HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140129 Ver 1_Adaptive Management Plan_11_16_2020_20201119ID#* 20140129 Version* 1 Select Reviewer:* Erin Davis Initial Review Completed Date 11/19/2020 Mitigation Project Submittal-11/19/2020 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* O Yes a No Type of Mitigation Project:* rJ Stream r Wetlands [Buffer ❑ Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Paul Wiesner Project Information ................................................................................................................................................................... ID#:* 20140129 Existing 1W Project Type: F DMS r Mitigation Bank Project Name: Little Buffalo Creek Mit. Site County: Cabarrus Document Information Email Address:* paul.Wesner@ncdenr.gov Version: * 1 Existing Version Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Remediation Plans File Upload: Little Buffalo Cr. 94147 Adaptive Management 844.21 KB Plan_11 _16_2020. pdf Rease upload only one R7F of the corrplete file that needs to be subrritted... Signature Print Name:* Paul Wiesner Signature:* November 16, 2020 Paul Wiesner NCDEQ — DMS 5 Ravenscroft Drive Asheville, NC 28801 RE: Little Buffalo Creek Stream Restoration Project Adaptive Management Plan NCDEQ — Division of Mitigation Services Contract #002029 DMS Project # 94147 Cabarms County, North Carolina Yadkin River Basin - 03040105 Dear Paul, Below please find the Adaptive Management Plan (AMP) for the Little Buffalo Creek Stream Restoration Project. The AMP has been developed in accordance with comments and recommendations from the Interagency Review Team (IRT) received at the July 27, 2020 closeout site visit and follow up information received by the IRT on August 17, 2020 via email. Based on the input of the IRT and DMS an Adaptive Management Plan was developed to address the project issues outlined below. Attachments include design sheets that highlight the proposed work areas along Unnamed Tributary (UT) 2 and 3 as part of the Adaptive Management Plan. Below is an explanation of the issues and the planned work that is targeted for completion in December 2020. UT-2: Issue: An approximately 75-foot segment of the channel has an undefined bed and bank as a result of past sediment accumulation. Plan: A follow up field visit conducted on October 16, 2020 determined that the length of channel that needs to be modified is approximately 75 feet in length. A single thread channel will be excavated in this reach using the existing channel dimensions as a guide for the appropriate width and depth The location of the channel construction is shown in Attachment A, Plan Sheet 1. Given the short segment and potential to damage trees and shrubs with large equipment the work will be completed using hand tools. Excavated material will be side cast upslope and into the riparian areas, spread out by raking and seeded with a native seed mix. The channel edge willbe planted with a double row of approximately 100 live stakes at 3-foot spacing. Live stakes will consist of native species of willow (Salix), buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) and dogwoods (Cornus). The dense shrub growth will secure the channel banks, reduce the likelihood of herbaceous plant growth within the channel, and promote stability of the channel banks and floodplain zone. The major sources of sediment that may have affected this reach have been stabilized with the revegetation of the easement (former cropland) and the removal of the beavers from the upslope pond. Based on field observations the pond outfall is stable. Field observations over the past year have shown that ongoing channel adjustment to form a single channel has persisted and is likely to be maintained with the removal of potential sources of sediment. Assisted