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WQ0007569_More Information Received_20201120
Initial Review Reviewer Thornburg, Nathaniel Is this submittal an application? (Excluding additional information.)* r Yes r No If not an application what is the submittal type?* Permit Number (IR)* Applicant/Permittee Email Notifications Does this need review by the hydrogeologist?* Regional Office CO Reviewer Admin Reviewer • Annual Report r Residual Annual Report r Additional Information r Other WQ0007569 Carolina Water Service, Inc. of North Carolina r Yes r No Submittal Form Project Contact Information Rease provide information on the person to be contacted by NM Staff Name * Linwood Stroud Email Address* Istroud@stroudengineer.com electronic subnittal, confirmation of receipt, and other correspondence. Project Information ........ ......... ................................................................................................................................. . Application/Document Type* r New (Fee Req ui red) r Modification - Major (Fee Required) r Renewal with Major Modification (Fee Required) r Annual Report c Additional Information r Other Phone Number* 2527569352 #127 O Modification - Minor C Renewal C GW-59, NDMR, NDMLR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2 r Residual Annual Report r Change of Ownership We no longer accept these monitoring reports through this portal. Please click on the link below and it will take you to the correct form. https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/Forms/NonDischarge_Monitoring_Report Permit Type:* r Wastewater Irrigation r High -Rate Infiltration r Other Wastewater r Reclaimed Water r Closed -Loop Recycle r Residuals r Single -Family Residence Wastewater r Other Irrigation Permit Number:* W00007569 Fbs Current Existing permt number Applicant/Permittee Address* 4944 Parkway Plaza Blvd., Suite 325, Charlotte, NC 28217 Facility Name * Brandywine Bay WWTP Please provide comments/notes on your current submittal below. At this time, paper copies are no longer required. If you have any questions about what is required, please contact Nathaniel Thornburg at nathaniel.thornburg@ncdenr.gov. Please attach all information required or requested for this submittal to be reviewed here.* (Application Form Engineering Rans, Specifications, Calculations, Bc.) Binder1.pdf 82.74MB Upload only 1 PCFdocurrent (less than 250IVB). Miltiple documents rust be contained into one FDFfile unless file is larger than upload limit. * V By checking this box, I acknowledge that I understand the application will not be accepted for pre -review until the fee (if required) has been received by the Non - Discharge Branch. Application fees must be submitted by check or money order and made payable to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). I also confirm that the uploaded document is a single PDF with all parts of the application in correct order (as specified by the application). Mail payment to: NCDEQ — Division of Water Resources Attn: Non -Discharge Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Signature * Submission Date Is filled in autor atically once subrritted. State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02T .0700 —HIGH-RATE INFILTRATION SYSTEMS ` Dlvlslon of Water Resources INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: HRIS 06-16 &SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Plans, specifications and supporting documents shall be prepared in accordance with 15A NCAC 02H .0400 (if necessary), ISA NCAC 02L .OlOQ 15A NCAC 02T .0100, ISA NCAC 02T .0700, Division Policies and good eneineerine practices. Failure to submit all required items will necessitate additional processing and review time. For more inforntafion, visit the YVater Qualify Permittrng Section's Non -Discharge PermiflinQ Unit tvebsite General —When submitting an application to the Water Quality Permitting Section's Non -Discharge Permitting Unit, please use the following insh uctions as a checklist ut order to ensure all required items are submitted. Adherence to these insh�nctions and checking the provided boxes will help produce a quicker review time and reduce the amount of requested additional information. Unless otherwise noted, the Applicant shall submit one original and rivo copies of the application and supporting docamentation. A. Cover Letter (All Application Packages): ® List al] items included in the application package, as well as a brief description of the requested permitting actimr. B. Application Fee (All New and Major Modification Application Packages): ® Submit a check, money order or electrmtie fiwds h�ansfer made payable to: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). The appropriate fee amount fornew and major modification applications may be found at. Standard Review Proiect Fees. C. Aigh-Rate Ltfilh•ation Systems (FORM: HRIS 06-16) Application (All Application Packages): ® Submit the completed and appropriately executed High -Rate Iufilhation Systems (FORM: HRIS 06-16) application. Any unauthorized content changes to this form shall result in the application package being rehuned. If necessary for clarity or due to space resh fictions, attachments to the application may be made, as long as the attaclnnents are numbered to correspond to the section and item to which they refer. ❑ If the Applicant Type in Item L2, is a corporation or company, provide documentation it is registered for business with the North Carolina Secretary of State. ❑ If the Applicant Type in Item L2. is a partnership or d/b/a, enclose a copy of the certificate filed with the Register of Deeds in the county of business. ❑ The facility name hr Item II.1. shall be consistent with the facility name on the plans, specifications, agreements, etc. ❑ 'the Professional Engineer's Certification on Page 13 of the application shall be signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolina licensed Professional Engineer. ❑ The Applicant's Certifcation on Page 13 of the application shall be signed in accordance with I SA NCAC 02T .0106(b). Per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(c), an alternate person may be designated as the signing official if a delegation letter is provided fiom a person who meets the criteria iu ISA NCAC 02T .0106(b). ❑ If this project is for a renewal without modification, use the Non -Discharge System Renewal (FORM: NDSR) application. D. Property Ownership Documentation (All Application Packages): ➢ Per 1SA NCAC 02T .0704(fl, the Applicant shall demonshate they are the owner of all property containing the wastewater treahnent and higha�ate infilh�ation facilities: ® Legal documentatior of ownership (i.e., GIS, deed or article of incorporation), a' ❑ Written notarized intent to purchase agreement signed by both parties with a plat or survey map, or ❑ Written notarized lease agreement that specifically indicates the intended use of the property and has been signed by both parties, as well as a plat or survey map. Lease agreements shall adhere to the requirements of 15A NCAC 02L 0107. ❑ Provide all agreements, easements, setback waivers, etc, that have a direct urrpact ou the wastewater h•eahnent, conveyance, storage and high -rate infilh•ation facilities. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: HRIS 06-16 &SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 1 of 6 E. Solt >rvaluatimr (All Applieatimr Packages that include new high -rate infiltration sites): ® Per 15A NCAC 02T .0704(bl and the Soil Scientist Evaluation Policv, submit a detailed soil evaluation that has been signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolhra Licensed Soil Scientist and includes at a minimum: ® The report shall identify all the basins/fields with project name, Location, and inchide a statement that the basinslfields were recommended for the proposed ]and application activity. ® Field delhreated detailed soils map meeting all of the requirements of the Soil Scientist Evaluation Policv. ® Soil profile descriptions nreethrg all of the requirements of the Soil Scientist Evaluation Policv. ❑ Provide all soil borhtg logs performed at the site. ❑ For non -basins, a standard soil fertility analysis conducted uo more than one year prior to permit application for each map unit in the soil map legend for the following parameters: ❑ Acidity ❑ Exchangeable sodiwn percentage (by calculation) ❑ Phosphm'us ❑ Base saturation (by calculation) ❑Magnesium ❑Potassium ❑ Calcimn ❑Manganese ❑Sodium ❑ Cation exchange capacity ❑ Percent humic matter ❑Zinc ❑ Copper ❑ pH ➢ Sahuated hyfi'aulic conductivity (Ksnr) data that shall include at a minimum: ❑ A minimum of three Ksnr tests shall be conducted in the most restrictive horizon For each soil series in the soil map. ❑ All Ksnr tests shall be conducted hr areas representative of the site. ❑ All I�ser tests shall be run until steady-state equilibrium has been achieved. ❑ All collected Ksnr data shall be submitted, iuchrdutg copies of field worksheets showing all collected readings. ❑ Submit a soil profile description for each Ksnr data point that shall extend at least are foot below the tested horizon. ➢ Soil evaluation recommendations shall hrclude at a ntirinmm: ❑ A brief summary of each map unit and its composition and identification of minor conhasting soils. ❑ For non -basins, maximum precipitation rate (inAu•) for each soiUmap unit within the proposed infilhation areas. ❑ Seasonal infiltration restrictions, if appropriate. ❑ Identification of areas not suitable for high -rate infilhation. ❑ Reconunended gemnetric mean Ksnr rate to be used in the water balance for each soiUmap unit based upon in -situ measurement of the sahuated hydraulic conductivity from the most restrictive horizon. ❑ Recommended drainage coefficient to be used in the water balance based upon cmnprehensive site evaluation, review of collected onsite data, minor amounts of conhasting soils and the nahn•e of Hre wastewater to be applied. ❑ For non -basins, recommended anneal hydraulic loading rate (in/yr) for each soiUmap snit withhr the proposed infilhation areas based upon in-sihr Ksnr measurements form the most restrictive soil horizon. ❑ For basins, recommended hydraulic loading rate (GPD/ft�) for each soillmap unit within the proposed infilhation areas based upon in -situ Ksnr measurements form the most reshietive soil horizon. NOTE— If the soil evahta6on was performed more than one year prior to the submittal of this application package, a statement shalt be included indicating that the site has not changed since the original investigation. F. Agronomist Gvaluafimr (All Application Packages that include new infiltration sites with cover crops or new crops for existing infilh'a[ion sites): ❑ Per 15A NCAC 02T .070a(i), submit an agronomist evaluation that has been signed, sealed and dated by a qualified professional and includes at a nvnimum: ❑ Proposed nutrient uptake values for each cover crop based upon each field's dominant soil series and percent slope. ❑ Plant available nitrogen calculations fa each cover crop using the designed effluent conceuhations in Application Item V.1. and proposed mineralization and volatilization rates. ❑ Historical site consideratimr, soil binding and plant uptake of phosphorus. ❑ Seasonal hnfilhation reshictions, if appropriate. ❑ A clear and reproducible utap showing all areas investigated and their relation to proposed fields and crops. ❑ Maintenance and management plan for all specified crops. INSTRUCTIONS POR FORM: HRIS 06-I6 &SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 2 of 6 G. Hydrogeologie Report (All Application Packages treating industrial waste or having a design flow over 25,000 GPD): ® Per 15A NCAC 02T .0704(e), the Hydrogeologic Investigation and Reporting Policy, the Groandwater ModeGna Policy and the Pet%rrnance and Analysis of Aquifer Slug Tests and PuntpinQ Tests Policy, submit a detailed hydrogeologic description thatlras been signed, sealed and dated by a qualified professional and includes at a minimuirr: ® A hydrogeologic description to a depth of 20 feet below laud surface or bedrock, whichever is less. A gt•eater depth of investigation is required if the respective depth is used hr predictive calculations. ® Representative borhrgs within the infiltration areas and all proposed earthen impoundments. ® A description of the regional and local geology and hydrogeology. ® A description, based on field observations of the site, ofthe site topographic setting, sheanrs, springs and other gronudwater discharge feahu•es, drainage feahu•es, existing and abandoned wells, rock outcrops, and other feahves that Wray affect the movement of the contaurhrant phone and heated wastewater. ® Changes in lithology underlying the site. ® Depth to bedrock and occurrence of any rock outcrops. ® The hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity of the affected aquifer(s). ® Depth to the seasonal high water table (SHWT). ® A discussion of the relationship between the affected aquifers of the site to local and regional geologic and hydrogeologic feahu'es. ® A discussion of the groundwater flow regime of the site prior to operation of the proposed facility and post operation of the proposed facility Focusing on the relationship of the system to groundwater receptors, groundwater discharge feahu'es, and growrdwater flow media. ® If the SHWT is within six feet of the surface, a mounding analysis to predict the level of the SHWT after wastewater application. H. Water Balance (All Application Packages that include new or modified infilhation sites, changes in flow or changes in storage): ❑ Per the Water Balance Calculation Policv, submit information clearly demonshating that the effluent can be assimilated regardless ofpreeipitation events or temperature, and there are no crop or equipme�rtmaintenance issues that would necessitate stm'age. OR ® Per 1 SA NCAC 02T .0704(k) and the Water Balance Calculation Policv, submit a water balance that has been signed, sealed and dated by a qualified professional and includes at a minimum: ® At least a hvo-year iteration of data computation drat considers precipitation into and evaporation fiom all open atmosphere stm'age impoundments, and uses a variable number of days per month. ® Precipitation based on the 80"'percentile and a nrininuun of 30 yews of observed data. ® Potential Evapoh•ansphation (PET) using the Thornthwaite method, or another approved methodology, using a mininmm of 30 years of observed temperahu•e data. ® Soil drainage based mr the geomeh icmean ofthe iu-sih� Isar tests in the most restrictive horizon and a drainage coefficient ranging firom 4 to 10% (unless otherwise technically documented). ➢ Other factors that may restrict the hydraulic loading rate when determining a water balance include: ® Depth to the SHWT and gronudwater lateral movement that may result in groundwater nronudurg. ® Nutrient limitatimrs and seasonal application times to ensure high -rate infilhation does not exceed agronomic rates. ❑ Crop management activities resulting in cessation of infiltration for crop removal. NOTE —High -Rate hrfilhation Systems serving residential facilities shall have a uriniumm of 14 days of wet weather storage. Engineerhrg Plans (All Application Packages): ® Per 1SA NCAC 02T .0704(c)(1), submit standard size and 11 x 17-inch plan sets that have been signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolina licensed Professional Enehreer, and shall include at a minimum: ® T'able of contents with each sheet numbered. ® A general location map with at least two geographic references and a vicinity map. ❑ A process and inshumentation diagram showing all flow, recycle/rehu•n, aeration, chemical, elech•ieal and wasting paths. ® Pla�r and profile views of all h•eatment and storage units, including their piping, valves, and equipment (i.e., pumps, blowees, mixers, diffi�sers, flow meters, etc.), as well as theh dhnensions and elevations. ® Details of all piping, valves, pumps, blowers, mixers, diffusers, recordirrg devices, fencing, auxiliary power, etc. ® A hydraulic profile from the treatment plant headworks to the highest infilhation point. ® The high -rate infilhation area with an overlay of the saitable infiltration areas depicted in the Soil Evaluation. ❑ For non -basins, each nozzle/emitter and its wetted area influence and each infiltration zone labeled as it will be operated. ❑ For non -basins, locations within dre infilhation system of air releases, drains, control valves, highest infilhation nozzle(enritter, etc. ❑ , For non -basin automated infilhation systems, provide the location and details of the precipitation/soil moishu•e sensor. ® Plans shall represent a completed design and not be labeled with prelhninary phrases (e.g, FOR REVIEW ONLY, NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION, etc.) that indicate they are anything other than final specifications. However, the plans may be labeled with the phase: FINAL DESIGN -NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: HRIS 06-16 &SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 3 of 6 J. Specifications (All Application Packages): ® Per ISA NCAC 02T .0704(e)(2), submit specifications that have been signed, sealed anti dated by a North Carolina licensed Professional Enehaeer, anti shall include at a minimum: ® Table of contents with each section/page mm�bered. ® Detailed specifications for each treahnent/storage/infltration unit, as well as all piping, valves, equipment (i.e., pumps, blowers, mixers, diffirsers, flow meters,. etc.), nozzles/emitters, precipitation/soil moisture sensor (if applicable), audible/visual high water alarms, liner material, etc. ® Site Work (i.e., earthwork, clearing, grabbing, excavation, henchiug, backfilling, compacting, fencing, seeding, etc.) ® Materials (i.e., concrete, masonry, steel, pahrthag, method of cmashuction, etc.) ® Elech•ical (i.e., control panels, h•ansfer switches, automatically activated standby power source, etc.) ® Means For ensuring quality anti integrity of die finished prodact, including leakage, pressure and liner testing. ® Specifications shall representa completed design and notbe labeled with preliminaryplu�ases (e.g., FOR REVIEW ONLY, NOT FOR CONSTRUC"PION, etc.) that indicate they are anything other than final specifications. However, the specifications may be labeled with the phrase: FINAL DESIGN -NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION. K. >ingineering Calculatimrs (All Application Packages): ® Per ISA NCAC 02T .0704(c)(3), submit engineering calculations that have been signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolina licensed Professional Eu ig leer, and shall include at a minimum: ® Hydraulic and pollatant loading calculations for each heahnent unit demonstrating how the designed effluent concenri�ations in Application Item V.l. were determined. ® Sizing miteria for each heahnent unit and associated equipment (i.e., blowers, mixers, flow meters, pumps, etc.). ® Total and effective storage calculations for each storage unit. ® Frictionitotal dynamic head calculations and system curve analysis for each pump used. ® Manufachu•er's information for all treahnent units, pumps, blowers, mixers, diffirsers, flow meters, etc. ❑ Flotation calculations for all treahnent and storage units constructed partially or entirely below grade. ❑ For non-bashas, a demonstration that die designed maximum precipitation and amoral loading rates do not exceed the reconuneuded rates. ® Por bashrs, a demonstration that the designed loadnag rate (GPD/ft2) does not exceed the reconunended rate. ® A demonstration that the specified auxiliary power source is capable of powering all essential treahnent units. L. Site Map (All Application Packages): ® Per ISA NCAC 02T .0704(dl, submit standard size and I1 x 17-inch site maps that have been signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolina licensed Professional Eneineer and/or Professional Land Survey, and shall include at a minimum: ® A scaled map of the site with topographic contour intervals not exceeding ] 0 feet or 25 percent of total site relief and showing all facility -related structures and fences within the wastewater tteahnent, storage and inflhation areas. ❑ Soil mapping units shown on all infiltration sites. ® The location of all wells (including usage said construction details if available), sfreams (ephemeral, haternaittent, and perennial), springs, lakes, ponds, and other surface drainage features within 500 feet of all wastewater tteattnent, storage and infiltration sites. ® Delineation of the compliance anti review boundaries per 15A NCAC 02L .0107 and .0108. ® Setbacks as required by 15A NCAC 02T .0706. ® Site property boundaries withha 500 feet of all wastewater treatment, storage and infllh anon sites. ® All habitable residences or places of public assembly within 500 feet of all treafiaent, storage and hafilh•ation sites. NOTE— For clarity, multiple site maps of the facility with cut sheet annotations may be submitted. M. Power Reliability Plan (All Application Packages): ® Per ISA NCAC 02T .0705(k), submit documentation of power reliability drat shall consist of at a minimum: ® An automatically activated standby power supply onsite that is capable of powering all essential treahnent units ander design conditions, OR ➢ Approval from the Director that the facility: ❑ Serves a private water dishibution system that has automatic shut-off during power failures and has no elevated water storage tanks, ❑ Has sufficienC storage capacity daatno potential for overflow exists, and ❑ Cau tolerate septic wastewater due to prolonged detention. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: IIR1S 06-16 &SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 4 of 6 N. Operation and Maintenance Plan (All Application Packages): ❑ Per I SA NCAC 02T .0707, submit an operation and maintenance (O&M) plan encompassing all wastewater treahnent, storage and infilh�ation systems that shall include at a minimum a description of: ❑ Operation of the wastewater treahnent, storage and infiltration systems in sufficient detail to show what operations are necessary for the system to fuuclimi and by whom the fimctions are to be conducted. ❑ Anticipated maintenance of the wastewater treahnent, storage and infrltratimr systems. ® Safety measures, including resh•iction of access to the site and equipment. ® Spill prevention provisions such as response to upsets and bypasses, inclndurg how to control, contain and remediate. ® Contact information for plant personnel, emergency responders and regulatory agencies. NOTE —A final O&M Pl�r shall be snbmitted with the partial and/or final Engineering Certification requh•ed under 15A NCAC 02T .0116, however, a preliminary O&M Plan shall be submitted with each application package. O. Residuals Management Plan (All Application Packages with new, expanding or replacement wastewater treatment systems): ® Per 15A NCAC 02T ,0704(i) and .0708 submit a Residuals Management Plan that shall include at a minimum: ❑ A detailed explanation ofhow generatedresiduals (including hash, sediment and grit) will be collected, handled, processed, stored, treated, and disposed. ❑ An evaluation of the treahnent facility's residuals storage requirements based upon the maxiunmr anticipated residuals production rate and ability to remove residuals. ❑ A permit for residuals utilization or a written commitment to the Applicant fiom a Permittee of a Deparhnent approved residuals disposal/utilization program that has adequate permitted capacity to accept the residuals or has submitted a residualshrtilizatiou program application. ❑ If oillgrease removal and collection are a designed unit process, submit an oil/grease disposal plan detailing how the oil/grease will be collected, handled, processed, stored and disposed. NOTE —Per ISA NCAC 02'I'.0705(n), a minimum of 30 days ofresidual storage shall be provided. NOTE —Per 15A NCAC 02T .0704(i), a written convnitmenC to the Applicant from a Permittee of a Depaa hnent approved residuals disposaUutilization program is not required at the time of this application, however, it shall be provided prior to operation of any permitted facilities herein. NOTE — If an on -site restaurant or other business with food preparation is cmrtributing wastewater to this system, an oillgrease disposal plan shall be submitted. '�P. Additional Documentatims ➢ Certificate of Public Cmivenienee and Necessity (All Application Packages for Privately -Owned Public Utilities): ® Per ISA NCAC 02T .01 I5(a)(1) and .0704(a), provide the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from the Nortli Carolina Utilities Commission demonsh�ating the Applicant is authorized to hold the utility franchise for the area to be served by the wastewater treatment and high -rate iufilh�ation system, or ❑ Provide a letter from the North Carolina Utilities Commission's Water and Sewer Division Public Staff stating an application for a franchise has been received and that the service area is contiguous to an existing franchised area or that franchise approval is expected. ➢ >;xisting Permit (All Modification Packages): ® Submit the most recently issued existing permit. ❑ Provide a list of any items within the permit the Applicant world like the Division to address during the permit modification (i.e., compliance schedules, permit description, monitoring, permit conditions, etc.). ➢ Final >;nvirmunental Doemnent (All Application Packages using public monies or lands subject to the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act under ISA NCAC O1C .0100 to 0400): ❑ Per 15A NCAC 02T .0105(c)(4), submit one copy of the envh•omneutal assessment and tln•ee copies of the final environmental document (i.e., Finding of No Significant Lnpact or Record of Decision). ❑ Include informafion ou any mitigating factors fi•om the Environmental Assessment that impact the design and/or consfructimr of the wastewater h•eahnent and high -rate infiltration system. ➢ Floodway Regulation Compliance (Alt Application Packages where any portion of the wastewater treatment, storage and infilh�ation system is located within the 100-year floodplain): ❑ Per 15A NCAC 02T .0105(cl(8), provide written documentation fi•om all local governing entities drat the facility is in compliance with all local ordinances regarding construction or operation of wastewater treahnent and/or disposal facilities within the floodplain. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: ARIS 06-16 &SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 5 of 6 P. Additional Documentation (emrtinued): ➢ Operatimtal Agreements (All Application Packages for Ilome/Property Owners' Associations and Developers of lots to be sold): ➢ Home/Pro �erty Owners' Associations ❑ Per 15A NCAC 02T .0115(c), submit the properly executed Operational Aereement (FORM• HOA). ❑ Per ISA NCAC 02T .0115(c), submit the proposed or approved Articles of Inem•poration, Declarations and By-laws. ➢ Developers of lots to be sold ❑ Per I SA NCAC 02T .0115(b), submit the properly executed Operational Aereement (FORM• DEV). ➢ Tlu•eatened m• Endangered Aquatic Species Documentatimt (All Application Packages): ❑ Per l5A NCAC 02T .0105(c)(] 0), submit documentation fi•om the Deparhnent's Natural Heritaee Proeram demonstraffirg the presence or absence of threatened or endangered aquatic species within the boundary of the wastewater heahnent, storage and infiltration facilities. ❑ If the facility du•ectly impacts such species, this documentation shall provide information on the need for permit crnrditions pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0110. ➢ Wastewater Chemical Analysis (All Application Packages heathtg Industrial Waste): ❑ Per 15A NCAC 02T .0704(h), provide a complete Division certified laboratory chemical analysis of the effluent to be infiltrated for the following parameters (For new facilities, an analysis from a similar facility's effluent is acceptable): ❑ Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N) ❑ Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N) ❑Total Organic Carbon ❑ Calciwn ❑ pH ❑Total Phosphorus ❑ Chenilcal Oxygen Demand (COD) ❑Phenol ❑'Dotal `I'riltalomethanes ❑ Chloride ❑Sodium ❑Total Volatile Organic Compounds ❑ Fecal Coliform ❑Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) ❑Toxicity Test Parameters ❑ 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BODs) ❑Total Dissolved Solids ❑ Magnesium ❑Total Kjeldabl Nitrogen (TKN) THE COMPLETED APPLICATION AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES WATER QUALITY PERMITTING SECTION NON -DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT By U.S. Postal Service: 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 807-6464 By Com•ierlSnecial Delivery: 512 N. SALISBURY ST. RALEIGH, N012TH CAROLINA 27604 FAX NUMBER; (919) 807-6496 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: HRIS 06-16 &SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 6 of 6 State of North Carolina Department of Rnvironmental Quality Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02T .0700 —HIGH-RATl; INFILTRATION SYSTirMS Dlvlslon of Water Resources FORM: IIRIS 06-16 I. APPLICANT INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name: Carolina Water Service, Inc, of NC 2. Applicant type: ❑Individual ❑Corporation ❑General Partnership ®Privately -Owned Public Utility ❑ Federal ❑State ❑ Monicipal ❑ Cowrty 3. Signature authority's name: Bwce Mendeiiliall per I SA NCAC 02T .0106(b) Title: 4. Applicant's mailing address: 4944 Parkway Plaza Blvd, Suite 325. City: Charlotte State: NC Zip: 28217- 5. Applicant's contact information: Phone number: 800) 525-7990 Email Address: b�yce.mendenhall(n�carolinawaterserviceno,com IL FACILITY INFORMATION: 1. Facility name: Brandywine BayWWTF 2. Facility stahts: Existine 3. Facility type: Major (> ]0,000 GPD oil 300 disposal acres) 4. Facility's plrysical address: ] 04 Sleepy Court City: Morehead City State: NC Zip: 28557- County: Carteret 5. Wastewater Treahnent Facility Coordinates (Dechnal Degrees): Latihide: 34.44.20° Longihide:-76.49.40° Dahun: NADR3 Level of accuracy: Nearest second Method of measurement: Map hrterpretation by extraction 6. USGS Map Name: Newuort III. CONSULTANT INFORMATION; 1. Professional Engineer: Linwood E. StroudLicense Number: PE 5279 Firm: Stroud EnQineerinQ, PA Mailing address: 107B Conunerce Street City: Greenville State: NC Zip: 27858- Phone number: 252) 756-9352 Email Address: Ishoud(c�strouden¢inecr.cmn 2. Sort Scientist: Edwhr E. Andrews. III License Number: 1228 Firm: Edwin Andrews &Associates, P. C. Mailing address: P. O. Box 30653 City: Raleieh State: NC Z.ip: 27622-0653 Phmie number: (919) 306-3069 Email Address: audwaterCr��aol.com 3. Geologist: Edwin E. Andrews III License Number: 3 Firm: Edwin Andrews &Associates, P. C. Mailing address: P. O. Box 30653 City: Raleigh State: NC Zip: 27858-0653 Phone number: 919) 306-3069 Email Address: andwater(n�aol.com 4. Agronomist: Edwin E. Andrews. III Finn: Edwin Andrews &Associates. P. C. Mailing address: P. O. Box 30653 City: Ralei h State: NC Zip: 27858-0653 Phone number: 919) 306-3069 Email Address: andwater(n�aol.com FORM: ARIS 06-16 Page L of L3 IV. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS —15A NCAC 02T .0100: 1. Application type: ❑New ®Major Modification ❑Minor Modification If a modification, provide the existing permit number: WQ0007569 and most recent issuance date: October 2, 2013 2. Application fee: $395 -Standard -Major Facility -Major Mod 3. Does this project utilize public monies or lands? ❑Yes or ®No If yes, was an Enviromnental Assessment required under ISA NCAC O1C? ❑Yes or ❑ No If yes, which fatal environmental document is submitted? ❑ Finding of No Significant bnpact or ❑Record of Decision Briefly desm�ibe any mitigating factors fi•ont the Envirmmtental Assessment that may impact this facility: 4. What is the stahts of the following permits/certifications applicable to the subject facility? Permit/Certificatimt Date Submitted Date A roved PermitlCertification Number Agency Reviewer Collection S stem (O> 200,000 GPD) 6!5/13 7!I/13 WQCS00279 Deborah Gore Dam Safetv Erosion &Sedimentation Control Plan Nationwide 12 /Section 404 Pretreatment Sewer S, s Stormwater Manaeement Plan Wetlands 401 Other: 5. What is the wastewater type? ®Domestic or �ndush•ia] (See I SA NCAC 02T .0103(20)) Is there a Prehreatment Program in effect? ❑Yes or ❑ No Has a wastewater chemical analysis been subntitted7 ❑Yes or ❑ No 6. Wastewater flow: 300 000 GPD Limited by: ®'frealluent, ❑Storage, ❑ FieldBasin Hydraulics, ❑Field Agronomics or ®Groundwater Mounding 7. Explain how the wastewater flow was determhted: ❑ I SA NCAC 02T .0114 or ®Representative Data Has a flow reduction been approved under 15A NCAC 02T .0114(tl? ❑Yes or ®No Establishment Type Daily Design Flow" No. of Units Flow gal/ GPD gaV GPD gal/ GPD gaV GPD gal/ GPD gal/ GPD Totnl GPD See ISA NCAC 02T .0114(bLd�e)jl and e)(� for caveats to wastewater design flow rates (i.e., minimum flow per dwelling; proposed unknown non-residential development uses; public access facilities located near high public use areas; and residential property located south or east of the Atlantic Inh•acoastal Waterway to be used as vacation rentals as defined ht G.S. 42A-4). FORM: I�IRIS 06-16 Page 2 of 13 IV. GCN>;RAL RI;QUIR);MGNTS — 15A NCAC 02T .0100 (cmttinued): 8. What is the nearest 100-year flood elevation to the facility? Zorte X feet mean sea level. Sow ce: FIRM 3720635600J Are any h'eahnent storage or infiltration facilities located within the 100-year flood plain? ❑Yes or ®No Ifyes, which facilities are affected artd whatmeasnres are being taken to protect them against flooding? Ifyes, has the Applicant submitted written doeumentatiou of compliance with S 143 Article 21 Part 6? ❑Yes or ❑ No 9. Has the Applicant provided documentation of the presence or absence of threatened or endangered aquatic species utilizing urformation provided by the Deparhnent's Nahua] Heritaee Program? ❑Yes or ❑ No 10. Does the facility have a proposed or existing groundwater monitoring well nerivork? ®Yes or ❑ No If no, provide an explanation as to why a groundwater monitoring well network is not proposed; Ifyes, complete the following table (NOTE —This table may he expanded for additional wel Is): Well Name Status Latitude' Lmtgihtde" Gradient Location 1 Active 34.7388'° -76.8226° Down Gradient Outside Com liauce Bou 2 Active 34.7362° -76.8219° Down Gradient Outside Com rliance Bou 3 Active 34.7369° -76.8208° Cross Gradient Outside Cont liauce Bou 4 Active 34.7382° -76.8209° Un Gradieut Outside Compliance Bou 5 Active 34.7379° -76.8217° Up Gradient Outside Com liauce Bou 6 Active 34.7381° -76.8227° Cross Gradient Outside Com liauce Bou 7 Active 34.7371° -76.8235° Down Gradient Outside Com liauce Bou 8 Active 34.7379° -76.8220° Up Gradient Outside Com liauce Bou 11 Proposed 34.7369° -76.8212° Cross Gradient On Review Boundary 12 Proposed 34.7374° -76.8230° Cross Gradient On Review Boundary 13 Proposed 34.7374° -76.8212° Down Gradient On Review Boundary ° Provide the following latitude and longitude coordinate determination information Datum: NAD83 Level of accuracy: Nearest second Method of measurement: Digital or raw photo extraction 11. If the Applicant is a Privately -Owned Public Utility, has a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity been submitted? ® Yes, ❑No or ❑N/A 12. If the Applicant is a Developer of lots to be sold, has a Developer's Operational Agreement (FORM: DEV) been submitted? ❑ Yes, ❑No or ®N1A 13. If the Applicant is a Home/Property Owners' Association, has an Association Operational Agreement (FORM: HOA) been submitted? ❑Yes, ❑No or ®N1A 14. Demonshatimr of historical consideration for permit approval-15A NCAC 02T .0120: Has the Applicant or any parent, subsidiary or other affiliate exhibited the following? a. Has been convicted of enviromnental crimes under Federal ]aw or G.S. 143-215.6B7 ❑Yes or ®No b. Has previously abandoned a wastewater h�eahnent facility withoutproperly closing that facility? ❑Yes or ®No c. Has unpaid civil penalty where all appeals have been abandoned or exhausted? ❑Yes or ®No d. Is non -compliant with an existhrg non -discharge permit settlement agreement or order? ❑Yes or ®No e. Has unpaid amrual fees in accordance with I SA NCAC 02T A 105(eH2)? ❑Yes or ®No FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 3 of 13 V. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY DESIGN CRITERIA —ISA NCAC 02T .0705: 1. For the following parameters, provide the estimated influent concentrations and designed effluent coucenhutions as determined in the Bngineering Calculations, and utilized in the Agronomic Evaluation and Groundwater Modeling (if applicable): Parameter Estimated Influent Concentration Designed Effluent Concentratimt mmrtltl avera e Anunmtia Nih ogee (NH3-N) 25 ntg/L 1 mg/L Biochemical Oxygen Dentaud (BODs) 300 ntg/L 10 mg/L Fecal Coliforuts 14 per 100 ntL Nih�a[e Nitrogen (NOs-N) 0 nrg/L 4.5 mg/L Nitrite Nitrogen (NOz-N) 0 mg/L 0 mg/L Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 2.5 mg/L Total Nih'ogen 40 rng/L 7 ntg/L Total Phosphorus 8 mg/L 3 mg/L Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 250 mg/L 5 nrg/L 2. Is flow equalization of at least 25% of the average daily flow provided? ®Yes or ❑ No 3. Does the heahnenf facility include any bypass or overflow Ihtes? ❑Yes or ®No If yes, describe what treatnent units are bypassed, wiry this is necessary, and where the bypass discharges: 4. Are multiple pumps provided wherever pumps are used? ®Yes or ❑ No Ifno, how does the Applicant intend on complying with 15A NCAC 02T .0705(i)7 5. Check the appropriate box describing how power reliabilit}� will be provided iu accordance with ISA NCAC 02T .0705(k): ® Automatically activated standby power supply onsite capable of powering all essential h•eahnent units; or ❑ Approval firm the Director that the facility: ➢ Has a private water supply that automatically shuts off daring power failures and does not contain elevated water storage tanks; ➢ Has sufficient storage capacity that no potential for overflow exists; and ➢ Can tolerate septic wastewater due to prolonged detention. 6. If the wastewater h•eatntent system is located within the 100-year flood plain, are there water -tight seals on all treatment traits or a minimum of hvo feet protection from the 100-year flood plain elevation? ❑Yes, ❑ No or ®NIA 7. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0705(nl, how many days of residuals storage are provided? 30 8. How does the Applicant propose [o prohibit public access to the wastewater treahneut and storage facilities? 6 ft. chahr liuk fence. 9. If an influent pomp station is part of the proposed facility (i.e., withht the wastewater treatment plant boundary), does the influent pump station meet dte design criteria in ISA NCAC 02T .0305(h)? ®Yes, ❑ No, ❑ N/A —To be permitted separately, or ❑NIA —Gravity fed 10. If septic tanks m•e part of dre wastewater treahuent facility, do the septic tanks adhere to the standards in 15A NCAC 18A .1900? ❑Yes, ❑ No or ®N/A FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 4 of 13 V. WASTEWATER TRT•iATMENT FACILITY DESIGN CRITCRIA— ISA NCAC 02T.0705 (confinued): I I. Provide the requested treatment unit and mechanical equipment infm•mation: a. PRELIMINARY /PRIMARY TREATMENT (i.e., physical removal operations and flow equalizatimr): Treatment Unit No. of IDtits Mmntfachn•er m• Material Dimensions (ft) / S acin s in Volume allmts Plan Sheet Reference Specification Reference Coarse Screen 1 Huber 1/4" perforatmts .385 mgd CS 46 2100 Select Select Select Select b, SECONDARY /TERTIARY TREATMENT (i.e., biological and chemical processes to remove organics and nutrients) No. of Mmndachtrer Volume Plan Street Specification Treatment Unit Units or Material Dimensions (ft) allons Reference Reference Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) 2 eVOQUA 210,637 C7 46 5101 Each Post Flow Equalization 1 eVOQUA 195,224 C7 46 5101 Tertiary Piltets 2 Fhridyne Cloth 41 "x61 "x91.5" .20 mgd C8 46 6124 Media each Tertiary Filters I Fluidyne Cloth 78 5"x97.5"x94" 0.6 mgd CS 46 6124 Media Select Select Select Select c. DISINFECTION No, of Manufacriu•er or Vohune Plan Sheet Specificatimt Treatment Unit Dimensimts(ft) Units Material allmts Reference Reference Ultraviolet 2 WEDECO 24' 7" 0.3 mgd CS 46 6600 Select ➢ If chlorhtation is the proposed method of dishtfection, specify detention Hme provided: minutes (NOTE — 30 ❑tinutes miniumm required), and indicate what treatment unit chlorine contact occurs: ➢ If ultraviolet (UV) light is the proposed method of disinfection, specify the number of banks: 2 uer channel, number of lamps per bank: 12 and maxhnum disinfection capacity: 520 GPM. d. RESIDUAL'I'ItEA'I'MENT No, of Manufachu•er m• Volume Plan Sheet Specification Treatment Unit Dimensions (ft) Units Material allmts Reference Reference 31' DIA. X 22.5' Aerobic Digester 1 eVOQUA 127,027 C7 46 5101 DEEP Select FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 5 of 13 V. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY DESIGN CRITERIA —15A NCAC 02T .0705 (continued); e. PUMPS Location No. of Pmnps pt��•pose Manufacturer / Type Ca acit Plan Sheet Reference Specification 1eference GPM TDH Influent PS 2 Inflent to SBR Hydromatic or Eq. 750 4S C5 33 3200 Mech./Elec. Bldg. 2 SBR Jet Motive Pentair or Eq. 1830 21 C7 46 S 101 Mech./Elec. Bldg. 1 Digester Jet Motive Pentair or Eq. 1098 21 C7 46 S 101 Post EQ Basin 2 SBR Eff. to Filters Gorman Rupp or Eq. 320 31 CS 33 3250 Ground Water Wells 9 Lower Ground water Mound Myers or Eq. 75 55 CIO 33 4600 £ BLOWERS Location No. of Blowers Units Served Manufactru•er / T e Capacity CFM Plan Sheet Reference Specification Reference Mech.lElec. Bldg 3 SBR Reactors Aerzen S00 C7 46 5101 Mech./Elec. Bldg 1 Post EQ Aerzen 14S C7 46 S 101 Mech./Elec. Bldg 1 Digester Aerzen 240 C7 46 5101 g. MIXERS No. of Manufachu•er / Power Plan Sheet Specification Location Mixers Units Served T e h Reference leference h. RECORDING DEVICES &RELIABILITY Device No. df Loeatimt Manufactm•er Maximum Plan Sheet Specification Units Ca acit Reference Reference Flow Effluent Flow Measuring Device 2 Distribution Siemens or C8 46 8002 Equal Tank Auxiliary Generator 1 Flow Effluent Sampling Station 1 Distribution ISCO oe Eq. C8 46 8001 Tauk Select i. EFFLUENT PUMP /DOSING TANK (IP APPLICABLE): FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 6 of 13 Plan Slteet Reference SpeciGcatimt Reference Internal dimensions (L x W x H or cp x H) ft fr ft Total volume ft' gallons Dosing volume ft' gallons Audible &visual alarms Equipment to prevent infiltration daring rain events if a licable FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 7 of 13 VI. EARTHEN STORAGE IMPOUNDMENT DESIGN CRITERIA — ISA NCAC 02T .0705: IF MORE THAN ONE IMPOUNDMENT PROVIDE ADDITIONAL COPIES OP THIS PAGE AS NECESSARY 1. What is the earthen impoundment type? Select 2. Storage Impoundment Coordinates (Decunal Degrees): Latihude: Longihide: - Datum: Select Level of accuracy: Select Method of measurement: Select 3. Do any impoundments include a discharge point (pipe, spillway, etc)? ❑Yes or ❑ No 4. Are snbsu�i'ace drains present beneath or around the impoundment to conhol groundwater elevation? ❑Yes or ❑ No 5. Is the impoundment designed to receive surface runoff? ❑Yes or ❑ No Ifyes, what is the drainage areal ft�, and was this runoff incorporated into the water balance? ❑Yes or ❑ No 6. If a liner is present, how will it he protected fi•onr wind driven wave action?: 7. Will the earthen impoundment water be placed directly into or in contact with GA classified groundwater? ❑Yes m• ❑ No Ifyes, has the Applicant provided predictive calculations or modeling demonsttating that such placement will not result in a contravention of GA groundwater standards? ❑Yes or ❑ No 8. What is the depth to bedrock from the earthen impoundment bottom elevation? ft If the depth to bedrock is less d�au four feet, has the Applicant provided a liner with a hydraulic conductivity no greater than I x ] 0'' emis? ❑Yes, ❑ No or ❑ N/A Iy Has the Applicant provided predictive calculations or modeliog demonstrating that surface water or groundwater standards wilt not be contavened? ❑Yes or ❑ No If the earthen impoundment is excavated into bedrock, has the Applicant provided predictive calculations or modeling demonstrating that surface water or groundwater standards will not be contravened? ❑Yes, ❑ No or ❑ N/A 9. If the earthen hnpoundrnent is lured and the mean seasonal high water table is higher than the impoundment bottom elevation, how will the liner be protected (e.g., bubbling, groundwater infilh�ation, etc.)? 10. If applicable, provide the specification page eeferences for the liner installation and testing requirements: 11. If the earthen impoundment is located widrin the 100-year flood plain, has a minimum of two feet of protection (i.e., top of embanlanent elevation to 100-year flood plai�r elevation) been provided? ❑Yes or ❑ No 12. Provide the requested earrthen hnponndmeut desig�r elements and dimensions: Earthen Impoundment Design Elements Earthen Impoundment Dimensions Liner type: ❑ Cla ❑ S nthetio Top of embankment elevation: ft ❑ Other ❑ Unlured Lurer hydraulic conductivity: x - em/s Freeboard elevation: ft Hazard class: Select Toe of slope elevation: ft Designed freeboard: ft Inrpoundmeut bottom elevation: ft Total volume: ft' gallons Mean seasonal high water table depth: ft Effective volume: ft' gallons Embanlunent slope: Effective storage time: days Top of dam water surface area: ftz Plan Sheet Reference: Freeboard elevation water surface area: ftz Specification Section: Bottom of impoundment surface area: ft2 NOTE —The effective volume shall be the volume between the [wo foot freeboard elevation and due: (1}pump intake pipe elevation; (2) impoundment bottoar elevation or (3) mean seasonal high water table, whichever is closest to the two foot freeboard elevation. FORM: HRIS 06-I6 Page 8 of 13 VIL INFILTRATION SYSTEM DESIGN CRITI•;RIA —15A NCAC 02T .0705: 1. Provide the minimum depth to the seasonal high water table within the infilh�ation area: 2 feet NOTE —The vertical separation bepveen the seasonal high water table and the ground surface shall be at least one foot. 2. Are there any artificial drainage or water ntovemeut sh uchn�es (e.g., surface water or groundwater) withht 200 feet of the infiltration area? ❑Yes or ®No If yes, were these struchu•es addressed in the Soil Evaluation and/or Hydrogeologic Repot, and are these sh uchu•es to be maintained or modified? Yes 3. Soil Evaluation recouunended loaduig rates (NOTE —This table may be expanded for additional soil series): Soil Series Basins/Fields within Soil Series Recommended Loading Rate inllu• Recommended Loading Rate in/ r Recmnmended Loading Rate GPD/ft� Annual / Seasonal Loadin If Seasonal, list appropriate months Leon I & 2 N/A 2342 4 Amtaal Torhunta 1&2 N/A 2342 4 Annual Select Select Seiect Select 4. Are the designed loading rates less than or equal to Soil Evaluation recommended loading rates? ®Yes or ❑ No If no, how does the Applicant intend on complying with 15A NCAC 02T .0705tm)? 5. How does the Applicant propose to prohibit public access to the infiltration facilities? Fence 6. Has the infilration system been equipped with a flow ureter to accurately determine the vohune of effluent applied to each basin/field as listed in VIL8.7 ®Yes or ❑ No If no, holy does the Applicant intend ou determining the amount of effluent applied to each basinlfield7 7. For non -basins, provide the required cover crop htformation and dentonsteate the effluent will be applied at or below agronomic rates: Cover Crop Soil Series °/ Slope Nitrogen Uptake Rate Ibslac• r Phosphorus Uptake Rate Ibslae• r a. Specify where the nitrogen and phosphorus uptake rates for each cover crop were obtained: b. Proposed nitrogen mineralization rate: c. Proposed nirogen volatilization rate: d. Minimum infiltration area front the Agronomist Evaluation's nih'ogen balance: 1tz e. Minimum infilp�ation area 6'mn the Agronomist Evaluation's phosphorus balance: ft� f. Minimum infiltration area front the water balance: tt2 FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 9 of 13 VII. INRILTRATION SYSTEM DCSIGN CRTTCRIA —15A NCAC 02T .0705 (continued): 8. Basii�/Field Information (NOTE— This table may he expanded fm• additional fields): Designed Designed Designed Basinl Area Dominant Loading Loading Loading Waterbody Cield (acres) SoflSeries Rate Rate Rate Latifide" Lm�gitude" Stream Classification in/lu• in/yr GPD/fP L�dex No. I 0.86 Leon 2342 4 34.7369° -76.8217° 20-36-]0 SA;IIQW 2 0.86 Leon 2342 4 34.7372° -76.8228° 20-36-10 SA;HQW Total Provide the following latitude and longitude coordinate determination information: Dahun: NAD83 Level of accuracy: Nearest second Method of measurement: Map interpretation by extraction n For assistance determining the waterbody stream index uuurber and its associated classification, inshuctions may be downloaded at: http:/ldeq.naeov/about/divisionshvater-resourceslplaimiupJclassification-standards/classifications 9. High -Rate Infiltration System design criteria: a. Infiltration Fields: Spray Infiltratton Design Clements Drip Infiltration Design Clements Nozzle wetted diameter: ft Emitter wetted area: ft2 Nozzle wetted area: ftZ Distance between laterals: ft Nozzle capacity: GPM Distance between emitters: ft Nozzle manufachu•er/model: / Emitter capacity: GPH Elevation of highest nozzle: ft Emitter mauufacturerhnodel: / Specification Section: Elevation ofhighestemitter: ft Specification Section: FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page ] 0 of 13 VII. INFILTRATION SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA— ISA NCAC 02T .0705 (emrtinued): b. hrfllh'ation Basins: IF MORE THAN TWO BASINS PROVIDE ADDITIONAL COPIES OP THIS PAGE AS NECESSARY Infilfratim� Basin Design Elements Infilh•ation Basin Dimensions Basin Name: I Top of embaulwrent elevation: 20.5 ft Hazard class: Not Applicable Freeboard elevation: 18 ft Designed fieeboard: 2.5 ft Toe of slope elevation: 18 fr Total volume: NIA; Sand Filled ft3 Impoundment bottom elevation: N/A ft Lrflltrative surface area: 37,500 ft2 Mean seasonal high water table depth: 2 ft Daily infiltrative capacity: 150,000 GPD � Embankment slope: 3 : ] Plan Sheet Reference: C10 Top of dam water surface area: 37,500 ft2 Specification Sec[ion: 31 2316 & 3 ] 2323 Freeboard elevation water surface area: 37,500 ftz Bottom of impomrdment surface area: N/A ft2 i. Does this basin inch�de a discharge point (pipe, spillway, etc)? ❑Yes or ®No ii. Are subsurface drains present around the impoundment to control groundwater elevation? ®Yes or ❑ No iii. Is the basin designed to receive surface runoff? ❑Yes or ®No If yes, what is the drainage area? ft�, and was this runoff incorporated into the loading rate? ❑Yes or ❑ No iv. Will the effluent be placed du'ectly into or in contact with GA classified groundwater? ®Yes or ❑ No If yes, has the Applicant provided predictive calmdatimis or modeling demonshating that such placement will not result in a contravention of GA groundwater standards? ®Yes or ❑ No v. If the infiltratirnr basic is located within the 100-year flood plain, has a minhnnm of two feet of protection (i.e., top of embankment elevation to 100-year flood plain elevation) been provided? ❑Yes or ❑ No Infilh•atimi Basic Design Elements Infiltratim� Basin Dimensions Basin Name: 2 Top of embanluneut elevation: 18 ft Hazard class: Not Applicable Freeboard elevation: I5.5 ft Designed freeboard: 3 ft Toe of slope elevation: 15.5 ft Total volume: N/A; Sand Filled ft' Impoundment bottom elevation: N!A ft hrfiltrative surface area: 37,500 fr2 ` Meau seasonal high water table depth: 2 ft Daily infiltrative capacity: 150,000 GPD Embankment slope: 3 : 1 Plan Sheet Reference: C 10 Top of dam water surface area: 37,500 ft2 Specificatimr Section: 3l 2316 & 31 2323 Freeboard elevation water surface area: 37,500 ft2 Bottom of impoundment swiace area: Nla ft� i. Does this basic include a discharge point (pipe, spilhvay, etc)? ❑Yes or ®No ii. Are subsurface drains present around the impoundment to control groundwater elevation? ®Yes or ❑ No iii. Is the basin designed to receive surface runoff? ❑Yes or ®No If yes, what is the drainage areal ft�, and was this runoff incorporated into the loading late? ❑Yes or ❑ No iv. Will the effluent be placed directly into or in contact with GA classified groundwater? ®Yes or ❑ No If yes, has the Applicant provided predictive calculations or modeling demonstrating that such placement will not result in a contravention of GA groundwater standards? ®Yes or ❑ No v. [f the infiltration basic is located within the 100-year flood plain, has a minimum of [wo feet ofproteetimr (i.e, top of embankment elevation to 100-year flood plain elevation) been provided? ❑Yes or ❑ No FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page I I of 13 VIII. SETBACKS — ISA NCAC 02T .0706: l . Does the project comply with al] setbacks found in the river basin roles (I SA NCAC 02B .0200)? ®Yes or ❑ No If no, list non -compliant setbacks: 2. Have any setback waivers been obtained in order to comply with 15A NCAC 02T .706(a) and .0706(d)7 ❑Yes or ®No Ifyes, have these waivers been written, notarized and signed by all parties involved and recorded with the County Register of Deeds? ❑Yes or ❑ No 3. Provide the miniumm field observed distances (0) for each setback parameter to the infilhation system and h�eahncnt/storage units (NOTE —Distances greater than 500 feet may be marked N/A): SetbacicParameter Lrfilh•ation S stem Treatment) Stora e Unit Any habitable residence or place of assembly under separate ownership or not to be maintained as art of the ro'ect site 160 290 Any habitable residence or place of assembly owned by the Permittee to be maintained as >art of the ro'ect site N/A Any private or public water supply source N/A N!A Surface waters (streams —intermittent and perennial, perennial waterbodies, and wetlands) 140 210 Groundwater lowering ditches (where the bottom of the ditch intersects the SII WT) NlA Subsurface groundwater lowering drainage systems 100 Surface water diversions (ephemeral streams, waterways, ditches) 75 Arty well with e>;ception ofmortitoring wells NIA N/A Any property line 105 180 Top of slope of embankments m• cuts of two feet or more in vertical height N/A Any water line from a disposal system 50 Any swimming pool N/A Public right of way I50 Nih•ification field N/A Any building foundation or basement 20 Impounded pablic water supplies N/A Public shallow groundwater supply (less than 50 feet deep) N/A 4. Does the Applicant hrtend on complying with either 15A NCAC 02T .0706(b) or c)? ®Yes or ❑ No Ifyes, what are the designed Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus effluent concentrations? TN: 7 mg/L TP: 3 mg/L 5. Does the Applicant intend on complying with the High -Rate Policy issued October 27, 2006? ®Yes or ❑ No Ifyes, verify the following information: ✓ Are the most sh•ingeut effluent standards in both 15A NCAC 02T .0705(b) and 15A NCAC 02U .0301(b) met? ® Yes or ❑ No ✓ Is duality provided for all reeatuteut units per I SA NCAC 02U .0402fc)7 ®Yes or ❑ No ✓ Continuous online monitoring and recording of effluent for turbidity? ®Yes or ❑ No ✓ Alined 5-day upset pond is provided? ❑Yes or ®No ✓ The 5-day upset pond has restricted access? ❑Yes or ❑ No ✓ A certified operator of a grade equal or greater than the facility classification is on ca1124 hrs/day? ®Yes or ❑ No FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 12 of 13 LY. COASTAL WASTE TREATMENT DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS —15A NCAC 02H .0400: 1. Is this facility located in a Coastal Area as defined per 15A NCAC 02H .0403? ®Yes or ❑ No For assistance determining if the facility is located within the Coastal Area, a reference map may he downloaded at: Coastal Areas Bouudarv. 2. Is this an Lrterim Treahnent and Disposal Facility per 15A NCAC 02H .0404(Q)? ❑Yes or ®No NOTE —Interim facilities do not include County and Municipal area -wide collection and heahneut systems. IF ANSWERED YES TO ITEMS IX.I. AND IX.2., THCN COMPLETE ITEMS IX.3. THROUGH IX.16. 3. Is equalization of at least 25% of the average daily flow provided? ®Yes or ❑ No 4. How will noise and odor be controlled? 5. Is an automatically activated standby power source provided? ®Yes or ❑ No 6. Are all essential treahnent units provided in duplicate? ®Yes or ❑ No NOTE —Per ISA NCAC 02T .0703(16), essential heatment units are defined as any unit associated with the wastewater treahnent process whose loss would likely render the facility incapable ofineeting the required performance criteria, including aeration units or other main treahnent rmits, clarification equipment, filters, disinfection equipment, pumps and blowers. 7. Are the disposal units (i.e, infilhation basins/fields) provided in duplicate? ®Yes or ❑ No 8. Is there an impounded public surface water supply within 500 feet of the infilhation area? ❑Yes or ®No 9. Is there a public shallow groundwater supply (less than 50 feet deep) withhi 500 feet of the infiltration area? ❑Yes or ®No 10. Is there a private groundwater supply within ]00 feet of the infilhation area? ❑Yes or ®No 11. Are there any SA classified waters within 100 feet of the infilhation area? ❑Yes or ®No 12. Are there any non -SA classified waters within 50 feet of the infilhation area? ❑Yes or ®No 13. Are there any surface water diversions (i.e., drainage ditches) within 25 feet of the infiltration area? ❑Yes or ®No 14. Per the requirements in I SA NCAC 02H .0404(e)(7), how much green area is provided? NIA ftZ I5. Is the green area clearly delineated on the plans? ❑Yes or ®No 16. Is the shy infiltration wetted area within 200 feet of airy adjoining properties? ❑Yes, ❑ No or ®N/A X. GROUNDWATER LOWERING SYSTEM DESIGN: 1. Does this project utilize a groundwater lowerhrg system? ®Yes or ❑ No (If yes, complete Items X.2, through X.4.) 2. Is the groundwater lowering system: ®mechanically lowered (i.e., pumped) or ❑gravity fed? 3. Where does the groundwater lowering drainage system discharge? Golf Coarse Irrigation Pond If the system mechanically lowers groundwater and discharges directly or hidirectly (i.e., pond overflow) to surface waters, wetlands and/or stornnwater shuchu•es, provide the date the Applicant obtained written confirmation from the Water Quality Regional Operations Section that operation of the groundwater lowering drainage system will not adversely affect surface waters of fire State. Submitted: &Received: 4. Groundwater lowering system design criteria: Groundwater Lowering System Design Pipe diameter: 53 - 2" Vertical Wells in Discharge rate: 691,200 GPD Pipe material: PVC We11 Screen Method to measure discharge rate: Mag Meter Pipe depth: 20 ft Number of pumps: 9 Pipe length: N/Aft Pump capacity: 75 GPM 55 TDH Pipe slope (gravity -fed): NIA % Plan Sheet Reference: C10 Trench backfill material: N/A Speeificatimr Section: FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 13 of 13 Professional l;nghueer's Certification: came fi onn Application Item IIh 1,) Qa� uJ�rtf (Facility name Item Ih 1,) that this application for has been reviewed by ute and is accurate, complete all consistent with the LnformatiOil supplied in rho plans, specifications, engineering calculations, and all other supporting documentation to the best of my knowledge, I further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with this application package and Its instructions, as well as all applicable regulations and statutes. Aithough other professionals may have developed certain portions of this submittal packago, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have Judged it to be consistent with the proposed design, NOT); — In accordance with General Statutes i43-215.6A and 143.215,G13, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in ally application packago shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a flue not to exceed $10,000, as well as civil penalties lip to $25,000 per violation. North Carolina Professional Engineer's seal, signature, and date; �.r• ESS•' �� Q�O� 1pry9 # PE 5279 Applicant's Certification per 15A NCAC 02T ,0106(b): zt"tt it (Signahue Authon'ity's name &title front Applicatiot Item 1,3 �Vl wi,v c' RRY V\jW'70 (Facility name from Application Item IL 1.) this application for has Ueen reviewed Uy me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, I understand that any discharge of wastewater from this non -discharge system to surface waters or the land wilt result in an iuuuediate enforcement action that may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and/or criothtal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Division of Water Resources should a condition of this permit be violated, I also understand that if all required parts of this application package are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. I further certify that the Applicant or any affiliate has not been convicted of an environmental crime, has not abandoned a wastewater facility without proper closure, does not have an outstanding civil penalty where all appeals have been exhausted or abandoned, are compliant with any active compliance schedule, and do not have any overdue annual fees per 15A NCAC 02T 0105(e). NOTE — In accordance with General Statutes jj I or certification iu any application exceed $10,000 a"ell as c)67i-Petlalties up to $2 Signature: 143-215,613, any person who knowingly makes any false statement) byyguilry of a Class 2 ntisdeuteanor, which may include a fine not to bate: I `IA FORM; HRIS 06-1G Page l4 of 13 ' i am 0 t IF Barg z =61IV BOGUE SOUND tom- 01111[ Valid HU mq¶;,4„ri 1W1'iHiiiiIT LEGENDVICINITY MAP (NV74Sw) SET IRON ROD tMlflal OF MIMI SET INCH PIPE IV AIX—I OF CIAMM MITTO EXIS71NO IRON ROD CERTIFY MAT WC W M WT TO SUPER TWA "TIFICATION EXISTING IRON PIPE is AMIM WETS AM STATUTORY' PON Am SIM MORDINds. SOUARE FEET OVERHEAD ELECTRIC RIGHT OF WAY DAW* MIEN RAP a" DEED BOOK PAGE te' CONTROL 1 eA te =_= ddd CPS aIr O � a K Mad do doorSJ e�.� ge �qLC, 4,•70, Va23 lo 53N20'40°E a 4 ~io- Ly , tnall THa- 776.34 V7P � _, 4 Ht I t Va e FUTURE ��'• Nsr."• 4to W50550590Ear te. milI IV _T Mal SAt x �aBOIVIs� Dis vTIFY IPAT THE MIi ETHERuVJSIN rrs�OUN e6h =sxaa zt EE'MPAD.THSUCH VAINANE DING CCONUI AA91HAY IT It 0dA , QIT Fill UK IN In wrl" 017 in r*£zi IT lmw AXIMMAL for MAT 11011 MAT O NIANCY CF SAREDIHO ill OmLC1wFs. TO IMAL Am WILIZE SANITARY TIME MINIx v x x a ASCII., PLAINIHO C ISSIW DATE �OTARA AUHL\�. '?l 0 DurZi J\7, .ail's sF SN CORNER- 'O OF DARDDUN HONDA OB 402 PG 474 e— fClp b�Ons., sr gyp! > N/F CAROLINA WATER SERVICE TIPICATE DF APPROVAL BY PLANNING BDAflO m- `UzL7,cEEswm PssT Ew ins �APHOVAI isDVD ss teY THE Ulltul mmvwDBl<D OEa ,,x1.a+r.� � �Q to Ts 97 111 s1 1 14 14 11 n 47,.= EIP N/F BARDDUR HONDA G 34 s= 36 '°�^•37 a Islas*? As ✓�:.�., , '� _., aE In I o o''"'LEI lu ly"1 N/F CAflOL INA WATER SEflVICE OED[CATION DF BDAD DESIGN AND CONSTRVCTIDN SVBDIVIDEfl TD NAINTAIN ROADS: NT DE[L.f¢ MTV TO TAT: DEs1 L AN MIALI oE, THEE TAW sW01vISION eG Ti" AW'vim WEEAVfuTT BE MIOF ME S SNUIVIa1W avD AAv SILL is BUILT TD THE 5TAW s ON FAIR Nu IT+sDLLDa. I via BE usp�IKE HMO CATTERET Ill so STATE Of HOM C�IM AM Von i"TSDs=BGus.=AfM12/!�Y (EIGHT law CERTIF ICATENO�i µWNERSNI�AND THO'i D�CTMT�WI�tt sHOE \ 17ro MAT s� all v ME cIEED TO MEEai TT: - Im �sTnusHT us -- SHE LNiiD sMul, (MINIMUM all A BUGEsrw �/�p,pEUADin E mis OFFICE AT `i am DAY G-!�.'L TH1s— Oki— C°+So O m cit 4s.Is 1 win ISSIGOOssMEEW �¢ci1 IAszoNG'aaY ®� LENGTH ci 0.4T 1 E ad ad EIP cT MEr1-N5r•aa'aG•E Cr 01M OtxM[ O M emim ad MIN s¢nmx ad MIN Rolm 4201011 ,75 .T, LE ? tt "Sad 4I t•E ®gym FECTION ad HA44•DV2D`E F Malay N/F O Wad MIN ss CAROLINA LM78 0.tz LAMM z. WATER SERVICE CN>BO OTREcrIE- at=•sa•zs•E ®MIN CU Ecr - •E © N a, MISS LMM US = as.ss L _ 20.15 MaMO IITM DIRECTION:ad Mi ad ".1I GOT ®RoLENGm r - "amLEMaD•E CHM 3:.tdo Ltt =1a.D1 f� ®� E do 40,00 41.4e 12 /s4 trrr rtxtz EIP SASenl i srz O vTHEtt =z.51 as ®MIN 40100 RDDm Ecr ,40,011 4I.4s ,E LMN do as CUM 02'2643 AWIm tt _ Stan00 cIl enrAni IN Lei - JOI N0 f Y MP45 MISS v.5 slad SITE DATA: = I i e m n Lml�s/uns. JUSSEU ad ll ' 513E 74,Am 5 IF A' Moe LE%T SIZE - 14:4o s K MAT P 02.4 IF LANE c: LF :at n:•:::Ig � sIEE.................110 FT MCI R-10 You'll, Y TNT UTILITY EASEMIC SMALL jim ALBUMS WE FRONT BE THE L(N. AIM �g� ELECTRIC, 1p NEMO NEE 5/13114 Affil "INSTANT Sys tI w+ICIPmt"MET NS MIS, AM CNEUTE�o YI GDio ETHTH1 WE PARCELS Of I=1 ui s mNo SET Awiio�sL S IIi NE[r s•V ®M ®AUSTIN FMaCJ9'=2'H : LvuTH . 42.59 LSH x4:1s L+ x p _ US S sa s r CHM Hm ,s N a cM ®Lwww1forlt all O MINEs MTV$ did" oam - z ss.D4 16 u�D 1B OWNS ad Boom L ad 40'" LIMITS - 24,31 LENGTH = t==.02 3 esi 'rr CI _ a E Di _ •aa•N =xEiP ® WIN MZ: INLEACUM Slow -za.4q LEIS ar.aa GI m 2 MM AEGr ad ary (NINcr ' + O W pqm glass "I" N MIEN as MMO 520.00 wN.04.w do WHOM -: $lots UMT - Mail Iucr O Claim 1 O l min IV 510,00 za MIN Bolus112,42 MARTIN - WAIT LmHO�ix WASTE - 4Boom 0,47 ONECrouad 12t•ac'ta•F tact Away ,, ! [r '=late ad MIN O 00.E ® MIN BBolu _ min ,Moril Lx"EADIimH a ra.ar LANOTH do 8.45 cr t cEcr te tad CUM ci te O 9$1,23 © s q a 24 m� RE w man w " Bmio - 62, ,s TH _ ,s LT 2s tNOBO DIMCWHIN ^ H4t•=s'21•E NEGr 'zE'z cT1cam wMIEN 05=u21•N O ®Ltmv 91 MAS do MIN 28;,25 Bolus ad 25:w LExcm - all" _ 44.5 LLAWRI - 70.47 REFERENCE NAPS NAP HEvisE0 (N SEPT. Tom 199r Y, L.L.N. ["IFIED BdIHOADY> IM INC. REFER D.D. 174 PO 655 By s vDINEEDTHD P.A. DAM IInvAM GOLF &SHORE PROPERTIES INC. RT. 2 BRAND YINE HAY MOREHEAD CITY N.C. 28667 9TROUD EN( HRRTRGN PLAZA MDRBHEAD CITY, (9197 247-7479 Brandywine Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations & Maintenance Plan Owners/Operators: Carolina Water Service Inc. of NC P. 0. Box 240908 Charlotte, NC 28224 Stroud Engineering, P. A. 107 B Commerce St. Greenville, NC 27858 License No. C-0647 Prepared By: Linwood E. Stroud, PE 52 .9 Date � Z� Table of Contents 1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1. Historical Background of the Facilities........................................................................................ 3 1.2. Plant Treatment Requirements....................................................................................................... 3 2. Description of Plant...................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1. Reserved...................................................................................................................................................3 2.2. Rapid Rate Infiltration........................................................................................................................4 3. Operation and Control of Unit Processes.............................................................................................4 3.1. Description of Unit Processes: Reserved, ..... ............................... 4'l44%16&*lt&kktt*4 3.2. Common Operating Problems: Reserved....................................................................................4 3.3. Alternative Operation Modes: Reserved......................................................................................4 4. Emergency Operation and Failsafe Features...................................................................................... 5 4.1. Spill Control Provisions...................................................................................................................... 5 4.2. Standby Power. . I 10 111 11 vigil I I I I P * x 7 3 M M P r M M I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x , x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h . . . . . . i , , i , t i & d 1 0 & 0 * * C 0 a 0 * t t * I t 4 4 1 1 W 4 1 t 4 4 0 0 * 5 5. Safety..................................................................................................................................................................5 5.1. Confined Space Entry..........................................................................................................................5 5.2. Lockout/Tag Out. . N x Z A A M A A . . . ME M . . . . MMM'M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I a I h i i i i i d & i a a 4 a 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 g I I W g W g I W W 1 5 5.3. First Aid....................................................................................................................................................5 LIST OF APPENDICES 1. Permit No. WQ0007569 2. Sanitary Sewer Overflow and Spill Response Action Plan 3. Lift Station Pump Failure Contingency Plan 4•. List of Manufacturers 0 & M Manuals 5. CFR 1910,146, Permit- Required Confined Spaces 6. CFR 1910,147, The Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) 7. List of Phone Numbers for Emergency, Supplies, and Subcontractors 1. Introduction 1.1.Historical Background of the Facilities The Brandywine Bay WWTP was originally constructed in the mid to late 1970's as a 50,000 gpd package WWTP, extended aeration process with subsurface disposal. The plant was originally constructed by the developer of Brandywine Bay. Following construction, the developer sold the water and sewer systems to Brandywine Bay Utilities Company. In 1987 Brandywine Bay Utilities Company expanded the plant to a capacity of 150,000 gpd, abandoned the subsurface disposal system and constructed a golf course irrigation systems. At some time later Carolina Water Service, Inc. of N. C (CWS) assumed ownership and operation. They have since made several upgrades including the addition of cloth media filters and UV disinfection. The construction of the golf course irrigation system included a 3.35 acre effluent storage pond. The pond was constructed without a liner and has functioned as an infiltration/storage pond without wastewater effluent going to the irrigation system only at times when the water level in the basin approached freeboard level. The irrigation of wastewater on the golf course proven to be incompatible with golf play creating soggy and wet areas which were unacceptable to the golf course owners. As a result CWS decided to abandon the golf course irrigation system and construct rapid rate infiltration basins. The basins are designed for a disposal rate of 300,000 gpd. The existing extended aeration plant is being completely replaced with a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) designed to produce effluent in compliance with NCAC 02T Section .0700. 1.2.Plant Treatment Requirements 1.2.1. Influent Characteristics: The influent is domestic sewage . Design influent characteristics are: 182,101, BODs - 300 mg/L 182,102, TSS - 250 mg/L Total Nitrogen - 40 mg/L Total Phosphorus - 8 mg/L 1.2.2. Effluent Limits: The plant is designed to meet the following effluent limits: BODs -10 mg/L TSS - 5 mg/L Total Nitrogen - 7 rng/L Total Phosphorus - 3 rng/L 2. Description of Plant 2.1.Reserved To meet the effluent limits the treatment process is changed to a sequencing batch reactor designed for nutrient reduction. Since this is a complete change in process and since most of the treatment works will be completely replaced with a different type of equipment; the detailed operation and maintenance requirements are unknown until the project is permitted and contracts are awarded. Therefore the re- write of this section is delayed until contractors and suppliers of equipment are 3 finally selected and 0&M manuals for specific equipment are in hand. This section will be written prior to plant stat-up. 2.2.Rapid Rate Infiltration Plant effluent is distributed to the infiltration basins at the flow distribution box. Two flow control V-notch weirs proportion the flow to each of the 2 infiltration basins. The ability of the infiltration basins to infiltrate the effluent without runoff or violation of groundwater standards is dependent upon an artificial groundwater lowering system consisting on a network of 52 dewatering wells which completely surround the infiltration basins and located 100 feet from the outer edge of the basins. There are nine (9) self -priming dewatering pumps, each connected to 5 or 6 wells. The dewatering pumps are connected to a header pipe which conveys the ground water to storm water junction box at the ditch crossing between the 2 infiltration basins.. There are three (3) ground water observation wells equipped with level sensors which control the operation of the ground water pumps. The pumps are controlled in groups of 3, one group east of infiltration basin no. 1, one between the 2 basins and on wet of basin no 2. 3. Operation and Control of Unit Processes 3.1. Wastewater Treatment Plant 3.1.1. Description of Unit Processes: Reserved The re -write of this section is delayed until contractors and suppliers of equipment are finally selected and 0&M manuals for specific equipment are in hand. This section will be written prior to plant stat-up. 3.1.2. Common Operating Problems: Reserved The re -write of this section is delayed until contractors and suppliers of equipment are finally selected and 0&M manuals for specific equipment are in hand. This section will be written prior to plant stat-up. 3.1.3. Alternative Operation Modes: Reserved The re -write of this section is delayed until contractors and suppliers of equipment are finally selected and 0&M manuals for specific equipment are in hand. This section will be written prior to plant stat-up. 3.2. Off -Site Disposal Infiltration Basins The effluent volume applied to each infiltration basin is controlled manually by operation of the valves at the effluent distribution station. Effluent may be discharge to one basin at a time or all at the same time. The operator should assure that the discharge is distributed such that the freeboard in any one basin is never less the 2 feet. Should the freeboard in all the basins reach 2 feet the effluent should be diverted to the conjunctive use golf course irrigation basin. The surface of the infiltration basins must be raked semi- annually and at other times as needed to assure that infiltration is not impeded by clogging at the surface. 3.3. Groundwater Lowering System The function of the groundwater pumps is to maintain a 1 foot minimum separation between the bottom of the infiltration basins and the groundwater mound. There 0 are 3 groundwater level observation wells, each equipped with a pulse radar level transmitter which senses the ground water level and transmits a signal to start the ground water pumps when the level reaches the set point. The pumps will continue to pump until the groundwater level is lowered to the low set point at which time they will shut off. . 4. Emergency Operation and Failsafe Features 4.1. Spill Control Provisions All submersible pumps are duplex with pump having a capacity to discharge the peals daily flow Pump control panels are equipped with audible and visual high water alarm. High water levels will also signal the auto dialer which will initiate a telephone call to the operator. See Appendices 2 & 3 for Sanitary Overflow and Spill Response Plan. 4.2. Standby Power The plant is equipped with one emergency generator with an alternating transfer switch. The generator is 180kw and provides standby power for the plant air blowers, mixers, effluent pumps, and all other equipment. This generator uses diesel fuel and has a 300 gallon fuel tank which will provide power for 3 days. The generators should be exercised once a week for a minimum of 30 minutes with load so that the engine reaches normal operating temperatures. Maintain the fuel tank at full or near full at all times. 5. Safety 5.1. Confined Space Entry Comply with CFR 1910.146, a copy of which is included here within Appendix S. 5.2.Lockout/Tag Out Comply with CFR 1910,147 when performing system testing, inspections, servicing/repairs and routine maintenance by ensuring that energized equipment is de-energized/shut down and then locked and tagged. A copy of CFR 1910.147 is included in Appendix 6. 5.3.First Aid Maintain a first aid lit on site in a convenient location at all times. APPENDIX 1 Permit No. WQ0007569 to be added when re -issued) APPENDIX 2 Sanitary Sewer Overflow and Spill Response Action Plan C ilities, Inc: and affiliates, Carolina Water Service, Ine. of North Carolina, CWS Systems, Inc, Bradfield Farms Water Company, Transylvania Utilities, Inc. and Elk River Utilities Inc. SANITARY SEWER OVERI+LOW AND SPILL RESPONSE ACTION PLAN Brandywine Bay Sanitary Sewer Collection System WQCS00279 A Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) can endanger the environment and affect the health of individuals and wildlife that come in contact. It is the policy of our company that any and all SSO's be investigated immediately and actions taken to prevent or minimize any and all environmental impact. The public should contact our 24 hour customer service number at 1-800-348-2383 and provide as much information as possible on the location of the problem. On -call staff will be dispatched immediately for full investigation. This number will reach our office during normal business hours and than an emergency call service center after normal business hours. Available and current on -call staff information is kept at all times to ensure that appropriate staff can be dispatched immediately. Any operations employee that comes across an SSO should contact the Operating Manager, Area Manager or Regional Manager immediately and take inunediate action to assess, minimize, prevent or mitigate any such event. The local Operating Manager and ORC of the system will be the primary interface between the company and the NC Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality (DWQ) and county health department (if required). The appropriate manager will follow the current and then in place SSO reporting policy as designated by DWQ (see attached reporting form) or any other regulatory agency having jurisdiction. As of the writing of this document; • Report any spill of 1,000 gallons or more; and • Any spill, regardless of the volume, if any waste reaches the surface waters of the State. Any conveyances such as drainage ditches or storm sewers are considered waters of the State. 1) Report by telephone to a person (not a fax or voicemail) to the Wilmington Regional DWQ Office at 910-796-7215 during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm) as soon as possible, but in no case more that 24 hours after the SSO is known or discovered. To report outside of regular business hours, call (800) 858-0368. If the SSO reaches surface waters, every effort should be made to contain the spill area by use of dams near a manhole or area accessible to a pumper truck and mobile equipment. The contained area should be pumped back into the sewer system. Two employees or one employee and a contractor shall be present at all time while pump is operated. Backhoe or other equipment should be available to help maintain earthen dams until clean up efforts are complete. If possible, the area should be flushed with potable water and that water also returned to the seer system. The operator should try and use a broom or other measures to agitate sludge on the bottom during the pumping and cleaning efforts to make sure it is all retrieved. Rocks and rip -rap should be washed of residue. If surface waters are used for drinking source or recreation, additional measures must be taken to notify local health departments. Water samples to include dissolved oxygen and fecal bacteriological samples should be taken frequently before clean up, during and after clean up. In addition, samples should be taken upstream and downstream of the affected area. Spare Parts and Equipment List Portable trailer mounted generator to operate pump stations and/or electrical equipment in the event of power loss or in remote locations. This will be kept in good running order at all times at the W WTP location. Common parts such as electrical components such as elapsed time meters, voltage phase monitors etc. are kept in stock at the W WTP and can be accessed at all times. White hydrated lime will be kept on hand at the WWTP for spill abatement. Normal hand tools such as shovels, rakes etc. will be kept on the Operator's truck or at the W WTP. The ORC or Operating Manager must be familiar with all pumping equipment brands and have means to contact a distributor or representative for expedited parts. Contractors List and Contact Information One Call Services 252426-6000 Steve DeRose cell 252-723-9111 Electrical and equipment repair work Country Aire Rental 252-2474938 Emergency portable pump rental and pump supplies (hoses etc.) Barnes Envoronmental 252-241-5014 APPENDIX 3 Lift Station Pump Failure Contingency Plan Brandywine Bay Area Lift station Pump Failure Contingency Plan Sanitary Sewer Collection System Permit WQCS00279 Carolina Water Service Inc. of North Carolina, an affiliate of Utlllties, Inca t. Mission Statement Carolina Water Service Inc. of NC (CWSNC) owns, operates and maintains the sanitary sewer collection system serving the Brandywine Bay / Spooners Creek Camp Morehead communities located in Carteret County, NC. CWSNC is an investor owned public utility and is committed to providing safe, reliable and cost effective service to our customers and with the underlying commitment to act with integrity, protect the environment and enhance the communities we serve. CWSNC works to maintain the system and meet customer growth expectations and regulatory requirements in a financially responsible manner. As a privately owned public utility, CWSNC is regulated through the NC Utilities Commission. Description of Systems 2. The service area currently is comprised of 809 sewer residential customers, The system is comprised of approximately 5.93 miles of gravity sewer collection mains; 5.0 miles of pressure force main, (13) pump stations and a 0.150 MOD extended aeration wastewater treatment plant. Objective of Plan 3. To insure a normal level of service in the event of a lift station pump failure while protecting the environment. CWSNC is financially capable of making any and all emergency repairs immediately and takes immediate action any time the system may be compromised in order to protect the system integrity, the environment and to meet regulatory requirements. Criteria for Involving the plan: 4. One or more pump failures or loss of power to any or all lift stations. Roles, Responsibilities, and Authority Water Restrictions —If city wide or regional power outage lasts for more than one day, we would consider restricting community water usage to reduce the flow of wastewater through the system. 8. Criteria for Returning to normal operation mode: Electricity returned to all stations and all lift station pumps are operational. 9. Post Contingency Plan The Area Manager will meet with personnel who assisted in operating this plan to evaluate how well it worked. If necessary, changes will he made for any future emergencies. APPENDIX 4 List of Manufacturers O & M Manuals (to be added prior to startup) APPENDIX 5 CFR 1910,146, Permit- Required Confined Spaces Pennit-required confined spaces - 1910,146 Page 1 of 14 0AIIooL rj OSHA Advancal Search I•.5A t� ?1Ei Ato ZTndex I En Espagoi I Contact Us I About OSHA I OSHA cj= Biweekly Newslutfu Mrtads QPdntThls Page Text Sim Occupational Safety & Health Administration We Can Help 09JA. .. •• •...... .. What's New Offices Home :1 Workers Regulations Enforcement Data &Stadstics Training Publications �t R ' tl n (Stand rds - 29 CFR1-T ble of Contents • Part Number: 1910 • Part'Iitlet Occupational Safety and Health Standards • Subpart; 3 • Subpart Title: General Environmental Controls • Standard Number: 91}t14t • Title: Permit required confined spaces •Appendix: A, g, C, D, E, F ' Indus try from ble hazardsofentry Into pemlPrequlred confined pares. Thisrsection does not pply tol agdcuitove,ltoal construction, or to shipyard employment (Parts. 