HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201018 Ver 1_Holly Springs Road PHII - USACE Additional Information Package 20201113_20201113kimley-horn.com 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 600, Raleigh, NC 27601 919 677 2000 November 13, 2020 Mr. Lyle Phillips U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Mr. Rob Ridings NC Division of Water Resources Transportation Permitting Unit 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 RE:SAW-2020-00216 - Response to USACE Incomplete Application Notification Holly Springs Road Widening – Phase 2 Holly Springs, Wake County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Phillips and Mr. Ridings, On behalf of our client, the Town of Holy Springs, Kimley-Horn is submitting the attached additional information for the above referenced Project per the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Incomplete Application Notification dated October 2, 2020. Below is an outline of the USACE comments with a brief narrative addressing each item. The USACE comments with Kimley-Horn response and explanation are as follows: 1) The maintenance of traffic (MoT) throughout construction is critical to Alternative 1A being the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative. Please describe the alternative route(s) that were considered if the road were to be closed during construction, and provide additional information to justify that these alternatives are not practicable (i.e. available and capable of being done after taking into consideration cost, existing technology, and logistics in light of overall project purposes). Factors to consider include but are not limited to: a. What is the additional time that the detour(s) would cause in emergency response; Holly Springs currently has three fire stations serving the Town. Fire Stations 2 and 3 are located in southwestern Holly Springs on Avent Ferry Road and in northwestern Holly Springs on Friendship Road, respectively. Fire Station 1 is located just outside of the Project corridor at 700 Flint Point Lane and serves the area surrounding to the Project. If Holly Springs Road were closed to traffic at the Middle Creek crossing and a detour were implemented, the neighborhoods north and south of the Holly Springs Road and Sunset Fairways Road would endure an increase in emergency response time. The residence at 5000 Sunset Fairways Drive would endure the most substantial impact by a closure of Holly Springs Road (see attached Detour Exhibit). Currently, the distance from Fire Station 1 to the residence at 5000 Sunset Fairways Drive via Holly Springs Road is approximately 1.2 miles with a response time of approximately 3 minutes. Page 2 kimley-horn.com 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 600, Raleigh, NC 27601 919 677 2000 Kimley-Horn identified two potential detours if Holly Springs Road were to be closed to traffic for construction of the proposed bridge. A general graphic showing Google Earth travel times is included in this narrative, and a detailed figure showing detour routes and mileage is attached for additional documentation. Detour A: This would be the detour signed for general public use should the closure of the Holly Springs Road be necessary. Detour A would utilize Main Street/NC-55 to Sunset Lake Road back to Holly Springs Road. The distance of detour A from Fire Station 1 to 5000 Sunset Fairways Road is approximately 5.8 miles with a response time of 11 minutes, assuming minimal traffic delays. Additionally, Detour A would require emergency responders to pass through 6 signalized intersections, including 3 major intersections, on their route to the Sunset Fairways neighborhood. Current Route Detour A Page 3 kimley-horn.com 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 600, Raleigh, NC 27601 919 677 2000 Detour B: This would be an alternate detour to be utilized by emergency response teams should Detour A not be useable. Detour B would utilize Bass Lake Road, several residential streets, then on to Sunset Lake Road to Sunset Fairways Road. The distance from Fire Station 1 to 5000 Sunset Fairways Road is approximately 5.2 miles with a response time of 11 minutes. Note that this travel time assumes favorable traffic conditions, minimal delays, and low congestion. b. Are there other issues that the detour(s) would cause for the first responders near Flint Point Lane; An alternative to the two detours described above could be that the Holly Springs Fire Department would stage emergency vehicles on both sides of the Middle Creek crossing for the duration of the Project construction. However, this staging set up would not be practicable, feasible, or satisfactory for citizens and general public safety over the course of the construction schedule. As discussed in the Individual Permit Support Document, the Town investigated