HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100549 Ver 1_Stormwater Info_20100726STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT Davis Village Subdivision i Cary, North Carolina Prepared y: WITHERS RAVENEL, IC 111 acKenan Drive Cary, North Carolina 27511 March April Revised June 2010 Revised W&R Project No. 02100002 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT DAVIS VILLAGE SUBDIVISION CARY, NORTH CAROLINA INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Stormwater Management Report is to document pre- and post-development peak water flow rates for the 1-year, 2-year, 5-year, 10-year, and 100-year design storm events as well as document nitrogen loading rates from the site. The goal is to ensure that the additional impervious surface being added to the site does not increase the peak outflow from the site during the 1-year storm. The current zoning is RMF-CU and TR-CU. The runoff from the first inch of precipitation will be captured and treated in a wet detention pond. In addition to capturing the first inch of runoff, the wet detention pond will be designed to attenuate the 1-year peak storm event, as well as the 2-year, 5-year, and 10-year storm events from the post development to -0 development conditions. METHODOLOGY The storm water study was conducted using the natural drainage features as depicted by existing field surveys. Proposed drainage areas were based on field survey data and proposed development within the drainage areas. The scope of work included the following analyses: Hydrology ? Simulation of the 1-year, 2-year, 5-year, 10-year, and 100-year rainfall events for the Wake County area ? Formulation of the 1-year, 2-year, 5-year, 10-year, and 100-year flood hydrographs for the pre- and post-development drainage areas ............. _ _ _ Davis Village Subdivision W&R Project 00210002 Stormwater Management Report June 2010 HYDROLOGY The SCS Method was used to develop runoff hydrographs for the Type II, 24-hour duration, 1-year storm event in the Cary area, and the 24-hour duration rainfall curves determined using the NOAA Atlas 14 rainfall data for Raleigh-Durham International Airport for the 2-year, 5-year, 10-year, and 100-year storm events. This method requires three basic parameters: a curve number (CN), time of concentration (tc), and drainage area. Curve numbers were based on soil type and land use. Soil types were delineated from the Soil Survey of Wake County, North Carolina (November 1970). Land use for existing conditions was based on the most recent Wake County aerial photographs and field observations. Post development land use is based on the proposed site plan. The curve numbers used in this study are listed in the appendix of this report. DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS ..................................................... Davis Villa ge Subdivision W&R Project 00210002 Stormwater Management Report June 2010 required. In addition to the overall site reduction of the 1-year, BP 1 will be designed to attenuate the 2-year, 5-year, and 10-year storm events as compared to -40 predeveloment' conditions.; CONCLUSIONS 1-year Peak Attenuation Based on the routing study, the predevelopent 1-year storm peak flow is 9.68 cfs. The corresponding post development 1-year peak flow is 9.51 cfs. Therefore, the proposed design satisfies the project wide requirement of detaining the 1-year storm event. 2-year, 5-year, and 10-year Storm End of Pipe Based on the routing study, the following flows were calculated for BMP 1. 'form _ Pre Event F Development F!? .,G (efs) 2-vea r 13.1 vYar 21.0 € '27 100-vea r 4 5 . Post I_ Attenuated Development Flows Flows (cf.-) (cfs) 41.9 ?' 48.5 ® _ 19, E 673. 35.4 Based on the data, the design for the wet detention pond meets the requirements of the Stormwater Management requirements of the Land Development Ordinance. Davis ViCage Subdivision Stormwater Management Report W&R Project 00210002 June 2010 RESULTS SUMMARY BMP Z Pro Detention Basin I 3 22, _..-?f?E°?sE ? f3.p?3 ... .'..E)-, rE . 1 I.9 t 1, .... _ .? . . _ .. ......... ....... .... _ _. . _... . ........................................................ . ....... - _ DESIGN SUMMARY Uaws Village Subdivision W&R Project 00210002 Stormwater Management Report June 2010 Davis Village Subdivision W&R Project oo2iocro2 Stormwater Management Report June 2010 Joky File-. K \10\10-0000\10000 -Pulte-Day.i;s Drive\H-H\BMPNWE'r BOND 0610.0.PPW Item Dir: K:\1 \10-0000\10007 -Pulte-Davi3 Drive\H-H\BMP; JOB TITLE Project Date: 6/11/2010 Project Engineer: Ken Jesneck Project Title: Davis Village Project Comments: 2nd Submittal Revision SIN Bentley .Systems, Inc. Bentley PondP ck (10.00.0 7.00) 2..51 PM 6/11/2010 i -.aster Network Summary 1.01 1 Executi_. _y (R,_ ..... 2.01 Exec (I` ...... 2.02 Network -ales vaquence 2.03 2 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.05 Executive Summary (Links) .......... 2.06 5 gout -ze S-__ L_____ (Nc '° 3) ... ...... 2. 07 l 2.08 10 Executive Summary (Nodes) ........ ,. 2.09 Executive Summary (Links) .......... 2.10 1u0 Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.11 Summary (Links) .......... 2.12 RDU NONA 100yr.. 100 Time-Depth Curve ................... 4Al SIN: Bentley PondPack ( r:50 PM Bentley Systems, c. 6/11/2010 of Cc T .le of v u. :s (contini. .) RED NOAA 10yr... 10 li Time-Depth Curve 4.03 RDU NO Syr.,.. 2 Time-Depth Curve 4.05 *************** OUTLET STRUCTURES*********** Outlet 1.,...... Outlet Input Data 5.01 Composite Rating Curve ............. 5.04 **??***** POND ROUTING *+*x* GNP 1 ........... Pond E-V-Q Table ................... 6.01 BMP 1 OUT 1 Pond Routing Summary ............... 6.04 BMP 1 OUT 2 Pond Routing Summary ............... 6.05 BMP 1 OUT S Pond Routing Summary ............... 6.06 .BMP 1 OUT 10 Pond Routing Summary ............... 