1926, 1926, and L915 of this chapter, respectively). Deflnitlons. to a ow env I mcpioyeavelnvoledwtconditions" pemit-regvired confined pce entry Iran safelPermit enter Into and lwork within the space that "Attendant" means an individual stationed outside one or more permit spaces who monitors the authorized entrants and who performs all attendants duties assigned in the employer's permit space program. "Authorized entrant" means an employee who Is authorized by the employer to enter a permit space. "0lanking or blinding" means the absolute closure of a pipe, line, or duct by the fastening of a solid plate (such as a spectacis blind or a skillet blind) that completely covers the bare and that is capable of withstanding the maximum pressure of the pipe, line, or duct with no leakage beyond the plate. "Confined space" means a space that: (1) Is large enough and so mnfigured that an employee can bodliy enterand perform assigned work; and (2) Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit (for example, tanks, vessels, silos, storage bin, hoppers, vaults, and pits are spaces that may have ilmfted means of Entry.); and (3) Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy. "Double block and bleed" means the closure of a line, duct, or pipe by closing and lacking or tagging two in -line valves and by opening and locking or tagging a darn or vent valve in the line between the two closed valves. "Emergency" means any occurrence (Including any failure of hazard central or monitoring equipment) or event internal or external to the permit space that could endanger entrants. "Engulfment" means the surmundig and effective capture of a person by a liquid or finely divided (flowable) solid substance that can be aspirated to ruse death by filing or plugging the respiratory system or that can exert enough force on the body to muse death by strangulation, constriction, or crushing. "Entry" means the action by which a person passes through an opening Into a permit-requlred conflned space, Entry Includes ensuing work activities In that space and Is considered to have occurred as soon as any part of the entrants body breaks the plane of an opening Into the space. "Entry pemit (permit)" means the written or printed document that Ls provided by the employer to allow and control angry Into a permit space and that contains the Information specified in paragraph (f) or this section. oyer, responsible for "Entry by conditionsm-ft men ne the person (such as s are present at a permit space where eintry isplanned, for autho, or crew rizing entry and overseeinglen y opeatonsle and for terminating entry as required by this section. ized rant, as Jong as at person is ned nd equipped as entry required bsor thisiso section for role he oay serve as an r she fills. Also,ant or as an ttherdotes oaf entry supervisorhmay be passedifromaone In PP 9 Y entry operation, Individual to another during the course of an en[ "Hazardous atmosphere" means an atmosphere that may expose employees o the he illness sk of from one ormoraion, impairmee fnt at ability to self -rescue (that is, escape unaided from a permit space), Injury, causes: (1) Flammable gas, vapor, or mist in excess of SO percent of its lower flammable Ilmft (LFL); (2) Airborne combustible dust at a concentration that meets or exceeds Its LFL; Pemvi-xequved confined spaces - 1910.146 hen them am echants, the employer changes might In the use or conligumdon of a nim-permItconiffired space that hall reevaluate that space and, ifnewssary, reciassify it as a pe mnt required confined space. A space classified by the employer as a permit -required confined space maybe recasslFla as anon -permit ronflned space under the following procedures: If the permit space poses no actual or potential atmospheric hazads and If all hazads within the space are eliminated without entry Into the space, the permit space may be redassifled as a non-pemit Confined space for as long as the non -atmospheric hazards remain eliminated. , If it Is necessary to enter the permit spare to eliminate hazards, such entry shall be performed under par through (k) of this section. If testing and Inspection during that entry demonstrate that the hazards within the permit t space have been pa eliminated, the permit space may be reclassified as a non -permit Confined space for as long as the hazards remain eliminated. as not te anegraph (c)(5) coversl of permitspace entry whric ere the employer Coforced ln demonstrate eon othat forced alir ventilationelimination will hazards. ntrol at hazards In the space. The employer shall domment the basis for detemining that all hazards In a permit space have bcen eliminaed, through a wrtiflcatln that contains the date, the location of the space, and the signature of the person making the determination. The certification shall be made available to each employee entering the space or to that employee's authorized representative, each employee Inthespa nshall exit the space. The employers hell then reervailuate the spa�a d determine whethler n must be reclassified as a permit space, in accordance with other applicable previsions of this section. When an employer the hostelmployershall! to have employees of another employer (contractor) perform work that involves permit spew entry, wmplianwwith as permit spew program me eng the reiqulements of this section Pace enW Is allowed only through Apprise the rontactor of the elements, Inducting the hazards Identified and the host employer's experience with the spew, that make the spew In Ruestion a permit space) Amprll°yees in orr saea� permit space uwhere c ntacto personnel wdlshe working has Implemented for the proeNon of Coordinate enW operations with the contractor, wh d 11 h F°this la and personnel and contactor personnel will 6a working In or near permit spaces, as required try paagaph O( ) ° ..1910.146(c)(8)(v) Debrief the contact°rat the Conclusion of the enW operdons reg eaitions,.e permitspaw program followed and regading any hazads Confronted or crea[pd In pemit spaces during entry op In addidon to complying with the permit space requirements that apply to all employers, each contactor who Is retained to perfom permit space enW opmtlons shall: Page 5 of 14 3910.i4s(c)(9)l1j Obtain any available Information regarding permit space hazards and entry operations from the hostempioyer, Pei7nit�TequiTed confined spaces - 1910.146 The entry operations covered by the entry permit have been completed; or A conditlon that is not allowed under the entry permit arises In or near the permit space. The employer shall retain each canceled entry permit for at least 1 year to hrJlltate the review of the permit-requ(red confined noted onthe pertinent permitso that app(ropHate revlslonis to the permit pa a program coo be madeW o�rotion shall be' Entry permit. The entry permftthat domments compliance with this section and author'aes entry to a permit space shall Identify: The permit spare to be entered; 1930.146(f)(2) The purpose of the entry; The date and the authorized duration of the entry permit; backlog systems) as w I enabietlthe attendant to determine quickly and aaur telY,(for the dumgonrof the permit, which rs or authorized entrants are inside the permit space; NOTE: ThIs requirement may be met by Insertlng a reference on the entry permit as [o the means used, such as a roster or �tracking system, to keep hack of the authorized entrants wAhin the permit space. t910.146(f)(5) ' The personnel, byname, cunendy serving as attendants; 1910.14fi(f)(6) The Individual, by name, curtently serving as entry supervisor, with a spare for the signature or inttials of the entry supervisor who originally authorized entry; 1930,146(fl(>) The hazards of the penult space to ha entered; The measures used fo Isolate the permit space and to eliminate or control permit space hazards before entry; NOTE: Those measures can Include the lockout or tagging of equipment and procedures far purging, inerting, ventllating, and Flushing permit spaces. The acceptable entry conditions; 1910.196(flt10) Tf theetestersfanid by an ndiwtion of wheootheed�umndwere perfoPmed;(5) of this sedlon, areompanied by the names or (nitlals „1910.146(Q(SYJ The rescue and emergency services that an be summoned and the means (such as the equipment to use and the numbers to call) for summoning those services; Page 9 of 14 'the rnmmunfation procedures used by authorized entrants and attendants to maintain contact during the entry; Sslo.las(fl(Sa) Penrit-requited confined spaces-1910.146 Selects rescue team or service from those eyalua[ed that: Has the capability to reach the vlctim(s) within a time frame that is appropriate for the permft space ha:ard(s) Identified; 1910.346(k)(1)(111j(B) Is equipped far and pmftcienk in performing fhe needed rescee services; Tnform each rescue team or service of the hazards they may confront when coiled on to perform rescue at the sfte; and rersueeservice rerun develop app cprtat rese a plans a d pralr.+lca rescue opefmtlonshlch rescue may he necessary so that fhe Note to pamgmph (k)(1): Non -mandatory Append(x F mnlalns examples of criteria which employers can use in evaluating prospective reswers es required by pamgmph (k)(Ij of this section. An employer whose employees have been designated to provide permit space rescue and emergency services shall take the following measures: haln(affected employees so th Y are Proficient lathe use of that PPEPat no cost to fhosedemployeesspars rescues safely and T21n affected employees to perform assigned rescue dutles. The employer must ensure that such employees successfully complete the training required to estahllsh pmFldeney as an authored entranq as provided by pamgmphs (g) end (h) of this secton; onel memeber of the rescue team oflservice holding a earrent certifi atlon n Flrst and and CPR Ls avallableea d e that at least Ensure that affected employees pmcdce making permit space rescu s at least once every 12 months, by means of simulated rescue operations In which they remove dummies, manikins, or actual persons from the actual permit spaces or fmm smulate the types of pernit spaces from which rescue Is to beaperfo m dpect to opening size, mnFlgumdon, and accessl6ility, space,luoless the retrievalwequ pmentyousid ncreaseethe ovemllllkof entry arewould notthmntrb to to the rteswe ofihet entrant. Retrieval Ns(ems shall meet the following requirements. Each authorized entrant shall use a chest or full body harness, with a retrieval line attached at the renter of the entrant's hale near shoulder level, above the entrant's head, or at another polntwhlch the employer wn establish presents a profile small enough for the su¢essfui removal of the entant. Wristlets may ha used In lieu of the chest or full body hamess if the use of wdsdets Ls the safestand mmost effective al[emativeody hamess Is Infeasible or creates a greater hazard and that the 1910.I4G(k)(a)(il) mannerethatresc a can heglniasesoonllasethe rescuer becomes aware that rescues necessaryaA mechanlaisdevicenshall ha available to retrieve personnel fmm vertical type permit spaces mare than 5 feet (1.52 m) deep Page 13 of 14 t. . ( If an Injured entrant Is exposed to a substance for which a Material Safety Da[a Sheet (MSDS) or other similar written (nformation Is required to be kept at the worksite, that MSDS or written information shall be made aYailabie [o the medical fadlity treagng the exposed entant. 3910,146(I) APPENDIX 6 CFIV 1910.147, The Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Talgout) i The control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagont), - 19109147 Page 1 of 10 (All ool °�OSiW advances Search ilsr�(k11.�1rCi(�=r g AtoZcEnd" IEnrspanolIContact UsIAbout 08HA OSHA a , Biweady Newslziter gy ft55 Feeds Qpdnt This Page Qa'T tSue .� Occupational Safety & Health Administration We Can Het IF IF 0SM Home Workers Regulations Enforcement Data&Stztistirs T@Ining publications What's New Offices , R ul tl (5ta d rd 29 CFR)T bl f Conte is • Part Number: 1910' • Part Title: occupational Safety and Health Standards a Subpart: I ' It Subpart Title: General Environmental Controls - • Standard Number: 119 0.147 • Title: The control of hazardous energy (lockoutltagout). , • Appendix: A z. 1910 147(a) .) Scope, application and purpose - 1910.147(a)(1) ' Scope 1910.147(a)(1)(1) standardThis servicing and rmachines; and ttlsunexpected enErglzation or laof �e madrsor equipment, release of stored energy coulddae injury to employees.Thistandard establishes minimum performance requirements for the control of such ha ardaus energy. 1910,147(a)(1)(11) This standard dos not cover the following: ( 1910.147(a)(1)PO(A)IF i. Constmcdon, agriculture and marlgme employment; 1919.1a7(a)(1)p0(D) h Installations under the exclusive control of electric utilities for the purpose of power generation, transmission and diswbu0on, including related equipment for communication or metering; and 1910.147(a) (1)(l i)(C) Exposure to eleebial harards from work on, near, or with conductors or equipment In electric utll'aatlon Installations, which is covered by SubpartS of this part; and ,.1910.147(a)(1)(if)(D) �• :s 1910.147(a) (1) (It)(D) Oil and gas well drilling and servicing, IF 1910.147(a)(2) Application, , 1910,147(a)(2)(1) This standard applieS to the control of energy during servicing and/or maintenance of machines and equipment. 1910 147(a)(2)(tl) Normal production operations are notrovered by this standard (See Subpart O of this Part). Servicing and/or maintenance which takes place during normal production operations Is covered by this standard only If: ( 1910147(a)(2)(11)(Al An employee is required to remove or bypass 6 guard or other safety device; or The contxrol of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout). - 1910.147 shall not detedomte when ured In conoslve environments such as areas where acid and alkali chemicals are handled and stored. ..i91o.147(c)(6)(ig(s) alddid Wally in the aseooF tagout devicesep� Land forJnattlShall he s[antdardlzeidastone of the following criteria: Color, shape; or out devices, Lockout devices shall6e substantial enough to prevent removal wltlloutthe use of excessive force or unusual iechnlques, as with the use of bolt cutters or other metal cutting tools. 1910.147(c)(6)Qij(C)(2) gout devices. Tagout devices, Including lhelr means of atlachment, shall be substantial enough to prevent Inadvertent or arzidental novel. Tagout device attadrment means shall be of anon -reusable type, attachable by hand, self-locking, and non -releasable with a n(mum unlorking strength of no less than 50 pounds and having the general design and basic chamctedsdcs of being at least equivalent a one-piece, all environment-inleant nylon able tie, Lockout devices and [agout devices shall indla[e the Identlty of the employee applying the device(s). 1919.147(c)(6)Qii) Tagout devices shall wam against hazardous condltlons If the marhlne or equipment [s energized and shall Include a legend such as the fnllowtno: Do Not start Oo Not open. Do Not Close. Do Not Energize. Do Nat Operate. ..1910.147(c)(6) 1910.147(c)(6)(i) The employer shall conduct a periodic inspection of the energy mnbnl procedure at least annually to ensure that the procedure and the reoulrements of this standard are heing followed. Page 5 of 10 1910.147(c)(6)(I)(A) j The pedodlc Inspecion shall be pedormed by an authorized employee other than the ones(s) utllhing the energy contmi pmcedure being inspected. 1919.147(�)(6)(p(s) j . . The pedodlc Inspecdon shall be conducted to mrced any deviatlons or Inadequacies Identified. {li; ,1.:. 19I0.147(c)(6)(I)(C) � employe eof that employee's msponslbilllt es unde tlthe ene gy mntroll pmcedure bei g nspected. ie Inspector and each authorized 1910.147(c)(6)(p(D) Where tagaut is used for energy control, the periodic Inspection shall Include a review, between the Inspector and each authorized and ,,, affected employee, of that employee's responslbilitles under the energy control procedure being inspected, and the elements set forth in ` paragraph (c)(7J(II) of thLs section. F ..1910.147(c)(6)((i) 1910.147(c)(6j(I() The employer shall certify that the periodic Inspections have been pedormed. The certlflatlon shalt Identify the machine or equipment on fi which the energy control procedum was befog utilized, the date of the inspection, the employees Included In the Inspection, and the person performing the Inspection. and comgtunlcation. The control of hazardous energy (lockouf/iagout). - 1910.147 Remove emptoyees from the machine or equipment area In accordance with paragraph (e)(2) of this section; lsx9aa7(�(1)pip the lockout or tagout devices as spedRed In paagraph (e)(3) of this section; proceed with testing or positioning; glze all systems and reapply energy control measures in accprdance with paa9aPh (d) of this section th mntlnue the servldng maintenance. 1919.147(f)(2) Outside personnel (contractors, etcJ, servldng personnel are th be engaged In ddlvttles mvered by the snipe and applimtlon of this standard, the on -site outside employer shall Inform each otherof their respective lockout or tagout procedures. g.147(f)(2)(il) ' on -site employershall ensure that hlsjher,.employees understand and comply with the restrictions and pmhlhitlons of the outside foyers energy mntrolprogam. Group lacikout or faggot. 1910.147(f)(3)(I) When servldng and/or maintenance is performed by a crew, cart, department or other group, they shall utlitze a procedure which affoNs the employees a level of pmtectlon equivalentto that provided by the Implementation of a personal lockout or tagoutdevtce. up lockout or tagout devices shall 6e usedln aaordance with the procedures required by paagaph (c)(4) of this section Induding, but necessarily limited to, the following spedRc requirements: respons16II1M is vested N an authorized employee for a set number of employees working under the protection of a group lockout or device (such as an opetitions lock); 1910.147(f)(3)(iI)(e) �islon for the authorized employee M ascertain the exposure status of IndNldual group members with regard to the lockout or tagout of machfne or equipment and an one crew, rraR, department; etc, (s Involved, assignment of ovetill jobassodated lockout or tagoutmntrol responsiBlliry to employee designated to cogrdlnpte affected work forces and ensuremndnulty of protedlon; and ..isioaa7(t7(s) (jp(n) 191g.147(f)(3)(II)(0) Each authorized employee shall affix a persorial iod<out or tagout device M the group (gckout device, gmup lockbox, or compatible mechanism when he or she Begins work, and shall remove these devices when he or she stops working on the machine or equipment 6elrtg serviced or maintained, or personnel changes, Spedfic procedures shall be utilized dudng shlRgr personnel changes to ensure the continuity of lockoutgr t protection, Induding pmvklon far the oNerly transfer of lockout or tagout device protection between oR-going and oncoming gees, to min(mize exposure [o hazards hom the unexpected energ¢ation or start-up of the marhine or equlpmenq or the release of I energy. ' Page 9 of 10 The following appendix to §197g.147 services as anon -mandatory guideline to assist empbyers and employees In complying with the APPENDIX 7 List of Phone Numbers for Emergency, Supplies, and Subcontractors EMERGENCY RESPONSE STAFF, SUPPLIES, SUBCONTRACTORS: Police -Fire -EMS 911 Employees: Stacy Goff, ORC 252-808-5955 Lane Chilton, Area Manager 252-723-8953 Dana Hill, Operations Director 252-269-2540 Electric Provider- Duke Energy 800-419-6353 Chemicals- Water Guard 800-872-7665 Sludge Hauling / Construction- Aragona 910-358-2249 Lab- Envirochem 910-312-0023 Diesel Fuel, Springer Eubanks 910-343-1991 Propane -Suburban 910-799-0420 D Y W W ]j -D A _3 __�Z A \ � 3AY �s MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA { o, Fo mR� i 0 S 'Sspt£i °fib o ox .x y A r- / ce GS -- L WhOW Of r O W,ld. d d O VL � Ona 4 CoraGr ro Hyy Io i s d o o oun r C\ub N.C. Y 24 �.. N m m N C NW,J2A e o Q U.E. U.E.B. SITE BOUGE SOUND Bogue Sound VICINITY MAP PROJECT NO.: PM131-21-006 CAROL I NA WATER SERVICE, INC. OF N.C. tiF�A STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. v107-8 COMMERCE STREET GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROL INA 27858 (252) 756-9352 1s =0 500 250 0 500 1000 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=500" T 0 MOREHf40 cry ZO MOaEN_p, C,j`( INDEX OF DRAWINGS SHEET Cl COVERSHEET/INDEX OF DRAWINGS SHEET C2 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION SHEET C3 OVERALL PROPOSED SITE PLAN SHEET C4 PROPOSED GRADING PLAN SHEET C5 INFLUENT PUMP STATION SHEET C6 PROPOSED SITE PLANT PLAN SHEET C7 PROPOSED TANK PLAN SHEET C8 PROPOSED FILTER/UV DETAILS SHEET C9 PROPOSED EQUIPMENT & PIPING PLAN SHEET CIO RAPID RATE INFILTRATION DETAILS SHEET CI1 SITE WORK DETAILS SHEET C12 HYDRAULIC PROFILE SHEET C13 OFFICE BUILDING SITE PLAN SHEET C14 EFFLUENT PIPE PROFILES SHEET BI OFFICE BUILDING PLANS SHEET B2 MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL BUILDING PLANS SHEET B3 UV/FILTER BUILDING PLANS SHEET S1 TANK FOUNDATION PLAN SHEET S2 BRIDGE CRANE STRUCTURAL DETAILS SHEET E1 COMPOSITE ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN & ONE -LINE DIAGRAM SHEET E2 MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLAN SHEET E3 UV/FILTER BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLAN SHEET E4 SBR TANK & INFLUENT PS ELECTRICAL PLAN SHEET E5 OFFICE & GENERATOR AREA ELECTRICAL PLAN SHEET E6 ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES # PE 5279 %�C1U1 E " 41111,,,.,,,.. FINAL DESIGN - NOT RELEASED FOR COO NSTRUCTIOO N LINWOOD E. STROUD, P.E. DRAWING NO.: 001 BRENT C. WHEELWRIGHT & ROGERS, ETAL /I' \ DB 1575. PG 263 /�.'� \\ / BRENDA DAIL \ EX WM 1 /-� / /' /��\ ,\ \� � DB 1333, PG 475 \ 6" EX. CONCRETE lNgrE ti�'� DRIVE _ �� / i ! //i(� I'I° EX. VINYL ~ �i'� lcnl i'iiiii�ii�i `\�•..� ----� r \ FENCE EX. WM B_BPPP� i l! llliil'` ` \` N10°57/38"E - 607.06/ _ SIR� — ——CONTROLLPANEL III l fill I\ \ -_ \S I IIII II ' \ \ - \ \\ \` \\ \\ �\ \ /\ \ /\ /> / //\ /// // / / /\ /\`\\ \ \\ �✓ ,�� > // / y\_�(_\\ y / \ lI l�\ -\- l / -�\ \\�: \/\ / \ / l 11 I I/111II1In . •�' \ 1 \ 1 II,Ir _5 9_�-,_�-��—�--_---a-=_—--_--_-----0—'6—I5—�Q_--I _9 l_`%0 S \�J Point -= EX. GRAVEL _8DRIVE /IillIf/ II =_ II �\— ---- -� �j 1p3 0 II I ,\ % i ! l III III I O /c - � ----18.d�' - / /III III m I I I IIIIII' IIIIII \\� \I ICI I I \ / ✓ �\ ' / I' I IIII IIII \ \ , \ ! 1111 III , I I I I III IIIIII \\\\II --- �>< cn III i,ll o- •I I °) \ p' O m I I I \ O /r I I \ \ ! \ ' \ / ✓ / \ / .� \ � : ` �! \ \ / I / I \ I IIIIII 1 � O .,I \ III \ / / l � \ / r//O : \ � � \` ` \ ` � S •9 \ I III rl , I I IIIIII 1 lag) If 11 v IIIIII \'-nI 1 1 1 1 X% \�\�\\\�\` �l� \`\ \\\ \ 9J 6°s 1' I If Il /l / /I II/I `�� 111111 IIII I /,� 1_I i9 6 I I1 II / I I / 11{r!! Iln III 1 l / \ HAMMOCK PACE \ •rir/ .�,,/, \ `, ,� r K' III a EI / / �!!!/// n1 111j IIJill I I ' / 1 / \ o. c / // //\ �o \ `y� ��IIII illl�l i I I r/ A/ fill,, ai upl I ti I! I /! �'/! !/%// 111111 III ,�!! ///// Ilhll IIIIII EX. 8 EFFLUENT - \` \` \ ' �,„ 1 ! ! o r/ /ii I I o \ 1 I / / // �\ \ \/ 1 �\ i ,//%/// .�i �• r\\`\ \ ` `S\\ \\ \ %� ' ` ! I/r //r/ / /!!/C / A/1 IIIIII II11� ABANDON 1 N PLACE \ �� I ! ! ! ! I \ / \ / / / / /' � \ \ �' I y I 1 I / /!/ ��/ f%�/// / � 7�q � `\9C \\\ \ � rr 1 / / ! I/ / l / !/ � / /�!/!// IIIIII I I111•-- � \. r � I \ \/ / / 1 /.0, '///i Z� 1• \ \ \\\ \ ,� II/! 1�/! /�/ � O / li, //r N" / II/ I \ 0 �6• I \ I \ \ \ �♦ r //! co REMOVE EX.'PIPES/i/i /// / a. rr 1\� J r!!i! I �i !r 1 1REMO!ii�i /i/ EXISTING 15 CPP CULVERTS C) -4Zb v0 00C) /UI r // W 1 It 1 l I II I i/!i� m/ l `\\\r r _ rid r /i / / r/ �' /j // '�' P' r !r !'• / ! ^ / ! ! ^ !! t w i/ 0) ///ii�/ o� /)/ti�cb /! / //!//!r!!/r ,!/ • rI1 rII / / /I I \ �! C)''/ r/" / /I//o it r! I/! / / �\ / try, / ri /r/{ l///!/I / I ! /O/!/!/ / � I/r4i �c�/ii' //// c� I'r/�rr ^i l / ui !!!! / / !I ! I I/I / ` w cb� -S•g \\ \ I I cv '��i/' O'/ /I h I! / !I l/ !rJ / 1\\ \I �,\ I o / // _ X. BUILDING , ! / /' /! / / / !! ' \ I 6t //„ r / / / l / / % WETLANDS r� - I V) i rii ' � // // / i I d ! ! � ! ." w / { l l I l // '� /ql// /!!!! !! Ir! I \ _, 0 BE REMOVED �//iris r r/// r/// / i / / .� ! / /� l I / / o �r/r/ii lilii/ I!i/ I \ \ '�ri�r/ /Irr / ! ! / ;'.o // / ! _ I l/{/ �+ /qi/i liliii I/!i! I \ 0.7530 ACRE\ icb EX. TREATMENT / REMOVE DNT O BE Qom, ,r//// I l r/ /! !I /!! 1��/ Q/ r 1� ///// v////// !/!///! •'/!I!I / \ \ 1 �' L\\ �\ \ \ i 1 1 1 \ \ \\ S \\ O, / ////, ' 1 I ! I / /r0 I / / // / ///// / /// !/ �� r \ ' SIR \ \ \ ♦ I 1 \ \ /� %/ // / O / / 1 / ! / �/ / / C 7 , { / /////\ I PORTION OF EX /r0<o / / // / 1 1 I l I / /i / / ! p ! / / . /r II /r ! \ c - - \ I I rrr'/ //r/ ri / ' r /.O ! r!/ !� 1 WATERLINE TO /�, // / / 1 I / / I/ i, ! / o r / q . / \ l BE ABANDONED ,///i�/ „ o /� / { I ! I / , I /, / ! ! / r/ .� / li/iii co REMOVE EX. / it/� \ r // r/ // ri/ / I o II//r/ II /', \ \ CO \ F NCEI/r0///// // //Q / / r l 1 l /l •OJ i \ \ \ \ EX FLUIDYNE FILTER 1;I 1 I II / u✓r �'/a•/^ ,��' IIII/ o/ r 1 `\ S gI 11 II II �i \ I / / /i co / / i / / 00 r,,, r, / \ \ TO BE RELOCATED . L 1 I C I \ / /r/, co' ! / / rii / r ! / cbb L_ / / /� / / /, / /r 1 0 ! I IC- / rl \ �� \ r cj / h / r , ,/ p0 d /O , r /, / // /i rri r / 1 1 1 11�y ® II y� /// �// ,4 r , 0 I l <cr I1 \ 1� P / // 1 �1 y� // r r r / �/ // /i %� r !/! 11 1 � d REMOVE E X P 1 PE S // ,'l, r // / r 1 i I I �" --__� / / c>'/ -- � J 1 � I d f ' q cr / / /i r/i rri r / / ! / I to \ II d o d II q� d�1 I I , s� / 1 / I Iir / jrr ! // �� // 0,r/ /i,r/i ri/i/r di I 1Io / O r r• /r r/i /r /r J! / \ \ I d= q / // / / / r Q• /i /i r / 1 ��� I �' I 1 0 1 �4 B II qi del I i �yb III! / r / , r r/� r /,,//� /I! / \ l r - I 9 \\\I\\ \ Al�t1d d II dlI / r �/ / C� / r // , d(Ill® d Il _� I I I Ij �7� 0//// \\J \ It��° t �' ,~�yq _J \ I /// ///I ��1 I I ` /i0 /// O ,,�/� Ir! I 1 -17.0- L_ / I / l l h l_3 �\ \\ d I I I I \ �\-416 �a�\ \\ �_...,�,--- I r ` I 1 I � �! r// / � I Ir / /, i /i, ! �`D• ,iir�/ �! V \ \ \ i cP/ \\ Id��11 1 O /rl/M%,'!rr ': ,/ \111 r, :� o'er_\ I �Ov \ 9 r I` / ! I l ! I `<o \ 1 Ir ` slag 1 1 l/�//tr/ ! ,r//r / /!III 1 d \\ . ! r l l ! l LLO ,\ r �/6 I- __ 1 // , // l l /r I ,,O O \ J / \ , //`11\L` _\-_-__ --19.5-_--_ ----- ---- - --= 19�8.5---------_ __-� �.'/ ' S _ / \- -_---------------------- ----- 8 ---- - — — — — — — _" — _. — — — — — — \�� rrr / / \ �/ �_- \ -191� _ 1 0-- \ \ \\ \`.� 0= __ /r/ / \�� - ?� 0 -----------------------^---------.._----- 1`� 9A / / EX - BUILDIN p �r� TO REM �_._.------------- ECM \ , \ 7714 /i// Cl) S05° 05' 59 "W - 1 067 . 23' I 1 E I P EX, INFLUENT PUMP — — — — — — — / STATION TO BE — — — — — — — — / UPGRADED / / WC WEAVER, JR DB 1112, PG 290 PROJECT NO. : PM131-21-006 DRAWING NO.: 002 50 25 0 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=50' FINAL DESIGN - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION ## PE 5279 9 - LINWOOD E. STR UD, E. I ii I j I I I I I I I j II I I I I I I I \, I -- I � I I BRISTER I I -1 VENTURES, LLC I — DB 1362, PG 52 it I II I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B&B VENTURES OF MHC, LLC i DB 1292, PG 117 I i I I i— — — — — — — — — — — - 1 1 I NINE LITTLE, LLC DB 1229, PG 468 1 I 1 R E V I S 1 0 N S j j I I Y N LHJ 1 LHJ 2 LHJ 3 SI s oEI i / / �/ �\ / \ \ \ / / / /L-'- - / \ BRENT C. °k F J N/ \ \ \ //// \ WHEELWRIGHT & jlON / / / / \ \ -� / /� \ ROGERS, ETAL ! I �C7 /i // \ DB 1575, PG 263 �j / Ek �?o // BRENDA DAIL \ MB �MFNT Ew�R \ \ 1 \\ i" �9g) ?9, P l S <'0, / ,� ~ DB 1 333, PG 475 EX. CONCRETE--' DRIVE ----� / EX. WM B�FP�' �E X . VINYL ~� I i >7, �\-\Ftitl�€_ EX. V&IJrt 8 _ _ PROPOSED FENCE \ ! I I ! I �-9 c7� J� F�y�� SIR _ . _ - - �0N'TROL PANEL I - - .� S \ I LINE --- __---_ I Q I i \ ,� I --� I E,, I I 6 / �' -10,EX � FENCEAINL INK - I I AQ Ln HA MOCK P"CE EIR I I I I w ti i ArcrzE- L / ' 4" PV Q I I PP Cj Lai 41/ -1 Cli \ '_1 pQ0 / i O D O� i 'ham EX C H A T NL I NK o / F � • �0 ' ���� aP. FENCENI od I j PR79P0 OFF ICE / % /` Jv� ii' J~ Cl) it I I BU I L6,1 NG� (SEE %� i Q �.� ' SHEERR B1 FbR i/i U) DET/,ILS) ii HIGH RATE i J**' Off' / 000, INFILTRATION j 0`�w� 11� �� t~ o / 0 BAS 1 N #1 / `�y,Z� i �i' HIGH RATE �/ Ali �� I I Z / 0 y� INFILTRATION BASIN #2 O��� ��/ Ali �� o 0,� / h CO/ ���� �j WETLANDS it o 0.7648 ACRE I i 06 O I4%/ \ / W#7 ��`\` ��� w< ',�•.�\. ,0, �., 2F,Q� /„ DtP (SEE PROF SHEET C14) 41. 4" SCH 40 PVC cPIPE SUPPORT DISCHARGE HEADER (TYP)3 REOUIRED ° iII i I 1 \` (SEE DE SA 1 L PP I '`° F / Q�ij' 9/C101. I / A I I ( i ' 0 �� \ ` CO';'� FILTER/UV BUILDING i' W 3 ��, I j O 1 (SEE SHEET B3 FOR 2" SCH 4 PVC oJ,� CO �, `0 / DETAILS) ,�, SUCTION HEADER �0 \\ `N i/ NEW ,4H �� \V� I I 4" PVC TOP' 16.00 �2 SEWER �� 300,000 GPD i I NV 11.31 SERVICE I `�� • SBR WWTP I DEWATERING WELL (TYP) I (SEE DETAIL C5/11) J GENERATOR I I PAD • ' CONCRETE - ► mow. :/ I PAD FOR - J\- J I O DUMPSTER, GROUNDWATER LEVEL Ico `;� OBSERVATION WELL I I a ;/ (TYP) (SEE DETAIL 9/C 10) t<, - w I E-i 0- O cP CO E MH �� M W * 1 ` A/ DEWATERING PUMP (TYP) I L N -----.._. �(SEE DETAIL 6A/C10) - .._. TA ION (SEE �� ��: Al ,. ��`' � CO s \ EE C5/11) p MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL �� a'. 3 X4 REDUCER I -_-, o 84LF 8" DIP BUILDING (SEE SHEET ���� ° z I \ PP II@ 0.5% B2 FOR DETAILS) \V \1/ \y Q I Z \ � 1NV @ MH NEW MH �\` 9.93 TOP 17.0 I N INV IN 10.45 ��� x ' W INV OUT 10.35 3" PVC �� w \ EX. BUILDING `�t: ''� _-------------•------- ---' I EX. 15" WOODSLINE "_ PIPE N - - -" -- ^ p _ I j EX CHAINLINK FENCE ECM - - ^--"-'---^-------------- \ F ------ /EIP PROJECT NO. : PM131-21-006 DRAWING NO.: 003 LEGEND ® DEWATERING WELL ❑ DEWATERING PUMP --------- DEWATERING SUCTION HEADER ---- I-- DEWATERING DISCHARGE HEADER C GROUND WATER LEVEL OBSERVATION WELL MONITORING WELL GRAVEL SURFACE CONCRETE S05°05'59"W - 1067.23' WC WEAVER, JR DB 1112, PG 290 50 25 0 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=50' FINAL DESIGN - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION I j I j I I I SCAR,,,,, ESSi0�q°'l� ,, I # PP 5279 UGINE 6E LINWOOD E. STROUD, P.E. D P D O D CONCRETE D D PAD FOR D o DUMPSTER D D DUMPSTER CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE The existing WWTP shall remain in operation while the new WWTP is constructed. The proposed replacement WWTP is located on the site adjacent to the existing such that the existing treatment works may remain in operation until the construction of the new treatment works is complete. In the current mode of operation, the WWTP effluent discharges either to the 1.25 MG unlined holding pond, or to the 7.5 MG effluent storage/infiltration pond. Valves on the discharge lines enable the operator to select which pond will receive the discharge. Should either pond reach maximum level, the excess flow can be directed to the gravity effluent sewer which conveys the effluent to the existing irrigation pond at the golf course. The proposed project will convert a section of both of these ponds to rapid rate infiltration basins. To enable effluent disposal to continue uninterrupted while the new WWTP and infiltration basins are being constructed, the new rapid rate infiltration basins will be constructed in 2 phases allowing one of the existing basins to remain in service while the other is being constructed. Any effluent flow in excess of that which can be infiltrated by the existing basin in service will flow to the golf course irrigation pond. The first rapid rate infiltration pond to be constructed will be at the site of the 1.25 MG pond. This will allow the larger pond to remain in service until the 1" rapid rate infiltration basin is complete. The construction sequence shall be as follows: 1. Install silt fence and other erosion and sedimentation control measures as shown on the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan. 2. Construct 26 of the 28 ground water lowering wells surrounding rapid rate infiltration basin No. 1. The other 2 wells cannot be constructed initially because they are located within the foot print of the existing WWTP which must remain in service. Construct the ground water pumps, piping and appurtenances necessary for operation of these pumps and connect to the existing manhole at the upper end of the gravity pipe which connects to the irrigation pond at the golf course. This will enable lowering of the ground water to facilitate abandonment of the 1.25 MG holding pond and construction of rapid rate infiltration basin No. 1. Begin operation of the ground water pumps. 3. Divert all effluent flow to the 7.5 MG pond. 4. Remove any sludge that has accumulated in the bottom of the 1.25 MG pond and dispose of same in an approved manner. 5. Pump the entire liquid volume of the 1.25 MG pond to the 7.5 MG pond. If this causes the 7.5 MG pond to reach maximum level, any excess will discharge to the gravity effluent pipe which will convey it to the golf course irrigation pond. 6. Construct rapid rate infiltration basin no. 1. Upon completion test the infiltration rate and when acceptable place this basin in service. Direct all effluent flow to this basin. 7. Remove the effluent pipe which runs from the existing WWTP to the 7.5 MG pond. This will enable the beginning of construction of the new WWTP. 8. Construct the ground water lowering wells surrounding rapid rate infiltration basin No. 2. Construct the ground water pumps, piping and appurtenances necessary for operation of these pumps and connect to the existing manhole at the upper end of the gravity pipe which connects to the irrigation pond at the golf course. This will enable lowering of the ground water to facilitate abandonment of the 7.5 MG holding pond and construction of rapid rate infiltration basin No. 2. Begin operation of the ground water pumps. 9. Remove any sludge that has accumulated in the bottom of the 7.5 pond and dispose of same in an approved manner. 10. Remove the entire liquid volume of the 7.5 MG pond. The liquid volume may be removed by pumping either to rapid rate infiltration basin no. 1 and/or to the gravity pipe which conveys effluent to the golf course irrigation pond. Monitor the liquid level at both infiltration basin no. 1 and at the golf course irrigation pond and make sure the levels in both do not exceed the maximum level allowing for freeboard. Allow sufficient time to assure that levels are not exceeded. 11. Construct rapid rate infiltration basin no. 2. Upon completion test the infiltration rate and when acceptable place this basin in service. 12. Complete construction of the new WWTP. 13. Perform all start up testing as required by the specifications. 14. Perform inspections and obtain startup authorization. 15. Divert influent to new plant and start up. 16. Demo and remove old plant. 17. Install the other two ground water lowering wells which were not constructed under item 2 above. Connect to the discharge pipe 18. Establish vegetation on all disturbed areas. R E V I S I O N S Y NO-1 DATE1P 1 N LHJ 1 4/8/20 REVIEW COMMENTS LHJ 2 5/18120 DEO COMMENTS LHJ 3 9/18/20 REVIEW COMMENTS LHJ 4 10/12/20 REVIEW COMMENTS OVERALL PROPOSED PLANT SITE PLAN BRANDYWINE BAY WWTP UPGRADES MOREHEAD TOWNSHIP, CARTERET COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OWNER: CAROLINA WATER DESIGNED: LES SERVICE, INC. OF N.C. ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 240908 DRAWN: LHJ 5701 WESTPARK DR.,SUITE 101 PHONE: CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28224 (704) 525-7990 APPROVED: LES AASTROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. DATE: 1/17/20 107-B COMMERCE STREET SCALE:1 "=50' GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 27858 (252) 756-9352 SHEET C3 OF 14 LICENSE NO.C-0647 7.5' 16' 23.5 \ ;1 EL 21.0 GRASS SURFACE INFILTRATION BASIN *1 EMBANKMENT SECTION 2 7.5' 7.5' 16' o. GRASS SURFACE �n INFILTRATION BASIN *2 7.5' �--6" ABC SCALE: NTS C4 / ~� EMBANKMENT SECTION 3 EX 24 RCP SCALE: NTS C4 ENTRANCE ROAD SECTION 1 "' �Fgs�o, ��, " %/� �`\INV 11.25 , SCALE. NTS C4ull+�i�i�\\S! Ilu+rul�' \ .--------- — � EX. WM & ��'/ "�' I'mllulr- `�• �- --- - - -, / 'OR - — �. -V Att T 8 / / r 1 n, I I „I \ \ h — — _ I ' _ \ •'' ' ' - _ _ \ MFrFRO ;,\ -- — CONTROL PANEL // / raw l'In II„I' Vq�C T SFO ulr'— / / / X•o. _____woodst INC q�f I \\ /� / // 1 Ilni' I \ \ r;-- ----- --0'Ll-�' l 1 l�,l,,llli MW 4 / '/ \ \/ /\ / C/� •♦ �/ �/ I `�\% \ \ � 1/III,IIII � I I ', I+I m—_--__—_ _-__.---__ -- 8l=_===\ _---__— —'J J ,'' `—i ; i I \ \/ �C` � � +C\ I f I , 111 I 6� III — — '-° • 6 L S • 8Q - — _ / \ ✓ / \ I `/ — :\` \ �l 1/III�IIII 1 III cn — _— ---- — — ——---'_=5_Ll=_ IIIIIIIn 1 IIIIII i lIII�olllll I `\ l,l fit I , o,ll I ,III,-�`` O 18•a\1 / 1 , I I I I1 III `\\ \I I I ' III I11 \ / 1� I _ i f I j11f I 1111 \\u / EX. MH / I Ih III I I I 1111 \` , �! ` '�>\ IOP 18.8V OUT 55.0 /- i' i'i n ` I ' III 1111 \ n - o, 1'I II \ I I cn 111 �l,I -1•oS rnllll 1 \ r/ , O /�� ` I I ' I I I III Q 1 / 1 \ i I I,IIII cwl II f 1 \v ! r/ \ 1 111 II I I I 01p1 1 II ,II 1 / \ 1 MW* 1 /1 I II 1 I ` ' IIIIII I \ 1 II II i I f I I I I I I � 11j111 \ Illy \ f i ��� \ 8! \ \ ♦ ,' 1 I II �-�- M W 5 I I / / / /I II I I I ' ' — / \ \ I # I I Ihl 1 1 I i O ` \ \ \ O, I ) 1 fill I I I I I o , I I II I / / ///I// mfi II II I I I '' 1 I `9! I 1 11 II / // ` \ / r \ /! O \ \ \ fC ' 1 / / �, O. / C rr, /i // `� \ \` � tiF�, 1 I I it � / Orr/r/ Mitt, I II I 1 S !, -10A M/ 1 \ /' / //r11111 / \ Q \ 1 / /// /// IIIIII I I 1 / I// � /// //1 /� IQ 17 /�,/ AF PF rib 1 1 �i� 9 rii // � . r i . • Sim /. / , / % / `�' / p / h '\ ! \ ���\\ ��.��/,ilk /, // // � ,f// �r h• Per //, /// /r/ // o� /rr r \ i�r^ // ' I I ? I L'� p 4'9 \ N 11 /o \ \ I �/' / // " /ii'' 1 Obi' ' rii'�' I' r l /�/ r/i/ ///�° / •°� / / � /, � ,�rirr/,! ///rlI^ 1 I // I / \ \ / ✓ / / '�' f /�,/ ®/// r'`--- \ \ � / r i /,//' g ,�'h`1�i•�o /rir / / /I II rI //y/ � / ,' // // ,'/ r ////��// c� � ///Or //i/i'I i I !' •� �\ I / PROPOSE OFF ME `\ / J �! /� 2 /, !!/ ,� All /r// f / // I I /r/ /r . �/ rr / c" / // 'L , O / I 'r /' / I FFE 20 0 /�\ / /'/;' HIGH RATE /f'/ /' / ' 'Ii/iii"/i/� ''/' ' r INFILTRATION BASIN #1 /,�` r r, r / / /I / � /rr/ l,` r / // r / / •• 1 1 \ MIN. SURFACE /i // a EL 21.0 G' I °o +h ' / ` / / I " ti / ///// I I/ x���` /ir �, , / co / / / r r r/rrI / I ♦ BSc / r r/ VO , �/ / -S .g \ I t Q, I'� /INFIILTRATGH TION I/l/// /Ilq/i BASIN #2 ri/i✓ ��I�/�/ ,' `\ WETLANDS( I CID/, / r / /ii i/i'r , r ✓� r /cn / I 0) I // /q/ MIN. SURFACE /i/ii / // , \ 0.7648 ACRE Od �I//ii EL 21.0 '01 oI \ \ / `` i / I r / / r // co I „ O // / / / \ 1 1 \ O ICO / / /i r / / / / / / Q /ir/i / / / l 1 \ r C I \ \ \ \ '"' i ? / `_ + I // / '\./ O ,oaf '7i///ii /, / / //,/ / 4�• 'L . ,0/Q / I 1 �` S'9l oo / \ , co ' 6 l� Cbb \ 1 / \ _ \ �� \ °�• ! / /!, �,/,, r / ,r /,/,// r/j,ri i �b`a° i//IW 1 \ II �__---- _` 11 fiD 11 y�\1 \ \ i r / �1. -\ � _ / -•l i'r r /, // / \, / /;'i � /,// r / / / / ! 1 I i 1 1 0,01 xvt r' A I -, / -/ / / / /,// I I \ , , \ k \ \ \ A ` \\\ \\\\ 1 I u _ 1 _ nn��IV IV CP I \ _� 6�-===-_____- / /' ` �\ /' / �',�-\ \_____ -19 ____-___----------------19-0p --- - - - - - - 15"` n �59�_ .-_�/'�'�i / 1�q� p WOODSL NL — �l \\ I PIPE ____--.---- i PROJECT NO.: PM131-21-006 DRAWING NO.: 004 50 25 0 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1„=50' FINAL DESIGN RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION II/l1/h/ O,?I . Cq�,®C,// /% ESS{o� e� S # PE 5279 _ _= ayyyyy�3..' E�{2 A\\s ��'/gflryllll ��N4'�44AAT nnn TR D P E L I114vv E. S OU 4 . . E- R E V I S 1 0 N IS EX] RA] 12" DI EXISTING GL RAIL TO REN 12" DIP EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1,2'=1 ' -0" EXISTING CONDITIONS SECTION SCALE: 1,2'=1 ' -0" PROJECT NO.: PM131-21-006 DRAWING N0.: 005 REMOVE EXISTING PUMPS, PIPING. AND VALVES VE EXISTING RETE TOP 1- r-ROL PANELS: REMOVE AND REPLACE. SEE ELECTRICAL PLANS STING PUMPS, D VALVES EXISTIN GUARD R. 12" DI EL. 11.96 PROPOSED CONDITIONS SECTION 2 SCALE: 1/2'=1 ' -0" C 5 VALVE SYMBOL LEGEND MANUAL PLUG VALVE AUTOMATIC PLUG VALVE MANUAL BUTTERFLY VALVE III III CHECK VALVE MANUAL GATE VALVE VFD N @ D RP PVC .39 6 8"X8„ 8" DIP v v ai reran ai. VALVE VAULT SECTION , - r-w Ar FINAL DESIGN - NTV- N E L RE:, A S E D FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1/2"=1 ' -0" \\\\\1\ 1111111 I ! Ill 111/ a ®� - 7 # PE 5279 E V I S I 0 N S LINWOOD E. STROUD, P.E. 4% co VALVE N 8) MANUAL PLUG VALVE ;- - - MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL BUILDING - - - - - - R� UV/FILTER BUILDING DIGESTER (SEE SHEET C8 FOR DETAILS) (SEE SHEET C7 FOR DETAILS) AUTOMATIC PLUG VALVE POST MANUAL BUTTERFLY VALVE // �% EQUALIZATION CHECK VALVE R E V I S 1 0 N S Hill 40.1 DATE I DESCR I P MANUAL GATE VALVE LHJ I1 15/18/20 1 DEQ COMMEW PROJECT NO.: PM131-21-006 DRAWING NO.: 006 10 5 0 10 20 "M-IFE I Emmi GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=10' FINAL DESIGN - IFOR CONSTRUCTION I RELEASED LINWOOD E. STROUD, P.E. I'/ /Z -/ e) VALVE SYMBOL LEGEND MANUAL PLUG VALVE AUTOMATIC PLUG VALVE MANUAL BUTTERFLY VALVE III III CHECK VALVE III III MANUAL GATE VALVE —8'-0" I--:jt-------- ECB1 1LP rl F-SBR92 BLOWER CB2 T MCC BACKUP BLOWER III o nSBR#1 BLOWER XFMR1 I� 1O un. FC 1 HP1 PROJECT NO.: PM131-21-006 DRAWING NO.: 007 CONNECTION FOR SLUDGE REMOVAL II 171-8" INFLUENT PIPE I I —58'-8"—------II— LINE OF BRIDGE CRANE ABOVE (SEE SHEET S2) II 8" PIPE II 6" PIPE II 6" PIPE II II SBR JET 0 MOTIVE PUMPAIR (I VALVEELEASE AIR RELEASE VALVE II 8 X8" TEE — DIGESTER JET II SBR JETMOTI I I LIQUID MOTIII I I 10"X8" I I PUMP PUMP CROSS POST II BLOWER BLOWER I I I VARVEELEASE II O O I I II O p II 6" IPIIPE BUTTERFLY VALVE (TYP) 10" PIPE "101IIPE , 8" PIPE BUTTERFL� VALVE (TIYP 10" PIrE L ACCESS STA 3'-0"x3'- LANDING 4" DIP 4" DIP 6" PIPE U II ' —�/ 10" PIPE —— — — — — — — — —/ 4" DIP 8" PIPE — — — — — — — — — II 8" PIPE ----------I� ----— — — — — — — — — — — ---------� ---- i============---=-----=-----_____///�/i / PIPING ELEVATION 1 SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" C 7 PLAN VIEW A SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" C PUMP DATA TABLE TOP RANGE 0 TOP RANGE TDH HP DESCRIPTION DRIVE TOP SPEED (GPM) (FT) SBR JET MOTIVE VFD 1750 1830 21 15 DIGESTER JET VFD 1750 1098 21 10 MOTIVE BLOWER TABLE DESCRIPTION DRIVE CFM PRESSURE (PS16) HP SBR VFD 500 10.25 40 POST EQ VFD 145 6.3 10 DIGESTER VFD 240 10.25 25 FINAL DESIGN - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION b UIF \�a� I I I I 10111,11 �� 5279 = IrCjZ3lJ� 5�,�``• fib,, LINWOOD E. STROUD, P.E. R E V I S 1 0 N S VALVE SYMBOL LEGEND 01 MANUAL PLUG VALVE 9;1 AUTOMATIC PLUG VALVE MANUAL BUTTERFLY VALVE CHECK VALVE III III MANUAL GATE VALVE 6" ELBOW 6" DIP 4"X6" ELBOW 4" PLUG VALVE 4" CHECK VALVE TANK TOP OF TANK EL 39.0 6" ELBOW-H 'ICIII �II EL 14.5 PROJECT NO. PM131-21-006 DRAWING NO.: 008 80 CFM COMPRESSOR REFRIGERATION AIR DRYER qJa 10" BUTTERFLY VALVE 6 MAGNETIC FLOW METER ACCESS PLATFORM I I I t I 1O'-0"X12'-O" GARAGE DOOR FLOW RECORDER/ TOTALIZER �----LINE OF BRIDGE CRANE ABOVE (SEE XFM SHEET S2) R2 FC2 AIRLINES SHALL BE 1/2" X 304SS FIXED PIPING OR 1/2" FLEXIBLE HOSE IN RIGID CONDUIT. LINE FROM DRYER TO FILTER AND DRYER 2LP CAST IRON FLOOR TO UV SHALL BE 1/2" FLEXIBLE DRAIN, TYP _ HOSE IN RIGID CONDUIT BELOW THE SLAB. ABOVE SLAB CONNECTIONS TO EQUIPMENT SHALL BE 304 STAINLESS. 90° V-NOTCH WEIR L — —— DRAIN— —— ———— --DRAT -- — — -AIR 6" BUTTERFLY VALVE 6" DIP 10"X6" —A REDUCING ELBOW 10"X6" TEE------' 10" BUTTERFLY VALVE 10" ELBOW 6" DIP 6"X8" REDUCER 6"X8" TEE al�rrc.�r�l�rtatrf.tn.tnti?I� ►�,. dl ���1'I�l1L•J.Tlt.Ta.1L•7.tat�ll lilil'l«t- a ut�dlY --..�._ � I 6" BUTTERFLY VALVE 6"X8" ELBOW o AUTOMATIC 16" ~ I BUTTERFLY VALVE a I 8"X112" ELBOW o e o o e o o e o I 0 e o I 12'r BUTTERFLY VALVE 12"i a dII TEE 12" PVC 12"X16" REDUCING TEE 6"A" ELBOW — —— --- —— DRAIN -————————————--� -- DRAIN — — — — — �a —— 6" BUTERFLY VALVE 0 o e o e o ® 12"I BUTTERFLY j:nEfivoiloAsoonfoo e o VALE 0 o a o e o e Ifin 10"X1" ELBOW 0 o e o e o e o I AUTOMATIC 16" BUTTERFLY VALVE 0 9 o if, e o e o e o I 0 o e o e o e o I I I -- — — — —- DRAIN — — — — — — — — '� I CAST IRON FLOOR -6 ELBOW DRAINTYP „ , I I I - LINE OF BRIDGE I CRANE ABOVE (SEE SHEET S2 ) I l I I I I I I SS CLEANOUT, TYP I�-(SEE BUILDING PLANS FOR CONTINUATION, /y COORDINATE LOCATION WITH MEP PLANS / / / / / / / / / / / / / FILTER/UV PLAN VIEW A SCALE: 1/4'=1'-0" C8 Elm FLUIDYNE FILTER 12" DIP 8" PVC 12"X16" REDUCING TEE 6" MAGNETIC O FLOW METER UV —� PROPOSED UV ELECTRICAL CABINET UV DISINFECTANT UNIT (TYP) 16" BUTTERFLY VALVE 16" BUTTERFLY VALVE REFRIGERATOR COMPOSITE SAMPLER WATER HEATER EMERGENCY SHOWER 8 EYE WASH — PROPOSED LAB BENCH (SEE BUILDING PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) L--6%8" ELBOW - O EL 23.65 O 4" DIP 16" DIP e ps SECTION 1 SCALE: I 4'=1'-0" C8 FINAL DESIGN - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION cc SECTION 2 FLOW RECORDER/ SCALE: 1'4'=1'-0" CU TOTALIZER PRECAST CONCRETE FLOW CONTROL BOX STOP GATE L_ j 90, WEIR STOP GATE 90, WEIR FLOW RECORDER/ TOTALIZER 3'-0" 3'-0"-oil DUPLEX SELF PRIMING POST EQ PUMPS WITH VFD. 10 HP LOW RANGE - 208 GPM @ 31' TDH. HIGH RANGE- 520 GPM @ 42' TDH. 8" DIP z 0 I 0 I Q 8" DIP 3" GATE VALVE 3" UNION7 3" CHECK VALVE F— — — — — — — — I PROPOSED FIBERGLASS HOT BOX WITH FLIP TOP ENCLOSURE 4" GATE VALVE'S TOP OF SLAB 21.5 F-T -1 L L PROPOSED 3000 PSI 6" CONCRETE SLAB 4" DIP SUCTION PIPING SECTION 3 SCALE: 1/2'=1 ' —0" C 8 ° -- 24.67 ° BOT WEIR 23.5 ° INV. 22. 0 0 0. 1oo oa o� oD o0 oo 8" DIP 12" NO. 57 STONE # PE 5279 = Aq, a -Z76 R E V I S 1 0 S LINWOOD E. STROUD, P.E. ELECTRICAL ROOM DECANTER SECTION 2 SCALE: NTS C 9 PROJECT NO.: PM131-21-006 DRAWING NO.: 009 BACKUP BLOWER DST EQ BLOWER LOWER AIR RELEASE VALVE 4" x 3" x 1/4" Al AIR RELEASE VALVE SECTION 1 SCALE: 31r =1 ' -0" C �nn J DECANTER REST DETAIL., SCALE: NTS ,NGLE VGLE (3) 9/16" DIA. HOLES PER DECANTER REST SEE TYPICAL ANCHOR DETAIL ON 45954-106 EL. 39.0 NORMAL TOP WATER LEVEL EL. 37.0 POST EQUALIZATION 4" SS JET HEADER AIR PIPE 10" SS JET HEADER LIQUID PIPE 8" SS DIGESTER SUCTION -I I EL. 14.5 4" RISING STEM TELESCOPIC VALVE, 120" TRAVEL, 14" ALUNINUM ANODIZED HANDWHEEL, STAINLESS STEEL FLOORSTAND W/ GALVANIZED STEEL FLOOR STAND MOUNTING BRACKET. STAINLESS STEEL SLIP TUBE W/ (2) V-NOTCHES, 180' APART. NORMAL TOP WATER LEV SECTION SCALE: NTS FINAL DESIGN - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION �i '1 C P'0���i�f� 0 <i 0FEES/0�.°1�y # PE 5279 0 E w'z4-/-uz-x>- LINWOOD E. STROUD, P.E. R E V I S 1 0 N S 1n'-n" UNDISTURBED NATURAL SOILS DEWATERING WELL (SEE DETAIL 5-C4) IN SITU SAND 16'7.5105' 7.5' 16' BASIN BACKFILL SEE DETAIL 3-C4 LOW BERM (OPEN GRADED SAND) 10',7.5' 114' 7.5' 10' (IN SITU TOP OF BERM 23.0 SEE DETAIL 2-C4 MATERIAL) 3 3 - �1 1� 3 BASIN BACKFILL TOP OF BERM 3 ELEV 23.0 BASIN SURFACE ELEV. 21.0 - __ \ —� (OPEN GRADED SAND) LOW BERM MATERIAL (IN SITU UNDISTURBED ;; -,_ ;�, �1 TOP OF BERM 1 �;,, , - 3 NATURAL SOILS 3 ELEV 23 0' BASIN SURFACE ELEV. 21.0 ,•.","_ ;. ,- ,' =,� :. - .• ', -. ,- -" A RIP RAP CLASS GEOTEXTILE 1 THICK LINER 1 + _ —,:�DEWATERING WELL GEOTEXT'I'LE FILTER co (SEE DETAIL 5/C10) LINER ; DEWATERING WELL (SEE DETAIL 5/C10) 100' SETBACK ►I� BASIN WIDTH 4 100' SETBACK NOTE: REFER TO SOILS REPORT FOR MONITORING WELL DETAIL. INFILTRATION BASIN #2 SECTION 1 NOT TO SCALE C 1 O -RIP RAP) ?TYPEEP HOLES )°Oo°o0�too�/ CLARIFYING SANDS, o )ogo000(g DEPTH VARIES' o-noo moo, 0°008o :°o °OQo0o 0 O0 CONCRETE )OOg000n% \ SPLASH PAD ��Q°°OOOO�Q°°oO� + fll �0(-)n O NE,( tRIP RAP lu0 o�-„ A0O 00oOO VO�°c_ O�o��v000. � t I1-6" PVC EFFLUENT PIPE?nOo b0qo oo ooUoS) o0°c` °0000o o0� II O U EFFLUENT DISTRIBUTION SPLASH PAD SCALE: 112"=1'-O" --------------------1 I I I ' 1 1,2' DIAPHRAGM VALVE 1 tO I 11,2" WYE I IN -SITU SANDS - DEPTH VARIES HOT BOX DEWATERING WELL (SEE DETAIL 5/C10) IN SITU SAND SEE BLOW UP DETAIL 11/C10 \--2" SCH 40 PVC SUCTION HEADER \-2"X2" CROSS OR TEE #2 WELL GRAVEL 2", 15-20 SLOT PVC SCREEN DEWATERING WELL SECTION NOT TO SCALE CHECK VALVE 11 2,X2„ ELBOW 2" PVC I PRESSURE GAUGE 1 11 2' BALLLi CHECK VALVE —1 'X2' ELBOW C 2' DEWATERING PUMP SECTION NOT TO SCALE C r 2" PVC 11, DIAPHRAGM I I HOT BOX VALVE 112" PVC I 2" PVC SUCTION HEADER BLOWOFF--------- ----�---- -- — — PRESSURE GAUGE 11,2' WYE 1 1,2' DIAPHRAGM -1'12" DIAPHRAGM VALVE VALVE O 11/2'X2" ELBOW 1 1,2' PVC BLOWOFF DEWATERING PUMP PLAN VIEW gA D D D D D D NOT TO SCALE C 1 O 3000 PSI CONCRETE 2" PVC DEWATERING PUMP SECTION NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL DEWATERING PUMP DETAIL g PROJECT NO.: PM131-21-006 NOT TO SCALE C10 1*_� Lc=c DRAWING NO.: olo HEADER (SIZE VARIES 4"-6" SEE PLAN) NOTE: REFER TO SOILS REPORT FOR MONITORING WELL DETAIL. INFILTRATION BASIN #1 SECTION NOT TO SCALE FI PULSE RADAR LEVEL ENCLOSURES TRANSMITTER. ECHO PULSE LR10 OR EQUAL CLARIFYING.SANDS, DEPTH VARIES IN -SITU SANDS - DEPTH VARIES #2 WELL GRAVEL 2", 15-20 SLOT PVC SCREEN GROUNDWATER LEVEL OBSERVATION WELL NOT TO SCALE LOCKABLE WELL CAP SCH 80 PVC CAP, SOLVENT WELD TO CASING. MUST BE AIR TIGHT. NAME PLATE (SEE NOTE 1) CLARIFYING SANDS, DEPTH VARIES' a (\j IN -SITU SANDS - DEPTH VARIES 6" GATE VALVE CP rTTOTAT 1/4"X3" STAINLESS STEEL STRAP WITH 1/4"X2" 1/2" 8" Z PIPE NEOPRENE PAD SNUG FIT ADHERED TO STRAP 1/4"X6" NEOPRENE 3/4" 0 STAINLESS PAD ADHERED TO STEEL ANCHOR LOCKABLE WELL CAP SADDLE BOLTS, ASTM A307 OR A36 O ° b p b #5 REBAR @ 12" O.C. u' ° EACH WAY p. #5 REBAR @ � 12" O.C. > ° 2'-4" EACH WAY II III L II ° ° III IIII- b b 4 5 REBAR @ #5 REBAR @ 22" O.C. EACH WAY 12 O.C. EACH WAY b 3'-0" 5'-6„ AERIAL PIPE CROSSING CONCRETE PIER DETAIL K8 SCALE: NTS C1Q \--2" SCH 40 PVC SUCTION HEADER ORXTEECROSS OO�OrOo��OO�QOU O�ob'Q b--10 TON RIP RAP #2 WELL GRAVEL 2", 15-20 SLOT PVC SCREEN 18" FES MONITORING WELL SECTION NOT TO SCALE 3'-0" X 2'-6" ALUMINUM WET WELL HATCH, WATERTIGHT AND LOCKABLE 6" MAGNETIC -j 3000 PSI CONCRETE FLOW METER PIPE SUPPORT II CEMENT GROUT IL NOTE 1. THE WELL NAME PLATE MUST BE A PERMANENTLY AFFIXED IDENTIFICATION PLATE. THE IDENTIFICATION BENTONITE PLATE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF A DURBABLE WATERPROOF, OR RUSTPROOF MATERIAL AND SHALL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: 1. WELL CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND IDENTIFICATION NUMBER; 2. THE DATE THE WELL WAS COMPLETED; 3. THE TOTAL DEPTH OF THE WELL; 4. A WARNING THAT THE WELL IS NOT FOR WATER WELL CAP DETAIL 10 SUPPLY AND THAT THE GROUNDWATER MAY CONTAIN HAZARDOUS MATERIAL; SCALE: NTS C 1 Q 5. THE DEPTH TO THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN; AND 6. THE WELL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER OF THE NAME ASSIGNED BY THE OWNER 5' DIAMETER PRECAST METER VAULT SECTION SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" : ., "'TEAS f 1 r_ , n n r• rn 6" DIP FORCEMAIN 6" GATE-\ VALVE 6" DIP---J METER VAUL'1•/Ul-WUlN1)VVA'lhA DISCHARGE DETAIL 1 PLAN VIEW l SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" C1 TOP 16.00 =ITT= —5' DIAMETER PRECAST JUNCTION BOX LINWOOD E. STROUD, P.E. BEFORE YOCALOLO! UC NC ONE(TOLL FREE) �0 (OR 1-800-632-4949) IT'S THE LAW; 4 LF 18" RCP �--5' DIAMETER j PRECAST JUNCTION BOX 18" RCP STORM DRAIN 18" FES 10 TON RIP RAP 3 STRAND BARB WIRE - CLASS III GALVANIZED OR ALUMINIZED TOP RAIL-( 12'-0" 3" CORNER- "��i`i�i�i�i'i'i'i'i'i�i`i' 'i'i`i�i'i` •��i�i�i�i� ►-��i�i'�'� ►►�� PULL POST I►�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i� ►�i�i�i�i�i ►�i�i�i�i�i ►i�i�i�i�i44" ►i�i !►OO��OOOODOOOi �0000�� !O_�00!�! ►!�02�5!i ►:�.� GA E POST A��tr_����A��A♦ �'��i�i•�D�i�i���i�i�i�i �� _���_��� '��i�i�iD;�- ►����♦ :��i�i�i�i� `�AA�� ►���������� I eta �►'�� � �i/��i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�iI� �i�i�i�i�i�'I �i�i�a�t'�i� ►?e?t"�?��i '►���� NI o TENSION WIRE M CONCRETE ENCASEMENT (TYPICAL) TT- M NOTES 1. DOUBLE GATE SHALL HAVE A LOCKING MECHANISM, DROP ROD, AND TRUSS ROD. 2. ALL FENCE COMPONENT MATERIALS SHALL BE EITHER HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED STEEL OR IRON. FENCE FABRIC SHALL BICOATWM1NUM 3. PRIVACY SLATS WHEN INDICATED CHAIN LINK FENCE AND GATE NOT TO SCALE ALLOWABLE COMPONENTS FOR FENCE SYSTEM GALVINIZED STEEL OR ALUMINUM COATED STEEL ALUMINUM ALLOY OR ALUMINUM FABRIC #11 GAGE COATED STEEL (#11 STEEL) FRAME GALVINIZED STEEL ALUMINUM ALLOY COMPONENTS #11 GAGE SYSTEM G1 G2 G3 Al A2 1.90" O.D. 1.625" X 1.875" 1.625" X 1.875" 2.375" O.D. 2.00" X 2.50" LINE POST STEEL PIPE STEEL H STEEL R.F. ALUMINUM PIPE ALUMINUM PIPE TERMINAL POST 2.375" O.D. 2.375" O.D. 2.375" O.D. 2.875" O.D. 2.875" O.D. (END,CORNER,BRACES) STEEL PIPE STEEL PIPE STEEL PIPE ALUMINUM PIPE ALUMINUM PIPE GATE POST UP 2.875" O.D. 2.875" O.D. 2.875" O.D. 2.875" O.D. 2.875" O.D. THRU 6' LEAF STEEL PIPE STEEL PIPE STEEL PIPE ALUMINUM PIPE ALUMINUM PIPE GATE POST 7' 4.000" O.D. 4.000" O.D. 4.000" O.D. 4.000" O.D. 4.000" O.D. THRU 12' LEAF STEEL PIPE STEEL PIPE STEEL PIPE ALUMINUM PIPE ALUMINUM PIPE 1.660" O.D. 1.660" O.D. 1.250" X 1.625" 1.660" O.D. 1.660" O.D. BRACE RAIL STEEL PIPE STEEL PIPE STEEL R.F. OR ALUMINUM PIPE ALUMINUM PIPE 1.660" O.D. STL PIPE VARIES DUE TO DIFFERING MANUFACTURING DIMENSIONS. THE FABRIC MAY EITHER BE FASTENED TO THE TENSION WIRE BY HOG RINGS SPACED AT 2' INTERVALS, OR THE TENSION WIRE MAY BE WOVEN THROUGH THE FABRIC. TIE WIRE (#6 GA. @ 24" CTRS.) TO BE WIRE CLIPS OR TIES TO BE USED TO ATTACH USED TO TIE FABRIC TO BRACE RAIL. FABRIC TO POSTS AT 12" CENTERS. BRACE RAIL POSTLINE-�f-TENSION WIRE - #7 GA. [[I �nl '.I I .- �nt7nt7iit7nL7 nCJ n� I.I I ��ii nouonononououonoui I I I.� I E ROD 0.375 D i.II I WITH TURNBUCKLE III TENSION WIRE - #7 GA. i.II.I 10' MIN. LI a I- i L7 -TERMINAL POST i I I U i (SEE GATES FOR GATiCU.i 3 MIN. �__� POST DIMENSIONS) ( _J L--J �.--.I-12" FOR 6' �. ►�-9" FOR 6' (FOR TERMINAL (FOR LINE POST) POST) FENCE BRACE DETAILS N. T. S. PROJECT NO. :PM131-21-006 LINE POST i. I 1 i 8'-0" TYP. EACH I I I SIDE OF GATE it �.-GATE POST 1__ :J �•- ►I -42" FOR 6'-42" FOR 6' (FOR GATE POST) (FOR GATE POST) FENCE DETAILS 1 NOT TO SCALE C11 SINGLE SWING GATE DETAIL N.T.S. LINE POST FINAL DESIGN - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION \1\\\tlltll I1111gt CAR04�-ii�o�/ �.�`��'• ' ''�-'5510 pE 5279 BEFORE YOU DIG! NC ONE CALL ( TOLL FREE ) aOa (OR 1-800-632-4949) IT'S THE LAW! R E V I S I O N S DRAWING NO.: o11 LINWOOD E. STRO-UD, P.E. 40................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 TOP 39.0 TOP 39.0 35 ................ 30 ................ 25---------------- 2 0 ................ -r m n n n 15 ................ 1 0......... ....... 5 ................ BOT 1.36 INFLUEN_ T------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 0 0 - PUMP --- STATION--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ FT (MSL) FT (MSL) 40----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- 40 TOP 39.0 TOP 39.0 35................ 30--------------- 25 --------------- 20 ................ --nn A n n 15 10 ---------------- 5 ................ nnT 4 -7 r INFLUENT FT ( MSL ) .................................. ....................----------..-..----------------...............------ .. -- ---- - - -- --- - - ------ ---- ...........- ----- 0 PUMP STATION R E V I S 1 0 N S FT (MSL ) ..l1 If1 . T r A PROJECT NO.: PM131-21-006 FINAL DESIGN - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION # PE 5279 '.d S DRAWING NO.: 012 LINWOOD E. STROUD, P.E. - 0 w 0 0- 0 w i i i . i - 1'-0" 0 �n 2' -0" TO BOTTOM OF FOOTING _- ------------------ - - - - - -COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY - - - - - - - - --------- -----------------------------®--- ---- ------- i i---------'--------------------- ------ PROPOSED OFFICE BUILDING (SEE SHEET B1 FOR DETAILS) CONCRETE BUMPER BLOCK (TYP) PROPOSED OFFICE SITE PLAN SCALE: 1"=10' - 1/4" D I A. X 2'/2' LONG TRUSS HEAD GALVANIZED BOLTS THRU SIGN & POST. TOP & BOTTOM. "-'-112" HELVET I CA MEDIUM LETTERS �-18 GUAGE GALVANIZED SHEET METAL SIGN '-,-COLORS: LETTERS, BORDER & ARROW = GREEN "—HANDICAP SYMBOL = WHITE ON BLUE BACKGROUND. ---BACKGROUND - WHITE TYP. BOTH SIGNS ,,,--2" STEEL TUBE POST PAINT FLAT BLACK, 2 COATS. HANDICAP SIGN DETAIL 1 SCALE: NTS C 13 PROJECT NO.: PM131-21-006 DRAWING NO.: 013 �. X 12" DEEP ................REVIEW BOUNDARY..................... -- ---- EX-4:_FORCEMAIN- ------------F M ---- -- 1 0' R I / i/ /I I , "\"\ PROPOSED OFFICE GRADING PLAN FINAL DESIGN - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1 "=10' 0 ottktItIIIIII/ �. �oF y9� # PE 5279 b0 S o -(?-Ve - LINWOOD E. STROUD, P.E. LEGEND FD DEWATERING WELL 0 DEWATERING PUMP --------- DEWATERING SUCTION HEADER -I I-- DEWATERING DISCHARGE HEADER R E V I S I O N S 26 ...................... '.... ..................... I ......------------------------------------.................-------------------------------------................................-----------------------.....-------.............----------......................................---------------.-..................----------------------------- 16" UV EFF PIPE — — 24.67 FLOW DISTRIBUTION BOX _r (SEE DETAIL A/C8) FINISH ------------------ GRADE � FF - UV BLDG 23.65 22. 00 ...................... ..................... ............. ........ ............. ........... .............................. ....................... ......... E-FELU'EINT--D-I-ST-R"IBU"TTON......... ................... ............. .............. ------ ....-....... 24 STRUCTURE (SEE DETAIL 23.00 3/C10) ----------------------- ...-------------------- .....------- ------------- ---- .................. -----.......-- ..............------------------------------------------------ l------ ---- -------------------- ------------- \............................................................................................. I----........-----N---------------I------.....-----...-----------............-------------------------I •e] .............................. --------- --- 22 20 ........................................... ---- � - ------ ------ ........-----------.......................................................... --- ------ . ............... ----.....----------------------------------------------......... .....------------- -........ ................. ............. .. ......................... ............... ........ ....... .......-.....................--------...------... ------ ...------ .............. .....--------------------- ------------ 20 18 ................................. ......... � ......... .. .--------.....................................------.--..................................................-.........---........-............................................................---------- ----------...------------------------... ........... � ................................................................ .... 18 8 O "DIP EFFLUENT 12 .............................................................................................................................. ......... .................... . . ..................... 16 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1 --------- ---------------- - ----- --- -- - -- ------------------------------------------........................-------------------------------.............................-----------------------...-..---------------------...-...........................-................-------.....-...------------------------------------------------......---------------------- ..... 8 FT ( MSL ) FT (MSL ) EFFLUENT PIPE PROFILE HIGH RATE INFILTRATION BASIN 2 SCALE: H:1 "=10' V: 1 "=2' 26 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FF - U 2 2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 8------------------------------------------------------------------I------------------------------------ 1 6--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 4--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 ------------------------- ---------------------------- .---------------- ----------------------- F T ( MSL ) EFFLUENT PIPE PROFILE HIGH RATE INFILTRATION BASIN 1 SCALE: H:1 "=10' V: 1 "=2' PROJECT NO.: PM131-21-006 DRAWING NO.: 012 FINAL DESIGN - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION - -------------------- - --------------------------------------- -- --- --- -------------------- ......-........-----.............. 26 ..................................................................................------------------ - ----- -- ..........--- --....... ...... - 24 ............................................. .... ---.....-----------------------......---- --------- -------------......... .--------- - ------ 16 . . .--....... ------------------ - -- - ---------- ............................. -------------------1 4 \\\111! 11 I I 1 111! 11 di/ o 5279 ZZ `z, Z,6 LINWOOD E. STROUD, P.E. R E V I S 1 0 N S LHJ 1 1 1 5/18/201 DEO COMMENTS LHJ 1 2 9/18/20 1 REVIEW COMMENTS LHJ 1 3 1101121201 REVIEW COMMENTS EFFLUENT PIPE PROFILE BRANDYWINE BAY WWTP UPGRADES MOREHEAD TOWNSHIP, CARTERET COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OWNER: CAROLINA WATER DESIGNED: LES SERVICE, INC. OF N.C. ADDRESS: P.O.BOX 240908 DRAWN: LHJ 5701 WESTPARK DR.,SUITE 101 PHONE: CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28224 (704) 525-7990 APPROVED: LES STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. 107-B COMMERCE STREET GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 27858 (252) 756-9352 LICENSE NO.C-0647 DATE: 1 /1 7/20 SCALE : V:1 "=2' SHEET C14 OF 14 9 FOUNDATION SECTION SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" PLAN VIEW rT� SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" S 1 PROJECT NO. : PM131-21-006 DRAWING NO.: 017 u 12" ABC STONE III O P D 00 D0000 0 C O OO O C 1-11 — I TIMBER PILES TYPICAL 5'-0"(TYP) (2) - 1/2" DIA. A36 BARS WITH 180° BENDS O.C. •' & BOTTOM • TOP OF FOUNDATION i —Gn �-3" X 5/8" BAR A36 0 � D • 5/16" TYP. -(2) - 5/8" DIA. A307 BOLTS WITH STD. WASHERS AND HEX NUTS C8X18.75 OUTTER BASE RING CHANNEL CURVING TO THE LEFT m P P O D • D D D D D P D^ D D O O C D D O O D O O TOP OF FOUNDATION SECTION 3 SCALE: 1"=1'-0" C8X18.75 HYDROSTATIC BULKHEAD SECTION 4 SCALE: 1 "=1 ' -0" S 1 FOHAL [DIE EL E FI ED) CT IR u c 0 H 83 TI (o H REIFORCING HOOK @ 24" O.C. STAGGERED ON OPPOSITE SIDES TYPICAL TOP OF FOUNDATION m C8X18.75 CUTTER BASE RING CHANNEL CURVING TO THE RIGHT D D O C D D D D D O D D > D LIN D P t REINFORCING HOOK @ 24" O.C. ON OUTSIDE OF BASE RING CHANNEL SECTION 2 SCALE: 1 "=1 ' -O" S 1 REINFORCING HOOK @ 48" O.C. ON INSIDE OF BASE RING CHANNEL SHEET NOTES: 1. IN THE EVENT OF A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THESE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS AND THE TANK MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFIED DRAWINGS, THE MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFIED DRAWINGS SHALL GOVERN FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ANY AND ALL EMBEDDED PARTS. 2. ALL BASE RINGS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY TANK MANUFACTUERER AND INSTALLED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. MATERIAL SHALL BE 304SS. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING THE MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFIED DRAWINGS AND PERFORMING THE INSTALLATION OF THE BASE RINGS AND OTHER EMBEDDED PARTS IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS. 3. BASE RINGS ARE TO BE INSTALLED WITH THE TOP OF ALL SECTIONS OF EACH RING LEVEL WITHIN 1/8" (+/- 1/16"). A. ENDS OF BASE RING SECTIONS ARE TO BE BUTT WELDED TOGETHER WITH A CONTINUOUS WELD ALL AROUND. 5. ALL WELDED SURFACES SHALL BE PRIMED PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE. 6. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING EACH BASE RING TO THE RADIUS SHOWN ON THE MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFIED DRAWINGS (TOLERANCE +/- 1/2"). 7. REINFORCING HOOKS SHALL BE SPACED AT 24" ON CENTER AND STAGGERED ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF ALL HYDROSTATIC BULKHEAD BASE CHANNELS, 48" ON CENTER ON INSIDE OF BASE RING CHANNEL AND 24" ON CENTER ON OUTSIDE OF BASE RING CHANNEL. 8. ALL EMBEDDED HOOOKS SHALL BE TIED INTO THE BASE SLAB REBAR MATS. 9. REINFORCING STEEL IN THE BOTTOM OF THE THICKENED SLAB AREAS SHALL BE PLACED PARALLEL TO AND PERPENDICULAR TO THE AXIS OF THE BASE CHANNELS. EACH MATT OF STEEL IN THE MAIN SLAB SHALL BE PLACED AT 90' TO EACH OTHER WITHOUT RESPECT TO THE DIRECTION OF THE STEEL IN THE THICKENED SLABS. THUS THE THICKENED SLAB STEEL WILL NOT BE PARALLEL TO THE MAIN SLAB STEEL. 10.THE FOUNDATION SHOWN SHALL BE PLACED ON A 12" THICK LAYER OF AGGREGATE BASE COURSE (ABC STONE). THE ABC STONE SHALL EXTEND TO 5 FEET BEYOND THE PERIMETER OF THE CONCRETE FOUNDATION AND IT SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 98% OF MODIFIED PROCTOR (ASTM D-1557). 11. CONCTRACTOR SHALL APPLY SONNEBORN SONOSHIELD HLM 5000 TO THE INTERIOR CONCRETE/BASE CHANNEL INTERFACE AT ALL SUCH LOCATIONS. BOTH SIDES OF THE INNER BASE RING CHANNEL, BOTH SIDES ALL RADIAL HYDROSTATIC BULKHEAD BASE CHANNELS, AND THE INTERIOR SIDE OF THE OUTER BASE RING CHANNEL SHALL RECEIVE THIS APPLICATION IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. 12. CONCRETE FOUNDATION SHALL BE WATER CURED FOR A MINIMUM OF 14 DAYS PRIOR TO THE APPLICATION OF SONNEBORN SONOSHIELD HLM 5000. CURING COMPOUNDS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. \ 0�MkIIII I�rr; CARC`�%�,�� `' PE 5279 ¢OHO Z6'§ a _Z LINW00D E. STROUD, P.E. NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFIED DRAWINGS AND FOLLOW THEM FOR THE EXACT LOCATION AND DETAILED INSTALLATION OF ALL EMBEDDED ITEMS WHICH ARE TO BE PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER. R E V I S 1 0 N S 68'-8" (OUT TO OUT OF BUILDING) SEE DETAIL 5/S2 BRIDGE CRANE 56'-6" 11'-9" l— — — — — — — MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL BUILDING - PLAN VIEW SCALE: 3/16"=1'-O" 69'-0" (OUT TO OUT OF BUILDING) F I HSS 8X8X1,,4 I ` N � N x O N I � 3 HSS 8X8X'/4 L— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — UV/FILTER PLAN BUILDING VIEW SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" �1 5 EmAgalmolm 4TYP \— DOUBLE L3X2X5/16 BRACE LLV WITH TWO ASTM-325 HS BOLTS EACH END TYPICAL AT TWELVE LOCATIONS AS SHOWN TOP OF STEEL +13'-0" —W10 STRUT BEAM CONCRETE FLOOR I t—TYP HSS 8X8X14 { I FINISH FLOOR EL MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL BUILDING - SECTION VIEW C r r nr Tn it A IC MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL BUILDING - SECTION VIEW 41/2'X9 "X3/8' PLATE WITH THREE 314' ASTM A-325X H.S. BOLTS TYPICAL SLOT COLUMN TO RECEIVE PLATE W12 GIRDEF 3/8" PLATI TYP HSS 8X8 TYP SCALE: 3/16"=1'-O" DETAIL rT"*� SCALE: 1 "=1 ' —0" S `� SCALE: 3/16"=1'—O" P OF STEEL +13'-0" W12 CRANE GIRDER HSS 8X8X1/4 TYP FINISH FLOOR EL UV/FILTER BUILDING SECTION VIEW 3 SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" S2 DETAIL 5 SCALE: 1 "=1 ' -0" S `2 P OF STEEL +1 3' -0" W12 CRANE GIRDER HSS 8X8X1/4 TYP =INISH FLOOR EL PROJECT NO.: PM131-21-006 DRAWING NO.: 018 LINWOOD E. STROUD, P.E. LPROPOSED 3 "X3 "X3'16" SQUARE ALUMINUM TUBED COLUMN-(TYP) GRATING El W6X9 - •-•-•-•-•-•-•- •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• rT - — — — — — -----� XI eoT��'� ^� / 10, Q •Q0 �` ! PREFABRICATED METAL STAIRS I F 9 �qN� ,`• ;�/���,�c � I F I I I 'TrA• /'/�`� P I ................... —•—•---•---------I PROPOSED FLUIDYNE FILTER I I W6X9 I I I � I � MOUNTING BRAC I SEE I 1 I DETAI^LSUFACTU PROPOSED 1 I I�, W1 FLUIDYNE FILTER I CID I X IQ0 I I I � PROPOSED I � I � I 1 a 2 ALUMINUM I I 1'4 2 GRATING I -•-•-•-•-• W6X9-------- ,� I 6"X6"X5/8' PLATE- I i �`�ye l �•� I r----------------� o I �� @ • *g.j\'F�P�G '.� ��P AO��♦ I 3„X3"X3'16" SQUARE -•-------- -•---•--Q--•-W6X9--�---3 X3'X3/16 SQUARE TUBING W6X9TUBED COLUMN (TYP) PROPOSED FLUIDYNE FILTER PLATFORM PLAN VIEW A SCALE: 1/2"=1'-O" S 3 PLATFORM FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" ANCHOR BOLTS FINISH FLOOR BEAM CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: 3"=1'-0" F 0 H A L [D [E R IL:)) " E L E AE TH u c ir I (011 H \,,l,\, A"CAR,, / Z �QF �/V9 •'S' # PE 5279 N R E V I S I O N S PROJECT NO.: PM131-21-006 DRAWING NO.: 018 LINWOOD E.'STROUD, P.E. MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL BLDG. #3/0 GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR L — — — — UV/FILTER BLDG. F PANEL 2H 480Y/277 3P 4W 400A BUS 400A MCE #2/0 GROUND (NOTE 1) I ( #6 GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO UTILITY TRANSFORMER BY UTILITY 480/277 VAC, 3—PHASE, 4—WIRE #3/0 GROUND ATS 480Y/277V 3P 4W 1000 A ELECTRICAL ONE -LINE DIAGRAM SCALE: NONE #6 GROUND (NOTE 1) GENSET 480Y/277V 3P 4W 500 KW ENCLOSED BREAKER ECB2 480Y/277V 3P 4W 800A XFMR1 112.5 KVA 480V 3P 3W 208Y/120V FEEDER SCHEDULE ID FEEDER AMPS CONDUIT AND FEEDER 20D 20 1 /2"C,3#12,#12G 60.A 60 1-1/4"C,3#4,#4N,#10G C60D 60 1 "C,3#4,#10G 70D 70 1 "C, 3#4, #8G 80D 80 1-1 /4"C,3#2,#8G 150 150 1-1 /2"C,3#1 /0,#1 /ON,#6G 150J 150 1-1 /2"C,3#1 /0,#1 /ON,#6G 175D 175 1-1/2"C,3#2/0,#6G 200.A 200 2"C,3#3/0,#3/ON,#6G 300J 300 3"C,3#350kcmil,#350kcmil N,#2G 400.A 400 3-1 /2"C,3#600kcmil,#600kcmil N,#2G 600 600 (2)3"C,3#350kcmil,#350kcmil N,#1G 800 800 (3)3"C,3#300kcmil,#300kcmil N,#1 /OG 1000.A 1000 (3)3"C,3#400kcmil,#400kcmil N,#2/OG 1000J 1000 (3)3"C,3#400kcmil,#400kcmil N,#1 /OG SIZING METHOD: COPPER, 60°C #12 THROUGH #1, 75'C 1/0 AND ABOVE COMPOSITE ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN SCALE: 1 " = 40' C Ca O R SEAL PE021990 -NGIN V� EL'g�\� R E V I S 1 0 N S PROJECT NO.: PM131-21N006 DRAWING NO.: 019 L. MICHAEL STROUD, P.E. 1 LP-2 PROJECT NO.: PM131-21N006 DRAWING NO.: 020 MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLAN SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL BUILDING LIGHTING PLAN SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" MCC ROOM VOLTS 480Y/277V 3P 4W AIC 42,000 MOUNTING SURFACE BUS AMPS 600 MAIN BKR MLO FED FROM 1HP NEUTRAL 100% LUGS STANDARD NOTE CKT # BREAKER TRIP/POLES CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION LOAD KVA NEMA SIZE FEEDER RACEWAY AND CONDUCTORS STARTER DESCRIPTION A B C 1 70/3 SBR 1 BLOWER 14.4 14.4 14.4 1"C,3#4,#8G NOTE 1 2 70/3 SBR 2 BLOWER 14.4 14.4 14.4 1"C,3#4,#8G NOTE 1 3 70/3 BACKUP BLOWER 14.4 14.4 14.4 1"C,3#4,#8G NOTE 1 4 20/3 POST EQUALIZATION BLOWER 3.88 3.88 3.88 3/4"C,3#12,#12G NOTE 1 5 50/3 DIGESTER BLOWER 9.42 9.42 9.42 3/4"C,3#6,#10G NOTE 1 6 30/3 SBR 1 PUMP 5.82 5.82 5.82 3/4"C,3#10,#10G NOTE 2 7 30/3 SBR 2 PUMP 5.82 5.82 5.82 3/4"C,3#10,#10G NOTE 2 8 20/3 DIGESTER PUMP 3.88 3.88 3.88 3/4"C,3#12,#12G NOTE 2 9 20/3 SPACE 0 0 0 10 20/3 1 SPACE 10 0 0 LUG LOAD: 0 0 0 TOTAL CONNECTED KVA BY PHASE 72.1 72.1 72.1 CONN KVA CALC KVA CALC KVA LARGEST MOTOR 43.2 10.8 (257.) TOTAL LOAD 227 MOTORS 216 216 (100%) BALANCED 3-PHASE AMPS 273 NOTES: 1. VARIABLE TORQUE, NORMAL DUTY VFD WITH BYPASS MOTOR STARTER 2. CONSTANT TORQUE, HEAVY DUTY VFD WITH BYPASS MOTOR STARTER 1HP ROOM VOLTS 480Y/277V 3P 4W AIC 42,000 MOUNTING SURFACE BUS AMPS 1000 MAIN BKR MLO FED FROM ATS NEUTRAL 100% LUGS DOUBLE NOTE CKT # CKT BKR CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION LOAD KVA CKT # CKT BKR CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION LOAD KVA A B C A B C 1 600/3 MCC MCC 72.1 2 200/3 PANEL 3HP 14.4 3 1 72.1 4 1 14.4 5 72.1 6 1 12.6 7 400/3 PANEL 2HP 64.1 8 20/3 BRIDGE CRANE - MECH/ELEC 3.05 9 1 64 10 I BLDG. 3.05 11 1 64.5 12 3.05 13 20/1 SPACE 0 14 175/3 XI -MR XFMR1 18.2 15 20/1 SPACE 0 16 18.4 17 20/1 SPACE 0 18 16.5 19 20/1 SPACE 0 20 20/1 SPACE 0 21 20/1 SPACE 0 22 20/1 SPACE 0 23 20/1 SPACE 0 24 20/1 SPACE 0 25 20/1 SPACE 0 26 20/1 SPACE 0 27 20/1 SPACE 0 28 20/1 SPACE 0 29 20/1 SPACE 0 30 20/1 SPACE 0 31 20/1 SPACE 0 32 20/1 SPACE 0 33 20/1 SPACE 0 34 20/1 SPACE 0 35 20/1 SPACE 0 36 20/1 SPACE 0 37 20/1 SPACE 0 38 20/1 SPACE 0 39 20/1 SPACE 0 40 20/1 SPACE 0 41 1 20/1 1 SPACE 0 42 20/1 SPACE 0 LUG LOAD: 0 1 0 0 TOTAL CONNECTED KVA BY PHASE 172 172 169 CONN KVA CALC KVA CONN KVA CALC KVA LIGHTING 3.95 4.93 (125%) CONTINUOUS 32.8 41 (1257.) LARGEST MOTOR 43.2 10.8 (257.) NONCONTINUOUS 99 99 (100%) MOTORS 341 341 (100%) HEATING 25.7 25.7 (100%) RECEPTACLES 9.9 9.9 (50%>10) COOLING 14.9 0 (0%) TOTAL LOAD 532 BALANCED 3-PHASE AMPS 640 1 LP ROOM VOLTS 208Y/120V 3P 4W AIC 22,000 MOUNTING SURFACE BUS AMPS 400 MAIN BKR 300 FED FROM XFMR1 NEUTRAL 100% LUGS STANDARD NOTE CKT # CKT BKR CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION LOAD KVA ICKT # CKT BKR CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION LOAD KVA A g IC A B C 1 150/3 PANEL 3LP 10.4 3 1 9.12 5 1 9.13 7 20/1 RECEPTACLE 0.72 9 20/1 RECEPTACLE 0.9 11 20/1 ELECTRICAL ROOM LIGHTING 0.229 13 20/1 MECHANICAL ROOM LIGHTING 0.915 15 20/1 MOTOR OPERATED VALVE 0.62 17 20/1 MOTOR OPERATED VALVE 0.62 19 20/1 MOTOR OPERATED VALVE 0.62 21 20/1 MOTOR OPERATED VALVE 0.62 23 20/1 SBR CONTROL PANEL 0.5 25 20/1 LIGHTING 0.383 27 20/1 RECEPTACLE 0.72 29 20/1 DISOLVED OXYGEN SENSOR, 0.653 MOTOR OPERATED VALVE 31 20/1 GENERATOR BATTERY 0.36 CHARGER 0 33 20/1 LIGHTING 0 TOTAL CONNECTED KVA BY PHASE 20.2 16.7 16.2 CONN KVA CALC KVA CONN KVA CALC KVA LIGHTING 2.53 3.17 (125%) CONTINUOUS 6.6 8.25 (125%) LARGEST MOTOR 3.49 0.874 (25%) NONCONTINUOUS 0.98 0.98 (100%) MOTORS 18.8 18.8 (1007.) HEATING 17 17 (100%) RECEPTACLES 7.2 7.2 (507.>10) COOLING 9.78 0 (07.) TOTAL LOAD 56. BALANCED 3-PHASE AMPS 156 ,H ' CAR 0FESS�on'..9�- c , SEAL < ' PE021990 10 0 R E V I S 1 0 N S L. MICHAEL STROUD, P.E. POST EQ PMP 1 POST EQ PMP 2 PROJECT DRAWING 0 AD G WP 2LP-20 -AC - DRAIN POST EQ PUMP CONTROL PANEL-1,3,5 2LP-16,18 �I�11 ��1 L•71'afa Q:tL•7Sl�� I;;�li�cra:t•sa" I �l�p illC�]fl a� eta ilp �LltiC7t'afa`atr�ZYI�I �1:�I��tL7t�Si11ttI1'!�� '�I�[ct`arsrntat�ll�l Q - J � a 2HP-13,15,17 % I null III t3x�s� • �rr:ra5��:tr�ra� 1 Q:1aQsatata:t�:rata] Q:tarasurasQ:ta:tsl ii QsurQ.tQ:tatQrasa] Q:1�a:tQ:t�a°asuta t a] i ' 2LP-1 G WP HP2 G r XFMR2 2HP 2LP-6,8 T,r-----'� r----�*-� i FC2 WH2------� i 2LP-3 L4--'-i- '--- - ------ - 2HP-19,21,23 ---- -� G 2LP- 2, 4 AIR - AIR --- -9 POST EQ PUMP CONTROL PANEL 2HP-8,10,12 UV DRAIN z Q 0 2LP-5 DRAIN }� Q 2HP-14,16,18 UV o I I BC2 WP 2HP-2,4,6 UV/FILTER BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLAN C(-AI I • 1 /A"-1'-()" 2LP-9 48" I �I 2LP-22,24 WH 1 48" G L G 48" 48" 48" 2H P ROOM VOLTS 480Y/277V 3P 4W AIC 42,000 MOUNTING SURFACE BUS AMPS 400 MAIN BKR 400 FED FROM 1HP NEUTRAL 100% LUGS DOUBLE NOTE CKT CKT LOAD KVA CKT CKT LOAD KVA A B C A B C # BKR CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION # BKR CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 1 70/3 XFMR XFMR2 10.1 2 20/3 BRIDGE CRANE - UV/FILTER 3.05 3 1 10.1 4 1 BLDG. 3.05 5 1 10.8 6 1 3.05 7 20/3 FILTER 2.11 8 20/3 ULTRAVOILET DISINFECTION 3.31 9 1 2.11 10 1 3.31 11 1 2.11 12 1 3.31 13 20/3 FILTER 2.11 14 20/3 ULTRAVOILET DISINFECTION 3.31 15 1 2.11 16 1 3.31 17 1 2.11 18 1 3.31 19 125/3 POINT OF USE WATER HEATER 32 20 60/3 PANEL POST EQ PUMP 8.06 21 1 - EMERGENCY SHOWER 32 22 1 CONTROL PANEL 8.06 23 1 32 24 1 7.76 25 20/1 SPACE 0 26 20/1 SPACE 0 27 20/1 SPACE 0 28 20/1 SPACE 0 29 20/1 SPACE 0 30 20/1 SPACE 0 31 20/1 SPACE 0 32 20/1 SPACE 0 33 20/1 SPACE 0 34 20/1 SPACE 0 35 20/1 SPACE 0 36 20/1 SPACE 0 37 20/1 SPACE 0 38 20/1 SPACE 0 39 20/1 SPACE 0 40 20/1 SPACE 0 41 20/1 SPACE 0 42 20/1 SPACE 0 LUG LOAD: 0 O 0 TOTAL CONNECTED KVA BY PHASE 64.1 64 64.5 CONN KVA CALC KVA CONN KVA CALC KVA LIGHTING 1.41 1.7 (1257.) CONTINUOUS 23.7 29.6 (125%) LARGEST MOTOR 11.6 2.91 (257.) NONCONTINUOUS 96.8 96.8 (100%) MOTORS 59.3 59.3 (1007.) HEATING 8.68 8.68 (100%) RECEPTACLES 2.7 2.7 (507.>10) COOLING 5.08 0 (07.) TOTAL LOAD 202 BALANCED 3-PHASE AMPS 243 2LP ROOM VOLTS 208Y/120V 3P 4W AIC 10,000 MOUNTING SURFACE BUS AMPS 200 MAIN BKR 150 FED FROM XFMR2 NEUTRAL 100% LUGS STANDARD NOTE CKT CKT LOAD KVA CKT CKT LOAD KVA # BKR CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION A B C # BKR CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION A B C 1 20/1 OUTSIDE RECEPTACLE 0.72 2 40/2 HEAT PUMP 2 - UV/FILTER 1.75 3 20/1 INSIDE RECEPTACLE 0.54 4 1 BLDG. 1.75 5 20/1 INSIDE RECEPTACLE 0.54 6 40/2 FAN COIL 2 - UV/FILTER 2.59 7 20/1 LIGHTING 1.03 8 1 BLDG. 2.59 9 20/1 LAB RECEPTACLE 0.72 10 60/3 PANEL DEWATERING PUMP 2.91 11 20/1 LIGHTING 0.383 12 1 CONTROL PANEL 2 2.49 13 20/1 SPACE 0 14 1 2.49 15 20/1 SPACE 0 16 60/2 AIR COMPRESSOR 3.36 17 20/1 SPACE 0 18 1 3.36 19 20/1 SPACE 0 20 20/1 AIR DRYER 0.83 21 20/1 SPACE 0 22 20/2 POINT OF USE WATER HEATER 1.5 23 20/1 SPACE 0 24 1 1.5 25 20/1 SPACE 0 26 20/1 SPACE 0 27 20/1 SPACE 0 28 20/1 SPACE 0 29 20/1 SPACE 0 30 20/1 SPACE 0 31 20/1 SPACE 0 32 20/1 SPACE 0 33 20/1 SPACE 0 34 20/1 SPACE 0 35 20/1 SPACE 0 36 20/1 SPACE 0 37 20/1 SPACE 0 38 20/1 SPACE 0 39 20/1 SPACE 0 40 20/1 SPACE 0 41 20/1 SPACE 0 42 20/1 SPACE 0 LUG LOAD: to 0 0 TOTAL CONNECTED KVA BY PHASE 1 9.41 1 10.8 10.9 CONN KVA CALC KVA CONN KVA CALC KVA LIGHTING 1.41 1.76 (1257) CONTINUOUS 3.83 4.79 (1257.) LARGEST MOTOR 6.72 1.68 (25%) NONCONTINUOUS 0.24 0.24 (100%) MOTORS 14.2 14.2 (1007.) HEATING 8.68 8.68 (100%) RECEPTACLES 2.7 2.7 (50%>10) COOLING 5.08 0 (0%) TOTAL LOAD 34.1 BALANCED 3-PHASE AMPS 94.5 l�l �.wae) , P.E. R E V I S 1 0 N S UV/FILTER BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLAN BRANDYWINE BAY WWTP UPGRADES MOREHEAD CITY CARTERET COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA OWNER: CAROLINA WATER SERVICE, INC. OF N.C. DESIGNED: WGB P.O. BOX 240908 ADDRESS: 5701 WESTPARK DR., SUITE 101 DRAWN: WGB CHARLOTTE, NC 28224 PHONE: 704-525-7990 APPROVED: LMS AA STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. DATE: 1 /17/2020 107-B COMMERCE STREET SCALE: AS SHOWN GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 27858 (252) 756-9352 SHEET E3 OF 6 LICENSE NO.C-0647 QE4 SBR TANK ELECTRICAL PLAN SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" INFLUENT PUMP STATION ELECTRICAL PLAN SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" 3HP ROOM VOLTS 480Y/277V 3P 4W AIC 42,000 MOUNTING SURFACE BUS AMPS 200 MAIN BKR MLO FED FROM 1HP NEUTRAL 100% LUGS STANDARD NOTE CKT CKT LOAD KVA CKT CKT LOAD KVA A B C A B C # BKR CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION # BKR CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 1 80/3 PANEL INFLUENT PUMP 11.9 2 20/3 PANEL INFLUENT SCREEN 1.24 3 1 CONTROL PANEL 11.9 4 1 CONTROL PANEL 1.24 5 1 11.6 6 1 0.942 7 20/2 GENERATOR BLOCK HEATER 1.25 8 20/1 SPACE 0 9 1 1.25 10 20/1 SPACE 0 11 20/1 SPACE 0 12 20/1 SPACE 0 13 20/1 SPACE 0 14 20/1 SPACE 0 15 20/1 SPACE 0 16 20/1 SPACE 0 17 20/1 SPACE 0 18 20/1 SPACE 0 19 20/1 SPACE 0 20 20/1 SPACE 0 21 20/1 SPACE 0 22 20/1 SPACE 0 23 20/1 SPACE 0 24 20/1 SPACE 0 25 20/1 SPACE 0 26 20/1 SPACE 0 27 20/1 SPACE 0 28 20/1 SPACE 0 29 20/1 SPACE 0 30 20/1 SPACE 0 LUG LOAD: 0 0 0 TOTAL CONNECTED KVA BY PHASE 14.4 14.4 12.6 CONN KVA CALC KVA CONN KVA CALC KVA LARGEST MOTOR 17.5 4.36 (25%) CONTINUOUS 2.5 3.13 (125%) MOTORS 37.7 37.7 (1007.) NONCONTINUOUS 1.2 1.2 (100%) TOTAL LOAD 46.4 BALANCED 3—PHASE AMPS 55.9 �C I A,n/�i�''ii ESS/® `!'L�'o�, � SEAL PE021990 GINE�� R E V I S 1 0 N S PROJECT NO.: PM131-21N006 DRAWING NO.: 022 L. MICHAEL STROUD, P.E. HP3 OFFICE BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLAN SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" OFFICE BUILDING OFFICE PLAN SCALE: 1 /4 =1 -U-- PROJECT NO.: PM131-21N006 DRAWING NO.. 023 3HP-7,9 i i i i GENERATOR AREA ELECTRICAL PLAN SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" 3LP ROOM VOLTS 208Y/120V 3P 4W AIC 10,000 MOUNTING FLUSH BUS AMPS 200 MAIN BKR 150 FED FROM 1LP NEUTRAL 100% LUGS STANDARD NOTE CKT CKT LOAD KVA CKT CKT LOAD KVA # BKR CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION # BKR CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION A B C A B C 1 20/1 REFRIGERATOR 0.96 2 20/2 HEAT PUMP 3 - OFFICE 1.56 3 20/1 RECEPTACLE 0.54 4 1 1.56 5 20/1 RECEPTACLE 0.9 6 40/2 FAN COIL 3 - OFFICE 2.59 7 20/1 RECEPTACLE 0.9 8 1 2.59 9 20/1 RECEPTACLE 0.9 10 60/3 PANEL DEWATERING PUMP 2.73 11 20/1 RECEPTACLE 0.9 12 1 CONTROL PANEL 1 2.67 13 20/1 RECEPTACLE 0.36 14 1 2.49 15 20/1 EXTERIOR LIGHTING 0.383 16 20/2 POINT OF USE WATER HEATER 1.5 17 20/1 INTERIOR LIGHTING 0.562 18 1 1.5 19 20/1 SPACE 0 20 20/2 POINT OF USE WATER HEATER 1.5 21 20/1 SPACE 0 22 1 1.5 23 20/1 SPACE 0 24 20/1 SPACE 0 25 20/1 SPACE 0 26 20/1 SPACE 0 27 20/1 SPACE 0 28 20/1 SPACE 0 29 20/1 SPACE 0 30 20/1 SPACE 0 31 20/1 SPACE 0 32 20/1 SPACE 0 33 20/1 SPACE 0 34 20/1 SPACE 0 35 20/1 SPACE 0 36 20/1 SPACE 0 37 20/1 SPACE 0 38 20/1 SPACE 0 39 20/1 SPACE 0 40 20/1 SPACE 0 41 20/1 SPACE 0 42 20/1 SPACE 0 LUG LOAD: 0 0 0 TOTAL CONNECTED KVA BY PHASE 10.4 9.12 9.13 CONN KVA CALC KVA CONN KVA CALC KVA LIGHTING 0.944 1.18 (125%) CONTINUOUS 6 7.5 (1257.) LARGEST MOTOR 3.12 0.78 (25%) NONCONTINUOUS 0.24 0.24 (100%) MOTORS 8.44 8.44 (100%) HEATING 8.3 8.3 (100%) RECEPTACLES 4.68 4.68 (50%>10) COOLING 4.7 0 (07.) TOTAL LOAD 31. BALANCED 3-PHASE AMPS 86.4 00%\k�lI I I f H I //p//, 4�PH CgR6I �OF ESS�O,y SEAL PE021990 NEE J �` 1 �� �_010 L. MICHAEL STROUD, P.E. R E V I S 1 0 N S EQUIPMENT CONNECTION SCHEDULE CALLOUT DESCRIPTION HP VOLTS AMPS WIRE CALLOUT DISCONNECT DESCRIPTION AC AIR COMPRESSOR 5 HP 208V 2P 2W 32.31 3/4"C,2#4,#10G FUSIBLE DISCONNECT AD AIR DRYER 120V 1P 2W 6.92 3/4"C,1#12,#12N,#12G CORD & PLUG BLWR 1 SBR 1 BLOWER 40 HP 480V 3P 3W 52 1"C,3#4,#8G FUSIBLE DISCONNECT BLWR 2 SBR 2 BLOWER 40 HP 480V 3P 3W 52 1 "C,3#4,#8G FUSIBLE DISCONNECT BLWR 3 BACKUP BLOWER 40 HP 480V 3P 3W 52 1"C,3#4,#8G FUSIBLE DISCONNECT BLWR 4 POST EQUALIZATION BLOWER 10 HP 480V 3P 3W 14 3/4"C,3#12,#12G FUSIBLE DISCONNECT BLWR 5 DIGESTER BLOWER 25 HP 480V 3P 3W 34 3/4"C,3#6,#10G FUSIBLE DISCONNECT D.O. DISOLVED OXYGEN SENSOR 120V 1P 2W 0.5 3/4"C,1#10,#10N,#10G LOCK —OFF BREAKER IN PANEL DW PMP DEWATERING PUMP 1.5 HP 208V 3P 3W 6.92 3/4"C,3#10,#10G BREAKER IN DEWATERING PUMP CONTROL PANEL FC1 FAN COIL 1 — MECH./ELEC. BLDG. 208V 2P 2W 24.91 3/4"C,2#8,#10G FUSIBLE DISCONNECT FC2 FAN COIL 2 — UV/FILTER BLDG. 208V 2P 2W 24.91 3/4"C,2#8,#10G FUSIBLE DISCONNECT FC3 FAN COIL 3 — OFFICE 208V 2P 2W 24.91 3/4"C,2#8,#10G FUSIBLE DISCONNECT FILTER FILTER 5 HP 480V 3P 4W 7.6 3/4"C,3#12,#12N,#12G LOCK —OFF BREAKER IN PANEL GENERATOR BATTERY CHARGER GENERATOR BATTERY CHARGER 120V 1P 2W 3 3/4"C,1#10,#10N,#10G LOCK —OFF BREAKER IN PANEL GENERATOR BLOCK HEATER GENERATOR BLOCK HEATER 480V 2P 2W 5.21 3/4"C,2#10,#10G LOCK —OFF BREAKER IN PANEL HP1 HEAT PUMP 1 — MECH./ELEC. BLDG. 208V 2P 2W 16.8 3/4"C,2#8,#10G FUSIBLE DISCONNECT HP2 HEAT PUMP 2 — UV/FILTER BLDG. 208V 2P 2W 16.8 3/4"C,2#8,#10G FUSIBLE DISCONNECT HP3 HEAT PUMP 3 — OFFICE 208V 2P 2W 15 3/4"C,2#12,#12G FUSIBLE DISCONNECT MOV MOTOR OPERATED VALVE 120V 1P 2W 1.72 3/4"C,1#10,#10N,#10G BREAKER IN PANEL"1LP" PMP 1 SBR 1 PUMP 15 HP 480V 3P 3W 21 3/4"C,3#10,#10G FUSIBLE DISCONNECT PMP 2 SBR 2 PUMP 15 HP 480V 3P 3W 21 3/4" C,3#10,#10G FUSIBLE DISCONNECT PMP 3 DIGESTER PUMP 10 HP 480V 3P 3W 14 3/4"C,3#12,#12G FUSIBLE DISCONNECT UV ULTRAVOILET DISINFECTION 480V 3P 3W 11.93 3/4"C,3#12,#12G LOCK —OFF BREAKER IN PANEL WH1 POINT OF USE WATER HEATER 208V 2P 2W 14.42 3/4"C,2#12,#12G LOCK —OFF BREAKER IN PANEL WH2 POINT OF USE WATER HEATER — EMERGENCY SHOWER 480V 3P 3W 115.47 1-1/2"C,3#1/0,#6G FUSIBLE DISCONNECT 7'6" ABOVE WALKWAY DECK VAPOR TIGHT LED STANCHION MOUNTED UTILITY LIGHT 1-1/4" RIG STEEL COND (TYP. ) RAILI �� 25° ANGLE MOUNT STANCHION GENERATOR SCHEDULE CALLOUT VOLTS NUMBER I KVA KIP POWER OF TAPS FACTOR GENSET 480Y/277V 3P 4W 1 625 500 0.8 TRANSFER SWITCH SCHEDULE CALLOUT TYPE VOLTS AMPS I NUMBER I NEUTRAL OF TAPS ATS AUTOMATIC 480Y/277V 3P 4W 1000 1 100% LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE CALLOUT DESCRIPTION MODEL INPUT VOLTS NOTES WATTS A PELOTON HIGH BAY COLUMBIA LIGHTING, 114.33 120V 1P 2W PEL4-40MM-EDU B LED OUTDOOR WALLPACK HUBBELL OUTDOOR, 76.6 120V 1P 2W WGH-133L-75-5K C 1X4 SURFACE MOUNT LED WRAPAROUND WILLIAMS INDOOR, 49 120V 1P 2W 17-4-L55-840-A D VAPOR -TIGHT LED UTILITY LIGHT HUBBELL KILLARK 16 120V 1P 2W SEE DETAIL 1 ON VSL163OD4HGW SHEET E4 EF BROAN EXHAUST/LIGHTING BROAN QTXE080FLT 22.5 120V 1P 2W PANEL SCHEDULE CALLOUT VOLTS BUS AMPS MAIN DISCONNECT TYPE MAIN DISCONNECT AMPS MOUNTING PANEL NEUTRAL POLES LUGS AIC RATING UPSTREAM OCP FEEDER SIZE 1HP 480Y/277V 3P 4W 1000 MLO SURFACE 100% 42 DOUBLE 42,000 1000 (3)3"C, 3#400KCMIL, #400KCMIL N, #2/OG 1LP 208Y/120V 3P 4W 400 BREAKER 300 SURFACE 100% 42 STANDARD 22,000 300 3"C, 3#350KCMIL, #350KCMIL N, #2G 2HP 480Y/277V 3P 4W 400 BREAKER 400 SURFACE 100% 42 DOUBLE 42,000 400 3-1/2"C, 3#600KCMIL, #600KCMIL N, #2G 2LP 208Y/120V 3P 4W 200 BREAKER 150 SURFACE 100% 42 STANDARD 10,000 150 1-1/2"C, 3#1/0, #1/ON, #6G 3HP 480Y/277V 3P 4W 200 MLO SURFACE 100% 30 STANDARD 42,000 200 2"C, 3#3/0, #3/ON, #6G 3LP 208Y/120V 3P 4W 200 BREAKER 150 FLUSH 100% 42 STANDARD 10,000 150 1-1 /2"C, 3#1 /0, #1 /ON, #6G ENCLOSED BREAKER SCHEDULE CALLOUT TYPE VOLTS FRAME SIZE BREAKER NUMBER TRIP OF TAPS AIC RATING ECB1 ENCLOSED BREAKER 480Y/277V 3P 4W 1000 1000 1 42,000 ECB2 ENCLOSED BREAKER 480Y/277V 3P 4W 800 800 1 42,000 TRANSFORMER SCHEDULE CALLOUT "A PRIMARY VOLTS SECONDARY VOLTS XFMR1 112.5 480V 3P 3W 208Y/120V 3P 4W XFMR2 45 480V 3P 3W 208Y/120V 3P 4W SIDE VIEW (STAIR) END VIEW SIDE VIEW (TYPICAL) (CATWALK OR PLATFORM) 1 SBR WALKWAY LIGHTING DETAIL P_F SCALE: NONE PROJECT NO.: PM131-21N006 DRAWING NO.: 024 STYLE CONDUIT )Y AS NEEDED FS" STYLE BOX FOR GFCI RECEPTACLE (WHERE INDICATED) 4m MOTOR CONTROL CENTER SCHEDULE CALLOUT VOLTS HORIZONTAL VERTICAL BUS MAIN NEUTRAL AIC BUS AMPS AMPS DISCONNECT RATING TYPE MCC 480Y/277V 3P 4W 600 400 MLO 100% 42,000 ���1N1441 i I! 111 !/ll/� SEAL PEOe1990 a %d NEE� �o �/NJ!l/IIPIIIIit 1" L. MICHAEL STROUD, P.E. R E V I S I O N S INFILTRATION BASIN •2 INFILTRATION BASIN °1 _ EMBANKMENT SECTION r2 EMBANKMENT SECTION ENTRANCE ROAD SECTION (@ �% SCALE: NTS ECPI \ SCALE: NTS ECP SCALE: NTS ECPI _ __ l l /�fl/GD VINYL i10° .&57i38"E - 607.06, FENCE \\ SIR _.EX. VAULT 777 - \ CONTROL PANEL �T -- /TIYti / \� \ �I \\ \` lirr!•g�--== _S C1-_O_L` -MW"4 \\ j'LF � - �,+ '• �`� \ � 1 � I � II m-----_=====0.66 BQ•--==_-_- \_==g� __-_0. r -i I I / / / •/ /` \\ ✓ \ r'� I �C \ I V 5 \ \ o \ o J I I I I \\ \ I \\ / ,// //• / \n\\ MW 6 / -i, ��� \ /� 3 ' I I➢ , � �!�I�o r'- / \ � � , I • 1 '� ,, ----�\ _ IIII ` I ICONS T CT ON ENTRANCE PROPOSED ,"' r� I I I I I o -' IIIIII _ _ �` \ • II _ �\ -1 B. METER VAULT i •� / \ / / \ /// _-_ _ -- M I I IIII cn IIIIII \\I A in \ i / I / \ \ r •- I I \ °/ A I IIIIII IIII ` \Vll I°� V ' / I 15" RC ' \�/ I ram/ -_Sm ----' _ TOP 1 ' 8.85 INV OUT 15.0+/- / ,z? 1 \ I I I I UIIII -•w .I.I� \ / \ �o o I I ` / \ \ \/ / / / �,• \ / / I / d \ I I I I I I ill MWNg I I / b I I CI IIII d9 o III � I V IIIIII _r , 1 iiUu I ,V1 I I I III "fill \NII III Q I I / / S \ \ l / I•� \ tiro// iii���� \ �\O.� q36`° I 1 �MW-51 I Ijlull IIIIII -IIII I I�i // I I_ ' 1 , 1 I ll/ IIIIII 1 I S a I / h I I / l ,O/ a/°),ii' \� ) 7S ♦ 9l 66', \� \HEIR / I/////�' m� IIIIII iJlll I I I, / \ / CONSTRUCT N LIMITS / � ri'/ •, . q `��`� <r\ 7B � � • ♦• `� h) i / '�' / i d � / /' / //n'r ry lu IIIIII II I N I I I / I /r / / \ / 1 / I•✓�, rr /r / r �\�.`\ ''�� •� 1p \ �' "'/;;'^, r '/l I /' / /,'/r/rr rr„ar Ia111 'II" ` / ; / I /' / //' � \ \ram / / \I II/ , / ,'rr, �0 /� `\Q`\• . • \ \ � r Y L-/ /, / // I L /' �L,o ��.. y��p//►.... IIIIII / \ \ \/ r I )) I / /^r, r/r Qp\�` \ \ \ - •\ ,, / EX. TWIN / v.i{ /�-_'71!"''..� IIIIIIl1 till / / / / \ �I I/I /r/K•�n ��p `� `�\ \\ I r / / 24" PIPS T "' •♦•. 4 �' / / � // / /' � \ \ o. I / i. l I / / r riiir3. U ` ��� \ f Jr o r, rw, /riv \ ♦ n� l urrr c; i �' 1 r \ / 1`. l / )� /• /rr �.5:. � �v / / ." 1,/, co Ill �� r p �` rl♦tq j/r,0 r%// �\ j%i/r / rl/I \� / 1 / .\1.\\ \\ s � / �„�;, /iirr `\♦. fivr / 'r/r ` r \ / I / / \ / ^�• i / /r rr r I / I / \/ c� ri�\\ ° / /'ri''Q �i� /r //I/ 1 1 / o �) 8 r/ q/ �\♦. CONSTRUCTION LIMITS /iyf / o,i I \ / \ \ / , Corr • r /r '1•�i/fr/ // / o/'c,• �>�\ 19 � I ai„ � °♦ /rr / mi / 1 j //' \ \✓ .� / ai�i4� ,y'r i 'YL /sir/ , / rr rrr �\ r , ., ll /m / / o , r� ,,� /r� /ii r � ♦•° /r'i' / rrr I '�`• O / i �i /III i / / ♦ //�/( / / / /r / / / //i phi // ll \ // •°♦, �n / // / ,/ it '/ lr'' !'/1 \ 18 // •♦•. 'O / ///ir/ // I 1 / / •/ / \ ^ / rii' � r /' rr /� / @1(SE2SUPPORT E0'DETAIL / 'r : i l // r<o' / i`-Sir r v r l ) mm♦ o / r / _I 1 I � mil•°♦• �'.. / r 1 10/C10I / o r ' r ti / r /r r / \ •♦, rri ///, I � IKI /ii ' // /\,/ \ ✓ V � O//, �'C r,/r r, r/� / // /// r �tr r / r, 6 / /r l / I \ I• � � r,r// .A / � /r ^ r /rr /i /I v, / , /i,r/ 1 yi/ir ,/rr// I I / �'--- / /� \ \\ •/ ; I, •/�r r/rr/ I r• /, /,rr, ' rrr /' / c�' r rr / r/ r,,// Cc� 1 i�''�;' /iii 1 I I\ /' �o -�\ I 1 IV SILT FENCE HIGH RATE INFILTRATION Z /i/ / 1 \ BASIN tti ri/'/ //iiir / \ WETLANDS( MIN. SURFACE 0.7648 ACRE\ ' I \ ' ' /ir,r , @d'' ,rig /,r/r// P / ✓ti rcn' '/ l r ��l/ Or / / \ o/ ppr 1 \ EL 18.0 /Ziv/ A.`v 1 I I \ \ \ I \ 1 \ \ � \ \ / % / i r, r r / / / ' / �O°j r r // °j / / r / SIR I \ \ \`r I \ ir. / or ' l/ r//' /'�ii i'i'•r" / hr / ri, L l M w s i✓ , - 1 r �.•/ ,v 1 r, r /r I L \ \ \ I I ''a�:�\�\�\\� / •`° / / ^ tN rn �, / f, / / „o r /,/r , rri <a /r// %l , pii / / \ / I PPI h // p /ram.,//, rfy /9/%/r/ riicv.,�// 'l, r'%r/ /r ,,i/// @[20 D.C. ririij r/irr // �� /� 'n \ r r I f\ o / / r / r / /i, g O /ir //ro . rr/ r / (SEE DETAIL i 1 r . r r / I r / /j/j / / •. / /, .O r, O / I �� I � I\\ r I r•. � / „ri // //// i// /r/ ri/ / / N / // / rr 10/C101 •, r/ai //// / �--f � __ -\ \ -' I . \ - I l \ / � � // r r 0 / ri ri/i / ' / / / ri / / o, a //r// / / / l I • \ � � � _ 1 / �\ , r r / r / / h• 'b m ri/ii r I 1 _ �• `� S'9 ri r i r /' r / ' i /' O �R0 � PD / r/ / , / /,/ � r .� �� \ / q• , r / rr/ /p// / /r , // r Or, wo m 1 o// \ \ 1 \ m \�8•S 'i/ f ' rh'r' / r ri'r rrr /rii .r( �O r / I 1 I• \ r / I I / O / l r / / //, 1 S� , r / o I • '/ \ I/ r/ r r/ 1 r G L 1 1 .r,mr I I O�\ 1 , P / rG / rr / /r ri// //r r I• ��� - I� r �B �� / / l / //�-r,,/b rr �• r/ /ri,,�r/i r�ir�i' /// l 11 O�_ III / / / ➢ 111 r I Q / / ' ' r /' ' r /i p /irfi //r / I /• I \ -- I 1 0 \ �����\ \ F �• ® / rrri i/r / �// r/i O ,i/rir r/, I• 7.19 0 `a ' /� %� r r v• /' 11 ' I ` '1 11 -•-'� � /r � ' �/ / r O;`� ' rr/'r' / l' V i r r . A r V I I I I ✓� �\ \ � \ I N `•,�•. 11 1 1 //�i::/ � / /rr/i''i j\4 r h' � / �9°y __ � -_ -___-- \ `� I tr ri \� / ,O •` ^' '\ �8. I•_- - --- ___S•L L___ \ \�� l 11 I 0' PPi p , l/l�'�'�i�0I.Lg_---_ __ J -___ rr' r r \� by \ ♦ _ ,/ \ \ 1 ��_ \�O / - ^���@� r' A _r /' OvC:�•d �`��'/. �,r i�rrr�' `��_c_-��_-_-===-0 u_0 6l -_-- _- __19• -. ' /'rr /° \ \_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-19 n - - 1 1 \ \ \\ 8L� 0--_______________I8 5_____ ___ -18. 