HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010155 Ver 1_Monitoring Report_20080711HABITAT ASSESSMENT AND RESTORATION PROGRAM, INC. -.-- 9305-D Monroe Road Charlotte, NC 28270 Office: 704-841-2841 Fax: 704-841-2447 email: info@habitatassessment.com www.habitatassessment.com Employee Owned ol- 0155 Ms. Amanda Mueller NCDWQ-Wetlands Div MSC 1650 Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Re: 2008 Stream Restoration Monitoring Report Northwest Water Treatment Facility Winston Salem/Forsyth County, NC Stream Mitigation Report Dear Ms. Mueller; July 8, 2008 Enclosed is the 2008 monitoring report for the Northwest Water Treatment plant in Winston-Salem, NC. A copy of this report has been submitted to John Thomas at the USACE. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions. Respectfully submitted, Karri Cecil Blackmon 9JULY 1 2008 UENR - WATER UUAUTY 4 nA40S AND STORMWATER BRANCH HABITAT ANALYSIS • ENDANGERED PLANT STUDIES • STREAM RESTORATION • WETLAND MITIGATION • MONITORING 2008 Stream Restoration Monitoring Report Northwest Water Treatment Facility Winston Salem/Forsyth County, N.C. Stream Mitigation Project June, 2008 Prepared by: HARP, Inc. 9305-D Monroe Road Charlotte, NC 28270 Contact: U (? LS? r= Ms. Karri Blackmon L? lI `:.A L? Karri(eDhabitatassessment.com 704-841-2841 JU1. ?Gll8 DENT WETLANDS AND si oRmWAI ER BRANCH 2008 Stream Restoration Monitoring Report Northwest Water Treatment Facility Winston Salem/Forsythe County, N.C. Stream Mitigation Project Executive Summary This report presents stream monitoring data for stream restoration and mitigation for permitted impacts related to the construction of the Winston Salem/Forsyth County Northwest Water Treatment Facility. The approved stream mitigation plan (August, 2000) called for approximately 2000 linear feet of stream restoration at two sites, and the stabilization of an unstable old pond outfall area below the plant NPDES discharge area. In April of 2006, all restoration construction activities were completed. This document reports the 0 annual cycle of monitoring data and results for one of the sites, and year 2 data for the other two sites completed during this annual cycle. Future monitoring schedules are summarized for each of the sites. The three sites are referred to as the a) "Taylor Road Reach", b) "Old Pond Site Reach", and c) "Beroth Road Reach". Taylor Road Reach. This reach, with approximately 1640 linear feet of restored "E-type" channel, is located on a small unnamed tributary discharging directly to the Yadkin River within the Yadkin River floodplain on its west side across from the Plant intake facility. It can be accessed from Taylor Road. This "Taylor Road Reach" (UT to Yadkin River) restoration entered its 4d' year of monitoring during this annual cycle. Newly surveyed morphologic and plant community data for this annual cycle are presented here and compared to as-built data to demonstrate continued success of this part of the restoration effort. Monitoring of this site shall continue for an additional year. Should signs of instability be noted in future monitoring results, a remediation plan will be prepared and completed within 12 months. Old Pond Site Reach. This reach, with approximately 240 linear feet of stabilized "B and E-type Rosgen" channel, is located along a I' order unnamed tributary to Huffinan Creek draining headwater catchments on the west side of the main treatment facility that border Beroth Road on the east side of the Yadkin River in Forsyth County. An old farm pond (now wetland) situated upstream from the "Beroth Road Reach" restoration was in the process of failing due to a deep headcut progressively eroding into the toe of the old pond embankment. During the winter of 2005 and spring of 2006, a new stabilized outfall reach 240 feet in length was constructed around the headcut that preserved the upstream wetlands in the old pond bottom. The 2006 monitoring report included as-built information for this stabilization effort including: planform, profile, cross section morphologic survey data, and photos from a number of established vantagepoints. This report includes year 2 of a visual inspection monitoring protocol. Should signs of instability be noted, the planform, cross section, and longitudinal as-built surveys will be re-surveyed and a remediation plan will be prepared and completed within 12 months. Beroth Road Reach. This reach, with approximately 460 linear feet of "E-type" channel restoration, is located along a 2°d order unnamed tributary to Huffman Creek just to the east of where Huffman Creek crosses under Beroth Road. The site is