6.07 BMP 1 OUT 100 Pond Routing Summary ............... 6.08 S/ t is, Inc. benrley Ponaeack (10,00.027.00) Ty a_... __ Network S Page 1.01 . VYC .C „000\100002-2ulte-Davis Diive\H--H\BME'\Wet Pond 061010.ppw ;SI( i storm C n: RE 4 Desi R - -?NF ID 2 3 J . ,- r 5 4 T. 10 4.9 s ve IAA 14 yr 100 7.3r u3 - Curve )Htc, _ 00yr 1 3.0000 carve -I 24hr MASTER NETWORK SCS Unit Hydrogr,- Z thud (*Node=Outfall; +1 rsion;) (T run= I1YG Truncation: B1ank=NUue; L=liuft; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Re _ rn x Ty n. Trun IN 2 15 1__1 IN r 5 2.251. 1 ." - - IN 10 2.741 1 .: IN F 100 4.510 IN E: 1 1 1.343 1 , 1 C -) 2 1.580 12.3_ 1 1 5 2.183 10 2.672 12. l 100 4.436 12.2- ? 1 1.281 12.1' k 2 1.645 12.1 5 2.251 1-1__J 1 10 2.741 12.1'30 BMP 1 10"T AE.EA 100 4.510 12.1000 BMP 1 1 A-- 1 1.343 11.9500 .uiey rondPack (10.00.uz7.0u) 2:50 LM ft a 48.51 63.64 24.08 11.92 323.03 16.24 3:".67 19.07 _ .13 35.42 .6 7.95 3, ?.or 33.40 41.92 48.51 63.64 24.08 .719 .920 1.064 1.302 .609 Bentley y3tems, Inc. 61.1112010 Type.... Page 1.02 Name... File.... ,,,,,,\,y,,,,,,,,,,-Pulte-Davis Drive\H-H\BMP\Wet Pond 061010.ppw 7d ( ion:) HYG Vol Ooeak Oneak Ma-_..__ - T :- Trun h- C_ ft 0 ------------ 1 5 .12., 12.' 00 2-1- 10 .171 12.1000 3.02 100 .340 12.1000 5.03 ?1 1 .057 12.0000 .93 L t 2 1.875 12.2000 15.09 JL 5 2.660 12.1500 21.82 T 10 3.307 12.1500 26.42 100 5.702 12.2000 47.39 L 1 1.494 12.0500 9.51 2 .885 12.2000 13.23 _ 5 1.428 12.2000 20.97 10 1.905 12.2000 27.09 100 3.791 12.2000 45.32 1 .641 12.0500 8.91 2 .964 12.2000 14.38 5 1.557 12.2000 22.73 10 2.076 12.2000 29.29 100 4.131 12.2000 48.89 1 .698 12.0500 9.68 2 .295 12.1000 5.85 5 .477 12.1000 9.22 10 .636 12.1000 12.01 _ 100 1.265 12.1000 19.94 1 .213 12.0000 3.48 t 7s` ms, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:50 PM 6111/2010 z irs - e= .00 = .1000 - s H5 D ,. ,67 2q,ub .93 i - - 8 (10.uu.027.00) - 24. iime= QC p- _-")00 hr: 2 rs Time _ 12. l 9. ADDLiNK 20 ADD C 12 _) --, -- ( 1 1- I 9. 30 ADD 1.343 11. 24. )ST DL 1.343 1 24- "" j-, , 24. IN AL _ ADD 1 3.48 1 3.48 9.51 PONDrt i 24.-- 7.-- _ _ J- 1. 7.95 9.51 rvl' FROM ALL i t Inc. ( 6/11/2010 Type,... Netwo les Se Page 2,03 Name..., WE - Event: 1 yr File.... K:\-,, -\1000GG Pulte-Davis Drive\H-H\BMP\Wet Pond 061010.ppw Storm.,. Type=1 hr Tag: 1 D7 ?F NOD St : Bentley PondPack (1O.u0.027.00) 2:50 PM ntley stems, Inc. 611.1!2010 Type ... Network Calcs Sequence Page 2x04 Name., ; Watershed Event: 1, yr K \10\10 -0000\100002 -Pulte -Davis Drive\H-.H\BMP\Wet Pond 061,010.ppw Storm... TypeII 2 h Taq: I NETWORK ROUTING SEQUENCE Link Operation Upstream Node DNStream Node Add Hyd ADDLING 30 Subarea BMP I POST Pond BMP I IN POND ROUTE TOTAL OUTFLOW... Total Pond Outflow Pond ROD I IN Outflow BMP I OUT SET POND ROUTING LINE TO TOTAL POND OUTFLOW... Outl t^ ROUTE 20 Outflow BUD I OUT Jct POST FROM ALL Add Hyd ADDLINK 60 Subarea UNTREATED POST Jct POST FROM ALL Add Hyd ADDLINK 10 Subarea PRE Jot PRE -DEVELOPMENT Add Hyd ADDLINK 20 Subarea OFF SITE ict PRE - DEVELOPMENT SINa Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack (10.M027.00) 2:50 PM 6/11/2010 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.05 Name.... Watershed Event: 2 yr File.... K:\3,0\10 -0000\100002 -Pulte -Davis Dri,ve\H-H\BMP\Wet Pond 061010.ppw Storm... RUN NOAA 2yr Tag: 2 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES {Tran,= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & At) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = ADD BOAR 14 Deal Storm Tag Name = 2 Data Type, File, TO Time -Depth Curve BUD NO AA Syr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.4400 in Duration multiplier = I Resulting Duration = 23.9904 hrx Resulting Start Time= 0000 tars Step= .0833 tars End= 23a9904 tars SIN- Bentley Systems, ITic. Bentley PondPack ( 2:50 Pm 6/11/2010 HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID ----------------- Type ---- ac -ft Trun. }'ars CES ft BMP I IN POND ---------- -- --------- 1.645 12$1000 -------- --------- 33.40 BMP I OUT POND 1.580 12;3000 11.92 323,03 SEE 1 POST AREA 1.645 12.1000 33.40 OFF SITE AREA .079 12.1000 1.44 Outfall POST FROM ALL J 1.875 12.2000 15,09 PRE AREA .885 12:2000 13.23 Outfall PRE -DEVELOPMENT JCT .964 12,2000 14.38 UNTREATED POST AREA .295 12.1.000 5.85 SIN- Bentley Systems, ITic. Bentley PondPack ( 2:50 Pm 6/11/2010 '_d c 'ile,ID = Deli ,:5.44u0 in 1 23.9904 hrs .L111 C? o?. cx. _ .00" hrs Step= .0833 hrs rs v ll A] ADDLINK 20 ADD viv 1 1.44 OFF ` E DL 1_ 1.44 DN 1). 14.38 Ai - ADD UN 1.645 12.1' ) 33. _ DST DL 1.645 12.1000 33.40 DN 1.645 12.1 33.40 SP 1 IN ADD _ l_,1 5.. _l ?0 PONDrt 1 1 ._ _1 11.-- 1.i 1...._ 15.u? rvoi FROM ALL BE IC. y (1G.uu.u21.uu) 2:50 PM 61 12010 Type... . Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.07 Name.... Watershed Event: 5 yr File.... K.-\10\30-0000\100002-Pulte-Day.i,s Drive\H-Hl BMP\Wer- Pond 061010.ppw Storm_ ROD SOAR 5yr 'rag: 5 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank -Non e; L=Left; R=Rt; LRH Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = POU NO RA 14 Desi Storm Tag Name 7= 5 Data Type, File, ID Time -Depth Curve RDU NO 5yr Storm Frequency 5 yr Total Rainfall, Depth= 4.3000 in Duration Multiplier = 1, Resulting Duration = 23.9904 hrs Resulting Start Time- .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 23,9904 hrs SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc, Bentley PondPack (10.00,027.00) 2:50 PM 6/11/2010 HYG Vol, Qpeak Qpeak Max KARL Node ID ----------------- Type ---- ac -ft Trun. hrs ore ft BMF 1 IN POND ---------- 2.251 -- --------- 12a1000 -------- --------- 41.92 ENE 1 OUT POND 2.183 12.3000 16.24 323.67 BEE I POST AREA 2.251 12.1000 41.92 OFF SITE AREA .125 12.1000 2.31 Outfall POST FROM ALL JOT 2.660 12.1500 21,82 PRE AREA 1.428 12.2000 20.97 Outfall. PRE -DEVELOPMENT JCT 1,557 12.2000 22¢73 UNTREATED POST AREA ;477 12.1000 9.22 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc, Bentley PondPack (10.00,027.00) 2:50 PM 6/11/2010 .,. VY< K: \ Ri 2 08 5 yr _u-te-Davis Drive\H-H\BMP\Wet r vu10"I.O,ppw 5 t i car-ion; DEFAULT Lorm File,ID = ttC ?.1Llt? 11111e= V 1, Al --INK 10 Tn,rs 20 30 n ADD ADD UN DL T,, , ADD PONDrt ?y Ponceack (10.00.027.uu) )AA 11 De: Node) _" Y Rt) Step= ."',33 hrs End= 23.9904 hrs i , .128 z.31 OE.. .128 2.31 1,557 1 .