HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040853 Ver 1_Complete File_20040404_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OPEN EXCAVATION STREAM CROSSING NO 1 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE I - - T _ - - - - o IF THE CONTPILTIXA ELEC15 TO CONSTRUCT STREAM CROSSING NO 1 THROUGH OPEN EXCAVAtION ME1H005, iNE FOLLOWING GENERAL - - - - I p n $EOUEN'CE OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE USED. IF THE CONiPACTOA ELECTS TO CONSTRUCT STREAM CROSSING NO 1 THROUGH XN)-YEAR g O VNTRENCHEO NETHODS, CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE ANO SUBMIT A CONSTRUCTION SEpUENCE FOR ENGINEER REVIEW AND APPROVAL. SASE FL000 W f NONfICA1gN OF THE OPEN IXCAVATtON CON5IRUCTION SEQUENCE DESCRIBED BELOW SHALL BE THAOLGX APPROVED SHOP DRAWING ONLY. ELEYATpN • 63B20W ~1 m I I AYI~T ~ g M~ I A. STREAM CROSSNG CASMG IN51A_LATKIN TO BE COMPLETED W ADVANCE OF DOWNSTREAM TUNNEL. BASEY FLOOD 1 TEAMIOAARY STEEL SHEET PLNB ~5~~~~D SF6j~' I TUNNEL TO iERMWATE AGANSi END PLATE OF STREAM CAOSSWG CASING WITH A WELDED WATERTIGHT JONi. ELEVATKN • 63790W Ai ENDS OF CA9N0 I IL~ S` JWJ n~i BASE FL000 B. CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY STREAM BOTTOM SiAALIZATION COMPRISING EXCAVATION OF STREAM BOTTOM I-2 fi ANO I 66'-0' PERMANENT STEEL BIIEET PLNB 1 .FTsIFJr;WWH ~ ~ ELEYATKN • 63W901 BACKFLL WITH NO 5 OR LARGER CRUSHED S70NE i0 OAfGNAL STREAM BOTTOM. USE HEAVY WOVEN GEOfABRIC UNDER ~ ~ n;~y~l i STONE OUTSIDE OF TRENCH AREA IF NECESSARY. EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE STOCKPILED ADJACENT i0 Mx-I ON HOPE ( AT SpE$ OF CASNG 2p,-0 ~ ~'~yti~rj AENOVEDAFROM SIRETAMN REA~I CONSTRUCT RRAMP USWOTADG RAP 8 GEOFABflC INiONSTAEAMIBEO. TOPSOF SST NECSHpLL NO7 BE 1 HIGHER THAN AVERAGE STREAM BOTTOM ELEVATION. IF NECESSARY, USE W000 MAi9 ON STONE BASE FOR EOUVMENT SUPPORT. -in _4~ 1 ~ _ _ B~Q C. NSipLL SHEET PILWG AT EACH END OF STREAM CAOSSNG CASING. PAflALLFL PILING i0 BE LEFT W PLACE, END Y7L I PILNG TO BE REMOVED AFTEN STONE BACKFLL OF GA9NG. APPRO% LOCATION EXIST BOTH 3DE9 I 0. CONDUCT EXI$~WCT AAUNX SEWER AEAIA CROSSING (WITH S1,PPORg PAEASRARE WSCLOSE5PR0%IMIOiY EO STREAM CO SWG~NG. STORM SEWEfl i I CONTRA TOR SHALL BE iULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAR OR AEPLACEMENi OF ANY DAMAGED IO THE AERIAL SEWER NO 7 I CROSSING AND SUPPORTS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST 70 iNE OWNER, I \ STE'~ART APPROX L CATKIN CR EH rl E%ISTINf+ I E. EXCAVATE FOR CASWG. SEE IXiAWING CR095 SECTION FOR TRENCH DIMENSIONS. EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE STOCKPLEO ApJACENI APPROX LOCAT STEWARi REEK TO MN-I ON HOPE LNFA PER SPECIfiCATION SECTION 02835 PRIOR TO iESiNG FOA CONTAMWANT9 ANO OFF-SITE OLSPOSAL OR BpLKFLLNG. O I I E%ISTING /2' STEEL TRUNK 6E EA I MINIMIZE SLi RELEASE TO STREAM, PROBE ANO SURVEY BOTTOM Of TRENCH FOR PROPER OEPTN. ~ jl 1 'I1 IRWIN GREEN TRUNK SEWER f. WSTAIL BEODWG STONE. PROBE ANO SURVEY 10P OF BEOONG FOA ACCURATE TOP GARDE. SILT MUST BE KEPT OFF 0Y \ NOTELt+E I Ili I I BEDDNG. WORK MJST 8E DONE DURING lOW STREAM FLOWS. SHOULD NIGH FLOWS OCCUR, SILT MUST BE REMOVED FROM 20' 9EE NOTE 8 ~ , ~ THE BEODWG AND BEDDNG iDP ELEVATION REESTABLISHED. 4 I I I IJ 0. CASWG N TO BE PREPARED BY WELDING MTO ONE CONTINUOUS LENGTH. IF THE 10iAL WEIGHT BECOMES 1WMANAGEABLE F- I \ I ! I ASSEMBLY SHWLD BE WElOED ON TEMPORARY SUPPORTS ADJACENT TO THE TRENCH, WELD PlATE9 OVER BOTH ~ ! REMOVE ALLUVIJM ENDS f0 MANE THE CdS1NG WTO A TANK. PgOVpE PLUGGED OPENINGS 50 THAT WATER CAN BE ADDED O HE CASING W I EAST SUE WR.D w STREAM BOTTOM J 70 MAKE IT SWN AHD SO THAT WATER CAN BE LA1ER PUMPED OUT AFTER THE CASING 19 BACNF4LE0 ANO ANCHORED. EL 619.00 Rqp COAT OUTSIDE OF CASING aS SPECIFIED. ,~Q~_.._..~._,_J acv µ PLACE CASWG WTO POSITpN AND SINN BY FILLWG WITH WATER. BACKFILL THE CASING WI1X +57 OR LARGER I STONE MAKING SURE ALL SPACES AAE FILLED. BACKFLL TO STREAM BED ELEVATION WUNW THE STREAM AND f ~ I TO SLIGHTLY ABOVE STREAM WATER SURFACE ELEVATION WITHIN THE STREAM BANKS. WITNW THE STREAM, iNE i0P APPRO% WATER I 12 NCHE6 OF STONE i0 BE RIP AAP WITH •57 N THE VOIDS. Pg70A 701NSTALLING BACKFLLL STONE, WSTALI GROUT PIPES 4 I ~ I LEVEL 616.00 30" 9TEWART CF NTERCON6'CTOR ALL AROUND LAST 20 FT OF EACH ENO OF CASING AND Ai ENO OF CASMG. GAOU7 PIPES i0 BE POSITNINEO FOR COMPLETELY ~ 13/98) IIpp ~ SEWER FROM OPiERSUN 9TRUCTVAE NCI 6 FROM ON~ER9UN S~T~RUCT~ NO I FLLWG YOIOS VWEA AND AROUND CASWG i0 PRECWOE LEAKAGE WHEN CASING ENDS ARE DEWATEREO LENDS NOL MORE THAN I ~ ~ p ~ WV EL 616.13 3 Fi APART HOfl AND VERTI. ~ ISXOWN WT OF SE'CTUfB NV EL 61693 C! El I 4 ANCHOR CASINO i0 RESIST FLOTATION WITH A SYSTEM DESIGNED BY CONTRACTOR'S PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, USE OF THE SHEET ~ i 30' DI DROP PPE DROP PPE PILWG TD BE LEfi N PLACE MAY BE CONSOERED. SUBMIT ORAWWGS W' PROPOSED STRUCiUgAL ANCHORING SYSTEM PRIOR i0 I COMPLETOO STONE BACKFLL EXTEND CASNG FILL PPE$ AND CASWG DRAW PIPES TO ABOVE FINISHED GAADF LNT4 CASWG ANO I~ ~ 36" STEWART CREEK I III 30' PYC DROP NIET FROM CARRIER PPE INSTALLATION IS COMPLETE. REMOVE CASNG FILL PIPES ANO CASNG OflAIN PWES TO 6-WCNES BELOW GRADE UPON NY 0.60&8 III I DNERSUN STRUCTURE ND 1 I DNECiroN OF ENGINEER, I I II NY El 609.74 J, AFTER AI L STONE BACKFLL I$ IN PLACE, flEMOVF STEEL SHEETING AT ENDS ONLY OF CASWG. PRESSURE GROUT ALL STONE II BEDDNG AND BACKFILL AS DESCRIBED W NOTE H ABOVE. BEODWG ANO BACKFILL TO HAVE ALL VOIDS FILLED i0 PRECLUDE I I _ WATER IEAKAOE: t" ~ ~ MN AREA TO 36' S EA IRWN CREW 36. 9EWER UEMN CREDO K. COMPLETE EAATX BACKF4l OF STREAM BANKS AND INSTALlATK1N OF GEOFABRIC ANO RIP RAP, REMOVE ALL STREAM BOTTOM I MN AREA TO ~ COMPLETELY SLOPE O.jM 610 $TAB4IZATION STONE ABOVE NORMAL STREAM BOTTOM ELEVATION AND ACCESS RAMP. PROTECT CASWG F4l ANO ORaW PPES fiRONTED.~ ' O.TLr FOR 9UBSEOVENT NSF, PREPARE, SEED AND WSiALL PAOTECTIYE MATS ON All SEEDED STREAM BAM(S W DISTURBED AREAS. 6 ~ ~ ~_BE COMPLET ___y-.--..- _ _ ...,_.Y.,.-,.._. _ OPoRO~a - I NOTE 10 94' OP ER O L. COMPLETE WSTALLATIDN OF DOWNSTREAM 1UNNEL UP 10 STEEL ENO PLATE OF STREAM CROSSING CASWG, WELD STONE BEDDING 20'•0• SLOPE 0.61 p lA6i TLWNEL EWER PLATES TO 6TREAM CRD93WG CASWG WATERTIGHT. PRESSURE OROUi Y0105. PUMP WATER OVi OF I BACIIFLL STREAM CA05$NG CASING AND CUi OUi CASMG ENO PLATE. 20'-0. ~ I DNER910N BTRUCTNO 6 ~ M pT UPSTREAM END DF STREAM CROSSING CASINO CONSTRUCT 9TEEL LINER PLATE iLNNEL FROM UPSTREAM i0 STREAM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -'h ~ ~ ~ ~ I NV EL BOB98 4 LR055WG CASWG AND WELD AS Ut3CNH1tU AtlUVt. ~ wr EL soAH 1~v a so9.z4 NV EL 60896 ~ H µ AFTER ENTIRE TUNNEL AND STREAM CROSSING CASNG IS COMPLETE AND MADE WATEAf(GNT, INSTALL STEEL RAILS AND NI WYEflT CONCRETE. INSTALL GROUT PPES TO DRCNARGE GRWT Ai WTERYALS OF NOT LESS THAN 25 FT. WSTALL SEWER NV EL 607.60 W PPE, BLOCK, ANO TEST JONiS. INSTALL MASONRY BULKHEADS BETWEEN CASING AND SEWER PIPE AT INTERVALS OF NOi GREATER THAN KMI FT AND GROUT SPACE BETWEEN CASING AND PIPE NCLUDE TOP HOLES N BULKHEAD TO VERIFY THAT 84' STEEL CA9 I Zil GROUT NAS COMPLETELY F4LE0 THE SPACE. CONTWUE TO COMPLETION OF ENTIRE PPE W CASWG. I Q' ~ 9EE NOTE 6 I J = 0. GRADE M'0 STAWIDE AEMAWING STREAM BANNS AS DESIGNATED, AND PREPARE AND SEED ALL DISTURBED AREA, I ~ 84' STREAM CAOSSWO ~ I N" STEEL LWER PLATE TUNNEL ~ /Y 94" TUNNEL CASNG 9TEEL CASND ~ ~ ' g Ng I ~ CASNG SEE NO i~ 4 1. REMOVE EXISTNG MANHOLE lOP ANO REPLACE WRH NEW i0P PER 6Pf. ~ . _~.J~ _ _ ~ Qy_ DETAIL 0, SHEET CD-3. t O}OO ~ ~ }DO ~ Y'FOO ~ 3}OO ~ 4'FOO ~ S}OO i fii'OO i 7'FOO 16'FOO 2.6 STREAM CROSSING 5 CONSTRUCTED BY OPEN E%CAYATION, L J PROF]LE PROVIDE TEfMORARY RIP AAP STREAM BOTTOM STABILIZATION FOR EOUNMENi A[LESS FOR STREAM CR05SWC CONSTRUCTION (25' WIDE. 220' LONG, oEPiM AS NECESSAAYI. SEE NOTE II. REMOVE AFTER STREAM CA095NG FWISHEO. HOR, Y • 4C ACCESS AT STREAM BOTTOM SHALL BE SOLELY FOA CONSTRUCTION OF STREAM VERI Y • 4' CROSSING AND STREAM BANK RESTORATION. ALL PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED FROM TUNNEL _ l,P,~~ __._r.,__,_,-_~ _ T,___-:_---~-~y--_---.. -.--r-;-~-.--r--~~--~-.. ~ _ _ _ ~ ~ ACCESS SHAFTS. P STREAM CROSSING IS CONSTRUCTED THROUGH UNTAENCNEO MEIHOOS, ' i ~ J- _.__.F''~ \ /067.014-021 REMOVE EXIST CONC RUBBLE,/! _ r~ ~ STREAM BANK RESTORATION SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED FROM 70P OF BANK ONLY. o u 9TEWMT CREEK AELff ~ T a.^_' - I • ~APS WLKINSON PAOPERTES LLC - P / ~ U~ ^V'A"" i . a--~' A t STUHPS. AND DEBRIS AND ! SEWER, SEE SHEET C 11 ;i[ - - k5 ,F%~' ~ - 3. $IICETING 9tIALl DE INTCRLOCKING STEEL SIIEEi TO OE WSIALLEO 70 LIMITS - r ~ ~ .-1 t A ~ ~ \ '`..~.._i~. PO BOX 39609.. " . NSTIILL RP RAP TO 0. 6207 . ~ ? ~ s _ ~.---,,.::~~w" , 1 1 ~ .l '--'-CHARLOTTE. NC 28234' AND yEOETATUN PLANTWGS TO:f_'' 'y E%ISi MH S-I, % `ZF ~-n,,' f~ - - ' - W"'~' _ SHOWN 120' TOiALI TO BE DRIVEN i0 MA% EL 610.0 8 CUi OFf INITIALLY AT " ~ ~ / r- EL 633.0 UNTIL SEWER CONSTRUCTION 15 FINISHED. TIE BACK SHEETWO AS RAOIATOR~ - i~ _ x' ~APPAO% LOCATION \ 12001 SUTTEE AVEI 'TO TOP OF BANK - 9 E NOTE 4 ` 'T i0P 633.72?-' ~ Vii- SPECIALTY I / A 1 + L = }I NECESSARY TO PREVENT ANY DEFLECTION AWAY FflOM MANHOLE. SHEEiWO _.I ~ EX19T 3 GAS ~ E%197 MH 500 ~ ~ i ,'j ' b LE. 623.42 IWI - ~fi`' _ - IS NCLUOEO IN STREAM LA455WG PAYMENT ITEM. + . ~ - ~ APPAO% LOCATION ' _ _ COMPANY '1, / SERVICE - TOP 633.64 - ~ 11•b' 25' ° LE. 623.42 (OVTI ~ ^ ~ I '-I ` T ^`I ~1 + ?.E. 621.07! 0 ~ - E%19i STOAM~ it / is ~ y ~ / ~ N542345.91~/ - ~ ~ _ * c i ~ ~ * 4, REGRADE BANK USWG IMPORTED FILL TO SHAPE TO CONSISiENi SLOPE W9TALL - ~ E%ISTING ~ E%ISTINGi- N541995.49, CD- ' APPROX LDCATUN , DRAIN NO 2~/~ i~ - - - ~ _ _ ~.EI941823.32 ~ _--.y~° IP RAP ANO VEGETATION PLANTINGS PER OEi0.4 C SHEET CD'12 PAYMENT FOA - , METAL BUILDING 'E199i811.70 _ E%l9T STORM - ~ .H~ ~ =-9EE NOTE I_- -.~..~=P ~ wTS -+r..-C~' A • MASONRY ~ ' EXIST 42 STEEL ~ _ - A RE A ON 0 W i BANK OF IRWIN GREEN DOWNSTREAM ~ , ' BLDG C REMOVE EXB7 CONC I ~ 9EE NOTES I t 6 ~ DRAW NO 3 ~ - ' 25' R/W AND 35' TCE / YHE STREAM a NK STOR TI N THE ES I ~ . ~jTRVNN SEWER AERIAL- ~ W r ,r ~ •*LAYd9"t i N r OCREEN~ NO IRWWLCREEK CONFLUENCERAREABUP TOETHE SARI~AMOLA01 SWGENO 3i i ' ~ ~ 1 RUBBLE, STUDS, AND - _ ' - + ^K'- ~i EB ~ ~ /U~ T 1 SHALL BE WCLUOED W THE PAYMENT ITEM FOR STREAM CROS91N6 NO I. n CROSSWG lSiEEL PIPET 1 / ' CW 'II K - ~i y ~ / i ' I ' r DEBR6. NSTALL i TBM CONSTAUCTXIN ~ ~ ' " - ~ PA i 11 J''"-~~~~ ~y - ~ ' l STREAM BANK RESTORATION SHALL BE LIMITED TO DISTURBED AREAS. ~ TEMPORARY TUNNEL Y 4H w I ,t r~_~ ~ - " I'"-` RP RAP TO EL 620 T) I POST WB68 COORDOR IMITED V 1` ~ Y z ` ~ EXLSTINO 30' A/W i~!"~%~' _ ` F - p i E%ISTWG ~ ACCESS SHAFT y q~., AN0 VEGETATUN ~ EL 64L82 . ~ 5 IF CONTg4CTOH ELECTS TO CONSTRUCT TUNNEL 8Y BORING M4CXWE. THIS STREAM PIw EMPTY DRUM i - T TO 40 FEET r Y,! q-"~ - ti.- ~ t/ :~NA?b~r,. ~E%ISTNO 36" _ CROSSMO CASWG SHOULD BE fNCAEa9E0 BY SIZE i0 PERMIT PA99A6E OF THE + STORAGE PAD PLANTN63 TO TOP I ~ N54199 64 ACROSS '''.8, TUNNEL CASW0.?_4' ? ~ T ~P 1~~ ~9TEWART CREEK " ~ / ~ - ~ ~.o m I, 1 ~Of GAM(; I* EI441T94,71 f ~ + 00RING MACHINE THROUGH THE CASWG AT NO ADDITONAL COST TO THE OWNER. cSEE NOTES ~ • ~3D' 1' TRUNK SEWER / * y ST _ ExISTWG SEE NOTE 4 - • - 4ry _ - N 4 , i N I ~ l ` ~ _ ?AL^ ~ ~'V-~.,-^^'`r'^ ~ \ 6 SE RCP UPSTREAM TPUN( SEWER TRANSITIONS TO 42" STEEL DOWNSTREAM TRUNK 1 ~ F BUILOWO i i' ~ } ~ t - = ~ _ / DNERSWN STRUCTURE NO b WER Ai MH 510 B BACK i0 39' RGP DOWNSTREAM TRUNK 6EWER Ai MH 500: a PAD r:` ~ „t' 1 _'7`. ~ ;~'-L61-I-` _ X54230920' a \ 1 ' N EXISTING ~ ~ - h 1 EIMVSB412 i ' ~ c ~ T. CONTRAC70q SHAD CONSTRUCT 84" TUNNEL CASING 60 FEET BEYOND END OF APPROX E%STMG ~ ~ N542280AB ;W .STORM _ ~ - . _ ~ ry NY OUT EL bW.32 i"~2, ~~C-7 \ _ - _ _ ~ STREAM CROSSING LrslNa. ' LOCATION BRANCH ! r ~ INIBT92T ~ . y, . , ~ - -'5+,~ 7 VENT EL X0.0 rv I >F.. R~ YS `J GAUGEAAIN. SEWER, ~ 'DRAIN NO 4- g_gy ~ r.-,e_ BEE SFEET Co-4 N-, ~ + ~ •9EE SHEET CD•8~- r+Y',i , - - B, IF STREAM cRO5SW0 N CONSiquCTED BY OPEN ExcavATwN, F ' I II 8-El 'I , ~ ~ ~ - ? 3' ~ } LN/iD 1 ~ A TEMPORARY 9EDWENTr'" --r SXEEi P41NG PARALLEL i0 CASING iD BE ANCHORED FPMLY IN EARTH AND " y ~ ~ W°"' ~ ~ ~ _ - ~ I , ~ ~ TARP E.C. STD 6.60r ~P~x LEFT IN PLACE ANO USED 10 ANCHOR STREAM CROSSING CASWG AGAINST _ - r 0: ,.-.1:, V , ~ ` + I, i / „ ~ ' 1 f ors( IV ~ ~ ~ I , m WER LENGTH • 4' Y~ ~ ..'V FLOIATKIN. CUT OFf TOP 12" BELOW FlTlSH TRADE. NO PERMANENT SHEETNG - H• 'PT r , ~ 1/ 34" SEWER i ~ STEELS SHEETW9 µy ~ _ ~ ter-' 30' AWWA C-905 PYC YOLULE 603 CF: ~ I y , _ -'Y REWNEO 9' STREAM CROSSWG IS CONS PVC ED BY CONTWUOUS UN AENCHEO METHODS. 4 N541TBL01 I, ' •NTERCONNECTOR SEWER+ Y ^1,,. 9 If 6TREAM CAOSSWG IS CONSTADCTED 8Y OPEN E%LAVAiION AND - .EN4185196 z_ w ~ ' iA~ T~~~~', `SEE NOTE 3 / ~ i ' ~ IV, L' , ~ IF CASWG IS WSTALlEO FROM EAST SIDE, EAST SHEET PILING MUST BE CUT OFF _ - - ~ ' _ f - [ - - + SUPPORT EXIST t 11 1 ~ bE~*? M SUFFICIENTLY LOW 40 THAT CASING CAN PA55 OVER i0P OF SHEETING I0.T LEAST _ HLBBF^'~[ , ~ % / T ~ ~ ` ~~g-58 ~ \ ~ 1 /J \ SEE N07E 13 ~ ATCH ON NORTH ENO1. OTHERWISE CASWG MUST 0E LPTEO OVER SHEET PILNG. -I`. ~ / ~ ,E%6TNC 39' PCP ~ ~ `t~.. EINE ' 1 • ~1 ./T-~ Y,~ MANHOLE... iRUN~SEWER h/J' + ~ 5 ~r T`_ ~ . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ NO 510 \ I ;.,-,.rTEAPORAdY SEDAIENT I Ee sNEer ' 10. If STREAM CROSSING 19 CONSTRUCTED BY OPEN E%CAVATpN, - _ ~ ~ t - ~ TRAP E,C. $TO 690 V 1 / 1 II INSTALL PRESSURE GROUTING PIPES W BEDDING AND BACKF4l STONE PRIOR TO / ~ ? ~ d \ ~ WER LENGTH • 4 ~ ~ STONE PLACEMENT. MA% SPACING BETWEEN ENDS OF GROUT PIPES 3'-0" IN AlL . ~ . _ . - y ~ ~ \ Kt PVOLUME •1302 OF ~ / 1 •,T S ~ aa~ ® / O a , ~ , / ` DWECTION6 GROUTED AREA MU57 BE COMPLETELY WATERTIGHT 70 PREVENT N i YA 2~. i ~ - 067-014.05. ~,•u •ir,W LEAKAGE BEYOND ENO$ OF CASING WHEN CASING ENDS ARE DEWATERED. USE 1 ~t DOM LIC~ j \ N NEAT PORTLAND CEMENT 6ROVT WITH ADDITIVES TO MPAOYE PENETRATION. -STREAM / \ - ~ ~ . ~ ~ J,i Ji• FOURTEEN HUNDRED ONE FREE * J,,....,,h `k~ EXCSi FLEX x POST W869 1401 FREEDOM DP q IF iflEAM CROSSING IS CONSTRUCTED BY OPEN EXCAVATbN CR059N0 N01~` COUPLING IN.. / - E:L 641.82 CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 ; ~ V II. 6 , - ~ ;y ''6' .1 1 , ~1, 0 ~ ~ RAMP i0 BE CONSTRUCTED ONLY OF RIP RAP STONE 50 NOi TO CONTFIBUTE - - I B4" STEEL STREAM....._.. 4Y STEEL PIPE ~ .4. X541947.54 ~ - B SILT OR TVRBIDITY 70 StftEAM. RAMP 70 BE COMPLETELY REMOVED AFTER TEMPORARY STREAM CROBSNO CASUIG 1 ''-'w = y- U 'Y:,~ EM41T94.TI ' L I - \ f 4p SEAL ~ STREAM CROSSING W COMPLETED. - 1 lld.ll' SEE NOTE 6: - ti. ~ QW IAIMM) A , 1 R=800' - I . ' BOTTOM STABLQATXW~ I z, .W ~ 1 L ~ ' 0.PPR0% LOCATION 9EE NOTE 2 ~ - VERMANENT SHEET PLNO ` y/j , \ \ ~ ~i, ~ X64236295 C • ~.Y,\ r"....~\ 1D246W6 ;s N, U THE fLOWS W WWN CRFEN AND 57EWART CREEK WCREASE EXIST STOflM - ~ FOA STREAM CROSSNB - . ; 1p ~ t. \ ~ 6' Du "'E, ~ cb 1, % " OVRING RAINFALL CONTRACTOR SHALL 8E PREPARED Ai ALL TIMES . v - / ~ ~i ~ ~ " • \ , P EW420U.85 ~ 1 a^f O ~,n`r,NOINE~{?~,++ TO EVACUATE THE STREAM AAE4 AND SHALL CONDUCT WOflK 50 AS $ ' DRAIN NOT _ PERMANENT SHEET PLNO= CASNG NSIALLATXN. 'C ~ K 4X~ n ~ ( - ~ FOR STREAM CR0S5WG ~ .BEE NOTE B p . \ ~ ~ 30" AWaWrAUC-9D5 PVC l~ Wv ~1 ~ 'uRE~ r? ~ TO PPEVENi FLOOD DAMAGE AND OOWNSiflEAM SILTATION, ALL ERODED , :T ~ H0. ROMP LY A V „ Ba' STEEL TUNNEL CASWG NSTALLATUN - , ~ _ ` , '~4 NTEIiC 1 ~f\ ` 'W,„~ !,+,n"" H\° MATERIALS S LL BE P T REMOVED AFTER fL000 E ENi W CASNG ` ~ CTOR SEWER >1 .y :..SEE NOTES ~ '+,i A ~ t _ \ p,.~ ~ ,V ~~P p PROTECT EXISTNG SEWER WITH SUPPORT SYSTEM DE610NED BY CONTAACiOR'9 J 'EXIST MH 490 t 'c= - \ A' \ \ E%I8TN0 36' RCP =I P 1 - v ' - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ , RWIN CREEK 1 . - \ t TRUNK SEWER 1 REPLACE ALL CHAN OP 64049 - r~ ` ~ N \ym ~ OU PROFE5510NAL ENGINEER. ' I ''LNII FENCING DAMAGED - LE. 62052 c__, - - .TEMP ACCE85 ~ 1\ , - N5415493l RAMP 9EE NOTE R~. ' * ~ VAA~~~A T V ~ A ~ c 1' ~t > BY THE WORIf- EI44109505 D ~ ~aa^ A DNERWCN ~ V~~~ ~~W.;~~ $r*-... I ,38' SEWER 1T u,., f!L1 ;t I`,, FINAL DESIVN Vi/WPW Camp llreaeer&Md(ee a r g , SAW CUT AND PATCH . ; , _,-q~ NOTE 1 CD-3 c _ - O'. ;EXIST MH 520 STRUCTURE NO L \ - . 1 4 \ 'BfiVMW0U9 CONCRETE - TOP 63396 ~~N54233199 \ \\NN~`~ / `C !~f~ ( ` NOT RELEASED FOR ~ JOI SouI~MAWWeII SAWW,sm f12 CO-9PAVEMENT O15TUABEO BY iNE MOAN = CB J CE. 622 01 `\ti EI44205&R C / -I R ' i .x N" 1 wKrv ..AND RESTORE PAVEMENT fMMEDUTECY ~ W54225867~ ~~U71' OUT 6K.25 ' ~ ~ ~ CNHMm,NwN CamimA 2UW BS' STREAM CROSSNG 9TEEL CASNG - \ >\.v \ ; >,,ti 11 i CONSTRUCTION re TO4Jnasw Fu:TW-JIb1Z% \ I .LPON COMPLETIOH OF WORK ITYP) ~ r~ EI44I962 14 v ENT EL 640,60 V A }i• 1 y" 1 ~ r X84' TUNNEL CASNG _ ;SEE NOTE 1 ~ BEE SHEET CO-6 . U, ,t `~•1 1 - ~ 1` "t i' i . Y EXISTMH53D` ~ \,r gip' CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG TEMPORARY UNOERGRWND C-_ RECONSTRUCT STREAM ~,ywV~~Vv~~A v t;0-3 TOP 633.68 A\ ~ 1 ~ ~a ~ ' 25. ~W ~ ~u ) ~ A,. T M DOo-Ft BAPIL$ RP RAP TD ELEY LE 622 B6 ~ , 1C AIU 36' Tff~'... UTILITIE S ~'1~ - DEWATERNG WELL SYS E - try, \ t>'~ X542744.03vA v ~ \ w __."O~ ~ BEE NOTES 6. T ANO 6 ON \ 620.7 VEGETATION ~ r \ 'N.,`: \ a~ E1442074.02 N \ \ N ~ w, T o-1 ~ PLANTNGS To raP ~ sux~ ~ y v v 1 p ~ I v ENGINI~ERING DIVISION sEE farE 4 ~ ~ v ~ ,vim ` ~ NOTE,' 1 ~ ~ v K vi ro: I i ~ ~ ~ i CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA p I ~~A~vvyV~ LxISTWC Rim kvv ~ I , L ~ I . ~ \ " T ~ 'E%I5T MH 59D 1 ` , . - c . t, ~ 1 ~ 1 I ~ ; yu~ ~ 1` 1 Job No. iNe Na IRWIN CREEK RELIEF SEWERS ~ ``~.~~L<~ ieP6iz9e~~~=`_ ~ ~ ~ 1 + s~lp CONTRACT II S., ~ 'N-_ •X542360.26``35;.. d, I .1 PLAN I' . W / n ~'-r._ %''V~ ~v ~EI942~s.as;~~ ~ v1,.~v, A~ v ~ ;y i _ \ % 'C .,,9EE NOTE I~ 1 "v, ~ PRORIE ,-''"~'V L w. ~;y~: \ \ Xa. ''''w iR I RE BRANCH a~ .:..,ka\ ~ v ~v ~ - r.o WN C EK PLAN 4---_ _ .a~~~~ ~ ;'v 2:~ '.v~ ~wv,,~~ . ' ~ 1 , 1 Y°rt STA. 9+70 TO 18+00 `h / ~ ~ ~ A A v A - 20® ~-t-~... i~ / \\L\.u, \ a\ ~=f/ '~"1 SDC/HS TDH/LSS BJL JMN JFP 4/04 SNWWt 01 - '9'~. e~ r~S-.. ~ - fW 'Ly - NMlan - SurwyM 8y WWipmd By Dmwn By Pro}cl-Fnpr MDrawd BY Dad . - AND '00­YEA%� BASE EL, 649.00* EXISTING GRADE BASE FLOOD r ;LEVATION - 649.00* 40 I� l S' DIA APPROX WATER LEVEL EL 626.00 (3/98) 30;,INTMrECTOR SEWER DIVERS / STRUCTURE No. 4!!�7 INV EL 619.81 mv EL GuLasi INV EL 610.75 INV E 6028 INV 60,38 INV EL omul INV EL PROFILE HOP. r • 40' VIER, r • 4' 68+00 69+00 70+00 71+00 72+00 73+00 74+00 /* -E`XPT M 9 TOP 4209 j� -TOP 4 1.8 N5 [7-7 POLE LICHT- I 22 _r:-N545335.64:... 