HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0100141_GEO THERMAL_20120518Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor A,'e,'f~-- B,,i.;1-~ .. MCDEMR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of-Water-Quality----- Chartes Wakild;·P; E. -- Director May 18, 2012 Macon County Government 5 West Main Street Franklin, NC 28734 Subject: Notification of Rule Revisions Affecting Closed-Loop Geothermal Injection Well Permit Holders Permit Number: WIO 100141 To Whom it May Concern: Dee Freeman----- Secretary Our :records indicate that you currently hold a permit for a closed-loop geothermal injection well system. This letter is to inform you that on May 1, 2012, the North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C .0200 entitled "Well Construction Standards -Criteria and Standards Applicable Injection Wells" were revised. These revisions affect all permits issued for injection wells including geothermal wells. - This letter is also to inform you that your closed-loop geothermal injection well(s) have become "permitted by rule." Therefore, you are no longer required to renew your current permit and the permit will be valid indefinitely as long as the wells are active and are operated in accordance with the revised rules referenced above. Please keep in mind that if you abandon the wells, a record of abandonment must be submitted to the Division of Water Quality. You may view the revised rules on our· website at http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ap s. If you have any questions regarding your current permit or the-rule ·revisions, please feel free to contact our underground injection control staff at (919) 807-6464. Sincerely, Eric G. Smith, P.G. Hydro geologist cc: UIC Permit File AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919.,'307-6464 \ FAX: 919.,'l07-6496 Internet: www.ncwaterqualily.org An Equal Opportunity\ Affinnative Ac1ion E.mp\oyar One North Carolina /vaturall!f N oN RE.)YP,ENTW WF.u. co~sTRUCTtoN REc·™ North C1rt1lina Ueportmmil umnvimnlllCllf mu.I N111ut11l Rc!lllun:C!t-Di~1ou ofW:ita-Qi.mli Ly WELLCONTRACTORCltRTIF1CATIONN 3Y4:j II: _ 1, WILL CONTRACTOR: Well Conlna=r (lndlvlchltt) Nemo Tarheel Water Tre atme nt Welt Co"'1ael0r Comptny,Nama 3494 Geo rg ia BP ~Addresl Franklin City orTCN/1\ < 828 > 369--0740 'NH cade Ptlono IIUffiM!" I, WEU. INf'OlllMATION: NC 287a4, St.119 ZJp Code weu CONSTRIJCTtoN PERMtT•-~W~!wi:P ... 10=0,..,1..._4'-'1 ____ _ OTH!~ ~ClATED PERMlff<! appllalbl1) lfTe WELL 10#{11•~).__B.:....,.,A.,_,_,l ______ _ I. WELL USE (Cheat Ont loll) Monitvrir,g O M1.1nlclpal1Pubfla 0 lnd1111lrl111Com1Ml'Ciat □ AQli01.1ttwrat O ReCOYCHY f.J lnjactlon 0 lmgelionO Olhorrl(liatUN) Closed looo Geotberra DATliDAILLED ,,x .. gl.o -, \ •·WEI.I.LOCATION; 1166 Lotta Chu[ch Rd (SIIHI Nlll10, Nllfflberl. COml'!llll'llfy, Slllldllialon, LIil ND .. i>scel, ZIP Coclal c1TV: Franklin couNTY Macon "TOP0GRAPMiC I IMO SETrlNC ; 1111ed& apfl'Dpfiare 11i1Y1 o&tope OValley ~lat CRidge OOlhtr, ______ _ KCPSTCD 36_ , ...... l""""~""~!CLROA3"~~cc ~116 IIT~D 75 1"0 •a 0 ~oAAA! CL R 011 h~D'lflftl' CC LatllllOll/longltl.lde IOUIOI; C)3PS CJroPOGraphlc map . (foe11t,on ol -11 mu41 Oa $hown on • IJSQS topo ,,,.P end■ftllched II> fftia l'Onll ff not u,ing GPSJ I. FACILITY (Name oft\e butlnNs wnara tha well II lo;aled.) Mamo e1eme01arv flcllity Name 1168 Lotle Cbvcm Rd StrtetAdclreu franklin Cteyo,Town Macao cauntv Qaveromeot Contact Nam■ Mailing Acldreal franklin City or T OWl'I r >..,...---,------~ eocle Phona number I , WliLL DrTAIL&: J •• TOTAL D!,TM! :3 Li f] FIIOillty 10#; (If a.,,itcable) NC 2823.4 Statt Zip Code NC 26743 Slate Zip Code lb. DOES WILL RIPUCE EXISTING WILL? YES C NO rJ/ o. WAlllltLIYIL9elowTopofC.1ln9: ~ FT. (UM ·+· It' Abolla Tao of casing) : d. TOP OF CAStNO 11 _,......, ___ FT. Abo1111 Lend Surface• : •Top of (,Hing terminated attor below land wrface may require : • wriance In acccl'danca witt, 15A. NCAC :2C ,0118 . i •. YliU) capmt-'5a ¼:: METH0 0 oF TEST Slow Powo 1,. DIIINFECTfON: ~ HTC Amo~ftt 12 OZ : g. WATI:R ZONES (dop~): 1 Top a,3Q Bottom. __ : Top, ___ Scflom ___ _ Tc;;., __ Bonom. __ _ j Top. ___ Bctom. __ _ Tc ~ ___ Boftom._ __ _ ; 1. CASINO: Depth . Oiamr-ter Tillcllnessl Waight Material l Top_ eottom_ Ft .. __ _ ; Top_lolom __ Ft, __ _ : Top_ 8ottom , Ft. __ _ : B. GROUT: Cer:1ttt M staril'II : Top.L_ eo~...3.!:tQ Ft . .Jaw::111nite 1 Top_ Batmm_ Ft. was hed stool ;Top_aottom_Ft.__ __ _ ' . Method Pumped .mured ; I , ICR&EN: Deflth Dlamet.t:r Slot Ii• Matetlal : Top_Boaom_Ft_,n. __ in. ___ _ Top_Boeom_FL_ln .. --(I).---- Top_Bollorn___,Pt. __ ,n. __ in, ___ _ 10. UNDIOAAWL PACK : Depth Si:a..J Material Top __ ._.eottom_FL __________ _ : T09. ____ BottDm_Ft. __________ _ [ Top. ___ eotta"'_FL. __________ _ . : 11. CAILLINQ 1.0G . Top Botlom 0 I /.t,() 7ilr)39t, ----'----____ , ___ _ __ __,,. ___ _ ----'----___ , ___ _ __ _,, ___ _ --..:'-------'---- : 12. IIIMARKI: 1 easing Re111oved Submit within 30 days of completion to: DIYl•lon of Water Quality -Cnfonnatton Pt0Ce$$lflg, 1117 llaH Servtce C.nltr, Rale lgll, NC 2?1H0 161, Phone : Cl19) I07-e300 . Form GW-11;, Rev. 1108 " BECEIVED 02-20 -1 12· 15:20 FROM-828369 0740 TO-NC DENR P&S P002/003 02-20-2012 15:55 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGE3 NQN R E4fl DENTIAL WELL CONSTfl/CTlON RECO RD, Nunh C11n1lina Dcpanmcnt afF.nvironraeiu 1111d Nan,ml ltnources• DiVia~ ~~Witter Oii~•Y. . """.'· ,~j ~ ·"' - ' .r '• • 1 f ' • • -I • 1, WIU. CONTRACTOR; Wall Contractor (lndivilfual) Na'"e Tarhee1 water Treatment Well Contradet .Company lll1me 3494 G~omla BP Street Addreu __Ernn klin Cityor TQWn c828 l 369-0740 Alla.. Phone number 2, WILL INPOIUtATION: ...M.C 2S7 34 Slats Zip Code . WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ..... W...,1:.:0..:-100=-1.,_4.,_,1=----- OTHER A880CIATED PERMIT'(ll jDOIIClllle . .,.) ~A------ llff WELL 10a(lf •ppilclllllt) )jQ H 1, ~ 3 , WELi. USE (Che~ One Box) MonilOllno □ Muntdf)al/Pul:llic o lnduetrial/Cotllmerclal CJ Agtt~ulMtl □ RKOYlry O Injection O 1rr1g1111a,,c:, 0fler r/cn,, ""' C,to!jd 1000 Geotherre DATE DRILUD J ,i .. J 5_ -J_ 4. WILL L.OCATION; 1166 Lotta Church Rd ISINlcl Nlll'llo , Numi:in. Comrlll,nilY, 8ubdivition, LCII ""°·· Paroel , ZIP c.ocie1 CITY; Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAl'HIC I LAND ~eTnNG; (check IPflftlllllllll IIO'I) os1ope ovauc~ •'" OR!do-CJOlhet. _____ _ ..,.TCD 3'L 1A11u91111110•""1 CI.ROR 3Jtt~CC l<NMFttTC975 i""""9""""011•t CL ROIi 1,t~ CC IJtltudl/lonsr/lude source: C)aPS (Jropographlc map (IOOfllion of weH n,u,t t» shown on • USGS to,o me,, ftfldatbto"9d as this form ;r not IJ4itlQ Cl'$) $. F.CIUTY (Name ot the busines1 wti.r• lh• we!l 11 lal.ll1ad.) Mamo Elamaotarv Faelllry Namo Facill\y ID# flf 1,Dpllcnlel 116& Lotta Chyrcb Bd 81rN1Add,- f[8nktln NC 28734 c~ or Town ~ Zlp Code Mamo county Government Mlllll'\O AdclrtN franklin NC 28Z43 CityorTown Bta1lt Zip Code t , _______ _ Alff ooclt Pnono number I. W!I.L DITML•: .. TOTALOEl'TM. Lj<D I t • . ' b, DOES WIU. UPLACE qlSTINO WELL? YE8 0 NO r; G. WATEII LIVIL eerow Top of Casino: B-: FT, (UN ••• If A~ Top of CMlngJ : d . TOP OF CASINO IS ·• , -FT, -~!A'ci Sulface• : "Top of eaalno ttrmll'lllld et/or below 1111d aul'face may requ1na ; a varlanc. tianae with 15A NCAC ·2C .0118, : •· VIILD (1pmt: ____ Mm.ao o, 1HT Btaw Dawn i f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amoont 12 02 : g, WATER ZONES (c:lepth): : rop ···-..... e~ .,. _.--_ 8onom, __ _ [ Top ___ ~.-:::?: -l'i1g~p===-a.aoUom. __ _ : Tap____ ... ___ Top Bottom, __ _ : Thtcl111•ul : 7, CAI G: 0.,th jrop_uv"""""""""'==- • ht :Top_eo __ :.~;·c_~:_:_:_~;~::::.:--::~~...;:=== : &. GAOUT: Dap,lh . Mateiial ! Top_o___ eottom!:lal A. Benjgolte : Top_· --Botlom_ Ft gghed §fgne j Top_ Bottom_ Ft, ____ _ / t, ICIIIIN: Depth Pumped poured : Top_8oaorrt_Ft. __ 111. _ in. ___ _ :ToP_SOIOrll __ Pt_ln. _ill, ___ _ j Top_Bottom_R._ln, _ tn. ___ _ : 10. IANDIGRAY6L PACK! ; °""' .... Mat9rial :T~, ___ eottam_Ft. __________ _ : Top. ___ eottum __ Ft __________ _ :T~, ___ aattD"'-R---_______ _ : 11. DAILLING LOG Top BOltom ---'--------'-----I ----,,----- ' ___ , ___ _ --'.----' --, ,.------, ---- : 12. ltlMAIIICI: / Casiug Ren,o,ed Formation Oewldtlon IN~ W11ll ,. CCP'I 01' 'M8 ~~~~$.;-~=-=-·-IJ-11--1 I ;SI ~ ~TE i rd\O.t.A M~t\ve, : PRINTI:D NAME CF Pl:RSON CONITftUCT1NG THI!!. Wl:LL Subm" Within so dayl'bf campletion to:· DM1lon of Watei Quality ':' lftfOmtatton Pl"OGel&l"I, 1117 Mall tleMA Center, R11itgh, NC 27111-111, Phone : (111) 807-AOO FormGW-1b ~1\1. 1/08 REC.EiVED 02-20-'12 15:20·· FROM -8283690740 ·. TO-~NC DENB P&S P003/003 02-20-2012 15:55 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGE1 NoNREsmENTUL wp,i. cONsmicnoN REQD!) Nllflh Carolina Dc,panmcnt nf .envitonmeut and Natural .Resources• Oivisil)O ufW1io Q1&11liij · ...., l I,; I I /I ' :· ·. ~ t, W&U. CONTRACTOR: Well ConlrKtor (lndiVidual) Name Tarheet Water Treatment Well Conhc1Dr Company t.11me 3494 Georaia BP Street Addrwn --=-~ .... ra ..... o~k~ .... llo....._ __ ~----'-----'-"N......,C 287~4 City or Town State ~p Code c 828 , 369-07 40 NH codla Phone l\urnoer Z. Wlf.f. lNFORMA'TION: •NELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT4 WIO10O141 --~-· OTHER ASSOCtAie.D Pf:RMIT#(if a~llle)_ SITE WELL ID #(ifipjllh:able,,_ ________ _ S, WEU. UIE (Chedc One Bole) Monitoring o MuniQlpa11Publlo □ lndut1ri1veommetelal O Agrlc,wwra1 o Racovary o Injection □ 1rrioet1ono °"'*' ! 11111 "", Clqsed 1000 Geothe(fll DATIORlu.&O {;! l·) Sl:>Wll .. WILL LOCATION1 '~.-;JO .. 1166 lotl~yrch Rd . (Slnlel Naffll, N Ulffll!IUll!ly, SI.IDdlVINII, Loi No .. P11\l11, Zlp Codt) cfTY: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOQR.YHIC I LAND SETTING: (Clhealt appn,priaee bOll O&iapa CVBlley &tt=lat r.JRidot CJOther. _____ _ ...-rco :,e_ 1""""1""'""'"''""1 Cl R OR 3X\'\lll0Utl8M!Nll CC !CNrEISTCD75 ;""0 9,.."" .. ""I Cl. ROR 7'Je.~ CC utHucle/lo"gltud• eource: ~PS (Jropographlc map (TDOlltion ol well mult be MOWPt on • USGS topo m11p enadachltd a, !hit 1b1171 if not uelng GPS) 5 , FACIUT\' (Narr,e of~ bulinett where Ilia wall I& k>Cated.) Macon Elerneotarv ,ac11ty Neme 1166 I otla Church Bd Street AddlNI franklin Macon County Government ContaclN1me Malling AddtUI Eraoklio City or Town ( >---------Ara aade PN!'le numlMf I. WII.L DITN&.I: I •• TOTAL DliPTH:._,_t-/_.__O ___ _ F81C1111y 10111 (If appllcallle) NC 2673.4 Sttte Zip Code NC 28243 8tn Zip Code b. DO!S WIU. Rll'U&CI! IOOITING WEU..? ves O NO~ o. WATIR LIVIL hlow Top of C11lng~ -a f'T. (UH ·+· If Aballa Tap of C11ing) -. -' ... ; d. TOP OF CASING fS ,::, ~~~~ Su"-~ r : 'Tap af ca&ing larmlllatad 81101' be1aw~r(d ,urfa~ may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2c .o, ,e. : e. vi ■Lo ,gpm,: ____ METHoo or: TEST Blow □awn : r. DIIIN,EcTION: Type HTC Arn01mt 12 oz . : g. WATER ZONES (depth): ~ Top.-= Bcttom __ _ • Top ___ Botttim. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom._ __ Top Bottom, __ _ Top BOllcllT\...__ Thiall-, j 1. CASINO:~ Diameter : T " Ihm, -~ rt -..,. : Top __ __:_ Bott°"'-.,:;::::::::::. t ~Mltwl ---iTop_~_A .. __ _ ..... . : 8. GROUT: Depth Maiertal Method ~ Top..Q.._eattom /'-"/0 F1, Bentonjte pumped : TC19_ uonon,_ Ft washed stone POMred. : Top_&ntoffl_FI .. ____ _ . : 9, KREEN: Deplh Diamata, Slat Slza : Tap. __ Balmm_Ft_tn. _ In. ___ _ : Top,__BoaDm_Ft.._fn, _In. ___ _ ! Tap __ Batlaffi_A._in, _ ir,. ___ _ : 10, SANDIOMVI\. ,ACK: : e>e,,111 lilt ;Tap. ___ Botlom_ft ___________ _ ; T~. ___ Bottom __ Ft. __________ _ ;Tap Sottonl_FL _________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOO Top Bottom a , _20 W 140 ---'.-------'~----__ , ,--------, ,.-------' :· ___ , ___ _ : 12, IIIIMARKI: j Cash 19 Removed FOffllltion Oetcrfptton So,·/ JJ--rJO-J J DATI! Submit wtdlln 30 ci1f8 -completlon to: Dlvf1ion of Wate, Quality -1l1formltlori Praaas1n1, 1817 Mall leNlce c.-,w, Rllllah, NC 27"9-181. Pho,.. : (919) 807.e.soo FonnGW-1b ~,'1/08 RECEIVED 02'---20~'12 l.i;..20 FROM-8283690~~ I,.,. TO -1'1C DENR P&S . P001/003 02-15-2012 13:09 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGE1 NON RF.SmENTUL wp;LL coNsT1WcnoN u coy 1'fonb Cnlillll ~t of'F.mirorunau ad Nahml R-OiviticMl,af W•tcr Qua~ Wefl~(~)Name Jameel Water Treatment w.i1 eor,1rac1nr C01T1peny Name a,t94 Georgia RO &net~ Franklin NC 28734 ettyo, TCMfl 8--Zip Code < 828 > 369-07 40 Area code Phone numll9r z. WEU. INflOflMA110N: Wl!LL CONSTRUCTION ~ITn.,.W...,t=0_._100=-1.,_4,__1.._ ___ _ OTHER A880CIATEO NIIMt'l'fi,tr lllflliallllal lfflW!LLIDl(l~l A -g-~-.,4 a. WELi. UM (CMcli Olle loll) Manl!Dltng O ~lcO l~O AaltoUll\lfllO~Cll..-,nO 1,riglMofto Olhet~<Utt111e> Closed Jpop Geotberm OAT£ DRILLIO / -/'9 ·-~ ._MU.LOCATION: 1166 Lotta Church Rd (SirNt Nlffll, Nufflblft. ~. !MldMlian , Lot No . Pll'QII, Zill Code) CnY: Franklin COUffl'V Macon TOPOGRAPHIC TL.AND &ernNG: I.,_~ 111011) OSlape ova11ev ~11 oAidge CO!nef _____ _ l(GIIITCD 38_ 1.11u•a0 ~0 11 -•!CI.ROR3.ll~CC lttW.-ra>75 · i••u1uuu•-!Q.ROfl ,-_._~!llll'JOCC ~ IOUl'IIII: [)JPS Qr~ map ~ ot,,,..mwto.--. an• usas ,-,,_, •ldlllllcllad eo ""' tom, If not UllinSI QPSJ I. FACUTY (Name cttlhe bullfWN WIit,_ ._ ... la located.) , l up fl, Colwklg l1.t1111il'l~t.'1 9/J{,r -'11Cl'>/ •lil••IJ twl~ •l1ilt ~Uf/11 : a Yllrillm:e in ICCIOIUl'ICle wteh 15A NCAC 2C .0118. j •. mLD fDPfll>: ,;;; SD METH~ OP 11~, .Blow Ccw.o : t. °'81NFECTION: TMM HTC ~ 12 oz : ,. •1!" ZONI& (-,iltl): ' . ; TC>PCK i 1oaom M ¥ Top ~~o BonDm 2. '--2- : Top, ___ Balmm_ ~._ __ lolDn, __ _ : Top, ___ lkllD'A,___ Top, ___ 1o1Dn1, __ _ ; 7 . CASING: ; Top_loftonl __ A.. __ _ ;TGD_lolcm_l'l .. __ _ ;lop_.~Ft .. __ _ . . : I . GROUT: Dept, 1.,(A Mnlfilll l Top_Q___ ~ Ft. BcD!Poito ;Top_Bal!Dff\_A., ____ _ : Top_l50llloffl_Ft.._ ___ _ :8.ICACIN r Oe.,a. Mellod furoPftd :Top_Bollom_A._ln. __ In. ___ _ : Top_ao111crn_A,_ln, -in.----j Top_8oaDffl_Ft._ll\. _in. ___ _ . ~ 10. SANDtCMIAYIIL IIM:k: Depth Sin :ToP-.-~eaei.n...:...._~.-----------:Top ..... _..,lobm __ Ft.. __________ _ !Top ___ ,lollOln __ F.._ _________ _ : 11. DRIWNGLOG Top 8olDm FanNlion l)nalpOo,\ Macon Etemeotarv F .. Nenlt 1166 I oua Church Bd Faaili1J !Di (If applicable} !s:::}~ ,,~-ft:o-7:;;~:t.5{~~¢( $(!,4 6 ~"'a/u ,6e., .,...Add,_ franklin ClycwTown Mamo County GOYftrnrneot COntac:t Name Mlllln9Addlau Ecaoklia (:l'Yo,Town ( ) AIN code -=Ph"'""o,-•-n111_m_tbe_, ___ _ I. Will DETAIL.I: •'} ,o a. TOTAL DIPTtti, __ ..,.._ ___ _ NC 28734 NC 28143 ... ZiPCOde b. DOU WEU. ~ IXIITINO WIU.? VESo NOf¥ e. WAftlU.IVIILBetowTopof~: 5"'0 FT. (Uu ·+· "AblM Tao of c.no, -~'·----_......,.,. ___ _ --..:'·-------'--------''----··--'-----. '----. '·--- : 1:11, IIUMRICI: [ easing Renio,ed lubnllt WltNn 30 AP d compllllon to: Dlvfalan of Wttar Qualtly • lnb,wllu., ~ 1111 MIN..,...,... c.ntlr, RIIIW,I, NC 1r-.1e1, P1tOM : (11t) IO?.UOO RECEIVED 02-15-'12 12:37 FROM-8283690 740 TO -NC DENR P&S FcamGW0 t11 "811. 1118 P001 /010 02-15-2012 13:09 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGE:? NoNREsmENTIAL wn L coNsn llcnoN REcoao North Csolma DeJ,anmmt of EIMfOIIIIIIDf and Namral Raovrcet• °'vlsioe of Wirer Quality W-el CcnhC1ot QndMdual) Name Tarheel Wet er Treatment Well Contractot Company Name J4§M Georoia RD 811'NtAdd!Mt franklin NC 2e 1 ~ 011Ycir TO'MI S1all Zip Code c828 1 369-0740 AIM coClt Phone number I, WIU. INIIOIIMATIGN; ~ILL CONSTRUCTION PeAMIT#..._W...,,1-01.,_,,0=0 ..... 1 ...... 41.,__ ___ _ OTHER ASSOCl.41'!0 Pl"Mr1Jlf ilJIII..Jpble)·-=------ SrTI W!LL 10 #(if---1 (~ -i:,1,--SB I. WIU. UN (Cnecik 0,,. BcNr) Moni1D1tna □ M\mldpallP\Alfle O l~IIC«nmerclll C) .-.-,11ura10 Rtoowry O lnj8clicln l';I lnfDIIIOfln °""' ~<•• .,.., Closeg loop Gaott,en DATE DIIIU...0 /-~ 0 ., f . ~ '-WILL LOCA110N: 1168 Lolla Ch~d l1n1tN11119, NU""""-:&ivicion. LCII .. O., i:inil,ZlpCode) crTV: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND S!TTING: (dlecll ~ ball Oalape n~ ~ CFlldp OOltler _____ _ KCllllfCD 36_ i" .. "l"OAAAU! CL ROA~ ..... cc loi.t.t=ISTCD 75 ,""""IUOUIIA! CL ROIi ,._ ....... _ cc ~nQIWI IGUlm: OPS CJl'opoorlphla ,_ {lor:eloti otMIIIPIUlll» MIOWII on• usas ,apo ,,_, •ndlllllciflade #lis fotm If not 14""1 Ol'SJ I. FACl.lrf (Nllme of hi bllllnNI-,,.,. flt MIi ls lllclalld.) Mamo Eferneota™ Facilllt1 Name ,ac1111y ll)jt (If appllclble) J 166 IAtfa Cburm Rd 8hlltAddl'Na fcankfio NC 26234 C"YorTown Sim Zip~ Mar.an County Gavemment Conlllct Name . Mallil!g Adel,_ Franklin CltyfltT- ( , _______ _ Asllll code Pttone IIUIYlber I. WEU.OETAIU: NC 28243 Sll1t Zil!Code ii _!~65:1 • 17,) ._11 'CUCit ,0 iti11t1f,1thv\l ~Ir.ii..,,,.,,-,\• ~ • ,.._ : a vananc.e In~ with 15A NCAC 2C ,0118. ~ •. ffl!lD fgp,n): ·-o-METHOD OP TI!IT Btaw Qnwn ; f . ~EC'(ION: 1')pe HTC Amourtt 12 oz : I• WATIR IOND {dlpll): : Top. ___ eoaom.___ Top, -Bottom __ _ ;Top 9oaDin Top ___ ~,_ __ : Top Bolbn Top ___ ... rn, ...... __ . ~ : 1 , CAIINO: Olpltl Olwulu Weight MaNlriaJ ; Top_ 8alloffi_R...__ __ ; Top_~_R . ..._ __ :Too_l!lalom_Ft. __ _ : a. GROUT: 0eplh l10 M9lll1al ~ TapJl__ 1ctom..«._ A . 8tntpnite :Top_8ol!Dnl_Ft. ___ _ :Top_Solorn_FL ____ _ ' :t, ICRED; Dap8I ~ llotSu ' Mattlad eumgeg : Top_Boaom_n __ ln. _ 1ft. ___ _ : Top~Bclom_R._ln, _ In. ___ _ i Tap-~Ft._in, _in. ___ _ : 1t. UNDIGRAVIL ,ACK: : Dapd, Ila ! Tap __ _,........,,...__Ft. ___ --------: Tap ___ lloftom_Ft _________ _ !Top. ____ loeom_Ft . -·----------- : 11 . DRIWNO LOG Too , llollam 1) I 7S- 5f I /fO __ , ____ _ I __ ..,, ___ _ . I ,--------____ , ___ _ ______ , ___ _ --'----__ , ___ _ : 12, RIIIMKI; 1 Casing . Remowed FotntallOn Dw:ripCli,n s~hJ t:_ e../e ..... ; 1(10 HfRfBV CflfflFVTKl'I'. T!-411 W'1.L WASCON8111UCT"> I"~ Wfnl ! 1116-.cAC 2 L OCNmlUCTlON WfANOM09, MD™'-T ACIPYO, 1M8 •. lMM.avnc: L'i o ,. OOEI WEU.Rll'LACI UIITING WIU? ~ NO o/ :~ PAO".,at)~J.31-~•-- : t:J e.,..-....-/-;J 0 ·• /2... c. WAlER"5YSl.8elCIWTopolCnillg: ~ •~ FT. (UM·•• ff Atlo¥t Top Gf Calng) I 1Ubfflll wttNn 30 ~ of compMtton ID: Dimian of .Wltaf Quality • lnl'onnlUon .. ,.. ....... 111 MIU llfWe. centM, Ralltgb, NC 11-.111, Pftone : ft1., IOJ.aGO °" DATI: ✓-1a111..r ELL BECEI VED 02-15-' 12' 12 : 37 FF!OM-8283690740 TO-NC DENE P&S P002/010 0c-1S-201a 13:09 TARHEa WATER TREATMENT ScB-369-0740 PAGE3 NoN R1:."SmENTL« WELL coNsn ucnoN 11coll0 Nnr1h Csrolina Ilcpanmeat ofl;;nvinmmcnt and N1rwel Raources-Division of Water Quatily ' ~ I '°' ,~ 3065-A ~;.L,_ ............. ..,"}- Woll COIWactor (lndlVidual) Name Jameel Water Treatment Wo11 C(Ultrador Comp8fly N11r,,e 34Y9 · t,eora;a i-tu ~Add,.• Franklin CityorTown f 828 I 369-0740 ,,,_ code Pflone flUfflNI' 2. wa.L INFORMATION: NC ·29734 ZlpCode WEI.I. CONSTRUCTION"Pl"MIT•:...tW..:.I ... 0"-'-1=00=--'-14-'-'1,_ ___ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMlTi(lf appliclble,__,... ____ _ lff'I WEI.I. ID#(lf..,..,blo) A -J -ta J . WELL USE (Check One Box) MOllllorlng O MunlclpellPUlllk l.l lndustrlal/CommetMI O Aari~ 0 Recoffry O lnjec;ilion 0 IITlflllOl'O Ohr ,/(l't&'I UM) Closed loop Geotheg DATI DRIUED /.,. / 7 -J .;L • 4. WILL LOCATION: 1166 Lotla Chu rch Rd (S!Net )lame, Nl#nllel!I, CGll!m.-ill,, ~kin. Lot No., Plftlel, .lip C:00.J COY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGAAPHIC I ~D SETTING; ICIIOCII IDOnlOriall boa) CSlope OValley itRat ORidge OOllof. _____ _ K(lilffCD 36_ iuoaoou•At Cl ROR a-~~ cc 100/FIITCO 't5 l'"'UIIIAAAAAIIIII CL R OR 1t:,c,cu1110et cc ~ IOUl'IIII: C)aPS C]ropograpt,IC mtp (looaffoll ol wt# Mlllf I» IIIOMI on • U8GS CrJpo mep endelfaffltd lo ""' AMYi If not lll#Jfl GP8) e. ,ACUTV (Name of ll'lt bllllneu wtlere the Mil ls localed,) Macao Elemeotarv ,ac11ity Name FIOI~ 10# (If appllcablel 1166 Latia CbYcr-b Ba S....Addrfft Eraoklio NC 28734 City or Town Slate Zip Code Macao County Govemrneot Contact Name Mallfng Add,_. Eraoklin CltyorTown NC 28743 Sta• ZlpCod■ ( >--------"'" cede Phone numbat I. Wl!U OITAILI: •· TOTAL DEPTH: /..,ts:: 0 1 b, DOIi WIU. IIIPLACI IXIITINO WELL? YES r, NO~ c . WATERLIYILBelowTopofC.""9: .s·o . FT. ,u .. ••· if Above Top o1 casino) a variance in aca:xdanaa with 15A NCAC ~ .0118. ; e. YH!LO (OPffll: / ra METHOD M TIST Blow Dawn ~ I. O~IN_l'~TION: Type · HIC Amount 12 oZ = •· z! :r" ,.~,: l Top BoUom ).. h 2-Top ___ Bottrlm,_ __ : Top ___ Boclom ___ Top BotlDm_ : Top ___ Balom ... __ Top Bo&tol\'I. __ _ 'TNaMN.tl : 1. CAIING: Depth D...._ Weight Mlllariat j Top_llolloln __ Fl. __ _ : Top_&Olt.anl __ FL. __ _ :Top __ SalDm_R. __ _ : e. OROUT: -" Materiat i Top.JL_ Bottom.§L Ft Bantpnjta MelhOd PMrnRftd ! TOP, __ eotlom_Ft.. ____ _ ! Top __ BOIIOn'I __ R. _____ _ :t. ICREIN: DtpUt : rop_Boaon,_Fl. __ in, __ In. ___ _ : Top_ Bottom_Pc._1". _·_in. ___ _ 1 Top_Bottom_Ft. __ 11'1. _ in. ___ _ : 10, MNDIOIIAYIL PACK: : °""°' s--Mel■,iaf ;~P---Soltom-~-----------; Top, ___ Bolotn..,___l'l. __________ _ jTop~~~--------- : 11 . 0RILLING 1.0G : Top 8ot.n ·£8~ _ _., ___ _ ---'----/ --,---- ---'-------':-----/ ---,---- 12. ASIIARQ: : Casi11g Removed Subm!J wtthln !O dap of completion to: OMston or.w.-Quality •. fflfOnnlllo.t Pnlowlfng, 1111 Mall .,,,_ Centlr, 111i.19h, NC 27 .... 111, PhoM : (111) I07-aoo Fo,mGW•Ht Rev.1/08 RECEIVED 02-15-'12 12 :37 FROM-8283690740 TO-NC DENR P&S P003 /010 02-15-2012 13:10 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGE4 NoN R&w,nENT1,a wa.LcoNsTRUCTioN ucoap Nunh C.OliM Dlrpartf'IIQ'lt t'fEnviromnem and H11run1l Rnourora• n.v;11ion ufWatcr Quality Well COnhctor (lndiviclulll N.-M Tatheet Weter Treatment Well eootrsc!Dr Cl)IT1pGny Name 3494 Georgia RD S11N1Addten Franklin NC 28734 City or TCIWII . St,$ zi, COde r 828 • 36&:QZ◄O 11't'Mmdll~nUffllla' I. WELL *'ORIIAflOII: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERM!ff,..,,W~l""'0..:.100~1'-'4'--'-1 ____ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT~IClll!le lrrl WELL IO#<lttODIICiOlll ,,...,i. " 7 I. WIU. UII! (Cheoll One Booe)~ O Munlclpal/P\lblic; 0 ll'ICMtlilllComlftffllal O A;,1""81 □ "ICOWIY □ Injection 0 ,,..,...c 0ttsr/_~UM} closed loop Geotharra DATI DAILI.aD i -IQ~ 12 , 4. WIU. LOCATION: J.t-61.!f!!St'a,~. ~ No., PIRJII, Zip Codel cnv: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOflOCRAPt-tlC I I.ANO HTTING: td!M 1DPrOCN11 tml CSlaoe CValley ~ ORidge OOttlar _____ _ ...-rco se_ iuA••_,.,.,... ..... , et. R OR 3a!'Jlutl'JGfMX cc IOIIW: ISTCD 75 ; ....... AAUAAlllf Q. A OR ?,t:,ece~ CC Lelltudlnong!tude aouim: [);PS CJrooog,ephlo 1111P trc,cnon ol lflltl mu.If I»__, Olt • U88S lli,,o ,,,.,,.,_,,.,,_, ID ,,,. lbrm ,, not""'"" Q,.$) I , FACIUT\' (Nlffll t:lf h lMI,-..__ lie well It tooallld.) Mac;oo Elemeotacv !=~ Name FIICillly ID' (If lppllcabi.) 1168· Lotta Church Rd ~Add,_. Eraokllo NC 28134 City or Town Stall Zip Coda Macon County Gavemment Con1KtNeme Ml-Add1811 Ecaok11o CllyorTown r '----------"-code Phone nUfflber L WEU. DllTAft.S: r a. TOTAL OPTH: L/f /) NC 28243 8ta18 ZiPCode It, DOU WELL IU!PUOa lDIIITINO WBJ.? V!I CJ NO ri/ c. WATER LIYILlalow 1-OIC...V: , S:O !'T. (U• •+• "AboW Top d Cning) • (QP ot (;l:i•"'II litmiw,le,g o~'ftf i;k.-r llt!O ~n'u~ mar r~lt'& . • varia"°8 in eccollltnlle willt 15A NCAC 2C .0118. ; •· YleLD fgpm): l )_~ _ MmfOD OF TEST_Blow Qawo : f. DISfNF&CYION: T~ HIC Amount 12 oz : 9, WATIR ZOND (~): -l T~' !,? ~h .2= TOP.----~ ; Top ___ lollom_ Top ___ lollom_12"J :Too, ___ eoaom_ Too ___ lollom__ : 7. OAIINO: OepCh Oiallllr !Top_Boeom_A._ __ 1hloMeNI Wotght Jl IWarial -o ~ : Top_lolom_P1 .. __ _ ;Top __ !otfoffl_,t. __ _ : &. OfltOUT: o.,tt1 Mlllrtal i Top..Q__ Bot!Ofn..§(L l'I. Bentonfla : Top __ llolom_F\. ___ _ j 'f0p __ Bolklrn __ fl't . ._ ___ _ . :t, SCAEEN: ne,,lh 01MM11r SlalSl&e MClllocr eumpQd : Top __ Battarn __ Ft._in. _ in, ___ _ : Top __ ~ __ A ._in. _in, ___ _ l Top_lclom_Fl_in. -in.---- : 10. IMDfGRAYIR. ,ACK: : O.pth Size ;Top ___ .lolloffl.._l't. ___ -------- : Top ___ .llolDri,_'1. ___ -------- ; Top ___ .BclllD,n_Ft. ___ -------- : 11 . 0..11.l.4NG LOG Tap BatlDm -IE~ __ ,._-__ _ ___ , ___ _ _ __,/ ___ _ I --,----____ , ___ _ --·',----____ , ___ _ : 11, REIWIICI: j Casi11g Remo,ed : tOOHEIIIEB'tcerr.Y114ATnGWEU.WAS CCN1111UC'1m1NIICCORIWIICS ~ : 19.-NCAC 2C. CONSfllUCTION STNIWIDI, #1) n-.T ~ et:Pf ~ TMIS ~ cJ\ IS> •11!!00Rl> TOTHIW . l · /--/o ·I;,._ :SIQ ~ OAT1i ll'a/1,LJ IIINnlt wtltlln 30 _. of COfflplation to: Olwtelaft of Water Quatfly • WDmu1Uan Pl'DGmlng. '17' MIit 8eMot Ctfttlr, Rnlgtl, NC 21a.1t1, Phont : (111) _,,.aoo --0 -tft t;!: RECEIVED 02-15-'12 12:37 FROM-8283690740 TO-NC DENR P&S P004/010 02-15-2012 13:10 TARHEEL. WATER TREATMENT 828·369-0740 PAGES . NON R ESIDENTIAL ll'l't I CONSQIJCTJON gcpap Nonh Carolina ,._en, ofEaVUfflUIIID1 .,.t Nanmd 'Retolan:er· Oivia off(ICW Qualily .B<XUtC L \IV,IU,cd fl S W .. ConlnaDr (lndlwidual) Namt .Ilrbnl Water Iceatment Well Con1rall10r~ny Namo . 3494 Gegmja 80 BtrMI~ Franklin NC 28734 CltywTown Stall lipCodl , 82§ > 3§9-0740 ,.,. ..... Jlhonlnumoet I. WELL ~Tai: WEI.I. CONSTRUCTION PERMl'N...,W,_l;.:.O ... 10_0 .... 1-"4 .... 1 ___ _ OTMERA&IOC:IATID PEAM?lt___,. anw wau. 1011C11..-..1 q.. -e2. -R J. _WEU. USI (CMdl Ono 8Dll) ~ 0 ~nielf,aUPW!ie 0 ,,_11i111Com.1•mll C AQrlaulinl O Aaclowl) 0 lflJtdDft C Mud•O QI.,,/(,-?:' C!OSfd lpc;,o Geqtheg DAn! DIIIUID / -l.. • t :;a_. '-WELL LOCATION: ~LQUaCh~Rd I Nllllt, NYnOffl,munl;, m .tii No., Ptin.i, ze&ii.i cm: Fran kttn COUNTYMac;on TCIIIOClfWIHIC / LAND SlfflNG: (dies__. llaal C6lllfle □Valley_.,.. 0"1dp CJO..,. _____ _ "91f1'C0 86_ 1"•0 e•oauu1 Cl R OIi 3~A ! ._ CC ICNM'FC075 1""'ua•11"'"'""""1CLROII ~~ CC ~ toldOt: Q)PS Oopog,IPIIC INP ~ ol_,muet,_ __, on I USQS-.0 .... .dl!M#lod 111 llilbmlfl'Klf--,GPS, .. ,~fNlffle-lltltulil-. ....... .., .. .,..,1 Mamo Elemeomrv l'tallly ,.,. 1188 L nt(a Chyn;;h Rd lltrMIAdd,._ Ecaoklio C~o,Town Macao Cavotv Goveromeot Ml!MgMtllla Elaoklio C > AtNcode .,.Pi°ioN---IIWIIOet------ •• WEI.L OITM.$: , •· TOTAL. DIPTN; ',t,£tJ NC 28234 Sin ZipCodt NC 26Z43 Slal9 ZlpCodl D. DOU WELL.....,_ IDU8YINO WIIJ.? \'l;SO NO# o, WATU&.aVIL..._ TopdCaeilla: '5-/) FT. cu..·•• r Niove Top d Celint), j065-A a IMrial,ce ~ accardMCawtfl 15'.N01\C4C ,(i11 ll. f e . YIELD (gpmt: Lf';!) -,,.OOM lHI' Bfow QQwn ; ,. -.. . :• W~TIIIZCNt&SC~ .: Top~f f) 8all0m~.,J.. Top. ___ BoCIDl,I. : TOP. ___ a.m.___ Tap~ ao '-11:.---.. -..... , : j Too. ___ lmtD,n_ Tep •~11._ __ • Tlllclllll,. ,,Ftai ;7.CAIM:0..-Dinfllt ~ I Top_tlalDm_R . ._ __ : To,_1ottom_ Fl,, __ _ i Top_lallnm_ll\. __ _ ---,,.11 ---__ .., __ _ . : ,. GROUT: °""" MltlNI Melllod ~ Top.,L_ ~ Ft. QonbJjlft t?wD9cd ;Tap lolDffl-~-----l Tap_Boaont_,__Fl. ___ _ : I . SOU•: Dl'plt a..:•11• llot lia ..,., l TGp_ lotlDi,i_:__ i=.._1n, -in. ---- : Too..:.._lolfDm_ f:t._tn. _In. ___ _ (rop_9a1Dffl.._A,__jn. _in. ___ _ ' :1t.lAltlllOMVIL,A1CtC: : .,.,.. .. ;Top_JJoaom_Fl. _________ _ ;fop ___ OOIIDffl.___~-----------:Top. ___ ltGC!Dffl_Ft. _________ _ : 11 . DAIUJNGLOG Top DalD1I :#B~ __ 1~--- ' --·'---, ___ _ --, ,------: --'~---__ , ___ _ __ , ___ _ : 12. IIIJIAMS: ~ Casing Rtnno,fld Foffllallon 0Ncriptui, ,~d~ 8ulNnft ~ • .,. f#-.npeaciort to: OMlion of Wallr Qualltr • Woa1,....-; PtHMllnl, 111? llllt..,.. Caller,........_ NC 27 .... 111, fthona: Cltl) II0'1-IIIO l'GffllCW-1b "4v.1AJI RECEIVED 02-15-'12-12 :3 7 FROM-8283690740 TO-NC DENR P&S P005 /010 82-15-2012 13:11 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-074~ F>AGE9 NoNRRIDENfui nu CONSnucnor,gcog Nonfl C.Olina Depam11eti1 of Etnitotuncnr ad NIWIII ~ Divi.,ioo of W.-~ity ,&>gee L wm;ams . Wei ConnclOr (llldivldull) Nam. Tortmet Water Imatment Well ConlraeW Conll)any ~ ~94 Georgia RD Snet~ Franldln NC 287~ Citror Town 8-Zip Codt , 828 > 369-0740 AIINICIDIII Ptiarienufflblr 2 . WEU. •l"OfUIATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT•...,W .... l.,._0..,,.1 00_1 __ 4'-'1 ____ _ OTHal ASSOCIA'm> PEAM"".'1:::7 1"9Wli.Ll01itll~l q....=..L.. -, a. WIL&. UN (0'-dc One Boa)~ C ~ Cl l~C ~ORecrMlyOlf!jlclial,CJ """""'° OIW rl1•1a1 Clo8ad loop GeolheQ DATIDIIU.ID J,il.,/:J -::T, 4 , WILL LOCA110N: 11~urch~ IStteii ~ ' 0Jfflmlllliy, . ~at Ao .. Pan:111, &I r;ode) crrv: Franklin . COUNTY Mamo TOPOGAAPHIC / I.AHO IITilNO: (dlldl .,.,._ IIDII) Ollope ova11e, .... ORldge 001111,. _____ _ ..-rco 38_ j ....... Au .. uu1 Q.Aafl 3•~ cc *M=IITC075 1" ....... 0 ...... "IC\.ROR '-~CC ~---: 03PS CJrllPOIIIIIPtlio lftlP ~ o,-,,,,_oe_,,.,;on • IJBGS qio ~--~ IO lltl1 lbtm/ln« lollilf GPSJ I. PNJIIJf"t ~ fl !he bulNII llltlfr9 lhl _, 111 localld.) Macoo Eleroeoraoc F--Nlffl8 1166 l,ptJa Churrb Rd Bn,tAdd,_ Eraotslio ~or:rown Marm county Government MelAno Adelreu ErankJio cttyo,Town ( ) ANaQOde ..,,"'-io.,.....-nllfflber _____ _ f , WILL DETM.I: , ... TOTAL OIPTM: "/W NC 22Z34 8"'o ZlpCoda NC 28743 .... Z'JpCodl II. DOUWII.L IIIPI.MI ... TINO WILL? Vl8 C a. WATM&.lftLlelowTapdc..m,: s e,:> NOG/ FT. (U.. ••• f ANve Tap of Caltl9) ; Vil .... ; i.,i,i'S.1"\i'tt..,, , •• .-,.. .. a~ lfl tDOIIIGlrlOt wllll 15A NCAe 2C .011a . i •. YIELD (gpmJ; ~-D METMOO 0, TUT SIQw [)Mn : t. ~TION: T~ HTC -~..m,cv;ri . l 2 w ; • ~'TIIIZONIS (depth~ !T~'iO ~m.J..Y,h Tap,_ __ ~ ;T., ____ BallDffl_ TOP.---~·--- 1T~~--Bal1Dffl_ T~---~--- Th , ~ :7.CMINO:Dlflltl ......., ...._n 11.-111 [r~_..,,,._PI.. ___ . _\:) __ _ ;Top_lollaffl_l'I ~71:_,__ i To,_ 8alom_ Pl._ __ :I. GROUT:.~ Mlllllfal ,.___ ~ T•jl_ ~Fl 8a(l,mltf PutooM1 :Ton __ 8clelwn_Ft, ___ _ ! Top_Balllffl___Ft._· ___ _ . : t, ICRIIN: Depltl Dllc,alif llal-~ : Toc,-~fl._ln. _In.---- : Top_1o111,m_i:,._1n. _In. ___ _ i Toe,_ OOIIDffl_ Ft_in.. _ ii\. ___ _ . : 11. tMIDIORAYl!A. PIICIC: : .,.,..