by establishment of lives stakes, and without a significant source of new sediment loads, the channel is likely to maintain its restored form over time and effectively transport sediment. UT-3: Issue: The upper portion of the UT-3 channel is poorly defined and damaged by recent cattle encroachment and sediment accumulation from the erosion of an off -site, unused cattle crossing. The area of prior bank erosion at the culvert is appears to be stable and is no longer a significant source of sediment. Plan: WSP conducted a field inspection October 9, 2020 to determine the length of channel to be restored and the extent of replanting that will be required. Channel: Based on field inspection, approximately 400 liner feet of stream channel beginning at the start of the reach at Station 10+00 extending downstream to Station 14+00 (see UT3 Plan View sheet) requires reconstruction to re-establish or reform a defined channel. WSP proposes to use a small, tracked excavator to reform and excavate the channel beginning at the downstream end of the work area and proceeding upstream to the start of the channel within the spring seep. The channel width will be restored to the original design width and depth as depicted in the typical section sheet (attached). The maintenance work will restore the channel back to its functional conditional before the bank erosion at the cattle crossing and the recent damage from the cattle encroachment occurred. Without a significant source of sediment loads, the removal of cattle encroachment and the additional tree and shrub live stake planting along the channel is likely to maintain the restored form over time. Riparian Vegetation: WSP has completed an initial fall herbicide treatment of the densest areas of tall fescue within the easement. Additional herbicide treatment will occur in the spring of 2021. Supplemental planting with native trees and shrubs within the conservation easement is planned in December 2020 concurrent with the channel work. The reconstructed channel will be replanted with approximately 800 live stakes at 3-foot spacing. A portion of the live stakes will also be planted within the spring seep at the upstream end of the UT3. Live stakes will consist of native species of willow (Salix), buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentahs), and dogwoods (Cornus). The supplemental planting in portions of the riparian zone, outside of the live stake planting area, will focus on areas with low tree density based on the recent 2020 monitoring results. The combined areas for supplemental planting are approximately 1.0 acre in size and will be planted with a mixture of native tree species, including oaks (Quercus), sycamore (Platanus occidentahs), sugarberty (Celtis laevigata), slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) and black gum (Nyssa sylvatica). Approximately 200 plants installed at 12 to 15 foot centers are necessary to meet the required planting density. The plant material will be container grown plants in No. I size containers (I -gallon) with an approximate height of 3 feet. The main planting areas coincide with the two fescue treatment areas shown on the UT3 Plan View sheet, though additional small patches requiring just a few trees will also be planted. Cattle Encroachment: Issue: Recent cattle encroachments have impacted the condition of the stream channel and riparian zone on UT-3 and to a lesser degree the riparian area along portions of UT-4 and the mainstem of Little Buffalo Creek below (downstream) of Old Mine Road. The cessation of recurring cattle encroachments is a requirement of the IRT for future project closeout and credit release. Plan: WSP has been in correspondence/discussion with Mr. Marcus Harward, cattle owner and lessee of pasture from Mr. Philip Cline, as well as