adjacent to the west access road to the water treatment plant. An 1.2 acre (approximately 50 feet to both sides) riparian conservation buffer was also established as part of the restoration. Construction of the restoration commenced in January of 2006 and was completed in April of 2006. The 2006 report included as-built planform, cross section and p. 2 profile morphologic data, photographs from established photostations, and planting data. Monitoring of this restoration reach is to be conducted annually for a period of 5 years, and each monitoring cycle re-surveys cross sections and the longitudinal profile, re-photographs each photostation, and re- inventories the plant community within the established 1.2 acre conservation buffer. Monitoring data for each annual cycle is compared to the as-built information to document the continued success of the restoration. Should signs of instability be noted a remediation plan will be prepared and completed within 12 months. This report presents monitoring data for the 2"d of the 5 required years of monitoring. p. 3 Table of Contents Section 1. "Taylor Road Reach" Restoration, Yr. 4 Monitoring Results 1. l Discussion of Morphologic Monitoring and Photostation data 1.2 Discussion and Analysis of Plant Survivorship data 133 Morphologic Monitoring Exhibits Figure WS-YD-1. As-built Planform Map with Monitoring Stations Figure WS-YD-2. Yr. 4 Monitoring Survey plots of Cross Sections Figure WS-YD-3. Yr. 4 Monitoring Survey plot of Longitudinal Profile 1.4 Monitoring Photostation Photographs Section 2. "Old Pond Outfall Reach" Stabilization, Year 2 Monitoring Results 2.1 Discussion of Stabilization and Monitoring Program 2.2 Figure WS-OP-1. As-built Planform Map with Photostation Locations 2.3 Year 2 Photographs from Photostarions. Section 3. "Beroth Road Reach" Restoration, Year 2 Monitoring Results 3.1. Discussion of Morphologic Monitoring and Photostarion data 3.2 Morphologic Monitoring Exhibits Figure WS-BR-1. As-built Planform (with monitoring stations) Figure WS-BR-2. Yr. 2 Monitoring Survey plots of Cross Sections Figure WS-BR-3. Yr. 2 Monitoring Survey plot of Longitudinal Profile 33 Monitoring Photographs from Photostarions. Appendix. Survey Data Tables Page p. 5 p. 5 p. 6 p. 8 P. 9 P. 10 P. 10 P. 11 p. 12 p. 13 p. 13 p. 16 p. 17 p. 18 p. 4 Section 1. "Taylor Road Reach" Restoration, Yr. 2 Monitoring Results 1.1. Discussion of Morphologic Monitoring and Photostation data The as-built planform sheet of Figure WS-YD-1 shows the locations of monitoring cross sections and photostations. There are 8 monitoring cross sections; 4 of which are located in meander areas, and 4 of which are located in inflection areas. There are 4 established photostations with 6 formal vantagepoints to be taken in each annual monitoring event. The azimuth of each photograph is shown on the as-built planform map of WS-YD-1. The reach had stream construction for a total length of 1977 linear feet but an uppermost 266 ft long transition area and an additional 71 linear feet occupied by a culvert located from station 1119 to 1190 feet were not counted as part of the mitigation and restoration length. The upper 266 feet was widened and deepened during the first year of monitoring to aleviate backwater problems above the restoration. A discussion of the changes made in this upper transition area was included in the year 1 monitoring results. The photograph taken from photostation 41 and the longitudinal profile shown in Figure WS-YD-3 show that neither the dimension or profile meets with the original design parameters for the restoration in this 266 ft long transition. This leaves 1640 linear feet of restoration to be monitored during subsequent monitoring cycles. This report focus on the remaining 1640 linear feet that have reference reach-based morphologic attributes. Cross section survey results for the May 2007 to May of 2008 annual cycle are plotted in Figure WS-YD-2. No significant departures are noted in the comparison of the monitoring data with the as-built data. The asbuilt survey did not include the area taken in by the coir fiber logs at the toe of slope. The monitoring cross sections reflect this areas, as they have become intergral portions of the lower bank soil and vegetation structure. Photographs shown in the attached year 4 monitoring photojournal (Section 1.4) illustrate that all banks and over-bank flood plain areas are vegetated and stable. The Longitudinal Profile monitoring results are shown in Figure WS-YD-3 where the data is plotted on top of the results from prior monitoring events as well as the as built survey data. The overall