-.. ; TCIQ__,_JICIIDffi._,_Ft, _________ _ : Top __ loloffl_l'\,, ___ ------- ; Tap lalOnl_Ft., ___ ------- : 11 . OAI\.UNG LOG Top 8-n\ ,0,nlllm!Ow,tptan ii~ __ , __ _ --'---- &${~,., .r-U- ____ , ___ _ ____ , __ _ _ _,, ___ _ --·'---__ ., ___ _ --·'---: 11. RIIIIARU! ~ -ees11,g Re,1,011ed ........ WMhtn 30ap f/loampllMon to: OiVi91on of w.-Quality. ~ '"°11•1'1• 1117 .... ..,._ C.....,, llallllh. NC ff .... 1t1, "9oM: (t11) I0'7.aoo FGmlGW·1b ""· 1/DI RECEIVED 02-15-' 12 12 ~.37 FROM-8283690740 ' TO-NC DENR P&S P00) 10 02-15-2012 13:11 TARHEEL WATER TRE~TMENT 828-369-0740 PAGE10 N.oNRB,SJDEN'fUL wn.L CONsz,11.cnoNgcgao North Carofo111 Dq,at,men1 of £ovitollffW;ltt lfld NatUftl fleaounx,s. Diviiioir .ol':11,~ ~UiY ,. ~1:t.~ ,...;;,,riv • .; Rcmr L wm;am§ Well Conl'ac:tot (lndillleiual) Name Jarheal Water TreatmeJ1t ·---·----we1 ConhCIDr Company Name 3494 Gm,rol@ BQ 6trletAdcfrffa fcanklin City or TOIi!! I 828 I 369-0740 AIUCIOCII Ptlorlll ~ a. WELL tNFOflMATIOH: NC 28134 9'1111 ZiPCoda WEU. CONff!WCTION PIAMmta~Wul~0,.:c10~0-.1:.;4'-.!1~---- OTHER Al80CIATEQ PEJIIMITlll(~iallllt~) ------- lffl WILi. iD tut..--,., It: I ._ f a. MLL UII (Cnedt OM Boa)~ C ~III/Pvbllc C lndullrilllCofflrnerGil Cl ~IO fteoovery O lnjldon 0 ~o 0t1tenf fjf,f..-> Ctosed logo Geottten:a D,\TIDfUUID ~"'f, I/ ._ YtllU. LOCAT10tf: l 166 Lotl a Churg, Rd . (8beal Name, HuinOenl, COlllmllnll't, Stlbclivlilcin, '-"' No., Pnel, ZIP Code! cnv; Frank lin couNTY Macon TOPOQRAPHIC I LANO SETTING: ldleok ~ebmi) O&lape c,vau.y ~ OAldoe □Ollor, _____ _ .....-co 38_ 1ou4Auu•u1 CC. R OIi 3~ CC KH~ltTCD 15 1""""1""'"'""0 1 CL R OR 111 ...... ._ cc .....,,.,,_,_ IOUflla! C)IPS CJT~ ffllP (IIIUfionolnllllMt 0. 8"°'"' on• USG$ tipo ,,_, ~ ,_, M lbtm dnot ual,Jo GPSj I, ,.11:UfY (Name of lie IIUllneN ~ .... , ie loelltd.J M.Rg)o e1emeotacv ~Nlffla 1 Um Lotta Cbwcb 8d &ltMtAdd,eM franklin City or Town Macao Couotv Goveromeot Conlllct Name Malling Add,_ Eraokllo Cly at Town ( , ArN _.. -,,Pll::-IIOl-.,.-n-"m-'!'ibef ____ _ t.MU.DITMS: •• TOTAL DU'rH: '::/ s:: 0 , NC 26Z34 Staw ZlpCOcle NC 28Z43 6'»11 Zlt,Code b. DO&I WEIL AIPLACR Ulll1NO WIU:7 VES O NO a/ c. WA'l'IRLEVIL&llowTapafc.i.: ~,,4 l'T. (U.••"lfAlloYltTcipaf~~ •Tl>fl or c=it11tg t0rt'ni11,.l&J .. 111,,: >NtOlt "·' ,.. • •~ in aeoan1111cewiltl 1SA NCAC2C ,0118. ~ ~. mu,iapm): __ -r2 'MrntODOFTEST Slaw Down i t lkSUWECTION: -rw,e l::t re All\~ 12 oz •• . : g, WATlft ZOND (depltl): ~ TOP. _, Botlom -1'op,_ __ Bollo,,.._ __ ;Top'-__ BollDl7'. ___ T~ MorTI, __ _ ! TOP,. ___ Bollorn. __ _ 1'op. ___ ~ . -: 7 , CASiNO: Dapttl D....._ jTop_Softorn__F1., __ _ : Top_loclam_A., __ _ ; ToO_BoOom_R._ __ : 8. GROUT: 0eclll M--■1 i TopJL_~ Fl Bantpglt@ ; Ta,_ Bol!Om,_ __ l't., ___ _ :Top_&oeam_,, ___ _ :t. lCRIEN: Depltl ~ MaflOd Pumped :Top_Bolom_Ft.__Jn, _ ~. ___ _ : Top_loaDm_Ft_ln. _In, ___ _ jToP_Boaom_Fl_ln. _in. ___ _ . : 10. IMDIGIIAV£L PACK: : .,..,.,. ·-IWlf'W ;ToP..__-~R, _________ _ ;ToP--~''----------1 To,. ___ eo'°"'---Ft..._ ________ _ : 11. Of'ILIJNG LOG : Tap BollDm :i3=Ni -~'.----____ , __ _ __ , __ _ -----'---_..,-ii ___ _ --'.----/ --·'---- : 12. IWWIKI: i Casing Remov ed Fam,atiorl ~ ~~· SUbmlt wlthht 30 daya of comp.._ to: Dfl•f•ton of .. aw Gullfty • ........_ ~ll •tftt• 11n 1111, .._. c.....,, Aallllllti NC n..._111, Phone :,(t1t) I07.noD RECEIVED 02-15~'12 12 :37 FROM-8283690740 TO -NC DENR P&S l'ormQW-1t ~-1/08 P010/0 02·15-2012 13:14 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369·0740 PAGE1 . NON R,:sIDENTUL 'WELL CONSTR~N ~f91tD - North Caroline OepamnenrofErrvi.cwc:ut lllCt N&IClnl Rnowa-.Qjviiiaii"ijf''WNQualicy Roaet L WUijgms WIIC....(lndMdual)NlfN Tarheftl water Treatment ______ _ Wei ContreC10r Cclfflpany Name 3494 Gagtaia,RD StreetAddT911 Franklin NC 28734, Cllyot TCMII 1111D Zlp Code , 828 , 389::PNQ AIM~,.._,_,,,_, 2, MY. IN~Tiall: WlU. CON&TRUCTION PEAWT•, ... W.,ly:0,.:.1: OOs.,1 .. 4...:1 ____ _ OTHER A880CIATID PERMl~IPllllalM IITIWIU.IDM......,_I Q -/., S: a. WELL U&I (Ctlec:t. One Bo-, Monltortng t:l MunlciralllPwblio 0 •~o AerloultlntCJ Recau1i,c lftjldlaf\C "'1gillonO Oller Jjllll ... , Cfoltd IOQp Geotho!III DA~ NII LID Jf_--19 -,r~ 4. WILL LOCA'nON: M-66 LQtla Chu@ Rd t H11111. Nuffletl, Communi;:~. GlNi:i .. ISiniii. zi COIMJ cm: Franklin COUNN Maq,n TOPOGRAPHIC I I.ANO seTTING; ,__. .,.......,., . cs. ov•1 ~ □Ridal . □Oller·....,.. ____ _ ·.-rco ~-1""" ............. ,a.RCM3l~CC ll'<fllf llTCO 75 1""""1""""0 '"'1 Cl ROA ?R~..,,_. CC ~...-: ~ C)ra,091-6Di,iap t,oc,1ioll "'"'"""' w "'°""'on, usaa ,-o,,_~ ei, ,,. «clffll ,,_.., GIii} I. flACIJl'Y,..,._ flfh ---wt.....,_..,. ii looallcl.) Nacrm EleroealJO , ....... 11M Lotta Cbua:h Bet SlratAddrNI EraokHn CffyOIITOWPI · M'"'® county Gpyamment CONICiName MllllnQAddtlaa Fratiklio c:ityorTOMI ( ) . AIMoode -p1.;,.--IIU!ftbw------ ... U..OITM.S: .. 'NJTM.DIP'TM: ~ NC: 28734 a. ZlpCodt ' NC 28743 811111 ZIPCodl b. DOU WIU. IIIPUCE l!JIIITINO WILU VIS C NO rJ/ L WAlllll l.DIL llelDw Tc,p of c.lnsl; ..,£ t) l'T. (UM ••• If~ Too el Cellllgl l • , • "lop of~ tu,,~/.alQ .. 11;. ~ ,.n,.,, 1%,ral ..Uh ... .,.,., .• , , n•IINI 1ft ,-•cutth 1 SA NCAC 2C ,0111. : •· YIW) ,.,....: ~2--Mm40D o, TEST: Blow Dawn l f. DOIINFEC'nON: twe HTC Amount 12 AZ ~wr ; J. CAIIN: Deplll D...._ __,. ....... i Top_ Bolom_ Fl, __ _ : Top_lolam_,. __ _ ;Tc,p_llollarn,___R .. __ _ : a. QAOUT: 0tDCh Mata1al l Tap_Q_ IDIDm.A5'L Ft Benlpt)Jta : Tc,p_BclODm_Ft., ___ _ ;Tc,p_lolam_~----- Wlflod ewnACO : ToP:--~Ft._ift. _in. ___ _ ; Top_BollDm_Pt._lt\. _In. ___ _ ~ Tap_ loCIDm_Ft._in. _ in. ___ _ ' : 1D. IANGfOIIAnL PACte: : Det,I, :ToP, ___ lollaln_Pl. _________ _ :Too_lc,llllm_fll. _________ _ jTop____J5oaam_R _________ _ : 11 . OtUWNG~ ; Top fJGlllffl : ~~-2Jr- ! ·-g:{~ : I __ , ___ _ ___ , __ _ ___ , __ _ I ----:'---__ ., __ _ --·'---: ta. RUIARKS: j -easir ,g Rem~ed l'olmllllclft Duol;JIIDI, §~~lei& 9nr..eu,.t.e ! I OO....,Clfffl'Y"Mrr1""1"ill.WAICCllll'TJIIIC19•~wm. · ISIICIIC2C, ~ ~ITNCWIDI.IIHDltlllTAetarf0,1'19 ' :~~~~ jJ~ ~ /(.~-II : SIGNATURE l&OMLL~ DAtt i ~"' l-. Wt1u e+s : HilN 0 OF Pl!flioN QONS'T'AucrnNG THI WELL - ltdillllft wtlhlft ••of curipllltain eo: DM9'Qn of W_,. a.in,. tilli:: •• Plf'Q 111tno. 1117111ft ._.. C...,, flllWtll, NC ff ... 111, "9om : (t1t) IO?.aoo RECEI VED 02-15-'12 12 :41 FROM-8283690740 TO-NC DENR P&S P001 /010 02-15-2012 13:14 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGE2 N ONRESIDENT/AL MLL CONSJIYgJON -Jl&COIP Nort!l C 111'\)11& IJcplll'lGlft'lt of Environmr:nt md ~•nnl RC!Dlll'Ca-Oi,ilior) of W.ataiOdalk)I . Bggac L Williams Wal ~ (lftdlwldla) Nlffle Jameel Water Tmatroent Well ~CoffiP9"Y NalN ~94 GeoroiaBP B!Jeet~ franklin Cll,orTOMI < 828 > 369-07 40 Alltacode ~ l'll.lrllllef I. WSU. INl'OIUIATION: NC 2SZ34 ZlPCOdt weu. CON8T'RUCTIOH PJRMnw~W ... li-.P.i.i10~0._.1...,4_1 ___ _ OT'HSt AIIOC~TIO PEAMJ1W(~ 111'1 WW. f0 tor---1 IT=/-' U' I, WIU. U81 10,,_. Ono Bo•) Monlai,O O MunidpeWubllG 0 l~OAltlcululllO~Olf'ljldDnO lffllllDnO oe,-,r/(tietwa) CJosed loop Geptherra nan DM 1,10 // • ".J • I I '-WILL I.OCAflON: 1¼!6 LoUa Church Rd r Nania. JU!lbell, communiy, 6uDdMl!on, Lot No., Plnlel. ZiP Codi) cm': Frankli n COUNTY Macon TOPOGfW'ttC I I.AHO IITT'ING: ldllc:ll 111""•• 111111) □Slope OValley .,,... Oltidge OC!hor ____ _ 1C'@151CfC0 38_ l""H~AOAIIU•, Cl. ROIi k!'a•·~ CC ICNWIITC015 i uueuuAAIIA I Cl,. ROIi ~.)('800d(l66C CC IA&lt:de~ngilr,lde IOUl99: c,a,s QroPOSJl!!ph!O IIIIP flONfion ,,,..., ,,,.., • ..,... Oft• usaa ea,o mllP .,_/!Wllld to ,,,,_ _,,, ""°' _,, Gl'SI I. ,acuTV (Name of IN Ml""' ..._,. Die WIii II lclaalld.J Mamo Elemeotarv ,...,,..,. J 166 I otla Cbvccb 8d .......... Erankllo Cllyo,Town Macoo Cavntv Government contlC:l't~•m• MllillngAddlNe EmokHo cttYorTowt1 ' ) ~ cadt -:::l'tlof=-n,-n-u,~Pl'lbel------- 1. WILL DliTNI.I: / L TOTAL Dll'TH: Lr s () NC 28734 '""-ZJpCode NC 26143 51-ZlpCOdl II. DOU Wl!U ~ UllflNG Ml.L? YH □ c. WATP l.avtLIIIIMTo,dc.tllO; ro (U. ••• It Abow9 Top d Clell'9) 7 •f~l1f~"11i 1',il1~ uVOf C.,..~.Y • a vananoe ill~ wtttt 1~ NC.AC 2C .01 ta. ~ ,. VIEU> lm,m): / 6 I) MITHOO OF 'mt Stow Qown : t. D&taNF&cnaN: rw,. HTC ~m '12 gz : g. WAffRIONnl.,_.): ,L' irooz, I) BoftDnl Uy: To, ___ Bollom._ __ :i. ___ ~ ,..,, ___ BolDm.._ __ l To, ___ lallDrn, ___ TOA'----loaon!._ __ . ....... ;Top_~.--~--- : Top_ 8cfflom_ R ., __ _ ;Tap_loloffi_Pl. __ _ : ,. Gft()UT: °"" ....... Maflod ! ToP.JL_ DoeDl'n..sa._F't. a,ntiQjfl PYrnAftd : ,.._ 1oa1wn_ ,t ___ _ : Top.;,,_.__ Balloffl_ ll'l. ___ _ : I. ICMIW; 0-,llt DIMletlr 8'°'Sillt IIIIIMW . :Top~llolom._Pt . .._ln. _in. ___ _ ;Top_BollDm_Ft._!ft __ 1n. ___ _ !Top_llal!Dln_,.~n. _in. ___ _ ' : 11.1AND1111'&¥1L l'ACK: : 'Dlpll Ila llatNt,f : T~ $ 10n; F-.t ________ _ ; Top_tlcillDln_l't _________ _ ;~p __ ..,,.__R _________ _ : 11 . OAIUJNC 1.0G l~:i: : ____ , ___ _ . -_ __,, ___ _ ' , __ _ I -----,---__ , __ _ --·'---__ , ___ _ : '12. RE.W.K&: Submft _... ... 30 a,t ol ~ to: DM•lon of W..., Quallly. ~ PN a 1■1- 1ttT ... IIMae Ctdlr, Alllllth, NC 21-.1t1, Phone :(t11) I074IOO RECEIVED 02~15-1 12 12 :41 FROM-8283690740 TO-NC DENR P&S ·""'-· P0027010 02-15-2012 13:14 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGE3 NoN R&'lDENTJAI~ WELL coNsJRucpoN R,:coap N(lt1h C.arulino I.JcPfflm:!llt ot'EDVifonmeot Md N1tunll ll~~ l)i~~-~War~ Qualiiy Jeis~A -.• . · . ·: Roger -L w1mams Wall CGnVtcllor (lndl¥icl11al) Name Iarheel Water Treatment Well Con11'11)1w Company Norm, 3494 Georgja RD Street Addrtll frankUO NC ~OtTOM'I Stiillll 28734, ZipCodt c828 , 36~740 ~aodePl'lclnellUf'llber 2. WEU. INFORIIA110N: WELL CONSTRUCTION PEAMl'l'#-.,:W.:-,,,IO .... 1..xO:x.O..i.14 ... 1 ______ _ OTHI!" A8BOCIATl0 PERM.,.,,__. lffl WELL ID #1(,r __..., ll" /-:Z 3, MLL UII (Cheeil OM BoJI) Mani&ortno Cl Munldptl/Public 0 •~!Mic ~10 Reoo-,o lnJeaio,lo tnlclatiOno 01w JJ11et ua> Ctw;ed looo Geotherra DATE O-.a.80 /(_-I K ~/7 4. WELL LOGATIOH: 1166 Lotta Church Rd (sireetName, NUn'!Oltl, Com~. Slbllwliloii, un No., Pwol. z~ Code) crrv: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND seTT1NG: (Cillel:t IOllrGPlllt llolll CJSlopt OVallar fil'lat C"-COlhar. _____ _ ..-rec 36_ 1""""'•,._. ........ , CL ROA a1~ cc ... Y:tSTCO 75 iuu1uuu""t CL ROA 11.xaa~ CC ~ taauree: 0W& C]l'opog,aphlO map f/oedotl olMll lffllftN .,__,on• USGS "'PO,,,.,, .,,_,.,,,_,.-.c,..,..,_,,M ,o 11111 folm W IJOl llllnfl GPBJ I. f!ACIJT'Y (Heme of the buliMM ......,_ !tit well 19 lelaald.) Maroa Elementary l'eclltyNanie 116ft I otta Cbyrcb Rd IIC,Nt/ltdJJ,... Franklin NC 28734 City0tTown State Zip Code Memo County Gavemroeot Contut'Name Mell,lf Md,_. Eraotc!io C'IY«Town NC 26743 Slate Zlf'Code [ _J Am ;;a; ..,,,Ph.,...CIN_n\111,N_,--, ---- •• WILL OITM.S: •-TOTAL Dfflk: ;tS-O D, DOU WILL IIE.PLACI IXlfflNCI WILL? VE8 C NO~ ~. WAl'III LPELhlowTapafCUillg: 5;°0 f'T. (UN ••• it Above Top d CUinO) ,, ---. • r: · ~~-.. ~· ···fS· :. ~.':..: ~;~.!.~ ... Top <;r i::.ttng to,nunJt~:.l ~'Ir., -Jtl,, "'''" . ..;i.,...,. .. a vlllanoe 111 IICCICltd..-wfltl 1 ~ Ne.AC 2C ,0111. : e. ~ELD fgpmJ: /0 o METMOo o, TIS1" arow Dawn 1,. Dl5tNFECTIOH: .,__ HIC MIOU"t 12 AZ . ' : II• WATIJI ZONES (d9plh): ! Too. .2" 0 ~ Top. ___ Batlorn, __ _ ;Top,___ __ Boloffl_ TOP. BotlDm__ ;T09.. ___ Boloffl_ Top Boeom..,.._ . i Top_&oua,n_Ft .. __ _ ! T11t1.__8ottom_Ft. __ _ !To,_lollDn!_Fl __ _ : e. GROUT; Depll MnNJ l ro,JL_ ~ 4§0' Fl Bentpnfte : Top_BoC!Dm_A.. ____ _ ;Top_lollDn!_R.. ____ _ Mdlod pumped : I. SCRHH: De,th DiafflatH Slat-.....,.., ;Top_Boctom_Ft._ln. _in, ___ _ : To,i_8oetom_Fl_li,. _Ill. ___ _ ;Top_Bolllilm_Fl_ln. _ill. ___ _ : 10, IANDICIMV!L PACIC: ! Dellfh ·-:T~ ___ ..,._Ft. ___ ------- ;T~---•IIDffl-Fl. _________ _ jTo,~_R __________ _ : 1 'I, DRILLING LOG Top 8aCloffi 0 I ~0 2£1$?7 ~I 1{t:O __ , ___ _ ----''-----__ ., ___ _ ./ ,-------, ,---- --:'---- : 12. twlMKI: l Caslug Remevecl IIUIMnit wttlttn 30 -· of ~plMlon to: Division Of Wa&tr Qaallty • lflfonnlttan ~ ~GW•1D "8¥. 11118 111' Mlfl ..,._ CenW, Allllp, NC 27 .... 111, PhaM : (11tJ I07_.. '·• · -RECEIVED 02-15-'12 12:41 FROM-8283690740 TO~ NC D~ P&S 02-15-2012 13:14 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGE4 NaN RES IDENTIAL )\'ELL coNsTRYAJON u ooap Nnnh CsruliTW l>cpllfflntllt ofEovironrmit and N11tunil Jtesources-l>Msk\lliirWa'. ~~~ Rooer L wmiams Wei <:or1tracb (Individual) Name Tarhee l-WAter. .... I .... re .... e:-""tm"""'e=n ..... t ______ _ Well Con1raC10r eomi,a,,y Name 3494 Ggqja 80 SlrNtAddrtte Franklin NC 28734 Cly or TOW'! 8tlllll Zip C- C 828 1' 389-0740 AIN clOdt P!IDfl9 ntlfflW L WILL lll'OIWATION: WEI.I. CONSTRUCTION PERMITtt._,W=l0:..a1..-0_0_14_1 ____ _ OTHER A880CIATEO P11'M~II' •IOlillllll lffEWB.I.IO#(lflOIIICaDltl ' It ... I .. i S. WELL USE (Check One Bolt) Monlloltno O Municip.UPubUc tl lndulllalfCommen:illl c AlflCUIIINI □ ReolM,yo lnjeclian O 1n1get1ono 011w rl (1111 iae> c1oseg 1000 Geothema DATE OIIIU.io / / -//, • U I ._ WILL LOOATIQN: .Lo~hur;hRd _,;: , Cornffllll!IY, ~. Lot No., Pafflll, l1p Code) c1TV: Franklin coumv Macon TOPOGRAPtilC / LANO lffllNG; (dllall lPPIGPlilll buol) Olltopt ov.i.y ~t O"ldtt cot. _____ _ ..-rco ae_ iA•--•• .. ••1111 •1 Cl. R°" 3xMalti4llll9tl cc ICNJEIITCD 75 i""""l0 •1141 •0 t CL ROR 11,lC&iWWW CC L~ aauna: CJJPI C:Jr...-1o map (l««ioll of•mwl N ._,on• USGS 11:.y)O """endt!lc"9d a, thla lomt H nol llMV GPSJ I . ,ACILl'rt (f(•IMI aA lt!a bUlilllN __,. ht _,I la localed .) Macx>o EfementaN F~NIIM 116ft I otJa Cbwcb Rd SlrNt AddreN Ecaoklin Macao Covotv r,avernroeot comact' Nlme ~,~~ Eraokllo CllyorTown C I A!Noodt ~Pllone--n-u-.,..,.-:---,---- t. WILL O&TMS: L TOTA&. DIP'YN: J.-/f:t} NC 28734 8'ata ZlpCode NC 28743 S'lltl ZJpCCMle b. DOU WILL IIPLACI IDD11NG WILL? VES r.J ~ a/ o. WA'TE" L1WL .._ Top dC-W.: 5 0 (UM•+" If Above Top flf c.ll'IO) ,.,._ -,~:·-;:.~ ·.,., 4~.,7 .) ' ., ~ . --...... :.__ .. ) -,(:~·' . ..: ,~. 7. --·-·-' . ,..,;;,., --. 'Top of c:ning wrmltla\ed et/or be,ow la~ $\lrl-ms ; ro.;utra a vananct In aocadenm with 1SA NCAC 2C .011a. 1 ~. YIELD rgpm1: _c! o D Mmfoo o, TEST ..BJo.w Down : f. DIIINFECTION: TWPe HTC · , Amount 3 2 0Z : t , WATER Z~z'I ~ ! Toa.2' Q Top ___ ~ ;Top lottom__ ToP, ....... __ 9clllDffl_ : Top ___ lomffl_ Top. ___ Ballllm, __ _ ~ : 7. GAIINO: Dt,ctl o~, w.tgM 1111en11 I Toc,_Bolom ____ Fl __ _ ; Top ___ 8cnlom_ A . ._ __ j Top_Baaam_R. __ _ : 9 . GROUT: 0tpffl ~ 1 Top..Q._ ao.n~ Fl Boc,tpntte : Top_Ualan_Ft. ____ _ : Tap_Bolom_,,. ___ _ ' :t. SCRDN: Depth ~ -- Mtlhod PufflQOd : Top_Ballam_F1._ln. _In. ___ _ : Top_Boltcm_Fl __ ln. -if\,---- : Top_ 8a11Drn_ Ft._ln. _ Ill, ___ _ . ' . : 10. IANDIORAW&. ~Aat: : 0.pth Size ;TCIP·---~~----------;T~. ___ 8ot1Dm_~----------; Top_eatto,n_Pt. _________ _ . . . : 11 . OM.LINO LOG Top BoltDln ~~ --~.----__ , ___ _ , ___ _ --, ,------, ---- : 12-AIMMKI: j easing RentOV od : IOOHIMIV CSITl"'ITHA't,...WIU.WAIC0NITIM:TEOIN tcQlNWG~ :* ~~ ~~~~~-~~~ · 11 .. 1,·y/ l, -~~,;, .r IUINnll wtlhln 30 up of camplltton to: Dlviliori of WMlr Quality ~ fnfofflldOft ~ 1117 Mall...,._ c__,, lllltllfl. NC 27 .... 111,.~ile : '91tJ 111.aGO RECEI VED 02-15-'12 12:41-FROM -8283690740 TO-"' NC DENH P&S P004/010 Ba-15·2012 13:15 TARHEEL WATER -TREATMENT 829-369-0740 PAGES · No N R esmENTIAL wnL coNstpucnoN ucogp Nonh Cwllna Oq,ar,mc,nr of l;avironmm ;md N1bn'll Re~ Pl~q~~-ra'~ . Well ContrallDI' (lndMcMI) N.,.. Jameel Water treatment Woll CoNlreetct Company Ncme 3494 Qeoroia BP Slreel Addret1 Frankl!n NC 28734 Cllyo,Town 81m ZIPCoda 1828 ) 369-0740 AIMCICldt fltlol,ellUfflbef l, WILL IN~TIGN: WELi. CON8TAUCTION PIFIMtT• . ..,.W_._l ..... Q.1...,00=-1 .... 4 .... 1...__ ___ _ 01l-f!" ASS0C'-t\Tli0 PEAMmt(if-lOlllle), ______ _ lffl Wl!lL IOll(lf.__..1._ __,{f...__-_;a,.:;;,_, ___ _ 3, WILL USE ICneclt 0fte Boa) Monllomo O tAlniOipal/Public 0 lnd!MlallCorMwftllli O ~ □ Ramwe,y □ lnjeclllon·O 1mga11ono 011W r/(llll ~ Closed 1000 Geothe1111 DAffDfllU.eD 1./-'2,_:;Jl_ '-WILL LOCATION: 1166 LoS!S'urch Rd /iil,aiii -~ : Communii sii6dMsJon, LOI No , Pll'llll, ilp COde} c1n: Franklin cOUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPl'IIC I LAND SITTING: \IMlll ~ •> Ollope OVlllly ~ QR!dge 1:JOller, _____ _ IWIITCD _3'5_ , ... U.UIIAAAUf ct:ROA 3kl'9t~ cc 1411WIITC075 111"0 1""""" .. "'"1 CI.ROR 1't~O!lefttCC l.atilMldello,..._ to11n:e: CJ1P8 QrllpCIOlaptlio map (loodon otwtllmuatbe.,_,, an• USQS q,o,,-.,,~1111> lllt lo,m ii tlOf Witlf GPSJ I . PAOl.ff'Y (Name of hi UMIN whtN h .a la loceltd.) Maoao EteroeotaN ,._Name 1100 t aua Chucrb ffd ~~ frankJjn CflyorTown Maooo Qouotv Goveroa:umt Qcnflld' Name MalllngAddf'Na Fr.aoklin CftyarTNft ( )..,.,_ ______ _ AIUCICldt PtlOl'Mt"umbef t. wel.L DITM.I: •· ,or-. Dl"1N: '--/5= I NC 28734 Stato Zif>Coclt NC 28243 State Zip Cade b. DOES WEIJ. IIIPLAGI IJUITINO WILL? ves Cl NO~ o. WATlll&.IVII.BelowTopofC-v: L O l'T. (UM•+• if AbtNe To, ofCallllfl) • ,.f'I')('. I -f\..~ ._f '-'.,r~:·•J ;\J1 t11 -: J.l,,.1 y• ;.,-}-'.,, 'l ... ·:., I .,,; a Vll\llf!C8 in IICIOOfdanCe wilh 15A NCAC 2C .011U. i •. mu; cgpm1: 3 i> M1TH00 o, Tiff Blow Down i f. D!$$,:4FEC1"10N; ~ HIC Amoum ..12 OZ : g. WATIIIZONU (/~ ~Top/ i(O ~ Top. ___ Bofton\...- ; l'op ___ !ofton\__ Topc--__ 8ollo!!'.__ __ j To,. ___ ..,,_ ____ Top ___ lCMllwn,_ __ : "· CAltNQ: Deplta ! Top_ Bolf0ffl_'1. __ _ :ToP_ioODm_R.. __ _ : Top_Balbq_FL. __ _ : I. QROVT: Deslll Ma1lnill ~ To,_Q_ aoctom...§0.:._ "· Btotooite : Top-~Ft.. ____ _ j To, ____ lalmm_R.,_ ___ _ ' Malhoct Pumped ! Top_eoaom,____l'r_in. _in. ___ _ : Top_lloeom_Ft._rn. ~ 1n. ___ _ j Top_BalD!n ___ Fl_in. _in. ___ _ . : 10. UNOAMAY!L PAOt(; : Depth Ila : Top,_ __ ~Ft .. _________ _ ;Top ___ ~Fl. _________ _ : TOA BollDm...,;__ Ft. . ·---·------------. : 11 , ORIWNO LCC Top BolDm ~~ ---·',--------'----I ----------'.----I ,~------, ,----_ _.. : 12. RUM~: j -casing Ren ,oved ; IOO ...... CERTlllY~TTH6WQLWo\S~1911~~ ; 1.SJiNCAC :IC, Wa&. ~ ITMIWIOG. #G m\T ACCPV 0/Fnilfl !~~~;;-~~~~-1/-9 -// ; 8 OR DATE . ,. 1~,-f submit wtlllln 30 up of camplelioft IO: DhMkNI of Water Quallty • lnfllflMttan ,.._...., 1a17 Miff.,._ c.-,, R,i~, NC Z7 ... 1t1, Pho• : (1111 IOf ... RECEIVED 02 -15-'12 12 :41 FBOM-8283690740 TO-NC DENB P&S P005 /010 02·15-2012 13:15 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 928-369-0740 N oN&smENTIAL WELL @ Ns:r1!££1JPJ!,atcpa.p North C.-olml l)epamncnt offnviroomcot 111d N111Ural ~ Ow.fnof,W4ui, Qlyli1y Koger L y~illiams W.il ConlNelar (Individual) Nllffl8 Tart:,oel Water Treatment Well Conhetr;r Company Name 34fHGeor,giaRD SlrNlAdnlt Frankfin NC 2BZ34 City 01 Town Sia Zip Code 1828 ) 369-0740 Ml oad9 fltloN llll!NNlr Z. WILL INIOIIIIATION: WELL CONSTRUCTIQN PERMIT#...,W....,1...,0 ...... 1"""00 .... 1_4_1 ____ _ OTHER ASSOCIATIO PEAM~-!Glllle lfflW!U 10#(llll)flliDIIJleJ"-~~-4/ ______ _ S, WILi. UH (Ct!Mt °"9 Boll) Monitoring Q Municipal/Publlc □ lndullrfallComme,-10 ~ 0 fllCIOVelYC lnjec:IOn □ lffiga11of1C Qt-,~(Wua) Closed toop Gtpthe,m DATI DRIUD /J.-Q] · ~ JI . 4 Wll.t. LOCATION: 1186 Lotta Ch~ Rd (Strell Nlffle, NUlllbell, unily, SliOdM&lon, LalNO., Poraef, Zip COdel cm: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOf'OGRAPHIC I ~D SETTING: latleol ~ DI■) OSlope ov•~ iil=111 Cftldgt OOIMr, _____ _ KGHTCD 39,. 1°••1au,-uu!ct..ROfl31......,.,...CC lf'AF .. TCD 75 i .. ,. ........... A,. .. , CL~ DII 1Jt~ OC ~ IQlltOI: CJ3,S Qr.....,.ie Mllp (loodoll olwtll mwt 0. MOMI Oft• US~ topo m,p~ to tltll '°"'1 trnotllllt,o GPSI 5. NCLITY (NarM of o,e uinNa ..,_.. !tie WIii ii loolled.) Macao Eteroeotarv FtollllYName 1188 fotla CbYrc:b Rd SlrMIAdd!'NI franklin City Of Town Mamo Coamtv G())(ftmmeot Contact Nama u.m,. AddlUI Ecaoktln I J.._.. __ ,_ ___ _ AIH cocle Phone number t. WILL OITM.a: a. TOTAi. OIPTH: '-/)() NC 28734 81918 Zip Code NC 2SZ43 State ZipCode b. OCN!I WILL Rl!PI.ACI IXISIINCI WILL? YES [J NO r,/ o. WATESILDILlelowTo,ote..v: .,5·~ n . IUY •+• if Above foP of C.inO) ·-r 1)1) ..,r c,,.:;11111 ,.,r,nlm,;w ,..,;,.,, ;-;e1., ., :.tr,-., , a llffllflCe 1ft ecaanlianCt with 15A NCAC 2C .011 o. 1,. -.1E1.0 fa,mJ: 3 e> METHOD OF TEST BIQ)G( Dawn ~ ,. Dl&WFECTION : TP,' HIC Mount j2 oz . : g. /~ZONU (depth): j TOP. lJ Bottom I ti~ Top. ___ &onu,n.._ __ : To, ___ 8aGDm,_ __ TQ llollDm_ )Top ___ Bclfforn Top. ___ llollam_ . : f. CASING: Deplfl : Top ___ Bottt>m_F'I .. __ _ ; TOP, lolom_ Ft. __ _ 'Thiel& ... ., wew- :Top, BallDm_R .. __ _ : 8. GROUT: 0t1)Ch PMi.rial ; Top.JL._ ~ ,a. &antQollQ ;TCIP: __ 1o1o,n_,._ ____ - jTo,.,_8oeom_A.. ____ _ : t. !SCIIIIN: DePlh ..,_. :ToP_Boaorn ___ Ft._t1t. _ 1n. ___ _ : Top_Bollom_Ft._11'1, _ In. ___ _ : To,-_laODm_Ft._ln. _In, ___ _ : 10.. UNDIGRAVEL PACtt: : o.,tl\ .... Material : fop.._ __ loftanl.._Ft .. _________ _ : Top, ___ Golfanl_Ft .. _________ _ :Top. ___ eoaom___~----------- : 11 , 0,.ILUNG.LOG ; Tap ..,,. 1 o,~ i ~: . -~--' ,,--------, ,------, 11""'-__ _ -----'----__ ..,, ___ _ : 12. MMAIUC&: ~ Oashag R811toved IN(an-tEWILL Submit wfttllft 30 da,s of compteaon to; Olvlaton of Water Qualat,.;. tnbm.lUoft ,._...._ 1117 llafl laMoe Centar, Aalllth, NC 27nt-111, Phone~ •• ,.,., ... FonnGW•111 R,w.1AJ8 . RECEI VED 02-15-1 12 12:41 FROM-8283690740 TO-NC DENR P&S P006/010 02-15-2012 13:15 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PFIGE7 N oN REsmENTUL ww. coNs1aycnoN ucoRD Nonb Carollae !Jeplnmmf ofEDviromncnt and Natural Remunx111-Divisiun ufW11« _Qwilijy WH,L CONTRACTOR C£RTIFICA1'ION ;I 3065-A Wei Conmlclor (Individual) Name Tarheel Water Treatment Well Contractor Company Nsme J494 G eo rgia RD &INetAdd,.. Franklin City or T owri c 828 ; 369-0740 Arita IIIDde Alone i,vmber 2, WILL~TION: NC 28734 State lip Code WELL. CONSTRUCTION PERMl'T•'...:IW-"-=I0'-'1-"'00=----14_._1......_ ___ _ OTHER ASS~TED PERMmt(111D01101111eJ, ______ _ SITEWl:LL ID'(if~ .... , ,~E-· -_,/,__ _____ _ J. WELL USE (Chlldl One Ball) Monitoring O Munleipa~blic C lndutlrial/Cammerolll C Agrlculturel O Racaw,y O l,uactiol, C:, 1"1gatloflo O!Mfr/<11•t111e) C~sed 1000 Geotherr11 DATtDRIU.ED //-.?-/1 ii. WELL LOCAllDN: M!llol!;9;h~ Rd ( me~ ~ :-,;un11y, 81Ald!viaiall, I.al Ho., iiMtl, llD COGel cm; Franklin colJNTV Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (chelilc IPP'OPl• IIOIO OBlope OV1llay itR■t ORidge CJOltwr _____ _ i<@HTCD 38_ 1°0 1°011"""1 CL ROA 3~ cc ~M=IITCD 76 1°0 1•0110•111 Cl. R OR 7'lt'mJUUl-CC ~ongltud• aourw! 03PS CJropogr8flh~ map (locdon olwellmu«bf dttJWfl on• USG$ _,up ,ntJabCMtJei, M 1b1m II not ullnf GPSJ s . rAOll.$TV (N•me "the bullnet, ..,.,. .,. well It locatad.) Mecoo Eferoeota™ Faal!lty N11'ie Faoillty 10# (if applicable) 1166 LoUa Churct, Rd hHIAdcllUI ErankHn blC 28Z34 City a, Tawn State Zip COdt Macon Couotv Government Contact Name M1illng Addreu Franklin City f1II TIMl'I C 1 ________ _ N0a cede PhoM flUmNI' I. WILL DITAILS! r •. TOTALDiPTM :. __ 1-1,__SJ_V __ NC 2Bi43 S1ata ZlpCod1 b . DOU WEU. REPLACE EJUfflNO WELL'? 'VES Cl NO~ o. WATlfl LIVILBelowTop oft.ting; ;t0 l'T. (UII ••• if Move Top of CUif'llt) • f 1.>p ~f '-'.;Gi"b : a ¥arlalle0 In aCICCl'dani:e With 15A NCAC 2C .0118. ~ •• vtELD 1ai,,n,~ ~ o METHOD OP ,..,1 Blow nown l r. OISIHFECTIOU: Type HTC 6',flount 12 az ' : I• WATIII ZONU (Cfo'°": ~ Top,6 'fD Bo~ Top ___ eoaom ____ _ ; Tap ___ Boaom.___ T~ Botblt __ _ lTc,p ___ Batlon\___ Top Bottarn_. ; 7 . CASING: Depth DlalftltM ' : Top __ aotto,r, __ fl't • ._...,...._ ; Top__:_ loaoffl_ F1. ____ _ jTop_~F..._ __ : It. GROUT: Depth Mlllllrial ~ Top...Q._ Bottorn..J5.(L A . Bantoolte :Top __ lkllorn_A .. ____ _ i Top_ Baftont_ Ft. ____ _ ' Malhod Pumped : i. SCIIEEN: Depth Die!Mfaf Slot Ila Material ~ Top_Boctcm' Ft-in. _ In , ___ _ : Top_loltom_Ft_ln. -'"· ----l Top_loloft, __ ,1. __ 1n. -'"· ___ _ : 10. 8AHDIGRAVI\. PACK: : Deptti .. : Top ___ 9oftoffl_l'l. ___ --------: Ttip._ __ Bonom__F.._ _________ _ i TOO·----~FI,, __________ _ ' : 11. DRILLING LCG Tap Boltam IB~ ----'----__ _,, ___ _ ----'----__ _,, ___ _ ---'----/ __ _,,,_ __ _ ----'---- : 12. AEIURU: 1 ~asln9 RemQved su11mn wtthln 30 days or compteaon to:. Dlvl•ion of Water Quatny .; lnfOnnlltOn PfOCesllnl, 1111 Mlil a.nlN Center, Ralltigh, NC 27111-111, PltOM : (111) 807-IHO . FormOW-tb ~-1IOI ' RECEIVED 02-15-'12 12:41 FROM-8283690740 NC DENR P&S P007 /010 02-15-2012 13:15 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGES 8lale ZlpCodll 2. WELL 1NFORIIATJON7 WELL CONSTRUCTION P!RM1-n.. ________ _ OTHER ASSOC~TED PERMITl(if .,,.._..),_ _____ _ IITIWEU.tD#(V ...... ). P-,2. ·-.--~----- a. WELL USE (Ctledc One b} Monttor1ng □ MunlclileUPuDllc O l~O ~Cl ReoMfYO lnjl«lonCJ lnlgdonO OlherCl (list use) &~-~,~A,.«/ DAl'EDAiueD U-1--··I/ T ,. WILL LOCA110N: ,La~ f , 'I SC~•C> I ~~um..,., ~. SUlllllwlllan, LOI No.,,-.,_, .tip Colle) CtlY: . £-,:a~4 _, __ COUHTV A?i:e,'- TOPOGAAPHIC I U\NO SETTING: (CIIIMII .,_.. IIOl() OSlope OVIIIV Olllll ORkfgl OOlher. _____ _ LATITUDE l!._• ___ • DMS 011 3x . .umrm DO LONGIT\JOE ~•-• • DMS °" 71,l(UIIWXUl 0D ~~: (J3P8 [Jl'c,pggrtPhlOffllP tloolllon olwelmUII bl .111cM, on. USGS IQf)O,,,., Mdllbalted., 1h11 tbnn I nol ultlg GPS) I. FACD.ITY (Name of !he IMlnetl .,_. lie WIii ii IOCIIICI,) Fecll(y 10, (If~) City or Town Stale Zip Code Corad:Name ~Mdfftt CltyorTown Stale ZJp Codi ( ) _______ _ Anll code Phone fflffllber I, WILL DITML.I: , a. TOTAL oe,nt; L,/£1) II. DOIi WILL REPLAGE Ul8TINO WB.L? YE$ O NO~-- e. WATl!llllVILBlllawTopofCUing: LG) FT. (Ute•+• If Move Top of C .. lntl "Toe> of Gating lerminate<I 11110, below land aurface may ,equ&/9 1 VIWfln08 ift~ance • 15ANCAC 2C .011e. \ 't'IElD (OOMI: _ 2 " --METHOD o, TEST A.,; (.~ ll ~ ,. DCIINFEC1'10N: ~ dZcr Amount v~ '-'vp : g. WA'ID ZONES (depttl): ; Top .2 '/ 0 E1G1tom ,2ff,L Top ___ BoUom. __ _ )rap eaaom __ _ Top eoaom_ :TOP. _____ Boaorn __ _ Top aouom. __ _ ; 7. CAMIG: ~ : Top_ Bonom_Ft. __ _ j Top:-.._IGttoln_F\, __ ;Top __ lklltDm. __ Fl. __ . :8. GROUT: Depltl Mllletial l1'IOMNII w.lghl jTOP. ___ BallDm __ Ft. ___ _ ; Top 8oaom_ F1,, ___ _ :T-. Bollam __ R, ____ _ :I.SCMD: O.,,U. 01.....e.r taolla Mttnod ......, \Top __ ~F1._1n. _ rn. ___ _ : Tap. __ Bottam. __ Ft._in, _In. ___ _ ;TQP.. __ Boftoryt ___ FL_ln. _in. ___ _ : 10, MNDIGAAVEI. PACK: : Dlplll ;Top,__eoaor,, __ R. _________ _ ;Top._ __ 9ullam_Ft .. _________ _ :TOP. ___ aouom __ A. _________ _ : 11 , DRIU.INGLOG : Tap 8otflom ' --'~----'.---__ , __ _ --'-----__ , __ _ . : 12. f1E11ARK8: ...u / . ------~9,..-... -e ... " .... m ....... , ... nt:t ....... i<~----- lllllffill wtlllla 30 .-.of compltelon •= Oivteton of Wlltf Quallly • lnfln'ulfoll ~D1111• • RECEIVED 02-15-' 12 12 :41 FROM-. 8283690740 . . . , .... ·ro-NC DENR P&S Fom'IGW·1'> Rew.2'09 P008 /010 02-15 -2012 13:15 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGE9 ·NON hIDBNl'IAL WZLLCONS!RU9P~ BSCQRD Nonh Carolina '[)q)lutmcnt of l::nvlrollfflerlt Mil Nittttn&l ilcsou.ri.'ri-'\)lvisir,i ofWriia 'Quality -; ,--:-. t l I. WELL INFORIIA110N: WEU. CONmUCTION PERMITt ________ _ OTI-IER A$SOCIATED PERMl'Tt(f....-.). ______ _ ltTEWEU.IDl<ll~i.........,-£_-_3 _____ _ a. WIU. U8I (Chide One Bolf) MonilOl'fng CJ Munk:dpel/Pubtl 0 ~o Ag,taAftlO Aeocwecyo lljeallonO lnfgltlanO 0lllf C (lilt_.., _______ _ DATIDRIUID /()--i/-JI '-MU.LOCATION: / ;,;;,tla. 7-y: .5t~oo (Snet "?::11111. cornmumty. SUb11via1an. Loi~ .• PIIQlll, ZIP COC.) CrtY; ~~ cou~rvdtk «;:t TCPOGRAPHrc I LAND SETTING: <~-.....-oSlope av-, oAlt □Ridge oOlhet _____ _ LATITUDE .!!,_ • _, • OMS 011 3x.mxx,ocg: 00 I.ONGfTUOi~•----• DMSOfl 7g,xpppp DO ~ ICIUIIIIY. 03PS Of'opooraptlie map (lot:lllian olwellflllltbl lihtltttl on• USGS ,a,o,,,,, a,ldlladleda, tlllt bm I tlOI IAHff OPS, I. ,ACllJTY (Neme of !ht lMinell _,.,. "'9 ... ii IOQl!ed,) Facilily Name Street Mdfels atyor.Town Contact Name Malllng AddtMI CilyorTawn <-) Arieoooe '""Pt1_101_11e_""""°" _____ _ ,. WIU. 06-.S; • ' •· TOTM. Dlmt: <,/5?) Stale 2Jp Code II. DOD W!LL IIIPUCI D1111NG WE.L? ves O NO g..,.----· ~ .TEALeiaeetowTopotCellng; 5:0 FT. (U .. •+• If Above To, of C.1'"9) . ,_ --. _,._ .. , ·--... ' "I ......... ,. i, • •• ,\-:., .. -::,r ;,.;;:;~~: _ ,z _ ~ _ ~,. A!ArJ~ t .. ~i',J : .,.op of CNlf10 let'mlneleO 81/orllelow,.. surface mlY l'llqU19 : av8'11nctintOCOfdeiioen41h 1MNCAC2C .0118. ; 0, YlEtO (gpm): / D !9lmf0D OF ~T A,#" (.,, IJ ~ f. MIN,lc:TION: Tr,e tfrl'/ Amount 'l'V '-.I/.:> ; t-WATER lONE& (depll'I): : To,2 ~l) Boltom,il {/ ;J_ Top ___ Bollom_ I TQP. ___ eoaom_ ,.op BoUom._ __ ;Tap. ___ aonom. ___ Top Bolasn. __ _ '"'....,_, ; 1, (;MtNG: ~ Dllmelor Wllgllt ....., (rop_8-m_Fl. __ _ : TOP.. __ loltDl'll. __ fL. __ _ ; TOR'---_Boltom__;_Ft __ : 8. GROUT: Daoltl Mlttrlat Method : Top--'L_ 80ttom 'tSi) Fl &,.-1 -~~;....A-A~-- : Top __ a.m_ F ____ _ ;Top, __ eaaam_FL ____ _ . : t . ICIIIIN~ DopOI ; Top_ eoctom_ F1. __ in, _ In. ___ _ : Top __ BotlDm_ Fl._in. _ in, ___ _ i Top_&oaom_FL __ ln. __ In. ___ _ ' : 10. IMDIGRAVIL PACIC: : Depctt ... :T~.--BollGm_Fl,. _________ _ :Top __ BollDrn. __ Ft. _________ _ j Top __ ...,..Balom ___ Ft .. _________ _ : 11. OAIWNGLOG . : Too BOt\Orlt . . ' :~ Jj?,ys::,, ---.:'----__ ., ___ _ --i'----_ _:I ____ _ ---'-------.:'-----''--- Fonmlian .,...tlDn : 11. REIIMKS: / · -----<f..-~"'"a ... t,J,j.Ji...:,. .... t:: ... m=e;._. ____ _ s...,...,1n .1.0·•v•"' CIOIII--to: Dtvllkffl or w.,.aau,y . trnmldon Plil , ,:,a., RECEI VED 02-15-' 12 12 :41 FROM -8283690740 TO-NC DENR P&S Fom,GW-,o ~-2I08 P009 /010 02-15-2012 13:16 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT-828-369~0740 PAGE10 Z. WEU. INFORMAllON: WELLCONSTRUCTIONPEAMIT•'--------- OlliER ASSOCIATED PERM':::::'1) lfTE WEI.L 10 l(lf..-.a-),_,~r___-~·-.,._ ____ _ J. WILl U. (Checa One ElolQ MonllOnng O MontolplUP\JDllc 0 ~ o ~o ~~ ~a lmOtliOnCJ Ollt, c 1• u.