Mr. Cline and Mr. Allen Hamill, the primary landowner's whose land is affected by cattle encroachments. Mr. Harward indicated his willingness to do what is needed to avoid future cattle encroachments at the site, including: Keeping the gates closed at the stream crossing. Improving the fence at the crossing to prevent calves from moving through the chains when the crossing is in use. Providing a water source in the lower, western pasture. Cattle use this field primarily in the fall and winter. Conducting weekly inspections of the fence and addressing any issues to prevent cattle from accessing easement. Communicating with WSP frequently on status and findings of the weekly inspections. WSP will continue regular coordination with Mr. Harward, Mr. Cline and Mr. Allen throughout the year to track progress and compliance with these elements of the plan. In addition to these items, WSP has initiated monthly site visits to inspect the conservation easement, fence condition, and signs of cattle encroachment, and will report site findings to DMS following each visit. DMS has likewise initiated monthly site visits. The exclusion of livestock together with the planting of additional trees and shrubs along the modified channel segments of UT-2 and UT-3, and portions of the riparian zone of UT-3, will improve the rate of forest establishment within the riparian zone, improve water quality and water infiltration through soil, and provide for a stable and persistent channel and floodplain. WSP staff completed the installation of additional fencing at Old Mine Road to close off gaps between the easement fence and the bridge to prevent cattle from entering the easement from the roadway. Invasive Plants: Issue: Invasive plants have been greatly reduced to less than 5 percent cover within the easement. Some recurrence of treated species such as Chinese privet and tree -of -heaven has been noted within the easement by both WSP and DMS staff. DMS staff have also observed patches of Japanese honeysuckle. Plan: Invasive plant removal will be performed within the easement in the winter and spring using a combination of hand -pulling and cut -stump herbicide treatment. The stream restoration and enhancement corridor will be inspected and invasive plants removed or treated as encountered. Monitoring Plan: Following the completion of the stream channel corrections and additional plantings, WSP will conduct periodic visual monitoring of site conditions along the entire channel and riparian zones of UT-2 and UT-3. Site conditions will be recorded through photographs and plan notes indicating locations of active bank erosion, excessive sediment aggradation and degradation, head cuts, undercut banks, and other features indicative of active channel adjustments. If needed, any additional channel work to address localized areas of instability on UT-2 or UT-3 will be completed by hand work. Locations will be marked on a site map with approximate beginning and end points, type of feature, and photograph locations to aid in future inspections of these same areas. The dam outfall above UT-2 will also be inspected periodically for signs of erosion or new beaver activity. For UT-3 the riparian zone will be monitored for tree and shrub density in the spring using the established plot and a series of a minimum of six additional 10m by 10m plots. Both planted material and recruits will be counted. Each plot will be photographed. The general condition of the observed trees and shrubs will be recorded. A letter report will be sent to DMS with the results of the monitoring by May 301 with recommendations to address any issues observed. A final letter report summarizing the monitoring and maintenance findings will be submitted in early fall to DMS and the IRT. Permitting Plan: Prior to implementation of any