HomeMy WebLinkAboutA-0009 CP3_4A packetNEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING Concurrence Point Nos. 3 and 4A November 12, 2020 Page 1 of 14 CORRIDOR K IMPROVEMENTS WBS Element No. 32572.1.FS1 STIP Project No. A-0009C FA No. APD-0074(178) PURPOSE OF TODAY’S MEETING The purpose of today’s meeting is to obtain concurrence on the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) (Concurrence Point 3) and Avoidance and Minimization (Concurrence Point 4A). PROJECT DESCRIPTION The NC Department of Transportation is studying improvements from Robbinsville to Stecoah in Graham County as part of a proposed project to provide the transportation infrastructure necessary for the well-being of local residents and regional traffic. The State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) identifies this portion of the proposed project as A-0009C (which includes the previously-designated ‘B’ portion from Robbinsville to Cheoah). The project location is shown in Figure 1. This project is part of Corridor K of the Appalachian Development Highway System (ADHS) – a network of road corridors that Congress established in 1965 to provide a safe, efficient transportation system for the Appalachian Region. Corridor K extends from Dillsboro in Jackson County, NC to I-75 in Cleveland, Tennessee. Two alternatives were carried forward for detailed study: Improve Existing Alternative (Alternative 1) and the No-Build Alternative.1 Because the No-Build Alternative would not meet the project’s purpose of addressing the mobility and reliability needs of Graham County residents, Alternative 1 was subsequently selected as NCDOT’s Preferred Alternative. The Preferred Alternative would improve the existing alignments of US 129, NC 143, and NC 28 between US 129 south of Robbinsville and the existing four-lane section of NC 28 in Stecoah. The Preferred Alternative would improve roadway shoulders and adding passing/climbing lanes for the length of the project. Passing/climbing lanes along with environmental features are shown in Figures 2.1 through 2.4. In Robbinsville, proposed improvements include: • Resurfacing some existing sections • Dedicated eastbound right-turn lane from US 129 to NC 143, • Dedicated left-turn lanes at Robbinsville High School and Five Point Road (SR1275) • Sidewalks from Robbinsville High School’s entrance on NC 143 to the intersection of US 129 and Five Point Road (SR 1275) Traveling east out of Robbinsville, the Preferred Alternative includes: • Passing or climbing lanes and eight-foot paved shoulders on NC 143 • Dedicated left-turn lanes at Mountain Creek Road, Tatham Road, and Sweeten Creek Road Near the Appalachian Trail, the Preferred Alternative provides both eastbound and westbound climbing lanes and eight-foot paved shoulders on NC 143. A land bridge would provide a grade-separated crossing for both pedestrian users of the Appalachian Trail and wildlife. 1 Concurrence Point 2 Revisited – May 20, 2020. NEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING Concurrence Point Nos. 3 and 4A November 12, 2020 Page 2 of 14 CORRIDOR K IMPROVEMENTS WBS Element No. 32572.1.FS1 STIP Project No. A-0009C FA No. APD-0074(178) Along existing NC 28 in Stecoah the Preferred Alternative would provide: • Alternating passing/climbing lanes • Multi-use path on the south side of NC 28 between Stecoah Road and Hyde Town Road • Eight-foot paved shoulder • Slight realignment of Bill Crisp Road to create a four-leg intersection with NC 28 and Stecoah Road Typical Sections: Along US 129 and NC 143 in Robbinsville, the proposed typical section is three lanes including a center turn lane or occasional left and right turning lanes, and 5-foot sidewalks. Sidewalks are proposed on NC 143 from the Robbinsville High School entrance to the US 129 and SR 1275 (Five Point Road) intersection. The typical section for much of the remainder of the project includes two 12-foot lanes with 10-foot shoulders, including 8 feet of pavement and 2 feet of grass, with passing and climbing lanes throughout. Passing/Climbing Lane Typical Section NC 143/NC 28 Center Turn Lane Typical Section NC 143/US 129 in Robbinsville *shoulder typical may vary in final design *shoulder typical may vary in final design NEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING Concurrence Point Nos. 3 and 4A November 12, 2020 Page 3 of 14 CORRIDOR K IMPROVEMENTS WBS Element No. 32572.1.FS1 STIP Project No. A-0009C FA No. APD-0074(178) The typical section at the Appalachian Trail includes four 12-foot lanes with eight-foot paved shoulders, two-foot grass shoulders, and a tiered retaining wall. A land bridge is proposed to facilitate the crossing of wildlife and pedestrians across NC 143, and would relocate the Appalachian Trail in the middle of the land bridge. The land bridge would be approximately 160 feet long, 220 feet wide, and 29-feet tall filled with earth material and planted. Appalachian Trail Typical Section *shoulder typical may vary in final design Land Bridge Typical Section *shoulder typical may vary in final design NEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING Concurrence Point Nos. 3 and 4A November 12, 2020 Page 4 of 14 CORRIDOR K IMPROVEMENTS WBS Element No. 32572.1.FS1 STIP Project No. A-0009C FA No. APD-0074(178) A multi-use path is proposed along NC 28 from Hyde Town Road (SR 1230) from its western intersection with NC 28 to its eastern intersection with NC 28. The typical section here includes three 12-foot lanes with a 10-foot paved multi-use path. Conceptual Rendering of Land Bridge and Tiered, Benched Retaining Walls Multi-Use Path Typical Section NC 28 *shoulder typical may vary in final design NEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING Concurrence Point Nos. 3 and 4A November 12, 2020 Page 5 of 14 CORRIDOR K IMPROVEMENTS WBS Element No. 32572.1.FS1 STIP Project No. A-0009C FA No. APD-0074(178) Table 1: Project Timeline Milestone Date* Reinitiate studies with fresh approach September 2015 Project team coordination Ongoing Public meetings February 2019 Formal environmental studies 2019-2020 Environmental documentation August 2020 Public hearing October 2020 Finding of no significant impact December 2020 Right-of-way acquisition September 2021 Construction begins August 2022 *Future dates subject to change Table 2: Cost Estimates Estimated Cost* Right-of-way acquisition $14,795,888 Utility relocation $6,611,000 Land bridge $5,000,000 Construction $104,200,000 Total $130,606,888 *Estimated costs subject to change. PROJECT STATUS Environmental Documentation – A federal Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared in August 2020 and it is anticipated that a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) will be prepared for the project in December 2020. Merger Team Coordination – On October 9, 2019, the Merger Team reached agreement on Concurrence Point 1. The project purpose and need statement is as follows: The project purpose is to provide the transportation infrastructure necessary for the well- being of local residents by improving mobility and reliability between the existing four-lane section on NC 28 at Stecoah and US 129 in Robbinsville. Concurrence Point 2 was originally reached on October 9, 2019 then revisited on May 20, 2020 after additional studies into environmental impacts and costs associated with the build alternatives that included improvements to Five Point Road in Robbinsville and tunnels in the Stecoah Gap area were completed. As a result of the second meeting, the Improve Existing Alternative (Alternative 1) and the No-Build Alternative were identified as the alternatives to be carried forward for evaluation in the Environmental Assessment. Concurrence was reached on CP 2A on November 20, 2019. (Bridging decisions resulting from this meeting are shown in Table 7.) Other Project Coordination – Table 3 summarizes all coordination efforts for 2020, including meetings related to Section 106 concurrence and tribal coordination. NEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING Concurrence Point Nos. 3 and 4A November 12, 2020 Page 6 of 14 CORRIDOR K IMPROVEMENTS WBS Element No. 32572.1.FS1 STIP Project No. A-0009C FA No. APD-0074(178) Table 3: 2020 Coordination Summary Agency Meetings 1/7: Project Team Teleconference 1/22: Project Team