reach showns no net change in grade, with exception of the upper 266 feet that was disturbed. All riffle areas are stable, with neither aggradation or deflation in their elevations from the as-built survey. The meander pools have continued to be dynamically maintained by storm flow and show some fluctuation in deep pool location and depth, which is to be expected as inner bars shift their geometries from storm to storm. Overall, the plots of cross section and longitudinal profile data and the photographs from the photo stations indicate that the 1640 linear feet of restoration at this site has maintained a stable planform, dimension and profile. p. 5 1.2. Discussion and Analysis of Plant Survivorship data NW Forsyth Water Treatment Plant Mitigation Monitoring for Riparian Planting Zones - Yadkin Co. 24 April 2007 28 May 2008 Planted Volunteer Planted Volunteer Cross-Section Plot # 1- West, (513.75 .ft.) 2 Green ash 2 Box elder maple 1 Green ash 2 Box elder maple 1 Red oak 1 Calle ear 1 Red oak Cross-Section Plot # 2 - East, (435.35 sq.ft.) 2 Red oak 2 Box elder maple 4 Red oak 1 Box elder maple 2 Black walnut Cross-Section Plot # 3 - East, (944.59 .ft.) 3 Red oak 3 Box elder maple 3 Red oak 2 Box elder maple 2 Yellow poplar 1 Sweet-gum 3 Yellow pop Cross-Section Plot # 4 - West, (637.43 .ft.) 2 Swam chestnut oak 2 Black willow 2 Swam chestnut oak 2 Black willow 1 Green ash 1 Box elder maple 1 Green ash 2 Box elder maple Cross-Section Plot # 5 - West, (907.07 .ft.) 2 River birch 29 Black willow 3 River birch 14 Black willow 2 Box elder maple 3 Box elder maple Cross-Section Plot # 6- East, (1248.48 .ft.) 1 Red oak 1 Callery pear 1 Red oak 1 Tag alder 1 River birch 19 Black willow 1 River birch 20 Black willow 8 Box elder maple 1 Black walnut 1 l Box elder maple 1 Sweet-gum 3 Sycamore 11 Sycamore Cross-Section Plot # 7- East, (1219.72 .ft.) 1 Red oak 52 Black willow 1 Red oak 51 Black willow 1 Black walnut 7 Box elder maple 1 Yellow poplar 25 Box elder maple 5 Caller ear 1 River birch 2 Callery pear 3 Sycamore 1 Black walnut 10 Sycamore 1 Silky willow 1 Persimmon Cross-Section Plot # 8- West, (903.61 s .ft.) 1 Yellow poplar 57 Black willow 1 Yellow poplar 53 Black willow 2 Swamp chestnut oak 7 Box elder maple 2 Swam chestnut oak 6 Box elder maple 5 Multiflora rose 1 Green ash 11Multiflora rose p. 6 This monitoring event shows thirty-one planted trees and two hundred and twenty-nine volunteer trees present in the 8 plots for a total of two hundred and sixty trees. Some plots lost trees but others gained in numbers over that observed in the prior year's assessment. This may be due to the counting of trees that had previously been hidden in the dense herbaceous cover (nowgrowing large enough to be found) or to resprouting of trees that had died back. Overall this year's count is an increase of 10 percent over the previous monitoring event. The combined acreage of the 8 plots totals to 0.156 acres, which gives a tree density of one thousand six hundred and sixty-six trees per acre. Again, as in previous years, the large number of volunteers accounts for the growth in the tree count. Live stake survivorship is still very high, about 95%, with some now over 1.1 feet in height. Some stakes struggle to grow but now have less competition from bank grasses planted to help stabilize the slopes. The coir fiber logs are fully vegetated and stable with vegetation in the channel in many places. Volunteer Alders along the stream are providing excellent shade and in places form a closed canopy over the stream. Species List 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Common Name Scientific Species Name Black walnut Ju lans ni ra Black willow Salix ni ra Box elder maple Acer negundo Callery pear rus calleryana Green ash Fravinus enns lvanica Multiflora rose Rosa multiflora Persimmon Diosypros vir iniana Red oak O_uercus rubra River birch Betula ni ra Silk willow Salix sericea Swamp chestnut oak Quercus michauxii Sweet-gum Liquidambar stvraciflua Sycamore Platanus occidentalis Tag alder Alnus serrulata Yellow poplar Liriodendron tulipifera p. 7 1.3 Morphologic Monitoring Exhibits Figure WS-YD-1. As-built Planform Map with Monitoring Stations Figure WS-YD-2. Yr. 4 Monitoring Survey plots of Cross Sections Figure WS-YD-3. Yr. 4 Monitoring Survey plot of Longitudinal Profile p. 8 su011eTS oioud pue su01109S ssoaO ON `AINnOD HIASUOJ tr00Z AGenuejr LZ 15uuolluolN 10 suolle00-1 ql!m NOlIV91lIW )1332!0 Ljoead paaolIsad aol uaaojueId - l-(]/k-SM ajnOij II JIM ls@M U:W®N-6V !0t, :ON 80f Z I:)V INO3-'J'1'M MN 9 olc4d 1 3aS 150d UPII b # 00401S 010% 1" 4 S # 0104d ? a/eas u (oZ ---oo L _? ?o lac IsOd 1-10.11 004-0 Z # :)Z s- 17 3aS lsOd Uo,11 laS !sod uolt 14 LL 00+0 laS !sod Uoil L :mS-X IaS !sod uolI a 00+0 2 E? 03S-X ,bla- !sod U0-Al las !sod U011 0' t 3aS !sod U0A 00+0 b # 03 X ftil, V # 01o4d £ # U04FIS 03004d Z# U04eIS 0104d P' £ # 0104d jopq uoljenaasuoo :4 pc 3aS !sod UOJI S # 03S X ?? WS !sod u0JI laS !sod u0JI - Z, LZt 0(03 fotiuur)#9U.ROH lgdo12a0ru 7ertt0 Oi0do1910UP3;d sl? 1.k, l m X000 92009 b9SJM M 000LZo09 to m 0 m 0 0 0 m 0 •J O M ,000'9',,00 HMM M ,000'Leooe 00+0 V? 9 # 03S-X lag !sod uol? ?, 00+0 ' *s laS !sod 1-1011 L # 03S-X 00+0 ? 