HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070598 Ver 1_Application_20070404MAF..2':'t:^^~ _-:22 9~4 S~<`; b823 USAGE AAL REG {. ~ ,'~ PSI The :~altovvizrg is aan abbreviated applieatioxt foxca fpr thaw applyxug .for a dOX 'tiVater Qua.Gty Cer'ti~ication to iunpact F1rRC {l;'edaral energy dtegulatory Commission) z~egulatEd Iake abate ox bottom under' the Lj,S. Azzrty Cozps o:f' Engineers Perzuit Gp30. xhis Elpplication caa~tot bE ns£d for wetland or stzeam impacts. Please provide seveII (?~ copies of this application gnd supporting information as ~veIl a4 a non-.refundable application fee to the Diwisiozt of Water Quality of 8200.00 ;for impact`s of to lake bottom of leas than 1 acre axtd X475,00 for izzapects tc~ laps bottom of greatex ox squad to ,] acxc. Alsp:Ocatloms sb,auXd be sent to: Davasio:a of tiVatez- Qnalitiy Wetlands Uztit f 6S0 Mai! Service Ce>ater Raleigh, ITC 27699-4650 I. Applicant Xnformation I. Cwnez/,Applicant ~n.formation hTn..na~ Qi.Ui^/Qd-Q Ivlaitiztg ~~isa P.ao~ioo~ U 5 9 ~o~ }~y~a ~wke ~ ~So SB~I t c t° "`~, ERIC C. ALSMEYEf~ R6pul8toy Branch US Army corps of Engineers Wllmincllon Digt~iGt ~IE~+SC ~~n~ ,9,s) ass-eaa~ X~ 6508FRils: or Ncuse Road 5utto 120 Ftareign, ntc2~s15-saga r~k (~y-~Sy6.58~3 C~ faGf~ A~~l r/A~ ~VL"St CA Teleg~vz~e Nutiabax:_ 19-3P2-k'2 8" fi'" Faat Numbez: ,~a_~t~! E-zraIl ~ddzess:_~_A~SH~.e~iz~ ,4oL • C~r~ . 2. Agent .Lufozazattvzt (A sagaec! and dated Gvpy OI' the Agent Authnnzatio>z letter N~ must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority faz tlac ow~.ezJapp~cant.} Name: ~ ' CoAapaay,r'~xliatROO,:_ _ N.faal~g Addt~ss; _-- _ - ~'elepliono Number: _ Fax 1Juzzzbex: E-mail A.ddt~:ss: l~. F,roject ~ufvrmation Attach a v~silntty xxaap clearly slZOwamg the Xooatiom o~the property With respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, 'aud roads. Also provide a detailed site plan shvvving property bouztdaries acrd development glans in reiativxt to suzxc7wtdru~ ~SZ'aperties. ~''ou may use the diagram belew'to zaake a b.QUd sketa~t of MAR.20'200~ 14:22 S'1~ E'7~ X523 L'SAGE kAL REG #6180 P.003l005 youx pxojcet. ,Also, seethe cYaznple below for guidance. Both the vicinity map and site plaza must include a scale, and north arrow. "Che footprints of all buildira~, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. 1. Locatsor / County: ~ ~'6N dearest 7Cown: RO x 3Q ~A 5ubdavxsiom name ox site address (i~ncZude phaseJlot number): I~YCo GAkE-LOT R directions to site please include road numbers, lancbo.az~CS, etc. (?his is not. necessary if an adequate vicinity rnap is included): P~~-i~Ft WINS' ~"~9 ~ l~ - /~-! fit. f~-cc./ft-~' L~4-il/ 2. Descdbo the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application:._ pL.tr,~[~R c. - .No F}c~e UN s ~7 E /nos7-~~ t~~T Na9-7Zt~e~L _ 3. l~opezty szze (acres): ~. ~~ Q~~'- 4. Iv'earest body of vvatex (sti~eamhiver/soun,d/accan/laka}: N-~CD Lh-/<c= 5. AescribE tlaepurpose ofthe proposed work: R«' Lf'}P nnl ~s~trlQ~~c ~To tfA-u' ~2TN~`7L ~?G.~°i01/ ~ k~JcL~tS~ ~i 7~ C' l ~~ ~ i~~~~ 6. fist the type of equxpzncmt to be used to construct tie pz~oject:e3~ r3c:H-% _ 7. Amount of impact (iacludin,g aIl excavation, back£1l, nip rap, retaimiug walls, eto.) below the normal pool lake level in square feet or acres:~,L~/r1 Nc= - N ~ ~! 8. a. Amount off' impact (azxcludaz~g R11 cleaziz~g, baclt ill, excavatioon, rip rap, retainicxg walls, etc.) above the normal pool lake level and SO feet land-ward %n. square i'eet oraczes:_ ~`tF~ice7' ~ 'S~U' ~C ~' R /P ~~P b. i'leasv describe vegstatio~n above tho normal pool lake level and 50 feet land- waxd to be izapacted (number o~'tre~ for instazxce): NdNL% ~a-~p'( . A,pp~icamtl.E~gezat's Signature Date (Agezat's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is pro'vzded.) 07 0598 `~ a Cr- .~ . ~_ V ~~ ~ v ~, ~~ ~ ~°~ -~ ~~~ ~~ ~ - v ~ ~- v~ J `~ ~ ~. ~ ~~ o~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ s ^. `~ ~ ~~ .~ ~` ~~ G~ ~~ ,\, .` ~pT,05g8 17istributed $y: PERSON-CASWELL LfIKE stUZIiORZTi~/ P.O. $ox 343 Roxboro N. C. 27573 .~ ~, v~R~iN~a ~N©RTH CA 119 ~ BARKEA AD r . ~ ,j w G ,. . "l =Z VJ SCO l ~ 1J77 ~' JOHN MERRITT RO HYCO LAKE