Teleconference 1/29: Project Team Teleconference 1/29: USACE, NCDWR, NCWRC Teleconference 2/7: USFWS Coordination Teleconference 3/27: USFS Teleconference 4/8: Section 106 AT Pre-Effects Meeting 4/22: USACE Teleconference 5/20: Concurrence Point 2 Meeting (Revisit) 6/1: Section 106 Effects Meeting 6/11: USFWS Coordination Teleconference 8/10: FHWA, NCDOT, NCSHPO, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Meeting 8/11: FHWA, USACE, NCDWR, & NCDOT Pre-CP 3/4A Meeting 8/13: USFS Environmental Assessment Comments Discussion 9/17: USFS Environmental Assessment Comments Discussion Tribal Coordination 1/27: EBCI THPO Call 2/19: FHWA, NCDOT & EBCI Councilmember Work Session 3/13: Cultural Resources Teleconference 7/25: EBCI Attorney General’s Office Teleconference Appalachian Trail Stakeholders Meetings 3/6: AT Stakeholders Teleconference 4/16: AT Stakeholders Teleconference 4/30: AT Section 106 Effects Meeting 7/1: AT Stakeholders Teleconference 7/30: AT Stakeholders Teleconference Environmental Stakeholders Meetings 5/5: Environmental Stakeholders Teleconference 6/17: WaysSouth Teleconference 7/1: Environmental Stakeholders Teleconference Public Outreach 10/1: Virtual Local Official Meeting 10/1: Virtual Public Hearing Public Outreach – Public meetings were held on February 12 and 14, 2019. Public comments received during the 2019 comment period included concerns related to residential relocations and environmental impacts, including habitat fragmentation and impacts to water resources. Given the large amount of public opposition to T-1 and support for improving existing roadways between Robbinsville and Andrews, it was determined that scenarios T-1 and T-4 would not be studied further as part of the A-0009C project. A virtual Public Hearing was held on October 1, 2020. The Public Hearing comment period ended October 30, 2020. A total of eighteen written and voicemail transcribed comments were received following the hearing. A number of the comments provided feedback on multiple aspects of the project with the majority of comments primarily focused on expressing support for the project; the proposed land bridge; multi-use path; and, property impacts. Other comments included questions about property impacts at specific locations, the project schedule, the Andrews to Robbinsville portion of the project, parking at the picnic area at the Appalachian Trail, and requests to be added to the project mailing list or other general comments/requests. NEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING Concurrence Point Nos. 3 and 4A November 12, 2020 Page 7 of 14 CORRIDOR K IMPROVEMENTS WBS Element No. 32572.1.FS1 STIP Project No. A-0009C FA No. APD-0074(178) The US Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Public Notice was posted on September 22, 2020. The comment period for the USACE Public Notice expired on October 22, 2020. A total of three written comments and one voicemail were received in response to the USACE Public Notice. Both the written comment and voicemail comment received from residents noted concerns over property impacts. CONCURRENCE POINT 3 The selection of the Improve Existing Alternative (Alternative 1) as the NCDOT Preferred Alternative was based on early public input, interagency coordination, and meetings with local officials. Alternative 1 was identified as the NCDOT preferred alternative for the following reasons: •Travel time reliability: Alternative 1 would provide more reliable facilities with the addition of passing and climbing lanes and extending/adding shoulders. Travel times are expected to become more consistent and reliable for the segments through Robbinsville, along NC 143 to NC 28, and through Stecoah. From the Old Sweetwater Road intersection on NC 143 to the existing four-lane section on NC 28 (a length of roughly 7.8 miles), the proposed project would decrease travel time variability in both directions in both the AM and PM peak hours with the westbound PM peak experiencing the greatest reduction in variability at 7.25 minutes. As such, traffic operations and mobility within the project study area are expected to improve. •Mobility Improvements: All locally-identified hot spots on the existing roads (locations of high vehicular crashes due to limited sight distance, dangerous curves and areas of geologic instability) will be addressed with Alternative 1 though the addition of climbing or passing lanes, improved shoulders, and dedicated turn lanes. •Environmental Impacts: Based on agency and stakeholder coordination and input to date, coupled with environmental study and analysis, impacts associated with Alternative 1 have been avoided or minimized to the extent possible. Those impacts that are unavoidable do not reach a threshold of significant concern and they will be further addressed with mitigation measures that have been developed in coordination with resource and regulatory agencies. •Funding Constraints: There is adequate amount of ADHS funding available to construct Alternative 1. •Local Support: Graham County Commissioners unanimously voted in support of Alternative 1 at their April 7, 2020 Board Meeting. •Best Satisfies Project Purpose and Need: By providing opportunities for passing slower moving vehicles and providing additional space to allow vehicles to pass crashes, landslides, farm equipment, and other obstructions, Alternative 1 satisfies the project’s purpose to improve mobility and reliability in Graham County. The No-Build Alternative would not meet the project’s purpose to address the mobility and reliability needs of area residents. NEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING Concurrence Point Nos. 3 and 4A November 12, 2020 Page 8 of 14 CORRIDOR K IMPROVEMENTS WBS Element No. 32572.1.FS1 STIP Project No. A-0009C FA No. APD-0074(178) Table 4: Summary of Impacts Associated with the NCDOT Preferred Alternative (Alternative 1) EVALUATION FACTORS 1 Preferred Alternative CONSTRUCTION FACTORS Length (miles) 12.2 Railroad Crossings 0 Major Utility Conflicts No SOCIOECONOMIC FACTORS Residential Relocations (#)2 9 Business Relocations (#)2 5 Churches/Cemeteries Displaced (#) 0 CULTURAL RESOURCE FACTORS Potential/Recorded Archaeological Sites (#)3 None Anticipated Historic Architecture Resources (#)3 7 (“No Adverse Effect”) Tribal Resources (yes/no) 3 Yes Section 4(f) (yes/no) 3 Yes (“De Minimis”) NATURAL RESOURCE FACTORS Protected Species Impacted (yes/no) 6 Yes Major Stream Crossings (#) 14 Stream Impacts (linear feet) 11,743 Wetland/Aquatic Systems (acres) 0.963 NFS land (acres) 7.09 Consistency with current Forest Plan (yes/no) Yes AT impacts/visual (low/mod/high) Low Habitat fragmentation (low/mod/high) Low PHYSICAL FACTORS Floodplains (acres) 8.86 Farmland (acres) 20.08 Hazardous Materials Sites (#) 0 NOTES: Impacts are subject to change as the final design process progresses. 1. All impacts were calculated based on slope stakes limits plus a 25-foot buffer, with the exception of NFS lands and farmlands, which were calculated based on new right-of-way. 2. Per NCDOT Relocation Report dated 8/13/2020. 3. Of the 20 historic architecture resources determined to be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), four (4) resources were found to be located outside the Area of Potential Effect. The Preferred Alternative would have No Effect on nine (9) NRHP-eligible resources and No Adverse Effect on seven (7) NRHP- eligible resources. Coordination with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (THPOs), and the US Forest Service (USFS), is ongoing and will continue though project construction to address impacts to historic architecture and archaeological sites. NCDOT and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) committed to enter into a project-level Section 106 Programmatic Agreement (PA). A PA is appropriate when it is difficult to fully determine how a particular undertaking may affect historic properties or the location of historic properties and their significance and character. The intent of the PA is to get a No Adverse Effect (NAE) call for the entire project for both historic and archaeology sites. The PA will be executed prior to the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). The PA will outline procedures, roles and responsibilities, and continued consultation through final design, right of way and construction. 