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P N C W C ................. .......................1?t W.?.c ............ O O 0 0 C14 (0 N I C C ? c . ............. ..........................?...... ?m ti.....;. o X ? ....................................i.......,.............................:.a................... o -- N fl. p j K p i = e N !- to CL m N N O 06 Q 06 iC n ry n n C m (IGGI) U01lena13 Lj? b ®-- o N N In W n co N It co n n n rZ r7 n n n (u) uopenal3 1.4 Monitoring Photostation Photographs p. 9 Photo 1. Upper tie-in looking upstream Photo 2. Upper tie-in looking downstream F gy?f _14?i^^??v?s. `...&zt€?-+v _'_?-.?.szxr_:?cr ,'. r'!_ •:: ..??;e:-,, Photo 3. Road crossing looking upstream . Vd b k; " IT* ' "` ? ?• ? ` "' x 't 't. ins. t 7gj' . °k '.fit a. ,k r Photo 4. Road crossing looking downstream r'. 14, ?; mI `r * N, .s . A,: _ c I y, i Photo 5. Lower tie-in looking upstream Section 2. "Old Pond Outffall Reach" Stabilization, As-built Data 2.1 Discussion of Stabilization As-built Data and Monitoring Program The stream impact mitigation plan submitted in August of 2000 proposed stream restoration along approximately 400 to 600 linear feet of an unnamed 2"d order tributary to Huffiman Creek that drained two first order catchments along the west side of the main water treatment plant adjoining Beroth Road (see Figure WS-BR-1). One of the two contributing catchments contained an old pond (see Figure WS-OP-1) that had mostly filled in with sediment and had an outfall with a deeply incised headcut that partially breached the dam embankment. The stream impact mitigation plan called for stabilization of the outfall to this pond prior to restoration of the downstream reach just above Beroth Road. In the spring of 2005, the pond was found to be drained due to the lowering of the outfall breach with a significant portion of the old bottom of the pond transitioning to a emergent wetland community. Continued development of the headcut would have released most of the historically accumulated silts within the old pond bottom to downstream waters, impacting the proposed downstream restoration work. In order to prevent this, a new stabilized outfall reach 240 feet in length was constructed around the headcut that preserved the upstream wetlands in the old pond bottom. The stabilization plan for the reach used the same reference reach approach and reference data set as set forth for the restoration work at the Taylor Road Reach or Beroth Road Reach. Photo mosaic of headcut below old farm pond, vertical height is approximately 12 -14 ft., this has now been filled and revegetated as part of the stabilization work. This document includes a copy of the as-built planform sheet for this stabilization effort showing the location of the established photostations. Shown on p. 12 are photographs acquired in June of 2008 for the 2"d of 5 visual monitoring events. Should signs of instability be noted in any of the visual inspections, the planform, cross section, and longitudinal as-built surveys will be re-surveyed, and a remediation plan will be prepared and completed within 12 months. P. 10 2.2 Figure WS-OP-1. As-built Planform (with monitoring stations) P. 11 ctrl ?vU cTc o a) N cU W- CC to C o a N to - p s tf rn rn 0 J O C CO C CG ..O M N C CO 0 O O C7/ ' O 61 w a C) m p LL m jU C) ?PSi O cn m Z O Q N O O cn "O (0 O YO O O O .C C 0 0 C -O N (u O O c)C7 W Y d ` ? .,, U It . W a d ' aQ C `? 4-- -- --- - co 90 s ?> 0) 0) i V ? { Q r+, N n. e? . 0 0 t l ! i + X G7 r? + I 0 ' O C) i cn / Li 0 1 I -(`loft Q y ca 00, filiv I ca ro r qa (n ;'? °? ,t I -C {c 0 cu 0 Cl) C c 1) U ?co CO , I a- rr _ C O F- AV F- CY) N CJ 0 j ? cA IJ' ?o o m 1 4. I? t x d.-r i ca cu F O / 70 C: c fi 41 \ ti. ? Cn i as LL Ca 0 T- LO 10 N q °0 3 0 0 CL 0 0 0 vU ® ® C E j = 9 Z ® 9 ®.s? 0) eo-M C •??,=o C 0 P 0 0 ® 0 2 -6 ® O •? s ® Z 0 Q) E C LL. Im E a h .E r Z ?: s i a u1 I_. ? ? ur 1 4 a: 0s• 2.3 Year 2 Photographs from Photostations. p. 12 -T k, x Photo Station 1. Photo 1, lower tie-in, looking downstream e dr r f`i 4cg?, 40 3 im -A ! ? r k .. y T?