HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201570 Ver 1_Macon County - B343 - Archaeology_20201113 Project Tracking No. (Internal Use) 12-08-0047 NO PREHISTORIC OR HISTORIC PROPERTIES PRESENT/AFFECTED FORM PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: Bridge 343 County: Macon WBSNo: 14SP.20561.1 Document: Minimum Criteria Document F.A. No: n/a Funding: ® State ❑ Federal Federal(USAGE)Permit Required? ® Yes n No Permit Type: NWP3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Replace Bridge#343 over Thompsons Creek on SR1448(W. Old Murphy Rd)in Macon County,North Carolina. The present bridge will be replaced with a new structure on the existing location.It is anticipated that the proposed construction effort will utilize an off-site detour during construction activities thereby minimizing the effects to the surrounding land surfaces. The construction footprint is unlikely to extend beyond the existing ditch-lines. The archaeological Area of Potential Effects(APE)for the project measures 400ft in length (200ft.from each bridge end-point)by 100ft. in width(50ft. laterally from each side of the SR1448 center-line). SUMMARY OF FINDINGS The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) reviewed the subject project and determined: Historic Architecture/Landscapes ❑ There are no National Register-listed or Study Listed properties within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ There are no properties less than fifty years old which are considered to meet Criteria Consideration G within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ There are no properties within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ There are properties over fifty years old within the area of potential effects,but they do not meet the criteria for listing on the National Register. ❑ All properties greater than 50 years of age located in the APE have been considered and all compliance for historic architecture with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a)has been completed for this project. ❑. There are no historic properties present or affected by this project. (Attach any notes or documents as needed) Archaeology • There are no National Register-listed or Study Listed properties within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ No subsurface archaeological investigations are required for this project. • Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. ❑ All identified Archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a)has been completed for this project. There are no historic properties present or affected by this project. (Attach any notes or documents as needed) "No Historic Properties Present"form for Minor Transportation Projects as Oualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. NCDOT Archaeology&Historic Architecture Groups SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: A map review and site file search conducted at the Office of State Archaeology on Tuesday,August 7,2012 determined that no previously recorded archaeological sites are located within the bounds of or directly adjacent to the defined APE.A cultural resources survey for the proposed LBJ land exchange,Wayah Ranger District,Nantahala National Forest(Snedeker 1986) located eight archaeological sites(31MA217-31MA224) less than a mile to the southeast of Bridge 343.All but one of these sites consisted of low density,lithic surface scatters marked by erosion.Only 31MA218 was recommended for additional work or avoidance based on artifact density(n=771)and its potential to retain intact cultural features or deposits.Two additional sites (31MA54&31MA127) recorded about a quarter mile north of the project area by UNC-Chapel Hill in the early 1960's and situated in the floodplain of Thompsons Creek remain unassessed,but according to the site forms, both contained subsurface midden components.Based on this information,a moderate to high potential exists for the documentation of prehistoric sites in the immediate area surrounding Bridge 343. Examination of National Register of Historic Places(NRHP),State Study Listed (SL),Locally Designated(LD), Determined Eligible(DE),and Surveyed Site (SS) properties employing resources available on the NCSHPO website concluded that none of the above designated properties with possible archaeological deposits were located in the vicinity of the project area.The review did locate a smattering of surveyed site properties throughout this portion of the county,attesting to an early historic and enduring occupation in these small, Macon stream valleys.In general,this work established that no existing NRHP listed properties or prevailing unassessed archaeological sites will be impacted by the bridge replacement