HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091345 Ver 2_401 Application_20100610SeSEPI ENGINEERING GROUP To: NCDENR-DWQ Attention: Amy Chapman 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 Phone: 919-733-1786 From: David Whittington Subject: Granville Medical Center We are sending you: ? Shop Drawings ? Prints ? Specifications ? Copy of Letter ? Checks Date: June 17, 2010 VIA: Drop-off SEPI Project and Task No.: SC09.006.00 ® Plans ? Change Order SEPI Engineering Group, Inc. 1025 Wade Ave Raleigh, NC 27605 Tel 919.789.9977 Fax 919.789.9591 Site/Civil Group f'MQ R@ OVA JUN 2010 DENR - WATER QUALITY WETLANDS AND STOWNIW RTER BRANCH ? Samples ? Reports Copies Date Description 5 06-17-2010 SIA, Exhibits 1-5, BMP supplements & checklist, & Geotechnical Report 1 06-09-2010 Signed and notarized Sand Filter O & M Agreement 1 06-10-2010 $240.00 Check (#1623) for review fees 1 06-17-2010 CD Containing PDFs of SIA, Exhibits, Plans, and Cover Letter 5 06-16-2010 Cover Letter explaining system 5 06-17-2010 PCN Application 5 02-09-2010 EEP Willingness to Accept Payment 5 No Date Approved Jurisdiction Determination Form 1 1-22-2010 Complete Set of Civil Plans These are transmitted as indicated below! ® For Approval ® For Your Use ? For Review and Comment Other Comments: ? As Requested ? Approved as Submitted ? For Your File ? Approved as Noted ? Returned for Corrections ? Returned after Loan ? Resubmit Copies for Approval Please find the attached plans for the Granville Medical Center ED Expansion for your review. Let me know if you have any comments or questions. Thanks, I Signed: a- - Page: 1/1 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL C) g- 134sva PAM r, (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: Sand Filter Operation and Maintenance Agreement I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP. Important maintenance procedures: - The drainage area will be carefully managed to reduce the sediment load to the sand filter. - The sedimentation chamber or forebay will be cleaned out whenever sediment depth exceeds six inches. - Once a year, sand media will be skimmed. - The sand filter media will be replaced whenever it fails to function properly after maintenance. The sand filter will be inspected quarterly and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potential problem: How I will remediate the problem: Entire BMP Trash/debris is resent. Remove the trash/debris. rAdjacent pavement (if Sediment is present on the Sweep or vacuum the sediment as soon as applicable) pavement surface. possible. Perimeter of sand filter Areas of bare soil and/or erosive Regrade the soil if necessary to remove the gullies have formed. gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application. Vegetation is too short or too long. Maintain vegetation at an appropriate height. Flow diversion structure The structure is clogged. Unclog the conveyance and dispose of any sediment offsite. The structure is damaged. Make any necessary repairs or replace if damage is too large for repair. _ Forebay or pretreatment area Sediment has accumulated to a Search for the source of the sediment and depth of greater than six inches. remedy the problem if possible. Remove the sediment and stabilize or dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the BMP. Erosion has occurred. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to prevent future erosion problems. Weeds are present. Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. If a pesticide is used, wipe it on the plants rather than spraying. Permit Number: Form SW401-Sand Filter O&M-Rev.4 2009Septl7 Page 1 of 3 BMP element: Potential problem: How I will remediate the problem: Filter bed and underdrain Water is ponding on the surface for Check to see if the collector system is collection system more than 24 hours after a storm. clogged and flush if necessary. If water still ponds, remove the top few inches of filter bed media and replace. If water still ponds, then consult an expert. Outlet device Clogging has occurred. Clean out the outlet device. Dispose of the sediment offsite. The outlet device is damaged Re air or re lace the outlet device. Receiving water Erosion or other signs of damage Contact the NC Division of Water Quality have occurred at the outlet. 401 Oversi ht Unit at 919-733-1786. Form SW401-Sand Filter O&M-Rev.4 2009Septl7 Page 2 of 3 Permit Number: (!o be provided bT DWQ) I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Project nalne:Granville Medical Center BMP drainage area number Print name:Gerry Leighton TitleTacilities Director Address: 1010 Colle,ize Street, Oxford, NC 27565 Phone: Signature: Date: ? / . Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. 11 I, a Notary Public for the State of /1 C'' , County of cAA4 , do hereby certify that 2. ( personally appeared before me this Wday of .zdAa 9-ojy , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing sand filter maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, EMa."S' -F I IAL SEAL Noary Public, North Carolina County of Vance Jane H. Richard y Comrr;;sshan Expires s see SEAL My commission expires 6011,4110 Form SW401-Sand Filter O&M-Rev.4 2009Sept17 Page 3 of 3 SeSEPI ENGINEERING GROUP 1025 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 Tel 919.789.9977 Fax 919.789.9591 sepiengineering.com June 16, 2010 NC Division of Water Quality rL, =?; @ .1, -? 0 " `RJ 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit ,;UN 1 l 2010 C/O Amy Chapman 2321 Crabtree Boulevard DENR-w.ATER{KJAUTY Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 WEWDSANDSrORMAS% s"GH Re: Granville Medical Center, Section 404/401 NWP 39 and Tar-Pamlico River Buffer Authorization; NCDWQ Project 09-1345 Dear Ms. Chapman: SEPI Engineering & Construction, Inc (SEPI), on behalf of the Granville Health System, submitting this Section 401 Nationwide Permit 39 application. Concurrent with this submission for the Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC), SEPI also requests a Tar- Pamlico River buffer authorization for the proposed project. The project is located off of US 15 in Oxford, North Carolina. To accommodate expansion of an existing hospital to meet the needs of the surrounding community served by the facility, Granville Health System is requesting this Section 401 Nationwide Permit 39 and Tar-Pamlico buffer authorization. Project Description The proposed project involves the expansion of the existing hospital, including an Emergency Department and Surgery Department addition and a new Boiler/Generator Plant. The original hospital was constructed in 1939 with additions in 1962, 1974, 1985 and 1998. This proposed project involves the hospital expanding its emergency department. Expansion of these hospital functions is needed to provide more effective care for the surrounding community currently served by the facility. The growth of the hospital footprint requires the relocation of existing access roads and parking areas further east to the back portion of the property. The existing main hospital access road currently terminates at the Emergency Department. With the expansion of the Emergency Department, the access road needs to be moved to allow access to the new public entrance at the rear of the facility. There is no alternative location to build the access road. It served before as the main entrance to the emergency room and is planned to also serve as the main entrance for both ambulance and patient drop off. The other service entry poses a safety issue as incoming traffic will cross rail road tracks and would be forced to stop if a train was on the tracks. The site of the Granville Medical Center encompasses +/- 15.03 acres. The existing impervious area is approximately 58% of the total parcel. With the addition of the new S ESEPI Page 2 parking areas and the building expansion, and the demolition of some parking the final impervious percentage, the new total impervious is approximately 65% of the total parcel. The drainage area of the site is approximately 9.75 acres. Based this drainage area, the percentages for the existing and final impervious areas are approximately 56% and 67% respectively. The sand filter is sized to treat only the new parking areas that account for the increase in the impervious area. Runoff from the new proposed northern parking lot will be directed to the sand filter. Due to the steep slopes, the discharge from the sand filter will discharge into a preformed riprap scour hole instead of a level spreader. A flow splitter is designed to control the amount of flow going into sedimentation basin before entering the sand filter. Project Site Investigation The site for the proposed expansion has been reviewed for wetlands, streams and buffers. For the proposed expansion site, the Granville County soil map depicts one drainage type on the site, and the US Geologic Survey map also notes a drainage type. SEPI reviewed the area associated with the proposed expansion, and we determined that the drainage is a jurisdictional stream and is subject to the Tar-Pamlico buffer requirements. There are no wetlands present in this area for the proposed expansion. Mr. Martin Richmond of the NCDWQ conducted a site on October 8, 2009. Mr. Richmond has provided a concurrence letter, and it has been attached to this buffer application. Project Impacts to Waters of the United States The layout of the proposed expansion cannot avoid impacts to the jurisdictional stream and its associated riparian buffer. To access the back portion of the hospital tract, the road improvements must be made. The existing pipe will be extended to accommodate the hospital expansion and the access road. Stream impacts total 60 feet, less than 0.01 acre of surface water. Impacts to the stream were minimized by implementing a design slope of 2:1. At this time, no compensatory mitigation for the stream impact is proposed. Project Impacts to Tar-Pamlico Buffers The layout of the proposed expansion cannot avoid impacts to the riparian buffer. To access the back portion of the hospital tract, the road improvements must be made. This side slope also minimized impacts to the Tar-Pamlico buffer. Table 1 summarizes impacts to the Tar-Pamlico buffer. Table 1. Project Buffer Impacts from the Pronnsed Hospital RYnancinn Buffer Zone 1 6,871 square feet Y Buffer Zone 2 4,428 square feet ?ENCTNSEPI Page 3 Based on a review of the "Table of Uses" for the Tar-Pamlico buffer rules, we believe that the proposed action fits into the category of "Road Impacts other than crossing of streams and other surface waters subject to this rule". All impacts are included in the PCN. However, there were not sufficient rows to convey the impacts in the PCN so we have included the following table. Impact number action Permanent or Temporary Zone 1 Zone 2 Road impacts Permanent 6,411 4,263 Temporary 717 350 Sewer line Permanent 460 165 Temporary 1,892 1,681 Total Buffer Impacts 9,480 6,459 Granville Health System proposes to pay into the Riparian Buffer Fund to compensate for impact to the Neuse buffers. Table 2 summarizes the impacts to the buffers and the required payment. Table 2. Impacts to buffers and mitiLyation navmPnt Buffer Zone Impact Area (square feet Mitigation Ratio Total Mitigation Area (s q. ft. 1 6,871 3 20,613 2 4,428 1.5 6,642 Total 27,255 On behalf of the Granville Health Systems, SEPI has coordinated the payment into the Riparian Buffer Fund with the Ecosystem Enhancement Program. The EEP has agreed to provide the required buffer compensation, and a copy of the acceptance letter is attached to this application for a buffer authorization. ?ESNGINEEERINGPI Page 4 Closing SEPI asks that the USACE issue a Section 404 NWP 39 for the proposed project to impact 60 feet of stream (<0.01 acre of surface water impact). Additionally, SEPI asks that the NC Division of Water Quality issue its corresponding 401 WQC and a Tar-Pamlico buffer authorization for the proposed action. Granville Health System proposes to pay into the EEP in-lieu fee program for the buffer impacts; no compensatory mitigation for stream impacts is proposed at this time. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact me at (919) 789-9977. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. AA:)__ Bill Piver, PE SEPI Engineering VP Site/Civil cc: Phillip Todd, SEPI Environmental a[ VJ.?"{ G] p err` C3 ti Office Use Only: Corps ;art;on ID no. D4'JQ project no. Furm Viushin 1,3 Doc 10 2CO9 Pre-Construction Notification (PC Form A, Ap lis~rt.att lfriftr neat on 1. Processing 1aa. Type(s) of approval soua?it from tlae ! eclisrrE 401 Permit I euTln 1 p`er9a3it Corps' 1 b. Specify Nationwide Perrnll (hlWP) [lUrT1Ijef: 39 or eneraal Permit (GP) rIUMbur: 1c. ITS the NWP or GP numbeF been verified by the Corps? ? Yes ® No 1 d. Type(a) of uppTovaal sought from the D'NQ (check atfl thal apply); [ 1 401 Water Quality C ertificakon - Regular F-1 Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit ? 401 Water Quality CEvllficaaron _. Exprdsz ? Riparian Buffer ALF;horizaatior le. Is this notification solely for the record - For the record only for DWQ 401 For 1he reran: only fnr Corps Permll'. because written approval is riot required'? Certilicaation, ? Yes H No ? Yes 0 No If. Is p ayrr i?-nt into a m-Iligastton bank ur ir-ilUrr fCe program pfupiasud for miUgallsara ? No sal im'pacts? If so, attach tho accsipLan letter from mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. 99_ Is the project Jacated in ;any or NC's Wenty co,9301 CMfll eS. If yes, a rlsti?:er 1Ia ? Yes H No below. l h- Is the project located will1in as NC DCM Area of Environmental C, ncern (AEC)? El Yes ? No 2. Project Informatlon 2a Narne of project- GranvMe MadC cai Center 2b_ County- Granville 2s:. Ncarest €rruddpaality I Is wfl: 7xforsi 2d_ SubdivisiOra POMP: 2e_ NCDOT only, TA.P_ or state project nC: 3. OwnOr Information 3a dame(s) on Recorded Deed, 3h. Deed Book and Page No. C, R.f sporisible Party (for LLC if a pplis;c'Fblu): 3d_ Slreat address: 1010 College Drive 3e. City, slate, zip: C]xfoTd, C 27565 - 3r. Telephone rii)_; 919.690,3000 3sg_ Fax no., i h. Email address: Page I of I1 PCN Fore -1lersln,i 1.3 De, eenjt)er Iii, 2008 Vers`an 4. Aptplicant Informatlon (if different from owner) ... _ ................ ............ .................... ........... . ........ . . .. . - 4a. Applicant is- Q Agent © 01her, specify, . . . ..... ................. 41b. Dame: Gerry L€ lghton 4c- Business name Grenville FleEdth System {if epplicable}; -.--._....... ............ .... .............. ............... _ old. Street address; 1510 College Drive 4e. City, state, Ap. Oxford, NO 27565 41- Telephone no., _..__ ........................ 9 J,690.30 0 ............................................... 4g. Fax no., 4€?, Email ad&ess: ......... ..... ........... .... -- 5. Agent/ onsriitant Information (if appiicabie) 5$. Name- Phillip Todd 5I3. Business name SEP} Eng!noaring Group (if applicable)- 5c. Street address: 1025 Wade Avenue 5d, clty, state, ZIP; Raleigh. NO 7605 5e- Telephone m-, 919-759.9977 5f. l=ax no.; 919.789,9591 59, Email address: ptodd@sepiongirl?iDCing.com Rage 2 of 11 PCB! Form - Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version B. Project Informatlon and Prior Project History 7. Property Identification Ia- Property Ident€flcation no. (lax PIN or }parcel ID): .................... 1 b. Sita coordinates (in decimal degrees)- .. ... .......... . . . . . . . _ ........ .... ic. Property size, 2. Surfaoo Waters 2a. Mama of nearest body of wager (stream, river, etc-) to proposed }project: ...................... -. 2b. Water {duality CflassifEcafion of nearest receiving wager= 2c- River brasin: 15 acres 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing conditlons on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of tilts application: Hospital developrrmnt and associated parking. Forested area atong stream corridor on the south side o[ the tract .. ............ 