4. Alternative 1 has the potential to effect the Northern long-eared bat and Indiana bat based on previous surveys, the potential for forest loss, known occurrences of NLEB in the project area, presumed presence of Indiana bat in the study area, and known Indiana bat maternity roosts. An informal Section 7 Consultation is underway for a May Affect – Not Likely to Adversely Affect biological conclusion for both bats. Additionally, although not yet listed by USFWS, the golden-winged warbler is present within Alternative 1. A conference opinion for the golden-winged warbler will be developed with USFWS to be included within permit commitments. NEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING Concurrence Point Nos. 3 and 4A November 12, 2020 Page 9 of 14 CORRIDOR K IMPROVEMENTS WBS Element No. 32572.1.FS1 STIP Project No. A-0009C FA No. APD-0074(178) CONCURRENCE POINT 4A Avoidance & Minimization Measures – Throughout the development of the proposed project, NCDOT has attempted to avoid and minimize impacts to streams and wetlands to the maximum extent practicable. Tables 5, 6, and 7 show preliminary impacts to streams and wetlands based on the slope stakes limits of the Preferred Alternative plus a 25-foot buffer and reflect avoidance and minimization measures incorporated into the design to date. After final surveys and final geotechnical recommendations are available in the final design phase, additional measures to further reduce impacts will be evaluated. There are a number of locations where valley streams parallel the roadway; it is anticipated that stream impacts in these areas can be further reduced in final design; however, actual reductions cannot be determined until the above-mentioned information is available in the final design phase. Figures 3.1 through 3.20 include site-specific descriptions of avoidance and minimization measures currently incorporated in the Preferred Alternative design. These measures are listed in Table 8. In summary, the current NCDOT Preferred Alternative design includes the following avoidance and minimization measures: • 2:1 fill slopes. • 1.5:1 cut slopes where possible. • Expressway gutter and shoulder berm gutter to reduce cross-section width. • Alignment shifts to avoid relocations and avoid/minimize stream, wetland, and historic resource impacts. • Alignment shifts and either symmetrical or asymmetrical widening to fit a best-fit alignment to avoid/minimize impacts and reduce earthwork. In final design: • All slopes in jurisdictional areas are anticipated to be the maximum allowable for standard grass lined slopes (2:1) to minimize jurisdictional impacts. • Minimum applicable typical sections will be proposed throughout the project to minimize jurisdictional impacts. • Final design will propose retaining and extending existing culverts where practicable to minimize in stream work. • Effort will be made throughout the project in final design to make slight adjustments to the horizontal and vertical alignments where practicable to minimize jurisdictional, cultural and environmental impacts. Similarly, geotechnical design will evaluate steepening slopes in some areas if practicable. • Consideration will be given to extending existing culvert headwalls vertically where practicable in a few locations to avoid stream loss (possible examples are Tulula Creek, downstream end of Sweetwater Creek at Slaybacon Rd and upstream end of Stecoah Creek). • The design team will be prepared at CP 4B and/or 4C to discuss jurisdictional impacts as well as provide a more detailed explanation of minimization efforts made at a specific location, as needed. NEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING Concurrence Point Nos. 3 and 4A November 12, 2020 Page 10 of 14 CORRIDOR K IMPROVEMENTS WBS Element No. 32572.1.FS1 STIP Project No. A-0009C FA No. APD-0074(178) Table 5: Stream Impacts Map ID Sheet # Bank Height (ft) Bankful Width (ft) Water Depth (in) Type STREAM IMPACT (ft) SE 1 1 4 5 Intermittent 54 Sweetwater Creek (at Hydraulic Site 3) 3 9 25 12 Perennial 484 SG 3 2 2 3 Intermittent 32 SI 3 2.5 5 6 Perennial 243 SJ 3 4 2 2 Intermittent 51 SL 4 4 4 1 Intermittent 8 Sweetwater Creek (near Hydraulic Site 5) 4 9 25 12 Perennial 94 Slay Bacon Branch 4 7 6 6 Perennial 90 Sweetwater Creek (at Hydraulic Site 6) 5 9 25 12 Perennial 167 SM 5 1.5 3 3 Perennial 22 SN 5 2 4 4 Intermittent 54 SO 5 2 4 4 Intermittent 6 Sweetwater Creek (west of Pigpen Branch) 5 9 25 12 Perennial 109 Pigpen Branch 5 3 6 2 Perennial 101 Harwood Branch 6 3 5 6 Perennial 89 SR 6 1 2 1 Perennial 58 SS 6 0.5 2 1 Intermittent 29 ST 6 2 4 6 Perennial 36 SU 6 3 8 6 Perennial 0 SV 6 3 4 4 Intermittent 44 Sweetwater Creek (near Sweeten Creek Road) 6 9 25 12 Perennial 282 SX 7 2 6 6 Perennial 37 Sweetwater Creek (near Hydraulic Site 8) 7 9 25 12 Perennial 279 Beech Creek 7 7 20 6 Perennial 121 SY 8 4 4 1.5 Perennial 34 Sweetwater Creek (near Wetland WAF) 8 9 25 12 Perennial 354 SZ 8 1 1.5 1 Perennial 79 SAA 8 1 1.5 0.5 Perennial 38 SAB 9 1 2 0.5 Perennial 30 Sweetwater Creek (near Wetland WAK) 9 9 25 12 Perennial 385 SAC 9 0.5 2 6 Intermittent 45 SAD 9 5 4 6 Perennial 50 SAE 9 0.5 1 3 Perennial 89 Sweetwater Creek (near Wetland WAM) 9 9 25 12 Perennial 787 SAF 10 0.5 3 3 Perennial 230 SAG 10 0.5 3 3 Perennial 63 Sweetwater Creek (at Hydraulic Site 10) 10 9 25 12 Perennial 103 SAH 10 1 2 0.6 Intermittent 66 SAJ 10 1 4 4 Perennial 484 SAK 10 1 4 4 Perennial 37 SAM 11 2 5 6 Perennial 137 Stillhouse Branch 11 2 3 6 Perennial 43 Sweetwater Creek (near Wetland WAY) 11 9 25 12 Perennial 28 SAT 11 2 3 6 Perennial 53 SAX 12 1 2 2 Perennial 113 SBA 12 1 1 1 Perennial 63 SAY 12 1 2 2 Perennial 77 NEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING Concurrence Point Nos. 3 and 4A November 12, 2020 Page 11 of 14 CORRIDOR K IMPROVEMENTS WBS Element No. 32572.1.FS1 STIP Project No. A-0009C FA No. APD-0074(178) Map ID Sheet # Bank Height (ft) Bankful Width (ft) Water Depth (in) Type STREAM IMPACT (ft) SBB 14 0.5 1 1 Intermittent 114 SBC (at NC 143) 15 1 3 3 Perennial 0 SBG 16 0.5 1 0.5 Intermittent 166 SEV 16 0.25 2 3 Intermittent 370 Johnson’s Gap Branch 16 1 3 6 Perennial 278 SEX 16 0.5 4 4 Intermittent 45 SEY 16 0.25 3 2 Intermittent 30 SEZ 16 0.5 4 3 Intermittent 114 SFA 16 1 3 2 Intermittent 25 SFB 16 0.5 4 3 Intermittent 0 Carver Branch (between NC 143 and NC 28) 16 5 10 3 Perennial 262 SBC (at NC 28) 16 1 3 3 Perennial 80 Carver Branch (at Hydraulic Sites 21 & 22) 17 5 10 3 Perennial 111 SBJ 17 4 2 2 Perennial 71 SBN 18 2 5 2 Perennial 183 SBO 18 1 1 0.25 Intermittent 206 Carver Branch (near Stream SBN) 18 5 10 3 Perennial 191 SBV (parallel to Bill Crisp Rd) 18 1 2 2 Perennial 152 Edwards Branch 18 2 4 8 Perennial 233 SBZ 18 1 3 1 Intermittent 48 Carver Branch (parallel NC 28) 18 5 10 3 Perennial 634 Edwards Branch (at Hydraulic Site 24) 18 2 4 8 Perennial 44 SBV (at Hydraulic Site 24) 18 1 2 2 Perennial 21 Carver Branch (at Hydraulic Site 24) 18 5 10 3 Perennial 189 SCB 19 0.5 2 3 Perennial 216 Stecoah Creek 19 2.5 12 8 Perennial 1,791 SCD 19 2 5 8 Perennial 213 SCG 19 3 8 1 Perennial 0 SCH 19 2 3 2 Perennial 0 SDT 20 5 3 5 Perennial 79 SDV 20 0.5 2 3 Perennial 0 Impact Total 11,743 NOTES: Slope stakes limits are based on available LIDAR data not final survey data. Impact quantities updated in October 2020 to reflect slope stakes limits plus a 25-foot buffer. NEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING Concurrence Point Nos. 3 and 4A November 12, 2020 Page 12 of 14 CORRIDOR K IMPROVEMENTS WBS Element No. 32572.1.FS1 STIP Project No. A-0009C FA No. APD-0074(178) Table 6: Wetland Impacts Map ID Sheet # NCWAM Classification Hydrologic Classification NCWAM Rating WETLAND IMPACTS (ac) WG 3 Headwater Forest Riparian Low 0.004 WN 5 Headwater Forest Riparian High 0.03 WO 5 Headwater Forest Riparian High 0.136 WP 5 Headwater Forest Riparian Low 0.027 WR 6 Headwater Forest Riparian High 0.086 WS 6 Non-Tidal Freshwater Marsh Riparian High 0.007 WV 6 Floodplain Pool Riparian High 0.002 WAB 7 Non-Tidal Freshwater Marsh Riparian Medium 0 WAC 7 Non-Tidal Freshwater Marsh Riparian Medium 0.002 WAD 7 Non-Tidal Freshwater Marsh Riparian High 0.238 WAE 7 Non-Tidal Freshwater Marsh Riparian Medium 0.015 WAI 8 Non-Tidal Freshwater Marsh Riparian Medium 0.001 WAJ 8 Non-Tidal