°be..YA T . ?- Photo Station 1. Photo 2, lower tie-in, looking upstream Photo Station 2 Photo Station 2. Photo 4, looking upstream r: r? 's:k.,.Yfr' 'fh Photo Station 3. Photo downstream NW& T `? ? ' 3 s_ i S . ?'i?? y. ,p•} AIR '?.•° ,? ? ba V T e 40, 3 fir' A .. ,,. ?;ey ..'mow,;iYj?'"°:t --. '.ta;,A «a,EP^-s:•..".;? ,t° ?s.1rf ?' y f ? sae ) g +:?? L ! ?f?y ,??••+ Photo Station 3. Photo 6, upper tie-in Section 3. "Beroth Road Reach" Restoration, Year 2 Monitoring Data 3.1. Discussion of Restoration As-built Data and Monitoring Program This reach, with approximately 500 linear feet of "E-type" channel restoration, is located along a 2nd order unnamed tributary to Huffman Creek just to the east of where Huffman Creek crosses under Beroth Road. Huffman Creek drains to Bashavia Creek, which in turn discharges directly to the Yadkin River (USGS Unit: 03040101) only 2000 - 3000 feet to the west of Beroth Road. The location of the site is shown in Figures WS-YD-1 and WS-BR-1. The site is adjacent to the west access road to the water treatment plant. The reach prior to restoration was a channelized reach with agricultural field to both sides. There were only limited scrub, shrub and small trees (<4" DBH) along the edge of the ditch-like channel. The restoration followed the basic design outlined in the 2000 Stream Mitigation Plan and used two local reference reach sites to formulate the morphologic attributes that guided the restoration work. Construction of the restoration commenced in January of 2006 and was completed in April of 2006. In addition to the morphologic restoration of the stream, an approximately 1 acre (on average 50 feet to both sides) riparian conservation buffer was also established as part of the restoration. The conservation buffer was planted with a diverse bottomland forest list of species of trees which along with the existing trees that were saved along the old channel bring the density of trees to 484 trees per acre. The planting schedule for the buffer is laid out in the table that follows. The banks of the channel were dominantly planted with Silky Dogwood and Silky Willow live stakes 2' o.c. (additional live stakes of Silky Willow were places behind coir fiber logs to lock these into toe of banks on the outer meander bend areas). To increase the diversity of the plant community along the stream banks, 6 to 12 individual stakes or plugs of the following species were scattered along the reach: Arrow-wood (Viburnum dentatum), Coral-berry (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus), Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis), Virginia willow (Itea virginica), Cottonwood (Populus deltoides), and Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis). The 2006 report included as-built planform, cross section and profile morphologic data, photographs from established photostations, and planting data. The 2007 report provided year 1 monitoring data. This report presents the 2nd year of monitoring data for this reach and includes re- surveyed cross sections and the longitudinal profile, new photographs of each photostation, and a re- inventory of the plant community within the established conservation buffer. The data data is compared to as-built and year 1 monitoring information provided in the 2006 and 2007 reports to document the continued success of the restoration. Should signs of instability be noted a remediation plan will be prepared and completed within 12 months. Cross section survey results for the May 2007 to May of 2008 annual cycle are plotted in Figure WS-BR-2 (Section 3.3). No significant departures are noted in the comparison of the monitoring data with the as-built data. The as-built survey included the area taken in by the coir fiber logs at the toe of slope. The year 1 and 2 cross sections illustrate how the coir fiber logs trap sediment and become integrated into the bank slope. Photographs included in Section 3.3 also illustrate how well vegetation has rooted into the coir logs and tied them into the stream bed and bank with their developing vegetative root structure. The monitoring results for the longitudinal profile area shown in Figure WS-BR-3 where the data is plotted on top of the as-built data. The overall reach showns no significant change in grade, with neither aggradation or deflation when compared to the as-built survey. The meander pools have each been hydraulically scoured down to reach an equilibrium depth of approximately 1 foot and p. 13 continued to be dynamically maintained by storm flow. There are some fluctuation in pool location and depth, which is to be expected as inner bars shift