0_________ \�6X. 15 " 0 g q r / / �.. WO SL NE 1' \\ \I PfPE I,'�\\� _� o r\ �• ECM \ /4ir ' - 1067.23 �.. �t� yr .rno S05°05�59"W I I /EIP -- — — PROJECT NO.: PM131-21-006 DRAWING NO.: 1OF2 50 25 0 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=50' DISTURBED AREA=9.38 ACRES Q''Q � SEAL ERRY A. MLMDA R E V I S I O N S i BY NO. DATE DESCRIF I I i I EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN BRANDYWINE BAY WWTP UPGRADES MOREHEAD TOWNSHIP, CARTERET COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OWNER: CAROLINA WATER DESIGNED: JAM SERVICE, INC. OF N.C. ADDRESS: P.o.BOX 240908 DRAWN: LHJ 5701 WESTPARK DR.,SUITE 101 PHONE: CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28224 (704) 525-7990 APPROVED:LES AASTROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. DATE: 2/11/20 107-B COMMERCE STREET SCALE: 1"=50' GREENVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA 27858 (252) 756-9352 SHEET ECP1 OF 1 LICENSE NO.C-0647 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. INSTALL STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. 2. INSTALL SILT FENCING AT SPECIFIED LOCATIONS. 3. REMOVE AND/OR RELOCATE EXISTING OBSTRUCTIONS. 4. FINE GRADE SITE. 5. SEED AND MULCH ALL AREAS OF DISTURBANCE NOT TO BE PAVED WITHIN 7 DAYS OF LAND DISTURBANCE. 6. FINE GRADE DRIVE AND PLACE STONE BASE COURSE. 7. INSTALL DEWATERING EQUIPMENT. 8. EXCAVATE HIGH RATE INFILTRATION BASINS. 2-3 INCH WASHED (6" THICK) 9. CONSTRUCT BUILDINGS AND OTHER PLANT IMPROVMENTS. 10. REMOVE STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES. 11. PERFORM FINAL GRADING, SEED AND MULCH ALL REMAINING DISTURBED AREAS. INSTALL ALL PLANTS PER LANDSCAPING PLAN. 12. REMOVE SILT FENCE. SCALE: NOT TO SCALEI STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 5'STEEL POST WIRE FENCE NATURAL GROUND 0 INSTALLATION NOTES: B'MAX.STANDARD STRENGTH FABRIC WITH WIRE FENCE 6'MAX.EXTRA STRENGTH FABRIC WITHOUT WIRE FENCE FILTER FABRIC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LI PLASTIC OR WIRE TIES WIRE FENCE 5'ST EL POST FILTER FABRIC BACKFILL TRENCH AND COMPACT / THOROUGHLY JV NATURAL I— — oc�oo 00 o GROUND 11-III-111„ I1-1TI 0 0 00 o UPSLOPE 0d —— °'MN°° 0 00o 0 0 00 8"MIN 24 " o °moo ° 00 O oo 0 0 0 1. THE BASE OF BOTH END POSTS SHOULD BE AT LEAST ONE FOOT HIGHER THAN THE MIDDLE OF THE FENCE. CHECK WITH A LEVEL IF NECESSARY. 2. INSTALL POSTS 4 FEET APART IN CRITICAL AREAS AND 6 FEET APART ON STANDARD APP 3. INSTALL POSTS 2 FEET DEEP ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF THE SILT FENCE. AND AS CL AS POSSIBLE TO THE FABRIC. ENABLING POSTS TO SUPPORT THE FABRIC FROM UPSTREAM 4. INSTALL POSTS WITH THE NIPPLES FACING AWAY FROM THE SILT FABRIC. 5. ATTACH THE FABRIC TO EACH POST WITH THREE TIES. ALL SPACED WITHIN THE TOP 8 1 FABRIC. ATTACH EACH TIE DIAGONALLY 45 DEGREES THROUGH THE FABRIC. WITH EACH P 1 INCH VERTICALLY APART. ALSO. EACH TIE SHOULD BE POSITIONED TO HANG ON A POS TIGHTENED TO PREVENT SAGGING. 6. WRAP APPROXIMATELY 6 INCHES OF FABRIC AROUND THE END POSTS AND SECURE WITH 3 7. NO MORE THAN 24 INCHES OF A 36 INCH FABRIC IS ALLOWED ABOUVE GROUND LEVEL. 8. THE INSTALLATION SHOULD BE CHECKED AND CORRECTED FOR ANY DEVIATIONS BEFORE CO 9. COMPACTION IS VITALLY IMPORTANT FOR EFFECTIVE RESULTS. COMPACT THE SOIL IMMED SILT FENCE FABRIC WITH THE FRONT WHEEL OF THE TRACTOR. SKID STEER, OR ROLLER 60 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. COMPACT THE UPSTREAM SIDE FIRST. AND THEN EACH SID OF 4 TRIPS. TYPICAL SILT FENCE SEAL 026981 1 . a °�°0'QPp9EE �j CROSS SECTION VIEW ICAT IDNS. SE WATER PRESSURE. CHES OF THE NCTURE AT LEAST NIPPLE WHEN IES. CT ION. ELY NEXT TO THE RTING AT LEAST WICE FOR A TOTAL R E V I S I O N S EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL DETAILS BRANDYWINE BAY WWTP UPGRADES MOREHEAD TOWNSHIP, CARTERET COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OWNER: CAROLINA WATER DESIGNED: JAM SERVICE, INC. OF N.C. ADDRESS: P.O-BOX 240908 DRAWN: JAM 5701 WESTPARK DR.,SUITE 101 PHONE: CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28224 (704) 525-7990 APPROVED:JAM PROJECT NO.: PM131-21-006 DRAWING NO.: 2 OF 2 P STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. DATE: 2/11/20 107-B COMMERCE STREET SCALE: 1"-50' GREENVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA 27858 (252 )756-9352 SHEETECP2OF2 LICENSE NO.C-0647 Introduction The proposed Brand 300,000 gpd. Sludge conform to 40 CFR Processes Brandywine Bay Wastewater Treatment plant Permit No. WQ0007569 Residuals Management Plan ie Bay WW TP is designed as a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with a design capacity of erated by this facility is estimated to be 3,423 GPD at 2% solids concentration and shall 503 regulations for Class B residuals. The subject WWTP i equipped with two (2) 0.21 MG gallon sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) with a hydraulic retention time of 33. hours at the design average daily flow. The SBRs are estimated to produce a total of 6,846 gallons of waste slud a daily, assuming a concentration of 1 equivalent to 571 pounds per day.. The sludge is convey d from the SBRs to a 0.13 MG aerobic digester via 1098 GPM jet motive pump. The jet motive pump function is not my to transfer the sludge but also to mix and aerate. Air is supplied by a dedicated blower at the rate of 240 CFM. Tht jet motive pump also transfers sludge from the digester to waste. The aerobic provides a solids retention time of 37 d ays. Sludge Treatment Residual sewage stud a shall conform to pathogen reduction requirements in 40 CFR Part 503 regulations for Class B residuals by meeting requirements in 503.32 (b) (3). Specifically, lime treatment in accordance with Appendix B (A) (5) shall be utilized as a Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens. Requirements for 15A NCAC 02T .1106 (c) (2) (E) are met concurrer tly. Residual sewage sled a shall conform to vector attraction reduction requirements in 40 CFR Part 503 regulations for Class B residuals by eeting requirements in 5 03.3 3 (b) (6). Requirements for 15A NCAC 02T .1107 (a) (6) are met concurrently. Additionally, sewage lodge shall conform to pollutant limits set forth in 503.13 (a) (1 and 2). Sludge Disposal Carolina Water Servi e (CWS) contracts it's sludge disposal to Aragona Brothers, for disposed of at an approved disposal site. Sho# there be a need, CWS has other alternatives to haul liquid sludge from various contractors to appr ed disposal sites. Dana Hill Director of Date: G . 3.2.0 Response to Request for Additional Information 11/20/20 A. Cover Letter: 1. Due to the operational issues at the current facility including storage ponds that are infiltrating, lack of an agreement to operate the spray irrigation system located on the golf course, and deteriorating equipment, please provide a schedule for completion of the proposed modifications. B. Annlication Fee: 1. No Comments C. AUplication: 1. In application item IV.10., every monitoring well is labeled outside of the compliance boundary. Monitoring wells should be located on the review boundary so the Permittee can take corrective action before groundwater contamination reaches the compliance boundary. Propose a monitoring well network that has at least three downgradient wells located on the review boundary for the proposed high -rate infiltration system. [ 15A NCAC 02L .0106] We have corresponded with Bryan K. Lievre in the Wilmington Regional office who responded by email as follows: "In regards to the placement of monitoring wells, proposed well locations MW-9 and MW-10 would provide good information along the lengths of the basins. Another well located along the north edge of Basin #1, southwest of existing well MW-4 and along the review boundary line would provide good information in this direction, which is suspected as being the most hydraulically downgradient position. Existing wells could provide additional information in the event they are needed and for this reason, I would recommend leaving existing wells in place. Please pay attention to future numbering system for the monitoring wells so as to not duplicate existing well numbers (including MW-9 and MW-10 which are present within the existing golf course)." Based on Bryans recommendations we have added another well located along the north edge of Basin #1 (renumbered in this revision as Basin #2), southwest of existing well MW-4 and along the review boundary line; and we have renumbered the proposed new wells to eliminate duplicate numbering. 2. In application item V.1., fill out the estimated influent and designed effluent concentrations for Nitrate Nitrogen, Nitrite Nitrogen, and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0705(b)] The designed effluent concentrations for Nitrate Nitrogen, Nitrite Nitrogen, and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen have been filled out as requested. 3. In application item V.8., respond with how the Applicant proposes to prohibit public access to the wastewater treatment and storage facilities (ex. fence, gate, locks, etc.). [ 15A NCAC 02T .0705(p)] Public access will be prohibited by a 6' chain link fence. The application has been revised as such. 4. In application item V.1 l.c., provide the capacity information for the groundwater lowering pumps. The capacity of the ground water lowering pumps has been added to V. I Le. 5. In application item VII.2., respond by saying the artificial drainage or water movement structures will be maintained or they will be modified. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0706] There are no existing artificial drainage or water movement structures within 200 feet of the infiltration areas. This item was marked incorrectly as "yes" on the original application. The answer has been changed to "no". 6. Application item VIII.2. was left blank. Identify if setback waivers have been obtained for this facility. If setback waivers are not required, mark "no." There are no setback waivers. I have marked the revised Application "no". 7. Application section X states there is a 691,200 GPD groundwater lowering system that discharges water to a golf course irrigation pond. More details on this pond or series of interconnected ponds will need to be provided to determine if the ponds have the capacity for this flowrate and to verify the ponds are not connected to any surface waters, wetlands, and/or storm water structures. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0704(c)] I have discussed the discharge of the groundwater with Bryan Lievre in the Wilmington Regional office. Pursuant to that discussion I have revised the plans to change the discharge point for the ground water from the golf course irrigation pond to a ditch along the eastern boundary of the golf course driving range. This ditch is part of the Brandywine Bay drainage system which flows northward and westward to a combination 60" CMP and 5'x7' box culvert crossing at Hwy. 70. I have also analyzed the impacts of this discharge both form a water quality standpoint and hydraulic standpoint, which are enclosed. D. Property Ownership Documentation: 1. The proposed system pumps groundwater from the groundwater lowering system to ponds located on a nearby golf course. The parcel of land these ponds are located on is owned by Jassa Group, LLC. Provide an agreement between Jassa Group, LLC and Carolina Water Service, Inc. of North Carolina allowing the use of these ponds as groundwater lowering discharge disposal and agreeing to accept up to 691,200 GPD of groundwater from this system. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0704(fl] As stated in item C.7. the plans have been revised to eliminate the discharge to the golf course irrigation pond. The revised discharge point is to a ditch along the eastern boundary of the golf course driving range at the western property line of Hammock Place Subdivision. There is a recorded drainage easement along this line as shown on the enclosed record map. 2. The parcel containing the proposed wastewater treatment and disposal system is not adjacent to the parcel of land accepting the groundwater lowering discharge. Provide easement agreements for the pipe conveying the groundwater to the golf course ponds. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0704(f)1 See response to D.1. above. E. Soil Evaluation: 1. No Comments F. Agronomist Evaluation: 1. N/A G. Hydrogeologic Report: 1. No Comments H. Water Balance: 1. No Comments L Engineering Plans: 1. On sheet C3, the review boundary and compliance boundary are drawn incorrectly. In the bottom right corner, the compliance boundary has a gap — please make this continuous. In the center between the two high -rate infiltration basins, the compliance and review boundaries cross over the groundwater lowering drain which is not allowed. Please draw separate boundaries for each high - rate infiltration basin. [ 15A NCAC 02L .0107, .0108, 15A NCAC 02T .0705(y)] The review and compliance boundaries have been corrected on the revised plans. 2. Well names MW-9 and MW-10 are currently being used for monitoring wells located on the golf course. Please use new nomenclature so these wells are not confused. The proposed monitoring wells have been renumbered on the revised plans so that numbers are not duplicated. 3. On sheet C3, correct the label that says "300,000 GPS SBR WWTP." The correction has been made on the revised plans. 4. Provide details on the pipes that convey groundwater lowering discharge to the golf course ponds and show which pond(s) the water will be stored in. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0704(c)] As stated in items C.7.,D.1. and D.2. above the discharge point has been changed so that there is no discharge to any of the ponds on the golf course. Details for the proposed discharge point at the ditch have been added to the plans, Detail 11/C10. 5. Provide a plan and profile detail on the influent pump station. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0704(c)] Sheet C5 of the plans shows influent pump station details both in plan view and elevation. 6. Confer with the Wilmington Regional Office on where to properly place monitoring wells. [I 5A NCAC 02L .0106] I have conferred with the Wilmington Regional Office regarding the monitoring wells and revised the plans according to their recommendations. See Item C. 1. above. 7. Specify who did the wetlands delineation shown in the Engineering Plans. The wetlands were delineated by David Scibetta, Soil Scientist with Southern Environmental Group, Inc. The COE reviewed the delineation in the field with David on Friday, January 25, 2019 and approved the delineation. The wetland delineations was then surveyed by Stroud Engineering PA and is as shown on the plans. 8. Provide duality for the post-EQ blower and the digester blower or explain how duality is already being achieved with the current configuration. [15A NCAC 02T .0705(v)] As shown on Sheet C7, there is one SBR blower dedicated to each SBR reactor and a backup blower piped and valved such that it provides backup to each SBR blower. The backup blower is also piped to the discharge of both the post EQ blower and the digester blower with associated valves such that it serves as a backup for both. 9. Provide pump duality for the digester jet motive pump or explain how duality is already being achieved. [15A NCAC 02T .0705(i)] Per my email correspondence with Ashley Kabat (attached) we will require the contractor to provide a spare digester jet motive pump which will be stored on site so that it may be used as a replacement for the active pump. The specifications, Section 46 5101, 2.11 A. 2. have been changed to require the spare pump. 10. On sheet C10, the dewater well section view depicts a PVC cap on the wellhead. How will this provide a vacuum tight connection and prevent pressure losses? The PVC cap will be solvent welded to the casing. The plans have been revised to reflect this. 11. On sheet C 10, the well details do not depict a 2-foot 4 inch concrete pad around the perimeter of the well, an outer casing, a permanently affixed registration plate, and a locking well cap which are required by NCAC 02C .0108. Please depict these requirements. [15A NCAC 02C .0108] The plans have been revised to require a 2-foot concrete pad around the perimeter of the well, an outer casing, a permanently affixed registration plate, and a locking well cap. 12. On sheet C10, the cross -hatched area shown on the infiltration basin section views is labeled "low permeability material depth" which implies that the area will be filled with fill material. This will cause lateral movement of the treated wastewater directly into the groundwater lowering pipe that will discharge into a pond. All area containing fill (non-native) material will be considered part of the disposal area unless the design complies with § 143-215.1. According to a memo from the EPA, if a preferential pathway from the infiltration basin to the groundwater lowering pipe through non-native soil is provided, the effluent from the groundwater lowering system will be considered wastewater and the discharge, storage, or irrigation of that wastewater will require an applicable permit. In order to dispose of this water as groundwater and not treated wastewater, native soil (100 feet) must be provided between the infiltrative area and the groundwater lowering pipe. [ 143-215.1] The labeling on the infiltration basin detail was misleading. The soils previously labeled as "low permeability material" are actually native undisturbed soils which contain silts and clays to a depth of approximately 8 feet. The labeling has been changed to eliminate this confusion. 13. Provide detail drawings on the groundwater lowering pipe. [I 5A NCAC 02T .0704(c)] Details for the groundwater lowering wells, pipes. Pumps, etc. are shown on sheet C 10. 14. Provide a detail drawing on the ultraviolet disinfection system. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0704(c)] The details for the ultraviolet disinfection system are shown on Sheet C8. Additional detail requirements are included in the specifications, Section 46 6600. 15. Provide a construction sequence drawing or notes showing in what order each component will be constructed in order to allow operation of the WWTP and disposal system during construction. [15A NCAC 02T .0704(c)] The construction sequence has been added to the plans on Sheet C3. 16. Disposal areas shall be designed to maintain a one -foot vertical separation between the seasonal high water table and the ground surface. Show that this design meets this separation, or apply for Alternative Design Criteria to waive this requirement. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0705(o)] The elevations shown on the disposal area details in Sheet C 10 were in error. The errors have been corrected to reflect a surface elevation of 21' at the surface of the infiltration basin and a top of berm elevation of 23'. The corrected elevations are now consistent with the Hydrogeologic Report which recommends a surface elevation of 21' as being sufficient to maintain a minimum vertical separation of one foot between the bottom of the infiltration area and the groundwater mound. J. Snecifications: 1. Provide a closure plan for the 1.25 MG and 7.5 MG ponds incorporating the required items from the Guidelines for the Closure of Permitted Wastewater Ponds and La og ons memo issued June 22, 2012. [15A NCAC 02T .0704(c)] We are preparing a closure plan for the 1.25 MG and 7.5 MG ponds. The closure plan will be submitted as a separate document. The existing ponds will remain in service until the closure plan has been submitted and approved. 2. The Engineering specifications mention that essential treatment units of the existing WWTP will be kept in operation until the new WWTP is operational, but does not specify how treated wastewater will be disposed of during active site construction. Please specify where the treated wastewater stored in the 1.25 MG and 7.5 MG ponds will be disposed of when pumped out, and where the treated effluent to the existing WWTP will be stored and disposed of during construction of the high -rate infiltration basins. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0704(c)] To enable effluent disposal to continue uninterrupted while the new WWTP and infiltration basins are being constructed, the new rapid rate infiltration basins will be constructed in 2 phases allowing one of the existing basins to remain in service while the other is being constructed. Any effluent flow in excess of that which can be infiltrated by the existing basin in service will flow to the golf course irrigation pond. The first rapid rate infiltration pond to be constructed will be at the site of the 1.25 MG pond. This will allow the larger pond to remain in service until the 1 st rapid rate infiltration basin is complete. If the effluent level in the rises above the freeboard level the excess will flow to the golf course irrigation pond for irrigation which is in conformance with the existing permit. The new 300,000 gpd WWTP process equipment will be completed and placed in service before the construction of the 2nd infiltration basin. With the first infiltration basin complete the available disposal capacity will increase to 300,000 gpd; 150,000 gpd to the first infiltration basin and 150,000 gpd to golf course irrigation. Current average daily flow is in the range of 100,000 gpd. Therefore effluent from the 7.5 MG pond can be pumped to disposal at the rate of approximately 200,000 gpd. At that rate approximately 38 days will be required to completely remove the effluent from the &.5 MG pond. Any sludge remaining after dewatering will be removed and hauled to an approved disposal site by CWS sludge contractor; currently Aragona Brothers. When that is complete the construction of the 2nd infiltration basin will proceed. K. Engineering Calculations: 1. Provide pollutant loading calculations for reduction of fecal coliforms from UV disinfection. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0704(c)] The UV calculations are attached. L. Site Ma 1. Incorporate applicable comments from section 1. [15A NCAC 02T .0704(d)l The Site Map ahs been revised as requested. M. Power Reliability Plan: 1. No Comments N. Operation & Maintenance Plan: 1. Add information in the operation and maintenance plan on how to properly maintain the high -rate infiltration basins to prevent the infiltrative surface from clogging. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0707] This information has been added to the O&M Plan, paragraph 3.2. 2. Add information to the operation and maintenance plan on how to properly operate and maintain the groundwater lowering system. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0707] This information has been added to the O&M Plan, paragraph 3.3 O. Residuals Management 1. Submit a formal residuals management plan that specifies where residuals will be generated in the treatment and disposal works, how they will be collected, processed, stored, treated, and disposed. Also provide an evaluation of the facility's residuals storage capacity and provide an estimated schedule of how often residuals will need to be removed from the facility. [ 15A NCAC 02T .07041 The residuals management plan is attached. P. Additional Documentation: ➢ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity: 1. No Comments ➢ Existing Permit: 1. No Comments ➢ Final Environmental Document: 1. N/A ➢ Floodway Regulation Compliance: 1. N/A ➢ Operational Agreements: 1. N/A ➢ Threatened or Endangered Aquatic Species Documentation: 1. Submit the Threatened or Endangered Species report ordered from the Natural Heritage Program on January 14, 2020. [15A NCAC 02T .0105(c)] I have not received a report from the National Heritage Foundation (NHF) which my records indicate was requested 1/14/20. 1 will follow up with NHF. However please be aware that we are replacing an existing WWTP on the existing previously developed site. ➢ Wastewater Chemical Analysis: 1. N/A PROJECT X0. t PY1J141-006 YRARI NC XO.cOJJ I/ BRRNT C. RHBBLNRICNT6 !� ROGBR9, ETAL � I I y i \ / 11 , / 1 I im RC�YBi Y�BRoR LEGEND ----�-- 500' OFFSET LINE - COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY �•`—`•�••�••' REVIEW BOUNDARY x F m MONITORING WELL z i t I I I-p L_ f— �pp11 V9NTURBS�5Ix.0 -;.u.. I� it �♦� I ,I I I � I I,B6R VRNTURR9 I I' Op YHC�L C NIgR xx�TwLRwLLC # PE 5279 roo roo GYxIC H4cg 1'400' L INR000 E. STRUP, RC�YBi Y�BRoR LEGEND ----�-- 500' OFFSET LINE - COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY �•`—`•�••�••' REVIEW BOUNDARY x F m MONITORING WELL z i t I I I-p L_ f— �pp11 V9NTURBS�5Ix.0 -;.u.. I� it �♦� I ,I I I � I I,B6R VRNTURR9 I I' Op YHC�L C NIgR xx�TwLRwLLC # PE 5279 roo roo GYxIC H4cg 1'400' L INR000 E. STRUP, Technical Specifications for Owner: Carolina Water Service, Inc. 4944 Parkway Plaza Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28217 Q o'• �PES2?g�' Civil Engineer: '''%%,;;oF 'sTRo� Linwood E. Stroud, PE 5279 a1- i7- Date „ I�e (13 %o-► Z d s Engineer: Stroud Engineering, PA 107B Commerce Street Greenville, NC 27858 laifownnP,,Bo. &0647 `s�o oFgssio < � ti Q SEAL PE021990 # GINSEQ • ..... I cNgIEL sR Electrical Engineer: L. Michael Stroud, PE 21990 %/% �/2® Date TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 SUMMARY 01 3000 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 014000 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 01 5000 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 016000 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 017000 EXECUTION AND CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS 01 7800 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS DIVISION 02 -EXISTING CONDITIONS 24100 DEMOLITION DIVISION 03 - CONCRETE 033000 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE DIVISION 05 - METALS 05 1200 STRUCTURAL STEEL FRAMING 053200 METAL GRATINGS 055000 METAL FABRICATIONS 055213 PIPE AND TUBE RAILINGS DIVISION 26 -ELECTRICAL 26 0519 LOW -VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL POWER CONDUCTORS AND CABLES 260526 GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260534 CONDUIT 260653 IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 262416 PANELBOARDS 262419 MOTOR -CONTROL CENTERS 262726 WIRING DEVICES 262813 FUSES 262817 ENCLOSED CIRCUIT BREAKERS 262818 ENCLOSED SWITCHES 262923 VARIABLE -FREQUENCY MOTOR CONTROLLERS 263213 ENGINE GENERATORS 263600 TRANSFER SWITCHES 266100 INTERIOR LIGHTING 265600 EXTERIOR LIGHTING 266100 INFLUENT PUMP STATION CONTROL PANEL 266200 POST EQ PUMP STATION CONTROL PANEL 266300 GROUND WATER PUMP CONTROL PANEL DIVISION 31 -EARTHWORK 31 1100 SITE CLEARING 312200 GRADING 312316 EXCAVATION PM131-21�006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 Brandywine Bay WWTP 1/17/2020 Replacement 31 2317 TRENCHING FOR SITE UTILITIES 312323 FILL AND BACKFILL 313700 RIPRAP 31 6219 TIMBER PILES DIVISION 32 - EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS 321123 AGGREGATE BASE COURSES 323113 CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 329219 SEEDING DIVISION 33 -UTILITIES 33 3200 SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE PUMPS 33 3250 SELF PRIMING SEWAGE PUMPS 334600 SUBDRAINAGE SYSTEM DIVISION 46 -WATER AND WASTEWATER EQUIPMENT 462100 SCREENING EQUIPMENT 46 5101 SEQUENCING BATCH REACTOR 46 6124 CLOTH MEDIA FILTER 466600 ULTRAVIOLET EQUIPMENT 468001 REFRIGERATED SAMPLER 468001 REFRIGERATED SAMPLER 468002 FLOW MEASUREMENT PM131-21�006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2 Brandywine Bay WWTP 1/17/2020 , Replacement SECTION 01 1000 SUMMARY PART1 GENERAL 1.01 PROJECT A. Project Name: Brandywine Bay WWTP Replacement B. Owner's Name: Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC. C. Engineer's Name: Stroud Engineering, PA, D. The project consists of: 1. Demolition of existing extended aeration wastewater treatment plant. 2. Construction of a new sequencing batch reactor wastewater treatment plant. 3. Relocation and expansion of existing disc filter. 4. Relocation and expansion of existing UV disinfection system. 5. Construction of infiltration disposal beds and associated effluent distribution systems and ground water dewatering system. 6. Construction of a new mechanical and electrical building. T Construction of a new office building 1.02 OWNER OCCUPANCY A. Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC intends to continue to occupy and operate the existing WWTP during the entire construction period. Schedule construction to allow the existing dual path WWTP to remain in operation until new plant is placed in operation. B. Cooperate with Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC to minimize conflict and to facilitate Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC's operations. 1.03 CONTRACTOR USE OF SITE AND PREMISES A. Construction Operations: Limited to areas noted on Drawings. B. Provide access to and from site as required bylaw and by Carolina Water Service, Inc, of NC: END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 / B��idywine Bay 01 1000 - 1 WWTP Replacery�ent � -� SUMMARY SECTION 013000 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. .Electronic document submittal service. B. Preconstruction meeting. C. Progress meetings. D. Construction progress schedule. E. Submittals for review, information, and project closeout. F. Number of copies of submittals. G. Submittal procedures. PART 2 PRODUCTS - NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING A. Stroud Engineering, PA will schedule a meeting after Notice of Award. B. Attendance Required: 1. Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC, 2, Stroud Engineering, PA, 3, Contractor, C. Agenda: 1. Execution of Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC -Contractor Agreement, 2. Submission of executed bonds and insurance certificates. 3. Distribution of Contract Documents, 4. Submission of list of Subcontractors, list of Products, schedule of values, and progress schedule. 5. Designation of personnel representing the parties to Contract, and Stroud Engineering, PA. 6. Procedures and processing of field decisions, submittals, substitutions, applications for payments, proposal request, Change Orders, and Contract closeout procedures. 7. Scheduling. 3.02 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. Schedule and administer meetings throughout progress of the Work at maximum monthly intervalsI B. Attendance Required: Job superintendent, major Subcontractors and suppliers, Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC, Stroud Engineering, PA, as appropriate to agenda topics for each meeting. C. Agenda: 1. Review minutes of previous meetings. 2. Review of Work progress. 3. Field observations, problems, and decisions. 4. Identification of problems that impede, or will impede, planned progress. 5. Review of submittals schedule and status of submittals. 6. Maintenance of progress schedule. 7. Corrective measures to regain projected schedules. 8. Planned progress during succeeding work period. 9. Maintenance of quality and work standards. 10. Effect of proposed changes on progress schedule and coordination. 11. Other business relating to Work. PM131-21 �006 /Brandywine Bay D1 3000 - 1 WWTP Replacement ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS D. Record minutes and distribute copies within two days after meeting to participants, with two copies to Stroud Engineering, PA, Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC, participants, and those affected by decisions made. 3.03 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE A. Within 10 days after date of the Agreement, submit preliminary schedule defining planned operations for the first 60 days of Work, with a general outline for remainder of Work. B. If preliminary schedule requires revision after review, submit revised schedule within 10 days. C. Within 20 days after review of preliminary schedule, submit draft of proposed complete schedule for review. 1. Include written certification that major contractors have reviewed and accepted proposed schedule. D. Within 10 days afterjoint review, submit complete schedule. E. Submit updated schedule with each Application for Payment. F, Submit updated schedule with each Application for Payment. 3.04 SUBMITTALS FOR REVIEW A. When the following are specified in individual sections, submit them far review: 1. Product data. 2. Shop drawings. 3. Samples for selection. 4. Samples for verification. B. Submit to Stroud Engineering, PA for review for the limited purpose of checking for conformance with information given and the design concept expressed in the contract documents. C. Samples will be reviewed only for aesthetic, color, or finish selection. D. After review, provide copies and distribute in accordance with SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES article below and for record documents purposes described in Section 017800 - Closeout Submittals. 3.05 SUBMITTALS FOR INFORMATION A. When the following are specified in individual sections, submit them for information: 1. Design data. 2. Certificates. 3. Test reports. 4. Inspection reports. 5. ' Manufacturer's instructions. 6. Manufacturer's field reports. 7. Other types indicated. B. Submit for Stroud Engineering, PA's knowledge as contract administrator or for Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC. No action will be taken. 3.06 SUBMITTALS FOR PROJECT CLOSEOUT A. When the following are specified in individual sections, submit them at project closeout: 1. Project record documents. 2. Operation and maintenance data. 3. Warranties. 4. Bonds. 5. Other types as indicated. B. Submit for Carolina Water Service, Inc, of NC's benefit during and after project completion. 3.07 NUMBER OF COPIES OF SUBMITTALS PM131-21�006/Brandywine Bay 013000-2 �~�tL�INISTRATIVE WWTP Replacement \ REO REU�IENTS Small Size Sheets, Not Larger Than 8A/2 x 11 inches (215 x 280 mm): Submit the number of copies that Contractor requires, plus two copies that will be retained by Stroud Engineering, PA, B. Documents for Information: Submit two copies. C. Documents for Project Closeout: Make one reproduction of submittal originally reviewed. Submit one extra of submittals for information. D. Samples: Submit the number specified in individual specification sections; one of which will be retained by Stroud Engineering, PA. 1. After review, produce duplicates. 2. Retained samples will not be returned to Contractor unless specifically so stated. 3.08 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. Shop Drawing Procedures: B. Transmit each submittal with a copy of approved submittal form. C. Transmit each submittal with approved form. D. Sequentially number the transmittal form. Revise submittals with original number and a sequential alphabetic suffix. E. Identify Project, Contractor, Subcontractor or supplier; pertinent drawing and detail number, and specification section number, as appropriate on each copy. F. Apply Contractor's stamp, signed or initialed certifying that review, approval, verification of Products required, field dimensions, adjacent construction Work, and coordination of information is in accordance with the requirements of the Work and Contract Documents. G. Schedule submittals to expedite the Project, and coordinate submission of related items. H. For each submittal for review, allow 15 days excluding delivery time to and from the Contractor. I. Identify variations from Contract Documents and Product or system limitations that may be detrimental to successful performance of the completed Work. J. Provide space for Contractor and Stroud Engineering, PA review stamps. K. When revised for resubmission, identify all changes made since previous submission. L. Distribute reviewed submittals as appropriate. Instruct parties to promptly report any inability to comply with requirements. M. Submittals not requested will not be recognized or processed. END OF SECTION PM131-21^006 /Brandywine Bay 01 3000 - 3 ADMINISTRATIVE WWTP Replacement REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 4000 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Submittals. B. Control of installation. C. Tolerances. D. Testing and inspectionTesting services. E. Manufacturers' field services. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements: Submittal procedures. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. IAS AC89 -Accreditation Criteria for Testing Laboratories; 2010. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, far submittal procedures. B. Testing Agency Qualifications: 1. Prior to start of Work, submit agency name, address, and telephone number, and names of full time registered Engineer and responsible officer. C. Test Reports: After each testlinspection, promptly submit two copies of report to Stroud Engineering, PA and to Contractor. 1. Include: a, Date issued. b. Project title and number. c. Name of inspector. d. Date and time of sampling or inspection. e. Identification of product and specifications section. f. Location in the Project. g. Type of test/inspection, h. Date of test/inspection, i. Results of testlinspection. j. Conformance with Contract Documents. k. When requested by Stroud Engineering, PA, provide interpretation of results. D. Certificates: When specified in individual specification sections, submit certification by the manufacturer and Contractor or installation/application subcontractor to Stroud Engineering, PA, in quantities specified for Product Data. 1. Indicate material or product conforms to or exceeds specified requirements. Submit supporting reference data, affidavits, and certifications as appropriate. 1.05 TESTING AND INSPECTION AGENCIES A. Contractor shall employ and pay for services of an independent testing agency to perform specified testing. B. Employment of agency in no way relieves Contractor of obligation to perform Work in accordance with requirements of Contract Documents. C. Contractor Employed Agency: 1. Laboratory Qualifications: Accredited by IAS according to IAS AC89. 2, Laboratory Staff: Maintain a full time registered Engineer on staff to review services. 3. Testing Equipment: Calibrated at reasonable intervals either by NIST or using an NIST established Measurement Assurance Program, under a laboratory measurement quality assurance program. PM131-21~006 / Brandywine Bay 01 4000 - 1 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS WWTP Replacement PART 3 EXECUTION 2.01 CONTROL OF INSTALLATION A. Monitor quality control over suppliers, manufacturers, products, services, site conditions, and workmanship, to produce Work of specified quality. B. Comply with manufacturers' instructions, including each step in sequence. C. Should manufacturers' instructions conflict with Contract Documents, request clarification from Stroud Engineering, PA before proceeding. D. Comply with specified standards as minimum quality for the Work except where more stringent tolerances, codes, or specified requirements indicate higher standards or more precise workmanship. E. Have Work performed by persons qualified to produce required and specified quality. F. Verify that field measurements are as indicated on shop drawings or as instructed by the manufacturer. G. Secure products in place with positive anchorage devices designed and sized to withstand stresses, vibration, physical distortion, and disfigurement. 2.02 TOLERANCES A. Monitor fabrication and installation tolerance control of products to produce acceptable Work. Do not permit tolerances to accumulate. B. Comply with manufacturers' tolerances. Should manufacturers' tolerances conflict with Contract Documents, request clarification from Stroud Engineering, PA before proceeding. C. Adjust products to appropriate dimensions; position before securing products in place. 2.03 TESTING AND INSPECTION A. See individual specification sections for testing required. B. Testing Agency Duties: 1. Provide qualified personnel at site. Cooperate with Stroud Engineering, PA and Contractor in performance of services. 2. Perform specified sampling and testing of products in accordance with specified standards. 3. Ascertain compliance of materials and mixes with requirements of Contract Documents. 4. Promptly notify Stroud Engineering, PA and Contractor of observed irregularities or non-conformance of Work or products. 5. Perform additional tests and inspections required by Stroud Engineering, PA, 6. Submit reports of all tests/inspections specified. C. Limits on Testing/Inspection Agency Authority: 1. Agency may not release, revoke, alter, or enlarge on requirements of Contract Documents, 2. Agency may not approve or accept any portion of the Work. 3. Agency may not assume any duties of Contractor, 4. Agency has no authority to stop the Work. D. Contractor Responsibilities: 1. Deliver to agency at designated location, adequate samples of materials proposed to be used that require testing, along with proposed mix designs. 2. Cooperate with laboratory personnel, and provide access to the Work and to manufacturers' facilities. 3. Provide incidental labor and facilities: a. To provide access to Work to be tested/inspected. b. To obtain and handle samples at the site or at source of Products to be tested/inspected. c. To facilitate tests/inspections. d. To provide storage and curing of test samples. PM131-21~006 / Brandywine Bay 01 4000 - 2 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS WWTP Replacement 4. Notify Stroud Engineering, PA and laboratory 24 hours prior to expected time for operations requiring testing/inspection services. 5. Employ services of an independent qualified testing laboratory and pay for additional samples, tests, and inspections required by Contractor beyond specified requirements. 6. Arrange with Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC's agency and pay for additional samples, tests, and inspections required by Contractor beyond specified requirements. E. Re -testing required because of non-conformance to specified requirements shall be performed by the same agency on instructions by Stroud Engineering, PA. F. Re -testing required because of non-conformance to specified requirements shall be paid for by Contractor. G. Re -testing required because of non-conformance to specified requirements shall be performed by the same agency on instructions by the Stroud Engineering, PA. Payment for re -testing will be charged to the Contractor by deducting testing charges from the Contract Sum/Price. 2.04 MANUFACTURERS' FIELD SERVICES A. When specified in individual specification sections, require material or product suppliers or manufacturers to provide qualified staff personnel to observe site conditions, conditions of surfaces and installation, quality of workmanship, start-up of equipment, test, adjust and balance of equipment and as applicable, and to initiate instructions when necessary. B. Report observations and site decisions or instructions given to applicators or installers that are supplemental or contrary to manufacturers' written instructions. 2,05 DEFECT ASSESSMENT A. Replace Work or portions of the Work not conforming to specified requirements. B. If, in the opinion of Stroud Engineering, PA, it is not practical to remove and replace the Work, Stroud Engineering, PA will direct an appropriate remedy or adjust payment. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 01 4000 - 3 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS WWTP Replacement SECTION 01 5000 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Temporary utilities. B. Temporary sanitary facilities. C. Temporary Controls: Barriers, enclosures, and fencing. D. Security requirements. E. Vehicular access and parking. F, Waste removal facilities and services. 1.02 TEMPORARY UTILITIES A. Carolina Water Service, Inc, of NC will provide the following: 1. Electrical power, consisting of connection to existing facilities. 2. Water supply, consisting of connection to existing facilities. 1.03 TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES A. Provide and maintain required facilities and enclosures. Provide at time of project mobilization. B. Maintain daily in clean and sanitary condition. 1.04 BARRIERS A. Provide barriers to prevent unauthorized entry to construction areas, to prevent access to areas that could be hazardous to workers or the public, to allow for owner's use of site and to protect existing facilities and adjacent properties from damage from construction operations and demolition. B. Provide barricades and covered walkways required by governing authorities for public rights -of -way and for public access to existing building. C. Protect non -owned vehicular traffic, stored materials, site, and structures from damage. 1.05 FENCING A. Construction: Contractor's option. 1.06 SECURITY - SEE SECTION 01 3553 A. Provide security and facilities to protect Work, existing facilities, and Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC's operations from unauthorized entry, vandalism, or theft. 1.07 VEHICULAR ACCESS AND PARKING A. Coordinate access and haul routes with governing authorities and Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC. B. Provide and maintain access to fire hydrants, free of obstructions. C. Provide means of removing mud from vehicle wheels before entering streets. 1.08 WASTE REMOVAL A. Provide waste removal facilities and services as required to maintain the site in clean and orderly condition. B. Provide containers with lids. Remove trash from site periodically. C. If materials to be recycled or re -used on the project must be stored on -site, provide suitable non-combustible containers; locate containers holding flammable material outside the structure unless otherwise approved by the authorities having jurisdiction. 1.09 REMOVAL OF UTILITIES, FACILITIES, AND CONTROLS A. Remove temporary utilities, equipment, facilities, materials, prior to Substantial Completion inspection. PM131-21~006 / Brandywine Bay 01 5000 -1 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND WWTP Replacement CONTROLS B. Remove underground installations to a minimum depth of 2 feet (600 mm). Grade site as indicated. C. Clean and repair damage caused by installation or use of temporary work. PART 2 PRODUCTS - NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION - NOT USED END OF SEGTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 01 5000 -2 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND WWTP Replacement CONTROLS SECTION 01 6000 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Re -use of existing products. B. Transportation, handling, storage and protection. C. Product option requirements. D. Substitution limitations and procedures. E. Maintenance materials, including extra materials, spare parts, tools, and software. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 016116 - Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Content Restrictions: Requirements for VOC-restricted product categories. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data Submittals: Submit manufacturer's standard published data. Mark each copy to identify applicable products, models, options, and other data. Supplement manufacturers' standard data to provide information specific to this Project. B. Shop Drawing Submittals: Prepared specifically for this Project; indicate utility and electrical characteristics, utility connection requirements, and location of utility outlets for service for functional equipment and appliances. C. Sample Submittals: Illustrate functional and aesthetic characteristics of the product, with integral parts and attachment devices. Coordinate sample submittals for interfacing work. 1. For selection from standard finishes, submit samples of the full range of the manufacturer's standard colors, textures, and patterns. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 EXISTING PRODUCTS A. Do not use materials and equipment removed from existing premises unless specifically required or permitted by the Contract Documents, B. Existing materials and equipment indicated to be removed, but not to be re -used, relocated, reinstalled, delivered to the Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC, or otherwise indicated as to remain the property of the Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC, become the property of the Contractor; remove from site. C. Reused Products: Reused products include materials and equipment previously used in this or other construction, salvaged and refurbished as specified. 2.02 NEW PRODUCTS A. Provide new products unless specifically required or permitted by the Contract Documents. B. Where all other criteria are met, Contractor shall give preference to products that: 1. If used on interior, have lower emissions, as defined in Section 016116, 2. If wet -applied, have lower VOC content, as defined in Section 01 6116, 3. Have a published GreenScreen Chemical Hazard Analysis. 2.03 PRODUCT OPTIONS A. Products Specified by Reference Standards or by Description Only: Use any product meeting those standards or description. B. Products Specified by Naming One or More Manufacturers: Use a product of one of the manufacturers named and meeting specifications, no options or substitutions allowed. C. Products Specified by Naming One or More Manufacturers with a Provision for Substitutions: Submit a request for substitution for any manufacturer not named. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 01 6000 - 1 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS WWTP Replacement 2.04 MAINTENANCE MATERIALS A. Furnish extra materials, spare parts, tools, and software of types and in quantities specified in individual specification sections. B. Deliver to Project site; obtain receipt prior to final payment. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES A. Instructions to Bidders specify time restrictions for submitting requests for substitutions during the bidding period. Comply with requirements specified in this section. B. Document each request with complete data substantiating compliance of proposed substitution with Contract Documents, C. A request for substitution constitutes a representation that the submitter: 1. Has investigated proposed product and determined that it meets or exceeds the quality level of the specified product. 2. Will provide the same warranty for the substitution as for the specified product. 3. Will coordinate installation and make changes to other Work that may be required for the Work to be complete with no additional cost to Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC. 4. Waives claims for additional costs or time extension that may subsequently become apparent. D. Substitution Submittal Procedure: 1. Submit three copies of request for substitution for consideration. Limit each request to one proposed substitution. 2. Submit shop drawings, product data, and certified test results attesting to the proposed product equivalence. Burden of proof is on proposer. 3. The Stroud Engineering, PA will notify Contractor in writing of decision to accept or reject request. 3.02 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING A. Package products for shipment in manner to prevent damage; for equipment, package to avoid loss of factory calibration. B. If special precautions are required, attach instructions prominently and legibly on outside of packaging. C. Coordinate schedule of product delivery to designated prepared areas in order to minimize site storage time and potential damage to stored materials. D. Transport and handle products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. E. Transport materials in covered trucks to prevent contamination of product and littering of surrounding areas. F. Promptly inspect shipments to ensure that products comply with requirements, quantities are correct, and products are undamaged. G. Provide equipment and personnel to handle products by methods to prevent soiling, disfigurement, or damage. H. Arrange for the return of packing materials, such as wood pallets, where economically feasible. 3.03 STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. Designate receiving/storage areas for incoming products so that they are delivered according to installation schedule and placed convenient to work area in order to minimize waste due to excessive materials handling and misapplication. B. Store and protect products in accordance with manufacturers' instructions. C. Store with seals and labels intact and legible. D. Store sensitive products in weather tight, climate controlled, enclosures in an environment favorable to product. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 01 6000 - 2 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS WWTP Replacement E. For exterior storage of fabricated products, place on sloped supports above ground. F. Protect products from damage or deterioration due to construction operations, weather, precipitation, humidity, temperature, sunlight and ultraviolet light, dirt, dust, and other contaminants. G. Comply with manufacturer's warranty conditions, if any. H. Cover products subject to deterioration with impervious sheet covering. Provide ventilation to prevent condensation and degradation of products. I. Prevent contact with material that may cause corrosion, discoloration, or staining. J. Provide equipment and personnel to store products by methods to prevent soiling, disfigurement, or damage. K. Arrange storage of products to permit access for inspection. Periodically inspect to verify products are undamaged and are maintained in acceptable condition. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 01 6000 - 3 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS WWTP Replacement SECTION 017000 EXECUTION AND CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Examination, preparation, and general installation procedures. B. Pre -installation meetings. C. Cutting and patching. D. Surveying for laying out the work. E. Cleaning and protection. F. Starting of systems and equipment. G. Demonstration and instruction of Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC personnel. H. Closeout procedures, except payment procedures. General requirements for maintenance service. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Cutting and Patching: Submit written request in advance of cutting or alteration that affects: 1. Structural integrity of any element of Project. 2. Integrity of weather exposed or moisture resistant element. 3. Efficiency, maintenance, or safety of any operational element. 4. Visual qualities of sight exposed elements. 5. Work of Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC or separate Contractor. C. Project Record Documents: Accurately record actual locations of capped and active utilities. 1.03 QUALIFICATIONS A. For design of temporary shoring and bracing, employ a Professional Engineer experienced in design of this type of work and licensed in North Carolina. 1.04 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Grade site to drain, Maintain excavations free of water. Provide, operate, and maintain pumping equipment. B. Ventilate enclosed areas to assist cure of materials, to dissipate humidity, and to prevent accumulation of dust, fumes, vapors, or gases. C. Erosion and Sediment Control: Plan and execute work by methods to control surface drainage from cuts and fills, from borrow and waste disposal areas. Prevent erosion and sedimentation. 1. Comply with approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, 2. Minimize amount of bare soil exposed at one time. 3. Provide temporary measures such as berms, dikes, and drains, to prevent water flow. 4. Construct fill and waste areas by selective placement to avoid erosive surface silts or clays. 5. Periodically inspect earthwork to detect evidence of erosion and sedimentation; promptly apply corrective measures. D. Pollution Control: Provide methods, means, and facilities to prevent contamination of soil, water, and atmosphere from discharge of noxious, toxic substances, and pollutants produced by construction operations. Comply with federal, state, and local regulations. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PATCHING MATERIALS A. New Materials: As specified in product sections; match existing products and work for patching and extending work. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 01 7000 - 1 EXECUTION AND CLOSEOUT WWTP Replacement REQUIREMENTS B. Type and Quality of Existing Products: Determine by inspecting and testing products where necessary, referring to existing work as a standard. C. Product Substitution: For any proposed change in materials, submit request for substitution described in Section 016000, PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that existing site conditions and substrate surfaces are acceptable for subsequent work. Start of work means acceptance of existing conditions. B. Verify that existing substrate is capable of structural support or attachment of new work being applied or attached. C. Examine and verify specific conditions described in individual specification sections. D. Take field measurements before confirming product orders or beginning fabrication, to minimize waste due to over -ordering or misfabrication. E. Verify that utility services are available, of the correct characteristics, and in the correct locations. F. Prior to Cutting: Examine existing conditions prior to commencing work, including elements subject to damage or movement during cutting and patching. After uncovering existing work, assess conditions affecting performance of work. Beginning of cutting or patching means acceptance of existing conditions. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Clean substrate surtaces prior to applying next material or substance. B. Seal cracks or openings of substrate prior to applying next material or substance. C. Apply manufacturer required or recommended substrate primer, sealer, or conditioner prior to applying any new material or substance in contact or bond. 3.03 PREINSTALLATION MEETINGS A. When required in individual specification sections, convene a preinstallation meeting at the site prior to commencing work of the section. B. Require attendance of parties directly affecting, or affected by, work of the specific section. C. Notify Stroud Engineering, PA four days in advance of meeting date. D. Prepare agenda and preside at meeting: 1. Review conditions of examination, preparation and installation procedures. 2. Review coordination with related work. E. Record minutes and distribute copies within two days after meeting to participants, with two copies to Stroud Engineering, PA, Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NO, participants, and those affected by decisions made. 3.04 LAYING OUT THE WORK A. Verify locations of survey control points prior to starting work. B. Promptly notify Stroud Engineering, PA of any discrepancies discovered. C. Protect survey control points prior to starting site work; preserve permanent reference points during construction. D. Promptly report to Stroud Engineering, PA the loss or destruction of any reference point or relocation required because of changes in grades or other reasons. E. Replace dislocated survey control points based on original survey control. Make no changes without prior written notice to Stroud Engineering, PA, F. Utilize recognized engineering survey practices. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 01 7000 - 2 EXECUTION AND CLOSEOUT WWTP Replacement REQUIREMENTS G. Establish elevations, lines and levels. Locate and lay out by instrumentation and similar appropriate means: 1. Site improvements including pavements; stakes for grading, fill and topsoil placement; utility locations, slopes, and invert elevations; and 2. Grid or axis for structures. 3. Building foundation, column locations, ground floor elevations, and H. Periodically verify layouts by same means. I. Maintain a complete and accurate log of control and survey work as it progresses. 3.05 GENERAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. Install products as specified in individual sections, in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations, and so as to avoid waste due to necessity for replacement. B. Make vertical elements plumb and horizontal elements level, unless otherwise indicated. C.. Install equipment and fittings plumb and level, neatly aligned with adjacent vertical and horizontal lines, unless otherwise indicated. D. Make consistent texture on surfaces, with seamless transitions, unless otherwise indicated. E. Make neat transitions between different surfaces, maintaining texture and appearance. 3.06 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Whenever possible, execute the work by methods that avoid cutting or patching. B. Perform whatever cutting and patching is necessary to: 1. Complete the work. 2. Fit products together to integrate with other work. 3. Provide openings for penetration of mechanical, electrical, and other services. 4. Match work that has been cut to adjacent work. 5. Repair areas adjacent to cuts to required condition. 6. Repair new work damaged by subsequent work. 7. Remove samples of installed work for testing when requested. 8. Remove and replace defective and non -conforming work. C. Execute work by methods that avoid damage to other work and that will provide appropriate surfaces to receive patching and finishing. In existing work, minimize damage and restore to original condition. D. Employ original installer to perform cutting for weather exposed and moisture resistant elementsI and sight exposed surtaces. E. Cut rigid materials using masonry saw or core drill. Pneumatic tools not allowed without prior approval. F. Restore work with new products in accordance with requirements of Contract Documents. G. Fit work air tight to pipes, sleeves, ducts, conduit, and other penetrations through surfaces. H. At penetrations of fire rated walls, partitions, ceiling, or floor construction, completely seal voids with fire rated material in accordance with Section 07 8400, to full thickness of the penetrated element. I. Patching: 1. Finish patched surfaces to match finish that existed prior to patching. On continuous surfaces, refinish to nearest intersection or natural break. For an assembly, refinish entire unit. 2. Match color, texture, and appearance. 3. Repair patched surfaces that are damaged, lifted, discolored, or showing other imperfections due to patching work. If defects are due to condition of substrate, repair substrate prior to repairing finish. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 017000 - 3 EXECUTION AND CLOSEOUT WWTP Replacement REQUIREMENTS 3.07 PROGRESS CLEANING A. Maintain areas free of waste materials, debris, and rubbish. Maintain site in a clean and orderly condition. B. Remove debris and rubbish from pipe chases, plenums, attics, crawl spaces, and other closed or remote spaces, prior to enclosing the space. C. Broom and vacuum clean interior areas prior to start of surface finishing, and continue cleaning to eliminate dust. D. Collect and remove waste materials, debris, and trash/rubbish from site periodically and dispose off -site; do not burn or bury. 3.08 PROTECTION OF INSTALLED WORK A. Protect installed work from damage by construction operations. B. Provide special protection where specified in individual specification sections. C. Provide temporary and removable protection for installed products. Control activity in immediate work area to prevent damage. D. Provide protective coverings at walls, projections, jambs, sills, and soffits of openings. E. Protect finished floors, stairs, and other surfaces from traffic, dirt, wear, damage, or movement of heavy objects, by protecting with durable sheet materials. F. Prohibit traffic or storage upon waterproofed or roofed surfaces. If traffic or activity is necessary, obtain recommendations for protection from waterproofing or roofing material manufacturer. G. Remove protective coverings when no longer needed; reuse or recycle plastic coverings if possible. 3.09 SYSTEM STARTUP A. Coordinate schedule for start-up of various equipment and systems. B. Verify that each piece of equipment or system has been checked for proper lubrication, drive rotation, belt tension, control sequence, and for conditions that may cause damage. C. Verify tests, meter readings, and specified electrical characteristics agree with those required by the equipment or system manufacturer. D. Verify that wiring and support components for equipment are complete and tested. E. Execute start-up under supervision of applicable Contractor personnel and manufacturer's representative in accordance with manufacturers' instructions. F. Submit a written report that equipment or system has been properly installed and is functioning correctly. 3.10 DEMONSTRATION AND INSTRUCTION A. Demonstrate start-up, operation, control, adjustment, trouble -shooting, servicing, maintenance, and shutdown of each item of equipment at scheduled time, at equipment location. B. For equipment or systems requiring seasonal operation, perform demonstration for other season within six months. C. Provide a qualified person who is knowledgeable about the Project to perform demonstration and instruction of owner personnel. 3.11 ADJUSTING A. Adjust operating products and equipment to ensure smooth and unhindered operation. 3.12 FINAL CLEANING A. Use cleaning materials that are nonhazardous. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 01 7000 - 4 EXECUTION AND CLOSEOUT WWTP Replacement REQUIREMENTS B. Clean interior and exterior glass, surfaces exposed to view; remove temporary labels, stains and foreign substances, polish transparent and glossy surfaces, vacuum carpeted and soft surfaces. C. Remove all labels that are not permanent. Do not paint or otherwise cover fire test labels or nameplates on mechanical and electrical equipment. D. Clean equipment and fixtures to a sanitary condition with cleaning materials appropriate to the surface and material being cleaned. E. Clean filters of operating equipment. F. Clean debris from roofs, gutters, downspouts, and drainage systems. G. Clean site; sweep paved areas, rake clean landscaped surfaces. H. Remove waste, surplus materials, trash/rubbish, and construction facilities from the site; dispose of in legal manner; do not burn or bury. 3.13 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES A. Make submittals that are required by governing or other authorities. B. Notify Stroud Engineering, PA when work is considered ready for Substantial Completion, C. Submit written certification that Contract Documents have been reviewed, work has been inspected, and that work is complete in accordance with Contract Documents and ready for Stroud Engineering, PA's review. D. Correct items of work listed in executed Certificates of Substantial Completion and comply with requirements for access to Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC -occupied areas. E. Notify Stroud Engineering, PA when work is considered finally complete. F. Complete items of work determined by Stroud Engineering, PA's final inspection. 3.74 MAINTENANCE A. Provide service and maintenance of components indicated in specification sections. B. Maintenance Period: As indicated in specification sections or, if not indicated, not less than one year from the Date of Substantial Completion or the length of the specified warranty, whichever is longer. C. Examine system components at a frequency consistent with reliable operation. Clean, adjust, and lubricate as required. D. Include systematic examination, adjustment, and lubrication of components. Repair or replace parts whenever required. Use parts produced by the manufacturer of the original component. E. Maintenance service shall not be assigned or transferred to any agent or subcontractor without prior written consent of the Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 (Brandywine Bay 01 7000 - 5 EXECUTION AND CLOSEOUT WWTP Replacement REQUIREMENTS SECTION 017800 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Project Record Documents. B. Operation and Maintenance Data. C. Warranties and bonds. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements: Submittals procedures, shop drawings, product data, and samples. B. Individual Product Sections: Specific requirements for operation and maintenance data. C. Individual Product Sections: Warranties required for specific products or Work. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Project Record Documents: Submit documents to Stroud Engineering, PA with claim for final Application for Payment. B. Operation and Maintenance Data: 1. Submit two copies of preliminary draft or proposed formats and outlines of contents before start of Work. Stroud Engineering, PA will review draft and return one copy with comments. 2. For equipment, or component parts of equipment put into service during construction and operated by Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC, submit completed documents within ten days after acceptance. 3. Submit one copy of completed documents 15 days prior to final inspection. This copy will be reviewed and returned after final inspection, with Stroud Engineering, PA comments. Revise content of all document sets as required prior to final submission. 4. Submit two sets of revised final documents in final form within 10 days after final inspection, C. Warranties and Bonds: 1. For equipment or component parts of equipment put into service during construction with Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC's permission, submit documents within 10 days after acceptance. 2. Make other submittals within 10 days after Date of Substantial Completion, prior to final Application for Payment. 3. For items of Work for which acceptance is delayed beyond Date of Substantial Completion, submit within 10 days after acceptance, listing the date of acceptance as the beginning of the warranty period. PART 3 EXECUTION 2.01 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Maintain on site one set of the following record documents; record actual revisions to the Work: 1. Drawings. 2, Addenda. 3. ' Change Orders and other modifications to the Contract. B. Ensure entries are complete and accurate, enabling future reference by Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC. Co Store record documents separate from documents used for construction. D. Record information concurrent with construction progress. E. Record Drawings : Legibly mark each item to record actual construction including: 1. Field changes of dimension and detail. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 017800 - 1 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS WWTP Replacement 2. Details not on original Contract drawings. 2.02 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Source Data: For each product or system, list names, addresses and telephone numbers of Subcontractors and suppliers, including local source of supplies and replacement parts. B. Product Data: Mark each sheet to clearly identify specific products and component parts, and data applicable to installation. Delete inapplicable information. C. Drawings: Supplement product data to illustrate relations of component parts of equipment and systems, to show control and flow diagrams. Do not use Project Record Documents as maintenance drawings. D. Typed Text: As required to supplement product data. Provide logical sequence of instructions for each procedure, incorporating manufacturer's instructions. 2.03 ASSEMBLY OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. Assemble operation and maintenance data into durable manuals for Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC's personnel use, with data arranged in the same sequence as, and identified by, the specification sections. B. Where systems involve more than one specification section, provide separate tabbed divider for each system. C. Prepare instructions and data by personnel experienced in maintenance and operation of described products. D. Prepare data in the form of an instructional manual. E. Binders: Commercial quality, 8-1/2 by 11 inch (216 by 280 mm) three D slde ring binders with durable plastic covers; 2 inch (50 mm) maximum ring size. When multiple binders are used, correlate data into related consistent groupings. F. Cover: Identify each binder with typed or printed title OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS; identify title of Project; identify subject matter of contents. G. Project Directory: Title and address of Project; names, addresses, and telephone numbers of Stroud Engineering, PA, Consultants,Contractorand subcontractors, with names of responsible parties. H. Tables of Contents: List every item separated by a divider, using the same identification as on the divider tab; where multiple volumes are required, include all volumes Tables of Contents in each volume, with the current volume clearly identified. 1. Dividers: Provide tabbed dividers for each separate product and system; identify the contents on the divider tab; immediately following the divider tab include a description of product and major component parts of equipment. J. Text: Manufacturer's printed data, or typewritten data on 24 pound paper. K. Drawings: Provide with reinforced punched binder tab. Bind in with text; fold larger drawings to size of text pages. 2.04 WARRANTIES AND BONDS A. Obtain warranties and bonds, executed in duplicate by responsible Subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers, within 10 days after completion of the applicable item of work. Except for items put into use with Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC's permission, leave date of beginning of time of warranty until the Date of Substantial completion is determined. B. Verify that documents are in proper form, contain full information, and are notarized. C. Co -execute submittals when required. D. Retain warranties and bonds until time specified for submittal. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 01 7800 - 2 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS WWTP Replacement SECTION 02 4100 DEMOLITION PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Selective demolition of built site elements. B. Selective demolition of building elements for alteration purposes. C. Abandonment and removal of existing utilities and utility structures. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 1000 -Summary: Limitations on Contractor's use of site and premises. B. Section 01 5000 - Temporary Facilities and Controls: Site fences, security, protective barriers, and waste removal. C. Section 017000 - Execution and Closeout Requirements: Project conditions; protection of bench marks, survey control points, and existing construction to remain; reinstallation of removed products; temporary bracing and shoring. PART 3 EXECUTION 2.01 GENERAL PROCEDURES AND PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Comply with applicable codes and regulations for demolition operations and safety of adjacent structures and the public. 1. Obtain required permits. 2. Take precautions to prevent catastrophic or uncontrolled collapse of structures to be removed; do not allow worker or public access within range of potential collapse of unstable structures. 3. Provide, erect, and maintain temporary barriers and security devices. 4. Conduct operations to minimize effects on and interference with adjacent structures and occupants. 5. Do not close or obstruct roadways or sidewalks without permit. 6. Conduct operations to minimize obstruction of public and private entrances and exits; do not obstruct required exits at any time; protect persons using entrances and exits from removal operations. 7. Obtain written permission from owners of adjacent properties when demolition equipment will traverse, infringe upon or limit access to their property. B, Do not begin removal until receipt of notification to proceed from Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC. C. Protect existing structures and other elements that are not to be removed. 1. Provide bracing and shoring. 2. Prevent movement or settlement of adjacent structures. 3. Stop work immediately if adjacent structures appear to be In danger. 2.02 EXISTING UTILITIES A. Coordinate work with utility companies; notify before starting work and comply with their requirements; obtain required permits. B. Protect existing utilities to remain from damage. C. Do not disrupt public utilities without permit from authority having jurisdiction. D. Do not close, shut off, or disrupt existing life safety systems that are in use without at least 7 days prior written notification to Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC. E. Do not close, shut off, or disrupt existing utility branches or take -offs that are in use without at least 3 days prior written notification to Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 02 4100 - 1 DEMOLITION WWTP Replacement F. Locate and mark utilities to remain; mark using highly visible tags or flags, with identification of utility type; protect from damage due to subsequent construction, using substantial barricades if necessary. G. Remove exposed piping, valves, meters, equipment, supports, and foundations of disconnected and abandoned utilities. 2.03 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION FOR ALTERATIONS A. Drawings showing existing construction and utilities are based on casual field observation and existing record documents only. 1. Verify that construction and utility arrangements are as shown. 2. Report discrepancies to Stroud Engineering, PA before disturbing existing installation. 3. Beginning of demolition work constitutes acceptance of existing conditions that would be apparent upon examination prior to starting demolition. B. Remove existing work as indicated and as required to accomplish new work. 1. Remove items indicated on drawings. C. Services (Including but not limited to Plumbing, Electrical, and Telecommunications): Remove existing systems and equipment as indicated. 1. Maintain existing active systems that are to remain in operation; maintain access to equipment and operational components. 2. Where existing active systems serve occupied facilities but are to be replaced with new services, maintain existing systems in service until new systems are complete and ready for service. 3. Verify that abandoned services serve only abandoned facilities before removal. 4. Remove abandoned pipe, ducts, conduits, and equipment, including those above accessible ceilings; remove back to source of supply where possible, otherwise cap stub and tag with identification. D. Protect existing work to remain. 1. Prevent movement of structure; provide shoring and bracing if necessary. 2. Perform cutting to accomplish removals neatly and as specified for cutting new work. 3. Repair adjacent construction and finishes damaged during removal work. 4. Patch as specified for patching new work. 2.04 DEBRIS AND WASTE REMOVAL A. Remove debris, junk, and trash from site. B. Leave site in clean condition, ready for subsequent work. C. Clean up spillage and wind-blown debris from public and private lands. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 !Brandywine Bay 02 4100 - 2 DEMOLITION WWTP Replacement SECTION 03 3000 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Concrete formwork. B. Concrete for composite floor construction. C. Slabs on grade. D. Concrete foundations and anchor bolts for pre-engineered building. E. Concrete foundations for sewage treatment tank(s). F. Concrete reinforcement. G. Miscellaneous concrete elements, including equipment pads, equipment pits, light pole bases, thrust blocks, and manholes. H. Concrete curing. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ACI 211.1 -Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete; 1991 (Reapproved 2009). B. ACI 301 - Specifications for Structural Concrete; 2010 (Errata 2012). C. ACI 302A R - Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction; 2004 (Errata 2007). D. ACI 304R - Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete; 2000, E. ACI 305R - Hot Weather Concreting; 2010, F. ACI 306R - Cold Weather Concreting; 2010, G. ACI 308R - Guide to Curing Concrete; 2001 (Reapproved 2008). H. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary; 2011, I. ASTM Al85/A186M - Standard Specification for Steel Welded .Wire Reinforcement, Plain, for Concrete; 2007, J. ASTM A6151A615M - Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement; 2015. K. ASTM A767/A767M - Standard Specification for Zinc -Coated (Galvanized) Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement; 2009, L. ASTM A884/A884M - Standard Specification for Epoxy -Coated Steel Wire and Welded Wire Reinforcement; 2014, M. ASTM C33/C33M - Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates; 2013. N. ASTM C39/C39M - Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens; 2015a. O. ASTM C94/C94M - Standard Specification for Ready -Mixed Concrete; 2015. P. ASTM C1431C143M - Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic -Cement Concrete; 2012, Q. ASTM C150/C150M - Standard Specification for Portland Cement; 2015, R. ASTM C173/C173M - Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method; 2014. S. ASTM C260/C260M - Standard Specification for Air -Entraining Admixtures for Concrete; 2010a. T. ASTM C309 - Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane -Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete; 2011, U. ASTM C330/C330M - Standard Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete; 2014. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 03 3000 - 1 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE WWTP Replacement V. ASTM C494/C494M - Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete; 2013, W. ASTM C685/C685M - Standard Specification for Concrete Made by Volumetric Batching and Continuous Mixing; 2014, X. ASTM C881/C881 M - Standard Specification for Epoxy -Resin -Base Bonding Systems for Concrete; 2014, Y. ASTM C1107/C1107M - Standard Specification for Packaged Dry, Hydraulic -Cement Grout (Nonshrink); 2014. Z. ASTM D1751 - Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types); 2004 (Reapproved 2013). AA. ASTM E1643 - Standard Practice for Selection, Design, Installation and Inspection of Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs; 2011, AB. ASTM E1745 - Standard Specification for Plastic Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill under Concrete Slabs; 2011. AC. NSF 61 - Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects; 2014 (Errata 2015). 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Mix Design: Submit proposed concrete mix design. 1. Indicate proposed mix design complies with requirements of ACI 301, Section 4 - Concrete Mixtures, 2. Indicate proposed mix design complies with requirements of ACI 318, Chapter 5 - Concrete Quality, Mixing and Placing. C. Samples: Submit samples of underslab vapor retarder to be used. D. Test Reports: Submit report for each test or series of tests specified. E. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: For concrete accessories, indicate installation procedures and interface required with adjacent construction. F. Project Record Documents: Accurately record actual locations of embedded utilities and components that will be concealed from view upon completion of concrete work. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work of this section in accordance with ACI 301 and ACI 318. B. Follow recommendations of ACI 305R when concreting during hot weather. C. Follow recommendations of ACI 306R when concreting during cold weather. 1.05 WARRANTY A. See Section 017800 -Closeout Submittals, for additional warranty requirements. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 FORMWORK A. Form Materials: Contractor's choice of standard products with sufficient strength to withstand hydrostatic head without distortion in excess of permitted tolerances. 1. Form Coating: Release agent that will not adversely affect concrete or interfere with application of coatings. 2. Form Ties: Cone snap type that will leave no metal within 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) of concrete surface. 2.02 REINFORCEMENT A. Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A615/A615M, Grade 60 - 60,000 psi (420 MPa). 1. Type: Deformed billet -steel bars. 2. Finish: Unfinished, unless otherwise indicated. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 03 3000 - 2 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE WWTP Replacement B. Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement: ASTM A 185/A 1851VI, plain type. C. Reinforcement Accessories: 1, Tie Wire: Annealed, minimum 16 gage, 0.0508 inch (1.29 mm). 2. Chairs, Bolsters, Bar Supports, Spacers: Sized and shaped for adequate support of reinforcement during concrete placement. 2.03 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Cement: ASTM C150, Type III -High Early Strength Portland type. B. Fine and Coarse Aggregates: ASTM C 33, C. Water: Clean and not detrimental to concrete. 2.04 ADMIXTURES A. Do not use chemicals that will result in soluble chloride ions in excess of 0.1 percent by weight of cement. B. Air Entrainment Admixture: ASTM C260/C260M. C. Water Reducing and Accelerating Admixture: ASTM C494/C494M Type E. D. Accelerating Admixture: ASTM C494/C494M Type C. 2.05 ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Underslab Vapor Retarder: Sheet material complying with ASTM E1745, Class A; stated by manufacturer as suitable for installation in contact with soil or granular fill under concrete slabs. The use of single ply polyethylene is prohibited. 1. Installation: Comply with ASTME1643. 2. Accessory Products: Vapor retarder manufacturer's recommended tape, adhesive, mastic, prefabricated boots, etc., for sealing seams and penetrations. B. Non -Shrink Cementitious Grout: Premixed compound consisting of non-metallic aggregate, cement, water reducing and plasticizing agents. 2.06 BONDING AND JOINTING PRODUCTS A. Slab Isolation Joint Filler: 1/2 inch (13 mm) thick, height equal to slab thickness, with removable top section that will form 1/2 inch (13 mm) deep sealant pocket after removal. 2.07 CONCRETE MIX DESIGN A. Proportioning Normal Weight Concrete: Comply with ACI 211.1 recommendations. B. Admixtures: Add acceptable admixtures as recommended in ACI 211.1 and at rates recommended or required by manufacturer. C. Normal Weight Concrete: 1, Compressive Strength, when tested in accordance with ASTM C39/C39M at 28 days: 4,000 pounds per square inch (27.6 MPa). 2, Water -Cement Ratio: Maximum 40 percent by weight. 3. Total Air Content: 4 percent, determined in accordance with ASTM C173/C173M, 4. Maximum Slump: 3 inches (75 mm). 