Freshwater Marsh Riparian Medium 0.072 WAN 9 Seep Non-Riparian High 0.032 WAO 10 Non-Tidal Freshwater Marsh Riparian High 0.15 WAQ 10 Seep Non-Riparian High 0 WAX 11 Headwater Forest Riparian Low 0.011 WAY 11 Non-Tidal Freshwater Marsh Riparian Medium 0.039 WAZ 12 Non-Tidal Freshwater Marsh Riparian Medium 0.024 WBA 12 Non-Tidal Freshwater Marsh Riparian Medium 0 WBB 14 Headwater Forest Riparian Medium 0.007 WBV 16 Non-Tidal Freshwater Marsh Riparian Low 0.073 WBR 19 Headwater Forest Riparian Medium 0.007 Impact Total 0.963 NOTES: Slope stakes limits are based on available LIDAR data not final survey data. Impact quantities updated in October 2020 to reflect slope stakes limits plus a 25-foot buffer. NEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING Concurrence Point Nos. 3 and 4A November 12, 2020 Page 13 of 14 CORRIDOR K IMPROVEMENTS WBS Element No. 32572.1.FS1 STIP Project No. A-0009C FA No. APD-0074(178) Table 7: Stream and Wetland Impacts at Major Crossings MAP ID ROUTE LAT LONG STREAM NAME FEMA STUDY TYPE DRAINAGE AREA (Mi2) DRAINAGE AREA (ac.) EXISTING STRUCTURE (NUMBER, SIZE, STRUCTURE TYPE) MIN. RECOMMENDED STRUCTURE (NUMBER, SIZE, STRUCTURE TYPE) STREAM IMPACTS (ft.) w/ 25’Offset STREAM CLASS WETLAND IMPACTS (ac.) 3 NC 143 35.32366 -83.79101 Sweetwater Creek Detailed 13.70 - C-132 / 370132 3@12'x9' RCBC Retain & Extend 3@12'x9' RCBC (@1.05) 484 WS-III - SG N/A - - - - 32 WS-III - 4 NC 143 35.32286 -83.78753 SI N/A 0.31 198 54" CSP w/ HW 1 @6'x6' RCBC (@1.05) 243 WS-III; Tr - 5 NC 143 35.32740 -83.77253 Slay Bacon Branch N/A 0.56 358 66" CSP w/ HW 1 @7'x7' RCBC (@1.01) 90 WS-III - Sweetwater Creek Detailed - - - - 94 WS-III - 6 NC 143 35.32865 -83.77164 Sweetwater Creek Detailed 10.70 - C-133 / 370133 3@11'X9' RCBC Retain & Extend 3@11'x9' RCBC (@0.99) 167 WS-III - 7 NC 143 35.33232 -83.76239 Harwood Branch N/A 0.39 250 54" CSP w/ HW 3@48" RCP (@1.26) 89 WS-III - 8 NC 143 35.34053 -83.74950 Beech Creek Limited Detail 4.39 - 3@72" CSP w/ Brick HW & EW 2@10'x7' RCBC (@1.18) 121 WS-III 0.18 9 NC 143 35.34837 -83.73446 SAD N/A 0.23 147 48" CSP into 2GI U/S; 48"CSP under NC 143 3@48" RCP (@0.97) 50 WS-III; Tr - SAE N/A - - - - 89 WS-III; Tr - 10 NC 143 35.35580 -83.73163 Sweetwater Creek N/A 1.09 698 72" CSP w/ Brick HW & EW 1 @ 8X8' RCBC (@0.96) 103 WS-III - SAH N/A - - - - 66 WS-III; Tr - 21 NC 28 35.37318 -83.70072 Carver Branch N/A 0.62 397 1 @ 6’ x 6’ RCBC / Ex. Length 116’ 1 @ 7' x 7' RCBC (@ 1.06) 111 C - 22 NC 28 35.37313 -83.70033 SBJ N/A 0.19 122 1 @ 48” CMP 1 @ 6' x 6' RCBC (@ 0.92) 71 C - 24 NC 28 35.37088 -83.69058 Edwards Branch N/A 0.32 205 1 @ 66” CMP / Ex. Length 50’ 1 @ 6’ x 6’ RCBC 44 C - SBV N/A - - - - 113 C - Carver Branch Limited Detail - - - - 76 C - 25 NC 28 35.37132 -83.68092 Stecoah Creek Limited Detail 6.92 - C-3 / 370003 3@10'x9' RCBC Retain & Extend 3 @ 10'X9' RCBC (@0.98) 124 C; Tr - SCH N/A - - - - 0 C; Tr - 26 NC 28 35.37281 -83.67727 SDT N/A 0.15 96 1 @ 60” CMP / Ex. Length 161’ 1 @ 66" RCP (@1.00) 79 C; Tr - NOTES: Alternatives containing Sites 1, 11 through 20, and 23 were dropped from further study at CP 2 on May 20, 2020. Impact quantities updated in October 2020 to reflect slope stakes limits plus a 25-foot buffer. NEPA/404 MERGER TEAM MEETING Concurrence Point Nos. 3 and 4A November 12, 2020 Page 14 of 14 CORRIDOR K IMPROVEMENTS WBS Element No. 32572.1.FS1 STIP Project No. A-0009C FA No. APD-0074(178) Table 8: Avoidance and Minimization Measures for the NCDOT Preferred Alternative (Alternative 1) SHEET # AVOIDANCE/MINIMIZATION MEASURES 1 • 2:1 fill slope 2 • 2:1 fill slope • Will avoid Site 2 culvert extension (permanent impacts) here by extending both headwalls vertically. May have some temporary impacts with construction 3 • Sweetwater Creek at NC 143/Old Sweetwater Road: 2:1 fill slope; symmetrical widening to minimize overall stream impacts due to stream geometry • Stream SI on NC 143/Milt Williams Road: 2:1 fill slope; symmetric widening to minimize overall stream impacts due to stream geometry • Stream SJ at NC 143/Tatham Road: 2:1 fill slope 4 • 2:1 fill slope • Asymmetric widening to the north at Sweetwater Creek/Slay Bacon Branch to avoid need for culvert extension on south side of NC 143 and avoid parallel impacts to Sweetwater Creek 5 • 2:1 fill slope • Anticipate avoiding parallel loss of Sweetwater Creek and will attempt to avoid parallel loss of SO & SN • Anticipate extending downstream headwall vertically to limit Site 6 permanent impacts to upstream side. May have some temporary impacts with construction 6 • 2:1 fill slope • Anticipate avoiding parallel loss of Sweetwater Creek • Anticipate slight alignment adjustments to minimize impacts to Cody House properties and jurisdictional features in the vicinity 7 • 2: 1 fill slope and symmetrical widening minimizes impacts to Stream SX and John A. Cody House • Anticipate avoiding parallel loss of Sweetwater Creek 8 • 2:1 fill slope • Anticipate avoiding parallel loss at Sweetwater Creek 9 • 2:1 fill slope • Anticipate avoiding parallel loss at Sweetwater Creek 10 • 2:1 slope • Symmetric widening to minimize impacts to Stream SAF and Wetland WAO and potentially avoid relocation on south side of NC 143 • Anticipate avoiding parallel loss of Sweetwater Creek • Possible mitigation to be considered as the design moves forward: Final design will evaluate if shifting the alignment slightly north is feasible with the goal of a net reduction in impacts (would reduce parallel loss of SAJ but increase in SAH and WAQ impacts and may require residential take) 11 • 2:1 fill slope • Retaining wall on south side of NC 143 to avoid impacts to Nathan Garland Road 12 • Retaining walls to reduce earthwork • Alignment shifted into mountain to reduce cut slopes and avoid impacts to Streams SFF and SAV 13 • 2:1 fill slope; retaining walls • Land bridge to avoid habitat fragmentation effects and visual impacts for Appalachian Trail users • Tiered, benched retaining walls with aesthetic treatment to minimize visual impacts at Appalachian Trail • Relocation of Appalachian Trail across proposed land bridge • Minimized widening at picnic area parking lot 14 • 2:1 fill slope • Retaining walls 15 • 2:1 fill slope • Retaining walls 16 • 2:1 fill slope • Retaining walls • Possible mitigation to be considered as the design moves forward: evaluate fill wall, steepening cut slopes, and/or shifting into cut slope on NC 143 in final design to hold shoulder point on south side of NC 143; coordinate with NCDOT • Geotech in final design after rock sampling is complete; evaluate 6-ft total shoulder on NC 28 north of NC 143 intersection to reduce Stream SEV impacts 17 • Alignment shifted south to minimize impacts to Stecoah Heights neighborhood • 2:1 fill slope • Anticipate avoiding parallel loss of Carver Branch. • Possible mitigation to be considered as the design moves forward: both crossings are roughly perpendicular to existing NC 28, limiting options for additional mitigation that could be evaluated during final design 18 • 2:1 fill slope • Anticipate avoiding parallel loss of Stecoah Creek. • Possible mitigation to be considered as the design moves forward: Evaluate shifting NC 28 slightly north to reduce parallel loss of Carver Branch, SBN and SBO. 19 • 2:1 fill slope • Anticipate shifting alignment to the north in final design in hopes of avoiding parallel loss of Stecoah Creek (will increase impacts to northside properties and features including Surface Water PH but overall net reduction.) 