HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000396_Goldsboro 2019 Annual Report SWMPA Add Info_20191113SW104090 SW104100 SW104110 SW104120 SW106400 SW106410 SW106420 SW106430 SW106440 SW106450 SW106460 SW106470 SW106480 SW106490 SW106500 SW106510 SW106520 SW106530 SW106540 SW106550 SW106560 SW106570 SW106580 SW106590 SW106610 SW106690 SW106700 SW106710 SW106720 SW106730 SW106800 SW106810 SW106820 SW106830 SW106840 SW106850 SW106860 SW106870 SW106880 SW106890 SW106900 SW106910 SW106920 SW106930 SW106970 SW106980 SW106990 SW107000 SW107010 SW107020 SW107030 SW107040 Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO) The number of overflows reported. The number of overflow causes that were identified during inspections. The number of sites repaired. Automobile Maintenance The number of employees trained in preventing pollution from automobile maintenance activities. The number of sites rewarded as being a “clean site” under a rewards program. The number of spills reported. The number of educational materials distributed at garages, auto shops, and other automobile-related businesses. Hazardous Materials Storage The total number of storage facilities equipped to store hazardous materials. The number of regularly inspected storage units. The number of employees trained in hazardous material storage and maintenance. Illegal Dumping The number of “no dumping” signs posted. The number of educational materials distributed. The number of reports of illegal dumping received. The number of dump sites and/or illegal sit-outs cleaned up. The number of sites improved to eliminate as target dumping spots. The number of enforcement actions pertaining to illegal dumping. Landscape and Lawn Care, and Pest Control The number of stores/gardens participating in education programs. The number of residents trained by the permittee in safe landscaping, lawn care, and pest management techniques. The number of classes/seminars offered by the permittee in landscaping and lawn care. The number of municipal employees trained in integrated pest management. Road Salt Application and Storage The number of storage facilities included in a regular inspection and maintenance program. The number of employees trained in road salt application. The quantity of salt applied to roadways (in tons). The quantity of alternative products used (in tons). Spill Response and Prevention The number of leak detection devices installed at municipal facilities. The number of preventative maintenance procedures performed on tanks, valves, pumps, pipes, and other equipment. The number of personnel trained in spill response. The number of regularly inspected high-risk facilities. The number of educational materials distributed to municipal employees. Storm Drain System Cleaning The number of outfalls cleaned regularly. The number of storm drains cleaned regularly. The amount of trash, sediment, and other pollutants removed during cleaning (in tons). Used Oil Recycling The number of gallons of used oil collected from municipal operations. The number of recycling facilities that collect oil from municipal operations. The number of educational materials distributed to municipal employees. Staff and Capital Improvement Projects The number of staffed stormwater management position(s). The number of new stormwater management position(s) created or staffed for the reporting year. Total annual budget (excluding Capital Improvement Projects) for the NPDES stormwater management program f The number of Capital Improvement Projects planned. The number of Capital Improvement Projects active. The number of Capital Improvement Projects completed. Total annual budget for Capital Improvement Projects for the reporting year. Label Integer 3 Integer Integer 3 Label Integer 9 Integer Integer Integer Label Integer 4 Integer 4 Integer 13 Label Integer Integer 14965 Integer Integer Integer Integer Label Integer Integer Integer Integer 9 Label Integer Integer Integer 0 Integer Label Integer Integer Integer 23 Integer Integer Label Integer Integer Integer 100 Label Integer 2015 Integer Integer Bold label Integer Integer Integer Unknown Integer Integer Integer Integer 175000 Delete Comment Delete Comment Delete Comment Delete Comment Delete Comment Delete Comment Delete Comment Delete Comment Add Comment "Dollars set aside for maintenance of ditches, inlets, and outfalls for FY 2016-2019 approximately $900,000." Add Comment "Various Stormwater Drainage Improvement Projects, total planned and completed unknown."