HomeMy WebLinkAboutA0009_GEO_EIS_Acidic_Rock_Final_Assessment STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER ERIC BOYETTE GOVERNOR SECRETARY Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING UNIT 1589 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1589 Telephone: (919) 707-6850 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: www.ncdot.gov Location: 1020 BIRCH RIDGE DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27610 November 11, 2020 MEMORANDUM TO: Wanda Austin, PE Division 14 Project Development Engineer ATTENTION: Amy Sackaroff, AICP Senior Transportation Planner, Stantec FROM: Jody Kuhne, LG, PE Regional Geological Engineer, NCDOT GEU STATE PROJECT: 32572, A-0009 COUNTY: SWAIN/GRAHAM DESCRIPTION: SUBJECT: US 74 Corridor from US 129 at Robbinsville to 2 miles East of NC 143/NC 28 intersection at Stecoah Acidic Rock Testing Results, Improve Existing Alternate The Geotechnical subsurface investigation for the Improve Existing Alternate has been ongoing through summer and fall, 2020. In the process, fresh testing samples were taken along the alignment in the proximity of the Anakeesta/Weyhutty formation. This formation is noted for having rock mineralization that generates acidic runoff, particularly when excavated and exposed to air and water. The NCDOT Geotechnical Engineering Unit has recommended A-0009 alignments that avoid the acidic rock issue since 1981. This is mostly because the values, volumes and treatment are highly customized and potentially extremely expensive. Also, the Special Provision and Recommendations for dealing with the issue are not possible until a specific route is thoroughly investigated, which is generally difficult to estimate for the EIS process on a long roadway. To that end, the attached results and locations indicate that the Improve Existing Alternate does avoid this particular problem. There will be more sampling from rock coring, but these results are from all exposed rock cut areas that were most likely to have the issue. Sample Interpretation The attached table shows the indicator we are looking for in the “CaCO3” column, which has A-0009, Acidic Rock pg 2 been referenced in other project literature as the Net Neutralization Value, NNP. The more negative this number, the more acid producing potential exists. Depending on the general neutralization capacity NCDOT projects typically haven’t had an issue requiring treatment with bulk averages of -10. Since this alignment met a general recommendation to avoid acid producing rock formations, the low level of this measure confirms this as a reasonable choice. Recommendations 1) No specific treatment or material handling will be required for excavation on this project. 2) No specific water chemistry testing or monitoring is recommended with respect to this issue, outside of other erosion control and water quality preservation items required for the project. 3) Durable excavated rock material, if approximating Class I or II rip rap, or Class VII in the NCDOT Standard Specifications may be used to construct 1.5:1 rock embankments parallel to streams, if this is desirable to reduce the project footprint. Please contact Jody Kuhne, NCDOT GEU at 828-779-9482 or jkuhne@ncdot.gov with questions regarding this report. Page 1 of 2 Date: 11/6/2020 Galbraith Laboratories, Inc. Test Report Prepared for: Matthew Brewer Carolinas Geotechnical Group 2400 Crownpoint Executive Dr Charlotte, NC 28227 email: mbrewer@carolinasgeotech.com Carolinas Geotechnical Group, PLLC/AA-0001C 2400-20-068 Robbinsville, NC Paste pH Neutrali zation Potentia l Potential Acidity CaCO3 (Def)/Sur Fizz Total Sulfur*Pyritic Sulfur ******%% Lab ID Sample ID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EPA 600/2-78-054 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ASTM D4239ASTM D2492-77 M-1018 Hand Sample 1, Date 10/6, Container-Plastic bag, Spl. Type- Rock 5.52 0.50 1.25 -0.8 None 0.040 0.030 M-1019 Hand Sample 2, Date 10/6, Container-Plastic bag, Spl. Type- Rock 6.18 0.72 0.15 0.57 None 0.005 0.024 M-1020 Hand Sample 3, Date 10/6, Container-Plastic bag, Spl. Type- Rock 6.15 2.47 0.08 2.4 None 0.003 0.018 M-1021 Hand Sample 4, Date 10/6, Container-Plastic bag, Spl. Type- Rock 6.54 2.07 0.25 1.82 None 0.008 0.036 M-1022 Hand Sample 5, Date 10/6, Container-Plastic bag, Spl. Type- Rock 6.07 1.70 0.07 1.6 None 0.002 0.019 