alternatives that would widen the existing alignment but result in long-term full closures of Holly Springs Road at the Middle Creek crossing. That closure would approximately quadruple the emergency response time to the above mentioned neighborhoods and would sever the most direct and critical emergency services connection to eastern Holly Springs for a duration of more than 6 months. In addition, Wake County and the Town of Holly Springs adhere to the federal guidance found in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1720 Standard for the Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public by Career Fire Departments, which recommends a fire department response performance objective of 10 minutes or less in suburban areas – which the proposed detour would not satisfy.For these reasons, maintenance of traffic on Holly Springs Road was held as critical throughout construction. Detour B Page 4 kimley-horn.com 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 600, Raleigh, NC 27601 919 677 2000 2) Describe why the permanent (no functional loss) stream channel impacts appear to extend north and south outside the location of the depicted riprap stream stabilization measures at site 2; Permanent (no functional loss) stream impacts were shown throughout Site 2 due to the relatively short length of temporary impact area that would be used for construction access but resulted in additional permanent impact than absolutely necessary. The permit drawings have been updated based on the USACE comments to reduce the permanent (no functional loss) impacts to the areas where active bank stabilization is occurring (see attached Environmental Impact Figure). These changes converted approximately 31 LF of permanent (no functional loss) impacts to temporary impacts at Site 2. The resulting stream impact totals at Site 2 are 92 LF of permanent (no functional loss) impacts and 31 LF of temporary impacts, as displayed on Exhibit B of the Environmental Impacts Figures. 3) Please provide a description of the proposed activities; specifically, the culvert removal at Site 2. a. Describe how the culvert would be removed; Kimley-Horn has developed a culvert removal phasing plan to be included with the construction drawings, which is also included with this submittal for reference (see attached Culvert Removal Sequence). The sequence will generally proceed as follows: an impervious dike will be installed to divert stream flow to the easternmost barrel of the culvert to allow for removal of the two western barrels without disrupting flow of Middle Creek through the project area. Once the western barrels are removed, the stream flow will be shifted via a new impervious dike to a temporary channel in the former location of the two western barrels. This will facilitate removal of the easternmost barrel. This staged demolition and removal of the culvert carrying Middle Creek will help ensure that aquatic passage and hydrologic connectivity is maintained throughout construction. As shown in the attached plans, the detailed construction sequence is as follows: Phase 1: 1. Construct temporary special stilling basin, and all other temporary erosion control measures to stabilize work area. 2. After westbound lanes are constructed, construct impervious dike #1 at location shown in sketch to divert flow into barrel 3. 3. Dewater the area between the upstream and downstream of bank stabilization improvements. Remove barrels 1 and 2. The barrel wall between barrels 2 and 3 should remain. 4. Reference sheet TMP sheets for additional detail regarding traffic management. 5. Construct west bank and place required riprap and matting on channel bank. Re-establish stream bank and construct stream stabilization within the footprint of barrels 1 and 2. Page 5 kimley-horn.com 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 600, Raleigh, NC 27601 919 677 2000 Phase 2: 6. Move impervious dike #1 to the location of dike #2 shown in sketch to divert flow into footprint of old barrel 2 and re-establish stream bank. 7. Dewater the area between the upstream and downstream of bank stabilization improvements. Remove barrel 3. 8. Reference TMP sheets for additional detail regarding traffic management. 9. Construct east bank and place required riprap and matting on channel bank. Re-establish stream bank and construct stream stabilization within the footprint of barrel 3. See stream stabilization detail on Sheet 2G. 10. Remove temporary special stilling basin. 11. Stabilize disturbed area and remove all erosion and sediment control devices as directed by engineer. 