their geometries from storm to storm. Photographs shown in Section 3.4 illustrate that all banks and over-bank flood plain areas are vegetated and stable. Substantial new growth has occurred on both the bank and floodplain woody vegetation despite concerns regarding the impacts of the 2007-08 drought. Overall, the plots of cross section and longitudinal profile data and the photographs from the photo stations indicate that the 470 linear feet of restoration at this site has maintained a stable planform, dimension and profile. p. 14 3.2. Discussion and Analysis of Plant Survivorship Data Table of Beroth Road Buffer Planting Common Name Scientific Name Planted Surviving 5129108 Volunteers Northwest Side of Restoration Arrowwood Vibumum dentatum 1 Black gum N ssa s lvatica 15 15 1 Black willow Salix ni ra 22 Box elder cer ne undo 8 Buttonbush Ce halanthus occidentalis 1 Chokeber Aronia arbutifolia 2 Cottonwood Po ulus deltoides 2 Elderberry Sambucus canadensis 1 Persimmon Diso ros vi iniana 1 1 Prunus Prunus serotina 1 Red maple cer rubrum 1 River birch Betula ni ra 25 25 6 Rose Rosa s pp. 1 Silky dogwood Comus amomum 12 Swam chestnut oak Quercus michauxii 3 3 Sweet-gum Liquidambarstyraciflua 35 Sycamore Platanus occidentalis 35 38 Tag alder Anus serrulata 90 Yellow poplar Liriodendron tuli ifera 45 48 Willow oak Quercus phellos 1 1 Southeast Side of Restoration Arrowwood Vibumum dentatum 2 Black um N ssa s lvatica 27 19 Box elder cer negundo 21 Cottonwood Po ulus deltoides 2 Pear Pyrus spp. 1 Persimmon Diso ros vir iniana 1 River birch Betula ni ra 67 59 Swam chestnut oak Quercus michauxii 2 2 1 Sweet-gum Li uidambar s raciflua 10 Sycamore Platanus occidentalis 73 72 Tag alder lnus serrulata 1 Yellow poplar Liriodendron tuli ifera 50 42 White oak Quercus alba 1 Totals 345 333 215 Total Surviving plus Volunteers = 548 p. 15 The riparian buffer zone for tree survivorship is approximately 1 acre. At the time of monitoring, 548 trees were found, including volunteers, giving a density of 548 trees per acre. p. 16 3.3 Morphologic Exhibits Figure WS-BR-1. As-built Planform (with monitoring stations) Figure WS-BR-2. Year 2 Cross Sections Figure WS-BR-3. Year 2 Longitudinal Profile p. 17 a t4 4: N E 0 N-- U O N • C Q a i ? p r ? sf f r- ?? U >/ N y. ? c a L Uj / Lo • Co 0 U O of ?a U r? o L O Q ? C cc m W ca m C C 50 Q O? :..' c •C d1U O C (n O f0 c 2 fl. ? o = Q = cc C1 d Q ? ? O N o Cc in O2 ? a _ W 2 - H ?a UU' Ja. i ?Um 1 -1 N +* d d jr-'' -, X d- ,.? 41) q1 x a Cl) m v .0 ?n . T } w U c ? J g' ?I T ' .? ??l J (v ?5 1 v a N 1 L = O 3 pU CL Z v ? ?N O NU p .? U V n 0. L O W C N ,y/ ® C ? O C) O ® E C to v Q a O •,C? mm °0 e? P 1 0 qq,? W ? W N O E C C LO O c ?U Z r O 9a O U G CL E ? y C i LL. v ® E O t/? 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Photo 1, looking downstream toward lower tie-in I flJy I Photo Station 2. Photo 3, looking downstream u ? + ? ?'? z yy `1y S 5M'b re h b ?R".C Nom+?,-"?T y?l t 'M- t ?, ,Y' k, ! lai"? ' y, a.•' ryL?9?+ ;??, ?, 'J."a " yi -,;z r :$ A 'phi ? ?.y" ?? ??? y'„?, +)?Wy ?,'? y ? \ • ~? ??'(??p ?• c 1 ` ! V B rah i , l ? e-7) f v iti.•:. a h.G Gr ? ??T ?, ?, t? fi Qi , , pi? ? ?ri'?' i":. ,,.ttA, tj r• 3' m 1!. 1 Photo Station 2. Photo 4, looking upstream Photo Station 3. Photo 5, looking downstream A 1 ? a Q ?n4 p rA t ,y t{ , r' . opJ 4 eAra ,y `i "? a w s' A. i >y 1 : 3 4, .` e4 x r s 4 PIP. I ° } { Photo Station 3. Photo 6, looking upstream toward upper tie-in ? ,e2h e ; F ? Appendix. Survey Data Tables p. 19 Northwest Water Treatment Plant UT to Yadkin River 2008 Monitoring Cross Section # 1, Meander ITS.RDF si91 mR Station BS H. 1. FS Water Depth Water Elevation Elevation TSM # 1 53.2: 724.83 719.40 To of Culvert P # 1 5.47 725.43 ;'2 720,01 0 6.22 719.26 5 6.36 719.12 10 6.08 719.40 15 5.76 719.72 20 6.03 719.45 To of Bank 25 7.55 717.93 30 8.83 716.65 35 9.45 716.03 37 9.73 0.00 715.75 715.75 Edge 39.3 10.32 0.64 715.80 715.16 Thalwe 41 9.70 0.00 715.78 715.78 Edge 45 8.82 716.66 50 6.32 719.16 53 5.09 720.39 To of Bank 55 5.05 720.43 60 5.39 720.09 65 5.69 719.79 70 5.94 719.54 75 6.14 719.34 END TP # 2 4.73 72474 53.47 720.01 TBM # 1 53. ? 719.40 Northwest Water Treatment Plant UT to Yadkin River 2008 Monitoring Cross Section # 2, Inflection JTS, RDF 5/21/08 Station BS H. 1. FS Water Depth Water Elevation Elevation T8M # 1 5.23 724.63 719.40 To of Culvert TF # 1 4? 