5b, UM the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property, 0 ..................... -- c, L.IM the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property: 480 feet 3d. e=xplain the purpose of the proposed project, The hospital proposed to expand i#s facl€lties. Thls work requires improving road access to the back part of the hospital property, 3e, Descrlbe the overall }project its detait, including the type of equipment to be used, the proposed projeoE involves hospital expansion in the bade portion of the tract. Expansion of those hospital functions is needed to provide care for the surrourrtiing community served by the facility. As part of the proposed project, access to the back portion of the site is enhanced to allow for future davolopment of the hospital campus. Earth moving equtprnen# used will include bull dozers, pays, tracked hoes, dump Vuoks, and front end loaders 4. Jwisdlctional Dater inations ...... .......... - 4a. Have jurisdicUornal wetland or stream datermina#tons by the Corps or State been requested or obtalned for this property f project (inrWding all prior phases) In the past? ® Yes Coop merts; Site 031t with Martin Richmond of NCDWQ Raleigh General office on Oct 8, 2009. .................. . 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made? Preliminary Final 4c- if yes, who delineated tl)e Jurisr€ictlonal areas? AgencylCfonsu€tant Company, Si=Pi i=ngirkeerlrtg rout Marne (if known), PiAlip Todd Other; 4d. IF yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State de#erminellons and attach dmumentation, Site ylsit with Martin Richmond of NCaDWQ Raleigh Central office on Oct 3, 2009- 5. Project History ................................... 5a. Have permits or certiricatlons been r4'questod or obtained for thls project (Inolori€ng alt prior phases) in the past? - ................................ 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help fileR kns#ra?oklor? }, Latitude, 36-325532 78-592491 (DD.DDD) Longitude. - O; NSW .. .................. - Tar-Pamllco El yes El No Unknown Jordan Creek El No 0 Unknown Page 3 of 11 PCN Farm - Version 1, December 10, 2008 Version 6. Future Project Plans ------------ 6a. Is lh s a phased project? - - ? Yes ? No 6b. If fires, explain - Page 4of11 PCN Form - Versbn 1,3 December 10. M8 Ver on ------ ........................................................................... PfOposed Impacts Inventory 1- Impacts Summary .......................................................... ..... ......................................................... ....................................... _......................................... -.......... ----._.._..----- - 1 a. Which secllonE; were completed below for your project (check all tilal ; {Pply)' ? Wetlands ? Streams - tributaries ? Buffers ? Open Waters ? Fond Construction .................................... . Wetlarid lmpacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, glen complete this questlon far each welland area irapacted- a- 2b- 2c. 2d- e. f. Wetland impact Type of trlrisdiclion nornber - Typo of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of Impact Permanent (P) or (ir known) DWQ - ream-404, other) (acres) Tam oraf T Wi ? PEI T _ Yea Ej Corps ? No ? DQ W2 ? P ? T [I Yes ? Corps ? No ? DWQ W3 ? P ? T ? Yes El Corps 160 Q LIWQ -....... -..................................... - 4 ? P ? T - --.......... -.......................... . ? Yes ? Corps ? No ? DO W5 ? PEI T ? Yes ? Corps ? No ? DWO 6 D P O T El Yes El corps ?No ?DWQ I g. Total wct1Rnd inip acts h. Comments, ....................................................................................................................................... 3. Stream Impnts If there aro perarlnial or intermittent stroarn impacts (indudi lg tomporary impacts) proposer] on tho site, lhfOrt oormp€ete (his I gLIOStlon fer all stream sites impacted. a. 3b. 3C. 3d. 3e. 8f. 3g. Stream lmpacl Type of ]impact Stream nallte perellrOal Type or jurisdictlon Average ImPaol ! riumbef - (PER) or (Corps - 444, 10 slfear length Permanent (P) or intermittent DWQ - riorl-404, v4d[h (Mlear Temporary (T) (INT)? othcr) (feet) (eet) S1 ® PEI T Ripe rxterlsionf access road UT Jordan Creels ? PER ,- INT ? Corps DWQ 4 85 S2 ? PEI T PER ? Gems ? INT ? DWQ S3 [-] P [ ] T D PER El Corps - ? INT ? DWQ 4 ? P ? T PER ? Corps ? INT ? DWQ S ? P ? T ? PEP, ? Corps ? IEVT ?DWQ 50 ? P ? T ? PER ? Corps ? INT ? DWQ .................... ............. ........ 311- 'rota! slrr:L111 and iribtilary iinpaels .............. - ----- 80 3!. Comments' The pipe extension is 60 feet in length, and 25 feet of rip rap will be laid at the pipe outlet for stability purposes. Page of 11 PCN Form - Version 1. December 10, 008 Version 4. Open Water Impacts 1€ there are ipreposed ifnpac#s to lakes, ponds, estuaries, fributaries, sounds, t he Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 41b. 4c- 4d, 4e. Open wafer Name of walerWdy impact number- (If applicable) Type of impact aterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or Te pora?y 01 El P [_j T 02 EIPEIT . ........................ ..._ 03 QI'[IT 04 EIPEIT - 0, Total open water irup acts ............ . ..................... ..... -. 49. Comments- S. Pond or Lake Construction If pond or lake construcUan ro used, then complete the u'hark below, - - 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e- Wetland Impacts (acres) kream lmpacts (Feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose of (aores) pond Flooded Filler! Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 _ ......... .......... . . P2 ... .. ..................... - - 5f. Totnll . ....... ......... - 5g. Comments, - ................... ...... . . ........... ............ . 5h. Is a darn high hazard permit required? El Yes 0 No ....... .............................. -- If yes, permit III rya: 5L E=xpected pond surface area (acres) 5j. izo of pond watershed (acres): . 5k. Meulod of oonstruckior?: ........................ --- Page 6ofII PCN Forrn - Version 1.3 December I0, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If prof ect wi11 Impact a protac€ed r€parian buffer. than mmp€otc the chart below. If yes, then ifndividually list all buffer impacts --...... be ow,_ I[ r Ian act regu?re ? iga?ioe?, t}ic yrou MYST fill out Section D of this form. Oa. ? Meuse ®Ta#-Paml3co ©O#lier_ Project is in w1iich protected basin? El a#awba © Randlemaii 6b. 6c- Gd- Oe. 6t. 69, Buffer impact 0Ufter ^ Reason Buffer Zono 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) for Impact Stream name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) or Tomporary required? Pipe 131 N P © T Extensions UTJordan ® Yes 6,411 4,263 access El No road Pipe B D P ® T Extension/ UT Jordan El yes 717 350 access Q No ....- ...........................-...._.. road ...... ... ...... ... . ... .. .. -.-.----.. R3 EQ P E:1 7 . . . c+war lire relocation .... ........ ............................................ ® Yes No 4(30 1[35 6h- 'fetal buffer inrtiactk . - - -..... .._.... -_ .............................................. ........ .. 9.480 6659 .. .. ............. 6i. Comments. There was not sufficient space in the table to note temporary bu .................................... ......-..--- ffer impact from the se wer line relocation_ 't'here are 1,892 square feet in Zone I and 1,681 square feel in Zone 2. Total butter impacts Incorpo rate these Impact;, D. Impact Justification and Mitignt`ton I. Avoidance and Minimization 1 a. Specifically dosuribo rnoasuros taken to avoid ar min€mize the proposed impacts in designing project. Stream Impact#S caiinat be avolded- Slopes are 2`.1. 1L Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through corxstructloII techniques. Sediment fencing will be Imp€z-mented to note the limits of construction. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State a. Doos the project requ€ro Componsatory Mitigation for Ej Yes N No impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State" 2b- t#'yc;;, miti tinsi is required by (check all that apply): Q D Q El Corps E] Mitigation bank 20- Ir yes. which mitigation option will be uses! for this pro)ect? El Payment to In4lou foe program El Perm€tbee Responsible Mitigation 3. Compfete if Using a Mitigation Bank a, Dame of Mitigation Bank. 3b. Cfedits PorOased (a€tach receipt and letter) Type Quantity Page 7 of 11 P CB Form - Version 1 .8 Deco her 10, 2008 ersloo Sc_ Comments, 4. Complete if Malting a Payment to In-lieu Fee Program 4 - Approv81 letter from in-laeu fee prograrn is attached, - ................. 4b. Stream mitigation requested: ................... 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream tempera twf?-. 4d- Buffer miUgatiun requested (DWQ only)- 27,255 square feet ...................... pie, Riparian wetland rn€t1gation requested: 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested, 4g. Coastal (tidal) wettarld mitigation requested- 4h. Comments- acres acres af?ros _ ....... .......... 5. Complete if Using a Perrnfttee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a- If using a perwIttee reuponsible mitigation plan, provide a description of tho pfcposed mitigation plan- 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rues) -required by DWQ 8a. Will the project result in ail impact withiri a prolected riparian buffer that requires N Yes ? No buffer mit gatlon? 6b. If yes, then identity the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation- Calculate pile amount of Mitigation required. 60. 60. 6e ale I Reason for impact Zone I Pipe Extunsionfacoess _ roadfsewer line zone 2 Pipe Exterasianl access toad Total impact (square feet) 6,871 4.428 Multiplier 3 (for Catawba) 1,5 Required mi#i atson (square feet) 20,613 6.642 - .....? q ......... 6L Total buff er in iti ation re ul sd: 27,255 69, If buffer mitigation is required, discuss wW type of mitigation is proposed {e-g., payment to private mitigation back, permittee respansibie riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved ire-Iteu fee furid), The applicant proposes payment to Fr.1' for the other inipa act t0 buffer zones. The E E P has agreed to accept responsibility of imptemenling [he buffer mitlgailan on behaIf of the applicant. 6h. Comments, Page 8 of 11 PC IN Form - Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version ® Yes €Inear feet 0 warm ? cool ?cold E. St*rmwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Ilan la- Doe; the project Irto€ude or is It adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified wlthln one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protaction Rules" 1b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why- coniments, 2. Stoarmwater ManaW!pgpt i tan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? 2b- Does this project require a tormwalpr Managernerlt Plana? 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Storrnwater Management Plan, explain why, 2d- It 1h1I ; project DOE require 8 tormwa( r Manar3amaxnt Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan- 2e, loo will be responsZle for the roviow of than Stormwater Management Plan? 3. Certified Local Government Stormwa3ter Review 3a- In which local government's jurlsdletlort Is this project? 8b. Which of the followialg (orally-Implemented storrnwater management programs apply (check ail that apply): 3c- Has the approved Iorenwater miges+rment Plan wl9l proof of approval been gUaohed? 4. DQ Stonnwater Program Review N Yes ? No (Q Yes ? Na 6.58 0 Yes ? No ? Certified Local Government ? DWQ Storrnwater Program ? DWQ 401 Unit Oxford ? Phaso II ] SW ? USMP ? Water suppler alershed ? otlxer, Yes No ?_ Coastal counties HQ 4a. Which of the following state-implemented stormwater management programs apply ? ORVV (check all that apply): ? Session L$U11 2006-246 ? other: 4b- H is the approved StormAter Man8gera'ment Plan with proof of approval been attached? 5- L}WQ 409 U.ni# tormwater Review 5a. Does Vie Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requlrera'ments? 5b. Have a.II of the 401 Unit submittal rcquirernonts been met? ? Yes El No M? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No Page of 11 P Form - Version 1.3 13000M bar 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWIE Requirement) 1a_ toes €tre project involvo an expenditure of public (federallstatellocal) funds or the ? Yes ? No use of public (federallstate) land? lb It you answered 'yes" to the move, does the project require {reparation of an env€ronmentaI document pursuard to the requ€mments of the Nat ona€ or State ? Yes ? No (North Carolina) Envlroomental Policy Act (NE PNSE PA)? 1 C. If YOU arlswarod ° 3S" to the above, has the document review been finslized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the EPA or SEPA final approval letter.) El Yes ? No comments; 2, Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site Ire violatlon of DWO Weiland Rules (15A VAC 2H .0500), Isolated e€Iarid Rules (15A N CAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ? Yes ® Na or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A ILIA 28 k200)? b_ Is this an after-the-fact permit application? ? ? Yes ® No o, If you answered "yos" to one or both o the above questions, provide an explanation of the violatlok(j- 8. Cumulative Impacts (DWO Requirement) 8a. Mil this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which eou€d ImpaO nearby downstream water quality? ? ? Yes ® No 8b, €f you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qua Rative or quantitative cumulative impart analysis in oocorclance with the most reGont DWO policy, If you answered "no," provide a short narrative descriplion, 4. Sewage Disposal (D Q Requirement) 4a_ Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and dlsposiUon (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed projeck, or availablo capacity of the subject facility. The additional sewage resulting from hospital expansion wlII be collected and tram ;portatad by the Oxford public sewer system and wiII he treated at Me WVVTP. Page 10 of I I P i Form .,. Version 1.3 € ocember 10, 2008 Version S. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will fhis project occur in or near an area wilh federa€ly protected species or habitat? 5b_ Have you chewed with the U FWS concerning Endangered Species Act impaots? .......... .... 5c, If yos, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted- El Yes N No ? Yes No ? Raleigh ? Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whelher your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? GIS mop data was roviowed on December 21, 2009. The source of the data included INIC Natural Heritage Prouram GI shape ile data fforn May 28, 2000, 8. Essentaa] Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) Ga. Wi€I this project occ4ir in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ? Yes ? No 6b. What data sources did yoti use to determine hether your site would impact E=ssential Fish HabilaV NGDWQ Environmental Sensitivity Maps from Granville County, 2007 were assessed. 7. Historic or Prehistoric CulturaI Resources (Corps RegUirement) 7a. Will this pfvjeot occur in or near an area that the stake, federal or tribal govemments have designated as having historic or cu€turaI preservation Yes ® No status (e-g.. National Historic Trust designatlon or properties significant ii1 Norl!h Carol Ina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your slle would lwpact historic of archeological resources? NC HPO Goog€e Earth .krna polnts locatod on (or near) the key feature In individually listed }properties, and at or near the cen Vold of the areas covorad by h€storic dist€icts were exa€nined. Date of the data was from May 12. 2009 .... 8. Flood Zane Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a iFEMA-designated 109-yearfloodplain? ? Yes No 8b- If yes, explain how project r?3eels FEMA requiremen s: Sc. hiak sourcc{s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? FIRM Parcel 1913) and 1923J; Map ## 3720192800) and #3720191300J Bill Pi ver, PE ApplicanUAgent's Printed Name L Applicant/Agent's "r nature' Date (A?jerlVs sigaiitfure is valid onEy rf an authorizatiort letter from the appli irtt is provided.1 Page I 1 of I I PCN Fora T VersiDn 1.3 Deceinber 10, 2008 Vemlon ?- .Ale rnnoxnM cl}rttar} 9, 010 Corry Loiglaoa Graltvi [ie Zlt?A€ttr Systatii 1010 'Col logo 1 trCCE Oxfbrdt INC 27565 gxpltution ofAcceptatkee. Novembor 9, 2010 Project' {;rarrv'sllc E c[licatl C.