< 22.73 2.251 L_-= 41. 2.251 1 41.92 2,251 1 41.92 IN .477 1 .? 9.22 .477 1- 9.22 2.660 1- 21.82 n nc7 ? r, t - 2. 2,1 16.; 2.6- 12.1, 21,6/ ruST FROM ALL V 2:50 PM 6/1112010 yr z U hrs e= - ?3 Step= .0833 _3. IIYG Vol a - Trun. 2 Outfa 2 2 l.. 21.u9 Outfall 2 ( _ _ 29.29 i .636 12.=_)0 12.01 y POndPack ( Z;Ou PM -s P Bentley T De.... Execi_i y (Links) 2.10 Wa' - 10 yr - '?ulte-Davis Drive\H-H\BMP\vv?L uo1010.ppw ---- ... --- -- - - 1 10 a- m Node; _ Truncation: Rt) torm File, If 4 1 e = r sulting 4 L'zme- . vu .--33 hr; n . _ -s Al 1 2. 1 .r ADDLINK 20 ADD .111 .171 1 .= 3. 2.076 12.2 ADDLINK 30 ADD 2.v 12.1 1 : - 48.. 48.. IN ADDLINK 60 ADD 1 12.1 1 12.01 12,7 26.42 2.672 1_. 19.; .' - 2.672 12.3 19.07 3,307 12,15vi1 26.42 ru _r- (10,00,027,00) 2:50 PM 6(11/2010 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2:11 Name.... Watershed Event: 100 yr File_. K:\10\10-0000\IC)0002-Pulte-Davis Drive\R-H\BMP\Wet Pond 061,010.ppw Storm... RDU NOAA 100yr Tag: 100 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (True. HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=11eft; R=Rt; LR -Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File, 113 = RDU NORA 14 Desi Storm Tag Name = 100 Data Type, File, ID = Time -Depth Curve ADD NO AA 100yr Storm Frequency = 100 yr Total RainEall Depth-- 7.3700 in Duration Multiplier = I Resulting Duration = 23.9990 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step.0833 hrs End= 23.9990 hrs SIN: Bentley Systems, Ino. Bentley Pondrack (10,00.027.00) 2:50 PM 6/11/2010 Hy G Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID ----------------- Type ---- ac -ft ---------- Tran. hrs cfs ft DUE I IN POND 4a510 -- --------- 12.1000 -------- --------- 63.64 BMP I OUT POND 4-436 12.2500 35.42 324.88 BMP I POST AREA 4.510 12.1000 63.64 OFF SITE AREA 4340 12.1000 5.03 Outfall POST FROM ALL JCT 5.702 12.2000 47.39 PRE AREA 3.791 .t3. 000 45,32 Outfall FRE -DEVELOPMENT JUT 4.131 12.2000 48,89 UNTREATED POST AREA 1.265 12.1,000 M94 SIN: Bentley Systems, Ino. Bentley Pondrack (10,00.027.00) 2:50 PM 6/11/2010 = for x Rt) DEFAZ Desig; 1e,IZ )AA 14 Desi th= i? _E = L - _ 1rs G iiy L?«e= . i v 3 Step = ""33 hrs = 23.9990 hrs - Al 1 . - ADDLINK 20 ADD .3qu 1 5.03 OFF £ .340 1 .= 5.03 4.131 1 48.89 ADD UN 4.510 I 63. _ DL 4.510 1- 63.64 1"' 4.510 1 63.64 _ 1 IN ADD 19. 1 1 ? ,. 1 t 5.7 '1 1 2 /? t 4. 35.? ?.r 1?.2 47.3 ruST FROM ALL 1 rsent.iey eondPack ?iu.uu.Ozi.uu) 2.50 PM 11112010 _ Page 3. 01 Fite.... K:\1 Dav is Dr- - ,Wet _ _.1010.ppw Title... P:--_• P_ _ e Sion P 14 Desi = J.gquu in - 1 23.9904 hrs .ime= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 23.99C' in ,7704 000 hi3 - .0833 hi 23.9904 hrs 4_ n L 23 04 hrs RE .0000 hrs Step= _ irs = 1 hrs -_s St:ep= .0833 hrs End= 23.9990 hrs n hrc 4. ms, Inc. Ey j {iu.00.027.00) 2:50 PM 6111/2010 SIN; Bentley Syste Bentley PondPack tiu.uu.uz7.00) 2:50 PM 6/11(2010 _ . 02 2 yr e.,., K, "I-Pu.lte--Davis Drive\H-H\BMP\Wet rt vu1010.ppw RI 2 - 1e, ID RI - re End- = 5 uurve 5, s - rs End= zrs s = Ln 5 _ « --- ,v - ."833 hrs End= 23.99C" S - = 1 _ S End= S/I (10.00,027.00) 2:50 PM 6/11/2010 Type...,. -' v rve Page 4.01 Name..¢-, RL Li Tag: 1 Event: 100 yr File...-. K.-\ i0\1?- \ 0002-Putt- _ Drive\H- II\B,-', --)nd 061010.ppw ?,tnrm _ RDU NOAL 'J'ag: JO SYN THETIC C" TA TTVP RP n) Out put Ti t = r I Le ft reJ it >w, - 0 I ------------- 0 --------- y fl322 .4167 I 3 4 ,0725 .8333 1128 1.2500 8 289 ,13. .1 J .1531 1.6666 .1611 ,1692 .1772 .1853 .1933 2.0833 .2014 .2094 .2175 .2256 .2-1-46 2.4999 i:17 .2497 .25 8 .2658 .2 39 2.9166 I .2900 .n, L .3061 - 3.3332 I ___ .3303 3_ 3 .3464 .:_ 4 3.7'"9 .3706 .37 .3- .3' .4108 .4189 ? I .4511 .4592 3 4._- 8 I .4914 .49 5.4165 I .5317 c_ 7 5.8331 I .5719 6.24 8 ( .E_ 7 .6422 _6"7_ .-7 9 4 .7200 2 .7978 L 7. 7 "'0 . 756 .89 1 ? I? 2 .93/8 '3 .9689 1.OOfl0 1 1.0156 .0467 c" 1.0778 1.0933 ,139 _ 44 1.1. 1 1.1656 9. 3 I 1 . - - ' 1 .2"i7 22 8 1,2933 - - I 1.'1 9 .3444 v 00 1., - 1.4211 5 7 1.4722 978 1.5489 1.',44 1.6000 .3 46 1.60 2 1.7338 1 . 9 1.77 3 1.8229 .0675 1.9 1.9567 2.? 3 2.0 i8 .0904 2.13 7 2.2767 il. bb-2 1 2. ' 3 0 2.8200 3,4500 12.0i 4. 4.8100 11 5.0933 12.L_- 5. 36 5.3242 5.36' 5.r_ _s3 5,5u25 5.'-'71. 5.5917 3 5.7254 5.7700 5.7956 5.- L 5.£ 7 5.8722 5, 5.9233 5.9r=f4 6.0000 6.C-5t) 6.0511 14. 6.1022 6.1278 6."-33 6.1789 "4. 6.2300 6.2456 6.2611 6.2--7 6.,-2 6.3078 6.3233 6.3389 6,3700 15.,' 6.3856 6.4011 6.4167 +. 6.4478 16.- 6.4633 6.4789 6.4944 v, 6.5256 6.5n11 6.5567 6.5722 t. 6,6033 7 6.C_-9 6.6344 6.6500 6.' f6 6.6811 17. 6.s 7 6.7122 6.7278 6.7589 17.9 ?- 6.` 4 6.7900 6.7981 6.r'_e 6.8142 e t Bentley Pc (10,00.027.00) 2:50 PM stems, D 6/11/2( rve .02 100 -al -Davis Drive\H-H\BMP\YV?_,_ V.PPW RE 100 i Time I 1__ I 19, , I , I ??nr y I 7 7 i -- 7. 7,: 7 4 7. 7 7,_ 7. 7.: 7. 7. 7. Gtin7 6 0 6, 7 7 7 '7 ------------ 7 7.< 7.: 8 (10,00.027.00) -7Pe.... . -(^ C rve 03 Tag: 10 L \100002-Pulte-Davis Drive\H-H\SMP\Wet rc _ Tarv• 10 Time _- _ ------- 1 2 - 9 .5 4 5 6 2. 2. y 0 . 3.' .2531 4." 50 .2813 4. _a .3094 4.-- _ _. .5 5.? i _ 5. -10 6. "75 6. __j 7. ?78 7. -- 70 7.-'-5 8.74 5 9._ _ .7 9.57 i 9._ .94 3 10. 5 1.U??1 10.2.. 1.1517 11., 3 1.2788 2.f } --- 1 13.74 14. q,t -0 14.' 4. _303 14.E r 4.2 ?3 15. 2 15.L_ .. 16.i 4, .7 16.1 4.4239 17.( 4.4711 4.51 3 17.9uy1 E n) rs first value in each row. C -------------- .0169 ---------- " 5 .0338 .0450 .(-i- .0619 f 0721 L . 0900 . 1 - ... 