> 'i t! e M ,~,HP I DATIDNLLED /.,0 ~-ti f. MLLL~: / 2c>ttL,3.,. r s~✓ia) {en.t Name, NumtM111, Community, subdivizioit Lot No., lta!Qel, tip c:ode) e11Y: H a11 t1,~ couNlY t114@n TOf'06RAPHte / lAND SETTING; fc:ft«:k ~ llall) oSlope OYllley Ofllt QRklge OO!n■r, _____ _ ~TJTIJOE .!!,_•_• -• DMB Oft 3xJOOOOOOtlUl DD LONGITUDE!!.._·__: • DMS 011 7vwe••r.x DO ~ 10U1119: CJ3P8 Dl'OflOll'IPhia ffllP (IOceffottolwelmu.tllellNMlon•USGS-m-,~ID "'11 ~ If not ""'11 G"SJ I. ,ACIUTY (Name of 1h11 llulln■II ...... ttw •Nii locllad.) Fadllly lat (If 8ppli0Nle) SlreetAddnlls CUyorTown 6ta1e ZlpCode CortladName ettvorTown Stlle Zip Code ( ) _______ _ Al9woadl PhoN numw t. WEU DETA&LS: • / •• TOTAL 'D8'ffl: 1./5'"6 b. D0E8 WELL REPLACE EJOlllNCI WILL'I ves a II, WA1&R 1.1\111. Bltaw Top of Cllltl9; ) 0 (U ..... If~ T~ "'Cuing) C : 7, CASING; 0.,. Dtlmatlr ....,.., :T~. __ eouom_R. __ _ ~Too..__Bollaln ____ Fi.. __ _ ;Tap ____ Boaom_~.--- • : e. GROUT; 09pltl - : Top_ BaaDrn __ Ft.. ___ _ ' ;Top ____ Bottaffl_FI.. ___ _ ;Top ____ BaeDtn,__A .. ___ _ . : t. 'SCRE.EM: Deplh Dllmlfllr ltot&la ..... , ]Top_Boaon1_R. __ in. -'"'---- ;Top __ ltollom_Ft,_ln. _In. ___ _ ~ Tap __ eouon,_f't.~. _In. ___ _ : 10, MIIIDIGRAVEL PICK: : Dlpltl ...... ; Top'---_Bollom__;_ Fl. ________ _ ; TOp. __ BollDn\.._Ft. __________ _ : Tao ....... _~ __ Ft. ________ _ : 11 . DRUI~ LOG : Top Boa,im . ~~ _ __,, __ _ __ , __ _ __ , ___ _ -~'---/ --,-----__ ., __ _ '. 12. REIIAR~ . ~ //e,·,,~ I lubmlt wittM·M .b,_aamDlailonto:DtvlaloncfW..,.Qwllllv• ~-·111tna. RECEIVED 02-15-'12 12 :4~ FROM -8283690740 TO -NC DENE P&S F«mGYMD P010/010 02-15-2012 13:25 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGE1 N oiv REsiDENTIAL w,u, coNmu.1cr10N ucoRD No rth Carolina Depar1mcm of Eovlron1nent and NarutaJ Resnurce~ Oivisfon ('lrWll!tr Qu.ldity . • """:I •• :.--II 2, WELL &NFORMATION: / WEU. CONSTRUCTION PERMfTt wzo JOO I LI O™EAASSOCIATED PERMITl(lf_....>::,-------- 16TI W!LL ,0~11...,.,'----"p _____ ,_s .. -____ _ I. WEU. USE (Chclca One BoJ) Monlforl,. rJ Munlcipal/PuDlio □ ~-□ ~l □~CJ~on □ 1n1g1uanc 01Nw □ tust ~> 9 eal~~o~ I DATE mau.eo /o · ,2 ,_ It tsn-lN. tcllmDM. Commlll'litJ. SUbdMlion. LcK No., P11Q11, Zlo Coot) CITY: P1~1 {<J1 A COUNTY MC(4!f-,, > 1'0POGRAPHIC I LAND SETI1NC: (dla:II IIIPIOP'il• llml) □Slope □Valley □Fiat ORldgt COiier _____ _ 't.AllT\JDE ~• ___ •DMSOR 31t>OOOOU0n•x DD I.ONGITUOE~•----• DMS OR 7U!JRIWoC 00 u~ ICU'CB: ~ CJfopogr'PfliCmep (toclll/otl °'"'''""' Of 111cM,t on• USGS •map andlbohed ID fJli.t brn If not uq Gl'SJ I, FAC1Lffl' (Html of ltle ~ .... U. Mii 11 locllld,) F~ ll» (tr ~bit) SlreetMdrell CityorTawn Sta ZlpCode ConteccN1"'9 Mllng ~ City or Town State ZJpCOdt L-) ,t;. ooele _Pfl_lOl_,__nlffller' _____ _ I. WIU. D£taiLS: r ,. TOt-.~: //CT b..DOEIWIUUPUCIIJOl11NGWEU.? v~o NO.,__.. c. WATER L5VEL Beaow Toe, of Cning: . S-6 FT. (UM ••• if~ Top of CIU10) -f"'\ • • :f. ;_ .. ,,. !./ '"'.-. ... ~ _.~ I -------c-..--.. -------·- . : 8. GROUT: DepCtl irap, ____ eoaom_~---- ;TOP. __ 8Gttom_Fr. ___ _ ; TOP. __ Sattom __ Ft ___ _ j I. ICREEN: Deplll Dllnwllr alollla : Top __ Boffom_ Fl~tn. _ ln. ___ _ : Tap, __ Ballom. __ ,1._1n. _ 1n. ___ _ 1 TOf>.--BGICIOffi -Ft._ln. _In. ___ _ : 10, INIIMIIIAYIL PACIC: : Deplt -....... ; Tap,,__Bolam_Ft. ________ _ (TOP. __ Bulom_.Ft ________ _ :Top ___ .lklltom,__FL ________ _ Top BOIOm ~~ ----'----____ , __ _ --·'---_ __,/ ____ _ --'---_ ___,, __ _ __ , ___ _ Wll'N 1118 / iJ··,;J, • II T . OATE t ,~,,.,,J' 8ullmlt wttl\ln 30 dava Of comollllori io: Dl¥111on of Wm, Oullltw • hfannillon Pftl Jlllia. ·REqEIV~D 02 -15-'~2 12:52 FROM-828369074~ TO-NC DENR P&S FonnOW.tb P00iT010 02-15-2012 13:25 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 NON R ESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECOM • Ii• ' • '· I I, 1."WEL&. CONT~TOit: {._ t . I !j . . : d. TOP OF CASING IS~-FT. Above Land Surface• Q_ O'il I' _ ., Vl{_fl tlf!LJ : -Top of culn; tem,iria1ed at/Or below l•nd aurfaoe may require won Co11tr~1;;;lv~ua11 j "'a L I.. ~ , : 1 ¥1:1'1111100 in 11ca:,re1ance with 1 !IA NCAC 2C~.0 1 14. ., 11 lafn~e_ IJ.&:..l(t f.!?._o.,l,,,,., .. t ,#,,~ •. VIILD(gpm): lfD _ .. METH!90PTEST ______?: t.# We Co™~~,-~ )/d, ; f, DISINFECTION: Type rftrz_ Amount c:.,~ SlreetACI~ v-.~ ~(. ?P,S'I/ i•itrES(de°llt: ~(,/111(.. ''" ~--,.,,._~ 'U '.T {,) Bottom Top~ __ Botram,_ __ Cliy or own State Zip Cod• j T~ Bollom · Top ___ eouom ~ 369--0 2Yl> ~Top. __ Bottom __ Top. __ !oll'Dm·-- Pnone numbar : Thlcllnntl 2, WELL INFORMATION: : 7. CASING: Depth Dtamer., Wolght WELL CO,.STRUCTION PERMIT# WI. DJDD J 4 f : Top __ Bottom ___ .. , Ft.. __ _ Mat1'11I OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT~IC.Dltl.~------- lfTE WELL 10 #tif ••1cawe1,_-+T=----~'dP------ s. WILL UII (Check One Boll) Mon11011nu LJ MunlcipallPullliC: C 1ne1u1tri11/Cammercitl n AQrioullurwl i.l Reoover, O Injection o/ IITfgallOflLJ Oltltr u (list u•l 9<-'9'Yf h ,-..; DATE O~ILt.llO I(!) -c25:-JI 4, WILL LOC TION: ~ ( Name, Numblnl, Cdftmynily, SubdMaion, IA No., Paloel, p Cod«J CITY: btS",, K'l,.._ COUNTY tfg;_C,()n TOPOGRAPl-11C I t.AND.SeTI'ING: (ctleell lll)l)IOPMIG bolll (.JSlope ov1111ey C]f:lal CJRidg• OO!Nr. _____ _ LATITUDE ~• ·---" OMS OR 3x.wgn•~IO( 00 LONGITUl;)E 7_S_• _____ • OMS Oil 7x.ltJOOCXJCX Q. DO Latiludellontitude aource: [J3PS [Jl'opographic map (IOc/fliOn of-11 muat be Mown on 1t USGS ropo mao andaltactled to /t,if fO"" If ,rot llfi/lJO GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name or UI• businau w111ra tM MIii ii located.) Facility N11me Strati Addrna City or Town Conlllct Name Mailing Address City or Town (_) ---------Area OCldl Phone number ,. WILL o·STAIL&: ±(I r 1. TOTAL DIPTH: __ ~~...,U""---- FacAity IOI (If appNcabl•l State Zip Code State Zip Coae b. DOES WELL REPLACE HISTING WILL? Yf.S u G, WAT!I, LBVIL Below Top of Castna: s= l) (Use"+" if Above Top of Casing) : Top_Botlom_A . ._ __ :Top_Bottcm __ FL. __ _ : 8. GROUT; Depth Malarial : Top_Bottom_Ft .. ____ _ j TOP __ BollOm __ Ft._ ___ _ ;Top_Bolmrn_Ft .. ____ _ : t . SCREEN! Dtptfl Ollm■t,r llot SIB Ml1erill j Top __ Bl.lttorn __ F1. __ 1n·. __ In. ___ _ : TC)p_Bottom_FL_l n. _In. ___ _ -: Top __ Bottom __ r:t. __ in. __ in, •---- : 10. SANDIORAVIL PACK: : Depth Size :Top. ___ eottom_FL __________ _ :Tu". ___ aoaorn __ Ft,,, __________ _ i Top. ___ Bottom_f:L. __________ _ ' : 11, DR ILLING LOG Top 9011Cm ~~ ---'·---- FormatlOn Description ~~rd ---'·-------'·---:---___ , ___ _ ---·' ,-------,· -------'----: 12 , RIMAflKS: · eubmlt wilhin:ao ,d~,i~:~mpetion .~,~'.:oa~~-•~ 0,--'1~1iy -~:, t~don Proctai~~- · '.t81'1 Mall Service Ce~,•-llti.,NC 2711-•1PJ~Mrie :t,il1tt ... -!UGO ·:·' · •:•.•::.,~-· · · .:;•.· •, ''~'.:~':'.-7~ . . .. RECEIVED . 02-15:..., 12 12: 52 FROM~ 8283690740° . , . . TO-.. NC DENR P&S FormGW-1b Rev. ~/09 P002/010 02-15-2012 13:25 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 928-369-0740 PFIGE3 N oN R ESIDENTIAL w1-::a.1. coNsT11ucr10N RECORD Nol'lh Camtinu Ocpurtmcnl of Environment ai,J NuLW".il Rc:Mu~q. Oivi~i•)ll ol' Water Qualil)• Str~@;K7e A£ ,,2 (7:J</ City or Town State Zip Code « 3t,6 i" 1~·· i>7 YD Area code Phone number J , WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTR~CTION PERMmt w 'IQ I DI) I YI OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMITt(ifeppiclllllt):------- IITI weLl lO.ttlf appilallll,_) -'£ ... -_ .. _;! ___ . ___ _ 3. W!U. UR (Cnedt One Bo..) Manltanng n Municipal/Public u lnd11slrial/Commeldal □ AQrlcul!ura1 u Racowuy n lnjedfon CJ lrtfgallori □ OlherQ (list use) ,~~rt&,~ J DATI O,.ILLID ID ~~ I(-i/ 4. WELL LOCATION: / / •n f/A.-~ 3-f~s_c:lif_iCC)....;:;...:... __ .,..,........,.---,-_ (S1 rliel Nana, Numbln, CcmmunKy. SubaM•on, LOI No , Parcel, Zip Cocle) c1TV~ &e..~ I:'/."" courm //4~ t. ~ '' TOPOGRAPHIC/ LAND SETTING: CCNdl .... boll) OStope O~alley OFlal URIGD8 L.:JOther _____ _ LATITVDE ~• , ___ .. OMS QR ~\!)CICXXXJOOt DO LONGITUDE 7.!,_• . "OMS OR 7x ISl'IXQIJIA DD l.alilude/longllude IOUl'CI: 03PS OTO!l0Q111Dlllc map (lot:atlon ol well m11at lie 111own on a IJSGS topo map aflddaoll1d to I/Ill rtlfll'! If not using rJPSJ I . P'ACIUTY (Name of Iha buslneu wher. lhe well I& klell~.) Faoillty Name Feoillty IOI (if appllcaDte) StreetAIJdress CltyorTuwn Stale Zip Code ContadNlme M1U1no l\ddrosa City or Town Stala Zip Code ( ' ) ~-------Area COdt Phone number I , WIU. DITAILI: 1 •• TOTALO!PTH:, _ _,1/.._S}L-O __ b . DOES WILL 9'1PLACI Ull'nNO WELL? VES CJ NO U--- c , WATI" LIVl!L Below Top of Csaing: _ __,..~ ____ FT. {Use ·+· if Above Top of Casing) : d, TOP OF CASING IS ,:--FT:Above Land. irli~ · ~ : •Top of cning teffllinqa et/or below lend &\lrfaoe maytequire · : a varler1r.e In eci»rdanc;e wi1h 15A NCAC 2C .01 ~ e. ~ e, YIELO ,apm): .~ 0 ~_Jt1iTH,OD OF TEST ✓ 1,~ L-✓rf ~ ,, DIIINFICT1ON: ,Y,. ,~ Amount Pr ",,p : g. WATER ZONES (depth): :'TOQ -· ~---· --TO.-P ___ Bottom. __ _ !Top, ___ Bc,ttom. __ _ Top 80UOm. __ _ '. TOA eottam. __ _ T~---Bollom, __ _ ThltkneHI : 7 , CASING: DepUI Dllfflttllr WalQht Mlteriat : Top _____ Botlom, • ., • .,_,.,,Ft. __ _ ! Tap_ BDttom_ Ft __ _ : Top __ Donam_FL __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Malallll MelllOCI : Top __ Bottom __ Fl, ____ _ j Top_Sottom_Ft. ____ _ ; Top __ Bottom __ Fl'-----, Ditmetar Slot Sin ! Top_Boltu111_.F1. __ in, _ in, ___ _ :T~ __ Bollom __ Fl. __ !t). __ in, ___ _ : Top __ Bottom __ FI._Jn. __ in. __ _ : 10. UNOIORAVEL PACK: : ~~h SIN : Top, ___ ~Ft. __________ _ : Top. ___ eouam __ Ft. __________ _ jTop_eottom_Ft.._ ________ _ '. 11, DRILLING LOG Top BOiiom ~1 8£ -:!i:.~ yft, ----'-------''----__ _,/ ___ _ ---'-------''--------'·----__ _,/, ___ _ ---'·---- : ,,.. RE;MARKS: Jj . I : 9 { ~,r,wr.-""-ll ~ : .<:u .~ <~ FonnGW•1b Rtv, 2/09 P003/010 02-15-2012 13:25 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 AAGE4 NON R ESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCT ION RltCORD Nm'll, f.11r11lin11 n ~p511mi;nr of t::11v ironme1\t 11.nd Nu1.ur3J f' · ,., , T \' ~ 1 .ti Srreet ~eea . / .-,-en. rta1,/,!'fr#,. ~fc:-;24/fy Cil'forTown Sllte ZlpCode ,8:111 5 '9 -o?y c::, Area oode Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: · W!LL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# IA/II) JI)() 14 I OTHER ASSOCIATED P~MfTJi_ ,pi:,1~1) IITI WELL ID#flfiDplicallill,_.E_L-_-_.:,,~------- 1, WIU. UII (Check Ono Bax) Monltot1no □ Municlpal/PubUO O lnduetriallCommercial □ AQriculiural O Rocove,y □ Injection 1J lrrl;atlonu Other u (lilt uu) 'ft q (&.~/ DATE DRILLED / 0 -,..2 I • I I •· WELL LOCATION: µ/fa ?-~ .SC:~«-I (SVNI Name, Nl.llllbn. Communi,y, SubdiloillKll'I, Loi No., Parcet, 7.lp COCfel CITV; &·,1irl,.... couNTY Mtte,,ri._ TOPo'GRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (check 1pp111p11111 IIOIJ OSIOpe □Valley □Flit □Ridge uONr _____ _ LATITUDE ~• ___ • OMS OR~~~ DO LONGITUDE~•----• OMS OR 7XJQQOOtXWU DD LatiWdellongilUde aource: Cl3PS oropc,g,aphio map (IOClll/on of well 11141Bl be shown otl 8 IJSGS IOPO Met, BnClattac/lM ro Mi! fo,m if not using GPS) I. FACILITY (Namt of the businau Where the well I$ tocaled ,) F1Gil~N1me Faculty II» (It lpplicable) StreelAddroal CttyorTown Stato Zip COCle Con18at Name Malllng MdNISS City or Town State ZJp Codi (_) Area cooa ..,,P,....II0_"9_n_um_b:-e-r ---- •· WEU. DITAll.8: , •• TOTAL DEPTH: __ ,l/S-0 b. DOH W!ll REPLACE EXISTING WEU. 7 YES O NO I!!""' -· C, WATER LIVEt. Below Top of ca.Ing:---~-...... FT. (Use ••• If Above Top of Caair,1g) : d , TOP OF CASING 11 -fl, Above Land Surface• : "Top of casing terminated at/or below land aurfac:e ffltY require ; a variance in,.A..~anee with 15A NCAC 2C ,0JJ s. : e, YIELO IVIHlll; -· (.) METHOD OF TEST ff,-;,-t,_.</f-j ~ ,. OISINflECTION: ~ l!?7t Amount f(v4f<P : I • WATER ZONE& (depth); : Top --Bottom __ _ Top, ___ BoUom. __ _ : Top ___ eonom __ _ Top ___ BoDOln~-- j Top ___ Bot!Dm __ _ Top ___ Botlom __ _ Thleltneaa/ i 7, CAIINO: Depth Dl1mtte, Weight Mawrill ; Top __ Bottom __ FL. __ _ : Top __ Bottom __ FL. __ _ : Top __ Botsom_F ___ _ : 8. GROUT: Deplll Ma11rl11I : Top_Bottoffl_Ft ____ _ j Top __ aonom __ Ft. ____ _ : Top __ Bottom.:__ Ft. ______ _ : I . SCREEN: Depth Olamete, Slot Sid Malllrlat : Tcp __ Sottom_. __ Ft, __ in, __ In. ___ _ : Top __ BotlOm __ . _ ~t. __ ·ilt __ in. ___ _ i Top __ Bottom __ Ft. __ io, __ In, ___ _ : 10, SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth llzo : Top __ ,.Bottom_ Ft.. __________ _ : Top. ___ Bottom_ fl. __________ _ :Top ___ Bo~m_R _________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG : Top BOiiom !~~ : tt, ¥r<> : =-~--=---:~----.. · ,_. __ _ -, -.;~, I ,,-,-----__ , ___ _ __ / ___ _ __ , ___ _ : 12. REMARKS: :SIGN : PRIN ForrnGW•1 b Rr.,. 2/09 P004 /010 02-15-2012 13:26 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGES N ON R ESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD ?'forth Crsolina DeparuTh~l1l or l:n~ir,111mcn1 llfld Natural Rc:murccs-Division ofW11t~r Q1111ti1y ,.~"' . . .. ~ :· !--~ ,,. .. T'rJN : ~ .. ,..., i ---, •• - 1, Wei.I. 1;0~ ',C TO~: . ,J I . \ ,. J ► C' : d. 'l'OP OF CASING '5 --· FT, ~e Land Surfaoe• ll oq ,er (., . IA.J, , , AIM,. J "Top of oaelng terminated at/or below land IU~ m,y require Well Conlraclot(l ~hliduali Name r j _ . -7""': _ a varfa11ce 111 11COJrd1111c;e with 15A NCAC 2C ~ 1 &. , r'?:"1 ·· ."1 H I l ~./et rr Y / ~ 4 h¢t1 U-'I. cl-: a. YIELD (gpm): . / 0 METHOD OF TEST///;., /ft h weu~;oq9mp~;s: f'4t ?,,t ~ f. OIIINFIC:TION:~ t1,7H Amount ~,t '11/? Streel~s . .L..,,/' ~. -:,~~d.11· WATIRZONES(deplh): ~ L....!:_(i'1.4 ,,...._ ~ ~fT r.=,7 ;Top-i) 10 Bottvm J /~ Top, ___ eottom. __ _ City or Town State Zip Code : Top. ___ Bottom.___ Tap. ___ eottom, __ _ Li?J:., 769-· 07YO (Top. __ sottom. __ Top. ___ Bottom. __ _ AIU coda Phone number • Tlllellneul Weight 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CO~STRUCTION PERMIT•JMZ a I C,VJ 4 I • OTHER ASS~IA TED Pf:RMI~ epp11eat11e) llli WELL ID '{'if appllolblel,_~ ..... --_-.... / _____ _ 3. WELL UBI (Chect One Box) Monitoring a Municlpal/Puttlc □ lnduslriallCommareiai u AQriCUllurat □ R~ Injection a Irrigation□ OtherO (lilt~) ?(O ~,-11"(/ DAT! DAILLE0/0 '/~-// ,. WEU. LOCATION: . / / Z-of/4. • 3 -y ._SCAClf)· IS1reel Name, N11111bct1", Com~unlly, Subdr.iaion, LCII NO,, P~r,, Zip Code) CITY: h1111Kf,,,._, COUNTY~l'dl'\. ,. TOPOGRAPI-IIC I LANO SETTING; lehoc:11 appropriata boll) r,Slop(t nValley □Fial ORlcfge OOther ___ , ____ _ LATITUDE !!.._•_· · OMS OA 3.x.xxxlWO!xx DD LONGITUDE 7.!,__• ___ " Dt.1S OR 7x,WIPO!XXX DD t.alituCla/lOngituda ~rce: U.PS C]T'opographic mep (IOc1Jlion of well must bt &110111111 Ofl II USGS fQP0 msp Bfld/Jrtlchtld ,0 this form If not usJng GPSJ s. FACILl1V (Name of Iha IMilne&& whefe the well " localOd.) Fac:illly IOI (if fppllcable) Street Actdlell CltYorTown Stele Zip Coae Conlact Name MeUing AddreN City or Town S\ala Zip Cade ( , _" Atu cede Phone nun,t,er G. MLL DETAIL.I: ll 'O J ■, TOTALDIPTH:~-~-=_,, __ _ It, DOESWEl.t.RIPLACIIXIITINCWEU.? vesr:, NOC-- C, WATIII LIVIL Below Top of c,t1ng: _5 () FT. (Use•+' If AbOWII Top of Cssln0) ; 7. CilSING: Dtpth _ Olamet8r : Top __ eonom __ F1. __ _ [ Top __ !o11Gm_F1._ __ ; Top __ Bottom __ Ft. __ _ . : 8, GROUT: Depth Material Melho(j : Top_eottom __ Ft .. ____ _ : Top __ Bollom_ Ft,, ____ _ ; Top __ Bottom_ FL. ____ _ : 9, ICRIIN: Depth Diameter Slot liu Material I Top __ Boitom __ Ft._in, _ In. ___ _ : Toi, ,, __ Bottom Fl. in . __ In. ___ _ : Top __ Bottorn __ Fl __ l11. --111, ---~ ' : 10. SANO/GRAVEL PACIC: : De~ : ToP, ___ Bot!om __ Ft .. __________ _ :•~ Botto,n __ Fl .. __________ _ jTop ecnom __ Ft .. __________ _ : 11 , ORlLI.ING LOG 1·op eonom Formllion De&er!Dtion ii~ __ 1 ___ _ ?~!4.Zn"' I£<;'-__ _,, ___ _ __ , ___ _ --'----___ , ___ _ --'----__ , ___ _ --'---- : 12. RIMARKS: d ht, / : ~~~-~ ; ___ , .. ____(~ ; I 00 HeRel!Y teRTIFY THAT THIS weLL WIIQ cr,01N Ar.e<lllOMICI! WI~ : 19" NCAC 2C, CONSTRUCTION 81ANI.WID8, AffU Tl-CAT It QOlt'I 01' THIS : RfCOAO H/118 PR0\110,~ lj Ttl'J"~~ : ~~ /()••✓l'-1'/ I I u RTIFIEO WELL CON"fRA«;!oR' DATE : <>li'e r ~ r w,//. e:'l,cj" ~ PRINTED NAMTOF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL ., ' FoimGW•1b RIV.2108 P005/010 02-15-2012 13:26 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 928-369-0740 PAGE6 NoNRESJDENTIAL Wl!LL c:ONS'l'RUCTION RECORD . nf Env ir,,nr,,rn1l !Incl : d. TOP OF CAIING ta -FT, Above Lana Surfece· : •Top of casing terminated al/or below land eurf'ace may require : a variance In aoco~a"oe with 15A NCAC 2C .01111. \ a. YIEL0 (gpmt: -· k O McTHOD OF resr.A-~" ~ ... f'tl ~ f , DIIINPIC110N: 'TV ~ Amount 1/y CA!p S~dress ,,. / , t"J 7? u : I • WATER ZONES (depth); bt<¾t:'f~ l'VC-"t..-~x :Top 2-JO Bo~ Top. ___ eoaom. __ _ Ctty or rown sin, Zip COde : Too 31 l) Bollom 15 ,_ T~ Bottom. __ _ =!L Ph~fn?m;, 0 2 ¥1' ! To, __ SoUom_ Top Thlc"=-~"---- 2 . WELL INFORMATION: j 1. CASING; O.pth Dlametl r , WtlQht WELLCONSTRUCTIONPERMIT# v.)ToJDt>I 4 / :Top_Bottom_Ft .. __ Matetllll OTHER ASSOCIATED PER"1l~appicalll1) arre WELL 10t(ll~bie) /::::__ -c;l ·~---· ---- a. WELL US! (Ch~ One Soll) Monitori"g □ Munldpal/Publk: Cl 1,:ICI0strlallComme,oiet □ ~ri~IMII CJ Recove,y O Injection 0 lrrtgltlonn Ollltt n 1,1,1 UM) 'j"e f ~,,,.... / DATE DIVLI.IED /~ "/1 -// •• WELL LOCATION; (~~MmJ,.-!tllllll~~Ln. Lot No., P111CBI, ?Jp Code) CITY: &~h K4 COUNTY /t(~ (Qt.I\. TOPOGRAPHIC/ LAND SETTING: (dlll!lll epproprilta boll) □Slope □Valley □Flat □Ridge □Ofler. _____ _ LATITUDE !!__ • • OMS Olt 3X.ll'XlCXIClt1ClCX DD LONGmJDE !!..._• ---• OMS OR 7X.XlOCXlCXXXx 00 Latitudenongl1Ud• IDUIOa; ().PS C)rOl)Ollraphlc map (loosffon of well must be shown OIi e USGS topo m,p alldattachfld lo th/1 form if IIQt ulir,g GPSJ · •. FACILin' (Nlll'lt Of 1111 bullneu whlll'II "111 well la located.) FeoilitY Name · Flcifity ID# (lf 1ppllcabk1J Strtel Addrea, City or Town Slate Zip CoG11 Conlllct Name MHiling A,ddres& City or Town State Zip Code ( '---------Area code Phone numw I. W!LL OETAIUI: / / 0 / 1. TOTALD!PTH:._7..t...;:~~..__ __ _ b. DOU WILL QIILACI IXIST1NG WILL? YE.Su NO~ c. WATER L&VEL Betow Top of casino: -~ D FT. (Use ·•• If Above Top ~r Casino) ': Top __ eonom __ ~t. __ _ j Top_ Bot\Um __ ~t.. __ _ : 8, GROUT; Depth Matertal : Top __ Bottom_;___ F1 •. ____ _ \ Top_Bottom_ F1. _____ _ : Top __ Bottom_ Fl. ____ _ : t. ICR!EN: Deptll ! Top __ Boacm_FL_ln. _In. ___ _ : TOI>_ Bottom __ Fl. __ in. __ In. ___ _ : Top __ Bottom __ r=t. __ tn . __ In. ___ _ . - ; 1 D. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Dtpltl Sa ;Top. ___ Bottom __ Ft .. __________ _ : Top. ___ Bonom_ Ft ... _________ _ :Top. ___ 9ottom __ Ft,, _________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top BOltllm ~:ilc __ , ____ _ --·'----__ ., ___ _ ---'·----/ __ _,I ___ _ __ , ___ _ ---·'---- ! 1:Z. RIMARKI: : I D0 lieAl!IIV C:l!RTIFY THAT ! 15" TA COPY Or"THIS : Rli : _...~~~~~;;;;;;: ID -0:,1/ OR DATE /Ci""U '•"'' •• ' ' '"' ' ' ... ' • •' , • '.,., .. • • ': ,' •: .. ~~~··', :: , ' ,•,•:,,11,:.·. ~",, ',',"' \ .. ·:·. S~bmlt wtttil,:..~o.~a~:Qf.c~ptetf~n to:.O.Marc-.:of .Witiir~t~·-~f,~--~-•·· 111J;Mllilatrvic••.C.~r,.~t ..... , ~::17:1~11, ~:,19~··: fi'tt)~~•~·:•..i :r ••,:-.::· :· · ,•:•, .. · .... ~~~-:; ;~:, FOffllGW-1b Rev. 2/09 . RECEIVED 02-15-' 12 12 : 52 FFIOM-8283690740 TO-NC DENR P&S P006 /010 02-15-2012 13:26 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGE? NON R ESIDENTIAL W§Ll, CONSTR\ICTION RltC(HtD Nl)rth Cnniliml l)t,purtln\r.'1t of Elwiro1'Ul1cnt ;,t1d I Rw:iurces• Division of "• , Qu~lity Well Cll'fl'llctor Comp~ Name O ✓ .:,~<t't if ~() '1'. ''« S~dress ~,.n~ City or Town c~f l 3'9 .... o7 c/D Area code Phone numbat 2. WELL INFORMATION: Stale Zip Code WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# W'Io/00 I Y I OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMITlJ(lf applcMH), ______ _ 81TI WELL ID f(lf•p1Ioe111a1, _ _.p..,_•_3 ______ _ a. WELL use (Chedl One 8oil) Monitoring o MunicipallPubUc u l11d11Glli.11/Coml'llffliatr.'l AgriGullilral a Reco11e,y □ Injection □ ll'l'l9a110nu 011111, w (list uaa) f'<?tk,-,q/ DATE DRILLED / D --ly-II ulldi\/iliOII, LOI Na., Pwcel, ljp CQdc) CITY: --4:,._;,,.;;.;;~"4----COUNlY Al~,.,:\ TOPOGRAPHIC/ LANO SE1'TING: (cllacllc app,op,,a 1111111 uS1opo uvauey ul!'lat uRiago u0tl'l1r. _____ _ LATITlJDE .!!..._• ___ • OMS 0" 3X.l0CltXXICIOCX 00 LONGmJOE ~--· -DMS OR 7}(.lOOCIOUOOOt 00 La1illldeJlon91tudt source: [J3~S □ropograplllc: map (IOCll/011 O( well muSI 0G Sl!Own on • IJSGS Iopa map S/ldatt,clled to th/a form if not u~fflf GPS) I. FACIUTV (Name of the buslneu Where Ille wen 11 located,) Facility 101 (If appllQlblel City or Town State Zip Code Conlac:tName Malll119 Addreaa City or Town .__, ___ .. _______ _ Atea COdl Phone n1.1mber I, WELi. DITAILS: »r 1 1. TOTAi. DlltTH: ':..t'U. (J b. DOES WEI.I. REPU.CE !JCISTING WILL? YES U C, WATl!R L!VEL Below Top Of Ca&h'IO : ,?; 0 (U .. ·+• If AOOve Top of Ca11ng) ZlpCoao .,., · d, TOP OF CASING IS --FT. Above Land su·~• : ~op of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require : a variance in accoraanoe with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 . : •• YIELD (9pm); 6 t) METHOD OF TEST 1:. Y t .. J} : f . D181NF!C,,O;;;;;F7 # Amount ~"( G sq;l . : g. WATER ZONES (dBe_lh): : T0'?3J6 Bottom3:3'sf: Top ___ eottom.___ __ : Top, ___ Botton, 1'op. ___ Bol!Dm, __ _ :Top ___ BOtlOm __ _ rop Bonam. __ _ . TlllCIIINUI Weight : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter ;,T~--BotlOffl_ Ft.. __ _ \ Top_ . Bottom__ Ft.._ __ : Top_ Bottom_Ft.. __ _ : B. GROUT; De,M Maleriel ; Top __ Bottom __ Ft. ____ _ j Top_Bottom __ FI. ____ _ : Top_ 8ottDm_ Ft .. ____ _ : 9. tCR!EN: Depth Diameter Slot 81118 Matlrlll \Tcp __ Bottom __ FL_ln. --in .---- : Top __ Bottom_ Fr. __ in, in , ___ _ j Top_Bottom_Ft_ln, _in, ___ _ : 10. UNDIGMVEL PACK: : D1pt11 SU. lllllrlll : Top. ___ Bottom __ Ft .. _________ _ : rop, ___ Bo1111m_ Fl ____ -------- ; Top ___ eottom_ Fl, __________ _ . : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Boflom E~ ---'----___ , ___ _ ---·'----/ ----'----/ ---·'-----___ , ___ _ : 12, RIMARKS: ·~~ l 9e~ i~ : 100 K!ftl!BY t;!ftTI~, lHM, ·rtt1t1 WI::::; ~ucrt:O IN M.iCUMOANCI! wm< : 1SA ANOT""TACoPVOFTHIS :~ ~ ;=./P->-~~~~~~~ /b--1~-II . RACffi>R CATE ,«#fk.S TRUCTING THE Wl!l.L FormGW,1 b Rev. 2/09 P007 /010 02-15-2012 13:26 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 NON R ESTDEN'llAL!&.ELL CONSTRUCTIO RECORD CityorTow11 ,?tJI', 3,z:-o? if¢ .. Area COd8 Pllone number Sin ZipCode 2, Wl!LL INFORMATION: weLL cONsrRucr10N PERMrrw uJIQJ@I YI O'l Ml::R ASSOCtATEO PERMITtJ! ipp11caD11,_ _____ _ SITE WELL 10 l(lt appllQIOleJ /::. -'-I ~, .. ,. __ _ 3. weu. USE (Chedc One Boll) Mc1111torin11 n M11nioloel/Pubjlc □ ln<lualrlali'Commercial O Agriculttlral O Rec:ove,y u Injection o lf'rigallonn Other □ Cff,tule} ?~c,f4_ t'tftM..,A I DATEORILLED /D -(a ··// 4. WIU. LOCATION: / JCat¼. I~ v Sc.4d0 (SVWI Nema, Numbert, Commllllity, Subclivi11on, LOI NO., Pumiel , ZiP Code) crrv~ fu,,k_~-~---c~Lim 41"< etJ,.. TOPOGRAPHIC/ LAND SETTING: (cnack IIOptQjlllllt IMIX! 1:1Stope ovauai 0F1a1 nRkSQ• nOther_ .. ____ _ 1.ATrrUOE ~• ·---• OMS OR 3x.JCltX)O()O(l(lf DO LONGrruoe ~·-· "OMS OR 7x.x,uooouuuc DD Llltib.ldellongltude source: [.):jPS tJropog,aphic map (/Oallon of MIi must be sllawn on i, USGS tooo mso 1nd1rrached to this form ff not using GPSJ a. PACIUTV (lllame of ttle bu1lneu where lho well IS tacatad.) FaciHiy Name Ftcill!ytDIJ(Wappllcabtel Stn!el Add retl Cil',orTown Siar. Zip Code Contact Name City or Town Stale Zlo Code ( I ---------Atoa code PIIOne number I. WILL DITAILI: 1/r-,-. , ~ TOTALDE'1'H:. __ 7__,,~~ ... v __ _ b. ooes MI.L REPLACE EalSTING WELU YES O NO~ o. ,WATER LIYIL Be~ Top of Caalng:_~ ____ FT, (Use •+• I{ AbcM Top of Ca11fng) . . - ; d, TOP OF CAIING IS __,....,.....,....,,.,_,.FT.Above L811d Surface• : 'Top of casing lermlnated at/or below lono BUlfece may require : · a variance. in accordance with 15A NCAC ic .o, 18. ~ •· VIELDfapml: -D -· MITHooo,mT.d:~::_t..~h j t. DISINFECTION: Type /r7N Amount 1/4i:: c ct/? : g . WATER ZONES (Uaplll): : Top -Bottom. __ _ Top ___ Sotlam, __ _ ;Top ___ 8oll0ffl ___ _ Tgp ___ 8onom._ __ _ j Top. ___ Boaom._ __ _ Top. ___ Bonam, __ _ Tblcllnn., : 1, CASINO: Depth Diameter Weight Matertal : Top_ Bo1111m __ , ___ Ft.,....,, __ A_ j Top __ Bottom_Ft __ _ : Too_eouom __ Ft •. __ _ : a. GROVT: Depth Materllll : Tup __ eoucm __ ,..~---- ; Top __ Bottom __ F, ____ _ : Top_ Bo1111m. ____ • Ft, .. ··----- ; 9. ICl'lllN: O.plb Dlamettr Slot SIie llltertal ( Tap __ Bottom __ FL __ ln, __ In. ___ _ : Top __ eottom_· __ FL __ ln. _ In. ___ _ : Top __ Bot1'10m __ Ft __ tn. __ tn. ___ _ : 10, SANDIGRAVlt. PACK: : Depth Size :~IJ. ___ eonom_fL. __________ _ :Top ____ eonom __ Fl __ . ________ _ : Top. ___ Bottom __ Ft •. __________ _ : 11, DRI LLING LOG :~i@s '----, ____ _ , ____ _ '----'----, ___ _ '---- :·~······, ~e~•~I j 10011!AmciA'rn·;.,:~;·wei.~~u~ : 151\ IONSTAN011ROS,IIHDTIII\TAC()PYOnMIS : A TIit A. j · /'t'J-&-11 : SIG .,_,,-+-.>---"""'~"'------.:.....::....;,"""""°~-,,,-..,... DATE : PRI EWELl . FormGW-1b Rev,Z,08 P008/010 02-15-2012 13:26 TARfEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 Pi:lGE9 NoN R EsJDENTTAL w1CLLcoNsTRuCT1otv -a~coRD .:•: .. ~:~· ::, North Carolina Departmcnl url\nvir(mmt nr and Nan1ral Rc.sovrci,;~-nivi~ion nf W~~6'u~Jily· · C1ryorTown . ,~> 3G1 ~ "ZY't' Ante code PIIOne number 8111111 2, WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# Wit>/DO {4 I OTHER ASSOC~TE0 PF.R~ITf(J__ICl'llcaDle)_ lfTI WELL 1D tffl 111olicalel_i;;__~_-_5: ______ _ a. WILL UH (Check One Box) MOllltOtiflO a Munlelpal/Publle u lnduatri111Commerc111 i.l ~rioultural CJ Recovery CJ Injection CJ tmgattonn Other n (litt uael ;'f't fl,,,... I DATEDRIU.Eo /o ·5 # 11 '• Wi.!->1,0CATIOJt. k-ff"-J'-f Sci'oo/ (S!IM4 Name, Num~. CO!ftmunily, SubdivislOI', Lal No .• Perot!, Zill Coal CITV: &{JIIL7-COU~TV A-f~t!.d~ TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (chlok 1ppropriara tm) uSlopo uva11ey uFlal URIClge tJotner _____ _ LATITUDE ~•----• OMS OR 31t,15MPXXXX DD LONGrrUDE !L_• ---• OMS OR 7~~~ OD LatitLIClellongitude source: OPS (Jrgpographlo map (TOCetfon ofwel/ muat tJt allown on a USGS topo m.p anaartat:h1r1 tu ttlla lbnn If 11c,f 11alng (JPS} 5. FACIUTY (Name ofltl• bu&ineu where the well ls located.) FacilltVName FaClllty IOI llf appllallble) City or Town Slate Zip Code coniact Name MalPno Addreu C~orTown Stalll Zip COC!t ' ) ________ _ Area code Phone number I , WEU. DETAILS: !(rl) ,,, •· TOTALDEPTH: __ ~-°'--•'---- b, OOUW!LLll!PLACEEXISTINGWELL? YESO NOV .. 0. WATER LEVEi. Balow Top of Caelng;-_-___ ...,FT. (UM ·+· If AboVe Top of CasinG) . d , l o.i OF CASING IS .-ti . Aoove Llil nd Surtece• : •Top of casing terminated 11/or below la"CI S1Jrfac:a may require : e variance in acamtance wi11'1 15A NCAC 2C .Pf 18. ~ t, YIELD (Qpm); -0 _. METHOD OF:rlES'I' /''f t1"' £>4'- j f, ' DIIINl'ICnON:,.,,. bfr'H Amount /At c-_r> p : g. WATER ZONES (dGpln): : Top -Bonom __ _ Top. ___ eotton!_ : Top ___ Bottom_ •.. Top BoltDm._ __ _ Top 8olt0m._ __ _ 11,ic """" : 1, CASINO : Depth Dflnilltet Wllght llallrtal : Tap __ Boaom_ Ft,, __ _ : Top __ Ballam_ Ft •. __ _ : Top __ 8cr11Dffl •. , --·~· Ft._ __ : 8. GROUT; Depth : Top __ Bottom __ Ft., __ _ j Top __ ·Bottom __ A. ____ _ : Top __ 8ottom_ Ft.. ____ _ : t . SCR!EN: Deptfl Ol11'1'111ter llot 1111 !·Top __ Bottom __ Ft, __ ln. --In.---- : TOl) __ eoaom __ Ft. __ in, __ in, _____ _ ; Top_ Bottom_ Ft._jn. _in. ___ _ ' : tO , IANDIGIIIAYIL PACK: : DepCII Size : Top_,., ..... Bottom __ Ft,_ _________ _ : Top. ___ Bottom_Ft .. __________ _ ! Top ____ Bottom __ -FL. __________ _ : 11. DRILLING LO.O ; ' Top BoltDm ' I ___ , ___ _ ----'----____ , ___ _ ---'--------'·------___ , ___ _ : 12. IIEMARKI: : I 00 NI.AEOV CCRTI~ Tl ; 151, NCAC 2C, WE.LI. CONSTRl1eTIC'.IIII 8TANCAA0fl, ~0 THAT A CO,,,,, or: THI(\ : i.E THe : =:-!,~~~~~=~ . / ~ .. -J'". I/ j SI we ~ DATE .f FomiGW-1b Rev,2/09 P009 /010 02-15-2012 13:26 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGE10 '->. NON R ESIDENTIAL Wltl.l. C:ONSTIUIC.Tl()N ll~CORI{,(.\. ,, ·,~,f!\ . . North C:u-ollna l>epurlrmmt of En vironment a11il Na111ral R~uuN<l.~-Oivi~if11l Ill" W,.i.er Qutili1y ~-:' ~ ~~~J-~·~~: j ~i ~---,... 1,we1.1.co~·,~0R. / ,, /.. •// :d, TOPOFCAIINGIS ____ FT.AboveLanO Sulfaca• ft, 0 ~ I' v·' /It// /~ ,i.f nt.f" .,.Of> of casing 1ermi11aled al/or below tand surface may require - Well C~r_(I idu N~~e __ : a wrlance In acco~ance wl111 15A .NCAC 2C -~ 8. , /)_ I (l.t" ~e V ~ I-tr lk -e/1rl '?tc : •. VIELD(gpm): -o ME~j)DOFTEST t ½r vd WIii ~~;; 0m&i~·~"'f ~ ! r. DISINFECTION:TYI" 7/'-'?'H Amount I/ct b-4 p Stree~ddress .,/ A// ., o-, ~,/ : ,. WATER ZONES (depth): C 'l"fl'.11 /.?l't,. /Ii'"-' 11'\a' 7 '!_ : Top -Bottom ____ To,ii _____ Bottom._ __ cu~ or Town State Zip Code : Top ___ BollOffl,___ Top,_ __ Bottom.._ __ _ 1'f~) 3 6'?-t, 1~ ~ Top:._ __ eoaom. ___ Top ___ Bot\om,__ __ f.rea COde Phone number 'TlllckMN/ 2. WELL INFORMATION ; : 7, CASING: Dtpth · Dllmettr WtlGht WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMrTI kl :io JOO I.H ( : Top __ Bottom __ F\ .. __ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT£ ,ippliQIJle) SITI WELL ID t(lf app!ioable) , -~ i . WILL UII (Check One BOIi) Monitoring n MunlclPQI/Publlc t:J lnduelri11/Commen:ill O A41riculll.lral U Recovery n lnJecti9n □ 1mgauonu 01ne, u 11111 u•) ~( o ~ c,-tt I DATE ORK.LED ✓D -f' -II 4. WILL LOCATION: / H tfc. "f -q s c.,('!'o (Sltftfll N..,.,Numbers, Community, Subdlviaion, Lot No., Pan:.!, 7lp Code) c11Y: t:AJ•"-rlt... couNlY 414. u--. TOPOGRAPHIC / I.AND SETTING: (dleck 11ppropn11e 1,e4 n stope 11v.11ey □Flat uRldge cOlhtr, _____ _ LATITUDE ~. ____ .OMS OR 3lC .XlCPJ!'