endeavor. Topographic,historic,and USDA soil survey maps(NkA),and historical/archaeological reference materials were inspected to assay environmental,cultural,and other factors that may have resulted in past occupation within the project limits.Aerial/project photos were also utilized in determining the level of modern, agricultural,hydrological,and other erosive-type disturbances which may have previously destroyed or dismantled unknown archaeological deposits or features within and surrounding the APE.Despite the poorly drained and frequently flooded ground surfaces within the APE,an expedient on-ground reconnaissance/survey of the project area is recommended to insure that no prehistoric deposits eligible for listing on the NHRP will be affected. Survey of the Bridge 343 project area in Macon County,North Carolina was accomplished on August 22,2012. Initially,a reconnaissance investigation of the entire project area was conducted.This served to identify any above-ground archaeological or historical remains and to determine the location and extent of subsurface investigation necessary for project compliance.Disturbances associated with the original road construction and right-of-way maintenance,residential drives,and other land modification was evident along SR1448 in the APE.Two shovel test pits(stp)were excavated within each of the four project quadrants.The test pits were placed approximately 50ft.from the SR1448 center-line at 50ft and 150ft from the creek.A typical stp contained a first soil stratum of 10YR3/3-3/4(dark brown/dark yellowish brown)sandy loam to 30cmbs atop a second stratum consisting of 10YR5/4(yellowish brown) sandy clay loam to 50+cmbs.While some very minor variation was noted between shovel test pit soil profiles,no artifacts,features,or deposits of prehistoric or historic origin were recovered or documented during the excavation of the eight project shovel test pits. A survey investigation of the defined APE documented no evidence of occupation or past human activity.Since the replacement effort is anticipated to be diminutive in scope and because the project will not impact the areas beyond the existing right-of-way,significant cultural deposits eligible for listing on the NRHP are highly unlikely to be affected.No further work is recommended for this rural,state-funded bridge replacement as proposed. "No Historic Properties Present"form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. NCDOT Archaeology&Historic Architecture Groups SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: Map(s), Previous Survey Info, Photos,Correspondence, Photocopy of notes from survey. Signed: V17/2o/2 Cultural Resources Specialist,NCDOT Date "No Historic Properties Present"form for Minor Transportation Projects as Oualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. NCDOT Archaeology&Historic Architecture Groups >: til !404110101 T 4 I L. 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Davis Division 14 Environmental Program Supervisor AUG a 1 1(311 SUBJECT: Request for Cultural Resources Review DATE: July 30, 2012 RECE1`I'C) PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: County: Macon WBS No: 14SP.20561.1 Document: MCC/Attachment G F.A. No: Funding: ® State Federal USGS Quad: Prentiss Project Description: Replace Bridge No. 343 on SR 1448 over Thompson's Creek with a 45' - 21" Cored Slab Bridge on existing location. Purpose & Need: To replace structurally deficient and functionally obsolete bridge. SCHEDULING AND CONTACT INFORMATION Date Needed: ASAP Engineer: Josh Deyton Tel 828-488-0902 Email jbdeyton@ncdot.gov DESIGN INFORMATION Project Length: 500' Exist. R/W: TBD ' Proposed R/W: TBD ' Exist. Speed Limit: TBD Proposed Speed Limit: TBD Exist.X-Section: 32'L x 18.I' W Proposed X-Section: 45'L x 27' W Detour Route: SR 1448 — SR 1303 — SR 1448 Structure Type: Year Built: New 21"Cored Slab PERMIT& SPECIAL INFORMATION Federal(USACE) Permit Required: ® YES ❑ NO Permit Locations shown on map submitted: ❑ YES ® NO ❑ N/A (No Permits) Type of Permit: NWP 3 Number of Permits: 1 Easements Required: ROW ® YES ❑NO Temporary or Permanent: ❑ Temporary ® Permanent Easements shown on map submitted: ❑ YES ® NO ❑ N/A (No Easements) USFS Property: ❑ YES ® NO USFS Rating: ❑ LOW ❑ MODERATE ❑ HIGH ❑ RATING SHEET ATTACHED New signalization: N/A Offsite facilities required: N/A ATTACHMENTS ® Vicinity Map ® USGS Quad Map ❑ Design Plans ® Photos ❑ Agency Input Letters ❑ NCDOT Input Letters ❑ Scoping Meeting Minutes ❑ Aerial Photograph with Study Area, Project Termini, and Y-Lines indicated ❑ Other: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Archaeology: Historic Architecture: Note: SUBMIT(2) COPIES OF THIS FORM AND ATTACHMENTS TO NCDOT HUMAN ENVIRONMENT UNIT