M-1023 Hand Sample 6, Date 10/6, Container-Bag, Spl. Type- Rock 5.92 0.18 0.34 -0.16 None 0.011 0.012 M1024 Hand Sample 7, Date 10/6, Container-Bag, Spl. Type- Rock 5.85 0.48 0.00 0.5 None 0.000 0.011 M-1025 Hand Sample 8, Date 10/6, Container-Bag, Spl. Type- Rock 8.42 5.63 0.17 5.46 None 0.006 0.037 M-1026 Hand Sample 9, Date 10/6, Container-Bag, Spl. Type- Rock 6.39 0.78 0.16 0.6 None 0.005 0.018 M-1027 Hand Sample 10, Date 10/6, Container-Bag, Spl. Type- Rock 6.99 2.32 0.31 2.01 None 0.010 0.021 M-1028 Hand Sample 11, Date 10/6, Container-Bag, Spl. Type- Rock 5.87 1.73 0.69 1.0 None 0.022 0.011 M-1029 Hand Sample 12, Date 10/6, Container-Bag, Spl. Type- Rock 9.44 4.70 0.00 4.70 None 0.000 0.067 M-1030 Hand Sample 13, Date 10/6, Container-Bag, Spl. Type- Rock 6.93 0.83 0.05 0.8 None 0.002 0.070 M-1031 Hand Sample 14, Date 10/6, Container-Bag, Spl. Type- Rock 6.48 0.74 0.19 0.55 None 0.006 0.021 M-1032 Hand Sample 15, Date 10/6, Container-Bag, Spl. Type- Rock 9.44 4.72 0.00 4.7 None 0.000 0.081 M-1033 Hand Sample 16, Date 10/6, Container-Bag, Spl. Type- Rock 9.33 4.25 0.10 4.15 None 0.003 0.057 M-1034 Hand Sample 17, Date 10/6, Container-Bag, Spl. Type- Rock 8.63 4.14 0.21 3.93 None 0.007 0.056 Page 2 of 2 M-1035 Hand Sample 18, Date 10/6, Container-Bag, Spl. Type- Rock 9.49 5.95 0.15 5.80 None 0.005 0.169 M-1036 Hand Sample 19, Date 10/6, Container-Bag, Spl. Type- Rock 9.71 37.62 0.17 37.45 Slight 0.005 0.065 M-1037 Hand Sample 20, Date 10/6, Container-Bag, Spl. Type- Rock 9.54 3.67 0.01 3.66 None 0.000 0.733 ** Tons of CaCO3 per 1000 tons of material * The quantitation limit for sulfur was 0.010% PROJECT REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO. FEET 0 A-0009C 200 400 NC GRI DNAD 83 NA 2011PLAN_18 HS #1 HS #2 HS #3 HS-4 HS #5SBCSBH SBG SBF WBXWBVWBWCarver BranchCarver Branch Carver BranchCarver BranchCarver BranchSBCSBC SBC S BCSBGSBCSBCCa r ve r Br a nchWBYJohnson's Gap BranchJohnson's Gap BranchJohnson's Gap BranchSFC SFBSFASEZSEY SEXSEW SEVS E TSEIC F F C C C F F F C F C C C C C C C F C F C C F F F C C C C F FFCCFFCCFCCCCCFFCFFCFFFFFFFFFFFFCCCCCFCFFFFCFCFFFCF PROJECT REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO. FEET 0 A-0009C 200 400 NC GRID NAD 83 NA 2011 PLAN_19 HS #6HS #7 HS #8 PK SBI SBD SBJSBJSBJSBJS BJ SBK SBK Carver Branch C arv er Br anchC arver B ran chCarver Branch SBI SBISBI SBI SBD SBDSBCCarver BranchC arv er B r anchC arv er Br anch Carver BranchC arv er Br anchF F F C C CF F CFFF FCC C C FC F F F F C C F F F F C F C F C F C F F C F F F F F C C F F C C F F F F F F F F PROJECT REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO. FEET 0 A-0009C 200 400 NC GRID NAD 83 NA 2011 PLAN_20 HS #8 HS #9 SCHOOL STECOAH GH0025 85 PK PJ PI Edwards Branch SBX SBYSEF SEESBOSBPSBRSBSSBT SBUWBT WBS WBU SBY Carver BranchCar ver Br a nc hCarver Branch SBT SBN SB N SBNSBJSBJSBJSBJS BJ SBK SBO Carver BranchCarver BranchStecoah CreekSBY Carver BranchC C F F F F F F F F F F F FFFCFFFC F F FF F F F F CCCF FCFFCFC FC F C F C F C F C F C F C F C F C F C F C F C F C F C F C F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F FC PROJECT REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO. FEET 0 A-0009C 200 400 NC GRID NAD 83 NA 2011 PLAN_21 HS #10 HS #11 SCHOOLSTECOAH GH002585BAPTIST CHURCHSTECOAH GH0026 87 PH SCBEd wards Branch SBZSCA SBV Stecoah Creek WBR SCBSCBSBZSBV Edwards Branch Edwa r ds Br a n c hCarver Branch Stecoah Creek Carver Branch SCD Carver Branch Stecoah Creek PM PL SER SER SCBSCC SBYF F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F FF F F F F FCF CC C CFCC F FF F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F C F F F F F F F C F C F C C F F F F F F C F F FC F C C F F C C F F F F F F F PROJECT REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO. FEET 0 A-0009C 200 400 NC GR IDNAD 8 3 NA 2 0 11 PLAN_22 HS #12 PG PH S DTSCCS C F SCD S tecoah C reek SCG S DTSDT SDU Stecoah C reek Stecoah Creek SCF S C F SCFSCC SDSSCD SCD SCCSCCS C FSCESCC PM PLSERSER SCBSCCSCF F C F F F F F F F F F F F F F F PROJECT REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO. FEET 0 A-0009C 200 400 NC GRID NAD 83 NA 2011 PLAN_23 HS #13 HS #14 HS #15 HS #16 HS #17 HS #18 HS #19 HS #20 BOXED HOUSE GH0349 227 SEA S DYSDW SDX SDV SDT SDU S DZ SECWBO WBL WBJ WBK WBM WBN SDT SDU Wolf Creek Wolf Creek SDZ Wolf Creek SDV Wolf Creek WBM Wolf Creek6570758085303540FFF F C C C C