`citEtt. C:umity: GraEarille Tltis louor revises omxe issiwA Alovenibex 3. -2009, '1. a pwposa of d tis leuer is to notify you tbal Zhu Now th Cat-01 i11:m 1".cr y';w1Yk E ntianccinwa pmgrahn (N02-PP) is Wiling to ticcapt paymoni for 1Mpaots ossnciated Willi Ltta above rofort'110C E project. plcasc rkute thELt ddb dl rlfiot3 c113as not assure lltattile, Payinani %V€I€ bu approved by fits-p"Init issuing rLgewifs as 3nitiption for project impimus s. h is the t`cslxws-ssbi li ty of Mr- apl3j kw to eonlact €hQ,%e agelluias Lu doEerrillne if paynielrt En the NC'EMP wi l l be ap )rovul. You mosi a lsq eOtT10 L., Wil11 till Other 31MG. fec€erel or 10CR1 govon M0111.13crmit.S, miulft0on& or;uLtlipr17-ali is as. Qoclattd with 1[w "VC]Ng ?tcdyjjy __rl tr !? f .3;31; 1n Act to Proms tc Co3npeulr stitory liitio.iw,. l ri,?aEo M lri t3 ?ti #3ar?14 , '51) is necepu tco is valid for nine, months fro n) die date of tltis letter atl}d is EE€}t tntnsfmbEa Itive kwe nat r'ecei}ed a CovY of (ice Issued 404 PerudtMl CeP111icatlo1dC:,?€I A Iseti'n}if;vEtltirr (11h limC frEtrExe, lli9 i1 C4I7t?4t3CC iwtll expiE c. it is the 11 1i?:-tut`s t'espotisibili ty to send copies of ttmc pertmtits to N1'.I-?p. Ortm NC8HF ruz1vcs a copy of the poi nit(s) an i Li voice wi II be issued W-';ed on Ow mquiEed mitigmion in that pcrniit attd patyinemf€ niust bo ntatlc Prior to conducting Ibeaulhariled work. 'E'lse norfouw OF tile In t -ion} 12ec Lim lie Imid to NCREP by an appl icara is 011kitltttd based t1pi mt the Foe Scl3ed111e acid 1i0116es I isted at www, Limp,net, Basc€l on tilt illfofniatiotl suppitcd by You theL inipacEs that may require cas?ii?icatsntnry wfUgallon are surftnllrized irs t13e F011OW131L Lah€e. River Cu Simani (feet) Wetlands (mtGras) ---- Buffer I Buf cr 11 Basimi Louallon (Sq, Ft,) Cold Cool tirni Ri own Flan-kilxaria3r Coastal tk arsh Imiipaet _ "Mr- 03020101 0 u 0 0 0 Fl 9, 54 9.13t} Crccli#s May. 03D20101 U Q 0 0 0 Ci 21.'E?0 F l3,6s?5 Pamlico Upon receipt of liayntent. P-P-P will take resporkslbilily for providing 6?0ELtpansitory wit'tgation' if time f'egulaktury aguncics iequur(' mitigation credits greatef t€maEi indicitted above, and t1w appiimnt wants NCEEP to be responstlble for tltc Etdditional mitlgmiorr. I1w, ?%Ppl it?Eint vri11 need to RL111111a t a in! tgation irtluest to NCI 11 3P fol' approval prs or to periuh isstloiwe, '11 o Lnitigatioo witl be, performed in accords meo with lht Metimoruadtnn of [.indtrstanding bctwcen the N.C. D)partmoni ofHnAronniew and N-ALEral csoui os fmd the U.5, Army Corps of l ngi neem elated Novoinbor 41 1998. If you l1ava any gtwstions or nee ndditiat3al infonwaiun, plensecoutact KellyWill €iarns at (919) 7101921. inCarCly, Willi E). Gilmore, PF5 Di rcGlor ec: Cyndi Knroly, NCDW WMland$1401 1311t Phillip Todd. agc3it E't 10 Prow ", ow ftn& i'+tL 1tr?LL North ialiEla Ecosys€Gni Erth€ ftel letlt Program. 1 fi52 Mail SBrvioa CEiiiler. Raleigh G 27699-165P / 919.715-0476 / W WWL11ccE3Fr.ne1 ci it J+ I, r r. I + •J} t ?f i? it i c ? c3 x iz U 0 R ? fir' #? I . 'J 1 f? zr' 7z-3: C31 E F A?? p c¢i ? Hx H? w ? p ?° } i U 7 . rn U g Z oS 4D i Y r i 4 r i y ?? y -S VF Do z ' C z l_ - u - r) 3 5 p a? ? fl p ?{{ yyy p GJ Y cr Y 4 LO Lo LLn EI c 4 I J LL -cc fy) I in tmAgAF191Wk GV?QIWAT19'6'+ .6WrH[3462?3Jfi"a}f0d0€3-44966€+27*k4?1 IFTK4a"PO-W%Y&OX%6 1m-D i i 1 'S &1 0')141 w ' APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATIONFORM 77 t$ rcwkFk M10111d b@ Coe plated by i'ollotiwilig tht 1115Irilo lons pfovided in oGt' n J v of dbe? A) Fpl In I mijilC[iplll[1 nikidebo&- Sk'CT1 TAE 1, R .1C{`R MUD; T(R&jXfIf Y A. REPORT C'OAIPLETION DATE FOR r1ppn O)'F:D , uRTSUI(:TIOi4AL AETF,RM ]NATION (JD): UNk FWWR B. i ESTRI T 01-PI E, FILE t+2A&M, AND NUMBER.- Wake Fora%t NC ItegnWaty oRice C. PROIEC T LOL:A"I'1O111 AND BACKGROEND INFOILNIA<IION:1'he propumA proicut iulrolvcx 1}x cxpaLn?iorl of iIFS "]Alltg hospilal, i2ichiting an Emm-genssy Mp2d=llt arrd Sttrgery P01001110 M tidditton And a 1101v IxwkEerlgettenu?r plaitE. 'E'lse original I mipiiai 3vKx wwilrstCle'si in 1939 wilt Mditinp% in 1 %22 1974" 1955 mid I9W. The baspiml exists on p relatively fame Imel of l;ettd (I 1 Dues), alld the proposed project invol yes Iiosphl expaltsion in tho back pxrrtion of (lla tract. Expansion orthma hospital Ametions is sleetled to p ovid0 0M I.4r #ha 5LPrWL111diE1P, CU1111MMIly WFNICd 1?y 1110 I'acltily. AS jMd Of 11te I)r0114Sef1 113'9)jNl, Lt us "; tp tale fluk 1for41011 of flit 6110 is to W el1€E@33Ce{1 14 EL 1MY for rwilfe deMEnlInleilt of the E10sllih1 cak19I3k1S,'1 Ei6 stUdy C6r ADI iS 10C,41Cd ikk &e 'l,,,,_ p,41i,liW River 13asill In {if Iville Cohinly, Noah C.arotiita, SI?I}= 13lgineerh2g Group (Shill) vas C0111M.Cled In October 2M to perforin a stream and wel Land delinca#ion for #hiS f1r0jCC#.Tf1181)111€ ffil# For thIS JD is GTOWAItO HCANt ysti'm laclklctl to OxfGT(T NC. T130 I1r4jecl 1S ]OCR" ofi``ol' US I $ 13i l7x rsl, dot#CS nkr[Al . Stale. W, {'nsilk#'/1}af'!s#1l31nr aglY: (imilrille City- Oxford Centel` Caivl'dilkil#es Of Site (Intifonf! ill {]egret (iectillsi fol'nlA) lgCowinig of Curfidor-L,ai. 36.325532°N Lotlg*.-78.59201o W Universal'D-miSverso Mekvntol'. 171 (NAID 93) 14n me of lu arest wRick-h-ad :.iordnsi C.1refc Name of imafeM Tfadil1wial Navigable Wafor (Tf' Ml Mlo syli eik I1kc ag4j iic YtsowACC Rows, Tar Rlve'r (i]UQ. W02Ujfj1-022d110 i'2irulc P rvA14rSCtC(1 0.a` 1lytli p]ogl (fosi# f otl(. C'.k[ack i C' 1txPo {lSPlgrli3lk of i evka? ' 1lre;L 15ltillp3' pnteklliaf }1SClstfi iioYSaZ areas i*re eLvailable upon requesi. Check if other siias (?irf offsi[e mitigation Sites, d1Sf}owl sites, cte...) ara associated mit11 Ilds notion wind arc rcoordcd 411 a di fl'cmn )0 forill. D. REVIEW FE1< FORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CIMCK AM, THAT APPLY). [? (}fliae(I?e?kl]e[eryuina[inn_ t}ate; G C'ield 1ktU 111afl01l. Wtc(s): $ECTION I I b SUM ril RY OF FMWNGS A. HHAS3t;C"i'€ONI0D1.'1'FUNICtNYVfION OF JUR#ST)1CTLTON. Th. Ap,NIV tp I}e sao "rmLlfgabjC 1e47fe1'S Of fhC- US "WitlAn )EVUS alld Alrbors Act (iWA) jltfiridictiost (MSiIL%F} wd by 33 CFR garl 329) in 1130. rclvickvarea. jReQ2&nfl ?[?--??77? 1'?atties ?abj+;G1 #a lllc ebb a22s1 flow of tlso tirlc, LJ W01M awo preseliily nevi" or 12@W k nom 11SO 41 the 114MI. Or M@y 11$ SWW-pl ble for use to tfin15ptl 1ntunwe ar foreign cowtnamte. Explaitt. B. (AYASECTION 404 DV?TERek1C NATION O df.11USI)WI710N. Thvo'ARF''?L1ilv'sof ilm U,& %Vltliill C:leilii Wilier A(A (MA) jlldl9didi011 (Ar dditted by 1-1 {'.EAR past 3238) ilk [11C re\'ie V aTCa_ ?l egvived) 1, "8fC1'S of Aic U.5. o. I kkdI1eW p resenet of NSnters at U.S. Ill irevi B%v Ell'ea (CIkeck fill flirt apply): l 0 TN%%'s, iiw4rA1ikag 1crr!W61d -"s ? Wcilamis Wa eltt Io TAR kYs } Cl7iS14'C3 " pCfJllane3lf lti',LtCIS2 (1(I"%e{3) that flow dircctly or illd ircctty irilo TNWS Klan-€tl' Ills 1112f {1s}iv dirczu ty or indir dly hill TN%Vs Ll Wvthmis dircol ty abiW ing Rl'1'!S tlsat 110W jif"[iy of klttl'sreetiY illto rFN %V4; Wcllo nt% WjRcellt to lxtt no[ di rceFly ltbUEtillp, lI l'1Vs [llat ftmv directly or h1direot€y ia1tO TXWS [] Welland-. fujecen[ to k1o11-LUSYs Mat fimir diwvlyor hidimRy iato'I'MYs a hopowidnlenisu£jimsdiclioitalwMers n yy LJ isolated (Ill#erst[ale or io mstt e) watcrs$ i nluditig dated %yetlaiiiLS Idtillif}' (eslijtlatc) Si-90 Of 11-91Ci'S Of tllC 11.8. Ill 11LC YCVIe 1' nMil. NOR-weltitlld?wafeys, Q,ltr? ,?{- {7G : •Wl l?k (ft) 891d10T WK.S. Wellands: y{ Auts. ?, 7.IuttiK {lt?tYa3tl;krles) t?f3t?risdlctiukY t}ase[C r?t3: 39SZ C'aifss nlaafl3al afsd (3C?lVh1 M0V1k;F0rk fcF eststhlEslktcl Ofi?VM (if knalvn): Not cslablishcd. ' Bolos 1-,1Lcckcd belolr shall ba sii polio by conspletinit the 0fxnxipte Kvliwo in SCciifie it [ below. Por pua]soses Of thIS roe3ls, Rtl RPIV is det'hwa as a [t ibn[aty tELal is not a TN%V aad VEM *pfcally Ilws yeas--romkd or leas contimmis Row at least 'Lsv%mnkfiy" (t--y,, [ Ecnliy 3 tssunilLU). 2. null-rcgLillkte{fi w aleo'slr3 #1;I??tls (elaeelt If jtj)131IUA11141) ? ? l'otentia€ly jurisdictlanal Lvatcrs anWar wdLaodi; 1vi:ro asks iscd wi€ltitl t€Ie review Am AM delemlined to be not J4111 €l€cilorml, ExpliAll: .5E '.'I'1ON Ill: c IVA AEIIAL"L 13 A. '1'N1.1's AND W9l.'1.11NDS 2LWACEN•1 T0'1'N%Vs The 13t;$n l" {v131 assel'I ]all'Isdiedan ever TNIVs and iveflumds ndjrLcc)kt to'1'1VM. lff Me aquatle nesoureo is a TMV, complete See#tau 11I.A.1 raid Section 11 .VdI. only, if tile nqua11C vvyo me Is :1 1YC0ami otljftmI In a TN W, complete fieelEam:1f11.A.1 fikId 2 101d ged10ki 3I I.D.I.; CALMVISe, See SeellOki I I LB MOM 1. TN W lalerilLfy W. Smiuum izc rall4nalc supper big detcrlill•aa1 ion, AVellle d ndimytt ta'1'l1 W 5k1111ITMAn altioasle "llpm tin Coneluslvn dw wedrLuld is •`adjaura": D. CHARACTERISTICS OF TRI BUFAIIY (THAT IS NOT A T MJ AND ITS A.D,# AOi:NT WWI I'LANDS (Ut ANY) This SOCII(m Nil 141ma rly-RS fkk€pl.rkwilokk ITgardfngc3l+tradlCrlstirsofthe til hill nry And M5 a{ljncoili %VolIfuldsi H6 ally, and If helps deferklibeewhefhey or nat tike Slr{lidardsfDrjurisdielion eslablialecd inktievRip airooshave bcom Inc 1, the ngenvics will assevI jtlrisallellolk owr w)Et-mmigabW IrlbiiI lr1cs 01' • KII's whava IEke tribidaries arc I'li'elatively I}03`I11A 1a(.,i41 11'ilterVI (I1P1V4), J.C. trl bill Orks Via[ iypleaIIy 11aw Y1i11L1'aulld ai• I'ia Te eonti Ituous amy at least st-asonall • (e.g., typlolly 3 mcnl#E+s). A ivetimid that 4I1rcel Cy abuts an RM Is Chao j t1 riadictiollal. If the a1i with: iol} irco is; Ilol at 'PN%V but liar ramro]lli-0i (pere111tial) flo1YM Skip to Seetiall I1i'.D.2. If Ilm agualEC 114's0lim Is 11 welIrtlltl WIWIly obllt#Ing n #ributary with perenMal flow, skip to Sudwri llLD A. A we 11 fw(11€lslt Is 001 t"M #n 11 W 00 tlatrs Ilk 1llrMly A5141 all 1.1P w rquires a sigiltflcan# IMUS ev:llalation. C01'IM distActs mid EPA ir%lfiilRx'111 IiaelLid e Ili IIiC k'eCard -My avotlable 111forn1aI101i Ilka# {lacllillellls 11110 existonceof a Significant ne_ tis between n relathrely perinalleni Iribil1Lary (IlaI Is not I}Ba`CLIY HI (dfi l US f111jACQFk1 XVOWktft II'(Ikt31 03113 #l t rad I#lonal xlav€gable water, even ll ougll a SigitifIca tt nexim i`iitlling is ilot Yi qui felt xs *I ptul I Ie1` of iQk{i•, If the %ya lerbijtli l is Iiof M II IR11 Wp ill` f, %yetljInd (11rcel ly fkblil [lug 11n tt 111Y, rL J 1) wl Ii rrquive ndelitla+tnl don to {1t Sp1`I111110 1111W 55'#ilN'I)Otly 1L11, a slgkll Renal nexus wil h a 'IN W. If tlse trfll111 ELI'}' 119f8 n{lJii{`Cn I %V I1AWISa tli C 4glIMC(1 tlf Ymmus. evalmidtnn Mimi Consider the I ril+niwry €11 combi IkMioll wil11 ill l of Its -Ad jams. mvilaft0s,'l`lils Agnifle and Imu.; Ci•7LESE:ldoll that Cumbl3lCS, for alialylie(t1 InTVI}I WS , the iObtlIW-5- 111441 fill nr EIs LLIIJfi 1A W-CilflUdS Is UWd WIL(!#Ilea• llle revi.e1y area itleildfied In IIwM] 1'0(1 11C81 is (14C #i'lblklfgvy al' Its mijmmli xwctlamig, f3vha#31. iftile 3DCovers PL iribulary IVA11 mijit Fmllt we[lands, Complcae Scolou 11 1,11,1 r41` the ftjlllltniry, Section Ifl.112 fai- any o Site wel hands, mid Sec Run l11,13,3 fny MI walands ndJamilt to tllilt Mbilifiry, both onsite all{l ofTsite. The detei•ltiination N'1ietlier a nigtlil'litaoI l1i us cklsts IS (Iderinlned in Seclion IT].C helom 1. cliavaclertsks of non-'i'N Ws tlanl Flow divedly or Indirectly Erin TNW (i) Gcomral AI•ea C:alidi€Swls: Wntezsbed sin (I I M 0.020101 _0220111)_ 47.5 sq nu les t gkhi,V?e Area (IEIIC 030M101). 1304 sq miles Average akinual rainfal l: 42.+16 bichus Avaalgo anual snovefal1: 7.5 iuc,>he% (ii} ail}'siePal Clt(Ir?¢leriy#ItS; {a) keI3tE0ilSllip v?r€C11'I?l1?x; UbWary flows directly Into TN1V. TribWary flaws 1€kroug11 (2 or mere) 0bulades 1leforC CaM ing •f'N W. S13ppol1135P C cX at75e,kl&iion Is pros WC41 ill SCCIlalt 111. F. I to I hat tliq IE*ftniclim al t j?ui{EGEk ilk txnalaias 11c 11wkal Itifollita(0tL regaldliNg S1S&S3 ditChMp lMheS, Md Cr0SjG3Mt 15WTUfcs grMIMy ITld 134 11maTidWca. PFOJce1 WAICrs AM 10-20 river Erlrlet f 1ka'1'NW (YaE11:i31-.. Rce Dee River} Pmjoei 5val om I (or Ee_ss) river mules front RPNV. 10i0jeeP tie'aters ore 10 (or less) uenal (srraigltt) MUCH ftmn TN W. t'rojeel vWers are <10aedal (straight) mti les f -om RPWV Proj"I 1'Emtys cross or wvo as 9lmle bourWg im JUpTaim Noim, JdCiltify flOXV r41EtC ta'I'i AYS: Juld n Creek. Drains 1o Tabbs Creek > Dmilts Io'far Riker (b) (;0m0r;t!'E"rktrntary 11arclaristi (c1 C'1 11 Illi1E a? rlw}}: Trlbiiiary is' l`a1uml AldficiQ1(man-maade)- Explain, manipulated (111all-ItR cd). BXPL1111 Tvib W wry 11ro130FNes Willi tt'pWt 10 E011 l)P E121E11: (c"ctktnute)- AveFage depth: -; J?.vCFa},e Blue xlol?c.??:1? Ili hum ifllii1tmy sllbs{rale com posidon (chcck all that apply): silts Saiws ? COilereie D Cubblos ER 05atvel M=k El Rcgkoa Q VegeEcaiom, TyveN cover- E] Wier, E'sxittniln T,ibaaia ry oond hioniFlability [ce, h3041y etodiv xEoE1 1i ImA-j- Exp1a1 n: luloderpteEy eradiq,. PF0101WC Of rl[fVFiFfldj1O01 COfllllleXW, EX11 liar, „. it1f1 fkl*nu 5?[1 +irINItuy geptmeEry. ?l i'djAji l 1ibma;lty pradiemt (aplimbnafe averagc stupu): 0-2 % "fefWttmy, Prnyidv? N Jreremlial flo4w. T•.stilmafe overage mil nber of flour crcilts in riaviow nuedyear. Unknown Dc?ew eflowmg!mc pucimial Ottwr infOi3notiom ou diiraR n and voEmm: surfxvw iluu is: 1 k #k CEfSGE vierisEics; , 19r Sul}sisrfaco floti : No, Explain fuldi%sL ? € "(oz other) Eest perforkmed: TrIbil [Ary Im (dkeck fll 111,51[ Apply): 1W tmd b4mi F. 01 [WM6 (clkecl; all indicatom that apply): clear, natnial line ilnpmsml tam Elio Nknk cltaaagcs in [lie cbarae[ff of k,'Oil © ?1iclwiNg ? E] mgmalion m aired dour 3, ? em, or absemE ] leaf littor distuarbed or washed may SOdim nt &Prosi[icia water sla€ ling ? of€ "(€iSi}: Diwonlill Km, 011W61.2 Explain: [ISO presciluo or2EI[er 211d debris tlostfinalool ofIerresida., vegetiuian Else prewlice of kvrack [file sedinleur sorting much multiple ob.; lol rrr pvetliC E 11131u eVealic abFg1t elsaDge in plant COaurntmity If Fale[ors Collor thaa11110, 01 IWM 5uere wwd to detai mine lateral exlent of C:1VAj Lidsdfct [olt (clicek ali that ??--J yy fl?)[y): L Higlk Tide UnG hidlea#£d by. l+'1C. R High WO f MfUR II1010MV1 bYL El 0ll or-woml Iim Wmg sitorc objkmis ? slimey to -IVailobte datum; 51'€osv rcniEertaiw be deseliEop€o by idetatifyil , e,&„ trio mry a, wNclt flours lhrv,tglt Elm rtnimowei, to flow into Ir,b;daryb, which theft fbbv,'. into 1'NW, °A of iuml {,r mtala-mafle discalttiuu;ay in t€te oEli1WA i1WS not [tmrsstttll} seven jakE55d16011 %Wk-le Ilt@ SlreMR IenlpOrarily ROM UYL&F?r0u ml, Of wlkorc tlli? ()f 11?r'A! 11M boon FCiakMT( by {1 w5 'DpFkleaa 6r amatilluffli praetEccs). %Vht:M tiWM iS u break f,a the (A MM 6tlt 39 nfifelUkd Io 9110 vealubudy's rto%v r4`eme (0.g„ 3lotir 13-r%.r a EO4k OUIMP W ilnrrnll li a C11I%TetN the m?vndo %Q1 Ion& far kndicamrs of 11ow Wmyc and 10mv the kFrCA, rfbid, © Fiocshe] ior dcbrisrlc wilts(€'oreshoro) physiolmnrkiw ; E] PiLy3 i{ Hl rnalkll?gsJc]rArnclarisiics 0 ITRE4LtiM lilie-4Mta11 CS 311 I'C$CtREiUII Ey13M. © iWal gauges © 011w (1161} (ill) Chemical i:hal-nierlsiles: clthrmc ;rIZ4e trftwry (e.[; viler rtalor it clew, discolored, oily Min; wale' quai lyp gum ml wilorshod 011un wrislics, et-), lixlllain; Water is Seilli-lurlritl twilh a 11 odc'raty flow. ldeealify specific poJltttailts, if1110%vw More than Iikvly (wdimell), (iv) 13iologicxl ilarae[erist€es, Chnxiwl supports (cheek all C1a# Rpply): ® Riparhucarridon Characteristics i {au£r%-,M-?1t1e); Foreslgxlvt'clina00-5b R, 1W#hmd frin?c, Chamcicrixtle:'. Il l 4 1 sk 3, ® aibilai fuTL [I redernily Listed spccics, Explain findliVfr: LI Pislyspawil areas. axplahl fin i v. 01licr cnriratttsiCttit ]lyisctlslli 'e species, Expla ill fttldinGs: XtomflOwildlife divClxily, Explain findings; Halrital for alnpllil}Mas, . C ISSit'ftCIEdS#ICSOfISet RMIS11{1j19CBi11 141i0ri2I'N1V #hAt f101' Itli'Ceily pYiit{lit'C(q[y Jnl{}'L'N W CI) Physical (a) C3elieral WCH. nd ChaMcCCTJ;i cs; Propertiesy. WdIBEIII xiYA:' Ot:EtS Westand type. ExjAahi: Wa lund quality. Explain: Project Iti'C#lands crass vF Sum, 811 Sim bogs idkirles, 1'x11€art5: (l?} C'?rterEft )rlntiv Rel+lliotls}lilt IkiEi? t?fon-'i'l?Clw: Surfue flow is: ?'J.e ???..;p? C:itasrwterlsiiss: S1 bsarFrLC#f flow. Exphi11 Findings: ? Dye (or oEiaer) test perfoniwA: {?) :?( 1X1 iS? atcv ILEtrotaiairlitotl with NOLL-'PNW! Dircctiy ablla-mg Nil diftCEly f bUllik2a ? Biscrew wetland hydrologic =uiediorl. Explain. [3 E0010gleal e(E11t1CCt1U13. Explain: © Sc mlcd by lx;roilLmAor, UnEftin; (tl) ?L27411'fRetaliotesllil?