4Y 5 E144144 SEE NOTE T E144 POST -0 E 7 N5454T023 EL 64L43 E1445649 CO -2 IN 45431.6 E14455641.01 E� 9 um EX T 71 EXISTING FENCED TO -.REMOVE EXISTING '1� TENNIS COURTS -BA 24 -INCH - #-;p7 - SKETBALU�----' 54 AENO -t]44 - TESSEE TE CMu c-_�E A-� 64 w TEMPORARY SEDIMENT 7 TRAP E.C. STD S." L -4 SAW -CUT AND REMOVE EXESTING WEIR LENGTH 36- SEWER VOLUME • 364 CIF - CONCRETE BASKETBALL COURT EXISTING 4' AND RECONSTRUCT AREAS ­cq, i' EXISTING' DURING CONSTRUCTION. SS LATERAL RESTROOM Ex ISTINP REMOVE AND, BUILDING IMARKINGS TO MATCH EXISTING SHEET CD-�" BENCH REPLACE PER DETAILS A AND 8 ON `TEMPORARY B NCHES TRASEDIMENT E [$TWO REMOVE EXISTING T AENT' ',WEI-E' TEMPORARY SEDI I Q(N;4.? TD 41-1 �' l lKAP E.C. STD 6.60 INSTALL TEMPORARY 6 -FOOT COURT AND RECONSTRUCT T� 426 CIF ENTIRE COURT TO MATCH EXISTIINB�. IR LENGTH • 4' CHAIN LINK FENCE ALONG I ME REPAINT MARKINGS TO MATCH CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT VOLUME • 605 CF EXISTING. SEE NOTE T THROUGH PARK AREA PR)OR­ /"',, 073-232- TO ANY LAND DLSTL RBING,��:, r- v MECKLENBURG C ORAZIER FAKK �,',-600 EAST FOUR 'T, ...... CONCRETE TH ST CHARLOTTE NC EXISTING t., BENCH 41 1 *rte' - - .. -A PAGE ST. FRA71FR PARKI G 5& 0201 W T -BENCHES 151 N5451792T H545)6220 EXISTING CONCRETE T, EK45520.79 E144554T.70 0 tSTEP5 AND RETAINING, 01-� Pi R I `IFXlST(NG CONC' , AND BRICK WALL TEMPORARY' EXISTING SPLIT CONSTRUCTION,, RAIL WOODEN ::��,,.,�,"�rEXIST CONCRETE 9TRANCE F�YME' SEE NOTE I -REMOVE AND REINSTALL I N T CHAIN LINK FENCE C NECESSARY FOR WORK. RE .ANY DAMAGED MATERIAL NEW EGUAL_M_AT"Rkt­ DIVE5RS [ON STRUCTURE NO N5469= E1446709022 POLE LIGHT INV OUT 623.03 SEE NOTE 4 VENT EL 65LOO SEE SHEET CD -T ECT FTEXIST.V ­ EC=SHEETIN SYSTEM, -30- AWWA C-905 PVC SEWER= 0 REIdTALL- SfCAMORE TREES ATA LOCATIONWITHIN FRAZIER PARK TO BE 2ERMNED BY ENGINEER !701 _YT S36Gf184'W 267.43, ,-MOVE AND rlREINSTALL "EXISTM. BENCH "VE AND REPLACEi-w ;IOTECT KISTING ----�LC",tEXISTING BrrUM 4 -INCH [CLOW 0 DRAAY SEj5IMEkf- E.C. SM &60 IOVE. LENGTH - 4' JSTALL EXISTING PCHIC VOLUME - 783 CF !!Z LES AND SHELTER ON r SLAB AND NEW rXe. TS TO MATCH EXJS' ?VE. STORE. - GTALL ALL tAlb I VKJ­-i TEMPORARY SED H CONTAINER AND .TRAP E . STD 6 RETE P,�D-WEIR LENGTH - dV - s'F;VOLUME 223 CF -A APP ROX LOCATION EXIST STORM TALL 25 LF TEMPORARY' 6 -FOOT CHAIN LINK FENCE i ITYP EACH SIDE) SEE NOTE 8 GRAVEL CON BURIED ELECTRIC ENTRANCE S ,'INSTALL TEh APPR6X LOCATION m % Ps" -z -PL�-AN 40 V ti NVI SO- CASING 36' DIP SEWER 620 INV EL 619.74 R STREAMEAM CROSSINO NO NO 2 — — : .71 86i.44r " 610 F.S.T.iW N545431.6 E11445 41 EXIST MH TOP 644.12T296, I.E. 629.71 N54578173 I I - NOTE .. 4 E1446107 L PROTECT EXISTING BASKETBALL POST. BACKBOARD. AND GOAL. NOTES 2. REMOVE EXISTING MANHOLE TOP AND REPLACE WITH NEW TOP AT GRADE PER DETAIL E. SHEET CO -3. S. PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PER STANDARD 6.06 OF NC EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DEMON MANUAL. 4. LOCATION OF POWER SUPPLY CABLES FOR EXISTING LIGHTS UNKNOWN. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE CABLES WITH LOCATION EOUIPMENT. CUT AND PROTECT CABLES AS NECESSARY FOR THE WORK. INSTALL TEMPORARY CABLES. AND SPLICE AND REPLACE REMOVED OR DAMAGED CABLES. 1.0�IA TIME OUT OF SERVICE SHALL BE DURING DAYLIGHT HOURS ONLY. tiE T ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC. GO. CAim 5. PROTECT EXISTING SEWER AND MH 710 WITH SHEETING SYSTEM DESIGNED BY CONS BY CONTRACTOR'S PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. --- 6. PROTECT EXISTING MANHOLE NO 720 WITH SHEETING PROTECTION fiTO 40 FEET ACROSS y,SYSTEM DESIGNED BY CONTRACTOR'S PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. 'STREAM CROSSING NO 2 T. REMOVE AND REINSTALL TENNIS COURT. NET POSTS. NET. AND FENCE. REINSTALL TO BE PER DETALS C AND D ON SHEET CD -Tl AND DETAILS REMOVE AND REPLACE'-- B. C. AND 0 ON SHEET CID -10. EXISTING TREES (TYP 31 RECONSTRUCT 51-A. S. CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE CONSTRUCTION AREA AT SYCAMORE STREET RIP RAP TO EL 631.39 AND WITHIN FRAZIER PARK TO PROTECT THE GENERAL PUBLIC AND PARK PATRONS FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. REPLACE E33/ gt IIN BITUMOU 'ENT 024888 0 FINAL DESIGN Cmp Drmw & McKee NOT RELEASED FOR 1301 South M.D-11 Sued, Sib 532 0.toft,N.*C­fi. 29204 CONSTRUCTION Td: 704-3Q-4546 Fu:704-342-2296 REMOVE THREE EXISrlNQ CHARLOTTE -MECKLENBURG LONDON PLANES TREES ANQ. REPLACE WITH NEW PER - UTILITIES 1 4 PERMIT FOR TREE WORKION CITY PROPERTY (SEE : ENGINEERING DIVISION A SPECIFICATION SECTIONS 00200. 02TQ) CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA —Fla -No. Job No. IRWIN CREEK RELIEF SEWERS PLAN Scorn CONTRACT 4W CONTRACTII PROFILE How. 1" W Vert. to •-'r IRWIN CREEK BRANCH 62 Q 221!! STA. 68+00 TO 78+50 wilt - I I—h-' 0' SS BJL JMN JFP 1/04 L!No. By RsUlon Surveyed By Designed Dow BProject-Ener jPprowd By Dote YN) YEAR 1 ~ J I ~I•• ~'e~o ! IDO YEAR a ~ BASE FLOOD Irmre c I ELEVATION • 838,OOi ~~mtJ ~ I LL W Ar<Wyk}Wky} pp IW W O ~p>y ~ ~ ~HF> 3 A~ Wg0 yyr~~ rOr W ~W O~01~ FCIr yr<r ~ I S9Y ~'t $ Jb APPAO% Yt ci d - ~A_A ~Ir~W~ LOCATION I a tW~ I'rt } wgp ~ F.XISi BRANCH C rX s vriluri~$t8 Z i ~W-2 M 5EWER APPAO% LOCATION I 1 E%19TNG 18' STORM DRAIN ~ APPRO% w I I) ~ LOCATION I APPRO% I EXIST ELEL u LOCATION E%IST 12" rc WATER MAW APPROX w APPRO% E%SiTG S ~ I E%ISTTBURIEO WI APPq BA4TE LOCATION II~ TELEPHONE LINES I I E%IST 12" RCP CULVERT b%15T~ RCP CULVERT i I p ~ E%STOINGMSTORM GRANN Oq^-- ~ I ~ SIZE AND DEPTH UNKNOWN _ VJs1G p._._- _ a APPAOX WATER ~ ._I I STA D•04 N LEVEL 617,00 (3/981 I 60' UNTRENCHEG Z CAS9D ~ I I U a 60• CA ~ I i ` ` - - - - - ~ ~ n 36' OW SEWER - - ~ I 38' 5EWER I SLOPE • o,oBX J8' 5EWER I 36' DS' 9EWER SLOPE • 0.08% 9LOPE • 0.08X ~ 0 ~~Q.~, ~..__-SLOR~-n0.08Y---_~. I IO STREA 1 CROSSNO NO 3 ~ NV EL 810.48 I I I NV EL i09~8T ~ h NV EL 809.41 ~ NN EL 610.26 ~ NV EI 8D&9B IN 0. 601.8 I NV 4 608,87 ~ Z I ,I~ I i PROFILE I~ Now r +G' a I vEw r• 4• ~ 1 r ~-_64~ ~a,Q__..__._l__ , _ 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 1U+00 _ 11+00 ~ T I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~a / I , ~ ~X16TNO BELL soarx P P _ 1 ~ ~.-r-' V~ ~ ~ . i, q 1 j ~ I ~ ,~Q~_n~~`' TELEPHONE MANHOLE,. _ I ' - 1 - ~'-c ~r .11.1 ,r j m 1 ''.'~I' I i ` . ~ ~ " I I I ~ ; ~ ~ ,o~ ~ ~ ~ 111 r/' .I ~ - Y - ~ i/ ~ 1 - p~- i~ ~ ~ ~ 11 I 1.. ~ V l I~ ~~i. 1 ~ ~ 1 T r' - ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 r i i ~ _ 1 / i ~ / ~ ~ ~ /f I 1 1 E%ISTNG BELLI9WTH ! r ) Y 1 /h ~ ~ - _ i 1 ~ -~.~i'11 TELEPHONE AERIAL l/i i r ~ r ~ ~ i, ~ i~~~ ! m,, 1 I ~ I ~ 1. 11 O v OABLEI l I ~ , t .061 014 02 i r~-.~F" ~ ~ l '3 ~V~, 'd~~ ~ ii%.. - ~ 11 1~1~~~ 1 r° ~~1~ L ~ /fir I ',.APD wI~KINSaN PROPERTIES Lu , ' r ~ w f BRYANT PARK ~ \ , `~v" ~ ~ ~ ~ r PO BOX 39689 C:J _ - ~ - - : i".~ ~ ~ `I ,I ~ ~ W ~ ~ EXISTING 1 S ,'CHARLOTTE, NC 28239 / { ~ r " ~ r~} 111 I BELBDARD I (2001 SUTTEE AVEI / 1~ ~ n ~ ~V~/ ' m II l I ~~~~~.~-1X 1 j ~ - POST w9~9 I .r , ~ ~ ~ , 1 A .\I . 11 \ ~ 1 ~I ~ , ~ I I t, 1 v ~ ' EL sze.a, ~ ~ Ds7•GM•o~i 111 1! ~,1 ~ 1 Exlsrvic cas I ~ I~ I j i ! N5123B1b1 V w `p ~ m IHAN08 FROM I 1 4 ~ m MECNLENBURG COUNTY \ ~ E%IST_ a• BRIDGEA , EI416 S5 " I i, ,1 ' saris I 600 EAST FOURTH 9T ~ u I. I~ i ~1 I~ ~ r~ - I i J r< A P R' - 1 I : 1. ~ I I i I l _ _ I CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 ~ ~ ~ ~ t~. ; 1 A ! 1 w dppAO%IMATE I i 1 i r , i ! I 1 % 1 _ j ~ ~ Sl°Si0RMA0AAiN ~ EXISTNG FOUL ~ f ~ ~ ~ v v. I A ~ CV ~ ~ ~ LOCATION OF ~ L REMOVE STORM DRAN9 AB NECESSMY. REPLACE WITH NEW RCP. 9QE AND GRADE ~ j I 1 r _ / BALL MAPo(ER 11701 W MOREHEAD ST, BAYANT PAflKI • ~ I. I, • \ 12" WATER MAN I TO MATCH EDSTN6. Ip~[BEa- _ I I 1 ~ / -"~"~'~•r-8'+.~'7F-'11 tef=^-- _ ~ / ~ P 8EE NOTE 1 r~1 t ~ ~ I 1 I ~~y- SEE NOTE 3 IATALL TEMPORARY 6-F00T / E%I6TN0 BELL §OUTN ~ ~ I . - TEMPORARY SEGMENT - CXAN LNK FENCE ALONG / TELEPHONE POLE ~ ~ 2. PROYDE APD MAINTAN TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PER STANDARD i 1 ~i . j ~ r / _ 5~• I ~ APD GUYS 3 { A • C ~ '~MH•27~ It TRAP E.C. 970 6.80 ~ \ 28 A/W ~ CONSTRUCTION EA6EMENT / \ , 1 1 1 ° ~ 8.06 OF NC EAOSDN AND SEGMENT CONTROL PLANNNO ANO DESDN MANUAL. WEYA LENGTH • 1 AND 35' TCE ~ THROUGH PARIC AREA PRMWI EXISTINOv N512340.49 YOLUIE • 736 Cf f;,l~,~ ° ~ r I - TO ANY UND D9TUflBlD ACTIVITY REMOVE STORE 1 \ a 11,1 f;t 1 POWER POLE I I 3. pEMOVE 9TOflE, AND RENSTALL E%ISTNO FOU. BAIL NARKER. CJY2 CP3 EI44TfD,33 AND AEPLACEI Y -G!+OG-- _ - ~ i EXISTING BELL SDUTN (3) 6"%6": 1 \ I ;1. TEMPORARY! m > ~I EMOVE E%STNB MAMgLE TOP ANO REPLACE WZTN NEW TOP PER DETAL D _ _ 4.R - 1 ' ; -b/. ,,,L`+V~---.~- _ _ / R TELEPHONE 16 FIBER "WOODEN POSTS ~ ~ 1~ yCONSTRUCTIONr+.I ~ } - ON SHEET CO.3. ~ 6 _ -T 2' - - 'I CEMENT DUCT TEMPORARY 1ENTRANCE3,. 0• CA51q ' , . x ' I ' 503'21' rv ~ ~ ~ _ 36• SEWER ~ - _ FENCE OAIE' ~ I q~ SEE NQTE 2 I ~ I ~ ~~I 8; REMOVE EXISTING HANDLE TOP ANO REPLACE WRN NEW TOP PER GETAL E ' r• - ' ' ' SYW J1J00 , CMEO I I ~ ON SHEET CD-3. - F G~'RECOgsmucTSrr+EAM 'I . _ h ;16-e2' ~~-~~Tai-=x~dp~ _ - ~ I , - _r~ % 1;1" ~~A ~ 11 1 1«aa,,,~ _ _ , _ 'BANES RID RAP TO ~ - ~ i _ _ °iA a I 1 4 y's ELEY 620.7 AND YEOETATXNI. t _ ~ __~~rr ~ - ~ NTN6S TO TOP ,,a,CONSTAVCTKIN _ n ~ i ~ ~ X~ ~ ) -a*W~~ - TEAPORARY uHiRENrAIED _ 1 j a 1` ~poff,,.„ ' , - - A . C MH-28 I . / n / J. ~ W~ -CASNB SHAFT 1 '4 - ^ 4~ /OF BAN( ffYPl-~= ? : - ~ ~ TO40 FETAACEROSS K42~291 _,-_---'~"~AO'-1! / ' ~ • 1 T a •3 y •T - ~ ~S,57B"W _ ~ ENTRENCHED 1= - t SEAL I ' E - STREAMS ,~4R29 4 - 'sc,. ~-a„_ Ot „ ~ ~ S STREAM CRDSSNO NO J ~ ! ~ - ~ 197 s 4 11 ~ OASN9 2168 , i i w • _ _ , ~ TEMPORARY SEGMLNi~~' i I ~ ~ TRAP E.0 S1D 6b0 ~B'61 ~ µ ~ 0 B • " • I i m - - "°'v-. K/~'=../ ---„APPRO%LOCATION J c,; EXIST MH 5'I 0 . - ,.'~`'~~:.d, WER LENOIH 4 ;i -~ll`L,:~ I °%afn~+,'~CINM~~?d' 25' A/W TOP 633.72 _ VOLUME M6B CF ~ ~ ~ ~E~E NOTEACP CULVERT.:.,;L,,,`, _ . . Ertl-~ , ~ e NF p1•„• .AID 35' iCE' _ I E 623.42 CO.3 ;'='y` _ .-APPRO% LOCATION= . ',.i 9-63 , Na, T F. - - _ _ _ - ' '-.N542345.9I r- 1_.,: ~ i~- ~ _ _-E _ 97EwAgT CREEX ~`{%IST 16 p1LVERT~ '..-,A. 4. ,,~2y - . `I 1 '~T¢1 ~ II Io1 . ~ SEE s, _ ~ 8-61 w ~ ~w nm j. SEE NOTE 4 - 1 _ ~ - MOTE 1- . y- . a TEMPORARY SEGMENT 1 ~{i"~.. / - - uxr°"-w.:.,o~ ----R-~' - - _ _ 1i Dttuet 6t McKea I, j ~ : -I o TRAP E.C. STD 6.60 1 .,o„~,,,,,,, _ _ WEYi LENGTH . p' . ~ ; , , a ;~.,~,z.,~,a-...~_.. P w ~~.~.;,M"z.." - ~ ~w - _-._r = ~",.+c TBM ~~a°,~"- 1 _ JIY n 4, E%1571 VOLUME • 3, CF I , ~ ~ - _ - ~ , - ~ _ _ . _ ~ ~ NOT RELEASED R 9N Bw~hMaDorrdl9em, 91na _ - / „ y, J m . c~r~~>~ - ;~?~,~POST W920 Ifi"STORM 1 ~ CAa1om;Nma CooHu 261W o _ ~ _ ~•p El 834.02 ~ _ _ur'P'~ m.______. NS43R89B. ORAN~ E%ISTING. WNS I II~V 1 I~N ate. Tck1M-N2i516 Fh:'Nr4341-13% _ h - r - P _.ftwl9-~..-_. ~ r - - ~ 1 ~ _ EI441 6.93 ~E%ISTING BELL SOUTH 1- 5EWER 4 ~q \ A 'd e _ _ A l - -r"'~_.' N `Ta ~ _ _`-E%ISTNG,-'_.-_.~~., W110-*--~-~ a,. y-.::,~ ELEPHONE AEAIAL,,,r ~I ~ O \ 1 ? ' i ~ ~;r LIGHT POLE " 1>SERYICE WX{E. _..~„''r'.'F _ ? ;_~x.e - - _ _ o BgOKEN 1, CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG H , EXISTING 36, 1,, I 7 ' _ --G--___. PA~E~NT a, 4~= - t,, ,Q ,t UTILITIES , DIVEASDN 9TRUC1tNE NO 1-" ~ ~ - ~ _ _ a• : ? ~ iC ` ~ 'TRUNK SEWER ' MtO. ~ i N - N54230921 i.. @. '=OTC _ - 't ' - 'I EI441BBL73 _ # 6r--~ 1 "..,-.---.`Ey.._ - _ ~ , a i NV OUT 616 32 ' \ _ a \ _ ' m' r~---r - ~y ; , ENGINEERING DIVISION " - , P ~ r VENT EL 61000 ~ +~1 i - e ti - 1,1 r% rig -----~-.._3 ~ . t..__.tti -7:' _ _.Eb~._ --i~ ~ I _ s~Er DD-e ~ e,~, ~ ~ r--, „ - E%arw6 3o R/w EXlsr MH s-z _ I + -.`w v CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA vi / ~ SEFi, L„oa,1 ~ 1 • - F'' ~ ~ TOP EL E "'f' ~ _ _ l Bbl i ~ m f,~ ,~1 a V MH I _ _ ~ 1 m , ~ '~~--y~ 1 'I t.E. CD-3 EXISTING BELL SOUTH _~`F ~ -1 h VOB-p7-661 ~T ' u ~ 'x.~ , m 1 ; N542862.TI DUCTS ON ELEVATED 2 . "py Na FpW Na IRWIN CREEK RELIEF SEWERS ~ ~ ~ ,,.rw°' ~ j Io~ ~ ~ .~3 ~ EI441855.82 PEAS BESIDE BRIDGE U $ 1 m ~ ( S~w - _ Gs7-Gw-o6 ~ ~ ~ A I~ v sEE NOTE 3 ~ •v 1 ~ s~a« CONTRACT II N \ ~ _k ~ FOURTEEN HLWDREO ONE FREEDOM LLC M. a I ~ 1 ~ V a <v PLAN P= t0' !r _~C ~ r 1,. I 'L '~I401 FREEDOM DRIVE - j ` / E%ISTNG SIGN l„ ~ ' ~ ~ I p ~ s' ~ CHARLOTTE NC 28208 ~ ~ ~ m . , f C, k 1 r ~ ~ _ ~~L_~I _ a I 1 _ ~ ` r ' - r`•~~ I, N WATER METER YdUL7 I PROFlLE I' = 40' / t-~ 2 I STEWART CREEK BRANCH r~ 1 1~ ~ d A v I I' 4' ,r v ~ ~ ~-1. v A i , wrt. / \ '067 014 05: rr I \ 1~. - ~ FNE HYDRANT STA. 0+00 TO 11+05 ry ` ' ~ _ \ ~ FOURTEEN HUNDRED ONE FREEDOM LLC K, I 1 - I 1~ PLAN ' _ a j ' ,~V r` ~ ~ ^ 1901 FREEDOM DRIVE 1 11 ~ r . 40' 1 t - _ - - ~y, CHARLOTTE. NC 28208 ! ~ \ ~ 1 ® 1,1,1 ~ ~ \ _~L. ' ~ M - 20 0 b 1 SDC/HS 1DH/LSS BJL JMN JF'P 4/04 C-11 30 . - ~ r ~ '~1 1 Na DWb By RMdon I Surue B Od b By Drom B Propel EnOr Approved By Dab - . y ) - I W~ it 1 ~a Rl~d~ l ~ _ = ~ _s~4____ F~~ ~ - - i fi i~w~ ~ IW YEM BASE FLOW I ~ ELEVATION • 63AOOs I x~ ~ ~ ~ 8j~d~ I ~ $ ExlsrN s2WER `I ~ SLOPE O,fi75x I i ~Q---.r f I - - I _ 3 lIN I - I o _ i E%19TNG IB" WER N ~f0~y 1 NY EL 628,6 Q SLOPE ' I y I ~ NV L TODBE REMO DER W T 13 J CzA NY 624,78 ~ ~ 8' DIA ~ ~ I I ~~,Q... I I~. I'- OROP PPE I 30' DP MERCOKECTNB I NSTALL BRICI( MORT PLUG SEWER FROM OIYER$aN N OPENNO FOA FUT EXTENSION STRUCTURE NO fi ~ OF A 3FNCN PPE A NV a 6R6B I NV a 6862 I I b6• oP SEWER e'-`aoer uaE • Doer DRaP Nv a el:ae I .61.4___._ _.~..r.._.-- 6 I ----f~~ Orv a Baez Bn a exze NY X448 I IN a 0.N PROFILE Row r • 4a t1+00 12+00 ~13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 - _ L - ~ ~ ~ _ ~1sra~aow~ pcP eERRy~9-~f ; ~ / I ' '{i ~ ~ i / ' - J/ji'ni ! ; " 1l, ~ _ _ - 1 _ ~ _ - _ _ A I u . ~MX-32 ) ~ ~ I ~E%ISi MN S•7C / -sl::?~ - N543906.33. ~ L I TOP EL 640,44 ' 7 /--'u-..~ . 1 ~ _ - - - - CD-2:.~~NMi24.e3 . tT ~ 15 325 41 ~ is 1 i , - - - ] _ ~ ~ I r N 4 9 2B2~ " II - _ _ROAD eRANCII ¢€'eF,R j i 9 ~ ~ ~ ~~~1? ~ /i P I . , " . ~ ~ 'V ~ , Aro T~~ \v~~~ ~ ~ lh,: , r~/~~~. .M, E SEWER PLUO9 N REwn?+e 9Er~m AFtER PAR1uL sEWEx / `K 6 \ \ /I - ~ - - ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ' . i G, / REMgYk TO BE PER DETAR D SHEET CD-a. SEWER PLUB9 rr ~ m a~ ~ i - ~ \ ~ ~ r. M1I C. ~ ~ ~ N MANHOLES SHkL BE AT LEAST 2 SEWER DW.ffTER9 _ - I ~ ' I WRH CONCRETE ALL PLV09 TO BE WATERTgHT. ~ ' - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PLUG T, ~ i _ ~J ~ - ~ ~ ~ V A ~ • Nq II ~ ~S ~ t e;7 ,mrf 2. PLU6 E%6TN0 UP6TREMI 16' BEARYHRL ROAD TRUNf SE'WE1t r ~ ~ ~ ,,G- ) I / ~ / WITH WNCRETE ANO REFORM BENCWa N E%1STN0 AN-S-7B ~ ` ~ 3 ~ yY /i r TO ACCOMMWATE ONE REMANPIB 12' UPSTREAM SEWEw ~ Ir _ ~ - ~ ~ B~ ,r/ W`~,,~ ~ 1, 1 b ~ / E%IST 12' SEWER l b. NSTALL BNCI( AIO MORTAR PLUG N OPENNO MH•31 FOR ~I 1 \ ?H-bl \ i ~ TO AEMAN AC ' FVTTVUN"E EXTENSON, ~ / ~ # -A aNNIP TYPO j - s ; ! CD•S N543aR.03 ,,~~y i ¢ ///s ~ ~ / 4, PLUG FaSTNO BERRYILL ROAD 7RIRW( SEWER AT E%LA1N0 MH S•TC. ~ a ~ EM4R46e6 ~ ~ ~ , r, TEMPORARY SEGMENT ~ REMOVE MH S-TC TO A' BELOW ORAOE AN] BACKFLL WRN EARTH ~ I ~ ' n SEE NOTE 3 ~ - l~/ v /~i 7RM E& STO 6.60 ! I REMOVE E%19TN8 SEWER BETWEEN MH-32 AND E%ISTNO MI S-TC~ ' / WEN LENDTH • 4b : ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~7 / /i ( ~ i ~ e. PIiOVIOF I~NO KAMAN TEWOIIARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ~ _ ~ - ~ j vain • as c~ ~ I I ~ ~ S~ ~ ~ y / r I PER STANDARD 6.08 aF NC EROSION AND SEOILffNT CONTROL PLAINNO ~ % ~ ~D67-031-04t i 1 ice. ~ ~ ~ ~ i f Y I f - ~i \`u v / j E%187 IB' RCP BFARYHY.L ~ K AND DE9ION NANUA4 i _ E.C. GRIFFITN CO. i 79~ l' I ~ ~i y/, ~1r i/ ROAD TRONN SEWER' 1914 BRUNSwIC% AVE ~ ~ /j / 1, MOREHFAD STREET SWILL BE SOLE ACCESS FOR ALL WORIf COMPLETED I~'. ~ ~ `PB-(7 PTO BE AB N (LACE ~ ~ ~ CHARLOTTE, NC 28207 A ~ ii F / UPSTREAM OF MOAEIEAD STREET. ~'I IIeOD FREEDOM DRl µ~30 - P Oq''\ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( %.UO E>Sm SPNON Jj , CO-2 N54361B.A/! 1,,~ J J" T. REMOVE EX6TNG WINIMTLE TOP ANO AEPUCE WRH NEW TOP PER ,TEMPORARY , _ _ - / EN1R82~e0' ~ / i ~ ~ ~ y ~ I / / V DETAL D ON SHEET CO-b. CONSTAUCTON r ~,,,~g- / i i / ~ ? E%I5T MH 9-Tfi m ! ENTRANCE / r ~ sue"- ~ ~l % I~ ~ TOP EL 637.78 f _ 2 SEE NOTES e e 8' ~ ~ ~ 3j' ~ / ! ~ 4E. 627.0 ~3 s i f l' ni ~ h ~ A /o, ! ~ E N543928.30~^ ~ ~xw x t I ~ ~ 1, A ' ~ - ~ . t'E~ 2a' „ / ! r~ EwgrrT3.e2' ~ i ~ ~'r "Se ' v ~ 3s' SEWER _ - - m :r- v I ~ ~ ~ / , ~ ; ; ° ~ 6EE Rory 2 e T \ r ~ ~ i' I ~ _ -_-~e`'-n~~=-,-Y! J ~ ~ St7 qe,o' ~ V ~ Fun~'9TEtrARr ~ ~oaE ~ ~ ,o - ~ I _ - ~ - \ r: ~ ~io,.y'. ~ ~n' ~ i 1 \ ~CREIX AELEF 4P ~ ~~AA~ - ~ f ~ ~SEWER`EXTENSION ,W", ~ o; :,'^i - - ~'i/~~'--i E%ISi iB'~6EWER ~ ~ ~ Sk - rL : ' yN' B-~ ~ l TO REMAN ACTNE. I ~ 02489e 3 5 _.rAAtlB- - - _ b ~ ti..k y,,.•/, iT- FVIURE eTEWNIT~"/ ~ m A r ,y / ~ %.,,CREEN RaEF", A f P j -i - ..-MENP TORT' ~ SEWER EXTENSION I V ~ ~ \ ±r '~J m ~ B-/Y ~fnA, HCNf~ ~~J' I ` I6L00' eMUe- i W - " ~ i~ ~ ~ 1 L' ~ R ti e _ SO1'YTYe•W - - / \ B'6e f t . " - - T:-9E ER ..t.,r ' /",1 ~ / ~ , ~ ~ ~ M„EY f. ~,o+`d w : ift -V , u~ ~ - / ~ ~ ~ E%IST MH 44A ~ D • j ~ .n...u . g BS fig- t: I RECON9YRWT 8T11EI~1 I ~ ~ . ~ ~iA. 10P EL fi3T.69 . ~ , 1 . ~ 17.5 23' -tTb' BANKS RP RAP TO-. C u, x LE. 626 95 i u c, ~ - ~A ~ ~ ~ „ ! ::_.EI.EY 624.7 YEOATATION 2 ~ : , r ~ ~ 7~ - 1 - ~ ~ i - : - T 4TO_~.~ _ - PLANTNa ro roP o~ ~ ~ ~ ( _ _ _ - - ~-==~i,~ 1' i /-i -r__TEMPORAAr ~sEOWENT~-- - z5 R/w:_- ~ eANR RYV! =:p. k.,r~:: ~ __J.'=~~--_ FINAL DESIGN m - - AND 36 TCE - ` - ...-=b25-- - CawP Dxra&McKee ' - TRAP E.C. SiD 6.60 ~ J \`ti- _ ~ - - a a 4.:: _ _ _smEnM cNOUr+o No { ~s_~._..-----.~-.~_ - NOT RELEASED FOR • ' wEBt LENGTH • 4' _ _ - - - a ' ...~e MIBmhMcDenasmc, 9unSl7 VOLVM4E • R93 CF-' ' CONSTRUCTION _ T _ _ _ _ f._ - - - - - 7 .a.h r - rN:TOa3saas~6 Fn:T043/1-zvs - - - - - - - - - - T0040FEETNRED~ 4e"9TE0. cASND ~ ~ CONSTRUCTION o , \ POWER POLE sfEw,wl GREEN ACRD „ f ~ STREAMS I _ ~ -":oaf ~ ~ I b..-.-. - - a _ _ -r . ~ _ CHARLO ENBURG ~ . ~ - - Y~x ~ - - - ~s~>- ~ UTILITIES _ u - ~ ~ i ~ !r ~ ~g, , ~ -~f// ~ I , ~ '~E%ISTWG ~ _ ~ ENGINEERING DIVISION BILLBOARD " ' P... . , , _ ~ a-- , b ~ - - - - ' , _ - E%IST MH S-6 - ~ t, ~ ~ I ~ - 1 " U m ToP EL s3ssT CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA r ~ ABANDONED ~ ,,o' / E%ISTNG 30' R%W. ~ ~ ' ~0~. EXJST MN S"6' E%IST MH S-7 D\ . LE. 624,75 u ~ % " - m - / / ~ u , I .067-031-03 W j TOP EL 636.10 /'"~~•.1 TOP EL 637.78 r N54A059.08 / 006-%_~ O`. POWER POLE v - - -TiE - R1` ` rE.C. GRPFITN CO. LE. 624.65.,= LE, 624,67 EI44L938.59 ~ y~ TaMt J Isw eauruwlcH AvE_ N5a3s3a.2a , N54305a,z1 I / ! ~ doe Na Ne Na IRWIN CREEK RELIEF SEWERS ~ Q E%ISTINO 36', P09T e921 ppIERSRIN ~ CHARLOTTE. NC 28207 ~ ~.EI44192a,17 ~EIgg192a.7B r~°/ / 1~ tr E%ISTWG 36 Suds CONTRACT it E%IST MH 5-5 EL 633.69 •,,S~T~ ~ e IK34 W MOOREHEAO Sil - I 8EE NOTE 7` SEE NOTE 7~s i~ tI" I 1 TflUMt SEWER PLAN 1' ~ 4W ~ I Sr,E iflUN% SEWER O i0P EL ~ CD' LE1 N54359042 ~ N54b60e.T0 ~%r'~ !