HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201722 Ver 1_Meeting Request Review_20201110ID#* 20201722 Version* 1
Regional Office* Wilmington Regional Office - (910) 796-7215
Reviewer List* Holley Snider
Pre -Filing Meeting Request submitted 11/10/2020
Contact Name * John Michael Perrine
Contact Email Address*
Project Name*
Project Owner*
Project County*
Owner Address:
Bogue Storage Park
BPRC, Inc.
Street Address
5319 HIGHWAY 24
Address Line 2
Rbstal / Zip Code
Is this a transportation project?* r Yes r No
Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR:
W 401 Water Quality Certification - F 401 Water Quality Certification -
Regular Express
r- Individual Permit r- Modification
r- Shoreline Stabilization
Does this project have an existing project ID#?*
r Yes r No
State / Frovince / Region
Do you know the name of the staff member you would like to request a meeting with?
Please give a brief project description below. *
The purpose of the project is to provide a storage site to serve the
surrounding Bogue/Cape Carteret area.
Please give a couple of dates you are available for a meeting.
11 /16/2020
11 /17/2020
11 /19/2020
Please attach the documentation you would like to have the meeting about.
Bogue Storage - Wetland Impact
Map. 1 1.06.20.pdf
pdf only
By digitally signing below, I certify that I have read and understood that per the Federal Clean Water Act Section
401 Certification Rule the following statements:
• This form completes the requirement of the Pre -Filing Meeting Request in the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification
• I understand by signing this form that I cannot submit my application until 30 calendar days after this pre -filing
meeting request.
• I also understand that DWR is not required to respond or grant the meeting request.
Your project's thirty -day clock started upon receipt of this application. You will receive notification regarding meeting location
and time if a meeting is necessary. You will receive notification when the thirty -day clock has expired, and you can submit an
%start rrfrPr lrt trim, -
Submittal Date 11/10/2020
Reviewer Meeting Request Decision
Has a meeting been scheduled?* r Yes r No
1. Wetlands crossings: initial disturbance of this area shall be limited to only that area minimally needed to allow passage of
construction equipment to prepare for the installation of the crossing and to execute upland construction on the opposing side of the
crossing. Grubbing or land disturbance of the subject area shall not be performed until the culvert, backf ill material, erosion and
sediment control materials or devices sufficient to substantially complete the construction and stabilization of the crossing are
staged or stockpiled at the location. Due consideration shall be given to impending inclement weather conditions that may adversely
affect the completion of the crossing in the minimum time necessary.
2. Drainage work shall be. completed in the minimum time necessary.
Construction Sequence:
Security Fence
3. No construction o the ill or the wetland impact shall commence until allmaterials eede f f f p needed for the impact are staged on site. United stars of America
4. Establish clearing limits per approved plans. Clear and grub impact area as needed. Temporary seed and mulch disturbed area.
Do not clear or disturb any unpermitted areas. U.S. Marine corps
5. Install drainage. Fill, compact and finish fill grade area. Auxiliary Landing Fleid
6. Instali permanent ground cover (sod) on slopes. Install rip rap on portion of submerged slope (open waters).
7. Install slit fence at toe of fill slope and as needed to prevent erosion.
' details. S. See the construction plans for additional eta ls.
9. See wetlands permit for additional requirements.
Clearing Limits & Compost Sock .rs �9a�'
At Security Fence Location U r ��tr \ x 15.64'�2
\ \ Wetlands fill Impact:
635 SgYt. Wetlands
x 16.3 "` °" ' x 15.92 180 5q.Ft. Open Waters
Silt Fence At
Inv. In "' 16.2 �.;' ; : ','_ sf Limits Of F!I!
13.00 A r h 0.'~r -
Daylight Ditch
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Security Fence 1 x 1 7>t ' : " :: _°�: , f : w W W r Inv. Out' w
At Property Line )Sf
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Vicinity Sketch
Not to Scale
CIL - Centerline
Robert William Fetteral€
a.e.1o97,Pg. 92 Q.B. - Deed Book
M.e, a, Pg.463 M.B. - Map Book
Pg. - Page
R/W Right-of-way
w Existing Spot Elevation
j __:._ — �W.. w ..w� -• Wetlands Area
ex. 20' cross access W W ....J
i � utility easement CS -Clearing Limits dt Cnmpost Soc
per 0.S. 1667,Pg.339 sf - Clearing Limits 4 Silt Fence
-- — —03- — — — - Existing Contour
:�; •• '' \ Robert William Fetterolf - Existing Woodsline
0.8.1097, P 92
M.B.28,P 605 x x x - Security Fence
•`."'; ` , 1111111111� , ex. rock drive — — -Wetlands Ling
0 • , �,
x �16. 3 ex. woodsllneK,
:= ° x 16 8 : Jj�,{� N.C. Highway 24
C/L Ditch 1a SEAL • y "ts� Asphalt Drive
37928 fC,1iF{- :� Drive To End 100' Public R/W
:�. Ln ;:, x 16.56 x 16,46 5'
Past R/W
•-•.- -� � ,-� :. C/L Ditch y 'Ql • �
15.8 �,,s •.:?lilt 0��� , R/W
Wetlands Im act ''�►=11 filn Overall Site
0 10 20 30 60 Scale. V--100'
0 50 100 200
h,Er Scale: l"_3o Wetlands Impact Map - Sheet 1 of 1 FEET
Pr- °feet' Owner. Bate: 11/06/2020 BELL AND PH I LLI PS
BPRC, Inc. Fled book: n/a Engineers - Surveyors - Planners
5319 Highway 24 BO ue NC File Name: Bogue5toragePark-Impactdwg Cedar Point, North Carolina
g Y g 8926 Crew Drive COGO. 9351.crd 604E Cedar Point Blvd.
Smerald Isle, North Camisna 28594 . Drawn: JJS
Job No.: S191119-7225 Phone (252) 393-6101 - www.ParkerJacksonville.com
Town of Bogue, Carteret County, North Carolina
N.C. firm License Number:1=-0108
0.0.2 Ac.
Wetlands Impact
(Total Fill)
#57 Stone
Boat Storage Area
—x - x x—
20' Wide
6" ABC Stone