1 _ .1181 2 75 .1463 1:- a - .i?44 .1 16 .19 3 ;25 .2194 .2475 .2F38 --)44 .2- 6 .21369 .2925 .2' 3 .3150 .3206 .3431 .34 .3 4 - 0 .3713 .37( .3825 .3881 .3994 .4144 .4239 ?8 -)22 .4 .4' 1 )00 4 5) 3 37 5 .5 14 .5 U .D317 _ ? .0 .6789 -51 '7 _6 .7 .S Ca 7 "-9 7 .8126 .8"1.7! -7 .8 - .8975 .9144 . 33 .9822 .9' 2 1.071-1 1. )0 1.0754 1 . - 1.1263 1.1771 1.2025 1. 27 1.2533 1.3042 1.32 1.3_ J 1.t' 7 1."150 1.9750 -,"- l 3.18 ?0 3.7 3.4517 3. 4 3. 3.7 3.72 7 3.7775 - 29 3.: 3.8 -3 3. 16 3 3. 3.99 3.9978 47 4.0 7 4- 4.0825 4.llb4 4.1 3 4.1672 4.2011 4.1-EL 4.2444 4.2633 4.x'23 4.2917 4.3(111 4.3106 4.- 4.3389 4.3483 4.3578 4.- 4. 361 4.39,' 4.4051 4.?'. 1 4.4 11 4."" 4,4522 4As17 4.- -6 4.4 4.4994 4.5089 4.5 78 4.53`. 4.5467 4.5561 4.,)750 4.58utD 4.5862 4.5919 =y PondPack ( l _ Sy ;t ic. 2:50 PM 6 "_112010 Type.... Time -Depth Curve Page 4.04 Name.... RDD NOAA 10yr Tag: 10 Event: 10 yr K:\10\10 -0000\100002 -Pulte -Davis Drive\H-H\BMP\Wet Pond 06.1010,.opw Storm- RDU NOAA 10yr Tag: 10 SYNTHETIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL{in} Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hr5 -------------------------------------------------------------- Time on left represents time for first value in each row, 18.3260 4;5975 4,6031 4.6087 4.6144 4.6200 18.7425 4.6256 4.6312 4.6369 4.6425 4.6481 19.1590 4.6537 4.6594 4,6650 4,6706 4.6762 19.5755 1 4,6819 4.6875 4.6931 4.6987 4.7044 19.9920 1 4.7100 4.7156 4.7213 4.7269 4.7325 20.4085 1 4.7381 4.7438 4.7494 4.75561 4¢7606 M8250 I 4.7663 4.7719 4a7775 4.7831 4.7888 21.2415 1 4.7944 4.8000 4.8056 4.8113 4.8169 21,6580 4.8225 4.8281 4.8338 4.8394 4.8450 22.0745 4.8506 4¢8563 4.8619 4.8675 4.8731 22.4910 1 4.8788 4.8844 4.8900 4.8956 4.9013 22.9075 1 4.9069 4.9125 4.9181 4.9238 4.9294 23.3240 1 4,9350 4.9406 4.9463 4.9519 4.9575 23.7405 ( 4.9631 4.9688 4.9744 4.9800 SIN, Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2.50 PM 6/11/2010 Type..:. .... Page 4.05 Name..., Tag: 2 Event: 2 yr File ..., )2-Pulte--Davis Drive\H-Hik3MP\Wet Pond 061010.ppw Storm..,. 2 2 ,LL (in) T, R = .0 833 hrs - Time on i?z -------------- represen ---- .s - le for first value it E W. .0 .0000 ------- .0039 ----------- 00078 ------------ .0 7 -- - ------ -- 16 .0194 .0233 .027" 0 .0389 .0428 .04 i_o 4 l.i1 5 ,0583 0622 .0 0'1C .0739 I.UvVO .0778 '7 _ 31 .0933 2.0825 I .0972 ".1 .1 .1128 2.4990 . - 7 .1206 .12 l_ .1322 2.9155 .14? .1118 .1517 3.3320 ! .1 6 .1 .1633 .1672 .1711 3,7485 ( .'7?0 1,39 .1828 .1867 .1906 4.1`0 J I 4 .iy83 .2022 .2"°" .2100 4. 5 I 39 .2178 .2217 .7 .2294 J .2372 .2411 .2 '9 .2567 .2606 ./"44 .2 3 5.-3:0 I 12 .2761 .2800 42x.3 .2 5 6.2475 .3050 .3113 .3 75 3 6.664n I )0 .3363 .3425 .3 ?i ) 7.0805 _ _3 .3675 .3738 _: 2 7.? '_ .3925 .3987 .4050 .4 ' .f 175 7. .4237 .4300 .4362 .44z?) .1 "17 4550 .4612 .4675 .4737 ? ) 8.7? ,48E2 .4925 .4987 .5 ) '-7 9.16 ° .5400 .5517 . j 9."7 .5983 .6100 _7 _ .6567 .6683 .6 E _7 J. _5 3 .7150 .7308 .7 5 10.E .'17 3 .7942 .8100 .8"- C :17 ll.: E 5 .8733 .8892 .9 50 11.i 1.' -'J 1.0700 1.191". 12.(7 t 2.2500 2.3700 12.= 2.1 )8 2.. 2.5? 5 2. ?.° 2.' 2.o4 2.6or7 2_e > 2.c 2, 2.72.) 2.7367 2.) 2.7 3 2.-, 7 2.7833 2.7950 14. 2,E 3 2.300 2,841'1 2.8533 2.80: ) 14.`7, 2.87`7 2.8883 2.9000 2.9117 .__33 1 _t 2. 2.9413 2.9475 2.9_ _ 2_ ) 15. 2._ 2.9725 2.9788 2.- 2. 15 t 3.0038 3.0100 3.0 1 - •, 3. 3.0350 340413 3.0, i5 16.. 3. 1 3.na,i3 3.0725 3.0`;88 3. >) 17.C' 3.0 _3 3. 75 3.1038 3.1100 17.493 3.1225 - 8 3.1350 3.1413 3.1_t5 17. u1 3.1538 1._ 0 3.1639 3.1678 3.17.G7 SIN ansp Inc. Bentiey -k (10.00.u27.00) 2:50 PM 6/11/2010 Type.... Time-Depth Curve Page 4.06 Name.... RDU NOAA 2yr 2 Event: 2 yr File.... N:\10\10-0000'.!'} -sulr_e-Davis Drive\H-H\BMP\Wet Pond 061010.ppw Storm... RDU NOAA Syr 2 I h - ------- -------------- 18. .1756 3.1950 l _ 3.?144 _9, 3.: 9 < 3. 3. < „ 7 22. 23.3 23.740) 7 3., 0 3.< 3 3.171 3.1989 3.2183 3.2378 3.2572 3.2767 3. L 31 3.. 3.3 3.- l 3. ?8 3.4322 3.2028 3.2222 3.2417 3.2611 3.9806 3. 00 4 3. a9 3.3 83 3.3778 3.3972 3.4167 3.4361 3. 7- 3.2067 3.2?r,l 3.2 E 3. . _3 3.3 R 3.3233 3.3428 3.3622 3.3817 3.4011 3.4206 3.4400 - 2 .? L 3. J .2 9 -3 3. '2 " -7 3L 3.____ 3.4% I Bentley - Inc. Bentley PondPack ( /11/2010 Ty lrve Page 4.07 .. RL-- 5yr Tag: 5 Event: 5 yr K:\1( ) 000\10000 2-Pulte- Davis Drive\ H-H\B"n'-. ' --end 061010.ppw RL . a a yr Tag: 5 T(' 1. _- - _n) I ment = rs h --- Time an lE -- time is rst value in cw. 0. 0 I ------------ .-0 0 --- - -_ _..a_ 0c . 01.46 4 L - I 3 2 .0389 -3 _ ,0632 i 1.2495 .0729 78 OE .0875 .1 4 ^: I 09"72 .1021 .1069 .1118 .11 7 I 7.?15 .1264 1313 .13ti1. ?lO 2. 8 .1507 .1556 .1 _ .1653 2. .1750 1i .1896 3 .1993 .2C 2 u .2139 3.?_ 5 I .2_ .2236 2wr 2 4.ib5O I .2479 .25 .2576 L -5 4.5815 ( .26i .2722 .2-i-, - .2819 4.9980 1 'S 7 .291 .3014 .3063 5.4145 ) .3160 .3257 .3306 v 5.8310 ) .3403 .3500 .3579 6.<' 5 _7 .38" .3975 6.66 r _ .4371 0 7.C I .4767 .4E_6 7.-- 0 I .45 .5CE 3 .5 -6 .52 2 7.-' 5 ( 5321 .5479 .: 1,8 8.3300 ( .5717 .57 .5875 -L. 5 ( . 6113 . 611 _ .6271 . 6 6 4 .1630 ) .1-39 .6783 .6928 .7072 .7217 9. f 5 ) i f,1 .7506 .7650 .7794 .7939 3 228 .8372 .8517 Esl_ 10. ) -1 .9163 .9375 1.0225 1.0438 1.. 11.; 5 ) .{ 1.0=_ I5 l___88 1.1? 0 l.< ? ._ 1..3700 1.6- 1. S i67 2. 2.7767 ) 3. 3 3.0;_7 12. 0 ) 3.1713 3 25 .21 7 3.2350 12.9115 ) 3.1 3 3.2775 3 ^.. 3.- 3 13.3280 3.3838 iG 3.47` 3,4 39 13.7445 3.1 3 3. 38 3. 7 2 3.4 1- _.L 14.:'-'Q I 3.52u6 3. - 3.5494 3.5639 x.11-3 14.57 5 I 3.5928 3.6217 3.6361 3.6 1 . 3.6650 3. 29 3.6808 3.6888 3.6967 1-5., 3.7046 3.7125 3.7204 3.7283 3.7363 0 ) 3.7442 3.7521 3.'7600 3.7679 3.7758 1.6.7 5 ) 3.7833 3.71.7 3.7996 3.8075 3.8154 16.bouO ( 3,8392 3.8471 3,8550 1.7.0'765 3.8788 3.8867 3.8946 17.4930 3.9 25 3. 14 3.9183 3.9263 3.9342 ;17.9095 A 3.9421 3.?iu00 3.9549 3.9597 3.9646 Bentley ` ck ( 2:50 PM Bentley y 6/11/2010 Type.