20 • 2:1 fill slope • Channelization at Wolf Creek grocery store to minimize impacts to parking lot Graham County Swain County Robbinsville Santeetlah SR-1226SR-1232SR-1241SR -1223SR-1112S R-1207 SR-1 2 1 4 SR-1242 SR-1239 SR -1 2 6 7S R-1142 SR-111 1 SR-123 4 SR-1114SR -1 1 35 SR-1220SR -1229SR-1221SR-1235 SR-1117 S R-1256S R -1138SR-1118SR -1 277 SR-1110SR -1206SR-1147 S R -1 2 3 6 £¤129 ""143 ""28 BearC reekC o o k B r a n c h RileyBranchCod y BranchOllie Branch ShepherdCreekHorseBranchPantherCreekWolfCreek R o ck C r e ekAto a hCree k DryCreekSh e llStand Creek B e rt C reekLongCreekTululaCree k FranksC r eek StecoahCreekM o u n tain CreekTus k e e g e eCreekSawyer C r e e k S w eet w aterC r e e k LITTLE TENNESS EERIVER(FontanaL a k e b e lo w e l e v ation170 8 M S L )CheoahRiver,Sa nte etlahLakeb elowelevati o n19 4 0 MS L ""143 ""28 £¤19 £¤129 !I Graham County Legend Alternative 1 Project Study Area Direct Community Impact Area County Boundary Municipal Boundaries USGS Streams Appalachian Trail Railroad US Highway NC Highway Secondary Roads 1 Graham County, NC Prepared by ALK on 2019-10-24Revised on 2020-08-04 Project Vicinity Map Project Location Client/Project Figure No. Title NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONDIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION 14 NCDOT - Division 14Corridor K ImprovementsSTIP Project No. A-0009C Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet0 8,000 16,0004,000 Feet1: 96,000 (At original document size of 8.5x11) Stecoah $# $#$#$# $# $# $# 4 î îî 89:s î î î 44 î ï ï ï £¤129 £¤129""143 £¤129 £¤129 ""143 Old MotherChurch andCemetery RobbinsvilleFirst BaptistChurch The Hut Frank & LenoraColvard House ColvardMotorCompany Mattie & JohnColvard House ColvardHouse J. BoydCrisp House Delmas &Mary RuthShuler House WF WG WH WJ WL WQSKSD SG SF SHSE SLPigp e n Bra n c h PigpenBranchSJSP S I SFE SweetwaterCreekTululaCreek3 4 5 6 NCDOT - Division 14Corridor K ImprovementsSTIP Project No. A-0009C Graham County, NC Prepared by ECL on 2020-01-13Revised by ALK on 2020-03-31 Environmental Features C:\Users\alekennedy\Desktop\A-0009 Desktop\MXDs\A-0009C_Passing_Climbing_envfeats.mxd Revised: 2020-09-16 By: alekennedyDisclaimer: This document has been prepared based on information provided by others as cited in the Notes section. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendPassing LanesClimbing LanesHydraulic Site ï Cemetery 89:s Graham County Fire Dept î Religious Facility 4 Daycare/School Water Supply Intakes Water Tanks $#Regional Underground Storage Tanks Historic ArchitectureRecommended Eligble Recommended Eligible DistrictNRHP BoundariesPotential Jurisdictional Perennial StreamPotential Jurisdictional Intermittent StreamSelect Culverts/Pipes/BridgesPotential Jurisdictional WetlandFloodplain FloodwayGeologic Map Unit ZweTribal Land ($$¯Project Location Client/Project Figure No. Title 0 1,000 2,000Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:12,000 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONDIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION 14""28 ""143 £¤129 3 4 2 1 2.1 ¹ Left turn lane Right turn lane Left turn lane Left turn lane Left turn lane Left turn lane Left turn lane Left turn lane Left turn lane 1,684 ft 5,144 ft2,569 ft 2,601 ft $#$#$# $# $# $# $#$# î ï ï ""143Cheoah ""143 ""143 John A.Cody HouseJohn & RubyCody House Cody House Patton GwynnDenton House Randolph-StewartHouse WJ WL WQ WR WS WUWV WW PCPD WZ WAA WAB WAD WAE WAF PE WAI WAJWAJ WAK WAM WAF WAG WR SWPigp e n Bra n c h SAASZPigpenBranch SRSV SP SYSX STSADSACSAB SU 9 8 5 6 7 NCDOT - Division 14Corridor K ImprovementsSTIP Project No. A-0009C Graham County, NC Prepared by ECL on 2020-01-21Revised by ALK on 2020-03-31 Environmental Features C:\Users\alekennedy\Desktop\A-0009 Desktop\MXDs\A-0009C_Passing_Climbing_envfeats_2.mxd Revised: 2020-09-16 By: alekennedyDisclaimer: This document has been prepared based on information provided by others as cited in the Notes section. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data.($$¯Project Location Client/Project Figure No. Title 0 1,000 2,000Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:12,000 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONDIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION 14""28 ""143 £¤129 3 4 2 1 2.2 ¹ Left turn lane LegendPassing LanesClimbing LanesHydraulic Site ï Cemetery î Religious Facility Historic ArchitectureRecommended Eligble ContributingRecommended Eligible DistrictNRHP BoundariesPotential Jurisdictional Perennial StreamPotential Jurisdictional Intermittent StreamSelect Culverts/Pipes/BridgesPotential Jurisdictional WetlandFloodplain FloodwayNational Forest System LandsGame Lands 5,144 ft 2,601 ft 3,095 ft 214 ft 2,802 ft 2,133 ft $# ï ""28 ""143 ""143 Stecoah ""143 Left turn lane WAM WAN WAP WAO WAO PF WAY WBX WBV PK WBW WBZWBZ SFDSEWSCLSCI SBMSBF SFF SBHSATSAW SBRSAN SAU SBBSBL SBSSEDStillhouseBranchS E I S A ISAHSAJ SAVSEVSE T SE S CodyBranch SBA OrrBranchSAJSBJ S A F S A G StillhouseBranchSBEJohnson'sGapBranchS A Y SBC C a r v e r B r a n c hSBISBDSAMCar v e r B ranch S A X SBKSBNSweetwa te rCreekRandolph-StewartHouse 10 2122 NCDOT - Division 14Corridor K ImprovementsSTIP Project No. A-0009C Graham County, NC Prepared by ECL on 2020-01-21Revised by ALK on 2020-03-31 Environmental Features C:\Users\alekennedy\Desktop\A-0009 Desktop\MXDs\A-0009C_Passing_Climbing_envfeats_3.mxd Revised: 2020-09-16 By: alekennedyDisclaimer: This document has been prepared based on information provided by others as cited in the Notes section. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendPassing LanesClimbing LanesHydraulic SiteWater Supply Intakes $#Regional Underground Storage Tanks Historic ArchitectureRecommended Eligble NRHP BoundariesAppalachian TrailPotential Jurisdictional Perennial StreamPotential Jurisdictional Intermittent StreamSelect Culverts/Pipes/BridgesPotential Jurisdictional WetlandFloodplainIndiana Bat Potential Habitat National Forest System LandsGeologic Map Unit ZweTribal LandNatural Heritage Program AreasGame Lands ($$¯Project Location Client/Project Figure No. Title 0 1,000 2,000Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:12,000 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONDIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION 14""28 ""143 £¤129 3 4 2 1 2.3 ¹ 2,133 ft 11,299 ft 10,075 ft 6,724 ft $# î î ï ï ï ï ""28 ""143 Stecoah S-2 Tunnel SW-1A Tunnel B-1A & B-1BB-2A & B-2B WBQ WBP PG PH WBU PJ PI WBM PM PL SECSEES D X SEBSDVSDZSEASDW SDUSCBSCESCG SBU S B V SC BSEFSBW SDWSBNSBZSDTSEREdwardsBranchSCFSBY WolfCreekSCCSCDStecoahCreekCarverBranch StecoahSchool StecoahBaptistChurch Boxed House 24 25 26 NCDOT - Division 14Corridor K ImprovementsSTIP Project No. A-0009C Graham County, NC Prepared by ECL on 2020-01-21Revised by ALK on 2020-03-31 Environmental Features C:\Users\alekennedy\Desktop\A-0009 Desktop\MXDs\A-0009C_Passing_Climbing_envfeats_4.mxd Revised: 2020-09-16 By: alekennedyDisclaimer: This document has been prepared based on information provided by others as cited in the Notes section. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendPassing LanesClimbing LanesHydraulic Site ï Cemetery Stecoah Valley Center î Religious Facility Water Supply Intakes Historic ArchitectureRecommended EligbleNRHP BoundariesPotential Jurisdictional Perennial StreamPotential Jurisdictional Intermittent StreamSelect Culverts/Pipes/BridgesPotential Jurisdictional WetlandFloodplain Indiana Bat Potential HabitatNational Forest System LandsGeologic Map Unit ZweNatural Heritage Program AreasGame Lands ($$¯Project Location Client/Project Figure No. Title 0 1,000 2,000Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:12,000 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONDIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION 14""28 ""143 £¤129 3 4 2 1 2.4 ¹ Left turn lane Left turn lane Left turn lane 1,487 ft 6,724 ft 5,162 ft 2,221 ft #$ Robbinsville First Baptist Church Mattie & John Colvard House ulula Cree k Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 #$ Select Culverts/Pipes/BridgesFloodplain Floodway Regional Underground Storage Tanks î Religious Facility Historic Architecture Recommended Eligble NRHP Boundaries ProjectLocation Graham County,NC Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts 0 200 400 Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14"28 "143£¤129 Figure No.3.1 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of TravelProposed Retaining Wall Proposed Slope Fill Potential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream Potential Jurisdictional Intermittent Stream Stream SE (Intermittent) Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 54 linear feet 129 129 AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •2:1 fill slope. Liberty Missionary Churchî WF WG 3 Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 Potential Jurisdictional Intermittent Stream Potential Jurisdictional WetlandFloodplain Floodway î Religious Facility NRHP Boundaries ProjectLocation Graham County,NC Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400 Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. 