-i ,tk ~ ~ ~ ~ i . \ '~',W I „ EM419T3A8 1441904e9 / ~ ~ / ~ ~ PROFRE ZI ~ c N543522.50 'EV .38 ~ a / ~ v / t• ~ ~ E%ISn"o\ E1441897.65 YaT EL 641 W / ~ ra L~~ I I__, , 4, STEWART CREEK BRANCH n '~J GEE No7E T ~ a r _ _.L-_.~ J YrL - STA 11+05 TO 18+50 S . ` a TEMPORARY CONC PAD) SEE SHEET CD•8~! ' _ k_~.~----~ i . - - _ - - ' F. E ~ ENWTNAI~ETaN-_- i 26 TEMPORARY N'-- f ~ I i - ~,Q ~ U~T SEE NOTES e i 6 CONSTRUCTNN r • 40' I ; ,1 ~ Nl Of _ fl A EASEMENT 20®0 SDC~HS TDH~LSS BJL JMN JFP 404 C-1 30 Na DaG 8y ReMebn Surve B Devi ed B Drawn B Protect-Erpr Approved By Date I cTm cur aR caxrnETE town Ir Wont AoN SEE MOTE 2 EARiN OACNPLI BI iNE SLOPE RYR ' S• RACE AFTER PPE NST4IATHN m E%CAVATION AY HANG ~ _ tENER PPE AFTER COMPACTHYY TO PRECISELY MATCX 4 00 OF PIPE 4'•0• COMPACTED LAY ~ Y'CKAAPER 4' OA CONCRETE y 3'i• COLLAN_ I ~ I ~ ~ ~ I I I ~ I' I I _ r-o• MN D• D• r-o• MN P OCE B OONO NN ~ m AND PPE I I NSTALLATION I i A i4 ER OF ~ 5 I CONCRETE DRAAlCHANNEL I i ~ g PEE COLLAR ~ I ~ DETAIL $ ' I e r . r.D• vaR TAIL A ~""T"' W DE m ~ YAR y b n NTS W _ F I _ ' ---1 , • GSND 9PACER ~t CENTERLNE SPACND SHALL BE PER MAMIALLY pVEgE71GVA1E C KEY NTO UIOETU11BE0 SPACER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATpN EAATN OR R~ ~Y ORBCnInIETE SEAL TO F ~ L PPE OdJ.AR TO BE PgOYYIDEEO ON TIB: IENEN EVERY 1000 PEST. FOR GABBER PPE/CASNO PPE OWAETERS NA~TEA FAWN AROINIB DOLLAR, L ~FEIA ~D q~l NA1~lIAE ~ WT~ i MERE TAENnI BO% EXCAVATKNf9411ApAqEp1pIgEO. CONTRACTOR SHALL G981D PPE SECTION 1 O'"~"uwe CO~LL~AR Exc~i~`v~rp„TUOa,urnPROrL CT raaDxlD KTS CO•R ? MoFaRCE caoalETE ap.1aR NRM +0 &1110.12• oC EN EP. a FACES of caLAR Ta re FoRAEO rm1 Nano otttaoE of KEr. ca°"NYwcr~°NmFORaR ~ ~ muu MAYS A wYKNOw xroRAUUD NE 9TAKNOJl1' DOON000 CAARER PPE 2 /L~ ,,~Ll.yO~N y FOR DUCTLE NON GABBER PPE THE d1~~LDERBEARY~ SGTEE~L GSOIB SPACER A9 MANUFACTURED ~~Q~ITYPI OR ASS SPECFEa 8Y GSCAOE NATERNORKS MAMIFACTURIp3 PER MECKLENBURO COUITY ST TQIAM~TFJA~ COWANY, YORKVLIE, LLN015 OR APPROVED :DUAL, SEWER CASING SERVICES STREAMBANC STABLQA ggppACERS TO RECEIVE XEAYY BTMANOUS XABRAT ENHANCEMENT PLAAITNO OETA2S COATNB BOTH PRKN i0 ANO AFTER NSTALLATKN TOP of BAN( 2'-0' DETAIL E 4''d EARTH OR CONCRETE P CIW<:ER ALL CON6re RYPI NTS - 2 A9 APPROPRMTE p '11 ATAT OPoYBNAri~ IRYMN011B MYE201T _ r-r TTP~°.u~"A eAwc~ _Z _ ax acre d f70ROM°"c"REST"o~'o A~aY 1 ~ ~ t~ ~ • • „L STANLESS STEEL NUTS 8 BOLTS ~ NSTALL NOVEN COR FBfR MAT, OR EQUAL L r_ + ~ PER MECKLENBINiO COUlTY STOAIANATER . . . ?y ~ SERVICES STREAMBANK STABLIIAl1011 A1tl XABRAT ENHANCEMENT PLANTNB OETALS DEEDED PEA 9ECTKIN 024861 _ NORMAL ~ FOR OUCTI.E RON CMNER PpE THE WATER 1~ ITO~IE BGA9E STEEL GS~PIBASPACER AS MANUFACTURED ~ LEVEL ` OEOTE%TLE FABRIC MRAFI CdIACTEO CR N 00?PACTEp SVOORAOE BY G9CADE WATERNOP1fS MANUFACIURNO I f EAYE T00 OR EQUAL ABC iT01E BASE OOMPANI'. YORKYLI.E. L1.NOIS OR AyPR0YE0 EQUAL LTERN 1 O~OA1~N0 ~TH~PRq~A TO~A18! AF fR W9TALLATION _ ~ GABBER PPE ' L SEE BIIIIAilOOS MYEAOR OETAL FOR PAVEMENT TNICIOEii. E1C. STEEL CASNO PPE XAIO PLACED CLA99 I RP RAP BTOIE 24• AIN TXICYJES9 PER MECKLENBURO 2 PROYmE I!2• E%PANSpN JOM N/BIT, OPREBNATED BAni9t 8 fT TXMK GROUT COVNTY STORM HATER SERYK'E9 OETALi BWUiD i Y' DEEP pOLYU1ETWINE JONT SeAIANT ON TOP t 90ES BULIWEAD ITYP EA END1 JN„w+~m., AT 20' MAK SPACNB~ORAY COLOR'SNAR.EX IA OR EWAL • p~H,...., Tx1s oETAI APPLES TO ALL tore AEPLACiJENT. NYETXEA 2 2~ ~ 6551p4~ x ~ o,T, SECTION ~ 1 BPECFCALLY REF73N)ICED CREEK BEO CREEK BED ~ CONCRETE f,URB NT9 Lro-1z i ~ sEU 1 i 024888 i DETAIL D MCLp RIP RAP AND STREAM BANK RESTORATKIN 1 , r-0• YAR s DETAIL C NT9 Vut FINAL DESIGN Cr~ c~,P~T&M~a )Ol swmlkl7eweY9eM, 9dsf19 L Au CoMPACTATN SHALL re eY XA14 NOT RELEASED FOR ~ CMrMe,NorlECwlme 28201 CONSTRUCTION =ekY04M2~1/b Pa.,D47/L2196 CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG UTILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISiO LINA CHARLOTTE, NORTH CARD °0t-PT~O°` IRWIN CREEK RELIEF SEWERS Joe Na Fpe Ho, CONTRACT II kola aAN ns Noreo PROFLE Na. i YerL = MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS ~ sA«t or SDC S TDH/LSS B~ JMN ,A'P 404 1 ~ ReMslon Surveyed By Designed By Drown By Project-Engr Approved By Date Na Cdte By i I ~cpl cXCAVATION STREA6" CROSSING NO 1 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ` - - -I- _ - - _ IF THE CONTRAL'IOR ELECTS Tp COHSTAUCt STNFAM CROSSING NO f THROUGH OPEN E%CAYATION MEIMODS THE fOLLOWINC GENERA JJ oo $EWENCE of VtNSIRUCigN $WLL BE USED. IP THE CONTRPLiOR ELECTS TO CONSTRUCT SiAEAM CROSSING NO 1 THROUGH T - O q UNiRENCHEO MF FHODS, CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AND SUBMIT A CONSTRUCTION 6EgllENCE FOR ENGINEER RENEW AND APPROVA, _ I aSC NOOIFICATDN 0+ ME OPEN IXCAVATION CONSTRICTION SEQUENCE DESCRIBED BELOW SHALL BE THROUGH PPPROVEO SHOP DRAWWG ONLY, a ~ ~ I BASE ~ a~ I p, SiAEAM CROS~~WAIEWAGAWSTLENO PLATE Of STAEAMTC OS9NGVCAS NG W10TXWA WELOEO WA~ ERifGHT JOINT. ~ ~ EL~ATpN • i302D! m 0G ' J TUNNEL TO T 100•YEAR I ~ RARY STEEL SLEET PLNO 2 sor 3'ydI- 00'YEAR I rORAAY STREAM BOTTOM STABILIZATION COMPRISING E%CAVATION OF STREAM BOTTOM I-2 fT AND W~U II~M B. CONSiAUCi TEN BASE FLOOD TEMPO ~ I h n "p¢N J p~il BASE FLOOD BACKFILL WITH 5 OA LARGEfl CRUSHED STONE i0 ORIGWAL STREAM B01TON. USE HEAVY WOVEN GEOfABflIC UNDER ELEVATION • 63T,BOA AT E~lDS OF CA9N0 I - w aLJw ELEVATAk! • 67!.00! SCONE WTSDE TRENCH AREA IF NECESSARY. EXCAYATED MATERIAL SHALL BE SiOCKPILEO ADJACENT TO MX-I ON HOPE ~FE'~~3Wdr LNER PER SPEC ~~RETAl1 AHEA.I GONSTRULT NAIRJP USWOTRIP RAP A GEOFABRICTWi~NSTPEAN ED TOPSOF ST NESHAl1NN07 BE I ~-0° PEAMANEKIT STEEL SHEET PI.ND ~n3wn~wpal REMOVED FROM . ( ~ AT S E9 OF CASPKi ¢A/ffizI-> HIGHER THAN AVPAAGE STREAM BOTTOM ELEVATION. IF NECESSARY, USE W000 MA14 ON STONE BASE FOR EQUIPMENT SUPPORT. p NSTALL SKEET FAWG AT EACH END OF STREAM CROSSING CASING. PARALLEL PLIM 10 BE LEFT W PLACE. ENO p TP'-C I I _-_._.~Q I PLNG TO BE REMOVED AFTER STONE B0.CNFLL OF CASWG. I I 0. CONDUCT E%PLORAiORY DRILLING FOR ROCK IN CASING PROFILE. BLAST ROCK AS NECESSARY f0A E%CAYATION FOR CASWG. i EXISTING 1RUNN SEWER AERIAL CROSSING WITH SWPORi PIERS ARE W CLOSE PROxIMITY TO STREAM CROSSWG, Q„_n,_......._.._ BOTH STIES C~ip~Np pIA,WPORTS AT NO ADDITIONAL C05iRi0A NE OWNER.ACENENi OF ANY OAMA6ED TO THE AERIAL 9EWEP APVgoX~ N EXEiT E, E%LAYATE FOR CASWG, SEE OflAWING CROSS SECTION FOR TRENCH OWENSIDNS. E%CAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE STOCKPLEO ADJACENT LOCATIO STORM SEWER ! APPAO% L CATNN I TO NH-I ON HOPE LINER PER SPECPICATpN SECTION 02835 PRIOR f0 iESTMG FOA CONTANWANT9 AM OFF-SITE DISPOSAL OR BACNFLLW . I NO 7 I STE 0.17 ~ A E%5TB1G MINWI2E $Li PELEASE 70 STREAM. PROBE AND SURVEY BOTTOM OF TRENCH FOA PROPER DEPTH. F, WSIALL BEDDNG STONE -rROBE AND SURVEY tOP OF BEDOINO FOR ACCURATE i0P GRADE SLT MUST 6E KEPT OFF I CA~EK I APPRO% 400.5 EEL TRIAWI 9E EAEN I II EXISTNG I BEDOWG. WORK MJST BE DONE DLRWG LOW STREAM FLOWS. SHOULD HIGH FLOWS OCCUR. SILT MUST BE REMOYED FPOM I I THE BEDOWG AND BEDDING TOP ELEYAi1DN REESTABLISIfD. NWN CREEK II G, CASWG IS i0 BE PREPARED BY WELDING WTO ONE CONTINUOUS LENGTH, P THE TOTAL WNGNT BECOMES IMLLANAOEABLE, O ~ ~~I I ~ I' TR NO7EW8 ~ ~ I. C~ -OFF LNE I I SEE I~ _ I ASSEMBLY 9HOUL0 BE WELOEO ON TEMPORARY SUPPORTS ADJACENT i0 THE TRENCH. WELD PLATES OVER BOTH EMS TO MANE THE CASWG WTO A TANK. PROVIDE PLUGGED OPENINGS 50 THAT WATER CAN BE AOOEO TO THE LASNO m I ~ ~ Sf° NOTE 6 II 2v ( iI n ~pp7 gITSIDE OF CASNG 0.4 SPECP pCAN BE LATER PVMPEO OUi AFTER THE CASING IS BACKFILLED AID ANCHORED. \ !C~ N I i REMOVE l~.LUVAM BUTA OP STREAM BOTTOM N PLACE CASWG NTO POSITDN ANO SIW( BY FLLWG WRH W0.7ER. BACKfILL THE CASING WITH +5T OR LARGER 1 EAST ~ STONE MANWG SURE ALL SPACES AAE FILLED. BACNFLL TO STREAM BED ELEVA7DN WITHIN THE STREAM AND W EL 614.00 I 70 SLIGHTLY ABOYE STREAM WATER SURFACE ELEVAT%IN WITHIN THE SiAEAM BPNNS, WIiNW THE SiAEAM, i4E TOP F[ WCNES OF 50.57X200 9Of EPCNPEM OF C45NG ANO Ai ENDIO ~ WSGAGROUT PPES i0 BE POS wDNEDLFOPOCOMPLETELT ~J SEVER FLLWG VODS MDER PND AROUM CASWG TO PRECLUDE LEAKAGE WHEN CASING EMS ARE DEWP1EAEp IEMS MT MORE THAN `~Q-'_""`°-"~_~ r` APPAO% WATER 30' BTErART MERCONIECTOR 30• ~QNNECTOR U I LEVEL 616.00 I SEWER FROM STRUCTURE NOS FROM p1VERSOH STRUCTURE ND I 3 Fi APART HoA AHD v6Rn. I I EL 616.13 NV EL 6160.3 CASWG TD RESIST FLOTATION WITH A SYSTEM OESNiNEO BY CONTRACTOR'S PROFESSgNAL ENGWEEA. USE OF THE SHEET Q I ` & I 13/881 g 9p p~IgrN OVT OF SA(TB~D ~ P ff L pNWppgT 0 BE lEfi N PLACE MAY BE LONSDERED. SUBMIT OPAWWGS OF PROPOSED STRUCTURAL ANCHORING $YS1EM PRIOR TO TC! I I 7v Ol DROP PPE I CARAEATPPESNSTALBLAtNW I$ COM E TESRE~MOYE CASNG FMLL PSIPES ANO CASNG GRAM PEES TIO 6-WCNES BELOW GRADE UPON I < ~ D ~ II ~I FYC DROP NLET FRgA I ORECTION OF EMiWEER. n , I~ w OIEWART CIIEEif ~ I DIYER6DM STRUCTURE M I I n pELEF 9EPEIE III jI NV El 608.74 J' BEDDNG AND BACKFILLNAS DESCRIBED N MTE N ABDYE~9EOOENG AND A[NFI~TO HAVE A~ VODS FILLED 0 PPECIWE ~ Nv 0. tosBfi II NATEA LEAKAGE. ~ SEWER ORWN K, STABPILEZAINXY STONE ABOVE NORMALA 9TREAMSBOMTTOM E EVATION AND ACCESS RAMP. PROiEC7ACASN6 FILL SAM OAAN PPES ELOPE • O.RW 610_ FOP 9UBSEOUENT USE, PREPARE, SEED AM N9TALL PROTECTIVE MATS ON ALL SEEDED STREAM BANKS N DISTUfleED A ! CREEIO I ` ~ ~ I ~ ~ MN AREA TO BE COAPLETELY L COMPLETE NSTALLPTNNI OF DOWNSTREAM TUNEL LP 70 STEEL END PLATE OF STREAM CRO6SNG CASWG. W L I}- ~ O LAST 7U4NEL LWER PLATES i0 STREAM CAOSSNG CASNG WATERTIGHT. PRESSURE GROUT VODS, PUMP WATER WT OF I MN AREA TO _r,y___._~p.R~pUTEp~ . p! PER O ET NOTE 10 S4 ` GTAEAM CA055NG CASWG AM CUi OUT CASNG EM PUTE. 10 _ ~_----_9E co4wi~F r- - sLaPE o.IL OROUtEO 1 70° DROP SALT FROM ' STONE BE0090 20''O° DNER910N BTRUCTEEIE NO 0 O M CR 59 NO CASNG AM WELOAAS OtOSI:NNkU ABU4L~1AUC1 STEEL LWER PLATE TIMNEL FROM UPSTREAM TO NOTE a 1 NV a eoe.w j ~ _ ~ ~ ~N +I/ EL BOB,E4 F N AFTER ENTRE TUNNEL AM STREAM CROSSNG CASNG IS COMPLETE AND MADE WATERTIGHT, NSTALI STEEL R0.L.5 ANO I 20'-0• -H- ` My d G089B y WVERT CONCRETE. INSTAL GROUT PPES TO DISCNAAOE GAWT AT WTEAYALS OF NOT LESS THAN 25 fT. NSTALL SEWER ~ _ ~ I PIPE, BLOCK. AM TEST JOWiS, WSTALL MASONRY BULKHEADS BETWEEN CASING AM SEWER PIPE Ai WIEAVALS OF NOT W GREATER THAN Kb FT ANO GAWT SPACE BETWEEN CASWG AM PIPE NCLIDE TOP HOLES N BULKHEAD i0 VERIFY THAI BFA R 607.60 ZI DROVi NAS CDMFLE7ELY FILLED THE SPACE. CONTWUE TO COMPLETION OF ENTIRE PIPE N CASWG• J 0, GRADE AND STABLQE gEMAWING STREAM BMIl4 AS DESIGNATED. AND PREPARE AM SEED ALL OISiUA8E0 AREA. 64' BTEEL CA = NOIF77 p• MN ~ BEE NOTE 0 U ~ L REMOVE E%ISiNG MANMLE TOP AND REPLACE WITH NEW TOP PER I STE0. ~ TMNEL Q DETAL p, sMEEi QD-a 64. STREAM CROB560 _ ~ Q~ 2.G $TIIEAM CRO$SWG IS CONSTAUCTEO BY OPEN E%CAYATION, t 16+00 PROVDE TEMPORARY R! RAP STREAM BOTTOM STABILIZATION FOfl EOUPM N I ( °T~ DABNG AI" ~ NoT~s 17+00 18+00 1 ACCESS FOR SiAEAM CRO$SWG CONSTRVC710N 125' wDE. 22G' LONG, OEPTN ,4" TUNNEL CASNG _ _ 14+00 15+00 AS NECESSARYt. SEE NOTE II. REMOVE AFTER STREAM CgOSSNG FWLSHEO. ~LYY _ J._--.--~ - ~~`~"~~`~'1 Z+00 13+00 PROFILE pCCE55 AT SiAEAM BOT10M SHALL BE SOLELY FOA CONSTRUCTN7N OF STREAM QY +00 11 +OO - - CROSSPIO AM STREAM BANK flESTORATDN. ALL PIPE SHALL BE WSTALLED FROM TUNNEL 10 ~ ~y._ ~ ACCESS SHAFTS. IF STREAM CROSSING IS CONSTRUCTED THROUGH UNTRENCNEO METHODS. f' • 4 _ _ l~.~ STREAM BANK RESTORATION SWILL BE CONSTRUCTED FROM i0P OF BANK ONLY. --r-'r-~-:- T 4TEPMT giEEIE RELEF ~ '°l~" ~-Yn`"r+` ',.'p''' ---°'r•--""'' / ~1 pEjgVE E6EiT CONC RUBBI.E.i! S_EE MEET C_R.- ~ i ~ J,r'~ y 3. sIK:Erwc SrIUL DE WimtDCrcwG sTEEL sIIEEr r0 DE wsipueD To Lan1Ts _T.~-- i< p6T-014 02 ~ ~ j0., SEPEk - SMWN l20' i0/AU TO BE DRNEN f0 MA% EL 610.0 8 CUT OFF INITMLLY AT _ - '~";~~T--_.1 " - . \I,pS WlKW50N PROPEflTES LLC STIAPS AW DEBRl4 AM' / _ - -Y--# EL 633.0 UNTL SEWER CONSTRUCTION I$ FINISNEO, TIE BACK SNEE7NG AS 1i 1 / ~ ~ , \ PO BO% 34689... E%(ST MH S I TF 3jr t rV-~ti ? r- NECESSARY 70 PREVENT ANY OEFLECTDN AWAY fR0 . ~ ; , - ~ a i ' •.NBTALL R! PAP TO 0.~ T .i 'l YMENT ITEM M MAN OLE .y ' ~ _ SNG PP L AIO YEBETAT i TOP 633 72 "may. ' 1 "'§+-_r ~1 _ ~ N NCLUDEO N STREAM CRQS _ S:_-, ~ ~.-'"-_-CHARLOTTE, NC AVE34 ~ 6A~K SEE NO ~ ~ ~ TI ' 12001 SUTTLE r ' 1. 10 TOj OF N ~ ~ v ;LE. 623.42 lNl~ ~ _ r C~WD'`ni°r ' " ~ / 17,3' ~ LE, 623.42 (OViI=. ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ 4, REORAOE BAN( USNG MPORTEO FILL 10 SHAPE TO COMISTENT SLOPE. NSTALL APPflO% LOCATION I I ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ r- ~ t ' ~i;~/j ~ P ~ _ q! RAP WW VEGETATION PLANTWGS PER OESi BAKKSOfERW 0 Q PAYMENT FON 1' RAOWTOR V, L _.I ~ ~..E%IST 3" GAS ~ ~ i E%IST MH 500 , _ APPRO% LOCATION _ / j 'N542345.91 " ~ ~ - - M BANK REST c e THE STREA OVATION ON THE WE I W CREEK DOWNSTR AM SPECIALTY _ '~~G MPANY ~ i ~ SERVICE / TCP 633.54-; D _ SEXIST STOIIM.. ~ , i~~' ~E1441B23.32 ~ _ - VnJ~ ,1 COr - , (I.E. 621.OTI ~ DRAW NO / ~ ~ ~ - s,9EE NOTE 1-. AM CONFLUENCE AM STREAM BANS RE310RATION OF THE STEWART r i~ ( ~ ~EE~AM WWN LREEN COIFLUEME AREA IUD i0 THE STREAM CROSSWG NO 3 ~~k' - - ' ' APPRO% LOCATXM ' , /r~j ' E%ISTWGi N541995.44 ~v rr ~ _ 0 i ` ` WG N4VlII.70 , EXIST STORM, EN ' ~ / R/W 36' TOE . ~ G rA~ I ~ ~ TCEI SHALL BE MCLWEO W THE PAYMENT ITEM FOA STREAM CROSSNG N E%ISTWG - i I . METAL BUILD E 1ST 42" STEEL; ~%TO', ,7 jOY+' ~ _ . ~ STREAM BAN( AESiORPTWN SMALL BE lH"ITEO TO DISTURBED AREAS. - MASONRY ! ~ SEE NOTES 16 6 DARN NO 3 .TRUNK SEWER 0.EflIAl 1 i , / , - _ / - t BLDG 0 ~ REMOVE E%OT C010 ~ ~';CRO65WG ISiEEL PIPEP ^ f. ~t PY ~-='l - ~ ~ t ~ 3. P CONTRACTOR ELECTS TO CONSTRUCT TUNNEL BY BORING MACMNE, TH5 STREAM RUBBLE, ~ ~'M- CROSSNG CASWG SMILD BE WCREASEO BY SQE TO PERMIT PASSAGE OF TIE I STVWO. AND 1, ! - ' - t W EfO5TN0 30' R/W ~ 1 ~ ~i ~ - ~ ' ~ ~ ~ - , :~§N~ ~ ~E%ISTWG 36' ~ ~ - BgIWB MACMWE TWtWGN THE CASNG Al M ADDITDNAL COST 70 THE OWNER. - ,DEERS.NSTALL 1 TEM. coNSTRUCiDN - ~ iEMPOgAm~TUru#L ii j 0.p RAP TO 0. 820.7! I POST W866 COOROOR LMTED ~ ~//ACCESS SHAFT ' ~ - •r. ' r ~ ~V,/ STEWART CREEK '''I 0. WLB2 TO 40 FEET , f,-~~ w;Tp" ^ TRl11J( SEWER ~ 6, 39' RCP UPSTREAM TRUNK SEWER TPANSITIONS TO 42" STEEL DOWNSTREAM TRUNK ' • _ ` O ~ E%ISTING AND VEGETATION i - ^ _ pRUM N041947.51 ACROSS :~.:.r--. B4• TUNNEL CASNG' '3 f~'r'~ ~ S. --q! SEWER AT AN SIO i BACK i0 39' RCP DOWNSTAEAN TRVNN SEWER AT MM 500. ~ EMPTY ~ C" /~Y-: SEE NOTES - c~ hI STORAGE PAO pLANTN09 TO TOP ; EN41794,T1 ~ ! W- ~ .?^""~MDNER910N STRUCTURE NO 6 T BEYOM ENO OF Of BANK / S ~ / 1 , , it 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT 19" TUNNEL CASWG 60 FEE ~ ' I ~ - - 104230920 a 1 m _ - r ~y+sN,- ' ,t, t, s'~~ - _ sia~nM cgoss~ cusWC. E%ISTWG SEE NOTE 4 ~ ~ _ ! ~ i - i'~ M EM4Y96U72 i - 4 Bu1LDWG ~ P _ ~ ~ i s~ N542260.7W~~ _ N / i tN OUT EL 61637 fJ~,. T~1 ~ ry~,,,t'I' ~ ~ i H' PPO E%ISTWG ~ 3 1G ^ _ % EN40T92T b 1 VENT EL 640.0 _ "G"- S. P SiAEAM CRO$$WO IS CONSiAULTEO BY OPEN EXCAVATDN N pppRO% E%ISTWG •STORM• ~ ~ ':'SEE 91EE'T @'4 h ` - ~ ''JEE SHEET W'8 i r SNEE1 PLWG PARALLEL TO C0.51M TO BE ANCHORED FIRMLY N EARTH AND ~I ` TEMPORARY >~N(.r" / y J ~ LEFT W PLACE AM USED 70 ANCMR SiAEAM CROSSWG CASWG AGAWS7 N BRANCH'; " ~ ~ pRAIN NO 4 J ~ ~ ~~~i 't! ~ ° - C ~ FLOiATDN. CUT OFF 70P 12' BELOW FINISH GARDE. M PERMANENT SNEETNG n, ,r . , ~ - ~ ~ , , _ _ - Y TRENCHED METM05. gW 1 LOLATIO ' B / / ~ ~ S~ TRAP E.C. SID 6.80' ' 'E%LST RAW SEWER. i~ bOD,f3+ I y ' `E^ -'-rte REWNEO F STREAM CAOSSW015 CONSTRUCTED B CONTINUOUS UN i _ ~ >•_l J GAUGE . - / ~ ~ ~,'r^' . ~ ~ I + W 30• AWWA C-905 PVC' m IYEF LENGTH 4' ;L.. oLLME • eo3 t ~ ~ SEWER' ^ r ,i ~ - - x V ~r 9, i CASNG B NS A~L~LEO FROM E SiE510E, ~$i SNEEIAPI~WGAMUST BE CUr OFF r + ~ _ •MEACOIf~C~OR _ , , / a ~ ; "I -.I ~ ~ t\,, _ / 1 r ,l" ~r1 SUfFICENTLY LOW SO 7X0.7 CASWG CAN PASS OVER TOP Of SNEETWG CAT LE0.5T I ~ . U :=PT I . S' - - /r`° ' it / ' STEEL SIEETNO `M~„ ~ / ~pQRT E%ISr'~ J I IY ~ :~`i pN MRTH EML OTHERWISE USNG MJST BE LFTEO OVER SLEET PLLWG. Q ~fiBOSiI~ _ y r ~;'r: ~ '/''n/ % , ~ !E NOTE 3 ~ ~ ~ SEE NOTE 13 4~MAT(.YI ~ m ;t - , i ' ~ ~'~_D: 'r - ' I E%ISTNO 3r ACP~'~I " f ~ 1 T~SEE 1" ~ I. p. P STREAM CROSSIM IS CONSiAUCTEO BV OPEN ENCAVAiDN, ` _ ~ ~ \ - r' TEMPORARY 9E0?ENT BEET NSTALL PRESSURE GROVTWG PIES N BEGGING AND BPCKFLL STONE PRIOR TO ~ . ~ - ~ • iAMWI 9EWDI - ~ .W r 1 ~ STD 6.60 ~ ~'Il . TRAP E.C. I. ~ STONE PLACEMENT. MA% SPACWG BETWEEN EMS OF GROUT PPES 3'-0' W ALL NfO~ ~ i// / MINIOLE:', ~<t~ o .r, ~ ..t,' ""NO SD \ d / \ ~ WEIR LENGTH • 4' 1 ~ ~ ~ DIAECTDt6. GRWtED AREA MUST BE COMPLEtELY WATEATK+NT TO PREVENT 'l; J 1 ` • ~ ~ - ' ~ '~,1 GE BEYOND EMS OF CASWG WHEN CASING ENDS AAE OEWATERED. USE _ 9VOLUME •1302 CF t I \ ~ /r " ~ ~ C r.., ~ \ ~ ~ , " 067-0N-05 NEAT PORTLAND CEMENT GROUT WITH AOOITIVES TO WPROVE PENETRATION. m / / I : ' ~ - e,y . ~ ~ ',~fy EEN NOI DOM OA OOM lLC \`V 1• SN . \ - \ ^ w ~ . - ~ f P~OgT W86B FOUIT/ N~2B2 B~ ^ ~+r L F STREAM CROSSING 6 CONSTRUCTED BY OPEN E%CAVATION. - „ ~ - - ~l~ i• S ~ /0 RAMP 70 BE CONSTRUCTED GILT GF RP RAP STONE SO NOT 70 CONiA6UTE ~ AM ~ ~ E%IST FLEXY~~;ya. '1;~~ t O ~ 0. 64L82 CHARLOTTE, C ` P SLT OR 7lWBD1TY i0 STREAM. DAMP i0 BE COMPLETELY REMOVED AFTER A ~ 97RE ~ L_l--~- _ COUPLWG N -.:;3 - N34194T.04 i ~ L ~.i A2' STEEL PPE ~ ~ N ~ EN4 ~ " I REAL STREAM CROSSNG IS COMPLETED. - _ 84' BTEEL STREAM-'-- I - :'a~~i , ~ \ , IM'N 1 I :A \ \ 021W WAdNtlGI THE FLOWS N YHWN CREEK ANO STEWAAT CREEK WCREASE 1 DROSSf+G wwe U _ ~ ~ \ ~ J ~ " - Y \ NS4276~1{ 1 \ IY', p OVRING RANFALL CONTRA[i0R SHALL BE PREPARED Ai ALL TINES TEMPORARY STPFAM r SEE N07E 6_ ~`e{t „ 1 i, ~ ~ k g#. \ P N ~ 4• - BOTTOM BTA6LD:AT10Nl ~ EN4204x96 V Q,~ - AA, QRSE +tt TO EVACUATE 1XE STREAK AREA AM SHALL CONDUCT WORK 50 AS - BEE MTE 2 - - - - w ,g ~ \1 r \ 0 A FY' TO PREVENT FLOOD DAMAGE AM DOWNSTREAM SILTATION ALL ERODE ~ ' ~:Ild.7T 1- pERW1NENT 81EET /LNG _ T. p N - 1 R=000' ' 0.PPR0% LOCATION - _ Far STREAM tY1044NB ~ k'., V* \ ro 70° AWWA C-903 PVC ~ .yywY F. MATERIALS SHALL BE PROMPTLY REMOVED AFTER A FLOOD EVEN . E%IST STORM _ J~.` ° ~ ^ - \ ~ A ~v A, ~A NfERCONNECTOA SEWER L A `~T1 ~ ~ _DRAN NO 7~ PERMAIENT SLEET PLIN CASNG N9TALlATDN I Olt S M D Y ONTRA R A , \ P 13. PROTECT E%ISTWG SEWER W TN SUPP T SY TE DES NED B C CTO '9 - ,y 'FOR STREAM CROSSIIG: SEE NOTE 0 / tyi \ \ vi ' 64° STEEL 11W61E1 -CASNG NBTAWTgN _ 0.y\ \ ~y ~T ~ \ E%ISTWG 36" RCP 5~ s 1;\ PROFESSpNAL ENGWEER. - `SEE NOTE B - - t ' - r z \ °i' \ - P\ ~ WWIN CREEK 1 3 . '.5.:;, CASNG ~ .-.y i ~ ~ N ~ \ TRUNK SEWER \ t \ ~ H 490 - _ _ ~A~`. \ i ~ Drex[&l+frlCee T,.~-~ _ E%197 M - - ~r_:- _ - ~ ~ r FINAL DESIf3N C~ cB>~ . ~ , c "70P 64049 - . 1[If ~ ~ 36° SEWER t. y Et r „ _ PEPUtCEALLdIAN : LE 62052 E ~ RAIIBEE A ~ ~ NSDN -~v\~l~VA T*- ~ G~ t wa olm.nMCOoWdlBhtdsSebsu . : ~ 212a 52D:. ~ST~RIIDTUEWD,' , . L ~ ~ P~ . L; ; ' NOT RELEASED FOR ,N~W . ~ ^ ~ 1 L14f FENCNG DAMAGED - ` _ -N541649.37,.. ' ~ CArolma 'V ,-'BY TI£WORK~."hL c -:-E1441845.05 0 ~ O-:_,EXS 6.~ ~~Hy12331.89 ~,..~~VNV~~\~ ~ f ~ 11 ~ \ t; - .TOP 633,9 ~ \ 't i \ ~ prWW 7tl:NN42i516 Fa:7DFH2-tN6 AW CUT AND PATCHY s~SEE NOTE 1 _ ; E. 622.01: ~EN42058.P p, V , ~ ~ % \ CONSTRUCTION 9 gITUAQOU$CONCRETE Wpb ~ - ~3_..N542258.61\ ~Ny WT 61820 ~ ;q\~ WS L~ •,t~ ` / iL ~ 1$1,9 PAVEAENf 06TVABEO/Y iTE ?zE1441962N: ~ VENT EL 6N.60 \ T / I > = _ ~ SEE SHEET 1~6 A ~ V 4 -AM RESTORE PAVEMENT 6640uTELY 84.9TREAM CROSSNG Brm cASWlo - SEE NDTEI '1\'~ u CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBUR . TON OF rOAK ITYN ~ \ ..~;iA A~\~ ~ s, ~ V ` ;A n~\ `I • 1 ~ cawLE 'e4 nA++EI cASNe ~ ~ ~ ~'4 D E%ST K« sw'. I v v y~, ~ ~ UTILITIES t._,~, ' 3 roP 633.6e~;e\v 1 ~ W ~ te' Rr~ t ) ~ ` - ~ LE. fizz,es> ~ A1D 30' ~ \ ENGINEERING DIVISION ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 iRUCT~BTAEAIf` ~ .A A~~ V.~ , , - flECONS . `zrQ N542344.03\\\ \ c 1 ~ \ ,y, - DMM DD-1zBAMLSRlRAPtoaEV'- ~ EMa2074.o2A~. ~ TTE NORTH CAROLINA - 7EMpp1ART urnEROR 6zo.T VEGETATION ~ ~V ~`F~ ~~~y ~ t ~ v \ i CHARLO ~''f/ DEWATERNG WELL SYSTEM \ \ \ ' t l L PLANTNas TD ?oP aF ~ ~-e. s~ N0?E 4 ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ tiso ~ ' ~ ~ s~ Rohs o. T Aro 6 oN sEE MTE 4 ~ ~-~~y~~v~ v.,. ~ ~ O,~,I . ' .ti SKEET Gl A~~ `~~E%ISTINO H/p A ~ t, ~ y ~ ~ 106-W7_Eµ Y,% ~ ~ ~ ~v ~\'~~V'I J 'y ; A \ ,wy NW n6 No. IRWIN CREEK RELIEF SEWERS _ / : ~ y~ ~ ~ EzST 0.w 5aa~ j V CONTRACT II ~Q I \ ~ ~ TOP 633 73 ~ _ S , 1 ~ ~T.' ~ \ ~ 1 1 P4N LL 62296 j •L l / v,zZ: ~ ~NS4z36o.es~?r vI I I I FRaxE / - ~ r~ ~ , :~,.~~EN,I~ISOiE i ~ W ' \ I ~ Na, ~ ~ IRWIN CREEK BRANCH ; j W, I., ~`ti v.y 1 v«L ' •4 STA. 9+70 TO 16+00 I Sik/HS /LSS JNN JP 4/04 _ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ iDN BBL _ C-T 30 Y • 40' _ / ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ •r\ V - _ BY Gab _ - - ~ ~ `j ' `x ~V A y 6. ,~Y pt B a e Dro~n 6 PFal~ct Env wwww - m~ ~ ~8 r- - I' ; Iva Wd~ a~, q0-YEAR ~i0 m`a I I &l~ f~L00q N Fw~l 0.~EYAT~IDt1~ 899,OOW Q~~ lad ELEVATgN &39AOW ~ m F cud 8~$ J= ~ W ~F r ~ I I E%ISTING ua I GRADE I 640 b40 _ o !C DU I ;N ti I I a I I I NI w E I ~i J O ~ U I ? I H. ly gPfIAO% TERALION Q Q VE AND REPLACE _ ~ 630_ 630 ~ ~ _ _ A..__ - WATER LEVEL W ~ ~ EL 62600 f3/96l Z ~ I i ~W r _ ( i~ A I IV f f ti f F ~ i I~ ~ i I w• cAUle i I I I I ~ 38• BEWER I 36' Dr !EWER SLOPE • oqW i4 __.S~PE ~ 620 36• EWER SLOPE ' 0.10W I ~ NY 0. ~ SLOP€ • O~KM ~WENR f~~M~D CN S~IDN STRUCTURE Na 9 619.74 I IN EL 61941 I I STREAM FAWSNB NO z ; I I ~ NY 0. 8 63 MB 0.60.76 ON EL 80.01 NV 0. 819,9 ISW EL 6028 ~ BW~ ! 10 0. 6lASI I I ~ PROFILE ~ I ~ WOIG r • +a I 610 vER~ r • 9' I _ _ - - + 0 72+00 73+00 74+00 ! 75+00 76+00 77+00 78+00 610_ ..._..M~____..-_ ~ ~68+00 69+00 _ 70+00 71 0 r, y~ / ~ E. j ~ ~ ~'--'c- .AEMOVEAWrRE~9SFT~E~1'~ r~.;~~ P0~9TMOT - - - _ _ _ . - - _E%IST MH 700 ~ _ 't4- - / ~ ~ / ~ ~ . CESSARY ~ EL WL43 - ,-=__:.r _ Ys / sy, ENE FOR WORN. RETPLAC~ / N59593161 , 4y u.) / . :EXIST MH 6SG = = r- _ TOP 69209 / / . i0P 641.89 _-._-zr . _ _ 53.1..._ .r.... ~ , , ! ,ANY DAMAGED NUTERUL -_.-N545335.64 - T._ _ N59549221 -==€-~E%IST G / ' ~ ~ ~ ~f~W EQUAL IMTEAUIG„_..-r-~"' ~ ~ 5. ~ ~ ~ A / / E%IST MH 720 i ~ „ ...."-':EI445448.B9 ~ :r 'EI44563009 E---r~POLE LIGHip -~_~-~Tti==~ / ~ffs / ' URE N041 ~ ' ' ~Yi SEE NOTE E _ T ~ _ MN 19' # ~ _ -,9EE NOTE 2 ; - NOTE 4 . - / ONERSKN 9TRUCT TOP 644.@ ' t°~.~ ~ NOTE& , - ~ 4 LE. 62911 0 ' POST a90T ^..____NS9Sg7083 ~ t~-,~._ 1 , ~ / / ~~/P "~'e/ N393169.53 ,.'a E%ISTING - ~ ~ EL 64493-. EM4564201 QO-2 . ~ „ - - - ~ - ~ EXISTNG ~ 6 EM4609022 ~ ~ POLE LIGHT N5957BL73 ^ - BALL L PROTECT E _ NS4543161 - Z°-~ REMOVE. STORE AND= i POLE LIGHT NV WT 623,03 9EE NOTE 9 ~ 6Y ~ ~ ~ s.^~. ~^z -EXISTNG 30' R/W. - - ~ 6RADE - _ E%197 W 71 + - - \ EM93364L01 , - ; 43 ~AENSTAl,L ElIE3TR0 ~A 0 .g NOTE 6 / VENT EL 68L00 / NOTE9 E B 6 CD-3 \ 2. REMOVE IXRTN6 MANHOLE TOP At0 REFUGE WRN NEW TOP AT ig~- ~ TOP 693.39. XEET - - _ ~ i SEE 93EET CD-T r PEfl DETA3_ E. S CO-3. _ E%ISTNG FENCED~,`Q's. - - VE EXIST, -_._IE 629.33. TENNIS CWATS 1, \ i ,Y~ .-~-~.r,-"""~ ___.~_~-_._~.BA9KE BALLS='`~TL~ ~lj 29 INCH_~~ '_N545658.19 ~-.PROTECT EXST ~ _ ] rte`"" ~ , e _ ~ SYCAMORE` = EI995936.12 ~ ~--SEWER WRH 91EE7N4_-.- v+~' ~a, . ~ ~ a ~ 'bl 3~ PAOVgE AND MANTAN TELPORARY GRAVEL CON9TRUCTION ENTRANCE ' ' . 1 . . - . - - 30' AdWA~C-80A PVC \ ~ - h~~-.~ • AND DESNN MANtlAL OF NC ER09KN AND SEOaAENT CONTROL PLANNNO , ~ , _ ~ i -.~~?F•y-~:, .SEE ND7E z PROiECTgN sYSTEMy '""i, T~j ' , . s>, CwM SEE NOIE l- . ~ ~ .:SEE NOTE 3" '`MERCONII;CTO SEWER . a,3V f -,l ti 1, , - i ~ / 045-- rC„~ ~ t ~ _.-REMOVE AND RENSTALL -r~ - , ; `'7MIVU ! = ~ 4. LOCATgN OF POWER SWPLY CABLES FOR E%ISTNG LIGHTS UNNNOWK ,,y -:.z T _ i-r--~ -cam I 1\ \ : ~ / ~~-~3+~:... ~ EX6TND 4YCAMOPE TREES ~ \ '9a~ ~ _\~',T r ~ CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE CABl.E9 WRH LOCATON EOUiMENT. CUT M!D ~ r!~ y.,... , ~ -r'e'd ; ; t,~ ~ ' S'~ ~ ~ / c7> ~ 1 , AT A LOG110N WITIW "T ar ~ ' ~ ~ 701j;0 \ s - ' y PROTECT CABLES AS NECESSARY fOR THE WORK NSTALL TEMPORARY .,,r e~ .....e _ ' ~ \ / ~ _ •.FRAZER PARK TO BE'._~. %^V \ - I ` - ',1 ~ _ \ c, - 1N.2TS. e I CABLES. AND SPLKE AND REPLACE REMOVED OA DAMAOEO CABLES. _ ' ~-r.-- _ „ W A90,34 _ f.~ fin, 1.~., . . ; • 0 , _ _ < DETEAIgYED BY ENBNEER ' 1. ~ ,B' DIA A + ~ T9AE OUT OF SERVICE SHALL BE DURNB OAYLKiNT XOURS ONLY. 1 31 z~ \ , ~ , , - ~ ~ ! W 1~ l' . ~ ~ ~ - ALL WOAI( SHALL BE N ACCgIDANCE WffH NEC. y - SK -_,til.?f I ~z70'000..- - /~,NS43T46d9 2~~ 4, ~ ' - 1p,=1F. '~E.fq' _ ~ ~ ~ h I j~ \ G PROTECT E%ISTNG SEWER Aln MII 110 WITH SNEETNB SY9TEM DESgNEO BV 4 , ~ ~ ` U 'I i I S56'1 ' ~ I Y CONTRACTOR'S PROF'ESSKNAL ENONEER, - ~ . t \11\ 4J0•W Y6L+3', 60•CASNO c/i #S \ B r:i- .TEMPORARY SEOOAENT .i i ~ ( _ _ ~ b ^~1 , ~ uTRAP E.C. STO r~60 ''i' ~ % + ~ ~ II t 1~ , j`~-~Wln I y . ~,C~~ 0. `,4 \ ~ . ,I 8, Pfl07ECT E%STNO MANGLE NO 720 WRH SHEETNO PROIECTKIN . ' ' ~y / WER LENGTH ,SAW-0UT At0 REMOVE E%19TN0 ~ ' ~.A , I "~`*~f - ~ - SY9TEM DE9gNED BY CONTRACTOR'B PROFESSKNAL ENGUIEER. , - n . 41 36' SEWER' \ VOLUME •369 CF ~ /CONCRETE BASKETBALL COVRT t %r,.TO 40 FEET ACROSS T a - r^ i ANO RECONSTRUCT APEAS REMOVEQ \ ~ ~TAi L ,STREAMS tw\ ~ REMOVE ANO RENSTALL TENN19 COURT NET POSTS, NET. ANO FENCE E%13TNG 4 E%ISTING > J~ S J' 1 I/! ~ , ' I , ~ 1 n I % n'^ ~ REMOVE AND . STREAM CROSSNO NO 2 55 LATERALRESTROOM / DUiNB CONSTRLCTION. REPANT 1 5, MN•20- ~ A , ~ rte"' ~ . ~Y\ RENSTALL TO BE PER DETAB.S C AND D ON SHEET CO-A AND DETAB.S ' , i`~ ~ ~ ^v '~~~MARKNOS TO MA7CN E1BT9q ~ A I 4.-, ` ,N315596.68 1.. z RENSTALL ;^3 REMOVE AND REPLACE: B, C. RID 0 ON SLEET CPq. ~ y ' EXI6TNG I,PEMOVE AND ~ BUILDING ~ p, II~ PER OETALS A AND B ON I 1 , x,~ r ) lE%6TH8 BENCH ' OENCH"- ~ iiFPLACE ? 1 ~ / l ~1 SHEET DD-B " i ~ EM43B7A76 ~ E%ISTNG TREES ff.YP 31 - ~ 1 a ~ REMOVE AND REPLACE' ~ ~ RECONSTRUCT STREAM BANNS la 0. CONTRACTOR SIULL SECURE CONSTRUCTNRI AREA AT SYCAMONE 9P PoET . : , l ~ - 1 `~'r~ %I ~ I EXISTNG ARY SEOBENT r to AtD WfIHN FRAZER PARK TO PROTECT THE BEfERAL PUBIq Mq ' ~ / 11 ~ 4 TEMPOR - - 1 n ~ ` BENCHES PR0IECT ~ CDfl EXl5TN8 BRUMNOUS RP RAP TO 0. 831.3Q i ~ TRAP ER. STD 6~? PATIIONS FROA1 CONSTRUCTION ACTNITES. I i~% ~ i 1 ~ 'J ~ ~ I ~~1 i' 1 , ~ A NTH •~4 E%L4TN9 PAVEAEMT,' - - ' ~ - O ~'~G REMOVE E%6TN8 TENNEt ~ a• WER LE 6 r' + ~ 29-NCH „s~: t. nl l COURT ANO RECONSTflUCf 696EONT l s~ ~~i ~ I i ~ ! Cf~IAN LN( FENCE ALONB~T • 986 CP~ I q S WdLOW OAI{ ~TEMPp1ARY SEO~IT ~ . / i T TO HUTCH EXL9T90. `T'. ENTBtE COUR T • 9 ' ~ ~ I CONSTRUCTON EASEMENT ~V'"i ~ ~ j , 1 ~ ' p ~ ~ STRAP ER, 970 8b0 '~d'' „ ~ V,u"tN GR D I 561. WEP LEND N I ~ 1 ' - ~ i 2s ,y,~: Q .r - ~y ~ I REPANT MARKOgS TO MATCH VOLUME • 605 CF \ , I I ~ ~1 ` TXROUOX PARK APEA PRIOR ~ - ~ ~ or 11 BEHOVE STORE, AND, WERE ie• 9' ~L d;:, REMOVE AIO ~ ~{S ::EgSTND SEE NOTE T - I i I ~h. Y LANG DOTURBNB ~ 1 ..PEBI4TALL E%6TN0 PldllC YOL ~l CF_, ,TO AN ~ ~ ~ ' N''~'i ~ ' a A. ' ~ • 'ACTNR,Y (TYPI ~ EXIST 15' RCP Imo. TABLEB AIO 9N0.TER dl .hBTRJMNOVS n~\~'y 'e / 4P ~ Z. ~ T. ~ 013 232 I5 ~ ~ - - ~ I ` .r 1 ,.MECNLENSURG COUNTY. v ~ i - ~ FRAZIER PARK ~ ' ~ f ,''U/ f \9TORM giAN 'NEW SUB AIO NEW B'K8' _ i , GD EAST FOURTH ST , . ~y - n~ A ~ - ~ ~ ~~n. ~ , xlsi CONCRETE. P09T3 TO MATCX E ~y',i~'"".- V ~ ';P~ ENT+, ~ 02I8B8 e / , fi ~ ~ _ i / a~ ~ i = "'..'o... CHARLOTTE NC 26202 - ~ A S ~ ' ~ S,d, ~ ~,i FUME ;Jn3 - 2 l 1 EXISTING - ~ L t E%ISTING' - ~ E ~ IEMOYE,STORE.NO-r r`''~:~ - ~i P P m ~ II201 W TRADE Si, FRA7IFR PAANI ~ ° i 6ENCH ~ / I 6 1 i~ I. Pf HENSTALL EKSTN&:.-,'iTEMFORARY SEOhfM'`~ ~t , . ;a"` ~ ~ v^~ HOINE~' \ BENCHES 5 % iS' _ j'~/' A"».,,.++r{?S' ~ rr"I i 4~~\. \~4~ ~ l ~ - s I A / TRASH CONTANER IYU. ^,TRAP E.C. STD 6.60 ~i' i r - n, q ~"-1" N648162 20'+ ~ ~ / N5451T9dT ~ ~ ~ n ~ \ l ~ l'~.~ ,y,~i7 iCONCREIE PAD%~'" :'WER LENBTN • 4' ~ a ST, i , w,~ Y f. P,~° ' ~ A ~ EXISTNG CONCRETE / / r ~ f~ •.•m i D I EM4552O~79 EI94551T,T0 I'}, i.: s / ~ 1 ~i ~ i + ~ i I ~'S~~ ' ~ •VOLUME •223 CF V ~ ~ 'pPE u,-, Dg r~f s ~V ~ V ~ STEPS ANO AETAINNG / / - ji!`{a i . I,' i" ~~/.r. li/:jam / :-f`. ~G~ ~i i Ol ~ ~ 1 , r ~ V 1 ,l WALL r / ~ / ~ ~ 1 ~ / - i~~V~ ~ dC) ^V ~ i } ~ Q~ ''~a ' i~9 ~ IpvM~ a~~~ AP 0 LOCATION iT~ L ~~A~ a i ~ , ~ ~ l p,} ~''_,J~''" F~~ - i EXIST 9TOHM DRAM. 4; . S' ~ A FIIW'1L D~IWiN ~ CaIDp lkeMC&McKea ' .O , / ~ - ~ ~7 ~ . °3r , ~ sA ~ ~i/ r^ 2~"' ~ ~V1' s ~ W MIF22 . a I~ _ y I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\1I, ~ I~"111~ EN9TALL 20 Lf 1ELVONARY ~ N5436S9.08 CD•2 ' ~ _ ,EXISTING CONC ~ - \ ~ ' .r , / 1~1 t1.1 N' 6f00T CIY1N LNK FENCE ~ 1 ~ ,n EM46212.60 NOT RELEASED FOR .w:'w G01 BouAI McOo•dI SAaM ~bfll ' ' i E%IBTNO ~j. ~ 1 \ E o U l , 'AND BRICK WALL 1 ! i --,t-r~A I ~ ITYP EACH 900 9EE NOTE ~ C6uWN,NoM Cwlw gala - l PICNIC s l ~ % c, _ ~ ' / ` ' ~ . 4 1 "f- v C w+• Td:70/343.i516 Fa: TN-J/2?396 1.- ~ ' ~ ;SHELTER a,~ , A',~ ~ vv 7 F v E%IST I6 RCP f ;~I' ~ ~ / ~ , k _ ~~v ~~^~~/ji~~ ~ , ~;~s Ar~~ , ,,f,,' CONSTRUCTION 1 o _ I i r t ;1' ~ 1 v II I } vi I _-_s1DRy DRANy' T 1 ~ v w.-,.. ' on-zB-ors , ~ ~ u i ~ i~'% ~ti MEONLENBURG OOUNTY - ~ ~ i CONSTRUCTONI,. ~ 1~ ~ j I ~ / RAILTW ODENI FENCE j/~/, , .EXIST CONCRETE ~ ~~t~~~ ~ ~ ~ / r ' o ~ ~ I I - . ~ - U' ! ' ~ sa. ~ ENTRANCE ~ ~ . a4 ,FLUME 600 EAST FOURTH B7 ~ Sy I, ~ /CNAALOiTE,NC28202, r, a_ r REAIOVEIHREEE7fI3TOKi CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBUR - `!..1 I?7;- ~ I ~ 1 ~ ~A ~ %e % ~f ~ ` LONDON PLANES TREES AN4i - ' ~ _ ' ~ . . I . ~ ~ T.. ~ _ Nq 'NS1ALL TEMPORARY m ~ REPLACE WITH NEW PER UTILITIE S f' > NOTE B ~ W / i I ~ / ~ ~ om'=~ ~ ~ ~°y ,K., i nn'w s. srcaMORE sTI' - - ~ , h1~pP" ~ ci p . T % _ ` e,Rl OIIAYEL CONSTAUCTION / f - PERAIi FOR TREE WQRI( ON , ~ J ' ~ / ,n , . - . ~ . _ .,~1 t ~ ~ ` i NT r >~N oPERrYISEE ENGINEERING DNISION - .._J E RANGE. 9EE NOTES ~ CITY PR I l - , v. ~ /lJ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ e; ~ ~y , "4 sT:v `t'~ a sPECFgAnoN sEmges NORTH CAROLINA ~ ~ ~ ~ ! 1 v CHARLOTTE, , /I , ~ ` _ t:3 ' ~ ~ a i ~ _ T' I ~ 00200 02742) I ~ ~APPROX LOCATION - , i Y''-._ ~ ''rr r ~ I II ,lA~ ~ • , 8URE0 ELECTRIC ~ ~ - 'r ~,I ~~'I, / : 3" .d i_ ~ VMS , I~i' ~ _ ~ \ 106.97-AW1 r : . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ do ~ C ~ ' ~ IRWIN CREEK RELIEF SEWERS ~ ` ; r ~ ~ / ~ a ~ "n ~ ~~~I~I~II ~ ~ JAE No, Fle No. F+ " y r ~ I J % - ; r,4 / ~ ~ . ~ 9r ~ U ~ o sca~w CONTRACT II .~V ~ i /~'%„-VA ~ ~~'_\~'''~"r ~a "'a, ~ E Na. IRWIN CREEK BRANCH \ ~,.;o ~ - t• / ~i, A - ~ ~ STA. 68+00 TO 7 a ~ ~ v / i v - - -r-~_ , GqN ~ i'~ ~ ~s'%~' ~ ' 's ~~Y~'' gat s11»I a - - - / , . ~ _ " ` A ~ ^ r •`.9p• ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ iDH~L53 BJL JMN JFP 404 q,. 1 ~IHS C-B 30 ~ ~ _ :A. ' ~ ~ .e "3..I. 7r ~ " . _ ~II` B D ad B Urorn B Proyct-Ena MMmWd BY Dab - - ~ , ~ ~ ' _ s, _ C Na Dab By Rnhbn SwNyd Y ~ ~ A . 5, T ' $7, ~ _ ~ i I I ~ ~g Rl~d~ ~ ~"°oo z I _ 4 _¢44_.___.x_.__-__________" _ - --t------ - I - ~ Fla: yJjW }¢gt t5 I I 100 YEAR 7tl NS I ~ e~ EBL~EVAT~61N~ {lAOOt I ~ e I I ~ RI~~~ I ~~0~ E%197 NI"SEWER SLOPE • O.fi75K I ¢3 ..~4._-..._ i.- - - - i ~ ,o _ ? M• ~•GpA WV EL QB.~ WEA W i N 9L~ nN l IpM NSTNG Ifi- WER OUT I N I I TO 6E I~ J NY 82LT9 I L9 B' Dp IQ I I X2.4..._ l_____-_._._.._______ I DROP PPE 1 30. OP NTERCONECTNB I N91ALL BRICK MORT FLUB ~ SEMER FAOM ONERSpN N OPENNB FOR E%TENSpN STRU'CTU1E NOS a A 3i-NC11 PPE A NV El Nt58 I NV 0. 6R62 I _ I { ~ !6' OP 8E1'EAI OPE .06X0 i I SLOPE • OABXI ORa BN 0. B65T8 I ~ C 61 Q_ _ j EL eaax Nv EL {nee Nv NL4e NY 0. ~@ I PROFILE NOIA r • 40' ~~''((~2qq I ~ ~ ' vEro r • 4• YYfL__.. _.A... 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 - _ ' ~ ~ ~ = - - J't~ o T~ROµt sewEa~"b~'~ ~I j ~1`~'~% :'yl J/%"%k' / ti!` - ~ - _ . _-r. . r.___ - I ~ ' ~ ~ E%IST MH 9•TC~/ m /f~A /•w - : I - f'_ ~ _ ~ NS4~S6.33I ~ n ~ I ,n TOP El 640,41 fir' F1 !-'w_ 1 ~ _ ~ - _ i _ s 1 \ ~ ~ ~ _ - _ ~Ni24.83 . I jt I.N543952.82 I - - - - _ I E 4416 6.01 / i ~ , j ~ ~ AA _._._-NI'BERRYNLL~'~A-~ 7 I MO~ ~ ~ ; I '1 _ --"'"ROAD BRANOI I ~ ! ~i I ~ - ~ v ~ ~ JlA 35' TpE \4 I ~ ~ • !II M ~ i % , _ I L sEwER FLUB! N REMANNB lEWEIa AFTER PARTLU. lEwER - y '1 I ~ ~I RE?avAl To aE PER cerA< B. zEEr co-w. sErER qua ( - i ~ ~ ~ N MAIHOLES SHALL BE AT LEAST 2 SEWER DUJ.ETER9 _~i A ~I ~ l~ ~`I f/ u ~ u WITX CONCRETE. ALL PLUG! TO !E WATERTpHT. i I ""~:r T 1 I a UB ~ / ~ m L PLUG Ex6TN0 UPSTREAM IB• BEWIYHdL ROAD TRUKK SEWER - • ~ ` - - - - U I / i'• ; ~ ~ ~ i~ ' ~ W1TH CONCRETE ANO AEfORM BENCINO N E%ISTNB MH-9•TB A. ~L i ~I,~ ! ~ ' ~ - ^ „ / ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ' - - W,.. ~ TO ACCOMMODATE OIIE AEMANNB UPSTREAM !EWER It ~ - _ ~ ~ ~ ~1.~_'r it k - ~ EXIST IY SENEA ~ 8, NSTA~y BRKX AW MORTAR RIIB N OPENNO MIh31 fpl Mi•31 ~ / ~ FUNRE EX1ENSpN, ~i I ~ ~ a f A (DROP TYPD ~ ~ ~ ~ I , ...r . / 10 ~ ~ - ' s / N543Bn.03 ~ 7•.~ JJ ' ~ ./i " . ~//s ~ y ~ l I 4. PLVB E%1STNG BERRYhIE.L RDAD TRUN SEWER AT E%pTNB MH ! TC ~ ~ ~ m CD•] EM4n4698 ~ ~1 / / y/ TEMPORARY 9EOBEM y~ • f ~ REMOVE MX S•TC TO 4' BELOW fiRAOE AN] BACKFLL WI1N EARTH I N SEE NOTE 3 r `i ; TNAP E.C. 9TD 660 i AEMOVE EXISTNB SEWEII BETWEEN MI.32 AIY1 FX6TN8 MH 8-TC. / i ~ m ' / ~ dR. m WEp LENGTH • 4S / j ~ :~i, / /r 8. PROVDE ANO MANTAN TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTKN ENTRANCE - / r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 067-031-04: ~ ~ E 6T~ ~ RfP BOdtYIIL f ~ AND SDE910N WJUALOF NC ER09pN MO BEOWENT CONTROL RAHOq ~ E.C. ORIFFITH CO. ~ ~ ( " T~ / / ROAD TRUNK SEWER• / I ~ ~ 5M BRUNSWICK AVE ~ ~ ,TO IEq~00~ N Fl.ACE i AIOREIE?AD STREET SHALL IE 901E ACCE9S FOR ALL WOPof C0IPLETE0 I CHAALOiTE, NC 28207 ~ A I "PB-17 / . PLUS ~ SPIION i UPSIAEAM a MONEXEAD {TIEET. „1500 FREEDOM ORI MN•30 - Y N1'l\ ~A / / ' , ~ ,r Y - cD'2 N5136MA/! °t - i/ .W / u T' OE~TAi o oN ~E"T"'t"cD"a~ ra AND REPLACE WrtN NEr Ta PER tEwoRU+ ! ~ 1 ~ ~ - ~i ` ~I CONSTRUCTgN 1 ~ ~ EFNn9g.80' • ~ /~i / ~ ~ ' E%IST YI 5-78 m~ >T j ENTRANCE _ ~ ~ ~ / TOP EL 776 / ~L SEE NOTES 8 8 6~ ~ w ~ i ' t~' ~ , / / / ~ LE. 627.0 ~ 1 I~! I % ~ i /6' ~ N54392&30~ I 1, ~ I ) r ~ ~ •E ~ , ~ ^.~i E1a41773.62 'li IN - J ~l ~ {e• s~WER - m ^ 4t !i i~ , ; ; > sEE Nona t e T ~ G tp° ~ \ I - _,~-Ty.-.=- . _ f , ~,,,,,'8~,~ st n"1°~ ~ i~ ~ rurulE nErIGT • i~ E 4 A ' m c . - - - ~ .L- - - . - - , ~ ~%%a L~%" ~ . " ~ ~ TO RE I8' SEWER ~ ;~WEII _ u ~ SE'LL ' - _ - -j _ _fe.,-,a.;y,'.^~ T' FVTUAE /TEWAIIT 868 T^ ~ WN •P \ i~ 01460{ E ~y - --iMeA- ~ CREIX REIEF'.:, ~ v p - i ,r .a,'•'9ErER ~ .l u ~ • ro. B-/1 P ~'p It W i IN ? I NI.00' ~ 1-66 r - NTERCORi~- ~~,r ` / l 1. ogEY • T4i S01'tTtfW - - h l I t- _ ~ ~ !r ~ 1 I~ ~ % ~ f ~ 1 fi , D l1 w~,~•MF: ExIST MN s•TA ~ \ q. RECON9TRUCi lTR~11.:~ a;~,"I ff ~ lA ~ / ; TOP EL 63T,i8 .:~\B _ y.-.-. e~w C: IT!' Tb"tt.6' _._-BANK! RP RAP TO-.. C u l ~ / - . ~~~i j ,L,, : e ~ ~ 7: ~ ; ~ , ~ r-; t ~-f _ _ - _ELEV 624 T YEBATA 2Y / ~ ~ ' I m FLANTNBS ro Ta o j / ~ - fi ~ _ - ~ - - ~~--72.~~ - ~ - 25 R/1F -.-'BANX RTPI ~ '~i~ =c _ / ~ Al ' - • ,L. - ..'TEMPORARY SED8IENT . -AND 35• TCE - ~ ~':.~_b..- _ _~*r!,~ ~1~ - ~ : - - FINAL DESIGN m S ..-.....TRAP E.C. STD 6.60 "~sG° RT&McKx - 4 ,.s„~ ,°~•.-.:.wESi LENGtx • 4 ` _ - - -smEAM t~59Ne No 4 ~ =~w...,Ii Y---= - NOT RELEASED FOR A4 f015NhMeDordl 9ehs17 '~~V, YOLUME • 083 CF-. _ ~T..=W=.-.- - - - - - ~ 7 - _ _ - - / /1/~ D ~y~ ~dds,7r~ea~ se7w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -k-- - COOfIDOR LWTED- - _ _ _ _ _f"' _ ~ I ~/~/NSTf1~V I IVI~ TaL A4N3~516 Fu; 701-7473296 POWER POLE sgw,wT aRa TO 40 FEET ACROSS j 4Y 9TE0. CASNB - r ~ - _ ~ / o 4 STREAMS _ C _ ~ ~ , J/ CHARLGTTE-MECKLENBURG ,.-y _ ,•r - ~ - _ y UTILITIES ~ _ _ _ ~ u I ~ ~ i /1 ~ t, . P .E:`,' ~ . BILLBOARD - - S_ TOP El 636.97 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA w N ~ V ' ~ ~ ~ E%ISTN6 30' A/W, ' ~ ~ I °Q- E%IST MN S-6' I s EXRT MX S-7 p\ lLE. 62475 p ABANDONED ~ / / I~_. ,,,_~,,,'r i ~ ~ `,.067-031-03 Ta EL 636,18 Ta EL 637.78 N544058.08 / ;y. \,1~ POWER POLE C ~ _ 1 ~ 6D-3 ^ WOId7-aa4 I (r E.C ORFFIiO CO. LE. 624.65 ~ \ LE, 6zas7 EMals3ess U95 No. FAa Na IRWIN CREEK RELIEF SEWERS fgE - - - - iiE - Tgl,1 - - i 514 BRUNSWNO( AVE_. ~ N543838.20 ' N543B5421 / ~ ~ ~ h Q CNARlOTTE. NC 28207 ~ ,F1941929.I7 IEM/524.78 Srdw E%ISTWG 36", E%IST MH S•5 P09T N21 DNERSION ~ 'u 9 ExLSrws 36' CONTRACT II ~ ~ TRUNf SEWER, D EL 633.&9 'STRUCTURE ~ 6 0834 W MOOREHEAD STI I !EE NOTE T~ Sr<E NOTE T•~; i~ I, l P• ,TRIMI( SEWER p1,µ A • ~ .,-y11 ~ ~ TOP EL ~ ~ N_i 4 r'++l ' ~ / ~ ~ ~J/ PROFLE ' LE, . ~3590.4Y ~ N543608.T0 " ! J . € W I ~ c N543522.50 E144504.89 ~ i ~0 / I p . 4p ~ ExIS7WC`~_ FwalesTSS Nv EL 62zse w CY / , STEWART CREEK BRANCH e c N `J PA ~ 6EE NOTE T VENT El 641.00 ~ „ ` ~ _1____ 1 yam, 1' . 4' - o ~CONC D, - N SEE SHEET CO.6 L. - ~ ~ -ai- STA. 11+OS TO 16+50 v 1 coNSTmlctia6 ------ALAN f / / - _ _ ENTRANCE _ - 205014 RUPCTNN Y•40' ~ ~ t q _ ~ I ; ` SEE NOTES S { 6 EASEMENT ® SDC/HS 1DH/LSS BJL JMN JFP 4/04 _1 30 ' 20 0 40 No. Dap B RaMaba Sa B Oeei B Oran B Pro y }ct-Engr ApxWwtd BY Data _ I COYPACTED CLAY OR CONCRETE COUAR IE' TMCII UI ~ NOTE 2 EARTN BACNPLI M BmE SLOPE rtYPI ' `Y NST~TNN ~ m , E%GAYATfON BY HAIR ~ - SEER PPE - ' AFTER COMPACTION TO PRECIffLY MATCX ~ 00 CF PIPE 4,,0• COMPACTED AT F r CNAI4T~R ` OR CONCRETE ~I I g A. ~,q• 4 COLLAR I I I ~ I I 1 ~ + 1 I ~ 'v PucE PAaR ro I s r-o• uN _ r-o' MN 6• m uN sroNE BEroNO I uN I ~ tSr PM1ATpN I I e4 ER OF 9LA~B ~ ~ I I CONCRETE DRAW CHANNEL I ~ S PWE COLLAR ~ I ~ DETAIL B W r • r-o• YAR ~ EAN11V , I ~ DETAIL A ~ ~ vAR ~ ~ ~ s NT9 m _ ~ I o7 I : ~ • L._. - CASNO SPACER AUNUALLY pAiRE1tCAYA1E B• NEY NTO UNOdTUR8E0 m}iEit CENTERLNE SPACP?D SHALL SE PER EARiN OR ROpI MN SOES A r-r MN BotTaLL FORM L PPE COLLAR TO BE PPAYOE9 ON iNE SEVER EVERY 1000 PEST. SPACER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATION TRIIT COMPACTOO OdY OR CONCRETE SEAL TO PREYETR fOR CARRFA PPE/CASNO PPE DIAMETERS BATEA FLOM ARWNO COLLAR. L ~Fl]D~BASE~O 011 NAi~11E OAF' UMSiMATE T. ~ ~~80%EXCAVATi~~KO~~ BIW1 CASOW PPE SECTION ~ ouANB COLLAR EMCAYATEN Aro P191ALLATENL ~ Cp.p a RENFORCE CONCRETE COLLAR vlm .6 BA1n . L!e OC EP EF, B. FACES OF COLLARpp~ BE fORMEO rfDi HOOD OUTSOE OP N[T. 6 C~pENY 1CT~NRT ~Pq' COLG~AA! SHALL HAYE A 1N101IM NYORAILC _ _ I(,~Np~ OOBM000 2 CANKER PPE SLNY MLLON FOR gICTIE RQI CARREA PPE iNE ~ CASPA NSULATOR TO 8E ALL (SIY60005 ~ STEEL CASND SPACER AS MANUFACTURED IB' 0.C ITYPI OR AS SPECFED 8Y CAStAOE NATFNMOAN9 MANJFACTURPW PER MECNLENBURO COUNTY STOAMMAIEA COAPANY, YORKVLLE LLPMIS OR APPROVED EOUAL• SERVICES STREAMBANK STABLQATpN AIO ~p ACERS TO RECENE IEAYY BRWNOUS SEWER CASING NABRAT EMWICQENT PLANTNO OETAL! WATNB BOTH PRIOR TO ANO APTER NSTAU.ATI011 roP aF BANx r-0' DETAIL E 4'-0' EARTH OR CONCRETE 8, r CNALBRA ALL. COFNERB fTYp NTS 2 AS APPROPRIATE ty , I ATAT DRNEB~A1~ IRIRBIIOIIB PAYELOR - r-r TBTREAM BAral~ ~ 1 ~ CoNC CURB d TFAOM ~8T"ate A~iY M . Y ~ P M ~ C' • O STANLESS STEEL a~ NSTALL MOVEN CON FNER MAT. OR EWAL. L ~ ` PER MECNLENBURO COUNTY STOAMYIATER ~ d ~ ~ NUTS i BOLTS Py ~ SERVICES STREAMBANN STABLIZATpN AND ~ ' ' ~ g~1' NABfTAT ENHMICELENT PLANTAR6 OETALS (SEEDED PER SECTgN 024861 NORMAL i FQR gRCriE NON CAAREA PPE iNE WATER ABC I~TON~E SGA9E STFEI. CASNO SPACER AS MANUFACMEO LEYEL DEOTEIITLE FABRk MNAFI (bAIACTED CR M CppµgEp SMIAAAOE BY CASCADE WATERWOPo(S MANUFACIURNO I FLTERNEAVE 700 OR EQUAL ABC STOLE BASE COAPANY. YORNVLLE LLNOIS OR APPAOYEO EWYJ.. 1 O~OAAT0~10 BOTH~P~Rq~R TOA1Jm AFBR TERP6TALLATION CARRIER PPE ~ STEEL. CASNB PPE WIND PLACED CLASS I RP RAP STdE L SEE Bif WNOU! PAYEL6R OETAL FOR PAVE6EIR iNIpDESR ETC 24' MN THICNrRE9s PER MECNLENBLNO L PROYOE 1/2' EM?ANSKIN JONT N/Brt, BPREBNATED BACIEk 8 FT TNICI( GROUT COWITY STpW WATER SERYICE9 OETALB BOARD A r DEEP POLYUIETNANE JoBR SEALANT ON TOP B ?O[f BULWIEAD ITYP EA EN01 AT 20' AN% SPACNO~ORIIY Cq.01t'SNAPLE% V10R EOVAL +Pp1N ~0< - L nRB RA:TAL APPLES TO ALLG ~ pEPLAC:101L BNETHER SECTION 2 e~i~,.oicSSrD,y~~? 1 rCAEEK B~ED~ BPECFICALLY AFFfAENCED ~V CONCRETE CURB NTB CD~12 I ~4 Diiles (r ~ CREEK BED ~ / d t fEQ d; DETAIL D R, RN RAP AND STREAM BANK RESTORATION 1 ~ r,B„ vAR ~ D DETAIL NTS YAR FINAL DESIGN Ci~ c~PnL~t&~~ 3016w0Mc17e+e08uor43dmafll L ALLALL COLPACTRON SHALL BE BY IIANa NOT RELEASED FOR ~ Chuldb,NarmCuatin IRAN CONSTRUCTION TeLYaaaudRePa:,o4wagM CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG UTILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 101-OT-6M ,NW Ne. FLe Ne. IRWIN CREEK RELT II SEWERS soaa CONTRAC PLAN AS NOiE1 PRCP1lE Hor. Vert. - MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS E sn«1 a $OC/HS TDH/LSS BJL JMN ,fP 4/04 1 ~ ~ D1G gy ReJdan Surveyed 8 Designed By Drerm By Prgeat-Engr Approved By Oate _ i 100 YEAR ' BASE FL000 x.44._-____~ _E~vATari _e~a`oo: _ _ 640 i ---r=---- ~ W q0 YEAR ~~~g n I BASE F1000 L p,rb ELEVATION • 6~AOW P,ad I T~~•[W y~ ~ ~ r G W ~ ~gu~~ ~ ~ °op ~ ~~g " a r ~WO~m• ~oir QrQnir ~ I +OWy$r~'A ~ r~ ~ Y Ja APPROX <JUi t~rrW~ LOCAigN I FZa;Mr NrF'~ ~ E%IST BRANCH I ~ mtvi~$ } ~hg aYr~ SEWER APPROX LOCATION s E%15TW6 IB" STORM DRAIN 4 # APPAO% w ~ APPROX 11 I E%STTELEC of ~ E~9Ti 2~ a WATER MAW APPRO% s a ~I APPRO% EMISiTGAS LOCATION ~ I E%IST BURIED y TELEPHONE LINES I APPII (MATE LOCATION ppRO%MATE LOCATION EXIST 12' RCP CULVERT %IST 15" RCP CULVERT I I ~ I I i E%ST~NO $TORMOCORA~ ~ I ¢~4 ~ SIZE AND OEPTX UNKNOWN - _ ~ I ~F!! YhQ_._....__ p._~____-~.---.-• a APPAO%WATER ! ~I I STA>o•a H LEVEL 617.00 (3/981 ~ E w I ~B ~TRENCXED J 1 f I 60' CASE R I a a ~ ~ ~ w I 36' DP SEWER - - - - I ar SEWER i SLOPE • O.OBz ( 88' SEWEA SLOPE • 0~08A ' 36' do SEWER SLOPE • ooel ~L~ ~]Q...~ _ . .eAA. _ _ I UT - -r I ( to 9TRE I CR094N8 NOS `I - NV 0. 610.46 I MY 0.606,67 I f ' NY 0.609.41 ( IN EL 6X126 N Nv EL BOB96 NY 0. 609A I NV 0. SWAT i w ~ I I IJ I I I Ix PROF]LE IF I ~ Now r • 40' a YES r • I -~.I~.-._~~ ~aa_.__1__._..._ ~ . _ _ _ 0+00 1+00 ~ 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 _ ~ ~ i.-. ~ _ J ~ F ~ ~,1 ' i ~ _ ~ ~ ' . ~ - s'"_.. S^x\..".~`~,.~"' \ / ~ ~ j ~ 1 ` `EXISTWG BELL SOUTH ~ _ r ' - - - ~ , ` n~i"~~' TELEPHONE MANHOLE, _ ~ ~ I _ i i ~il~ I~~r - - = i1,~ ~ ~ l ~ ' ~ rj ~ I ~ Y ~ ~ j„ - -.L ~ -a, ' ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ;~/IYl ~ ~ 141'' ':I> ~ ti~ v~ 1~ ~ ~ > I f i" / ~~1 G 1 111~1~I ~m1V ~ l ~ f ~ 1 _ , / ~ 1 i I ~ J _ ~ ~ ~ i / ,r., ~ - ~ ~ ~ i II I 1 11 ~ ,I r+- ~ 'EXISnNa BELL sou7x m ~ p ~ ~ ~ - ° I ~ I I ^..y~ ~ ~ TELEPHONE AEIDAt, , ~ / ~ ~ /i,' / / ~ ~ ~ N 111 ~ / / ~ .c i ~ ~ ~ V~ ~~~~i, ~ ~ ~ m, I I 1 l,. O t / CABLE ~ ~ f ~ t ~ ~ _ _ x 1111 i~>t lal ~ li / ~ ~I . 067-014 02 ' - ~ / l ~10.PD WLKINSON PROPERTIES LLC T f, j I ~ ! t~~ w~ • ~ ~ II ~ ~ 1 ~ ~~illl T'~~ `A~ ~ ~S ~ ! ~ ~ J Po BDZ 3a6as ~ ~ /fem. ~ ~ - ~ , BRYAN PARK - CNAAlOTTE NC 20239 `f { - ~ ~ ~ 111 t EXI9TWO 12001 SUTTEE AVEI L. ~ ~ `r I ~ f~ } ~ ~ 11 A ~ ' ~ . I ~ 1 ~ 1 I I, ~ . ' ~ ~ r~osi Ws~ ! ; - t r ~ L 1 ~ 1 I` ~ ~ .l ~ ~ I r--- _ ~ " a cee.e4 ~ ~ t 11 I 1 E%ISnr±c Gas i~ ~ OB7-014.01 TY ~ ~ ~ E 6T I . IHAN09 FROM MECNLENBURG COON a I ~ ~ 1 ( 1 3 E1441668.65 ~,yr " 600 EAST FOURTH ST • n 1~ ~ V ~i SIGNS ~ : A, ~ ~ BRIOfiElt i % / - 2 ! i i I / { ~ ~ '"~j ~ CHARLOTTE, NC 26202 ~ _ ~ ' ~ ~ APPRO% LOCATON I ~ ~ 'E I _ ~ APPRO%BMTE 1 1 , ; 1 i I _ E%ISTNG FWL 11701 W MOAEHEAD ST. BRYANT PARNI ~ ~ 1 ~ 11 ~ 1 ti LOCATION OF 1 REMOVE STORM DRANO A8 NECE89ARY, REFUGE WITH NEY RCP. SQE AND GRADE E%IST STORM GRAIN ~ ' BN.L MARKEn ~ 1 1 ~ 12" WATER MAN I TO MATCH E%6TN0. ~ : ~ I I ~ ~ _ n !EE NOTE I SEE MOLE 3 IOTALL TEMPORANY 61007 EXlSTWD BELL 90UTR, A S. ~ ~ 4 I ~ ~ I ! ~ ~ 7EWORMY 6EOMENT~ - CNAN L68( FENCE ALONG ~ TELEPHONE POLE , I'~ ~ ~ 6. PROVIIE AND MANTAN TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PER STANDMO _ ~ AND GUYS ~ I 1 ' ~ ~ ` A O~• MH4T ~ ~ TRAP E.C. STD 6.60 ~ \ - ~ ~ 35 T ~ CON9TRUCTNN EASEMENT o I ~',1 ~ '1 I I 6.06 OF NC EROSION A!D SEGMENT CONTROL PLANNNO AND DESpN MANIAC. .49 ~ 'I WEBI LENGTH • 4' AND CE TINOUGH PARK AREA PRgR t .X542340 / r'. n ' - REMOVE STORE ~',1 ~ `J Eg4TWGv I! 3. RENO ST AND STALL E%9 FOI1L 6 NAAKER. CD-2 CD+3 : Vq.UME • 736 CF n ^ , I TO ANY UIlD D6TUR8616 ACTBRIT' 1 I T ~ 1 POWER POLE ~ ~ ~ E144TTq.33 ~ / I ' AND RFPLACEi 1 ~ I ; r ~ T - ~ E%6TNG BELL SOUTH m CS) 6'%Ct t 1 I'`~ TE?iONMYI 1 4. REMOVE E%19TW6 MM6gLE TOP AI?D REFUGE 111TH NEW TOP PER DEil11 D / - b' 1 ~,,.~0---i?- - _ ~R ~ - TELEPHONE W FIBER WOODEN POST4 ~ ~ '~I~~ CONS 'l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ON SHEET CD-3. , , ~ ~ -ii _ I CEMENT DUCT TEMPORAAYI ~ENTRANCES'1 I " I j 0 CASNO ' , ~a „ ~ p5~ _ ; _ ~ - SEWER ~ - FENCE GATE', I 11 NOTE 2 I I , II 6 REMOVE Ei04TN0 MAMIOLE TOP IH1 REILACE WRN NEW TOP PER DETAI E }~r21'arw ur.GD DMIq ~ 1 „ ~~1 ~ ox sBEEr CD-3. ~ 11 RECONSTRUCT STREAM .'I ~ ~,p-6j' ~-~a~T2 .r _ _ _ .,~~~---..+a, ~ ~ ~ ..Z 'I~. I ~I i .r"'x~x~x,,,,,~ C 'BANXS RIP RAP TO _ C!'4~, i~l _ _-C~~ ~ I~ S~ 8 C0.8:' ,0.EY 620.7 ANO VEOETATpM ~ _ ~C018TRUCIgN - - ~ _ m• ~ +r~::..,,. a m I ~ 7EMORARY UNTRENGYEO A t ~ ~ A~ ~-~~'f r PUNTNOS TO TOP .~000RIDOR LMITED~- 'a~a>~.-~.: Mz C MM•28 a ~ /.+,,,''~s-~W~" ~ vex ' - -CA81N 33 SHIiFT Bp,;\ ~ ~ ~ i OF BAN( ITYPI--. .ry, • TO 40 FEET ACROSS X342662.91 ~ .Z,r..: ~ l ' S'08• ~Cnyp - S 2S• STREAK CR08SN0 NO 3 STREAMS ~ tM4R29 T4 I t' "=4' ~+`,^sc„ _ ~1;_ ~~76"W 167.07•^.,.~~ j'^ - ~ UITRENCNFD ' ~ w SERI T - -~y 7TDNORARY SEDMENT~ _ / ~ - II 02{688 , l .S• t - , 'TRAP EC. STD 6.60 ~,~B-6J - - if LOCATllNIt:., ~ r ~ - " P ? ~ ~ , ' o, ' . E%IST Mx 5-I p~ - \ •~~~WE6t LENGTH • 4' ~ . 4 ,--~0 ~ -W =L~IY V,n hOING~ ~ ~ 25 R/W ' ~ TOP 633.72, _ ~ .'-~;~,y` - ' ~•==-;F _ VOLUME • M8B CF : J~y'"""'E1WT 12' RCP CIXVERTa:~.~ ta•,a _ ~1+.. y A. w^~y' ALA) 33' TCE ~ , LE. 623 42 W-3 - SEE NOTE 1 ' X OCA710N r 6X-- Rf P ms's.,,, : APPAO L f I . ~ 8-68 Y i, x,x+~ ' X54234591 . , ~ . -6 - SIIWAAI CREEK ``IXEST EY Rp VERT - 1 1 ~ mw ' <_EI491023.32 _ ''rZsi`.+^ i. ~._~\1MH-28 1 _ <A } - .'SEE NOTE 4 - _ _„z's~. .'g.. i SEE NOTE . N543L7726 ~6i6~4 ~ f n ~~TEAWORAAYGEOMENT ~ ~ - ~ ~ _ - _ FINALDESION ~ oMla,-__ I _.x 7-. °~wc-_ - ~°"ea';"R,_~..-..-~~ mo=w';` _ ` _ i VY1111 cm Drceett&6tcKa o TRAP EC. sTO 6.60. 1 r _ .x v ~ ~ - ~ _ r~: P WEN LENGTH • 4" r k:l~` ~ ' w, ~ls~°""h.!~-.-~~ oui w ..,.r... - - ~5__- - ~L+r TBM - _ $ ~ ° . a, - . ~ 5018wlh MrLmrdl&va4&ibsll a 84 CF 3!. k: ,I " -,,,N : i J , ~ - ~ _ POST 1920 ~ Ex>sTNG ~ ~ NOT RELEASED FOR n Y UME T ~ti.,, l w -+-B4x`o- ~ , T_ IB STORM 1 ~W CBulaYa,Non6CwBu 2BtD1 * ~ . _ ~ P N ~ ~~c'N643RB 9B ~AN~ TWA ~ CONSTRUCTION P'~• Td 1UCM3J516 Pu:TP4312•i29L . , -r~h •h / .a-~_.._ ;i:... ~1.,_ ~ mr""~--_~_. _ _ .a~: E1941795.93 XISTW 5 TH 'BRANCH ~ ~1 o ~r:^w - dh A' ~a-.•~-~-,. c !1}1 "E%ISTNG,_.___~ z~ cux4-__. ~ ~ :y •'?-iELEPHONEE AERIA ~ i SEWER ! ON ~`1 4 ~ f_ ...-d'---~. ~ LIOHi POLE _ p.~AF,,,,~3ERV,ICE WIRE ~ r` y E%ISiIN036" ~CMW~,.-~._ _ - ~ BROK_ FN _ -..e.. I _ ~ - - _ ' • ~ CHARLO - ENBURG DNERSIDN STRUCTIRE NO 0 c ~1RUNX SEWEA - _ PAY u 1 ~ EfXENT '~~s ^ w • / ; X642309.21 - - - _ aT _ ' : ~ _ _ _ ~~F ~ . a , UTILITIES ' I ~ E144NN{l73 _ o. ~ \ ~ _ _ _ °"'~',~R 4.. I , F. ~ i - NV OUT 616.82 V ~'u?"~^- - , 'H'-_--~- ~ ~ _ , vENr EL 64000 I ' - c I I` ~ ~ -«W- _ r,__ _ ~ ' , ~nl ~ ~ ENGINEERING DIVISION 1 R o, ~ '`it;? SEE ~ CD-e ;~a~ ~ 1 - ~m, ~ - - EXlsrwc w• R/w~'" - ~ EXIST MX s-z E - _ -'t - ~i~,._ ~ ~ CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA x. ~ r v.~ u ;r. . r 1 • ~ ' ~ . Mhl ~ I a ~ ~ ~I „I LE.P EL CP8 % TING B LL SOUTH ` ~ -1 A-A~ NI8-61-eM ~ ~ Mq~ • ,n ~ r N542862TI DUC 5 ON ELEVATED ~1 Z „ ~1 ~H ~ yI ;;a E1441855.82 P1 AS S E BRIDGE u ~ ~ ~ N0. IRWIN CREEK RELIEF SEWERS ~ ( 067-Ola-Ofi ~ ~ F a A it' ~ SEE NOTE 6 E BE IG 1 ~ ti Soda ~ ~ $FF ~ FDIMTEEN NJNCREO ONE FREEDOM LLC y ~ ~ cy r . CONTRACT II rv ~ ~ ~ / Jm ''~1 ~ 'd1401 FREEDOM DRIVE i ~ E%ISTWG SGN ~ a ~ PUN I _ ,C ,r, ~ ~ • C N FT• ~ I ~ . Sc a±ARLOrrE Nc ze2os ~I F _ ' d ~Y H } ~ ..y.., . -s z.~.Y.--- ~ u~ ~ ~ . 'C. PRORIE~ p _1r"~ ` 1~;; / - E. a.., „ j ~ ~l I \ I. '-'-C=---'"`~= - - _ I', 1R ~ I WATER METER VAOLT '0 STEWART CREEK BRANCH o6t-ola-o5~ ,,f ~ - FNE HYDRANT y ` ` ~ STA. 0+00 TO 11+05 a ~ ~ ~ FOURTEEN HUNDRED ONE FREEDOM LLC ' ~`II PLAN 1~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ " , 6 - - •~6~ ~ F ~ + 1401 FREEDOM DRIVE i ~ 1 I r • 40' ~ ~ ~y. .`v CHARLOTTE. NC 28203 / ~ ~i ~ ~ .i Shat Of A Y`' _ ~ r/ I `t~ ~ 20 D ~70 1 ` SDC~fiS TDH~LSS BJL JIiN .FP 404 C-11 30 c~ I ~ ~ u, t V ~ Na OaG By RMdor~ -l I Surw B Dni .d By Ram 8 P.oJ•ot-Enyr Approved By Dob _ _ i 11~ ` 1 ~ A~ l1~ ~ ' Ex15r re' i~ ~ ~ ~1 _ Roan ,C.,~ ~ ~""~~e ~ ~ ~ Nei ~1 / / ~ o I ~ah n ~ ND 4 Y ~ Q a G bo ~ , a 3C STENART CAmc REEF 3EMER ' ~ , ` A . e 1 ~ DIIF11Sp11 BIPIICIUIIE NO 6 r P• , 9 ~ ' ~ ~ ' 3r ttTEMARi dlmt 118Mt lEMEIt too o~zoo _ 3 . i` 2f' '~/~J~, ` ~ ~ fem. /~7 ` 1NI5 SHEET IS PRONDEO AS A ~ ~,.kY~aj, * PROJECT LOCATION MAP ONLY. _ F'~ 1X15 SHEET SHOULD NOT BE USED ~ ~ ` • (r(/ ~ ~ ~ • 4~ FOR CONSTRUCTION. \ , / ~ / % \ Iq D ry ~I. \ ? 6m~pM cROSSrt+o No ~ , ~ a 3~ ~ fi.-~;~ ;C~ 7 ~ ~ ~ - r xrsr 3e•'e I!hi 'l ~ ` ~ ~ ENISi(NG ~.9" ~ ~ ~ it . ANN CREEK iR W~,'., ; ,t 1 ~ 4r ~ , ~ ~ ~ u+rRENaIED TutiYl cASNO i, ~ • 1 \~F t. DIVERSION • 'K unl~NDtEOTtR4v~. rq MrM sTRUCTT;xE ~ ~ ~ l ~ CA111D 7 NO 3 is y ~y 1 UNTRENCHED TUNNEEL CASPlD~ r NOI C s~'r .,+.rii ~ ~ 11111PENCIEDCASNB ' L_ V Th t ~ ' ~.r , I y ~ ~ i~ ~~r ~ ~~+~~~ril: 38'RMNCAEBIREIIE><SFNER MN•4 il~ ~ ~ <<, I x ~y ~ ~ ' l , dS3~ ' 84" RIPI fAEEIf REIkF SEMEq 4 ' Sa ~ L i . , ,y _ _ y-, ,0. _ 4- 111 ~ i ~iy"q' OAIERBION l111111CTIMIE LID / , ~ K ~ ~ - o i - , y ~ - ~ ~ ~ : n ..n ~ . ~ ~ a ' ~ / ~ ExlfiflS 36' AIIN d1E'EK ~ / N8 TTI(R4( I A , ~6 . G EXIST 64' RN1N CREEK AELEF SEVER • ~ , ' 9 "`~2O~offSSlgT~~ 1' • 200' 3 i 4p F O SEAL } e ~ IDO® MFp STRUCK ~ 4 , C~ i 024688 %"7, ~ nrol cREER REtlf sEtre+ a ' ce r~~;~,~~:,~~~. f~XlSi 36'~tw1NIN CREEK TRUNK SEVER MF20 _ / r" ~'~'Ii4~s MH•12 1 ;'~i'":~ ~ UNTRENCHED TUNNEL CASMO ~ ~ ~ ~ S 1~iti - ~ .-r ~ ~ ' 6M-N STRUCTURE Z ~ 111 ~ ~ % f,~ ND 3 ! _ . ~ ' FINAL DESIGN CDM ~~&M~ ~t ~C o ~ `r, ; ~ ~ - ~ I ~ ~~1 101SwmMeOo~all3uael.edYe,: _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , NOT RELEASED FOR --ee \j 1,. 1~ ~(s ~ .'Rr r' ~ Chuldm~NonhCuohr 38101 I y,,,,C: ~ ~ ~~J,, ,111! ~ ~ ' ~ CONSTRUCTION e..~. Td:~.~1,~FwT~,->.~1~ It I I i f I ' ~M~ ~ , ' a ; ~ 1 r, T ' - .c ~ ~ ~ AYE ~?eMFwtr aooa. ~ 1, . ` ~ i ~ ~ - 6~ CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG ~ ~ ,1~ I ~ ~ ~i " ED S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~•~~z,,,.:• _ . , c ` - ENGINEERING DIVISION u. , ~ '3~~-. ,ti _ ti CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA - ` x uNmENa~o ? Mx~ Jab Na Fib Na IRWIN CREEK RELIEF SEWERS t ~ _ t~a¢a uNTtmlalm wN6 seal» CONTRACT II ~ a ~ ~ . L - PROfNE _ w~l~,,,, ~..4"-~ ~MH-15 Ha, `:;Z!'~ , v«t. - PROJECT LOCATION PLAN t; 6 ,1 G' r e / OPTbNAI. $DC/H$ TDH/I.SS Bd. JMN JFP 4/04 Sheet pf VNTRENCHED CASMB G-2 !0 Nn Oete By ReMelan SurN O B DioMn B ro)' Jecl- qr FpDroveE By Date _ - I'(~ 1 ~ ' 1 ~ 1 ,1 ROAD ~ 7. i•+ ~,gi,~~`1 , r.~ Ir , , 1 3 i,1N N ~a ~ 1 _ ; NO 4 e / G t. ~ ,,,.1 ac srERART amt aEEV zE~t a` DIYFA9011 DiRNC11RE ND 6 r~ + h.(" ' w~a EXST 38' DIEIIARi amt iRUK 6EI1ER r • zor , po®zta _z NFtD + - _ ~ ~ 2`( ~~-F / /r~ i ~ ~ ~ + ~ .Gds J ,l+ ~ + ~ SNEET x RROHOEO AS A THIS ~ ' ~~.;:r D/+ niis~ ~ouoMNOr ~ osEo \I t ' "~~.~~r ~ , FoA ca+slqucnaK. i, ~ ~~r r ) ~ ~ q , ; pnmspx to e I ~ Y ~ , : ~ ~ srn~,cgossntoH ~ y 5` y ''i ' emu' \ , t . ~ ~ ~ y - E`er. I,C~ I V G~ a r EXISTMG ~9,~R,W / 4 + + ~ ~ AN'p CREEK iR ~ . v~~ ~ ' . ~ r + ? ~ Y . ' Ig1ilENG1FD TUNNEL t:AlNA ~ ~'y ~ 1 ~ ,i ' i, ~ ~ f CASEp UNIItFNaED 1UNNEL ti' MFM ~ 3 T1lHE I 4 i,~ p ~ , S 1 UNTRENCHED TUNN~L CASBIb ~ - NO I ~ ~ ' p r ~ ~ i r ~ ~ I ~ '-a ~ r- C~ C t ~ . ~~arr. "n skJ~i;, S n ,;.JF. _ ~ . y ,.~_,t~ ~ 38' FIM QEEIt AEIEf DETER AAF4 I, ~ 1 G , ~ s4• wrn atEEN RELEF snm 't , j . ,I \ r . @ay DHEANON ETtM167aM: RD i + , ' _ ~ + n «yr ~ _ ~ - ~ ~ . ~ .~n ~hw3.-~ ~ a,.,.....: N ' ~ . ~ / MFt6 EATfrne ~,NTx aEEK fih',at : ~ r0 Ci EXIST 0~' HMIN CREEK REIER 9EIIER _ + , ~ ~ . ro~,, .8 ~,9+~t~ O`b - ~ ipfp`tSSp , N1 /ti 3 /P ~ . 61~a 2aa~ 10 ~ ~4 SEAL ~ 3 I 100 0 200 MF5 a9EAW011SiRUCREEN04 G/ ~ + , ; t 021688 ~ JD" R1~N aEElt RELEF 8E1191 V 't ~ ~f ~,P ~ }.I f~l'!Si 36"~~tWM CREEK iRUfat SEWER MIF20 ~ / - ?,~4..,~,. Ml+42 Afh18~. _ m~ 4 ~}'~j`~~ UNTRENCFED NNNEI CASDl0 :..N_" 8, ~"~ti`-~ - _ _ w~tyT . ~ .i .y , - ~ 6TRUCTURE 'Nlt 3 Md44 N03 i ' ~ FINAL > ~ ~ . ~ DESIGN Campuim+a&McKa ~ , ~ , , ~ 1, , NOT RELEASED FOR ,r,,,, ~o ~ d~ I ~ wP , ~i; ~1 ~ r ...a cTulaHaN~mCamhm~sEtM x~ ~ ~ .Y /~'v~~' ~T i~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~j ~ ~ , . C (~~/~~~ry~I~~~~ ~Ay W ~ SON w+~~ TaY.7043424516 Pu:704N17311 ti ~1.~ I ~ ,J(_F+iit ~ l'LS4 1 ~ ~ ~~r ..C'~ i`( ~ ~ 4. J,y ' I 1 ~ ~ t'n ~ ~ fi t . I I F, w AYE EtfAQRNI'y DQIDOL r~ ~ _ ~ ~ CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG I , r~, ~ _ - _.C : ~ ~ ~ - 9.~{ _ UTILITIES ~'Gu'~~~ : ~ ~ED,s ~ ON p;~ ENGINEERING DIVISI ~ s Y=:~:•-- f--, , ' CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA I E a ,I, , ~n ir_ ~ Mltf aos-1r.ee~ ~'F t ~z z uxmexotio MrtD ,,oe z,, ~ N,, IRWIN CREEK RELIEF SEWERS - , ~ ,f - ~ _ ~ ~ uNiRENaEO wtD sadaa CONTRACT II 7 w MH-1S~ /ti; ~ - m ;.,;y, ~ wL PROJECT LOCATION PLAN ,6 ~ oRTaNa. SDC/HS 1DN/LSS BJL JMN JFP 4/04 G-2 ~ UNTRENCIED CAS010 Ip, paq Dy gMalon Surw B Daai4nad B dam rol' J~t-t Y W0~ By Daft _ - O?O? wAT ?qQG >_ y O `C July 20, 2004 DWQ# 04-0853 Mecklenburg County Ms. Julie McClelland Charlotte/Mecklenburg Utilities 5100 Brookshire Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28202 Subject: Sewer Line Crossings, Stewart Creek, Charlotte APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification with Additional Condition Dear Ms. McClelland: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to temporarily impact 160 linear feet of stream for the construction of a sewer line (subaqueous) across Stewart Creek in Mecklenburg County, as described in your application received by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) on May 25, 2004. After reviewing your application, we have determined that this project is covered by Water Quality General Certification Number 3374, which can be viewed on our web site at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetiands. The General Certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 42 once it is issued to you by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE). Please note that you should get any other federal, state or local permits before proceeding with your project, including those required by (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non-Discharge, and Water Supply Watershed regulations. The above noted Certification will expire when the associated USACOE 404 permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us in writing, and you may be required to send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter; and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. For this approval to be valid, you must comply with the conditions listed in the attached Certification, as well as the additional conditions listed below: 1. No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall occur in wetlands, waters, or riparian areas beyond the footprint of the impacts depicted in the Preconstruction Notification application. All construction activities, including the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices (BMP) shall be performed so that no violations of state water quality standards, statutes, or rules occur. 