!lQ!! DD LONGITUDE~', __ _' " OMS OR 7x !P!IIOUi!~ ,OD Lllltud&/1011911\Jde sou,ca : 03PS Qropographlc map flOctJtion· of wen muirt be shown Ofl a uSGs twio m,p anctattBdled to this form if not using GPS) I, FACILITY (Name of ltle buaine&G wne~ the well IS IOCAIACI .) Fae.II~ Name Facili\y' 10, frf appllcab,_} StroatAddl1tU City or.Town Stale Zip Code Conteel Name MlliQng Address City or Town Slate Zip Cocte ( ) _______ _ Area cocle Pho ne number I , WEI.I. DETAILS: ~~o, 1 . TOTALDlftTH:, __ ~-'-'J:...: j-~-- 11, DOEIWEU.REPIACE UISTINGWEU? YES □ o. WATI" LIVIL 8810w Top oA C11 i"g: ______ _:FT. (Uee ••" If Above Top of Caaing! : T°"--BoftOltl_ F\ .. __ _ : Top __ Bottom __ Ft.. __ _ . : 8. GROUT: Depth : Top_ So'IIOm_ Ft.. ____ _ i Top_._ BoUorn __ Ft. ____ _ ; Top_ Bottom_Ft.,_ ___ _ Oiarnetar Slat Siu Mllltrill j Top __ eottom __ Ft __ in. _In. ___ _ ; Top_· __ 0onom __ Fl __ in. __ in. ___ _ : 'rop_eonom __ FL __ in. __ iri. ___ _ . : 10, IAftDIGRAVEL PACK: : Otpth Material : Top ___ 8ottom_~----_______ _ :Top ___ Bottom __ Ft .. _________ _ jrop ___ eoaom __ · _Ft.. __________ _ : 11. DRILLING lOG Top BOtiom [) ,.___..~ ___ '/) -ea 1__..E'..r..1..1--_ 1:'7 I SIS:0 _ ___,/ ___ _ ---'--------''--------''----__ ....,;·,~---___ , ___ _ ---'----___ , ___ _ : 12. REMARKS: '•' • • ,.,.J • v•:,.1",,.:••, •: :{•, j •: :•• ' •,•,• 1 1, ••• / • ,' '-\,'1'/' ,,.,J,t • ',, 1:~1;,., • • :",', • • ...... , I II : ,'"I',' • : Subl:'9~~in;~:&faY.s:~:c~~itlOfl to: D~~·~:o(~~~':i~ll'Y;:-···t~~ p~~~f. . 1.,11;~~ :ltf'YI.~~ C•~-~l.•~~~ ~c 2~.,.,~1~.ij,~e ;:.(~•~-4H_O · ..... :_-· ·~. ·::.,.;· ·: : :'.::. ·:_ .. :, ~"ifi: FormGW-tb Rev. 2109 RECEIVED 02-15-'12 12 :52 FBOM-8283690740 TO-NC DENB P&S P010/010 02-1s-a012 13:as TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGE1 /YJ).NR_ESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RF.CORD - ,. ,__ ..... 1-WELL COMT~TOR: ~. ,/_ / J , : cf. TOP OF CASING IS -FT. Above land Surface• '/"('O&;(~ L, l/f/l~/111.11,) : 'Tcpofca&lnQtermlnatadal/orbelowlandeurfaoemayrequiie Well C~r (lftJlvlil) f>1amq ~ : 8 111111aiica Ir'! accordance with 15A NCAC 2C ,0J,18 , "'I ? Ii ~1r,q /,....,,,alt,"' ~~0t'-~"'": •· ·Y1ai>111om1: ,:J. t) !:':Ttf9DOFTEST.,/f,r ~,rr. Wall:rz;.;~~~~;, ,.~ ,I? p/ r ~ f. DISINFl!CTION: Typo....,.;~.....:. ... I'/'"..__ Amount J,~ C::. vp S~ress /.. ·~ A./r ~ ~ ?, ; II• WATJUCINES (d8PlN.i,,-"J ~.,,_ J'('r,"-,,, --. 0 Y : Top~ Botan.""'«"""'".J"'" c_..._ Top.__ __ Bollom. __ _ CityorTown Slate ZioCOde :Top ___ 8attorn ___ Top ___ EIOftOm. __ _ ,SJ.Vi Y,tf ,,.· o?c/" Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION : WELL CONSTRUCTION PEAMITt W1>'2LI.JQIL:/ l O'TMEA ASSOCIATED PEAMIT!'if..•11Pl111lff) ______ _ SITI WELL ID t(if applicatlle) t.--"1 1, WEU. USE (Check One Box) Moniloring u MunleipeUPubllo O lndu&lriallCommefClal u Agr1oulhlrat c:J ::: o lnjepon o lmga6on□ OOl~llst use) ~ t~~ f DATE DRILLED,tlZ-3-/f t. WEI.I. LOCATION: . ~ / _z--p t/4 1 ~ '( .Su.•~. (Stteal Name, NlimDM, Ccmmijnlly, Swbcliwtal""on-, _LGI_N_o-., P-.,-CWJ-,--Zl-D C-Odl-) - Cl1Y: p,.,,.,. n~ COUNlY @<C~l't TOPOGRAPHIC/ LAND smtNG: (Gheck 8ptl/Op,lfle bga) nStope □Valley or:1at URldQe uott1et _____ _ LATrTU0E ~-___ • OMS OR 3x.,uooocl00Cll OD LONGITUDE~·~-·---· OMS 011 71,xrmnn DD lelitudeAongitude source: 03PS (Jl'cpog,.11hlo map (location of Mil mull a. MOWfl 011 a VSGS toPO /NP andettldte4 to this foml If not uilflQ GPS) I , FACIUlY (Name of lhe buslnes& wt1e1e Iha well la located.) Slree1Addreu CttycrTown ContaGtName Malllna Acl(IIHI City or Town {__I Area code -:::p~.,on--, n-u-,m"""be_r ___ _ 8. WIU. DITAILI: ,. I , TOTAL. DEPTHl. __ l/a..-)(_~ __ Facility IDtl (If appUaab!e) Zip Code Slate ZJpCod11 b. DOEt WELL RIPLACf EJIISTING WILL? Yl::S n NO~. c, WATlfU.EVELeelow Tep or casino: ~ 0 FT IUae "+" If Above Top of C11i-ng-) ___ _, • Top ___ eottam. __ _ ! 7. CASINO: Depth Diame18r ; Tc,p __ Botto,n_ Fl __ _ [ Top __ SOt!Om_Ft __ _ : Top_ Boftom___:__ FL._ __ : 8, GROUT: Depth TtllckMttl Wolght ; TOP, __ Sot!Dm __ Ft ____ _ j ToP_ Bollom_ Ft ____ _ : ToP __ Bottom __ Ft. ____ _ . ; I . SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot &izt Mathod Mllel'iel j Top_ Bonom_i:-t_ln. _In. ___ _ ; Top __ Boitom __ i:,. __ ln . _ Ir\. ___ _ : Top __ 80\tQm_ Ft,_ln. __ In, ___ _ : 10. $AND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Ila : Tcp _____ BOIO,n_FI ......... _________ _ : ToP. ........ __ Bo.tt.cm_Ft. __________ _ j Top, ___ .BoUOm __ Ft,..__ _________ _ Formation DnCliption S4"1 ~y FormGW-tb R111,2/09 P001 /010 02-15-2012 13:28 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGE2 NoNREs1DENTTAL -wv.u, coNsTRUcT10N Rr.c2Ro N,1rt!i Curulinu l'JtpHl1:llf.:?lt of t!n~lr-onmel\t ru1d 1'/ll.l1,irol Re~mm:~-OivigiM of Wnter Qualit,y ,. WELL cor,,~ro~: t ~ _ ~· /k • 0 d . TOP ·oF CASING 1s _. FT. Al>ove Land surface• • /T<!J#J lr <" vv~ I If tl;,..I : "Top of casing terminated aVor beloW tand surface may req11irv Well Con~~illuar"C/ 7.7,; fa fl!' : e 1111rianceln acz::orda"cawilh 15ANCAC2C .0118 . · r Cl,, nRe .,,/flier , /'~ ,.I'_,.,. !..C ~ e. VIELD (gpm); .~ o~~E!_HOg OF TE$T 4 E,,AI- Well C4:1~W"~tf?c:l? ~ ~ f. ol&IHFECTIO.N:Tw,e t:!:Tl7 Amouftt ?'vc.-'/ SIIGel ~~ £? r:2;7 3'Y~ ;~P~"'J-':P:!::f~_.z. Top ___ Bottom. __ _ City or Town.? " State Zip Caoe : TOP. ___ 8olt0fll,___ Top ___ Boaom ,re>f1 ;) Vf-&:>Jr? ~Top ___ Bottom, ___ Top. ___ BollDm:===== Area code Phone number • 2. WELL INFORMATION: . WELL·coNsmucnoN PERM1T1 WZI;, fl!0 ..... 1_4.J..J-J __ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMITl<II W!°'1"'~..l......------- &ITE WELL ID~if applicab•ls--~=--'=d" _____ _ 3, WIU UBE (Clledl O"e B011) Monilori"g Cl Munlclpal/PuDllc □ lmMolri111Comrnercial □ Aortcultural u J,tccwe! ~ lnjeO!ionp ln1gallonu Otha, 4:':u•I O'r!D~c L PAT£ oRIL&.Eo .L_--::11>-rl '· ~4iT10"t ~ I/ se-4-o I (Sir 7-ne. Nul!DIIV, Community, SuD0111111011, LOt No., Parcel. Zlp e-r- CITY: h!f~ J:f., COUNTY &trt:~ TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SffilNG: tCIIICII 8PIIIOp,late lloJI) □Siotle □Valle) uFiat r.,Ridge □Other. _____ _ LATITUDE ~•-•_: "DMS OR 3x.1;JOWJ009 OD LONGITUDE~• ___ • 0'94S 0A 7x,ux1ocJOt gll 00 t.aliludellongltude souree: 03PS 1'71'0pograi,hie map (locarion of wtlJ muat oe shown on I USGS topo mtp Q(ldttt.r:hed to ,,,,$ form if 1101 Uliflg GPSI •. ,ACII.ITY (Name of Iha buelnee, wheNI "'' wtll IS loc:aled.) F1cilityN11me Faolllty IOI (II applltable) Street Addieu City or Town State Zip Code Mailing Address City or Town Stata Zip Code '-> ----..-----Ar■a ~e Pho11e number $. WILL OITAILI: a. TOTAL DIPTH: .,,. 7 0 , b. DOES WILL RIPLACI EJU8TING WELL? ves u NO~-· c. WATlll LlVEL 0e1ow Top ot cas ing ~ :S: 0 ,_:__FT. (Use •+ • if Above Top of C&slng) i 7. CA8ING: Depth Oi1f'lftl' :Top __ Bottom_F ___ _ ! Too_ Botto'"-•-:·· Ft. __ _ ; Top __ eottom __ Ft._ __ : 8. GROUT: Daptn Tftlcllneu/ Wtitht : Top __ eoaorn_ Ft.. ____ _ ! Top _____ Bottom_. __ Ft. ____ _ : Top_eottom_R .. ____ _ : I , . SCIIEEN: Depth Di.mttsr Slot Size Mtlhod Materlat ; ToP_eouom_ Fl. __ 1n. __ in. ___ _ \ Top_ Bottom __ Ft_ln. --In. ---- : Top __ Bottom_ Ft_in, __ in. ___ _ : 10, SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Otptlt Size : Too _ .. __ ~_BoffaRL-fl. __________ _ :Top. ___ Bottom_Ft ___________ _ ~ Too. ___ Boliom_ F,,, __________ _ . : 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bcnom D 1 ~ ~~il(} ---'----/ ---':-----/ ,-------', ___ .,---___ , ___ _ ;12,REMAR~ : I 00 Hl:RCllV CCRTIN THAT I HIS Wl!LL WAS CON5T1'U IN ,t,CCOR G I ; ISA !ilt'.At: r.. W~I I enNSTlltVOT•ON 8TANOM0e, ANO Tl;AT A COl1'f Qt= n.iis : o ~ , 7r-~o-~/ ; llliCOll~MA$ fl~OVID!DTO~ ~ ~ SIGN ~ F,CERTIFIEOW!L~ co~~ DATE ~ tf.!?£-t,,... ~ ~ //,,-,,,., f : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL FOffllGW·1b Rev. 2/0D P00 2/010 02-15-2012 13:28 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGE3 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRU(:1'10N IU:C:ORD . North Curulinu f'h.•p11rt1'1cnt oftnviro11m~11l a ,1 d NoL11ra) P..esoul'l:es, l)ivis ion of Water Qu ality 1-"•i:a.t. ;,,Jin i (l\t.1 "'~ / !1 'I/ , ; d. TO .. OF CASli'fG 18 _, ___ FT. ,!V>ov11 Lana Surface' ~"r <-., f:&L! l!!..QN : •,opotwIng1erminatedat1orbeIowlandsurfacemayrequire Well Contracjr,~~~ual) 7me 1 • 1• -r-, , ~ -,-~ a variance In accordance with 1 SA NCAC 2C .0!l8, i y I ? l v .. , ... r ! -•, ,',.•~· ,,. ' • C: •• YIELD (gpmj; _LP METHQDOF TEST ./9 IV L, f ,1 WellCo~'d¥" 9"~~e".9,et f&/ ~t. DIIINFICTION:.,.,,.Jrtf Amount VY k.ffj) Street~ ~ 3 :"? : O, WATER ZONES (depth): ,/ r-f({<(, ~ ~ ~ lfll: Top ;io 3 Bottom 3o ~ Top ___ Bottom. __ _ City or Town State Zip Code : TOP. ___ Bottom.___ Top ___ eottorn._ __ _ <821:.1 36 'f -0 7 Sf?' i Top ___ Boaom___ Top ___ Bottom, __ _ ANNI COCle Phone numller : ThlollnNel I, WELL INIIOltMATION: : 7. CASING: Depth Dlemeter Weight WELLCONST~Uc;TIONPERMIT# u);I,Q/0014 I ;Top_Botlo,n_F, .. _ -- OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMl~ppticable),_______ : Top __ Botlom __ Fl. SITE WELL 10 #(If •Olicalllel !.l -I \ Top __ Bollom __ f:l. ___ _ I. WELL USI (Check One Box) MonltDfing U Munleii,al/Publio n lndualrial/Commercial n Agrioull\lral c:J ReccMIIY □ ln.)ec:tlon w lmgallonr., Oltltr O (ihil u,e) f/ (? oh., (""6G / DATE DRU.LED 9 "',,a 9 .... ( / 4, WELLLOCA!ON:.:? /, / ½+~ 7-f/.x 00_~·----- (Slfee! mrne, NuMDetS, Cornmunil,, SlllldMilon, Let No .• Paroet, ZIP COUeJ crrv: A4-, r1tt... COUNTY /JAa (0 'I\ TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING : Ccheck approp!llta Im) ns1ope ovalley or-1st □Ridge uOtntr. ______ _ LATITUDE ~•-· "OMS o" 3.Jt.xxxx.xxx)Q{ oo LONGITUDE 7.!..._• ___ • OMS O~ 71C.XICX,HIMI 00 LatllUClel!ongttude source: C):;PS OTopooraphle map (location of wo/l m11/Sl be IIIOWl'I 011 Q USGS Iopa map 1tnd1J/tfJchel1 RI t/111 romi if net 11,inr, GPS) I, l'ACtLllY (Neme of Iha buislneN where lhe well ls lOCataCI.) Facllltv Name Facility \o, (If &ppliClble) street Addre11 City Or Town State Zip Code comaca Name MaNlno Addreaa CitynrTown State Zlp Code __ _,1 -=--------- Area code Phono numbllt : 8. GROUT: Depth Matat1a1 Mel.hod : Top_ Bottom_Ft. ____ _ ! Top_ Bottom_ Ft. ___ _ : Top __ Elnttom __ Ft. ____ _ : t, SCREeN: Oe,M 01,meter Slot Sin M1eet11J I Top __ Bottom __ Ft. __ in . __ in: ___ _ : Top __ Botlom __ Ft. __ ln . __ in. ___ _ : Top __ Bollom __ rt __ in. __ In . _...;._ __ ' : 10. BANDIORAYIL PACK: : Depth : Top. ___ Bottom __ Ft .. __________ _ ; Top ___ Botlom __ FL. __________ _ : Top, ___ Bonom_FL. __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top eoaorn Forma~on Description jfj~ ----'~------'·---- v?j;i/}:f ff¾ Je~ I -__ , ,--------, .,---- I --- : 12. REMARK&: ' -------r--"--t!~-=:::-:-~...;;;;.;:"-'-?'SI~--- ; I OOMEAElll'~ATU:V , ... , 1111l TACOPYOFTHl9 :,- ING THE WELL FomtGW-1b Rev. 2/011 P003/010 02-1s-2012 -13: ea TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 928-369•0740 PAGE4 f -;· •• ~ t-'"' ~ N oN &smENTIAL WELL coNs·rRuc~10~ 1t~i~~-·::. 1, 1, Wl:LL CON'tWICTO~ / ~ /i // : c,. TOP OF CASING IS ____ fi."Above Lan d Surface• J J f2!!i'!../' C.. 1 U/ If I l(i"'1 J : .,.op of °''ing termineted avor below land '41rfaca may reQulre Well ContraetOt (lndiyldusl)~ : a variance in ac:cotdane.e with .15A NCAC 2<;: .0118 . BC (•£'.:t I W a4 y M"-le:~.,,,, 7,-c: •. YIELD (11pm): 1/0 METHOD OF TEST Ar t.~t r/- Well C:fw'l~~aa:1-t /t'dr j,. DIIINFECTION:Type tft-d AfflOUllt '/¥<,.UJ' s11ee1~resa •/ M "')o,., :,u : g, WATERZONEl(ded}); . "'-/-~u II K't, 4. ·'t, ~ r r .., L : Tep ,2 5?' Bollom ~ f'--Top 8otl0m. __ _ City or Town Smit lip Code : Top. ___ &ol!Ofn.___ Top. ___ Bottom. __ _ «?.iY, 3,9 -61 <{o ~·1op. __ eo1101n. __ AIN code Pilon• numbOr 2. WEU. INFOAMATION: - Wf;LL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS W Zt'J / tJ0 J 4 [ OTHER ~CIATED PERa.UT~~~ SITE WELL 10 #(If epplial!H) ___ _,µ ___ -_;b_=------ S, WELL UII (Cha One BOlt) Monitoring I I M11nlel11&1/Pub11c □ lndu&tllal/Commercial O Aoriculll.ltal LI Reco~ n ln,Jeot!Qi □ lrri~lionn 0t11,r 11 (11st UN!' q P O -I-I.. I' tk: " DATE DRILLED 2 -J(j __ ~/ ,. weLL U>CATIO~. / / "Tot/§, f--'/ .f!-Ao<? - (Street Name,Numbm, Comfflllnlty, SYbcl""810il, l..ol Nu,, P11~. Z!p Code) CITY: {::;e,",Kt ,.., COUNTY IU<,44· ~ -TOPOGRAPHIC I LANO SETTtNG: (WOii tfl!IIOII~• -i □Slope □Valley CJF'lal URldge nOlher. _____ _ LATITUDE l!.,_•_• ___ " OMS OR 3X.XXlClOC!flllX 00 LONGITUDE !L_"_' • DMS OR 1.'g.XlOUClJC'S?(X OD Llltitucle/longltude IOUrte: 03PS □fopagrapnlo ffleD (location of well must be s11own 011 a USGS topo map anda/tQcllGd to lfl/s form ff not using GPS) I. l'ACILITV (Nam11 of Iha bu&1ness whfl" t,,e wen la located.) . Feolil'IName Feoillty 10# (If 1pp11cai.1eJ Street Adclreu CliyorTown Stale Zip Code COnlactName Melling Address City or Town Slate Zip COde I_,)=·--------Area eooa Phone nUr11ber I, WILL D.ITAILI: •· TOTALDlftTH:. __ '-/_,_5i_,._O_" __ b. DOES W£LL RlftLACE UIITING ,WEU.? YES □ NO~ C, WAT£R LEVEL Below Top ofClslng: .r O FT. -(UM ·+· if Above TOI> of Catino) Top. ___ Bofforn, __ _ ; 1, CASING: Dtpttl Diameter : Tc,p_ Bottom_ Ft __ _ : Top __ 8oltom_F1.. __ _ j Top __ eoaom __ F1.. __ _ . : 8. GROUT: Oeptl Materiel TNctu,--, W.lgllt : Top_ Bottom_ Ft,._ ___ _ j Top_ Bottom_ Ft. ____ _ : Tc,p_ Bottom_ Ft.._ ___ _ Dlamttet Blot Sid Matetlll ~ T09_. _ Bollom __ F,t. __ 111. __ in. ___ _ :TCIP--~-·_Ft._ln, __ In.---- : T09 __ BCIIIOII\....__Ft._ln. __ in, ~--- : 10. SANO/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Bia : Top. ___ eottom_Ft .. __________ _ : Top,_ ...... _Bottom __ Fl,, __ _ : Tap, ___ Bollum __ Fl.. __________ _ : 11. DRI_LLING LOG : Top eoaom FonnaliOII DesoriotiOn D 'fr m~ $V'~ ___ 1 ___ _ . ----'---. __ _,,. ___ _ I . :::::, ___ _ I : 12, IUiMARKS: , ~.1t:.~i,in ~:~y1 ,~~~mpa~c;n :to.;01v.1.~:ot.~•~,~~-~· -.~"·~~{ ·· 11,~ MIM:,Sei'v~j,C.n~r.aa1tl9b,;·NC 27~1111.tll!hont\·•·t'1?.~f.•'-.,.... :!-..::\·., i' ... .-: ... .:;;.: .. ,:,·: FormGW,1b Aav.2/09 RECEIVED°' 02-15.:., 12 12 : 55 · FROM -·· ·s2s36°s0140· .. .. .. ·ro-Ne DENR P&s P004 /010 02-15-2012 13:29 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGES NoN 'ENT/AL WELL CONSTRlJCTIO . : d. TOP OF'CASING 18 --FT. Above Land Surface• : 'Top of casing terminated at/or btlow land surface may require Well Contractor 1 ,. /' -. : avari11ncei11aa:.ordancewith15ANCAC2C .~8. q r t iv a k r (re(,,,tt,,;,,..,"rf : ,. YIELD (gpm): ~ l> METHoo OF re&T ( 1 1 v {.,,,J;/,- wau eon1ra51yq";{:"Y &"".i1'.'' i: Re( ~•-DISINFECTIO~ tfCH Amount fv Gvf' Stteet Addre ~ ~ A~ ? r>,;,y : •· w~ ZONES (depJht. C!,!' It "-,,,., ~ , tT ~.;,. : Top t'i,l.,S O Bottom .ii ~ .a. T~. ___ Bolklrfl_ Cl1yorTown 91a1t Zli,Coele : Top ___ eonom ___ Top. ___ uottom_. ,@.f I r,'f-07(/'a :Top ___ BollDm. ___ Top. ___ eottom,_ __ Atta cocre Pl1one number 2, WELL INFORMATION: WELL coNSTRucr,oN Pe~Mrr•..W:Z:0100 /Ll l OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMrrtJlr1llfllica-) IITI Wl!Lt. ID '(lf appliOll:Jlf.~._ _ _/l..,.,__-_3 _____ _ 3. WELL UBE (Ctltdt One Bea) Monitoring □ Munloioet/Publlc □ tnduslrial/Commercial □ Agricultl.lral □ Recove,y u 1,uact1on u Irrigation□ Other~ D~TE DRltJ.EO ~ 9 -6', -// •. weu LOCATION: ' /. / (St,.; i&t.f uml. ;r,,,11;: s ~~OII, Lot No., Pllrtel, 2lO Codi) CITV: B a11 ef,:,..,... COUNTY /4"it"~,,,.,., TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (dd llflOIOpriN bolrl CJSlope CJValley □Flat □Ridge □Other ____ _ LATITUDE ~• ___ • OMS OR 3K,XXXXl0000l DD LONGITUDE ~ ___ • OMS OR 7• !IOS!ll!Xll OD Latitude/longitude aouroe: CJ3PS (JTopogrephlg map (IOQ.rto,, of we/I muat be shown on fl USGS ropo map anaattaciled to Utl• '°"71 II not 11•1"9 GPSJ I, ,wu,v (Name of the bualnNI where lhe well 1, toc,tec,,) Feoillty Name Straet Acldrua City or Town Sarte llP Coae City or Town St,19 ZIP COCle ( ) ..,.,..-------Alea code Phone number I, WEU. DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:. _ _,'/.~n.;;;tJ __ _ b, 0011 WILL IUP~I UIITING WELL? YES Cl NO.--, c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Citing: !f::: 0 FT. (Use·+· if Above Top of casing) Diemewr : 7, CASINO: Olpth : ____.. : TQP_ 8011Dm_ Ft .. __ _ : ToP_Boaom __ t=t .. __ _ : Top __ Bollom __ Ft. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material Methocl : Top_ BoltOfJI __ A-. ____ _ j ,.oP __ Bom,m __ Ft.. ____ _ : Top __ Bottom_ Ft,, ____ _ : 9, ICRIIN: Olpttl Dlametlr Slot Size ! Top __ Bottom __ F1. __ 1n. __ in . ___ _ ; To,. __ Bottom __ F1. __ 1n. __ in. ___ _ : Top __ Bonom __ Ft. __ in. _. __ in. ___ _ : 10. SANDIOAAVEL PACK: : Olplh Ila Mllltrlal ;Top. ___ Bottom_Ft.. __________ _ : Top. ___ Bottom.._FI,. __________ _ j Top. ___ Bort0m __ F1 .. __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Ballam ,~ ~-U- ftl J~ -----'----_--' ,------, ----__ _,! ___ _ ·/ ,---------'---- : 12. Al!MARKS: • -----~..,,._--"'7r'~:'""lli."::----=-::-----:--::-::tt- : 0 1 00 H!Al!IIY Cl!ATIFY THAT THI : lSA HCAC 2C WELL CONIIT'RUCTIO'I &T A CO~ I)~ !HIii : Ill! 9'-,IG~ I/ ;SI DATE : tJ ~~,, , ,a~ i PRINTED NAM {OF PERSO UCTING THE WELL Submit~-·" 30 :.ji'.of e~pt~n. io:\O.lwi•i~~}df.;:0111.ijtyh ~il~lifi~' .~117 ~II ~l'ViCI! ~r, ~IJh, NC:-279n~1t1,"~d111,,:-~'1)"80'$;11Q~::~~!,; · <=~:-· · ·· 1·:'. 1 •• ···? ::":·> FormAW•1b ~Ill. 2101 P005/010 BECEIVED 02-15-'12 12:55 FROM-8283690740 TO-NC DENR P&S 02-1s-201e 13:~ TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT BeS-369-0740 PAGE6 \..., .... NoN REsmENTIAL WELL s::0Nsmucr10N ucoRo Morth Carolina De,i:irtmcnl .,r ~.nvironmcnt aJ ILI I. WilL C\Jtl7 Rlit.~ /, / /' • ; ~-TOP OF CASING IS~-... , .. ~--FT, Above L.and SuJlace-<•. n ~o I L. . U/ 1 " ot"' 5 : 'Top ~ OHl~g terminated atl_or beloW land surfece may require Well Contra~ndividu1\j Name _ ~ ~ a 11an11nge tn !IXlOrd~c:e with 1 SA NCAC 2C -~ 18. /"I ~{t.J. rAe.o / .l-<)a. /..e p Jri~IH,,n.,,,/-:fi-c:e. YIELO(QPffl): -D ~~ETH000FTEST /q,v {_,.,1-J. Well ~ctor Compa_!IY Name ? A ; i DISINFECTION• Type ff rtz Amount 1/q: C v 0 --l1/°47 ef l,-eo,5 ,-r ~ : . . F Street ~dress ~ ~ : g. WA'tER ZONES 1aepll\): f-i-'~~fl&!._I. ~ ;?f7J'C/ : Top .--BOl'IDIII. __ _ City or Town Slllte Zip COdo [ Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top ___ 8ottom,__ __ 1 9';11" 1 3 b -» -0 7 <lo l Top __ Bottom. __ Area code Phono numll9r : Top. ___ 8o1t0m. __ _ Top ___ BottDm, __ _ 2. WELL INFORMATION: weu. coNSTRUCTION PeRMI,.. WZO!N> .... I 4 ......... J __ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMI~;;? IITI WELL ID#(ll1ppllcalll1,._1 -U.~-~-JE.;::;.. ____ _ 1, WELL UH (Chectt One Sox) Monl10rin9 □ Muntclpal/Publlc n lndualrial/Cammorclal u AQrieuttural o Recove,y Cl lnjeClion IV"" lnigationO 0Nr !? (tlat uaa} DATE DRILi.ED T_-,;/"$ -ff •• WELL LOCATION: f ZQJ.(!,i. 7-4/ sc(;,ei (Stml numee,a, ColMIUlli!y, SllbdlMion, Loi No .. Paree,, Zip Codo) CITV! Q_ 411. K:lr ~ COUNTY /4gc O "'- TOPOCRAPHIC / LANO SETTING: (Cllleit eppn,oriato llolll OSlope r,Valley OFlal URidge OOttler. _____ _ LATITUDE !!,_•_• • OMS OR 3X.XJ000lXllX~ 00 LONGITUDE 7.!__•_• "OMS Ofl 7J,J5XHXQq DD UlltudeJlongllude source: 1")3PS QroPOGtaPhlc map (tocation ofwetl mu.st n shown on It USGS ,opo map enctsltlfelled 10 th/I '°"" ,, not using GPS) s. ,ac1U1Y (Nllme of tne bu.slneu wnera 1ne well Is loea!8d.) FtcilllYName Fecllity 10# (If ,ppllcable) Street Address City or Town Slate Zip Cede contact Namo CltyorTown ZlpCocte ( , _______ _ Alea cade Phone number e. WILL DITAILI: I ¥g;, __ •· TOTAL l>EPTH; ! 7 '. CASING: Depth Diameter : Tap __ Boaom_ Fl. __ _ j Top_ 8otlom_ FL. __ _ : Top __ Battom_Fl. __ _ ; 8. GROLIT: !)ea#I Ma!Brial Thlckn..., Weight ! Top __ eottom __ Ft •. ____ _ ! ToP __ eonom_rt. ____ _ : Tap_ Bottom __ r:1.. ____ _ ; t . ICREEN: Oepttl Ollmewr Slot Slllt Matortll \Top __ eottom_Ft._ln. __ in. ___ _ : Top_Bottoni_Fl._ln, _In. ___ _ : Top_Boaom_R. __ ln. _ In. ___ _ : 10, IANDIGIIAVIL PACK: : Oeptll llze : Top ___ Battom ___ Ft. __________ _ :Top. ___ eouom __ Ft ... _________ _ (r~ ____ Sollom__~.----------- : 11. DRILLING LOG : T~ Bottom I D 1'?? !~~ : . I .;--__ ..,,---- ---·' __ ,----__ _,/ ___ _ ___ , ___ _ I ----'---- ; 12, REMARKS: b, DOU WELL RE,LACIIXIITING WELL? YES CJ No i6.---"""" [s ;;:l;;;G~Ntf~,{;.~~~~~~~;::.~ r L, ~Jt~Ho.J Cy-.2 !-I I DATE o, WATlflt.MLBelowTopofCasrng: ' ~-FT. (UM ·+· if AbCMI Top of Casing) ''i ••,M~:;,,; .. •,, ·•.!"':• •, • ., • •• •:n•· .. ,• •· ,-f\l;.:,. ,,:. ·.r,·:,\'~\·,•.,:tr,1:. ,,,'-('•. \J•,:· 0 .. ·•-•,•,:, ,au~ll~~)~~-,. of.~,npl~n ~~lllort_·:~~~~-~1.!W,:.w:;::l~liP~j·· . i017-r .. lf.lervlc• Centef.,,IWelgh; NC 21.M~1e ,. Phor,e • CNa).IO'Jii.lHO:--. . -1-: ,.. .. :-.. : :-• )'•· : • • ·RECEIVED 02-15-' 12 12: ss · FROM~ 8283690740 .. · · ·: To-· · ·Ne DENR P&s FormGW-1b Rev. 2109 P006/010 02-15-2012 13!29 TA~L WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGE7 NON R ESIDENTIAL ELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Yt\;·~_.,_,_.( ;- .. -I"'' NHlu111t ' ' : d. TOP OF CASING IS ____ FT, Above Land Surface• : "Top ot ca&ing terminateG avor below land surface may requi,. i ~ 11alia~ca inaccor~nce with 15A III CAC 2C .0118,.. _ /'I ·: e. VlE LD (gpm):-=.G?.'-77 Ml;THOD OPTEST/41 c~r : f. DIIIN,tCTION: Typer, "r# Amount 1/v ,_,,~/J . -----' Sllaal AddreJI"""'.' ,:A :v A YI ? 0-,_;,,, / ~ •· WATER ZONES (dept)): -..---,,,.......;r___.:,1;...4(t-'-l/;...~_;_,,1_A ___ _.;.l'_--=-_ __,ro,,_~./;;;1_,r1 . TOD -Bottom.___ Top ___ ~ ( ;4rown ~/ ~ Stale Zip CO<le j Top ___ e~---Top Bonom. __ _ 1 -JGPL -()? Y§> : Top __ eottom.__ Top Boftom, __ Area code Phone number ThlckMSII i 1 . CASING: Depllt Olemetier Welthl :,, WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# IA/ZOIC()J'-l / OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT•:'Pllll cnl~) lffE WE Li. iD 1111 •~el ,f}__ -· f : Top __ Bottom_Ft. __ _ ; Top_ Bot!«n_Fl. __ _ : Tap_· __ ao,iorn_ Ft •. __ _ 3, WELL USE (Chec:11 One Box) Monltor'ttG n Municioa1/Public w ./·< a. GROUT: o•pu, tndusbiallCommercial u ·Agnc111tural □ RICOWry □ lnjtolio.n g,"'"' : Top __ Bollom_ Ft .. ____ _ Mlterial Method lrrigatiann Othero_)jistuse)_________ ) Top __ Bonom __ f:l DATE DRILLED 7 'd<i .. I / ~. ToP_ Bottom __ Ft. ____ _ (Slteel Name~mDalll, Con,. ll'IU~lly, Subdivision. LO'I No., Plll'Cel, Top Colle) CITY: b._4~ r,"4 ___ COUNTY.d{t1Ct1,~ TOPOGRAPHIC/ LAND SETTJNG: (Clleetl ap11111priala IIDX) nsrope ~Valley uF1a1 □Rldg1 □Other. ____ _ LATITUDE 36 ----··-• OMS OA 3JC . .IOCXlUt!!!! DD LONGfTUOE ~·-· • OMS 011 7)!.XXxY(Hgt ao Lalitudllllongllilde soun:e: OlPS (JT'opographic map (loctJtion of...,,,,, muat be lhQ111t1 on e USGS ,opo m;,p enctattached IO thl• form ;, no, using GPS) I. FACIUT\' CN•me of the bu11neu v,htre lhe well ii locatea.) FacllilJN•m• Facility IOI (it applicable) StrNI Adclreaa City or Town State llpCDCle Con1ac:1 Name _Malling Addrt$$ City or Town S1e1e Zip cooe < I ____ _ Are, oode Phone number I , W!t.J. DETAIL&: , L TOTAL Dll'TH:,_i./..__,)}_2) __ b. DOIi WELL AEPLACI UIITINQ WELi.? VES t.J c, WATER !£Ya Below Top of CHlng: _ .. ____ FT, (Uae ·•• if Abo\le Top of Ca1lng) : I. SCREEN: Deplh Dllrllllff Slot Sim Ml1erill ) Top_ Bottom __ F1. __ 1n. _ in, ___ _ : Top __ eottom_ Ft. __ 1n. __ in. ___ _ : Tap __ Bottom_Ft. __ ln. --In.-~-- : 10, SANDIGAAVEL PAeK: : DellCh liza ; Top. ___ Botlom__ Ft. __________ _ ;Top. ___ Botlom_R~-_________ _ : Top. ___ Sotlom,._ Ft.. __________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom ~~,j rz::_, Vl-C ---'----' ,,---------, ____ ,----___ , ___ _ I ---'---- : 13, REMARK.S i FormGW-1b Rev .voe P007 /010 • 02-15-2012 13:29 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 PAGES NON R ESIDENTIAL WELL CO NS1'1lllCTION RECORD ~for1h C:irolln11 Ocpartm~Jlt ofEnvin)n1h~nl ,111d Nu.111n1I RcsnuNc.~-Divisiclll of Water Qu."llity '• •t c;i.L. -v~¾ ~ N • • •• L ,. . j / / ,1 . -A r : d , rc.;11 OF CAl:l1NG IS --FT. Above. Lano Surface· 0Jt 4 e C • (,A.A'' 6' o,.,,._, : ~op of caaing terminabld at/or below rand aurfaoe may require Woll con~f~idual))laMJ. f /',.,. --r:: : a varnince In accordance With 15ANCAC 2C -0)18, L ./ (2 I' 1·~ I < ~/IY<'V • "H.a /~./, .,::, c ~ •. YIELD (11pm); k -ME.THOU OFTEST ,-47r. y f_.,.-;-if Well C.9jlr~ Companpiama • 1 '7/ ; ,. 0I81N,eCT1ON: Ty,-tf--rJJ Amount 'lt( G,."p .2U'-I ~ef~!i «~ : --~----, SU'eet~.,,// "-Ill? '21?~ r l ~;,., W~pll\): Top ___ Bottom. __ _ City or~ Stele Zip COde : Top ___ Bat'°"1,___ Top· Bottom. __ _ rM1 <{:_7,,. ,;, 7,/-~ ;Top ___ Bottom. ___ Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Am code P11ist.iiun11oer TlllollnWI 2. WELL INFORMATION: / WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITI . WZ1> / 8() 14 I OTHERASSOCIATEDPER~rr~~:: 51Tli WELL 10 #(iflPPfable)._·_.,L,2-'----"~------ : 7, CASINO: Depth Diamere, : Top __ Bcmom __ Ft._ __ j Top __ Bottom __ Ft. __ _ : Top __ Boaom __ Ft ___ _ Weight J, WELi. U81 (Check One Box) Mon110t1no CJ Municipel/P11blic □ . ; 8 . -GROUT: Depth Material lndu11na11Comme,011 n AariOulturat o Recovery u lnjOCllonV i Top __ ecaom __ Ft. ____ _ Method 1,t1gallont,;1 Otna, r.J ! ul!!-,--~------: Top __ eoaom __ Ft DATI DRILLID L.. -~ I-// ~ Top __ Bo110n1 __ Ft. ___ _ (Street~ Numbe11, Com1111,nii,. SYbd illialon, Lal No., Pa,ce11 ZiP Coool CITY: r!..-<t4. /cl,._ COUNTY /4trc ('"'-. TOPOGRAPHIC/ LAND SETTING: (Cllleck •~ ml usiope ·uvauay t::iF1a1 □Ridge nother _____ _ LATITUDE ~ ·---• OMS OR 3X,XXXIW000C OD LONGITUDE75 ____ • DMSOA ~ 00 Lalltudellongitude source: CJ3PS nrooo;rapni~ map flOCfllOn Of"" mutt II• ahCwrl on • USGS '®o "'8i> and11tf8CMCY IO 111/s fo,m d no, USlflO GPSJ I. ,ACIUTV (Namo of tr1• llu&intM Wflara the wen 11 located ,) FICilityName Faclhty IDf tlf applicable) Street Address City or Tow/I Slate Zip Code Conlac:t Name MallingAdd'811 City or Tciwn Stale : t. SCREEN: D1pth Diameter Slot Sa Meterlel j Top __ Bottom __ Ft._fn, __ In, ___ _ ;Top __ Bottom __ Ft __ in. __ in , ___ _ : Top_ Bottom_ Ft._ln. __ ,_ in. ___ _ : 1G. &AND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Size ; Top. ___ Bottam __ Ft.. __________ _ : Top. ___ Bottom_Ft.. ___ -------- ! Top, Bottom_ Ft. __________ _ ; 11. DRILLING LOG - Top Bottom t) I~ ~S!SJ) ----'-------':-------':--------'-------'----_, ___ _ ---'----____ , ___ _ : 12. REMARKS! Formation Detctlollon !!l""~~ Farm GW.1b Rtv.2/0a P008 /0 10 02-15-2012 13:29 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369-0740 ·1 .,. I , PAGE9 1 ·' City or Town Stal8 ,« ) :i,,. _ 0 ?t.fi) ZIDCode Area code Phone numllOr 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT• W'Z()J()Q/4 I : d. TOP o, CASING IS ..---FT, Above Land Surface• ! 'Top of ea&ing 1e<rmiriatr.,d avor Q810W lllM Sur1aea mey requlPJl : a valiance in accordance wiU1 1 M NCAC 2C .D 118, ;e. VIILD(gpm):~,-~ODOPTll1 /4,. ~&- : r. DISINFECTION: Type--'-----Amount Y'( <::,-"'-/J : g, WATIR ZONES (depfl): : Top -Bonom. __ _ Top. ___ 8ottotn_ : TCIP·--~eonom-. __ Top Bottom. __ _ :Top, ___ 11o11om __ _ Top ___ Bollom. __ _ : 1. CASING : Otpth Dtametar : Top __ Bottom__ Fl._ __ \ToP_eottom_Ft.. __ _ ThiokrNIHI WtlQht OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT~•POlable) IITI WELL. 10 ~If ljlpllC&Dltl B. -7 ; Top_ eottom_ fl .. __ _ J . WILJ. USE (Clleell One 8al} MOllltollng r:J Munleipal/Publlc IJ ! 8, GROUT: Depth 1nc1us1rla11COmmerc11110 AGtiOullural u Recovery u Injection~-\ Top_ Bottom_ Fl .. ____ _ lmg.itiono Oltl•~!:L/li:11 uso) ____________ : Top_ 80fl0/l'I_ Ft. DAfllDRILLliO +,iJo,.. I( j Top_ 8ottom_~1. ____ _ Matellat •. wau. LOc:.aT10N1 / / : 9. SCREEN: 01ptl1 Olal'llftar Slot SID Malltlal 1;".../1,r-J-r: j C..Ul(J ~ TOI)_ eouom_ Ft_in. _ in, ___ _ (8~ N11rnlllra, Community, &lbdilltllklll, Lot No.. Parcel, Zio Code) _r :Top_Oo1tom__F1. __ 1n, _In. ___ _ CITY: r(4,i t'l,,,. COUNTY . t11t£(;t!> ':"'.\ : ·loo_ Bon0/1\....._._ l=t._in. _ ;,,, ___ _ TOPOGRAPHIC I I.AND SETTING: (Checll. 1P~ ~ ~Slope OYalloy C,Flat L1Rid91 CJOth'er _____ _ V.TITUDii !!-•-•---• OM:S o" 3151,oooonurx!( OD LONQITUOI; ~•_: • OMS OR ~ DD l.atin.tdellonallvde tource : C)lP& ['Jropograplllo "1ap (10C1tlon of WQ/1 muet be ahOWn on e USGS ttipo map ant1attaohed n, 1/114: ~ lfnOf 11-'"9 GP$) I, l'ACILITY (Name of lhe bullneat wt\ere tti. ~• i• io=~-> Facility Nam. Faclllty I[» (if •PJl)iCllblt) City or Town Slall Zip Code Citw or Town I ) Am COCfe ""p,_nc,-ne-nu_m...,.b-er ____ _ I , WILL DETAILS: t , TOTAL l>!PTH: 1 ~0 b. DOHWELLRIPI.ACE&Xll11NOWILL? VESCJ NOV C, WAffR LEVEL Below Too af Caali\o: ---- (Use ·•· if Above Top of Casing) : 10, SANDIOAAYeL PACK: : Deoth -...rt., : Top~ __ 8011Dm_Ft .. __________ _ ! : Top'--_....!Bonom_Fl __________ _ ! Top ___ Boaom_F1.~--_______ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG ToP eonorn ¼:ZY: 2'.'.2 ~§a ___ , ____ _ ' __ .... ,:--------'·-------·'.----__ __,/ ___ _ ---·'---- : 12, "EMARKI: Form811on O..crlption r~? r-µ .,,, : ;;;;~1;;::;o_,;~~;;.fu:~~~~;;~~~:--DATE :PRIN .. .:, .. '. ·•,'••·: •.~.,.· ........ ,, :, .,.,, ·'·'''• ·~ ... \,.,••• .. ~,,": ... • ·: ...... , .. , .. •,,• . , .......... , . ~1:1~·-t,fn.\O ~ ol,.~n,pl-~n. ~.,,piv.i~l!O"'.P.t~ .. ~rty·:• ~~n ,tOtftlf.n,,· ·111~ ~~~:&arv1e~~ftte!, ... ~1t1tft,J.,,;.rr••1,1~~~,: ~~,•>~1.◄•·•: .... .