28 143 129 Figure No.3.2 Legend TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •2:1 fill slope. •Will avoid Site 2 culvert extension (permanent impacts) here by extending both headwalls vertically. May have some temporary impacts with construction. LegendProposed Edge of TravelProposed Retaining Wall Proposed Slope Cut Proposed Slope Fill Hydraulic Site Potential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream WF WG WH PA WI3 4 Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 Potential Jurisdictional Intermittent Stream Select Culverts/Pipes/Bridges Potential Jurisdictional Wetland Floodplain Floodway NRHP Boundaries ProjectLocation Graham County,NC Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400 Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14"28 "143£¤129 Figure No.3.3 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of TravelProposed Slope Cut Proposed Slope Fill Hydraulic Site Potential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream Sweetwater Creek: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 484 linear feet Stream SG: Intermittent Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 32 linear feet Wetland WG: NCWAM Low Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.004-acre Stream SI (Perennial) Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 243 linear feet Stream SJ: Intermittent Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 51 linear feet TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •Sweetwater Creek at NC 143/Old Sweetwater Road: 2:1 fill slope; symmetrical widening to minimize overall stream impacts due to stream geometry. •Stream SI on NC 143/Milt Williams Road: 2:1 fill slope; symmetric widening to minimize overall stream impacts due to stream geometry. •Stream SJ at NC 143/Tatham Road: 2:1 fill slope. WJ 5 Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 Potential Jurisdictional Intermittent Stream Select Culverts/Pipes/Bridges Potential Jurisdictional Wetland Floodplain FloodwayWater Supply Intakes NRHP Boundaries ProjectLocation Graham County,NC Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400 Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14"28 "143£¤129 Figure No.3.4 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of TravelProposed Slope Cut Proposed Slope Fill Hydraulic Site Potential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream Stream SL: Intermittent Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 8 linear feet TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts Slay Bacon Branch: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 90 linear feet Sweetwater Creek: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 94 linear feet AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •2:1 fill slope. •Asymmetric widening to the north at Sweetwater Creek/Slay Bacon Branch to avoid need for culvert extension on south side of NC 143 and avoid parallel impacts to Sweetwater Creek. WJ WL PB WM WN WO WP WQ SO 6 Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 Potential Jurisdictional Intermittent Stream Select Culverts/Pipes/Bridges Potential Jurisdictional Wetland Floodplain Floodway NRHP Boundaries ProjectLocation Graham County,NC Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400 Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14"28 "143£¤129 Figure No.3.5 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of TravelProposed Slope Cut Proposed Slope Fill Hydraulic Site Potential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream Pigpen Branch: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 101 linear feet Wetland WN: High NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.030-acre Wetland WO: High NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.136-acre TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts Sweetwater Creek: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 167 linear feet Stream SM: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 22 linear feet Stream SN: Intermittent Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 54 linear feet Stream SO: Intermittent Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 6 linear feet Sweetwater Creek: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 109 linear feet Wetland WP: Low NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.027-acre AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •2:1 fill slope. •Anticipate avoiding parallel loss of Sweetwater Creek and will attempt to avoid parallel loss of SO & SN. •Anticipate extending downstream headwall vertically to limit Site 6 permanent impacts to upstream side. May have some temporary impacts with construction. ï John &Ruby Cody House Patton Gwynn Denton House WR WTWS WU WV WR WW Cree 7 Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 Potential Jurisdictional Intermittent Stream Select Culverts/Pipes/Bridges Potential Jurisdictional Wetland Floodplain ï Cemetery Historic Architecture Recommended Eligble NRHP Boundaries ProjectLocation Graham County,NC Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14 28 143 "Proposed Retaining Wall Proposed Slope Cut"Proposed Slope Fill£¤Hydraulic SitePotential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream 129 Figure No.3.6 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of Travel Harwood Branch: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 89 linear feet Wetland WR: High NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.086-acre Stream SR: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 58 linear feet Stream SS: Intermittent Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 29 linear feet Stream ST: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 36 linear feet Wetland WS: High NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.007-acre Wetland WV: High NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.002-acre Stream SV: Intermittent Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 44 linear feet TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts Sweetwater Creek: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 282 linear feet AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •2:1 fill slope. •Anticipate avoiding parallel loss of Sweetwater Creek. •Anticipate slight alignment adjustments to minimize impacts to Cody House properties and jurisdictional features in the vicinity. î Cheoah Historic District Sweetwater Baptist Church John A. CodyHousePC PD WZ WAAWAA WAA WAC WAD WAEX 8 WAB Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 î Select Culverts/Pipes/Bridges Potential Jurisdictional Wetland Floodplain Religious Facility Historic Architecture Recommended Eligble Contributing Recommended Eligible District NRHP Boundaries ProjectLocation Graham County,NC Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400 Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14"82 "341£¤129 Figure No.3.7 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of TravelProposed Retaining Wall Proposed Slope Cut Proposed Slope Fill Hydraulic Site Potential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream Stream SX: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 37 linear feet Beech Creek: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 121 linear feet Wetland WAC: Medium NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.002-acre Wetland WAD: High NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.238-acre Wetland WAE: Medium NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.015-acre TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts Sweetwater Creek: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 279 linear feet AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •2: 1 fill slope and symmetrical widening minimizes impacts to Stream SX and John A. Cody House. •Anticipate avoiding parallel loss of Sweetwater Creek.PinhookRoad WAE WAE WAF WAF WAF WAH WAH WAH PE WAI WAJ WAJ WAJWAJ WAF WAG Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 Select Culverts/Pipes/Bridges Potential Jurisdictional Wetland Floodplain Recommended Eligible District ProjectLocation Graham County,NC Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400 Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14"28 "143 ¤£129 Figure No.3.8 