2.08 MIXING 2.09 A. On Project Site: Mix in drum type batch mixer, complying with ASTM C685. Miz each batch not less than 1-1/2 minutes and not more than 5 minutes. B. Transit Mixers: Comply with ASTM C94/C94M. PM131-21 �006 /Brandywine Bay 03 3000 - 3 WWTP Replacement CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION 3.02 PREPARATION A. Formwork; Comply with requirements of ACI 301. Design and fabricate forms to support all applied loads until concrete is cured, and for easy removal without damage to concrete. B. Verify that forms are clean and free of rust before applying release agent. C. Coordinate placement of embedded items with erection of concrete formwork and placement of form accessories. D. Where new concrete with integral waterproofing is to be bonded to previously placed concrete, prepare surfaces to be treated in accordance with waterproofing manufacturer's instructions. Saturate cold joint surface with clean water, and remove excess water before application of coat of waterproofing admixture slurry. Apply slurry coat uniformly with semi -stiff bristle brush at rate recommended by waterproofing manufacturer. E. Interior Slabs on Grade: Install vapor retarder under interior slabs on grade. Lap joints minimum 6 inches (150 mm). Seal joints, seams and penetrations watertight with manufacturer's recommended products and follow manufacturer's written instructions. Repair damaged vapor retarder before covering. 3.03 INSTALLING REINFORCEMENT AND OTHER EMBEDDED ITEMS A. Comply with requirements of ACI 301. Clean reinforcement of loose rust and mill scale, and accurately position, support, and secure in place to achieve not less than minimum concrete coverage required for protection. B. Install welded wire reinforcement in maximum possible lengths, and offset end laps in both directions. Splice laps with tie wire. 3.04 PLACING CONCRETE A. Place concrete in accordance with ACI 304R. B. Place concrete for floor slabs in accordance with ACI 302A R. C. Finish floors level and flat, unless otherwise indicated, within the tolerances specified below. 3.05 SLAB JOINTING A. Locate joints as indicated on drawings. B. Anchor joint fillers and devices to prevent movement during concrete placement. C. Isolation Joints: Use preformed joint filler with removable top section forjoint sealant, total height equal to thickness of slab, set flush with top of slab. 3.06 CONCRETE FINISHING A. Repair surface defects, including tie holes, immediately after removing formwork. B. Unexposed Form Finish: Rub down or chip off fins or other raised areas 1t4 inch (6 mm) or more in height. C. Exposed Form Finish: Rub down or chip off and smooth fins or other raised areas 1/4 inch (6. mm) or more in height. Provide finish as follows: 1. Smooth Rubbed Finish: Wet concrete and rub with carborundum brick or other abrasive, not more than 24 hours after form removal. 2. Grout Cleaned Finish: Wet areas to be cleaned and apply grout mixture by brush or spray; scrub immediately to remove excess grout. After drying, rub vigorously with clean burlap, and keep moist for 36 hours. 3. Cork Floated Finish: Immediately after form removal, apply grout with trowel or firm rubber float; compress grout with low -speed grinder, and apply final texture with cork float. D. Concrete Slabs: Finish to requirements of ACI 302.1 R, and as follows: PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 03 3000 - 4 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE WWTP Replacement Other Surfaces to Be Left Exposed: "Steel trowel' as described in ACI 302.1 R, minimizing burnish marks and other appearance defects. 3.07 CURING AND PROTECTION A. Comply with requirements of ACI 308R. Immediately after placement, protect concrete from premature drying, excessively hot or cold temperatures, and mechanical injury. B. Maintain concrete with minimal moisture loss at relatively constant temperature for period necessary for hydration of cement and hardening of concrete. C. Surfaces Not in Contact with Forms: 1. Initial Curing: Start as soon as free water has disappeared and before surface is dry. Keep continuously moist for not less than three days by water ponding, water -saturated sand, water -fog spray, or saturated burlap. 2. Final Curing: Begin after initial curing but before surface is dry. 3.08 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. An independent testing agency will perform field quality control tests, as specified in Section 01 4000, B. Provide free access to concrete operations at project site and cooperate with appointed firm. C. Compressive Strength Tests: ASTM C39/C39M. For each test, mold and cure three concrete test cylinders. Obtain test samples for every 100 cu yd (76 cu m) or less of each class of concrete placed. D. Take one additional test cylinder during cold weather concreting, cured on job site under same conditions as concrete it represents. E. Perform one slump test for each set of test cylinders taken, following procedures of ASTM C143/C143M. 3.09 DEFECTIVE CONCRETE A. Test Results: The testing agency shall report test results in writing to Stroud Engineering, PA and Contractor within 24 hours of test. B. Defective Concrete: Concrete not conforming to required lines, details, dimensions, tolerances or specified requirements. C. Repair or replacement of defective concrete will be determined by the Stroud Engineering, PA. The cost of additional testing shall be borne by Contractor when defective concrete is identified. D. Do not patch, fill, touch-up, repair, or replace exposed concrete except upon express direction of Stroud Engineering, PA for each individual area. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 03 3000 - 5 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE WWTP Replacement SECTION 05 1200 STRUCTURAL STEEL FRAMING PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Structural steel framing members, support members, struts, and plates for all structural steel framing except for the SBR tank structure. See Section 46 6101 for SBR tank structural steel requirements. Be Base plates,'shear stud connectors and expansion joint plates. C. Grouting under base plates. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 05 5000 - Metal Fabrications: Steel fabrications affecting structural steel work. Be Section 09900 - Paints and Coatings 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. AISC (MAN) -Steel Construction Manual; 2011. Be AISC S303 - Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges; 2010, C. ASTM A36/A36M - Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel; 2014. D. ASTM A108 - Standard Specification for Steel Bar, Carbon and Alloy, Cold Finished; 2013, E. ASTM A123/A123M - Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot -Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products; 2015, F. ASTM A500/A500M - Standard Specification for Cold -Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes; 2013, G. ASTM A9921A992M - Standard Specification for Structural Steel Shapes; 2011 (Reapproved 2015). H. ASTM C1107/C1107M - Standard Specification for Packaged Dry, Hydraulic -Cement Grout (Nonshrink); 2014, I. ASTM E94 - Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination; 2004 (Reapproved 2010). J. ASTM E164 - Standard Practice for Contact Ultrasonic Testing of Weldments; 2013, K. ASTM E165/E165M - Standard Test Method for Liquid Penetrant Examination for General Industry; 2012. L. ASTM E709 - Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing; 2014. M. AWS A2.4 - Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination; 2012. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, far submittal procedures. Be Shop Drawings -submit for review: 1. Indicate profiles, sizes, spacing, locations of structural members, openings, attachments, and fasteners. 2. Connections not detailed. 3. Indicate welded connections with AWS A2A welding symbols. Indicate net weld lengths. C. Welders Certificates: Certify welders employed on the Work, verifying AWS qualification within the previous 12 months. 1.05 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: A. Design bulkheads to withstand full hydrostatic force from either side. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fabricate structural steel members in accordance with AISC "Steel Construction Manual." PM131-21-006 / Brandywine Bay 05 1200 - 1 STRUCTURAL STEEL FRAMING WWTP Replacement B. Fabricator: Company specializing in performing the work of this section with minimum 5 years of documented experience. C. Erector: Company specializing in performing the work of this section with minimum 5 years of documented experience. D. Design connections not detailed on the drawings under direct supervision of a Professional Structural Engineer experienced in design of this work and licensed in North Carolina, PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Steel Angles, Plates, Channels, S Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A36lA36M. B. Steel W Shapes and Tees: ASTM A992/A992M, Grade 50, C. Rolled Steel Structural Shapes: ASTM A992/A992M. D. Cold -Formed Structural Tubing: ASTM A5001A500M, Grade D. E. Shear Stud Connectors: Made from ASTM A 108 Grade 1015 bars. F. Grout: Non -shrink, non-metallic aggregate type, complying with 1 and capable of developing a minimum compressive strength of 7,000 psi (48 MPa) at 28 days. 2.02 FABRICATION A. Shop fabricate to greatest extent possible. B. Continuously seal joined members by continuous welds. Grind exposed welds smooth. 2.03 FINISH A. Galvanize structural steel members to comply with ASTM A1230123M. Provide minimum 1.7 oz/sq it 530 g/sq m) galvanized coating. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that conditions are appropriate for erection of structural steel and that the work may properly proceed. 3.02 ERECTION A. Erect structural steel in compliance with AISC "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges". B. After erection, prime welds, abrasions, and surfaces not shop primed, except surfaces to be in contact with concrete. C. Grout solidly between column plates and bearing surfaces, complying with manufacturer's instructions for nonshrink grout. Trowel grouted surfaces smooth, splaying neatly to 45 degrees. 3.03 TOLERANCES A. Maximum Variation From Plumb: 1/4 inch (6 mm) . B. Maximum Offset From True Alignment: 1/4 inch (6 mm). 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Welded Connections: Visually inspect all field -welded connections and test at least 10 percent of welds using one of the following: 1. Radiographic testing performed in accordance with ASTM E94, 2. Ultrasonic testing performed in accordance with ASTM E164, 3. Liquid penetrant inspection performed in accordance with ASTM E165/E165M. 4. Magnetic particle inspection performed in accordance with ASTM E709. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 05 1200 - 2 STRUCTURAL STEEL FRAMING WWTP Replacement SECTION 46 5101 SEQUENCING BATCH REACTOR PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Sequencing reactor wastewater treatment system.. 1.02 SCOPEOF WORK A. The general contractor shall furnish a welded 304 stainless steel field erected OMNIPAC® sequencing batch reactor (SBR) treatment plant to function as specified in the enclosed process specification. The Omnipac System shall include an aerobic digester, post -equalization basin, and a two (2) basin SBR true -batch, fill and draw activated sludge process all integrated into one packaged plant. B. The Omnipac sequencing batch reactor sewage treatment plant shall consist of two (2) complete concentric circular welded 304 stainless steel tanks and the necessary welded 304 stainless steel division walls to insure process operation. The inner circular steel tank shall serve as the digester and the annular space between the inner circular steel wall and outer circular steel wall shall be divided into the required process compartments. Inner and outer diameters shall be as shown on the plans and will be considered minimum required diameters. Water depths and tank volumes shall be as shown on the plans. C. Each SBR shall, in turn within a discrete period, be filled with screened and degritted raw wastewater and aerated in a batch mode. After aeration, the mixed liquor shall be allowed to settle. The treated supernatant shall then be withdrawn from the basin utilizing a floating effluent decanter mechanism and discharged to the post -equalization basin where it is re -aerated and pumped to disinfection. The settled sludge shall be pumped to an integral, internal aerobic digester for further solids destruction with the capability of gravity thickening and subsequent supernatant return to the head of the plant. D. The System shall consist of jet aeration headers with a flush -out system, dry -pit centrifugal jet motive pumps, dry -pit centrifugal effluent pumps, combination sludge wasting system, positive displacement blowers, floating effluent decanters, automatic influent plug valves, automatic decanter butterfly valves, automatic air control butterfly valves, telescoping valve, combined influent distribution/sludge collection manifolds, pre-programmed process control panel, in -basin liquid piping, air piping, and supports. The SBR shall be an OMNIFLO® system as manufactured by Evoqua Water Technologies, LLC, Waukesha, WI location. 1.03 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements: Submittal procedures, project meetings, progress schedules and documentation, reports, coordination. B. Section 01 7800 - Closeout Submittals: Project record documents, operation and maintenance (O&M) data, warranties and bonds. 1.04 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. AW WA C105/A21.5 -Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile -Iron Pipe Systems; 2010. B. AWWA C151/A21.51 -Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast; 2017. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section, with at least 5 years of documented experience. B. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in performing work of the type specified and with at least 5 years of documented experience. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 465101 - 1 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR 1.07 DESIGN CRITERIA A. The SBR system shall be designed based on the following site and raw wastewater characteristics: 1. SBR Influent Characteristics 2. Average Design Flow (ADF) 0,30 MGD 3, Peak Daily Flow 0,90 MGD 4. Design BOD5 Loading (concentration) 750lbs/day (300 mg/1) 5. Design TSS Loading 625 Ibs/day (250 mg/I) 6. Design NH4-N Loading 63 Ibs/day (25 mg/1) 7. Design TKN Loading 100 Ibs/day (40 mg/I) 8. Design TP Loading 20 Ibs/day (8 mg/1) 9. Alkalinity concentration1 ? 250 mg/11 10. Wastewater Design Temperature Range 120C - 200C 11. SBR Effluent Requirements 12, 10 mg/I 13. 20 mg/I 14, Total Nitrogen (TN) 7.0 mg/I 15. 3.0 mg/I 1.08 SBR SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. The SBR system shall be installed as shown on the plans. The SBR aeration system shall be designed to transfer 81 Ibs. of standard oxygen per hour per basin. The operating strategy shall allow for 6 hours to complete a single batch at design flow, of which 45% shall be allowed for aeration. The design shall have a total of 8 treated batches per day at design flow from the System. The operation shall provide for the following discrete periods in each cycle for all flow rates: 1. ANOXIC FILL. At design flow, a minimum of 60% of the total Fill period for each reactor shall be anoxic. The aeration system is not operated as the reactor is charged with incoming wastewater. 2. AERATED FILL. The aeration system is operated during the latter stage of the fill cycle, allowing biodegradation to begin. 3. REACT. Influent flow is diverted to the next basin in sequence; the aeration system is operated to complete biodegradation. A minimum of 50% of the total aeration time shall be React at design flow. 4. QUIESCENT SETTLE. Aeration is terminated, and the biomass is allowed to settle. The Settle period shall be a minimum of 45 minutes and be accomplished under perfect quiescent conditions; no flow shall enter, or be withdrawn from, a reactor during the Settle period. 5. DECANT. Treated effluent is withdrawn from the upper portion of the reactor by a floating effluent decanter. B. To insure consistent microorganism kinetic selection, reactor basins shall be intermittently fed, and, thus, operate with "plug flow" kinetics. Processes utilizing continuously filled, or "complete mix" kinetics, will not be acceptable. C. A preprogrammed process controller shall control the process and incorporate each of the above periods in each cycle and adjust as necessary under all flow conditions. Strategies that eliminate Anoxic Fill and/or React at peak flow rates will not be acceptable. Strategies that increase operating depths more than 50% of a normal batch depth during Peaks will not be acceptable. D. The operating strategy shall automatically increase the percentage of total aeration (Aerated Fill plus React) in each cycle, directly proportional to total batch size. Systems utilizing float control, or level set points to increase aeration in "steps" will not be acceptable. E. The operating strategy shall include a form of failure response which may be enable or disabled by the operator. Should a critical failure in its operation be detected, the failure response feature shall remove the effected basin from service. A critical failure is determined by the operator at PM131-21~006 /Brandywine Bay 465101 -2 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR start up, but typically includes influent and/or effluent valve failure, jet motive pump failures, and blower failures. The effected basin shall alarm for a pre -determined length of time. If after the time has expired the operator has not acknowledged the alarm the effected basin shall automatically be taken out of service to avoid a poor quality decant. Additionally, the operating strategy shall automatically recalculate cycle times based on the remaining tanks in operation with no additional input from the operator. The operating strategy shall be capable of operating in a continuous flow mode during single tank operation. Single tank continuous flow mode may be selected during periods of low flow such as Plant start-up when a single basin may achieve adequate treatment, or when taking an SBR off line for maintenance. The continuous flow mode shall constantly monitor influent flowrates based on level changes in the SBR and shall be capable of taking the SBR out of Filled React with enough time to complete Filled Settle and initiate Filled Decant before reaching the allowable HWL. The control strategy shall take the reactor out of Filled React at lower water elevations with increasing flowrates to accommodate this condition; fixed float elevations to terminate Aerated Fill shall not be acceptable. 1.09 WARRANTY A. See Section 01 7800 -Closeout Submittals, for additional warranty requirements. B. Correct defective Work within a five year period after Date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 OMNIPACO TANKS A. All vertical 304 stainless steel bulkheads designated as hydrostatic as shown on the plans and the inner circular 304 stainless steel wall shall be designed to withstand full hydrostatic forces from either side of the bulkhead or wall. The design of the walls shall be such that any isolated compartment may be individually dewatered. The minimum wall plate thickness shall be 1/4". B. Bulkheads shall be reinforced with 304 stainless steel structural members and designed as partially fixed connections at the inner and outer walls. All bulkheads and walls shall have 304 stainless steel reinforcing structural members at the top of the section. These members will be designed to maintain the required shape of the item while under any combination of load applications that could be encountered under actual field conditions. C. The inner digester 304 stainless steel wall shall be designed per AISC with 304 stainless steel reinforcing calculated on the basis of a freestanding tank under external pressure. Since future modifications or relocation of the unit could result in the deletion of a bulkhead(s), any method of design other than a freestanding tank will not be accepted. D. All 304 stainless steel reinforcing on the bulkheads and circular walls shall be gusseted to develop the full strength of the reinforcing. E. The outer circular 304 stainless steel wall shall be of a thickness designed to withstand a full hydrostatic internal loading causing a hoop stress of less than 24,000 PSI with a weld efficiency of 75%. The minimum wall plate thickness shall be 1/4". F. The outer circular steel wall shall also be designed for a wind load of MPH. A minimum 1/4" thick steel reinforcing wind girder, designed per API 650, shall be provided and installed completely around the top of the outer wall as shown on the drawings. The wind girder shall be gusseted to develop the full strength of the reinforcing girder. G. The full wall height shall be developed utilizing no more than three vertical steel sheets to assure the ease of field installation and to avoid aesthetically, any extra weld seams. H. The method used to initially fill the plant with liquid may be selected by the Engineer to test the hydrostatic design. Any failure or excessive deflection shall be remedied, and all costs shall be borne by the manufacturer. I. The main access bridge shall be made of structural steel shapes and shall be supported on the plant walls. The bridge shall extend across the tanks as shown on the drawings. J. The bridge shall have a 36" wide deck made of 1" aluminum [-Bar grating and shall be designed to withstand a uniform live load of 75 lbs, per square foot plus the dead load of the structure. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 465101 - 3 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR The deflection shall not exceed 1/360 of the unsupported span when the design loads are applied. The bridge shall be provided with handrails on both sides and each handrail shall consist of a 2-rail 1 %" diameter sch 40 anodized aluminum pipe with 4" x 1/4" anodized aluminum toeplates. Bridges having an unsupported section larger than 37 feet shall have truss handrail design with the top chord serving as the top handrail and diagonals serving as intermediate rails. K. Access to the plant bridge shall be provided by a 36" wide stairway with intermediate landing as shown on the drawings. The stairway shall be provided with handrails on both sides consisting of 2-rail 1 %" diameter sch. 40 anodized aluminum pipe. The steps shall be installed on a 7" maximum rise with an 11" run and shall consist of 1'/" aluminum I -Bar grating stair treads with nosing. The intermediate landing shall have a deck made of 1" aluminum I -Bar grating and shall be designed to withstand a uniform live load of 75 lbs. per square foot. L. Walkways shall be provided for access and maintenance of the SBR equipment and all air diffuser drop pipes and regulating valves. Additional walkways shall be provided in locations as shown on the drawings or as needed to service the equipment. M. All walkways shall be a minimum of 24" wide and shall be made of 1'/2" aluminum I -Bar grating adequately supported to withstand a live load of 75 lbs, per square foot. All walkways shall be provided with handrails on both sides consisting of 2-rail 1'/" diameter sch 40 anodized aluminum pipe with 4" x 1/4" anodized aluminum toeplates. N. Each plant component shall be prefabricated in the factory of the manufacturer and shall be shipped in assemblies complete and operable as detailed on the drawings and specified herein. Each component assembly shall be erected in the field in accordance with the manufacturer's installation drawings. O. The field installation shall be performed by the equipment manufacturer's personnel, directly employed by the equipment manufacturer and normally engaged in the field installation of the equipment specified herein. P. Field welding shall have weld spatter and burrs removed by chipping and grinding to prevent operator injury. Any accessories mounted on or attached to the exterior of the tank and supplied by the plant manufacturer will be considered part of the treatment plant manufacturer's erection responsibility. The plant manufacturer shall also be responsible for furnishing all necessary construction equipment for erection of the equipment supplied by the manufacturer. Q. Field painting of the plant and any accessories mounted on or attached to the exterior of the tank and supplied by the manufacturer shall be performed by the equipment manufacturer and shall include masking of all aluminum, galvanized, and stainless surfaces. Clean up of all sand and debris from blasting shall also be included. Field painting may be subcontracted, provided the equipment manufacturer maintains overall responsibility and warranty for the field painting. R. These requirements shall be met so that discrepancies between erector and manufacturer will be totally avoided with the result being a trouble -free installation with single source responsibility for the finished product. S. A 304 stainless steel base channel rolled to the circular dimension of the outer and inner walls shall be provided by the manufacturer for installation in the base slab by the base slab installer. In addition, a 304 stainless steel base channel shall be provided for each bulkhead. These channels shall be ASTM A36, C8 x 18.75 lbs/ft. and shall be embedded 4" deep in the base slab. Base channel hooks shall be 304 stainless steel and provided for field welding to all base channels by the slab installer. Delivery of the base channels and hooks shall be coordinated with the slab installer and furnished with detailed installation instructions. The 304 stainless steel channels shall be used as a base for field welding upright 304 stainless steel sheets to form the walls and hydrostatic bulkheads of the treatment plant. A keyway in the slab shall not be required nor acceptable. T. A 304 stainless steel trim channel rolled to the circular dimension of the outer and inner walls shall be provided to form the top wall perimeter. A 304 stainless steel trim channel shall also be provided for the top of each bulkhead. These channels shall be ASTM A36, C4 x 5.4 Ibs/ft and shall be installed level. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 4 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR U. The annular space between the inner tank wall and the outer circular wall shall be divided into distinct zones, sized to accommodate the volumes as shown on the plans. V. Shop surface preparation and corrosion protection: 1. All weld splatter and surface roughness shall be removed by chipping and grinding smooth. W. Field surface preparation and corrosion protection: 1. The outer wall exterior surface shall be brush blasted to remove weld slag and surface impurities. 2. Immediately after surface preparation, a single 3-mil dry film thickness top coat of Tnemec Omnithane Series V530 moisture -cure Aromatic Urethane shall be applied to the outer wall exterior surfaces. The color shall be aluminum with a matte finish. 3. Dry film thickness of all coats shall be measured by employing standard calibrated dry film thickness gauges 2.02 JET AERATION HEADERS A. A total of three (3) jet aeration headers shall be furnished. Two (2) identical jet aeration headers shall be provided, one for each SBR, while a third jet aeration header shall be provided for the aerobic digester. Each jet aeration header shall be comprised of a liquid duct, an air duct, and a minimum of ten (10) jet aerator assemblies for the SBR headers and three (3) jet aerator assemblies for the aerobic digester header. Each header shall be constructed such that the liquid duct, air duct, and jet aerator assemblies comprise one self-contained unit, and shall be shipped as such; complete and ready for installation. Headers in excess of forty (40) feet in length may be shipped in sections. A maximum of one "field joint" may be required for each forty (40) feet of header length. B. The liquid duct shall be a cylindrical member having liquid nozzle entry orifices which are longitudinally spaced along its perimeter and aligned on a common horizontal plane. The inner surface of the liquid duct shall be smooth and free of protrusions which might collect stringy material. C. The air duct shall also be a cylindrical member which is parallel to and above the liquid duct. ear duct shall be jointed to, and supported by, the air manifolds, and additional support points as necessary. The air duct shall have air manifold entry orifices longitudinally spaced along its perimeter, in corresponding number to, and in vertical alignment with the liquid nozzle entry orifices of the liquid duct. The provision of a separate air entry manifold with a fixed orifice for each jet assembly shall insure uniform air distribution. D. The liquid and air ducts shall be extra low carbon 304L stainless steel with a minimum thickness of 0.109 in. that meet ASTM/ASME standards. Finish shall be No. 1 Hot -Rolled Annealed and Pickled. After all shop operations have been completed, all stainless steel material shall be pickled and passivated by complete emersion for a minimum of 15 minutes in 10% nitric acid and 3% hydrofluoric acid at 125°F followed by a neutralizing rinse. Field passivation shall not be acceptable. E. Gas shielding gas backed full penetration welding to be provided to the interior and exterior welded joints. All welding shall be done using the GTAW, GMAW and plasma arc welding processes utilizing qualified welders and ASME procedures designed to provide full penetration welds. Partial penetration welds, or welds not utilizing an inert backing gas shall not be acceptable. F. The minimum pressure rating of the aeration header shall be 200 PSI. Additionally, the submittal must include a letter from the stainless steel pipe supplier stating that the pipe for this project is North American steel. G. Each jet aerator assembly shall consist of an inner liquid nozzle, and an outer air/liquid delivery nozzle. The inner and outer nozzles shall be aligned on a common centerline, joined together, and welded to forma single unit. The jet aerator assembly shall be joined to the liquid duct and the air manifold and welded for strength to form a single integrated unit. Systems with PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 5 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR non -integral jets will not be accepted. No portion of the liquid nozzle or aerator assembly shall protrude into the liquid duct. H. The liquid nozzles shall be of constantly reducing cross -sectional area in the direction of flow to reduce plugging potential. There shall be no parallel section in the liquid flow path between the liquid duct and the exit orifice of the liquid nozzle. The distance between the exit orifice of the inner nozzle and the exit orifice of the outer nozzle shall be such that substantial air entrapment by the liquid stream occurs prior to its discharge from the outer nozzle. I. The outer nozzle exit orifice shall have a cross -sectional area of at least 2.5 times that of the inner nozzle exit orifice. The outer nozzle shall be of constantly reducing cross -sectional area in the direction of flow with an included angle of at least 20' for at least nine inches along the flow path to increase the velocity of the air/liquid stream. J. Both inner and outer nozzles shall be of non -clog design, free from all protrusions which might collect stringy material, and be capable of passing a 1'/" spherical solid in the SBR tanks, and 2-118" spherical solid in the aerobic digester. Nozzles shall be 304L stainless steel with a minimum of 0,125 wall thickness. K. The air manifolds shall be enclosed conduits which convey the compressed air from the air duct to the jet aerator assembly. The air manifolds shall be fabricated of 304L stainless steel. 2.03 RETRIEVABLE COARSE BUBBLE DIFFUSER ASSEMBLIES A. A total of four (4) retrievable coarse bubble diffuser assemblies shall be furnished for the post -equalization basin. Each assembly shall consist of two (2) stainless steel wideband coarse bubble diffusers, 304L stainless steel air manifold, 304L stainless steel vertical air column, and isolation valve. Each assembly shall connect to the isolation valve via a threaded union and be light enough such that it can be removed from the basin with no special equipment. 2.04 INFLUENT DISTRIBUTION/SLUDGE COLLECTION MANIFOLD (ID/SC MANIFOLD) A. An Influent Distribution/Sludge Collection (ID/SC) Manifold shall be provided for each SBR. IDISC Manifolds shall distribute the influent flow evenly across the basin floor during the Fill portion of the cycle to allow intimate contact between the influent substrate and the good settling, facultative biomass, and remove settled sludge through the same manifold during the sludge waste operation. B. ID/SC Manifolds shall be designed and sized such that the maximum exit velocity of the peak influent flowrate does not exceed 0.5 feet per second from the orifices. The low exit velocities shall allow for Filled Decant operation without disturbing the sludge blanket. Therefore, designs that do not minimize peak influent flow velocities to the reactors will not be acceptable. C. The ID/SC Manifold shall be installed as shown in the plans and be Type 304L stainless steel. D. All necessary supports for the ID/SC Manifold shall be provided and shall be fabricated of Type 304 stainless steel. 2.05 WASTE SLUDGE SYSTEM A. Waste sludge shall be accomplished with the jet motive pump and the ID/SC Manifold. Automatic valves, as described in the below valve sections, shall be provided so that the jet motive pump, may discharge to the waste sludge line and aerobic digester during automatic wasting operation. 2.08 VACFLUSH® A. A positive flush -out system which is composed of the jet motive pump, out -of -basin crossover pipe configuration, and valve arrangement, shall be utilized. The flush -out system shall draw liquid only in a reverse direction through the liquid nozzles at a velocity of at least 10 feet per second. Vacflush® operation shall be accomplished by closing the pump suction and discharge valves, and opening the two Vacflush® crossover valves, thereby reversing liquid flow through the aeration jets, and discharging out the pump suction bell. No air shall pass through the liquid nozzles during the flush -out operation. The SBR Manufacturer shall provide all necessary valves for the Vacflush® system. Butterfly valves are not acceptable. All out -of -basin piping, PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 6 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR including pump suction pipe, discharge pipe, Vacflush® crossover pipe, air release valve, supports, and hardware necessary to complete the system shall be furnished by the contractor. 2.07 AIR PIPING A. ear distribution system shall consist of all air drop pipes, laterals, and main headers internal to and within the confines of the field erected treatment plant and shall be supplied by the treatment plant manufacturer as shown in the drawings. The manufacturer's air distribution system shall commence at the top of the outer tank wall with a mating flange sized to interface with the yard piping, supplied by others. Hardware required to complete this interfacing flanged connection will be supplied by others. B. Material: 1. In -basin air piping shall be Type 304L stainless steel. 2. Interior exposed piping shall be ductile iron, flanged joint complying with AWWA C151/A21.51, Class 50, asphalt coated interior and exterior complying with AWWA C105/A21.5, no cement lining., and insulated. 3. Exterior below ground piping shall be ductile iron, mechanical joint, complying with AWWA C151, Class 50, asphalt coated interior and exteriorcomplying with AWWA C105/A21.5, no cement lining. 2.08 LIQUID PIPING A. In -basin liquid piping shall be provided as a part of the aeration system. The piping shall be of adequate length and diameter to transport the motive liquid from the pump discharge wall spool flange, as shown in the plans, to the horizontal aeration header. A flanged connection shall be provided at this interface point, and hardware to complete this flanged connection shall be supplied by the contractor in case. In -basin liquid piping shall be Type 304L stainless steel. 2.09 SUPPORTS A. All necessary supports for the aeration headers, in -basin liquid and air piping, and decanters shall be provided as a part of the system. Header supports shall be of the "H" type, having two support legs with a minimum of six anchor bolts. The supports shall be fabricated of Type 304 stainless steel. B. The supports shall consist of a contoured saddle and a supporting base. The base shall be anchored with anchor bolts and grouted in place, if necessary. The saddle shall be provided with a Buna-N rubber pad to avoid abrasion. A contoured clamp with an accompanying Buna-N rubber pad shall hold the piping to the saddle. Fastening hardware shall be Type 18-8 stainless steel. 2.10 ANCHOR BOLTS A. Anchor bolts of sufficient size and quantity shall be provided for mounting of all manufacturer supplied SBR equipment and piping in the basin. The anchor bolts shall be two part stud and acrylic resin system. The anchor system shall consist of acrylic resin and hardener contained in a dual cartridge with static dispensing nozzle. Each anchor bolt shall be supplied with a stud, flat washer, lock washer & nut of Type 18-8 stainless steel. 2.11 JET MOTIVE PUMPS A. The SBR Manufacturer shall be responsible for supplying pumps as listed below: 1. SBR Jet Motive Pumps: a. Type - Dry pit end suction centrifugal b. No, of pumps = 2 c. Flow - 1830 gpm. d. Total dynamic head - 21 feet. e. Voltage - 460 - 3 phase f. Horsepower - 15 2, Digester Jet Motive Pumps: a. Type - Dry pit end suction centrifugal b. No, of pumps = 2 (1 installed and 1 spare) PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 7 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR c. Flow - 1098 gpm. d. Total dynamic head - 21 feet. e. No. of pumps = 2 f. Voltage - 460 - 3 phase g. Horsepower -10 2.12 BLOWERS A. The SBR Manufacturer shall be responsible for supplying blowers as listed below: 1. SBR Air: a. No. of Blowers - 3 b. Air Flow - 500 scfm c. Pressure - 10.25 psig 2. Digester Air: a. No. of Blowers - 1 b. Air Flow - 240 scfm c. Pressure - 10,25 psig 3. Post EQ Air: a. No. of Blowers - 1 b. Air Flow - 145 scfm c. Pressure - 6.3 psig B. GENERAL 1. Blower packages shall be designed to minimize the life -cycle costs and maximize plant reliability. The design and the selection of the components shall be based on a minimum useful life of 15 years and a Mean Time Between Overhauls of 5 years of continuous operation. 2. No special foundations shall be required. The blower packages will be installed directly on a concrete slab without grouting the base frame. There shall only be 4 easily accessible anchor points. 3. Blower Casing: a. The blower casing shall be of one-piece con-struction, with separate sideplates that are bolted and pinned to the housing. b. Materials shall be close -grained cast iron ASTM A48 suitably ribbed to prevent distortion under the specified operating conditions. c. Minimum blower casing pressure rating shall be 36 psig. d. Inlet and outlet shall be flanged connections. e. The casing shall incorporate a proven means of pulsation cancellation. f. The vibration level as measured at the blower casing, in the X/y planes of the bearings, shall not exceed '/ V sec RMS when operating at the specified maximum operating pressureand speed in the actual blower package. 4. Factory Testing: a. Each blower stage shall be factory tested in accordance with ISO 1217 performance test to verify flow and brake horsepower at blower maximum conditions. A slip test shall not be acceptable. 1) The acceptance criteria are +5% tolerance on power and -5% tolerance on flow regardless of the size of the machine. 5. Rotors: a. Each rotor shall be of the "stiff' design with first lateral critical speed at least 120% of the maximum allowable operating speed. b. The rotors shall be of the straight, three -lobe type, and shall operate without rubbing or liquid seals or lubrication. c. Rotor/shaft shall be drop forged in one single piece of AISI 1043 or equivalent. Cast, hollow rotors shall be capped, dust tight. Open rotors are not acceptable. d. The rotors shall be statically and dynamically balanced per ISO1940/ANSI S2.19 G6.3, 6, Bearings: PM131-21-006 /Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 8 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR a. Each rotor/shaft shall be supported by anti -friction bearings, and fixed to control the axial location of the rotor/shaft in the unit. b. Regardless of theoretical bearing life calculations, the bearings shall be sized for a minimum expected life of 5 years between overhauls. 7. Timing Gears: a. The rotors shall be timed by a pair of single helical AGMA 12 quality gears with hardened and ground teeth; minimum AGMA service factor of 1.70. b. Gears shall be mounted on the shafts with a tapered interference fit, and secured by a locknut. 8. Seals: a. Seal shall be designed to prevent lubricant from leaking into the air stream as well as to prevent oil from leaking out of the machine. b. Four rotary piston ring shaft seals, an oil slinger and an O-ring seal shall be provided at the point where the shaft passes through the sideplates. c. Further provision shall be made to vent the rotor side of the oil seal to atmosphere to eliminate any possible carry-over of lubricant into the air stream. 9. Lubrication: a. The timing gears and the bearings shall be splash lubri-cated. Grease lubrication shall be not acceptable. 10, Oil Sight Glass: a. A recessed oil sight glass must be provided on each oil sump. b. Protruding sight glasses shall not be acceptable. 11. Painting: a. Painting shall be per supplier's standard meeting the following criteria: 1) Except for machined sealing and machined mounting surfaces, the package shall be painted dark blue. 2) Aluminum, stainless steel, and brass shall not be painted. 3) The supplied motor shall not be over sprayed and will be supplied with the motor manufacturer's standard protection and paint color. 4) Painted Cast Iron and Carbon Steel shall be Alkyd Resin Primer and Final coat with a total dry film thickness of 70mm. Surface preparation SSPC10 or better. 5) Sound enclosure shall be powder -coated polyester base total dry film thickness 80mm. 6) Galvanized components shall only be painted with appropriate surface preparation C. BLOWER ACCESSORIES 1. Inlet Filter / Silencer: a. Each package shall be supplied with one combination inlet filter silencer. b. The inlet filter silencer shall be mounted directly to the inlet flange of the blower. c. The filter media efficiency must meet the requirements of ASHRAE 52.2 MERV7 50-70% @3-10 microns corresponding to EN779 G4. d. The silencer portion shall be located upstream of the inlet filter. e. Filter and silencer performance losses shall be included in the blower performance calculation. 2. Base Frame / Discharge Silencer: a. Each package shall be supplied with one combination base frame / discharge silencer. b. The silencer shall be a chamber type design for maximum sound attenuation and shall not use fibrous or absorption materials of any kind. c. The silencer shall be fabricated of a single shell of pressure vessel quality steel with continuous welds. d. The silencer shall be subject to a pressure test for tightness and strength at a minimum of 1.66 times the maximum blower operating pressure. e. The silencer shall have a machined inlet connection where the discharge flange of the blower stage bolts directly to, with no intermediary pieces. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 465101 - 9 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR f. Discharge silencer performance losses shall be included by the blower vendor in the blower performance calculation. g. The base frame shall be constructed from welded carbon steel or cast iron that shall be designed to maintain alignment of the blower internal components and the drive during operation. h. The base frame shall be designed to resist distortion while being installed on vibration isolating mounts. i. The blower manufacturer shall supply a stainless steel grounding lug fully welded to the base. 3. Flexible Connectors: a. Each package shall be connected to the plant piping via flexible connector(s) located downstream of the discharge silencer and upstream of the inlet silencer. b. Flexible connectors shall prevent the transmission of noise and vibrations from the blower package into the piping. c. Flexible discharge connectors shall be Proco Style 240, Type EE, EPDM, with a standard ANSI flange discharge connection, rated for 300 OF at 20 psig. 4. Electric Motor: a. Each package shall be supplied with a WEG manufactured TEFC motor that shall operate on 460 Volts, 3 Phase, 60 Hertz current, 1800 RPM, 1) Torque NEMA B 2) Temperature Rise Class B 3) Dust tight enclosures (Severe Duty) 4) Class F inverter rated insulation with Class H applied varnish 5) 3:1 constant torque 6) All cast iron construction, including frame, end bells, conduit box and fan cover 7) NPT threaded and gasketed F3 top mounted conduit box 8) Copper windings 9) Regreasable bearings, positive pressure lubrication system with automatic drawn plugs - pressure compensated (Frame sizes 254T and larger). b. All frame sizes shall be NEMA standard, suitable for overhung belt drive and with the conduit box location on top of the motor. IEC frame motors shall not be allowed. c. The motor shall be mounted on a pivoting base to provide automatic tensioning of the belts. d. The motor nominal rating after any corrections for ambient conditions shall be 10% above the maximum operating bHp. e. The motor shall have a 1,15 service factor. f. Blower manufacturer shall be responsible for coordinating the starting torque requirement of the blower and the motor. 5. V-Belt Drive: a. Each package shall be supplied with a V-belt drive that shall be of the high capacity type, oil and heat resistant. Drive shall be designed for a minimum service factor of 1.4 times operating power (bHp), or 1.1 times the motor nameplate Hp, whichever is larger to allow a minimum of 1.4-service factor based on the maximum blower bHp. b. Belt tensioning shall be automatic without the use of any devices or interaction on the part of the operator. Neither slide rails nor load -adjusting springs shall be used. c. Sheaves shall be dynamically balanced regardless of the operating speed. 6. Belt Guard: a. The belt drive shall be guarded in compliance with OSHA regulations. b. Portions of the guard shall be easily removable allowing for belt inspection and replacement. c. Guard material shall be perforated carbon steel. 7. Vibration Isolators: a. Each package shall be supplied with vibration isolating feet with a minimum efficiency of 80%. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 10 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR b. Blower manufacture shall be responsible for attenuating noise and vibration in the blower package such that no special installation base shall be required, nor shall any additional measures be required to reduce vibrations from the blower package being transmitted to the base or the piping. 8. Pressure Safety Valve: a. Each package shall be supplied with a single pressure safety valve on the discharge side of the blower mounted downstream of the discharge silencer and upstream of the check valve. b. The safety valve shall be set to protect the blower from exceeding its maximum pressure rating, and shall be sized to pass 100% of the design flow. c. The safety valve shall be field adjustable, spring loaded, and have a certificate of conformity to PED. d. The pressure relief valve shall be housed by the sound enclosure and shall relieve into a segmented section of the sound enclosure. e. The valve shall be manufactured by Aerzen. 9. Check Valve: a. Each package shall be supplied with one check valve that shall be installed on the discharge line. b. The check valve shall be of the full -bore low pressure -drop, flapper type design with a steel body, and steel flap embedded in EPDM with full -contact seal. c. The valve shall be removable without disturbing the piping. Pressure losses produced by the check valve shall be included in the blower performance calculation. d. The valve shall be manufactured by Aerzen. 10. Isolation Valve: a. Each package shall be supplied loose with one isolation valve that shall be installed by others on the blower discharge line. b. Valve shall be a wafer type, resilient seated, level operated, tight closing butterfly valve for positively isolating the blower from the manifold system. c. Valve shall have a cast iron body, bronze disc, 316SS stem, and EPDM seal. 11. Instrumentation: a. Each package shall be supplied with the following instrumentation: 1) Inlet Vacuum Gauge (4" Gauges) (a) Dwyer model 2040 with 4" dial and scale from 0 to -40 inches of water column. (b) Gauge to function as a filter maintenance indicator. 2) Discharge Pressure Gauge (4" Gauges) (a) Aerzen model 32-0053-02 with 4" dial and scale from 0 to 20 psig. (b) The pressure gauge shall have a stainless steel case and be glycerin -filled for pulsation dampening. (c) A pulsation snubber shall be provided. 3) Discharge Pressure Switch (a) Ashcroft Model B4-64-V-XRN-15 PSI (b) Type 400 pressure Switch in NEMA 4X enclosure (c) DUAL general purpose 15A, 110-480V switches (2) SPDT snap -acting, NOT independently adjustable (d) Viton Actuator Seal (a) Internal range scale and operating range of 0 to 15 PSIG. 4) Discharge Temperature Gauge / Switch (4" Gauges) (a) Jumo type 8523-20-10 with 4" dial and scale from 32°F to 572°F (b) NEMA 4 enclosure, 5A @ 250volt, SA 28 SPDT microswitch (c) UL & CSA approved. 5) E-Stop Switch (a) Siemens model 52PX2V2 (b) Mounted on the face of the blower enclosure (c) NEMA 4X rating PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 465101 - 11 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR (d) Two (2) normally closed contacts 12, Each blower shall receive its initial oil filling at the factory. Oil to be fully synthetic Mobil SHC 627. For continuous discharge temperatures greater than 248°F, Mobil SHC 629 13. Acoustical Sound Enclosure: a. Each package shall be supplied with a sound enclosure covering the entire blower package. b. The enclosure shall provide suitable protection for outdoor installation under the specified site conditions (wind load and snow load). c. The enclosure shall be designed so as to be able to install them side -by -side with all maintenance done from the front or back of the package. d. Details shall be as follows: 1) Panels shall be made of galvanized steel sheet, powder coated in a light reflecting, blue color per RAL 5001. The skid shall be of the same color. 2) Sound enclosure acoustic material shall comply with UL 94 - HF1 for fire -retardant, self -extinguishing, non -dripping materials. 3) The enclosure and the blower package shall both be mounted on a skid / oil -drip pan designed for meeting environment protection standards and for easy transportation and installation. 4) A grounding strap shall be installed between the blower base and the package skid to bypass any vibration isolating mounts. 5) Quick release panels, each less than 50 lb (as mandated by MSHA) must provide easy and quick access for routine maintenance of the blower and the package components. 6) Enclosure Cooling Fan: (a) A high efficiency blower shaft driven ventilation fan shall provide ventilation and cooling integral to the sound enclosure. (b) Cooling fan shall be sized for sufficient heat removal from the sound enclosure, even when the blower is operated with a VFD. 7) Electrical components, instrumentation and instrument connections shall not be mounted or interface with moving panels of the sound enclosure. 8) Both blower oil sumps shall be piped to a common fill and drain, located at the front of the package for easy maintenance. An oil level indicator shall be mounted on the outside of the enclosure, which gives an accurate oil level indication while the blower is in operation. All oil lines to be hydraulic hose with fittings. No plastic tubing with compression fittings are allowed. 14. External Inlet Silencer: a. Each package shall include an external inlet silencer shipped loose for installation by the contractor on the building exterior. b. The unit shall be finished with baked -on enamel and shall be equipped with an epoxy coated wire mesh element for the purpose of preventing large debris and wildlife from entering the inlet pipe connection. Final filtration of the process air will be accomplished local to the blower package. c. The silencer shall be Solberg Model 2G, with a standard ANSI flange discharge connection. 2.13 FLOATING DECANTER A. A total of two (2) floating decanters shall be furnished (1 per SBR) to extract final effluent from the basins. Fixed decanters will not be accepfable. Each decanter shall consist of an effluent withdrawal manifold with solids excluding orifice assemblies, with a single foam filled float, and shall be capable of intermittent operation. The decanter assembly shall be constructed 304L stainless steel. The decanter shall be designed to withdraw the effluent at an average rate of 1,500 gallons per minute. Actual flowrate may vary +/- 20% of design at any point in time during decant. Each orifice shall allow equal flow into the draw tube. Decanters must employ positive mechanical type seals for excluding solids from the draw tube. Decanters having an open conduit or any open areas exposed to the mixed liquor during react, or that require additional PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 12 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR equipment or motors for pressurization, weir movement, or complete removal out of the liquid, are unacceptable. B. The draw tube, containing the orifices for removal of effluent shall be integrally attached to the foam filled float such that the float remains level throughout the full range of operation, and to maintain submergence of the orifices of the main body. The main body will be connected to the effluent piping by means of a 10" flanged stub. The effluent pipe shall include a "knee" joint to allow vertical movement. The "knee" joint shall be wire reinforced rubber hose with a flange at each end, and include a support mechanism that allows vertical articulation, but precludes lateral or twisting movement. Hose shall be suitable for abrasive materials and shall be rated at 30 inches mercury vacuum and 15 PSI working pressure. The effluent pipe shall be provided with a flanged connection for mounting the decanter system to the installed pipe through the basin wall. Flange connection shall be in accordance with ANSI standard 150-pound bolt pattern. Hardware at this flanged connection interface shall be furnished by the contractor. C. The solids excluding orifice assemblies shall be field replaceable and attached to the effluent withdrawal manifold. The assembly shall consist of 304 stainless steel orifice plate, 302 stainless steel constant compression spring, 304 stainless steel spring housing, a PVC drive rod, a hard rubber plug, and a 304-stainless steel support/alignment cage assembly. The solids excluding orifice assemblies shall be factory aligned and welded to form a complete assembly. The drive rod shall seat against the spring, in the spring housing, and be attached by a threaded rod to the sealing plug. Solids excluding orifice assemblies containing spring loaded swing check valves are not acceptable. The hydraulic differential provided shall be a minimum of 3.5 feet (plus pipe friction losses) determined as the differential head, under flowing conditions, between reactor bottom water level and top water level at the downstream discharge. The point of decanted effluent discharge downstream of the SBR shall be either constantly submerged or designed with a water trap. D. All necessary supports for the decanter mechanism shall be provided. The supports will be located on the basin floor and will support the decanter mechanism when the basin is dewatered. The supports shall be fabricated of 304 stainless steel for corrosion resistance. The supports shall consist of a support plate welded to a supporting base. The base shall be anchored with anchor bolts and grouted in place, if necessary. Fastening hardware shall be Type 18-8 stainless steel. 2.14 VALVES AND ACTUATORS A. This valve specification she take precedence over any other valve specification in the contract documents as it relates to the valves provided by the SBR Manufacturer in the below valve schedule. All plug and butterfly valves shall be provided by the same manufacturer. B. Valves shall be furnished per the below schedule. Blower isolation valves shall be Blower Manufacturer's standard and have therefore been excluded here. 1. Description QTY Size Operator Type 2, SBR Influent (2) 6" O/C Plug 3, SBR Decant (2) 10" O/C Butterfly 4, OmnlPac Air Control (4) 6" Manual Butterfly 5, SBR W.A.S. (2) 8" O/C Plug 6, SBR Jet Motive Pump Isolation (4) 10" O/C Plug 7, SBR Vacflush (4) 8" O/C Plug 8, Post-EQ Effluent Control Valve (1) 10" Modulating Plug 9, Digester Jet Motive Pump Isolation (2) 8" O/C Plug 10, Digester Vacflush (2) 6" O/C Plug 11. Digester Waste Sludge (1) 6" O/C Plug C. C. All eccentric plug valves shall be permanently lubricated and shall be of the tight -closing, rubber seat type. Valves shall be suitable for sewage and wastewater application, shall have throttling capability, and shall be rated 150 Ib. WOG. Valve bodies shall be cast iron ASTM A126 Class B. Valve plugs shall be balanced type and constructed of cast iron and have chloroprene resilient facing. Passage size shall be a minimum of 80% of the full port area. PM131-21~006 / Brandywine Bay 465101 - 13 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR Upper and lower bearing shall be sleeve type and made of sintered, oil impregnated permanently lubricated type 316 stainless steel, ASTM A743 Grade CFBM. The plug shall have cylindrical seating surface eccentrically offset from the center of the shaft. Plug shall not contact the seat until at least 90% closed. Round ports or spherical shaped plugs are not acceptable. Packing shall be adjustable Acrylonitrile-Butadiene V-Ring type with packing gland follower. Packing shall be replaceable without removing the valve bonnet or plug. All valves shall be leak tested to their full rating prior to shipment. Manual plug valves shall have warm gear actuators with handwheels. Actuators shall be sized for 50 PSI shut off pressure against the face of the plug. Gearing shall be enclosed in a semi -steel housing and be suitable for running in a lubricant. Seals shall be provided on all shafts to prevent entry of dirt and water into the actuator. Valves shall be DeZurik PEC, no equals. D. Air service butterfly valves shall be specifically designed for air service. All valves shall have a bi-directional shut-off rating of 150 PSI pressure and shall have a temperature rating of 250°F. Valves shall be lug design with ductile iron, ASTM A536, 65-45A2 body. Valve discs shall be on -center design and of 316 stainless steel. Shafts shall be one-piece 420 stainless steel. Elastomer seats shall fully line the valve body and be permanently bonded to a solid backing ring. Seats shall be EPDM. Seats shall have integral flange seals so flange gaskets are not required. Shaft shall be blowout proof per API 609, utilizing a retainer and retainer plate. Multiple shaft seals shall be provided to prevent leakage. Three shaft bearings made of carbon steel with PTFE sintered bronze composite and glass filled nylon or brass shall be provided to ensure smooth, reliable valve operation. Bearings are located adjacent to the top and bottom of the disc, and a third bearing at the top of the valve neck to support loading from actuators. Manual butterfly valves shall be provided with lever actuators or geared actuators with handwheels, and shall be sized appropriately for the service conditions and specific application. Lever operated valves shall latch in the open, closed, or several intermediate positions. Valves shall be DeZurik BOS-CL, no equals. E. Liquid service butterfly valves shall have single -offset disc and shall be of the lugged body style. All valves shall be suitable for use with ANSI class 125/150 flanges. Valve shall provide bi-directional bubble -tight shutoff at pressures 200 psi and vacuum rated to 24" Hg when applied to seat side of disc. The disc/shaft connection shall be splined. Bodies shall be ductile iron ASTM A536, 65-45-12, Lugged body valves shall provide bubble -tight shutoff up to the full valve rating on dead end service without the use of downstream flanges. Elastomer seats shall fully line and be permanently bonded to the valve body. Seats shall be NBR. Seats shall have integral flange seals so flange gaskets are not required. Valve disc shall have an uninterrupted 3600 seating surface and shall be 316 stainless steel. The disc/shaft connection shall be splined. Shafts shall be one-piece 316 stainless steel. Shaft diameters shall meet the AWWA C504, class 75B standard. Multiple shaft seals shall be provided to prevent leakage. Three shaft bearings made of heavy-duty aluminum bronze shall be provided to ensure smooth, reliable valve operation. Bearings are located adjacent to the top and bottom of the disc, and a third bearing at the top of the valve neck to support loading from actuators. Manual butterfly valves shall be provided with lever actuators or geared actuators with handwheels, and shall be sized appropriately for the service conditions and specific application. Lever operated valves shall latch in the open, closed, or several intermediate positions. Valves shall be DeZurik BOS-US, no equals. F. Quarter -turn actuators shall be used for valves 14" and smaller as listed in the valve schedule. All electric actuators shall conform to the requirements of AWWA Standard C540-93. The electric motor operator shall consist of motor, reduction gearing, position limit switches and torque limiting switches mounted in a NEMA 4/4X housing. All external fasteners on the electric actuator will be stainless steel. Fasteners on limit switch and terminal compartments shall be captured to prevent loss while covers are removed. Actuators shall be rated for valve torque at 50 psi working pressure with a 1.35 safety factor. Local open / close pushbutton stations are not required on the actuators; O/C/A switches shall be provided for hand operation of valves at the SBR control panel. Limit switch adjustment shall not be altered by manual operation. Limit switch drive shall be by counter gear. Limit switches must be capable of quick adjustment requiring no more than five (5) turns of the limit switch adjustment spindle. A minimum of (4) PM131-21-006 /Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 14 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR contacts, (2) normally open and (2) normally closed dry contacts, will be furnished at each end of the travel where indicated. Contacts shall be of silver and capable of reliably switching low voltage DC source from the control system furnished by others. Actuators shall be AUMA SQ, no equals. 1. The motor shall be specifically designed for actuator service. The motor will be of the induction type with class F insulation and protected by means of thermal switches imbedded in the motor windings. Motor enclosure will be totally enclosed, non -ventilated. Motors will be capable of operating on 120 volt - single phase - 60 hertz power. The motor shall have a plug and socket connector for ease of maintenance. No grease or oil will be permitted in the motor compartment. Overload protection shall be provided by auto -reset thermal trip circuit breakers embedded in the motor windings. All motor leads shall be terminated at an internal terminal strip. Actuators shall be provided with integral motor control for open and close command inputs Power for all automatic valves shall be the responsibility of the installing contractor. Valves shall not be powered from the SBR control panel. 2. The integral self-locking power gearing shall be made from heat treated steel. Worm -wheels shall be made of bronze material. Motor brakes are unacceptable. Gearing shall be grease or oil lubricated with high speed parts running on anti -friction bearings. Motor shall operate from open to full close in 50 to 60 seconds. All gearing shall be designed to withstand the full stall torque of the motor. 3. The handwheel shall not rotate during electrical operation. When the unit is being operated manually, it shall automatically return to electric operation when the handwheel is released. The transfer from electrical operation to manual operation shall be accomplished by a declutching mechanism, which will disengage the motor mechanically. The unit shall be capable of being clutched or declutched while the motor is energized with no damage to the clutch or gear mechanism. Clockwise rotation of the handwheel shall close the valve. If the motor is energized during manual operation, the unit shall remain in manual mode without endangering personnel operating the unit. 4. Failure of the motor or motor gearing shall not hinder manual operation. 5. A double-acting torque limiting switch shall be provided, which is responsive to the mechanical torque developed by seating or an obstruction. Torque sensing by means of motor current is not acceptable. 6. In order to prevent condensation, a heater must be installed inside the actuator, suitable for continuous operation. 7. Mechanical dial position indicator shall be furnished. 2.15 AIR RELEASE VALVES A. APCO Model 400 or approved equal. B. Size for release at at a minimum rate of 400 cfm. 2.16 SUBMERSIBLE PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS A. A total of four (4) submersible pressure transducers shall be furnished (one per basin). B. Submersible pressure transducers shall be specially designed for direct submergence in wastewater. Units shall be constructed of stainless steel. C. Transducers shall have an operating range of zero to 34.6 It, of water with a temperature range of -40 to 80°C, with compensated range of zero to 50°C. Accuracy of measurement shall be ±0.5% including linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability. D. Transducer output shall be a 4 to 20 mA signal. Electrical connection shall be to an attached four wire, 20 gauge polyethylene shielded cable. E. Transducer shall be suspended within a 4" diameter stilling well attached to the basin wall. The stilling well shall contain equalization ports spaced as required. The stilling well shall be continuous from a point six inches above the tank floor to a point six inches below the top of the wall. F. The pressure transducers shall be a Wilke model LS-10 or engineer approved equal. PM131-21^006 / Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 15 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR 2.17 FLOAT SWITCHES A. A total of six (6) float switches shall be furnished (one high water level float per basin and two low water cutoff floats for digester and Post-EQ). The liquid level in the basin shall be sensed by direct acting float switches. B. Each float shall have a polypropylene float housing with mechanically activated, snap action contacts. Float shall be a mercury -free float switch with snap -action switch, NO or NC configuration as required for operation. C. Float shall be a suspended type with built-in weight. Cable length shall be 40ft. The contractor shall install and wire the float switches as shown on the drawings. D. The float switches shall be SJE Signalmaster Control Switch as manufactured by SJE Rhombus, Anchor Scientific, or engineer approved equal. 2.18 D.O. CONTROLLER A. A dissolved oxygen (D.0) control systems shall be furnished for control of D.O. in each basin. A total of four (4) D.O. probes each with mounting bracket shall be provided for the basins with a total of two (2) dual -channel analyzers. The D.O. control system shall utilize operator adjustable D.O. setpoints to control blower on / off operation during the aeration period. Probes shall be continuous reading type utilizing luminescent sensor technology. Probes shall be Hach LDO Type 2 and analyzer shall be Hach SC200, or engineer approved equal. 2.19 PROCESS CONTROL PANEL A. The panel shall be capable of controlling and monitoring SBR functions and activities. The control panel shall as a minimum be capable of controlling: B. Five (5) total PD Blowers, C. Three (3) total jet motive pumps. D. Automatic valves. E. Panels designed for indoor use shall utilize NEMA 12 enclosures. Finish paint to be white polyester powder paint inside with ANSI 61 gray polyester powder paint outside over phosphatized surfaces. All selector switches and push buttons shall be industrial heavy duty oil tight. Enclosures shall be by Hoffman or engineer approved equal. F. A nationally recognized brand of industrial rated hardware shall be implemented for execution of SBR process software. The Programmable Controller shall include a method of storing energy to provide power backup for user programs and data when the main power supply is not available. Battery backup of memory is not acceptable. The processor shall include a secure digital (SD) memory card on the front. Local 1/0 expansion and remote 1/0 shall be available within the same family. Controller shall include Ethernet port and, if required, serial ports shall be available with communications (RS232 and RS422). Controller shall include an integrated Real Time Clock (RTU). This clock value shall be in the form of a predefined tag and shall be accessible via logic or remotely. PLC shall be Allen Bradley CompactLogix System 5370 L3 1769 Controller and 1769 1/0 modules or engineer approved equal, including all related power supplies and accessories. G. Input and output cards shall have removable wiring terminal strips. All wiring to module will terminate on terminal strip. Individual LED lamps for each input or output shall be provided on each card. Analog input and output cards shall have a minimum resolution of 12 bits. PLC Input/output cards shall be Allen Bradley 1769 Compact 1/0 Modules or engineer approved equal. Control panel will include 20% spare input and output points wired to terminal blocks. H. Flow and time adaptive algorithms are utilized to make the treatment step adjustments fully automatic. Software shall be configured for as many SBR tanks as will operate in sequence. Provisions for detection of pump, blower and valve failure shall be provided. SBR tank failure based upon equipment failure shall be selectable on an equipment item list as well as on a tank -by -tank basis. Tank failure shall occur 5 minutes after equipment failure allowing the operators time to respond. SBR operation will resume unchanged following short power outages. Software will recognize long power outages, and initiate plant restart based upon PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 465101 - 16 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR length of outage and tank levels upon power restoration. Submersible pressure transducers, high level float switch, stilling well and mounting hardware for each tank shall be provided. I. The Operator Interface will provide display, monitoring and adjustment of SBR operating parameters. Operator interface terminal (OIT) shall be minimum " _TFT color touchscreen with 512MB minimum of nonvolatile memory. The OIT shall be able to display SVGA screen resolution (1024x768) minimum. OIT's rated for less than NEMA 4/4X (indoor) are not acceptable. Backlight must be user replaceable. The operating temperature shall be 0-50 degrees C and the power consumption shall not exceed 17W at 24VDC. The OIT shall have a built-in Ethernet port, shall support Ethernet or USB connection for programming software and shall be able to utilize Ethernet or serial communication to the PLC. The Ethernet port shall also be able to be utilized for advanced features such as remote access if required. OIT's that required additional software or hardware for these features must be provided configured to support this. USB connection for external USB drive and Optional CIF card shall be supported for data logging. The Operator Interface shall be Siemens TP Comfort, C-More, Allen Bradley PanelView Plus, or engineer approved equal. J. Control circuits shall allow for manual override of PLC system by selector switches on the panel front. Selector switches will be provided for all pumps and valves controlled by the SBR. Panel mounted indicator lamps for operation status and failure of equipment shall be provided. Float switch detection of high level in each SBR shall override the transducer level signal to initiate an emergency decant. All failure lamps and alarm horn operations shall annunciate following I.S.A. sequence "A". K. Control panel to include Industrial Ethernet switch. The Ethernet switch shall be a compact unmanaged Ethernet switch, DIN rail mountable. The switch shall be copper only with 8 RJ45 ports. Operating temperature shall be 0 deg to 60 deg Celsius. Operating voltage shall be 12/24/48 V DC (9.6-60) V and 24 V AC (18-30) V. Eight (8) 10/100 ports total, two (2) uplink RJ45 and six (6) standard RJ 45, Industrial Ethernet switch shall be Phoenix Contact, Hirshmann Series RS20, or engineer approved equal. L. All wiring to module will terminate on terminal strip. Panel wiring shall be: 1. Type MTW, sized per applicable codes. 2. 16 gauge minimum wire size for 120 VAC, 3. 20 gauge minimum wire size for 24 VDC, 4. Wiring shall be color coded as follows: a. BLACK- Incoming 120VAC Power b. WHITE - Neutral c. GREEN -Ground d. RED -Switched 120VAC Control Power e. ORANGE - Foreign Control Voltage (power source external to panel) f. BLUE -24VDC(Positive) g. WHITE W/ BLUE STRIP - 24 DC (Common) ungrounded M. A compact industrial DIN rail mounted modem will be provided to allow access to the control system from any standard phone line. Modem includes a four (4) port Ethernet switch enabling remove connection to the Ethernet network. Built in management and security features prevent unwanted access. Modem shall be Allen Bradley model 9300-RADES or engineer approved equal. N. The following panel spare parts shall be supplied: 1. Fuses, 10% of each type supplied. a. Relays, 10% of each type supplied. b. Bulbs, 10% of each type supplied PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. The Contractor shall install the blowers in accordance with the Manufacturer's written instructions. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 465101 - 17 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR B. The Contractor shall make all electrical and process connections to the blower package prior to the arrival of the manufacturer's representative. C. The Contractor shall complete and return the Manufacturer's installation check list prior to having a Manufacturer's representative come onsite. D. Representatives of the blower manufacturer shall verify and adjust blower and motor alignment. 3.02 FIELD SERVICE A. The SBR Manufacturer shall provide a dry equipment installation check consisting of one (1) trip for (3) man -days on site, clean water equipment start-up and training consisting of one (1) trip for (3) man -days on site; SBR Controls start-up consisting of two (2) trips for (6) man -days on site, and post -start-up operator instruction and training services consisting of one (1) trip for (2) man -days on site. All service shall be carried out by a qualified service engineer. Written service reports of each service phase shall be distributed to the Engineer and Owner. 3.03 FIELD TESTING A. After installation of all equipment has been completed and as soon as conditions permit, the manufacturer shall provide one (1) trip for a total of two (2) 8-hour days to verify the installation and conduct an acceptance test under actual operating conditions. 1. The Manufacturer shall perform a physical check of the blower installation, perform safety checks, power up the equipment and perform functional testing. 2. The functional test shall consist of 4 hours of operation of each blower with vibration, temperature, and pressure readings as well as motor amp readings taken and recorded at 60-minute intervals. 3. The Manufacturer shall provide operations and maintenance training to the plant personnel. The training shall consist of 1 hour of classroom training using the Operation and Maintenance Manual for reference and 2 hours of hands on training at the blower package. B. If required, Contractor shall make any changes, at his own expense, to the installation that may be necessary to assure satisfactory operation. Contractor shall be held liable for changes needed in the installation. C. Manufacturer shall provide a written field test / start up report after completion of testing. 3.04 MECHANICAL WARRANTY A. The Manufacturer shall furnish its standard warranty against defects in material and workmanship for all Equipment provided by the Seller under this Section. The Seller shall warrant the Equipment, or any components thereof, through the earlier of: (i) eighteen (18) months from delivery of the Equipment, or (ii) twelve (12) months from date of initial operation of the Equipment. B. Warranties and guarantees by the suppliers of various components in lieu of a single source responsibility by the equipment manufacturer shall not be acceptable. The equipment manufacturer shall be solely responsible for the warranty of the equipment and all related components. C. In the event a component fails to perform as specified or is proven defective in service during the warranty period, excluding items of supply normally expended during operation, the manufacturer shall provide a replacement part without cost to the owner. D. This warranty shall be valid only if the product is properly serviced and operated under normal conditions and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 18 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR SECTION 05 3200 METAL GRATINGS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Aluminum bar gratings for elevated walkways and platforms.. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 1000 - Summary: Contract descriptions, description of alterations work, work by others, future work, occupancy conditions, use of site and premises, work sequence. B. Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements: Submittal procedures, project meetings, progress schedules and documentation, reports, coordination. C. Section 05 1200 - Structural Steel Framing D. Section 05 3200: Pipe Railings. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM B209 - Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum -Alloy Sheet and Plate; 2010, B. ASTM B221 - Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum -Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes; 2013. C. AWS D1.2/D1.2M - Structural Welding Code - Aluminum; 2008, D. ASTM F593 -Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Studs; 2002 (Reapproved 2008), E. ASTM F594 - Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Nuts; 2009e1. F. NAAMM MBG 531 - Metal Bar Grating Manual; 2009 (ANSI/NAAMM MBG 531). 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 013000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Submit for review: 1. Shop Drawings: Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. 2. Welding Certificates, 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Metal Bar Grating Standards: Comply with NAAMM MBG 531, "Metal Bar Grating Manual." B. Welding: Qualify procedures and personnel according to the following: 1. Retain applicable standards below. 2. AWS D1.2, "Structural Welding Code --Aluminum." 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Storage And Handling Requirements: 1. Store grating materials in clean, dry location, away from uncured concrete and masonry, and protected against damage. 2. Cover with waterproof paper, tarpaulin, or polyethylene sheeting. Allow for air circulation inside covering. B. 1.07 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Field Measurements: Verify actual locations of walls, steel supports, and other construction contiguous with gratings by field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings, 1. Established Dimensions: Where field measurements cannot be made without delaying the Work, establish dimensions and proceed with fabricating gratings without field PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 05 3200 - 1 METAL GRATINGS WWTP Replacement measurements. Coordinate wall and other contiguous construction to ensure that actual dimensions correspond to established dimensions. 2. Provide allowance for trimming and fitting at site. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Aluminum Bar Gratings 1. Alabama Metal Industries Corporation. 2, All American Grating, Inc. 3, Barnett/Bates Corp. 4. Borden Metal Products (Canada) Limited. 5. Fisher & Ludlow. 6. Grupo Metelmex, S.A. de G.V. 7. IKG Industries; a Harsco Company. 8, Marwas Steel Co.; Laurel Steel Products Division, 9. Ohio Gratings, Inc. 2.02 ALUMINUM A. A. Aluminum, General: Provide alloy and temper recommended by aluminum producer for type of use indicated, and with not less than the strength and durability properties of alloy and temper designated below for each aluminum form required. B. Extruded Bars and Shapes: ASTM B 221, alloys as follows: 1. 6061-T6 or 6063-T6, for bearing bars of gratings and shapes. 2. 6061-T1,for grating crossbars. C. C. Aluminum Sheet: ASTM B 209, Alloy 5052-H32. 2.03 FASTENERS A. General: Unless otherwise indicated, provide Type 304 stainless -steel fasteners. Select fasteners for type, grade, and class required. B. Delete remaining paragraphs and subparagraphs if no detailed fastening requirements; retain for complex work. C. Select Alloy Group 1 (Al) fasteners in first paragraph below for use with Type 304; select Alloy Group 2 (A4) fasteners for use with Type 316, 1. Stainless -Steel Bolts and Nuts: Regular hexagon -head annealed stainless -steel bolts, nuts, and, where indicated, flat washers; ASTM F 593 for bolts and ASTM F 594 for nuts, Alloy Group 1. 2. Plain Washers: Round, ASME B18.22.1, 3, Lock Washers: Helical, spring type, ASME B18.21.1. 2.04 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. A. Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes: Select according to AWS specifications for metal alloy that is welded. 2.05 FABRICATION A. Shop Assembly: Fabricate grating sections in shop to greatest extent possible to minimize field splicing and assembly. Disassemble units only as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Use connections that maintain structural value of joined pieces. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation. B. Cut, drill, and punch material cleanly and accurately. Remove burrs and ease edges to a radius of approximately 1/32 inch, unless otherwise indicated. Remove sharp or rough areas on exposed surfaces. C. Form from materials of size, thickness, and shapes indicated, but not less than that needed to support indicated loads. D. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form hairline joints. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 05 3200 - 2 METAL GRATINGS WWTP Replacement E. Welding: Comply with AWS recommendations and the following: 1. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. 2. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. 3. Remove welding flux immediately. F. Provide for anchorage of type indicated; coordinate with supporting structure. Fabricate and space the anchoring devices to secure gratings, frames, and supports rigidly in place and to support indicated loads. 1. Fabricate toeplates to fit grating units and weld to units in shop, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Delete subparagraph above or below, or both if no toeplates. 3. Fabricate toeplates for attaching in the field. G. Toeplate Height: 4 inches, unless otherwise indicated 2.06 ALUMINUM BAR GRATINGS A. Removable Grating Sections: Fabricate with banding bars attached by welding to entire perimeter of each section. Include anchors and fasteners of type indicated or, if not indicated, as recommended by manufacturer for attaching to supports. 1. Provide not less than four weld lugs for each heavy-duty grating section, with each lug shop welded to two bearing bars. 2. Provide not less than 4 saddle clips for each grating section composed of rectangular bearing bars 3116 inch or less in thickness and spaced 15116 inch or more o.c., with each clip designed and fabricated to fit over 2 bearing bars. 3. Provide not less than 4 weld lugs for each grating section composed of rectangular bearing bars 3116 inch or less in thickness and spaced less than 15/16 inch o.c., with each lug shop welded to 3 or more bearing bars. Interrupt intermediate bearing bars as necessary for fasteners securing grating to supports. 4. Furnish self -drilling fasteners with washers for securing grating to supports. 5. Furnish galvanized malleable -iron flange clamp with galvanized bolt for securing grating to supports. Furnish as a system designed to be installed from above grating by one person. B. C. Fabricate cutouts in grating sections for penetrations indicated. Arrange cutouts to permit grating removal without disturbing items penetrating gratings. 1. Edge -band openings in grating that interrupt four or more bearing bars with bars of same size and material as bearing bars. C. Do not notch bearing bars at supports to maintain elevation. 2.07 GRATING FRAMES AND SUPPORTS. A. Frames and Supports for Metal Gratings: Fabricate from metal shapes, plates, and bars of welded construction to sizes, shapes, and profiles indicated and as necessary to receive gratings. Miter and weld connections for perimeter angle frames. Cut, drill, and tap units to receive hardware and similar items. 1. Unless otherwise indicated, fabricate from same basic metal as gratings. 2. Equip units indicated to be cast into concrete or built into masonry with integrally welded anchors. Unless otherwise indicated, space anchors 24 inches o.c. and provide minimum anchor units in the form of steel straps 1-1/4 inches wide by 114 inch thick by 8 inches long. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Fastening to In -Place Construction: Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where necessary for securing gratings to in -place construction. Include threaded fasteners for concrete and masonry inserts, through -bolts, lag bolts, and other connectors. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 05 3200 - 3 METAL GRATINGS WWTP Replacement C. Cutting, Fitting, and Placement: Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for installing gratings. Set units accurately in location, alignment, and elevation; measured from established lines and levels and free of rack. D. Provide temporary bracing or anchors in formwork for items that are to be built into concrete or masonry. E. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form hairline joints. F. Attach toeplates to gratings by welding at locations indicated. G. Field Welding: Comply with the following requirements: 1. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. 2. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. 3. Remove welding flux immediately. 