HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-5008Department of Environment and Natural Resources Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Project Review Form Project Number Count)' !Date Received Date Response Due (firm deadline) l0-?l3I HCCKCC ea c?I?$Ilo ?I ?? This project is being reviewed as indicated below: Regional Office Re gional Office Area In-House Review Asheville N Air Soil & Water _ Marine Fisheries Fayetteville N Water - Coastal Management Mooresville - - Aquifer Protection \v Wildlife . ? O7 _ Raleigh ! Land Quality Engineer \v Forest Resources Washington - Water Resources V Environmental Health Wilmington N Parks & Recreation _ Waste Mgmt Winston-Salem _ ra e, kp - Radiation Protection - Air Quality Other Manager Sign-Off/Region: Date: In-House Reviewer/Agency: Response (check all applicable) No objection to project as proposed No connnent Insufficient information to complete review Other (specify or attach comments) RETURN TO: Melba McGee Environmental Coordinator 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 a STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 14 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION N*17 y EU GENh?w„JR. BEVERLY EAVES PERDUE SECRETARY'S GOVERNOR June 9, 2010 MEMORANDUM FROM: Colista Freeman, PE Rail Environmental Planning Engineer NCDOT Rail Division, Environmental anu Piaaning Bra*.ictl SUBJECT: Start of Study for the Proposed Grade Separation of Sugar Creek Road fo k 2975) and 'the' North Carolina Railroad Company (N Southern Railway (NS) in Charlotte. Crossing No. 715 352H. NS Mile Post 374.02: Mecklenburg County, NC. TIP Project No. U-5008. State WBS Project No. 42848. ion ained the firm The North Carolina Department of Services Inc. torpr par'eatan Env onmenal Assessmen (EA)tfor proposed tte. The of ec Consulting g grade de separation of Sugar Creek Road (SR 2975) and the TC?RR/Nectr l NoU-5008. project is identified as Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) The purpose of this letter is to provide notification of the start of study and to solicit comments regarding potential concerns or data within the project study area. Please pleadress ase contact below o at submit written comments to Ms. Colista Freeman at csfreeman@ncdot.gov by July 9, 2010. If you have any questions, 7245. The following paragraphs provide a description of the project, the purpose and need for the project, plus the general characteristics and natural- resources of the project study area. Project Description The proposed project would provide a grade separation at the Sugar Creek Road (SR 2975 crossing of the NCRR/NS rail line (Crossing No. 715 352H; NS Mile Post e374 ginni jut north of Sugar Creek Road under the railroad, with re'surfacuig'and' grading work beginning J er the railroad, and ending just intersection of Sugar Creek Road and The Plaza, dintersection. south of the Sugar Creek Road and North Tryon LOCATION: TELEPHONE: 919-7334713 TRANSPORTATION BMDMG MAILING ADDRESS: FAX: 919-715-6580 1 SOV H WR.MMOPON STREET NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RALEIGH NC RAR. DMSION W£BSITE: WWW.BITR -ORG 1553 MAB.SERVICECENTER EAI.EIGHNC 27699-1553 Grade Separation of Sugar Creek (SR 2975) and the NCRR/NS Railway TIP Project No. U-5008 Start of Study Letter Page 2 of 3 The proposed cross-section for Sugar Creek Road would include wide outside lanes to accommodate bicycle traffic and a sidewalk on each side; however, this cross-section may be modified to avoid impacts to historic properties along the roadway on the north side of the railroad. The proposed project is approximately 0.75-mile in length. The project location is shown in the attached exhibit. Purpose and Need The need for this grade separation was established in the late 1990's and is based on existing and projected rail and vehicular traffic volumes. The current freight train count is 30 trains a day, although up to 60 freight trains a day may pass through this rail corridor (NCRR, 2008). This section of rail line also hosts six daily Amtrak passenger trains. This rail line is also part of the federally-designated Southeast High Speed Rail (SEHSR) corridor. In addition, traffic volumes on Sugar Creek Road are projected to reach 37,600 vehicles per day by 2030, making this one of the busiest crossings in the Charlotte area. The purpose of this project is,to create a safe