HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000259_Email RE Draft Permit Clarification_20201112Gamble, Aana C
Signed By:
Thanks Aana
Chris Fleming
HSES Manager
Fleming, C. (Christopher) <christopher.fleming@nouryon.com>
Thursday, November 12, 2020 2:50 PM
Gamble, Aana C
[External] RE: Permit No. NCS000259 - Oil & Grease Sampling Clarification
T: +1 704-633-1731 Ext. 246203
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From: Gamble, Aana C <Aana.Gamble@ncdenr.gov>
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 2:06 PM
To: Fleming, C. (Christopher) <christopher.fleming@nouryon.com>
Subject: Permit No. NCS000259 - Oil & Grease Sampling Clarification
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Good afternoon,
Thank you for reaching out to me by phone today regarding the permit requirements for Nouryon Surface Chemistry
(NCS000259) as far as non -polar oil and grease sampling. The requirements for non -polar oil & grease sampling have
changed for all NPDES individual industrial stormwater permits, which is reflected on the draft permit sent to you on
November 3, 2020. The following bullet points outline the draft permit's requirements for Nouryon Surface Chemistry,
as we discussed:
• Stormwater samples must be analyzed for non -polar oil & grease per EPA Method 1664 (SGT-HEM) ONLY for
outfalls whose drainage area includes the usage of >55 gallons per month of new hydraulic or motor oil (on
average). See Part D, Table 1 of the draft permit.
• If there is no hydraulic/motor oil usage within the drainage area for an outfall, or if the new hydraulic/motor oil
usage in that drainage area is less than 55 gallons per month, on average, samples taken at that outfall do not
have to be analyzed for non -polar oil & grease.
• Note that hydraulic/motor oil must be used within the drainage area to meet this requirement.
• To determine whether the facility's outfalls meet the requirement for non -polar oil & grease analysis, the facility
shall track and record the average monthly usage of new hydraulic/motor oil. This information must be reported
to the Division if it exceeds 55 gallons per month, on average. See Part D-1(b) of the draft permit.
• On the DMR or eDMR form, if the field for non -polar oil & grease is generated, the facility should record "N/A" if
they do not meet the threshold for oil & grease analysis, as described above.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Thank you again!
Aana Gamble
Environmental Specialist II
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Phone: (919) 707-3648
Email: aana.gamble@ncdenr.gov
Physical Address: 512 North Salisbury Street
Mailing Address: 1612 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
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