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of TravelProposed Retaining Wall Proposed Slope Cut Proposed Slope Fill Potential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream Stream SZ: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 79 linear feet Stream SY: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 34 linear feet Stream SAA: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 38 linear feet Wetland WAJ: Medium NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.072-acre Wetland WAI: Medium NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.001-acre TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts Sweetwater Creek: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 354 linear feet AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •2:1 fill slope. •Anticipate avoiding parallel loss at Sweetwater Creek. WAJ WAJ WAJ WAK Randolph-Stewart House WAM WAN9 Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 Potential Jurisdictional Intermittent Stream Select Culverts/Pipes/Bridges Potential Jurisdictional Wetland Floodplain Historic Architecture Recommended Eligble NRHP Boundaries ProjectLocation Graham County,NC Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400 Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14"82 143 Proposed Slope Cut"Proposed Slope Fill£¤Hydraulic SitePotential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream 129 Figure No.3.9 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of Travel Proposed Retaining Wall Stream SAB: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 30 linear feet Stream SAC: Intermittent Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 45 linear feet Stream SAD: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 50 linear feet Stream SAE: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 89 linear feet Wetland WAN: High NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.032-acre TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts Sweetwater Creek: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 385 linear feet Sweetwater Creek: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 787 linear feet AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •2:1 fill slope. •Anticipate avoiding parallel loss at Sweetwater Creek. WAP WAO WAOWAO WAQWAQ WAR PF S10 Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 Potential Jurisdictional Intermittent Stream Select Culverts/Pipes/Bridges Potential Jurisdictional Wetland Floodplain ProjectLocation Graham County,NC Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400 Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14"82 "341£¤129 Figure No.3.10 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of TravelProposed Retaining Wall Proposed Slope Cut Proposed Slope Fill Hydraulic Site Potential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream Stream SAF: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 230 linear feet Wetland WAO: High NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.15-acre Stream SAG: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 63 linear feet Sweetwater Creek: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 103 linear feet Stream SAH: Intermittent Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 66 linear feet Stream SAK: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 37 linear feet TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •2:1 slope. •Symmetric widening to minimize impacts to Stream SAF and Wetland WAO and potentially avoid relocation on south side of NC 143. •Anticipate avoiding parallel loss of Sweetwater Creek. •Possible mitigation to be considered as the design moves forward: Final design will evaluate if shifting the alignment slightly north is feasible with the goal of a net reduction in impacts (would reduce parallel loss of SAJ but increase in SAH and WAQ impacts and may require residential take). Stream SAJ: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 484 linear feet WAS WAV WAW WAX WAY WBZ S eetwater Cree Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 Potential Jurisdictional Intermittent Stream Select Culverts/Pipes/Bridges Potential Jurisdictional Wetland National Forest System LandsGame Lands Tribal Land ProjectLocation Graham County,NC Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14"28 "143£¤129 Figure No.3.11 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of TravelProposed Retaining Wall Proposed Slope Cut Proposed Slope Fill Potential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream Stream SAM: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 137 linear feet Stillhouse Branch: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 43 linear feet Wetland WAX: Low NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.011-acre Sweetwater Creek: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 28 linear feet Stream SAT: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 53 linear feet Wetland WAY: Medium NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.039-acre TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •2:1 fill slope. •Retaining wall on south side of NC 143 to avoid impacts to Nathan Garland Road. WAY WAZ WBA WBZ WBZ AY Graham County,NC Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 Potential Jurisdictional Intermittent Stream Select Culverts/Pipes/Bridges Potential Jurisdictional Wetland Appalachian Trail Conceptual Realignment (50-ft Study Corridor) National Forest System LandsGame Lands Tribal Land ProjectLocation Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14"28 "143£¤129 Figure No.3.12 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of TravelProposed Retaining Wall Proposed Slope Cut Proposed Slope Fill Potential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream Wetland WAZ: Medium NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.024-acre Stream SBA: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 63 linear feet TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts Stream SAX: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 113 linear feet Stream SAY: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 77 linear feet AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •Retaining walls to reduce earthwork. •Alignment shifted into mountain to reduce cut slopes and avoid impacts to Streams SFF and SAV. Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 Potential Jurisdictional Intermittent Stream Appalachian Trail Appalachian Trail Conceptual Realignment (50-ft Study Corridor) National Forest System Lands Natural Heritage Program AreasGame Lands NRHP Boundaries ProjectLocation Graham County,NC Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400 Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14"28 "143£¤129 Figure No.3.13 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of TravelProposed Retaining Wall Proposed Land Bridge Proposed Slope Cut Proposed Slope Fill Potential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •2:1 fill slope; retaining walls. •Land bridge to avoid habitat fragmentation effects and visual impacts for Appalachian Trail users. •Tiered, benched retaining walls with aesthetic treatment to minimize visual impacts at Appalachian Trail. •Relocation of Appalachian Trail across proposed land bridge. •Minimized widening at picnic area parking lot. WBB Graham County,NC Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 Potential Jurisdictional Intermittent Stream Select Culverts/Pipes/Bridges Potential Jurisdictional Wetland Appalachian Trail Appalachian Trail Conceptual Realignment (50-ft Study Corridor) National Forest System Lands Game Lands Water Supply Intakes NRHP Boundaries ProjectLocation Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400 Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14"28 "143£¤129 Figure No.3.14 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of TravelProposed Retaining Wall Proposed Slope Cut Proposed Slope Fill Potential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream Stream SBB: Intermittent Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 114 linear feet Wetland WBB: Medium NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.007-acre TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •2:1 fill slope. •Retaining walls. Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 Select Culverts/Pipes/Bridges National Forest System Lands Game Lands ProjectLocation Graham County,NC Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400 Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14"28 "143 ¤£129 Figure No.3.15 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of TravelProposed Retaining Wall Proposed Slope Cut Proposed Slope Fill Potential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •2:1 fill slope. •Retaining walls. WBX WBV WBW Jo Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 Potential Jurisdictional Intermittent Stream Select Culverts/Pipes/Bridges Potential Jurisdictional Wetland National Forest System Lands Indiana Bat Potential Habitat Game Lands Geologic Map Unit Zwe ProjectLocation Graham County,NC Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400 Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14"28 "143£¤129 Figure No.3.16 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of TravelProposed Retaining Wall Proposed Slope Cut Proposed Slope Fill Potential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream Stream SBG: Intermittent Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 166 linear feet Wetland WBV: Low NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.007-acre Stream SEY: Intermittent Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 30 linear feet Stream SEZ: Intermittent Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 114 linear feet Stream SFA: Intermittent Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 25 linear feet Carver Branch: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 262 linear feet TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts Stream SBC: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 80 linear feet Stream SEV: Intermittent Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 370 linear feet Johnson’s Gap Branch: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 278 linear feet Stream SEX: Intermittent Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 45 linear feet AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •2:1 fill slope. •Retaining walls. •Possible mitigation to be considered as the design moves forward: evaluate fill wall, steepening cut slopes, and/or shifting into cut slope on NC 143 in final design to hold shoulder point on south side of NC 143; coordinate with NCDOT Geotech in final design after rock sampling is complete; evaluate 6-ft total shoulder on NC 28 north of NC 143 intersection to reduce Stream SEV impacts. PK 21 22 Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 #$ Select Culverts/Pipes/Bridges Indiana Bat Potential Habitat Geologic Map Unit Zwe Regional Underground Storage Tanks ProjectLocation Graham County,NC Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400 Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14"82 "341£¤129 Figure No.3.17 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of TravelProposed Retaining Wall Proposed Slope Cut Proposed Slope Fill Hydraulic Site Potential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream Carver Branch: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 111 linear feet Stream SBJ: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 71 linear feet TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •Alignment shifted south to minimize impacts to Stecoah Heights neighborhood. •2:1 fill slope. •Anticipate avoiding parallel loss at Carver Branch. •Possible mitigation to be considered as the design moves forward: both crossings are roughly perpendicular to existing NC 28, limiting options for additional mitigation that could be evaluated during final design. StecoahîBaptist Church WBT WBS PJ PI tecoah Cree Carv 24 Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 Potential Jurisdictional Intermittent Stream Select Culverts/Pipes/Bridges Potential Jurisdictional Wetland Floodplain î Indiana Bat Potential Habitat Geologic Map Unit Zwe Water Supply Intakes Religious Facility Historic Architecture Recommended Eligble NRHP Boundaries ProjectLocation Graham County,NC Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400 Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14"82 "341£¤129 Figure No.3.18 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of TravelProposed Retaining Wall Proposed Slope Cut Proposed Slope Fill Hydraulic Site Potential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream Stream SBN: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 183 linear feet Stream SBO: Intermittent Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 206 linear feet Stream SBV: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 152 linear feet Carver Branch: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 634 linear feet TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts Edwards Branch: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 233 linear feet Stream SBZ: Intermittent Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 48 linear feet Carver Branch: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 191 linear feet Edwards Branch: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 44 linear feet Stream SBV: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 21 linear feet Carver Branch: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 189 linear feet AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •2:1 fill slope. •Anticipate avoiding parallel loss of Stecoah Creek. •Possible mitigation to be considered as the design moves forward: Evaluate shifting NC 28 slightly north to reduce parallel loss of Carver Branch, SBN and SBO. ï PG PH WBR PM PL 25 Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 Select Culverts/Pipes/Bridges Potential Jurisdictional Wetland Floodplain Indiana Bat Potential Habitat ï Geologic Map Unit Zwe Water Supply Intakes Cemetery NRHP Boundaries ProjectLocation Graham County,NC Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400 Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14"82 "341£¤129 Figure No.3.19 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of TravelProposed Retaining Wall Proposed Slope Cut Proposed Slope Fill Hydraulic Site Potential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream Stecoah Creek: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 1,791 linear feet Stream SCB: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 216 linear feet Wetland WBR: Medium NCWAM Rating Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 0.073-acre TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts Stream SCD: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 213 linear feet AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •2:1 fill slope. •Anticipate shifting alignment to the north in final design in hopes of avoiding parallel loss of Stecoah Creek (will increase impacts to northside properties and features including Surface Water PH but overall net reduction). WBL WBJ WBK PG WBM 26 Prepared by ALK on 2020-07-23 Reviewed by ECL on 2020-07-23 Potential Jurisdictional Intermittent Stream Select Culverts/Pipes/Bridges Potential Jurisdictional Wetland Floodplain Indiana Bat Potential Habitat Geologic Map Unit Zwe Water Supply Intakes ProjectLocation Graham County,NC Client/ProjectNCDOT -Division 14Corridor K Improvements STIP Project No.A-0009C 0 200 400Feet (At original document size of 11x17) 1:2,400 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYSDIVISION14"82 "143£¤129 Figure No.3.20 Disclaimer:This document has been prepared based on information provided by others. Stantec has not verified the accuracy and/or completeness of this information and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions which may be incorporated herein as a result. Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format, and the recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. LegendProposed Edge of TravelProposed Retaining Wall Proposed Slope Cut Proposed Slope Fill Hydraulic Site Potential Jurisdictional Perennial Stream Stream SDT: Perennial Construction Limits + 25’ buffer: 79 linear feet TitleAnnotated Stream/Wetland Impacts AVOIDANCE & MINIMIZATION MEASURES SPECIFIC TO THIS SHEET: •2:1 fill slope. •Channelization at Wolf Creek grocery store to minimize impacts to parking lot.