HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041235 Ver 1_Staff Comments_20090309RE: Privateer Farms Bank Site
Subject: RE: Privateer Farms Bank Site
From: "Paugh, Leilani Y" <lpaugh@ncdot.gov>
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 14:11:55 -0400
To: "Sugg, Mickey T SAW" <Mickey.T.Sugg@saw02.usace.army.mil>
CC: "smtp-Cox, David" <coxdr@mai1.wildlife. state.nc.us>, "matthews.kathy@epamail.epa.gov"
<matthews.kathy@epamail.epa.gov>, Eric Kulz <eric.kulz@ncmail.net>, Tammy Hill
<Tammy.L.Hill@ncmail.net>, "howard_hall@fws.gov" <howard_hall@fws.gov>, "Ellwood, Molly
M." <molly.ellwood@ncwildlife.org>, "ron.sechler@noaa.gov" <ron.sechler@noaa.gov>,
"McLendon, Scott C SAW" <Scott.C.McLendon@saw02.usace. army. mil>, "Lekson, David M SAW"
<David.M.Lekson@usace.army. mil>
I have attached the information from the three vegetation plots on the Privateer site that had lower
stems/acre than the other plots. Logan Williams and Karen Lynch surveyed the plots. The species is
listed, with their classification, and the approximate percent coverage of the plot. Their disclaimer is this
was a winter survey and some species are difficult to confirm without fruit or blooms.
We are plotting the surveys of the road area and will forward soon.
From: Sugg, Mickey T SAW [mailto:Mickey.T.Sugg@saw02.usace.army. mill
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 11:09 AM
To: Paugh, Leilani Y
Cc: smtp-Cox, David; matthews.kathy@epamail.epa.gov; Eric Kulz; Tammy Hill; howard_hall@fws.gov;
molly.ellwood@ncwildlife.org; ron.sechler@noaa.gov; McLendon, Scott C SAW; Lekson, David M SAW
Subject: RE: Privateer Farms Bank Site
Good morning, hope your Christmas and New Years Holiday was relaxing-
For the information below, please provide a response at least 2 weeks prior to the Feb. 12 NC IRT
meeting if you are planning to discuss Privateer that day. The members and I need at least that amount
of time to review and prepare for discussion. If you are unable to have the information by that time, we
can coordinate via e-mail & phone if necessary. There is nothing that states we have to save our
discussions for designated IRT meetings only. Also, I would like to visit the site on Feb. 3rd if possible
(along with any member who would like to see it). Just let me know if that date is a possibility.
For the signatories, Scott is tracting that down and will provide it to you since the UMBI will include all
your sites.
Mickey Sugg, Project Manager
US Army Corps of Engineers
69 Darlington Avenue
Wilmington NC 28403-1343
(910) 251-4811 (o)
(910) 251-4025 (fax)
The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we
continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at our website at
http://regulatory.usacesurvey.com/ to complete the survey online.
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RE: Privateer Farms Bank Site
From: Paugh, Leilani Y [maiIto: lpaugh@ncdot.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:52 AM
To: Sugg, Mickey T SAW
Cc: David Cox; matthews.kathy@epamail.epa.gov; Eric Kulz; Tammy Hill; howard_hall@fws.gov;
molly.ellwood@ncwildlife.org; smtp-Sechler, Ron; McLendon, Scott C SAW; Lekson, David M SAW
Subject: RE: Privateer Farms Bank Site
Thanks Mickey
I also need the name and title of each agency's signatory on the UMBI, except Kathy who already sent
Have a Merry Christmas.
From: Sugg, Mickey T SAW [maiIto: Mickey.T.Sugg@saw02.usace.army.mi1]
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 11:56 AM
To: Paugh, Leilani Y
Cc: David Cox; matthews.kathy@epamail.epa.gov; Eric Kulz; Tammy Hill; howard_hall@fws.gov;
molly.ellwood@ncwildlife.org; ron.sechler@noaa.gov; McLendon, Scott C SAW; Lekson, David M SAW
Subject: Privateer Farms Bank Site
Good morning-
I wanted to provide a summary of the major comments discussed during the Dec. 2 IRT meeting.
