HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031554 Ver 2_More Info Received_20100505 (2)Chapman, Amy From: Bob Zarzecki [bzarzecki@sandec.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 1:19 PM To: Chapman, Amy; Homewood, Sue; Ventaloro, Julie; jpayne@ncdoj.gov Cc: Dawson, Amos Subject: FW: Write up - Attorney Work Product - CONFIDENTIAL Attachments: EPA Drinking Water Contaminant List.pdf; EPA-1,4 Dioxane.pdf _ u .._ . _ . _ .. ... 0-1, _ .,. _ _..v _ _ .:F. ;? ?. .a .. _ ,. ..._."?' _.i_ 1K _.__? .. .. i.l ..... -es S US n G( "D 2 TO S r a', S. -a`E - c a' - Bob Zarzecki Wetlands Department Manager Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA This electronic communication, including all attachments, is intended only for the named addressee (s) and may contain confidential information. This electronic communication may not have passed through our standard review/quality control process. Design data and recommendations included herein are provided as a matter of convenience and should not be used for final design. Rely only on final, hardcopy materials bearing the consultant's original signature and seal. If you are not the named addressee (s), any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited. If you have received this electronic communication in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete the original communication from your system. Thank you. From: Chapman, Amy [mailto:amy.chapman@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 9:21 AM To: Bob Zarzecki; Homewood, Sue; Ventaloro, Julie; jpayne@ncdoj.gov Cc: Dawson, Amos Subject: RE: Write up - Attorney Work Prod uct_CONFIDENTIAL Thanks for the document Bob. What are some of the health concerns with these compounds? From: Bob Zarzecki [mailto:bzarzecki@sandec.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 8:56 AM To: Chapman, Amy; Homewood, Sue; Ventaloro, Julie; jpayne@ncdoj.gov Cc: Dawson, Amos Subject: FW: Write up - Attorney Work Prod uct_CONFIDENTIAL Importance: High _?? .:.. 1.1 0 E- 'D Bob Zarzecki Wetlands Department Manager Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27614 (919) 846-5900 Office Phone (919) 256-4517 Direct Line (919) 846-9467 Fax (919) 270-2068 Mobile bzarzecki(d)sandec.com www,SandEC.com This electronic communication, including all attachments, is intended only for the named addressee (s) and may contain confidential information. This electronic communication may not have passed through our standard review/quality control process. Design data and recommendations included herein are provided as a matter of convenience and should not be used for final design. Rely only on final, hardcopy materials bearing the consultant's original signature and seal. If you are not the named addressee (s), any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited. If you have received this electronic communication in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete the original communication from your system. Thank you. 2 National Drimary DOW' '1?, !ater Regulations Contaminant i1 or Potential health effects from Common sources of contaminant Public Health "T P }' long-Wrins exposure above the MCL in drinlung water Goal (mglLy s: Au'.lon cle Nn'.om, system of Mood piobl ms. lidded to water dunug i cv*j;G •.:.. mc.ea>ed trak of cane sate: aaier uesim"t alachloy ? ? j$ Evt, h.w hdn y m plem ptobterna; Runoff htan herbicide zeto amcmu in, rdaKd ?s}- of cancer u-vd on row cops r ntpwphoton ,. > tt<r.:• Inn?a'dW ofLvx*r PaoomofmMatdeposit of :.edan zero °. mtmah thm are tadioacd-a and ma Ludt a form of tadrapmt Imoan Z ttrtootrv ^ t r : LtrEaat in blood cholesterol, decEasc u stphi t•d37tho11 DtschargE fkom petrolaun r?iaetta 0006 . m blood st.par fnE rEtaldat114. GEItrmtr`:.. tlee0omcv , . . solder ........