}#o'liW?l! Project uretlattds are river suites fr41m TN IW, Project waters are 'tc s marl (81 Might) flliief: Fraitt'!'H W- How ig from PI' UN. TsSlii,rAle tslsilroxias?wEe kreatiort ofucila3a€l as withiit the N*J$ (ii) iclWiltieAl l+E rAerct'iRllcs; C:Itamderize IYC#€aaid Syslcm 11Fi91Cr ooh1r is cie r, brows, oil filin on swfacc; haler qualiky, gutlentl NvAItY$W clwsrxtlcristic : Ctv.j. ]~:Ci11O11I; IdeWiFy XpMi€k 1101htfatlES, if known: (M) 111010gleftl [.llfraMeterlsUCK EVEthud slippui'ts {£lm'k Al 11111 ( apply). LI R3puriml buffor, ('Wnolerfstiws (typa, average Ividth): C1 Vegelnliolt lypoperceni Cover. Explain: El I €abilk for-, ? Federally Listed species. 1?xplolri Andingn Fislyspmml AMS. !?xplaIn fiildings: - © 011Ier elluirptttsren[ptE}' seos`sfive giecio, Ltxplain findings; Art€tEntkAvildt!re[Ciwsity, lixplainfndii% 3. Chanic'#erisl ics of PER WC 11PLIld 5 ad] neekit to Me t rliminq (If any) Al i ?fetImid(a)1kelila Corsi{ emd ill t13C elltim Aiiw amlysis: k dial Apptloxiillataly ( ) ACtx:S in total ark beitkg COLisldortd in Elio C41q u lativa 11 mlygN. I-or CAC 1 we11alid. spwify 1110 110110wittg; I)iTmE] AblkfS MN) X180 (J1t.R0r0, j Dircc#ly 11huf-4,7 (YIN) Sire (iii acres) Sumimri20 #Verpil !biological, cheauical and physical fund ims Mng pCafURn(AIL C. SIGN] FICA NT NEXUS DETERARNATION A 4ppleanI 14CXvs Flai{]kpls will 11F.WR8 the #RLRS' cbtlracPe{']silrs nlid fuliclions of Me 1fi1}tltai-y itself #llLd 1lle Aln0li tk$ perfoi'im-d by film' is&JasLds PLAIneent to flie tributary to Tlelvwnoilla it Ilwy K1g14ifiex0 ly ari'Cel I41C C wilklc11l, }131Y'31ral, .in(] bjeIGgleak] ili#egri#y of LI TN %V, Fol' C'AC11 pf t1LC V4)4lgtiN-itkg 2;11110[1Mjg Ft xlgl4l11Ctl ILI ilCYtl$ evIsis If the #r'ibutRry, Ili £11itllAT)RIifo1l Willi Ml 01' its adjaCCkkt 55'Makt04, lkfks Ilkare thak1 a 33peculAtive Or fikstab3111I !nl effect Oil file C11e1441val, plkvsleal i w1var hlolagfcal Iltiogrity Of rtTN %V. Consi{1e3:1110i13 when evallinfing slgillfieaTl# 11Cxv[ Iktel10C, Ilkkt fly8 Hal llllilled 1o the 1'0!51mej 1111raliMI, mul freglicitcy 9f the 111mv of %ralek' in Illib f6billAFY am'! its pro iliilly to n TN W, nild Ilse ftluctiolks p(LI-forlyked by the tAblitill'y 111113 All iIN ildjFi."0( 11'@tlilltil$. 11 I, Pol approprNfe to date!- 11ll1C signiticalit plms based 6(kly 1) tk ony nlicelfiv. ill L-001011 of JIN FLkkCe [e.g, hel.% Bell a Ir1buta['y mid Its ndjareil# %ye#Iaull ON- be1Nve5'i4 ;I 11-111111kiry filld the' NVV). Mild imiy, lim foci 1111 adjace i ISCEIR,,(i ]ie5 ivi#m 11 41' 4Timie or :1 fiuoclitl;klll ]s not xolely detey inaLliVe of Slgid 111caut kiemix. Draw con LkCohmsIkCf11'£C'1LIIM fkiil11ITS 130C14Po lICI!flndtlieetfeclsoiltile TN liv,fig Ideli#iRed ill the AfopfrlfW"G111flaIlrc and dlseussed In 11w Iikslrucllanal Guldebool€. Faeloys to ccuisider hiclude, f01` ElalNlklC: • Does Ow, Irlbulmy. in wro binatinn shill 11R Adjaugil %mla s (iI`n11y}, hive thB CApwity to i=Fy pollulanls or fioud 5L7L1CYX to TN 1Y$, or [o 3-"ioe Me 3Lmmnl of poliulanis or I loot! %valus marlAug a TN W? F Dom f114 Iritnitiry, hi c4mubination wilh AS :I[1j vml I;-t1Iaw6 (ff any), provido habilal olld lifacycle mi:1111on I•uni riolls for fish and OIbCT species, siwh as furling, nGStilig, :ipawlli3)g, or ! 1trilig yoklog i t spec Fes thRI are pFe-;8 # itk 1114' `t'W • D60% tlka lrtbll[atyy 131 CRtikk elation with ils scent tvedands (ifany), have tbP- CS15RCity 10 k;121sfC.1 R[Lfrl',MlS alld Orgall{{' Carbon t I m L sullpntt dLiv %(TvaIii foottkuhs? • Does fhG Eriibalary, in Ofti bination k1'ilh AS titljt3CC[Ll wediwlis (kfmy), lkew otiker reiel l mmlips tba 11hy'sical, Chemical, or biological Wegidly of 11,G 1'14' %V? N010: flit nbove list of £Ur} Wel':k#ie ns 1S Iml iII145ISWC 1111[1 0Imy Illki:01a s nlmerivd or known la occur Slit}111{1 be 434)CIrn,einlfEi lkekn+, illl]3 A1511 f1055'S 51li'eCII}' 131' iii{likECtly ]iilo']'i?NYs. k1111cmit nextk$ 11mllilp 1by tkon-R11W #tint IaeS no fldjacent 5Ye#I- F3xpla111131idhigs of I'r@SC11Cc or aimmu, trf xi?eOlicant nexkfs below. IiLsed mi (lie [ri3Rltary itself, theia so to Section I LD; 1. SlgniReftlit lwCxlps Midiklgs rok' klon-RI)w Rud 1#R i djoeCilt Ivellanjis, %vlwl'C fill 11013-IUIW flour [ ir"l]y 03' ilid! Y@Cll?' flk#0 T INVS. 1 xph it 1111dings ofly-ownce or abscaCC OfSlgllifECan1 11"im bttlov?3 bmvt pit thr, Iribtavy+ in a ntilhimi [oo w1tl all of its a¢djnocd ?rc#land3, llmn gu to Slw Eton I I LDL 3. Signl Rr5k711 F10h#l.% l ukli l4g$ FOIL 11' CtI}j kttlg a l jamil to mk RMY but that do ndif dlveC#4' a but I lie RtPW. 1334pNi1[ ti n{likgt or prewrLoC ?r abm= of signi fti-@Alt ROWS beIGIV, based cut lh 3 #ribLllaT]' ill COir3l3i112601k With all ONIS mtljimmlf wetlands, Ihm go to SccEiu i 1-11. 1), D. DEI')uMNIINATIOlk1S Oi` JURISDYC"1'101 AI, ]-'W'INGS. TiiF. Si1RJTC:T t?'ATERSfWV&TLANDS AIIF, (CIl1: UfL A] J/PH AT APPLY). 1. '1'1 11'3 mid Adjacent 1Ve#lallds. C11"k fill 11MI ILpply ItELd 1.7fOVO,' $17.0 MlLktlateS 11k MOM Ke2L; ©` NWs; limar feel widdk (fi), Oil acres_ D We11rklxls Miami to TNWR, acres- 2. RPIVs(fiat I'lowdEreellyorindlreefly]lali)TNM. ® TriWari ofTNWS whore Ifibutaria 1}'llieetly #lptu year-lC}1511€l are 5llisiEictianal, ]'rolriele f1 lla and ra#iollalc ialsli(,7lFtig tEkei 161 114l:it}' is pcreiwl al: SEratlg bed and bank, material so€C111g, strops evidcHoo of A fflc I Fun I p[bals f Maderate o,ridelice of flour, delmsition. 'frita5a#arics of'i RW whCrG #ributwi havo 0011 lilt ms ilow flser150llnliyr' Eylliemly three 3t oralls enh yeas'} are judWidia11a11. DA4 wppml Ing Ildr, Qonclp ton is prove led at ec(inn I f 1.13_ l}fo;.FW b rad male indicating Mal Idbutary flaws z;c Iwmlly: pro%,W elciinwes fu' jtkrisdielicuml walers in #1io rovieor area (check all lhsl apply); E) rlAbut,Rty M'Ate[s: P.0 lillear feet f - H (ft) Nvid1b. El Other 15011-weElandvv m tacre_e. Identify type(s) of waters: 3 r Non-1x F1Ys? ill?l l I1(ti1' ?I#1'CCI1y (r 11tdla'cell? hate T111?Ys. Waterbody Mat is mot a •l'NW or an MY, but flows directly or €ndircctly into a'f2V?Y, and it has a slgnificalll nexars wilh n TNW is jild-idid iarml. Aalst MEPP srlillg I$€s 005€0IF51011 is groVided at S llon III.C. 1'rovido estimates for jarisdictiorml welters Witllill tlta 1"O iffiY area (Check 211 #Isat :Epply): H Tributary watsxs: Iir1ERr feral (fl) width. Otlker 140€t wo ltwd WAEers: aeres, rdeaa#ify #ype(s) of Iffaters, 4. Welhulds(11redly abulIillgan ilM ibatflora'dWed lyor h1direttly irltor1'N WS, VetEaslds rii reel ty llEsist R I'?Y itnrE t11tIS ?lre jsis is[iictidyalal a acl$?oetkt Xvetlrtnls, Wedands directly abu itlg an f INV IO)Cro tribIltarics typically flow }ear-rotln& Prouido dMa and rationale hidleRti krg 11;at Irlbutary is pumnilhd nt Sct;6viti III.D.2, above, Ffoviclc ratiuimle itadicrtiNg t1tsl wot€md is direo€ly ahtl€I trig all RP%V_ Wc0ands directly abul#ing im i{PW vtrllcm tributaaras typically M%v "seasmally." FrovIde data indicating that trlbubiryr iS 2c HS0281 ill Scctioll Ill,B Itnti rklliolieale hi Section III.D,2, hbov(. PIMifto rsktiari 414 CF4t1l52 11W Provido acivago cstilllales for jnrisilictroltal wictlasrds in the r-eYiomr Area: 5. Weflakingmijacent {0 bal llui {11redly aurilIIng ark MJW that floss dieterly or indirtetly 124e TivTW-5, Wt? I€Rnds lbal 41) not directly lib;at an Rilkv, Nit when cow3dered in combilsii#im With Elie tr butaky to which they are adjacent and %yidt Mmilsrly situated adjacent wetlands, have a %ignificaiit nexus m4t€r a TN W 3r o juzisidleltonnl. Date sapporthig tlis comiusion is provided at Sceliult 11f,C. Pfovklet Wrepge esiimalva for juriF4000rial 51C1}R 0s ill the mview fire i, fi, Wc11 wl.1; id]awlit to nola-t MVO t IElat rlnw ilhreell or hidlivetly Inia Tl IVs. 0 iYctl2aaids atijactxtt io sdi ?a#crs, Rllti I1L7vC w]xCli ccnlsft€CFCd fn rrork4biuallan w1t1t Ilse tr€b44trtr}' tivltloll they ttr atijaccB# acrd Will silni}arip xilllatcai atljacenl wollattds, havo a s€gn€14n% l i1cxus 1,A111 rt TN W Ara jor€sdictiolml. lDDIA ;stkp rdljg Iitfs cotwhksioll is provk1ed at Seallon I I I.C. Provide es{imater for jasiisdicliotral wetlands in Elie review ama: ages, 7. Impokkudknen#s of jkirisdleflonal waiei-0 As ik gerteml raltt Cite 111konrkt€a2gt: rtl o f t; JW Wietionrt3 tribtklwy rcrlkKiCIX ja?ristlictiaMlal. ? Delm)1vatater €1lar imp ondlslent war, created from "waters a# 9w U.S-," or 1}elii0i55h'$[fi t1Y1Et 54,?tar lileetS 11se criteria X01' 0170 {lf fES? C83e?i}riE_S1S3'eSelltCd ?lOkre ?I-t"i?, Q]' n DeMolssliate ItMt rater is isolated wide a BONUS to t:nt>rt CKC (sec 12 below). k?. ISOLr1. -E0 Jlt1l'3'ElMrA<i E OR lr~1'1'RA-S 1'A'1'Yj '%#ATK-RS, INCLUDING ISOLATED WETLANDS, THE USE, ONGRADATfONOR1?FSTi LI?;TIO1`iOF-WHIGHCOULD A EC'TI1NTERSTATECOi1'1tVIERCF,IN0,11DING ANY SUCH WATERS (C]l R K AT 1.'1•riA`r APPi. t'0 [J vellich arc or could be usod by €aitcrstate or I`omipa Imveltrs for romatiamal or otter purposes, from w1kich fish or sbollfisla am'; os coukl 6c lakeik mid SOW Ill I1LEM O Or Ibrcigll 00111€IaCM0. Q which aroorCotlld bC mod for iiidesllim 1M1allo."s by i11dwildie% In illler%tate C(i111nokl?e, Q ?44iek?tEfte i1Elletl +wt[ers. Exp?ein: J] Other SMIQ s• Explahl' 1dei4IIfLy %V jjCj` 11(01}r WK) SNMInlartm-L 1'211Ii71t$ile &ttClliO] i n [1 1?2`r11I11$ttOli; tlrovide esEhimtes fos jurisdictional mraters lit tike rCvim aria (check all that apply), R Tribuhly kvalcum If ROT feat widfh (11). R Oll7er moli-walimcl wmt4 rm ttCr . r4fewi fj- type{s} orwate:r;; Wertands: acres. ?`ueE l?oolrio€aU3_ co111p11;vftt ,gwglysis raer t4 tt10 koy in Swtiao of thr- ImAmcEiasnmt Gui[tc6unk_ filar lu HS510-li42g OILdCeEEuiOg MA jai'isdiclimi bymA sdel • on Iht# ealegor}•, C-a1'Iis Mswkts W1114!1eV41 fi I1W Rdij! L (0 C101-1P S affil EPA HQ for revietr consistroi with the process dcserlbcd in ttw C.urpsfl-IVA Me grandam heAw4bW CO 4 d d JrdrlsNdlnu Fnhlao ng RapaAert Pw1OWURIS11]CTIONAL Wd'MRS, INCLUDING 11'FTLANDS (C:] [EC K ALL T€ AT AP.PF Y) t If }latential wetlalwN were am&4; l Wi Il3ill 11kt± review strt;a, lhesc aMHS diet trot 11100t 1110 CF]WHA ikl Ilan 1987 Corps of Lngince s Wettatlrl Delineation Mantka3 mullnr tLl propr]4le Rogiotkal Supple cn s. Rew€mv Mmt imladcd 1s>lalod wMors with tto substutklial naxus tp intemlote (or fomigaa) mmean r] Prior 101210 )NJ MI upm1m; Court &zisim in "SIYAA1 C,` 1ho remiakv a m would have b mi re-gululed NISQll InNly on the "Migratory Vigil M(1 ' {hl RR} I-1 ml.ltm {10 liGt meet 111C "Significant Nexus" slnnJorr13 u-1i a sheik sl dueling is rcgoirc? l fifir jud-Aktion. Explain: 01C1er: (explain, irrmt UOWM ti above): Pwvido xcrcHgo csl imatcs for tton jurisdictional tvalers 1 a the review" mo, v ere the r putosil €aT baah] of jurimlle ion Is lho r+ BR Nclom (i.c, pro%mc4 of migraloiy birds, 3xesence of cidarlgered species, tige ofivoz fbr irrigt1tod $gdoxrllt mi ush g be-A ]rrol sipltol jltdgmeksl (eheck M] 1Ttat gpply]: Non-wodand svgkters (i,%, riae3x, RtretLins}: 1i rwir f4t width (A). I tko0pollds' ages. 0111er 11011-tivcttfllld waters: arms. List lype oragkral is ivsouree: 1Yettands: ItCUM, PrOwt& aOrC4rgc Oti rrxalea ror YLM1-jtLdSd:C1al m tcas ill tho Peale Y afO 113at & kkpE 111 *Qt the "S i f;nif€UME Kextue' >`tsa25EaFa], w hue miO 0 IS k2dilig is a ttlircd for jurMid ion (chcck all 11kat apply): tl m1-;W11.-Md a wterg riwan, Slw-ml R-), 11laear rccl, kvidth (ft). s? 1.a1€cs7lao?sds: rtcres, Q t l]ieF utnl uvl lasstl ?valcrs: acres. list lylle or;tguat is resource. V?118rc1s atcrm A. SUPPORTl ECG DNrA, Dalx revlem d fur JD (cheek rtlt that apply - checked items AM be 1mr[ <€ d iii case file aml, where checked ftnrl regversle(l, giprollrialvly Forertrsoo fwu=s bdow): Maps, plans. plots Or plat submitted bit m- [mi tx bbl f ur 111{7 a1a1f]u a331lcosisrtllaikl: SWv N e. ® Dala slieefs preparztfl,Sklbmitted by nr ns3 behidCel'tlla opp]kaoYcoeistilltir32, ? Offmc cmimirs with &ta xll3selS?delis?eaCiarl cepm I- [] Ofliou duo mA oat»cur wi111 data shcctstdc]irscatim FCPOrt. rl Data sl3eets: prepare[] by the CIJ ? ; Cons nauigalslet?:tiCea * Study, I:j U.S. Gcologieat Survey Vydt-o1o& Our. USGS NH D data, 7[c? 1 FSCxS 8 and l2 digit HUC nears. JR OrS. Cek3l(%TcaT I&IFVOY lltktp(5). Cila S) iRle & quad nar3 !.6! i?zt USDA Nattiml R"oofces Coitserwrktion Service Soil Survey, CilUtiool:' I'M ]GrL F lily. 11 National IWIllkkldS 41VOI(Ory #llals(g), 4740 ktFll}1$: StatdLocal %wtia2ud invetawy map(R); ? 100-}ektr F]00dj)Ta31r EIev24011 i5: atia3lal Ckodcctic Vertical ]lulu of 1920) OF 01l1er (t 4kma & l Ialtt), El I'Favio 18 determinati6N(5)_ Vile 310. and data of respmm4 ]e gen ® Appliviblelsupportingcase faw;Rapmos and Celmbd€ cases, ? ApfkEietrlk€p? aal,j,gr#prrgs 3elltiFie Iitceaturc; Othel. infollmlioil (lrlessc bilwirp}: EPTt # v'?ci k +C6OiWiCti(p&&ii li?A Q IQ?er; 9 Js. A1.1111'1']ONALt:CIj'?']PXEENTST{}$f1PF{lR'FJI). Stoyrn t r hup ct Anal-gsis foe Gr in ille Medi ial Center me r en: Department p r?si n 1010 lle Street Off r k Norte Carolina Prepared B-tj: EPT 1025 Wade Ave nac Ral h, 27605 Jane 17, OtO s I?P I L c. r,um,r4 F, -Cos Tkumos Contents Executive Su Mill aarxj Sand F! IteySpe611C.?ltion SaIld filteY Shi-11 ('1a1CU1aiiO11S Sand Filter Area anolf & fl(:) })Iii ic-r alei-ilai.ious Saud Filte. x 1 '1T' , l ?i?i ??zt Checklist. j) )cndiccs D tch G,-;,lc. ttlat ions itro,e, Rimoff Calculations istinS Buffer Conclation;s Pliotc)81,a bs Soil Booing for Pot ntial 145h Water Tablc- ( tI Geeteclinofo8ies) FIRM Pauels 1923 & 1913 USA Topo8raplaicai Map froiia M SR Maps, fonnci1.i) Terraserver) Raij.if all Data for l raukfi ntoii7 C Gleares# Collection poinf ) Sails Report lei] Stewart hri6ii°aeerin65 laic. EA!bits 01-05 eSEPI CC F-Xc cll tiv(?? Slit III111anj Tbe. C-tanville Medical Center is scck ng to expand its emergency department and to add purki.ng to the rounds to offset parking last duo co the exl3311Sira11. In carder to treat sautrient rkinufffrcum the cacPansion, a sand filte- BIMP device has !ream propo.d, Bna: ed (Iii the attutc.ht!d Nitr€ gen and Phos?hoa-as calculations their export has acLU31ly been reduced ira the east-developcd condition. The area where IVC are expanding the existing p r k 1 n g lut hats b b con dcfined at 5.43 Acres. We are add:ng I.09 Acres cal' iinperviou;: parkiF1g ?,vi.thi11 this aareak. Sincc the existing inipcivious is gran d fath e red we are b4i gic;oIIy treutingr the additiun{al impervious with our proposed :sang f Iter. By VirLUe 0f 1 he'ite layout we afire.. actuaaIIy treating Sol-no of the existing impervious as Well LhPrPhy MCI Uc:ill I Ile c-ai1e4llaa(ecl e) ppurt below curl-crit levels. The site has a f]i=,~Praaaial Uiaiiaarae,l tr6fa4ltaary of urdan Creek Punning through the southern portion, just bplc:r,v oiae of the .uew p adking areas. Duc to the close proximity{ of the park ng ,area and 1 he. acrid Ii1ter to the stream, raaeing has been des igncd to Ininianize the iinpact LO Zones I ;jnd 2 ul'the. Tear-Pamlico River basin protccted riparian buffers. Pcr the AUDEM is Serar raa? cr b'_lfir' ?'ari?r 1, the int,.(P;a in the Usancl Filter .shall be cleanecl, washed coarse mmom sand such as A`i-i'M ("i;-') wi; lk la ir'Jde.s less thim 2mm average diameter- S,ar3C1 1T1Ul t be UiIEC.aa b-?rwed-rata iimestone poducts may be uEed (if mate ria] is white or gray in c°(dor it is probably not acceprable. Sand must be clean. Natural, unwashed scud deposlts may imi be med. Likewise, sond that has become contaminated by impropcr storage car histallat io tar:ac:t.it es :whul I neat lie used. Manufactured sand or stone dusL Thal I nn[ lad tv ed. f}/. SEPI Qe + ESk4J:i'4.ISikii&CJN5 I&L4: LL15k' € nd Filter Siziu8 Calculations ?C-' r, S I-I ERt1aU.fGKG& U%'AK M W )SEPI ENGFa EI-',RJNG GROUP l I--?'1n1V?1?.-r; ?!IFbt,rd4s-- 4.- Project 7 4? Srubject An1:1 ? c.: _ ?irtt u? Desigrcr Date- -i - I i f+ dR141.4 d i :d[ L 1T O'4Ae-: .. iA?M 2-1SGt J t19 r I_ I ? I ? 'r f w I I k • `! e1 j I_-l? iA:tlE1 US.IC'`i_!_I+?J r -_? I -! i i- k-- - ? LTD f'L , A-q f I7 I rr i j I I 5 I I i i _ i I • S 1 -a I 6._ t -? I _? _?. I L s I j 1 ; ? I o I ? I I I j I '--- ,--- - ;I j Jy? it ?' --- -- - --I 1€ 25 Wade Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27605 ¦ Tel 919,789.9977 • Fcax 919.789.9591 • ?epial3?alxe?r'ta??.cor? Sand FdI-ey Area umciff & Flow Split ter Calculations eSEPT SSEPI SLbjecl _-q5 4 I'?°EJJ'' 6J. `,r4g, E{`L T,ofr fJ I II i _ e I J. • i I i J. i rte- a I I i ? ta?tsn 4[4'?D '?i ?? J ?-• U Z. `_! C ? i ? r, ' ?_ - I ?, ?. i. ??x _ I ?!fl?.t ? _`'? ? tL?•? I??!?_y,+b ' I ? ; ? 2? ?C,I??r,F - ? 9 I I ? O?w b r?? P O)m b .l_ 1 f lf` tz 64 !...... I"" I --=fir i - Cr:3_r! t,a- f, r» r rub '?'Y_$ _k + ?R I I ? ? I I k ? ? ? EI I I ? ? I I WEI' LW I t,T,`- ?U!-k AAA ±[IQ S-C _ i t .' . -Y r- + I ? I I ?`l i 1025 VI ado Avenue, Ruleigl4, NC 27605 - Tel 919,789.9977 0 Fox 919.789-9591 0 sopienuineering_corn Hydroraph Plot HOrat3ow Hydrogrsphxs by latelisolve Hyd. No. I Sand Filter Runoff Hydro graph type = Rational Storm frequency = I yrs Drainage area = 1.830 a Intensity - 4.914 in/hr IDI= uiw = Franklinton, N .IDF Thursday, .Erin 3 2010, 9:12 AM Peak discharge = 5.58 cf Time interval = 1 min Runoff coeff. = 0.62 Tc by User = 5.00 min Asc/Rec limb fact = 1/1 Hydrograph Valumo = 1,673 curt Q () 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0 Hd No_ 1 Sand Fitter Runoff Fyd.No.I -- IYr 5 Q (cfs) 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 10 Hy rograp h Plat Hytfraflaw F } ragraj)$xs by intLCJE.sajve Hyd. No. 1 Sand Filter Runaff Hydrograph type = Rational Storm frequency = 2 yrs Drainage area = 1.830 ac Intensity = 5.887 in/hr IDF Curve - Franklinton, N .IDF 'FhLirsd,ay, Jun 1U AM, 92=7 PM Peak discharge 6.40 cfs Time interval I min Runoff coeff. = 0.02 Tc by User = 5.00 mill Asc/Rec Jimb fact = 1/ 1 Hydrogropli VO1lir,ie = 1.919 c.I[t (CIS) 7.00 6,00 ,00 4.00 3.00 2,00 - 1,00 - Hyd No. I Sand FiFter Runoff Hyd. Moc 1 2 Yr 5 Q (cfs) 7.40 6-00 5.00 4.00 3.00 - 2.00 - I JOO 0.00 10 Time (w r,) H °drogr h Plot r`,Yurarlow NyarOgMPirS DY 1S1Ik?IFS£;'9e Hyd. No. 1 Sand Filter Runoff Hydrnegraph type = Rational Storm frequency = 10 yrs Drainage area = 1.830 ac Intensity = 6,839 in/hr OF Curare = Franklintan, N .iDF Thurs(Liy, Jun 10 2010, 12-7 PM Peak discharge = 7.76 fs Time interval = I min Runoff caeff. = 4.62 To by laser = 5.40 rn[n As,:Mec limb fact 1/1 sHyiroQraph Volumo _ 2,32 3 c?u'; Sand Filter Runoff (cfs} Hyd. No. i -- 1 Yr 6,00 4.00 2.10 0.44 0 - HsiNo.i Q (Fs) 8.04 6.oo - 4.00 2,00 0.00 10 Time (miny Sane Filter B_= uppJemoiit &? 1i,??c Est eSEPI .FCr ? Pczm't Num ar, A aier 6 A L Y axL ? -I La _ DEN 3 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERUTAPPLfCATION FORM 40, CERTFCATION APPLICATION FORM SAND FILTER SUPPLEMENT Tiers I'Dav must Sao filled-oot e? 1i,no, Frr()i'ed rW1d strbrrfih`ed;!wrtit aft of the requi(od r`r ormat€ert, Make sure t0 orso d'lItV w;dsrrbR7i1 dlre R6,4vired hfems Chockdrsl (SecVof7111) acrd Me 16 l'vl,Agreerrferrt (Secllo;l M 1. PROJECT INFOR141ATION Prolecl r? I-nc G aslvFIo f, ed::cal Ceiler Contact r nC Bi.'I P.'-der, FF Phone riullibm rf1t3-787-9977 Bale ?.une 1, H10 Ekainage afe-3 rum b--., 1 (Parking Arova & Addiliumd f lsn 7ffj H, CEBJG'J INFORMATION &W Chara"terist;cs i1)r3irlage Nfea (A nl 7UV15.CQ fly OIL I'mporvio .rs area 51,07M f;` % ImpervlOW; (I,1 6ta?0% % Deign r.ainfol clep.Lri (R 1.00 isw Peals Flow Call:ijlalisans 1-yr, 24hr rl r.0 neptll 2.82 in 1-yr, 24 h{ snlmsidy 0.12 9n"rrd Pre-davolopmml "-y:, 24-ftr runoff PcIsl.-&velppm;, W 1-Vr, 24-11r r(JrzoU ?tjf ryf PraQFwsI 1-yf, 24-1hr peak: control ft ?sei StDragO VolUMe Dcsign wclum a (WQV) 4,25 pfd Adllrst&J i;iV..or quakly veL umqu (yyQy SJ) 3,189.w ft3 Volbllf, con}ained in the sc?i,rnenlal rsJ7 faes,~rr and on lop (ill ihn sand INer s,19rOK Top of sand fillerlfrgrate eledal*.) 45? fl arrr I Woir 91eva ion (f:--men Izrrumber.s) 453.70 fl am-J. %,ixlmum head an filo sediare tallar [rosin and sand filter (h 3,0011 OK A: r..rap bead c n ft sedimeniatic n io-5in and s and 1i;trr (h l. r" J. OK Rrfnof' C:oeffclersl (R,v) O.bA (ursitless) Typa of Sand Fllter ]d on snr; d ialtr'.I r 11 Y or ;N SH'Arl ulovavcm 445-00 it amsl BOttrun Of tfle S a U. fi ltas ule'Jatien 417 50 Ir s;xlsl G, mfaf-ice (d "Mi t ) . yf} ClrasMlpre-east samf fi!tert Y W N SHWT elev{atdon ft ams`i Blatti n of the sand fslter Row Mon fi antBl Clen;S nCe (d-,la,"rs) If Isis; ',S a closed, Lm derggmm _d cfL?sed ws nd filler: The rkarance b&l.%veers the slurface 0 the sand Il4cr and ME! lJ{lttlbm of the roof of Iho urida.r rm mf ft Stfuc!uIc, yOsp..'} I orrri SWIGf-Sand Filtor-Rav. r %j?Supt17 Farts I pnri I, VrDjact G,=alg., Stlrnrrldsy, Fagg I i rw111lt N.mber. (CobepvuVd-d 1)y )trr'J? Sedimentatien Baslrt Su 4,1,-e area (if M, mental cm barn (A s) Sediulu,at,on b irdcNimberdepla7 Sand Filter Surfi?m area o4 sang fiftcr (A F} Top c. sand rrtcdia filler bad elf vation m"om Uf nr d medaa lifter bf-d1 r- !n ele-aalion DeW..b €Ir th a sand media filicr bed (d p) C.c?e:fic?enl id, pmmeat2lity reg Ox, ?u.1d filter fk? Millet dialreaer 011tfe1. disclurgolf,mrate Timo, io drain ;lay saifd fflLer (t) Tirrita to drain ;fie 9,ir4 jiater (I) Addif octal Jnfvrnrailan Doas i u I nc. ;r fircess c? Phe dosign volrurne byrms the sand fil;er?? Is aIa -all iif s"'--a-sphIiynq de;io used? If rsrt reinq io SA 5w ;f(r5 Dues vokirr-t- is mass of lama dosign vduffle fviwr ewcrtp ,Iis:ribu!c-J throtlgfi a vegetaied litter? bk";:r 1 is the Ien j?fL €r¢ thrr aege1a3ed fiifler? LDws thi: design utif. , [ovel spreader [ft oveMy dis r1uic. flcov'Is ,fie BMP !ccaied ai hic-nt 3Gft from surfr?pu a'r'$lteas (5511 if SA, walers)? if n!;3 :s closed be Horn, is BMP I rated 3! 1nast IVjlJ from v aWra.tlpply vip'I"as$ Are 11m wc9?a atad side: Ic es cqua. to or Im5s tti n 3:1 Is Isle B MP I0[?,Itcij io S devorL'f 1 r.min aqe e u?rcnt wi h a recordoLd HESS caseme ll to a public Righ, of My (RO1N)? 4i&- 31 is 1,110 W -ft Ok" 1118 s6'JimcnIZIIJ10 chaob riforebay (W ? Wha1 i ? me depth of sati d oyef I he i,vtlet pipe (dphm)? . H V ft ?It" aY4CLS MK Irt111-011, V46L711dy I=U W U h1I", :r[7 U 4.U ?75 ft Ur%- 140tc0 I I III III I KJ'.11, 1JUI. IIIpy IIi:t!U LU L't 11 LL.I t,3;,ULL Lid ???1.?w E!; 1ITiSI 147.50 ft wn l i.O fl 3.50 (f[•+da y) 6.00 ni 1.68 Oi?^c 0.00 Nwrs 0K. Subrrratdra;4ia;.euelctlalirn . 1-67 days y Y or N SDK; Y Y v N OK WA Y cr 14 Friter Dala NA fl NIA Y or N Enter Dafa y YorN QK Y Y & M' GK Y Yor N CK v Y or N OK 15,Ci4 UK 1,54 ft 0K Form 9VJ401 • IL1i Falter-R?a,.a :2UCr-j3 =pt17 ? i rie I w1d Id. Prof L Dazign Sumrw?jy, Pago 2 of 2 Permit r?fo_ (to be provided by DM) IIL:::RE[UIRED3T Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers Wiere the suppoAlnD documentaJon can bo found. An Incomplete submittal package wall result in a requesi for additional informatton. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Irritfal in the spaoo provided to indica€e the lollowlrag design requirements have beers rnel, If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, aiiach Justlficaiion, Initials Page( Plan Sheet No. X 1. Plans (t° - W or larger} of the entire site with labeled drainage area bou€rda€les - System dimensions (length. width, and depth) for both flee sedimentation chamber and the filter chamber, Maintenance access, Flew splitting dovlce, P€opesed d€ainago easement and pub€ic right of way (ROW), - Design at ultimata build-oal, - Off-site drainage (11 appl€caWe), and f 1 - Boundaries of drainago easement. X- l 0.22 Plan details (i. = 33` or larger) for the sand filter showing: r - System dirnensior€s (Iongth, width, and depth) foT both the sod€montation chamber and the filteF chamber, Malnlena€rce access, Row splitting device, - Vegetalive filter strip dirrrons€ons and slope (If SA waters), Proposed drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), sign's a# u€lirr€ate build-out, - Off-site drainage (if applicable), and ' - Bounwaries of drainage oasemerfI. {.) ? { 3. SeOion view of the sand filter (V = 2C' or larger) showing, - Depth(8) of the sedimerrta#ion chamber and said Mtar chamber, - Depth of sand litter media, - Connection between the sedimentatimi clamber and the sand filter camber and weir elevation, - HVVT elevation, - Outlet }pipe, and - Clearance Iron the surface of the sand fitlo€ to the bottom of the roof of the underground structure p ,, , + _..... applicable}. " 4. A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigat€on, soil borings, and infiltration tests. The results of the so€Is report musl ?e verified in lire field by € WQ, by completing & sobmllting the soils investigatian request form, Counly suit wraps are not an acceptable source of snits intofmation. 5_ Suppailing calculations (including dmInage caloulatfons) 6. fgried and nolarized operation and rnainlenasice (OW) agreement T __.... 7. A copy of the €!ee€E restrictions (if required}. Farm SVV4f)l-Sand ?:Mer-Rev.5 20(Y9Se017 tart €31, Page 3 of 4 )))e.ndkcc-s itch Calculations Niti,o c-3, Runoff CaIc-TLIati<>ns istiu8 Buf fey aliditiol1s photo6raphs Soil Boyhi6 foy Patenf ial Hi 6h Water Table (bij Gootechn)1o,5ies) FIRM Para-Is 19E5 J 1913 SGS ` opc),5niphicat Maps (1yo m !1 Maps, Immerbg Tertaserver) Rainfall l at . for Franlchntoi), NC (nearc?A collection point) Sails RepoYt bij SfewiYt Eu8i ecrin& Inc. F-xhibit.s 01-05 E P I 1'1tiCL'tiLLMNV & Cusco anRlO 4 Lot B South & East Ditch Worksheet for Trapezoidal Chann, el Project Description Proieca File unlitled.frn2 Worksheet Granville Medical Lot B Ditch Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Melhed Manning's FoTrr,.ula Solve rar Chanrrel Death Input Data Mann'ngs ceffrGlent 0.030 Channel Slope 0.025000 ftlft Left Side Slone .000 00 H ; V Bight Side Slope 3.000000 H ; V Bo!tom V:rrdth 1.00 rt Results Depth 0.33 ft Flow area 0.65 W Wetted PeHweter 3.07 ft To Width 2.97 ft Critical Depth 0.04 ft Critical Slope 0.022 50 ftlft Volo^ity 2-78 ft's Velowity Head 0-12 f# peoifi,, Energy 0-45 ft FrOUde Number 1-05 Flow is supiercrit cal.. xJ-> io nlfO9 Fiow,Oas,er vi.11 7C?; }2;?t$!??41 "Hewed ME31 iWs, 1mi. 37 BratskSIde Road WaiGrlaLcry, UT 06TOF3 (M) 755.1666 Pare 1 p: ] Tar-Panifi o Sl rtx water Rule 115A N AC B .0258 Piedmont of the Ter-Panilico River Basin. 11:0kides Ox,unf, H,.ulcm-on, 1toCKY :00HIIt mid Tarborit as u-d I :as Frankiila, Midi and E Tiptal Nitrogen nndTatal Phosphorus Imading, Calculation NVorkshelet I'mieel Nmna; Gr°anvilk lleefia Ntc; & x,'70111++ By: Av I#y; I1a4'r{`flon-v (STtIYrEfor at re-d!'l'C'1f1pmew and posf-tlei!dEatoprf ew fable),' ? 1. tlo. OIL. res ofeaclh 1yl,v co-°'!mld co"'cs ill Lt.e [?Feejl bwN,.. The sllreatfs.llet€ will ,ralcutatc all of the :jtILEeL. in light blue. * Conlpal'a lit;ol nseas of dcwtoplelvEE1 in I,rc.- and host- talates fifir mull"ismicy (L)mGM ft." LQ11111M (2)), dzndt also I01' L1+s ;k,[(ncY v,T 01V t; k+: Plans. 1f'u;l rtl, Ilwcl v valkics tars; t.EtrL 111Z:ss:lEwflinc is all error thilL ,Mass; bo uunTected t,:lle slruillaj?L: sJ'11Eo kllc d evelolalIIL111, [Toni offsitc Es divencd <scr ind or tls•nu-11 Lilt! :-i€v, otl?itc catc.lal uL :trr.3 dmiiiiiig it mus bc° t>cILtdcd ill EILe 1iCr[.`{It!V_ t'alu s 9 11d 2I?ALetl. l _?? k+Y 1;? 141 E ?d ?417k 41? ?lAili< 1T5CE n?rc?tY ? ?? ?? t I ELFLk?bl. ?YLl"G`s? I °Stl?'111h ::r'?.Xt7 f?i ?'?{#.,. .: ?r,?t3Ltil1.:+', f:,LAks? . I.I,I}:, , Il.> ..af . Sir? ' [27 . f;?l . f.?,: s t TI':I_it i:1: ": .T49 1 s;ttE511StRdtE?alt Cll ?)U t,dll' h t i 5.10 .ts 71.#33 fi,1 E1 5,25 I asil ltkp€] 1?.tD[ 4 0111.1 .{} 1,95 iT.€1lg 1,)L II,fI'lM ': i$?f1ts?¥i#lE)cL3'J{kll? ts al LI€`I?1tdI{.s.;??lt{It a7 {.. 5.f1±1 L42 X1.21 0,28 6.15 ?Trtil`l?t1l }.o-4tiJ l'T{ELa 71tll.al,l €l, 111) 5.09 4.23 0.00 1.23 0.011 '?#nt•:??SaT llkf???ilk a % €a.t?ftil:R}; II.U(, 50) 2.04 O.QO ll.la2 {7.Rif1 t dru.;Recl laCt> lc+u, le_=1l1 5.09 (04 0.00 0.14 13.0?a lit Li 147 F1 #fr111?111,}Il (i ., 46'. tf, oil1fEa i tAE to l: t{t? ?? ' llTalfl1lta: J I,?l a Rt3k E ISLE' u {E E)i?.?T<a171 1r Iii:' :. {J.75 \ Fr€r t?Ptf, Flf 47 Tt' n 1, «?ift l 17 41 C}, i! ? l r *l P qtx } nS 06 1 kttkl C1 .. .. , rl'I $ s?y) filYalltt i :.i . . c,E.k};E` T ir.:E?llltatlR ? A,'Lk1C R7 G?[311 . _ ,ryq cr 77 lT1 f flat rail fltat t 913 U!] ?E11 Sy #lr? t5 : i? r n 6.0 2,60 102.f ll} (1.19 .45 ;rlcatitnll{tti1+ 11 + i EI I II b,02 €1'95 {].f};? 4,11 Rl.{}Q} f tlf€ira{ttaA Ec3[4J., ., a r,02 1.42 27,{ifj i}.21k .-l SN rsb SRczCR l t.1311\ E9.;111 6.0 l}. ?J }.00 I}.1=1 a fit. t1 ttoal r rile[ I iaas.i? 0_6a ?d11ir E t5R) i ?r { , (Elsl 12 ,90 R i tt1 Std i l!1 n f5$Cb 1t11 + [ i)dretl, Y 1€'.o t . 1.75 Last MGrIlPed 611012010 NtEW Tl he i.,uL; i?nL ILIa1di ag boats arc 4.0 lWi:'CfYT 1'(.)T TNI and 0.4 JhAIc?Vr I'm TP. if klic }'loss-dlevelultltacm lultrlf]lt livi.6lIg is bi°low tita:se 1evek,, tiluj1 pLa 113i45i' is piece;., :ry, Clklwnvisc, th-C next wort sllw-t caiculaws post-dus:':,° pmeilL TN wid TP loadillas a€ler 13IMPs Elrc installed. Tarr-PdritivarStt;rrrawak.,rMile IFJA NCAC?-f3.0255 PiL*d111p11( of 11ke Tar-ham ico River basim. lLtC1UdCS Oxford. Hcm3cumn.,, ltnckv Mona Ind Twl:5s71-41 a. wElr a.; 1'r-midim, NIN"I;IIIL'. T;1} ?;??61?1i ?cbLlllEl:.s asi Modirled 5i22,f-3a 1311 N kenh a•v:al C alculaini ! Wmicsfievl (Airtomlated) I*mjccr IIN1.1mc: {J'u0iI'Me :lfediterl f_`rnki. D,stc c lJr+Pa?xirt y By. 111v { l?t:-kcd H}'.. Direcdons. > It n-.ii I7C trl'3r11A?ff141s' 1t) Sell, t11e CI;"5 q•1i51YJ3atll ia;.-, L, P7 mie- vl,® :ll-IJStul? a by hill3died by --pa isc LIMPS. 1 he tahlc5 hclaw i'iSRw 1he 4Sc%;cInpn,,cn1 rn lx saril 1-.rn ,5 17%Cail ' as 1311r- ?;i;4'flll?Cllia? ?YI':d 4.fn be vupir(fel gLrL1Lrl OW115 Llarrtr. NO L LJ Unless mElOf!'iloxving 01110 Ll-?t 1145 L1C)PnSent fnm1 ntTm'tc 1-. rn'IEU11 . SC11S£aitil)' 3raism! r-r Oirotte11 r11c. 51;C, lite (e1f5.ile uLcg mail tirdaa L13i iu1 LV YJ:L uttisl bC L:inudt!d 1 L E_"LC'.it'LVL'i 4 Vi113c.S Of IJ-W :ISiPFO;l 6ZISC limd wvu,(S) mid lrcmcd. > Abn5'P P7{'li FJ -1- Jit OP ld-,IIC:'_.iL aciinge hi 11:v WV Lweri blank. Bkistd un Lt to.upsrison (It L h,: P0-%t-&-eCJ0l3MeDt I N ird I V CYpa1' c,'SC1PCiLT.N Vnn c.1101htizd Aline in 11w,.1;LIc pC?k1E1w Flt `L? t71 1,C1 lb'.r4YE-TN :L13LI ISM lb'?iu's'l l', J,Lmt ?+?a1L'?a} 1fu339 dsu li,L fu lseatill?Lhe4elchuar run:ll?'. F:ntcrthe clsnaenHhlll(s)railric"trcn5RValrrtr inlheefc-,nbl.-wk:s if uasirdWILOUC'D-k11'is lulx 31SCi1 :LI StLJCS_ ilte uurnkil;ed icI.IWVL%11 1W% Will N? CU L'tli:itcd ELLIramati2ally 173 111C hl.uc 3}1111"4. C'aLLch rncni 'I ItME%. F'nics tlic a crce fit C:ich ry1)e { r 1: ie e.-ov .£ in Iltr ?-vlx3'- bce%Cs. Tho Spi t'ik1191'W %Y;Ji calui11311t. %Ill L ,t %LL J.', 0A bAl Fouxt-s. NOI L_ i'-U3YLp:1C4 L;W I nla11 C a clir,%wr-t V cre:6ge tc,r ncc :: cvelrip ent {.Ira' a!), .) SR 144 %..I 11.(, 3,0.`.. ^., laid-'s114xT Ir. 111J! C. i;,l Woj Ls11e",I tAdn, .13ELl aR sU-. au 1he s1 Lc L-Lr-.s- f%ur l J°ItiSLcnc, . A11 L1 r Ihu%c 5'lesll-`II?,-d 11c 111c m1r,c .1: N J l'rtl3grvrLrl Irk 11 [l 25 40 B MP ?a'CFINIP11anu;Ll Nutrient 4[SSS t?t?4P1L4 W L) In LI CEO 15 Nr C 13A11' ikair1111a1 7s j 'lli 4ykl 5 I I L{.i,:. _3 +t 1 `NU LIT41P NIm it a al {rat fll j(1 35 45 ?iiltCil NU H%1P Mmmal 21) 201 INC:M%IPMalmal :,S c{, [eci 3?, ?t w7L lrr'rk }.1??e(rJl[IS?IL jJi 1C1X4JU L j(1 1[1 NU Iii li} 113ni1al To :cP 5w C9 C of C?Ltilltitlt'I.L r,rsi.BML'','I IN Tc!nin6:21 rit = 1 f l I RNIP'sTPIeCLLOi111.1Lt o 5ri:e:IJd 13 I X MERIVA1 rids 1J 4ecand Hh11''s.'1 11 reninvr11 1.:11:". _ : U ? T1Ii1d 1iNIPs Ti Ien iclvAl ri}ic - U I Ilibd 13MY's l V!-einovit mic J C1IL Al . 1 N ltrrAIOVAI. RA I F:= TOTAI Tf F.F`JOVAL rulT1 45 "n j fol.:.., ...:.5'.n:::: ... ... '(#1:... : :.:, :#..:.. :.,. .' .lf,...., : 1 ,.. ..l.+l... r{jJ l ,t1uL{ tr4ta i ?lt4tsn¢1bE T 1 Z 11n111 cr1 1 e k1TC tli t1tJLlirt 3` aLarL r 11ti: 1j l t LLt :. e"1±. Mai ! as!.l: st.t,fr. :.'ENr17','1',S. 1v1{''3'Y 1Yy::LS,3aC9s1atGi1 T ?3CZ:b?T u'4 `:: L.JI 5,5 2_dFl# 15,72 I!_!'1 I_!i .:'.3 ,n{9rLl ?iS'l{11{?.- PJ110 5,45 !_95 0.00 @A1 4.00'. l aL1 „41f J 1J.:1;+' I,I 5.45 1.42 5.57 I]_28 1_10 6rn1 $ 1 CI In Ic' 1. II r &45 01.4:1 0.00 (1.14 4,1Mt -r ITI Lk'.611)J 11 91 - 11 etr6 :-.4,15 ?,9.5 0.21 LI.11 1.#.lS1 l ac IIILI191I1L ,L1 r?I11 11.641 }'IS i343L' 1 21.*EJ i`re Isti74'1 J' ? : ?,2?, ]k11.1..1.Y{?.tl:i.t Sfl L?..L.. .'. l.85 .: ;:::v -.. ; .. ?.-R31PT•l. F a11:.1t,#: 7:' 11.6 ;.. a T11iPXv.% E}? r.LcL:IJ\'GI:: 1.22. hn4t 31 I F 11. S7 r $?[ tyl x I ]} 1 2.1 E_u Lxl. a I ( k. rail I ) . L1 t1t11wt r? Ueiif # f k� I .. ,, ,. Y.