2. The design, installation, operation, and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control measures must be such that they equal, or exceed, the requirements specified in the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual (the Manuao. The measures shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) projects, including contractor- owned or leased borrow pits associated with project. None hCarolina Natumlly N. C. Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) (919) 733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), (http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwctlands) Customer Service #: 1-877-623-6748 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality Page 2 3. Sediment and erosion control measures shall not be placed in wetlands or waters. However, if placement of sediment and erosion control devices in wetlands and waters is unavoidable, the devices shall be removed and the natural grade restored within six months of the date the Division of Land Resources has released the project. 4. Upon completion of the project, the Applicant shall complete and return the enclosed "Certificate of Completion" form to notify NCDWQ when all work included in the 401 Certification has been completed. Please send photographs upstream and downstream of each crossing to document correct installation. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition that conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone Alan Johnson in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or Cyndi Karoly in the Central Office in Raleigh at 919-733-9721. Sincerely, Alan W. Klimek, P.E. AJ/aj Attachments cc: Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office Wetlands Unit - Cyndi Karoly David Caldwell - WQ, Mecklenburg Kelly Boone - Consultant MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Regional Contact: Alan Johnson Non-Discharge Branch WO Supervisor: Rex Gleason Date: SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Name Irwin Creek Relief Sewers c% County Mecklenburg Project Number 04 0853 County2 Recvd From APP Region Mooresville Received Date 5/25/04 Recvd By Region Project Type sewer line Certificates Stream Stream Impacts (ft.) Permit Wetland Wetland Wetland Stream Class Acres Feet Type Type Impact Score Index Prim. Supp. Basin Req. Req. ME 12 Stream O Y O N F- 11-137-1 F -c-F-30,834. F- 160.00 12 Stream O Y N ? r - 11=137.-1-2 ?-?? x30,$34. r- F-- ? Mitigation Wetland MitigationType Type Acres Feet Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? 0 Y 0 N Did you request more info? 0 Y Q N Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? 0 Y 0 N Is Mitigation required? 0 Y 0 N Recommendation: OQ Issue 0 ISSue/Cond 0 Deny Provided by Region: Latitude (ddmmss) Longitude (ddmmss) Comments: Staff did not visit the site, but spoke with Kelly Boone regardang the stream impacts for the sewer line crossings. All crossings are subaqueous. Fourty feet of stream impact per crossing was shown on the PCN. This was to delineate the area/width of clearing for the contractors. Actual stream impact for the installation of rip rap at each crossing is <10 linear ft of stream. Total permanent impacts should be approximately 40 ft. as compared to 160 ft shown in the PCN. This is a reapplication due to the previousrmit ex firing due to a delay in construction. Approval Recommended. Issue by MRO, cc: Regional Office Central Office Page Number 1 Facility Name Irwin Creek Relief Sewers c/o Project Number 04 0853 Comments (continued from page 1): County Mecklenburg Regional Contact: Alan Johnson Date: cc: Regional Office Central Office Page Number 2 N C T- _^ 75 O U) cz U) -F-+ ?0 i 13 O 0 0 It It 0 0 0 (L) co N N N N N 0.0 0 0 'C • O O O O O O O (D O ? ? d O S O N N N N N N N LO LO m m m LO LO 0 U ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *' N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V U U U U U U U a? V 0 O O O d m O ? L.L v c c C: o = U) E cd j co •o U o L c? _ 0 CL Y Cf) 0) N :3 O O 0) Q E U U CU , o -? c_ 0 CO (0 0) 0 0 co r- co It N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0) m _ N 0 :3 Q :3 a - C O 7 co to 4- ? c N N "0 0 U U `' () m N N N O O D• O O V C W OTO? W ?AT ?9PG Michael F. Easley. Governor ?0 William G. Ross Jr„ Secretary North Carolina Department of Lnvinmment and Natural Resources Crj ;' Alan NN'. Klimek V.E.. Director Division of Water Quality ] ; U U 7' Colcea H. Sullins. Deputy Director WEERBane ( 4n1 GRnl IQ Division Of Watcr Quality tT -C7 !7 July 20, 2004 JUL 2 6 2,004 DWQ# 04-0853 Mecklenburg County Ms. Julie McClelland WATER (QUALITY SECTION Charlotte/Mecklenburg Utilities 5100 Brookshire Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28202 Subject: Sewer Line Crossings, Stewart Creek, Charlotte APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification with Additional Condition Dear Ms. McClelland: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to temporarily impact 160 linear feet of stream for the construction of a sewer line (subaqueous) across Stewart Creek in Mecklenburg County, as described in your application received by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) on May 25, 2004. After reviewing your application, we have determined that this project is covered by Water Quality General Certification Number 3374, which can be viewed on our web site at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetiands. The General Certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 42 once it is issued to you by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE). Please note that you should get any other federal, state or local permits before proceeding with your project, including those required by (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non-Discharge, and Water Supply Watershed regulations. The above noted Certification will expire when the associated USACOE 404 permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us in writing, and you may be required to send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter, and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. For this approval to be valid, you must comply with the conditions listed in the attached Certification, as well as the additional conditions listed below: 1. No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall occur in wetlands, waters, or riparian areas beyond the footprint of the impacts depicted in the Preconstruction Notification application. All construction activities, including the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices (BMP) shall be performed so that no violations of state water quality standards, statutes, or rules occur. 2. The design, installation, operation, and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control measures must be such that they equal, or exceed, the requirements specified in the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual (the Manuao. The measures shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) projects, including contractor- owned or leased borrow pits associated with project. Nom` hCarolina VA Naturally NEDE_NR N. C. Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) (919) 733-1796 (nhone) 919-733.6R93 (fax) (hnn 112n rnr stair nc ns,irNcatlandk) Page 2 3. Sediment and erosion control measures shall not be placed in wetlands or waters. However, if placement of sediment and erosion control devices in wetlands and waters is unavoidable, the devices shall be removed and the natural grade restored within six months of the date the Division of Land Resources has released the project. 4. Upon completion of the project, the Applicant shall complete and return the enclosed "Certificate of Completion" form to notify NCDWQ when all work included in the 401 Certification has been completed. Please send photographs upstream and downstream of each crossing to document carsct installation. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition that conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone Alan Johnson in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or Cyndi Karoly in the Central Office in Raleigh at 919-733-9721. Sincerely, Alan W. Klimek, P.E. AJlaj Attachments cc: Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office Wetlands Unit - Cyndi Karoly David Caldwell - WQ, Mecklenburg Kelly Boone - Consultant IN G 11r, V r[h n LJ V IN TO: John Dorney Regional Contact: Non-Discharge Branch WQ Supervisor: Date: SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Name Irwin Creek Relief Sewers c/o Project Number 04 0853 Recvd From APP Alan Johnson Rex Gleason County Mecklenburg County2 Region Mooresville Received Date 5/25/04 Recvd By Region Project Type sewer line Certificates Stream Stream Impacts (ft.) Permit Wetland Wetland Wetland Stream Class Acres Feet Type Type Impact Score Index Prim. Supp. Basin Req. Req. Big F 13 Stream PT ®N F_ 11-137-1 F 7 -F - F O.S:d. F_ 1(;(.1.(1(1 F_ F_ 1 ? Sh?eam F O Y ®N ? 11-1 r C F- X0.£;4. ??- F-r- (- - - t rOY ON F_ F_ F_F_ F_ F_ I F_ F_ Mitigation Wetland MiligationType Type Acres Feet Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? O Y O N Did you request more info? Q Y 19 N Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? ® Y 0 N Is Mitigation required? O Y ® N Recommendation: *Issue O Issue/Cond O Deny Provided by Region: Latitude (ddmmss) Longitude (ddmmss) Comments: o?aii uiu i iut vise a ie Slle, UL1 SPOKe Wlin mwiy aoone wouroing ine stream impacts Tor Tne se w er line crossings. All crossings are subaqueous. Fourty feet of stream I per c crossing was s hown am. on the PGN. The imnact shown was to delineate the area/width of clearing for the contractor s at each stream crossino. Actual stream impact for the installation of rip at each crossing is < 10 linear ft of stream. Total permanent impacts to the stream should be approximately 40 ft (4 crossings X 10 ft of impact as compared to 160 ft shown in the P N This is a reapplication d ue to , the previous hermit expiring because of delays in construction. cc: Regional Office Page N Central Office Triage Check List Date: r/2-7/0`l Project Name: rw cr Rt1,?? sra?rs ?o cLa,/??{ u , , DWQ#: ©`/ - as' 3 County: To: ? ARO Mike Parker ? WaRO Tom Steffens ? FRO Ken Averitte ? WiRO Noelle Lutheran M MRO Alan Johnson ? WSRO Daryl Lamb ? RRO Steve Mitchell From: 1-4rrX 64 ItVn Telephone : (919) 7/s`- 3 Y-7 1 The file attached is being forwarded to your for your evaluation. Please call if you need assistance. ? Stream length impacted ? Stream determination ? Wetland determination and distance to blue-line surface waters on USFW topo maps X Minimization/avoidance issues ? Buffer Rules (Meuse, Tar-Pamlico, Catawba, Randleman) ? Pond fill ? Mitigation Ratios ? Ditching ? Are the stream and or wetland mitigation sites available and viable? ? Check drawings for accuracy ? Is the application consistent with pre-application meetings? ? Cumulative impact concern Comments: 5400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 300 Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 tel: 919 787-5620 fax: 919 781-5730 PA[ '?????P? r May 21, 2004 VED Mr. John Dorney North Carolina Division of Water Quality Wetlands/401 Unit 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-2260 Subject: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities Irwin Creek Relief Sewers - Contract II Section 401 WQC Application CDM Project No. 1363-25919-EX.PER Dear Mr. Dorney: fr. a j t S.LL4 y ' Enclosed for your review are 7 copies of the joint Section 404 permit/Section 401 Water Quality Certification application for the Charlotte - Mecklenburg Utilities Irwin Creek Relief Sewers - Contract II project. This project includes approximately 10,980 feet of 18- to 54-inch relief sewer and associated diversion structures and manholes along Irwin Creek and Stewart Creek in Mecklenburg County. A permit for this project is requested under Nationwide Permit # 12. An Environmental Assessment was prepared for the entire Irwin Creek Relief Sewer project, which consists of gravity relief sewers and a pump station/flow equalization facility at the Irwin Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. Review of the EA through the State Clearinghouse was completed in January 1999 (see enclosed correspondence). The Irwin Creek Relief Sewers project was separated into two contracts for construction. Permits for the first contract of the project were obtained in April 1999, and construction is complete. A 401 Water Quality Certification for the Irwin Creek Relief Sewers - Contract II project was granted in February 2000, but the permit expired due to construction delays. A new permit for the Irwin Creek Relief Sewers - Contract II project is requested now that construction is scheduled to begin in August 2004. Please review the application for approval. A check for the Certification fee is enclosed. If you have questions, I can be reached at (919) 787-5620. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, 4 ? Kelly R. Boone, P.E. Camp Dresser & McKee cc: Julie McLelland, P.E., Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities CDM Charlotte Project File WETLANDS / 4,91 GROUP tJtii(YSECTION consulting • engineering • construction • operations Office Use Only: Form Version May 2002 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No (If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A".) 1. II. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ? Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ? Section 10 Permit ? Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ® 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: Nationwide 12 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ? 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (verify availability with NCWRP prior to submittal of PCN), complete section VIII and check here: ? 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: ? Applicant Information WETLANDS / 401 GROUP Owner/Applicant Information Name: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities Mailing Address: 5100 Brookshire Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28216 WADER ; ii JA. rrv SECTION Attn. Ms. Julie McLelland P.E. Telephone Number: (704) 391-5126 Fax Number: (704) 398-9180 E-mail Address: jmclelland@ci.charlotte.nc.us 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Kelly Boone Company Affiliation: CDM Mailing Address: 5400 Glenwood Avenue Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27612 Telephone Number: (919) 787-5620 E-mail Address: boonekr@cdm.com Page 5 of 12 Fax Number:(919) 781-5730 l ? 'i 1 LA III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than II by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Irwin Creek Relief Sewers - Contract II 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): N/A 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): N/A 4. Location County: Mecklenburg Nearest Town: Charlotte Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): N/A Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): Project is along Irwin Creek from just south of the Norfolk Southern railroad tracks at Wilkinson Boulevard (Hwy. 29/74) upstream to the Irwin Avenue Elementary School in uptown Charlotte (W 6`n St) An additional portion of relief sewer will be located along Stewart Creek from the Irwin Creek confluence upstream to Freedom Drive (Hwy. 27). 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): see Attachment B (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) 6. Property size (acres): Length of sewers will be 10,980 feet. Total area disturbed during construction will be 15 acres. 7. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): Irwin Creek; Stewart Creek 8. River Basin: Catawba (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) Page 6 of 12 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: Pipeline is routed through undeveloped areas parks old railroad beds, commercial areas, industrial areas, roads and a school 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Project consists of installation of relief sewers along Irwin Creek and Stewart Creek Sewers will be installed underground by trenching along most of the route. Portions of the route including road and railroad crossings will be constructed using untrenched tunneling methods Equipment used will include trackhoes trucks paving equipment tunneling machines and other trenching and excavation equipment. 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: _ The purpose of the Irwin Creek Relief Sewers - Contract II project is to relieve the existing 36-inch Irwin Creek and Stewart Creek trunk sewers and convey wastewater to the Irwin Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. 404/401 permits were obtained for this project in January 2000. Construction was delayed due to funding and project prioritization issues and permits subsequently expired Permits are being requested again for the project since CMUD is now ready to bid and construct the project (see Attachment Q V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. The sewers may be extended upstream in the future but there are no current plans to do so VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site Page 7 of 7 plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: Impacts include installation of the sewers across Irwin Creek and Stewart Creek in 4 locations. 2. Individually list wetland impacts below: Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Located within 100-year Floodplain** (es/no) Distance to Nearest Stream (linear feet) Type of Wetland*** N/A * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. ** 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. Maps are available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at http://www.1ema.gov. *** List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) Indicate if wetland is isolated (determination of isolation to be made by USACE only). List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: N/A Total area of wetland impact proposed: N/A 3. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts below: Stream Impact Length of Average Width Perennial or Site Number Type of Impact* Impact Stream Name** of Stream Intermittent? (indicate on ma) (linear feet) Before Impact (please secif ) Excavation, I installation of 40 Stewart Creek 70 feet P pipe, restoration of original banks Excavation, 2 installation of 40 Irwin Creek 25 feet P pipe, restoration of original banks Excavation, 3 installation of 40 Stewart Creek 30 feet P pipe, restoration of original banks Excavation, 4 installation of 40 Stewart Creek 25 feet P pipe, restoration of original banks * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), Page 8 of 12 stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at www.usgs.gov. Several internet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., www.topozone.com, www.niapguest.com, etc.). Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to all streams on site: 160 linear feet 4. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.) below: Open Water Impact Area of Name of Waterbody Type of Waterbody Site Number Type of Impact* Impact (if applicable) (lake, pond, estuary, sound, (indicate on ma) (acres) bay, ocean, etc.) N/A * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. 5. Pond Creation N/A If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands ? stream ? wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): N/A Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): N/A , Size of watershed draining to pond: N/A Expected pond surface area: N/A VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. The sewers must be constructed alone Irwin Creek and Stewart Creek so that wastewater flows can be conveyed by gravity. The sewer route was selected to minimize impacts to wetlands and streams. All stream crossings will be subaqueous, and the sewer will be located below grade in all areas. Stream banks will be restored to original contours and will be restored with rip rap below the ordinary high water mark and vegetation plantings (silky dogwood, silky willow, or elderberry) above the high water mark. Other than stream crossings, no wetlands will be disturbed during construction. Page 9 of 12 VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetiands/strmizide.htm1. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration., enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCWRP at (919) 733-5208 to determine availability and to request written approval of mitigation prior to submittal of a PCN. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): N/A Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): N/A Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A Page 10 of 12 Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A IX. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes ® No ? If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ® No ? If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ® No ? see Attachment D X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Neuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ? No ® If you answered "yes", provide the following information: Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact (square feet) Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 3 2 1.5 Total Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from near bank of channel; "Lone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, Preservation or Page 11 of 12 Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or.0260. N/A XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. N/A - the project will not affect impervious area, because the sewers will be installed underground and beneath stream beds. No impervious area will be added as part of this project. Pavement on existing roads or parking lots that are damaged during construction will be repaired to original condition. A Sediment and Erosion Control Plan/NPDES General Permit for Construction Activities will be obtained prior to the start of construction. XII. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Wastewater flow conveyed by the Irwin Creek and Stewart Creek relief sewers will be treated at CMUD's Irwin Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, and the treated effluent will be discharged into Irwin Creek in accordance with the plant's NPDES permit. XIII. Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No XIV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). N/A Applicant/Agent's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 12 of 12 Attachment A Vicinity Map / Site Plan E Irwin Creek Relief Sewers - Contract II MO 3.00r) 1nI 80052.000' W WGS84 80051.000' W '? WT r ` r` $ ire Y it?y ?- wi ? y y / /• '• ? <!,!?/rr Ofi,- _ ">- -}i«Lh??V''d? (r q° 1?' rtf0 /r ',??. Z L•kovi _, v r - .: ' Ch 'FS.r l W< ' r f:r ... Z t Y;" iuth ' ?a,,r 04m Wa • * .;f.. (,1.a.;;? ?ti? byr:" '?? j-"? Plantt'?nlr`fd,•' r fhw•c.: O ? • y? -- - - ?1 7!t-•: ,q ? \ - ?, i '?av` ? f9A4 ? S '? hneun 8 v., i r St .. { ?y ? "? mvtrd r t• ?? I - ? rf 8 ?vC'. a ` ?? Tann_ '?.? ?{ r .,? + ?? I ? ?, r 1 .. a 8 ,,, t Inewoo min 7C` Cem 1. r ?. .. to ~ ` e HIA 5c ?4,111111111111111 04 KIN JAM, Bch O .J TOE Q ?t , . \ r t y' u ' ?l7 < O O yp (? $ Jria} XI 1 \.? •` s+ °? t . ?`, g4 r eo 16y • - ?? ! i7?h rBl?' ?- G r - a' Y•..'. t ter. r-•?- 11 Di ? bR?? j ? 2 g¢ r ;f i ? . ! ?r .... 0 111 Y- - Irwin Creek Relief Sewer s. i Stewart Creek Relief Sewer rk r'' 1 n x? ? rich 14 _ a a O d - v olil Y7MC O { 1 s r ;ter q s, M •? ?• 'V ,f, u?, ? i ?•? ? ,' ?' Y 700 ?aM `'` ? '``\" ..%?/ `f! '? ? ? B Tai ;ti;inu ?• ?,_ ?I?.?op ?al' .? ? , i?iJ ! of \'. jr?}`°/ tom. ?Q'?' >\Rl" } ? _\ > ? • _"? ' ? ?d / ' ? ? V? `? P 80°53.000' W 80°52.000' W WGS84 80°51.000' W MN jT11 0 S t MILE 7° ?t000 FEET 0 506 1000 METERS Printed flom TOPOI 02001 National Geographic Holdings (www.topo.com) Attachment B Latitude and Longitude of Stream Crossings Stream Crossing Approximate Latitude/Longitude 35° 13' 28" N Stewart Creek 80° 52' 08" W 35° 14' 06" N Irwin Creek 80° 51' 18" W 35° 13' 31" N Stewart Creek 80° 52' 09" W 35° 13' 45" N Stewart Creek 80° 52' 09" W Attachment C Previously Approved Permits U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. 200030410-411 County Mecklenburg GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property owner: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities Department Address: 5100 Brookshire Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28216 Telephone No.: Size and Location of project (water body, road name/number, town, etc.): Irwin Creek Relief Sewers - Contract II Description of Activity: Install 7695 LF of 36-inch and 54-inch relief sewer line along Irwin Creek, 1750 LF of 36-inch relief sewer line along Stewart Creek, and 170 LF of 18-inch gravity sewer line adjacent to an unnamed tributary to Stewart Creek. As part of the project it will be necessary to do 5 subaqueous crossings of the above referenced streams. Original stream bank contours will be restored after construction. Riprap will be used to restore stream banks below ordinary high water and dormant cuttings of silky dogwood, silky willow, and elderberry will be planted above ordinary high water. Applicable Law: X Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1344). (check all that apply) --Section 10 (River and Harbor Act of 1899). Authorization: Regional General Permit Number. 12 Nationwide Permit Number. Your work is authorized by this Regional General (RGP) or Nationwide Permit (NWP) provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and your submitted plans. For any activity within the twenty coastal counties, before beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management, telephone (919)733-2293. Please read and carefully comply with the attached conditions of the RGP or NWP. Any violation of the conditions of the RGP or the NWP referenced above may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, and/or appropriate legal action. This Department of the Army RGP or NWP verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State, or local approvals/permits. The permittee may need to contact appropriate State and local agencies before beginning work. If there are any questions regarding this authorization or any of the conditions of the General Permit or Nationwide Permit, please contact the Corps Regulatory Official specified below. Date Corps Regulatory Official- Steve Chapin Telephone No. (828) 271-4014 Expiration Date of Verification February 11. 2002 cc: Camp Dresser & McKee C[SAW Form 591 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director 091? IT 0 0 A&4 ov 2 NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCE5 February 29. 2000 Mecklenburg County DWQ Project # 000053 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities (CMUD) 5100 Brookshire Blvd Charlotte, NC 28.116 Dear Sirs: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions, to impact 335 linear feet of stream for the purpose of sewer line construction in Wake County as you described in your application received by the Division of Water Quality on January 18, 2000. After reviewing your application, we have determined that this action is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3101. This Certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 12 when issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In addition, you should oet anv other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. Also this approval will expire when the accompanying 404 permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This Certification is a corrected version of a Certification issued on January 28, 2000. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application except as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). This approval shall expire when the corresponding Nationwide Permit expires or as otherwise provided in the General Certification. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearinZ. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-9646. prrrr , te e Att achment cc: Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Mooresville DWQ Regional Office Kelly Boone, Camp Dresser & McKee, 5400 Glenwood Ave, Suite 300, Raleigh, NC 27612 File Copy Central Files 000053 Division of Water Quality • Non-Discharge Branch 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Aff irmative Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wetlandc.htmi Attachment D SEPA Approval Documentation FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT Environmental Assessment for the Irwin Creek Relief Sewers, Pump Station, and Flow Equalization Facilities EA Mecklenburg County, Catawba River Basin An Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared, pursuant to the requirements of the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act, for the proposed construction of a relief sewer, pump station, and flow equalization basin to service the Irwin Creek drainage area which is located in the north and northwestern portions of Charlotte in Mecklenburg County. The proposed Irwin Creek relief sewers are located parallel to an existing sewer line along Irwin Creek in Charlotte from the Irwin Creek WWTP to West Trade Street with another portion of the relief sewer paralleling the existing sewer beginning at the confluence of Irwin Creek and Stewart Creek and continuing along the west side of Stewart Creek to Freedom Drive. The pump station and flow equalization basin are to be constructed at the Irwin Creek WWTP on_the west side of the Creek. Wastewater from the Irwin Creek and Stewart Creek relief sewers will be conveyed to the Irwin Creek WWTP. In dry-weather conditions, flow in the sewer will consist of only that portion coming from the Stewart Creek side. This flow will be diverted to the McAlpine Creek WWTP by an existing pipeline which already diverts part of the wastewater flow from Irwin Creek to the McAlpine facility. During wet-weather periods, the proposed relief sewer will be able to convey the wastewater flows from the Irwin Creek service areas which cannot be adequately handled by the existing sewer. The flow will be pumped to the equalization basin for treatment at the Irwin Creek WWTP. Although the pipeline construction route was selected in order to minimize negative impacts to the environment, there are several stream crossings proposed. Irwin Creek will be crossed once and Stewart Creek three times. The pipeline is expected to be installed by temporarily diverting the streams. Once the pipeline is installed, the appropriate backfill and erosion control techniques will be used to comply with the Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit 12. Stabilization of the creek banks will take place immediately after construction by restoring the original stream contours and seeding activities. Erosion in these stream crossing areas will be reduced by the use of rip rap. No instream activities will occur between the months' of April to May in order to reduce the impact to fish. This EA and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) are prerequisites for the issuance of non-discharge permits by the Division of Water Quality for the pump station, distribution pipeline, and equalization basin. Based on the findings of the EA and on the impact avoidance and mitigation measures contained therein, it is concluded that the proposed project will not result in significant impacts to the environment. Pending approval by the State Clearinghouse, the environmental review for this project will be concluded. An environmental impact statement will not be prepared. North Carolina Division of Water Quality November 5, 1998 F 7IA!'O"D Nov 131996 CM-CHAW ',',TE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY z NMENR REV ?.t January 13, 1999 . •.. JAN 201999 JAMES B. HUNTJR. Ms. Kelly Reiser Boone '..GOVERNOR 301 South McDowell Street, Suite 200 ?CDWCH F&OM Charlotte, NC 28204-2296 Re: SCH File #99-E-4300-0291 A. VV/?YNBINCDEVITT DENR Project #942 DW #12217 srcncrARr Irwin CreeRelief Sewers, Pump Station, and Flow Equalization Facilities Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities, Mecklenburg County ,,A. PRESTON HOWARD, -JR., P.E. ' -^"DIRECTOR Dear Ms. Boone: On January 12, 1999 the State Clearinghouse deemed the North 4 ; Carolina Environmental Policy Act review on the above project complete (see attached letter from the Clearinghouse). It is now acceptable to proceed with your permit applications through the Division of Water Quality for the components of the proposed project. No further actions on the •;. Environmental Assessment are required. ' If there is anything I can assist you with, please do not hesitate to > give me a call at (919) 733-5083, ext. 567. s , Sincerely, Gloria F. Putnam - Environmental Specialist enclosure (SCH ltr) mis:\IrwinCreekEA - Complete cc: Kim Colson, Nondischarge Unit (w/ enclosure) Dave Goodrich, NPDES Unit (w/ enclosure) Melba McGee, DENR (w/ enclosure) Rex Gleason, DWQ-MRO (w/ enclosures) P.O. BOX 29535, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 PHONE 91 9-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY /AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/1 0% POST-CONSUMER PAPER ?, SUrr a Ut Lf. k4 U JAN 2 01999 North Carolina Department of Administration James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Katie G. Dorsett, Secretary January 12, 1999 Ms. Gloria Putnam NC DENR/Water Quality Archdale Building INTER OFFICE Raleigh, NC 27626 Dear Ms. Putnam: Re: SCH File # 99-E-4300-0291; Environmental Assessment/FindinQ of No Significant Impact Mecklenburg County-Irvin Creek Relief Sewers,Pump Station and Flow Equalization facilities. The above referenced environmental impact information has been reviewed through the State Clearinghouse under the provisions of the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. No comments were made by any state/local agencies in the course of this review. Therefore, no further environmental review action on your part is required for the compliance with the Act. Best regards. Sincerely, Ms. Chrys Ba-btt Environmental Policv Act Coordinator cc: Region F 116 West Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-8003 Telephone 919-733-7232 An Equal Opportunity %A1rumau%e Amon Emplo.er Attachment E Plan Sheets with Stream Crossings Office Use Only: Form Version May 2002 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. (If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A".) 1. Processing Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ? Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ? Section 10 Permit ? Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ® 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: Nationwide 12 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ? 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (verify availability with NCWRP prior to submittal of PCN), complete section VIII and check here: ? 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: ? II. Applicant Information WETLANDS ! 401 GROUP 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: Charlotte-Mecklenbur Utilities Mailing Address: 5100 Brookshire Boulevard A' i L" UjA' f1'Y S9TION Charlotte NC 28216 Attn. Ms. Julie McLelland P.E. Telephone Number: (704) 391-5126 Fax Number: (704) 398-9180 E-mail Address: jmclelland@ci.charlotte.nc.us 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Kelly Boone Company Affiliation: CDM Mailing Address: 5400 Glenwood Avenue Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27612 Telephone Number: (919) 787-5620 Fax Number: (919) 781-5730 E-mail Address: boonekr@cdm.com Page 5 of 12 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Irwin Creek Relief Sewers - Contract II 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): N/A 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): N/A 4. Location County: Mecklenburg Nearest Town: Charlotte Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): N/A Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): Project is along Irwin Creek from just south of the Norfolk Southern railroad tracks at Wilkinson Boulevard (Hw . 