HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC205277_Site Plan or Location Map_20201118DocuSign Envelope ID: BCD85568-50BE-48B1-97AA-81E40FC49982 NOTES: I The basis of North and all easements, right-of-way's, buffers, setbacks and adjoiners, etc., referenced from Book of Maps xxx, Page xxx unless otherwise noted. Sd. �eY �yg 2) No investigation into the existence of jurisdictional wetlands or riparian buffers performed by this firm- Z ? 3) Surveyor has made no investigation or independent search for easements of record, encumbrances, restrictive covenants, ownership title evidence or any other facts that an BM xxx, Page xxx accurate and current title search may disclose. ( 0 a SCALE 1' =100 Vicinity Map (No Scale) LEGEND: Zoning Approved Chatham County O Ex. property corner • Set property corner V7/23/2V2V 8:19:V5 9J4l O Calculated point ® Water Meter .._-_ w�' Z i (9 Sanitary Sewer Cleanout J�VG�CG ✓✓ ✓ �C-I Power Pole © Power Pedestal Cl IR ROU AR_C_I TH CHORD LENGTH CHORD BEARING DELTA ANGLE ❑T Telephone Pedestal C' - - — - l ir• vo-a by wv i u © Cable Pedestal LINE I BEARING IDISTANCF 0 HVAC L1 N31°37'37"VJ 49-59 —x— Fence L2 N 39°27'33" W 20,34' ---i1l— Water L3 N 55" 4' 69-01' ---Ss— Sanitary sewer pipe L4 N 71 °33'W E 26-35' JOHNS HUDSON III —sD— Storm drain pipe L5 S 44°05'44" E 79-64- PIN: 9757-00-20-7201 L2 --o>— Overhead utility L6 S 22°45'27" E 59-49 D.B 876, PG 856 B.M. Book of Maps L7 S 33124'45" E 97,30' D.B. Deed Book Pg. Page L6 S 53°42.16" E 56-76 r , r- 5.F. Square Feet L1 N 3g•27'33" W 3CA.31 Ac. Acres ^ — — IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: / L7 L6 L5 House: X,XXX S.F. Patio/HVAC: XX S.F. / Driveway Et / \ Sidewalk: X,XXX S.F. \ Total: X,XXX S.F. \ Lot Area: X,XXX S.F. \ % Impervious Area: XX.X% \ BUILDING SETBACKS: Front: 40' _ J Side: 25' _ Z 107PERENNIAL r — J N BUFF STREAM ER — _a f W �l ` r~ m IIND DEC: CS.P 5' ry 12.67' ° °s I 105,045S 21331 5-76, 575, 2 412 Ac I i I _ � Im 1 v I I9 ++I 48 IT I LOT4-15'SEPTIC 8• 7567' THE ACCESS ESMT. ! � da io COLEY 49 1' 2117' LOT 6 - 20'SEPTIC I 23.87' PROP ��� ACCESS ESMT. CONC�••� — J DRIVE HOUSE DETAIL 1"=40' Y _ G1 RIDGE WpY MORGANay D Rlghl-of W 60' The purpose of this Plot Plan is to depict the proposed PLOT PLAN location of the house and drive on the subject propoerty 90 Morgan Ridge Way for building permit purposes only. No on -the -ground PIN: XXx-XX-XXX survey of the property boundaries has been performed by Taylor Land Consultants, PLLC. This is not a certified PRELIMINARY Morgan Ridge Subdivision Phase 1 survey and cannot be used for any property conveyance B.M. xxxx, Page xx, Lot #xx or sale. FOR BUILDING PERMIT Chapel Hill, orange County, NC PURPOSES ONLY July 21, 2020 Job #: 20965 TAYLOR LAND CONSULTANTS. PLLC License No P-0829 1600 Olive Chapel Road, #140 (919) 801-1104 Apex, NC 27502