_._........_........._ __._? e. •tleentc '" 4 ry tq, %hn damage or problems with i-mmIdLort Erostoe of nanil d"its, im off 0 vxtem.a+d,nw,have tctowed ltomoishrds,ruofrfrom do--jA. 'tak of getting cinon eleetromr s plodueuon.--rote-, a : hestof (fiber, ; s `v '*mjtkk+ . Inwcaa-ed rul of dnrlopmgbentm t Da a, of asbesros cement it. Hate ? MET_ nucrorntiet") 1 (Yi mtesrnal polyps tutus, Most= ofraunal deports s: Wdiosavul9:systemoiie p[oductrvc Runoff from hetbladc mat on rosy 0001 ptobl?ms ,.tops _ Bimm? tS I11uras.: m bloodptesa.ne Nklimtgt of rhdlmg .-Aste%. dticbarge .. fora meul+ehnestei, erosion ..', of naft d dtpossm s tjt A Anemia; deu:aac in blood letelm. P Dtac barge from fa.tont;.lrachtng zero t.tueased oak of eanoet from qas atmaec tanks and haadhils ----- a' t3rn^,o(e)p?nenc ?r?', `q3r,? -,; RPpmductm difficulties. increased nsk Ltachmg horn lu mgt of water storaltt A" (PAHs) of-ncet tmh and dionbuhon ffitcs w +' Betvlhum Y': tr tai- '? inttsunal lesions rimbaW. from metal t finite. and 0 004 ???'i'; , ? i roal-b?u:4 !asto,tes dtachalge .- = homdrf-'O l aat>,Psc. aitd defense IDdaatntia Beta photon Em ,? at?S})I+Q??. " ' f ? Incicmdmi ofcam' Decay ofnewal and man-midi r.El0 t Fes - S - ??11ee??cc?? of Ltnwn utnath thai set d h - ta iua ttne.indmaS-soator;o+of # ? Wiatton knowa sa pnototn ind Wo -,-` radiator Man Sibalaft !? ?lls Inma, ed ttsk of cancer Svptoduct of d m*W vacs dnintachon Zero Cadmium 31dti Kldne} damage (0110.0011 of 52hatuzedpipes.00MOB 0OW, of natural depnsrbt dtst?a ggee f l i iom:neta tef aertca,lttnoft heat vast,. btareucs and patuh C arbofwan ___A_....?.. Prohlwm with blood, ner,oua s?strm in Ieacbmgof wil fumtgantusalon ttst .._.. ........._..... 0?' ... . s C alban tetrachlt.... z .. , 17,ptoducare •;vsttu ._._-___ . Lr a piobeau utawed task of cancer and shalfa ............... .. _._.._ .....__.._.-.__. e hom chennul Dulun lain d f V I p s an gg th d t l t M Zero < ? J - o ain us ra ac t tes Q Chluramrves l+ I dY` Eyt: nose imiAbon, stomach discomfort Whet addinir used to coatiol M12DLG=4, daitinw auctobes l - ?hlwfiiue .... .......__.. Lain in m,sous ,rystem problems. .__.Residue ofbamtra te[mtuctdt reto ......... muoased risk of :anted D chlmmc (ds cl) at1f1(xyLe{F?A Equttux natation, stomach discomfort -Ater KW,ti.o used to conWI MRDLG-4' tmcloba 0 r.hlodmc dtoxtdc ?asC7O 1 t ?' a, 1ma, Infant+ young elnidrm, and tetusrb of • - Wad., addrtn: used to onuol MRDI (i°0 S' t _._._ r 'k' Ptegnam vornm ncrsou SumEffi R Imcanbes a (himtte ` +ya Anemia, infants, V W'% duldran. and letua v :,f ............. He rodutt of dnnkmg »met ... 0_f. a thlerobenzene . ++w. "' '-".- paegnant woma) . ncrsom system effects dtsinfanoo . Lt.uutktdnrpeublema Ducbardti:ansfi-.mtedand agucultwai 01 t'bmmui.,,total ... f}, I' 431ci u didrnattns ctenucal facatttles 0tschtt t from heel and ul milk 01 _.._ g g p p , erosion of mural depostts LonP0i ?a YfiFK1tt -_: Shout-term eaposure Gashntntc Amal Corrosion of bou,ehold plunbmg 13 d,--nes+ Long-teirnwjim re incroi a.aems erouonof osnaaldeposits s ]odfwv damast People •vah Wilson a D e sh ld l 3 n w ou consu t ineu imsmtal doctor Lf the amount of cappce m then l d th t ] wa e excee s e action est .............. _..._............._ _. ...... ._.. __....................... ..... !? rplu;.pa.dnon . __...... - _ ....... ............. _. 