a) GSA- I don't think there is any reluctance by the team members for extending the GSA into
03030004 provided that the sandhills and upper parts (out of kind communities in Lee & Harnett) are
excluded. Also, need to cut off the lower 03030005 near Pender & New Hanover Cos. We also agree
that there is room to expand into 03030006 (Sampson County). What ever DOT's suggested GSA,
please include a written justification (hydrologically-looking at the 14 digit HUC, community types, etc.. )
on how you established the boundaries.
b) Credit accounting- provide an updated ledger on what has been used and what is remaining. In
EEP's comments, they state that many of the Privateer "credits have already been debited and applied
to historical permits or sold to other mitigation programs, or are not expected to be available after
consideration of NCDOT within Cataloging Unit mitigation needs under the Tri-Party MOA". Please
clarify what has and has not been used and provide us with an accounting breakdown.
c) Confirm that DOT holds the easement and provide documentation.
d) Current Monitoring and credit release- As you know, there are some concerns with parts of the site
not meeting the success criteria (SC). In a quick review of the past three monitoring reports, veg. plots
11, 13, & 14 didn't meet the SC and some of the wells have falling short. Reports stated Yr. (1)- 9 of 15
wells met SC, Yr. (2)- 14-15 wells met SC, & Yr. (3) 5 of 15 wells met SC. When the credit release is
being evaluated, please keep in mind that a certain amount of credits will be withheld for monitoring
years 1, 2, & 3 until the IRT/MBRT is fully satisfied that all the areas have met the SC. For the three veg
plots that are failing, I would recommend sampling the volunteer species to help determine if the plots
need to be replanted. With input from the IRT, full credit can be given for native volunteer species within
plots (when appropriate) regardless of the failure of the planted species. If the volunteers are not
desirable, then DOT needs to development an adaptive management plan for those failing plots in order
to receive full credit. Additionally, on all future monitoring reports, please clearly state the success
e) Adjacent Farmland- I understand that the remaining portions of the surrounding ag lands will be
converted to wetlands via Wetland Reserve Program. I realize that DOT is unable to control what the
adjacent property owners may undertake, but I do think it is imperative for the team to have any
information if its available.
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RE: Privateer Farms Bank Site
I would also strongly recommend that DOT state that the bank site will be used for NCDOT project,
but may be used for non-NCDOT projects. I think that is beneficial for two reasons 1) It's clearly stated
in the MBI or addendum, and will not cause any confusion and/or having to rewrite it later if need be,
especially if these credits will be available into the distant future, and 2) if DOT does decide to use it for
non-hwy projects, the non-DOT project managers and resource agencies will know that credits are
available for private use during permit reviews and they can instruct the applicants appropriately.
Lastly, I would like to set up a time to visit Privateer sometime late Jan./early Feb. since I've never
been there. I'm probably the only one that hasn't seen the site. I'll call you after Christmas to set up a
Merry Christmas to ya',
Mickey Sugg, Project Manager
US Army Corps of Engineers
69 Darlington Avenue
Wilmington NC 28403-1343
(910) 251-4811 (o)
(910) 251-4025 (fax)
The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we
continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at our website at
http://regulatory.usacesurvey.com/ to complete the survey online.
Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third
Content-Description: Privateer Farm vegetation plots.doc
Privateer Farm vegetation plots.doc Content-Type:
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3 monitoring plots checked for plant species 2/25/09
K.M. Lynch, J.L. Willians
Plot #14
Polygonum (densiflorum?) OBL 80%
Eupatorium capillifolium FACU 10%
Scirpus cyperinus OBL 5%
Baccharis halimifolia FAC 2%
Solidago (fistulosa?) FAC+ 2%
Carex sp. (need fruit to id) 2%
Plot # 13
Polygonum (densiflorum?) OBL 30%
Eupatorium capillifolium FACU 20%
Scirpus cyperinus OBL 5%
Baccharis halimifolia FAC 2%
Solidago (fistulosa?) FAC+ 50%
Carex sp. (need fruit to id) 15%
Acer rubrum FACW 4 saplings
Plot # 11
Polygonum (densiflorum?) OBL 20%
Eupatorium capillifolium FACU 30%
Scirpus cyperinus OBL 5%
Baccharis halimifolia FAC 5%
Solidago (fistulosa?) FAC+ 60%
Carex sp. (need fruit to id) 5%
Rubus argutus FAC 5%