-.. •: :· · ,:: .... :.r,: : :,.,. -~., · :· .... FormGW-1b Rev. 2/09 ,• "",,, '''f, •, t , ,•, '"• •' ''',. • , , ••' • '• !,', ,• '" ,,;,•, 1 ,, I .,•, RECEI VED 02-15-'12 12 :55 FROM-8283690740 TO-NC DENR P&S P009/010 02-15-2012 13:30 TARHEEL WATER TREATMENT 828-369·07q0 PAGE10 NON RESIDENTIAL Wltl,L CONSTRIJ(.,.ION .RF..CORD ,:- ' • -·,.. Re.~,)u/'Ccls-Oi"ish)11 11fW:1w -Ouh itv• tt;te.__ tf/C 413t/ City or Town stete Zip COde ,rl>.t , 3£1'" D?f/!) ~ Pl'lone number 2, WEU INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT• W I;lJIQ l) IL/ I OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT!t ::'ble) 811'! WELL ID~llllpplallllt,_) _,;Jd...,· -'--~------- 3, WEU U81! (Clltdl One Box) Mo11itOling □ Muntc,paVPuDIIC CJ lndi.iatrl811Commeri.ial n AQricu1t11111 □ Recover; u 1nJac:t1Dt1 ✓ 1 mg,t1on□ Oltler 9-Jllsl UM) DATI D"ILLED f;f_· " ., JI 4, WIU 1,-0CATION: / .Jof/4 3-·r sd,o (81reet NameA11m-, ~0111m11nitv, ~11bdMlion, t.ol No., Plll'CIIII, ZJp Coclt) CITY: t1t'4, kin, COUNTY 11i,,,~Q-I-\, TOPOGRAPHIC I LANO SETTING: lchlca app/OflliN OOJJ U810po uvaltey r,Flat r:,Ridge CJOther _____ _ LATITUDE ~••-•---• OMS 011 3ll:lUutg,cxu OD LONGITUDE~•---•---• OMS OIi 7x,XXXJCXXXXl DD L1tltucl6'ono11uae source: C)3PS Qropogn1phlc map (IOC8non of WOii mu.st be .Jiown on 8 USGS ro,,o map andaltat:lhed ,o thia fonn if not US/fig GPSJ s. FACILITY (Name of Iha bualnau whare ltle well ia located.) Facility Name StttetAdarau City or Town State Zip coaa Contact Name Malung Address City or Town t l...,.... ______ _ Area code Phone numt>er I, WELL DETAIIA: 'rl'I ~ I, TOTALDEPTH:~'/.._J,_v __ _ b, DOES Wl!U ll!Pl.ACE EXISTING WILL? YES 1::, o. WAT!R I.ML eeiow Top ar Casing: StJ lUse •+• If Above Top of C1111ln11) Zip Code FT. ; d, TOP OF CASING 18 -·· FT. Above Lancf"Surfac:e~ ; "Top ot casing _ 1erm1nated al/Or oelOw 1ana surface ma~ require : a variance 111 acoordance with 1 !IA NCAC 2C .0118. ~ •. YIELD ~gpm): / () 6 MITHOD OFTEIT A,"" L,/ f ~ f. DtBINl'!CTION: Type /f 7Ef: AmOunt Ytr" r.,,.f2 : O, WATER ZONES (depth); ( : TOPJ:it a Bottom "a/i TOP. ___ Bollom __ _ : Tep ____ Bottom.___ Top Bottom __ _ : Top:-__ Bottom.___ Too. ___ Bottom __ _ : 7, CASING: Depth Ol1metor ( Top ~-Bottom __ Ft._~ : Top __ BoUom_ Ft._~¥ 'Top_ SOUIMI_ Ft. __ _ : 8. GROUT: 0.1)111 Malarial TfllellnoHI Wolght : Too_ 8otlom_ Ft. ____ _ \ rop __ eouom_ R . ____ _ : Top_eonom __ Ft., ____ _ : t . SCREEN: DepUI Diameter Slot SIN Matot'lal j Top_Bonom __ ft __ in. __ In. ___ _ :Top __ Bottom_FL __ in, _In, ___ _ j Top_ Bottom __ Ft. __ in. __ In. ____ _ . : 10, SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Size ; Top ___ Bottom __ A .. __________ _ : Top ___ Bottom __ Ft.. __________ _ i TOP-~Boltom __ Ft. __________ _ ' : 11. DRILLING LOG Top SDIIOm ~:i;= __ ...,, ___ _ Formation 0elcfiption q:ji~:f;; NJ q r-za.--l,e ___ , ___ _ ---'--------·'----I __ ..,, ____ _ ----'--------'---- : 12. RIMARKI: ; 100 Mfft!ev C!"TI ; 1 l>Tt1AT.AC'Ol"'YOl'Tl1I1S : ftE 7;1~-11 CR DATE ., ~11~ F PERSON CONSTRUCTING Tl-IE WELL FOffllGW-10 Re¥.2/09 P010 /010 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Depanmcnt of Environment and Natural Resources-Division ofWaterQµafity · WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION t, 3118·A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Ham by Well Contractor {Individual) Name Midsouth Geothermal Well Contractor Company Nam• 8275 Tournament Dr Suite 185 Street Addreu Memphi s TN 38125 C ity or Town State Zip Code 1 901 > 7 48-9 095 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ... W'----IQ._1.._0 ... 0._1._4'""1'------ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMI~~ e~lcable) SITE WELL 10 #{If appllcabla ),-+lJ~~--'-------- 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring O Municipal/Public D lnduatrl al/Commeretal.D Agricultural D Recovery □ Injection D I rrigation □ Other.J(llstuse) Closed loco Geotherrn DATE DRILLED I~ -'J j,-If •• WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotla Church Rd (Street Name. Number&, Community. Subdivision , Lot No ., Parcel , Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING; (check ~ate box) ostope □Valley i{F111 □Ridge □Other. ______ _ LATITUDE ~ ---· OMS OR 3x.xxxxxxxxx OD LONGITUDE~ ·---· oMs oR 7x.xxxxxxxxx oo Latitude/longitude source: [PPS OT'opographic map (locallon of well mu,t be shown on a USGS lopo map and11tt11ched to this form If not using GPSJ 5 . FACILITY (Name of Iha business where the well ls located.) Macon Elementarv Facility Name 1166 Latia Church Rd Street Addreu Franklin C ity or Town Macon County Government Contact Name Mailir,g Addre1■ FrankHn City or Town --~> -----------Area code Phone number 8. WELL DETAILS: a . TOTAL DEPTH: q ) -:::,' Facility ID# (If eppllcable) NC 28734 State Zip Coda NC 28743 State Zip Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NO ry c . WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing; -5:"" 0 FT. {Use•+• If Above Top of Casi ng) -----------. : d. TOP OF CASINO IS 2 'FT':~ Lano,Surfape: • : "Top of ~sing terminated al/or below land surface may require : a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. ~ e. YIELD (gpm): d<:l ·· 3:.0 METHOD OF TEST Btow Down ! r. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 CZ : g. WATER ZONES (depth): :Top ___ Bottom ___ _ Top ___ Bottom._ __ ;Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top. ___ Bottom._ __ _ : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom. __ _ : 7. CASINO: Depth Diamete,- ~ Top..s::t__ Bottom,ia_ Ft. 6 1/8 : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft._ __ ; Top ___ Bottom_Ft __ _ Thicknnl/ Weight ....1L Material steel : 8. GROUT: Depth Material : TopJL__ Bottom~ Ft. Bentonite : Top.i::l._ Bottom 4$l2 Ft. washed stone Method Pumped poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ ; t. SCREEN: O.pth Diameter Slot Sin : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln . In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln . In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft __ ln . _ In. ___ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: ; Depth Size Materiel : Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft __________ _ : Top. Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description a '-~~::) __ "62 / ... ,.:, ~ ---'---- ,.~,r ~J ,, /2J ---y ..) ---'.------~/ ___ _ ----'-------~----____ / ___ _ ____ / ___ _ ---'---- : 12. REMARKS: : Casil 19 Ren 1ovea : I 00 HEREBY CEATIFYTHAT THJS Wal WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH : ~~~~ ~~Cet:=~~:~:it~~~~DTHAT A COPY OF TI11S : ,.; • .1.1-1/ RTIFIEO W ELL CONTRAcfoR""' DATE : Timothy 8 Hamby ; PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality • lnfonnatlon Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Ralelgh, NC 27699-161 , Phone ~ (919) 807-6300 FormGW-1b Rev. 2/09 \ NON REsmENTIAL wELL coNsTRucnoN REcoRD North Carolina Department o fEnvironmcnl and Natural Resources• Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Hamby Well Contractor (Individual) Name Midsouth Geothermal Well Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament Dr Suite 1 as Street Address Memphis TN City or Town State , 901 l 7 48-9095 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: 38125 ZJp Code WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WIQ100141 ------------"'..;_.----------- OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(ifapl)licable) _______ _ SITE WELL ID #(If applicable) tt ~-~ -+-, ---~-------- 3. WELL USE (Check One BoK) Monitoring O Munlclpal/Publlc D Industrial/Commercial D Agrlcultural O R.eeo11ery □ Injection □ Irrigation□ Other w/ (11st use) Closed loop Geotherra DATE DRILLED l a. -43-11 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotla Church Rd (Street Name. Numberi, Community, SubdMsion, Lot No., Parcel, Zlp Code) crrv: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING; (Clheck appropriate box) □Slope □Valley \it!=lal □Ridge OC>ther ______ _ LATITUDE ~ ---· OMS OR 3x.xxxxxxxxx OD LONGITUDE~ ___ • OMS OR 7x,xxxxxxxxx 00 Latitude/longitude source: [);PS Qropographic map (locetion of well mu11t be .shown on II USGS topo mep endetteched to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILFTY (Name of the buslneu where the well ls located.) Macon Elementary Facility Name Facillty ID# (If applicable) 1166 Latia Cbuccb Rd Street Addresa franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code Macao Cauntv Government Contact Name Melling Addreu franklin City or Town Area code Phone number &. WELL DETAILS: a.. TOTAL DEPTH: q <;' -::/ NC 28143 State Zip Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D NO~ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: S-0 FT (Use'+" If Above Top of Casing) ----------- : d. TOP OF-eAStNG.IS 2 FT. Above Land Surface• : 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require : a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. ~ •· YIELD <apm>: Jc:. -.) ":> METHoo oF TEsr Blow Down 1 f. DISINFECTION: 'fyp4I HTC Amount 12 OZ : g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom __ _ : Top Bottom. __ _ Top ___ Bottom. __ _ :Top Bottom __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter ~ Top~ Bottoni...:o.L Ft. 6 1/8 : Top_ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material : TopJL_ Bottom.1!2._ Ft. Bentonjte Thlcknes■/ Weight Material steel ....1L Method Pumped ~ TopJ:J_ Bottom~ Ft. washed stone poured : Top ___ Bottom_Ft,, ____ _ : t. SCREEN: Depttl Olamater Slot Size Materiel : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft._in. in. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.__in. in. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ___ _ : 10. SANO/GRAVEL PACK: : O.pth Sin Mate rt al : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft. ___ ~------- : 11. DRILLING \.00 : Top Bottom C) ,_·\~~--- Formation Descnptlon >" "'lh1 <:) !-.,,, i::i J w :5 ~ ----'----___ / ___ _ ---'----/ ---'----___ / ___ _ __ ...;/ ___ _ ---'-------'---- : 12, REMARKS: : Casi119 Removed : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS waL WM CONSTRIJCTI:O IN ACCORDANCE WITH i ~~~~;~:~~6~:~~~~THATACOPYOFTHIS I SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRA~ DATE : Timothy B Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality • lnfonnatlon Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27899-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 2/09 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Dqa1ment ofEnvironment and Natural ~ Division of Waler Quality WELL CONTRACl'OR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothy B Hamby Wei Conlrador (lnclvidual) Name Midsouth Geothermal Well Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament Pc STE s Street Address Mem phi s Clly or T O\llln c901 >· 748-9095 Ante code Phone runber 2. WELL INFORIIATION: TN State 38125 ZlpCOde WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITt __ W____,IQ:...::1..:::::0 .... 0_,_14_,_ ____ 1 ___ _ OTHER ASSOCIA. TED PE°'41Tl(ir •PPl::ble) srra WELL ID~ applicable>.:._ --tl.--:S ~ 3 · 3. WELL USE (Check One 8o)c) Monttoring D Munidpal/PUblc D I~□ AgriCIAnlO Recovery □ l~O 1n1gat1onO Olhar J Ctfl. ... > Closed Looo Geotherw DATE DRJU.ED..:· k..:;J.'-_..\1 ___ _ 4 . WELL LOCATION: 11 66 LoUa Church Rd (StrNt fume, Numoa,s, Community, Subdhllelon, Lat No., Parm!, Zlp Code) c 1lY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (dleck app,opiilllit 1-) □Slope □Valley~ □Ridge OOlher. _____ _ LATITUDE 36 _____ • OMS OR 3X.l00000000( 00 LONGITUDE 75 ____ • OMS OR 7x.xxxxxxxxx DD Lallludellongltude ~; 03PS Qrapograpt,lc map (location ol wel must be shown on • USGS topo map 1111dattllched to thJS foml JI not Uling GPS} 5. FACILITY (Name of the buslneu where !he waD Is located.) Mamo Elemeotrv 5cbool Facility Name -1166 t otfa Church Rd S1reet hidresa franklin City or Town Mamo Co11otv Government Contact Name Mailing Address franklin C ity or T own C l Area code~Ph~one--num-~lber----- e. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTM :.--'4~5...,0..__ ___ _ Facility IOI (H applicable) NC 28734 State ZIP Code NC 28743 State Zip Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NOD c.. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Ceslng: ..... 6""0..__ __ ----'FT. (Use•+• If Above Top of C8alng) ---------- : d. 10P OF CASING IS 2 FT. Above lMld St.lface• .,.op of cas1ng tenninated a11or befow land surface may requre a vaiance In accordance IM1h 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : .. YIELD <cnim>: 1 oo METHOD OF lE8T Blow Down · ~ ,. 01S1NFECT10N: ~ HTC Amount 12oz : 9. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top 250 Bottom 254 TOP, ___ Bottom. __ _ :Top ___ Bqttom __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ : Top Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ ThlclcnNa/ : 7 . CASING: DepCf'I DlaffNllar w.lght : Top..±2,__ Bottom 82 Ft. 61/8 ......1.eL :Top __ eottom. __ Ft. __ _ ; Top __ Bottom Ft. __ _ . : 8. GROUT; Depth Maler1al : Top_ .. L Boltom_ 3...7: Ft~~~ ~ Top_b_BoaDm '-fP't> Ft wui...,i s-1-... : TOP, __ BollDrn. __ Ft. ____ _ : 9 . SCREEN: D..,ch D..,,.._ Slot Sia Matar1al steel :Top __ Bottom __ Ft __ in. __ In. ___ _ : Top __ BollDrn __ Ft. __ in. __ In, ___ _ :Top __ Botlom. __ Fl __ in. In . ___ _ : 10. SANOIGRAVB. PACK: : Daplll Slzlt ;TOP. ___ Boltom. __ Fl __________ _ :TOP. ___ Bollom __ Ft __________ _ :TOP.. ___ Bottom. __ Ft.. __________ _ : 11 . ORIWNG LOG Top 0 77 82 250 254 Bollom 1 77 I 82 / 250 / 254 / 450 ----'-------'-------'----' ---,---- ---'---- ; 12. REIi.ARKS: ~ C asing ren ,011ed Formation Desc:ltptlon Dirt Granite Granite Broken Granite 40ggm Granite ; I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WEll WAS COHSTRUCTEO IH ACCORDAHCE WITH ; 1~ NCAC 2C, WEU. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS.~ THAT A CDP'f OF THIS : RECOAD HAS BEEN PRO\IIOEOTOnE WELL OWNER. ~ , ~ 12 //r~1 I-~-l l. . .J : S IGE OF t ERTIRED WELLCONTRAC~ OATE : Iirootbv B Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING TI-IE WEl.L Su~lt ~th~ 3C> da" of compJ•n to~ OMslo.o~of, W-at~. Qt,~fitV -· lnf0f11'Btlan Pl'OC8S$ktg« 18t..7'ail Service Center, Ralefgh, NC.27899,,161-, Phone : (919} 801~ . -\. .. FormGW-1b Rev. 2109 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL coNSTRucnoN RECORD North Carolina Depar1ment ofF..nviroomeut and Natural Resouroes-Divisloo of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTMCATION # 3118-A 1. WEU. COffTRACTOR: nmothy B Hamby Wei Conlraclor (Individual) Nana Midsouth Geothermal wea Contradol' Company Name 8275 -Toumament Dr STE 5 street Address Memphis City or Town ,901 >· 748-9095 Area code Phone lunber 2. WELL INFORMATION: IN 38125 SlalB Zip Code WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITt Wl0100141 -"--"..a..=."'-='=-"---'-'------ OTHER ASSOCIA lED PED.\41Tl("II appic:able). _______ _ SITE WELL ID f{lf lA)llc:atN)..:_ -_-~A~l--~Y~---- 3. WEU. USE (Check One Box) Monltol1ng D MunlclpallPubll D lndU8ftiaUCommen:I O Agl1cutunll D Recovery O lf18Cljon D 1nigallon0 ON' rit' (tit UM} Closed Loop Geothera DATEDRILLB>_:· . -; l-,t-i..,.l.___ 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 LoHa Church Rd (Sn« Name, Nuint.n, Community, Sul:ldMtlon, Lot No., P'"'81, Zip Cede) CITY: FrankJin coUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / I.AND SETTING: (chKk ~ box) □Slope OValey lifFlat □Ridge □Other _____ _ LATITUDE ~ ___ • OMS OR 3X.XX>000000( DO LONGITUDE 75 _____ • OMS OR 7X.>OOOOQOQ(X DD Latltudellongll source: 03PS Qropographlc map (toc.tion olwel mil# be shoWn o, a USGS topo map andtlttached to this folm ii not Uainf GPSJ 5. FACILITY (Name Of the bUslneu Where lhe well ls localed.) Maeno fleroaotrv 5rbanl Facility Name Facility II» (If applicable) -1166 I otta Church Rd Street Address Eraoklio NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code Maeno Co11otv Gavemmeot Contact Name Malling Address Eraoklio City or Town ( ) ________ _ Area code Phone number 8. WELL DETAILS: &Tm~DEPTH:~4=5~0..._ ___ _ NC 28W State Zip Code b. DOES WELL REPl.ACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NO D c . WATER LEVEL Below Top of casing: _6_0 ____ FT.. (Use -.• If Above Tep of Casing) ---------- : d. TOP OF CASING IS 2 FT. Above land SUrface• ; "Top of casing tem'lila1ed aJ/ol below land surface may reqlint : a valance In aa:oo!ance wffh 15A NCAC 2C .0118. ~ .. YIELD (gpm>: 1 oo METiiOO OF msT Blow Down : t . DISINFECTION: -rype HTC Amount 12oz : g . WATER ZONES (depth): : Top 250 Bollom 254 Top ___ Bottom. __ _ :Top ___ Bottum __ _ TOP. Bottom __ _ : Top Bottom __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ Tblcknea/ Weight ......1!m._ : 7 . CAS4NG: Depth Dtametlllr ~ Top +2 Bottom Wl?Ft 61/8 . : Top __ Bollom __ Fl __ _ : Top __ Bottom Ft __ _ : 8. GROOT: Depth Mal!!rlal : Top_·o_Bot!Dm_ Of%_Fl~ -: ~ Top :l J.. Bottom~ Fl u.,,M ¼,,l .S,,..~ :Top __ Boltom ____ Fl _____ _ . : 9. SCREEH: Depth m.m..r SlatSlm Malat1al steel : Top __ Bottom __ FL __ tn. __ In. ___ _ : TOP. Boltom __ FL __ ln. __ In. ___ _ : Top Bottom __ Ft __ in. In , ___ _ : 10. ~Dt'GRAYEL PACK: : DepCtl Sia llat8rlal : Top:-__ Bollom __ Ft ___________ _ : TQP. __ --'Bottom __ Fl ___________ _ ;Top ___ BoUom __ FL __________ _ : 11. ORR.UNG LOG : Top Bottom 0 Ii? ..IL...._t= G5 -Rill 250 250 I 254 254 / 450 I I I I I I : 12. REMARKS: ~ Casing removed Formation De801ptlon Dirt Granite Granite Broken Granite 40gpm Granite ; I DO HEREBV CERT1fY THf.T THIS WEil WAS CONSTRUC'lcO IN ACCORDAHCe Willi • 15'1 NCAC 2C. 'iNEU. CONSTRUCTION STAHIWUlS, AND THAT A CXJPY OF TI4IS : RECORD HAS BEEN~ TOTME WELL OWNER ! ...-7 .fi-i I tt/ . ., J .:S-1 :l -1 ~ S1.E CERTIAE8WEL.l.CONfflA~ -UATE : Timothy B Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Sub~lt ~~)1 30 days of cc;mplettortto~ ,Division ct Wa~. Quality -. lnfonnatlon;Priic:esslng. 1817 Mall ~foe Cenbtr, Raleigh;-NC2769Sl.161, Phone ; (919) 807;QCJO . FormGW-1b Rev.2/09 ut ~--~~..,. ;' <~~!/1111!,i NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department ofEnvimnment and Natmal Resoura:s-Division of Water Quality "'"•~· WELL CONTRACfOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A ---------- 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Hamby Wei Conl1ador (lndMdual) Name Midsouth Geothermal Well Contradllf Col1'4)1111Y Name 6275 Tournament Dr STE 5 street Addl'ela Memphis City or Town < 901 ). 748-9095 Area code Phone number Z. WELL INFORIIATION: TN 38125 State Zip Code WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# Wl0100141 ---'--'----=-~~~----- OTHER ASSOCIATED PEi.u.tlTl(if 8Jlllllc::abl•). ______ _ SITE WELL ID l(V applic::atlle)~ -_._A_;___:~,.___-~:;__ ___ _ 3. WEU. USE (Check One Box) Monitoring O Munidpal/Publlc 0 lndustriallCorrman □ Agric&Alral □ Recovety D 1'19(:llon □ 1mgat1on□ other J ~ '1 Closed Loop Geotherw OATEDRILLED__: 1--,J.') 4-. WELL LOCATlON : 1166 Latia Church Rd {Street Nam•, Numbln, Cammunlly, Subdivision, Lat No .• Parcel, Zip Code) c 11Y: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC J LAND SETTING: (check~ box) □Slope OValey ilAat ORjdge □Other. _____ _ umTUDE 36 -----· OMS OR 3X.)00000000( DO LONGITUDE 7.!__ ·---· OMS OR 7x.xxxxxxxxx DD LatiludellongHude SOl.l"C8: []3PS Qropographlc map (focalion of wet mus be shown on a USGS topo map andattsched to thfs form If net usinO GPSJ s. FACIUTY (Name Of the bUstness where lhe well ls located.) Maroa Elaroeotcv 5cbaol Facility Name Facility ID# (If applicable) ...1..166 Lotta Cbuccil 8d street Address franklin NC 28734 City or Town state Zip Cade Maron cm mtv Goveroroeot ContadName Malling Address franklin City or Town < ) ________ _ Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAi.. DEPllf:._4...,5....,0..._ ___ _ NC 28743 State Zip Code b.. DOES WEU. REPLACE EXJSTING WELL? YES O NOD c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: ~6-Q ____ FT_ (Use•+· if Above Top af Casing) : d. TOP OF CASING IS 2 FT. AbOve Lni Surface' -rop af casing temmaled at/or below land su1ace may req\ire a vatance in ac:i;xxdance ~ 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : e. YIELD (r,pm): 1 oo METHOD OF TEST Blow Down : f. 01S1NFECTION: ~ HTC Amount 12oz : 9-WA11:R ZONES (deplh): : Top 250 Bottom 254 Top ___ Bottom. __ _ :Top ___ Botlom. __ _ Top Bol!llm __ _ : Top Bottom ____ _ Top Bottom. __ _ Tblckn.al Wefgflt ~ : 7. CASING: Oeptll Dlernetitr [ Top~ ~J.~ Ft. 61/8 : Top __ Bottom __ FL __ _ : Top __ Bottom Fl. __ _ : IJ. GROUT: Depth Material : Top_ (L_ Bottom_ , ,--'i Ft •~~ -; ~ rop..i.L.:)._ Bottom ';Co Ft w ,,+;s4rJ i,-b : Top __ Bottom. ___ Ft _____ _ Mld&rlal steel j I . SCREEN: Depth Dlamtilar Slot Sia llllf8rlal ; Top __ Bottom. ___ Ft __ in. __ In. ___ _ : Top __ Bottom FL __ ln. in.---- : Top __ Bottom __ Ft __ in. In. ___ _ : 10. 8ANDIGRAVB. PACK: : Depdl Str.a : Top. ___ BollOrrl. __ Ft ___________ _ :Top. ___ BoUam __ Ft ___________ _ ! Top ___ Bottom ___ Fl __________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom ~ 0 J_'f/)_ : _ °t (LL li?-:(,_,1_ : .. f~'-fl:il! : -·•. ·-'-~--: I : __ -_,--: ____ ,---- : _ ___,I : ____ ,---- : ----'---: ----'--- : 1 Z. REMARKS: ~ Casing removed Formation Description _ 5/Jv-ci t:c / At, _ ~ f &.Is Lee> t ca: 4 s -~..:..:rk.-._ _____ _ :_ --------- : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT T1-ilS v.EU. WAS CONSTRUCTEO IN ACCORDANCE WITH : 15'. NCAC2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANOAADS, AND THAT A COP( OFnllS : t2:::::;--~ .J--~ ~ t,-I ;J.. ..J : RECOADHAS BEEN PRO~TO THE WELL OWNER. 1 ~ s ™RE OF c TiEDWELL CONTRA<!fciR ~ DATE : Timothy 8 Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within ,3Ct'cf.ays of completion to~ Dlvislon ofWater Q1,1allty • lnfonnation.Processlng, 1617 Mail SeMce,~nter, Raleigh-,.NC 2769~181, Phone : (919) 807-6300 FormGW-1b Rev.2109 ..,.Sl"A7t~ d ..,.._..,'°" il j \ , NON REsmENTIAL WELL coNSTaucnoN REcoRD North Carolina Dcpertment ofEnvirooment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality .... -~ WELLCONTRACTORCERTIFICATION# 3118-A 1, WEI.L CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Hamby We! Conlrador {Individual) Nana Midsouth Geothermal Well Contrac:tor c~ Name 8275 Tournament Pc STE 5 Street Address Memphis City or Town < 901 ). 7 48-9095 Alea code PhOne number 2. WELL INFORMATIOH: TN 38125 State Zip Code WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMln WIQ100141 --=-.a.=..'-=-'"-'-......_ ____ _ OTHER ASSOCIATl:D PE~IT'Jlf appllcablo) sm: WELL ID l(Japp11cableJ~/i .... 3 ..... -_k"-------- 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring □ MunlcipallPubllc D lndt.lS1rtallCofrw D Agrfct411Jral □ Recove,y D Injection D tmgat1on□ Other fl{ ot.t. use> Closed Looo Geother11 DATE DRJLJ..ED_: ·; J-C\.:-!1 4. WELL LOCA110N: 1166 Lotla Church Rd (Street Name, Numberl, Communill', SUbcfMslon, Lat No., Pama!, ZIP Code) c1TY: Franklin coUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (checll .ttppfOPrinl bcJoc) □Slope □Valley iifFlat □Ridge OOther _____ _ LATlllJOE ~----• OMS OR 3X.XXXXXXXXX 00 LONGITUDE~----• OMS OR 7x.~ DO Laffludellongil IOURl8: CPPS Qropographlc map (/Ocatlon of well must be shown on a USGS lopo map an<lettaclled m Ill/ts form if not using GPS) 5. FACIUTY (Name of the bUsinesa where the well ls localed,) Macon Elementrv Scbool Facility Name 1166 I ctla Church Rd Street Address Franklin City or Town Maron County Government Contact Name MalUrg Address franklin City or Town ( >~--------Area COde Phone number t. WEU. DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:_4~5~0~---- Facility IDf (If applicable) NC 28734 State Zip Code NC 28743 State Zlp Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WEU? YES □ NOD c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of casing: _,6...,0...__ ___ .FT. (Use·+· If Above Top of Casing) ---------- : cL TOP OF CASING IS 2 FT. Above land Surface- : "Top of casing tennlnn!id atfor below land surface may require : a variance in aooon:sance With 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : .. Yta.o (gpm): 1 oo MEntOo oF TEST Blow Dawn ~ f. DISINFECTlON: ~ HTC Amounl 12oz : g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top 250 Bolt0m 254 Top'---Bottom. __ _ :Top ___ Bot!om'---Top Bottom __ _ : Top. ___ Bottom __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ : 7. CASING: Depth Dlam9tltr ~ Top +2 8ottom_L6'l _ Fl 61/8 ; Top __ Bollom. __ Ft. __ _ : Top __ Bottom __ Ft __ _ . Tlllckntillll We4gbt _J.88_ Mateltal steel : 8. GROUT: Depth Matenal Method : Top_ LJ_ Bottom_ I~ Fl~-¥-; . Pv W\ p;J ~ Top l'2 '.) 8ot1orn 4&'0 Fl wMW $h,-,.e Povv'c-d :Top __ Boltom __ R.'----- : 9. SCREEN: Depth Dtam.t.r SlotSiz:e : Top. __ Bottom __ Ft __ in. __ In. ___ _ : Tap __ BollDm. __ Ft. __ ln. In. ___ _ : Top __ Bollom __ Ft. __ ln. in. ___ _ : 10. SAND/GRAYll PACK: : Depth Sim Marfat ;Top Bottom __ :Top BoUom __ :ToP Bottom __ : : 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom _ 0_/_j b ...... 0-.._ -1 ~a._!_ Ll.o L_ , I l, 1 __/ _ '-(S'"Q___ -_j_ _/_. ----'----____ / ___ _ ----~---- ----'-------'·---- ; 12. REMARKS: ~ Casing re mo11ed A. Fl Fl Fonnatton Desalptton S~v ,1¥. ~-~1U,.. toa< -.e· 1'-+-.t-k'-""----·---- ; I DO HERES'( CERTIFY THAT n«S WEU. WAS CONSTRUCT£O IN ACCORDANCE WITH ; 15" NCAC 2C, WB.L CONSTRUCTION STANIWUlS, ANO THAT A Ct:)PV Of Tl-!IS ; RECORD HAS BEEN PRO\lloeD TO THE VtBJ. OWNER. : •-~-~. -'~ /:.,-I"' •• ~? -.1--.._J : Sl~RE OF~WELL CONTRACTOR DATE : Iirootbv B Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit.within 30 dlW"-of completlon to: Division of Water Quality ... lnfonnatton Ptoicessfng .. 1617 Mall Service CG~j Ralefgh,.·NC 27699--16t, Phone: (919} ao7--6300. '·1 FonnGW-1b Rev. 2/09 ~ NON REs1»ENTIAi WELL. c0Nsmucr10N REcoRD Nonh Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division qfWat~ Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CER'IIDCATION # 3118-A 1. WEU. CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Hamby Well Contractor (lndlvklual} Name Midsouth Geothermal Well Contractor Company Nam• a2zs Tournament Pc Suite 1 as Str•et Addreas Memphis TN 38125 City or Town State ZlpCod• c 901 i 7 48-9095 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION : WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WIQ 100141 --'-"~-'--'--=--~~----- 0 THE R ASSOCIATED PERMIT~i!.!f!>~~le) SITE WELL 10 #(11 applicable) f\ .) 7 -~~-~------ 3, WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring □ Munlcfpal/Publlc □ lndustriel/Commerclal □ Agricultural □ RKOverY □ Injection D Irrigation□ Other!W(listuae) Closed looo Geotherra DATE DRILLED I a.-/4 .... ,, 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotla Church Rd (Street Name. Numbers, Community, SubdlVlsion, Lot No .. Parcel. Zip Code) ctTY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (cheek appropriate box) □Slope □Valley iit!"tat □Ridge □Other ______ _ LATITUDE ~ ---· OMS OR 3x.xxxxxxxxx DD LONGITUDE~• ---· OMS OR 7x.xxxxxxxxx OD Latltudenongitude source: [):iPS Qropographlc map (location ofwe/1 must b• shown on• USGS toPo mtp endettached to this form if not using GPSJ 5.. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well ls located.) Macon Elementary Faclllty Name Faculty ID# (tf applicable} 1166 Latia Church Rd Street Addreaa Franklin NC 26734 City or Town state Zip Code Macon Countv Government Contact Name Malling Addresa Ecaoktjn NC ?8743 City or Town State Zlp Code Area cocle Phone number 8. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: L/ '5 U 1 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES □ NO r./ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: S--0 FT. (UH•+• If Above Top of Casing) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASINO IS 2 ~PT. Abo11e.Land Surface• : •Top of casing terminated at/or belowiand s~rfac:e may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : •. YIELD(gpm): s..::>-,~ METHOD OFTEST Blow Qown ~ f . DISINFECTION:~ HTC Amount 12 az : g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top. ___ Bottom._ __ Top. ___ Bottom __ _ : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom __ _ [ Top Bottom, __ _ Top Bottom, __ _ : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter l Top~Bottom~ Ft. 61/8 : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ j s. GROUT: Depth , / I) Material : Top__Q__ Bottom_/ V'_I_ Ft. Bentonjte ThlckneH/ Weight _j_filL Material steel ~ Toplk.1_ Bottom~ Ft. washed stone Method Pumped poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ ; 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter SlotSlzt Mattrlal : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. in. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft._ln. __ in. ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: ; Depth Material : Top ___ .Bottom ___ Ft, __ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft __________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft. ___________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom .!)