12. Finish roadway and drainage construction. b. Describe the dewatering techniques proposed to remove the culvert and temporary stream impacts proposed from dewatering activities; The full stream system will not be dewatered. Kimley-Horn engineers will be using the phased approach explained above and utilizing impervious dikes to direct flow through other barrels to work in the dry area. Below are calculated velocities of the two phases of the culvert removal via Flowmaster. If velocities are too high, Kimley-Horn would add temporary riprap at the end of barrel 3 (fully within the proposed impact footprints) during phase 1. Kimley- Horn design engineers believe that the riffle and boulder sill installed with phase 1 will be sufficient erosion control during removal of the 3rd barrel. Calculations of flow velocity and the solutions listed below meant to prevent erosion in each phase are based on the 2-yr storm (1,100 CFS). In additional, the Flowmaster Erosion Control Calculations for each phase have been attached. Phase 1: · Velocity through barrel 3 =6.59 ft/s · Shear stress for barrel 3 =4.17 lbs/ft2 · Rip rap lining for stability of barrel 3 will require Class I rip rap Phase 2: · Velocity through removed barrels =6.98 ft/s · Shear stress for removed barrels =2.12 lbs/ft2 · Rip rap lining for stability would require Class A · Constructed riffle is usually a mixture of Class B, Class A, and #57 stone Page 6 kimley-horn.com 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 600, Raleigh, NC 27601 919 677 2000 c. Describe how headcutting would be prevented once the culvert is removed. Factors to consider include but are not limited to: i. Is material below the culvert suitable stream bed materials or would suitable stream bed materials be placed within the bed after unsuitable material is removed; It is expected that unsuitable material is present beneath the existing box culvert. Once removed, a ‘hole’ within the stream is to be expected in the footprint of the removed culvert. Kimley-Horn proposes to raise the stream bed with suitable material to match existing stream contours outside the existing culvert footprint. Then, build a constructed riffle in the footprint of the existing culvert to prevent headcutting, erosion, and scouring long term post- construction. The constructed riffle would provide a better, more stable aquatic habitat below the proposed bridge, and would fill the void left from the culvert removal. The details of the constructed riffle are included with this submittal. 4) USFWS Coordination The Project requires work within the Middle Creek regulated floodway and could not achieve a No-Rise Certification from FEMA. As a result, the project required a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR). FEMA requires that projects receive formal consultation from the USFWS before issuance of a CLOMR. Kimley-Horn submitted a consultation letter to the USFWS in February 2020 describing the project and stating that the project would have no adverse impacts to protected species. The USFWS concurred with Kimley-Horn’s consultation letter and stated that the Project is not likely to have any adverse effect on federally protected species. A few months later, in April 2020, federal funding sources were secured for the Project (Federal Highways, administered through NCDOT), which triggered the need for compliance with NEPA. Based on the project specifics, a Categorical Exclusion (CE) was prepared to document environmental conditions and effects that would result from the Project. In support of the CE development, general agency scoping letters were submitted to applicable agencies, including the USFWS and NCWRC, to solicit comments regarding protected species impacts resulting from the Project. The USFWS replied with concerns regarding federally protected aquatic species in the area as well as proposed threated and proposed endangered aquatic species that may be affected by the bridge/culvert replacements over/on Middle Creek. The USFWS suggested that the NCDOT Programmatic Biological Opinion (PBO) and Programmatic Conference Opinion (PCO) could be used to cover effects to aquatic species that might result from the project. This meant that a no effect determination was no longer appropriate as the PBO determination is either “May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect” or “May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect”. Page 7 kimley-horn.com 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 600, Raleigh, NC 27601 919 677 2000 Having acquired federal funding for this project, the Town proposes to utilize the PCO/PBOs for aquatic species and proposes to amend the previously provided biological conclusions to the following: May Affect – Likely to Adversely Affect (MA-LAA) Section 7 compliance for the Tar River Spinymussel, Dwarf Wedgemussel, Yellow Lance, and Atlantic Pigtoe will be met through the Programmatic Biological Opinion (PBO) issued by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS). The use of the PBO indicate the following biological conclusions: Dwarf Wedgemussel: May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect; Yellow Lance: May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect; Atlantic Pigtoe: May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect. Additionally, while not listed currently, the Town has requested the inclusion of biological conclusions for the Neuse River waterdog and Carolina madtom under the PCO should they become listed prior to project construction. Similar to the PBO for mussel species, the PCO for these species indicates the following biological conclusions: Neuse River waterdog: May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect; Carolina madtom: May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect. The Town and NCDOT will adhere to all PBO and PCO project-specific requirements as well as all monitoring and reporting requirements. Payments are made quarterly to the NC Nongame Aquatic Species Fund by NCDOT. Notification of Design Change to Include Roundabout at the Cobblepoint Way Intersection Since the submittal of the Individual Permit application package, the Town has proposed a minor design change at the intersection of Cobblepoint Way and Holly Springs Road, approximately 3,300 feet west of impact Site 1. The design change proposes to construct a roundabout at the existing full movement intersection. The inclusion of the roundabout in the design has been included in response to comments received in the public involvement process and to safely accommodate pedestrian and vehicular traffic flow on Holly Spring Road. The roundabout location consists of uplands only and is sufficiently far removed from any jurisdictional feature that there will be no change to the proposed impact sites or quantities. This design change will not alter the number of included or adjacent property parcels for the project. The revised plan set cover sheet and plan sheet are included with this package for your review. Page 8 kimley-horn.com 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 600, Raleigh, NC 27601 919 677 2000 To assist in your review of this RFI response, the following additional and/or revised information has been included: · Holly Springs Road Detour Exhibit · Revised Plan Sheets showing Roundabout at Cobblepoint Way · Revised Permit Drawings · Culvert Removal Sequence Detail Sheet · Flowmaster Erosion Control Calculation Sheets · Constructed Riffle with Rock Sill Detail Sheets If you need any additional information to assist in your review of this RFI Response Package, feel free to contact me at 919-678-4155 or Jason.Hartshorn@Kimley-Horn.com. Sincerely, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Jason Hartshorn, PWS Cc: Tim Athy, PE, Town of Holly Springs DETOUR EXHIBIT EXHIBIT A 500 1000 DETOUR EXHIBIT FIRE STATION 1 HOLLY SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT HOLLY SPRINGS WITH BRIDGE CLOSURE MOST ISOLATED HOME 11 MINUTES - 5.9 MILES VIA N MAIN ST AND SUNSET LAKE RD DETOUR A 11 MINUTES - 5.2 MILES VIA BASS LAKE RD AND SUNSET LAKE RD DETOUR BHOLLY SPRINGS RDHOLLY SPRI NGS RDS U NS E T L A K E R D NC-55 N MAIN STSU N SET LA K E R D NC-55PE NO. F-0102PHONE: (919) 682-3583 300 WEST MORGAN STREET, SUITE 1500, DURHAM, NC, 27701 PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: SHEET NUMBER:JOB NUMBER: REV. No.:REVISION:DATE:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY: 012329063 0 Copyright Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., 2019 shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. reliance on this document without written authorization and adoption by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is HOLLY SPRINGS ROAD WIDENING PH. 2 PROJECT:10/12/2020K:\DUR_Roadway\012329063 - Holly Springs Road-Ph 2\Plan\Plan Sheets\012329063_Detour Exhibit.dgn3 MINUTES - 1.2 MILES VIA HOLLY SPRINGS RD DIRECT ROUTE CROSSING/SITE 2 MIDDLE CREEK BASS LAKE RDNAD 83 REVISED PLAN SHEETS SHOWING ROUNDABOUT AT COBBLEPOINT WAY INV=343.40' 36" R CP INV=338.47' RCPI72 WSEWSE 326.37 1345324.93 324.91 13421347 29932992327.20 333.18RCPT72RCPI72GRCONCBK 1SBKD UNITAC 48" CHLLSA TOP=424.97'VAULT DI 18" C&G28' BST18" C&G96" CONC MTL M TLW/FES30" RC PINV =416.04' WALL BLK66" CHL INV=416.01' TO P=416.08' TO P=424.42'18" C&G VA R BSTSTOP=429.02' 18" C&G INV =416.29' 30" RCP30" RCPIN V=416.87' TOP=424.66' INV=416.32' INV =417.81'INV =416.88' F OM DI TOP=423.31' INV=419.29'30" RCPS INV=421.28' TOP =425.92'18" C&GGR DI 48" RCP TOP=419.53'INV =412.87' TOP =418.73' IN V=415.41' TO P=421.49'TOP=421.51'TOP =418.72' INV =413.85' 30" RCP JUNCTIONPOSSIBLE TO P=418.72' INV=414.07' 48" R CP DI TO P=419.11'30" C&G60" CONC VAR BST BST 18" C&G60" CONC30" C&G18" C&G BST S18" C&G18" C&G18" C&G18" C&G60" CONC18' BST23' BSTSSCreekVICINITY MAP 11/4/2020K:\DUR_Roadway\012329063 - Holly Springs Road-Ph 2\Plan\Plan Sheets\012329063_tsh.dgnGRAPHIC SCALE PLANS PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) PROFILE (VERTICAL) 1 SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. OWNER: ENGINEER: SURVEYOR: GEOTECHNICAL: PE NO. F-0102 PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: C 2019 105 TOWN OF HOLLY SPRINGS 0 0 0 300 WEST MORGAN ST., SUITE 1500, DURHAM, NC, 27701 PHONE: (919) 682-3583 012329063 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED TOWN MANAGER RANDY HARRINGTON MAYOR DICK SEARS chad.beck@kimley-horn.com 919.677.2000 CHADWICK BECK, P.E. DURHAM, NC 27701 SUITE 1500 300 WEST MORGAN STREET KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. PHASE 2 HOLLY SPRINGS ROAD (SR-1152) WIDENING FROM FLINT POINT LANE TO SUNSET LAKE ROAD 50 5025 25 TOHS PROJECT: 19-009 jaker@mckimcreed.com 919.233.8091 JEFFREY D. AKER RALEIGH, NC 27606 1730 VARSITY DRIVE, VENTURE IV BUILDING, SUITE 500 McKIM & CREED jhamm@falconengineering.com 919.871.0800 JEREMY HAMM RALEIGH, NC 27607 SUITE 110 1210 TRINITY ROAD FALCON ENGINEERING, INC. tim.athy@hollyspringsnc.us 919.567.3128 TIM ATHY, P.E. HOLLY SPRINGS, NC 27540 128 S. MAIN STREET TOWN OF HOLLY SPRINGS (SR-1152) HOLLY SPRINGS ROAD-L- PROJECT BEGIN PROJECT END HOLLY SPRINGS RD. B ASS L A K E R D. S U NS E T L A K E R D. 7 4 5 6 8 9 10 -L- Sta. 56+89.82 BEGIN PROJECT LINKSLAND DRIVE-Y2-LUMI NA PLACE-Y4-MI DDLE CREEK FARM ROAD-Y5- S UNS E T F AI R WAYS DRI VE -Y6- L A S SI T E R R O A D - Y 7-(SR-1301)SUNSET LAKE ROAD-Y8--L- Sta. 136+09.34 END PROJECT GRASSY MEADOW ROADFLINT POINT LANECOBBLEPOINT WAYMIDDLECREST WAY-Y1-65% RIGHT OF WAY PLANS TO KILDAIRE FARMS ROAD TO NC-55-L- Sta. 110+06.20 END BRIDGE -L- Sta. 108+56.20 BEGIN BRIDGEN. MAIN ST.N. MAIN ST.NC-55FLINT POINT LN.SCALE: 1" = 2000'NAD 83 2 3 4 5 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 14 17 15 20 19 21 22 16 16 24 25 35 26 27 28 29 30 31 36 37 18 23 13 ASSOCIATION, INC. SUNSET RIDGE DONALD A. CARTER PIERCE GROUP PROPERTIES, LLC STEPHANIE D. HELBLING KENNETH M. HELBLING AND WIFE, SUNSET RIDGE ASSOCIATION, INC. ASSOCIATION, INC. SUNSET RIDGE PROPERTIES LLC PIERCE GROUP PROFESSIONAL BUILDING HOLLY SPRINGS SUNSET RIDGE ASSOCIATION, INC. ASSOCIATION, INC. SUNSET RIDGE INVESTMENT CHOICES II, LLC SAMUEL V. BOCCIO, JR. AND HUSBAND, SANDRA BOCCIO SUNSET RIDGE ASSOCIATION, INC. SPOUSE, NAOMI IDALSKI RICHIARD IDALSKI AND JOE UTLEY CHRISTINE UTLEY AND JOE UTLEY CHRISTINE UTLEY AND NATHANIEL ALLEN CHARLES ALLEN AND JOE UTLEY CHRISTINE UTLEY AND CLIFTON AUTRY LYNNEST AUTRY AND OF EDUCATION WAKE COUNTY BOARD INC. ASSOCIATION, HOMEOWNERS COBBLE RIDGE ASSOCIATION, INC. COBBLE RIDGE HOMEOWNERS ANDERSON, SARAH L. HUBERT, SHIRLEY M. EXPERIENCE, LLC THE EXPANDING HOLLY SPRINGS PLACE, LLC PAGE, DEWEY R. RGK HOLLY SPRINGS, LLC BROWN, CANDICE BROWN, JEREMIAH DIESCH, JULIE DIESCH, MICHAEL A. ANTHONY W. BUTLER, BUTLER, ANTHONY W.LINKSLAND DRIVEMIDDLECREST WAYCOBBLEPOINT WAYHOLLY SPRINGS ROADFLINT POINT LANEHOLLY RIDGE MIDDLE SCHOOL ASSOC. HOMEOWNERS COBBLE RIDGE 2MM LLC 2MM LLC HOLLY RIDGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCALE PREPARED FOR:PREPARED BY: © 2019 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 0'60'30'60'120' 300 MORRIS STREET, SUITE 200, DURHAM, NC, 27701 LEGEND BUILDINGS EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY ALL PROPOSED EASEMENTS EXISTING ROADWAY EXISTING ROADWAY TO BE REMOVED EXISTING ROADWAY TO BE RESURFACED PROPOSED ROADWAY EXISTING SIGNAL BUILDINGS TO BE REMOVED PROPOSED SIGNAL GUTTER, ISLAND, SIDEWALK, OR DRIVEWAY PROPOSED STRUCTURE, CURB AND EXISTING STREAMS EXISTING WETLANDS FIGURE 1 of 2 ROUNDABOUT ADDITION NOVEMBER 2, 2020 HOLLY SPRINGS, NC HOLLY SPRINGS ROAD WIDENING PH. II COBBLEPOINT WAYHOLLY SPRINGS ROAD OF EDUCATION WAKE COUNTY BOARD 6 HOLLY RIDGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HOLLY RIDGE MIDDLE SCHOOL NATHANIEL ALLEN CHARLES ALLEN AND 15 18 19 CLIFTON AUTRY LYNNEST AUTRY AND 17 INC. ASSOCIATION, HOMEOWNERS COBBLE RIDGE 14 13 ASSOC. HOMEOWNERS COBBLE RIDGE ASSOCIATION, INC. COBBLE RIDGE HOMEOWNERS 12 EXPERIENCE, LLC THE EXPANDING 11 2MM LLC 2MM LLC SCALE PREPARED FOR:PREPARED BY: © 2019 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 0' 300 MORRIS STREET, SUITE 200, DURHAM, NC, 27701 LEGEND BUILDINGS EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY ALL PROPOSED EASEMENTS EXISTING ROADWAY EXISTING ROADWAY TO BE REMOVED EXISTING ROADWAY TO BE RESURFACED PROPOSED ROADWAY EXISTING SIGNAL BUILDINGS TO BE REMOVED PROPOSED SIGNAL GUTTER, ISLAND, SIDEWALK, OR DRIVEWAY PROPOSED STRUCTURE, CURB AND EXISTING STREAMS EXISTING WETLANDS 20'10'20'40' FIGURE 2 of 2 ROUNDABOUT ADDITION NOVEMBER 2, 2020 HOLLY SPRINGS, NC HOLLY SPRINGS ROAD WIDENING PH. II REVISED PERMIT DRAWINGS S S TS TS TS TS S S S S S S S S S TS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SSSS S S S S S TS TS TS TSTSTSTSTS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS SITE 1 PERMANENT BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT = 6634 SF TEMPORARY BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT = 2836 SF PERMANENT BUFFER ZONE 1 IMPACT = 12052 SF TEMPORARY BUFFER ZONE 1 IMPACT = 1666 SF PERMANENT STREAM IMPACTS (NO LOSS OF WATER) = 73 LF PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT = 223 LF TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACTS = 6 LF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETFETF E T FE T FETFE T F ETFETFETF ETF ETF ETFETF ETF ETF ETFETF ETFET F ETF 30" C&G30" C&G30" C&G30" C&G 11' GR60" CONC60" CONCC HH T C T HH P H HINV=343.40'36" RCPINV=338.47'GREIP EIP EIP EIP EIP K:\DUR_Roadway\012329063 - Holly Springs Road-Ph 2\Plan\Environmental Impacts Figure\012329063_psh_7_Impacts Figure.dgnPROJECT: SHEET NUMBER:JOB NUMBER: REV. No.:REVISION:DATE:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY: 012329063 10/22/20200 PE NO. F-0102 PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: PHONE: (919) 682-3583Copyright Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., 2019 shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. reliance on this document without written authorization and adoption by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is 300 WEST MORGAN STREET, SUITE 1500, DURHAM, NC, 27701 HOLLY SPRINGS ROAD WIDENING PH. 2 5025M ATCH LINE -L- STA 104+50 (SEE EXHIBIT B)EXHIBIT A SITE 1 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FIGURE IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS BUFFER ZONE 1 IMPACTS BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACTS DENOTES WETLANDS AREA DENOTES EXISITNG STREAMS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY IN SURFACE WATER (NO LOSS OF WATER) DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS O NAD 8395100 -L- R = 1,400.00' T = 509.88' L = 977.95' PI Sta 90+61.84 D R = 1,000.00' T = 218.54' L = 430.31' D PI Sta 100+18.45 R = 3,000.00' T = 586.55' L = 1,158.49' D PI Sta 111+76.78 10 -L- PT Sta. 95+29.91 -L- PC Sta. 97+99.91 -L- PT Sta. 102+30.23 -Y4- POT Sta. 11+53.02 -L- POT Sta. 95+05.77 = D -Y5- POT Sta. 11+14.35 -L- POT Sta. 97+06.35 = D ROAD (SR-1152)HOLLY SPRINGSLUMINA PLACE-Y4- -L- -Y5- POT Sta. 9+00.00 -Y4- POT Sta. 9+50.00 -Y4- Sta. 10+30.44 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION -Y5- Sta. 9+25.00 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION FARM ROADMIDDLE CREEK10 -Y5-C C FC FC C C C C C C C C C C C C F C F C F C F C F C F F F F F F FFCFF S S TS TS TS TS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 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TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TOP OF BANK PROPOSED CLASS II RIP RAP (TYP) TOP OF BANK WATERS EDGE PROPOSED CHANNEL BANK IMPROVEMENTS (1.5:1) OF EXISTING CHANNELTO TOP OF PROPOSED CLASS II RIP RAP BANK STABILIZATION FROM TOE SITE 2 SITE 3 PERMANENT BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT = 5770 SF TEMPORARY BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT = 1159 SF PERMANENT BUFFER ZONE 1 IMPACT = 13027 SF TEMPORARY BUFFER ZONE 1 IMPACT = 446 SF PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT = 0.02 AC TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACTS = 0.004 AC PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT = 271 LF TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACTS = 10 LF PERMANENT BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT = 4122 SF TEMPORARY BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACT = 858 SF PERMANENT BUFFER ZONE 1 IMPACT = 6526 SF TEMPORARY BUFFER ZONE 1 IMPACT = 16 SF PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT = 0.67 AC TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACTS = 0.06 AC PERMANENT STREAM IMPACTS (NO LOSS OF WATER) = 92 LF TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACTS = 31 LF ETFETFETFETFETF E T FE TFETF E TFETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF E T F ETF ETF ETF ETFETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETFETFETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF SR 1152 HOLLY SPRINGS RD 21' BST 1.5 ' BST 1.5 ' BST SR 1152 HOLLY SPRINGS RD VAR BST 30" C&G 30" C&GC&G3 0 " 8' BST VAR CONC CONCVAR 8' BST 30" C&G 30" C&G30" C&G SUNSET FAI RWAYS DR VAR BSTSUNSET FAI RWAYS DR VAR BST18" CONC CURB30" C&G30" C&G30" C&GINV=329.68' INV=339.93'54" CONC54" CONCBST CCCTTC HH HH HHHH HH HH HHHHHHHHH H P RCPI72WSEWSE326.371345324.93324.9113421347 29932992327.20333.18RCPT72RCPI72 K:\DUR_Roadway\012329063 - Holly Springs Road-Ph 2\Plan\Environmental Impacts Figure\012329063_psh_8_Impacts Figure.dgnPROJECT: SHEET NUMBER:JOB NUMBER: REV. No.:REVISION:DATE:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY: 012329063 10/22/20200 PE NO. F-0102 PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: PHONE: (919) 682-3583Copyright Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., 