HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100251 Ver 1_Emails_20100609Mcmillan, Ian From: Beasley, Troy [TBeasley@withersravenel.com] Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 8:19 AM To: Mcmillan, Ian Subject: Brightwater Medical Complex - Submittal Date for RFMI Response Attachments: TroyBeasley.gif; wr.gif; NoticeOfConfidentiality.gif; NoticeOfCopyright.gif Ian, The response to both Request for More Information Letters from DWQ for the Brightwater Medical Complex project will be submitted to your office on or before July 9th, 2010. We apologize for the delay, and appreciate your help with this project. TROY, BEASLEY WITHERS 6 RAVENEL rp-t0 COIR7nt MA alth Ddve, Unit wI r wll.n,lnrvh t, N.C. .840'3 tel 9t0-256 92T71 tax gnu.256 2584 ;!Area 9730 y09 6512 L+Y"wNr_'r9'ith erSraOrenal.CUlrrl NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY AND NONDISCLOSURE fhi; clertronie rne-,Sa5r, yrhich includes any aUnr_hnurriis and otherduciiinents referred ba herein, tYrnUti+rylaforrnat;lr from Wither, & Raveriel. Inc. that may be Irtgally priail+eged aard confidential, The information is intended for th+e use of the addressee(s) only. If you ante nrot the addresse , note iti at airy disclosure, copy Inl*, prtntin&r, distribution, or use u-f Ilie contents of this rrressas a is prohibited. If you received this tnessige in ermr, phrase advise the sen r by reply and delete this etc-ttronic rnetisapc and a ny attar_hmerits. COPYRIGtI It NOTICE Cup rivht 2oog Iry Wither, &. Ravenet, Inc_ All. Rights Reserved try Wither, K Ravrnel, Iric. This notice applies to Ili.!,. crlcctr,onh rrressatge, all attachments the=-reto, and a II ducurnents referred to themein T'Iris clect"ric rncsr;age arrp adtachnnents Ihcreto and all docurrrents referred to therci n are the pruprittary pmtxsrty of Withers & RaweneI, Inc. This r,Iectronic rnr_save, arty attachments thereto and a l l ducunienis referred tea therein are pruwided for the redpienI's inforrnalion only, and nu rights anti trans Berried by the transmission of this electronic nies-age try Withers & Rovenei, Inc. or receipt of this message by Ifit incipient or any other pa rly