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SWA000081_15.00391 Stormwater Report - Sealed_20201116
DESIGN REPORT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Horsepasture River Wastewater Treatment Plant and Collection System Improvements JacksonCounty, North Carolina 2020 _________________________________________ Scott Burwell, PE NC Professional Engineer No. 039177 McGill Associates, P.A. 55 Broad Street Asheville, NC 28801 License Number C-0459 3131/19/35! 24;31;3:! .15(11( AUGUST2020 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN HORSEPASTURE RIVER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT AND COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS JACKSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1.1PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 3 1.2 SITE DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................... 3 1.3 ADJACENT PROPERTY .................................................................................................... 3 1.4 SOILS ................................................................................................................................. 3 1.5 STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURES .......................................................................... 4 APPENDICES APPENDIXASITELOCATIONMAP APPENDIXBDEED(S) APPENDIXCCALCULATIONS:WETPOND APPENDIXDCALCULATIONS:PIPES APPENDIXECALCULATIONS:OUTLETPROTECTION APPENDIXFRAINFALLANDSOILSDATA APPENDIXGDRAINAGEAREAMAPS 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Theprojectconsistsoftheconstructionofanewwastewatertreatmentplantonthe HorsepastureRiverandimprovementsofthecollectionsystem.Theprojectislocatedonthe HorsepastureRiverinCashiers,JacksonCounty,NorthCarolina.Duetoexcesswastewaterflows, theTuckaseigeeWaterandSewerAuthority(TWSA)sawanimmediateneedforincreased wastewatercollectionandtreatmentcapacityintheCashiersservicearea.Thesitewillbe accessedfromacrossHorsepastureRiveronUSHighway64.Inordertoreachthesite,a temporarystreamcrossingwillbeconstructedtoaidintheconstructionofanewpermanent bridge.Oncethebridgeconstructioniscomplete,thetemporarystreamcrossingwillbe removedandthestreamwillberestoredtoitsnaturalcondition. FinanciallyResponsibleParty: TuckaseigeeWaterandSewerAuthority 1246WestMainStreet Sylva,NorthCarolina28779 Contact: Mr.DanielManring ExecutiveDirector (828)5865189 1.2 SITE DESCRIPTION The project site can be described as predominately high sloped wooded area. The average slope of the site south of the Horsepasture River is 17%. The average slope around the Horsepasture River is 2%. The grading operations will occur where proposed grades are shown on the plans. The site drains towards the Horsepasture River and runoff will collect into a proposed wetpond before discharging into the river. The site lies within a state-defined ÐOutstanding Water Resources AreaÑ, therefore all stomwater management devices have been designed for the 25- year, 24-hour storm event. 1.3 ADJACENT PROPERTY The surrounding properties of the site are best described as predominately wooded with a few residential, single-family lots on the east side. The property across US 64 E is grass. 1.4 SOILS The extents of the project site contain soils with the following map unit names: Nikwasi fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded, group A/D (NkA), and Saunook gravelly loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes, group B (SaD). 1.5 STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURES A wetpond was selected as the primary stormwater control measure for this project to satisfy volume and flow match requirements. Based on post-construction conditions, all runoff within the improved drainage areas will be captured and detained in the proposed wetpond. The wetpond is sized to treat the runoff from the 25-year design storm from all proposed built-upon areas associated with the project. All offsite stormwater runoff will bypassed around the project area and will not be treated. APPENDIX A SITE LOCATION MAP APPENDIX B DEED(S) APPENDIX C WETPOND CALCULATIONS WET POND CALCULATIONS Horsepasture River Wastewater Treatment Plant (Procedure and Calculations taken from NCDEQ Stormwater BMP Manual, 7/18/19 Revision)Jackson County, NC 7-May-20 Step 1:Solve for R & Design Volume V Step 2:Assume Permanent pool Average Depth, determine SA/DA ratio and calculate required minimum surface area (SA) Step 3:Using CAD design and minimum SA, calculated average depth Step 4: Check if d> Assumed. If so, design is good. av Step 5:If d< Assumed, then assume greater depth and go back to Step 2 av Step 6:Confirm design volume requirement met Step 7:Confirm orifice size for 2-5 drawdown requirement Step 8:Verify Forebay Size Step 1: Solve for Rv & Design Volume Total DA =3.77acres DA-IMP =1.66acres IA=44.10% R 0.050.9 I VA V 3630 RRA min DV R= Rainfall Depth Rv = Runoff Coefficient1.00 in D IA = Impervious FractionV= 6114.87 cf min Rv =0.45 SA SADA 43560 min DA Step 2: Determine minimum Surface Area ASSUMED PERMANENT POOL DEPTH = 3' SA / DA =1.51% SA = 2479.25 sf min Steps 3 - 5: Determine average depth and compare to assumption d= V/SA*Use if shelf is not submerged (Equation 2) av pp d= VV/A*Use if shelf is partially or completely submerged (Equation 3) av pp - shelfbottomofshelf Equation 2 (Values from actual CAD design)Equation 3 (Values from actual CAD design) Depth V=17111.5*Main Pool OnlyV= maxovershelf pppp Perimeter SA=5071.4 OK V=0 permpool shelf Width d=3.37 OK A= submergedpartofshelf avbottomofshelf d=#DIV/0!#DIV/0! av Step 6: Confirm design volume requirement is met Elevation SA= 10111.05Temporary Pool Surface Area3193 tp SA= 5071.4Permanent Pool Surface Area3190 pp Depth= 3Depth of Temporary Pool (Distance from TP to PP) tp Volume= 22774 OK tp Step 7: Confirm draw down requirement met (2-5 days) Volume= 22774 cf tp 3.00 ft HW= HW/3=1.00 ft Orifice Size=2in Q=0.10 cfs Dewatering Time (Hours)=60.25 OK Dewatering Time (Days)=2.51 Step 8: Verify Forebay Volume Sizing (15-20% of Main Pool Volume) Volume= 2750.8cf forebay Volume= 17112 cf mainpool Volume %=16%OK Step 9: Emergency Spillway Sizing Q50=28.33cfs Spillway Depth=1ft Spillway Length=12ft Spillway Capacity=33.60 cfs OK on dimensionvolume provided (ft^3)Factor of safety Block floatation Anti Concrete 148" Pre-cast box259.5237.51482098.88' x 8' x 3'1921.943319838 150lb/cf concrete 62.4lb/cf water basin idriser area (ft^2)height (ft)volume (ft^3)weight of water displaced (lbs)volume of concrete required (ft^3)anti-floatati 1S 2S Pre-Development Post-Development 1 1P Wet Pond Routing Diagram for 15.00391-Wet Pond-NC Reach SubcatPond Link Prepared by McGill & Associates, Printed 10/29/2020 HydroCAD® 10.00-16 s/n 04263 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 15.00391-Wet Pond-NC Printed 10/29/2020 Prepared by McGill & Associates HydroCAD® 10.00-16 s/n 04263 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 2 Area Listing (all nodes) AreaCNDescription (sq-miles)(subcatchment-numbers) 0.00336950-75% Grass cover, Fair, HSG B (2S) 0.002698Paved parking & roofs (2S) 0.005960Woods, Fair, HSG B (1S) 0.011871TOTAL AREA 15.00391-Wet Pond-NC Printed 10/29/2020 Prepared by McGill & Associates HydroCAD® 10.00-16 s/n 04263 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 3 Soil Listing (all nodes) AreaSoilSubcatchment (sq-miles)GroupNumbers 0.0000HSG A 0.0092HSG B1S, 2S 0.0000HSG C 0.0000HSG D 0.0026Other2S 0.0118TOTAL AREA 15.00391-Wet Pond-NC Printed 10/29/2020 Prepared by McGill & Associates HydroCAD® 10.00-16 s/n 04263 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 4 Ground Covers (all nodes) HSG-AHSG-BHSG-CHSG-DOtherTotalGroundSubcatchment (sq-miles)(sq-miles)(sq-miles)(sq-miles)(sq-miles)(sq-miles)CoverNumbers 0.00000.00330.00000.00000.00000.003350-75% Grass cover, Fair2S 0.00000.00000.00000.00000.00260.0026Paved parking & roofs2S 0.00000.00590.00000.00000.00000.0059Woods, Fair1S 0.00000.00920.00000.00000.00260.0118TOTAL AREA 15.00391-Wet Pond-NC Printed 10/29/2020 Prepared by McGill & Associates HydroCAD® 10.00-16 s/n 04263 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 5 Pipe Listing (all nodes) Line#NodeIn-InvertOut-InvertLengthSlopenDiam/WidthHeightInside-Fill Number(feet)(feet)(feet)(ft/ft)(inches)(inches)(inches) 11P3,185.003,179.0075.00.08000.01124.00.00.0 Type II 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=10.10" 15.00391-Wet Pond-NC Printed 10/29/2020 Prepared by McGill & Associates HydroCAD® 10.00-16 s/n 04263 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 6 Time span=0.00-96.00 hrs, dt=0.10 hrs, 961 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Runoff Area=164,189 sf Runoff Depth=4.98" Subcatchment 1S: Pre-Development Tc=0.250 hrs CN=60 Runoff=23.29 cfs 1.564 af Runoff Area=164,189 sf Runoff Depth=7.87" Subcatchment 2S: Post-Development 1 Tc=0.250 hrs CN=82 Runoff=35.19 cfs 2.473 af Peak Elev=3,192.78' Storage=38,743 cf Inflow=35.19 cfs 2.473 af Pond 1P: Wet Pond Outflow=22.69 cfs 2.080 af Total Runoff Area = 0.0118 sm Runoff Volume = 4.037 af Average Runoff Depth = 6.43" Type II 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=10.10" 15.00391-Wet Pond-NC Printed 10/29/2020 Prepared by McGill & Associates HydroCAD® 10.00-16 s/n 04263 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 7 Summary for Subcatchment 1S: Pre-Development Runoff=23.29 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume=1.564 af, Depth=4.98" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-96.00 hrs, dt= 0.10 hrs Type II 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=10.10" Area (sf)CNDescription 164,18960Woods, Fair, HSG B TcLengthSlopeVelocityCapacityDescription (hours)(feet)(ft/ft)(ft/sec)(cfs) 0.250 Direct Entry, 15 min assumption Subcatchment 1S: Pre-Development Hydrograph 26 Runoff 25 23.29 cfs 24 23 Type II 24-hr 22 21 25-yr Rainfall=10.10" 20 19 Runoff Area=164,189 sf 18 17 16 Runoff Volume=1.564 af 15 14 Runoff Depth=4.98" 13 12 Tc=0.250 hrs Flow (cfs) 11 10 CN=60 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 05101520253035404550556065707580859095 Time (hours) Type II 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=10.10" 15.00391-Wet Pond-NC Printed 10/29/2020 Prepared by McGill & Associates HydroCAD® 10.00-16 s/n 04263 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 8 Summary for Subcatchment 2S: Post-Development 1 Runoff=35.19 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume=2.473 af, Depth=7.87" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-96.00 hrs, dt= 0.10 hrs Type II 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=10.10" Area (sf)CNDescription 91,7796950-75% Grass cover, Fair, HSG B 72,41098Paved parking & roofs 164,18982Weighted Average TcLengthSlopeVelocityCapacityDescription (hours)(feet)(ft/ft)(ft/sec)(cfs) 0.250 Direct Entry, 15 min assumption Subcatchment 2S: Post-Development 1 Hydrograph Runoff 38 35.19 cfs 36 Type II 24-hr 34 32 25-yr Rainfall=10.10" 30 28 Runoff Area=164,189 sf 26 Runoff Volume=2.473 af 24 22 Runoff Depth=7.87" 20 18 Tc=0.250 hrs Flow (cfs) 16 CN=82 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 05101520253035404550556065707580859095 Time (hours) Type II 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=10.10" 15.00391-Wet Pond-NC Printed 10/29/2020 Prepared by McGill & Associates HydroCAD® 10.00-16 s/n 04263 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 9 Summary for Pond 1P: Wet Pond Inflow Area =0.0059 sm, Inflow Depth = 7.87" for 25-yr event Inflow=35.19 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume=2.473 af Outflow=22.69 cfs @ 12.21 hrs, Volume=2.080 af, Atten= 36%, Lag= 8.7 min Primary=22.69 cfs @ 12.21 hrs, Volume=2.080 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-96.00 hrs, dt= 0.10 hrs Peak Elev= 3,192.78' @ 12.23 hrs Surf.Area= 9,867 sf Storage= 38,743 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 122.2 min calculated for 2.080 af (84% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 51.9 min ( 847.0 - 795.1 ) VolumeInvertAvail.StorageStorage Description #13,185.00'51,828 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) ElevationSurf.AreaInc.StoreCum.Store (feet)(sq-ft)(cubic-feet)(cubic-feet) 3,185.001,76900 3,190.005,07017,09817,098 3,191.007,4506,26023,358 3,194.0011,53028,47051,828 DeviceRouting InvertOutlet Devices #1Primary3,185.00' 24.0" Round RCP_Round 24" L= 75.0' RCP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 3,185.00' / 3,179.00' S= 0.0800 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.011 Concrete pipe, straight & clean, Flow Area= 3.14 sf #2Device 13,190.00'18.0" W x 4.0" H Vert. Orifice/Grate X 4.00 C= 0.600 #3Device 13,192.50' C= 0.600 48.0" x 48.0" Horiz. Orifice/Grate Limited to weir flow at low heads #4Primary3,193.00' 26.6 deg x 12.0' long x 1.00' rise Sharp-Crested Vee/Trap Weir Cv= 2.63 (C= 3.29) Max=21.79 cfs @ 12.21 hrs HW=3,192.74' (Free Discharge) Primary OutFlow (Passes 21.79 cfs of 39.28 cfs potential flow) 1=RCP_Round 24" (Orifice Controls 15.46 cfs @ 7.73 fps) 2=Orifice/Grate (Weir Controls 6.33 cfs @ 1.62 fps) 3=Orifice/Grate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 4=Sharp-Crested Vee/Trap Weir Type II 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=10.10" 15.00391-Wet Pond-NC Printed 10/29/2020 Prepared by McGill & Associates HydroCAD® 10.00-16 s/n 04263 © 2015 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 10 Pond 1P: Wet Pond Hydrograph Inflow Primary 35.19 cfs 38 36 Inflow Area=0.0059 sm 34 Peak Elev=3,192.78' 32 30 Storage=38,743 cf 28 26 22.69 cfs 24 22 20 18 Flow (cfs) 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 05101520253035404550556065707580859095 Time (hours) APPENDIX D PIPE CALCULATIONS !!!!! g's ing's Factor Controlling Design Outcomes Pipe Size Comment Adequacy (CFS) Capacity Inlet Control (CFS) Capacity Manning's (y) Inlet Constant (c) Inlet Constant Inlet HDS-5 Ref. No. (FT) Available Headwater Manning's and Inlet Control Values Pipe Slope Coef. (n) Roughness Pipe Material Pipe ID Total (CFS) (CFS) Incremental (IN/HR) Rainfall Intensity Runoff Coef. (C) Weighted Rational Method Calculation Q = CiA Drainage Area (AC) & depth. Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts Diameter (IN) Inv. Out Bevel Bevel oo (FT) Length Rim Pipe Characteristics Structure Upstream CMP, ProjectingCircular, Beveled Ring, 45Circular, Beveled Ring, 37 1RCP, Square edge w/headwall 2RCP, Groove w/headwall 3RCP, Groove End Projecting 4CMP, Headwall5CMP, Mitered to Slope678 Structure ID Downstream STORM DRAIN PIPES Temporary Stream CrossingTemporary Stream CrossingTemporary Stream CrossingTemporary Stream CrossingTemporary Stream Crossing Upstream Structure ID L:\\Broadstreet\\Projects\\2015\\15.00391\\misc\\Civil Site Plan\\Stormwater\\15.00391 - Pipe Calcs 1CB #1CB #23222.6584.353219.093218.251843050.100.679.600.630.631HDPE0.0111.00%3.5610.04500.6912.3913.26OKManning's2CB #2CB #33222.43133.583218.153216.8218159450.370.689.602.403.032HDPE0.0111.00%4.281 0.04500.6912.3915.02OKManning's3CB #3CB #43222.5472.313216.723216.0018158190.360.619.602.115.143HDPE0.0111.00%5.8210.04500.6912.3918.24OKManning's4CB #4CB #53222.8283.223215.903213.881849430.110.589. 600.635.774HDPE0.0112.43%6.9210.04500.6919.3420.24OKManning's5CB #5CB #63217.5928.53213.783211.501861970.140.489.600.666.435HDPE0.0118.00%3.8110.04500.6935.1114.03OKInlet6CB #6CB #113215.0788.833210. 623200.5018235600.540.519.602.659.096HDPE0.01111.39%4.4510.04500.6941.9015.59OKInlet7CB #7CB #83207.3393.673203.763202.8218125160.290.729.601.991.997HDPE0.0111.00%3.5710.04500.6912.4413.28OKManning's 8CB #8CB #93207.37121.893202.723201.501894140.220.729.601.493.488HDPE0.0111.00%4.6510.04500.6912.4215.86OKManning's9CB #9CB #103207.1680.483201.403200.5918124310.290.679.601.845.329HDPE0.0111.01%5.76 10.04500.6912.4518.12OKManning's 10CB #10CB #113208.19128.313200.493199.211834320.080.499.600.375.6910HDPE0.0111.00%7.7010.04500.6912.4021.52OKManning's11CB #11CB #123205.2335.683199.113198.501878120.180.469.600.7915.5711HDPE0.0111. 71%6.1210.04500.6916.2318.81OKManning's12CB #12JB #13202.2058.823197.503186.861860410.140.619.600.8216.3912HDPE0.01118.09%4.7010.04500.6952.8016.24No GoodInlet13JB #1HW #13190.4811.513185.703185.5018 GoodInlet16JB #2JB #33182.8891.883178.493176.031800.00#DIV/0!9.600.009.0516RCP0.0122.68%4.3910.04500.6918.6215.30OKInlet17HW #4JB #33179.0848.753176.503176.0324149360.340.369.601.1913.0917RCP0.0120.96%2.5810.04500.6924.0616.29OKInlet18JB #3HW #53183.6223.383175.933175.702400.00#DIV/0!9.600.0022.1518RCP0.0120.98%7.6910.045 00.6924.3137.23OKManning's EX 1EX HWJB #23182.0035.223179.343178.5918See Note 3#VALUE!#VALUE!9.609.059.05EX 1CMP0.0222.13%2.6610.04500.699.0610.67OKManninEX 2EX HWEX HW3182.0041.63178.103177.7724See Note 3#VALUE!#VALUE!9.6011. 9011.90EX 2CMP0.0220.79%3.9010.04500.6911.9123.55OKMann 14(1)HW #2HW #33197.9047.873195.003191.00242802456.430.309.6018.6118.6114(1)HDPE0.0118.36%2.9010.04500.6977.2818.75OKInlet14(2)HW #2HW #33197.9047.873195.003191.00242802456.430.309.6018.6118.6114(2)H DPE0.0118.36%2.9010.04500.6977.2818.75OKInlet15(1)64.943175.003174.0048See Note 4#VALUE!#VALUE!9.60#VALUE!#VALUE!15(1)HDPE0.0111.54%-3,175.0010.04500.69210.66#NUM!#NUM!#NUM15(2)63.993175.003174.0048S ee Note 4#VALUE!#VALUE!9.60#VALUE!#VALUE!15(2)HDPE0.0111.56%-3,175.0010.04500.69212.22#NUM!#NUM!#NUM15(3)63.073175.003174.0048See Note 4#VALUE!#VALUE!9.60#VALUE!#VALUE!15(3)HDPE0.0111.59%-3,175.0010. 04500.69213.76#NUM!#NUM!#NUM15(4)62.093175.003174.0048See Note 4#VALUE!#VALUE!9.60#VALUE!#VALUE!15(4)HDPE0.0111.61%-3,175.0010.04500.69215.44#NUM!#NUM!#NUM15(5)61.153175.003174.0048See Note 4#VALUE!#VALUE!9.60#VALUE!#VALUE!15(5)HDPE0.0111.64%-3,175.0010.04500.69217.09#NUM!#NUM!#NUM Pipe IDInv. InDrainage Area (SF) Notes:1. Inlet control capacities are calculated using Equation 28 located in the Federal Highway Administration publication HDS-5 -2. Calculations do not take into account reduced flow on account of oversized pipe and outlet control structure.3. Assumed flow of existing storm pipes crossing under US HWY-64 were determined by full pipe capacity at their as-built slope 4. See plan sheets for Temporary Stream Crossing details.5. HDS-5 Inlet Reference Numbers are as follows: APPENDIX E OUTLET PROTECTION CALCULATIONS New York DOT Dissipator Method For Use in Defined Channels Guide to Color Key:User Input DataCalculated ValueReference Data Designed By:NLC Date:5.28.20 Checked By:SEB Date: Company:McGill Associates Project Name:Horsepasture WWTP Project No.:15.00391 Site Location (City/Town)Cashiers, NC Culvert Id.HW #1 Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Velocity (ft/s)9.19 Pipe Culvert Opening type Single or multiple openings?Single (ft) Outlet pipe diameter, D 1.5 o NOTE 1: If opening type is anything other than "Pipe Culvert", D=A (Cross- oo sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, D=1.25 x D of single culvert. oo Zone2Figure 8.06c Will apron have >/=10% grade?Yes NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10%, use next higher Zone in Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft)6Figure 