3.02 INSTALLING ALUMINUM BAR GRATINGS A. General: Install gratings to comply with recommendations of referenced metal bar grating standards that apply to grating types and bar sizes indicated, including installation clearances and standard anchoring details. B. Attach removable units to supporting members with type and size of clips and fasteners indicated or, if not indicated, as recommended by grating manufacturer for type of installation conditions shown. C. Attach nonremovable units to supporting members by welding where both materials are same; otherwise, fasten by bolting as indicated above. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 05 3200 - 4 METAL GRATINGS WWTP Replacement SECTION 05 5213 PIPE AND TUBE RAILINGS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Guard rails for elevated walks and platforms. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 05 3200 - Metal Gratings, 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. AAMA 611 -Voluntary Specification for Anodized Architectural Aluminum; 2012. B. ASTM B211 - Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum -Alloy Rolled or Cold Finished Bar, Rod, and Wire; 2012. C. ASTM B211 M - Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum -Alloy Rolled or Cold -Finished Bar, Rod, and Wire (Metric); 2012. D. ASTM B241IB241 M - Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum -Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extruded Tube; 2012. E. ASTM 13429/13429M - Standard Specification for Aluminum -Alloy Extruded Structural Pipe and Tube; 2010, F. ASTM 13483/8483M - Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum -Alloy Drawn Tubes for General Purpose Applications; 2013. G. ASTM E935 - Standard Test Methods for Performance of Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings; 2013. H. ASTM E985 - Standard Specification for Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings; 2000 (Reapproved 2006). 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Submit for Review: C. Shop Drawings: Indicate profiles, sizes, connection attachments, anchorage, size and type of fasteners, and accessories. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Handrails and Railings 1. Alumi-Guard, Inc.: www.alumi-guard.com!#sle. 2. C.R. Laurence Co., Inc; CRL Welded Post Railing Systems (WRS}: www. crl-a rch. com/#sle. 3. Kee Safety, Inc; Kee Lite (aluminum): www,keesafety.com/#sle. 4. KaneSterling: www.sterlingdula.com/#sle. 5. The Wagner Companies: www,wagnercompanies.com/#sle. 6. Substitutions: See Section 016000 - Product Requirements, 2.02 RAILINGS -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Design, fabricate, and test railing assemblies in accordance with the most stringent requirements of ASTM E985 and applicable local code. B. Distributed Loads: Design railing assembly, wall rails, and attachments to resist distributed force of 75 pounds per linear foot (1095 N/m) applied to the top of the assembly and in any direction, without damage or permanent set. Test in accordance with ASTM E935, C. Concentrated Loads: Design railing assembly, wall rails, and attachments to resist a concentrated force of 200 pounds (890 N) applied at any point on the top of the assembly and in any direction, without damage or permanent set. Test in accordance with ASTM E935, PM131-21~006! Brandywine Bay 055213 - 1 PIPE AND TUBE RAILINGS WWTP Replacement D. Allow for expansion and contraction of members and building movement without damage to connections or members. E. Dimensions: See drawings for configurations and heights. F. Provide anchors and other components as required to attach to structure, made of same materials as railing components unless otherwise indicated; where exposed fasteners are unavoidable provide flush countersunk fasteners. G. Provide slip-on non -weld mechanical fittings to join lengths, seal open ends, and conceal exposed mounting bolts and nuts, including but not limited to elbows, T-shapes, splice connectors, flanges, escutcheons, and wall brackets. 2.03 ALUMINUM MATERIALS A. Aluminum Pipe: Schedule 40; ASTM B429/B429M, ASTM B241/B241 Mor ASTM B483/B483M. , B. Aluminum Tube: Minimum wall thickness of 0.127 inch (3.2 mm); ASTM B429/B429M, ASTM B241/B241M, or ASTM B483/B483M, C. Solid Bars and Flats: ASTM B211 (ASTM B211 M), D. Non -Weld Mechanical Fittings: Slip-on cast aluminum, for Schedule 40 pipe, with flush setscrews for tightening by standard hex wrench, no bolts or screw fasteners. 2.04 FABRICATION A. Accurately form components to suit specific project conditions and for proper connection to building structure. B. Fit and shop assemble components in largest practical sizes for delivery to site. C. Fabricate components with joints tightly fitted and secured. Provide spigots and sleeves to accommodate site assembly and installation. 2,05 ALUMINUM FINISHES A. Class I Natural Anodized Finish: AAMA 611 AA-M12C22A41 Clear anodic coating not less than 0.7 mils (0.018 mm) thick. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A, Verify that field conditions are acceptable and are ready to receive work. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Apply one coat of bituminous paint to concealed aluminum surfaces that will be in contact with cementitious or dissimilar materials. 3,03 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install components plumb and joints, level, accurately fitted, free from distortion or defects, with tight C. Anchor railings securely to structure. 3.04 TOLERANCES A. Maximum Variation From Plumb: 1!4 inch (6 mm) per floor level, non -cumulative. B. Maximum Offset From True Alignment: 1/4 inch (6 mm). C. Maximum Out -of -Position: 1/4 inch (6 mm), END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 05 5213 - 2 PIPE AND TUBE RAILINGS WWTP Replacement SECTION 26 0519 LOW -VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL POWER CONDUCTORS AND CABLES PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Single conductor building wire. B. Wiring connectors. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM B3 - Standard Specification for Soft or Annealed Copper Wire; 2013 (Reapproved 2018). B. ASTM B8 - Standard Specification for Concentric -Lay -Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium -Hard, or Soft; 2011 (Reapproved 2017). C. ASTM B33 - Standard Specification for Tin -Coated Soft or Annealed Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes; 2010 (Reapproved 2014). D. ASTM B787IB787M - Standard Specification for 19 Wire Combination Unilay-Stranded Copper Conductors for Subsequent Insulation; 2004 (Reapproved 2014), E. NECA 1 -Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2015, F. NEMA WC 70 - Power Cables Rated 2000 Volts or Less for the Distribution of Electrical Energy; 2009, G. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. H. UL 44 -Thermoset-Insulated Wires and Cables; Current Edition, Including All Revisions, I. UL 83 - Thermoplastic -Insulated Wires and Cables; Current Edition, Including All Revisions, J. UL 486A-486B - Wire Connectors; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. K. UL 486C - Splicing Wire Connectors; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 CONDUCTOR AND CABLE APPLICATIONS A. Do not use conductors and cables for applications other than as permitted by NFPA 70 and product listing. B. Provide single conductor building wire installed in suitable raceway unless otherwise indicated, permitted, or required. 2.02 CONDUCTOR AND CABLE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Provide products that comply with requirements of NFPA 70. B. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. C. Unless specifically indicated to be excluded, provide all required conduit, boxes, wiring, connectors, etc, as required for a complete operating system. D. Comply with NEMA WC 70. E. Thermoplastic -Insulated Conductors and Cables: Listed and labeled as complying with UL 83. F. Thermoset -Insulated Conductors and Cables: Listed and labeled as complying with UL 44, G. Conductor Material: 1. Copper Conductors: Soft drawn annealed, 98 percent conductivity, uncoated copper conductors complying with ASTM B3, ASTM B8, or ASTM 8787/13 787M unless otherwise indicated. 2. Tinned Copper Conductors: Comply with ASTM B33. H. Minimum Conductor Size: PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 0519 - 1 LOW -VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL WWTP Replacement POWER CONDUCTORS AND CABLES Branch Circuits: 12 AWG. Conductor Color Coding: 1. Color code conductors as indicated unless otherwise required by the authority having jurisdiction. Maintain consistent color coding throughout project. 2. Color Coding Method: Integrally colored insulation. 3. Color Code: a. 480Y/277 V, 3 Phase, 4 Wire System: 1) Phase A: Brown. 2) Phase B: Orange. 3) Phase C: Yellow, 4) Neutral/Grounded: Gray. b. 208Y/120 V, 3 Phase, 4 Wire System: 1) Phase A: Black, 2) Phase B: Red. 3) Phase C: Blue, 4) Neutral/Grounded: White. c. Equipment Ground, All Systems: Green, 2.03 SINGLE CONDUCTOR BUILDING WIRE A. Description: Single conductor insulated wire. B. Conductor Stranding: 1. Feeders and Branch Circuits: a. Size 10 AWG and Smaller: Solid. b. Size 8 AWG and Larger: Stranded. 2, Control Circuits: Stranded, C. Insulation Voltage Rating: 600 V. D. Insulation: 1. Copper Building Wire: Type THHN/THWN orTHHN/THWN-2. a. Size 4 AWG and Larger: Type XHHW-2. 2.04 WIRING CONNECTORS A. Description: Wiring connectors appropriate for the application, suitable for use with the conductors to be connected, and listed as complying with UL 486A-486B or UL 486C as applicable. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.09 INSTALLATION A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install conductors and cable in a neat and workmanlike manner in accordance with NECA 1. C. Installation in Raceway: 1. Tape ends of conductors and cables to prevent infiltration of moisture and other contaminants. 2. Pull all conductors and cables together into raceway at same time. 3. Do not damage conductors and cables or exceed manufacturer's recommended maximum pulling tension and sidewall pressure. 4. Use suitable wire pulling lubricant where necessary, except when lubricant is not recommended by the manufacturer. D. Secure and support conductors and cables in accordance with NFPA 70 using suitable supports and methods approved by the authority having jurisdiction. Provide independent support from building structure. Do not provide support from raceways, piping, ductwork, or other systems. E. Install conductors with a minimum of 12 inches (300 mm) of slack at each outlet. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 0519 - 2 LOW -VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL WWTP Replacement POWER CONDUCTORS AND CABLES F. Neatly train and bundle conductors inside boxes, wireways, panelboards and other equipment enclosures. G. Group or otherwise identify neutral/grounded conductors with associated ungrounded conductors inside enclosures in accordance with NFPA 70. H. Make wiring connections using specified wiring connectors. 1. Make splices and taps only in accessible boxes. Do not pull splices into raceways or make splices in conduit bodies or wiring gutters. 2. Remove appropriate amount of conductor insulation for making connections without cutting, nicking or damaging conductors. 3. Do not remove conductor strands to facilitate insertion into connector. 4. Clean contact surfaces on conductors and connectors to suitable remove corrosion, oxides, and other contaminates. Do not use wire brush on plated connector surfaces. I. Insulate splices and taps that are made with uninsulated connectors using methods suitable for the application, with insulation and mechanical strength at least equivalent to unspliced conductors. J. Unless specifically indicated to be excluded, provide final connections to all equipment and devices, including those furnished by others, as required for a complete operating system. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 / Brand'ywine Bay 26 0519 - 3 LOW -VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL WWTP Replacement POWER CONDUCTORS AND CABLES SECTION 26 0526 GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Grounding and bonding requirements. B. Conductors for grounding and bonding. C. Connectors for grounding and bonding. D. Ground bars. E. Ground rod electrodes. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0519 -Low- Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables: Additional requirements for conductors for grounding and bonding, including conductor color coding. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. IEEE 81 -IEEE Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials of a Grounding System; 2012. B. NECA 1 - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2015. C. NEMA GR 1 - Grounding Rod Electrodes and Grounding Rod Electrode Couplings; 2007, D. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. E. UL 467 - Grounding and Bonding Equipment; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GROUNDING AND BONDING REQUIREMENTS A. Do not use products for applications other than as permitted by NFPA 70 and product listing. B. Unless specifically indicated to be excluded, provide all required components, conductors, connectors, conduit, boxes, fittings, supports, accessories, etc. as necessary for a complete grounding and bonding system. C. Where conductor size is not indicated, size to comply with NFPA 70 but not less than applicable minimum size requirements specified. D. Grounding System Resistance: 1. Achieve specified grounding system resistance under normally dry conditions unless otherwise approved by Stroud Engineering, PA. Precipitation within the previous 48 hours does not constitute normally dry conditions. 2. Grounding Electrode System: Not greater than 5 ohms to ground, when tested according to IEEE 81 using "fall -of -potential" method. E. Grounding Electrode System: 1. Provide connection to required and supplemental grounding electrodes indicated to form grounding electrode system. a. Provide continuous grounding electrode conductors without splice or joint. b. Install grounding electrode conductors in raceway where exposed to physical damage. Bond grounding electrode conductor to metallic raceways at each end with bonding jumper. 2. Metal In -Ground Support Structure: a. Provide connection to metal in -ground support structure that is in direct contact with earth in accordance with NFPA 70. 3, Concrete -Encased Electrode: PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 0526 - 1 GROUNDING AND BONDING WWTP Replacement FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS a. Provide connection to concrete -encased electrode consisting of not less than 20 feet (6.0 m) of steel reinforcing bars embedded within concrete foundation or footing that is in direct contact with earth in accordance with NFPA 70, 4. Ground Rod Electrode(s): a. Provide single electrode unless otherwise indicated or required. 5. Provide additional ground electrode(s) as required to achieve specified grounding electrode system resistance. 6. Ground Bar: Provide ground bar, separate from service equipment enclosure, for common connection point of grounding electrode system bonding jumpers as permitted in NFPA 70. Connect grounding electrode conductor provided for service -supplied system grounding to this ground bar. a. Ground Bar Size: 114 by 2 by 12 inches (6 by 50 by 300 mm) unless otherwise indicated or required. b. Where ground bar location is not indicated, locate in accessible location as near as possible to service disconnect enclosure. c. Ground Bar Mounting Height: 18 inches (450 mm) above finished floor unless otherwise indicated. F. Service -Supplied System Grounding: 1. For each service disconnect, provide grounding electrode conductor to connect neutral (grounded) service conductor to grounding electrode system. Unless otherwise indicated, make connection at neutral (grounded) bus in service disconnect enclosure. 2. For each service disconnect, provide main bonding jumper to connect neutral (grounded) bus to equipment ground bus where not factory -installed. Do not make any other connections between neutral (grounded) conductors and ground on load side of service disconnect. G. Grounding for Separate Building or Structure Supplied by Feeder(s) or Branch Circuits: 1. Provide grounding electrode system for each separate building or structure. 2. Provide equipment grounding conductor routed with supply conductors. 3. For each disconnecting means, provide grounding electrode conductor to connect equipment ground bus to grounding electrode system. 4. Do not make any connections and remove any factory -installed jumpers between neutral (grounded) conductors and ground. H. Separately Derived System Grounding: 1. Separately derived systems include, but are not limited to: a. Transformers (except autotransformers such as buck -boost transformers). 2. Provide grounding electrode conductor to connect derived system grounded conductor to nearest ground rod. Unless otherwise indicated, make connection at neutral (grounded) bus in source enclosure. 3. Provide bonding jumper to connect derived system grounded conductor to nearest metal building frame and nearest metal water piping in the area served by the derived system, where not already used as a grounding electrode for the derived system. Make connection at same location as grounding electrode conductor connection. 4. Provide system bonding jumper to connect system grounded conductor to equipment ground bus. Make connection at same location as grounding electrode conductor connection. Do not make any other connections between neutral (grounded) conductors and ground on load side of separately derived system disconnect. 5. Where the source and first disconnecting means are in separate enclosures, provide supply-side bonding jumper between source and first disconnecting means. I. Bonding and Equipment Grounding: 1. Provide banding for equipment grounding conductors, equipment ground busses, metallic equipment enclosures, metallic raceways and boxes, device grounding terminals, and other normally non -current -carrying conductive materials enclosing electrical conductors/equipment or likely to become energized as indicated and In accordance with NFPA 70. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 0526 - 2 GROUNDING AND BONDING WWTP Replacement FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 2. Provide insulated equipment grounding conductor in each feeder and branch circuit raceway. Do not use raceways as sole equipment grounding conductor. 3. Where circuit conductor sizes are increased for voltage drop, increase size of equipment grounding conductor proportionally in accordance with NFPA 70. 4. Unless otherwise indicated, connect wiring device grounding terminal to branch circuit equipment grounding conductor and to outlet box with bonding jumper. 5. Terminate branch circuit equipment grounding conductors on solidly bonded equipment ground bus only. Do not terminate on neutral (grounded) or isolated/insulated ground bus. 6. Provide bonding jumper across expansion or expansion/deflection fittings provided to accommodate conduit movement. 2.02 GROUNDING AND BONDING COMPONENTS A. General Requirements: 1. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. 2. Provide products listed and labeled as complying with UL 467 where applicable. B. Conductors for Grounding and Bonding, in addition to requirements of Section 26 0519: 1. Use insulated copper conductors unless otherwise indicated. a. Exceptions: 1) Use bare copper conductors where installed underground in direct contact with earth. 2) Use bare copper conductors where directly encased in concrete (not in raceway). C. Connectors for Grounding and Bonding: 1. Description: Connectors appropriate for the application and suitable for the conductors and items to be connected; listed and labeled as complying with UL 467. 2. Unless otherwise indicated, use exothermic welded connections for underground, concealed and other inaccessible connections. 3. Unless otherwise indicated, use mechanical connectors, compression connectors, or exothermic welded connections for accessible connections. D. Ground Bars: 1. Description: Copper rectangular ground bars with mounting brackets and insulators. 2. Size: As indicated. 3. Holes for Connections: As indicated or as required for connections to be made. E. Ground Rod Electrodes: 1. Comply with NEMA GR 1. 2, Material: Copper -bonded (copper -clad) steel. 3. Size: 3/4 inch (19 mm) diameter by 10 feet (3.0 m) length, unless otherwise indicated. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install grounding and bonding system components in a neat and workmanlike manner in accordance with NECA 1. C. Ground Rod Electrodes: Unless otherwise indicated, install ground rod electrodes vertically. Where encountered rock prohibits vertical installation, install at 45 degree angle or bury horizontally in trench at least 30 inches (750 mm) deep in accordance with NFPA 70 or provide ground plates. D. Make grounding and bonding connections using specified connectors. 1. Remove appropriate amount of conductor insulation for making connections without cutting, nicking or damaging conductors. Do not remove conductor strands to facilitate insertion into connector. 2. Remove nonconductive paint, enamel, or similar coating at threads, contact points, and contact surfaces. PM131'-21^006 /Brandywine Bay 26 0526 - 3 GROUNDING AND BONDING WWTP Replacement FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 3. Exothermic Welds: Make connections using molds and weld material suitable for the items to be connected in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Mechanical Connectors: Secure connections according to manufacturer's recommended torque settings. 5. Compression Connectors: Secure connections using manufacturer's recommended tool: and dies. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 0526 - 4 GROUNDING AND BONDING WWTP Replacement FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS SECTION 26 0534 CONDUIT PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Galvanized steel rigid metal conduit (RMC). B, PVC -coated galvanized steel rigid metal conduit (RMC). C. Flexible metal conduit (FMC). D. Liquidtight flexible metal conduit (LFMC). E. Electrical metallic tubing (EMT). F. Rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) conduit. G. Liquidtight flexible nonmetallic conduit (LFNC). H. Conduit fittings. I. Accessories, 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0526 - Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ANSI C80.1 - American National Standard for Electrical Rigid Steel Conduit (ERSC); 2015. B, ANSI C80.3 - American National Standard for Electrical Metallic Tubing -- Steel (EMT-S); 2015, C. NECA 1 - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2016, D. NECA 101 - Standard for Installing Steel Conduits (Rigid, IMC, EMT); 2013. E. NECA 111 - Standard for Installing Nonmetallic Raceways (RNC, ENT, LFNC); 2003, F. NEMA FB 1 - Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes, and Conduit Bodies for Conduit, Electrical Metallic Tubing, and Cable; 2014, G. NEMA RN 1 - Polyvinyl -Chloride (PVC) Externally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and Intermediate Metal Conduit; 2018, H. NEMA TC 2 - Electrical Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Conduit; 2013, I. NEMA TC 3 - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Fittings for Use with Rigid PVC Conduit and Tubing; 2016, J. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. K. UL 1 - Flexible Metal Conduit; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. L. UL 6 - Electrical Rigid Metal Conduit -Steel; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. M. UL 360 - Liquid -Tight Flexible Steel Conduit; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. N. UL 514B - Conduit, Tubing, and Cable Fittings; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. O. UL 651 - Schedule 40, 80, Type EB and A Rigid PVC Conduit and Fittings; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. P, UL 797 - Electrical Metallic Tubing -Steel; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. Q. UL 1660 - Liquid -Tight Flexible Nonmetallic Conduit; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70. PM131-21-006 /Brandywine Bay 26 0534 - 1 CONDUIT WWTP Replacement PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 CONDUIT APPLICATIONS A. Do not use conduit and associated fittings for applications other than as permitted by NFPA 70 and product listing. B. Unless otherwise indicated and where not otherwise restricted, use the conduit types indicated for the specified applications. Where more than one listed application applies, comply with the most restrictive requirements. Where conduit type for a particular application is not specified, rigid PVC conduit. C. Underground: 1. Exterior, Direct -Buried: Use rigid PVC conduit. 2. Where rigid polyvinyl (PVC) conduit is provided, transition to PVC -coated galvanized steel rigid metal conduit where emerging from underground. D. Concealed Within Hollow Stud Walls: Use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit or electrical metallic tubing (EMT). E. Exposed, Interior, Not Subject to Physical Damage: Use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit or electrical metallic tubing (EMT). F. Exposed, Interior, Subject to Physical Damage: Use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit. 1. Locations subject to physical damage include, but are not limited to: a. Where exposed below 8 feet (2.4 m), except within electrical and communication rooms or closets. G. Exterior, Above Ground: Use PVC -coated galvanized steel rigid metal conduit. H. Connections to Vibrating Equipment: 1. Dry Locations: Use flexible metal conduit. 2. Damp, Wet, or Corrosive Locations: Use liquidtight flexible metal conduit. 3. Maximum Length: 6 feet (1.8 m) unless otherwise indicated. 4. Vibrating equipment includes, but is not limited to: a. Transformers. b. Motors. 2.02 CONDUIT REQUIREMENTS A. Provide all conduit, fittings, supports, and accessories required for a complete raceway system. B. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. C. Minimum Conduit Size, Unless Otherwise Indicated: 1. Branch Circuits: 3/4 inch (21 mm) trade size. 2. Branch Circuit Homeruns: 3/4 inch (21 mm) trade size. 3. Underground, Interior: 3/4 inch (21 mm) trade size. 4. Underground, Exterior: 1 inch (27 mm) trade size. D. Where conduit size is not indicated, size to comply with NFPA 70 but not less than applicable minimum size requirements specified. 2.03 GALVANIZED STEEL RIGID METAL CONDUIT (RMC) A. Description: NFPA 70, Type RMC galvanized steel rigid metal conduit complying with ANSI C80.1 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 6, B. Fittings: 1. Non -Hazardous Locations: Use fittings complying with NEMA FB 1 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 514B. 2. Hazardous (Classified) Locations: Use fittings listed and labeled as complying with UL 1203 for the classification of the installed location. 3. Material: Use steel or malleable iron. 4. Connectors and Couplings: Use threaded type fittings only. Threadless set screw and compression (gland) type fittings are not permitted. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 26 0534 - 2 CONDUIT WWTP Replacement 2.04 PVC -COATED GALVANIZED STEEL RIGID METAL CONDUIT (RMC) A. Description: NFPA 70, Type RMC galvanized steel rigid metal conduit with external polyvinyl chloride (PVC) coating complying with NEMA RN 1 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 6, B. Exterior Coating: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), nominal thickness of 40 mil (1,02 mm), C. PVC -Coated Fittings: 1. Manufacturer: Same as manufacturer of PVC -coated conduit to be installed. 2. Non -Hazardous Locations: Use fittings listed and labeled as complying with UL 514B. 3, Material: Use steel or malleable iron. 4. Exterior Coating: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), minimum thickness of 40 mil (1,02 mm). 5. Interior Coating: Urethane, minimum thickness of 2 mil (0,05 mm), D. PVC -Coated Supports: Furnish with exterior coating of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), minimum thickness of 15 mil (0,38 mm). 2.05 FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT (FMC) A. Description: NFPA 70, Type FMC standard wall steel flexible metal conduit listed and labeled as complying with UL 1, and listed for use in classified firestop systems to be used. B. Fittings: 1. Description: Fittings complying with NEMA FB 1 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 514B. 2. Material: Use steel or malleable iron. 2.06 LIQUIDTIGHT FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT (LFMC) A. Description: NFPA 70, Type LFMC polyvinyl chloride (PVC) jacketed steel flexible metal conduit listed and labeled as complying with UL 360. B. Fittings: 1. Description: Fittings complying with NEMA FB 1 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 514B. 2, Material: Use steel or malleable iron. 2.07 ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING (EMT) A. Description: NFPA 70, Type EMT steel electrical metallic tubing complying with ANSI C80.3 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 797. B. Fittings: 1. Description: Fittings complying with NEMA FB 1 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 514B. 2, Material: Use steel or malleable iron. 3. Connectors and Couplings: Use compression (gland) type. a. Do not use indenter type connectors and couplings. 2.08 RIGID POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) CONDUIT A. Description: NFPA 70, Type PVC rigid polyvinyl chloride conduit complying with NEMA TC 2 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 651; Schedule 40 or Schedule 80 as indicated; rated for use with conductors rated 90 degrees C. Conduit shall be listed for use in direct sunlight. B. Fittings: 1. Manufacturer: Same as manufacturer of conduit to be connected. 2. Description: Fittings complying with NEMA TC 3 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 651; material to match conduit. 2.09 LIQUIDTIGHT FLEXIBLE NONMETALLIC CONDUIT (LFNC) A. Description: NFPA 70, Type LFNC liquidtight flexible nonmetallic conduit listed and labeled as complying with UL 1660, PM131-21~006 / Brandywine Bay 26 0534 - 3 CONDUIT WWTP Replacement B. Fittings: 1, Manufacturer: Same as manufacturer of conduit to be connected. 2. Description: Fittings complying with NEMA FB 1 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 514B; suitable for the type of conduit to be connected. 2.10 ACCESSORIES A. Conduit Joint Compound: Corrosion -resistant, electrically conductive; suitable for use with the conduit to be installed. B. Solvent Cement for PVC Conduit and Fittings: As recommended by manufacturer of conduit and fittings to be installed. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install conduit in a neat and workmanlike manner in accordance with NECA 1. C. Install galvanized steel rigid metal conduit (RMC) in accordance with NECA 101. D. Install PVC -coated galvanized steel rigid metal conduit (RMC) using only tools approved by the manufacturer. E. Install rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) conduit in accordance with NECA 111, F. Install liquidtight flexible nonmetallic conduit (LFNC) in accordance with NECA 111. G. Connections and Terminations: 1. Use approved zinc -rich paint or conduit joint compound on field -cut threads of galvanized steel conduits prior to making connections. 2. Where two threaded conduits must be joined and neither can be rotated, use three-piece couplings or split couplings. Do not use running threads. 3. Provide drip loops for liquidtight flexible conduit connections to prevent drainage of liquid into connectors. 4. Terminate threaded conduits in boxes and enclosures using threaded hubs or double lock nuts for dry locations and raintight hubs for wet locations. 5. Secure joints and connections to provide maximum mechanical strength and electrical continuity. H. Penetrations: 1. Do not penetrate or otherwise notch or cut structural members, including footings and grade beams, without approval of Structural Engineer, 2. Make penetrations perpendicular to surfaces unless otherwise indicated. 3. Conceal bends for conduit risers emerging above ground. 4. Seal interior of conduits entering the panels from underground at first accessible point to prevent entry of moisture and gases. I. Conduit Movement Provisions: Where conduits are subject to movement, provide expansion and expansion/deflection fittings to prevent damage to enclosed conductors or connected equipment. This includes, but is not limited to: 1. Where conduits cross structural joints intended for expansion, contraction, or deflection. 2. Where conduits are subject to earth movement by settlement or frost. J. Provide grounding and bonding in accordance with Section 26 0526, END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 0534 - 4 CONDUIT WWTP Replacement SECTION 26 0553 IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Electrical identification requirements. B. Identification nameplates and labels. C. Underground warning tape. D. Warning signs and labels. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0519 -Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables: Color coding for power conductors and cables 600 V and less; vinyl color coding electrical tape. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ANSI '535.2 -American National Standard for Environmental and Facility Safety Signs; 2011. B. ANSI Z535A - American National Standard for Product Safety Signs and Labels; 2011. C. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. D. UL 969 - Marking and Labeling Systems; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS A. Identification for Equipment: 1. Use identification nameplate to identify each piece of electrical distribution and control equipment and associated sections, compartments, and components. a. Panelboards: 1) Identify ampere rating. 2) Identify voltage and phase. 3) Use typewritten circuit directory to identify load(s) served for panelboards with a door. Identify spares and spaces using pencil. b. Enclosed switches, circuit breakers, and motor controllers: 1) Identify voltage and phase. c. Transfer Switches: 1) Identify voltage and phase. 2. Use identification label or handwritten text using indelible marker on inside of door at each fused switch to identify required NEMA fuse class and size. 3. Arc Flash Hazard Warning Labels: Use warning labels to identify arc flash hazards for electrical equipment, such as switchboards, panelboards, industrial control panels, meter socket enclosures, and motor control centers that are likely to require examination, adjustment, servicing, or maintenance while energized. a. Minimum Size: 3.5 by 5 inches (89 mm by 127 mm). b. Legend: Include orange header that reads "WARNING", followed by the word message "Arc Flash and Shock Hazard; Appropriate PPE Required; Do not operate controls or open covers without appropriate personal protection equipment; Failure to comply may result in injury or death; Refer to NFPA 70E for minimum PPE requirements" or approved equivalent. B. Identification for Conductors and Cables: 1. Color Coding for Power Conductors 600 V and Less: Comply with Section 26 0519. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 0553 - 1 IDENTIFICATION FOR WWTP Replacement ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 2.02 IDENTIFICATION NAMEPLATES AND LABELS A. Identification Nameplates: 1. Materials: a. Outdoor Locations: Use plastic, stainless steel, or aluminum nameplates suitable for exterior use. 2. Plastic Nameplates: Two -layer or three -layer laminated acrylic or electrically non-conductive phenolic with beveled edges; minimum thickness of 1/16 inch (1.6 mm); engraved text. 3. Stainless Steel Nameplates: Minimum thickness of 1/32 inch (0.8 mm); engraved or laser -etched text. 4. Aluminum Nameplates: Anodized; minimum thickness of 1/32 inch (0.8 mm); engraved or laser -etched text. 5. Mounting Holes for Mechanical Fasteners: Two, centered on sides for sizes up to 1 inch (25 mm) high; Four, located at corners for larger sizes. B. Identification Labels: 1, Materials: Use self-adhesive laminated plastic labels; UV, chemical, water, heat, and abrasion resistant. 2. Text: Use factory pre-printed or machine -printed text. Do not use handwritten text unless otherwise indicated. C. Format for Equipment Identification: 1. Minimum Size: 1 inch (25 mm) by 2.5 inches (64 mm). 2. Legend: a. Equipment designation or other approved description. 3. Text: All capitalized unless otherwise indicated. 4. Minimum Text Height: a. Equipment Designation: 1/2 inch (13 mm). b. Other Information: 1/4 inch (6 mm). 5. Color: a. Normal Power System: White text on black background. b. Emergency Power System: White text on red background. 2.03 UNDERGROUND WARNING TAPE A. Materials: Use foil -backed detectable type polyethylene tape suitable for direct burial, unless otherwise indicated. B. Foil -backed Detectable Type Tape: 3 inches (76 mm) wide, with minimum thickness of 5 mil (0A mm), unless otherwise required for proper detection. C. Legend: Type of service, continuously repeated over full length of tape. D. Color: 2.04 WARNING SIGNS AND LABELS A. Comply with ANSI Z535.2 or ANSI Z535.4 as applicable. B. Warning Signs: 1, Materials: 2, Minimum Size: 7 by 10 inches (178 by 254 mm) unless otherwise indicated. C. Warning Labels: 1, Materials: Use factory pre-printed or machine -printed self-adhesive polyester or self-adhesive vinyl labels; UV, chemical, water, heat, and abrasion resistant; produced using materials recognized to UL 969, 2, Machine -Printed Labels: Use thermal transfer process printing machines and accessories recommended by label manufacturer. 3. Minimum Size: 2 by 4 inches (51 mm by 102 mm) unless otherwise indicated. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 0553 - 2 IDENTIFICATION FOR WWTP Replacement ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install identification products to be plainly visible for examination, adjustment, servicing, and maintenance. Unless otherwise indicated, locate products as follows: 1. Surface -Mounted Equipment: Enclosure front. 2. Interior Components: Legible from the point of access. 3. Conductors and Cables: Legible from the point of access. C. Install identification products centered, level, and parallel with lines of item being identified. D. Secure nameplates to exterior surfaces of enclosures using stainless steel screws and to interior surfaces using self-adhesive backing or epoxy cement. E. Install self-adhesive labels and markers to achieve maximum adhesion, with no bubbles or wrinkles and edges properly sealed. F. Install underground warning tape above buried lines with one tape per trench at 3 inches (75 mm) below finished grade, G. Mark all handwritten text, where permitted, to be neat and legible. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 0553 - 3 IDENTIFICATION FOR WWTP Replacement ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS SECTION 26 2416 PANELBOARDS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Power distribution panelboards. B. Overcurrent protective devices for panelboards. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0526 - Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems, B. Section 26 0526 - Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems, 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. FS W-C-375 - Circuit Breakers, Molded Case; Branch Circuit and Service; 2013e (Amended 2017). B. NECA 1 - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2015, C. NECA 407 - Standard for Installing and Maintaining Panelboards; 2015, D. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum); 2018. E. NEMA PB 1 - Panelboards; 2011. F. NEMA PB 1.1 - General Instructions for Proper Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Panelboards Rated 600 Volts or Less; 2013, G. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. H. UL 50 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Non -Environmental Considerations; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. I. UL 50E - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Environmental Considerations; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. J. UL 67 - Panelboards; Current Edition, Including All Revisions, K. UL 489 - Molded -Case Circuit Breakers, Molded -Case Switches and Circuit Breaker Enclosures; Current Edition, Including All Revisions, 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for panelboards, enclosures, overcurrent protective devices, and other installed components and accessories. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70, PART PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Eaton Corporation; Cutler -Hammer Products: wwv✓.eaton.com/#sle. B. General Electric Company: www,geindustrial.com/#sle. C. Schneider Electric; Square D Products: www.schneider-electric.us/#sle. D. Siemens Industry, Inc: www.usa.siemens.com/#sle. E. Approved Equal, 2.02 PANELBOARDS - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 2416 - 1 PANELBOARDS WWTP Replacement B. Unless otherwise indicated, provide products suitable for continuous operation under the following service conditions: 1. Altitude: Less than 6,600 feet (2,000 m). 2. Ambient Temperature: a. Panelboards Containing Circuit Breakers: Between 23 degrees F (-5 degrees C) and 104 degrees F (40 degrees C). C. Short Circuit Current Rating: 1. Provide panelboards with listed short circuit current rating as indicated on the drawings. D. Mains: Configure for top or bottom incoming feed as indicated or as required for the installation. E. Branch Overcurrent Protective Devices: Replaceable without disturbing adjacent devices. F. Bussing: Sized in accordance with UL 67 temperature rise requirements. 1. Provide fully rated neutral bus unless otherwise indicated, with a suitable lug for each feeder or branch circuit requiring a neutral connection. 2. Provide solidly bonded equipment ground bus in each panelboard, with a suitable lug for each feeder and -branch circuit equipment grounding conductor. G. Conductor Terminations: Suitable for use with the conductors to be installed. H. Enclosures: Comply with NEMA 250, and list and label as complying with UL 50 and UL 50E. 1, Environment Type per NEMA 250: Unless otherwise indicated, as specified for the following installation locations: a. Indoor Clean, Dry Locations: Type 1. b. Outdoor Locations: Type 4X, stainless steel. 2. Boxes: Galvanized steel unless otherwise indicated. a. Provide wiring gutters sized to accommodate the conductors to be installed. 3. Fronts: a. Fronts for Surface -Mounted Enclosures: Same dimensions as boxes. 4. Lockable Doors: All locks keyed alike unless otherwise indicated. I. Future Provisions: Prepare all unused spaces for future installation of devices including bussing, connectors, mounting hardware and all other required provisions. 2.03 POWER DISTRIBUTION PANELBOARDS A. Description: Panelboards complying with NEMA PB 1, power and feeder distribution type, circuit breaker type, and listed and labeled as complying with UL 67; ratings, configurations and features as indicated on the drawings. B. Conductor Terminations: 1. Main and Neutral Lug Material: Aluminum, suitable for terminating aluminum or copper conductors. 2. Main and Neutral Lug Type: Mechanical. C. Bussing: 1. Phase and Neutral Bus Material: Aluminum, 2, Ground Bus Material: Aluminum, D. Circuit Breakers: 1. Provide bolt -on type. E. Enclosures: 1. Provide surface -mounted enclosures unless otherwise indicated. 2.04 OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES A. Molded Case Circuit Breakers: 1. Description: Quick -make, quick -break, over center toggle, trip -free, trip -indicating circuit breakers listed and labeled as complying with UL 489, and complying with FS W-C-375 where applicable; ratings, configurations, and features as indicated on the drawings. 2, Interrupting Capacity: PM131-21~006 / Brandywine Bay 26 2416 - 2 PANELBOARDS WWTP Replacement a. Provide circuit breakers with interrupting capacity as required to provide the short circuit current rating indicated, but not less than: 1) 10,000 rms symmetrical amperes at 240 VAC or 208 VAC. b. Fully Rated Systems: Provide circuit breakers with interrupting capacity not less than the short circuit current rating indicated. 3. Conductor Terminations: a. Lug Material: Aluminum, suitable for terminating aluminum or copper conductors. 4. Multi -Pole Circuit Breakers: Furnish with common trip for all poles. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install panelboards securely, in a neat and workmanlike manner in accordance with NECA 1 (general workmanship), NECA 407 (panelboards), and NEMA PB 1.1. C. Arrange equipment to provide minimum clearances in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 70. D. Install panelboards plumb. E. Mount panelboards such that the highest position of any operating handle for circuit breakers or switches does not exceed 79 inches (2000 mm) above the floor or working platform. F. Provide grounding and bonding in accordance with Section 26 0526. G. Install all field -installed branch devices, components, and accessories. H. Provide filler plates to cover unused spaces in panelboards. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 2416 - 3 PANELBOARDS WWTP Replacement SECTION 26 2419 MOTOR -CONTROL CENTERS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Low -voltage (600 V and less) standard (non -arc -resistant) NEMA motor control centers. B. Motor control center units: 1. Combination magnetic motor starter units. C. Overcurrent protective devices for motor control centers and associated units, including overload relays. D. Motor control accessories: 1. Auxiliary contacts. 2. Pilot devices. 3. Control and timing relays. 4. Control power transformers. 5. Control terminal blocks. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 03 3000 - Cast -in -Place Concrete: Concrete equipment pads. B. Section 26 0526 - Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems, C. Section 26 0529 - Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems, D. Section 26 2923 - Variable -Frequency Motor Controllers. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. FS W-C-375 - Circuit Breakers, Molded Case; Branch Circuit and Service; 2013e (Amended 2017). B. IEEE C57.13 - IEEE Standard Requirements for Instrument Transformers; 2016, C. NECA 1 -Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2015. D. NECA 402 - Standard for Installing and Maintaining Motor Control Centers; 2014, E. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum); 2018, F. NEMA ICS 2 - Industrial Control and Systems Controllers, Contactors and Overload Relays Rated 600 Volts; 2000, with Errata (2008). G. NEMA ICS 2.3 - Instructions for the Handling, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Motor Control Centers; 1995 (Reaffirmed 2008). H. NEMA ICS 5 -Industrial Control and Systems: Control Circuit and Pilot Devices; 2017. I. NEMA ICS 6 - Industrial Control and Systems: Enclosures; 1993 (Reaffirmed 2016). J. NEMA ICS 18 - Motor Control Centers; 2001 (Reaffirmed 2007). K. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. L. UL 489 - Molded -Case Circuit Breakers, Molded -Case Switches and Circuit Breaker Enclosures; Current Edition, Including Ail Revisions. M. UL 845 - Motor Control Centers; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.04 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Coordination: 1. Coordinate the work with other trades to avoid placement of ductwork, piping, equipment, or other potential obstructions within the dedicated equipment spaces and working clearances required by NFPA 70. 2. Coordinate the work to provide motor controllers and associated overload relays suitable for use with the actual motors to be installed. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 26 2419 - 1 MOTOR -CONTROL CENTERS WWTP Replacement 3. Coordinate the work to provide motor controllers and associated wiring suitable for interface with control devices to be installed. 4. Coordinate arrangement of electrical equipment with the dimensions and clearance requirements of the actual equipment to be installed, 5. Verify with manufacturer that conductor terminations are suitable for use with the conductors to be installed. 6. Coordinate with manufacturer to provide shipping splits suitable for the dimensional constraints of the installation. 7. Notify Stroud Engineering, PA of any conflicts with or deviations from Contract Documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for motor control centers, enclosures, units, overcurrent protective devices, and other installed components and accessories. C. Shop Drawings: Indicate dimensions, voltage, bus ampacities, unit arrangement and sizes, short circuit current ratings, conduit entry locations, conductor terminal information, and installed features and accessories. 1. Include dimensioned plan and elevation views of motor control centers and adjacent equipment with all required clearances indicated. 2. Include wiring diagrams showing all factory and field connections. 3. Clearly indicate whether proposed short circuit current ratings are fully rated or, where acceptable, series rated systems. 4. Include documentation of listed series ratings. D. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by product testing agency. Include instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation, and installation of product. E. Maintenance Data: Include information on replacement parts and recommended maintenance procedures and intervals. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with requirements of NFPA 70. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Motor Control Centers -Other Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. ABBlGE: www.geindustrial.com/#sle. 2. Eaton Corporation: www.eaton.comt#sle. 3. Rockwell Automation, Inc.; Allen-Bradley Products: ab.rockwellautomation.com/#sle. 4. Schneider Electric; Square D Products: www.schneider-electric.usi#sle. 5. Siemens Industry, Inc: www.usa.siemens.com/#sle. 2.02 MOTOR CONTROL CENTERS A. Provide motor control centers consisting of all required components, control power transformers, instrumentation and control wiring, accessories, etc. as necessary for a complete operating system. B. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. C. Description: Dead -front standard (non -arc -resistant) type motor control center assemblies complying with NEMA ICS 18, and listed and labeled as complying with UL 845; ratings, configurations and features as indicated on the drawings. D. Configuration: 1. Arrangement: Front- and rear -mounted units. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 25 2419 - 2 MOTOR -CONTROL CENTERS WWTP Replacement 2I NEMA Classification and Wiring Type: NEMA ICS 18, Class I, Type B (B-T for units size 3 or smaller). E. Service Conditions: 1. Provide motor control centers and associated components suitable for operation under the following service conditions without derating: a. Altitude: 1) Class 1 Km Equipment (devices utilizing power semiconductors, e.g. variable frequency controllers): Less than 3,300 feet (1,000 m). 2) Class 2 Km Equipment (electromagnetic and manual devices): Less than 6,600 feet (2,000 m). b. Ambient Temperature: Between 32 degrees F (0 degrees C) and 104 degrees F (40 degrees C). 2. Provide motor control centers and associated components suitable for operation at indicated ratings under the service conditions at the installed location. R Short Circuit Current Rating: 1. Minimum Rating: 42,000 rms symmetrical amperes. 2. Listed series ratings are not acceptable. G. Bussing: 1. Horizontal Main Bus: Size for a maximum temperature rise of 117 degrees F (65 degrees C) over an ambient temperature of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C), in compliance with NEMA ICS 18 and UL 845 requirements. 2. Vertical Bus: Minimum size of 400 A, in compliance with NEMA ICS 18 requirements. 3. Provide solidly bonded equipment ground bus through full length of motor control center, with a suitable lug for each feeder and branch circuit equipment grounding conductor. 4. Phase and Neutral Bus Material: Copper. 5, Ground Bus Material: Copper. H. Conductor Terminations: Suitable for use with the conductors to be installed. 1. Line Conductor Terminations: a. Main and Neutral Lug Material: Aluminum, suitable for terminating aluminum or copper conductors. b. Main and Neutral Lug Type: Mechanical. I. Enclosures: 1. Comply with NEMA ICS 6. 2. Environment Type per NEMA 250: Unless otherwise indicated, as specified for the following installation locations: a. Indoor Clean, Dry Locations: Type 1 or Type 2 (drip -proof). 3. Finish: Manufacturer's standard unless otherwise indicated. J. Future Provisions: 1. Prepare designated spaces for future installation of devices including bussing, connectors, mounting hardware and all other required provisions. K. Instrument Transformers: 1. Comply with IEEE C57.13. 2. Select suitable ratio, burden, and accuracy as required for connected devices. 3. Current Transformers: Connect secondaries to shorting terminal blocks. 4. Potential Transformers: Include primary and secondary fuses with disconnecting means. 2.03 MOTOR CONTROL CENTER UNITS A. Combination Magnetic Motor Starter Units: 1. Description: NEMA ICS 21 Class A combination motor controllers with magnetic contactor(s), externally operable disconnect and overload relay(s). 2. Configuration: Full -voltage non -reversing type unless otherwise indicated. 3. Disconnects: Circuit breaker type. a. Circuit Breakers: Thermal magnetic unless otherwise indicated or required. PM131-21 �006 / Brandywine Bay 26 2419 - 3 MOTOR -CONTROL CENTERS WWTP Replacement b. Provide externally operable handle with means for locking in the OFF position. Provide safety interlock to prevent opening the cover with the disconnect in the ON position with capability of overriding interlock for testing purposes. c. Provide auxiliary interlock for disconnection of external control power sources where applicable. 4. Overload Relays: Bimetallic thermal type unless otherwise indicated. 5, Pilot Devices Required: a. Furnish local pilot devices for each unit as specified below unless otherwise indicated on drawings. b. Variable -Frequency AC Drive Units 1) Selector Switches: 2) Indicating Lights: B. Variable -Frequency AC Drive Units: Comply with Section 26 2923, 2.04 OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES A. Overload Relays: 1. Provide overload relays and, where applicable, associated current elements/heaters, selected according to actual installed motor nameplate data, in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and NFPA 70; include consideration for motor service factor and ambient temperature correction, where applicable. 2. Inverse -Time Trip Class Rating: Class 20 unless otherwise indicated or required. 3. Trip -free operation. 4. Visible trip indication. 5. Resettable. a. Employ manual reset unless otherwise indicated. b. Do not employ automatic reset with two -wire control. 6. Bimetallic Thermal Overload Relays: a. Interchangeable current elements/heaters. b. Adjustable trip; plus/minus 10 percent of nominal, minimum. c. Trip test function. B. Circuit Breakers: 1. Interrupting Capacity (not applicable to motor circuit protectors): a. Provide circuit breakers with interrupting capacity as required to provide the short circuit current rating indicated, but not less than specified minimum requirements. b. Fully Rated Systems: Provide circuit breakers with interrupting capacity not less than the short circuit current rating indicated. 2. Molded Case Circuit Breakers: a. Description: Quick -make, quick -break, over center toggle, trip -free, trip -indicating circuit breakers; listed and labeled as complying with UL 489, and complying with FS W-C-375 where applicable; ratings, configurations, and features as indicated on the drawings. 2.05 MOTOR CONTROL ACCESSORIES A. Auxiliary Contacts: 1. Comply with NEMA ICS 5. 2. Provide number and type of contacts indicated or required to perform necessary functions, including holding (seal -in) circuit and interlocking, plus one normally open (NO) and one normally closed (NC) spare contact for each starter unit, minimum. B. Pilot Devices: 1. Comply with NEMA ICS 5; heavy-duty type. 2. Pushbuttons: Unless otherwise indicated, provide momentary, non -illuminated type with flush button operator; normally open or normally closed as indicated or as required. 3. Selector Switches: Unless otherwise indicated, provide maintained, non -illuminated type with knob operator; number of switch positions as indicated or as required. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 2419 - 4 MOTOR -CONTROL CENTERS WWTP Replacement Indicating Lights: Push -to -test type unless otherwise indicated. Provide LED lamp source for indicating lights and illuminated devices. C. Control and Timing Relays: 1. Comply with NEMA ICS 5, 2. Provide number and type of relays indicated or required to perform necessary functions. D. Control Power Transformers: 1. Size to accommodate burden of contactor coil(s) and all connected auxiliary devices. 2. Include primary and secondary fuses. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install motor control centers in accordance with NECA 1 (general workmanship), NECA 402, and NEMA ICS 2.3. C. Arrange equipment to provide required clearances and maintenance access, including accommodations for any drawout devices. D. Provide required support and attachment in accordance with Section 26 0529. E. Install motor control centers plumb and level. F. Unless otherwise indicated, mount motor control centers on properly sized 4 inch (100 mm) high concrete pad constructed in accordance with Section 03 3000, G. Provide grounding and bonding in accordance with Section 26 0526, H. Install all field -installed devices, components, and accessories. I. Where accessories are not self -powered, provide control power source as indicated or as required to complete installation. J. Set field -adjustable motor controllers and associated components according to installed motor requirements, in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and NFPA 70, K. Provide filler plates to cover unused spaces. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 2419 - 5 MOTOR -CONTROL CENTERS WWTP Replacement SECTION 26 2726 WIRING DEVICES PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. WaII switches. B. Receptacles, Co Wail plates. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0533,16 - Boxes for Electrical Systems, 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. FS W-C-596 - Connector, Electrical, Power, General Specification for; 2017h. B. FS W-S-896 - Switches, Toggle (Toggle and Lock), Flush -mounted (General Specification); 2017g. C. NECA 1 - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2015. D. NECA 130 - Standard for Installing and Maintaining Wiring Devices; 2010, E. NEMA WD 1 - General Color Requirements for Wiring Devices; 1999 (Reaffirmed 2015). F. NEMA WD 6 - Wiring Devices - Dimensional Specifications; 2016. G. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. H. UL 20 - General -Use Snap Switches; Current Edition, Including All Revisions, I. UL 498 - Attachment Plugs and Receptacles; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. J. UL 514D - Cover Plates for Flush -Mounted Wiring Devices; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's catalog information showing dimensions, colors, and configurations. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with requirements of NFPA 70, B. Products: Listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 WIRING DEVICE APPLICATIONS A. Provide wiring devices suitable for intended use and with ratings adequate for load served. B. Provide weather resistant GFCI receptacles with specified weatherproof covers for receptacles installed outdoors or in damp or wet locations. C. Provide GFCI protection for receptacles installed within 6 feet (1.8 m) of sinks. 2.02 WIRING DEVICE FINISHES A. Provide wiring device finishes as described below unless otherwise indicated. B. Wiring Devices, Unless Otherwise indicated: White with white nylon wall plate. C. Wiring Devices Installed in Wet or Damp Locations: White with specified weatherproof cover. PM131-21�006! Brandywine Bay 26 2726 - 1 WIRING DEVICES WWTP Replacement 2.03 WALL SWITCHES A. Wall Switches - General Requirements: AC only, quiet operating, general -use snap switches with silver alloy contacts, complying with NEMA WD 1 and NEMA WD 6, and listed as complying with UL 20 and where applicable, FS W-S-896; types as indicated on the drawings. 1. Wiring Provisions: Terminal screws for side wiring and screw actuated binding clamp for back wiring with separate ground terminal screw. B. Standard Wail Switches: Commercial specification grade, 20 A, 120/277 V with standard toggle type switch actuator and maintained contacts; single pole single throw or three way as indicated on the drawings. 2.04 RECEPTACLES A. Receptacles - General Requirements: Self -grounding, complying with NEMA WD 1 and NEMA WD 6, and listed as complying with UL 498, and where applicable, FS W-C-596; types as indicated on the drawings. 1. Wiring Provisions: Terminal screws for side wiring or screw actuated binding clamp for back wiring with separate ground terminal screw. 2. NEMA configurations specified are according to NEMA WD 6. B. Convenience Receptacles: 1. Standard Convenience Receptacles: Commercial specification grade, 20A, 125V, NEMA 5-20R; single or duplex as indicated on the drawings. 2. Weather Resistant Convenience Receptacles; Commercial specification grade, 20A, 125V, NEMA 5-20R, listed and labeled as weather resistant type complying with UL 498 Supplement BE suitable for installation in damp or wet locations; single or duplex as indicated on the drawings. 2.05 WALL PLATES A. Wall Plates: Comply with UL 514D. 1. Configuration: One piece cover as required for quantity and types of corresponding wiring devices. 2. Size: Oversized, 3. Screws: Metal with slotted heads finished to match wall plate finish. B. Stainless Steel Wall Plates: Brushed satin finish, Type 302 stainless steel. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Perform work in accordance with NECA 1 (general Workmanship) and, where applicable, NECA 130, including mounting heights specified in those standards unless otherwise indicated. B. Coordinate locations of outlet boxes provided under Section 26 0533,16 as required for installation of wiring devices provided under this section. C. Install wiring devices in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. D. Install permanent barrier between ganged wiring devices when voltage between adjacent devices exceeds 300 V. E. Where required, connect wiring devices using pigtails not less than 6 inches (150 mm) long. Do not connect more than one conductor to wiring device terminals. F. Connect wiring devices by wrapping conductor clockwise 3/4 turn around screw terminal and tightening to proper torque specified by the manufacturer. Where present, do not use push -in pressure terminals that do not rely on screw -actuated binding. G. Unless otherwise indicated, connect wiring device grounding terminal to branch circuit equipment grounding conductor and to outlet box with bonding jumper. H. Install wiring devices plumb and level with mounting yoke held rigidly in place. I. Install wall switches with OFF position down. PM1 31-21 �006 / Brandywine Bay 262726-2 WIRING DEVICES WWTP Replacement J. Install vertically mounted receptacles with grounding pole on top and horizontally mounted receptacles with grounding pole on left. C Install wall plates to fit completely flush to wall with no gaps and rough opening completely covered without strain on wall plate. Repair or reinstall improperly installed outlet boxes or improperly sized rough openings. Do not use oversized wall plates in lieu of meeting this requirement. L. Install blank wall plates on junction boxes and on outlet boxes with no wiring devices installed or designated for future use. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 2726 - 3 WIRING DEVICES WWTP Replacement SECTION 26 2813 FUSES PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Fuses, B. Spare fuse cabinet. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. NEMA FU 1 - Low Voltage Cartridge Fuses; 2012. B. UL 248-1 - Low -Voltage Fuses - Part 1: General Requirements; Current Edition, Including All Revisions, C. UL 248-12 - Low -Voltage Fuses - Part 12: Class R Fuses; Current Edition, Including All Revisions, 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard data sheets including voltage and current ratings, interrupting ratings, time -current curves, and current limitation curves. 1. Spare Fuse Cabinet: Include dimensions. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 APPLICATIONS A. Feeders: 1. Fusible Switches up to 600 Amperes: Class RK1, time -delay. B. Individual Motor Branch Circuits: Class RK1, time -delay. 2.02 FUSES A. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. B. Unless specifically indicated to be excluded, provide fuses for all fusible equipment as required for a complete operating system. C. Provide fuses of the same type, rating, and manufacturer within the same switch. D. Comply with UL 248-1, E. Unless otherwise indicated, provide cartridge type fuses complying with NEMA FU 1, Class and ratings as indicated. F. Voltage Rating: Suitable for circuit voltage. G. Class R Fuses: Comply with UL 248-12, 2.03 SPARE FUSE CABINET A. Description: Wall -mounted sheet metal cabinet with shelves and hinged door with cylinder lock, suitably sized to store spare fuses and fuse pullers specified. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Do not install fuses until circuits are ready to be energized. B. Install fuses with label oriented such that manufacturer, type, and size are easily read. C. Install spare fuse cabinet where indicated. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 2813 - 1 WWTP Replacement FUSES SECTION 26 2817 ENCLOSED CIRCUIT BREAKERS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Enclosed circuit breakers. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0526 - Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. FS W-C-375 - Circuit Breakers, Molded Case; Branch Circuit and Service; 2013e (Amended 2017). B. NECA 1 - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2015. C. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum); 2018. D. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. E. UL 50 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Non -Environmental Considerations; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. F. UL 50E - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Environmental Considerations; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. G. UL 489 - Molded -Case Circuit Breakers, Molded -Case Switches and Circuit Breaker Enclosures; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. H. UL 869A - Reference Standard for Service Equipment; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. I. UL 943 - Ground -Fault Circuit -Interrupters; Current Edition, Including All Revisions, 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for circuit breakers, enclosures, and other installed, components and accessories. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. ABB/GE: www,geindustrial.com/#sle. B. Eaton Corporation; Cutler -Hammer Products: www.eaton.com/#sie. C. General Electric Company: www.geindustrial.com/#sle. D. Schneider Electric; Square D Products: www.schneider-electric.us/#sle. E. Siemens Industry, Inc: www.usa.siemens.com/#sle. F. Approved Equal, 2.02 ENCLOSED CIRCUIT BREAKERS A. Description: Units consisting of molded case circuit breakers individually mounted in enclosures. B. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. C. Unless otherwise indicated, provide products suitable for continuous operation under the following service conditions: 1. Altitude: Less than 6,600 feet (2,000 m). PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 2817 - 1 ENCLOSED CIRCUIT WWTP Replacement BREAKERS 2. Ambient Temperature: Between 23 degrees F (-5 degrees C) and 104 degrees F (40 degrees C). D. Short Circuit Current Rating: 1. Provide enclosed circuit breakers with listed short circuit current rating not less than the available fault current at the installed location indicated on the drawings. E. Enclosed Circuit Breakers Used for Service Entrance: Listed and labeled as suitable for use as service equipment according to UL 869A, F. Conductor Terminations: Suitable for use with the conductors to be installed. G. Provide thermal magnetic circuit breakers. H. Provide solidly bonded equipment ground bus in each enclosed circuit breaker, with a suitable lug for terminating each equipment grounding conductor. I. Enclosures: Comply with NEMA 250, and list and label as complying with UL 50 and UL 50E. 1. Environment Type per NEMA 250: Unless otherwise indicated, as specified for the following installation locations: a. Indoor Clean, Dry Locations: Type 1. J. Provide externally operable handle with means for locking in the OFF position. 2.03 MOLDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERS A. Description: Quick -make, quick -break, over center toggle, trip -free, trip -indicating circuit breakers listed and labeled as complying with UL 489, and complying with FS W-C-375 where applicable; ratings, configurations, and features as indicated on the drawings. B. Interrupting Capacity: 1. Provide circuit breakers with interrupting capacity as required to provide the short circuit current rating indicated, but not less than: a. 42,000 rms symmetrical amperes at 480 VAC, 2, Fully Rated Systems: Provide circuit breakers with interrupting capacity not less than the short circuit current rating indicated. C. Conductor Terminations; 1. Lug Material: Aluminum, suitable for terminating aluminum or copper conductors. D. Thermal Magnetic Circuit Breakers: For each pole, furnish thermal inverse time tripping element for overload protection and magnetic instantaneous tripping element for short circuit protection. E. Electronic Trip Circuit Breakers: Furnish solid state, microprocessor -based, true rms sensing trip units. F. Multi -Pole Circuit Breakers: Furnish with common trip for all poles. G. Provide the following circuit breaker types where indicated: 1. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) Circuit Breakers: Listed as complying with UL 943, class A for protection of personnel. PART 3 EXECUTION 3,01 INSTALLATION A. Install enclosed circuit breakers where indicated, in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install enclosed circuit breakers securely, in a neat and workmanlike manner in accordance with NECA 1. C. Arrange equipment to provide minimum clearances in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 70, D. Install enclosed circuit breakers plumb. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 26 2817 - 2 ENCLOSED CIRCUIT WWTP Replacement BREAKERS E. Except where indicated to be mounted adjacent to the equipment they supply, mount enclosed circuit breakers such that the highest position of the operating handle does not exceed 79 inches (2000 mm) above the floor or working platform. Provide grounding and bonding in accordance with Section 26 0526. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 2817 - 3 ENCLOSED CIRCUIT WWTP Replacement BREAKERS SECTION 26 2818 ENCLOSED SWITCHES PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Enclosed safety switches. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0526 - Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems, B. Section 26 2813 - Fuses. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. NECA 1 - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2015. B. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum); 2018. C. NEMA KS 1 - Heavy Duty Enclosed and Dead -Front Switches (600 Volts Maximum); 2013. D. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. E. UL 50 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Non -Environmental Considerations; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. F. UL 50E - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Environmental Considerations; Current Edition, Including All Revisions, G. UL 98 - Enclosed and Dead -Front Switches; Current Edition, Including All Revisions, H. UL 869A - Reference Standard for Service Equipment; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for enclosed switches and other installed components and accessories. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. ABB/GE: www.geindustrial.com/#sle. B. Eaton Corporation; Cutler -Hammer Products: www.eaton.com/#sle. C. General Electric Company: www,geindustrial.com/#sle. 14 D. Schneider Electric; Square D Products: www.schneider-electric.us/#sle. E. Siemens Industry, Inc: www,usa,siemens.com/#sle. 2.02 ENCLOSED SAFETY SWITCHES A. Description: Quick -make, quick -break enclosed safety switches listed and labeled as complying with UL 98; heavy duty; ratings, configurations, and features as indicated on the drawings. B. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. C. Unless otherwise indicated, provide products suitable for continuous operation under the following service conditions: 1. Altitude: Less than 6,600 feet (2,000 m). 2. Ambient Temperature: Between -22 degrees F (-30 degrees C) and 104 degrees F (40 degrees C). D. Horsepower Rating: Suitable for connected load. E. Voltage Rating: Suitable for circuit voltage. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 2818 - 1 ENCLOSED SWITCHES WWTP Replacement F. Short Circuit Current Rating: 1. Minimum Ratings: a. Heavy Duty Single Throw Switches Protected by Class R Fuses: 200,000 rms symmetrical amperes. G. Enclosed Safety Switches Used for Service Entrance: Listed and labeled as suitable for use as service equipment according to UL 869A. H. Provide with switch blade contact position that is visible when the cover is open. I. Fuse Clips for Fusible Switches: As required to accept fuses indicated. 1. Where NEMA Class R fuses are installed, provide rejection feature to prevent installation of fuses other than Class R. J. Conductor Terminations: Suitable for use with the conductors to be installed. K. Provide solidly bonded equipment ground bus in each enclosed safety switch, with a suitable lug for terminating each equipment grounding conductor. L. Enclosures: Comply with NEMA 250, and list and label as complying with UL 50 and UL 50E. 1. Environment Type per NEMA 250: Unless otherwise indicated, as specified for the following installation locations: a. Indoor Clean, Dry Locations: Type 1. b. Outdoor Locations: Type 4X, stainless steel. c. Shall have lockable door.. M. Provide safety interlock to prevent opening the cover with the switch in the ON position with capability of overriding interlock for testing purposes. N. Heavy Duty Switches: 1. Comply with NEMA KS 1. 2, Conductor Terminations: a. Lug Material: Aluminum, suitable for terminating aluminum or copper conductors. 3. Provide externally operable handle with means for locking in the OFF position, capable of accepting three padlocks. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install enclosed switches in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install enclosed switches securely, in a neat and workmanlike manner in accordance with NECA 1. C. Arrange equipment to provide minimum clearances in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 70. D. Install enclosed switches plumb. E. Except where indicated to be mounted adjacent to the equipment they supply, mount enclosed switches such that the highest position of the operating handle does not exceed 79 inches (2000 mm) above the floor or working platform. F. Provide grounding and bonding in accordance with Section 26 0526, G. Provide fuses complying with Section 26 2813 for fusible switches as indicated or as required by equipment manufacturer's recommendations. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 2818 - 2 ENCLOSED SWITCHES WWTP Replacement SECTION 26 2923 VARIABLE -FREQUENCY MOTOR CONTROLLERS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Variable frequency controllers. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0529 -Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. NEMA ICS 7.1 -Safety Standards for Construction and Guide for Selection, Installation, and Operation of Adjustable -Speed Drive Systems; 2014. B. NEMA ICS 7 - Industrial Control and Systems: Adjustable -Speed Drives; 2014, C. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide catalog sheets showing voltage, controller size, ratings and size of switching and overcurrent protective devices, short circuit ratings, dimensions, and enclosure details. C. Shop Drawings: Indicate front and side views of enclosures with overall dimensions and weights shown; conduit entrance locations and requirements; and nameplate legends. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with requirements of NFPA 70, PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Variable Frequency Motor Controllers: 1. ABB/GE: www.geindustrial.com/#sle. 2. Danfoss: www,danfoss.com/#sle. 3. Eaton Corporation: www.eaton.com/#sle. 4. Rockwell Automation, Inc.; Allen-Bradley Products: ab.rockwellautomation.com/#sle. 5. Schneider Electric; Square D Products: www.schneider-electric.us/#sle. 6. Siemens Industry, Inc: www,usa,slemens.com/#sle. B. Source Limitations: Furnish variable frequency motor controllers and associated components produced by a single manufacturer and obtained from a single supplier. 2.02 DESCRIPTION A. Variable Frequency Controllers: Enclosed controllers suitable for operating the indicated loads, in compliance with requirements of NEMA ICS 7. Select unspecified features and options in accordance with NEMA ICS 3.1. 2.03 OPERATING REQUIREMENTS A. Rated Input Voltage: 480 volts, three phase, 60 Hertz, B. Motor Nameplate Voltage: 460 volts, three phase, 60 Hertz, C. Operating Ambient: 0 degrees C to 40 degrees C. D. Volts Per Hertz Adjustment: Plus or minus 10 percent. E. Current Limit Adjustment: 60 to 110 percent of rated. F. Acceleration Rate Adjustment: 0.5 to 30 seconds. G. Deceleration Rate Adjustment: 1 to 30 seconds. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay, 26 2923 - 1 WWTP Replacement VARIABLE -FREQUENCY MOTOR CONTROLLERS H. Input Signal: 4 to 20 mA DC. 2.04 COMPONENTS A. Display: Provide integral digital display to indicate output voltage, output frequency, and output current. B. Status Indicators: Separate indicators for overcurrent, overvoltage, ground fault, overtemperature, and input power ON. C. Furnish HAND -OFF -AUTOMATIC selector switch and manual speed control. D. Control Power Source: Integral control transformer. E. Door Interlocks: Furnish mechanical means to prevent opening of equipment with power connected, or to disconnect power if door is opened; include means for defeating interlock by qualified persons. F. Manual Bypass: Furnish contactor, motor running overload protection, and short circuit protection for full voltage, non -reversing operation of the motor. Include isolation switch to allow maintenance of inverter during bypass operation. O. Emergency Stop: Use dynamic brakes for emergency stop function. H. Disconnecting Means: Include integral circuit breaker on the line side of each controller. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with NEMA ICS 7.1 and manufacturer's instructions. B. Provide required support and attachment in accordance with Section 26 0629. C. Tighten accessible connections and mechanical fasteners after placing controller. END OF SECTION PM131-21 �006 !Brandywine Bay 26 2923 - 2 VARIABLE -FREQUENCY WWTP Replacement MOTOR CONTROLLERS SECTION 26 3213 ENGINE GENERATORS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Packaged engine generator system and associated components and accessories: 1. Generator set enclosure. 1,02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 03 3000 - Cast -in -Place Concrete: Concrete equipment pads. B. Section 23 1113 - Facility Fuel -Oil Piping: 1. Diesel fuel piping. C. Section 23 5100 - Breechings, Chimneys, and Stacks: Engine exhaust piping. D. Section 26 0526 - Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems, E. Section 26 0529 - Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems. F. Section 26 0553 - Identification for Electrical Systems: Identification products and requirements. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM D975 - Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils; 2017. B. NECA 1 - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2015. C. NECA/EGSA 404 - Standard for Installing Generator Sets; 2014, D. NEMA MG 1 - Motors and Generators; 2014, E. NFPA 30 -Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code; 2018, R NFPA 37 - Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines; 2018. G. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. H. NFPA 99 -Health Care Facilities Code; 2018, I. NFPA 110 - Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems; 2016. J. UL 142 - Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. K. UL 1236 - Battery Chargers for Charging Engine -Starter Batteries; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. L. UL 2200 - Stationary Engine Generator Assemblies; Current Edition, Including All Revisions, 1.04 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Coordination: 1. Coordinate compatibility of generator sets to be installed with work provided under other sections or by others. 2. Coordinate the work with other trades to avoid placement of ductwork, piping, equipment or other potential obstructions within the spaces dedicated for engine generator system. 3. Coordinate arrangement of equipment with the dimensions and clearance requirements of the actual equipment to be installed. 4. Coordinate the work to provide electrical circuits suitable for the power requirements of the actual auxiliary equipment and accessories to be installed. 5. Notify Stroud Engineering, PA of any conflicts with or deviations from Contract Documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. PM131-21�0061 Brandywine Bay 26 3213 - 1 ENGINE GENERATORS WWTP Replacement B. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for each product, including ratings, configurations, dimensions, finishes, weights, service condition requirements, and installed features. Include alternator starting capabilities, engine fuel consumption rates, and cooling, combustion air, and exhaust requirements. 1. Include generator set sound level test data. 2. Include characteristic trip curves for overcurrent protective devices upon request. C. Shop Drawings: Include dimensioned plan views and sections indicating locations of system components, required clearances, and field connection locations. Include system interconnection schematic diagrams showing all factory and field connections. D. Fuel Storage Tank Calculations: Indicate maximum running time for generator set configuration provided. E. Manufacturer's factory emissions certification. F. Provide NFPA 110 required documentation from manufacturer where requested by authorities having jurisdiction, including but not limited to: 1. Certified prototype tests. 2. Torsional vibration compatibility certification. 3. NFPA 110 compliance certification. 4. Certified rated load test at rated power factor. G. Maintenance contracts. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with the following: 1. NFPA 70 (National Electrical Code), 2. NFPA 37 (Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines). 3, NFPA 30 (Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code), B. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience. 1. Authorized service facilities located within 200 miles (320 km) of project site. C. Product Listing Organization Qualifications: An organization recognized by OSHA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1.07 WARRANTY A. See Section 01 7800 -Closeout Submittals, for additional warranty requirements. B. Provide minimum one year manufacturer warranty covering repair or replacement due to defective materials or workmanship. PART PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Packaged Engine Generator Set: 1, Caterpillar Inc: www.cat.com/#sle. 2. Cummins Power Generation Inc: www.cumminspower.com/#sle. 3. Generac Power Systems: www,generac.com/industrial/#sle. 4. Kohler Cc: www.kohlerpower.com/#sle. 2.02 PACKAGED ENGINE GENERATOR SYSTEM A. Provide new engine generator system consisting of all required equipment, sensors, conduit, boxes, wiring, piping, supports, accessories, system programming, etc, as necessary for a complete operating system that provides the functional intent indicated. B. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. C. System Description: PM131-21-006 /Brandywine Bay 26 3213 - 2 ENGINE GENERATORS WWTP Replacement 1. Application: Emergency/standby. 2. Configuration: Single packaged engine generator set operated independently (not in parallel). D. Packaged Engine Generator Set: 1. Type: Diesel (compression ignition). 2. Power Rating: As indicated on drawings, standby. 3. Voltage: As indicated on drawings. 4. Main Line Circuit Breaker: a. Type: Thermal magnetic. b. Trip Rating: Select according to generator set rating. E. Generator Set General Requirements: 1. Prototype tested in accordance with NFPA 110 for Level 1 systems. 2. Factory -assembled, with components mounted on suitable base. 3. List and label engine generator assembly as complying with UL 2200. 4. Power Factor: Unless otherwise indicated, specified power ratings are at 0.8 power factor for three phase voltages and 1.0 power factor for single phase voltages. 5. Provide suitable guards to protect personnel from accidental contact with rotating parts, hot piping, and other potential sources of injury. 6. Main Line Circuit Breakers: Provide factory -installed line side connections with suitable lugs for load side connections. F. Service Conditions: Provide engine generator system and associated components suitable for operation under the service conditions at the installed location. G. Starting and Load Acceptance Requirements: 1. Cranking Method: Cycle cranking complying with NFPA 110 (15 second crank period, followed by 15 second rest period, with cranking limiter time-out after 3 cycles), unless otherwise required. 2. Cranking Limiter Time -Out: If generator set fails to start after specified cranking period, indicate overcrank alarm condition and lock -out generator set from further cranking until manually reset. 3. Start Time: Capable of starting and achieving conditions necessary for load acceptance within 10 seconds (NFPA 110, Type 10). 4, Maximum Load Step: Supports 100 percent of rated load in one step. H. Exhaust Emissions Requirements: 1. Comply with federal (EPA), state, and local regulations applicable at the time of commissioning; include factory emissions certification with submittals. 