work that will directly impact aquatic resources the appropriate federal and state permits will be acquired. For this project a Nationwide Permit No. 27 for habitat enhancement will be required from the USACE, and a Section 401 Water Quality Certificate will be required from the NC Division of Water Quality. Permit applications and supporting materials will be prepared and submitted to each agency for review and approval. The area of disturbance on UT2 and UT3 is estimated to be less than 700 SY or 0.016 acre; therefore, a Land Disturbance permit will not be required. Project Closeout: WSP is proposing a project closeout site visit to be scheduled for November or early December of 2021. Based on the implementation of the measures noted above and the exclusion of cattle from the easement WSP anticipates requesting a full credit release for UT-2 and UT-3 for a combined total of 1,259 SMUs. Reach ID Stationing Existing Feet (linear feet) Restoration Footage* (Stationing) Mitigation Ratio Stream Mitigation Units 335 P (10+00 - 13+35) 44 EII (13+35 - 10+00 to 13+79) R 1:1 UT 2 19+51 951 49 R (13+79 - E II 2.5:1 343 14+28) P 5:1 523 EII (14+28 - 19+51) 218 R (10+00 - 12+18) 249 EII (12+18 - 14+67) 194 EI (14+67 - 16+61) 24 R (16+61 - 16+85) 342 EI (16+85 - 10+00 to 20+27) R 1:1 UT 3 1,475 E I 5:1 916 24+75 109 EII (20+27 - E II 2 2.5:1 21+36) 23 R (21+36 - 21+59) 255 EII (21+59 - 24+14) 40 R (24+14 - 24+54) 21 EII (24+54- 24+75) Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the proposed Adaptive Management Plan. Sincerely, WS 'US So tions, Inc. Edward Samanns Senior Program Manager Cc: I Becker, WSP M. Holthaus, WSP Attachments 4 w ti Y ® Z 1 101 6 AMMILL FARM INC \ PIN 72834 \ ,\ 1\\l o N �11�\ I I\ to c WE 656.3'Uj Li r4 Z\\ \\!� .rn — REMOVE EXISTING P .E ly N m v \1 ..—..—.. .. ..—..—..—..—..— .—.. \ \\� D —'� ----- - - - -- \ a a —j elf '\ � d V) a el on tructI n and a s III a st a be en "� a St +0 n 16 5. / 1 r� W 0 O N I �a w cr Q o cra�� 3 Uzzz — oaaZ Z -J U W O * L� Cr V1 Z L-0OQ p x� x\ CO{n O Z W x V) x x W a w O Ja'42 aO ~WAN a x �cr >- v~i a I x O �o w CAR A JUNE 2014 SEAL 94147 16003 ' = FILENAME 0 50' 100• �v'•�Ip'q((�vt�� SHEET No. 150E 54 i ........... 'Hp,\ DRAWING No. PC4 SCALE 1 • -1 00 DRAWN By JAD Filename: pera ions —Little buffalo Creek \Ueliverables rowings \Final Uesign\Uesign\Constuction Hion et—redesign\lb—buffolo—PLN——4.dgn a e: .me: . . w ti ��9 = U \ �6 z �-64 o ` 6 \\ z '\ z \ o ` Re truct w d inst H MILL FAR INC Of \ DEE 455-23 9 Sta + 5693 4 . z L� 00 M ONUMENT T4 (n .161 0' W D 0 S 11 / ./k RO S I G 0 I E T C '•�• LEI U 4 4 S T 1 P I _ \O `\ T 647.50' .�•• ••—..— coo 6 4' OUT - 6 9' ••�.. �..—..—. •• a r` ,N• REMOVE EXISTING FENCa N N \ E 6 l \ W THIN EASEMENT AREA Y .1 X C C \�\ 15+00 xx o ^ — — —x x— / L.L UJ Q x— x —x m \ \ 3 X x LIj W `o 5 Lj mz WE 664. \\\\ \ - 4 {n o \ 5 M EXI ING PE Q 52'' CMP INVER - \ \ _ _ � elf 52' CMP INV OU 00 _ H \ 6 6 4 ~ s LEI LEI \ 4 6 —x o x x x_0: w 0 \ \ xx �LLI � O V \ \ } x x J LV pp enta la in A a s S I nta ting a w a o + an Tall Fe u H rbi id nd Fes Her III a U z z z Treat t ea Tr atmen ea O 0202 Z 1 + << U O �+ � 0 / - LLJ mV)crx o LLI + / LLI ��a� O + ~a�w a. + �cr N a ~ a w CAR���ii�i ^ JUNE 2014 SEAL 94147 16003 ) FILENAME 0 50'ISHEET 100' .QIHp\[��`` DRAWING NO. N017 PC654 SCALE I • -1 00 DRAWN BY JAD Filename: pera ions —Little buffalo Creek \L)eliverables rowings \Final Uesign\Uesign\Constuction Hion Set —redesign _ u f folo—PLN_—bLdgn a e: .me: . . CONSTRUCTION LIMITS OUTER EDGE OF BANKFULL BEND LOW FLOW CHANNEL 6" GRAVEL MAINSTEM CONCRETE REMOVAL RIFFLE ALIGNMENT STATIONS 64+06 TO 64+21.15 64+56.15 TO 64+66.15 65+06.15 TO 65+27.87 N.T.S. OUTER EDGE OF BANKFULL BEND OUTER EDGE OF BANKFULL BENCF T EXISTING GROUND — EXISTING GROUND CONSTRUCTION LIMITS VARIES .0.5'. 