8.06d Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments e Max. stone size (in.)12Figure 8.06e Min. & max range of stones (lbs)25-150Figure 8.05f Weight range of 75% of stones (lbs)50-150Figure 8.05f New York DOT Dissipator Method For Use in Defined Channels Guide to Color Key:User Input DataCalculated ValueReference Data Designed By:NLC Date:6.1.20 Checked By:SEB Date: Company:McGill Associates Project Name:Horsepasture WWTP Project No.:15.00391 Site Location (City/Town)Cashiers, NC Culvert Id.HW #5 Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Velocity (ft/s)6.98 Pipe Culvert Opening type Single or multiple openings?Single (ft) Outlet pipe diameter, D 2 o NOTE 1: If opening type is anything other than "Pipe Culvert", D=A (Cross- oo sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, D=1.25 x D of single culvert. oo Zone2Figure 8.06c Will apron have >/=10% grade?Yes NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10%, use next higher Zone in Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft)8Figure 8.06d Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments e Max. stone size (in.)7Figure 8.06e f Min. & max range of stones (lbs)25-150Figure 8.05f Weight range of 75% of stones (lbs)50-150Figure 8.05f New York DOT Dissipator Method For Use in Defined Channels Guide to Color Key:User Input DataCalculated ValueReference Data Designed By:NLS Date:5.20.20 Checked By:SEB Date:5.20.20 Company:McGill Associates Project Name:Horsepasture WWTP Project No.:15.00391 Site Location (City/Town)Cashiers, NC Culvert Id.Wetpond Spillway Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Velocity (ft/s)10 Paved Channel Outlet Opening type Single or multiple openings?Single (ft) Outlet pipe diameter, D 15 o NOTE 1: If opening type is anything other than "Pipe Culvert", D=A (Cross- oo sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, D=1.25 x D of single culvert. oo Zone5Figure 8.06c Will apron have >/=10% grade?Yes NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10%, use next higher Zone in Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft)75Figure 8.06d Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments e Max. stone size (in.)23Figure 8.06e f Min. & max range of stones (lbs)25-800Figure 8.05f Weight range of 75% of stones (lbs)200-800Figure 8.05f New York DOT Dissipator Method For Use in Defined Channels Guide to Color Key:User Input DataCalculated ValueReference Data Designed By:NLC Date:5.29.20 Checked By:SEB Date: Company:McGill Associates Project Name:Horsepasture WWTP Project No.:15.00391 Site Location (City/Town)Cashiers, NC Culvert Id.Outlet Control Structure Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Velocity (ft/s)7.65 Pipe Culvert Opening type Single or multiple openings?Single (ft) Outlet pipe diameter, D 2 o NOTE 1: If opening type is anything other than "Pipe Culvert", D=A (Cross- oo sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, D=1.25 x D of single culvert. oo Zone2Figure 8.06c Will apron have >/=10% grade?Yes NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10%, use next higher Zone in Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft)8Figure 8.06d Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments e Max. stone size (in.)8Figure 8.06e f Min. & max range of stones (lbs)25-150Figure 8.05f Weight range of 75% of stones (lbs)50-150Figure 8.05f New York DOT Dissipator Method For Use in Defined Channels Guide to Color Key:User Input DataCalculated ValueReference Data Designed By:NLC Date:7.2.20 Checked By:SEB Date: Company:McGill Associates Project Name:Horsepasture WWTP Project No.:15.00391 Site Location (City/Town)Cashiers, NC Culvert Id.Road A Ditch Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Velocity (ft/s)2.94 Paved Channel Outlet Opening type Single or multiple openings?Single (ft) Outlet pipe