725.48 4.52 720.01 0 6.42 719.06 5 5.90 719.58 10 5.44 720.04 15 5.52 719.96 20 5.90 719.58 To of Bank 25 7.30 718.18 30 9.16 716.32 34.5 9.92 0.00 715.56 715.56 Edge 36 10.40 0.55 715.63 715.08 Thalwe 37.7 9.92 0.00 715.56 715.56 Edge 42 9.73 715.75 45 8.94 716.54 50 7.08 718.40 56 5.30 720.18 To of Bank 60 5.05 720.43 65 5.57 719.91 70 5.83 719.65 75 6.06 719.42 80 6.14 719.34 85 6.33 719.15 END TP -4 2 4.7:j 724.74 5.47 720.01 Northwest Water Treatment Plant UT to Yadkin River 2008 Monitoring Cross Section # 3, Inflection JTS,RDF 5/? 1 /ns Station BS H. 1. FS Water Depth Water Elevation Elevation TEE # ' 4 9 725.89 10.4v Too of Culvert 0 6.61 719.28 5 6.31 719.58 10 6.20 719.69 15 6.03 719.86 20 5.92 719.97 25 5.68 720.21 30 5.61 720.28 34 5.76 720.13 To of Bank 38 6.77 719.12 42 7.87 718.02 45.4 9.05 0.00 716.84 716.84 Edge 47 9.17 0.15 716.87 716.72 50 9.85 0.85 716.89 716.04 Thalwe 51 9.07 0.00 716.82 716.82 Edge 55 7.79 718.10 60 5.95 719.94 62 5.31 720.58 To of Bank 65 5.10 720.79 70 5.50 720.39 75 5.71 720.18 80 5.67 720.22 85 5.79 720.10 90 5.91 719.98 95 6.02 719.87 100 6.12 719.77 105 6.15 719.74 110 6.29 719.60 113 6.13 719.76 END TBM 1, 8.4.F 7 ; y.40 To of C wort Northwest Water Treatment Plant UT to Yadkin River 2008 Monitoring Cross Section # 4, Meander JTS,RDF 5/21/08 Station BS H. 1. FS Water Depth Water Elevation Elevation TBM 4 " 8.73 725.1 3 719.40 To of Culvert 0 6.33 719.80 5 6.45 719.68 10 6.31 719.82 15 6.32 719.81 20 6.11 720.02 25 5.86 720.27 30 5.82 720.31 35 5.86 720.27 37 6.06 720.07 To of Bank 39 6.53 719.60 43 7.74 718.39 47 8.65 717.48 50 9.09 0.00 717.04 717.04 Edge 52.4 9.84 0.77 717.06 716.29 Thaiwe 55 9.12 0.00 717.01 717.01 Edge 56 8.51 717.62 60 6.45 719.68 64 5.18 720.95 70 5.62 720.51 75 5.85 720.28 80 5.98 720.15 85 5.92 720.21 90 6.12 720.01 95 6.35 719.78 100 6.51 719.62 105 6.43 719.70 END TBIVI # 1 f 73 719,40 To of Culvert Northwest Water Treatment Plant UT to Yadkin River 2008 Monitoring Cross Section # 5, Meander JTS, RDF 5/21/08 Station BS H. 1. FS Water Depth Water Elevation Elevation TBM 1 7 "' 726,51, 719.40 To of Culvert 0 6.39 720.12 10 6.61 719.90 15 6.62 719.89 20 6.66 719.85 25 6.47 720.04 30 6.31 720.20 35 6.21 720.30 40 5.73 720.78 45. 5.22 721.29 49 5.22 721.29 To of Bank 51 5.74 720.77 54 6.52 719.99 57 7.38 719.13 60 8.19 718.32 63.4 8.38 0.00 718.13 718.13 Edge 66 9.09 0.87 718.29 717.42 Thalwe 68 8.23 0.00 718.28 718.28 Edge 70 7.19 719.32 72 6.22 720.29 74 5.62 720.89 To of Bank 80 5.30 721.21 85 5.77 720.74 90 5.97 720.54 95 5.99 720.52 100 6.05 720.46 105 6.01 720.50 110 6.24 720.27 115 6.39 720.12 120 6.38 720.13 121 6.48 720.03 END BM Az 1 7 '11 719 0 Tip of ^,uiv2rp Northwest Water Treatment Plant UT to Yadkin River 2008 Monitoring Cross Section # 6, Inflection JTS.RDF 5/21/08 Station BS H. 1. FS Water Depth Water Elevation Elevation -T 3M # 1 0.7; 726.1 719.40 Top of Culver; 0 6.28 719.82 10 6.21 719.89 20 5.93 720.17 30 5.92 720.18 40 5.68 720.42 50 5.60 720.50 60 5.40 720.70 70 5.08 721.02 75 5.38 720.72 To of Bank 77, 5.76 720.34 79 6.72 719.38 80.8 7.62 0.00 718.48 718.48 Edge 83 7.88 0.25 718.47 718.22 85.5 8.36 0.75 718.49 717.74 Thalwe 89.5 7.67 0.00 718.43 718.43 Edge 92 6.57 719.53 94 5.70 720.40 97 4.87 721.23 To of Bank 100 4.78 721.32 110 5.20 720.90 120 5.37 720.73 130 5.65 720.45 140 5.61 720.49 150 5.87 720.23 160 5.82 720.28 167 5.95 720.15 END TBIm #, 1 6,70 719.40 To of Culvert Northwest Water Treatment Plant UT to Yadkin River 2008 Monitoring Cross Section # 7, Inflection JTS, RDF si? 1 rnR Station BS H. 1. FS Water Depth Water Elevation Elevation TBM f# 2 4.93 726,39 721.46 Tory of Rehar 0 6.25 720.14 10 6.25 720.14 20 5.91 720.48 30 5.91 720.48 40 5.95 720.44 50 5.93 720.46 60 5.80 720.59 70 5.83 720.56 80 5.68 720.71 85 5.56 720.83 90 5.18 721.21 To of Bank 92 5.39 721.00 94 5.91 720.48 96 6.79 719.60 97.5 7.15 0.00 719.24 719.24 Edge 99 8.10 0.95 719.24 718.29 Thalwe 100.4 7.16 0.00 719.23 719.23 Edge 102 6.60 719.79 104 5.75 720.64 106 5.15 721.24 108 4.88 721.51 To of Bank 110 4.97 721.42 120 5.02 721.37 130 5.37 721.02 140 5.21 721.18 150 5.09 721.30 167 5.04 721.35 END T MI, 4 2 93 '21.46 Top of Reaar ' 9178lL 98 SL'LLL SL M T F 998 ! 009 61,'8LL 9"01 Z9L1L L£"0 Zl l98 S6S OS'8LL 1L 69 LLL SL "0 Zl lS8 S8S 84'8 LL 6 £LLLL LL LL Lb8 SLS OS'8LL S OL £9 LLL SZ 0 ZL L£8 999 917'8LL S'6 L9 LLL SL LL L LZ8 999 Z9 '8LL LL L9LLL S'0 ZL LL8 S49 Z9SLL 6 LL LLL S'OL LL LOS S£S Z9 e L ' S'O 1 BS LLL L8'O ZL L6L SZS 09'8LL L LO'8LL Z9L LL L8L SLS Z9'8LL 8 S6'LLL L£'8 LL LLL SOS LML ll 69 LLL S"ll 11 L9L S6b L9'81L 1 0L 48"LLL SL 6 L L LSL 9817 99"8tL L 8081L L8'9 LL L4L SL4 £C81L L S18LL 9 11 L£L 994 £L 81L 9 L l LL"LLL S'Ol l l LZL 994 LCBIL OL b6'LLL S8 lL 1LL 9171, 8L'8lL LL L8'LLL L£6 r-- 11 i LOL S£b 08'8LL L ZZ8LL ZL"S _ Ll - L69 SZ4 L68LL 6 j 1 9L"8LL L8 'S LL _T 189 Stb 688LL 90L LOStL Z9L Ll LL9 SOb 817 0£L OL 99'6ZL 999 OOb ZL 8LL 