- Time -Depth Curve Page 4.08 Name.... RDU NOA A 5yr Tag: 5 Event: 5 yr File.... K:\10\10 -0000\1,00002 -Pulte -Davis Drive\H-H\BMP\Wet Pond 061010,ppw Storm... RDU NOAA Syr Tag: 5 SYNTHETIC CUMULATIVE RAINFALL(in) Time I Output Time increment - .0833 lirs hrs I 'rime on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I ------------------------------------------------ 18.3260 1 3.9694 3.9143 3.9792 3.9840 18.7425 1 3.9938 349986 4.0035 4.0083 19.1590 1 4.0181 4.0229 4.0278 4.0326 19,5755 1 4,0424 4;0472 4.0521 4.0569 19,9920 1 4,0667 4.0715 4.0764 4,0813 200085 I 4,0910 4.0958 4.1007 4.1056 M8250 1 4.1153 4.1201 4.1250 4.1299 21,2415 I 4.1396 4.1444 4.1493 4.1542 21-6580 1 4.1639 4.1688 4.1736 4.1785 22.0745 1 4.1882 4$1931 4.1979 4.2028 22.4910 4.2125 4;2174 4.2222 4.2271 22.9075 I 4.2368 4.2417 4.2465 4.2514 23.3240 1 4.2611 4.2660 4.2708 4.2757 23.7405 j 4.2854 4.2903 4w2951 4.3000 SIN. Bentley pondPack ( 2:50 PM ----------- 3.9889 4.0132 4.0375 4 . 0618 4,0861 4.1104 4.1347 4,1590 4.1833 4.207 4.2319 4.2563 4.2806 Bentley Systems, Inc. 611112010 Type.... _ Page 4.09 Name.... Tag; 1 File.... e',l v, -u ,- JO002-Pulte- Davis Drive\H-H\BM P\wet Pond 061010.ppw _ .1( hrs _ ---'j-- Time on ----------- =zz rej _s time for rirst w, .-C .000 --------- .0 ------------------ ,002 -- 3 304 .5000 .005 .006 .007 OU8 .009 1."0__ .011 .012 .013 .014 .015 1.5000 .016 .017 .018 ._20 .021 2.0.. J .022 .023 .024 6 .027 2.50 0 .028 .029 .031 .033 3.0"00 .035 .036 .037 .040 3.5 l .041 .042 .044 .04U .047 4. C} .048 .049 .051 .052 .054 4. 0" .055 .057 .058 .060 .061 5.vO0" .063 .065 .066 .068 .070 5.500 .071 .073 .075 .076 .078 6.0000 .080 .082 .084 .085 .087 6.'00- .089 .091 .093 .095 .097 7.0000 .099 .101 .103 .105 .107 7.510 .109 .111 .113 .116 .118 8.0000 .120 .122 .125 .127 .130 8......J .132 .135 .138 .141 .144 9.0CJ0 .147 .150 .153 .157 .160 9.. 00 .163 .166 .170 .173 .177 10.0000 .181 .185 .1.89 .194 .199 10.51 10 .204 .209 .215 .221 .228 11.1__00 .235 .243 .251 .261 .271 11.5Cv .283 .307 .354 .431 .568 12.10C) .663 .682 .699 .713 .725 12.,,6. .735 .743 .'751 .759 .766 13.0000 .772 .778 .784 .789 .794 13.5000 .799 .804 .808 .812 .816 14.0000 .820 .824 .827 .831 .834 14.5000 .838 .841 .844 .847 .850 15.rllcC .854 .856 .859 .862 .865 15.50"0 .868 .870 .873 .875 .878 16.0-C,. .880 .882 .885 .887 .889 16._ C .891 .893 .895 .898 .900 17.0000 .902 .904 .906 .908 .910 17.` 00 .912 .914 .915 .917 .919 18.000! .921 .923 .925 .926 .928 18.500u , .930 .931 .933 .935 .936 19.0000 I: .938 .939 .941 .942 .944 19.5000 .945 .947 .948 .949 .951 20.0000 j .952 .953 .955 .956 .957 20.5000 [ .958 .960 .961 .962 .964 21.0000 # .965 .966 .967 .968 .970 21.5000 .971 .972 .973 .975 .976 F ° ums Inc. bentiey ronaeack ( 2®50 PM 6/11/2010 m ? pe.... _ stiv Page 4.12 T 2 Ta( 1 Event: 1 yr iie.... K:\luti iu-G \10000 2-Pui_te- Davis Drive\H-H\ BMP\Wet Pond 061010,ppw __orm... TypeIl 24 Tag: 3 CUMUL ATT RA TNFATJL T)F { ' 7) C)r t ,rerr I hrs 11 Time on 1 t v G ------- -- I----- 0 ---------- ,0000 - - 0 2 0 ( 54 02" .0250 -2 1, ) 5 041" ( 49 1 . 4 .0 0( 4 2. J .0696 7` .0881 _ r C 6 3.( .1074 .1114 3 3.50 1 .1274 - .1357 .1398 4. .1482 11 _ 3 .1569 .1F13 - _ .1.58 .1703 .17Z- .1795 2 5. 0 .1890 .1938 .1987 .2037 7 J .2138 .2189 ,2241 .2293 L- 6- .20 .24F' .25 .2565 .2C - _ .2- .2851 7. 1 .3153 1. 3 .3341 .34 i .3469 . -F- 4 J _ .3668 .3798 .3"=_ .3888 v.. .4050 .4136 .4?24 .4316 9.--- .4 10 -?6 .4602 4 9.`?v v .5092 .5 2 10. J O C 5684 ? 3 10. 3( I- ) 32 56 0 11. .7280 .9205 1. 1 4 -2. 1.' 2._ 59 2-C959 2,1 ?. 2." 3 2.2141 2.2763 2- 2.' 2. 9 2.3509 2.3671 1 2.. ' 0 2. )8 2. 240 2.436_ 2.1_ 5 -_. 2.1iuu0 2.4710 ,. - 2,4 2.5027 14. 2.5129 2.5228 2 2.54-- 2.5514 2.5605 2.5694 2 _ 2.5 `" 2.5948 15. _ 2.6029 2.6107 -4 .` a 2.6330 0 2.6400 2.6469 2 7 2.(- 2.6670 2.6736 2.6801 2. 65 2. 2,6991 7, t 2.7053 2.7114 2.7174 2.72.: 2.7"'13 -?- 2.7351 2.7408 2.7465 2.7 2.7-,5 2.7630 2.7684 2.7737 2.7, 2.; ) 2.7891 2.7941 2.7990 2.C 2.." 1 2.8133 2.8179 2.8224 , . ?6 2. 2.E -6 2.8398 2, 40 2.8 2.£ L 2u. 2.` 2.8599 8 2.8roi6 2.8/15 20..'3 2 . ? 3 2.8791 _ 2.8867 2.8905 21.( _ 0 ".( 3 2.8980 2. 17 2.9054 2.9091 21 5uu O 2.9165 2. jz01 2. 9238 2.. 9274 1 l: Bentley Sy: -- - lc. Bentley i (10.00.027,00) 2:50 PM 6i'-* --/2010 1 --te-Davis Drive\H-H\BMP\- 1 J tC , 'y t-Lu.uu.uzr.uu) 2:50 PM /1112010 _ pe .... Out.le Outlet __le-, K;\10\lv m v .2-2ulte-T)-riq Drive\u- )ND WS 320.-j ft = 10 ft m 326.00 ft i *)c**ic ?r it *lc it k##' ;- {! { kJr**#i? # ---> Fo rd Flow Only ,01 ID-"q oF1 01 (l vas., ---> DD ---> OF 3t 32 GL ---> TW 31i 32 - P (10,00.027,00) 2:50 PM Bentley In. 12010 T - Data at i File.... K:\10\1 10002-Pul Dr-, - - - - IN. _ _ lar ? UU f f a = - 32 t = 12.` q.ft _ - a Na = t 0 GLy P~ (10.00.027,00) G : 3 u EIM 5.02 1010. Dew Be c. 6/11/201.0 Type.- Outlet Input Data .03 NE -utlet 1 File. K:\10\10-0000\1C____ ___te-Davis Drive\EI-__,_. _end _ ITA 316 - 317.( Et 117.00 ft 117.00 ft -.00427 ft/ft .0130 .2000 (f( n t 1z y .012411 (p+ ) .2000 (reve sss; mce = .001 +J- ft DATA... -Drm = 1 col K - .0018 -01 M = 2.0000 C = .02920 _ y = .7400 1.064 J) = 1.209 -.500 1 qu. below T1 elev. _ 1 qu. above T2 elev. 3uka Ld subz let control, w rl & A_ __ ---> F1 = 15.55 s Al 1-2 r ,v = 3i o t- ---> Flvw = 17.77 cis e ID = TW Type.... Name.... File.... K, 32_DoO .00 32 ,60 .01 320.70 .02 320.80 .03 320.90 .03 321.00 .04 321.10 .04 321.20 .04 321.30 .05 321.40 ,05 321.50 .05 321.60 .06 321.70 .06 321.80 .06 321.90 .20 322.00 .58 322.10 1.20 322.20 2.02 322.30 3.03 322.40 4.19 322.50 5.51 32.2. 