0.5'. VARIES OUTER EDGE OF BANKFULL BENCH NOTE: CHANNEL DEPTH SHALL BE 6 INCHES MINIMUM. LOW FLOW CHANNEL UT2 AND UT3 CHANNEL CREATION ALIGNMENT STATIONS UT2 13+72.14 TO 14+23.88 UT3 10+00 TO 11+97.12 N.T.S. CONSTRUCTION LIMITS MEET EXISTING GROUN� CONSTRUCTION LIMITS 10.5' 10.5' itADICc VARIES OUTER EDGE OF BANKFULL BENCH LOW FLOW CHANNEL MAINSTEM CONCRETE REMOVAL POOL ALIGNMENT STATIONS 64+36.15 TO 64+46.15 64+76.15 TO 64+96.15 N.T.S. EXISTING EX GROUND I GF \\� OUTER EDGE OF\�� \//�//��� I� j /\\j\\ �`OUTER EDGE OF BANKFULL BENCH\/�\\//\\// �� \\//\\//��/� BANKFULL BENCH EXISTING TOE OF SLOP OW FLOW CHANNEL UT3 AND UT4 BANK ENHANCEMENT ALIGNMENT STATIONS UT3 14+60.22 TO 19+74.90 UT4 14+31 TO 18+28 N.T.S. \N'CA //// SEAL 16003 E` F r a uo C.0 N cu Ur C a) c Irf > 2 wQcu Lu co (n 6 0 5- i elf la a V) 0: z a w o — Y O cc — w } d L) J Iraww L) Z Z `l w oLom JJ << L) z _ LL0�a ~�z �w u w a2 LLJ Ljx JW�} 0 O � � a V) a L) w U' JUNE 2014 94147 TY5 STREAM BANK DETAIL - ZONE 1 N.T.S. LIVE STAKE INSTALLATION: 1. TAMP THE LIVE STAKE INTO THE GROUND AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE SLOPE FACE. 2. LIVE STAKES SHALL BE INSTALLED 2-3 FEET APART USING TRIANGULAR SPACING. STAKES SHOULD BE PLACED WITH 2 TO 4 STAKES PER SQUARE YARD. 3. BUDS SHALL BE ORIENTED UP. 4. FOUR FIFTHS OF THE LENGTH OF THE LIVE STAKE SHALL BE INSTALLED INTO THE GROUND AND SOIL FIRMLY PACKED AROUND IT AFTER INSTALLATION. 5. STAKES THAT SPLIT DURING INSTALLATION SHALL BE REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. 6. AN IRON BAR CAN BE USED TO MAKE A PILOT HOLE IN FIRM SOIL. DRIVE THE LIVE STAKE INTO THE GROUND WITH A DEAD HAMMER (HAMMER HEAD FILLED WITH SHOT OR SAND). SCIENTIFIC NAME BLACK WILLOW SALIX NIGRA SILKY DOGWOOD A CORNUS AMOMUM Additional Species: Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentilus) Alders (Alnus) Pussywillow (Salix discolor) STREAM BED LIVE STAKE INSTALLED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO GROUND SURFACE m ST P�INp) it �6 /N BY 6 /N BACKF/LLED TERMINAL ANCHOR TRENCH LIVE STAKE INSTALLATION N.T.S. 6 IN BY 6 IN BACKFILLED INITIAL ANCHOR TRENCH f a LO co 7 N C Cu >a wQCu � ) w�a m�z �oZ o j elf la LIVE STAKE DETAIL � a LIVE STAKE GUIDELINES: N.T.S. W 7) O Cr w� } aa�� a 1. LIVE STAKE CUTTINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE PLANTING ZONE I AS INDICATED ON THE PLANTING NOTES. u Z z z W 2. LIVE STAKE CUTTINGS SHALL BE 0.5 TO 1.5 INCHES IN DIAMETER AND A MINIMUM OF THREE FEET LONG. aaQW 3. CUTTINGS SHOULD BE UNDAMAGED, DISEASE AND INSECT FREE STOCK, AND FROM THE LIST OF ACCEPTABLE SPECIES PROVIDED ON THE PLANS. � Cr � z Z 4. MATERIALS MUST HAVE SIDE BRANCHES CLEANLY REMOVED AND BARK INTACT. � o Cr = m 5. THE BASAL ENDS SHOULD BE CUT AT AN ANGLE FOR EASY INSERTION INTO THE SOIL. THE TOP SHOULD BE SQUARE. STAKES SHOULD BE uJ Cr z Cr m W W PLANTED WITH BUTT -END INTO THE GROUND. BUDS SHOULD BE ORIENTED UP. 2 L)w a 6. MATERIALS SHALL BE SOAKED 1N WATER A MINIMUM OF 10 DAYS IMMEDIATELY AFTER PREPARATION. MATERIALS SHOULD BE INSTALLED THE JUJ } V) SAME DAY THAT THEY ARRIVE ON SITE. THE MATERIAL MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO DRY OUT; KEEP MATERIALS IN WATER OR IN A COOL. � a SHADED. WET ENVIROMENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. w 7. PLANTS SHALL BE BOTH CUT AND INSTALLED WHEN THEY ARE DORMANT: THAT IS. PRIOR TO BUD SWELL AND LEAF EMERGENCE IN THE °\II1111„' SPRING AND AFTER LEAVES HAVE TURNED COLOR AND FALLEN OFF 1N THE FALL. THE INSTALLATION PERIOD IN THE SPRING IS BETWEEN c ji �•; s A JUNE 2014 MARCH 1 AND APRIL 15, AND IN THE FALL BETWEEN OCTOBER 30 AND NOVEMBER 30. _ SEAL __ — 16003 S 94147 FILENAME _— omit... � SHEET NO. 51 OF 54 DT9 /1111111\ DRAWN BY JAD !name: pera ions — Ll e u a o ree a ivera es Minas no esgn esign ons ua ion Plan a _re esign — u 33_ an a e: ime: