HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070570 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070405~~11 ,(;~~ .
- ~ • DW~t~ V ~. , p `~~ 0 ~ Data ~' S - c ~ V~ho Reviewed: ~,~~'" , ~
'. i
Pla•>i Detail7ncomplet® - ~ '
[] Plbasaprovida a location map for the protect. '
(~ Please $how all stream impacts including all fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on the site p]an.
[]. Flease show ail wetland impacts including fi11 slopes on the site plan.
lasso indicate a1I buffer impacts on the situ plan.
^ Pleasa indicate proposed Lot Iaycut as overlays on the site plea. ~ ~ 4
Please indicate the location of the protected buffers as mverlays on the site plan. ~ '
1 ^ Please locate eII isolated or non-isolated wetlands, ~streatns and other waters of thb State as ovarlays on the site plan.
^ Please protrida cross section details showing the provisions for aquatio life passage.
^ Pleasa locate any planned•eev~ lines on the site plan.
^ Please provide fhe location of any proposed stormwater management practices as required by t~C .
^ Please provide detail for the stormwaxer management practices as required by C3C .
^ Please specify the percent of project iiuperviouane,es area based on the estimated builb•out conditions:
^ Plesse~ indicate all stormwator~o~}ttialle on the site g1ai1. ~ .
^ Ploa'so'indioate the difibse Sow provision moesurbs oa the site plan.
^ Please iadicate,whotha'~Qr not the proposed impacts already bears oohducted. '
Avoidance,and/or Aylinimizaf#on 1tTot Provided . ~ .. '
•. ^ • The Labeled as __,_ on the plena dons not appear to be necessary. Please eliminate the . or provide additional .
. ~ infonnadon~as to vahy it is nnoossary for this protect. ;
^ This Ofiiae belieives that the labeled ott the plans as. can be moved, or reconfigured to avoid the impacts to the
- . Please rowlse the pleas to avoid thq impaots. • . .
. •- ^. ~ This'OiSce believ6s~that the . .labeled on the plans as• cea bo moved or reconfgured to ;minimize the irr~acts to'tho
• . Please revise the plans m minimize the impa.ots. .
The atoimwata discharges at: the location on the plans Iabeied will.not provide .diS~se flovv tlmough the buffer because ~ .
• - . Please xevise the plane end provIdp calculations to show that diilUse'$ow x911 be achieved Ehrough the entire buffer. If it
• - is noEpossible m achimve•diSi~se Bova through.the ~13re buffer'then it may be necessary to' provide stormwater managemtat
• • practices that rarnovo ntitrlents :bofare the stormwatar can be discharged through the. bUif~. ' , .
Oilier ~ - • ~ .. ~ • . ...
. ~ ^•. The application fns was insufBeiont~becauso over 15`0 foot of stroaxn and/or.over 1 care o~wotland"nnpacts ware requested. Please •
. pravido ~ .' This additional foe must be racxiva¢ before your application csa be reviewed.
. ~ ~ ^ Please compieto Section(s) on theapplication. - ~ "' •~ ..
• ~ ^ Pleaseprovide a signed copy of the appHoatioa'
^ Pleaseprovide ~ copies of the application, . copies of•tho siteplans and other supporting information: ~ ~ .
,, - ^ • Pleasasubmit electronic CXD files showing ~ :,via'einail to ian.mamillan(t~ncmai],nat and Cl~
Mitigation ~.
.. ^ of compensatory ~ mitigation is required for flue project. ~ Plaeso provido'a cpmParisatory mitigative plan.. The .
: plan must conform-to tharcquiranonts in 15 A NCAC 2H :OSOt?~aad must be appropriate to the type~of impacts proposed.
' ^ Please indicatewhich 404 Permit the USAGE would use to authorize this project. ~ .