both Lots); 2) Deed of Trust for the benefit of Central Carolina Bank and Trust Company recorded in the Office of the Wake County Register of Deeds ("County Registry") in Book 9370, Page 2186 (both Lots); 3) Purchase Money Deed of Trust to Kathleen Pepi Southern, Trustee for DHIC, Inc. and recorded in the County Registry in Book 10565, Page 172, Wake County Registry (Lot 5); 4) Deed of Trust to E. Richard Jones, Jr., Trustee for County of Wake in the original principal amount of $260,000 and recorded in the County Registry in Book 9794, Page 1603 (Lot 5); 5) Deed of Trust to Kathleen Pepi Southern Trustee for the benefit of DHIC, Inc. securing the original principal amount of $300,000 and to be duly recorded in the Wake County Registry (Lot 5); 6) Deed of Trust to A. Robert Kucab, Trustee for the benefit of NCHFA securing the Tax Credit Loan (as defined in Recital D of this deed of trust) in the original principal amount of $384,91 land to be duly recorded in the County Registry (Lot 5); 7) Deed of Trust to A. Robert Kucab, Trustee for the benefit of NCHFA in the original principal amount of $750,000 and to be duly recorded in the County Registry (Lot 5); 8) Construction Loan Deed of Trust to be duly recorded in the County Registry during the Construction Phase from Grantor Highland Village Limited Partnership to a designated trustee for the benefit of a commercial lender in the approximate original principal amount of $1,670,000 and a deed of trust in replacement to be duly recorded in the County Registry during the Permanent Phase (as defined in the Note secured hereby) from Borrower to a designated trustee for the benefit of a commercial lender in the approximate original principal amount of $725,000 (Lot 5); 9) Matters shown on plat recorded in the County Registry in Book of Maps 2002, Page 2030 and "Easement Plat" as defined in the instrument to which this Schedule A is attached (all Lots', subject easements shown on Lots 1 and 5); 10) Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Highland Village Planned Community recorded in the County Registry in Book 10949, Page 1223 (the "Declaration") together with 'First Amendment' thereto recorded in the County Registry in Book 10975, Page 685 and any other duly recorded amendments and/or "Supplemental Declarations" thereto (applies to all Lots); 11) Easements to Carolina Power and Light Company recorded in the County Registry in Book 2792, Page 3; Book 2190, Page 416, Book 985, Page 315 (all Lots); 12) Easement to the Town of Cary (for sewer and water) recorded in the County Registry in Book 1980, Page 129 (see also Book of Maps 1970 Page 361); 13) Easement to Bellsouth Telecommunications, Inc_ recorded in the County Registry in Book 10763, Page 2191 (Lot 5); 14) Easement to Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. recorded in the County Registry in Book 10763, Page 2191 (Lot 5); 193429v3 13 Hugh J. Gilleeee, III & Associates, P.A. 875 Malnut Street, Suite 360 Consulting Engineers Cary, North Carolina 27511 (919) 469-1101 Fax (919) 460-7637 December 8, 2005 GILLEECE@Bellsouth.net Mr. Sam Aghimien NC Division of Water Quality 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Ste. 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 RE: Highland Village Bio-Retention Area 3 Dear Mr. Aghimien: The letter is in response to your request for documentation regarding the temporary pool elevation for the above referenced project. You requested that the temporary pool elevation be 0.5 to 0.53 ft. which the referenced Bio-Retention Area can not meet this requirement. The Bio-retention area has a temporary pool depth of 0.61 ft. In addition to DWQ requirements, the Town of Cary is requiring that the device store and treat the first flush of storm-water below the outlet elevation. Because of the surface area obtained in this bio-retention area the ponding must be 0.61 ft. deep. It would be impossible to increase the surface area and lower the depth without making a significant impact on the riparian buffer area. We are requesting a waiver to allow this ponding to be 0.61 ft. deep to store the first flush of storm-water which must soak through the planting soil for proper treatment. If you have any questions please call me at (919) 469-1101. Sincerely, ..••CAR i ?•?o,.oFV_ SSip•% + ?yJ . s s 2 p? S E A! ? 8922 Peyton N. Joyner, P.E. ' • 4 L G' IN Hugh J. Gilleece, III & Associates, P.A. U ••••••• ????•` CH CLhS l?1s3?05 FAProject Files\G & A\NC\5400\11ighland Village_ 15\Documents\Lettcrs\dwq_response.doc DWQ Project No DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY . BIORETENTION AREA WORKSHEET 1. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name: Highland Village Contact Person: Peyton Joyner Phone Number: 469-ii0l For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: BiO-Retention 463 Permanent Pool Elevation 448.39 ft (elevation of the orifice invert out) Temporary Pool Elevation 449.00 ft. (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) Bioretention Surface Area 9373 sq. ft. Drainage Area 4.83 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area 4.11 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Rational C Coefficient .683 Size % 7 % (either 5% in wlsand under drain or 7% in w/o) Inlet Velocity 2-01 fps Inlet flow depth 10.2 in Depth to Ground Water 4' ft. Planting Soil Infiltration Rate > 0.52 in.lhr. (the soil layer down to 4 feet) In-Situ Soil Infiltration Rate 0.014 in./hr. (the soil layer below 4 feet or below the sand bed) II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. No vertical sand bed is proposed IV 17 A h1q The bioretention area is at least 40 feet by 15 feet. o Sheet flow is provided at inlet. Water table depth is greater than 6 feet. Minimum of 6" ponding is provided. The ponded area will draw down in less than 4 days. Planting soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.52 in/hr. No The in-situ soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.2 inmr. (.underdrain provided) A planting plan with species and densities is provided. N Mulch layer is specified in plans. Planting soil meets minimum soil specifications (NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999) Plan details for the bioretention area provided. r Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided. lop An operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. Please note that underdrains beneath the planting soil are acceptable in the Piedmont and Mountains lvl : r-1-' I^ is I i r y I ?J Y r - Y\ \ v< t MATCHLINE \y jr, ! N \ l'' SHEET L1.1 of __-,,.• .. - y `?..I - ? , i , / ? `0 1 Y? ? { ? ? I, - ' _ ?` ??, +. 4p .;? r I `?, v? v \ .'?' T T - - 1 I c c,? r I r I _? IT ! : 2 mn ? i ! 1 \ - ! '? uv ?? 1.? ? ?. +? 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PA C>mI1ESSCT usCP.cS 13 C.- LAW CWnIrwT AND OMC11 PRCPE•Tr bPI,S w M[S PuNS M[Y RANS APC NCT 'D SC REMiOJUQD, C/UiQ U COPICD N ..Y rJrtY dl N.CmCn w..,NXYF.n. npT .RC ,M(T ,D BE ..5:??'[D ,CI .rT MMO IM IY .nngUT rrt5r DD,a,uW: !NC rIP!Si2D MnTiCN VCn/RSON .YD ?YVT 6 (LNC OESp1 n1SDO.lL^., P._ Highland Village G: e Cary, North Carolina ?r DHIC Abm A-• 7 r0 r0 j_ N ?[Ca?r 'B z W q4 ? ?u ?3. 3 r