• r�'("'SSS. �ry4�,1 �. y ♦�5_-� 1t� -. L 'f'�J'SY i#'4 Li '; i,5i}l Geciilechnologiesjnc. Geotechnkal and constfLKflon Materials Testing Servkes June 11, 20 L{1 Mr. Brian J. Kraynak, PF, LFFD AP Sepi Engineering 1025 Wade Avenue Kakigh, C. 27605 Re- Hand Auger Soil Boring Granville Medical Center tomw3tcr BMP Pond Oxford, North Carolina GeoTechualcgies Project No. i,10-0339-TEA Mr. KraynA, €`urstt$at to your request, GmT'cclmologics, inc- has completed the autkrrizcd services for tiro ahovo referenced project. Our services were performed on June 9, 2010 and included advancing a hand auger boring to a depth of five feet below grade at the location of the proposed star water BM-P pond. As loosed upon drawings provided by you, the proposed pond will be located approximately 200 feet east of the southeast corner of (lie lower parku3g lot located south of the Family Medicine building (Suite 1012). Teased upon 11w drakwhigs, [tic Cxiaing grouad surface is near an cluvt4tion of akni1450 feet. ]'lie ground surfaco consi9ed of talc grass. The boring eMimmleted a thin layer of topsoil foIlowed by orange, brown silty clay and clayey sitt ty} soils. Thcsv soil- w Cawtitatered to boring timnimilcn at a depth of about 5 feet belmv existing grade. The soils'kvcrc generally dry to slightly malt. No groundwatcr %vas cncouawrcd in the boring upon boring completion. Ge61'echilologies,Inc. appreciates the opportunity to have provided you with our services on this phase of laze project. 'lease contact us if you should have. (tu tioris regarding this letter or if we may be of any faither assklancv. S i m>mly, P4 -& it Mark R. Potritz, P.E. C: Registration No, 25955 P. P ?r+r?li?ltisyt t1}719111 r+f#? EEL `'. 0 5955 - 3200 Walilnlgon Court, Suite 108 • Ralelj)h, WWI Caroiioa 27015 • PhOnO 914-164-1614 - Fax 619-954-1429 " wwW.g001erfiPa.carn A Z 4 k yn ? •} # ?Y ro q ??t Ess., [,] 4sf?f.•.TsV'R# Y [+3'EE:tll fl36C119'?"C 3LLS 5['I-tiL{1{ffjt•?'?iY55L# W+d4Y+1?f?'r?V?i.6?,LiI?I: r1?InS^c`A xr°nxx] L?13?3i ddiYa'?LW ?J',7 alSi;:k LL[C ? r?, x U S.. q.« t? ? e ,i: ? 7 n x -- +I J° 1 1 1 4k 5 --m n - 5 1 fW 0 ti ? I A 1l?4 +! } ,'fIf 5 f? ^.7 ? 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C ? 2 6 C: 51 ? 8 4 E c t ?Ia J-* T lip LLI r 5 a w LL. 2. R a ILI] r a q? a t LLl y Lt rn CM liNVd .. I raE huJ' L TerraSLrvtr Ennige Courius kPI'llic; lJS(PS Sent To Prirter B.-cV Tu Ti?ir;d guar Cliai)gr?. to i 1x17 Pon YSim. Show Grid Line- Change Lo Lai idsc aljc Image courtesy of the, U.S. +Geotogical Survey 2004 Microsoft Corporation, Terns of Use Privacy Statement l or l 1011512 00 9.56 GSM 01 1 zKm oll ' 1Mi PrecipilationrregllellcyData Server f,rtp;ll?ii????er,n?vs.?roaa.gavlcgE b?t?Etc3srJ?lli3dv??t,pe?1"? ?e?f&??lits-., POINT PRECIPITATION F 4 FREQUENCY ESTIMATES ? FROM NOAA ATLAS 14 OXFD DAG, NORTH CAZl LINA (31-65f0) 363047 N 78,6092 `4V 459 feet from'Prcciprta ion-FrL,que cy Atlas of flTe Ulriied Siaks' AfOAA ArEas 14, Volunm 2, VQ*;C?l 3 ORM.Flnunin,I1,tapaalug,€1.L, b.1".Ynrcyw N1.Yckfia,slid3i"Rflay HOAA, NR1ioi%,a }4reallw Sea rice, Sr %w Sprinp, Maryknd, 20U1 Fkirsfiscd: Thu Ocl f 52009 Confidence Limits I Seasonality I Locaton Maps I Miter info. 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' Thew p'e6obfon frequency csliinelas are hazed orr o parlal duration series. ARE ?s lha Awr4e Recurrence In rwl, goose rderiot~omAjlas 14 rlacumerxtf3. mwe In6olrfration. tEOTk- FarnsallhvjJarceses6rn*esnear 29robappear mzm- _... .......". ""..... Upper bound of the 90% confidence interval Precipi.tfition Trccl#]CaIC}' ES#Eirlf4t@3 {€rrc?rc c} A31C#* U; (Yeak) ]5 Rryidry F ' io 30 111111 G 120 3 6 1'2 ]¢1111 {lll1S 131 Iii' 1!ry' 48 F 44 F 7 ]0 d ail' 83 da d 2Q d 30 45 1iU ] l I ? ? I ? :! .l ay a { q [ [ x 1 0.43 - (}"G9 1}.8C 1.1 1.417 1.73 1, 55 2"3 .63 f 3.04 3.53 3.9+1 4-54 5.13 ,Bb8.?€4 111.47 I, 78 2 P.50 F so ?I.O] I "39 1.75 2,06 2,20 12.65 3. 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'The upperbwdof!haca HwiceWRnalat90%vxl,1denceI=J sIhauluaVJOch5%a Lhasimu!afedquantile?eIuestara&nfrequoMcya*GreaterthAn- " f3,eso prerAj 14on fmquenoyestimates archasod an aoarriaFduratianmiies. AM is the&mgaf?mrrwma tirlmo. t'leasereteato NOAARas14Elucniumtfor more intarmatomNOTE,Forman:gpfC1C Mcs4hralesElewzaro bappearaszero- Lowe r Ibound of the 99% confidenee intizrvaEI 1'rcei.pitatian L+'rcquenc Escfimnatc: Qnclte . 10 1<S Frl,!, 3 G f2 2?1 ff I<1) 20 311 415 Gp lllJribt ?ryryiq 111Ri1 hr 11!' 111' 131' [lily day duty It?y day day f duly 1 oN 10/1512009 9.48 AM Precipitation Frequelicy Data Server c s a. a is r V vd u m littp,f)thpper.n vs.3toaa.govJcgi-biiini clbuiirlout,perl?type=pf&iinits=. ? o.k o.' 57 7 1o: i .97 1 ? ,ar.- ? . . a r- -2 6 - : s r. 12 I 2 0,42 0.67 0,83 115 5 ? ,$5 t _69 1.130 2, 1 7 ?-fr{! 3.19 3,72 4, ! ? 4.75 5.37 7.14 73_ $b I E -25 13.52 5 0.47 1}.76 o:')fi l37 1.75 2,Ob 20 x.65 3.I9 3.97 ?i.60 5.07 5.7? 6.?1?1 8.?1?1 10,29 i2.89 15.27 - .. 10 ... 0,53 0.85 I.0$ 1,56 2,04 2.2 . _ 59 3,14 3.78 4-5R 5.27 5.79 6.54 7.273 9,47 €1.38 3 4.3 5 € fi-59 24 0.59 W I. E 9 1.77 2.35 x,83 3.06 3.72 X1.5 5.39 G. LS 6.77 7.59 839 E0.85 12,8 1 15.81} F18 .27 0,63 I.0 € ,23 1,9 3 2, E 3,19 3.4 4,23 5. I 8 6.03 6,83 7,52 8.42 9.27 E .93 [ 3.90 3 7,02 € 9.51 J on .0.67 1.07 ?35 [2707 f2.85 x3.52 33,84 J .72 5.#i2 16.68 7.51 8.29 ?25 t0.14 31199 WA ?18.2? 20.70 X00 tl_ 70 € .1 € 1,4 € 2,19 ;x,07 3, $G 23 5,23 F656 7.33 73.3 9 9,05 I p.o9 1 3 ,0 1 14.06 ! 6.o2 19,39 2 I -83 5,°o.: .iii.... I .0. L17 ?: ?i.... ? : s. ? :zs 74 ?s.? s : i W.08- L21 12,18 15A8 1739 ? 20?6 3.27 B100 .. ......... n-77 E .2, [ I.5 [ 2,45 3,58 _GS 5_ € s 6.50 8.21 s-92 9.8 I 3 0_87 12,07 1x,07 ! 6.59 E $ _43 2. 2,04 4.3 E - ThaE#s+erbaundofdtaCon#denceiniemla[K%confidanaeaewlislharalneefiiuh5Q',,oflha5iinulalgdfjran6leualrrcafor agmRnfmquenoyareles Ilan, "Thesepredro dmkequcncycsGfflabasarabaadonapar?aldbraGanR1aAmasorIES,AREa-,teAyarageRecurtcnce?ntorw#. PJW2a%kir mN !. Ixs1 D.WurneM*mami nJgnna6pn-2JJTF:FwiaVngprevan8C-62imlKmew?P.mb3appeeras2;ro- Text velsEc3 of to #b6s f E artiai duration bas*d Point Pra6ipl4ation Frecfuar?? r.siirua-?es - Ve%r15iorrt 3 ?6.3e4? li 78.4S992 H 469 !Pt -77 -- "-- ?...... : - ...:. 1 2 5 19 25 56 too 260 Average Reourrence iM-?eruarl (wears) 26 25 2$ 23 22 ai 26 19 #e 17 i6 i5 14 13 S? fi i? 9 8 6 5 3 tt i 6 Then Oct 15 03:46:55 2009 500 1000 1rurat i on 5-min dS-i?r -M- RL3- Ea4J •-Fa, I A-, 30-min --e- f2-hr f 10-day -n- 60-mint 24-hr 20-day -a- of 4 10115/2009 9,4S AN Precipha ion Fregtwncy Data Seaver ?lup:lldlp}?c?`.?3wsJlo?a,govlcgE-i??n?hc?sclE??q?dv?lE,?r4r??i]?xc pf&ufkh5-.. Far-?iaf duration based F?birt-? Precipitation FrequunoV Fntimstes - 4ersion: 2 36.904 H 78.6092 Li 469 Pt 26 25 ............. ........ ._.... - - .......... - -- 23 rt - ................! .. .. ...... - ._.. _............--... _ ....................... - - - - +R i Cx - - m 14 CL .... __ } C i3 I -V CL A 12 ......-2 ... 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Natimal Park Street fN:°:N Other Park Expressway city Highway .0 C Qun y16 3 M Scale 1:220583 k *average--true scale depen s Oil Fd r??torr esa u?inn Viesv USG cii ?i# tl nrEl3 Ir o [ f. alr. is ?i){)()1 euvcriug#his Ircation T?ctn'i'exr?sScr?+cr; USGS Aet'fsll Photograph may alsu be available from This siL-. A flN is a computer-gcrI'rated inagro of an aerial pliotog apfr in wUuh briagrc di -;p] acenient caused by [crrni, rcit,r a3mi Camera til[2, has buuti removed. It col iucs 11vL: isimW characteris#ics off photograph w i d k [lie gunret is qualifies of at nmp. Visit the 1 j9Q9 f`or mare h6rauliun. Waters Ited/Stream Flow In four atioit - Fiiul the LL'a1er.5jW(j for Us locatien egging #lte IJ.;, Feav!rounienfal Protection r1WiEy's site. 1i>i>r ate Data Sots rc:es - !'r e ipifafion frequency resuN ore bused orr duta, f -sin a variety of sorta'ces, biff haye)y NC DC- The f ollost inn hub-provide gerreval i r fo)'rtra(ion abcrrrf ubservrrrg.rites in the area, regardles.v &J'if their data io-as used in ;his sfrrrfy, For e taffed inji7rmadou about the afafr`onrv uvedin Ods study, please r yfer fu N01121 rlda ?.?.LkJa rrrrrJ ?{f. Using Elx National Oi w: fl,.-Vain C:eidei'',; (C }C sta#inn search engine, locale uthov diniatc staiioin. Ivithin: {1-30 MIrkules -OR_,_ +M dvgtea I of this luuc itiuro (36_30471-78.6092). Di)isl ASCII data can he obtolned directly frujii [NC DC11ydmcacleura[nica113raipn $1Hdler Ccntcr Dk}C'1NtMA11k arinn2l LV?Lnqer Serve nee 1'325 Ens 1AVcst H ighTmy 91vcrSprJng, MB 20916 (381)713-1669 Qkieskloiks?:11lltiC.{Js?:s3ioir a wxxa ru+ E?4'?39154[ 4 of 4 1 111 l 5120O9 9:48 M GEOTECHNIGAiL ENGINEERING REPORT PROPOSED EMERGENCY.DEPARTMENT EXPANSION Granville Medical Center 1010 College Street Oxford, North Carolina Stewart Geotechnical Project No.,. F9010.00 Prepared For: GiRANVILLE MEDICAL CENTER 1010 College Street Oxford, North Carolina 27565 Junc 2, NV9 I?kk ?' :.5 STEW ART CAR 4 % i 0612-09 Donald W. Brai+ h'lr., PE, LEER AP Gcot-echnical Fng€rieedriq Manager This reFnrt wos peer revieGres! by ar+ rridcpcvidurt fwisallarrt, Nara d 0. PYvA4 PE (NC Lkflirsl No. 9551). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................ ...,,.,..,.,,.,,-,..,.-..-..-.1 PROJECT INFORMATION..... ......................................................................................................................... 1 2.1 Work Authorization---------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 2.2 Site Location and Description ........... .... ....................... ....... ..,..,..,.,..,..,.,. 2.3 Prajoct Undcrstanding ............................. ......................................................................................2 2.4 Geologic Area Overvlew-------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION........ ....... -- ....... -- ............. ............. ..... -- ............................................ 3 3,1 Field TesUng------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 3.2 Exploration Results ........................................................................................................................ 3 3.2A Surface ................................................................................................ 3 3.2.2 Sail ..................................................................................................... 3 3.2.3 Groundwater...... .... .............. ............ ........... .............. -.' . I r:N INEr:R1NG ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDAT€ONS ....................................................................... 6 4,1 General Discussiao7 ........................................................................................................................ 6 4.2 Foundation Recarnmcndatioss ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 4.2.1 Grouted Hellcal Piers ............................................................................. G 4.2.2 Spread footings .................................................................................... 6 4.3 Slab-On-Grade Recornmendat€onr---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ 7 4.4 Seismic Design Considerations; -..- . .......................................................................................... 8 4.5 Retaining Walls-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 4.S.1 Basement Walls .................................................................................... 6 4.5.2 Landscapc/Sitc Walls ............................................................................. 9 4.G Shoring CarssideratiorES , ............................................................. .9 CONSTR€1CT110N CONSIDERATIONS .........................................................................................................9Q 5.t Site Preparatlon -.---.--.-- .............1U 5.2 Grog fldwater ..................................................................................................... ......... .-- .--.10 5.3 Structural Fill Selection, Placement and Oompacl-iGn ----------------------------------------------------------- 10 5.4 Foundatlafl Bva€?atioa?s ...............................................................................................................11 5.4.1 Groutc€€ Helical Fiers ......................................................... . „ .....ii 5.4.2 Spread Footings...................................................................................i1 Appendix F€gure I - Boring Locat€un Diagram FIgurc 2 - Civil Survey Boring Logs Figures 3 & 4 - Subsurface Profiles Site Photographs Seismic Design Values i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Stewart Engineering, Inc. (Stewart) has completed a geoLecnn€cal expioraUon at the slLe of Lhe proposed Emergency Department (ED) Expansions on the campus of Granville Medical Canter iu Oxnard, North Carol Ina. A summary of our Find Irigs, opinions and recommendations Is provided below. 7um Borings 9 liurmq Depths (ft) 16-24 Soil Types Encountered (USCS) €+'IL, MH, CL, CH, SM Old Fill (It) 3-11Y1 (all 9 bor{ngs) Groundwater Elevation (It) 453-458 Weathered Ruck Elevation (ft) 443'h-451 (2 horings) Iiard Rack Elevation (ft) 443-451112 (6 borings) Seismic Site Characterization D Recomrnenda6 Foundatlon SysLerrE Deep Foundation - Grorrt Hel€cal Piers 1. The old fill encounter cd appears to be uncontrolled and poses a significant seLtlernent risk for conventional spread footings. 2. Numerous burled ut€lis_les In the area that may Other items of Nate require mlocation. Pool-ly compacted backf-ill In the assoc€ated trenches is also expected. 3. Depending ofl f€n-al siting of the mechanical room, Its excavation may require underpinning and/or shoring. The owncr/dcsiguerlconb-actor should riot mly solely upoil the summary table above. This repast should be read in Its entireLy prior to implementing the recarnmendabons in the preparation of design and carrstrucdori doctime its. Stewart Eugirxeering should be retained to perform sufCient services Lo determine plan/spedfcation compliance with the recommendations in this report. 2 Page 2 2.1 Work Authorization The services discussed hcrein were proposed in a Stewart Fnginecizng, inc. proposal dated (revised) April 30, 2069 and authorized by Mr. Bruce Brooks of Granville Medical Center on M@y 20, 2499. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Granville Medical Center and was completed in general accordanoa ! with the industry standard of care using accepted geotedinical englneering practices. 2.2 Site Location and Description The subject site is located on the Granville Medical Center campus at 1610 College Street in Dxrord, Granville County, Noa#ht Carolina. More spccifical€y the FR expansion site is located an the southeast (Teat) comber of ilhe existing haspflai buffding. The southern portion of the expansion area is currently a crass-covered yard. Tile northern potion is occupied by the FQ entrance, access drive and patient drop-aft' area. The ground sur-Face slopes gradually downward from north to south through most of the proposed building footprint, but the slope increases at the south erect of the footprint, Relief within the prupmed building footprint fs about approximately 4-6 feel aooordIng to the site survey provided by Granville Medical Center. A copy of this drawing is included in the Appendix this report as Figure 2 €pr general reference, Also Oown on the provided drawing are numerous buried uHllties and associated structures (manholes, vaults, etc.) within the proposed expansion footprint. Tlhcse iricludc one water line with 1!ccds to a (hydrant and into the hosp1ta€, seven sanitary sewer lines and flue storm sewer lines. Also, during private Utility locatioih, electrical service for the hospital ex€urior lighting was discavcred near the Eft entrance. The existing bulldi€hg has a masonry vcneee that is cracking and some of the windows were observe-d to be racked, both of which are likely clue to structural setifement. The porllon of the ex1sUng facility that Is labeled "Future Lab" on the Boring Location Diagram (Fig4ih>v 1 in the A,ppcndix) includes a basement. The provided as-built drawings by Wilkerson Associates indlcaLe a basement finIsf>ed floor Elevation of 461.13 feet (Sheet S-1, elated May 16, 1992) and a first floor FFE of 471.60 feet (Sheet 5-2, dated May 16, 1992) for most repent hospital additions. 