HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070569 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070405DW~~U-1 ~~(9q ~ Dade l
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Plan Detall 7ncomplet® ~ -
^ P~baseprovido a location map~for tho project.
Who 12,eviewed.~ ~- / ~-S C
^ Ploase show alI stream impacts including all fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on the alto plan, .
^. Please show all wetland imp$.cts including fill slopes on the site plan. •
Please indicate all buffer impacts on the alto plan.
^ Pleaso indiaate proposed Lot Layout as overlays on the alto plea.
.Please indicate the location of the protected buffers as overlays oa the site plan.
^ Please Locate alI isolated. or non-isolated wetlands, streams and other waters of the State as ovar•lsys on the site plea.
^ Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatio life passage '
^ Please locate any planned•sewer lines on the site plan. ~ '
^ Please provide the location of any proposed stormwater management practices as required by QC
^ Pleaso provide detail for the stormwaxer management practices sa requtred by C9C .
^ Plosse specify tho poroent of projeot iinperviousnees area based on the eadmatedbuilt-out conditions:
^ Please~indieato all stormwator~,o~alls on the site phut.
^ Ploa'se'indicate the di$irse flow provision measuros do tho site plan.
^ Pleaso iadicate,whothor•or not the proposed impaats ahmady bears coz}ducted. .
• Avoidaace,and/or 1Vlinimiastion i~Tot Provided ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' • •
[] • The labeled as ~~ on the plans does not appear to be necossary. Please eliminate the . or prbvIdo additional
. ~ informatlon~as to v~liy it is nnoessary for this pro,~ect. ; •
• .~^ This Office belieires that tho labeled on tho plans as. can. be moved. or reoonfiguroci to avoid tho impaots to the
' . Please revise tho pleas to avoid thq impaots. ..
. '~ []. • This'Office believbs•that the . •lalieled on the plans as• can bo moved or recon$gured to;rniniinize tho hnpacts to'tho
' . Please roviso the pleas to sginimize the impacts. ~ ~ ' .
^ The etormwater discharges a! the location oli the plena labeled will. not provide .diflpse flow through the buffer because
• ~ ~ . Please savise the plans and provIdO oelculations to ~ahow that diSbse Bow vVtri be achieved iihrough the ontlrebuil~•. If it
• - is not possible tD achieve diiiilse flova~ thmugh.tha entire buffier'thea it may be naxssaryto' provide atormwater management
• ~ practices that remove nutrIca~ts :before the stormwater can be discharged through. the. bufl'a'. ' , .
' ~ ^. The application fee wee insufflaiont•bocausoDver 1S0 foot of stroarn and/or.over 1 acre ofwodand'impacts ware regaestod. Please . '
. provide S .' 'This additional fee must be receives} boforo your application can bo reviewod. '
. • ~ ^ Please complete Suction(s) on theapplication. - . '~
• ~ ^ Pleasoprovide a signed Dopy of the appliaation.'
^ Pleasoprovide ~ copies of the application, . copies ofthe sitepliias and other supporrting information:
,, _ ^ • Pleasesubmit electronic CXD files ahowir~g ~ .;.via eineid to ian.mcmillaii®non;ail.not and Cl~ ' ~ -
. ~ Mitigation ~ , ~ ~ .
.. ^ of compensatory mitigation is required for this project. ~ Pleasoprovide'a compensatoi mitigation plan, The
plan must coaforra~to tharequiranents in 15 A NCAC 2H .OSOO~and must be appropriate to the type•of impacts proposed.
' ^ Pleaso indicate ~which~404 Permit the USACE would use to authorize this project. ~ .