4hort-tam etposuc. GashomtevthW Aim. Hu mm and -u sl fecal zeste zero • ,:....y. (e g,drurhes.soautmg.camps) RN0 Bi?nfectarft + Inorganic Chemical Organic Chemical ® Disinfection Byproduct Microorganism a' Radionuclides Contaminant ` e c; erode sa%7>'t'P. C}•87IldR ? ' rte-" ?`tT F i s. Dnlapon ' m 12-Dlbiomo-j 1 1 +f .'h ? s 61tr?opaue 1 1 (DHCP) M1 +f? ; ............ s' p-Dichlmowwi, i ............. ..___ s' 7,7-Drchta.odh n: s ?...? nz3,r?• s crs-i 2-Uxhlme? s , ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,__............._..... _ ttana-l2- Dich10rodby1H:.. •' Dichlwomed=, ?? a? t3-Ihchlaa?ul? ? a D7(2-uhvYtec••l 13142-cthvlhe*,1 phthalau s' Dsn(mb rTQ .. ......... .. Doran (4 7 8- Ft .................. •' Diquat Endothail • Endrib ; .. ._..__ s Ethytfxnreae s' Fth.lene3tlua?a..',: Fecal cohlimm sa E cot, Flaade`. _ _ ? -__ ? _ -.- - ......-..... Giamm 1,1111bba Beak drheasc (pam and teodarm of the bontsi: children msy gat molded Toth Short-4crm exposure Gastrointestinal illness (e.g msrtbta, vomiting. pumps) W#tra afttive which promotes 4.0 stru.g teeth aaaon of natural dcrovh. diachargc. from fahhm and aluminum }attains Human ad abimai fecal waste ran a Olvpl-t. i K>dner ptoblems repraductiot R.rmofffrom herbicide me 07 drffiwhta H 5)1e aadr Increased mk ofsamer B)promit t ofdrtnkuig meta na' diamfe-hon s Heprocbla 4,uj4Qi ? na damage introtbed nak of cenvu Restdtx ofbanned terauhadt %ero s Hephlblor epow +- f3 i Lr-,T dam igt, increased tul of cancel Hurakdown of beiaaehla zoo Hetaubaphtc pia:,: cowd ( ) HPr has no hearth effeln, it is an HPC' masers a rang, of bacteria Wit ? rkb .,., analytic method used to maastrcc the mat ate naturalb pmem to the ' . ? vin set) of bacierta that are common to arztoitment s»:'k>' . roster. the "o the wwomtraaai of -- baaena in •hukmg norm tht better mamtamcd the nat% aymm is Olsinfsctaw inorganic chemical ® Organic Chemical ® Disitifection Byproduct Microorganism Radionuclides Potential health effects from long-terms exposure above the MCL Common sources of contaminant Public Health in drinking wafer Goal (mg/L)t Nets. a damage in thyroid piabltms Dlschatge from steelh"l ta?tunts 02 dtblhatp. from plasut. W katttlraet factorie• Kidnei, hvo, of a4 =&I gland problems. Runoff from habitude nand on rot 007 ............. ...... . .. .... crops . . ... .. htinur kidne, • changes Runoffnom htrbicid, aced 9nn is of way Reproductive dffbculttes mateaStil ,ak Itn4off u.1mig ftom soil hmugaw of UWAT used on smbearr- Comm lie ce"It • .......... .................. and achdlds Lava Iodoer; a W CWMW system DuchmRc from mdusn,al ch?mieal 06 problem tactmles 'moms, hs er, kidney or spleen dsmagc, Dvi hsige from indottial ehumaal 0 075 charges m blood ............_......_....... . ...___..... _.................... _.... faeto:leb ..... _... Increased risk of tanca Entrharge from rndusmrl cl&imasl Z%O factones tier pi oblwnr Dtscha re.. from mduicirl chemical 0 007 fa,,twtes Laca;tnilkms Dmchatge Bum mdusnlal chemical 0.07 factmte , ._..__...._..._........._.._..._...._..--.._... ..... Liver problem, .. _. - Lihchame f opi mdustnal • t anal 01 fxtoms Lvet p obiens, mueased r;sk of-wixta ......._..............._...... Dlschargt from din and themlcal __.._.._..........._..._.._.......__..._.-..-.._. Toro factories "zased,tbk of"acti Dibchatgl fluor mduirufal chemical a^.o factor--$ .................... ..11.11-111111 ............... ----------------- .