29/74) upstream to the Irwin Avenue Elementary School in uptown Charlotte (W 6`h St) An additional portion of relief sewer will be located along Stewart Creek from the Irwin Creek confluence upstream to Freedom Drive (Hwy. 27). 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): see Attachment B (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) 6. Property size (acres): Length of sewers will be 10,980 feet. Total area disturbed during construction will be 15 acres. 7. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): Irwin Creek; Stewart Creek 8. River Basin: Catawba (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) Page 6 of 12 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: Pipeline is routed through undeveloped areas parks old railroad beds, commercial areas, industrial areas roads and a school 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Project consists of installation of relief sewers along Irwin Creek and Stewart Creek Sewers will be installed underground by trenching along most of the route. Portions of the route including road and railroad crossings will be constructed using untrenched tunneling methods Equipment used will include trackhoes trucks paving equipment tunneling machines and other trenching and excavation equipment. 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: The purpose of the Irwin Creek Relief Sewers - Contract II project is to relieve the existing 36-inch Irwin Creek and Stewart Creek trunk sewers and convey wastewater to the Irwin Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. 404/401 permits were obtained for this project in January 2000 Construction was delayed due to funding and project prioritization issues and permits subsequent] expired Permits are being requested again for the project since CMUD is now ready to bid and construct the project (see Attachment C) V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. The sewers may be extended upstream in the future but there are no current plans to do so VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site Page 7 of 7 plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: Impacts include installation of the sewers across Irwin Creek and Stewart Creek in 4 locations. 2. Individually list wetland impacts below: Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Located within 100-year Floodplain** (es/no) Distance to Nearest Stream (linear feet) Type of Wetland*** N/A * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, till, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. ** 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. Maps are available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at http://www.1ema.gov. *** List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) Indicate if wetland is isolated (determination of isolation to be made by USACE only). List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: N/A Total area of wetland impact proposed: N/A 3. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts below: Stream Impact Length of Average Width Perennial or Site Number Type of Impact* Impact Stream Name** of Stream Intermittent? (indicate on ma) (linear feet) Before Impact (please secif ) Excavation, I installation of 40 Stewart Creek 70 feet P pipe, restoration of original banks Excavation, 2 installation of 40 Irwin Creek 25 feet P pipe, restoration of original banks Excavation, 3 installation of 40 Stewart Creek 30 feet P pipe, restoration of original banks Excavation, 4 installation of 40 Stewart Creek 25 feet P pipe, restoration of original banks * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), Page 8 of 12 stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at www.usxs.gov. Several internet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., www.topozone.com, www.mapgucst.com, etc.). Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to all streams on site: 160 linear feet 4. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.) below: Open Water Impact Area of Name of Waterbod y Type of Waterbody Site Number Type of Impact* Impact (if applicable) (lake, pond, estuary, sound, (indicate on ma) (acres) bay, ocean, etc.) N/A * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. 5. Pond Creation N/A If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands ? stream ? wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): N/A Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): N/A Size of watershed draining to pond: N/A Expected pond surface area: N/A VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. The sewers must be constructed alone Irwin Creek and Stewart Creek so that wastewater flows can be conveyed by gravity. The sewer route was selected to minimize impacts to wetlands and streams. All stream crossings will be subaqueous, and the sewer will be located below grade in all areas. Stream banks will be restored to original contours and will be restored with rip rap below the ordinary high water mark and vegetation plantings (silky dogwood, silky willow, or elderberry) above the high water mark. Other than stream crossings, no wetlands will be disturbed during construction. Page 9 of 12 VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetIands/stn-ngide.htm1. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. N/A 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCWRP at (919) 733-5208 to determine availability and to request written approval of mitigation prior to submittal of a PCN. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): N/A Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): N/A Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A Page 10 of 12 Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A IX. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes ® No ? If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ® No ? If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ® No ? see Attachment D X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Neuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ? No ® If you answered "yes", provide the following information: Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact (square feet) Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 3 2 1.5 Total Gone 1 extends out 3u feet perpendicular from near bank of channel; "Lone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, Preservation or Page 11 of 12 Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or.0260. XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. N/A - the project will not affect impervious area, because the sewers will be installed underground and beneath stream beds. No impervious area will be added as part of this project. Pavement on existing roads or parking lots that are damaged during construction will be repaired to original condition. A Sediment and Erosion Control Plan/NPDES General Permit for Construction Activities will be obtained prior to the start of construction. XII. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Wastewater flow conveyed by the Irwin Creek and Stewart Creek relief sewers will be treated at CMUD's Irwin Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, and the. treated effluent will be discharged into Irwin Creek in accordance with the plant's NPDES permit. XIII. Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No XIV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). Applicant/Agent's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 12 of 12 Attachment A Vicinity Map / Site Plan Irwin Creek Relief Sewers - Contract II 80053.000' W 80052,000' W WGS84 80051.000' W z O O O U) r, 0 In M z O O O d 0 In M z O O O M 0 Lf1 M z O O O En -4 0 E() M z O O O d 0 N M z O O O M .-4 0 In M 80053.000' W 80052.000' W WGS84 80051.000' W M11T11 0 .5 1 MILE 70 1000 FEET 0 500 1000 MEIEHS Printed from TOPO! ®2001 National Geographic Holdings (www.topo.com) Attachment B Latitude and Longitude of Stream Crossings Stream Crossing Approximate Latitude/Longitude 35° 13' 28" N Stewart Creek 80° 52' 08" W 35° 14' 06" N Irwin Creek 80° 51' 18" W 35° 13' 31" N Stewart Creek 80° 52' 09" W 35° 13' 45" N Stewart Creek 80° 52' 09" W Attachment C Previously Approved Permits U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id.. 200030410-411 County Mecklenburg GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property owner: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities Department Address: 5100 Brookshire Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28216 Telephone No.: Size and Location of project (water body, road name/number, town, etc.): Irwin Creek Relief Sewers - Contract II Description of Activity: Install 7695 LF of 36-inch and 54-inch relief sewer line along Irwin Creek, 1750 LF of 36-inch relief sewer line along Stewart Creek, and 170 LF of 18-inch gravity sewer line adjacent to an unnamed tributary to Stewart Creek. As part of the project it will be necessary to do 5 subaqueous crossings of the above referenced streams. Original stream bank contours will be restored after construction. Riprap will be used to restore stream banks below ordinary high water and dormant cuttings of silky dogwood, silky willow, and elderberry will be planted above ordinary high water. Applicable Law: X Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1344). (check all that apply) --Section 10 (River and Harbor Act of 1899). Authorization: Regional General Permit Number. 12 Nationwide Permit Number. Your work is authorized by this Regional General (RGP) or Nationwide Permit (NWP) provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and your submitted plans. For any activity within the twenty coastal counties, before beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management, telephone (919)733-2293. Please read and carefully comply with the attached conditions of the RGP or NWP. Any violation of the conditions of the RGP or the NWP referenced above may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, and/or appropriate legal action. This Department of the Army RGP or NWP verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State, or local approvals/permits. The permittee may need to contact appropriate State and local agencies before beginning work. If there are any questions regarding this authorization or any of the conditions of the General Permit or Nationwide Permit, please contact the Corps Regulatory Official specified below. Date Corps Regulatory Official Steve Chapin Telephone No. (828) 271-4014 Expiration Date of Verification February 11. 2002 cc: Camp Dresser & McKee CESAW Form 591 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director ffl?WA IT 0 0 A&41 2 NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES February 29. 2000 Mecklenburg County DWQ Project # 000053 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities (CMUD) 5100 Brookshire Blvd Charlotte, NC 28216 Dear Sirs: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions, to impact 335 linear feet of stream for the purpose of sewer line construction in Wake County as you described in your application received by the Division of Water Quality on January 18, 2000. After reviewing your application, we have determined that this action is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3101. This Certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 12 when issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. Also this approval will expire when the accompanying 404 permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This Certification is a corrected version of a Certification issued on January 28, 2000. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application except as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). This approval shall expire when the corresponding Nationwide Permit expires or as otherwise provided in the General Certification. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-9646. ple ly, Ste e Attachment cc: Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Mooresville DWQ Regional Office Kelly Boone, Camp Dresser & McKee, 5400 Glenwood Ave, Suite 300, Raleigh, NC 27612 File Copy Central Files 000053 Division of Water Quality • Non-Discharge Branch 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wetlandc.html Attachment D SEPA Approval Documentation FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT Environmental Assessment for the Irwin Creek Relief Sewers, Pump Station, and Flow Equalization Facilities EA Mecklenburg County, Catawba River Basin An Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared, pursuant to the requirements of the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act, for the proposed construction of a relief sewer, pump station, and flow equalization basin to service the Irwin Creek drainage area which is located in the north and northwestern portions of Charlotte in Mecklenburg County. The proposed Irwin Creek relief sewers are located parallel to an existing sewer line along Irwin Creek in Charlotte from the Irwin Creek WWTP to West Trade Street with another portion of the relief sewer paralleling the existing sewer beginning at the confluence of Irwin Creek and Stewart Creek and continuing along the west side of Stewart Creek to Freedom Drive. The pump station and flow equalization basin are to be constructed at the Irwin Creek WWTP on the west side of the Creek. Wastewater from the Irwin Creek and Stewart Creek relief sewers will be conveyed to the Irwin Creek WWTP. In dry-weather conditions, flow in the sewer will consist of only that portion coming from the Stewart Creek side. This flow will be diverted to the McAlpine Creek WWTP by an existing pipeline which already diverts part of the wastewater flow from Irwin Creek to the McAlpine facility. During wet-weather periods, the proposed relief sewer will be able to convey the wastewater flows from the Irwin Creek service areas which cannot be adequately handled by the existing sewer. The flow will be pumped to the equalization basin for treatment at the Irwin Creek WWTP. Although the pipeline construction route was selected in order to minimize negative impacts to the environment, there are several stream crossings proposed. Irwin Creek will be crossed once and Stewart Creek three times. The pipeline is expected to be installed by temporarily diverting the streams. Once the pipeline is installed, the appropriate backfill and erosion control techniques will be used to comply with the Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit 12. Stabilization of the creek banks will take place immediately after construction by restoring the original stream contours and seeding activities. Erosion in these stream crossing areas will be reduced by the use of rip rap. No instream activities will occur between the months' of April to May in order to reduce the impact to fish. This EA and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) are prerequisites for the issuance of non-discharge permits by the Division of Water Quality for the pump station, distribution pipeline, and equalization basin. Based on the findings of the EA and on the impact avoidance and mitigation measures contained therein, it is concluded that the proposed project will not result in significant impacts to the environment. Pending approval by the State Clearinghouse, the environmental review for this project will be concluded. An environmental impact statement will not be prepared. North Carolina Division of Water Quality November 5, 1998 PIT-- Co1D Nov 13199' CDUI-C HARLr '1E x NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF t ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Awi `NCDENR RECD January 13, 1999 JAN 2 010 JAMEBB.HUNTJR. Ms. Kelly Reiser Boone ?-,GOVERNOR - 301 South McDowell Street, Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28204-2296 Re: SCH File #99-E-4300-0291 WAYNE McoevlTT DENR Project #942 DWQ #12217 SECRETARY Irwin Creek Relief Sewers, Pump Station, and Flow Equalization Facilities Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities, Mecklenburg County ',,A. PRESTON HOWARD, JR., P.E.' 'DIRECTOR Dear Ms. Boone: K On January 12, 1999 the State Clearinghouse deemed the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act review on the above project complete (see attached letter from the Clearinghouse). It is now acceptable to proceed with your permit applications through the Division of Water Quality for the components of the proposed project. No further actions on the Environmental Assessment are required. If there is anything I can assist you with, please do not hesitate to - =` give me a call at (919) 733-5083, ext. 567. hl a Sincerely, . ` Gloria F. Putnam Environmental Specialist enclosure (SCH ltr) mis:\IrwinCreekEA - Complete cc: Kim Colson, Nondischarge Unit (w/ enclosure) Dave Goodrich, NPDES Unit (w/ enclosure) r - Melba McGee, DENR (w/ enclosure) Rex Gleason, DWQ-MRO (w/ enclosures) P.O. BOX 29535, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 PHONE 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 ?i(bs?+ :?,......f.e• - AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY /AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/10% POST-CONSUMER PAPER U_d iCI lLP P? .? JAN 2 01999 is UM-CHARLCM North Carolina Department of Administration James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Katie G. Dorsett, Secretary January 12, 1999 Ms. Gloria Putnam NC DENR/Water Quality Archdale Building INTER OFFICE Raleigh, NC 27626 Dear Ms. Putnam: Re: SCH File # 99-E-4300-0291; Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact Mecklenburg County-Irvin Creek Relief Sewers,Pump Station and Flow Equalization facilities. The above referenced environmental impact information has been reviewed through the State Clearinghouse under the provisions of the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. No comments were made by any state/local agencies in the course of this review. Therefore, no further environmental review action on your part is required for the compliance with the Act. Best regards. Sincerely, Ms. Chrys` B_ a-ett Environmental Policy Act Coordinator cc: Region F 1 16 west Jones Street Ralei_=h. North Carolina 27603-3003 Telephone 919-733-7232 An Equal Opponunuy r AlTirmjtrne Amon Employer Attachment E Plan Sheets with Stream Crossings