2. Do not make modifications affecting generator set factory emissions certification without approval of manufacturer and Engineer. Where such modifications are made, provide field emissions testing as necessary for certification. I. Sound Level Requirements: 1. Do not exceed 75 dBA when measured at 23 feet (7 m) from generator set in free field (no sound barriers) while operating at full load; include manufacturer's sound data with submittals. 2.03 ENGINE AND ENGINE ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT A. Provide engine with adequate horsepower to achieve specified power output at rated speed, accounting for alternator efficiency and parasitic loads. B. Engine Fuel System - Diesel (Compression Ignition): 1. Fuel Source: Diesel, ASTM D975 No. 2-D or approved cold weather diesel blends. 2. Fuel Storage: Sub -base fuel tank. 3. Engine Fuel Supply: Provide engine -driven, positive displacement fuel pump with replaceable fuel filter(s), water separator, check valve to secure prime, manual fuel priming pump, and relief -bypass valve. Provide fuel cooler where recommended by manufacturer. 011 131-21-006 /Brandywine Bay 26 3213 - 3 ENGINE GENERATORS WWTP Replacement 4. Engine Fuel Connections: Provide suitable, approved flexible fuel lines for coupling engine to fuel source. 5. Sub -Base Fuel Tank: a. Provide sub -base mounted, double -wall fuel tank with secondary containment; listed and labeled as complying with UL 142, b. Tank Capacity: Size for minimum of 48 hours of continuous engine generator operation at 100 percent rated load, but not larger than permissible by applicable codes. c. Features: 1) Direct reading fuel level gauge. 2) Normal atmospheric vent. 3) Emergency pressure relief vent. 4) Fuel fill opening with lockable cap. 5) Dedicated electrical conduit stub -up area. C. Engine Starting System: 1. System Type: Electric, with DC solenoid -activated starting motor(s). 2. Battery(s): a. Battery Type: Lead -acid. b. Battery Capacity: Size according to manufacturer's recommendations for achieving starting and load acceptance requirements under worst case ambient temperature; capable of providing cranking through two complete periods of cranking limiter time-outs without recharging. c. Provide battery rack, cables, and connectors suitable for the supplied battery(s); size battery cables according to manufacturer's recommendations for cable length to be installed. 3. Battery -Charging Alternator: Engine -driven, with integral solid-state voltage regulation. 4. Battery Charger: a. Provide dual rate battery charger with automatic float and equalize charging modes and minimum rating of 10 amps; suitable for maintaining the supplied battery(s) at full charge without manual intervention. b. Capable of returning supplied battery(s) from fully discharged to fully charged condition within time required by NFPA 110 for Level indicated while carrying normal loads. c. Recognized as complying with UL 1236, d. Furnished with integral overcurrent protection; current limited to protect charger during engine cranking; reverse polarity protection. e. Provide integral DC output ammeter and voltmeter with five percent accuracy. f. Provide alarm output contacts as necessary for alarm indications. D. Engine Speed Control System (Governor): 1. Single Engine Generator Sets (Not Operated in Parallel): Provide electronic isochronous governor for controlling engine speed/alternator frequency. 2. Frequency Regulation, Electronic Isochronous Governors: No change in frequency from no load to full load; plus/minus 0,26 percent at steady state. E. Engine Lubrication System: 1. System Type: Full pressure, with engine -driven, positive displacement lubrication oil pump, replaceable full -flow oil filter(s), and dip -stick for oil level indication. Provide oil cooler where recommended by manufacturer. F. Engine Cooling System: 1. System Type: Closed -loop, liquid -cooled, with unit -mounted radiator/fan and engine -driven coolant pump; suitable for providing adequate cooling while operating at full load under worst case ambient temperature. 2. Fan Guard: Provide suitable guard to protect personnel from accidental contact with fan. 3. Coolant Heater: Provide thermostatically controlled coolant heater to improve starting under cold ambient conditions; size according to manufacturer's recommendations for PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 3213 - 4 ENGINE GENERATORS WWTP Replacement achieving starting and load acceptance requirements under worst case ambient temperature. G. Engine Air Intake and Exhaust System: 1, Air Intake Filtration: Provide engine -mounted, replaceable, dry element filter. 2. Engine Exhaust Connection: Provide suitable, approved flexible connector for coupling engine to exhaust system. 2.04 ALTERNATOR (GENERATOR) A. Alternator: 4-pole, 1300 rpm (60 Hz output) revolving field, synchronous generator complying with NEMA MG 1; connected to engine with flexible coupling; voltage output configuration as indicated, with reconnectable leads for 3 phase alternators. B. Exciter: 1. Exciter Type: Brushless; provide permanent magnet generator (PMG) excitation system; self-excited (shunt) systems are not permitted. 2. PMG Excitation Short -Circuit Current Support: Capable of sustaining 300 percent of rated output current for 10 seconds. 3. Voltage Regulation (with PMG excitation): Plus/minus 0.5 percent for any constant load from no load to full load. C. Temperature Rise: Comply with UL 2200. D. Insulation System: NEMA MG 1, Class H; suitable for alternator temperature rise. E. Enclosure: NEMA MG 1, drip -proof. F. Total Harmonic Distortion: Not greater than five percent. 2.05 GENERATOR SET CONTROL SYSTEM A. Provide microprocessor -based control system for automatic control, monitoring, and protection of generator set. Include sensors, wiring, and connections necessary for functions/indications specified. B. Control Panel: 1. Control Panel Mounting: Unit -mounted unless otherwise indicated; vibration isolated. 2. Generator Set Control Functions: a. Automatic Mode: Initiates generator set start/shutdown upon receiving corresponding signal from remote device (e.g. automatic transfer switch). b. Manual Mode: Initiates generator set start/shutdown upon direction from operator. c. Reset Mode: Clears all faults, allowing generator set restart after a shutdown. d. Emergency Stop: Immediately shuts down generator set (without time delay) and prevents automatic restarting until manually reset. e. Cycle Cranking: Programmable crank time, rest time, and number of cycles. f. Time Delay: Programmable for shutdown (engine cooldown) and start (engine warmup). g. Voltage Adjustment: Adjustable through range of plus/minus 5 percent. 3. Generator Set Status Indications: a. Voltage (Volts AC): Line -to -line, line -to -neutral for each phase. b. Current (Amps): For each phase. c. Frequency (Hz). d. Real power (W/kW). e. Reactive power (VARWAR). f. Apparent power (VA/kVA). g. Power factor. h. Duty Level: Actual load as percentage of rated power. i. Engine speed (RPM). j. Battery voltage (Volts DC). k. Engine oil pressure. I. Engine coolant temperature. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 3213 - 5 ENGINE GENERATORS WWTP Replacement m. Engine run time. n. Generator powering load (position signal from transfer switch). 4. Generator Set Protection and Warning/Shutdown Indications: a. Comply with NFPA 110; configurable for NFPA 110 Level 1 or Level 2, or NFPA 99 systems including but not limited to the following protections/indications: 1) Overcrank (shutdown). 2) Low coolant temperature (warning). 3) High coolant temperature (warning). 4) High coolant temperature (shutdown). 5) Low oil pressure (shutdown). 6) Overspeed (shutdown). 7) Low fuel level (warning). 8) Low coolant level (warning/shutdown). 9) Generator control not in automatic mode (warning). 10) High battery voltage (warning). 11) Low cranking voltage (warning). 12) Low battery voltage (warning). 13) Battery charger failure (warning). b. In addition to NFPA 110 requirements, provide the following protections/indications: 1) High AC voltage (shutdown). 2) Low AC voltage (shutdown). 3) High frequency (shutdown). 4) Low frequency (shutdown). 5) Overcurrent (shutdown). c. Provide contacts for local and remote common alarm. d. Provide lamp test function that illuminates all indicator lamps. 5. Other Control Panel Features: a. Event log. 2.06 GENERATOR SET ENCLOSURE A. Enclosure Type: Sound attenuating, weather protective. B. Enclosure Material: Aluminum. C. Hardware Material: Stainless steel. D. Color: Manufacturer's standard. E. Access Doors: Lockable, with all locks keyed alike. F. Openings: Designed to prevent bird/rodent entry. G. External Drains: Extend oil and coolant drain lines to exterior of enclosure for maintenance service. H. Sound Attenuating Enclosures: Line enclosure with non-hydroscopic, self -extinguishing sound -attenuating material. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Perform work in accordance with NECA 1 (general workmanship). B. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Install generator sets and associated accessories in accordance with NECA/EGSA 404. D. Arrange equipment to provide minimum clearances and required maintenance access. E. Unless otherwise indicated, mount generator set on properly sized, minimum 6 inch (150 mm) high concrete pad constructed in accordance with Section 03 3000, F. Provide required support and attachment in accordance with Section 26 0529. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 26 3213 - 6 ENGINE GENERATORS WWTP Replacement G. Use manufacturer's recommended oil and coolant, suitable for the worst case ambient temperatures. H. Provide diesel fuel piping and venting in accordance with Section 23 1113, where not factory installed. I. Provide engine exhaust piping in accordance with Section 23 5100, where not factory installed, 1. Include piping expansion joints, piping insulation, thimble, condensation trap/drain, rain cap, hangers/supports, etc. as indicated or as required. 2. Do not exceed manufacturer's maximum back pressure requirements. J. Provide grounding and bonding in accordance with Section 26 0526. K. Identify system wiring and components in accordance with Section 26 0553. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. See Section 01 40D0 -Quality Requirements, for additional requirements. B. Notify Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC and Stroud Engineering, PA at least two weeks prior to scheduled inspections and tests. C. Notify authorities having jurisdiction and comply with their requirements for scheduling inspections and tests and for observation by their personnel. D. Provide all equipment, tools, and supplies required to accomplish inspection and testing, including load bank and fuel. E. Preliminary inspection and testing to include, at a minimum: 1. Inspect each system component for damage and defects. 2. Verify tightness of mechanical and electrical connections are according to manufacturer's recommended torque settings. 3. Check for proper oil and coolant levels. F. Prepare and start system in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. . G. Provide field emissions testing where necessary for certification. H. Correct defective work, adjust for proper operation, and retest until entire system complies with Contract Documents, 3.03 MAINTENANCE A. Provide to Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC at no extra cost, a separate maintenance contract for the service and maintenance of engine generator system for two years from date of Substantial Completion; Include a complete description of preventive maintenance, systematic examination, adjustment, inspection, and testing, with a detailed schedule. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 3213 - 7 ENGINE GENERATORS WWTP Replacement SECTION 26 3600 TRANSFER SWITCHES PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Transfer switches for low -voltage (600 V and less) applications and associated accessories: 1. Automatic transfer switches. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 03 3000 - Cast -in -Place Concrete: Concrete equipment pads. B. Section 26 0526 - Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems, C. Section 26 0529 - Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems, D, Section 26 0553 -Identification for Electrical Systems: Identification products and requirements. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. NECA 1 - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2015, B. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum); 2018. C. NEMA ICS 10 Part 1 -Industrial Control and Systems Part 1: Electromechanical AC Transfer Switch Equipment; 2005, with Errata (2006), D. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. E. NFPA 110 - Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems; 2016, F. UL 1008 - Transfer Switch Equipment; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.04 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Coordination: 1. Coordinate compatibility of transfer switches to be installed with work provided under other sections or by others. 2. Coordinate the work with other trades to avoid placement of ductwork, piping, equipment, or other potential obstructions within the dedicated equipment spaces and working clearances required by NFPA 70. 3. Coordinate arrangement of equipment with the dimensions and clearance requirements of the actual equipment to be installed. 4. Coordinate the work with placement of supports, anchors, etc, required for mounting. 5. Notify Stroud Engineering, PA of any conflicts with or deviations from Contract Documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for each product, including ratings, configurations, dimensions, finishes, weights, service condition requirements, and installed features. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with the following: 1. NFPA 70 (National Electrical Code). 2, NFPA 110 (Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems); meet requirements for Level 2 system. B. Product Listing Organization Qualifications: An organization recognized by OSHA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. PM131-21~006 / Brandywine Bay 26 3600 - 1 TRANSFER SWITCHES WWTP Replacement PART PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Transfer Switches: 1. Same as manufacturer of engine generator(s) used for this project. 2.02 TRANSFER SWITCHES A. Provide complete power transfer system consisting of all required equipment, conduit, boxes, wiring, supports, accessories, system programming, etc, as necessary for a complete operating system that provides the functional intent indicated. B. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. C. Applications: D. Construction Type: Either "contactor type" (open contact) or "breaker type" (enclosed contact) transfer switches complying with specified requirements are acceptable. E. Automatic Transfer Switch: 1. Transfer Switch Type: As indicated on the drawings. 2. Voltage: As indicated on the drawings. 3. Ampere Rating: As indicated on the drawings. 4. Neutral Configuration: Solid neutral (unswitched), except as indicated. 5. Primary Source: As indicated on the drawings. 6. Alternate Source: As indicated on the drawings. F. Comply with NEMA ICS 10 Part 1, and list and label as complying with UL 1008 for the classification of the intended application (e.g. emergency, optional standby). G. Do not use double throw safety switches or other equipment not specifically designed for power transfer applications and listed as transfer switch equipment. H. Load Classification: Classified for total system load (any combination of motor, electric discharge lamp, resistive, and tungsten lamp loads with tungsten lamp loads not exceeding 30 percent of the continuous current rating) unless otherwise indicated or required. I. Switching Methods: 1. Open Transition: a. Provide break -before -make transfer without a neutral position that is not connected to either source, and with interlocks to prevent simultaneous connection of the load to both sources. b. Where in -phase transfer is indicated, utilize in -phase monitor to initiate transfer when phase angle difference between sources is near zero to limit in -rush currents. 2. Obtain control power for transfer operation from line side of source to which the load is to be transferred. J. Service Conditions: Provide transfer switches suitable for continuous operation at indicated ratings under the service conditions at the installed location. K. Enclosures: 1. Environment Type per NEMA 250: Unless otherwise indicated, as specified for the following installation locations: a. Indoor Clean, Dry Locations: Type 1 or Type 12, 2, Finish: Manufacturer's standard unless otherwise indicated. L. Short Circuit Current Rating: M. Automatic Transfer Switches: 1, Description: Transfer switches with automatically initiated transfer between sources; electrically operated and mechanically held. 2. Control Functions: a. Automatic mode. b. Test Mode: Simulates failure of primary/normal source. PM131-21~006 / Brandywine Bay 26 3600 - 2 TRANSFER SWITCHES WWTP Replacement c. Voltage and Frequency Sensing: 1) Undervoltage sensing for each phase of primary/normal source; adjustable dropout/pickup settings. 2) Undervoltage sensing for alternate/emergency source; adjustable dropout/pickup settings. 3) Underfrequency sensing for alternate/emergency source; adjustable dropout/pickup settings. d. Outputs: 1) Contacts for engine start/shutdown (except where direct generator communication interface is provided). 2) Auxiliary contacts; one set(s) for each switch position. e. Adjustable Time Delays: 1) Engine generator start time delay; delays engine start signal to override momentary primary/normal source failures. 2) Transfer to alternate/emergency source time delay. 3) Retransfer to primary/normal source time delay. 4) Engine generator cooldown time delay; delays engine shutdown following retransfer to primary/normal source to permit generator to run unloaded for cooldown period. f. In -Phase Monitor (Open Transition Transfer Switches): Monitors phase angle difference between sources for initiating in -phase transfer. g. Engine Exerciser: Provides programmable scheduled exercising of engine generator selectable with or without transfer to load; provides memory retention during power outage. 3. Status Indications: a. Connected to alternate/emergency source. b. Connected to primary/normal source. c. Alternate/emergency source available. 4. Automatic Sequence of Operations: a. Upon failure of primary/normal source for a programmable time period (engine generator start time delay), initiate starting of engine generator where applicable. b. When alternate/emergency source is available, transfer load to alternate/emergency source after programmable time delay. c. When primary/normal source has been restored, retransfer to primary/normal source after a programmable time delay. Bypass time delay if alternate/emergency source fails and primary/normal source is available. d. Where applicable, initiate shutdown of engine generator after programmable engine cooldown time delay. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Perform work in accordance with NECA 1 (general workmanship). B. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Arrange equipment to provide minimum clearances and required maintenance access. D. Provide required support and attachment in accordance with Section 26 0529, E. Install transfer switches plumb and level. F. Unless otherwise indicated, mount floor -mounted transfer switches on properly sized 3 inch (80 mm) high concrete pad constructed in accordance with Section 03 3000. G. Provide grounding and bonding in accordance with Section 26 0526. H. Identify transfer switches and associated system wiring in accordance with Section 26 0553, END OF SECTION PM131-21~006 / Brandywine Bay 26 3600 - 3 TRANSFER SWITCHES WWTP Replacement SECTION 26 a100 INTERIOR LIGHTING PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0529 - Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems, B. Section 26 0533,16 - Boxes for Electrical Systems, 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. NECA/IESNA 500 -Standard for Installing Indoor Commercial Lighting Systems; 2006, B. NECA/IESNA 502 - Standard for Installing Industrial Lighting Systems; 2006, C. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets including detailed information on luminaire construction, dimensions, ratings, finishes, mounting requirements, listings, service conditions, photometric performance, installed accessories, and ceiling compatibility; include model number nomenclature clearly marked with all proposed features. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with requirements of NFPA 70, 1.06 WARRANTY A. See Section 017800 - Closeout Submittals, for additional warranty requirements. B. Provide three year manufacturer warranty for LED luminaires, including drivers. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 LUMINAIRE TYPES A. Furnish products as indicated in luminaire schedule included on the drawings. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Coordinate locations of outlet boxes provided under Section 26 0533,16 as required for installation of luminaires provided under this section. B. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Install luminaires securely, in a neat and workmanlike manner, as specified in NECA 500 (commercial lighting) and NECA 502 (industrial lighting). D. Provide required support and attachment in accordance with Section 26 0529, E. Install luminaires plumb and square and aligned with building lines and with adjacent luminaires. F. Install accessories furnished with each luminaire. G. Bond products and metal accessories to branch circuit equipment grounding conductor. H. Install lamps in each luminaire. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 5100 - 1 INTERIOR LIGHTING WWTP Replacement SECTION 25 5600 EXTERIOR LIGHTING PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Exterior luminaires. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0529 - Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems. B. Section 26 0533,16 -Boxes for Electrical Systems. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. NECA 1 - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction; 2015. B. NECA/IESNA 501 - Standard for Installing Exterior Lighting Systems; 2006. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets including detailed information on luminaire construction, dimensions, ratings, finishes, mounting requirements, listings, service conditions, photometric performance, weight, effective projected area (EPA), and installed accessories; include model number nomenclature clearly marked with all proposed features. 1.05 WARRANTY A. See Section 01 7600 -Closeout Submittals, for additional warranty requirements. B. Provide three year manufacturer warranty for all LED luminaires, including drivers. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 LUMINAIRE TYPES A. Furnish products as indicated in luminaire schedule included on the drawings. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Coordinate locations of outlet boxes provided under Section 26 0533.16 as required for installation of luminaires provided under this section. B. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Install luminaires in accordance with NECA/IESNA 501. D. Provide required support and attachment in accordance with Section 26 0529, E. Install luminaires plumb and square and aligned with building lines and with adjacent luminaires. F. Install accessories furnished with each luminaire. G. Bond products and metal accessories to branch circuit equipment grounding conductor. H. Install lamps in each luminaire. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 5600 - 1 EXTERIOR LIGHTING WWTP Replacement SECTION 26 6100 INFLUENT PUMP STATION CONTROL PANEL PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION. INCLUDES A. Influent Station Control Panel, 1.02 REFERENCES A. NFPA 70 -National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Ammendments and Supplements. B. UL 698A - Industrial Control Panels Relating to Hazardous (Classified) Locations; Latest, 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Bill of Materials: A list of all components. Group components by type and include: 1. Component manufacturer, model number and part number. 2. Component description. 3. Provide standard catalog pages and data sheet on each component of the panel. C. Shop Drawings: Wiring diagrams specifically prepared to satisfy the requirements in these contract documents. 1.04 WARRANTY A. Provide one year warranty from the date of the initial start up of the complete system. Warranty shall cover the cost of parts, labor, and travel for repairs at the site. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PUMP CONTROL PANEL A. Regulatory 1. Panel shall be built and listed in accordance with UL 698A. 2. All field work shall comply with NFPA 70, B. General 1. Panel shall be lockable. 2. Control power shall be 115 +A 10% VAC, 60 Hertz, single phase. 3. The controls shall operate two (2) pumps, sizes as indicated on the drawings. 4. The complete control assembly shall be mounted in one UL Type 4Xenclosure (stainless steel). Enclosure shall have a dead front and an inner swing panel which contains all operator interface devices. 5. All components shall be securely fastened to the removable back panel. Back panel shall be tapped to accept all mounting screws. Self -tapping screws shall not be used to mount any component. 6. Engraved laminated plastic nameplates with black letters on white background shall be provided for all operator interface devices on the swing panel. 7. A plastic laminated electric diagram with wire / terminal numbers and color codes shall be permanently fastened to the inside of the enclosure door. 8. Panel Wiring a. Wire shall be sized as required for load and application according to NFPA 70. b. Wiring shall be neatly bundled and continuous from point to point. c. Wiring shall be permanently marked on each end to match the schematic drawing. d. Control and signal wire shall be a minimum of #14 AWG, stranded, 90 degree insulated. C. Operation 1. Pump Control PM131-21^006 /Brandywine Bay 26 6100 - 1 WWTP Replacement INFLUENT PUMP STATION CONTROL PANEL a. The controls shall provide means to operate each pump manually or automatically. Control of the operation of the pump motor starters shall be through Hand -Off -Auto selector switches. 1) Auto Mode -When in the Auto position, the pumps shall be controlled by a level transducer and float switches with set points as shown on the plans and a duplex altenator. When the level transducer senses that the Lead Pump Start water level has been reached, the Lead Pump shall start. If the level in the well continues to rise and the transducer Lag Pump Start level has been reached, the Lag Pump shall start. If the level in the well continues to rise and the transducer senses that the Stage 1 High Level Alarm level has been reached, the system shall generate a high level alarm. Once the water has pumped down to the level where the transducer senses that the Pump Off level has been reached, both pumps shall stop. On each ensuing pump cycle, the pumps shall alternate which is the Lead pump and which is the Lag pump. A Redundant Pump Stop float shall be provided to stop the pumps in the event the transducer fails. A float switch for a Stage 2 High Level Alarm shall be provided as a backup high level alarm signal. 2) Hand Mode - When in the Hand position, the pumps shall run and the automatic controls by-passed. b. Pumps shall automatically shutdown under the following conditions. 1) Thermal overload trip. 2) Winding overtemp trip (if present). 3) Transducer sense "Pump Off' level being reached. 4) Redundant Pump Stop float opening. 5) Hand -Off -Auto switch placed in Off position. D. Components 1. Pump -Breakers a. Shall be thermal -magnetic, ampacity per pump manufacturer recommendations, 3-pole, 240 VAC. b. Minimum Integrated Short Circuit Rating: 10,000 amperes rms symmetrical. 2. Control Breaker a. Shall be thermal -magnetic, 10A, 1-pole, 120 VAC. b. Minimum Integrated Short Circuit Rating: 10,000 amperes rms symmetrical. 3. Pump Motor Starters a. Shall be NEMA rated. b. Adjustible thermal overload sized for full load current of pump motors installed with selectable manual or automatic reset. 4. Duplex Alternator a. The alternator shall adhere to the following sequencing format: Pump 1 lead - Pump 2 lag, Pump 1 lag, Pump 2 lead and again Pump 1 lead - Pump 2 lag. b. Contacts shall be rated 10A pilot duty. c. The alternator shall have a means of locking one of the pumps. 5. Level Transducer a. Manufacturer 1) Dwyer Instruments Inc.; Model PBLTX. 2) PMC Engineering; VL2223. b. Range: 20psi. c. Cable. 1) Polyurethane type. 2) Length: As required to termination point without splices. d. Provide intrinsically safe galvanic isolator or intrinsically safe zener barrier. e. Provide dessicant filter for vent tube. f. Power Supply: Provide 13-30 vdc power supply in control panel for transducer. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 6100 - 2 INFLUENT PUMP STATION WWTP Replacement CONTROL PANEL g. Analog to Relay Module: Provide module that will convert 4-20 mA signal to a contact output signal for the following. Level that contact closes shall be field configurable without need for special programming device. 1) Pumps Off. 2) Lead Pump On. 3) Lag Pump On, 4) Stage 1 High Level. 6. Float Switches a. UL listed narrow -angle sensor switch with normally open contact for pump -down operation. b. Float housing to consist of high impact corrosion resistant PVC.The switch shall be suitable for intrinsically safe control circuits. c. Rated at 5 amps, with 2 conductor 16-gauge cable. d. Switches shall have 1 inch differential. e. Provide intrinsically safe barrier for float switch inputs. 7. Pilot Lights. a. Pilot lights shall be heavy duty oiltightlwatertight units designed for illumination under control voltage. b, 30 mm, non-metallic type. c. Pilot lights shall be provided for all conditions required by Mack Industries. 1) Power Available. (a) Color: Amber. (b) Label: "POWER". (c) Source: Phase monitor contact. 2) Pump Run. (a) Color: Green. (b) Label: "PUMP# RUN". (c) Source: motor starter coils. 3) Thermal Overload. (a) Color: Red. (b) Label: "THERMAL OVERLOAD #". (c) Source: motor overloads. 4) Overtemp. (a) Color: Red. (b) Label: "MOTOR OVERTEMP #". (c) Source: Pump manufacturer supplied temperature switch in the motor winding housing. 5) Seal Fail. (a) Color: Red. (b) Label: "SEAL FAIL #". (c) Source: Seal fail probe and relay as required by pump manufacturer. 8. Selector Switches. a. Selector switches shall be heavy duty oiltight/watertight. b. 30 mm, non-metallic type. c. Contacts shall be rated 10A pilot duty. d. Functions. 1) Pump Hand -Off -Auto - Use 3-position, maintained. 2) Alarm Test -On -Off - Use 3-position, spring return. 9. Pushbuttons a. Pushbuttons shall be heavy duty oiltight/watertight. b. 30 mm, non-metallic type. c. Contacts shall berated 10A pilot duty. d. Functions. 1) Overload Resets - momentary. PM131-21�006 / Brand ywine Bay 26 6100 - 3 INFLUENT PUMP STATION WWTP Replacement CONTROL PANEL 2) Pump Seal Fail Resets - momentary. 10. Phase Failure Relay a. Provide phase monitor for incoming power to alarm and shutdown pumps on loss of phase, phase reversal, phase unbalance, or undervoitage. 11, Run Time Meters a. Meters shall be wired in each motor starter to indicate total running time of each pump and blower motor in hours and tenths of hours. b. Meters shall be 64git, non-resettable. 12. Alarms and Monitoring a, Local Alarms 1) Contacts shall be provided for alarm conditions to local alarm. Local alarm shall consist of an alarm light mounted on top of shelter (see electrical plans) and an alarm bell (80 dB at 10 feet) mounted on the control panel. The conditions to be alarmed are: (a) Pump 1 failure (overload or overtemp). (b) Pump 2 failure (overload or overtemp). (c) Wet well Stage 1 high water alarm (from transducer). (d) Wet well Stage 2 high water alarm (from transducer). b. Remote alarms and monitoring. 1) The following alarms/status shall be provided for field wiring SCADA RTU. (a) Panel Power failure (from phase failure relay). (b) Stage 1 High level alarm (from transducer). (c) Stage 2 High level alarm (from float). (d) Pump 1 failure (overload or overtemp). (a) Pump 2 failure (overload or overtemp). (f) Pump 1 seal failure. (g) Pump 2 seal failure. (h) Pump 1 running. (i) Pump 2 running. 13. Condensation Heater a. Heater shall be sized to prevent condensation in the panel in the conditions in which the panel will be installed. b. Heater shall be thermostatically controlled. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Installation shall be as shown on the drawings and as recommended by the manufacturer. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for check-out, start-up and operation. C. Provide all mounting supports, brackets, bolts, etc, to ensure solid, corrosive resistant installation. No dissimilar metals shall be used. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 6100 - 4 INFLUENT PUMP STATION WWTP Replacement CONTROL PANEL SECTION 26 6200 POST EQ PUMP STATION CONTROL PANEL PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Post EQ Pump Control Panel. 1.02 REFERENCES A. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Ammendments and Supplements. B. UL 508A - Industrial Control Panels; Latest, 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Bill of Materials: A list of all components. Group components by type and include: 1. Component manufacturer, model number and part number. 2. Component description. 3. Provide standard catalog pages and data sheet on each component of the panel. C. Shop Drawings: Wiring diagrams specifically prepared to satisfy the requirements in these contract documents. 1.04 WARRANTY A. Provide one year warranty from the date of the initial start up of the complete system. Warranty shall cover the cost of parts, labor, and travel for repairs at the site. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PUMP CONTROL PANEL A. Regulatory 1. Panel shall be built and listed in accordance with UL 698A. 2. All field work shall comply with NFPA 70. B. General 1. Panel shall be lockable. 2. Control power shall be 115 +/- 10% VAC, 60 Hertz, single phase. 3. The controls shall operate two (2) pumps, sizes as indicated on the drawings. 4. The complete control assembly shall be mounted in one UL Type 4Xenclosure (stainless steel). Enclosure shall have a dead front and an inner swing panel which contains all operator interface devices. 5. All components shall be securely fastened to the removable back panel. Back panel shall be tapped to accept all mounting screws. Self -tapping screws shall not be used to mount any component. 6. Engraved laminated plastic nameplates with black letters on white background shall be provided for all operator interface devices on the swing panel. 7. A plastic laminated electric diagram with wire / terminal numbers and color codes shall be permanently fastened to the inside of the enclosure door. 8. Panel Wiring a. Wire shall be sized as required for load and application according to NFPA 70. b. Wiring shall be neatly bundled and continuous from point to point. c. Wiring shall be permanently marked on each end to match the schematic drawing. d. Control and signal wire shall be a minimum of #14 AWG, stranded, 90 degree insulated. C. Operation 1, Pump Control PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 6200 - 1 POST EQONTROL PANEL WWTP Replacement a. The controls shall provide means to operate each pump manually or automatically. Control of the operation of the pump motor starters shall be through Hand -Off -Auto selector switches. 1) Auto Mode -When in the Auto position, the pumps shall be controlled by a level transducer and float switches with set points as shown on the plans and a duplex altenator. When the level transducer senses that the Lead Pump Start water level has been reached, the Lead Pump shall start. If the level in the well continues to rise and the transducer Lag Pump Start level has been reached, the Lag Pump shall start. If the level in the well continues to rise and the transducer senses that the Stage 1 High Level Alarm level has been reached, the system shall generate a high level alarm. Once the water has pumped down to the level where the transducer senses that the Pump Off level has been reached, both pumps shall stop. On each ensuing pump cycle, the pumps shall alternate which is the Lead pump and which is the Lag pump. A Redundant Pump Stop float shall be provided to stop the pumps in the event the transducer fails. A float switch for a Stage 2 High Level Alarm shall be provided as a backup high level alarm signal. 2) Hand Mode - When in the Hand position, the pumps shall run and the automatic controls by-passed. b. Pumps shall automatically shutdown under the following conditions. 1) Thermal overload trip. 2) Winding overtemp trip (if present). 3) Transducer sense "Pump Off' level being reached. 4) Redundant Pump Stop float opening. 5) Hand -Off -Auto switch placed in Off position. D. Components 1. Pump Breakers a. Shall be thermal -magnetic, ampacity per pump manufacturer recommendations, 37pole, 240 VAC. b. Minimum Integrated Short Circuit Rating: 10,000 amperes rms symmetrical. 2. Control Breaker a. Shall be thermal -magnetic, 10A, 1-pole; 120 VAC. b. Minimum Integrated Short Circuit Rating: 10,000 amperes rms symmetrical. 3. Pump Motor Starters a. Shall be NEMA rated. b. Adjustible thermal overload sized for full load current of pump motors installed with selectable manual or automatic reset. 4. Duplex Alternator a. The alternator shall adhere to the following sequencing format: Pump 1 lead - Pump 2 lag, Pump 1 lag, Pump 2 lead and again Pump 1 lead - Pump 2 lag. b. Contacts shall be rated 10A pilot duty. c. The alternator shall have a means of locking one of the pumps. 5. Level Transducer a. Manufacturer 1) Dwyer Instruments Inc.; Model PBLTX. 2) PMC Engineering; VL2223. b. Range: 20psi. c. Cable. 1) Polyurethane type. 2) Length: As required to termination point without splices. d. Provide intrinsically safe galvanic isolator or intrinsically safe zener barrier. e. Provide dessicant filter for vent tube. f. Power Supply: Provide 13-30 vdc power supply in control panel for transducer. PM131-21 �006 /Brandywine Bay 26 6200 - 2 POST E4ONTROL PANEL WWTP Replacement g. Analog to Relay Module: Provide module that will convert 4-20 mA signal to a contact output signal for the following. Level that contact closes shall be field configurable without need for special programming device. 1) Pumps Off, 2) Lead Pump On. 3) Lag Pump On. 4) Stage 1 High Level, 6. Float Switches a. UL listed narrow -angle sensor switch with normally open contact for pump -down operation. b. Float housing to consist of high impact corrosion resistant PVC.The switch shall be suitable for intrinsically safe control circuits. c. Rated at 5 amps, with 2 conductor 16-gauge cable. d. Switches shall have 1 inch differential. e. Provide intrinsically safe barrier for float switch inputs. 7. Pilot Lights. a. Pilot lights shall be heavy duty oiltight/watertight units designed for illumination under control voltage. b. 30 mm, non-metallic type. c. Pilot lights shall be provided for all conditions required by Mack Industries. 1) Power Available. (a) Color: Amber. (b) Label: "POWER". (c) Source: Phase monitor contact. 2) Pump Run. (a) Color: Green. (b) Label: "PUMP# RUN". (c) Source: motor starter coils. 3) Thermal Overload. (a) Color: Red. (b) Label: "THERMAL OVERLOAD X. (c) Source: motor overloads. 4) Overtemp. (a) Color: Red. (b) Label: "MOTOR OVERTEMP #". (c) Source: Pump manufacturer supplied temperature switch in the motor winding housing. 5) Seal Fail. (a) Color: Red. (b) Label: "SEAL FAIL #". (c) Source: Seal fail probe and relay as required by pump manufacturer. 8. Selector Switches. a. Selector switches shall be heavy duty oiltight/watertight. b. 30 mm, non-metallic type. c. Contacts shall be rated 10A pilot duty. d. Functions. 1) Pump Hand -Off -Auto -Use 3-position, maintained. 2) Alarm Test -On -Off - Use 3-position, spring return. Pushbuttons a. Pushbuttons shall be heavy duty oiltight/watertight. b. 30 mm, non-metallic type. c. Contacts shall be rated 10A pilot duty. d. Functions. 1) Overload Resets - momentary. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 6200 - 3 POST EQ PUMP STATION WWTP Replacement CONTROL PANEL 2) Pump Seal Fail Resets - momentary. 10. Phase Failure Relay a. Provide phase monitor for incoming power to alarm and shutdown pumps on loss of phase, phase reversal, phase unbalance, or undervoltage. 11. Run Time Meters a. Meters shall be wired in each motor starter to indicate total running time of each pump and blower motor in hours and tenths of hours. b. Meters shall be 6-digit, non-resettable. 12. Alarms and Monitoring a. Local Alarms 1) Contacts shall be provided for alarm conditions to local alarm. Local alarm shall consist of an alarm light mounted on top of shelter (see electrical plans) and an alarm bell (80 dB at 10 feet) mounted on the control panel. The conditions to be alarmed are: (a) Pump 1 failure (overload or overtemp). (b) Pump 2 failure (overload or overtemp). (c) Wet well Stage 1 high water alarm (from transducer). (d) Wet well Stage 2 high water alarm (from transducer). b. Remote alarms and monitoring. 1 ] The following alarms/status shall be provided for field wiring SCADA RTU. (a) Panel Power failure (from phase failure relay). (b) Stage 1 High level alarm (from transducer). (c) Stage 2 High level alarm (from float). . (d) Pump 1 failure (overload or overtemp). (a) Pump 2 failure (overload or overtemp). (f) Pump 1 seal failure. (g) Pump 2 seal failure. (h) Pump 1 running. (1) Pump 2 running. 13. Condensation Heater a. Heater shall be sized to prevent condensation in the panel in the conditions in which the panel will be installed. b. Heater shall be thermostatically controlled. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Installation shall be as shown on the drawings and as recommended by the manufacturer. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for check-out, start-up and operation. C. Provide all mounting supports, brackets, bolts, etc, to ensure solid, corrosive resistant installation. No dissimilar metals shall be used. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 6200 - 4 POST EQ PUMP STATION WWTP Replacement CONTROL PANEL SECTION 26 6300 GROUND WATER PUMP CONTROL PANEL PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Ground Water Pump Control Panel. 1.02 REFERENCES A. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; National Fire Protection Association; 2014. B. UL 508A - Industrial Control Panels; Latest, 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Wiring and control diagrams specially prepared to satisfy control requirements in the contract documents shall be submitted with the shop drawings. Diagrams shall be complete and specific. 1.04 WARRANTY A. Provide one year warranty from the date of the initial start up of the complete system. Warranty shall cover the cost of parts, labor, and travel for repairs at the site. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PUMP CONTROL, PANEL A. Regulatory 1. Panel shall be built and listed in accordance with UL 508A. 2. All field work shall comply with NFPA 70. B. General 1. Panel shall. be lockable. 2. Control power shall be 115 +/-10% VAC, 60 Hertz, single phase. 3. The controls shall operate three (3) pumps, sizes as indicated on the drawings. 4. The complete control assembly shall be mounted in one UL Type 4X enclosure. Enclosure shall have a dead front and an inner swing panel which contains all operator interface devices. 5. All components shall be securely fastened to the removable back panel. Back panel shall be tapped to accept all mounting screws. Self -tapping screws shall not be used to mount any component. 6. Engraved laminated plastic nameplates with white letters on white background shall be provided for all operator interface devices on the swing panel. 7. A plastic laminated electric diagram with wire / terminal numbers and color codes shall be permanently fastened to the inside of the enclosure door. 8. Panel Wiring a. Wire shall be sized as required for load and application according to NFPA 70. b. Wiring shall be neatly bundled and continuous from point to point. c. Wiring shall be permanently marked on each end to match the schematic drawing. d. Control and signal wire shall be a minimum of #14 AWG, stranded, 90 degree insulated. C. Operation 1. Pump Control a. The controls shall provide means to operate each pump manually or automatically. Control of the operation of the pump motor starters shall be through Hand -Off -Auto selector switches. 1) Auto Mode -When in the Auto position, the pumps shall be controlled by a level transmitter and a signal convertor. When the "On" level is reached, the controls shall start all three pumps. Once the level is pumped down to where the "Off' level is reached, all pumps shall stop. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 26 6300 - 1 GROUND WATER PUMP WWTP Replacement CONTROL PANEL 2) Hand Mode - When in the Hand position, the pumps shall run and the automatic controls by-passed. b. Pumps shall automatically shutdown under the following conditions. 1) Thermal overload trip. 2) Winding overtemp trip. 3) "Pump Off' level reached. 4) Hand -Off -Auto switch placed in Off position. D. Components 1, Pump Breakers a. Shall be thermal -magnetic, ampacity per pump manufacturer, 3-pole, 240 VAC. b. Minimum Integrated Short Circuit Rating: 25,000 amperes rms symmetrical. 2. Control Breaker a. Shall be thermal -magnetic, 15 A, 1-pole, 120 VAC. b. Minimum Integrated Short Circuit Rating: 25,000 amperes rms symmetrical. 3. Pump Motor Starters a. Shall be NEMA rated. b. Adjustible thermal overload sized for full load current of pump motors installed with manual reset. 4. Level Transmitter - Flowline EchoPulse LR10 or equal. 5. Signal Converer - Shall receive 4-20mA signal from level transmitter and convert to dry contacts for operation of pump motor starters. 6. Pilot Lights. a. Pilot lights shall be heavy duty oiltight/watertight units designed for illumination under control voltage. b. 30 mm, non-metallic type. c. Pilot lights shall be provided for all conditions required by Mack industries. 1) Power Available. (a) Color: Amber. (b) Label: "POWER". (c) Source: Phase monitor contact. 2) Pump Run. (a) Color: Green. (b) Label: "PUMP# RUN". (c) Source: motor starter coils. 3) Thermal Overload. (a) Color: Red. (b) Label: "THERMAL OVERLOAD #". (c) Source: motor overloads. 4) Overtemp. (a) Color: Red. (b) Label: "MOTOR OVERTEMP #". (c) Source: Pump manufacturer supplied temperature switch in the motor winding housing. T Selector Switches. a. Selector switches shall be heavy duty oiltight/watertight. b. 30 mm, non-metallic type. c. Contacts shall be rated 10A pilot duty. d. Functions. 1) Pump/Blower Hand -Off -Auto - Use 3-position, maintained. 2) Alarm Test -Off -Silence - Use 3-position, spring return. 8. Pushbuttons a. Pushbuttons shall be heavy duty oiltight/watertight. b. 30 mm, non-metallic type. c. Contacts shall be rated 10A pilot duty. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 26 6300 - 2 GROUND WATER P PUMP WWTP Replacement d. Functions. 1) Overload Resets - momentary. 2) Pump Seal Fail Resets - momentary. 9. PhaseNoltage Monitor a. Provide phase/voltage monitor for incoming power to alarm and shut pumps down on phase loss, phase reversal, undervoltage and overvoltage . 10. Alarms and Monitoring a. Local Alarms 1) Contacts shall be provided for alarm conditions to local alarm, Local alarm shall consist of an alarm light mounted on top of shelter (see electrical plans) and an alarm bell (80 dB at 10 feet) mounted on the control panel. The conditions to be alarmed are: (a) Pump failure (overload or overtemp). 11. Condensation Heater a. Heater shall be sized to prevent condensation in the panel in the conditions in which the panel will be installed. b. Heater shall be thermostatically controlled. 12. Surge Arrester a. Manufacturer- Square D SDSA1175 or equal. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Installation shall be as shown on the drawings and as recommended by the manufacturer. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for check-out, start-up and operation. C. Provide all mounting supports, brackets, bolts, etc, to ensure solid, corrosive resistant installation. No dissimilar metals shall be used. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006! Brandywine Bay 26 6300 - 3 GROUCONTROERPANEL WWTP Replacement SECTION 31 1100 SITE CLEARING PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Removal of surface debris. B. Removal of trees, shrubs, and other plants . C. Removal of root mat. 1.02 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Comply with the approved Erosion and Sedimentation Plan. B. Conform to applicable regulations relating to environmental requirements and disposal of debris. C. Burning will be allowed only when permitted by applicable authority. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining burn permits. D. Coordinate clearing work with utility companies.. E. Protect utilities to remain from damage. F. Protect bench marks, survey control points, and existing structures from damage or displacement. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Locate and identify utilities to remain. B. Verify that existing plants designated to remain are tagged or identified. C. Place silt fence adjacent to wetlands and avoid wetland disturbance. 3.02 CLEARING A. Clear areas required for access to site and execution of Work. B. Remove trees, shrubs, and stumps within marked areas. C, Remove roots to a depth of 18 inches (450 mm), 3,03 REMOVAL A. Remove debris from site. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 31 1100 - 1 SITE CLEARING WWTP Replacement SECTION 31 2200 GRADING PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Removal and storage of topsoil. B. Rough grading the site, C. Finish grading. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 31 1000 - Site Clearing. B. Section 312316 - Excavation. C. Section 312323 - FILL AND BACKFILL: Filling and compaction. D. Section 31 2316,13 - Trenching: Trenching and backfilling for utilities. 1.03 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Protect above- and below -grade utilities that remain. B. Protect plants, lawns, and other features to remain as a portion of final landscaping. C. Protect bench marks, survey control points, existing structures, fences, sidewalks, paving, and curbs from grading equipment and vehicular traffic. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Topsoil: Topsoil excavated on -site. B. Other Fill Materials: See Section 312323. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that survey benchmark and intended elevations for the Work areas indicated. B. Verify the absence of standing or ponding water. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Identify required lines, levels, contours, and datum. B. Stake and flag locations of known utilities. C. Locate, identify, and protect from damage above- and below -grade utilities to remain. D. Provide temporary means and methods to remove all standing or ponding water from areas prior to grading. 3.03 ROUGH GRADING A. Remove topsoil from areas to be further excavated, re -landscaped, or re -graded, without mixing with foreign materials. B. Do not remove topsoil when wet. C. Remove subsoil from areas to be further excavated, re -landscaped, or re -graded. D. See Section 31 2323 for filling procedures. E. Stability: Replace damaged or displaced subsoil to same requirements as for specified fill. F. Remove and replace soils deemed unsuitable by classification and which are excessively moist due to lack surface water control. 3.04 SOIL REMOVAL A. Stockpile excavated topsoil on site. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 31 2200 - 1 GRADING WWTP Replacement B. Stockpile subsoil to be re -used on site; remove remainder from site. C. Stockpiles: Use areas designated on site; pile depth not to exceed 8 feet (2.5 m); protect from erosion. 3.D5 FINISH GRADING A. ¢efore Finish Grading: 1. Verify building and trench backfilling have been inspected. 2. Verify subgrade has been contoured and compacted. B. Remove debris, roots, branches, stones, in excess of 1/2 inch (13 mm) in size. Remove soil contaminated with petroleum products. C. Where topsoil is to be placed, scarify surface to depth of 3 inches (75 mm). D. In areas where vehicles or equipment have compacted soil, scarify surface to depth of 3 inches (75 mm). E. Place topsoil in areas where seeding are indicated. F. Place topsoil during dry weather. G. Remove roots, weeds, rocks, and foreign material while spreading. H. Near plants spread topsoil manually to prevent damage. I. Fine grade topsoil to eliminate uneven areas and low spots. Maintain profiles and contour of subgrade. J. Lightly compact placed topsoil. K. Maintain stability of topsoil during inclement weather. Replace topsoil in areas where surface water has eroded thickness below specifications. 3.06 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. See Section 312323 for compaction density testing. 3.07 CLEANING A. Remove unused stockpiled topsoil and subsoil. Grade stockpile area to prevent standing water. B. Leave site clean and raked, ready to receive landscaping. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 31 2200 - 2 GRADING WWTP Replacement SECTION 31 2316 EXCAVATION PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Excavating for infiltration basins. B. Excavating for slabs -on -grade, site structures, and roads. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 02310 -Grading: B. Section 312323 - FILL AND BACKFILL: Fill materials, filling, and compacting. C. Section 31 2316.13 - Trenching: Excavating for utility trenches 1.03 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Verify that survey bench mark and intended elevations for the Work are as indicated. B. Protect bench marks, survey control points, and existing structures from excavating equipment and vehicular traffic. C. Protect wetlands to remain. Install silt fence upland of wetland line and confine excavation operation to the uplands except where specifically authorized by US Army Corps of Engineers Permit and as indicated on the plans. D. Sand material must be kept segregated from organic, clay or silt materials/ E. All organic, clayey and silty materials must be removed from areas designated as infiltration basins so that only sand material meeting the approval of the engineer remains. PART 2 PRODUCTS - NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify location of wetland line and assure that silt fence is in place upland of the wetland prior to beginning excavation. B. Verify that survey bench mark and intended elevations for the work are as indicated. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Identify required lines, levels, contours, and datum locations. B. See Section 312200 for additional requirements. C. Grade top perimeter of excavation to prevent surface water from draining into excavation. Provide temporary means and methods, as required, to maintain surface water diversion until no longer needed, or as directed by Stroud Engineering, PA, 3.03 EXCAVATING A. Infiltration Basins: 1. Excavate infiltration basins to finish dimensions and contours as shown on the plans. Assure that all organics clays and silts are excavated down to approved sand strata. 2. The upper eight (8) feet +/- of soil at the basin site is low permeability material, containing organics, silts and clays. This material must be removed and stockpiled for later use in constructing berms, or wasted on site if not needed for berm construction. 3. Infiltration Basins shall be excavated using methods that will minimize compaction to ensure that the basins will be able to successfully operate at the designed loading rate. 4. Do not allow low permeability materials to become mixed with permeable sands. 5. Notify the Engineer and schedule an inspection prior to backfill of the infiltration basins. B. Trench Excavation; Comply with Section 312317, C. Excavate to accommodate new structures and site roads and parking areas. PM131-21^006 /Brandywine Bay 31 2316 -1 EXCAVATION WWTP Replacement 1. Notify Stroud Engineering, PA of unexpected subsurface conditions and discontinue affected Work in area until notified to resume work. 2. Slope banks of excavations deeper than 4 feet (1.2 meters) to angle of repose or less until shored. 3. Correct areas that are over -excavated and load -bearing surfaces that are disturbed; see Section 312323, 4. Grade top perimeter of excavation to prevent surface water from draining into excavation. 5. Remove excavated material that is unsuitable for re -use on -site as directed by the Engineer. 6. Stockpile excavated material to be re -used in area designated on site in accordance with Section 312200, 3,04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Provide for visual inspection &of excavated surfaces before placement of foundations or backfill.. 3.05 PROTECTION A. Divert surface flow from rains or water discharges from the excavation. B. Prevent displacement of banks and keep loose soil from falling into excavation; maintain soil stability. C. Protect open excavations from rainfall, runoff, freezing groundwater, or excessive drying so as to maintain foundation subgrade in satisfactory, undisturbed condition. D. Keep excavations free of standing water and completely free of water during concrete placement. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 31 2316 - 2 EXCAVATION WWTP Replacement SECTION 312317 TRENCHING FOR SITE UTILITIES PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Excavating, backfilling and compaction for utilities and structures. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 02536 -Force Main Piping B. Section 02620 - Subdrainage 1.03 REFERENCES A. AASHTO T 180 -Standard Specification for Moisture -Density Relations of Soils Using a 4.54 kg (10-Ib) Rammer and a 457 mm (18 in.) Drop; American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials; 2010 B. ASTM D698 - Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-Ibf/ft3 (600 kN-m/m3)); 2012. C. ASTM D1556 - Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Sand -Cone Method; 2007. D. ASTM D1557 - Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-Ibf/0 (2,700 kN m/m3)); 2012. E. ASTM D2167 - Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method; 2008, F. ASTM D2487 - Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System); 2011. G. ASTM D2922 - Standard Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil -Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth); 2005, H. ASTM D3017 - Standard Test Method for Water Content of Soil and Rock in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth); 2005. 1.04 DEFINITIONS A. Foundation: That portion of the pipe support structure bounded by the undisturbed trench bottomI the trench walls, and the pipe bedding. The construction of a pipe foundation is generally not required unless unstable materials are encountered in the trench bottom B. Bedding: That portion of the pipe support structure bounded by the foundation or undisturbed trench bottom, the trench walls and the bottom of the pipe C. Haunching: That portion of the pipe support structure bounded by the bedding, the trench walls, the outside of the pipe and a horizontal plane having elevation equal to that of the springline of the pipe D. Initial Backfill: That portion of the backfill lying above the springline of the pipe and below a horizontal plane having an elevation which is one (1) foot above the top of the pipe E. Intermediate Backfill: That portion of the backfill lying above the initial backfill, and below the final backfill. F. Final Backfill: The final 2 feet of backfill, beginning at the upper horizontal plane of the intermediate backfill and extending up to the subgrade for paved areas, slabs on grade or similar construction; or up to the surface for unpaved areas. G. Select Backfill: General fill, type 2, or sand fill; must be approved for use by the Engineer. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Submit for Review: 1. Grain size analysis for material proposed for use as gravel pack. PM131-21-006 /Brandywine Bay 312317 -1 TRENCHING FOR SITE WWTP Replacement UTILITIES 2. Materials Sources: Submit name of imported materials source. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. When necessary, store materials on site in advance of need. B. When fill materials need to be stored on site, locate stockpiles where designated. 1. Separate differing materials with dividers or stockpile separately to prevent intermixing. 2. Prevent contamination. 3. Protect stockpiles from erosion and deterioration of materials. C. Protect plants, lawns, rock outcroppings, and other features to remain. D. Protect bench marks, survey control points, existing structures, fences, sidewalks, paving, and curbs from excavating equipment and vehicular traffic. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 FILL MATERIALS A. General Fill -Fill Type 1: Subsoil excavated on -site. B. General Fill Type 2: Imported borrow or on site subsoil complying with ASTM D 2487, types SW, SP, SM, and SC. C. Granular Fill - Fill Type 3: No. 57 Stone, conforming to State of North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures. D. Sand: Natural river or bank sand; free of silt, clay, loam, friable or soluble materials, and organic matter. PART 3 EXECUTION 3,01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that survey bench marks and intended elevations for the work are as indicated. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Identify required lines, levels, contours, and datum locations. B. Locate, identify, and protect utilities that remain and protect from damage. 3.03 TRENCHING A. Notify Stroud Engineering, PA of unexpected subsurface conditions and discontinue affected Work in area until notified to resume work. B. Slope banks of excavations deeper than 4 feet (1.2 meters) to angle of repose or less until shored. C. Hand trim excavations. Remove loose matter. D. Remove large stones and other hard matter that could damage piping or impede consistent backfiiling or compaction. E. Remove excavated material that is unsuitable for re -use from site. F. Stockpile excavated material to be re -used in area designated on site . G. Remove excess excavated material from site. 3.04 DEWATERING A. The Contractor shall remove by pumping, bailing or otherwise any water which may accumulate or be found in the trench and other excavations and shall form all dams, flumes or other work necessary to keep them entirely clear of water while the pipes, foundations and structures are being constructed. Water from the trenches and excavations shall be disposed of in such a manner as will not cause injury to the work completed or in progress, to the public health, to public or private property, nor cause any interference with the use of the same by the public B. When it is necessary to excavate a drainage trench from an excavation site to a natural watercourse in lieu of pumping or bailing, such trenching work shall be done by the Contractor at his own expense PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 31 2317 - 2 TRENCHING FOR SITE WWTP Replacement UTILITIES C. The Contractor shall provide silt fences or other erosion control devices which may be required by the Engineer D. Well points shall be furnished by the Contractor if required for dewatering. The cost of well points shall be included in the unit price bid for pipe 3.05 SHORING A. The Contractor shall furnish, put in place and maintain such sheeting, bracing, etc., as maybe required to support the excavation and to prevent any movement which can in any way injure the masonry, or otherwise injure or delay the work or endanger adjacent building or other structures or create undue hazards to workmen employed therein. If the Engineer is of the opinion that at any point sufficient or proper supports have not been provided, he may order additional supports put in at the expense of the Contractor, and the compliance with such orders shall not release the Contractor from his responsibility for the sufficiency of such support. Care shall be taken to prevent voids outside of the sheeting, but if voids are formed, they shall be immediately filled and rammed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All sheeting and bracing that is removed from the backfill shall be removed in such a manner as not to endanger the constructed pipe of other structures, utilities or property, whether public or private. All voids left or caused by the withdrawal of sheeting shall be immediately refilled with earth as directed by the Engineer 3.06 PREPARATION FOR UTILITY PLACEMENT A. Cut out soft areas of subgrade not capable of compaction in place. Backfill with select fill. B. Compact subgrade to density equal to or greater than requirements for subsequent fill material. C. Until ready to backfill, maintain excavations and prevent loose soil from falling into excavation. 3.07 BACKFILLING A. Backfill to contours and elevations indicated using unfrozen materials: B. Fill up to subgrade elevations unless otherwise indicated. C. Employ a placement method that does not disturb or damage other work. D. Do not fill over porous, wet, frozen or spongy subgrade surfaces. E. Maintain optimum moisture content of fill materials to attain required compaction density. F. Granular Fill: Place and compact materials in equal continuous layers not exceeding 8 inches (200 mm) compacted depth. G. Soil Fill: Place and compact material in equal continuous layers not exceeding 8 inches (200 mm) compacted depth. H. Correct areas that are over -excavated. 1. Thrust bearing surfaces: Fill with concrete. 2. Other areas: Use select fill, flush to required elevation, compacted to minimum 97 percent of maximum dry density. I. Compaction Density Unless Otherwise Specified or Indicated: 1. All compaction is stated as percentage of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM 1557 (modified proctor). Compaction shall be performed in 8" lifts. 2. Bedding:90% 3, Haunching: 90%. Use hand operated equipment only. 4. Initial Backfill: 90%. Use hand operated equipment only. 5. Intermediate Backfill: 90%. 6. Final Backfill: a. Paved, slabs on grade, or similar construction areas: 95%. b. Unpaved areas: 90% J. Reshape and re -compact fills subjected to vehicular traffic. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 31 2317 - 3 TRENCHING FOR SITE WWTP Replacement UTILITIES 3.08 BEDDING AND FILL AT SPECIFIC LOCATIONS A. At Pipe Culverts and Storm Drains: 1. Bedding: Natural undisturbed earth, Fill Type 3,Sand, or Select Fill as directed by the Engineer. 2. Haunching: Fill Type 3, Sand, or Select Fill as directed by the Engineer. 3. Initial Fill: Fill Type 3, Sand, or Select Fill as directed by the Engineer. 4, Intermediate Fill: a. Paved areas, slabs on grade, or similar construction: Sand, or Select Fill as directed by the Engineer. b. Other areas: General Fill, Type I. 5. Final Backfill: a. Paved areas, slabs on grade, or similar construction: Sand, or Select Fill as directed by the Engineer. b. Other areas: General Fill, Type 1. 6. Compact in maximum 8 inch (200 mm) lifts to 95 percent of maximum dry density. B. At Subsurface Drain Pipes 1, Bedding: Gravel pack wrapped with filter fabric as specified in Section 33 460. 2, Bedding: Gravel pack wrapped with filter fabric as specified in Section 33 460, 3. Initial Backfill: Use Granular Fill, Type 3 4, Intermediate Fill: Use Granular Fill, Type 3 5. Final Backfill: General Fill, Type 1. C. At Sewer Force Mains: 1. Bedding: Use select fill. 2. Haunching: Sand, or Select Fill as directed by the Engineer. 3. Initial Fill: Sand, or Select Fill as directed by the Engineer. 4. Intermediate Fill: a. Paved areas, slabs on grade, or similar construction: Sand, or Select Fill as directed by the Engineer. b. Other areas: General Fill, Type I. 5. Final Backfill: a. Paved areas, slabs on grade, or similar construction: Sand, or Select Fill as directed by the Engineer. b. Other areas: General Fill, Type I. 3,09 TOLERANCES A, Top Surface of General Backfilling: Pius or minus 2 inch (50 mm) from required elevations. B. Top Surface of Backfilling Under Paved Areas: Plus or minus 1/2 inch (13 mm) from required elevations. 3,10 SURFACE RESTORATION A. The surfacing of all roads, yards or ditches, etc., that is disturbed or damaged by any of the contractors operations shall be restored to it's original state. Surfacing shall betaken to mean clay, gravel, grass, hardtop or any other specially treated surfaces. Natural ground surfaces shall be graded so as to prevent ponding of water 3.11 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. If at any time, the Engineer is of the opinion that the compaction requirements are not being met, he may order a compaction test to be conducted by a qualified soils testing lab. Initial density tests will be at the expense of the owner. If the tests fail, subsequent density tests will be at the expense of the contractor. 1. Perform compaction density testing on compacted fill in accordance with ASTM D1556, ASTM D2167, ASTM D2922, or ASTM D3017, when directed by the engineer.. PM131-21�006lBrandywineBay 312317-4 TRENCHING FOR SITE WUVTP Replacement UTILITIES 2. Evaluate results in relation to compaction curve determined by testing uncompacted material in accordance with ASTM D698 ("standard Proctor"), ASTM D1557 ("modified Proctor"), or AASHTO T 180, 3. If tests indicate work does not meet specified requirements, remove work, replace and retest. 3.12 CLEANING A. Leave unused materials in a neat, compact stockpile. B. Remove unused stockpiled materials, leave area in a clean and neat condition. Grade stockpile area to prevent standing surface water. C. Leave borrow areas in a clean and neat condition. Grade to prevent standing surface water. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 31 2317 - 5 TRENCHING FOR SITE WWTP Replacement UTILITIES SECTION 312323 FILL AND BACKFILL PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Backfilling infiltration ponds. B. Filling, backfilling, and compacting for slabs -on -grade, site structures, and roads. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 31 2200 -GRADING: Site grading. B. Section 312316 - Excavation: Removal and handling of soil to be re -used. C. Section 31 2316,13 - Trenching: Excavating for utility trenches . D. Section 31 3700 - Riprap. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. AASHTO T 180 - Standard Specification for Moisture -Density Relations of Soils Using a 4.54 kg (10-lb) Rammer and a 457 mm (18 in.) Drop; 2010. B. ASTM D698 - Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-Ibf/ft3 (600 kN-m/m3)); 2012. C. ASTM D1556 -Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Sand -Cone Method; 2007. D. ASTM D1557 - Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-Ibf/ft3 (2,700 kN m/m3)); 2012. E. ASTM D2167 - Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method; 2008. F. ASTM D2487 - Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System); 2011. G. ASTM D2922 - Standard Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil -Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth); 2005, H. ASTM D3017 - Standard Test Method for Water Content of Soil and Rock in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth); 2005, 1.04 DEFINITIONS A. Finish Grade Elevations: Indicated on drawings. B. Subgrade Elevations: Indicated on drawings. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Submit for Review: 1. Grain size analysis for material proposed for use as fill for infiltration basins. 2. Materials Sources: Submit name of imported materials source. 3. Descriptive literature for proposed filter fabric material. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. When necessary, store materials on site in advance of need. B. When fill materials need to be stored on site, locate stockpiles where indicated. 1. Separate differing materials with dividers or stockpile separately to prevent intermixing. 2. Prevent contamination. 3. Protect stockpiles from erosion and deterioration of materials. PM131-21~006 / Brandywine Bay 31 2323 - 1 FILL AND BACKFILL WWTP Replacement ARIA PRODUCTS 2.01 FILL MATERIALS A. General Fiil - Fill Type 1: Subsoil excavated on -site. B. General Fill - Type 2: Imported borrow or on site subsoil complying with ASTM D 2487, types SW, SP, SM, Sc, C. Structural Fill - Fill Type 3, No. 57 stone, class VI: Conforming to State of North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures standard. D. Permeable Fill - Fill Type 4 consisting of consisting of sands ASTM D 2487, types GP or SP. E. Pond Embankments - General Fill, Type 1 or Type 2 subject to approval by the Engineer. R Sand - Fill Type 4: Natural river or bank sand; washed; free of silt, clay, loam, friable or soluble materials, and organic matter. 2.02 ACCESSORIES A. Geotextile Filter Fabric - High permeability non -woven fabric constructed of polypropylene filaments resistant to biological deterioration, rotting, and naturally encountered basics and acids: 1. Manufacturers: a. US Fabrics Type US 160NW b. Approved equal. 2. Properties a. Tensile Strength - 160 lbs, per ASTM D-4632. b. Mullen Burst Strength - 305 psi per ASTM D-3786. c. Puncture Strength - 90 lbs. per ASTM4833. d. Apparent Opening Size - 70 US Sieve per ASTM D-4751 e. Water Flow rate - 110 gpm/SF per ASTN4491. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Identify required lines, levels, contours, and datum locations. B. See Section 312200 for additional requirements. C. Verify areas to be filled are not compromised with surface or ground water. 3.02 FILLING - GENERAL A. Fill to contours and elevations indicated using unfrozen materials. B. Fill up to subgrade elevations unless otherwise indicated, C. Employ a placement method that does not disturb or damage other work. 3.03 INFILTRATION BASINS A. Infiltration Area: 1. Use only clean permeable FiII Type 4 classified GP or SP, Gradation testing by a certified testing agency is required prior to placement of fill. Submit test results to the engineer for approval. 2. Use light weight equipment only and avoid compaction of the infiltration area. 3. Keep fill materials segregated and avoid contamination of permeable materials wit low permeability materials. 4. Do not place fill until excavation has been inspected by the Engineer. B. Embankments (Berms) 1. Fill Berms around infiltration basins with General Fill Type 2 stockpiled form excavation. 2. Fill in lifts, maximum 8 inches depth and compact to 95% maximum dry density. 3.04 FILLING FOR STRUCTURES AND ROADS, A. PREPARATION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 31 2323 -2 FILL AND BACKFILL WWTP Replacement 1. Scarify subgrade surface to a depth of 6 inches (150 mm) to identify soft spots. 2. Cut out soft areas of subgrade not capable of compaction in place. Backfili with general fill. 3. Compact subgrade to density equal to or greater than requirements for subsequent fill material. 4. Until ready to fill, maintain excavations and prevent loose soil from falling into excavation. 5. Maintain optimum moisture content of fill materials to attain required compaction density. 3.05 TOLERANCES A. Top Surface of General Filling: Plus or minus 1 inch (25 mm) from required elevations. 3.06 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. See Section 014000 - Quality Requirements, for general requirements for field inspection and testing. B. Perform compaction density testing on compacted fill in accordance with ASTM D1666, ASTM D2167, ASTM D2922, or ASTM D3017. C. Evaluate results in relation to compaction curve determined by testing uncompacted material in accordance with ASTM D698 ("standard Proctor"), ASTM D1557 ("modified Proctor"), or AASHTO T 180, D. If tests indicate work does not meet specified requirements, remove work, replace and retest. E. Frequency of Tests: , 1. Infiltration Basin Embankments: Three tests per lift, location as selected by the Engineer. F. Proof roll compacted fill at surfaces that will be under slabs -on -grade and gravel road. Undercut areas that pump as directed by the Engineer. 3.07 CLEANING A. See Section 017419 - Construction Waste Management and Disposal, for additional requirements. B. Leave unused materials in a neat, compact stockpile. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay' 31 2323 - 3 FILL AND BACKFILL WWTP Replacement SECTION 31 3700 RIPRAP PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Riprap . 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. 33 3300 Force main Piping 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with State of North Carolina Highways standard. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Riprap: Provide in accordance with NCDOT Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures, Class A. B. Filter Fabric: NCDOT Section 1056, Type 2, PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PLACEMENT A. Place geotextile fabric over substrate, lap edges and ends. B. Place riprap at as indicated. C. Installed Thickness: 12 inch (300 mm) average. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 31 3700 - 1 RIPRAP WWTP Replacement SECTION 31 6219 TIMBER PILES PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Wood piles. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM D25 -Standard Specification for Round Timber Piles; 2012 (Reapproved 2017). B. AWPA M4 - Standard for the Care of Preservative -Treated Wood Products; 2015, 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide details of collars and tips. C. Shop Drawings: Indicate details and schedule of pile installation sequence. Identify recommended pile length and diameter to suit design requirements. D. Submit evidence of preservative treatment certification. E. Certificate of compliance from authority having jurisdiction indicating approval. F. Project record documents. Accurately record the following: 1. Sizes; lengths, and locations of piles. 2. Sequence of driving. 3. Number of blows per foot (meter) for entire length of piles and measured set for last 10 blows. 4. Drilling: Hole diameters, start and tip elevations. 5. Final tip and head elevations. 6. Driving force of each hammer blow. 7. Type and size of equipment. 8. Alignment deviations. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Piles: ASTM D25; Douglas Fir, clean peeled, one piece, non -spliced, friction type. B. Treatment: Preservative treated pressure impregnated with creosote in accordance with AWPA U1 for land and fresh water piles with minimum retention of 12.0 Ib/cu ft (192 kg/cu m). PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Use driving method that will not cause damage to nearby structures. B. Notify adjacent and affected land owners and building occupants with 90 days notice before proceeding with the Work. C. Protect structures near the work from damage. D. Prepare to place piles from existing site elevations. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Protect pile head during driving using collar, with full bearing on pile butt for even distribution of hammer blow. B. Deliver hammer blows to central axis of pile. C. If driving is interrupted before refusal, drive an additional 12 inches (300 mm) before resuming recording of performance data. D. Re -drive piles that have lifted due to driving adjacent piles, or by soil uplift. E. Do not damage piles during driving operations. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 31 6219 - 1 TIMBER PILES WWTP Replacement F, Cut off tops of piles to elevations indicated and prepare pile top to receive pile cap. G. Prevent surface damage to treated piles. H. Apply preservative to exposed ends of cut-off piles in accordance with AWPA M4. 3.03 TOLERANCES A. Maximum Variation From Vertical For Plumb Piles: 1 in 48, B. Maximum Variation From Required Angle For Batter Piles: 1 in 24. C. Maximum Variation From Design Cut-off Elevation: 4 inches (100 mm), D. Maximum Out -of -Position: 2 inches (50 mm). 3,04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Perform field inspection according to Section 014000 - Quality Requirements. B. Test Piles: Same diameter and type as specified for other piling, placed in same manner. C. Accepted test piles may be used in the Work. 3.05 UNACCEPTABLE PILES A. Unacceptable Piles: Piles that fail tests, are placed out of position, are below cut-off elevations, or are damaged. B. Provide additional piles or replace piles failing to comply with specified requirements. END OF SECTION PM131-21�D06 /Brandywine Bay 31 6219 - 2 TIMBER PILES WWTP Replacement SECTION 32 1123 AGGREGATE BASE COURSES PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Aggregate base course for drive and parking. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 31 2200 -GRADING: Preparation of site for base course. B. Section 312323 - FILL AND BACKFILL: Compacted fill under base course. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. AASHTO M 147 -Standard Specification for Materials for Aggregate and Soil -Aggregate Subbase, Base and Surface Courses; 1965 (2004), B. AASHTO T 180 - Standard Specification for Moisture -Density Relations of Soils Using a 4.54 kg (10-Ib) Rammer and a 457 mm (18 in.) Drop; 2010. C. ASTM C136/C136M - Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates; 2014, D. ASTM D698 - Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft4f/ft3 (600 kN-m/m3)); 2012. E. ASTM D1556 - Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Sand -Cone Method; 2007. F. ASTM D1557 - Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft4f/ft3 (2,700 kN m/m3)); 2012. G. ASTM D2167 - Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method; 2008, H. ASTM D4318 - Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils; 2010, 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Aggregate Composition Test Reports: Results of laboratory tests on proposed and actual materials used. C. Compaction Density Test Reports. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. When necessary, store materials on site in advance of need. B. Verify that survey benchmarks and intended elevations for the Work areas indicated. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Coarse Aggregate Type A: Coarse aggregate, conforming to State of North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications For Roads and Structures. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify substrate has been inspected, gradients and elevations are correct, and is dry. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Correct irregularities in substrate gradient and elevation by scarifying, reshaping, and re -compacting. B. Do not place aggregate on soft, muddy, or frozen surfaces. PM131-21-006 / Brandywine Bay 32 1123 - 1 AGGREGATE BASE COURSES WWTP Replacement C. Proof roll subbase in the presence of the Engineer or his designated representative. Undercut areas that pump and backfill with Type 4 fill as defined in Section 02316 and as directed by the Engineer. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Spread aggregate over prepared substrate and compact in maximum 6 inch layers to 1009/o maximum dry density. B. Level and contour surfaces to elevations and gradients indicated. C. Add small quantities of fine aggregate to coarse aggregate as appropriate to assist compaction. D. Add water to assist compaction. If excess water is apparent, remove aggregate and aerate to reduce moisture content. E. Use mechanical tamping equipment in areas inaccessible to compaction equipment. 3.04 TOLERANCES A. Flatness: Maximum variation of 1/4 inch (6 mm) measured with 10 foot (3 m) straight edge. B. Scheduled Compacted Thickness: Within 114 inch (6 mm). C. Variation From Design Elevation: Within 1/2 inch (12 mm). 3.05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. See Section 014000 -Quality Requirements, for general requirements for field inspection and testing. B. Compaction density testing will be performed on compacted aggregate base course in accordance with ASTM D1556 if required by the Engineer. The costs for the initial tests will be the responsibility of the owner. C. Results will be evaluated in relation to compaction curve determined by testing uncompacted material in accordance with ASTM D698 ("standard Proctor"). D. if tests indicate work does not meet specified requirements, remove work, replace and retest. Costs of retest will be the responsibility of the contractor. E. Frequency of Tests: One (1) test per 200 feet of roadway, or as needed to meet NCDOT requirements, or as required by the Engineer. F. Proof roll compacted aggregate at surfaces that will be under paving. For roads to be added to the NC State Department of Transportation system, a DOT representative must be present for the proof rolling. For roads to be maintained by the City of Greenville, the City Engineer's designated representative must be present for the proof rolling, repair any areas which yield as directed by the Engineer. G. Base course thickness testing must be performed by a certified testing company prior to paving. Cost of tests are the responsibility of the Contractor. Conduct one test per 200 lineal feet of roadway. 3.06 CLEANING A. Remove unused stockpiled materials, leave area in a clean and neat condition. Grade stockpile area to prevent standing surface water. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 32 1123 - 2 AGGREGATE BASE COURSES WWTP Replacement SECTION 32 3113 CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Fence framework, fabric, and accessories. B. Excavation for post bases; concrete foundation for posts. C. Manual gates and related hardware. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 03 3000 - Cast -in -Place Concrete: Concrete anchorage for posts. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM A123/A123M - Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot -Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products; 2015. B. ASTM A1531A153M - Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot -Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware; 2009. C. ASTM F567 - Standard Practice for Installation of Chain -Link Fence; 2011, D. CLFMI CLF 2445 - Product Manual; 1997. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide data on fabric, posts, accessories, fittings and hardware. C. Shop Drawings: Indicate plan layout, spacing of components, post foundation dimensions, hardware anchorage, and schedule of components. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS A. Materials and Components: Conform to CLFMI Product Manual. B. Fabric Size: CLFMI Standard Industrial, Heavy Residential service. C. Intermediate Posts: Type I round. D. Terminal, Corner, Rail, Brace, and Gate Posts: Type I round. 2.02 ACCESSORIES A. Caps: Cast steel galvanized; sized to post diameter, set screw retainer. B. Fittings: Sleeves, bands, clips, rail ends, tension bars, fasteners and fittings; steel. C. Extension Arms: Cast steel galvanized, to accommodate 3 strands of barbed wire, single arm, vertical. D. Hardware for Single Swinging Gates: 180 degree hinges, 2 for gates up to 60 inches (1525 mm) high, 3 for taller gates; fork latch with gravity drop and padlock hasp; keeper to hold gate in fully open position. 2.03 FINISHES A. Components (Other than Fabric): Galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123lA123M, at 1.7 oz/sq ft (530 glsq m). B. Hardware: Hot -dip galvanized to weight required by ASTM A1531A153M. C. Accessories: Same finish as framing. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install framework, fabric, accessories and gates in accordance with ASTM F567. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 32 3113 - 1 CHAIN LINK FENCES AND WWTP Replacement GATES B. Place fabric on outside of posts and rails. C. Set intermediate posts plumb, in concrete footings with top of footing 2 inches above finish grade. Slope top of concrete for water runoff. D. Line Post Footing Depth Below Finish Grade: ASTM F567. E. Corner, Gate and Terminal Post Footing Depth Below Finish Grade: ASTM F567. F. Brace each gate and corner post to adjacent line post with horizontal center brace rail and diagonal truss rods. Install brace rail one bay from end and gate posts. G. Provide top rail through line post tops and splice with 6 inch (150 mm) long rail sleeves. H. Install center brace rail on corner gate leaves. Do not stretch fabric until concrete foundation has cured 28 days. J. Stretch fabric between terminal posts or at intervals of 100 feet (30 m) maximum, whichever is less. K. Position bottom of fabric 2 inches (50 mm) above finished grade. L. Fasten fabric to top rail, line posts, braces, and bottom tension wire with tie wire at maximum 15 inches (380 mm) on centers. M. Attach fabric to end, corner, and gate posts with tension bars and tension bar clips. N. Install bottom tension wire stretched taut between terminal posts. O. Install support arms sloped inward and attach barbed wire; tension and secure. 3,02 TOLERANCES A. Maximum Variation From Plumb: 1/4 inch (6 mm). B. Maximum Offset From True Position: 1 inch (25 mm). C. Components shall not infringe adjacent property lines. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 32 3113 - 2 CHAIN LINK FENCES AND WWTP Replacement GATES SECTION 32 9219 SEEDING PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Preparation of subsoil. B. Placing topsoil. C. Seeding, mulching, liming and fertilizer. D. Maintenance, 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 31 2200 -GRADING: Topsoil material. B. Section 312200 - GRADING: Preparation of subsoil and placement of topsoil in preparation for the work of this section. C. Section 312323 - FILL AND BACKFILL: Topsoil material. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Weeds: Include Dandelion, Jimsonweed, Quackgrass, Horsetail, Morning Glory, Rush Grass, Mustard, Lambsquarter, Chickweed, Cress, Crabgrass, Canadian Thistle, Nutgrass, Poison Oak, Blackberry, Tansy Ragwort, Bermuda Grass, Johnson Grass, Poison Ivy, Nut Sedge, Nimble Will, Bindweed, Bent Grass, Wild Garlic, Perennial Sorrel, and Brome Grass. 1.04 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with regulatory agencies for fertilizer and herbicide composition. B. Provide certificate of compliance from authority having jurisdiction indicating approval of seed mixture. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver grass seed mixture in sealed containers. Seed in damaged packaging is not acceptable. Deliver seed mixture in containers showing percentage of seed mix, year of production, net weight, date of packaging, and location of packaging. B. Deliver fertilizer and lime in waterproof bags showing weight, chemical analysis, and name of manufacturer. A. Furnish maintenance of seeded areas for three months from Date of Substantial Completion, B. Maintain seeded areas immediately after placement until grass is well established and exhibits a vigorous growing condition. - PART PRODUCTS 2.01 SEED MIXTURE A. Seed Mixture: 1. (February 1 -April 30) Tall Fescue - 50 Ibs.lac., Pensacola Bahia Grass,10 lbs./ac., Korean or Kobe Lespedeza-(scarified),501bs./ac. 2. (May 1-August 31) Tall Fescue - 50 lbs./ac., Weeping Lovegrass,10 lbs./ac Korean or Kobe Lespedeza(scarified), 50 lbs./ac., Browntop Millet, 25 lbs./ac. 3. (September 1 - January 31) Tall Fescue - 60 lbs./ac., Korean or Kobe Lespedeza (unscarified),60 lbs./ac., Rye (grain) - 25 lbs./ac. 2.02 SOIL MATERIALS A. Respread from stockpile 2.03 ACCESSORIES A. Mulching Material: Oat or wheat straw, free from weeds, foreign matter detrimental to plant life, and dry. Hay or chopped cornstalks are not acceptable. B. Lime - 2 tons/ac. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 32 9219 - 1 SEEDING WWTP Replacement C. Fertilizer: ; recommended for grass, with fifty percent of the elements derived from organic sources; of proportion necessary to eliminate any deficiencies of topsoil, to the following proportions: Nitrogen 10] percent, phosphoric acid [10] percent, soluble potash [10] percent. PART 3 EXECUTION 3,01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that prepared soil base is ready to receive the work of this Section. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Prepare subgrade in accordance with Section 31 2200. B. Place topsoil in accordance with Section 31 2200, 3.03 FERTILIZING A. Apply fertilizer in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Apply after smooth raking of topsoil and prior to roller compaction. C. Do not apply fertilizer at same time or with same machine as will be used to apply seed. D. Mix thoroughly into upper 2 inches (50 mm) of topsoil. E. Lightly water to aid the dissipation of fertilizer. 3.04 SEEDING A. ' Apply seed evenly in two intersecting directions. Rake lightly. B. Do not seed areas in excess of that which can be mulched on same day. C. Do not sow immediately following rain, when ground is too dry, or during windy periods. D. Roll seeded area. E. Immediately following seeding , apply mulch to a thickness of 1/8 inches (3 mm). Maintain clear of shrubs and trees. F. Apply water with a fine spray immediately after each area has been mulched. Saturate to 4 inches (100 mm) of soil. G. Following germination, immediately re -seed areas without germinated seeds that are larger than 4 by 4 inches (100 by 100 mm). 3.05 HYDROSEEDING A. Apply seeded slurry with a hydraulic seeder at a rate of seeding schedule above Ibs per 1000 sq ft (_ Kg per 1000 sq m) evenly in two intersecting directions. B. Do not hydroseed area in excess of that which can be mulched on same day. C. Immediately following seeding, apply mulch to a thickness of 1/8 inches (3 mm). Maintain clear of shrubs and trees. D. Apply water with a fine spray immediately after each area has been mulched. Saturate to 4 inches (100 mm) of soil. E. Following germination, immediately re -seed areas without germinated seeds that are larger than 4 by 4 inches (100 by 100 mm). 3,06 MAINTENANCE A. Provide maintenance at no extra cost to Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC; Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC will pay for water. B. See Section 01 7000 - Execution Requirements, for additional requirements relating to maintenance service. C. Provide a separate maintenance contract for specified maintenance service. D. Mow grass at regular intervals to maintain at a maximum height of 2-1/2 inches (65 mm). Do not cut more than 1/3 of grass blade at any one mowing. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 32 9219 - 2 SEEDING WWTP Replacement E. Neatly trim edges and hand clip where necessary. F. Immediately remove clippings after mowing and trimming. G. Water to prevent grass and soil from drying out. H. Roll surface to remove minor depressions or irregularities. I. Control growth of weeds. Apply herbicides in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Remedy damage resulting from improper use of herbicides. J. Immediately reseed areas that show bare spots. K. Protect seeded areas with warning signs during maintenance period. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 32 9219 - 3 SEEDING WWTP Replacement SECTION 33 3200 SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE PUMPS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Submersible pumps in the influent pump station. B. Related construction. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 1000 -Summary: Contract descriptions, description of alterations work, work by others, future work, occupancy conditions, use of site and premises, work sequence. B. Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements: Submittal procedures, project meetings, progress schedules and documentation, reports, coordination. C, Section 016000 - Product Requirements: Fundamental product requirements, substitutions and product options, delivery, storage, and handling. D. Section 01 7000 - Execution Requirements: Examination, preparation, and general installation procedures; preinstallation meetings; cutting and patching; cleaning and protection; starting of systems; demonstration and instruction; closeout procedures except payment procedures; requirements for alterations work. E. Section 017800 - Closeout Submittals: Project record documents, operation and maintenance (O&M) data, warranties and bonds. F. Section 02 4100 - Demolition: Selective demolition, site demolition, structure removal. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASME 1316.1 -Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: Classes 25, 125, and 250; 2005 B. ASTM A 48/A 48M - Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings; 2003. C. ASTM A 126 - Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings; 1995. D. ASTM C 478 - Standard Specification for Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections; 2007. E. AWWA C104/A21.4 - Cement -Mortar Lining for Ductile -Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water; American Water Works Association; 2008 (ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4). F. AWWA C105/A21.5 - Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile -Iron Pipe Systems; American Water Works Association; 2010 (ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5). G. AWWA C111/A21.11 - Rubber -Gasket Joints for Ductile -Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings; American Water Works Association; 2007 (ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11), H. AWWA C151/A21.51 - Ductile -Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast, for Water; American Water Works Association; 2009 (ANSI/AWWAC151/A21.51). I. NEMA MG 1 - Motors and Generators; National Electrical Manufacturers Association; 2006. J. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; National Fire Protection Association; 2008, 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Submit for review: 1. Flow control plan for bypassing flow at the effluent pump station. 2. Certified general arrangement drawings showing all important details including materials of construction, dimensions, loads on supporting structures, and anchor bolt locations. 3. Descriptive literature, bulletins and/or catalogs of the equipment. 4. Complete data on motors. 5. Pump curves. 6. Wiring diagrams and electrical schematics for all control equipment to be furnished. PM131-21-006 /Brandywine Bay 33 3200 - 1 SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE WWTP Replacement PUMPS C. Submit for information: 1. Manufacturers instructions. D. Submit for project closeout: 1. Project record documents. 2. Operation and maintenance manuals including the following: a. Equipment function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions. 1) Assembly, installation, alignment, adjustment, and checking instructions. 2) Operating instructions for startup, routine, and normal operation, regulation and control, shutdown, and emergency conditions. 3) Lubrication and maintenance instructions. 4) Guide to troubleshooting. 5) Parts lists and predicted life of parts subject to wear. 6) Outline, cross-section, and assembly drawings; engineering data; and writing diagrams. r� FiTirLfi 7:f � 1 "i i'i A. The manufacturer shall warrant their pumps to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year after the product is first put into operation or eighteen (18) months after date of shipment, whichever occurs first. B. See Section 01 7800 - Closeout Submittals, for additional warranty requirements. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SEE SECTION 01 6000 FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. 2,02 PUMPS A. General 1. Submersible sewage pumps shall be suitable for continuous duty operation underwater without loss of watertight integrity to a depth of 65 feet. Pump system design shall include a guide rail system be such that the pump will be automatically connected to the discharge piping when lowered into place on the discharge connection.The pump shall be easily removable for inspection or service, requiring no bolts, nuts, or other fasteners to be disconnected, or the need for personnel to enter the wet well. B. Pump Characteristics 1. Influent Pumps a. Drive - VFD b. Number of units - duplex pumps in each aeration basin, 4 total units. c. Minimum solids capacity - 3 Inch. d. Top range design flow per pump -750 GPM @ 45 ft, TDH e. Low range design flow per pump -550 GPM @ 41 ft. TDH f. Minimum shutoff head - 55 ft. g. RPM range - 1250 too 1750 h. Horsepower - 15 i. Voltage - 460 VAC j. Phase - 3 k. Frequency - 60 Hz C. Manufacturers 1. Hydromatic 2, Myers, 3, Fairbanks -Morse. 4. Ebara 5. Goulds, D. Pump Design - 1. The pumps shall be suitable for pumping raw, unscreened sewage. The discharge connection elbow shall be permanently installed in the we well along with the discharge PM131-21~0061 Brandywine Bay 33 3200 - 2 SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE WWTP Replacement PUMPS piping. The pump(s) shall be automatically connected to the discharge connection elbow when lowered into place, and shall be easily removed for inspection or service. There shall be no need for personnel to enter pump well. Sealing of the pumping unit to the discharge connection elbow shall be accomplished by a simple linear downward motion of the pump. A sliding guide bracket shall be an integral part of the pump unit. The entire weight of the pumping unit shall be guided by no less than two (2) guide bars and pressed tightly against the discharge connection elbow with metal -to -metal contact. Sealing of the discharge interface by means of diaphragm, 0-ring, or other devices will not be acceptable. No portion of the pump shall bear directly on the floor of the wetwell. The pump, with its appurtenances and cable shall be capable of continuous submergence underwater without loss of watertight integrity to a depth of sixty-five feet (65'). E. Pump Construction 1. Major pump components shall be of gray cast iron, Class 30, with smooth surfaces devoid of blow holes and other irregularities. All exposed nuts and bolts shall be of stainless steel 300 series . 2. All surfaces coming into contact with sewage other than stainless steel or brass, shall be protected by an approved sewage resistant coating (Tnemec series epoxy or approved equal). All mating surfaces where watertight sealing is required shall be machined and fitted with rubber 0-rings. 3. Discharge fitting shall be such that sealing is accomplished by metal -to -metal contact between machined surfaces. No secondary sealing compounds, rectangular gaskets, elliptical 0-rings, grease or other devices shall be used. 4. Shaft - The pump shaft shall be of stainless steel 300 or 400 series. The shaft shall be designed with a constant outside diameter for its entire length and without machined shoulders for bearings.Sleeve spacers between rotor and bearings shall be sufficient to provide shoulder function for the bearings. A surface finish with minimum roughness values of 12 micro -inches shall be required. 5. Seals - Each pump shall be provided with two separate tandem mechanical rotating shaft seal system. Seals shall run in an oil reservoir. Seal failure sensors shall be included. Lapped seal faces shall be hydrodynamically lubricated at a constant rate. The seal units shall contain one (1) stationary carbon and one (1) positively driven rotating tungsten carbide or ceramic ring. Each interface shall be held in contact by its own spring system. The seals shall require neither maintenance nor adjustment, but shall be easily inspected and replaceable. Each pump shall be provided with an oil chamber for the shaft sealing system. The oil chamber shall be designed to assure that air is left in the oil chamber, to absorb the expansion of the oil due to temperature variations. The drain and inspection plug, with positive anti -leak seal shall be easily accessible from the outside. 6. Bearings - The pump shaft shall rotate on two (2) permanently lubricated bearings or continuously lubricated in an oil bath with a minimum 13-10 life expectancy rating. The upper bearing shall be a single row ball bearing and the lower bearing a two (2) row angular contact ball bearing. 7. Impeller - The impeller shall be of gray cast iron, Class 30, dynamically balanced, double shrouded non -clogging design having a long thrulet without acute turns. The impeller shall be capable of handling solids, fibrous materials, heavy sludge and other matter found in normal sewage applications. The impeller shall be of a single or two vane design. The pump manufacturer shall, upon request, furnish mass moment of inertia data for the proposed impeller. The impeller shall be capable of passing a minimum 3" solid sphere. The fit between the impeller and the shaft shall be a sliding fit on a key with a impeller nut which can be tightened and locked down with a set screw or a nylok keeper. 8. Volute - The volute shall be of single piece design and shall have smooth fluid passages large enough at all points to pass any size solids, which can pass through the impeller. 9. Wearing Ring - A wearing ring system shall be installed to provide efficient sealing between the volute and impeller. The stationary wear ring shall be made of stainless steel or nitrile rubber. The rotating wear ring shall be made of stainless steel. The wear rings are to be drive fitted to the impeller and volute inlet. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 33 3200 - 3 SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE WWTP Replacement PUMPS F. Guide Rail System 1, Provide 304 stainless steel schedule 40 guide rails for each pump sized to mount directly to the quick discharge connector (QDC) at the floor of the wetwell and to a guide rail bracket at the top of the wetwell below the hatch opening. Intermediate guide brackets shall be supplied for rail lengths over 15 feet.Guide rail brackets shall be constructed of 304 stainless steel. 2. The QDC shall be manufactured of cast iron, A48 Class 30, It shall be designed to adequately support the guide rails, discharge piping, and pumping unit under both static and dynamic loading conditions with support legs that are suitable for anchoring it to the wetwell floor. The face of the inlet QDC flange shall be perpendicular to the floor of the wetwell. The discharge flange of the QDC shall conform to ASME/ANSI B16.1 Class 125. 3. The pump design shall include an integral self -aligning sliding bracket. Sealing of the pumping unit to the QDC shall be accomplished by a single, linear, downward motion of the pump. The entire weight of the pump unit shall be guided to and wedged tightly against the inlet flange of the QDC, making metal to metal contact with the pump discharge forming a seal without the use of bolts, gaskets or o-rings. 4. Stainless steel lifting cable shall be provided, suitable for removing and installing the pump unit. G. Motor 1. Pump motor shall be squirrel -cage, induction, shell type design, housed in a watertight chamber. The stator winding and stator leads shall be insulated with moisture resistant Class F insulation which will resist a temperature of 155 degrees C (311 F). The stator shall be dipped and baked three (3) times in Class F varnish. The motor shall be designed for continuous duty, capable of sustaining a minimum of ten (10) starts per hour and shall be thermally protected. Motor shall be NEMA design B. Each unit shall be provided with an adequately designed cooling system. Thermal radiators (cooling fins) integral to the stator housing, shall be adequate to provide the cooling required by the motor. Water jackets or other devices shall not be necessary for continuous pumping at sump liquid levels below midpoint of stator housing. 2. The cable entry shall be an integral part of the stator casing. As a minimum the cable entry shall be comprised of a single cylindrical elastomer grommet, flanked by washers and a ferrule designed with close tolerance fit against the cable outside diameter and the entry inside diameter, or shall be triple protected with a compression fitting and two epoxy potted areas at the power cord entry to the pump. 3. Power cable jacket shall be manufactured of an oil resistant chloroprene rubber material, designed for submerged applications. Cable shall be watertight to a depth of a least 65'. The cable entry system shall comprise of primary, secondary, and tertiary sealing methods. The primary seal shall be achieved by an cylindrical elastomeric grommet compressed between the motor cover and a 304SS washer. Secondary sealing is accomplished with a compressed o-ring made of NBR material. Compression and subsequent sealing shall preclude specific torque requirements. The system shall also include tertiary sealing to prevent leakage into the motor housing due to capillary action through the insulation if the cable is damaged or cut. The cable wires shall be cut, stripped, re -connected with a copper butt end connector, and embedded in epoxy within the cable gland. This provides a dead end for leakage through the cable insulation into the motor junction area. The cable entry system shall be the same for both the power and control cables. H. Controls - See Electrical Specifications 2.03 VALVE VAULTS A. Valve vaults -Shall be precast concrete, dimension as shown on the plans, constructed in accordance with ASTM C478. Valve vaults shall have monolithically cast extended base design to resist uplift. B. Access Hatches - See Section 33 3301, PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 33 3200 -4 SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE WWTP Replacement PUMPS 2.04 INTERCONNECTING PIPING AND VALVES A. Pipe - All interconnecting gravity and pressure piping shall be ductile iron. 1. All ductile iron pipe shall be manufactured in compliance with ANSI Standard A21.51. The interior of the pipe shall be cement -mortar lined in accordance with ANSI A21 A. 2. The exterior of the pipe shall have a one (1) mil bituminous coating in accordance with ANSI A21.51. The thickness class for ductile iron pipe shall be Class 50 . The pipe joints for ductile iron pipe shall be "push -on" manufactured in accordance with ANSI 21.11, 3. Polyethylene encasement shall be applied to all underground ductile iron pipe installations. Materials and installation procedures shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5.88. B. Valves 1. Plug Valves - Plug valves for sewage service shall be nonlubricated eccentric type valves, with cast iron body, resilient faced plug suitable for sewage service. Valves shall utilize a corrosion resistant seat material of ninety percent (90%) welded nickel machined to a smooth surface as per AWWA C-507. All valve parts and surfaces shall be of corrosion resistant materials or have an epoxy coating sufficient to prevent corrosion. Bearings shall be sleeve -type, replaceable, stainless steel per AWWA C-507. Valve packing area shall comply with AWWA C-507 by using a multi V-ring configuration that is adjustable and field replaceable. Valves shall have flanged faces drilled in accordance with American Standard for 125 pounds and shall be suitable for an operating pressure of 175 psi.Plug valves eight inches (8") and larger shall be geared to provide suitable operation of the valve. Plug valves shall be as manufactured by Dezurik or approved equal. 2. Check valves, shall be lever and spring type, iron body, bronze mounted with pin, seat ring and disc of brass or bronze designed for working pressure of not less than 150 pounds per square inch. Valves shall have a suitable opening for cleaning without disconnection from the pipe. Valves shall be manufactured by American Flow Control, Mueller or Clow. 2.05 ACCESSORIES A. Float support brackets and other hardware shall be stainless steel. B. Lift cables shall be stainless steel. C. Anchor bolts, expansion anchors and all other bolts, washers and nuts shall be stainless steel. D. Pressure gauges shall comply with the following: 1. 316 stainless steel construction. 2. Suitable for use with raw sewage. 3. 4-1(2" diameter 4. 0-60 psi range PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SEE SECTION 01 7000 FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install all pumps and accessories in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 1. See Section 01 4000 - Quality Requirements, for additional requirements. C. SYSTEM STARTUP 1. Provide manufacturer's field representative to perform systems startup. 2. Pump Startup - After complete installation of all equipment, the pump station equipment shall be started up by the Contractor and the Manufacturer's representative in the presence of the Owner and the Engineer. All equipment shall be operated in all modes to insure proper operation. An electrician shall be on site to verify proper electrical connections. 3. At the end of the pump start up, a field performance test shall be made on each pumping unit. Tests shall be conducted jointly by the Contractor, Supplier and the Owner. The PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 33 3200 - 5 SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE WWTP Replacement PUMPS pumping units and valves will be operated by Owner personnel; all other personnel and equipment necessary for proper conduct of tests shall be furnished by the Contractor. 4. Each pump shall be tested at shutoff head and at as many points in the specified operating head range as necessary to verify the pump performance curve. All tests and test reports shall be made in conformity with the requirements and recommendations of the Hydraulic Institute and the IEEE Standards. The test setup procedures, schedule, and instrumentation shall be agreed upon by the Contractor and Owner. The flow shall be measured by computing the volume pumped out of the wet well in a specified time. 5. D. CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES 1, See Section 01 7800 - Closeout Submittals, for closeout submittals. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 33 3200 - 6 SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE WWTP Replacement PUMPS SECTION 33 3250 SELF PRIMING SEWAGE PUMPS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Post Equalization Pumps 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 46-5101: Sequencing Batch Reactor. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 35 - 35, for submittal procedures. B. Submit for review: 1. Flow control plan for bypassing flow at the effluent pump station. 2. Certified general arrangement drawings showing all important details including materials of construction, dimensions, loads on supporting structures, and anchor bolt locations. 3. Descriptive literature, bulletins and/or catalogs of the equipment. 4. Complete data on motors. 5. Pump curves. 6. Wiring diagrams and electrical schematics for all control equipment to be furnished. C. Submit for information: 1. Manufacturers instructions. D. Submit for project closeout: 1. Project record documents. 2. Operation and maintenance manuals including the following: a. Equipment function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions. 1) Assembly, installation, alignment, adjustment, and checking instructions. 2) Operating instructions for startup, routine, and normal operation, regulation and control, shutdown, and emergency conditions. 3) , Lubrication and maintenance instructions. 4) Guide to troubleshooting. 5) Parts lists and predicted life of parts subject to wear. 6) Outline, cross-section, and assembly drawings; engineering data; and writing diagrams. 1.05 WARRANTY A. See Section 52 - 52, for additional warranty requirements. B. The manufacturer shall warrant their pumps to be free of defects in material and workmanship fora period of one (1) year after the product is first put into operation or eighteen (18) months after date of shipment, whichever occurs first. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SEE SECTION 01 6000 FOR ADDITIONAL.REQUIREMENTS. 2.02 PUMPS A. Manufacturer: 1, Gorman Gorman 2. Approved equal. B. Pump Characteristics 1, Post Equalization Pumps a. Drive - vM b. Number of units - 2 . c. Minimum solids capacity - 3 Inch. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 333250 - 1 SELF PRIMING SEWAGE WWTP Replacement PUMPS d. Top range design flow per pump -520 GPM @ 42 ft. TDH e. Low range design flow per pump - 208 GPM @ 31 ft. TDH I. Horsepower -10 g. Voltage - 460 VAC h. Phase - 3 C. Materials and Construction Features: 1. Pump casing shall be cast iron Class 30 with integral volute scroll. Casing shall incorporate following features: a. Mounting feet sized to prevent tipping or binding when pump is completely disassembled for maintenance. 1) Fill port cover plate, 3 1/2" diameter, shall be opened after logsening a positive lock clamp bar assembly. In consideration for safety, Gorman threads must provide slow release of pressure, and the clamp bar shall be retained by detente lugs. A non-metallic gasket shall prevent adhesion of the fill port cover to the casing while assuring a reliable seal. 2) Casing drain plug shall be at least 1 1/4" NPT to insure complete and rapid draining. 3) Liquid volume and recirculation port design shall be consistent with performance criteria listed under PART 1 - GENERAL of this section. 2. Cover plate shall be cast iron Class 30. Design must incorporate the following maintenance features: a. Retained by hand nuts for complete access to pump interior. Cover plate removal must provide ample clearance for removal of stoppages, and allow service to the impeller, seal, wear plate or check valve without removing suction or discharge piping. 1) A replaceable wear plate secured to the cover plate by weld studs and nuts shall be AISI 1016 HRS. Wear plate shall be self-cleaning design ensuring that debris is cleared away and does not collect on the impeller vanes. 2) In consideration for safety, a pressure relief valve shall be supplied in the cover plate. Relief valve shall open at 75-200 PSI. 3) Two O-rings of Buna-N material shall seal cover plate to pump casing. 4) Pusher bolt capability to assist in removal of cover plate. Pusher bolt threaded holes shall be sized to accept same retaining capscrews as used in rotating assembly. 5) Easy -grip handle shall be mounted to face of cover plate. 3. Rotating assembly, which includes impeller, shaft, mechanical shaft seal, lip seals, bearings, seal plate and bearing housing, must be removable as a single unit without disturbing the pump casing or piping. Design shall incorporate the following features: a. Seal plate and bearing housing shall be cast iron Class 30. Anti -rotation ribs shall be cast into the seal plate to reduce internal wear and maximize component life. Separate oil filled cavities, vented to atmosphere, shall be provided for shaft seal and bearings. Cavities must be cooled by the liquid pumped. Three lip seals will prevent leakage of oil. 1) The bearing cavity shall have an oil level sight gauge and fill plug check valve. The clear sight gauge shall provide easy monitoring of the bearing cavity oil level and condition of oil without removal of the fill plug check valve. The check valve shall vent the cavity but prevent introduction of moist air to the bearings. 2) The seal cavity shall have an oil level sight gauge and fill/vent plug. The clear sight gauge shall provide easy monitoring of the seal cavity oil level and condition of oil without removal of the fill/vent plug. 3) Double lip seal shall provide an atmospheric path providing positive protection of bearings, with capability for external drainage monitoring. 4) Impeller shall be ductile iron, two vane, semi -open, non -clog, with integral pump out vanes on the back shroud. Impeller shall be statically or dynamically balanced. Impeller shall thread onto the pump shaft and be secured with a lockscrew and conical washer. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 33 3250 - 2 SELF PRIMING SEWAGE WWTP Replacement PUMPS 5) Shaft shall be AISI 4140 alloy steel. 6) Bearings shall be anti -friction ball type of proper size and design to withstand all radial and thrust loads expected during normal operation. Bearings shall be oil lubricated from a dedicated reservoir. Pump designs which use the same oil to lubricate the bearings and shaft seal shall not be acceptable. 7) Shaft seal shall be oil lubricated mechanical type. The stationary and rotating seal faces shall be silicon carbide alloy. Each mating surface shall be lapped to within three light bands flatness (35 millionths of an inch), as measured by an optical flat under monochromatic light. The stationary seal seat shall be double floating by virtue of a dual O-ring design. An external O-ring secures the stationary seat to the seal plate, and an internal O-ring holds the faces in alignment during periods of mechanical or hydraulic shock (loads which cause shaft deflection, vibration, and axial/radial movement). Elastomers shall be viton; cage and spring to be stainless steel. Seal shall be oil lubricated from a dedicated reservoir. The same oil shall not lubricate both shaft seal and shaft bearings. Seal shall be warranted in accordance with requirements listed under PART 1 - GENERAL of this section. 8) Pusher bolt capability to assist in removal of rotating assembly. Pusher bolt threaded holes shall be sized to accept same capscrews as used for retaining rotating assembly. 4. Adjustment of the impeller face clearance (distance between impeller and wear plate) shall be accomplished by external means. a. Clearances shall be maintained by external shimless cover plate adjustment, utilizing locking collar and adjusting screw design for incremental adjustment of clearances by hand. Requirement of realignment of belts, couplings, etc., shall not be acceptable. Cover plate shall be capable of being removed without disturbing clearance settings. 1) There shall be provisions for additional clearance adjustment in the event that adjustment tolerances have been depleted from the cover plate side of the pump. The removal of stainless steel tabbed spacers from the rotating assembly side of the pump shall allow for further adjustment as described above. 2) Clearance adjustment which requires movement of the shaft only, thereby adversely affecting seal working length or impeller back clearance, shall not be acceptable. b. 5. An externally removable suction check valve shall be molded Neoprene with integral steel and nylon reinforcement. A blow-out center shall protect pump casing from hydraulic shock or excessive pressure. Removal or installation of the check valve must be accomplished from the top of pump without disturbing the suction piping or completely draining the casing. Sole function of check valve shall be to save energy by eliminating need to reprime after each pumping cycle. Pumps requiring a suction check valve to assist reprime will not be acceptable. 5. Spool flanges shall be one-piece cast iron, class 30 fitted to suction and/or discharge ports. Each spool shall have one 1-1/4" NPT and one 1/4" NPT tapped hole with pipe plugs for mounting gauges or other equipment. 6. Pumps to be supplied with a drain kit for ease of maintenance. The kit to contain 10' length of reinforced plastic hose with a female quick connect fitting at one end, and factory installed drain fittings in each pump. Fittings include stainless steel pipe nipples, bushing, stainless steel ball valve and male quick connect fitting. 7. A gauge kit shall be supplied for each pump. Suction pressure must be monitored by a glycerin -filled compound gauge, and discharge pressure by a glycerin -filled pressure gauge. Gauges to be at least 4 inches in diameter, graduated in feet water column. Rated accuracy shall be 1 % of full scale reading. Compound gauge shall be graduated -34 to +34 feet water column minimum. Pressure gauge to be graduated 0 to 140 feet water column minimum. Gauges to be factory mounted on a resilient panel with frame assembly secured to pumps or piping. Gauge installations shall be complete with all hoses and fittings, including a shutoff valve for each gauge line at the point of connection to suction and discharge pipes. PM131-21~006 /Brandywine Bay 33 3250 - 3 SELF PRIMING SEWAGE WWTP Replacement PUMPS 8. Each pump shall be equipped with a full flow type check valve, capable of passing a 3" spherical solid, with flanged ends and be fitted with an external lever and spring. The valve seat shall be constructed of stainless steel and shall be replaceable. The valve body shall be cast iron and incorporate a 3" cleanout port. Valve clapper shall have a molded neoprene seating surface incorporating low pressure sealing rings. Valve hinge pin and internal hinge arm shall be stainless steel supported on each end in brass bushings, sealing bushing shall have double o-rings: 0-rings shall be easily replaceable without requiring access to interior of valve body. Valve shall be rated at 175 PSI water working pressure, 350 PSI hydrostatic test pressure. Valves other than full flow type or valves mounted in such a manner that prevents the passage of a 3" spherical solid shall not be acceptable. 2.03 DRIVE UNIT: A. Pump motors shall be ,horizontal TEFC, NEMA design B with cast iron frame with copper windings, induction type, with normal starting torque and low starting current characteristics, suitable for continuous service. The motors shall not overload at the design condition or at any head in the operating range as specified. Motors located outdoors shall be furnished with 120 volt motor space heaters. B. Drive Transmission 1. Power to pumps transmitted V-belt drive assemblies. The sheave/belt combination shall provide the speed ratio needed to achieve the specified pump operating conditions. 2. Each drive assembly shall utilize at least two V-belts providing minimum a combined safety factor of 1.5. Single belt drives or systems with a safety factor of less than 1.5 are not acceptable. Computation of safety factors shall be based on performance data published by the drive manufacturer. 3. Pump drives to be enclosed on all sides by a guard constructed of corrosion resistant high density polyethylene, with stainless steel hardware. 2.04 ELECTRICAL CONTROL COMPONENTS; A. The pump control system shall be furnished by the pump supplier to assure a complete unit and total system responsibility. B. The pump control panels shall be manufactured by a UL panel builder and each assembly shall bear a serialized UL label for enclosed industrial control panels. Listing for open style industrial control panels or an assembly of listed or recognized components shall not be acceptable. C. Electrical power to be furnished to the site will be 3 phase, 60 hertz, 4 wire, 230 volts, maintained within plus or minus 10 percent. Control voltage shall not exceed 132 volts. D. Enclosures shall be constructed in conformance with applicable section of National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA) standards for type 3R enclosures. Enclosure shall be fabricated of stainless steel having a minimum thickness of not less than 0.075 inch (14 gauge). Interior and exterior surfaces shall be enamel over phosphatized surfaces. Enclosure shall be equipped with a hinged outer door held closed with clamps that are quick and easy to operate. The panel shall be provided with a hinged inner door to accommodate the mounting of switches and indicators. All control components shall be securely fastened to a removable back panel with screws and lock washers. Switches, indicators and instruments shall be mounted through the control panel door. Self -tapping screws shall not be used to mount any components. E. Each control assembly shall be furnished with main terminals and ground lug for field connection of the electrical supply. The connections shall be designed to accept copper conductors of sufficient size to serve the loads. The main terminals shall be mounted to allow incoming wire bending space in accordance with article 373 of the National Electric Code (NEC). A separate terminal strip shall be provided for 115 volt, single phase control power and shall be segregated from the main terminals. Ten percent of the control terminals shall be furnished as spares. F. A properly sized heavy duty motor circuit breaker, with RMS interrupting rating of 101000 amperes at 230 volts, shall be furnished for each pump motor. The circuit breakers must be sealed by the manufacturer after calibration to prevent tampering. An operating mechanism PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 33 3250 - 4 SELF PRIMING SEWAGE WWTP Replacement PUMPS installed on motor circuit breaker shall penetrate the control panel door. A padlockable operator handle shall be secured on the inner door. Interlocks must prevent opening the door until circuit breakers are in "OFF" position. G. An open frame, across -the -line, NEMA rated magnetic starter with under -voltage release, and overload protection on all three phases, shall be furnished for each pump motor. Starters of NEMA size 1 and above shall allow addition of at least two auxiliary contacts. An overload reset pushbutton, mounted through the control panel door, shall permit resetting the overload relays without opening the control panel door. H. The control panel shall be equipped with a secondary lightning arrestor to minimize damage to the pump motors and control from transient voltage surges. The arrestor shall utilize silicon -oxide varistors encapsulated in a non-conductive housing. The arrestor shall have a current rating of 60,000 Amps, and a Joule rating of 1500. I. The control panel shall be equipped to monitor the incoming power and shut down the pump motors when required to protect the motor(s) from damage caused by phase reversal, phase loss, low voltage, and voltage unbalance. An integral time delay shall be provided to minimize nuisance trips. The motor(s) shall automatically restart when power conditions return to normal. J. A normal duty thermal -magnetic circuit breaker shall protect all control circuits by interrupting control power. K. The pump control panel shall provide 120 power to the pump motor space heaters. L. Pump mode selector switches shall permit manual start or stop of pump individually, or permit automatic operation under control of the liquid level control system. Manual operation shall override all shutdown systems, except the drive fault. Selector switches to be heavy duty, oil -tight design with contacts rated NEMA A300 minimum. M. Six digit elapsed time meter (non -reset type) shall be connected to motor starter to indicate total running time of each pump in "hours" and "tenths of hours". N. A duplex ground fault receptacle providing 115 VAC, 60 Hz, single phase current, will be mounted on the control enclosure. Receptacle circuit shall be protected by a 15 ampere thermal -magnetic circuit breaker. O. A high pump temperature protection circuit shall override the manual control and shut down the pump motors) when required to protect the pump from excessive temperature. A thermostat shall be mounted on each pump casing and connected to a high pump temperature shutdown circuit. If casing temperature rises to a level sufficient to cause damage, the thermostat causes the pump shutdown circuit to interrupt power to the motor. A push -to -reset indicating light located on the control panel door shall indicate motor stopped due to high pump temperature. The motor shall remain locked out until the pump has cooled and circuit has been manually reset. Automatic reset of this circuit is not acceptable. P. The pump control panel shall be equipped with a 1.5 KVA stepdown transformer to supply 115 volt, AC, single phase for the control and auxiliary equipment. The primary and secondary side of the transformer to be protected by a thermal magnetic circuit breaker, sized to meet the power requirements of the transformer. An operating mechanism shall penetrate the control panel door, and a padlockable operator handle shall be secured on the exterior surface. Interlocks must prevent opening the door until circuit breakers are in "OFF" position. Q. The pump control manufacturer shall ground all electrical equipment inside the pump control panel back plate. All paint must be removed from the grounding mounting surface before making final connection. The contractor shall provide an earth driven ground connection to the. pump station at the main grounding lug in accordance with the National Electric Code (NEC). PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SEE SECTION 017000 FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's Instructions. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 33 3250 - 5 SELF PRIMING SEWAGE WWTP Replacement PUMPS 3.03 SYSTEM STARTUP A. Provide manufacturer's field representative to perform systems startup. B. Provide manufacturer's field representative to perform systems startup. C. Pump Startup - After complete installation of all equipment, the pump station equipment shall be started up by the Contractor and the Manufacturer's representative in the presence of the Owner and the Engineer. All equipment shall be operated in all modes to insure proper operation. An electrician shall be on site to verify proper electrical connections. D. At the end of the pump start up, a field performance test shall be made on each pumping unit. Tests shall be conducted jointly by the Contractor, Supplier and the Owner. The pumping units and valves will be operated by Owner personnel; all other personnel and equipment necessary for proper conduct of tests shall be furnished by the Contractor. E. Each pump shall be tested at shutoff head and at as many points in the specified operating head range as necessary to verify the pump performance curve. All tests and test reports shall be made in conformity with the requirements and recommendations of the Hydraulic Institute and the IEEE Standards. The test setup procedures, schedule, and instrumentation shall be agreed upon by the Contractor and Owner. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 33 3250 - 6 SELF PRIMING SEWAGE WWTP Replacement PUMPS SECTION 33 4600 SUBDRAINAGE SYSTEM PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Subsurface drainage around infiltration basins. B. Ground water lowering wells. C. Self priming ground water pumps. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 31 2316.13 -Trenching for Site Utilities: Excavating and backfilling for site subdrainage systems. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM D751 -Standard Test Methods for Coated Fabrics; 2006 (Reapproved 2011). B. ASTM D 1784 - Standard Specification for Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds; 2007, C. ASTM D 1785 - Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 401 80, and 120; 2006. D. ASTM D 2466 - Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40; 2006, E. ASTM D2467 - Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80; 2006, F. ASTM D 2855 - Standard Practice for Making Solvent -Cemented. Joints with Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Fittings; 1996 (Reapproved 2002), G. ASTM D3786JD3786M - Standard Test Method for Hydraulic Bursting Strength of Knitted Goods and Nonwoven Fabrics --Diaphragm Bursting Strength Tester Method; 2013, H. ASTM D4632 - Standard Test Method for Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles; 2008, I. ASTM D4751 - Standard Test Method for Determining Apparent Opening Size of a Geotextile; 2012, J. ASTM D4833 - Standard Test Method for Index Puncture Resistance of Geomembranes, and Related Products; 2007, K. ASTM F480 - Standard Specification for Thermoplastic Well Casing Pipe and Couplings made in Standard Dimension Ratios (SDR), Sch 40 and Sch 80; 2012, 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Submit for review: 1. Certified general arrangement drawings showing all important details including materials of construction, dimensions, loads on supporting structures, and anchor bolt locations. 2. Descriptive literature, bulletins and/or catalogs of the equipment. 3. Complete data on motors. 4. Pump curves. 5. Wiring diagrams and electrical schematics for all control equipment to be furnished. C. Submit for information: 1. Manufacturers instructions. D. Submit for project closeout: 1. Project record documents. 2. Operation and maintenance manuals including the following: a. Equipment function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 33 4600 - 1 SUBDRAINAGE SYSTEM WWTP Replacement 1) Assembly, installation, alignment, adjustment, and checking instructions. 2) Operating instructions for startup, routine, and normal operation, regulation and control, shutdown, and emergency conditions. 3) Lubrication and maintenance instructions. 4) Guide to troubleshooting. 5) Parts lists and predicted life of parts subject to wear. 6) Outline, cross-section, and assembly drawings; engineering data; and writing diagrams. E. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. F. Product Data: Provide data on pipe drainage products, pipe accessories. G. Project Record Documents: Record location of pipe runs, connections, cleanouts and principal invert elevations. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPE MATERIALS A. Subsurface Drain Pipe 1. Well Screen - The subdrain material shall be Schedule 40 PVC Slotted Well Screen meeting the below specifications. Substitutions are not permitted. a. The product shall be made of white PVC Type 1, Grade 1 as described in ASTM F480 and ASTM D1784, Class1245413 to include roundness, ovality and straightness. Each screen shall have machined slots in a uniform pattern of spacings and rows. b. Strength: Schedule 40 c. Slot: The required slot opening is .012 inches with+/- .005 inch tolerance; and essentially free of stringers and burrs. d. Fittings: Schedule 80 PVC. 2. Interconnecting Pipe: a. PVC Pipe: ASTM D 1785, Schedule 80. 1) Fittings: ASTM D 2467, Schedule 80 PVC, 2) Joints: ASTM D 2855, solvent weld. 2.02 GROUND WATER PUMPS A. Manufacturer: 1. Myers 2. Approved equal. B. Pump Characteristics 1. Drive - Constant speed. 2. Number of units - 9 duty plus 2 sprae; total of 11. 3. Flow per pump -75 GPM 4. Horsepower -1.5 5. Voltage - 208 VAC 6. Phase - 3 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that trench cut is ready to receive work and excavations, dimensions, and elevations are as indicated on layout Drawings. 3.02 TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING A. Comply with Section 312317 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Install and join pipe and pipe fittings in accordance with pipe manufacturer's instructions. B. Place and embed well screen in gravel pack as shown on the plans. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 33 4600 - 2 SUBDRAINAGE SYSTEM WWTP Replacement 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Section 01 4000 - Quality Requirements: Field inspection and testing. B. Request inspection prior to and immediately after placing gravel pack over pipe. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 33 4600 - 3 SUBDRAINAGE SYSTEM WWTP Replacement SECTION 46 2100 SCREENING EQUIPMENT PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Screenings washer/compactor. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 46 0106 -Operation and Maintenance Manual. B. Section 46 0500 - Common Work Results For Water and Wastewater Equipment: Requirements applicable to all equipment. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Publications: 1. Section A322: Carbon and Alloy Steel Bar Specifications, 2. Section A507A 0: Standard Specification for Drawing Alloy Steel, Sheet and Strip, Hot -Rolled and Cold Rolled B. Anti -Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association (AFBMA) Publications: 1. Standard 9-90 Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Bail Bearings. 2. Standard 11-90 Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Roller Bearings. C. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Publications D. American Welding Society (AWS) Publications E, American Structures Painting Council (ASPC) Publications 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, and Section 46 0500 for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Manufacturer's descriptive and technical literature and installation instructions. C. Shop Drawings: Equipment layout and anchorage, wiring and schematic diagrams, and other details required to coordinate with other equipment. D. Operation and Maintenance Data: Section 46 0106, 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer shall have established an ISO 9001 certified quality management system. B. Manufacturer shall have established w, ISO 14001 certified environmental protection management system 1.06 WARRANTY A. See Section 01 7800 -Closeout Submittals, for additional warranty requirements. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Rotamat RoK 4 Vertical Screen 500 from Huber Technology, Inc. B. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Screen Design Summary a. Number of Screens - 1 b. Perforation Diameter -1/4 inch c. Nominal Screen Basket Diameter - 19,6" d. Auger Tube Diameter -10.75 inches e. Average Flow per screen - 0.385 MGD f. Max. Flow per screen - 1.2 MGD g. Wet screenings capacity - 4.3 cfh h. Inflow Connection Flange Diameter Aoil PM131-21~006 / Brand ywine Bay 46 2100 - 1 SCREENING EQUIPMENT WWTP Replacement Discharge Height from center of in, Connection - 4.75' C. The screen shall be designed to withstand maximum forces exerted during operation. Ali structural and functional members shall be sized to prevent deflection or vibration which could impair operation. D. The average perforation flow through velocity shall not exceed 3.3 ft/sec (1.0 m/sec) under any flow condition up to the maximum clean water flow specified above. E. The screen shall be capable of processing spherical objects with a diameter of 3-1/8". Such objects shall be conveyed through the auger and shall be discharged with the screenings. The unit shall be capable of processing the screenings load specified above. F. The fine screen shall have a cylindrical screen basket made of perforated plate, and an integral screw conveyor and screenings press. The screw in the basket shall be provided with a brush on its flight for screen cleaning. The screen shall use a single drive for screening, conveying, dewatering and compressing the screened material. The axis of the fine screen shall be vertical. G. Operation of the screen drive shall be automatically initiated at a preset high upstream liquid level. Screens which operate continuously or via timer only will not be acceptable. The screw shall remove solids from the screenings basket. The screenings shall be moved up by the screw conveyor and through a compaction zone and shall be discharged into bags. H. All perforations of the screen basket shall be cleaned with a brush on the screw flights. I. The screening equipment shall produce dewatered screenings capable of passing the EPA Paint Filter Test as described in method 9095 of EPA Publication SW-486. J. To minimize odors and nuisance, the conveyance, dewatering and compaction zones shall be completely enclosed. K. The control system shall be designed such that the cleaning characteristics of the screen can be changed via the programmable controller. Systems which do not offer this feature will not be acceptable for this project. L. 2.02 MATERIALS -GENERAL A. Unless otherwise specified in these specifications, the entire equipment shall be manufactured from AISI austenitic stainless steel shapes (rods, angles, and channels), pipes, and sheets. All mechanical parts shall be designed to handle the forces that may be exerted on the unit during fabrication, shipping, erection, and proper operation according to the O&M manual. B. The entire equipment shall be manufactured in a stainless steel only factory to prevent contamination of the stainless steel with rusty dust. C. The equipment, after its fabrication, shall undergo a passivation (pickling) process to ensure maximum resistance to corrosion. All stainless steel components and structures shall be submersed in a chemical bath of nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid to remove any residues that may be present on the material as a result of forming, manufacture, or handling. After removal from the pickling bath, the equipment must be washed with a high-pressure wash of cold water to remove any remaining surface debris and promote the formation of an oxidized passive layer which is critical to the long life of the stainless steel. D. The brush shall be made of Nylon and shall be provided with a stainless steel clamp. 2.03 SCREEN A. The screen shall be designed and built to withstand all static and hydraulic forces exerted by the liquid to the screen. All structural and functional parts shall be sized for the loads encountered during screening, conveying and pressing operations. B. The screen shall have a circular body, a tall circular screen basket with square inlet box and emergency overflow, and a bottom plate. Designs where the flow enters directly into the side of basket without the use of an inlet box are explicitly not acceptable. C. The circular screen basket shall be attached to the circular screen body via a 0.16" flange with six (6) bolts and nuts, permitting easy removal of the screen basket. PM131-21"006 / Brandywine Bay 46 2100 - 2 SCREENING EQUIPMENT WWTP Replacement D. The bottom of the screen body shall be welded to an inflow box. The upper end of the inflow box shall be open and serve as an emergency by-pass overflow. The inflow box shall be provided with a flanged inflow connection. The invert of the inflow connection into the inflow box shall have a height of above the screen's bottom plate to prevent flow backing into the inlet pipe and causing increased machine run-time. Screens with a pipe inlet which do not incorporate an inflow box with overflow will not be acceptable. E. Manufacturer shall provide a height -adjustable support leg supporting the bottom plate of the screen from the floor or from a support beam that is to be provided and installed by contractor according to the drawings. The screen shall also be supported laterally by sets of dual supports running the length of the machine at intervals as indicated in the manufacturer's drawings. 2.04 SCREENINGS CONVEYOR AND SCREENINGS COMPACTOR A. The screen shall be cleaned with a stainless steel screw with helicoid-shaped flights designed for vertical transport of screenings. The flights of the screw in the basket shall be provided with a%inch thick hardened stainless steel strip having the same width as the flights of the screw. The strip shall be welded to the face of the flight, on both sides, over the full length of the screen basket. The flights of the screw shall be machined to match the screen basket such that the face of the strip is parallel to the screen basket's inner surface. B. A stainless steel backed nylon brush shall be attached to the screw flight over the entire length of the screen basket. The brush shall be attached by means of holding clips and fasteners made of stainless steel. C. The screenings screw conveyor shall be 10.75" with a minimum wall thickness of 0.1 ". Four (4) anti -rotation bars shall be welded to the inside of the transport tube along its longitudinal axis. The screenings screw conveyor shall not be in contact with the anti -rotation bars during normal operation. Designs which do not incorporate a minimum of four (4) anti -rotation bars are not acceptable. D. A flange shall be welded to the conical transition piece to support the screen basket. A gear box support flange shall be welded to the upper end of the auger tube for support of the drive assembly. E. A shafted stainless steel screw with helical flight shall be installed in the auger tube for conveying and compaction of the screened material. The auger shaft shall have a diameter of 3.4" with a shaft wall thickness of 0.2". Designs utilizing shaft -less screws and/or carbon steel screws in the auger shall not be acceptable. F: The discharge section of the auger shall be provided with a reverse flight with cutting blade welded on for added strength to actively cut through the screenings plug and positively discharge material without blockage. G. The upper end of the screw conveyor shaft shall be fitted with a solid stub having a diameter of 2.4". The stub and the screw conveyor shaft shall be accurately machined and shrink -fitted with each other. H. After all flanges are welded to the auger tube, the faces of the flanges shall be machined on a lathe such that they are exactly perpendicular to the tube axis. I. A compaction zone shall be provided as an integral part of the screw conveyor and tube. The compaction zone shall be designed to form a plug of screenings material and to return water released from the screened material through 13/64" (6 mm) diameter perforations that are machined into the screenings transport tube in a square configuration. J. The compaction zone shall be provided with split glass fiber reinforced housing, furnished with gaskets and bolts, and easily removable for access. Designs requiring removal of the drive assembly, discharge head, or screw conveyor to gain access to the compaction zone will not be acceptable. The housing shall be provided with a drain connection at its lowest point and a clamped flexible PVC hose for drain water. The plastic housing shall also be provided with a 1" flush connection for connection to a 31gpm plant water supply rated at 60psi. PM131-21;�006 / Brandywine Bay 46 2100 - 3 SCREENING EQUIPMENT WWTP Replacement K. The upper end of the auger tube shall be provided with a discharge chute for the screenings. The chute shall be 10.75" in width to match the width of the screen rising tube, have a 40 degree slope, and be provided with a bagging adaptor suitable for mounting 295ft endless screenings bags. The chute shall be provided with a removable cover to allow operator access in the event of blockage in the discharge zone. L. The auger tube shall be provided with lifting lugs for connection of lifting gear, permitting installation and removal of the entire screen. 2.05 GEAR MOTOR DRIVE A. The screw shall be driven by a shaft mounted geared motor with an output speed of approximately 9rpm. The geared motor shall have a minimum service factor of 1.0 equivalent to an AGMA Class I rating. B. The gear reducer shall be bolted to a machined flange welded to the upper end of the auger tube. C. The gear reducer shall be driven by a 1,800 rpm, 3-phase, 60 Hertz, 230/460 volt, , continuous -duty motor with leads to a conduit box for outdoor operation. Motor power shall be hp. 2.06 BAGGER A. The discharge chute shall be furnished with a bagging device to contain and encase dewatered screenings. The bagging device shall use endless bags. B. The bagging device shall be fabricated of minimum 12 gauge (2.5 mm) stainless steel. C. The screenings bagger shall be designed to be fitted with 295ft of replaceable plastic bags. 2.07 ANCHOR BOLTS A. Equipment manufacturer shall furnish all anchor bolts of ample size and strength required to securely anchor each item of equipment. Anchor bolts, hex nuts, and washers shall be stainless steel. Anchor bolts shall be wedge or epoxy type. B. Anchor bolts shall be set by the contractor. Equipment shall be placed on the foundations, leveled, shimmed, bolted down, and grouted with a non -shrinking grout. 2.08 CONTROL SYSTEM A. All controls necessary for the fully automatic operation of the screen shall be provided. B. The electrical control system shall provide for automatic control of the screen via PLC control and a high liquid level using an inlet box mounted pressure sensor in combination with an adjustable timer. C. Control panel shall be suitable for outdoor, wall -mounting. Enclosure shall be NEMA 4X stainless steel with continuous hinge and lockable door latch, and shall include the following: 1. Door -interlocked and fused disconnect 2. 600 VAC terminal block 3. NEMA reversing motor starter and Circuit Breaker Branch Circuit Protection for screen motor 4. PLC will be Allen Bradley Micrologix 1400 5. Operator interface will be a Allen Bradley PanelView 800 6. Control power transformer with 120 VAC transient voltage surge compressor (TVSC) and fused primary and secondary 7. Hand -Off -Auto selector switches for the following 8. Screen drive 9. Screen forward -off -reverse 10. Pilot lights for a. Control power on (white) b. Screen running (green) c. Screen high level (amber) d. Screen fault (red) PM131-21~006 /Brandywine Bay 46 2100 - 4 SCREENING EQUIPMENT WWTP Replacement 11. E-stop push button (red) 12. Screen reset push button (black) 13. Door mounted elapsed time meters for screen drive 14. Digital inputs for the following high water level 15. Remote dry contact outputs for screen running 16. Flashing alarm light and alarm horn with silencer -reset button 17. Plastic Nameplates D. SPARE PARTS 1. The following Spare Parts shall be included and supplied together with the equipment: a. 2 cleaning brushes 2. 5 Boxes with 295 ft endless bags each 2.09 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install as indicated and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Provide the services of manufacturer's technical representative to supervise installation, adjustment, demonstration, testing, and startup. 3.02 FIELD PREPARATION AND PAINTING A. Contractor shall touch-up all shipping damage to the paint and stainless steel as soon as the equipment arrives on the job site. B. Contractor shall supply paint for field touch-up and field painting. C. Contractor shall finish paint electrical motors, speed reducers, and other self-contained or enclosed components with oil -resistance enamel. D. Contractor shall coat all stainless steel bolts and nut threads with a non -seizing compound prior to final assembly. 3.03 03 INSTALLATION, START-UP AND OPERATOR TRAINING A. Contractor shall verify all dimensions in the field to ensure compliance of equipment dimensions with the drawings. Contractor shall notify Engineer of significant deviations. B. Installation of the equipment shall be in strict accordance with the contract documents and the manufacturer's instructions and shop drawings. Manufacturer shall supply anchor bolts for the equipment.. Contractors shall install the anchor bolts in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations C. Manufacturer shall furnish the services of a factory -trained and employed service engineer for one (1) trip including two (2) days to inspect the installation, start-up the screening equipment, and provide operator training. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006'/ Br2ndywine Bay 46 2100 - 5 SCREENING EQUIPMENT WWTP Replacement SECTION 46 5101 SEQUENCING BATCH REACTOR PAR11 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Sequencing reactor wastewater treatment system.. 1.02 SCOPEOF WORK A. The general contractor shall furnish a welded 304 stainless steel field erected OMNIPAC® sequencing batch reactor (SBR) treatment plant to function as specified in the enclosed process specification. The Omnipac System shall include an aerobic digester, post -equalization basin, and a two (2) basin SBR true -batch, fill and draw activated sludge process all integrated into one packaged plant. B. The Omnipac sequencing batch reactor sewage treatment plant shall consist of two (2) complete concentric circular welded 304 stainless steel tanks and the necessary welded 304 stainless steel division walls tQ„insure process operation. The inner circular steel tank shall serve as the digester and the annular space between the inner circular steel wall and outer circular steel wall shall be divided into the required process compartments. Inner and outer diameters shall be as shown on the plans and will be considered minimum required diameters. Water depths and tank volumes shall be as shown on the plans. C. Each SBR shall, in turn within a discrete period, be filled with screened and degritted raw wastewater and aerated in a batch mode. After aeration, the mixed liquor shall be allowed to settle. The treated supernatant shall then be withdrawn from the basin utilizing a floating effluent decanter mechanism and discharged to the post -equalization basin where it is re -aerated and pumped to disinfection. The settled sludge shall be pumped to an integral, internal aerobic digester for further solids destruction with the capability of gravity thickening and subsequent supernatant return to the head of the plant. D. The System shall consist of jet aeration headers with a flush -out system, dry -pit centrifugal jet motive pumps, dry -pit centrifugal effluent pumps, combination sludge wasting system, posve displacement blowers, floating effluent decanters, automatic influent plug valves, automatic decanter butterfly valves, automatic air control butterfly valves, telescoping valve, combined influent distribution/sludge collection manifolds, pre-programmed process control panel, in -basin liquid piping, air piping, and supports. The SBR shall be an OMNIFLO® system as manufactured by Evoqua Water Technologies, LLC, Waukesha, WI location. 1.03 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements: Submittal procedures, project meetings, progress schedules and documentation, reports, coordination. B. Section 017800 - Closeout Submittals: Project record documents, operation and maintenance (O&M) data, warranties and bonds. 1.04 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. AW WA C105/A21.5 -Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile-I'ron Pipe Systems; 2010. B. AWWA C151/A21.51 -Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast; 2017. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section, with at least 5 years of documented experience. B. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in performing work of the type specified and with at least 5 years of documented experience. PM131-21~006 / Brandywine Bay 465101 - 1 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR 1.07 DESIGN CRITERIA A. The SBR system shall be designed based on the following site and raw wastewater characteristics: 1. SBR Influent Characteristics 2. Average Design Flow (ADF) 0,30 MGD 3. Peak Daily Flow 0,90 MGD 4. Design BOD5 Loading (concentration) 750 Ibs/day (300 mg/1) 5. Design TSS Loading 625 Ibs/day (250 mg/1) 6. Design NH4-N Loading 63 Ibs/day (25 mg/1) 7. Design TKN Loading 100 Ibs/day (40 mg/1) 8. Design TP Loading 20 Ibs/day (8 mg/1) 9. Alkalinity concentration1 ? 250 mg/11 10. Wastewater Design Temperature Range 120C - 200C 11. SBR Effluent Requirements 12, 10 mg/I 13, 20 mg/I 14, Total Nitrogen (TN) 7.0 mg/I 15. 3.0 mg/I 1.08 SBR SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. The SBR system shall be installed as shown on the plans. The SBR aeration system shall be designed to transfer 81 Ibs. of standard oxygen per hour per basin. The operating strategy shall allow for 6 hours to complete a single batch at design flow, of which 45% shall be allowed for aeration. The design shall have a total of 8 treated batches per day at design flow from the System. The operation shall provide for the following discrete periods in each cycle for all flow rates: 1. ANOXIC FILL. At design flow, a minimum of 60% of the total Fill period for each reactor shall be anoxic. The aeration system is not operated as the reactor is charged with incoming wastewater. 2. AERATED FILL. The aeration system is operated during the latter stage of the fill cycle, allowing biodegradation to begin. 3. REACT. Influent flow is diverted to the next basin in sequence; the aeration system is operated to complete biodegradation. A minimum of 50% of the total aeration time shall be React at design flow. 4. QUIESCENT SETTLE. Aeration is terminated, and the biomass is allowed to settle. The Settle period shall be a minimum of 45 minutes and be accomplished under perfect quiescent conditions; no flow shall enter, or be withdrawn from, a reactor during the Settle period. 5. DECANT. Treated effluent is withdrawn from the upper portion of the reactor by a floating effluent decanter. B. To insure consistent microorganism kinetic selection, reactor basins shall be intermittently fed, anA, thus, operate with "plug flow" kinetics. Processes utilizing continuously filled, or "complete mix" kinetics, will not be acceptable. C. A preprogrammed process controller shall control the process and incorporate each of the above periods in each cycle and adjust as necessary under all flow conditions. Strategies that eliminate Anoxic Fill and/or React at peak flow rates will not be acceptable. Strategies that increase operating depths more than 50% of a normal batch depth during Peaks will not be acceptable. D. The operating strategy shall automatically increase the percentage of total aeration (Aerated Fill plus React) in each cycle, directly proportional to total batch size. Systems utilizing float control, or level set points to increase aeration in "steps" will not be acceptable. E. The operating strategy shall include a form of failure response which may be enable or disabled by the operator. Should a critical failure in its operation be detected, the failure response feature shall remove the effected basin from service. A critical failure is determined by the operator at PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 466101 -2 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR start up, but typically includes influent and/or effluent valve failure, jet motive pump failures, and blower failures. The effected basin shall alarm for a pre -determined length of time. If after the time has expired the operator has not acknowledged the alarm the effected basin shall automatically be taken out of service to avoid a poor quality decant. Additionally, the operating strategy shall automatically recalculate cycle times based on the remaining tanks in operation with no additional input from the operator. The operating strategy shall be capable of operating in a continuous flow mode during single tank operation. Single tank continuous flow mode may be selected during periods of low flow such as Plant start-up when a single basin may achieve adequate treatment, or when taking an SBR offline for maintenance. The continuous flow mode shall constantly monitor influent flowrates based on level changes in the SBR and shall be capable of taking the SBR out of Filled React with enough time to complete Filled Settle and initiate Filled Decant before reaching the allowable HWL. The control strategy shall take the reactor out of Filled React at lower water elevations with increasing flowrates to accommodate this condition; fixed float elevations to terminate Aerated Fill shall not be acceptable. 1.09 WARRANTY A. See Section 017800 - Closeout Submittals, for additional warranty requirements. B. Correct defective Work within a five year period after Date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 OMNIPACO TANKS. A. All vertical 304 stainless steel bulkheads designated as hydrostatic as shown on the plans and the inner circular 304 stainless steel wall shall be designed to withstand full hydrostatic forces from either side of the bulkhead or wall. The design of the walls shall be such that any isolated compartment may be individually dewatered. The minimum wall plate thickness shall be 1/4". B. Bulkheads shall be reinforced with 304 stainless steel structural members and designed as partially fixed connections at the inner and outer walls, All bulkheads and walls shall have 304 stainless steel reinforcing structural members at the top of the section. These members will be designed to maintain the required shape of the item while under any combination of load applications that could be encountered under actual field conditions. C. The inner digester 304 stainless steel wall shall be designed per AISC with 304 stainless steel reinforcing calculated on the basis of a freestanding tank under external pressure. Since future modifications or relocation of the unit could result in the deletion of a bulkhead(s), any method of design other than a freestanding tank will not be accepted. D. All 304 stainless steel reinforcing on the bulkheads and circular walls shall be gusseted to develop the full strength of the reinforcing. E. The outer circular 304 stainless steel wall shall be of a thickness designed to withstand a full hydrostatic internal loading causing a hoop stress of less than 24,000 PSI with a weld efficiency of 75%. The minimum wall plate thickness shall be 1/4". F. The outer circular steel wall shall also be designed for a wind load of MPH. A minimum 1/4" thick steel reinforcing wind girder, designed per API 650, shall be provided and installed completely around the top of the outer wall as shown on the drawings. The wind girder shall be gusseted to develop the full strength of the reinforcing girder. G. The full wall height shall be developed utilizing no more than three vertical steel sheets to assure the ease of field installation and to avoid aesthetically, any extra weld seams. H. The method used to initially fill the plant with liquid may be selected by the Engineer to test the hydrostatic design. Any failure or excessive deflection shall be remedied, and all costs shall be borne by the manufacturer. I. The main access bridge shall be made of structural steel shapes and shall be supported on the plant walls. The bridge shall extend across the tanks as shown on the drawings. J. The bridge shall have a 36" wide deck made of 1" aluminum I -Bar grating and shall be designed to withstand a uniform live load of 75 lbs. per square foot plus the dead load of the structure. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 465101 - 3 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR The deflection shall not exceed 1/360 of the unsupported span when the design loads are applied. The bridge shall be provided with handrails on both sides and each handrail shall consist of a 2-rail 1'/" diameter sch 40 anodized aluminum pipe with 4" x 1/4" anodized aluminum toeplates. Bridges having an unsupported section larger than 37 feet shall have truss handrail design with the top chord serving as the top handrail and diagonals serving as intermediate rails. K. Access to the plant bridge shall be provided by a 36" wide stairway with intermediate landing as shown on the drawings. The stairway shall be provided with handrails on both sides consisting of 2-rail 1'/" diameter sch. 40 anodized aluminum pipe. The steps shall be installed on a 7" maximum rise with an 11" run and shall consist of 1'/" aluminum I -Bar grating stair treads with nosing. The intermediate landing shall have a deck made of 1" aluminum kBar grating and shall be designed to withstand a uniform live load of 75 lbs. per square foot. L. Walkways shall be provided for access and maintenance of the SBR equipment and all air diffuser drop pipes and regulating valves. Additional walkways shall be provided in locations as shown on the drawings or as needed to service the equipment. M. All walkways shall be a minimum of 24" wide and shall be made of 1'/" aluminum I -Bar grating adequately supported to withstand a live load of 75 lbs. per square foot. All walkways shall be provided with handrails on both sides consisting of 2-rail 1%' diameter sch 40 anodized aluminum pipe with 4" x 1/4" anodized aluminum toeplates. N. Each plant component shall be prefabricated in the factory of the manufacturer and shall be shipped in assemblies complete and operable as detailed on the drawings and specified herein. Each component assembly shall be erected in the field in accordance with the manufacturer's installation drawings. O. The field installation shall be performed by the equipment manufacturer's personnel, directly employed by the equipment manufacturer and normally engaged in the field installation of the equipment specified herein. P. Field welding shall have weld spatter and burrs removed by chipping and grinding to prevent operator injury. Any accessories mounted on or attached to the exterior of the tank and supplied by the plant manufacturer will be considered part of the treatment plant manufacturer's erection responsibility. The plant manufacturer shall also be responsible for furnishing all necessary construction equipment for erection of the equipment supplied by the manufacturer. Q. Field painting of the plant and any accessories mounted on or attached to the exterior of the tank and supplied by the manufacturer shall be performed by the equipment manufacturer and shall include masking of all aluminum, galvanized, and stainless surfaces. Clean up of all sand and debris from blasting shall also be included. Field painting may be subcontracted, provided the equipment manufacturer maintains overall responsibility and warranty for the field painting. R. These requirements shall be met so that discrepancies between erector and manufacturer will be totally avoided with the result being a trouble -free installation with single source responsibility for the finished product. S. A 304 stainless steel base channel rolled to the circular dimension of the outer and inner walls shall be provided by the manufacturer for installation in the base slab by the base slab installer. In addition, a 304 stainless steel base channel shall be provided for each bulkhead. These channels shall be ASTM A36, C8 x 18.75 lbs/ft. and shall be embedded 4" deep in the base slab. Base channel hooks shall be 304 stainless steel and provided for field welding to all base channels by the slab installer. Delivery of the base channels and hooks shall be coordinated with the slab installer and furnished with detailed installation instructions. The 304 stainless steel channels shall be used as a base for field welding upright 304 stainless steel sheets to form the walls and hydrostatic bulkheads of the treatment plant. A keyway in the slab shall not be required nor acceptable. T. A 304 stainless steel trim channel rolled to the circular dimension of the outer and inner walls shall be provided to form the top wall perimeter. A 304 stainless steel trim channel shall also be provided for the top of each bulkhead. These channels shall be ASTM A36, C4 x 5.4 Ibs/ft and shall be installed level. PM131-21�006! Brandywine Bay 465101 -4 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR U. The annular space between the inner tank wall and the outer circular wall shall be divided into distinct zones, sized to accommodate the volumes as shown on the plans. V. Shop surface preparation and corrosion protection: 1. All weld splatter and surface roughness shall be removed by chipping and grinding smooth. W. Field surface preparation and corrosion protection: 1. The outer wall exterior surface shall be brush blasted to remove weld slag and surface impurities. 2. Immediately after surface preparation, a single 3-mil dry film thickness top coat of Tnemec Omnithane Series V530 moisture -cure Aromatic Urethane shall be applied to the outer wall exterior surfaces. The color shall be aluminum with a matte finish. 3. Dry film thickness of all coats shall be measured by employing standard calibrated dry film thickness gauges 2.02 JET AERATION HEADERS A. A total of three (3) jet aeration headers shall be furnished. Two (2) identical jet aeration headers shall be provided, one for each SBR, while a third jet aeration header shall be provided for the aerobic digester. Each jet aeration header shall be comprised of a liquid duct, an air duct, and a minimum of ten (10) jet aerator assemblies for the SBR headers and three (3) jet aerator assemblies for the aerobic digester header. Each header shall be constructed such that the liquid duct, air duct, and jet aerator assemblies comprise one self-contained unit, and shall be shipped as such; complete and ready for installation. Headers in excess of forty (40) feet in length may be shipped in sections. A maximum of one "field joint' may be required for each forty (40) feet of header length. B. The liquid duct shall be a cylindrical member having liquid nozzle entry orifices which are longitudinally spaced along its perimeter and aligned on a common horizontal plane. The inner surface of the liquid duct shall be smooth and free of protrusions which might collect stringy material. C. The air duct shall also be a cylindrical member which is parallel to and above the liquid duct. The air duct shall be jointed to, and supported by, the air manifolds, and additional support points as necessary. The air duct shall have air manifold entry orifices longitudinally spaced along its perimeter, in corresponding number to, and in vertical alignment with the liquid nozzle entry orifices of the liquid duct. The provision of a separate air entry manifold with a fixed orifice for each jet assembly shall insure uniform air distribution. D. The liquid and air ducts shall be extra low carbon 304L stainless steel with a minimum thickness of 0.109 in. that meet ASTMlASME standards. Finish shall be No. 1 Hot -Rolled Annealed and Pickled. After all shop operations have been completed, all stainless steel material shall be pickled and passivated by complete emersion for a minimum of 15 minutes in 10% nitric acid and 3% hydrofluoric acid at 125°F followed by a neutralizing rinse. Field passivation shall not be acceptable. E. Gas shielding gas backed full penetration welding to be provided to the interior and exterior welded joints. All welding shall be done using the GTAW, GMAW and plasma arc welding processes utilizing qualified welders and ASME procedures designed to provide full penetration welds. Partial penetration welds, or welds not utilizing an inert backing gas shall not be acceptable. F. The minimum pressure rating of the aeration header shall be 200 PSI. Additionally, the submittal must include a letter from the stainless steel pipe supplier stating that the pipe for this project is North American steel. G. Each jet aerator assembly shall consist of an inner liquid nozzle, and an outer air/liquid delivery nozzle. The inner and outer nozzles shall be aligned on a common centerline, joined together, and welded to form a single unit. The jet aerator assembly shall be joined to the liquid duct and the air manifold and welded for strength to form a single integrated unit. Systems with PM131-21�006! Brandywine Bay 465101 -5 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR non -integral jets will not be accepted. No portion of the liquid nozzle or aerator assembly shall protrude into the liquid duct. H. The liquid nozzles shall be of constantly reducing cross -sectional area in the direction of flow to reduce plugging potential. There shall be no parallel section in the liquid flow path between the liquid duct and the exit orifice of the liquid nozzle. The distance between the exit orifice of the inner nozzle and the exit orifice of the outer nozzle shall be such that substantial air entrapment by the liquid stream occurs prior to its discharge from the outer nozzle. I. The outer nozzle exit orifice shall have a cross -sectional area of at least 2.5 times that of the inner nozzle exit orifice. The outer nozzle shall be of constantly reducing cross -sectional area in the direction of flow with an included angle of at least 200 for at least nine inches along the flow path to increase the velocity of the air/liquid stream. J. Both inner and outer nozzles shall be of non -clog design, free from all protrusions which might collect stringy material, and be capable of passing a 1'/" spherical solid in the SBR tanks, and 2-1/8" spherical solid in the aerobic digester. Nozzles shall be 304L stainless steel with a minimum of 0.125 wall thickness. K. The air manifolds shall be enclosed conduits which convey the compressed air from the air duct to the jet aerator assembly. The air manifolds shall be fabricated of 304L stainless steel. 