-..._... Wakht i n itvn rroblerw.. m possible ........................... _ _- __..__ Dmiusfe from thomtr.ai twont r 04 repnahlcuse difnwines ft wdu?uvedtfficulhtx,liverpmblvais, Dtcchmgcfiomntbb"and chemical zero m .tAV d 13k of "W= tactmteb R.eproducbscdifficulties Runoff from herbicide vied onrovheans 0007 ?_._.- .__ .........._. .. ... .. . . .. and , cgeubks . . ... _ ._.._.,...... . . Reprodame di ficulties, mpeasad tr.4 __......._.._._ ....._-- _ ... ._.._.?__._.......__. Fmusiom from ,ask tmmetahon Mo of cancer and other u,mbusnou d1wharge flow cheolrs.4 ibuouw Cawracts Rumoft Fran hcrbipde use 0.02 Stomach and mtestuirl problem ._._._ ... _ ... _..". ___ Runoff from herb.wdn ust 01 laser;nublems .............. .. ........ _... _ .._.._........._... ._ __ __ _ _._.._..._ ...... Rendae of bamta• rmecbt-ade ............................................ .. ...... 0.002 Increased cancer nsk stomach problems Lnrhsrac from mdushtsf cb=c l zoo factories, m mmpums of tome %ate• tttatme u chemicals 1 [ IAvu in kxh.,! lnoblcm a chamgr. hom peboleum rchuus- 07 ..... -_._---------- -- Problems,,sith liver, Stomach, t oduchvc Ihscbmgc from peuvleum tetmelles zoo { system, a kidneys lac Eased rok of antic y Fecal cohforvra• and E of. are bacteria whose Humtan and amoral fall waste zoo F?, ?=.: ' pTRaaL'e mtI1CYC1 that Ute Rater rfY'-' 11E t.OntamnfdtCd 9 r with human oi mmul Nasws Microbes in dw., viastas ¢ coati lauac bburl term effects, incur dh dtarrhu, taampr munwi beadarhes M od•w s mptoms i'f•Ey mid •'po-,e d ?.. ,:.. +Fn.- a neabh ink fa mfants. ?o pecta] ung children, and people ' h t d ? wit tre m y compromise immmme wi tent Contaminant _ Act or Hesachlarbcn > 44- ...._......... Lead g ? tIs mr:. Mecur• (rnorg .j a' Memncycbka -- Ndrate (iotasun? .:> ""' {uy""> - Nthog?n Nitntc (meastuc . s c !-- Nttogea) q? ?Nb a' Dcamvlt?ydea: -- ?- a' Pwrtachhmgihcr s' lhclotam aPplychtminated D;p?^. ?-.._ , {PCBs} Radium 226 and Radrum'2& (cow _-Jf ?''• ", Selenium Mae r Srytene s ? i . Tttrachlor..... lballtutn + a'Toluent Total Colifmm-, Sam Iota] Inhalorai (TTHMsr To*aphenc s s' ; I-l,2-Tnahturoct? :ate ?° ??i 'Itichloroc"enc fi a ? •r' Potential health effects from Common sources of contaminant Public Health loWterml exposure above the MCL in drinking water Goal (mg/W _---- _...... ._..__.. ................... .._ ... 1s w or kidne•,• problem;. i.xroduchre Dw-hatae firm metal r d'inerie, and zM dithoudtx:: mur:asednakof,anctr ag olturatchcmtcalf lo= Kidney or stomach problems Dachmto firm unerr," fr•nurws 0 0 Infants red tfultkm Ikisys m physical m (erosion of hovwhold pltunbmq zstp a mcmal dr-elopmtnt, cMUhtn could s=Mts., womon of natural deposes bh.,s, slight defies ,r attention ,pad and 1?stmng abilities, Adults Kidiw, pioblum nigh bloud pmc urt ..... ... ...... _ I.alpon attc's Disease, a rpt of Found naturally in water, mmtiplses ar zwp pnemnoo.a heating s?Mtms Ia• ci m kidney. problem- Runott'leaching from inseeficide u wd 00002 on taUk hnnber. Rardem Kidney dsmage Finamn of nsmtal d"ints• discharge q W2 from nfineaen and faciones runoff fiver lendfiilt aid eaoplaads Repmduontduftivuluc% Rrmoffleachmgfiommsecacaueused 009 on fruits. ~ cget*bltb rhfahia, hr: ; asmk Infants lAlow tbr, age of a, months wno Rmmf, from fertduae. use, lea,,hnge 10 drink •s atis cm mu ms rotate in txcess &:rot aepnc V01%. sewage, uostoe of of the MCL could begot: termmh in natus depou% ami if unheatcx .na•• die Svmptpens include ;botne s oflacath rsidbinc-bob; s,ndrome