2019 shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. reliance on this document without written authorization and adoption by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is 300 WEST MORGAN STREET, SUITE 1500, DURHAM, NC, 27701 HOLLY SPRINGS ROAD WIDENING PH. 2 5025MATCH LINE -L- STA 104+50 (SEE EXHIBIT A)EXHIBIT B SITES 2 AND 3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FIGUREMIDDLE CREEKIN SURFACE WATER DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS BUFFER ZONE 1 IMPACTS BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACTS DENOTES WETLANDS AREA DENOTES EXISITNG STREAMS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY IN SURFACE WATER (NO LOSS OF WATER) DENOTES PERMANENT IMPACTS OO NAD 83105110115 -L- R = 3,000.00' T = 586.55' L = 1,158.49' D PI Sta 111+76.78 -Y6- R = 1,500.00' T = 55.77' L = 111.49' D PI Sta 12+25.53 -L- PC Sta. 105+90.23 -Y6- POT Sta. 10+00.00 -Y6- PC Sta. 11+69.76 -Y6- PT Sta. 12+81.25 -Y6- POT Sta. 15+02.21 D -Y6- POT Sta. 12+77.02 -L- POC Sta. 115+24.21 = ROAD (SR-1152) HOLLY SPRINGS SUNSET FAI RWAYS DRI VE-Y6- -Y6- -L- -L- Sta. 110+06.20 END BRIDGE -L- Sta. 108+56.20 BEIGN BRIDGE -Y6- Sta. 14+76.00 END CONSTRUCTION -Y6- Sta. 10+60.00 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION -L- Sta. 108+32.03 BEIGN APPROACH SLAB -L- Sta. 110+30.37 END APPROACH SLAB F F F F F F F F F F F F FCCCCFCCFFFFFFF C F C F F F F F F F F C CULVERT REMOVAL SEQUENCE H H TOWN OF CARY NORTH CAROLINA LLC CLUBCORP GOLF OF 50 49 HOLLY SPRINGS TOWN OF TOWN OF CARY NORTH CAROLINA LLC CLUBCORP GOLF OF 50 49 HOLLY SPRINGS TOWN OF K:\DUR_Roadway\012329063 - Holly Springs Road-Ph 2\Plan\Plan Sheets\EC\012329063_ero_psh_5A.dgnPROJECT: SHEET NUMBER:JOB NUMBER: REV. No.:REVISION:DATE:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY: 012329063 10/6/20200 PE NO. F-0102 PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: PHONE: (919) 682-3583Copyright Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., 2019 shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. reliance on this document without written authorization and adoption by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is 300 WEST MORGAN STREET, SUITE 1500, DURHAM, NC, 27701 HOLLY SPRINGS ROAD WIDENING PH. 2 5025 EROSION CONTROL SHEETS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS 123 123 PHASE IIPHASE I 7.) FINISH ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION. DEVICES AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. 6.) STABILIZE DISTURBED AREA AND REMOVE ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 5.) REMOVE TEMPORARY SPECIAL STILLING BASIN. THE FOOTPRINT OF BARREL 3. SEE DETAIL X/SHEET X. BANK. RE-ESTABLISH STREAM BANK AND CONSTRUCT STREAM STABILIZATION WITHIN 4.) CONSTRUCT EAST BANK AND PLACE REQUIRED RIPRAP AND MATTING ON CHANNEL 3.) REFERENCE TMP SHEETS FOR ADDITIONAL DETAIL REGARDING TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT. STABLIZATION IMPROVEMENTS. REMOVE BARREL 3. 2.) DEWATER THE AREA BETWEEN THE UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM OF BANK DIVERT FLOW INTO FOOTPRINT OF OLD BARREL 2 AND RE-ESTABLISH STREAM BANK. 1.) MOVE IMPERVIOUS DIKE#1 TO THE LOCATION OF DIKE#2 SHOWN IN SKETCH TO STABILIZATION WITHIN THE FOOTPRINT OF BARRELS 1 AND 2. ON CHANNEL BANK. RE-ESTABLISH STREAM BANK AND CONSTRUCT STREAM 5.) CONSTRUCT WEST BANK AND PLACE REQUIRED RIPRAP AND MATTING MANAGEMENT. 4.) REFERENCE SHEET TMP SHEETS FOR ADDITIONAL DETAIL REGARDING TRAFFIC WALL BETWEEN BARRELS 2 AND 3 SHOULD REMAIN. BANK STABILIZATION IMPROVEMENTS. REMOVE BARRELS 1 AND 2. THE BARREL 3.) DEWATER THE AREA BETWEEN THE UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM OF DIKE #1 AT LOCATION SHOWN IN SKETCH TO DIVERT FLOW INTO BARREL 3. 2.) AFTER WESTBOUND LANES ARE CONSTRUCTED, CONSTRUCT IMPERVIOUS EROSION CONTROL MEASURES TO STABILIZE WORK AREA. 1.) CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY SPECIAL STILLING BASIN, AND ALL OTHER TEMPORARY EC-5A CULVERT REMOVAL SEQUENCE STA. 109+25 -L- O O DIKE #1 IMPERVIOUS DIKE #2 IMPERVIOUS NAD 83 110110 FLOWMASTER EROSION CONTROL CALCULATION DATA Erosion Conotrol Calculations for Phase 1 Project Description Manning FormulaFriction Method Normal DepthSolve For Input Data 0.035Roughness Coefficient ft/ft0.004Channel Slope ft9.0Height ft10.00Bottom Width cfs1,100.00Discharge Results ft16.7Normal Depth ft²34.2Flow Area ft16.8Wetted Perimeter ft2.0Hydraulic Radius ft10.00Top Width ft1.9Critical Depth %38.0Percent Full ft/ft0.022Critical Slope ft/s4.30Velocity ft0.29Velocity Head ft3.70Specific Energy 0.411Froude Number cfs429.38Discharge Full ft/ft0.004Slope Full SubcriticalFlow Type GVF Input Data ft0.0Downstream Depth ft0.0Length 0Number Of Steps GVF Output Data ft0.0Upstream Depth N/AProfile Description ft0.00Profile Headloss %0.0Average End Depth Over Rise %0.0Normal