2.03 RETRIEVABLE COARSE BUBBLE DIFFUSER ASSEMBLIES A. A total of four (4) retrievable coarse bubble diffuser assemblies shall be furnished for the post -equalization basin. Each assembly shall consist of two (2) stainless steel wideband coarse bubble diffusers, 304L stainless steel air manifold, 304L stainless steel vertical air column, and isolation valve. Each assembly shall connect to the isolation valve via a threaded union and be light enough such that it can be removed from the basin with no special equipment. 2.04 INFLUENT DISTRIBUTION/SLUDGE COLLECTION MANIFOLD (ID/SC MANIFOLD) A. An Influent Distribution/Sludge Collection (ID/SC) Manifold shall be provided for each SBR. ID/SC Manifolds shall distribute the influent now evenly across the basin floor during the Fill portion of the cycle to allow intimate contact between the influent substrate and the good settling, facultative biomass, and remove settled sludge through the same manifold during the sludge waste operation. B. ID/SC Manifolds shall be designed and sized such that the maximum exit velocity of the peak influent flowrate does not exceed 0.5 feet per second from the orifices. The low exit velocities shall allow for Filled Decant operation without disturbing the sludge blanket. Therefore, designs that do not minimize peak influent flow velocities to the reactors will not be acceptable. C. The ID/SC Manifold shall be installed as shown in the plans and be Type 304L stainless steel. D. All necessary supports for the ID/SC Manifold shall be provided and shall be fabricated of Type 304 stainless steel. 2.05 WASTE SLUDGE SYSTEM A. Waste sludge shall be accomplished with the jet motive pump and the ID/SC Manifold. Automatic valves, as described in the below valve sections, shall be provided so that the jet motive pump may discharge to the waste sludge line and aerobic digester during automatic wasting operation. 2.06 VACFLUSH® A. A positive flush -out system which is composed of the jet motive pump, out -of -basin crossover pipe configuration, and valve arrangement, shall be utilized. The flush -out system shall draw liquid only in a reverse direction through the liquid nozzles at a velocity of at least 10 feet per second. Vacflush® operation shall be accomplished by closing the pump suction and discharge valves, and opening the two Vacflush® crossover valves, thereby reversing liquid flow through the aeration jets, and discharging out the pump suction bell. No air shall pass through the liquid nozzles during the flush -out operation. The SBR Manufacturer shall provide all necessary valves for the Vacflush® system. Butterfly valves are not acceptable. All out -of -basin piping, PM131-21^006 !Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 6 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR including pump suction pipe, discharge pipe, VacflushO crossover pipe, air release valve, supports, and hardware necessary to complete the system shall be furnished by the contractor. 2.07 AIR PIPING A. The air distribution system shall consist of all air drop pipes, laterals, and main headers internal to and within the confines of the field erected treatment plant and shall be supplied by the treatment plant manufacturer as shown in the drawings. The manufacturer's air distribution system shall commence at the top of the outer tank wall with a mating flange sized to interface with the yard piping, supplied by others. Hardware required to complete this interfacing flanged connection will be supplied by others. B. Material: 1. In -basin air piping shall be Type 304L stainless steel. 2. Interior exposed piping shall be ductile iron, flanged joint complying with AWWA C151/A21.512 Class 50, asphalt coated interior and exterior complying with AWWA C105/A21.5, no cement lining., and insulated. 3. Exterior below ground piping shall be ductile iron, mechanical joint, complying with AWWA C151, Class 50, asphalt coated interior and exteriorcom plying with AWWA C105/A21.5, no cement lining. 2.08 LIQUID PIPING A. In -basin liquid piping shall be provided'as a part of the aeration system. The piping shall be of adequate length and diameter to transport the motive liquid from the pump discharge wall spool flange, as shown in the plans, to the horizontal aeration header. A flanged connection shall be provided at this interface point, and hardware to complete this flanged connection shall be supplied by the contractor in case. In -basin liquid piping shall be Type 304L stainless steel. 2.09 SUPPORTS A. All necessary supports for the aeration headers, in -basin liquid and air piping, and decanters shall be provided as a part of the system. Header supports shall be of the "H" type, having two support legs with a minimum of six anchor bolts. The supports shall be fabricated of Type 304 stainless steel. B. The supports shall consist of a contoured saddle and a supporting base. The base shall be anchored with anchor bolts and grouted in place, if necessary. The saddle shall be provided with a Buna-N rubber pad to avoid abrasion. A contoured clamp with an accompanying Buna-N rubber pad shall hold the piping to the saddle. Fastening hardware shall be Type 18-8 stainless steel. 2.10 ANCHOR BOLTS A. Anchor bolts of sufficient size and quantity shall be provided far mounting of all manufacturer supplied SBR equipment and piping in the basin. Tho anchor bolts shall be two part stud and acrylic resin system. The anchor system shall consist of acrylic resin and hardener contained in a dual cartridge with static dispensing nozzle. Each anchor bolt shall be supplied with a stud, flat washer, lack washer & nut of Type 18-8 stainless steel. 2.11 JET MOTIVE PUMPS A. The SBR Manufacturer shall be responsible for supplying pumps as listed below: 1. SBR Jet Motive Pumps: a. Type - Dry pit end suction centrifugal b. No, of pumps = 2 c. Flow - 1830 gpm. d. Total dynamic head - 21 feet. e. Voltage - 460 - 3 phase f. Horsepower - 15 2, Digester Jet Motive Pumps: a. Type - Dry pit end suction centrifugal b. No, of pumps = 2 (1 installed and 1 spare) PM131-21-006 /Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 7 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR c. Flow - 1098 gpm. d. Total dynamic head - 21 feet. e. No. of pumps = 2 f. Voltage - 460 - 3 phase g. Horsepower - 10 2.12 BLOWERS A. The SBR Manufacturer shall be responsible for supplying blowers as listed below: 1. SBR Air: a. No. of Blowers - 3 b. Air Flow - 500 scfm c. Pressure - 10.25 psig 2. Digester Air: a. No. of Blowers - 1 b. Air Flow - 240 scfm c. Pressure - 10.25 psig 3. Post EQ Air: a. No. of Blowers - 1 b. Air Flow - 145 scfm c. , Pressure - 6.3 psig B. GENERAL 1. Blower packages shall be designed to minimize the life -cycle costs and maximize plant reliability. The design and the selection of the components shall be based on a minimum useful life of 15 years and a Mean Time Between Overhauls of 5 years of continuous operation. 2. No special foundations shall be required. The blower packages will be installed directly on a concrete slab without grouting the base frame. There shall only be 4 easily accessible anchor points. 3. Blower Casing: a. The blower casing shall be of one-piece con-struction, with separate sideplates that are bolted and pinned to the housing. b. Materials shall be close -grained cast iron ASTM A48 suitably ribbed to prevent distortion under the specified operating conditions. C. Minimum blower casing pressure rating shall be 36 psig. d. Inlet and outlet shall be flanged connections. e. The casing shall incorporate a proven means of pulsation cancellation. f. The vibration level as measured at the blower casing, in the X/Y planes of the bearings, shall not exceed'/ 7 sec RIMS when operating at the specified maximum operating pressureand speed in the actual blower package. 4. Factory Testing: a. Each blower stage shall be factory tested in accordance with ISO 1217 performance test to verify flow and brake horsepower at blower maximum conditions. A slip test shall not be acceptable. 1) The acceptance criteria are +5% tolerance on power and -5% tolerance on flow regardless of the size of the machine. 5. Rotors: a. Each rotor shall be of the "stiff' design with first lateral critical speed at least 120% of the maximum allowable operating speed. b. The rotors shall be of the straight, three -lobe type, and shall operate without rubbing or liquid seals or lubrication. c. Rotor/shaft shall be drop forged in one single piece of AISI 1043 or equivalent. Cast, hollow rotors shall be capped, dust tight. Open rotors are not acceptable. d. The rotors shall be statically and dynamically balanced per IS01940/ANSI S2.19 G6.3, 6. Bearings: PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 8 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR a. Each rotor/shaft shall be supported by anti -friction bearings, and fixed to control the axial location of the rotor/shaft in the unit. b. Regardless of theoretical bearing life calculations, the bearings shall be sized for a minimum expected life of 5 years between overhauls. 7. Timing Gears: a. The rotors shall be timed by a pair of single helical AGMA 12 quality gears with hardened and ground teeth; minimum AGMA service factor of 1.70. b. Gears shall be mounted on the shafts with a tapered interference fit, and secured by a locknut. 8. Seals: a. Seal shall be designed to prevent lubricant from leaking into the air stream as well as to prevent oil from leaking out of the machine. b. Four rotary piston ring shaft seals, an oil stinger and an O-ring seal shall be provided at the point where the shaft passes through the sideplates. c. Further provision shall be made to vent the rotor side of the oil seal to atmosphere to eliminate any possible carry-over of lubricant into the air stream. 9. Lubrication: a. The timing gears and the bearings shall be splash lubri-cated. Grease lubrication shall be not acceptable. 10. Oil Sight Glass: a. A recessed oil sight glass must be provided on each oil sump. b. Protruding sight glasses shall not be acceptable. 11, Painting: a. Painting shall be per supplier's standard meeting the following criteria: 1) Except for machined sealing and machined mounting surfaces, the package shall be painted dark blue. 2) Aluminum, stainless steel, and brass shall not be painted. 3) The supplied motor shall not be over sprayed and will be supplied with the motor manufacturer's standard protection and paint color. 4) Painted Cast Iron and Carbon Steel shall be Alkyd Resin Primer and Final coat with a total dry film thickness of 70mm. Surface preparation SSPC10 or better. 5) Sound enclosure shall be powder -coated polyester base total dry film thickness 80mm. 6) Galvanized components shall only be painted with appropriate surface preparation C. BLOWER ACCESSORIES 1. Inlet Filter / Silencer: a. Each package shall be supplied with one combination inlet filter silencer. b. The inlet filter silencer shall be mounted directly to the inlet flange of the blower. c. The filter media efficiency must meet the requirements of ASH RAE 52.2 MERV7 50-70% @3-10 microns corresponding to EN779 G4. d. The silencer portion shall be located upstream of the inlet filter. e. Filter and silencer performance losses shall be included in the blower performance calculation. 2. Base Frame / Discharge Silencer: a. Each package shall be supplied with one combination base frame / discharge silencer. b. The silencer shall be a chamber type design for maximum sound attenuation and shall not use fibrous or absorption materials of any kind. c. The silencer shall be fabricated of a single shell of pressure vessel quality steel with continuous welds. d. The silencer shall be subject to a pressure test for tightness and strength at a minimum of 1.65 times the maximum blower operating pressure. e. The silencer shall have a machined inlet connection where the discharge flange of the blower stage bolts directly to, with no intermediary pieces. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 9 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR f. Discharge silencer performance losses shall be included by the blower vendor in the blower performance calculation. g. The base frame shall be constructed from welded carbon steel or cast iron that shall be designed to maintain alignment of the blower internal components and the drive during operation. h. The base frame shall be designed to resist distortion while being installed on vibration isolating mounts. i. The blower manufacturer shall supply a stainless steel grounding lug fully welded to the base. 3. Flexible Connectors: a. Each package shall be connected to the plant piping via flexible connector(s) located downstream of the discharge silencer and upstream of the inlet silencer. b. Flexible connectors shall prevent the transmission of noise and vibrations from the blower package into the piping. c. Flexible discharge connectors shall be Proco Style 240, Type EE, EPDM, with a standard ANSI flange discharge connection, rated for 300 OF at 20 psig. 4. Electric Motor: a. Each package shall be supplied with a WEG manufactured TEFC motor that shall operate on 460 Volts, 3 Phase, 60 Hertz current, 1800 RPM. 1) Torque NEMA B 2) Temperature Rise Class B 3) Dust tight enclosures (Severe Duty) 4) Class F inverter rated insulation with Class H applied varnish 5) 3:1 constant torque 6) All cast iron construction, including frame, end bells, conduit box and fan cover 7) NPT threaded and gasketed F3 top mounted conduit box 8) Copper windings 9) Regreasable bearings, positive pressure lubrication system with automatic drawn plugs - pressure compensated (Frame sizes 254T and larger). b. All frame sizes shall be NEMA standard, suitable for overhung belt drive and with the conduit box location on top of the motor. IEC frame motors shall not be allowed. c. The motor shall be mounted on a pivoting base to provide automatic tensioning of the belts. d. The motor nominal rating after any corrections for ambient conditions shall be 10% above the maximum operating bHp. e. The motor shall have a 1.15 service factor. f. Blower manufacturer shall be responsible for coordinating the starting torque requirement of the blower and the motor. 5. V-Belt Drive: a. Each package shall be supplied with a V-belt drive that shall be of the high capacity type, oil and heat resistant. Drive shall be designed for a minimum service factor of 1 A times operating power (bHp), or 1 A times the motor nameplate Hp, whichever is larger to allow a minimum of 1.4-service factor based on the maximum blower bHp. b. Belt tensioning shall be automatic without the use of any devices or interaction on the part of the operator. Neither slide rails nor load -adjusting springs shall be used. c. Sheaves shall be dynamically balanced regardless of the operating speed. 6. Belt Guard: a. The belt drive shall be guarded in compliance with OSHA regulations. b. Portions of the guard shall be easily removable allowing for belt inspection and replacement. c. Guard material shall be perforated carbon steel. 7. Vibration Isolators: a. Each package shall be supplied with vibration isolating feet with a minimum efficiency of 80%. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 5101 -10 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR b. Blower manufacture shall be responsible for attenuating noise and vibration in the blower package such that no special installation base shall be required, nor shall any additional measures be required to reduce vibrations from the blower package being transmitted to the base or the piping. 8. Pressure Safety Valve: a. Each package shall be supplied with a single pressure safety valve on the discharge side of the blower mounted downstream of the discharge silencer and upstream of the check valve. b. The safety valve shall be set to protect the blower from exceeding its maximum pressure rating, and shall be sized to pass 100% of the design flow. c. The safety valve shall be field adjustable, spring loaded, and have a certificate of conformity to PED. d. The pressure relief valve shall be housed by the sound enclosure and shall relieve into a segmented section of the sound enclosure. e. The valve shall be manufactured by Aerzen. 9. Check Valve: a. Each package shall be supplied with one check valve that shall be installed on the discharge line. b. The check valve shall be of the full -bore low pressure -drop, flapper type design with a steel body, and steel flap embedded in EPDM with full -contact seal. c. The valve shall be removable without disturbing the piping. Pressure losses produced by the check valve shall be included in the blower performance calculation. d. The valve shall be manufactured by Aerzen. 10, Isolation Valve: a. Each package shall be supplied loose with one isolation valve that shall be installed by others on the blower discharge line. b. Valve shall be a wafer type, resilient seated, level operated, tight closing butterfly valve for positively isolating the blower from the manifold system. c. Valve shall have a cast iron body, bronze disc, 316SS stem, and EPDM seal. 11. Instrumentation: a. Each package shall be supplied with the following instrumentation: 1) Inlet Vacuum Gauge (4" Gauges) (a) Dwyer model 2040 with 4" dial and scale from 0 to -40 inches of water column. (b) Gauge to function as a filter maintenance indicator. 2) Discharge Pressure Gauge (4" Gauges) (a) Aerzen model 32-0053-02 with 4" dial and scale from 0 to 20 psig. (b) The pressure gauge shall have a stainless steel case and be glycerin -filled for pulsation dampening. (c) A pulsation snubber shall be provided. 3) Discharge Pressure Switch (a) Ashcroft Model B4-64-V-XRN-15 PSI (b) Type 400 pressure Switch in NEMA 4X enclosure (c) DUAL general purpose 15A, 110-480V switches (2) SPDT snap -acting, NOT independently adjustable (d) Viton Actuator Seal (e) Internal range scale and operating range of 0 to 15 PSIG. 4) Discharge Temperature Gauge / Switch (4" Gauges) (a) Jumo type 8523-20-10 with 4" dial and scale from 320F to 5720F (b) NEMA 4 enclosure, 5A @ 250volt, SA 28 SPDT microswitch (c) UL & CSA approved. 5) E-Stop Switch (a) Siemens model 52PX2V2 (b) Mounted on the face of the blower enclosure (c) NEMA 4X rating PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 465101 - 11 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR (d) Two (2) normally closed contacts 12. Each blower shall receive its initial oil filling at the factory. Oil to be fully synthetic Mobil SHC 627. For continuous discharge temperatures greater than 248°F, Mobil SHC 629 13. Acoustical Sound Enclosure: a. Each package shall be supplied with a sound enclosure covering the entire blower package. b. The enclosure shall provide suitable protection for outdoor installation under the specified site conditions (wind load and snow load). c. The enclosure shall be designed so as to be able to install them side -by -side with all maintenance done from the front or back of the package. d. Details shall be as follows: 1) Panels shall be made of galvanized steel sheet, powder coated in a light reflecting, blue color per RAL 5001, The skid shall be of the same color. 2) Sound enclosure acoustic material shall comply with UL 94 - HF1 for fire -retardant, self -extinguishing, non -dripping materials. 3) The enclosure and the blower package shall both be mounted on a skid / oil -drip pan designed for meeting environment protection standards and for easy transportation and installation. 4) A grounding strap shall be installed between the blower base and the package skid to bypass any vibration isolating mounts. 5) Quick release panels, each less than 50 lb (as mandated by MSHA) must provide easy and quick access for routine maintenance of the blower and the package components. 6) Enclosure Cooling Fan: (a) A high efficiency blower shaft driven ventilation fan shall provide ventilation and cooling integral to the sound enclosure. (b) Cooling fan shall be sized for sufficient heat removal from the sound enclosure, even when the blower is operated with a VFD. 7) Electrical components, instrumentation and instrument connections shall not be mounted or interface with moving panels of the sound enclosure. 8) Both blower oil sumps shall be piped to a common fill and drain, located at the front of the package for easy maintenance. An oil level indicator shall be mounted on the outside of the enclosure, which gives an accurate oil level indication while the blower is in operation. All oil lines to be hydraulic hose with fittings. No plastic tubing with compression fittings are allowed. 14. External Inlet Silencer: a. Each package shall include an external inlet silencer shipped loose for installation by the contractor on the building exterior. b. The unit shall be finished with baked -on enamel and shall be equipped with an epoxy coated wire mesh element for the purpose of preventing large debris and wildlife from entering the inlet pipe connection. Final filtration of the process air will be accomplished local to the blower package. c. The silencer shall be Solberg Model 2G, with a standard ANSI flange discharge connection. 2.13 FLOATING DECANTER A. A total of two (2) floating decanters shall be furnished (1 per SBR) to extract final effluent from the basins. Fixed decanters will not be acceptable. Each decanter shall consist of an effluent withdrawal manifold with solids excluding orifice assemblies, with a single foam filled float, and shall be capable of intermittent operation. The decanter assembly shall be constructed 304L stainless steel. The decanter shall be designed to withdraw the effluent at an average rate of 1,500 gallons per minute. Actual flowrate may vary +/- 20% of design at any point in time during decant. Each orifice shall allow equal flow into the draw tube. Decanters must employ positive mechanical type seals for excluding solids from the draw tube. Decanters having an open conduit or any open areas exposed to the mixed liquor during react, or that require additional PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 12 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR equipment or motors for pressurization, weir movement, or complete removal out of the liquid, are unacceptable. B. The draw tube, containing the orifices for removal of effluent shall be integrally attached to the foam filled float such that the float remains level throughout the full range of operation, and to maintain submergence of the orifices of the main body. The main body will be connected to the effluent piping by means of a 10" flanged stub. The effluent pipe shall include a "knee" joint to allow vertical movement. The "knee" joint shall be wire reinforced rubber hose with a flange at each end, and include a support mechanism that allows vertical articulation, but precludes lateral or twisting movement. Hose shall be suitable for abrasive materials and shall be rated at 30 inches mercury vacuum and 15 PSI working pressure. The effluent pipe shall be provided with a flanged connection for mounting the decanter system to the installed pipe through the basin wall. Flange connection shall be in accordance with ANSI standard 150-pound bolt pattern. Hardware at this flanged connection interface shall be furnished by the contractor. C. The solids excluding orifice assemblies shall be field replaceable and attached to the effluent withdrawal manifold. The assembly shall consist of 304 stainless steel orifice plate, 302 stainless steel constant compression spring, 304 stainless steel spring housing, a PVC drive rod, a hard rubber plug, and a 304-stainless steel support/alignment cage assembly. The solids excluding orifice assemblies shall be factory aligned and welded to form a complete assembly. The drive rod shall seat against the spring, in the spring housing, and be attached by a threaded rod to the sealing plug. Solids excluding orifice assemblies containing spring loaded swing check valves are not acceptable. The hydraulic differential provided shall be a minimum of 3.5 feet (plus pipe friction losses) determined as the differential head, under flowing conditions, between reactor bottom water level and top water level at the downstream discharge. The point of decanted effluent discharge downstream of the SBR shall be either constantly submerged or designed with a water trap. D. All necessary supports for the decanter mechanism shall be provided. The supports will be located on the basin floor and will support the decanter mechanism when the basin is dewatered. The supports shall be fabricated of 304 stainless steel for corrosion resistance. The supports shall consist of a support plate welded to a supporting base. The base shall be anchored with anchor bolts and grouted in place, if necessary. Fastening hardware shall be Type 18-8 stainless steel. 2.14 VALVES AND ACTUATORS A. This valve specification shall take precedence over any other valve specification in the contract documents as it relates to the valves provided by the SBR Manufacturer in the below valve schedule. All plug and butterfly valves shall be provided by the same manufacturer. B. Valves shall be furnished per the below schedule. Blower isolation valves shall be Blower Manufacturer's standard and have therefore been excluded here. 1. Description QTY Size Operator Type 2. SBR Influent (2) 6" O/C Plug 3, SBR Decant (2) 10" O/C Butterfly 4, OmniPac Air Control (4) 6" Manual Butterfly 5, SBR W.A.S. (2) 8" O/C Plug 6, SBR Jet Motive Pump Isolation (4) 10" O/C Plug 7, SBR Vacflush (4) 8" O/C Plug 8. Post-EQ Effluent Control Valve (1) 10" Modulating Plug 9. Digester Jet Motive Pump Isolation (2) 8" O/C Plug 10, Digester Vacflush (2) 6" O/C Plug 11, Digester Waste Sludge (1) 6" O/C Plug C. C. All eccentric plug valves shall be permanently lubricated and shall be of the tight -closing, rubber seat type. Valves shall be suitable for sewage and wastewater application, shall have throttling capability, and shall be rated 150 Ib, WOG. Valve bodies shall be cast iron ASTM A126 Class B. Valve plugs shall be balanced type and constructed of cast iron and have chloroprene resilient facing. Passage size shall be a minimum of 80% of the full port area. PM131-21~006 / Brandywine Bay 465101 - 13 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR Upper and lower bearing shall be sleeve type and made of sintered, oil impregnated permanently lubricated type 316 stainless steel, ASTM A743 Grade CFBM. The plug shall have cylindrical seating surface eccentrically offset from the center of the shaft. Plug shall not contact the seat until at least 90% closed. Round ports or spherical shaped plugs are not acceptable. Packing shall be adjustable Acrylonitrile-Butadiene V-Ring type with packing gland follower. Packing shall be replaceable without removing the valve bonnet or plug. All valves shall be leak tested to their full rating prior to shipment. Manual plug valves shall have worm gear actuators with handwheels. Actuators shall be sized for 50 PSI shut off pressure against the face of the plug. Gearing shall be enclosed in a semi -steel housing and be suitable for running in a lubricant. Seals shall be provided on all shafts to prevent entry of dirt and water into the actuator. Valves shall be DeZurik PEC, no equals. D. Air service butterfly valves shall be specifically designed for air service. All valves shall have a bi-directional shut-off rating of 150 PSI pressure and shall have a temperature rating of 250°F. Valves shall be lug design with ductile iron, ASTM A536, 65-45-12 body. Valve discs shall be on -center design and of 316 stainless steel. Shafts shall be one-piece 420 stainless steel. Elastomer seats shall fully line the valve body and be permanently bonded to a solid backing ring. Seats shall be EPDM. Seats shall have integral flange seals so flange gaskets are not required. Shaft shall be blowout proof per API 609, utilizing a retainer and retainer plate. Multiple shaft seals shall be provided to prevent leakage. Three shaft bearings made of carbon steel with PTFE sintered bronze composite and glass filled nylon or brass shall be provided to ensure smooth, reliable valve operation. Bearings are located adjacent to the top and bottom of the disc, and a third bearing at the top of the valve neck to support loading from actuators. Manual butterfly valves shall be provided with lever actuators or geared actuators with handwheels, and shall be sized appropriately for the service conditions and specific application. Lever operated valves shall latch in the open, closed, or several intermediate positions. Valves shall be DeZurik BOS-CL, no equals. E. Liquid service butterfly valves shall have single -offset disc and shall be of the lugged body style. All valves shall be suitable for use with ANSI class 1261150 flanges. Valve shall provide bi-directional bubble -tight shutoff at pressures 200 psi and vacuum rated to 24" Hg when applied to seat side of disc. The disc/shaft connection shall be splined. Bodies shall be ductile iron ASTM A536, 65-45-12. Lugged body valves shall provide bubble -tight shutoff up to the full valve rating on dead end service without the use of downstream flanges. Elastomer seats shall fully line and be permanently bonded to the valve body. Seats shall be NBR. Seats shall have integral flange seals so flange gaskets are not required. Valve disc shall have an uninterrupted 360' seating surface and shall be 316 stainless steel. The disc/shaft connection shall be splined. Shafts shall be one-piece 316 stainless steel. Shaft diameters shall meet the AWWA C5042 class 75B standard. Multiple shaft seals shall be provided to prevent leakage. Three shaft bearings made of heavy-duty aluminum bronze shall be provided to ensure smooth, reliable valve operation. Bearings are located adjacent to the top and bottom of the disc, and a third bearing at the top of the valve neck to support loading from actuators. Manual butterfly valves shall be provided with lever actuators or geared actuators with handwheels, and shall be sized appropriately for the service conditions and specific application. Lever operated valves shall latch in the open, closed, or several intermediate positions. Valves shall be DeZurik BOS-US, no equals. F. Quarter -turn actuators shall be used for valves 14" and smaller as listed in the valve schedule. All electric actuators shall conform to the requirements of AWWA Standard C540-93. The electric motor operator shall consist of motor, reduction gearing, position limit switches and torque limiting switches mounted in a NEMA 4/4X housing. All external fasteners on the electric actuator will be stainless steel. Fasteners on limit switch and terminal compartments shall be captured to prevent loss while covers are removed. Actuators shall be rated for valve torque at 50 psi working pressure with a 1.35 safety factor. Local open / close pushbutton stations are not required on the actuators; O/C/A switches shall be provided for hand operation of valves at the SBR control panel. Limit switch adjustment shall not be altered by manual operation. Limit switch drive shall be by counter gear. Limit switches must be capable of quick adjustment requiring no more than five (5) turns of the limit switch adjustment spindle. A minimum of (4) PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 14 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR contacts, (2) normally open and (2) normally closed dry contacts, will be furnished at each end of the travel where indicated. Contacts shall be of silver and capable of reliably switching low voltage DC source from the control system furnished by others. Actuators shall be AUMA SQ, no equals. 1. The motor shall be specifically designed for actuator service. The motor will be of the induction type with class F insulation and protected by means of thermal switches imbedded in the motor windings. Motor enclosure will be totally enclosed, non -ventilated. Motors will be capable of operating on 120 volt - single phase - 60 hertz power. The motor shall have a plug and socket connector for ease of maintenance. No grease or oil will be permitted in the motor compartment. Overload protection shall be provided by auto -reset thermal trip circuit breakers embedded in the motor windings. All motor leads shall be terminated at an internal terminal strip. Actuators shall be provided with integral motor control for open and close command inputs Power for all automatic valves shall be the responsibility of the installing contractor. Valves shall not be powered from the SBR control panel. 2. The integral self-locking power gearing shall be made from heat treated steel. Worm -wheels shall be made of bronze material. Motor brakes are unacceptable. Gearing shall be grease or oil lubricated with high speed parts running on anti -friction bearings. Motor shall operate from open to full close in 50 to 60 seconds. All gearing shall be designed to withstand the full stall torque of the motor. 3. The handwheel shall not rotate during electrical operation. When the unit is being operated manually, it shall automatically return to electric operation when the handwheel is released. The transfer from electrical operation to manual operation shall be accomplished by a declutching mechanism, which will disengage the motor mechanically. The unit shall be capable of being clutched or declutched while the motor is energized with no damage to the clutch or gear mechanism. Clockwise rotation of the handwheel shall close the valve. If the motor is energized during manual operation, the unit shall remain in manual mode without endangering personnel operating the unit. 4. Failure of the motor or motor gearing shall not hinder manual operation. 5. A double-acting torque limiting switch shall be provided, which is responsive to the mechanical torque developed by seating or an obstruction. Torque sensing by means of motor current is not acceptable. 6. In order to prevent condensation, a heater must be installed inside the actuator, suitable for continuous operation. 7. Mechanical dial position indicator shall be furnished. 2.15 AIR RELEASE VALVES A. APCO Model 400 or approved equal. B. Size for release ai at a minimum rate of 400 cfm. 2.16 SUBMERSIBLE PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS A. A total of four (4) submersible pressure transducers shall be furnished (one per basin). B. Submersible pressure transducers shall be specially designed for direct submergence in wastewater. Units shall be constructed of stainless steel. C. Transducers shall have an operating range of zero to 34.6 ft. of water with a temperature range of -40 to 80°C, with compensated range of zero to 50°C. Accuracy of measurement shall be ±0.5% including linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability. D. Transducer output shall be a 4 to 20 mA signal. Electrical connection shall be to an attached four wire, 20 gauge polyethylene shielded cable. E. Transducer shall be suspended within a 4" diameter stilling well attached to the basin wall. The stilling well shall contain equalization ports spaced as required. The stilling well shall be continuous from a point six inches above the tank floor to a point six inches below the top of the wall. F. The pressure transducers shall be a Wika model LS-10 or engineer approved equal. PM131-21~006 / Brandywine Bay 465101 - 15 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR 2.17 FLOAT SWITCHES A. A total of six (6) float switches shall be furnished (one high water level float per basin and two low water cutoff floats for digester and Post-EQ). The liquid level in the basin shall be sensed by direct acting float switches. B. Each float shall have a polypropylene float housing with mechanically activated, snap action contacts. Float shall be a mercury -free float switch with snap -action switch, NO or NC configuration as required for operation. C. Float shall be a suspended type with built-in weight. Cable length shall be 40ft. The contractor shall install and wire the float switches as shown on the drawings. D. The float switches shall be SJE Signalmaster Control Switch as manufactured by SJE Rhombus, Anchor Scientific, or engineer approved equal. 2.18 D.O. CONTROLLER A. A dissolved oxygen (D.0) control systems shall be furnished for control of D.O. in each basin. A total of four (4) D.O. probes each with mounting bracket shall be provided for the basins with a total of two (2) dual -channel analyzers. The D.O. control system shall utilize operator adjustable D.O. setpoints to control blower on / off operation during the aeration period. Probes shall be continuous reading type utilizing luminescent sensor technology. Probes shall be Hach LDO Type 2 and analyzer shall be Hach SC200, or engineer approved equal. 2.19 PROCESS CONTROL PANEL A. The panel shall be capable of controlling and monitoring SBR functions and activities. The control panel shall as a minimum be capable of controlling: B. Five (5) total PD Blowers. C. Three (3) total jet motive pumps. D. Automatic valves. E. Panels designed for indoor use shall utilize NEMA 12 enclosures. Finish paint to be white polyester powder paint inside with ANSI 61 gray polyester powder paint outside over phosphatized surfaces. All selector switches and push buttons shall be industrial heavy duty oil tight. Enclosures shall be by Hoffman or engineer approved equal. F. A nationally recognized brand of industrial rated hardware shall be implemented for execution of SBR process software. The Programmable Controller shall include a method of storing energy to provide power backup for user programs and data when the main power supply is not available. Battery backup of memory is not acceptable. The processor shall include a secure digital (SD) memory card on the front. Local 1/0 expansion and remote 1/0 shall be available within the same family. Controller shall include Ethernet port and, if required, serial ports shall be available with communications (RS232 and RS422). Controller shall include an integrated Real Time Clock (RTU). This clock value shall be in the form of a predefined tag and shall be accessible via logic or remotely. PLC shall be Allen Bradley CompactLogix System 5370 L3 1769 Controller and 1769 1/0 modules or engineer approved equal, including all related power supplies and accessories. G. Input and output cards shall have removable wiring terminal strips. All wiring to module will terminate on terminal strip. Individual LED lamps for each input or output shall be provided on each card. Analog input and output cards shall have a minimum resolution of 12 bits. PLC Input/output cards shall be Allen Bradley 1769 Compact 1/0 Modules or engineer approved equal. Control panel will include 20% spare input and output points wired to terminal blocks. H. Flow and time adaptive algorithms are utilized to make the treatment step adjustments fully automatic. Software shall be configured for as many SBR tanks as will operate in sequence. Provisions for detection of pump, blower and valve failure shall be provided. SBR tank failure based upon equipment failure shall be selectable on an equipment item list as well as on a tank -by -tank basis. Tank failure shall occur 5 minutes after equipment failure allowing the operators time to respond. SBR operation will resume unchanged following short power outages. Software will recognize long power outages, and initiate plant restart based upon PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 16 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR length of outage and tank levels upon power restoration. Submersible pressure transducers, high level float switch, stilling well and mounting hardware for each tank shall be provided. I. The Operator Interface will provide display, monitoring and adjustment of SBR operating parameters. Operator interface terminal (OIT) shall be minimum _" TFT color touchscreen with 512MB minimum of nonvolatile memory. The OIT shall be able to display SVGA screen resolution (1024x768) minimum. OIT's rated for less than NEMA 4/4X (indoor) are not acceptable. Backlight must be user replaceable. The operating temperature shall be 0-50 degrees C and the power consumption shall not exceed 17W at 24VDC. The OIT shall have a built-in Ethernet port, shall support Ethernet or USB connection for programming software and shall be able to utilize Ethernet or serial communication to the PLC. The Ethernet port shall also be able to be utilized for advanced features such as remote access if required. OIT's that required additional software or hardware for these features must be provided configured to support this. USB connection for external USB drive and Optional CF card shall be supported for data logging. The Operator Interface shall be Siemens TP Comfort, C-More, Allen Bradley PanelView Plus, or engineer approved equal. J. Control circuits shall allow for manual override of PLC system by selector switches on the panel front. Selector switches will be provided for all pumps and valves controlled by the SBR. Panel mounted indicator lamps for operation status and failure of equipment shall be provided. Float switch detection of high level in each SBR shall override the transducer level signal to initiate an emergency decant. All failure lamps and alarm horn operations shall annunciate following I.S.A. sequence "A". K. Control panel to include Industrial Ethernet switch. The Ethernet switch shall be a compact unmanaged Ethernet switch, DIN rail mountable. The switch shall be copper only with 8 RJ45 ports. Operating temperature shall be 0 deg to 60 deg Celsius. Operating voltage shall be 12/24/48 V DC (9.6-60) V and 24 VAC (18-30) V. Eight (8) 10/100 ports total, two (2) uplink RJ45 and six (6) standard RJ 45, Industrial Ethernet switch shall be Phoenix Contact, Hirshmann Series RS20, or engineer approved equal. L. All wiring to module will terminate on terminal strip. Panel wiring shall be: 1. Type MTW, sized per applicable codes. 2. 16 gauge minimum wire size for 120 VAC, 3. 20 gauge minimum wire size for 24 VDC , 4. Wiring shall be color coded as follows: a. BLACK - Incoming 120VAC Power b. WHITE - Neutral c. GREEN - Ground d. RED - Switched 120VAC Control Power e. ORANGE - Foreign Control Voltage (power source external to panel) f. BLUE - 24VDC (Positive) g. WHITE W/ BLUE STRIP - 24 DC (Common) ungrounded M. A compact industrial DIN rail mounted modem will be provided to allow access to the control system from any standard phone line. Modem includes a four (4) port Ethernet switch enabling remove connection to the Ethernet network. Built in management and security features prevent unwanted access. Modem shall be Allen Bradley model 9300-RADES or engineer approved equal. N. The following panel spare parts shall be supplied: 1. Fuses, 10% of each type supplied. a. Relays, 10% of each type supplied. b. Bulbs, 10% of each type supplied PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. The Contractor shall install the blowers in accordance with the Manufacturer's written instructions. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 17 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR B. The Contractor shall make all electrical and process connections to the blower package prior to the arrival of the manufacturer's representative. C. The Contractor shall complete and return the Manufacturer's installation check list prior to having a Manufacturer's representative come onsite. D. Representatives of the blower manufacturer shall verify and adjust blower and motor alignment. 3.02 FIELD SERVICE A. The SBR Manufacturer shall provide a dry equipment installation check consisting of one (1) trip for (3) man -days on site, clean water equipment start-up and training consisting of one (1) trip for (3) man -days on site; SBR Controls start-up consisting of two (2) trips for (6) man -days on site, and post -start-up operator instruction and training services consisting of one (1) trip for (2) man -days on site. All service shall be carried out by a qualified service engineer. Written service reports of each service phase shall be distributed to the Engineer and Owner. 3.03 FIELD TESTING A. After installation of all equipment has been completed and as soon as conditions permit, the manufacturer shall provide one (1) trip for a total of two (2) 8-hour days to verify the installation and conduct an acceptance test under actual operating conditions. 1. The Manufacturer shall perform a physical check of the blower installation, perform safety checks, power up the equipment and perform functional testing. 2. The functional test shall consist of 4 hours of operation of each blower with vibration, temperature, and pressure readings as well as motor amp readings taken and recorded at 60-minute intervals. 3. The Manufacturer shall provide operations and maintenance training to the plant personnel. The training shall consist of 1 hour of classroom training using the Operation and Maintenance Manual for reference and 2 hours of hands on training at the blower package. B. If required, Contractor shall make any changes, at his own expense, to the installation that may be necessary to assure satisfactory operation. Contractor shall be held liable for changes needed in the installation. C. Manufacturer shall provide a written field test / start up report after completion of testing. 3.04 MECHANICAL WARRANTY A. The Manufacturer shall furnish its standard warranty against defects in material and workmanship for all Equipment provided by the Seller under this Section. The Seller shall warrant the Equipment, or any components thereof, through the earlier of: (i) eighteen (18) months from delivery of the Equipment, or (ii) twelve (12) months from date of initial operation of the Equipment. 8. Warranties and guarantees by the suppliers of various components in lieu of a single source responsibility by the equipment manufacturer shall not be acceptable. The equipment manufacturer shall be solely responsible for the warranty of the equipment and all related components. C. In the event a component fails to perform as specified or is proven defective in service during the warranty period, excluding items of supply normally expended during operation, the manufacturer shall provide a replacement part without cost to the owner. D. This warranty shall be valid only if the product is properly serviced and operated under normal conditions and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 5101 - 18 SEQUENCING BATCH WWTP Replacement REACTOR SECTION 46 6124 CLOTH MEDIA FILTER PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Cloth Media Filters. B. Two filters are currently in service at the existing Brandywine Bay WWTP and are to be relocated as shown on the drawings. C. One filter was previously in service at Nags Head WWTP and will be reloca5ed to Brandywine Bay. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 1000 -Summary: Contract descriptions, description of alterations work, work by others, future work, occupancy conditions, use of site and premises, work sequence. 1.03 PERFORMANCE: A. Existing filters at Brandywine Bay WWTP to be relocated consist of Two (2) Model F110412E3 Fixed Plate Cloth media filters that each are capable of meeting the following performance requirements: 1. Average Flowrate, MGD* ......................... 0.2 MGD 2. Peak Flowrate, MGD*.................................. 0.25 MGD 3. Average InfluentTSS*..............I.................20mg/l 4. Average Effluent TSS*................................5mg/I B. The existing filter to be relocated from Nags Head WWTP is a Model FFP150624LP capable of meeting the following performance requirements: 1. Average Flowrate, MGD* .............6........... 0.6 MGD 2. Peak Flowrate, MGD*.....61.6 %........................ 0.75 MGD 3. Average Influent TSS*..................pop ...pop .....20mg/I 4. Average Effluent TSS*................................5mg/I 5. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Filters will be provided by the Owner, relocated from existing WWTPs. 1. Two filters are currently in service at the existing Brandywine Bay WWTP and are to be relocated as shown on the drawings. a. Each filter includes a total of three (3) filter media elements, with space & equipment included for a future 4th element to be added as flows demand. Each element consists of two (2) flat, rectangular cloth media panels supported by a 100% Stainless Steel element frame and connecting hardware. 2. One filter was previously in service at Nags Head WWTP. a. This filter includes a total of six (6) filter media elements. Each element consists of two (2) flat, rectangular cloth media panels supported by a 100% Stainless Steel element frame and connecting hardware. 2.02 FILTER TANKS A. The filter tank are constructed of 304 Stainless Steel plate, with sufficient stainless steel stiffening for all loads imposed during shipping, handling, and operation. B. The tanks are equipped with an internal, integrated influent distribution channel with orifices to distribute incoming flow, an effluent control box with weir, backwash discharge channel, and flanged connections for influent and effluent discharge piping. C. Access stairway(s) and walkways shall be provided as shown on the plans and provided by the installing contractor. All access stairways and walkways shall be self-supporting and shall not PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 46 6124 - 1 CLOTH MEDIA FILTER WWTP Replacement rely on filter tankage for support or connection. All stairways and walkways shall meet OSHA requirements. 2.03 MEDIA ELEMENT ASSEMBLY A. The filter is composed of multiple, easily removable element frames. Each panel shall be constructed of 100% 304 stainless steel and support the cloth media material. B. Each panel is equipped with an integral neoprene rubber gasket for sealing against the element inlet. C. All support materials and internal components, including media panel support framework, are 304 Stainless Steel, 2.04 INFLUENT DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL A. An influent distribution header is provided, as an integral part of the interior of the tank, for the purpose of equally distributing the influent flow. 2.05 INFLUENT/BACKVIlASH DISCHARGE CHANNELS: A. An individual channel for each filter element is integrated into the tank structure. Each channel will be isolated from other channels and contain flanged connection(s) for the influent/ backwash piping connection(s). 2.06 EFFLUENT CONTROL WEIR BOX A. An effluent control box, complete with a stainless steel weir, is provided as an integral part of the tank, for the purpose of regulating the effluent flow and main tank water level. 2.07 OPERATION A. A programmable controller is pre-programmed with the interlocks and sequence logic necessary to control all filter components during all filtering and backwash operations. B. During automatic operation, the backwash cycle is started by the high level sensor, manual pushbutton, or pre-set timer through the controller. C. Once initiated, the influent and backwash valves are operated in sequence allowing each filter panel to be backwashed successively. D. Backwash cycle times are adjustable through the operator interface panel and can be set in tenths of seconds. The frequency of backwash can also be set through the operator interface and can be set in minutes. E. Backwash can also be performed by manually operating each valve through use of the override interface which over -rides automatic operation. F. Alarm indicators are included in the interface programming and warn the operator of high water level, equipment malfunction, and alarm acknowledgment condition. G. Filtering elements are cleaned in sequence, with all any filtering *elements that are not being cleaned shall be online and producing filtered effluent. Systems that need to dewater or take more than one filtering element offline at one time shall not be allowed. 2.06 MAIN ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL (MCP) A. A single main electrical control panel (MCP) is provided to control all necessary functions for operation of the valves and level sensing equipment for aII filters. B. The MCP is of fiberglass construction conforming to NEMA 4X requirements. The MCP shall be delivered loose for mounting by the electrical contractor. An adequately sized hinged front door shall be provided on the MCP to contain all of the required controls and provide access for repairs & wiring as necessary. C. The MCP uses a programmable logic controller (PLC) to provide automatic operation of all filter components and contain the logic components & programmable controls to operate the entire filter(s). PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 6124 - 2 CLOTH MEDIA FILTER WWTP Replacement D. The MCP shall include an integrated touch -screen operator interface to provide access to control set points, display filter component status & alarms, and provide over -ride control of individual filter components. E. For multiple filter installations, each filter shall be controlled as a unit independent of other filter units. F. Filter cleaning frequency of each filter is regulated by; an adjustable timer integral to the control panel; manual pushbutton override on the operator interface; or by a float switch mounted in the Influent channel to indicate high influent level. G. The MCP is capable of tolerating a power outage for a two-year period without loss of programming or data set points. Battery replacement period shall not be shorter than two years. 2.09 WIRING JUNCTION PANEL A. A single electrical junction panel is provided with each filter to provide connection of all control component wiring, including valve and level sensor wiring, to a remotely mounted main filter panel. B. Each junction panel is of fiberglass construction conforming to NEMA 4X . C. The installing contractor shall provide wiring, conduit, and wiring connections between the main control panel and the tank junction panel. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. See Section 014000 -Quality Requirements, for additional requirements. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 6124 - 3 CLOTH MEDIA FILTER WWTP Replacement SECTION 46 6600 ULTRAVIOLET EQUIPMENT PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Open -channel ultraviolet disinfection equipment for treatment of wastewater. B. Operation of Existing Facility: Maintain continuous flow of wastewater and disinfection until new system is tested, approved and fully operational. No discharge of untreated wastewater will be permitted. No reduction in existing hydraulic capacity or organic treatment capacity will be permitted. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 46 0006 -Wastewater Treatment System: Influent characteristics and effluent quality requirements. B. Section 46 0106 - Operation and Maintenance Manual. C. Section 46 0500 - Common Work Results For Water and Wastewater Equipment: Requirements applicable to all equipment. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ANSI C82.4 -American National Standard for Ballasts for High -Intensity -Discharge and Low -Pressure Sodium Lamps (Multiple -Supply Type); 2002, B. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum); 2018, C. NEMA ICS 1 - Industrial Control and Systems General Requirements; 2000 (Reaffirmed 2015). D. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, and Section 46 0500 -Common Work Results For Water and Wastewater Equipment for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Manufacturer's technical literature on specific model of equipment, instructions, field training, spare parts. C. Manufacturer's Qualifications, D. Shop Drawings: Custom prepared drawings showing equipment layout, power and control interconnection diagrams, wiring diagrams, control panel layout and schematics, and the overall electrical design for the UV system. E. Field Quality Control Reports, F. Operation and Maintenance Data: See Section 46 0106. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Equipment Manufacturer Qualifications: Experienced in design and production of substantially similar equipment, able to show evidence of satisfactory operation of identical equipment disinfecting secondary effluent with similar effluent flow and characteristics in at least five installations for not less than one year. B. Installer Qualifications: Minimum of three years experience in installation of equipment in water, wastewater, or industrial facilities. 1.06 WARRANTY A. See Section 01 7800 -Closeout Submittals, for additional warranty requirements. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 6600 - 1 ULTRAVIOLET EQUIPMENT WWTP Replacement PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 FLOW CHANNELS 2.02 ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION EQUIPMENT A. Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection Equipment: Suitable for outdoor open channel, gravity flow installation, comprised of submersible lamp modules with lamps and all other necessary components, controls, and accessories, and capable of meeting specified effluent requirements. 1. See Section Section 46 0006 for influent characteristics and effluent requirements. 2. Provide sufficient redundancy to maintain effluent requirements while replacing lamps, sleeves, and ballasts; and while cleaning lamp sleeves. 3. Provide disinfection safety factor of 2.0. B. Components: 1. UV lamp module(s) with support rack and bracket. 2. UV system instrumentation, controls, and power distribution. 3. Wireway and interconnecting cables. 4. Connections to process control system. 5. Other appurtenances necessary. C. Materials of Construction: 1. Metal in Contact with Plant Effluent: Either Type 316 or Type 304 stainless steel, passivated. 2. Material Exposed to UV Light: Stainless steel, passivated; quartz; polytetrafluoroethylene or other UV resistant material. 3. Anchor Bolts: Stainless steel, of size required and with ample strength for purpose intended; embed hooked anchor bolts during placement of concrete. D. Equipment Functional Characteristics Dosage: Not less than microwatt-seconds per square cm based on peak design flow conditions, lamp output at 65 percent of its initial level after 1 year (8750 hours) of lamp operation without fouling on the lamp sleeves, and specified minimum UV transmittance. 2. Nominal Average Intensity Within Channel: Not less than microwatts per square centimeter at transmittance of 70 percent after 100 hour burn -in of lamps and with no fouling on the lamp sleeves. 3. UV Density of Channel: Not less than watts per liter. 4. Retention Time: Lamp bank design such that theoretical retention time (T) is not less than seconds at peak design flow rate and actual retention time (t) determined by hydraulic analysis is not less than 0.9 times theoretical retention time. 5. Head loss - Horizontal Lamp Banks: Such that at peak flow rate no lamp is exposed to the atmosphere and maximum depth over the uppermost lamp sleeves is 1.5 inches (40 mm). 6. Head loss - Vertical Lamp Banks: Not greater than 6 inches (150 mm). 7. Cross Sectional Area of Lamp Module Frames: Not greater than 35 percent of the cross -sectional area occupied by the effluent in the channel. 8. Aspect Ratio Of Channel Length To Hydraulic Radius: Minimum of 15 per lamp bank. 2.03 UV LAMP ARRAYS A. Horizontal Lamp Arrays: Uniform array with lamps parallel to each other and to flow; lamps evenly spaced in horizontal and vertical rows with centerline spacings equal in bath directions; array pattern continuous and symmetrical throughout each reactor. B. Vertical Lamp Arrays: Staggered uniform array with lamps parallel to each other, but perpendicular to the flow; lamps evenly spaced with alternating rows offset by one-half the uniform centerline spacing. PM131-21�0061 Brandywine Bay 46 6600 - 2 ULTRAVIOLET EQUIPMENT WWTP Replacement C. Lamp Modules - General: Frames supporting lamps with each lamp in an individual sleeve; capable of being withdrawn as a unit and replaced without interrupting operation of any other module; self-supporting in the channel. 1. Each Module: Capable of supporting dead weight of 200 pounds (90 kg). 2. Individual lamp modules weighing 55 pounds (25 kg) or less removable without requiring mechanical lifting devices. 3. Provide mechanical lifting device for individual lamp modules weighing over 55 pounds (25 kg). 4. Lifting Device: As specified. D. Horizontal Lamp Modules: Lamps in sleeves sealed and supported in NEMA 6P stainless steel frame capable of protecting lamps and sleeves from foreign material or debris within channel, with electrical wiring completely enclosed in frame isolated from wastewater. E. Vertically Oriented Lamp Modules: Lamps installed in weatherproof, watertight enclosure, with lamp sleeves fitted to enclosure using compression fittings and neoprene gaskets. 1. Provide wiring terminal strips numbered to correspond to numbering in main power panel. 2. Provide lamp enclosures with waterproof wiring connectors to allow enclosure to be disconnected and removed from channel. 3. Provide lamp connection above waterline or otherwise waterproof. 4. Provide safety interlock switch to turn off power to the lamps when module enclosure covers are opened. 5. Provide Class B ground fault circuit interrupter for each enclosure to turn off power if water enters enclosure. 6. Lamps arranged so that they can be replaced without disassembling or removing lamp module. 2.04 LAMPS AND LAMP SLEEVES A. UV Lamps: Low-pressure mercury vapor type of hot -cathode, instant -start design in which coiled filamentary cathodes are heated by arc current; filament of clamped design and withstanding shock and vibration; with following characteristics: 1. Wavelengths: 90 percent of UV radiation within wavelengths of 233.7 to 273.7 nanometers. 2. Minimum UV Intensity: 190 microwatts per square centimeter at distance of one meter. 3. Maximum Power Input: 65 watts (not including ballast losses). 4. Minimum Arc Length: 58 inches (1475 mm). 5. Rated to produce zero levels of ozone. 6. Minimum UV Output at 100 Hours: 26.7 watts. 7. Lamp Base: Metal and ceramic, resistant to UV light and ozone. 8. Lamp tube capable of transmitting 90 percent of radiation produced therein. 9. Allow changing of lamps without removal of sleeve from lamp module frame. 10. Allow replacement of lamp ballast by plant operating personnel. 11. Design equipment using lamps available from at least 2 currently active lamp manufacturers, 12. Multiple cycle lamps may be used in applications that demand up to 100,000 annual cycles. B. UV Lamp Sleeves: Clear fused quartz circular tubing, rated for transmittance of 89 percent or more and not subject to solarization over its life, supported so that it cannot come into contact with any steel in frame. 1. Nominal Wall Thickness: Between 0.03 and 0.08 inch (0.8 and 2.09 mm). 2. Sleeve Seals: Open end of lamp sleeve sealed to prevent moisture from entering module frame and electrical connections to other lamps in module in case of sleeve fracture; seal consisting of stainless steel nut compressing external O-ring seal; nut surface allowing positive hand grip for tightening and not requiring any tools for removal. C. Lamp Holders: Lamps held in place so as to isolate and seal lamp from module frame and other lamps in module; UV resistant materials that prevent lamp sleeve from touching steel. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 46 6600 - 3 ULTRAVIOLET EQUIPMENT WWTP Replacement D. Lamp Module Support Rack: Stainless steel construction; designed to prevent UV radiation above channel top when lamp modules are energized and fully immersed in effluent. 2.05 ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. General: Comply with NFPA 70. 1. Controls: NEMA ICS 1, 2. Protect wiring and electrical connections against failure due to moisture. 3. Provide units completely wired requiring only one connection for external power supply and remote control. 4. Divide electrical system into proper number of parallel electrical subsystems for peak design flow. 5. Power each electrical subsystem from a distribution center with ground fault circuit detection, circuit protection, modules, and interconnecting cables. 6. Provide one power panel for each module, prewired by manufacturer except for final connection of module to power panel. 7. Ground Fault Detection: UV equipment manufacturer's standard type. 8. Wiring Exposed to UV Light: UV degradation resistant. B. Housings for Control and Monitoring Components and Power Supply: NEMA enclosures with internal components sealed from external environment. 1. System electronics in interior environment housed in NEMA 250 Type 12 enclosures. 2. System electronics in exterior or corrosive environment, as defined in NEMA 250, housed in NEMA 250, Type 4X enclosures. 3. Magnetic Ballast Cooling: Minimum air flow per ballast of 30 cfm (0.014 cubic m/s). C. Interconnect Cables: Muiticonductor unshielded cable suitable for outdoor installation; modular repairable type allowing field replacement and repair of components by plant operators. 1. Insulation: Thermoplastic rubber with operating range of minus 76 to 52 degrees F (minus 60 to 125 degrees C) with low temperature flexibility and flame retardants. 2. Jacketing: UV stabilized; resistant to oils, chemicals, fuels, solvents, and to mechanical abuse and abrasion. 3. Provide all cable required for complete system. D. Connectors and Receptors: Waterproof Type S.O. cable for inAne connection allowing fast and easy positive coupling and uncoupling; snap -on design having no threads and providing visual confirmation that connection is locked in place; mounted out of flood -prone environments. E. Ballasts: ANSI C82.4, coordinated to ballast power supply; modular design allowing for quick disconnect and replacement. 1. Voltage Range: Not less than plus or minus 10 percent. 2. Power Factor: Not less than 90 percent at crest factor of 2.0 or less. 3. Service Temperature: 5 degrees F (minus 15 degrees C) and above. 4. Locate magnetic ballasts in or enclosed in environment not susceptible to effects of heat, cold and moisture. F. Cableway: If required by equipment manufacturer, install cable in weatherproof and submersible cableway; stainless steel sheet, 14 or 16 gage (1,68 or 1,98 mm) thick; gasketed and completely watertight when submerged. 2.06 CONTROLS A. Control: Fully automatic, requiring no manual attention other than adjustment of base UV intensity setting. 1. Provide connections for remote indication corresponding to all local indication. 2. Provide connections for remote controls corresponding to all manual controls. 3. Provide control devices of type and characteristics required to connect to process control system. B. UV Lamp Control: Continuously adjust UV output automatically in proportion to flow. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 6600 - 4 ULTRAVIOLET EQUIPMENT WWTP Replacement 1. Vary UV output by turning lamp banks on and off or by dimming lamps, in sequence and at rates as recommended by manufacturers. 2. When lamp dimming is used, allow operator to ratio flow to UV dosage and UV intensity, 3. When on/off control is used, allow operator to vary flowrate setting and allow operator option to operate individual banks in either manual or automatic mode. 4. Provide logic and time delays to regulate UV bank ON/OFF cycle to prevent excessive cycling on both startup and shutdown of UV bank. C. Water Level Control: Maintain constant channel water level within tolerances required to keep lamps submerged and prevent excessive water depth over top of lamps. 1. Provide level control device in each channel at discharge end. 2. For horizontal lamps, provide alarm indication and automatic system shutdown if water level drops below uppermost part of top row of lamps. D. Alarms: Time delayed to prevent nuisance alarms. See Section 46 0913. 1. Minor Alarms: a. Low warning UV intensity. b. Individual lamp failure. 2. Major Alarms: a. Low UV intensity. b. Failure of 2 or more adjacent lamps. c. Multiple lamp failure. d. Module failure. 2.07 INSTRUMENTATION A. For each bank of lamp modules, provide: 1. Lamp status indicators for each lamp. 2. UV intensity detection. 3. Elapsed time meter. 4. Hand/off/auto switch. B. Control Panel: Mount instrumentation and control devices in enclosure as specified in Section 46 0500, mounted near equipment. Provide the following, at minimum, mounted on or in panel door: 1. Lamp status indicators. 2. Elapsed time meters. 3. UV intensity displays. 4. Hand/off/auto switches. C. Lamp Status Indicators: Provide a panel to indicate status of each lamp and module using a geometric display that indicates locations. 1. Lamps: Indicate ON or OFF. 2. Modules: Indicate "POWER ON" only. 3. Indicators: Neon lamps or LED or LCD alpha -numeric data display. 4. Upon lamp failure, illuminate its corresponding indicator lamp and close contact for remote alarm annunciation. 5. Upon module failure due to ground fault interruption, close contact closure for remote annunciation. D. UV Intensity Detection: Submersible UV meter and sensor to continuously detect and indicate UV intensity, measuring only germicidal portion of light between 254.5 and 255.0 nanometers. 1. Locate meters on remote control panel, clearly labeled. 2. Locate UV intensity sensors at point of minimum expected intensity within lamp bank; locations justified by UV equipment manufacturer, if required by Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC. 3. Meters: Display UV intensity, indicating safe intensity, low intensity, and unsafe intensity by means of color codes on meter face, or using a 0 to 100 percent scale. PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 6600 - 5 ULTRAVIOLET EQUIPMENT WWTP Replacement 4. Sensors: Clip -on, capable of being mounted to any lamp, self -aligning to assure proper spacing from tube without use of tools; factory calibrated with verification in field prior to startup. E. Elapsed Time Meters: Non-resettable, recording hours of UV bank operation from 0 to 99,999 hours. 2.08 LAMP AND SLEEVE CLEANING EQUIPMENT A. Provide portable cleaning tank for cleaning individual lamp sleeves and entire lamp modules. B. Portable Cleaning Tank: Stainless steel and equipped with air blower (compressor), lamp module rack, hose connections and drains; equipped with hard rubber casters and sealed cover. 1. Tank Capacity for Horizontal Modules: At least 3 modules. 2. Tank Capacity for Vertical Modules: At least 1 module. 3. Provide disconnect switch, grounded plug and 10 feet (3 m) long outdoor cable. 4. Cleaning Rack For Hand Wiping Sleeves: Mounted above tank, to hold one horizontal module. C. Cleaning Fluids: Provide sufficient quantity of sleeve conditioner and cleaning solution for 12 months of normal operation. 1. Containers: Not greater than 5 gallon (20 L) capacity. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. B. Provide the services of manufacturer's technical representative to supervise installation, adjustment, testing, and startup. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL - PRIOR TO STARTUP A. Demonstrate proper operation of all components using temporary water supply, recirculated if necessary; include channel control elements and flow and level controls. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL -AFTER STARTUP A. Test equipment for disinfection performance, as follows: 1. Where disinfection equipment is located in separate channels and equipment in each channel is not perfectly identical, test each channel; otherwise, test one channel. 2. Collect samples at times when flow through channel is at or near peak flow; use control elements where necessary to maintain peak flow. B. Analyze samples using standard testing methods or procedures, for specified performance requirements for effluent characteristics and: 1. Percent UV transmittance at 254 nm with 1 cm cell length prior to disinfection. C. Continue sampling for 14 days, collecting samples 3 times per 24 hour period. D. If test results are unsatisfactory, adjust, modify, repair, or replace, and retest. 1. When new units are installed, start testing from beginning. 2. When adjustment or repairs are expected to provide satisfactory performance, continue retesting for at least 2 consecutive days. 3. Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC reserves the right to reject the installed equipment if performance appears to be unachievable with installed equipment. 4. Prior to retesting, obtain Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC's approval of retesting schedule. END OF SECTION PM131-21-006 J Brandywine Bay 46 6600 - 6 ULTRAVIOLET EQUIPMENT WWTP Replacement SECTION 46 8001 REFRIGERATED SAMPLER PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Refrigerated waste water sampler. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 1000 -Summary: Contract descriptions, description of alterations work, work by others, future work, occupancy conditions, use of site and premises, work sequence. B. Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements: Submittal procedures, project meetings,• progress schedules and documentation, reports, coordination. C. Section 016000 - Product Requirements: Fundamental product requirements, substitutions and product options, delivery, storage, and handling. D. Section 01 7000 - Execution Requirements: Examination, preparation, and general installation procedures; preinstallation meetings; cutting and patching; cleaning and protection; starting of systems; demonstration and instruction; closeout procedures except payment procedures; requirements for alterations work. E. Section 017800 - Closeout Submittals: Project record documents, operation and maintenance (O&M) data, warranties and bonds. F. Section 11530: Electromagnetic Flow Meters. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Submit for review: 1. Certified general arrangement drawings showing all important details including materials of construction, dimensions. 2. Descriptive literature, bulletins and/or catalogs of the equipment. 3. Wiring diagrams and electrical schematics. C. Submit for information: 1. Manufacturers instructions. D. Submit for project closeout: 1. Project record documents. 2. Operation and maintenance manuals. 3. Warranties, 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section, with not less than three years of documented experience. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SEE SECTION 01 60D0 FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. 2.02 APPROVED MANUFACTURERS 2.03 DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. The sampler container shall be located in a refrigerated compartment. The refrigerated compartment shall be insulated with 1.5 inch rigid foam insulation. The refrigeration system shall have a a20 cfm condenser fan and shall be controlled by a thermostat maintaining samples at 4 deg. C in ambient temperatures up to 120 deg. F. B. All electromechanical components shall be protected with a permanently sealed housing conforming to NEMA 4X standards for submersible, watertight, dust tight, and corrosion resistant operation. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 46 8001 - 1 REFRIGERATED SAMPLER WWTP Replacement C. The sampler shall be suitable for the representative collection of toxic and conventional pollutants in a single composite bottle or multiple bottles. D. The sampler shall incorporate a high speed peristaltic pump for collection of the sample liquid. The pump body shall be constructed of corrosion resistant materials. The sample pump shall produce a minimum intake velocity of 2 feet per second at 15 feet vertical lift. E. The sample pump shall purge the intake line before and after each sample. The duration of the purge shall be automatically adjusted for varying intake line lengths. F. The sampler controller shall have a hermetically sealed 19 key, multiple function key pad and self prompting 8 line x 40 character back -lit liquid crystal graphics display. The controller shall be programmable for single bottle and multiple bottle operation. For multiple bottle operation, the controller shall be programmable for 2, 41 8, and 24 bottle configurations. G. The sampler shall be capable of operation in timed or flow proportional mode. H. The sampler shall be convertible to composite operation. I. The sampler shall be furnished with one 5.5 gallon polyethylene container. J. The sampler shall be capable of retaining up to 5 complete sampling programs in memory. K. The sampler shall be capable of rinsing the intake lin3e with the source liquid immediately prior to sample collection. L. In the event the sample liquid is not obtained on the initial attempt, the sampler shall automatically purge and repeat the collection cycle. M. The sampler shall be programmable for up to 24 stop/start intervals. N. The sampler equipment shall include all of the following: 1. pH/Temperature sensor and data logger. 2. Dissolve oxygen sensor and data logger. O. The sampler shall be capable of receiving three (3) analog inputs. 1. One sampler input shall be connected to the magnetic flow meter for collection of flow paced sequential samples. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SEE SECTION 01 7000 FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.03 SYSTEM STARTUP A. Prepare and start equipment and systems in accordance with manufacturers' instructions and recommendations. 3.04 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES A. See Section 01 7800 -Closeout Submittals, for closeout submittals. B. Demonstration: Demonstrate operation of system to Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC's personnel. 1. Use operation and maintenance data as reference during demonstration. 2. Briefly describe function, operation, and maintenance of each component. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 8001 - 2 REFRIGERATED SAMPLER WWTP Replacement SECTION 46 8002 FLOW MEASUREMENT PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Flow sensors. B. Flow recorders. C. Weirs D. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements: Submittal procedures, project meetings, progress schedules and documentation, reports, coordination. B. Section 01 7800 - Closeout Submittals: Project record documents, operation and maintenance (O&M) data, warranties and bonds. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 -Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Submit for review: 1. Certified general arrangement drawings showing all important details including materials of construction, dimensions. 2. Descriptive literature, bulletins and/or catalogs of the equipment. 3. Wiring diagrams and electrical schematics. C. Submit for information: J. Manufacturers instructions. D. Submit for project closeout: 1. Project record documents. 2. Operation and maintenance manuals. 3. Warranties. 1.04 WARRANTY A. See Section 017800 - Closeout Submittals, for additional warranty requirements. B. Correct defective Work within a one year period after Date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 OPEN CHANNEL FLOW METERS: A. Provide ultrasonic open channel flow monitoring equipment and data logger with capability to continuousIy record and totalize flow. B. Acceptable Systems: 1. Siemens Sitrans LU Probe and Sitrans LUT 420 Level Controller, 2. Hach FL900 Series Low Lofgger and US 9001 Down -Looking Sensor. 3. Teledyne Signature Flow Monitoring System, 4. Approved equal. C. Weirs D. Weirs shall be provided to control the rate of wastewater flow to the disposal areas. Weirs shall be constructed of type 6061-T6 aluminum E. Weirs shall be constructed of type 6061-T6 aluminum. 2.02 ELECTROMAGNETIC FLOW METERS A. The magnetic flow meter (magmeter) shall be the law frequency electromagnetic induction type and shall produce a pulsed DC signal directly proportional to and linear with the liquid flow rate. PM131-21�006 / Brandywine Bay 46 8002 - 1 FLOW MEASUREMENT WWTP Replacement The magmeter shall be designed for operation on 120V AC +/- 10%, 60 Hz +/- 5% which is obtained from the remote mounted signal converter. 1. The metering tube shall be constructed of 304 stainless steel. 2. The magmeter shall be designed to mount directly in the pipe between AWWA Class B flanges. 3. Magmeter shall be the welded flange design. Screw -on flanges will not be acceptable. 4. The magmeter length -to -diameter dimensional ratio shall be a minimum of 1.5 in order to minimize inaccuracies generated by the effects of inner wall conductivity of adjacent piping. 5. The magmeter shall be capable of continuous submergence in up to 30 feet of water without damage to the instrument or interruption of the flow measurement. 6. The magmeter shall be lined with polyurethane and supplied with 316 stainless steel electrodes. 7. Where insulated or non-conductive pipe is used, the use of two orifice plate type stainless steel grounding rings per magmeter shall be required. In order to ensure integrity of the magmeter liner, grounding electrodes which penetrate the liner will not be acceptable. B. The signal converter (converter) portion of the magmeter shall include both a magnet driver and the converter electronics. 1. The converter shall be remotely mounted. Interconnection cable shall be supplied with the converter in sufficient length and gauge to prevent splicing. 2. Converters shall be interchangeable without affecting meter accuracy or the need for recalibration for all meter sizes. 3. The converter shall be housed in a steel NEMA 4X enclosure. 4. The converter shall include a separate customer connection compartment to isolate the electronics from power connections and to protect the electronics from environmental hazards. 5. The converter electronics shall be of the solid state, feed back type, utilize integrated circuitry and be microprocessor controlled. All operational parameters shall be user configurable locally via an integral push button/display arrangement. 6. An integral display to the converter electronics shall maintain two rows of 16 alphanumeric characters for simultaneous view of both instantaneous rate of flow readings in percent or direct engineering units and totalization. The display shall be backlighted with a matrix -type liquid crystal (LCD) for easy viewing. 7. The converter shall have input impedance of 10 billion Ohms or greater and shall not be affected by quadrature noise. Input and output signals shall be fully isolated. 8. The converter output signal shall be 4 to 20 mA DC into 0 to 750 Ohms and shall be capable of accommodating bidirectional flow. 9. The converter shall incorporate an integral zero return circuit to provide a constant zero output signal in response to an external dry contact closure or automatic empty pipe detection circuit to minimize totalizer inaccuracies caused by empty pipe conditions. C. The magmeter shall be hydraulically calibrated and the calibration shall be traceable to the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST). The accuracy of the magmeter shall be +/-1/2% of rate from 0,65 feet per second (fps) to 33 fps without the need for system calibration. D. The magnetic flow meter transmitter shall have on board ability for a service technician to verify the operation of the sensor and transmitter in -situ, without the removal of, or access to, the sensor. The system verification shall enable the printing of a certificate stating the metering system is in or out of original factory specification or tolerances. The system check shall be performed via connection to a diagnostic interface, operating through a lap top computer. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. END OF SECTION PM131-21�006 /Brandywine Bay 46 8002 - 2 FLOW MEASUREMENT WWTP Replacement WEOECO a xylem brand TAK design - UVDGM (Low Dose) approach Project JBrandywine Bay - NC Design Flow Rate 0.75 MGD 118.28 m'/h 2.84 MUD 32.86 LPS 0.75 MGD 521 GPM Design UVT 1 50 % per cm Sensitivity 51 mJ/cm� 1 LOG •GM (Low • •se) Guide V 5.11 Feb 2019 Total Lamps 3 Lamps high 6 per module 2 Module(s) wide 12 per bank 2 Duty Bank(s) 24 Duty per channel 0 Standby Bank(s) 24 Total per channel 1 No of Duty channels 24 Duty total 1 No of Standby channels 48 Total Lamps Channel dimensions Dater 470 mm wide 18.5 in wide 350 mm deep 13.8 in deep :hannel_ 745 mm high 29.3 in high reeboard: 395 mm 15.6 in Bank design Duty Banks Duty Channels SIB Banks SIB channels Aging Fouling AK55 ,. . I . i . IC W 1 W C. P: w - w Total number of Lamps 48 CAF Flow Total (MGD) 0.75 FlowBank tamp (gpm) Bank size So (mW/cm') 1.14 UVr (%) �E[. RED (mj/cm®) Bank 1 (nearest outlet) 11 02 _ Bank 2 ----- 10 67 Bank 3 ----- --- RED / Channel (mJlcm') 21.69 Headkrss of I Water level at exit Water level at exit of bank bank (mm) of bank (mm) for dose calculation (mm) 404 _31.00_ 31 00 389 —�— 35.04 35.04 System Configuration • ELR 30 • TDS 30 / TDS MV • Centerline 120 mm • Lamp power 285 W • Mixing Bars Design Concept • Eff. Water level = 21 mm • Each bank individual dose Test organism QB / T1 • RED (QR/T1), • D,,,, (validated dose) Subject to change without notice TAK Design Tool 4/72020 V 4.5