60 6.91 322.70 8.41 322.80 9.96 322.90 10.8`1 323.00 11.70 323.10 12.48 323.20 13.22 323.30 13.91 323.40 14.56 323.50 15.19 323.60 15.80 323.70 16,40 323.80 16.95 323.90 17.50 324.00 18.02 324.10 18.54 324.20 20.14 _ Pul__ _v Drive\I1-._,- nf,,,,i A r i n 1 0 -, k*** _dotes ------------------------- ,1 ) Q. C R DD, -- (no --: VO,R', DD,CL (no Q: 00,RO) DD,CL (no Q: 00,RO) DD,CL (no Q: 00,RO) DD,CL (no Q: 00,RO) DD,CL (no Q: 00,RO) DD,CL (no Q: 00,RO) DD,CC, (no Q: 00,RO) DD,C:I, (no Q: 00,RO) DD,CL (no Q: 00,RO) DD,CL (no Q: 00,RO) DD,CL (no Q: 00,RO) DD,CL (no Q: 00,RO) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00, DD, CI, (no Q: RO) 00, DD, Cl, (no Q: NO) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00, DD, CL (no Q. RO ) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00,DD,CL (no Q. RO) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00,DD,CL (no Q: RO) 00,RO,DD,CL SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack (10.00.027,00) 2:50 PM 6111/201.0 Type.... Compoeite Rating Curve Name..utlet I Page 5.05 File .... K:\10\10 -0000\100002 -Pulte -Davis Drive\H-H\BMP\Wet Pond 061010.ppw S/N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:50 PM, 6/11/2010 COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** NO Flev, Total Notes ---------------- -------- Converge ------------------------- Elevr Q TW El Error ft, -------- of ------- ft +/-:Et -------- Contributing Structures 324.30 22.65 Free Curtail -------------------------- O0,RO,DD,CL 324 40 25.-/6 Free Outfall 00,RO,DD,CL 324,50 28,78 Free Outfall OD, R0,DD, CL 324.60 30.55 Free OuL fall 00,RO,DD, CL 324f70 32.34 Free Outfall 00,RO,DD, CL 324.80 34.11 Free Outfall 00,RO,DD, CL 324.90 35.72 Free Outfall, fila, R0,DD,CL 325.00 37.12 Free Outfall, O0,R0,DD,CL 325.10 38.14 Free Outfall O0,R0,DD,CL 325.20 38.58 Free outfall RO,CL (no Q: 00,DD) 325.30 38.89 Free Outfall R0,CL (no Q: 00,DD) 325.40 39.20 Free Outfall O0,R0,DD,CL 325-50 39.51 Free Outfall RO,CL (no Q: 00,DD) 325.60 39.80 Free outfall RO,CL (no Q: 00,DD) 325.70 40.10 Free Outfall RO,CL (no Q: 0, DD)' 325.80 lei a40 Free Outfall RO,CL (no Q: Citi, Dei) 325.90 40a69 Free Outfall R5, CI (no Q. tit?, DD) 326.00 40:99 Free Outfall RG,CL (no Q: 00,DD) S/N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:50 PM, 6/11/2010 Type.... Pond P_V-Q Table Dago 6.01 Marne.... B mP -I File..., K.-\1.0\10-0000\100002-PLil,te-1 avi Drive\H-EI\BMP\Wet Pond { 61010.pp LEVEL POOL ROUTING DATA HYG Dir = X:\10\10 -0000\100002 -Pulte -Davis Drive\H-H\ MP\ Inflow HYG fila = work_ pad. by - BMP 1 S%! Outflow HYG file = work-pad.hyg - BMP .i OUT 2 Pond Mode Data = AMP 1 Pond Volume Data = BMP 1. Pond nutlet Data = Outlet 1 No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WS Eley 3M50 ft' Starting Volume .000 ac -ft 'Starting Outflow - .00 cfs Starting lnfiltr- .00 cfs Starting Total l Qout= .00 Cf, Time Increment - ,0500 firs Elevation Outflow Storage Area infilt. Q "dotal 2S/t + 0 ft ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- n1t ac -ft sq. ft t$ cfs cfs 32 1 q 50 .00 .000 9731 ;00 .00 00 32M0 .01 -023 10119' :DO .01 1.1.04 320.7 .02 .04 -; 10511 .00 .02 22151 320.80 ,03 .071 10917 ,00 .03 34.42 320.90 ;03` .097 11328' .00 .03 46.78 321.00 .04 .123 1174 - .00 .04 55.61 321.10 ,04 .150 11871 .00 .0 72.73 321.201 .04 .178 11597 00 .04 86.00 321.36 .05 .205 12124 .00 .05 99.40' 3111.40 .05 .233 12251 .00 .115 112.94 321.53 .05 .262 12379= .00 .05 126.63 321..60 .016 a290 12508 .00 .06 1411,46 321-.70 .06 .315 12537 .00 o6 154.43 321.80 .06 . 3,18 12757 .00 .06 168,55 323-90 9 {1; :20 .378 12£33 3 .00 .20'' 182.94 322.50 58 ,407 13229 -00 a58 197.73 322.10 1.20 .437 1.306 .00 1.201- 21.2.34 322.20 2.02 4157 13103 .00 2.02 228.20 322tr30 3=03 .497 13139 .00 3.03 213.75 322>.40 4-.19 .528 13176 .00 4.19 253.57 SITS: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPaok {} 2.50 PM /11/2010 'T'ype.... Pond E-V-Q Table Name.... BMP 1 File.... K:\10\10-0000\100002-Puite-Davis Drive\TI-H\BMP\Wet Pond u01010.ppw )OL 'G f i.1-' -- C. _c r HYG = c - ,de BMP 1 P a plume i a= BMP 1 P C.tlet Data = Outlet 1 N _nfiltration INITIAI, 'ult Dri 1 _ 1 2 UU eta 00 Cfs _ .0500 hrs Eleva _tn C a Storage Area ft -.ft 32 .5. .51 2.,,J -.91 322.70 8.41 .619 322.80 9.96 .649 322.90 10.87 .680 323.00 11.70 .711 323.10 12.48 .741 323.20 13.22 .772 323.30 13.91 .803 323.40 14.56 B34 _ 323.50 15.19 .865 323.60 15.80 .""7 323.70 16.40 3 323.80 16.95 v9 323.90 17.50 324.00 18.02 1.022 324.10 18.54 1.053 3< .2^ 20.14 1.085 0 22.65 1.117 _ ?4.40 25.76 1.148 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( Q Total 2S1 O C_ 5.51 1 .0 .. 91 .U0 x.41 .00 9.96 .00 10.87 33_ .00 11.70 355.01 .00 12.48 371.35 .00 13.22 387. .00 13.91 4"'. .00 14.56 4 .00 15.19 4 .00 15.80 .00 16.40 { .00 16.95 .00 17.50 .00 18.02 .00 18.54 5;- .00 20.14 545..J1 .00 22.65 563.14 .00 25.76 581.60 2:50 PM t stems, Inc. 6111/2010 Type.... Pond P,'-V-Q Table Page 6.03 Name.... BMP 1 File.... K:\10\10-0000\100002-Pulte-Davis Drive\H-H\BMP\Wet Pond 061010.ppw HYG £il = --TG -- BMP 1 = PIMP 1 Vata = Outlet 1 N - ?_ ion L - ft _ s 'ult Dri 1 _ T 2 Ele Infilt. - 2SI O i 0.00 324. 1. Z 35 -1.19 /-4.70 J-..54 1.2/1,1 i_ 313 U0 JZ.34 ? 324.80 34.11 1.276 13 ?"0 .00 34.11 324.90 35.72 1. 3 ) 35.72 6 ".77 325.00 37.12 1. 1 37.12 685.70 325.10 38.14 ; 38.14 702,32 325.20 38.. 1. 38.58 718.47 325.30 11. s 1.437 UU 38.89 7-4.-- 325.40 3_.. 1.470 .00 39.20 7, . 325.50 39.-1 1.503 14 -4 .00 39.51 767.0 325.60 39. 0 1,536 1 _10 .00 39.80 763.41 325.70 40.1 1.570 14 "7 .00 40,10 799.88 325.80 L . ' 1.603 1. .00 40.40 816.44 325.90 40. 1.637 1 ill .00 40.69 833.10 326.00 40. 1.671 7_ ,00 40.99 849.85 SIP Bentley PondPack ( 2:50 PM anti F stems, Inc. 6111/2010 Type.... Pond Routing Summary Page 6.04 Name.... 13MP I OUT Tag; I Event: I yr Fite.... K,.