6 L6'LLL ZL 8 LL 999 06£ £6'8LL S L 0£'SlL ZL 17 l l 949 08£ 96'8LL 0 l 96 LLL L£'8 _ LL- 9£9 OL£ 968LL OL 6L9lL L£9 LL 9Z9 09£ L68LL 8 O£'8LL ZL'4 LL 9L9 OS£ 86'8LL 1 9'9 b4'8tL S'Z LL j 909 Ob£ 1706LL OL LZ"8ML 9z9 l1 969 0££ £0'6LL 6 8Z8LL L£'4 LL 989 OZ£ ZO6LL 8 9£'8LL S£ LL 9L9 Ot£ r `5 Z4 : 906LL 9'6 9Z'8 LL L89 ZL 999 00£ 906LL 6 LC8LL ££"S ZL L99 96Z 60'6LL 9'8 8£"8LL S 17 ZL lSG I S8Z LL 61L OL LZ'8LL SCS ZL LbS SLZ £l6LL 9'8 Z4'8LL 4 Z1 L£S S9Z £l"6LL 6 8£'8LL Sb ZL LZS SSZ SZ'6LL S 48"8LL Ll Ll LlS S4Z LZ"6LL S"8 09 "8LL £ ZL LOS I S£Z £Z"6LL 9"M 9£'8LL SCb ZL 1617 SZZ 9Z6LL ! b £6'8LL L8"6 LL L817 SLZ 9Z 6U 0 L SZ81L 9 ZL LLb SOZ LZ6LL SS L881L SZ"lt LL L9b 96l 9ML 9 SL'8LL 0 Zl 194 99L _ 4£6LL S'9 6L8LL S'LL ll Oct, 179L Lb"6LL S 66"8LL ZL6 L1 9Zb 09L 4C'6LL ! 9 Z6'8LL M 1L 95, OSL Lb6LL S8 OL8LL Z90 ZL I 904 Obl Zb6LL 8 SL 81L 0 ZL 96£ 0£L 1746LL j 99 06'8LL SZOL LL 98£ OZL 94'6lL 9 96'8LL 9'6 L1 9L£ Otl ZS"6LL S"£ £Z6lL SZ'9 ll 99£ OOL OS 6LL L Z6 8LL OL LL 99£ 06 bS 6LL b 261L 9"9 L L j 94£ 08 966LL S L 4S"8LL SZ ZL 9££ OL 69 6LL £ 4£"6LL S Ll 9Z£ 09 LL"6lL S'L 60"6LL 8 11 9L£ OS 4L6LL 9L ZL6LL Z9L LL 90£ Ob 8L'6LL 4 - S4 6LL Z9 £ L L 96Z 0£ 98 6 L9 L ZZ 6LL L£"9 L L 98Z OZ 886LL 6 £L'6LL S'L ll 9LZ OL 9861L 6 LL6LL SLL LL 99Z 0 " s V, " aaa? you! 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Elevation WATER DEPTH ; Water Elevation Notes/Comments feet inch feet feet inch ! feet feet inch (feet) I TBM #2 5 7.37 105.34 New Rebar, b X-Sec 1; 0+00 ' 0 Reba 3, t . re" Bern , I Cross Section # 1 Inflection between Curve # 2 and Curve # 3 STA BS(+) feet 'inch HI feet FS(-) feet inch Bed/Ground Elevation feet WATER DEPTH Water Elevation feet inch feet Notes/Comments Itt 4 2 1 3 2.06 4 1 0 6 8.87 105.32 5 6 10.62 105.17 10 7 0.37 105.03 15 7 2.12 104.88 20 7 1.87 104.90 25 7 2 104.89 30 7 1.25 104.95 35 7 1.25 104.95 40 6 11.62 105.09 44 6 11.75 105.08 To of Bank 47 7 8.75 104.33 50 8 3.25 i 103.79 52.2 53.2 ?- 9 1 0.5 9 3.62 103.02 102.76 0 103.02 4 103.09 Ed e of Water Thalwe 55 9 0.62 103.01 0 103.01 Ed e of Water 58 7 11.62 104.09 60.5 7 1.25 104.95 65 7 1.37 104.94 70 7 2.75 104.83 75 7 4.5 104.68 80 7 4 104.73 85 7 7.25 104.45 90 7 8.87 104.32 95 7 10 104.23 100 7 5.62 10459, END . ., NORTHWEST WATER TREATMENT PLANT Beroth Road Stream Restoration 2008 Cross Section # 2 Meander (Curve 6) 1rc onG 27-Mav-08 BS(+) STA feet inch HI feet feet FS(-) inch Bed/Ground Elevation feet WATER DEPTH feet inch Water Elevation feet Notes/Comments 34 0 5 3.37 106.78 5 5 3.25 106.79 10 5 4.12 106.72 15 5 6.37 106.53 20 5 9.5 106.27 25 5 7 12 106.47 27.2 5 6.87 - 106.49 To of Bank 29 6 6.75 105.50 30 6 11.5 105.10 31 7 5.87 104.57 0 104.57 Edge of Water 31.2 8 4 103.73 10 104.56 Thalwe 32 8 3 10181 9 104.56 34 7 6.25 104.54 0 104.54 Edge of Water 35 6 8.37 105.36 37 6 7.12 105.47 40 6 0.37 106.03 42 5 7.5 106.43 To of Bank 45 5 7 106.48 50 5 7.62 106.42 55 5 6.25 106.54 60 5 8.12 106.38 65 5 2.62 106.84 70 4 10.5 107.18 75 5 1.87 106.90 80 4 10.12 107.22 85 4 3.37 107.78 90 4 1,12 107.97 END NORTHWEST WATER TREATMENT PLANT Beroth Road Stream Restoration 2008 Cross Section # 3 Meander (Curve 9) ITS RDF 27-May-08 STA BS(+) HI FS(-) 11 feet inch feet feet inch Bed/Ground Elevation feet WATER DEPTH Water Elevation feet inch feet Notes/Comments -i; # 21 '1, 3 2 2 „- 2 4 1 2 0 4 10.62 111.01 5 5 2.37 110.69 10 5 5.25 110.45 15 5 8.5 110.18 20 5 11.25 109.95 25 6 3.25 109.62 30 6 4.25 109.54 35 6 6.12 109.38 38 6 6 109.39 To of Bank 40 7 3.75 108.58 42 8 4.25 107.54 44 8 7.62 107.26 45 9 5.37 106.44 0 106.44 Edge of Water 47 9 11.5 105.93 6 106.43 Thalwe 48 9 11.37 105.94 6 106.44 ' Edge of Water 48.3 8 10.25 107.04 50 8 8.25 107.20 52 7 7.12 108.30 To of Bank 55 7 5.75 108.41 60 7 6.62 108.34 65 7 6 108.39 70 7 2.87 108.65 75 7 0 108.89 80 6 9.25 109.12 85 6 7.12 109.30 90 6 3.62 109.59 END ,t NORTHWEST WATER TREATMENT PLANT Beroth Road Stream Restoration 2008 Cross Section # 4 Inflection ITC PnF 27-May-08 BS(+) HI FS(-) STA feet inch feet feet inch Bed/Ground Elevation feet Water WATER DEPTH Elevation feet inch feet Notes/Comments i! L l ? 34 3 11.87 0 108.07 5 4 2.12 107.88 10 4 3.12 107.80 15 I 4 4.25 107.70 20 4 5.87 107.57 25 4 7.62 107.42 30 4 9.62 107.26 35 5 0.37 107.03 40 5 ! 0.75 107.00 45 5 2 106.89 To of Bank 47 6 1.75 105.91 49 6 7.87 105.40 49.5 6 10.75 105.16 0 105.16 Edge of Water 50.8 7 2.5 104.85 4 105.18 Thalwe 52.7 6 10.75 105.16 0 105.16 Edge of Water 54 6 4.62 105.67 56 5 3.37 106.78 To of Bank 60 5 i 3.87 106.74 65 5 i 2.87 106.82 70 5 4.75 106.66 75 5 2.12 106.88 80 4 10.5 107.18 85 5 2.25 106.87 90 5 0.37 107.03 95 4 7.37 107.44 100 4 4.37 107.69 END