2.3 Project Understanding It is our undersLandIng that the proposed addition will consist of an L-shaped, single-story building with an approximately 17,509 s€ uarc foot footpiiint. The structure will consist of steel framing, concrete slab-an- grade and brick veneer. The southern portion of the new addition, below the "Surgery Storage Expansion", will include a small basement for additional mcchtanical space. The southern portion of the proposed structure Is also being designed to accommodate the addition or two additional floors. According to input from Stewart's structural group, the maArnum columTi hid is estimated at 150 k1p5i however, the future vent€cal expansion area will require foundations to support a maximum column load of 356 kips. Floor loads will riot exceed 106 pounds pct- square foot, The }proposed expansion FFEs will match those of the existincq building, as mentioned in the preceding section of tills report, resulting in up to about 3Ya feet of fill in the southcm }portion of the expansion. The informatim presented in this section tiaas utlllzed In the geolechnical analysis. Therefore, If any of the mated information is incorrect or has dunned, please inform us so that we may amend the recommendations presented In this report, if appropriate or necessary. 2.4 Geologic Area Overview The project site is located within central Granville County, North C,arollna, which lies withifl the Raleigh Belt of the Piedmont Phtysiographic Province of the eastern Elnftcd States, Review of the Gcafogic A?ap of the Oxford Quarlrartgfe, Granville wul Nance Lour}fles, NarU} Carolina (compiled by Jarvis B. Hadley, 1974) iridicates that the bedrock below the laa area is chtaractcOzed by mcdium-coarse- to fine-grained horrmblende gabbro-diorite and quartz diorite. 0, Gran viikc Medical CcMcr €D LxpuoFSituF ()XkW(f, Alxth Carooina P<[e 3 3 SUBSURFACE.EXPlIO.MIION 3.1 Field Testing -Me subsurface conditions at the site were evaluated with a total of nine soil test borings, The borings were advanced to depths ranging from approximately 16 Feet to 24 fee! below the existing grade. All test locat"rons were rnarkcd in the field by Stewart Frigineer[ng using the provided site asap and measuring from Lhe onslLe features. A Boring Locatlon Diagrain (Figure 1), which indicates the approximate lost locations, fs presented in the Appendix of this report. Prior to drilling, Stewart mritarWd the North Carollna One-Call Center for the loeatlon and rnarkIng of burled publlc utfl€ties. A5 art added protection, a pivate utility locating firm was s[ib-conh-acttW to d}eck for private utilities in the general vidnity of each boring. This was accomplished LISilIg geophysical methods, with only utilities in the Immediate arcs (possible conflicts) ,,lanced. Soil test borings wets advanced at this site utilizing a tra'sler-mounted CME 45 drilling rig. Drilling was performed with 2TA-inch (.D.), hollow-stemmed, continuous flight augers. All boring and sampling operations were canductcd in gencral compliance with ATM Da586. At predetermined Intervals, so€l samples were obtained with a split-barrel sampler (standard 2-indh O.D.). -Hie sampler was restcd on the bottom of the borehole and driven to a penetration of 18 irr-hes (or frauion Lhereoo wlLh blows of a manual 140-pound drop hanimer falling 36 Inches. or the IS inches, tlhc ih4trrhbcr of hammer blows required to achicvc 6 inches of pene-tratiQri is mcorded for three consecutive segments. The sum or the blow counts for the second and third 6-inch segment is termed the standard Pcrietration Tcst (SF resistance, or hi-value. The soil samples obtained daring the drilling operation were placed in labeled contalners and transported to our lab where they were visually-manually classified and logged by a Profcsslorial Frigineee, The Boring Logs are included in the Appendix of this repart. Uniess oLherw€se requested, all samples will be disposed of after 2 months. 3.2 Exploration Results 3.2.1 Surface Borings B-4 and B-5 were pcrrormcd in an cxistirig sitfowalk and therefore encountered concrete (4 €nches) at the ground surface. The remainder of the borings encountered about 5 inches of topsail and root mat at the grxound surraoo. Although not encountered En the borings, the general area also €ncludes rnt,lch and landscap€ng vegetaLion in pianLer beds as well as asphalt pavement and tile associated stone base in the d0vcway. 3.2.2 SoII The following is a subsurface description of a generalized nature, provided to highlight tic major soil strata cricountemd. The stratification of the subgrade rnateria€!5 i ustrated on Lhe taring logs represents the condlLlons In the actual test locations; therefore, variations should be expected between borings. Stratigraphy boundaries only represent the approximate depth/elevation of a noticed materfal change, and the transition between material types is typically gradual. Furthermore, it is often difficult to d€scf?rn between clear, f€II soil and native maLerlal. The ground surface elevations presented on the Boring Logs and/or referenced in this report were interpolated from provided topographic information and should be considered approximate. Solis encountered included: Fill - rill soils were encountered In all nine barings to approximately 3 to 11112 feet below the existing grade. The fill generally consists of Olayriy SILT (MM) and Clayey Sandy SILT (ML) wlLh lesser amounts of Silty Fat CLAY (CH). The rill also contains varyirhg anio4111ts or gravel and oManic material. The Wvalucs within the fill are sporadic, ranging from 4 to 22 blows per foot with an average of 11 blows per foot. Given the varlation in subsurface conditions (soil type and consistency), the fill appcai-s to be uncontrolled, Reslduumi - ftesldual (native) soils are the product of in-place physfcal and/Or chcmical weathering of the parent bedrock. The residual sails, which linderlle the fii€ soils, cons€sL of stiff GrarrviUe MLrlirWl CceitLr LO Cxp?rnsfool Oxford, North C?relrrra Pagq 4 to very stiff Clayey SILT (MH), stiff to hard Sandy SILT (ML) aril lasser arrrounts of very stiff $ilty Lean CLAY (CL) and SilLy SAND (SM). Partially Weathered Rocks - Often times a transitional goo-waterial, refen-ed to as Paltia€ly Weathered Dock (PWR), is cncoufitered betweerl the overlying still and bedrock or as suspended layers/lenses within a sail mass. Partially Weathered rock is subdiv€ded into two classes by the N,C, State Building Code as follows: ¦ Soft Weathered Rock ($VVR) - Defined as "broken or partlally weathered rock with standard penetration resistance (ASTM D1586) butwecri 50 blows per six inches and 50 blows per inch". SWR was encountered In boring B-7 at an approximate elevation of 451 feet. bard Weathered Rack - Dermcd as "bmken or partially wea€trered rock normally Craving Standard Penetrat€on resistances (ASTM D1586) €n excess of 50 blows M- inch". NWR was cncountered €ri bnrIng B-3 just above the bedrock, at an approximate e€evatlen of 443$12. feet. Hard Rock - Hard rock is commonly dermed by residual or native material of sufficient hardness to rcfmc mechanical auger penetration. Hard rock was encountered In six of the nine borings. It wears that the bedrock ranges from about elevation 443-4511/z feet, 3.23 Groundwater Groundwater measurements were attcrnpted at the time of completion of drilling at each of the borings performed at tLre site. F€ve of the nine hoies were left open for 24 hours to obtain stabilized groundwater readings. Following 24-hour me-a5urcments, the boreholes were backfll€ed wlth auger Couinos (soil). Groundwater was encounLered In each of the five borehoies that remained open overflight, as 5hawrk in the table below. Aiso shown irl this table are the estimated groundwater depths for remaining four hosings that were har-tilled prior to departure from the site. T3iese depths are based an the depth of tilt first wet soil sample in con-datiorl to the swToundirrg gr Lundwater- table depths, [,rarrwUe Me (cal Cents- Hj Faej3an5run adwd, North cafnlorra ki dw sarrraair&ny botkr?m ffF=DackAfked paw The grauodwater pond€tlons represent the conditions at the time of the exploration. Fluctuations in groundwater Ievcls are common and should be expected. Common factors that lntluence groundwater levels Include, but are not 1€mited to, soil stratification, dirnatc/weather, nearby bodies of water (lakes, ponds, etc,), underground spe nq5, streams, rivers and surface water dlscharcge. At the onset, as well as continually throughout tie construct€on proccss, the contractor Should monitor groundwater levels If determined to be detrimental to the project. Management of groundwater can significantly impact constr4icti011 pracedures/prackes, schedules and peojact budgets. CS Ounvitle Mcdkal Center ED Expanston Oxford, hurlh CaroAm Page 6 4 lENGINEER;NG ASSIESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 General Discussion [used on tiie subsurface conditions encountered during the f€eld exploration program, the construction considerations discussed in Section 5 of this report and the estimated loads of the proposed structure, it appears that the t,se of conventional spread foot€ngs over the old fill will result in excessive settlement. This is due to the highly variable r-onsistency/compacIJIGn and low strength of the old fill. As such, the expansion w€Il require the complete removal of the old fill or the m;e of a deep foundatlon (Helical pier) systern. Given the quantity of the old fill Lhal would require removal, we anticipate that a helical pier sysLern will be more economical, less disruptive to hospital daily operatlons and will require loss time, 4.2 Foundation Recommendations 4.7,1 Groutad Helical biers eased orl the old fill across the eaUre site, we recomround using grouted helical piers €nsLalled into the underlying residuum to support the strkictural loads imposed by the bu€Iding. Tills will enable the loads to be transfer to a deeper, more competent so€l stratum. Mcl"I: piers are foundation elements cons€stirig of a steel shaft with one or more c€rcular steel bearing plates (helixes), followed by steel shaft extenslons, Lhat are advanced as a unit into tiie subgradc by mcchanica€ twisLing. Between each extension, a lead displacement plate is also installed to yearn the hole around the shaft and W pall grout down into Lite hole. The installation equfpmerit typically c4nsi5tS of a backhoe, skid-steer or mini excavator. We recommend using helical pliers with a rrsin'smum shaft diameter of 13A-inclies with an allowable compresslon capadLy of 45 k€ps using a F.O.S. of 2,0. The piers should be advanced through the fill and into the residuum until the necessary torque Is ach€eved to }provide the 45 kip capacity- If adequate torque is not achieved in the residual sails, thcri the piers will need to be extended to tiie underlying weathered rock/rock, which is about 20-30 feet below the FFE of 471.60 ft. Typically when he4cal piers are extended Lo rock, the piers are not able to achieve the pmdetennIhled torque and tiie {liars spin on tap of tiie rock. Therefore, since this condition could be ericountered, we advise that the rontractvr €r,c€ude aL least one static load test in the bid for capacity ver[R:at€on purposes. If the piers do not reach the rack, the load test will not be needed and thus the owner should receive a credit, For bidd€ng purposes, we suggest that pricing be based on 25-foot p€ers with an acid-deduct price for vadat€ans in installation depths (typically per a Lenslon). Total settlement of a foundation system supported by helical piers bearing on the weathered rock or rock Is expected Lo be less than f inch. Please note that helical piers provIde negligible lateral load res€stancc; therefore, lateral' foundation loads should be res€sted using battered piers or passive soil pressure around the pile caps, 4.2,2 Spread Footing After revlewiflg the prov€ded project information prt-witted earl€er in this report and the subsufface canditluns encountered, It has been deLermined that the use of conventional spread footings will result In excessive total and differential setdcmcr1ts. A5 such, the use of a spread foundation system will require the camplete removal of the a €sLing 011, Since this fill extends below the adjacent (existing) foundaLions, removal of the fill will be very difficult and require extens€ve shoring and urEdeopinnirig of the existing construction. These factors will likely make this option less economically attractive when compared to the Helical pier system discussed above; however, we are prov€ding it as a potential option for pricing and Lost comparison it so desired. Provided that the ofd Ml is completely removed from witb€n the expans€an footprint and replaced with compacted Structural fill a% disr-ussed IaLer In this report, we recornmended that arl allowable net so€I bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds per sqU€ l-c foot (psf) tw used Far the daslcgn of building foundations, Tai€s bearing capacity should be kjsQd to determl tie the foundation sizes for the f€nal loading condWon (L e. aFter Gran wtl JTedlcaf Cerp[er Flt Exp,m<an Oxford, Nwdit Carolfna PsU9 7 the future two-story vertical expansion). The allowable bearing pressure should include dead load plus sustained live load. Basument foundations that are to be covered with backfill should also be designed to aaoount for the sail loading. For tearing and frost depth considerations, we recommend that all foundations boar at least 18 inches below the surroandin[g finished grade. Based on the recomme-nded bearing capacity and a maximum column load of 150 kips, post- construction settlement for the proposcd single-story expansion is expected to be on the order of 1/2- inch. 0ifferentfal seUlernents within the proposed single-story expansion are expected to range up to Vlro-inch over a typical 40-foot span. However, upon addition of the two future floors, additional settiernenls will be reallted by the structure. We estimate that the reported rnaximurn column Load of 350 kips (total after vertical expansion) will result in an addltlanal 112-Inch of total settlement and abouE another 1/4-inch of additfona€ differential scUlcment. Please none that since the existing building has been in place for about 12 yeers, we expect. that its foundation solls have likely undergone primary consoildatiori/settlement and thus any sctdomont of the new building will be differential to the alder construction. As such, building connection details should aocurnmodate for the anticipated movement. In addition, several of the proposed footings M11 be located near (behind) the existing basement wall and thus this new loading should be properly analyzed during the design phase. Sail forces may be used to resist butte uplift and 311ding of the fooi_frrgs. Soft adjacent to the footing wil€ provide passive resistance to lateral movement, while the sail at the footing base will afro provide resistance to lateral movement via friction. We recommend a passive earth pressure coefficient (Kp) of 2,77 and an ultimate frict[Gn coeffident (d) of 0.30 for foundation design. We ra_cor mend thaE a safety factor of at least !.5 be used to deLermine the soil's allowable passive resfstancc and the soil's allowable friction. We also recommend using a moist unit weight of 126 pr-f to cornptiL.e the sell mass weight. The volume of the soil mass for upllft may be calculated by assuming that it extends 36 dcgr ces (from vertical) from the top perimeter- edge of the footing to the grot,rld surface. 4.3 Slab-On-Grade Recommendations Based oil the conditions encountered at this site, we expect that t}re existing fl11 will provide adequate support for the proposed slab-art-grade. In the slab design, we recommend placing a stone layer below t1ie slab to provide 4iniform support and to provide a capillary break horn the subgrade soils. We recommend using Aggregate Base Course (ABC) stone or are open-graded crushed stone (e.g_ No. 57 stone); € owever, it is our experience that open-graded cro5hed stone can collect water during pefiods of rain and cause sakuraLion and soften ng of tiie sub€grade sails prior to p€acomcnt of the floor stab. Therefore, construction sequcncfng/tinning, and the 5easan in which the stone is placed, should be takers into consideration. prlor to stone placement, the slab S4rpport soils should be evaluated to check stability and sail conditions. Tile design of the concrete slab-are-glade should he based on estergaard's modulus of subgrade reaction (k). We estimate Lhe soli k-value to be about: 100 pci for t1ie near surface sokls encountered at thfs site; however, the placement of the above-mentioned stone base waif Increase the modulus depending on luS LhIckness. We recommend placing 4 to 6 inches of stone beneath the slab-an-grade and using the fallowing con-espanding k-values during design, often referred Le as Ices. If the floor slab design is sensitive to , we recommend perrarrning plate load testing in accordance with AST M DI196 to allow ref Enernent of the pfovide-d k-values. We also recommend tiie Instailation of a vapor retarded/baFiler below the addition slabs as a measure of protectian agair«st water vapor intrusion. Even in the absence of groundwater, water vapors in the soil can rise and collect just below the slab. Th€s buildup of rTmolstum typically leads to moisture transmission through the sla# and could damage floorfnq and/or cause elevated moisture levc€s withifr Csrwiviku Medical CoMer ED Expansfon Oxford, North Carufiria C?' . Page # the structure. To reduce such, we recommend considering the use of a vapor retarder mcetIng AST E-1745. The vapor harrier should be installer! per the ACI guldelIties (ACE 302.28) and ASTIM E-1643, It is important Lo paint rut that cracking of concrete Is normal and should be expected. Proper jointing of slabs is par-a€nount in the control of cracking. The American Concrete lnstikA,te (AC!) recQrnmend5 a maximinn panel size (in Feet) equal Lo approximately three Urnes t€ie thickness of the slab (in inches) in both direrNons. Controlling the water-cement ratio of the wocrete, particularly after batchIng, and Including Fiber reinforcement fm the mix can also help redtrac shrinkage cracking. 4.4 Seismic Design Considerations Per the 2089 N.C. Statc Building Cock, a locally amendk-,d adoption of the. 2005 International Building Cade (IBC), the design or a structure must consider dynarnic forces resulting frorn seismic events, regardicss of their likelihood of occurrence. As park of a ge!nera€Jxed procedure to esHmaLe selsmic forces, Lhe code assigns a Seismic Site Classification (letter designation of Class A through 1=) based on the subgrade soil/rock conditions within Lhe upper 100 feet of the ground surrace at the subject site. Based on the SPT N-values rccar-ded frorrr the sail test barings, the subject site is consistent with a Seismic Site Class "L?". The corresponding Mapped Acceleration Values (Ss & 51), Site Coefridemts (Fa & Fv), Adjusted Spectral Accelerations (SMs &. SMI) and €]csign Spcctral Acceleration-, (SDs ?k SDI) are included in the Appendix of this report. These values are rased on the NEIIRP (2803) values and obtained via tiie on-line U.S. Geologic Survey (USG5) Ground Motion Parameter Calculator ducated at h I-tp: //L-a rLh rru ake. users. g ov{resea rch/hazina ns/des IQ rt. The following paragraphs briefly discuss our qualitative assessments of file other scisrmic-relatcd issues. Detailed quantitative analyses for these items were not included In our Scope of Work and are not considered necessary at this time given the development plans and the subsurface conditions encocintere-d. Uquefactioe Hazard - RNk level is low - The soils encountered were or st. Mc€ent flues content and density to reader therm 110t hWdily liquefiable. Sior}e Stability - RISK level is law - Based on the presumed grading, significant cut and fill slopes are not planned for corfstruction. Surrace Rupture - risk is low - No known active faults undedle the site. 4.5 Retaining Walls 4.51 Bastment Walls The onsite lean SILTS (ML) and Silty SANDS (SM) are typically suitable for use as basernent wall backflll. We do not recommend the use of soils that have high clay contents, wadi as the l1-, CL-, or CH-soil. Soil should he compacted to the degree spedfied later in this report, yet extreme care should be given to compaction efforts behind retaining walls as to not to exert excessive lateral stress an the wall. Fill placed; within 5 feet Qf the wall shotild be placed in 6-Inch loose lifts and compacted wlth €ighLwe€ght tarpapers such crs a sled tamp, jur aping-jack or a small walk-behind roller-. Basement walls should have sufficient drainage to a',leviate hydrostatic pressure. This may consist of No. 57 stone encased In filter fabric (nonwoven) or a composite drain board, either of which should be connected to the flec ssary pijAng to transport any collected water away frorn the rear of the reta€mirig wall. This may require Lhe discharging into the existing storm sewer system. Also, where waterproofing of bascment walls is specified, adequate protection of the waterpmo€ing material should be provided Le prevent darrrage during backfill€rrg operations. Since basement walls are rigid and stationary (restrained frorn de€lecUon and/or translation), we recommerrd the cs& of the at-rm;t earth pressure coefficient (ko). In Lhe absence of Lhe laboratory test data necessary to determine the typical retaining wall design parameter's, which was not Included in our saoW, we are. }providing the fallowing estimates for the sol€s encountered aL the slte. GJarovfYe Medical Center tO Ex?mmfwr Oxford, Mardi Carotin a Pala 4 4.E.2 gjpcJSitq..4yalis The National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA) recummcfBds that rncdianically-stabillzed earthen (MSE) wall bac€cfil€ wlthin the reinforced (gcogdd) zone have a maxinitan on 35 perr_tpt Fines (material passIng the #200 Mcvc). This criterion lirn€ts wall bac€ciil€ to sand or other granular ineteria€. ThereFore, readily available soils ah_ this site are- not likely to be suitable for EASE wall construction using the NCMA recommendations. I-Iowevci, -f it has been our past experhertce that low elastidity SILTS (Nit-) similar to hose encountered onslke are offers used during wall COnstrUction, but such a decision roust be made by wall designer and the appropriate soil strength pararnekets should be incorporated into die wall design. For cantilevered or #i-ce-standhig walls that are allowed to move without top restraint, we recommend the LISC of the active earths pressure coef ident (ka) and the other pertinent parameters in the above table. However, €f the wall is movement-critical and mhnimal wall deFheckkon is rccluired, the at-rest (ko) earLh la cssure coeMcient should be used in the design. In the design of MSE retaining wall's, we suggest flic incorporation or a chimney [Irwin at the rear end of the geogrid (at the face of the retained soil), as well as a blanket drain at the bottom of the wall, Lo reduce hydrostatic pressures on the wall. This may consist of No. 57 stone encased In Filter Fabric (nonwoven) or a composite drain board, either of whhch should be daylhglhted, h=urthcrmore, the designer should verhfy acceptable global staUllty and settlement in addition to the standard [ntemal stabillty arialysis, 4.6 Shoring Considerations The proposed nieclianical roGm will be excavated near, and possibly adjacent to, lhte existing Imaging Unit Bnd Surgery Unit foundations. This excavation Is expecte4 to extend about 9 feet below the adjacent foundation. If so, ternporary shoring andlar undcrpiniliiig wiil be necessary. Assuming that the owner selects the helical pier foundation system, hellcat {Viers can also be used to provide shoring and undcrpinnfng support if needed. If not, other such systems lice sheet piling, pile-and-lagging, jet- grouting, and/Gr rr inl-piles can be tpscd for these functions. Ternpurafy underpinning and shoring designs are typically design-build FuncLions performed for the contractor based on the anticipotE?d construction approach (Le. means anc€ r udiods). 6" Granvifkc Nudicaf Center ED Expansfon Oxford, ,VOMP cawO "i *tfd` IYVL COfkbUark No cvhcir r roLwFumanded byWMA orAAgHfO A15k w3ff!??+kle?frhCS -PLi irrcd 2Urpc curly [i.e. root tv be used for harkfrlf in the re*?fo red zme). V-7fues assurrreleVeiJ?'Cm? arkd no aCCM)f forS'CiWfhiu (curtfiquake) forces- Pago 14 5 CONSTRUCTION rQNSIDEELATIONS 5.1 Site Preparation Initially, all topsoil, vt!getdUOF1, pavement, demoiltion dehO5 ar,d any other unsatisfactory/deleterious rnaEertals should be removed rrom the proposed areas Scheduled for site development for a lateral distance of at least 5 feet beyond the €i€nits or new construction. If poorly compacted utility trench backfili is encjuntcmd, It slloU€d he removed and r-elAaced to sufficient depth as deterzfiincd at the time of testing. After stripping in the areas to recelve fill, we recommend that the near-surface sails be assessed by means of proofrolling. This should be peormed prior to fill plan-e meat or other construction and in the pE cscrice or llte owner's testing agency, We rewrnmerid proofralling with a loaded, tandem-ax€c CLUMP truck with repeated passes over the suhject area. The area should also be assessed with a prole rod to Identify isolated soft areas that need repair prior to fr€€arlg operations. DenclenL areas should be repaired as recornmended by the owner's testing agency. The on5ite silts will be moisture sensitive and will likely becorne unstable due to the presence of exct-ss moisture (water) ar[d construction traffic loading. Therefore proper site drainage should Ijc maintained during casthwork operations. If not, the accumulation or water will result in construction delays. Common approaches to reduce- wct weather delays Include grading the aim so that surface water flaws away from the site, scaling the surface with a smooth-drum roller at the end of each day or prior to predpltation events, 11me/oement treating critical areas to resist water penetration and/or forming temporary ditches, swales, berms or other surface water diversion foahir es. 5.2 Groundwater Given that gmundwater was encountered at a depth of about 5 feet belim the assumed mechanical roars FFE, we do slot anticipate that gmurldwater will s€gnlfirantly Impact the proposed construction. however, pockets of perched water may be er,ccx,ntered during site excava fans that will require pumpfnq from a sump int. A perdied water condition is Enost likely to be encountered in the rill mass. 5.3 Structural Fill Solectlon, Placement and Compaction Any material tAllised as sb-uctural fill should not contain racks greater than 3 Inches ill diameter or greater than 25% retained on the -inch sieve. Structural fill material should not contain more than 4% (by ?welght) of organic matter or other deleterious material. Structural fill shaWd possess a Maximum Dry Density (MDD) of 95 pounds per curie root (pnf) i)r greater as deternilned by Uie Standard proctor Cumpaction Test (ASTM DG93), It is preferable for the Plasticity Irldc (PI) of struchiral fill sail to not exceed 25 and the Liquid E_imit (L1_) not exceed 50, as determined by Atte:'tkerg hlinlt testing (ASTM 04313). This correspurids to Unified Soil Ciasslfication System (USCS) soil designations of SMo ML, and some L and SC in this reglon. In order to ratilim the onsite elastir- silts (MN), which do not meet Erie above criteria, such material can be 4i5ed at dept} of 4f feet below the finished grade inside the proposed building foutproint plus an addRional 10 feet beyond the building perimeter. In proposed pavernent areas, these materials can be used to 18 inches below finished 5ubgrade elevation. Fill material E> quired to estabilsh subgrade elevations should be placed in O-inch thick (or less) loose lifts. Fi1i soils should be compacted to the values shown in the following table, as determined by the Standard Pro?:kor Compaction Test (ASTM D598). The moistUre content of the controlled fill should be maintained within 13% or the material's optirnurn Enaistum content as determined by the Standard Proctor Compaction Test; however, slight. &Mataon ft m this can sG}metlme5 be tolerated depending on the grading plan, Such deviation should be considered by the eng[neer representing tile owner's contractor's inaterlal testing first. Some moisture conditioning of fill soils may be necessary prior to placernent, or whir-h drying during t€le "wet season" always proves to be Ehe most r-hallcnging. GrafoOle Medical Center M. expansion oxford, ldorth Carolina Page ii Building Pat, 1 06 II Sidewalks, UU11ty Pads, 45 Nori-Structural Areas 1 90 dote: Comp, 0f0e; effM cal uMiy fockM should be &n.-ca vn rfar'emerrr loratkurr. It is recommended that the placement arid compaction or structural fill be monitored by arr indcpandent tesUng agency working for the owner, We recornmend that compactor testing be pmf'ormed at the followfng rates: Build Ing Pad - f test per lift pef 2,000 square feet fif fill placed (Minimum) Parking Lot - 1 test per lift per 5,000 square feet of fill {placed (minimurn) Trench backlit[ . i test per lift pcr 100 feet of trench backfill (minknum) 5.4 Foundation Evaluations 5.4.3 Grouted Helical Pica helical pier instalfaUnfr should be Performed by an experienced contractor with properly sulted equipment and tooling. The contractor slia€l provide the most suitable pier, taking into account the suLGurface conditfuns discussed in this report, acid establ€sh the rcgUimd torque valise to achieve the design capacity. This information should be sub [Red to the GeotechnIcal Engineer for review at least 2 weeks berore mobilizing to the site. The contractor's Jnsl_allation equ pment should be irl good working ordt!r and have a pressure pr torque gauge to monitor resistance as the pier is advafl ed into the !?ubgradc. If a pressure gauge is used, it shall be calibrated to the applied torque with proper documentation of Lhe calibration proved to the inspector for review; however, to confirm the field rquc correlations, we mcommend using a s#,car pin torque lirttller far the first 10 piers (mirlirrrtrrrr). The torque shotrfd lac monitored and recorded for each pier on a Arll-tfine basis by the owner's testing agency. At minimrrrrr, Lh1s munitodrig should docurnerlt pier- Placerrrent, pier type, installation equfpmcnt/method, torque applied at terenInal_lan, tz:rm[nation/tip elevation, cut-off efevatlon, growing operations and any obstruction or subsurracc anomalles encountered. Connection details relating to the pile cap conriection should also he checked during pile cap steel inspecl-Ion, The grout used in the piers should be sampled and tasted to verify compressive strength. 5.4.2 Spread Footings Following the remeval of the old rill and establishing the finished srrbgrade, should dais approach be Impler k!ntcd, footing excavations should be perfarmcd using bucket with a fiat cuttitx} edge (rio teeth) to reduce dfstrrrbarace of the exposed bearing soil. Once: excavated, the footings should be cleaned of loose material and protected from disturbance. This includes protectfara surrace water run- off and freezing. If water is allowed to accumulate within a footing excavation and saf e the bearing sells, or if the bearing sells are allowed to freeze, the d-oficient sobs should be removed rrorn the excavation and rechecked by the testing firm prior to concrete p€a+-ernent. When concrete cannot be placed immediately, we recommend placing a rrrud-Treat to protect the bearing soil, but only follOWIFIQ the footing evaluatfon. Foundation bearing materials, and sometimes slab suppart sails, should be checked during construr-Oan to verify satisractory bcaning conditlorls, materials and strength, We recommend using a 1l2-inch diarneter, T- handled probe rod for an ovcralf qualitative assessrrtent throughout the roundatiorl excavations, followed by strateglcafly-placed hand anger borings and Dynam c Cone Penetrometer (DCP) testing for quantitative evaluation. Such testing should be completed prior to stone, steel or concrete placement. Unsolvable soil detected during this evaluation should be repafrcd as directed by the owner's testing agency, GrJfWF a Med+cal C.entcr ED Fxpanman OxFord, NarM r?ro&na k?: Page 12 Based on the fill canditfo€rs encountered, (indercuttfnq arrd replacement should bk! expected In the areas pf boOngs B°5, $-9 and adjacent to the E?xfstialg basement walls. Replacement is r ecornrnend to consist of compacted 6119011 or compacted aggregate base course (AFC) stone, The use of No, 57 stone should only be considered for shallow interior applfcatkmis due to file stone's ability to oollect wateo- and softer} the subgrade. Use of No. 57 stone as a backffll material should not be permftted wlthout the approval of the owflfWs testing agency. ` GranYUfe Midical Center ED fxyarrs/on ,7 Oxford, Noah Carojiy?a II I [t k I ' S s? {" - i? 5 1 1 ~M I4 I p I. o- I i #i3?p ?t4a6 ? I7? m v 7 ? ? d ? o i?r o F CL W ? 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