___}-~~<;"_ K.S:_/1~~ J~"1. / y"i o ----'--------'----___ / ___ _ ---·'----__ _,/ ___ _ ---'-------~---- : 12. REMARKS: : Casir 19 Re, 11oved Formation DeserlpH011 ~~ d,1 ; I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONS"TRIJC'TH) IN ACCORDANCE WITH ; ;:~~~ ~~~;r6o;;.r~~~~OTHAT A COPY OF ™16 i ,WfrA. ~ 12-11-11 ; SIGTURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAC~ DATE : Timothy 8 Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -lnfonnatlon Proce5$lng, 1617 Mall Service Center, Rafelgh, NC 27699-161, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 2/09 NON REs1»ENTIAi WELL. coNsmucnoN REcoRD Nonh Carolina Department ofEnvironment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 31]8.A 1 . WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Hamby Well Contractor (Indi vidual) Name Midso uth Geothe rmal Well Contractor Company Nam• 8275 Tournament Dr Suite 185 Street Address Memphi s TN City or Town State c 901 l 7 48•9095 Area code Phone number 2, WELL INFORMATION : 38 125 Zip Code WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WIQ 10014 1 ..a...,-"=--'-=-=-a'-'--------- OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lf appllcable)'--------- SITI: WELl. ID #(If aJ)pllcable),_ .... J\---=3--_~=------- 3. WELL USE (Chedt One Box) Monitoring D Muni cipal/Public D Industrial/Commercial □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ Injection □ Irrigation □ otharS(U,tu .. ) Closed loco Geotherra DATE DRILLED / 2.. -I 5--I I 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotta Church Rd (Street Name, Numbers, Community, SubCIMsion, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LANO SETTING: (cfleck appn>p!lale box) □Slope □Valley .tl=lat □Ridge □other ______ _ LATITUDE ~ ___ • OMS OR 3X.XlCXXXXXXX DD LONGITUDE~ ___ • OMS OR 7X ,)QQOOOOQ(X DO Latitude/longitude source: CPPS Qropographi c map (location of well mu:st ti. :shown on • USGS topo map endattach•d to th/:s form if not u:slnq GPSJ 5. FACILITY (Name of the bu111lnass Whera the well la located.) Macon ElementaN Facility Name 1166 Latia Church Rd Street Address franklin C ity or Town Macon County Government Contact Name Malling Address franklin City or Town ( ) _________ _ Area code Phone number 6, WELL DETAILS: a , TOTAL DEPTH: 4 St? Faclllty 10# (if applicable) NC 28734 Stlte Zip Code NC 28743 State Zip Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WEU.? YES □ NO f¥ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Cuing: ~ 6 FT. (Use "t" If Above Top of Casing) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASINO IS 2 '"IT Abow Land-Surface• -• ; •Top of casing terminated at/or b61ow ·lend surface may ·require : a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .01 18. ~ e. v1ELD (apml: 'I o METHOD OF nsr Blow Down : r. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 QZ : g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top. ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom._ __ _ : Top. ___ Bottom __ _ Top Bottom __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top Bottom __ _ ! 7. CASINO: Depth Dlametar ~ Top_Q_Bottom~Ft. 61/8 : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.'---- : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ ThicknHs/ Weight _.1L Material steel : 8. GROUT: Depth Material : TopJl_ Bottom.lil Ft. Bentonjte i Top~ Bottom~ Ft. washed stone Method Pumped poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ : 9 . SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ l n , In. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ i n. in. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ in. ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material : Top. ___ .Bottorn ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top Botton, ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft. . ----------- : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Bottom o I t rd Ks- ~ s-,_ ... , t..,.-.,_.z __ I u 2 l_it~si-=o::;.__ ---''----___ / ___ _ __ ....,/ ___ _ __ _,I ___ _ ---'-------''----___ / ___ _ ___ ! ___ _ : 12. REMARKS: : Casing Removed FormaUon D••~ptlon 5-v-d y C lo--, ; I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTR\JCTED IN ACCOROANCE WITH ! ~~~~H~ :e~~ ;==~r=~~O THAT A COPY OF TH IS ~. ,;2.:. /) ~f-c___ . J:J.-/'.>:, JI : SIGN;ji(jRE OF CERTIFIED W ELl. CONTRAC"fc5R DATE : Timothy R Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL . Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Ralelgh, NC 27899-181, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 2/09 NON REs1»ENTIAL' WELL coNsTRucrmN REcoRD Nonb Carolina Department ofEnvironment and Natural Resources• Division of Water Qualiry WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3 1...1,;i y tl Well ContracllOr ( ndlvidual) Name I Tarheet Water Treatment Well Contractor Company Name 3494 Georg ia RD Street Addreu Frankljn NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code c 828 i 369-0740 Area code Phone number 2. WELL. INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#~W~IQ~1~Q~Q~1~4~1 ____ _ OTHER ASSOC~TED PERMIT#(lf appttcable) _______ _ SITE WELL ID #(If appj/cable)_._{1 ....... / -__._1 __ 4...._ ____ _ 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitol1ng □ MunlcipellPubllc □ lndustrial/Commerelal □ Agricultural □ Recovery D Injection □ trng•t10n□ other w 111,t '"e> Clos ed loop Geotherra DATE DRILLED _______ _ 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (Street Name, Numbera. Community, Subdivision. Loi No., Parcel, Zip Code) c1rv: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / lAND SETTING: (chec.k apPfOPr1&te box) ostopa □Valley '"l at □Ridge □Other ______ _ K@i!STCO 36_ 1"""1111111 ""111111 1 CL R OR 311:~lt~ cc ~t.'F ISTCD 75 ll\AAA ,!AAI\I\AAAAI CL R OR 7-it~~ cc Latltude/longittlde source: [)'.,PS QTopographic map (focetion of well mu&/ be shown on• USGS topo map 1ndatt1C1hed to thia form if not u4ing GPS) 5 . FACILITY (Name of the bu1lnen where tne well ls located.) Macon Elementary facility Name 1166 L atla Church Rd Street Addreu Franklin City or Town Macon Countv Government Contact Name Malllng AddntH Ecaokllo City or Town Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: • a. TOTA&. DEPTH:__..3...._½__./..,.)._-_'_ facility ID# (if applicable) NC 28734 State Zip Code NC 28743 S tat. Zip Code b, DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? Y ES D ,-,--,. c. WATERLEVELBelowTopofCaalng: 4L) (Use·+• if Above Top of Casing) FT. : d. TOP OF CASINO IS _____ FT. ~Ve bind Surt,J~• : 'Top of casing terminated at/or below lal'ld surface may reqtdri • a variance In accordance with 1 SA NCAC 2C .0118. : e. YIELD (gpm>: 5o }: METHOD OF TEST Blow Down ~ f. DISINFECTION: ry,,e HTC Amount 12 OZ : g. WATER ZONES (depth): ~ To p i),3Q Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom, __ _ : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top Bottom __ _ : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom ___ _ Thicllnns/ : 7. CASINO: Dtpth Diameter Weight Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ___ _ ; 8. GROUT: Depth Material : TopJL__ Bot;tom~ Ft. Bentonjte ~ Top~ So~ Fl washed stone Method Pumped poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ ; t. SCR EEN: Depth Diameter Slot Sin Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. in. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. in. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. In. ___ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : ~¢h S~ Materia4 : Top ___ Bottom ___ FL __ _ ; Top ___ Sottom ___ FI. __________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft .. __________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom 0 1 toD I -w---o.--,-3......,...,Ar--!'C ..... > ---'----9 r (Le" Fe. ___ , ___ _ ----'----___ / ___ _ ---'----___ ,/ ___ _ __ _,/ ___ _ __ ... / ___ _ : 12 . REMARKS : [ Cas ing Re11,oved Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality • lnfomtatlon Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Ralei gh, NC 27699-161 , Phone : (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rav. 1/08 NON REsIDENTIAL 0 WELL coNsTaucTioN REcoRD North Carolina Departmenl of Environment and Natun1I Resources• Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICA'l'ION # 3 L../62 y A Well Contnleto1' (Individual) Name Tarheel Water Treatment Wall Contractof Company Nam• 3494 Georgia RP Strfft AddrHa Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code t 828 > 369-07 40 Area ~ Phone number 2. WELL INl'ORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WIQ1QQ141 ""'-'-'-=...a....:.=..."-'-'-------- OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lf applicable ), _______ _ SITE WELL 10 #{If afllllallle) __________ _ 3. WEl.L USE (Check One Box) Monitoring D MunicipaVPubtic D Industrial/Commercial □ Agricultural □ Racovery □ Injection □ ll')'igatlon□ otna,..(list uae) Cl<_:>se d looo Geothe!TII DATE DRILLED td l-\f> s ,:5 \e..( 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (Street Name, Numbera, Community, SubdMeloo. Loi No., Parcel. Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin couNrv Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LANO SETTING: (C'1eck appropriate box) OS!ot>e □Valley gFlat □Ridge □01her ______ _ K31STCD 36_ 1••••a•M••••"t CL R OR 3,c~)OllC~" CC KNt.F ISTCO 75 1" .. "cl"""'""""! CL R OR h.~~ CC Latttude/longItude source: [PPS OT'opogr■ph le map (locetJon of wall mu~ be sltown on • USGS topo map endettachltd to this lbrm if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the bualneu where t he well I• loeated.) Macon Elementary Faellity Name Faeility ID# (If applieable) 1166 Latia Church Rd S1rfftAddre11 franklin City or Town NC 28734 State Zip Code Macao County Gcvaroroeot Contact Name MaitingAddres. Franklin NC 28743 City or Town State Zip Coda Area oode Phone n umber 6 . WELL DETAILS: ;' •• TOTAL DEP'nf:. __ ,_Y.._0 ____ _ b. DOES WEU. REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Callng: ::t 3 (Usa ·+• If Above Top o f Cuing) FT. : d , TOP OF CASINO IS _,_..._~_ FT. Above Land Surface• : 'Top of easing termi nated al/or below land surface may require ; a va riance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118.' -.. - : •• YIELD (gpm): ____ METHOD OF TEST Blow Down i f, DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 QZ : g. W~ER Z ONES (depth): : Top• Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom. __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom __ _ T op ___ Bottom. __ _ ;Top Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ : 7. CASINO: Diameter :Top __ _ :Top ___ Bo tto~m~~- : Top___ m ___ Ft.. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material ~ TopJL_ Bottom 14 0 Ft. Bentonjte : Top-==-Bottom--==-Ft. washed stoma ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ : 9. SCREEN: Depth Dlan,e.te r Slot Sin Method Pumped poured Material ; Top ___ 8ottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ i n. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. In. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. in. ____ _ ; 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Materlal : Top ___ aottom ___ Ft. __________ _ ; Top. __ __;Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Q I $Q I ' $£.) I /4Q ---'----/ ---,----____ / ___ _ ____ / ___ _ ----'----_----' ,.-------- ; 12. REMARKS: : Casit 1g Reniooed Fonnallon Oeaeription So /I UC-reD IN A.CCORDANCE WITH THAT A COPY OF THIS l t),r)0-1 / RAc'fciR DATE ,clM:tf I MS:f.,LLJe : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING TH E WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -lntonnatlon Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-181 , Phone : (919) 807~300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North C11'0lina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 3065-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Roaer L Williams Weff Contrac:tor {Individual) Name Tarheel Water Treatment Well Con1rac:10r Company Name 3494 Georaia RD StrfftAddntu FrankJio City or Town c 828 1 369-07 40 ma code Phone numbef 2, Wl!LL INFORMATION : NC 28734 State Zip Code WELLCONSTRUCTIONPERMIT#~W..:..:.:,IQ~1~0=Q~1~4~1'------ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERM:w~appllcable) SITE WELL ID #(ii applicable),~/:J......__'J--_/ ______ _ 3. WEU. USE (Check One Box) Monitoring □ Munlc!pal/Pubtle □ lndustriel/Commercial □ ""ticultu,.I □ Recovery □ Injection □ Irrigation□ Other rltnst uH> Closed looo GeotheCT:11 DATE DRILLED /-lf-11 ,. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotta Church Rd (Street Haine. NtJmbffl. Community, SubdiVisloo. Lot No., Pseel. Zlp Code) ctlY: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LANO SETTING: (chec:lt aPPfl)l)ria1e box) osiop. □Valley iifflal □Ridge □other-. ______ _ K@,ISTCo 36_ 1••••a"AAAA•••1 CLROR 3k~llJOtl00etl0lcc KNW:ISTC075 1••••&•""•••11•1 CL ROR h .~ CC Latitude/1ongltuda source: C)3PS Qropograpt,ic n,ap (loc.tion of w-'1 mll$f IHI shown on • USGS topo map •ndalt.•ched to thi& form If not u~ GPS) S, FACILITY (Name of the buslnes. wh91'8 the well i9 located.) Maroa Elaroeotarv Facllfty Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 1166 l ntta Church Rd Street Addras Ecaoklio NC 28734 City or Town Stat. Zip Code Macao Cmmtv Government Contact Name Malling AddrMS Eraoklio City or Towr, ._ _ _,) .,,,.----,------ Area coda Phone numbef I . WELL DETAILS: / a . TOTAL DEPTH : '-{S-{) NC 28743 Stale Zip Coda b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL 7 YES O NO r, !~/ c:.. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Caaing: _ _.(dd_""""''----FT. (UH ..... if Above Top of Casing) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASING IS O FT. Abow Land Surface• : •Top of 1:aalng terminated al/0< below land 1urfaee may require : a variance In ~ with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. j •. YIELD 111pm>: S METHoo OF TEST Blow Dawn : f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 1? oz : g. WATER ZONES (deptn): ~ Top ).C,(() Bollom J.4/ Top ___ Bottom. __ _ ;Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top ___ Botbn. __ _ : Top Bonorn. __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ Thlckneu/ ; 7. CASINO: Depth . / Diameter j Top~Bottom~Fl __ Weight Matltrfal ; Top __ eottom __ Ft.. __ _ : Top __ Bottom ___ Ft .. __ _ j 8. GROUT: Dep4h q),1 Mai.rial : Top_L_ Bottom~ Ft. Bentpnite j Top 't~ Bottom '10 A. wA4,.Jg_.,.,., : Top __ Bottom __ Ft .. _____ _ I\Aeltlod Pumped : t. SCREEN: Depth Dlamat.r Slot Sin Material ; Top __ Bottom __ Fl __ ln. In. ___ _ : Top __ Bottom __ Fl. __ ln. In. ___ _ : Top __ Botlr:lm ___ R. __ i n. in. ___ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL. PACK: : Depth Sin ; Top ___ Botlom ___ Ft .. __________ _ : Top. ___ Bottom __ Ft .. __________ _ :Top Bottom __ Fl __________ _ : 11, DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom ~ V I ~') Ja__l 4£0 I /---- I ,--------____ / ___ _ I ---,---- ---'-------·'---- : 12. REMARKS: : Casing Removed Fonnalion Descnptlon s~ J.c..111 ; I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WEU. W/4S CO!IISTRUCTB> IN~wml ; 15ANCAC2C, WEU.CONSTR~'TW<T A COPYOF'THIS :=~:: : )-~,IJ. : SIG/lfATu OFCERTIFIED WELL CONTRAcfoR r tATE tZIJ.t .. .f' ; PRI UCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality • Information ProcftSlng, 1617 Mall Service Center, Rale-lgh, NC 27699-181, Phone: (919) 807,.300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON &s1»ENTIAL WELL coNsnucrmN REcoRD Nonh Carolina Deparnncnt of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3065-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Roger L W illiams Well Contractor (Individual) Name Tarheel Water Treatment Well Contractor Company Name }494 Georaia RD Street Addreu FrankU n City or Town < 828 1 369-07 40 Area coda Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: NC 28734 SIN ZJpCode W E LL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#._,W'-'-'-=I0"-'1'-"00'-"'-'1'-'4'-'1'------- OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT~~lcable) SITE WEL L ID #(If appjlcabk!),_. __,_~.....,..2""'2.=------- 3. WELL USE (Chack OM Box) Monitoring O MunlclpaVPublle □ lndi.-1rlal/Commarcial □ Agricultural □ Recovery□ Injection □ Irrigation□ Other J (11st UM) Closed loop Geothen]I DATE DRILLED /-2 l/, -/J. .. 4. Wl:LL LOCATION: 11 66 Lotta Church R d (Slnlet Name. Numbers, Community, SUbdMtlon, Lot No .. Plll0el. Lil) Code) c1TY: Franklin couNrv Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LANO SETTING: (dledc ai>PfOl)l1ate box) □Slope □Valley litRat □Ridge □other ______ _ t<@ISTCD 36_ 1•""•a••u•••A1 CL R OR 3Jt~lUO(~ cc iq.jt61STCO 75 IAAAA!AAAAAAA•! CL R OR 1',t.'lOC,tJI~ cc L.atllude/langitude sauraa; [J;PS Ofopogr9Phlc map (location of wall mu.I be sh<¥Wn on• USGS topo '""" em:t.tt.ched to !fl/a foml If not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the buslnaN whara Iha wall la located.) Maron Elementarv Facility Name 1166 Lotla Church Rd Slr..tAddreA Franklin City or Town Maeno County Government Contact Name Malllng Addreu Franklin City or Town .___ _ _,) -=----,------ Area code Phone number 'c:-"A I I. WELL DETAILS: '-/. a . TOTAL DEPTH·~·-~-~-Lv __ _ Faclltty ID# (if applicable) NC 28734 Stata Zip Code NC 28743 State Zip Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D !Al c. WATER LEVEL Balow TOf) of Ca.Ing: _ _.h_..__v ___ FT. (Use•+• if Abo11e Top of Casing) ----------- , d . TOP OF CASINO IS O FT. Above Land Surface• ; *Top of casing terminated at/or below !and SU!fac:e may require : a variance in accotdance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. . ,,,. ~ e. YIELD (gpm): s METHOD OF TEST Blow Dawn : ,. DISINFECTION:~ HTC Amount 12 oz : g. WiTER ZONES (depth): ~ Top 'f o of Bottom Top Bottom_ ; Top Bottom Top Bottom : Top Bottom Top Bottom Thlckneu/ ; 1. CASINO : Def,ttl Dlamatar Waight Material ! Top::t:LBottcm S.2., Fl __ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom __ Ft. __ _ Method ; 8. GROUT: Oapth ~, Mal9rial : Toi:,.JL_Bottom~ Fl. Bentonite ~ Top...a_Botlom~ R. 11,ffW ,5';..,. ~mped : Top ___ Bottom __ A .. ____ _ : I. SCREEN: Depth Dlamatar Slot Siu Material ; Top __ Bottom __ Ft. __ ln. __ In. ___ _ : Top __ Bottom __ Ft. __ ln . __ In. ___ _ : Top __ Bottam __ Ft __ in, In. ___ _ : 10. SAND/ORAVliL PACK: : Depth Siu : Top ___ .Botlom __ Ft __________ _ : Top Bottom __ Fl __ _ : Top Bottom __ Ft __________ _ : 11 . DRIWNGLOG Top Bottom Fom,atlon Description I ~1. I '(£0 5 0-:" 4 ¼'147' ----''----__ .....;/ ___ _ ---''-------'----__ .....;/ ___ _ ---'----___ /. ___ _ ---'----___ / ___ _ : 12. REMARKS: : Casi, ,g Re,, ,oved ; I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WEU. WM. CONSTRUCTED IN -'CCOROANCE Wm-I • 1SA NCAC 2c. weu. CONS'TR\JCTIOtf STANOAROS, N«> THAT A COi"'( OF THIS ; ~ Pl'!OIIIOEO TO THE OWNER. . " l -2'-1-IJ... : SIGNAT OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRA~ DATE j 0 7 er L, tt/.,1//, i:r,-,r : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit withrn 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1117 M■H Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27199-111, Phone : (919) 807~300 FonnGW-1b Rev. 1108 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natuml Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR : Timoth y R Ham by Well Contractor (Individual) Name Mids ou th Geoth erm al Well Contractor Company Name 827 5 Tourna ment Dr Suite 185 Street Address Mem phi s TN 38 125 City or Town State Zip Coda ( 901 , 7 48-9095 Area coda Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WIO 100141 ~~~~~------ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lf applicable) _______ _ SITE WELL ID #(lfappllcable).~A~-~1 _________ _ S, WELL USE (Cheek Ona Bo,c) Monitoring D Municipal/Public D Industrial/Commercial □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ Injection □ Irrigation□ other rl (list UH) Closed looo Geotherrq DATE DRILLED...,.9'-'-2=9,._,-_,1_.1 ___ _ ,. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (streel Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision , Lot No .. Parcel. Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC/ LANO SETTING: (check appropriate !>ox) □Slope □Valley (i/Ffel □Ridge □Other ______ _ K@ifSTCO 36_ I AAIIA&A/\AA/11\AA! CL R OR 3JC~>VO(~ cc KNM"ISTC075 1""""!""""""MI CL ROR 7'Jt~-~ CC Latitude/longltuda source: [)3PS OT'opographlc map (location of well must be shown on • USGS topo map andattachlld to this form If not using GPS) 6. FACILITY (Name of the buslnesa where the well ls located.) Macon Elementarv FacllltyName 1166 Latia Church Rd Street Addrau Franklin City or Town Macon County Government Contact Name Malling Address Franklin City or Town ( ) _________ _ Area code Phone number I. WELL DETAILS: a . TOTAL DEPTH:_4...,5 .... 0 ... ' ____ _ Facility ID# (if applicable) NC 28734 State Zip Code NC 28743 State Zip Coda b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D NO[:# c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 60 FT. (Use·+· If Above Top of Casing) ----------- : d . TOP OF CASINO IS 2 FT. Above Land Surface• : •Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : e. v1ELD (gpm>: 40 METHOD oF TEST Blow Down ~ f . DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 az ; g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top 250' Bottom 254' Top ___ Bottom __ _ : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ : To p ___ Bottom __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ Thickness/ : 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter Waight Material ~ Top....:!:2._ Bottom.....e.z.:_ Ft. 6 1/8 ...JmL steel : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft __ _ ; 8 . GROUT: Depth Material : Top....Q__ Bottom...1]__ Ft. Bentonjte ~ Top..12_ Bottom..ASQ_ Ft. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Fl ____ _ : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Method Pumped poured Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ In. ____ _ : Top ___ eottom ___ Ft, __ ln, __ in , ___ _ : Top_. __ Bottom ___ Ft,_Jn. in. ____ _ ; 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Sia Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top ___ B.ottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top ___ S.ottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Bottom O /.....,6._.1 __ _ 61 , . ....,6=7 __ _ 12 1 ..... 2 .... s ... o __ 250 /_.2_5..,.4 __ 254 /_4=5.._0 __ ____ / ___ _ ---''----____ / ___ _ I ---,----____ / ___ _ : 12. REMARKS: : Casi, 19 Re, r roved Formation Oascriplion Oyerburden Gr anite Granite Broken Granite 40 GPM Granjte ; I 00 111:REB'( CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WM CONSTRUCTED IN ACCOROANCI: WITH : ::c~~ ~~ =~~r.:~~N:::,o ™AT A COPY OF THIS ~ ~~~ 9-29-11 ; SIGNARE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAC~ DATE : Timothy R Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PE RSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -lnfonnatloh Processing, 1617 Mall Service Canter, Ralelgh , NC 27699--181, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rav. 1/08 NON REs1»ENTIAL WELL coNsTRucTioN REcoRD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR : Timo thy R Hamby Well Cohlnletor (lndlvldual) Name Mid so uth Geothermal Well Contrector Company Name 8275 Tournament Pc Suite 1 as Street Address Memph is TN 381 25 City or Town State Zip Code 1 901 1 7 48-9095 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ..... W--'--'-'IQ.._1....,0...,Q.._1 .... 4"'""1'------ 0THER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lfapplicable), _______ _ SITE WELL ID #(If appllcable) A-2 -----~--------- 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring D Muni cipal/Public □ lnduatrial/Commerelal □ Agricultura l □ RGCOvery □ lnjec1ion □ Irrigation□ Other IW(lfst U18) Closed loop Geotherrb PATE DRILLE0-=9'--'•2...,8"""-_,_1...,_1 ___ _ ,. WELL LOCATION: 1166 LoUa Church Rd (Street Name. Number&. Community, Subdivision, LOI No., Parcel, Zip Code) crrv: Franklin coUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (check appfOPOate box) □Slope □Valley ii(Flat □ Ridge □Other ______ _ ~ISTCO 36_ I AAM!AIIAAAIIA AJ CL R OR 3J<NIMDC~ cc KNr.t" ISTCO 75 1"""'!"'"""""1 CL R OR ~.')('JC'JOI~ CC l..ltltude/longftude source: [)$PS Ol'opographle map (local/on of well must b• ahown on• USGS topo msp andsttech•d to th /a form If not uaing GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well ls located,) Macon Elementary Facility Name FacTiity 10# (If appllcabla) 1166 Latia Cburcb Rd Street Addrau Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code Macon County Government Contact Name Mailing Address Eraokt;n NC 28743 City or Town State Zip Code ( ) ________ _ Area coda Phone number 8. WELL DETAILS: a, TOTAL DEPTH:._4""5.,.....O_' ____ _ b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL 7 YES D NO rJ/ a. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 60 FT. (Use ·+· If Above Top of Casing) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASINO IS 2 FT. Above Land Surface• •Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118, ~ e. YIELD (gpm): 40 METHOD OF TEST Blow Down : f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 OZ : g. WATER ZONES (depth): ~ Top 250' Bottom 254' Top ___ Bottom, __ _ : Top ___ Bottom._ __ _ Top ___ Bottom~--- : Top Bottom __ _ Top Bottom,_ __ _ : 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter j Top~ Bottom_e:r__ Ft. 6 1 /8 : Top ___ eottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.'---- : 8 , GROUT: Oeptt, Material ~ Top_Q_ Bottom..12._, Ft Bentonjte Thlc:kneH/ Weight ...J.L Material steel : Top...12.__ Bottom~ Ft washed stone Method pumped poured : TO,:! ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material : Top ___ 8ottom ___ Ft. __ ln . in. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. i n. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. in. ____ _ : 10. SAN D/GRAVEL PAC K: : Depth Siu Material : Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.._ _________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Fl __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Bottom o / .... 6 ... 1 __ _ 61 '~6~7 __ 72 /_.2_5_0 __ 250 1_2_5_4 __ 254 /_4~50 __ ___ / ___ _ ____ / ___ _ I --------____ / ___ _ ___ ./ ___ _ ___ ./ ___ _ : 12. REMARKS: ~ C as ir 19 Rei 11oved Formation Description Overb urden Granite Grani te Broken Granite 40 GPM Granite : I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY TliAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ; ~~~C~ ~~ ;~~~~o~rw~~N~DTHAT A COPY OF THIS : c f ':':2-c · 9-28-11 : ~-n v'JI ; SIGNA RE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAC°"foR' DATE , . H : Irmothv Bamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Dfvlsjon of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Ralelgh, NC 27699-181 , Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev, 1108 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL' CONSTRUCTION RECORD Norili Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A ----------- 1 . WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Hamby Well Contractor (fndlvldual) Name Mjdsouth Ge othe rmal Well Contractor Company Nam• 8275 Tou rn ament Dr Su ite 185 Street Addt9H Memphis TN 38125 City or Town State Zip Code 1 901 > 7 48-9095 Area coda Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#-'-W~l~0 ..... 1~0 =0 ~14~1~---- 0THER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lf applicable) _______ _ SITE WELL ID #(If epplicableJ,~A~-~3~--------- 3 . WELL USE (Cheek One Box) Monitoring □ Munleipal/Publlc □ lndu11riaUComrnerclal D Agricultorat □ Recovery □ Injection O Irrigation□ Other !W(llst use) Close d looo Geotherra DATE DRILLED-"9'-'-2=-7,....-..... 1 ..... 1 ___ _ 4, WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (Street Name . NUfTlbers , Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel. Zip Code) ctTY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC/ LANO SETTING: (check appropriate box) □Slope OValtay .{Flat □Ridge □other ______ _ l<@,ISTCD 36_ i"AAl\&AAA AAAAA I CLROR ax~~ cc l<Nl'.f' ISTCO 75 I ""AA&/\1\1\IIAI\AI\J CL R OR ],t~ cc Latitude/longitude 1ourea: []3PS Ofopographlc map (looat(on of we// must be shown on • USGS topo map endettached to this form if not using GPSJ 5. FACILrrY (Name of the business where the well ls located.) Macon Elementary Faellity Nam• 1166 Latia Church Rd Street Address franklin City or Town Macao Countv Government Contact Name Malling AddrHI Franklin City or Town Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:_4~5_0_' ____ _ Factlity 10# (if appffeabfe) NC 28734 Stats Zip Code NC 28743 State Zip Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES □ NO r;/ c . WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 60 FT. (Use •+• If Above Top of Caaing) : d. TOP OF CASINO IS 2 FT. Above Land Surface• : •Top of easing terminated aVor below land surfaea may require ; a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : •· YIELD <upm)~ 40 METHOD oF TEST Blew Down ~ f . DISINFECTION: T'ype HTC Amount 12 oz : g. WATER ZONES (depth): ~ Top 250' Bottom 254' Top. ___ Bottom __ _ : Top ___ Bottom._ __ _ Top ___ Bottom __ _ : Top Bottom __ _ Top Bottom, __ _ ; 1. CASINO: Depth Diameter ~ Top...:!:2.._ Bottom...1Z..._ Ft. 6 1/8 : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ ; 8 . GROUT: Depth Material ~ Top..Q_ Bottom..lL._ Ft. Bentonlte Thlcknen/ Weight ......18L Material steel : Top.I]_ Bottom_§O_ Ft . washed stone Method Pumped poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ____ _ j 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Sin Meterlal : Top ___ Bot!om ___ Fl __ in. __ in. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ in. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. in. ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth ; Top Bottom ___ : Top Bottom ___ ; Top Bottom ___ : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Q I 5_5 5.5. I 72. Z2 I 25Q 250 / 254 2~ I 45_0 I I I I I I : 12. REMARKS: i Casir 19 Re, 1 ,oved Ft. Ft. Ft. Size Material Formation Description Overburden Granite Gr an ite Broken Granite 40 GPM Granite ; I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WEU. WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE. Willi • 1~A NCAC 2C, WEU. CONSTRUCTION STANOAADS, ANO THAT A COPY OF THIS ; RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER :~ R ~ 9-27-11 : SITUREOFCRTIFIEO WELL CONTRAC"TOR DATE : Timothy B Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING Tl-IE WELL Submit wrthln 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -lntonnatlon Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Ralelgh, NC 27699-161, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1108 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources• Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 3118-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timo th y R Hamb y Well Contractor (Individual) Name Midsouth Geothermal Well Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament Dr Suite 185 Street Addreu Memphis TN 38 125 City or Town State Zip Code < 901 ) 7 48-9095 Area code Pl\011a number 2. WELL INFORMATION : WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#...,W..:..:.::IQ._1:..::Q::.a:Q'-'1'-4'-'1'------ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable ), _______ _ SIT£ WELL ID #(If apptlcable) . ..,.A..,.---'4,__ ________ _ 3-. WELL USE (Check Ona Box) Monitoring □ Municlpat/Publlc D lndustrial/Commerc:ial □ Agrict1ltural O Recovery □ Injection □ Irrigation□ Other11((1istUN) Closed looo G eothema DATE DRILLED_9~-2_3_-_.1_.1 ___ _ 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (Street Name , Numbers . Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (check approl)flate box) □Slope □Valley ii(Flat D Ridge □other ______ _ ~1$TCO 36_ IAA I\A &lll\111\AA I\II J CLROR 3a:NtJO(~ cc KN~ISTCO 75 1""111\&AIII\AI\AAAJ CL R OR 7'lf~~ cc Latltude/longltude source: [):;PS Qropographlc map (/~lion of wall must b• shown on • USGS topo map andatt.ched to thla form If not using GPSJ 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the wall I• loc:ated,) Macao Elaroantarv Facillty Nam• Facility 10# (If appllcable) 1166 L otla Cbuccb Rd Street Address Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code Macao County Government Co11tact Name Malling Addrea■ Franklin NC 28743 City or Town State Zlp Code Area code Phone number S. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH :...;4""5...,0..._' ____ _ b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D NO r, c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Cas ing: 60 FT. (Un •+• If Above Top of Casing) ----------- : d, TOP OF CASINO IS 2 FT. Above Land Surface• : •Top ot casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance In accordance With 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : •· v1ELD (gpm1 : 40 METHOD oF TEST Blow Dawn ~ f. DISINFECTION: T~ HTC Amount 12 QZ : g, WATER ZONES (depth): ~ Top 250' Bottom 254' Top ___ eottom ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top Bottom __ _ : Top Bottom'-----Top Bottom'---- : 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter ~ Top...±2__ Bottom_lZ__ Ft. 6 1/8 : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Mater!al ~ Top.Jl_ Bottom...IL_ Ft. Bentonjte ThlckneHI Weight ...1L Material steel : Top..l]__ Bottom~ Fl washed stone Method Pumped poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ tn. In . ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. in. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. In. ____ _ : 10. SAND/ORAVEL PACK: : Depth Size Material ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ j Top Bottom ___ Fl __________ _ ; 11 . DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom 0 /_,7..,,5 ____ _ 75 /_,TT ... __ _ ZZ ,._,2..,,5..,.0 __ 250 /_,2..,5._.4 __ 254 /_4...,5.a;O __ ---'-------'---- ' --'------'----I --------__ ...;/ ___ _ : 12. REMARKS: ~ Casi, 19 Removed Formation DHcription Overburden Gr anite Granite Broken Granite 40 GPM Gr anite ; I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WEU. WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH : 15A NCAC 2C, Wal CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS • RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. ~ ~IZ_/~ 9-23-11 : SIGNATU RE OF CERTIFIED W ELL CONTRA~ DATE Iiroathy 8 Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -lntonnatlon Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Ralelgh, NC 27-899,.181, Pt,one: (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON REs1DENTIAL WELL coNsraurnoN REcoRD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A ----------- 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Hamby Well Contractor (Individual) Name Midsouth Geoth ermal Wall Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament Dr Suite 185 Streat Addre111 Memph i s TN 381 25 City or Town State Zlp Code < 901 l 7 48-9095 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#~W~IQ~1~Q~Q __ 1 __ 4~1~---- 0T1-iER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lf applicable) _______ _ SITE WELL ID #(if applicablel~A~-~5~--------- 3. WELL USE (Cheek One Box) Monitoring O Munlcipal/Publie D lndustrial/Commerclal □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ Injection □ lrrigatlon□ Other !W(liat use) Closed looo Geotherr11 DATE DRILLED_.9 __ -2=2,.,.-...,1_.1 ___ _ •· WELL LOCATION : 1166 Lotla Church Rd (Street Name , Numbera, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel , Zlp Code) c1TY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (check appropf{a\e boll) □Slope □Valley ~at □Ridge □other ______ _ K@Sl$TCD 36_ 1MM,tMMM""I CL R OR ax~~ cc KN~ ISTCD 75 1••AA.t•""···••1 CL R OR 7',t~ cc Latltudallongltuda source: [);PS Qropographl e map (local/on of well must be shown on a USGS topo mep andattached to this form If not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the businesa where the well 11 located.) Macao Elementarv Facility Name Faellity ID# (If appllcab(e) 1166 Lotta Church Rd Street Addreu franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Coda Macon County Government Contact Name Mailing Address Franklin NC 28743 City or Town State Zip Code Area CO(je Phone number 8. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:_4.,..5...,0..._' ____ _ b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL 7 YES O NO r3/ c. WATER LEVEL Balow Top of Caaing: _6_O _____ FT. (Usa •+· If Abo11a Top of Casing) ; d . TOP OF CASINO IS 2 FT. Above Land S urtac.• •Top or ca■lng terminated at/or below land slirface may require a varlanct in accordance With 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : e. view <;pm): 40 METHoo oF TEST Blew Dawn : f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 QZ : g. WATER ZONES (depth ): ~ Top 250' Bottom 254' Top ___ Bottom. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom, __ _ Top ___ Bottom __ _ [ 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter ~ Top..&,_Bottom....12:__Ft. 61/8 : Top ___ Botto m ___ Ft.. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : 8 . GROUT: Depth Material ~ TopJL_ Bottom~ Fl Bentonlte Thlckneaal Weight ....wL. Material steel : Top.II._ Bottom~ Ft. washed stone Method Pumped poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ ; I. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. in. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. in. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. In. ____ _ : 10. SANDIORAVEL PACK: ; Depth Size Material : Top ___ BottOITI ___ Ft.. __________ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ ft.~--_______ _ : Top ___ Battom_ Fl._ _________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation OeseripUon 0 '~7~5 __ Overbu rden 75 l_,7"""7 __ _ Granite ZZ /_.2..,.5:x0 __ Granite 250 /__.2...,54.._ __ Broken Granite 40 GPM 254 /_4:.,:5:.,:;0 __ Gra nite ----'----' ---,---- ---''-------'----____ / ___ _ : 12. REMARKS: : Cash 19 Ren 1oved : 100 HERESY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCOROAN<:f Wrnt • 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY Of TH IS : RECORD HAS BEEN PROY!ffD TO n<E WELL OWNER : -~ R "-!±_<-9.22.11 ; SIGN~RE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAc'\'oR DATE : Timothy R Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Ralelgh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 Form GW•1b Rev.1/08 '2..3 NON R ESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources--Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A 1. W E LL CONTRACTOR: T imothy R Hamby Well Contractor (lndlvidual) Name Midsouth Geothermal W ell Co ntractor Company Nam• 8275 Tou rn ament Dr Suite 185 Street Addresa Memphi s TN 38 125 City or Town State Zip Code < 901 l 7 48-9095 Area coda Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#~W~IQ~1~Q~Q~1~4~1~---- OTHER ASSOCIATl:D PERMIT#{lf applicable). _______ _ SITE WELL ID #(If appllcable)~A~•-"6 '--_______ _ 3. WEU. USE (Check Ona Box} Monitoring □ Munlcipal/Publlc D Industrial/Commercial O Agricultural D Recovery D Injection □ Irrigation □ 01her r,/ (list use) Closed loco Geothe rra DATE DRILLED...,.9_.-2""0,._•_,.1...,_1 ___ _ 4 . WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Loi No., Parcel. Zip Code) c 1TY: Franklin couNrv Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: {checlt appropriate bol) □S lo pe □Valley a"f'lat ORldga □Other ______ _ K@,tSTCD 36_ il\MA.t•AAI\MA•I CLR OR 3K!-JI~ cc KNMF tsrcD75 i•AAA.tAAAAA>AA! CL ROR 1-it.~ cc Latitude/longitude 10Urce: [):;PS Qropographic nlap (locetfon of w.11 must be shown on a USGS topo map andattachad to this form if not using GPS) &. FACILITY (Name of tha butinen where the well la located.) Macon Elementary Facility Name Facility ID# (If applicable) 1166 L atla Church Rd Street Addresa Franklin NC ?8734 City or Town State Zip Coda Macon County Government Contact Name Mailing Address Ecanklio NC 28743 City or Town State Zip Code ( ) ________ _ Area code Phone number I . WELL DETAILS: •• TOTAL DEPTH:,_4=-,oS ... O_' ----- b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES □ NO J:¥ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of C asing: 60 FT. (Use •1-• if Above Top of Casing} ----------- : d. TOP OF CASINO IS 2 FT. Above Land Surfaca• •Top of casing term inated at/or below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : e. YIELD (gpm): 40 METHOD OF TEST Blow Down ; f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 az : g. WATER ZONES (depth): ~ Top 250' Bottom 254' Top ___ Bottom __ _ : Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ : 7. CASINO : Dapth Diameter ~ Top...±,?__8ottom~Ft. 61/8 : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ ' ; 8. GROUT: Depth Matenal ~ Top.Jl.._ Bottom...IZ'..__ Ft. Bentonjte Thlcknen/ Weight Material _jJliL. steel : Top..ZL._Bottom~ Ft. washed stone Me1hod Pumped poured ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ ; t , SCREEN : Depth Diameter Slot Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. in. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. in. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ In, ____ _ : 10 . SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Size Materl1I : Top ___ .Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top ____ .Bottom ___ Fl __________ _ j Top ___ .Bottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom 0 I 75 _1 ... s.__1_1 .... z'---.. z ... z_ ... 1..,2..,5,..0._ __ 250 I 254 254 / 450 ---·'---------'-------'-------'--------'---------'---- : 12. REMARKS: : Casing Re, no"Yed Formation Description Overb urden Granite Granite Broken Granite 40 GPM Gr anite : I 00 HERESY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSIBUCTEO IN ACCOROANC£ WITH ; 16A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDAROS, ANO THAT A COPY OF THIS , RECORD tiAS BEEN PROVIOEO TO THE WEU. OWNER. : I _, ,c. ;~ 9-2 0-11 : ~ /'I /J I -. : SIG/IIURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAefc>R DATE : Timothy R Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTR UCTIN G THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality. lnfonnatlon Processing, 1817 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1108 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Wafer Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118~A ----------- 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timo thy R Hamby Well Contractor (lndMdual) Name Midsouth Geotherma l W e ll Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament Dr Suite 1 as Street Addre.- M emphis TN 38125 C ity or Town Stale ZlpCode , 901 l 7 48-9 095 Area oode Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#"_,W'-'-=IQ._1._.0::..::Q._1:.....4:....1,_ ___ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable~------- SITE WELL ID #(If appllcable),..,_A_,_•..,_7 ________ _ 3. WELL USE (Check Ona Box} Monitoring D Munlcipal/Pubtlc D lnduatrlal/Commerelal □ AgrlculllJral □ Recovery o Injection □ Irrigation□ Other ilt'(l~tuff) Closed loco GeotheITII DATE DRILLED~9~.-2=-O..._-~1~1 ___ _ 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotla Ch urch Rd (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdlvfalon , Lot No., Parcel, Zip Codi) c1TY: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTlNG: (clieelt appropriate box) □Slope □Valley iifl:lat □Ridge □Other ______ _ K@>ISTCD 36_ iAAAA&AAAAAAAA! CL R OR ax~Jt.JO{~ll cc l<NM= ISTCO 75 IA AAA&AAAAAAhAI CL R OR h~~ cc Latitudenongitude source: [)3PS Qropographic map (location of well must ba shown on • USGS topo map endattllcn&d to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of Iha business Where the well la located.) Macon Elementary Facility Name Facility ID# (If applicable) 1166 Latia Church Rd Street Addres• franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code Macon County Government Contact Name Mailing Address Franklin NC 28743 City or Towr, State Zip Code Area code Phone number 8 . WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:_4~5_O_' ____ _ b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NO r¥ C., WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 60 FT. (Use •+• If Above Top of Caaing ) : d. TOP OF CASINO 1S -. ____ FT . Above Land Surface• : 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land eurface may require : a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : e. YIELD (gpm): 40 METHOD OF TEST Blow Down ! f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 OZ : g. WATER ZONES (depth ): : Top 25Q' Bottom 254' Top ___ Bottom~-- :rop. ___ Bottom, __ _ Top ___ Bottom __ _ :Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottam. __ _ : 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter ! Top....!2,_ Bottom..lL_ Ft 6 1/8 : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ ; 8, GROUT: Depth Material ~ TopJL_ Bottom....az__ Ft. Bentonite Thlcknep/ Weight .....ffi.... Material steel : Top_a2_ eottom..A5L Ft. washed stone Method Pumped poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Slza Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ tn. ___ in, __ _.__ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft __ in. __ in . ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ In, ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top __ _.Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ ! Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom 0 l....,V'-'----- 77 '~2=50~- 250 /_.2...,54=---- 254 /_4 ... 5 ... 0 __ ___ / ___ _ ---''----__ ....;/ ___ _ ----'----____ / ___ _ ---''--------'---- : 12, REMARKS: ~ Casi, 19 Re111oved Formation Description Overburden Granite Broken Granite 40 GP M Granite : I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WEl.l WAfJ CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH • 1!A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, ANO THAT A COPY OF Tl11B ; RECORD HAS BEEN PROVl~_WELL OWNER. : ·~ r2 /) 9-20-11 : Sl~E OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACT5R° DATE : Timothy R Hamby ; PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -lnfonnatlon Proc:esslng, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1 81, Phone : (919) 80Ni300 Form GW•1 b Rev. 1108 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECO RD North Carolina DepartmentofEnviromne:nt and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Tim othy R Ham by Well Contractor (Individual) Name M id south Geotherm al Well Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament Dr Suite 185 Street Address Memphjs TN 381 25 City or Town State Zip Code < 901 l 7 48-9095 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# Wl0100141 ~~~~~------ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if appflcable) _______ _ SITE WELL 10 #{if applicable),~A~·~B~--------- 3. WELL USE (Cheek One BoK) Monitoring D Munlcipal/Publlo O lndustrlal/Cornmercial O Agricultural □ Recovery D Injection D Irrigation □ Other ~(list use) Closed loop Geotherra DATE DRILLED...,9:'--'-'15"'"·..,,1 .... 1 ___ _ 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotla Ch urch Rd (Street Name, Numbera. Community. SubdlVi&lon, Lot No,, Parcel, Zip Code) CITY; Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LANO SETTING: (check appropriate box) □Slope □Valley .ti=lal □Ridge □other ______ _ ~CD 36_ IAAAA,tAAAA•••"! CL ROR ax~~)l cc l<NIVFl$TCD75 1AA••a•••• ... ••1 CLROR h;')MX~ cc Latitude/longitude source; [)3PS OTopographlc map (location ofwe// must be shown on• USGS topo map andatt■ched to this form if not using GPS) 6. FACILITY {Name of Iha bualness where the well ls located,) Macon Elementary Facility Name Facility ID# (If applicable) 1166 Latia Church Rd Street Address Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code Macon County Government Contact Name Malling Address Ecaoklio City or Town ( >----,-------Area code Phone number a. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:._4_5_0~' ____ _ NC 28743 State Zip Code b. DOES WEL L REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D NO~ c. WATER L EVEL Below Top of Casing: 60 FT. (Use•+• if Above Top of Casing) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASINO IS 2 FT. Above Land Surface• : 'Top of casing terminated aVor be low land surface may require : a variance In acc:ordanca with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. i e. YIELD (gpm): 40 METHOD OF TEST Blow Down ~ f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 az : g , WATER ZONES (depth): : Top 250' Bottom 254' Tcp ___ Bottom __ _ : Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top ___ Bottom. __ _ : TOP. Bottom ---Top Bottom. __ _ : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter : Top....:ti...._Botto~Ft. 61/8 : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ ; 8. GROUT; Depth Material : TopJL__ Bottom~ ft. Bentonjte Thlcknesa/ Weight ....1eL Mat.rial steel ~ Top~ Bottom~ Ft. washed stone Method Pumped poured ; Top ___ Bottom ___ ft.. ____ _ : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot SID Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft __ ln. In. ____ _ : Tep ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ i n. In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: ; Deplh Siu Material : Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft., ___________ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ___________ _ : Top. ___ Sottom ___ Ft __________ _ ; 11. DRILLING LOG : Top Bottorn 0 80 250 254 I 80 I 250 I 254 I 450 I I I I I I ---,---- : 12. REMARKS: i Casing Re,, 1oved Formation Description Overb urden Granite Broken Granite 40 GPM Granite ! I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IBIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ! 15A NCAC 2C, waL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, ANO THAT A COPV OF THIS • RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO TliE WELL OWNER. ~ ~/Z 1-~ 9-15-11 ; S~E OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAC~ DATE : Timothy R Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit Within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -lnfonnatlon Processing, 1817 Mall service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone ; (919) 807~300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources• Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 31 IB•A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Tim o thy R Hamb v Well Contractor (Individual) Name Midsouth Ge oth ermal Well Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament Dr Suite 185 Street Address Memphi s TN 38125 City or Town State Zip Code < 901 l 748-9095 Area coda Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#__.W--'-'-"10....,1'-"Q'""Q'-'1-'4'""'1 ____ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lf eppltcab!e), _______ _ SITE WELL ID #(if appllcabfe)-=B"---'1 ________ _ i. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring D Munielpal/Publlc O l ndu1trial/Commerclal □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ Injection □ Irrigation□ Other s'(llst use) Closed loop Geotherra DATE DRILLED 10-12-11 ,. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotla Church Rd {Street Name, Numbera, Community, Subdivision. Lot No ., Parcel, Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (checlc appropnate box) □Slope □Valley ~lat □Ridge □Other. ______ _ l<@,ISTCO 36_ 1•AA•&AAAAAA••1 CL R OR 3k~)UlJl,C~ cc ~~ISTCD75 1•--•,§AMAMAA! CLROR °])t~ cc Latitude/longitude source: ()3PS Qropographlc: map (location of well must be shown on • USGS topo map endettec:hed to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of tha business where the well ia localed.) Macon Elementary Facility Name Facility 10# (If applicable) 1166 l ctla Church Rd Street Address franklin NC 28734 City or Town State ZJp Code Macon Countv Government Contact Name Malling Addra11 Ecaoklin NC 28743 City or Town Stale ZJp Code Area code Phone number 8. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:,_4......,.5 ... 0_' ____ _ b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NO r:./ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casfng : 60 FT. (Un ·+· if Above Top of casing) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASING IS 2 FT. Above Land Surface• : ·Top of casing terminated al/or below land surface may require : a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118, : •· YIELD (gpml: 40 METHOD oF n:sT Blow Down ~ f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 OZ : g. WATER ZONES (depth): ~ Top 250 Bottom 254 Top. ___ Bottom. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top ___ Bottom __ _ : Top Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ ThlckneH/ ; 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter Weight Material j Top_tZ__ Bottom~ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom_ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft, __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material ~ Top_Q_ Bottom..19__ Ft. bentonjte : Top..l,lL_ Bottom~ Ft. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ Method pumped poured : t . SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ___ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ In . ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln, In . ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Matftlal : Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft, ___________ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ : Top Bottom_ Ft. __ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Bottom 0 /_7~0 __ 70 /_7.._.5 _____ _ 75 , ..... 2 ... 5,...0 __ 250 /_.2 ... 5._..4 __ 254 /_4=5=0 __ I ---, ,.--------__ _,,! ___ _ I ---,---- : 12. ~E.!'i~K$; i Casing Re111oved Formation Description Di rt Gra nite Gra nite Broken Granite Granite : I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WEl.1. WAS CONSfflUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH • 15A NCAC 2C, WEU. CONSTRUCTION STANOARDS, ANO THAT A COP\' OF THIS j R~ HAS BEEN )rOVIDED TO TI1E WEl.1. OWNER. : t ~ I<' It--"" 10-12-11 : SIG~TURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE : Timothy 8 Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1817 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27899-161, Phone: (919) 807~300 Form GW•1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department ofEnvironment 1111d Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Hamby Well Contractor (Individual) Name Mi dsouth Geothermal Well Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament or Suite 1 as Street Addren Memphi s TN 38 125 City or Town State Zip Coda 1 901 > 7 48-9095 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WIO 100141 """""-'"""-"....a...:'-=--"-'-"------- OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#{lf applicable), _______ _ SITE W ELL ID #{If appllcable),..,B"'---=2"'----------- 3-. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitorir,g D Munici pal/Public D lnduatrial/Commerclal □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ lnjecjlon □ Irrigation□ Other llf(lllt use) Closed looo Geotherra DATE DRILLED 10-11-1 1 ,. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotta Church Rd (Street Name, Numbers. COmmunlty, SUbdivlslon , Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) ctTY: Franklin couNrv Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (Check appropriate box) □Slope □Valley ltFl•t □Ridge □other ______ _ l<@,ISTCD 36_ 1M•A&MAIIMMI Cl R OR :aJ(~ cc !<Nll.f 1$TCD 75 i··••au••••Mt CL R OR 7'lt~~ cc latitude/longitude source: [)3PS Qropographlc map (local/on of w.11 must be shown on • USGS topo map andattachad to this form if not using GPS) IS. FACILITY (Name of th• busi r,ass where the well I• located.) Macon Elementary FaclllfyName 1166 Lotla Church Rd Street Addreaa Franklin City or Town Macon Ccuntv Government · Contact Name Mailing Address Franklin City or Town f ) _________ _ Area code Phone number 8. WELL DETAILS: L TOTAL 0EPTH:-'4""5.....,.O_1 ____ _ Facility ID# (if applicable) NC 28734 State Zlp Coda NC 28Z43 State Z ip Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL 7 YES D NO ryl C . WATER LEVEL Below Top or Casing: 60 FT. (Use•+• if Above Top of Casing) ----------- ; d. TOP OF CASINO IS 2 FT. Above Land Surface• "Top of casing termi nated at/or below land surface may require a variance fn accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : e. YIELD (srpmJ: 40 METHoo oF TEST B law Down ~ ,. DISINFECTION: rype HIC Amount 12 az : g. WATER ZONES (depth): ~ Top 250 Bottom 254 Top ___ Bottom, __ _ : Top, ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom, __ _ : Top Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom, __ _ Thickneu/ : 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter ! Top_±,2__ Bottom...lQ_ Ft._ __ Weight Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft __ _ : 8 , GROUT: Depth Material ~ Top_Q_ aottom..15.._ Ft. bentonjte : Top_l5__ Bottom~ Ft. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ____ _ ; 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Method pumped poured Material ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ i n , ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft,_in. In. ____ _ j Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln . i n. ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Dapth Size Material : Top. ___ Bottom ___ Fl ___________ _ ; Top Bottom ___ Ft. ____________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft .. __________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom O I 70 70 I 75 _7~5.___,_ .... 2 .. 5.,.0 __ 250 I 254 254 I 450 ---·'--------'-------'----/ ---,---- ---''---- : 12. REMARKS: ~ C as111g Removed Fonnatlon Description Dirt Gra nite Granite Broken Granite Granite ; I DO HEREBV CERTIFY THAT THIS WEU. WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH : ~i~~ ~ :~.;~~~c;:.r~=~OTHAT ACOPV OF nus ~ ~ iP J'lh 10-11-11 : ~RE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRA~ DATE : Timothy B Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -lnfonnatlon Processlna, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 2769&-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 FormGW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Departmenr of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 3118-A ----------- 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Ham by Well Contractor (Individual) Name Mjdsouth Geot hermal Well Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament Pc Suite 185 Street Address Memphis TN 38125 City or Town State Zip Code 1901 > 7 48-9095 Area code Phone number 2, WEU INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#...::W..:..:.,IQ,_1,_0,....0,_1 ..... 4....,1 ______ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMITll(lf applicable)~------- SITE WELL 10 #(ifappflcable)..;::B_--=3.