diameter, D 2 o NOTE 1: If opening type is anything other than "Pipe Culvert", D=A (Cross- oo sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, D=1.25 x D of single culvert. oo Zone1Figure 8.06c Will apron have >/=10% grade?Yes NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10%, use next higher Zone in Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft)6Figure 8.06d Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments e Max. stone size (in.)2Figure 8.06e f Min. & max range of stones (lbs)25-150Figure 8.05f Weight range of 75% of stones (lbs)50-150Figure 8.05f New York DOT Dissipator Method For Use in Defined Channels Guide to Color Key:User Input DataCalculated ValueReference Data Designed By:NLC Date:8/6/2020 Checked By:SEB Date: Company:McGill Associates Project Name:Horsepasture WWTP Project No.:15.00391 Site Location (City/Town)Cashiers, NC Culvert Id.Permanent Ditch #1 Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Velocity (ft/s)9.02 Channel Outlet Opening type Single or multiple openings?Single (ft) Outlet pipe diameter, D 3 o NOTE 1: If opening type is anything other than "Pipe Culvert", D=A (Cross- oo sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, D=1.25 x D of single culvert. oo Zone2Figure 8.06c Will apron have >/=10% grade?Yes NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10%, use next higher Zone in Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft)12Figure 8.06d Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments e Max. stone size (in.)12Figure 8.06e f Min. & max range of stones (lbs)25-150Figure 8.05f Weight range of 75% of stones (lbs)50-150Figure 8.05f New York DOT Dissipator Method For Use in Defined Channels Guide to Color Key:User Input DataCalculated ValueReference Data Designed By:NLC Date:8/6/2020 Checked By:SEB Date: Company:McGill Associates Project Name:Horsepasture WWTP Project No.:15.00391 Site Location (City/Town)Cashiers, NC Culvert Id.Permanent Ditch #2 Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Velocity (ft/s)2.73 Channel Outlet Opening type Single or multiple openings?Single (ft) Outlet pipe diameter, D 3 o NOTE 1: If opening type is anything other than "Pipe Culvert", D=A (Cross- oo sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, D=1.25 x D of single culvert. oo Zone1Figure 8.06c Will apron have >/=10% grade?Yes NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10%, use next higher Zone in Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft)9Figure 8.06d Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments e Max. stone size (in.)2Figure 8.06e f Min. & max range of stones (lbs)25-150Figure 8.05f Weight range of 75% of stones (lbs)50-150Figure 8.05f New York DOT Dissipator Method For Use in Defined Channels Guide to Color Key:User Input DataCalculated ValueReference Data Designed By:NLC Date:8/6/2020 Checked By:SEB Date: Company:McGill Associates Project Name:Horsepasture WWTP Project No.:15.00391 Site Location (City/Town)Cashiers, NC Culvert Id.Permanent Ditch #3 Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Velocity (ft/s)2.38 Channel Outlet Opening type Single or multiple openings?Single (ft) Outlet pipe diameter, D 3 o NOTE 1: If opening type is anything other than "Pipe Culvert", D=A (Cross- oo sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, D=1.25 x D of single culvert. oo Zone1Figure 8.06c Will apron have >/=10% grade?Yes NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10%, use next higher Zone in Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft)9Figure 8.06d Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments e Max. stone size (in.)2Figure 8.06e f Min. & max range of stones (lbs)25-150Figure 8.05f Weight range of 75% of stones (lbs)50-150Figure 8.05f APPENDIX F RAINFALL AND SOILS DATA APPENDIX G DRAINAGE AREA MAPS