Depth Over Rise ft/s0.00Downstream Velocity ft/s0.00Upstream Velocity ft16.7Normal Depth ft1.9Critical Depth ft/ft0.004Channel Slope ft/ft0.022Critical Slope Page 1 of 127 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 10/7/2020 FlowMaster [] Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterCulvertSequencing.fm8 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) Erosion Control Calculations for Phase 2 Project Description Manning FormulaFriction Method Normal DepthSolve For Input Data 0.035Roughness Coefficient ft/ft0.004Channel Slope H:V0.000Left Side Slope H:V2.000Right Side Slope ft10.00Bottom Width cfs1,100.00Discharge Results ft8.5Normal Depth ft²157.5Flow Area ft37.5Wetted Perimeter ft4.2Hydraulic Radius ft27.02Top Width ft5.9Critical Depth ft/ft0.016Critical Slope ft/s6.98Velocity ft0.76Velocity Head ft9.27Specific Energy 0.510Froude Number SubcriticalFlow Type GVF Input Data ft0.0Downstream Depth ft0.0Length 0Number Of Steps GVF Output Data ft0.0Upstream Depth N/AProfile Description ft0.00Profile Headloss ft/s0.00Downstream Velocity ft/s0.00Upstream Velocity ft8.5Normal Depth ft5.9Critical Depth ft/ft0.004Channel Slope ft/ft0.016Critical Slope Page 1 of 127 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 10/7/2020 FlowMaster [] Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterCulvertSequencing.fm8 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE WITH ROCK SILL PLAN SHEET PLAN VIEW SECTION B-B GLIDE SECTION A-A R IF FLE CC SECTION C-C Riffle TOE A A TOEFLOWBANK TOP OF {NOT TO SCALE AND (15%) NO. #57 STONE OF (75%) CLASS "A", (10%) CLASS "B", 18" NOM. THICKNESS WELL GRADED MIX NO. #57 STONE (10%) CLASS "B", AND (15%) GRADED MIX OF (75%) CLASS "A", 18" NOM. THICKNESS WELL FOR DRAINAGE) TYPE II (GEOTEXTILE NONWOVEN FABRIC FOR DRAINAGE) TYPE II (GEOTEXTILE NONWOVEN FABRIC B B ROCK SILL FOOTER BOULDER RIFFLE TOE OF BOULDER HEADER 8-10' ELEVATION 312.00' HEADER BOULDER FILL VOIDS WITH STONE ANY SIGNIFICANT SPACES, BE GAPPED OR HAVE BOULDER SHOULD NOT 1.0' HEADER BOULDER FOOTER BOULDER TOP OF BANK TOE OF SLOPE THALWEG F. PLACE BACKFILL MATERIAL BEHIND HEADER BOULDERS ENSURING THAT ANY VOIDS BETWEEN THE BOULDERS ARE FILLED. THE STREAM BED (AT THE THALWEG). THERE SHALL BE NO GAPS BETWEEN BOULDERS OR THALWEG SEAM BETWEEN HEADERS. ON THE BACKFILL MATERIAL). HEADER BOULDERS SHALL SPAN THE SEAMS OF THE FOOTER BOULDERS. THERE SHALL NOT BE A SEAM IN THE CENTER OF E. INSTALL HEADER BOULDERS ON TOP OF AND SET SLIGHTLY BACK FROM THE FOOTER BOULDERS (SUCH THAT PART OF THE HEADER BOULDER IS RESTING D. PLACE BACKFILL MATERIAL BEHIND FOOTER BOULDERS. C. INSTALL FILTER FABRIC. B. PLACE FOOTER BOULDERS. THERE SHALL BE NO GAPS BETWEEN BOULDERS. A. OVER-EXCAVATE STREAM BED TO A DEPTH EQUAL TO THE TOTAL THICKNESS OF THE HEADER AND FOOTER BOULDERS. 8. THE ROCK SILL IS GENERALLY CONSTRUCTED AS FOLLOWS: 7. IF NECESSARY BASED ON STABILITY OF NATIVE MATERIAL, A BEDDING OF GRADATION OF CLASS A AND #57 STONE MAY BE PLACED UNDER THE ROCK SILL. 6. MATERIAL UNDER CULVERTS TO BE REMOVED IS UNKNOWN. IF EXCAVATION OF MATERIAL UNDER CULVERTS EXCEEDS 5.0' IN DEPTH, CONSULT ENGINEER. 5. THE MINIMUM RIFFLE LENGTH TO BE INSTALLED IS 33 LINEAR FEET. 4. THE HEAD OF RIFFLE SHOULD BE LOCATED AT THE UPSTREAM EXTENT OF THE CULVERTS THAT ARE TO BE REMOVED OR WITHIN 5-10' UPSTREAM. 3. ROCK SILL SHOULD BE PLACED AT DOWNSTREAM EXTENT OF THE CULVERTS TO BE REMOVED, OR WITHIN 5-10' DOWNSTREAM OF THAT LOCATION. 2. A FOOTER BOULDER IS NOT REQUIRED IF THE HEADER BOULDER DEPTH MEETS OR EXCEEDS SILL DEPTH OF 4' 1. BOULDERS SHOULD BE NATIVE STONES OR SHOT ROCK, ANGULAR AND OBLONG, WITH A MEAN DIAMETER OF 30" NOTE: CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE WITH ROCK SILL DETAIL ELEVATION 312.00' SECTIONS AND DOWNSTREAM TIE IN TO UPSTREAM APPROXIMATELY 24', ABOVE STREAM INVERT APPROXIMATELY 0.3-0.8' 4' AT AN ELEVATION SILL MINIMUM OF KEY-IN BOULDER 4' MIN 2' MIN GROUND EXISTING ELEVATION 312.20' HEAD OF RIFFLE DRAINAGE DETAILS 2G ELEVATION 312.20' HEAD OF RIFFLE SEE ROADWAY PLANS BANK STABILIZATION SEE ROADWAY PLANS BANK STABILIZATION #57 STONE AS NECESSARY RIP RAP, FILL VOIDS W/ SCOUR PROTECTION. CLASS A 10 LF OF 6" THICKNESS 312.00' ELEVATION 1-2' MAX K:\DUR_Roadway\012329063 - Holly Springs Road-Ph 2\Plan\Plan Sheets\012329063_psh_2G.dgnPROJECT: SHEET NUMBER:JOB NUMBER: REV. No.:REVISION:DATE:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY: 012329063 10/9/20200 PE NO. F-0102 PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: PHONE: (919) 682-3583Copyright Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., 2019 shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. reliance on this document without written authorization and adoption by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is 300 WEST MORGAN STREET, SUITE 1500, DURHAM, NC, 27701 HOLLY SPRINGS ROAD WIDENING PH. 2 5025