HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020158 Ver 3_Tab N - Riparian Property Owner List_ RiparianPropertyNotice_20201002RIPARIAN PROPERTY NOTICE Town of Sunset Beach Navigation Project Maintenance Dredging of South Jinks Creek and Nearshore Material Placement The Town of Sunset Beach (Town) intends to modify the existing CAMA Permit 79-19 to allow nearshore placement of beach compatible material dredged from south Jinks Creek. Permit 79-19 allows navigational dredging in the water bodies known as south Jinks Creek, the Bay Area, and the Feeder Channel system within the Town of Sunset Beach. The modification request stems from the Town's attempts to maintain compliance with the North Carolina General Statutes and avoid property rights issues with beach front property owners. The modification only requests to change the material placement site for the beach compatible material dredged from south Jinks Creek from the beach front between 5th and 12th Street on Sunset Beach (originally authorized), to the nearshore zone between 3rd and 13th Street (See Figure 1). The Town must provide this notification as part of the permitting process to all riparian property owners adjacent to the project to allow an opportunity for comment. The complete permit application may be obtained in digital format from the Town's website at www.sunsetbeachnc.gov. In addition, a hard copy may be requested from Mr. Hiram Marziano, Town Administrator, Town of Sunset Beach, 700 Sunset Blvd. N., Sunset Beach, NC 28468, (910) 579-6297, or via email at hmarziano(ksunsetbeachnc.gov. Comments on the application may be provided to Ms. Tara MacPherson, NC Division of Coastal Management (DCM) at 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405-3845, 910-796-7266 or via email at tara.macpherson(&ncdenr.gov. Please note, DCM will receive comments for a 30-day period. If no comments are provided within the 30-day period, DCM will consider the response as `no objection'. Figure 1. Nearshore Placement Vicinity to Tubbs Inlet, South Jinks Creek, Feeder Channel, and the Bay Area Proiect Descriution The Town of Sunset Beach (Town) intends to maintenance dredge south Jinks Creek, the Bay Area, and the Feeder Channel to restore navigational access to the residential canal systems. The project provides a key element for the Town and residents to manage the established navigation corridors on the east end of Sunset Beach. As part of the project, approximately 40,500 CY (cubic yards) will be placed in the nearshore as beneficial reuse material from south Jinks Creek. This modification request changes the proposed placement area for beach compatible material from the oceanfront between 5t' and 12' Streets (previously permitted) to the active nearshore region between 3' and 13' Streets. The nearshore placement area initiates approximately 6,000-ft (feet) west of Tubbs Inlet and 600-ft offshore of the MHW (mean high water) contour. The nearshore site extends along a 2,000-ft long by 200-ft wide stretch of oceanfront in water depths ranging from -9-ft MLW (Mean Low Water) to -13-ft MLW. The material will also not be placed higher than the -6-ft MLW contour, to limit the potential for visual impacts and navigation concerns. The placed material can be expected to migrate in a westward direction as a function of the wave driven transport. Historically the dominant long -shore transport for Sunset Beach has progressed to the west, towards Little River Inlet. The Town chose nearshore placement of the beach material as a last option to maintain consistency with North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) 113-229, which states "Clean, beach quality material dredged from navigational channels within the active nearshore, beach or inlet shoal systems shall not be removed permanently from the active nearshore, beach or inlet shoal system". The Town explored other options such as beach placement and material stockpiling. However, these alternatives were found as either (1) not permittable, (2) unbuildable due to property rights concerns, or (3) did not alleviate the requirement to return the material to the Tubbs Inlet littoral complex. The Town selected the nearshore placement site between 3' Street and 13t' Street to address long term erosion impacts identified by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (DCM), as well as from observations from Hurricane Matthew impacts. The Town conducted an extensive sediment analysis and found the material in south Jinks Creek to consist of slightly more sand than the native beach. The sediment analysis found the native beach and placement area to consist of approximately 98.15% sand, while the dredge material consisted of 98.38% sand. This result, along with the comprehensive sediment analysis, shows the material matches well with the placement area composition. The work will follow guidelines and recommendations provided by the USFWS (United States Fish & Wildlife Service) and NOAA-NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) to minimize the potential for environmental impacts during construction. This includes constructing during the cooler winter period of November 16' through March 31". The Town will also coordinate with the USFWS and the NCWRC (North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission) during construction for the pipeline placement proposed to carry the nearshore placement material. The coordination efforts will help limit the potential for construction impacts to nesting or foraging shorebirds. Furthermore, the project will follow construction guidelines designed to protect manatee, sea turtle, and smalltooth sawfish. In addition, the Town will implement turbidity monitoring protocols during construction and will also monitor the project performance for a minimum 3-year period.