crossing of the NCRR/NS rail at Sugar Creek Road: Separating the grades at, this location would provide safe passage for vehicular, bicycle,. and pedestrian traffic. It would also eliminate idlingi.vehicles at.the crossing, which would help improve Mecklenburg County's air quality. This project will also provide a suitable location for future high-speed rail service, plus any additional transit tracks that may be developed in the vicinity. General Characteristics of the Project Study Area The project study area is located along Sugar Creek Road in northeast Charlotte in Mecklenburg County. Land Use - Land use within the project study area is a mix of industrial, commercial, and residential uses. As shown in the attached exhibit, a large neighborhood is located in the eastern and southeastern portions of the study area. Socio-economic Characteristics - A preliminary review of 2000 US Census data indicates that the neighborhood located within the study area has notable minority and low-income populations. Natural Resources - The project study area is in the Lower Catawba River Basin (USGS Hydrologic Unit 03050103) (DWQ Subbasin 03-08-34), within the Sugar Creek watershed. Sugar Creek is classified as an impaired Class C water. A preliminary review of the USGS topographic quadrangles for the project study area did not reveal any waterbodies along Sugar Creek Road within the project study area; however, a formal natural resource investigation will be completed during the course of the study. Grade Separation of Sugar Creek (SR 2975) and the NCRR/NS Railway TIP Project No. U-5008 Start of Study Letter Page 3 of 3 A review of the National Wetland Inventory (NWI) mapping inventory did not reveal any wetlands within the project study area. Formal wetland delineations will be conducted during the course of the study: In accordance with provisions of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, the project study area will be evaluated for protected species habitat. The threatened and endangered species listed for Mecklenburg County include the Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) which is protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGPA) and the following endangered [E] species: Carolina heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata), Schweinitz's sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii), smooth coneflower (Echinacea laevigata), and Michaux's sumac (Rhus michauxii). The Georgia aster (Symphyotrichum georgianum) is classified as a Candidate [C] species. Federal Species of Concern [FSC] for Mecklenburg County include the American eel (Anguilla rostrata), Carolina oarter (Etheustawxa Collis wl. ), Carolina c.-ekshcll vaughaniana), Dwarf aster (Eurybia mirabilis), Shoals spiderlily (Hymenocallis coronaria), Tall larkspur (Delphinium exaltatum), and Prairie birdsfoot-trefoil (Lotus unifoliolatus var helleri). Potential habitat for Michaux's sumac, Schweinitz's sunflower and Georgia aster may exist along . the railroad corridor, Sugar Creek Road, and,in clear-cut areas. Surveys will be conducted during .the plants' flowering and/or fruiting seasons to identify any species in the project area. Archeological and Historic Architectural Properties - Along Sugar Creek Road north of the railroad, there are two properties eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (Republic Steel Corporation Plant on the east and the Standard Chemical Products Plant on the west). A historic architecture field survey will be conducted during the course of the study. A formal archaeological investigation is not anticipated; however, NCDOT awaits comments from the State Office of Archaeology regarding the level of investigation required for this project. CF/acs Attachment cc: File ? ^r . ,"?• - ', ,i? _ ?+9 r'? ' - ,?; '?:a' r '4,? /?,.A s.Iy , ?? .fry , T + • LAW Tryon St. (US 29) , -40 < ' LV Project Sited tf ` d - - - - ?° tolk Scutt% r m CIO -Y id on St. , -OW f td ?+*,?i , a rt yl y _ Norfolk S he a outh ern -? _ '- Aki. ? ` c • I '?• .tom 1? ? ?? !. ? --• ,? e4 ? r Project Location r ? y . ;?Y t .y a Mecklenburg County ,.. , V .• • Legend ... } ?, i _ _ f w ' . .. _ p ., i4 f t Charlotte ....... .•- ;° ....? . Study Area , ? Sugar Creek Road Grade Separation Project Location TIP No. U-5008 and Study Area Map Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Not To Scale Exhibit 1.1