Infants below iht agt of sit mnntns who RunroFtiom fwtilrr:i use itachmg drink •satu ,omammg mtnte to crccaa from sep+ic tanks rage,'=WoP of of the MCL Lentil be.:mue settously to notmal deposit, and, if umtrtattd, mss die Svmptoms ihciode shortntsa of biesth ind blue-bab•, s•,ruKrome 3hght nf; . M Sntero effects Runutr•kerbmg hta im -tictde imd 4 on apples potatoes, Ind tomatoes Inaoilidm:;ptoblerm mcreaard Dsch-rtgcfiomwoad-pmessmg :ao cancw ink fattort" Lr•crproblems Herbicide ..moll 0 Ok= changer dismus gland problems Ranotr from landillis, dibehaigt of zip immune dahcim, ies mpraductr.e at •-asst ehemuzKr nenot% *,Wa dtthcultme mttwsed risk of t mtt Ineteised risk of rancei Erosion of natmal deposits ? ? ,sxo Hatt o fmgeinsih toss. numbness in fingers Knscbage firm pchokum and meiat teBnares. 0 tK of toe:. cucuta.as • prob]tms tiosum ofnapaai d%vsrb.: diwtvirc Iron, mine- Problenu with blood Hebicia,unoff 0 004 laver krdnr,: of cm..ulaton system problem.; Dtschetue from rubber and plastic 01 facton",' leaching fivm kndnns U n problems mcrea.,ed cnk of uancer Discharge hum fatrums and m, cleans zeuo .._._.... .._.... .? .._-_ ................_....__......._........._......._....._....... Han loss -:banes in blood kidaev, imesont, I .achmg from ore-ptocessing :rite:, 0 0005 m It, w inoblcma discharec from elechoruca, glast. da drug kdones ..Nei otu • tem. Iridney, m s. a pn.biws mach age. from petroheum facbne, ColAmns ire bacteria that mdudte that other, xaturall, present in them. u0nment potrntanv harmfrl hsctcua maa be preacm See focal wirforme and E colt Lr a. ludon' m caitnl nef.ow. system problems:. Bypro,hrct of drmkmg water disuifecdon n'r' tneredsed -l' of eaneet kidney, lr<ei of thyroid problem-, Rumfl:•teacnmg from msectresderued svp in,reastd risk of Aacei on cuttun and cable L ,er probtems Rrudue of liamtel berbr.idt 0 05 Changes in ad,enai glaods Dischatge fium te,mlt tint hmk 0 rvl factniik. Itver ncr-ous oi cm;ulatory Micharge from metal degtea,mg 02 problems sets and other factories Li- er, kidney. m immure q,4= Ihschsrge from mdo ti tal chemresi 0.003 hnoblems fa..tantt Lien problems, mcitased risk of cancer Disdiarw from metal degeuin zero sites and other botones g Dismilectant inorganic Chemical ® Organic Chemical ® Disinfection Byproduct Microorganism WAS' Radionuclides Contaminant : iir °°" Potential health affects from Common sources of contaminant Public Health # long-term' exposure above the MCL in drinking water Goal (mg(LF -- T ................. ._ :; . __._... ... ......._.._.... .........................,.. 1labidity -IucLnlu: is a measmp. of the -:lmidmess of v atu Sod tudofi rya It to used to mduate water quaht• and filtat w Aothe, rheas, avurtg oigmiscm .nc }nesem) Highet tuibedit, k? oh dM 011eo aesecwted with bight.ovals of dixease austng mtcroorgm sm>. such as -.iruaa, pacaotes and som bsetum fheac r ;r L.. ' ayanumds can emm shm, tnnn s-mtptnms inch a.? i nausea-cramps.dmtrim,andassociatedhcadaclt. ??oY?. Pramuro •`Y l?d y Inc eased n•k of camel. kidne; toxtmt- 1 mnoe of nauual dW$11- .ao my andc !tl _ Tnmeasednokofcama LeecLmg!Tom PVC, ptpe, diN.hatgc 2VM firm plastid f*-.tonts \truses (entenc r 1t'" Shoot-term &,.pwme Gastromtesunal tllnms (e d h t Human and anal fecal waste Mo • }(vteft; (tutai) .g , tvr ea, vomi ing. camps) ltimvuus rysteQ• datoagc Dtacharge from ysermlatm factonta t9 dhsebatgt from hemical faetorK* Disinfectant inorganic chemical Organic Chemical ® Disinfection Byproduct Mkroorganism WU'Radlonuclides