\10\10 -0000\100002 -Pulte -Davis Drive\H-H\BMP\Wct Pond 061010ppw Storm... Typell 24hr Tag-. I LEVEL POOL ROUTING SUMMARY HYG Dir = K:\10\10-0000\100002-Pialte-Dav-is Drive\li-HNBMP\ Inflow HYG file = work -Pad.hyq BMP i IN I Outflow HYG file - work-pad.hyg AMP 1 OUT I Pond Node Data = AMP I Pond Volume Data AMP I Pond Outlet Data Outlet I No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WS Elev 320.50 ft Starting Volume .000 ac -ft Starting Outflow �00 cfs Starting Infiltr, .00 cfs Starting Total Qout= .00 cfs 'rime Increment .0500 hrs TNFLOW/OUTFLOW HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY Peak Inflow n 24.08 eta at 11.9500 hrs Peak Outflow 7.95 cfs at 12.1000 hrs ----------------------------------------------------- Peak Elevation 322.67 ft, Peak Storage .609 ac -ft MASS BALANCE (ac -ft) -------------------------- + Initial Vol. .000 + HYG Vol I'M 1.343 - Infiltration ;000 - HYG Vol OUT 1,281 - Retained Vol 063 ---------- Unroofed Vol -.000 ac -ft (1008% at' Inflow Volume) SIN- Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:50 PM 6/11/2010 Type—, Pend ficuting Summary Page 6.05 Name ... BMP 1. OUT Tag 2 Event: 2 yr File.... K -\10\10 -0000\100002 -Pulte -Davis Drivo\ i-H\BMP\Wet Pond 061010.pp Storm. a a RDU NOAA 2yr Tag: 2 LEVEL POOL ROUTING SUMMARY HYt, Chir = K:\10\10 -0000\100002 -Pulte -Davis Drive\H-H\BMPN Inflow HYG file - work padxhyq - RED I IN 2 Outflow HYG file work-ad.h - BMP I OUT Pond Node Data = BMP 1 Pond Volume Data u 13MP I Ponce Outlet Data Outlet 1` No infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WS Elev - 320 50 It Starting Volume .000 ac -ft Starting Outflow .00 cfs Starting Infiltr: .00 cf Starting Total Qout- .00 cfs Time Increment - .0500 hrs INFLOW/OUTFLOW HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY Peak inflow = 33.40 cfs at. 1. .1000 his Peak ----------------------------------------------------- Outflow - 11.92 cfs at 12.3000 hrs Peak Elevation 323.03 ft Peak Storage 4 719 ac -ft MASS BALANCE {ac -.ft} -------------------------- Initial Vol - .00 + HYC3 Vol IN 1.645 - Infiltration .SCJ - HYG VolOUT 1,550 - Retained Vol = .065, Unroutdd Vol -,0017 ac -ft (.005'k of Inflow volume) SIN Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondP ck ( 350 PM 6/11/2010 Type.... mond Routing Saimnary Page 6.0 Name._.. AMP I OUT Tag: 5 Event; 5 yr File.... Et\10\10-0000\100002--E?tal.t - Davis D,riv \H--[I\BMP\W t Pond 0610 0.pp Storm..:. RDD NOAA syr Tag, LEVEL, POOL: ROUTING UMMARY HYG Dir :K;\1,0\10 -0000\100002 -Pulte -Davis Drive\tl-H\B id'\ Inflow HYG fila - work pad.hyq BMP lid Outflow HYG fila work-pad.hyg- AMP I OUT Pond Node Data = HMP l Pond Volume Data = BMP l Donn Outlet Data = outlet l No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITION :starting WS Elev - 32MO It> Starting Volume .000 ac --ft Starting Outflow - .00 et Starting Infiltr. :00 cf Starting Total Qout= .00 Cfs Time Increment - .0500 hrs INFLOW/OUTFLOW HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY Peak Inflow = 41..92 c s at 1.2.1000 hrs Peak Outflow: _ - Infiltration_ eta at 12.3000 hrs Peak Elevation }16. 323.67 ft Peak Storage .920 ac -ft MASS BALANCE -------------------------- (ac -ft) A. Initial Vol. �l}� + HYG Vol. IN - 2.251 - Infiltration_ Itik - HYG Vol OUT, 2 1,83 - Retained Vol .068 Unrout rl Vol = -.000 ac -ft a003% of Inflow volumej Irl. Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondP c (10.00. 27.00 :50 Phi 61111 010 Type.... Pond Routing Summary Page 6.07 K.:\10\10 -0000\100002 -Pulte -Davis Driv 1H-H\BMP\Wet Pond 061010.ppw Storm... ADD KOAA l0yr Tag: to LEVEL POOL ROUTING SUMMARY HYG €biz` = K:\10\10 -0000\100002 -Pulte -Davis Drive\H-H\BMP\ Inflow HYG filo � work-pad.hy - RMP I IN 10 Outflow HYG file work_pad.hyg - BMP 1 OUT 10 Pond Norte Data = BMP l Fond Volume Data = BMP 1 Pond nutlet Data = Outlet 1 No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WE l lev 320.5 ft Starting Volume .000 ac -ft Starting Outflow .00 of Starting Inliltr. .00 ufs Starting Total Q7ou'tn .00 cfs Time Increment - .0500 500 ter Peak Inflow - 48.51: cfs at 12.1000 hr.s< Peak ----------------------------------------------------- Outflow - 19.07 cfs at 12,3000 hr Peak Elevation 324.13 ft Peak Storage - 1.064 ac -ft MASS BALANCE (ac -ft) + Initial Vol. + HYG Val IN - In.fil,tration:. =. HYG Vol OUT Retained Vol, Unrout d Vol .00 2.741: 2.672 .07t ...,.000 sic:. -ft, (.001% of inflow Volume) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc, Bentley PondPack ( 2:50 PM 6/11 /2010 Type.... Pond Souring Summary Page 6.08 Name.... BMP 1 OUT Tag: 100 Event: 100 yr File - - K:\10\10 -0000\100002 -Pulte -Davis Dr. ive\H-H\BMP\Wet Pond 061010.ppw Storm... RDD NO AA 100yr Tag, 100 LEVEL POOL ROUTING SUMMARY HYG Dir = K:\10\10-ODOO\100002-Pulte-Davis DrivV\H-J,l\BMP\ Inflow HYG file = work-Pad.hyg - BMP 1 IN 100 Outflow HYG file = work-pad.hyg - BMP I OUT 100 and Node Data v BMP I Pond Volume Data = EMP I Pond Outlet Data = Outlet I No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WS Eley = 320.50 ft Starting Voluxte .000 ac -ft Starting Outflow .00 cfs Starting Infiltr. .00 cfs Starting Total Qout= s00 cfs Time Increment .0500 hrs INFLOW/OUTFLOW HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY Peak Inflow 63.64 cfs at 1.2.1000 hrs Peak ----------------------------------------------------- Outflow 35.42 cfs at'. 12.2500 hr5 Peak Elevation -- 324.88 ft Peak Storage = 1.302 ac -ft MASS BALANCE (ac -ft) -------------------------- + initial Vol = .000 4 HYG Vol IN 4.510 - Infiltration = .000 HYG Vol OUT = 4.436 Retained Vol x073 ---------- Unrouted Vol -.000 ac -ft, (.001% of Inflow Volume) SIN, Bentley Systems, Inc, Bentley PondPack (10. 0.027.0 ) 2:50 PM 6/11/2010 A-1 - - R Nitrogen Control Plan Commercial / Industrial / Residential Sites with Known Impervious Area Project Title: Davis Village Basis for Exemption -- -- Show buffers on site plan Part H. Nitrogen Calculations (Method 2, Appendix C): 13.36 acres 12.72 acres 4.95 acres 77 ................ acres 0.64 acres b. Pre-development loading: Type of Land Cover Permanently protected undisturbed open space (forest, unmown meadow) Permanently protected managed open space (grass, landscaping, etc.) Impervious Area Nitrogen Loading Rate (Ibs/ac/yr) = 1 17 c. Post-development loading Type of Land Cover Permanently protected undisturbed open space (forest, unrnown meadow) Permanently protected managed open space (grass, landscaping, etc.) Impervious Area Nitrogen Loading Rate (lbs/ac/yr) _ TN Export Area T export coeff from use !acres! i3kssla?:;YFr) 11z?ejyv} 1 2. /15 _ ...... 45 L'-'1 .' TOTAL 'I 8.50 Proposed BMP(s) Wet Pond & Filter Strip Estimated Buy Down = $10,334 Nitrogen Load after BMPs = .................. Nitrogen Load offset by Payments = 0.91 Ibs/ac/yr Net change in on-site N Load = 4.90 Ibs/ac/yr Part III. Control of Peak Stormwater Flow (for 1 year, design storm) Calculated Pre-development Peak Flow 9.68 cfs Calculated Post-development Peak Flow 27.6 cfs ............... Proposed BMP(s) 1 Wet Detention Pond's Post BMP Peak Flow 7 o rrs 1, the undersigned, certify to the best of my knowledge that the above information is correct :g Supply notes & details showing control of Nitrogen and peak stormwater runoff. Nitrogen Loading Calculations Project Name: Davis Village Date: 6/11/2010 Project : 2100002 _ Computed by: TOTAL TRACT Total Area: 1,916? = _.......... _ .......................... . Impervious; Z?i :,i .............. ..... _...- --- - Natural Open Space Area: %r;?,s; qt's Managed Open Space Area: Lot Area: Estimated Pre-Development TN Loading ............ Type of Lind Cover ....... Acres .. TN Export Goeff. TAE 1=X.FORT (Itisty r-j % 7'ermanently Protected Undisturbed Ai-ea 0 0.36 Permanently Protected Managed Area G OL 1.2 0.00 rnpervious Surface 12. 7? 21.2 269.66 I la 13.36 20,2 l7(}{)5 Estimated Post-Development TN Loading Dramage area A:.1.o Wel Pond n1 .......... . Type of Land Cover Acres I N Export CoeH. (Ibs/ac/yr) TN EXPORT (Ibs/yr) Permanently Protected Undisturbed Area }.?5t? u ti 000 Permanently Protected Managed Area A :1)2 1.2 5.18 Err pprvious Area 4_ 1 J. ;') 21.2 104.94 i s otai 9.2 r I 'l 0,12 ........ Estimated BMP Reduction for Wet Pond: Estimated Drainage Area A Nitrogen Loading Reduction: 27.5."S ibslyr T Export 82 5 91 Ibsl;Yr Estimated BMP Reduction for Filter Strip: ?:, ! ?(-. Estimated Nitrogen Loading Reduction 24.78 Ibsh/r Type of Land Cover .............. ............................... __1esmanentiy Protected Undisturbed Area 'ermanently Protected Managed Area mpervious Area L area B: To D , A #N/A Acres TN Export Coeif (lbs/ac/yr) .......... ........................ 0.6 1.2 21.2 f otal? 1"). ;0 Estimated BMP Reduction for Dry Pond: Estimated Drainage Area Nitrogen Loading Reduction for Wet Pond: 10% 0.00 lbstyr Drainage Area C,: To Wet Pon,- ~ N/A Type of Land Cover Acres i N Export Goefi. TN EXPORT (Ibs/yr) (Ibs/ac/vr) ........ .. . ....... Permanently Protected Undisturbed Area v.b 0.00 Permanently Protected Managed Area 1.2 0.00 Impervious Area 21.2 0.00 ... .... ....... I otalW;. n.00 U.V1 J .. ... ...... __ _ ?. Estimated BMP Reduction for Wet Pond: 25 % Estimated Drainage Area C Nitrogen Loading Reduction: 0.00 Ibs/yr _............... _ Drainage, Area D Untreated Arn„ ........_ ................ .. .......... 1 N Fx xort r?r-?I " Type of Land Cover Acres tlbs/ac/-' TN E °OR I (Ibs,`;:} ................ - i-lermanently Protected Undisturbed Area 2 0.6 1.4"l Permanently Protected Managed Area I 6 '+ 1.2 1.97 npervious Area (trail) 21.2 0.00 _. ........... Totals 4.09 3.44 Estimated BMP Reduction for Sheet Flow through Buffer: 30 % Estimated Drainage Area D Nitrogen Loading Reduction: 1.03 Ibs/yr Estimated BMP Reduction: 0 % Estimated Drainage Area E Nitrogen Loading Reduction: 0.00 Ibs/yr Estimated Project Pre- P TN Export: 113.56 Ibs/yr Estimated Project P T Removal: 53.34 Ibs/yr Estimated Project TN Load Rate After Ps: 4.51 lbs/ac/yr Estimated Project Composite Nitrogen Loading Rate Reduction: 46.97 % Estimated Buy Down $10,334 ., ........ ........ .......... _ ......... Project Name: Davis Village Townhomes City/State: Cary, NC Project #: 2100002 Date: 11-Jun-10 Table 1.1 Surface Area to Drainage Area Ratio for Permanent Pool Sizing for 85% Pollutant Removal Efficiency in the Piedmont `5® impervious Pernianeat Pool De pth (fleet) A 4.6 5.0 0.0 7.0 8.0 4,0 IV ................... .1 J? , j 1 I V. J ? 0.43 I 0 35 0 3 i 029 I { 26 20 0,91-1 _ `E 70 ......._ 0.59 0,51 ? (l fJ ? 0.44 30 97 83 0 64 - 0 2 - .....L.... . ___ ;-_ .... 1 , 40 1. / a J 1.^1 5 .J 1 { Y i_,. (O 0. 8 2 } ?. 7 0 2.40 -1 2.0 I i3 0 70 2.83 _i ... '.4(s J,' 1 1 i E.35 1 it 80 3.36 !0 i .?7? ! ..._ ... 1 42 . .......... 90 3.74 3. 1111 01 2.,,5 6 2 ?-.,4 9, 11 bource: NUDLN /D4VU Siormwater Best Management Practices, pg. 5, April 1999 Total Area = 9.27 Ac Streets = 69349 SF 1.59 Ac Sidewalk = 14948 SF 0.34 Ac House = 94285 SF 2.16 Ac Driveway = 24930 SF 0.57 Ac Patio = 12284 SF 0.28 Ac Total Impervious Area = 4.95 c % Impervious Surface Area = 53.44% Surface Area of Permanent Pool: Assumed depth = 3 feet SA/DA ration = 2.18 % From Table 1.1 Minimum pond surface area (SA) = (DA * SA/DA ratio)/100 SA = 0.202 acres 8803 sq. ft. 1-Inch Runoff Volume Calculation Using the runoff volume calculations in the "Simple Method" as described by Schueler (1987) Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(1) where, Rv = Runoff coefficient, in./in. I = Percent impervious Rv = 0.531 in./in. Total runoff volume from 1-inch precipitation: Runoff volume, S = (Design rainfall) (Rv) (Drainage Area) S = 0.410 acre-ft 17867 cu. ft. Project Name: Davis Village Townhoes City/State: Cary, NC STO ATE P - et Detention Pond Orifice Calculator = *( )^(1/) Variables Q Volume Head Draw down time Orifice Area = Orifice Diameter = USE 17859.6 cf 1.085 ft 259200 s 1.978291 sq. in 1.5 In DIAMETER ORIFICE Actual Diameter = 0.012272 sq ft Crest Elevation = 321.50 msl Orifice Elevation = 318.20 msl Head = 3.36 ft Flow = 0.11 cfs Proie1 ct #: 2080134 Date: 11-Jun-10 Constants 9 = 32.2 ft/s2 Cd= 0.6