__ _______ _ 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring D Munlclpal/Pubtlc D lnduatrial/Commercial D Agrtcuttural □ Recovery □ Injection □ Irrigation□ Other IW(llst use) Closed loop Geotherra DATE DRILLED 10-10-11 •· WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (Street Name. Numbers , Communlty, Subdivision , Lot No., Paroel, Zip Code) cITY: Franklin couNTY Maoon TOPOGRAPHIC / LANO SETTING: (check appropriate box) □Slope □Valley gFlat □Ridge □Other ______ _ K@,1$Tco JS_ 1•AA •a•11•11AA 11•1 cL R oR JJ11~J1JU1~x cc KNMFlflTCO 75 111•"•5""""""11"1 CL ROR 7'j~JI~ CC Latitude/longitude source: [)3PS Of'opographic map (location of well must be show(! on • USG$ topo m■p ■nd■tt•ched to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the busineaa where the well ls located.) Macon Elementarv Faculty Name 1166 Lotla Church Rd Street Address Franklin C ity or Town Macon Countv Government Contact Name M11lilng Addre11 Franklin City or Town Area code Phone number 8. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTALDEPTH:~4~5~0~'----- Facility 10# (If applicable) NC 28734 State Zip Code NC 26743 State Zip Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES □ NO r¥ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 60 FT. (Use•+• 1f Above Top of Casing) : d. TOP OF CASINO IS 2 FT. Above Land Surface• : "Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require : a variance fn accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : e. YIELD fgpm): 40 METHOD OF TEST Blow Down ~ f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 OZ ; g. WATER ZONES (depth): ~ Top 2-50 Bottom 254 Top ___ Bottom. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom, __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ : Top Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom, __ _ ThicknHa/ ; 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter Waight Materiel i Top....±2.,___ Bottom..D__ Ft. __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft . ._ __ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material i Top~ Bottom...za__ Ft. bentonjte : Top-la_ Bottom~ Fl washed stone Method pumped poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.._ ___ _ : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material ! Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. in. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom_Ft. __ ln. in. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ___ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth : Top Bottom ___ ; Top Bottom ___ ; Top Bottom ___ ; 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom 0 l _.7..,.Q~-- 70 '-=7=5~--75 /__.2..,.5...,0 __ 250 /_,2,..54...._ __ 254 I 450 ----'-------·'--------'--------'----I ---,---- : 12. REMARKS: : Cas i11g Ren1oved Size Materiel Ft. Ft. Fl FormationOe1cnption Dirt Granite Grani te Broken Granite Granite : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTB> IN ACCORDANC£ WITH • 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANOAROS, AND TiiAT A COPY OF THIS : RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO 'THE WEU. OWNER. ~ ~~ rf"J .,, J/--,--1 0-1 0-11 ; S IGNkfURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAcfcSR DATE : Iiroctby 8 Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1817 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, 'Phone: (919) 80T~300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A ----------- 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timo thy R Ha mby Well Contractor (Individual) Name Midsou th Geo thermal Wall Contraetor Company Name 82 75 To urnament Dr Suite 18 5 Street Address Memphis TN City or Town State 1 901 ) 7 48-9095 Area coda Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: 38125 Zip Coda WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#~W_IQ~1_Q~Q~1_4_1 ____ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#{W applicable}, _______ _ SITE WELL 10 #(If appll~ble),..,8:..-4_,_ ________ _ 3. WELL USE (Checl< One Box) Monitoring D Municipal/Public D lndustrtaVCommerelal □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ In/action □ Irrigation□ Other W(llst UMI) Closed loop Geotherre DATE DRILLED 10-6-11 '-'-'-~----- <t. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (Street Name. Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No,, Parcel, Zip Coda) cITY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) □Slope □Valley li(Flat □Ridge □Other, ______ _ K@,1$1'CO 38_ IAAAA&AMAAAAAf CL R OR 3kNUtk~ll cc KNM=tsrco75 l"'""&MIAAM""tCLROR h~cc Latitude/longitude source: [);PS Dropographlc map (location of well mu:Jt ti. shown on a USGS topo map andattachttd to this form If not using GP$} 5. FACILITY (Name ofth• buainesa where the well ls located .) Macao Elementary FaeilltyNama 1166 I atla Church Rd Street Addreaa franklin City or Town Macao County Government Contact Name Mailing Addran Franklin City or Town '-----J> ---------Area code Phone number 8 . WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:...:4"'5 ... 0.._' ____ _ Facility ID# (If applicable) NC 28734 State Zip Code NC 28743 State Zip Coda b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXJSTINO WELL? YES O NO r, e. WATER LEVEL Below Top or Casing: 60 FT. (Use •+• If Above Top of Casing) ; d . TOP OF CASINO IS ? FT. Above Land Surface• ; 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require ; a variance In aeeordanee with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : •. YIELD cupml: 40 METHOD oF TEST Slaw Dawn ~ t. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 OZ ; g. WATER ZONES (depth); ~ Top 250 Bottom 254 Top ___ Bottom'---- ;Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom, __ _ Top Bottom,_ __ _ Thlck,,.••I ; 1. CASINO: Depth Diameter Waight Material j Top~ Bottom...lJ_ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material ~ Top_L_ Bottom__zs____ Ft. bentonjte ; Top__zs____ Bottom~ Ft. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ Method pumped poured ; 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln . in. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom_ Ft. __ ln, In, ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in, in. ___ _ : 10. SANDIORAVEL PACK: ; Depth Size Material : Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ : Top. ___ Bottom_ Fl, __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description O /_7-0 __ Dirt 70 / .... 7~5.__ __ Granite Broken Granite 75 ,, .... 2_5~0 __ 250 /_.2 ... 54....._ __ 254 /_4.,.5..,0 __ Gran ite I ---,---- ---''-------''----/ ---,---- : 12. REMARKS: ~ Casi119 Re i 11ovee1 ; I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THJS WEU. WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH • 10A NCAC 2C, WEU. CONSTRUCTION ST ANDAROS, AN.O THAT A COPY OF THIS : RECORD HAS BEEN PROVJDED TO THE W ELL OWNER. ~ -!!k..-h u2 .,2-~ 10-6-11 ; ~RE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAC"'f'c5R DATE : Timothy R Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division or Water Quality -Information Processlng1 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1108 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Caro lina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-.A ----------- 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Hamby Well Contraetor (lndMdual) Name Midsouth Geothermal Well Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament Dr Suite 185 Street AddreM Memo~s TN 38125 City or Town State ZlpCoda c 901 > 7 48-9095 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# Wl0100141 """-'-'-=-'---"'.=...,'-'-'------- OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lf applicable), _______ _ SITE WELL ID #(II appllcabla)_,,B"--""'5'----------- l. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring D Munlelpal/Publle D lndustrial/Commerelal □ Agrteultural □ Recovery □ lnje~on □ lmgationo Other W(ll1t use) Closed loco Geotherra DATE DRILLED~1~Q_-6_-~1~1 ___ _ ,. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (Streel Name, Numbers, Community, SubdMslon, LOI No., Parcel, Zip Code) c1rv: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LANO SETTING; (check appropriate llOX) □Slope □Valley ~at □Ridge □Other ______ _ ~tsrcD 3~ ,••AAa•A•AA ••A, cL R oR aKtitiuoc~• cc iq,jt.f'ISTCD 75 ,AA••&•AAAAAMI CL R OR h!)(~>t"~ cc Latitude/longitude sourc;a: [}.PS Dropographlcmap (location of well mu$/ ba .shown on • USGS topo m•P 11ndattaahod to this form if not using GPS) II. FACILITY (Name of the business Where the well ls located.) Macon Elementary Facility Name Facility ID# (If applleable) 1166 Lotla Church Rd Street Addre .. franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code Macon County Government Contact Name Mailing Address Franklin NC 28743 City or Town State Zip Code Area eoda Phone number 6 . WELL DETAILS: 1. TOTALOEPTH:~4~5_0_1 ____ _ b. ooes WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES □ NO,;;/ e. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: _,6"'0.._ _____ FT. (Use '+" If Above Top of Caalng) : d. TOP OF CASING IS ? FT. Abo'ie Land Surfaoe• 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance In aecordanc:e with 15A NCAC 2C .011 8. ~ e. YIELD (gpm): 40 METHOD OF TEST Blow Down : ,. DISINFECTION: 1YPe HTC Amount 12 az : g. WATER ZONES (depth): ~ Top 250 Bottom 254 Top ___ Bottom __ _ : Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ : Top Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom __ _ Thickness/ ; 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter Weight Material ~ Top..!2..,_ Bottom..IJ..._ Ft .. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft •. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft •. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Oeplh Material ~ TopJL_ Bottom-28....._ Ft. bentonjte : Top..za_ Bottom~ Fl washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft ____ _ ; 9 . SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Method pumped poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. in. ___ _ ; Top~Bottom ___ Ft._ln. __ in. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ in, ___ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: ; Oepth Size ; Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Fl. __________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom Formation Description O I 70 Dirt 70 I 75 Granite _7~5..__/...,2..,5..,,0.__ __ Granite 250 I 254 Broken Granite 254 I 450 Granite ---'----__ _./ ,----__ ....; ---''----/ ---,---- : 12. REMARKS: ~ Casi, 19 Ren 1oved : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY n;AT THIS WEU WAS CON5mUCT8) IN ACCORDANCE WIT11 • 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CON5mUCTION STANDARDS, ANO THAT A COPY OF THIS ; RECORD HAS BEEN PROVI ED TO THE WELL OWNER . 10-6-11 WELL CONTRAC~ DATE : Timothy 8 Hamby ; PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -lntonnatlon Processing, 1817 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27899•181, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 11 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Narural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A 1 . WELL CONTRACTOR : Timothy R Hamby Well Contractor (Individual) Name Midsouth Ge otherm al Well Contractor Company Nama 8275 Tournament Dr Suite 185 Street Addreu M emphjs TN 38125 City or Town Stat• Zip Coda c 901 > 7 48-9095 Area c;octe Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WfO 100141 ---'--"-'-=--'--'='-"'-''--'-''------- OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if appUcabte), _______ _ SITE WELL ID #{If app/lcable),...:B:c,.--"6=----------- 3 . WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring O Municipal/Public D lnduatrial/Commen:ial □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ Injection □ lnigatlono Other .'111,1 use) Closed looo Geotherra DATE DRILLED...,1..,,0:-.:•5.._-..,_1__._1 ___ _ 4 . WELL LOCATION : 1166 Lotla Church Rd (Street Name. Numbers. Communit}I. Subdivision. Lot No., Parcel , Zip Code) c1rv: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) □Slope □Valley ifAat □Ridge □Other ______ _ ~CD 36_ 1••••&•• .. •M'"I Cl ROR 3x~x cc l<N~ISTCD 75 J""AA&M•••M•! CL R OR ]lit.~ cc Latitude/longitude source: [)3PS 0Topographlc map (location of w.11 must be $hown on • USGS topo map endettachad to this form If not using GPSJ 5. FACILrTY (Name of the bu1ine11 whara the well i• located.) Macon Elameotacv Facility Name 1166 L aria Ch11rcb Rd Streat Address franklin City or Town Macon County Government Contact Name Malling Address Franklin City or Town Area coda Phone number 8 . WELL DETAILS: •• TOTAL DEPTH:'-4'-LNS .... 0_' ----- Facility ID# (If applicable) NC 28734 State Zip Code NC 28743 State Zip Coda b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NO~ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 60 FT. (Use •+• if Above Top of Casing) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASINO IS 2 FT. Above Land Surface• "Top of caalng terminated at/or below land surface may require a vanance In accordance with 1 SA NCAC 2C .011 8. [ •. YIELD (gpm): 4 o METHOD OF T EST Blow Down : f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 1 ? OZ : g. WATER ZONES (depth): ~ Top 250' Bottom 254' Top ___ eottom __ _ : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom, __ _ : Top Bottom, __ _ Top Bottom __ _ Thickness/ : 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter Waight Material steel ~ Top....±2,__Bottom_65,'._Ft. 61/8 : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ F1., __ _ ; 8. GROUT : Depth Material : TopJl__ Bottom..lQ_ Ft. Bentonjte _J88._ ~ Top..lQ_ Botto~ Ft. washed stone ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ ; I . SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Method Pumped poured Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft, __ ln. __ in. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom_ Ft._ln. __ in. ____ _ : Top __ ,_ Bottom ___ Ft __ ln. In, ____ _ : 10. SAND/ORAVEL PACK: : Depttl Siu Material : Top __ ___,Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top ___ B.ottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom 0 /_,6=5'---- 65 /....,2=5=0 __ 250 /_,2..,5,:;i:4 __ 254 /_4..,5 .... 0 __ ---'----___ / ___ _ ___ / ___ _ ----'----____ / ___ _ I ---,---- : 12. REMARKS: . : --easn 19 Remov ed Fonnation Oescrtptlon Overburden Granite Broken Granite 40GPM Granite : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ; 16A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, ANO THAT A COPY OF THIS • R"ECORO HAS BEEN PROVIDB:I TO THE \NEU OWNER ~ -~~~ ~ 14-, 10-5-11 : S IGNATJ:l E OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACl'OR DA TE Timothy B Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE. WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality. Information Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center,Ralelgh, NC 27699-161, Phone ; (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1108 72. NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Ti mothy R Ha mby Well Contractor (Individual) Nama Midsouth Geother mal Well Contractor Company Name a2zs Tournament Dr Suite 1 as Street Addreaa Memp his TN 38 125 City or Town State Zip Coda c 901 1 748-9095 Area eoda Phone n umber 2 . WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#...,W.......,I0.._1--=0=0'-'1--'4'-'1 ____ _ OTHER ASSOC IATED PERMIT#(if appllcabla) _______ _ SITE WELL 10 #(If appllcable)_,,B,.__•...,.7 ..... A_,__ _______ _ 3 , WELL USE (Check Ona Box) Monitoring □ Munlclpal/Publlc □ lnduatrtal/Commercial D Agricultural o Recovery □ I njection □ Irrigation□ Other ii'(llst use) Closed loop Geotherra DATE DRILLED-1=0--3=·~1~1 ___ _ 4 . WELL LOCATION: 1166 lotla Church Rd (street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, LOI No., Parcel, Zip Code) c1rv: Franklfn couNrv Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LANO SETTING: (check appropnale box) QSlope □Val ley "'"lat □Ridge □Other ______ _ K@>ISTCO 36_ I 1111All &IIIIA I\AIIIIII I CL R OR 3JICt:MJUt~i. cc KN~ISTco75 1M 11 •a ""1111 •1111111cLROR 7-it.~cc Latitude,1ongltl.ide sou rce: [):;PS Dropographlc m ap (location of well must be shown on a USGS tapo map andattachad ID this form if not ua/ng GPS} 5. FACILITY {Name of the bua inesa where the well is located.) Macon Elementary Facility Name 1166 Latta Cht,ccb Rd Street Address franklin City or Town Macon Cnuntv Government Contact Name Maillng Address Franklin City or Town Area code Phone number 8. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH :~2 ..... 5""4_' ____ _ Facility ID# (if applicable ) Ne 28734 State Z i p Code NC 26243 State Zfp Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D NO r,/ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: _,fi.._0..__ ___ ~FT. (Use •+• If Above Top of Casing) ----------- ; d. TOP OF CASING IS ? FT. Above Land Surface• , "Top of casing terminated al/or below land surface may require a variance In accon:lanca with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. ~ ~-YIELD fgpmJ : 40 METHoo oF TEST Blow Down : ,. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 az : g. WATER ZONES (depth ): ~ Top 250' Bottom 254' Top ___ Bottom __ _ : Top, ___ Bottom __ _ Top Bottom, __ _ : Top Bottom,_ __ Top Bottom __ _ Thickness/ ; 1. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material steel ~ Top....±.2_ Bottom~ Ft. 6 1 /8 : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material ~ Top_Q__ Bottom_lO_ Ft. Bentonjte ...JmL : Top_zo_ Bottom~ Ft washed stone ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft~---- ; 9. SCREEN : Depth Dlam.ter Slot Size Method Pumped poured Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln . In . ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ In . ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln . __ In . ___ _ : 10. SANDIORAVEL PACK ; Depth Material ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ___________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft. ___________ _ j Top Bottom ___ Ft, ___________ _ ; 11 . DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom O /-'6=5.__ __ 65 /_.2..,.5..._0 __ 250 /_.2.,.54=---- 254 '--------'----___ ./ ___ _ ___ ./ ___ _ ___ ./ ___ _ ----'-------'-------'---- : 12. REMARKS: : Casing Ren ,oved Formation Description Overb urden G ran ite Broken Granite 40 GPM ; I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WEll WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH i ~r~c~ t~ ~Ji6:~~:~~~NE~ THAT A COPY OF THIS : , ,,., ~ 10-3-11 • ~-,-, ,j,1 I _ _ , ; SI GNRE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACl'oR DATE : Timothy R Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -lnfonnatlon Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27899-161, Phone: (919) 807-8300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 J 3 NON REsmENTIAL WELL coNsTRucrmN REcoao North Carolina Dqiartmcnt of Environment and Natural Resomces-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATJON # 3118-A ----------- 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Hamby Well Contractor (Individual) Name Midsouth Geothermal Well Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament Pc Suite 1 as Street Addresa Memphis TN 38125 City or Town State ZlpCode < 901 > 7 48-9095 Area eode Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#~W~IQ~1~Q~Q'-1~4~1~---- 0THER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#{lf appllcab!e)~------- SITE WELL 10 #(If appllcableJ,...,,B,::..-...:.7-=B::..._ _______ _ 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring D Municlpal/Publlc D lndusttial/Commercial □ Agric:Ultural O Recovery D Injection □ Irrigation□ Other ilf (Ust use) Closed loop Geotherro DATE DRILI.ED....,1"'"0'--3=-•_,1...,a1 ___ _ 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (Street Name. Number&. Community, SUbdlVlslon, Loi No., PIIICel, Zip Cede) c1rv: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC/ LANO SETTING: (check appropriate box) □Slope □Valle)' ii{Flat □Ridge □Other ______ _ K@,ISTCD 36_ l''"""!AIIAAAMAI CL R OR 3XNl)U{~]I cc t<N"61STCD 75 IAAAA&AAAAAAAAI CL R OR 7-)t.~,:~ cc Latitude/longitude source: [):;PS Qropog,-.phlc map (locatlon of w.11 must be shown on e USGS topo map endettachad to this form If not using GPS) 5. FACIUTY (Name of the bu1lnass where the well ls located.) Macon Elementary Facility Name 1166 Lotta Church Rd Street Address Franklin City or Town Macon C01sotv Government Contact Name Mailing Address Ecanktin City or Town ( ) _________ _ Area code Phone number t . WELL DETAILS: a. TOTALDEPTH:_._19 ..... 6_' ____ _ F acility ID# Qf apptlcable) NC 28734 State Zip Code NC 28743 State Zip Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D NO rJ/ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing; 60 FT. (Use•+• if Above Top of Casing) : d. TOP OF CASINO IS 2 FT. Above Land Surface• "Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance in ac;c;ordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0116. l e. YIELD (gpm); 40 METHOD OF TEST Blow Down : f. DISINFECTION: T~ HTC Amount 1? OZ : g. WATER ZONES (depth): l Top 250' Bottom 254' Top ___ Bottom._ __ ;Top ___ Bottom, __ _ Top ___ Bottom __ _ :Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top ___ Bottom __ _ ; 7. CASING: Depth Diameter ! Top_tL_ Bottom~ Ft. 6 1 /8 : 'rop ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Fl. __ _ ; 8. GROUT: Dapth Material l Top_Q__ Bottom..10_ Ft. Bentonjte Thlcknna/ WelQht ...1L Material steel ; Top-1,0_ eottom-1.BL. Ft. washed stone Method Pumped poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ : 9, SCREEN: Depth Dllmeter Slot Site Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ A. __ in. in. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft._jn. __ In. ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Siu Materfal : Top ___ .Bottom ___ Ft., __________ _ : Top __ ~Bottom ___ Ft __________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom 0 I 65 --'6 ..... 5.___,/_1=9=6 __ ---'-----____ / ___ _ ____ / ___ _ ---'~---- ----'----___ ./ ___ _ ___ ./ ___ .,---- : 12. REMARKS: : Casi1 19 Rei 11oved Formation Descri ptlon Overburden Granite ; I DO HEREBY CERTIFY Tl1AT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH j ~i"= ~ :e~;~~~~c;:.r~~~~D THAT A COPY OF TI11S : -10..3-11 ! TIFIED WELL CONTRA~ DATE : Timothy B Hamby ; PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: DIVlsion of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1817 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON REsmENTIAL WELL coNsraucTmN REcoRD Nonh Carolina Department of Environment and Na111ral Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A 1, WELL CONTRACTOR: Timo thy R Hamby Well Contractor (lndivldual) Name Midsouth Geothermal Wall Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament Dr Suite 185 Streat Addrau Memphi s TN 38125 City or Towr, State Zip Coda 1 901 > 7 48--9095 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#...,W-=-=-=1Qe..a1,_,,Q'""Q'-'1'"""4'-'1 ____ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#{if applicable,_ ______ _ SITE WELL ID #(If appjicable),..=B=a..-_,8._ ________ _ $.. WELL USE (Check Ona Box) Monitoring D Municlpal/Publle □ lnduatrial/Commercial □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ lnjeetlon □ Irrigation□ other !f'(lllt use) Closed looo Geotherra DATE DRILLED_9_-3_O-·_1_1 ___ _ 4. WELL LOCATION : 1166 Lotla Church Rd (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No .• Parcel, Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC/ LANO SETTING: (Check appropriate box) □Stopa □Valley "1"1at □Ridge □other ______ _ K@l!STCO 36_ I MAA&AAAAAAAA( CL R OR 3JC~)OUl(~JC cc KNM' 1$TCD 75 t"'""&AMA t,AJ\I\J CL R OR 7',t~ cc Latitude/longitude source: 03PS OTopographlc map (location of well must b• shown on • USGS topo map andattached to this form If not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of tha business whara tha wall la located.) Macon Elementary Facility Name Facility ID# (If applicable) 1166 Latia Church Rd Street Address Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Coda Macon County Government Contact Name Mailing Address franklin NC 28743 City or Town State Zip Coda ( ) _________ _ Araa coda Pllona number 8. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEP'Tli:._4CL.w5,..0_' ____ _ b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D NO~ c . WAT'ER LEVEL Below Top of Casing; 60 FT, (Use •+• If Above Top of Casing) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASINO IS _... ____ FT. Above Land Surtsce• : •Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may requ ire : a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : e. YIELD (gpm): 40 METHOD OF TEST Blow Down ~ ,. DISINFECTION : rype HTC Amount 12 az : g. WATER ZONES (depth): ~ Top 250' Bottom 254' Top ___ Bottom. __ _ ;Top. ___ Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom. ___ _ : Top. ___ Bottom. __ _ Top ___ Bottom,_ __ : 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter ~ Top-±2,_Bottom_£_,_Ft 61/8 ~ Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.~-- Thickness/ Weight ...J.a8_ l',1aterial steel : 8, GROUT: Depth Material Method i Top.JL_ Bottom...M__ Ft. Bentonjte Pumped : Top...M__ Bottom~ Ft. washed stone poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ____ _ ; I, SCREEN: Depth Diameter SlotSize Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft, __ in. __ in , ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: ; Depth : Top ___ .Bottom ___ Ft .'----_______ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top ___ Bo.ttom ___ Ft. __________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom 0 80 250 254 I 80 I 250 I 254 I 450 ____ / ___ _ ----'--------'----____ / ___ _ ---'--------'-------·'---- ; 12. REMARKS: ~ Ca sit 19 Re, 11oved Formation De,cription Overburden Granite Broken Granite 40 GPM Granit e : I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS weu.. WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH : ;:ct~c~ -:eeu.. ~~~01:.r~~~~DTHAT A COPY OF TMIS ; / v. 9-30-11 : SI ATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAcTOR DATE ~ Timothy B Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -lnfom,atlon Processing, 1817 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1108 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment end Natural Resources• Division of Waler Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A ----------- 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Hamby Wall Contractor (Individual) Name Midsouth Geothermal Well Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament Dr Suite 185 Street Address Memphis TN 38125 City or Town State Zip Code l 901 l 7 48-9095 Area cod• Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#~W~fQ~1~Q~Q~1~4~1 ____ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(II applicable) _______ _ Sile WELL ID #{if appl~bie-C ____ -1 __________ _ 3. WELL USE (Chec:k One Box) Monitoring O Municipal/Public D lnduatrtal/Commerclal □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ lnJeotion □ lnigatlon□ other l!f cnst use) Closed looo Geotherra DATE DRILLED 10-25-11 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (Street Name, Numbenl, Community. SubdM&lon, lot No .. Pan:el, Zip Co<le) c1rv: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC/ LAND SETTING: (check appn>prtate boll) □Slope □Valley itAat □Ridge □Other ______ _ K@,ISTCD 36_ ,M••&•••M•••t CL ROR 3JIC~)f.JIO{~ cc l<Nt51$TCO 75 , .... & .. M••••1 CL ROR ~~~ cc L atitude/longitude source; [}3PS OTopographlc map (lo~tlon of well rnu,t be shown on• USGS topo map enriatteched to this form If not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well la located.) Macon Elemeotacv Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 1166 Latia Church Rd Street Addresa Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code Macon Cauotv Gnvemment Contact Name Malling Address Ecaoklin NC 28743 City or Town Slate Zip Code Area coda Phone number S . WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:_4~5_0_' ____ _ b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL 7 YES D NO r:f/ o. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing; 60 FT. (Uae •+• if Above Top of Casing) : d . TOP OF CASINCJ IS 2 FT. Above Land Surface' "Top of easing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C ,0118, : ,. v,eLO (gpm): 1 oo METHoo oF TEST Blow □own ~ f. DISINFECTION: ,we HTC Amount 12 oz : g, WATER ZONES (depth): ; Top 250 Bottom 254 Top ___ Boltom __ _ : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ ; Top Bottom. __ _ Top ___ Boltom. __ _ Thickness/ : 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter Weight Material steel ~ Top..±2__ Bottom.Jl2.._ Ft. 6 1/8 .....iaa... : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ ; 8. GROUT: Cepth Mater/al ~ TopJ)__ Bottom.M._ Fl Bentonjte : Top..fil._ Bottom...ifilL. Fl washed stone ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft ____ _ : 9. SCREEN: Dep"' DJameter Slot Sia Method pumped poured Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. __ in, ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in, __ in. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ ; Tof:! ___ Bottom_Ft. __________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ ; 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottorn 0 /...,7..._7 __ _ JL_/_,8=2'-----R_/_.2...,5""'0 __ ..2.fiL/ .... 2 ... 5....,4 __ ..2M_/_4...,.5-0 __ I ---,----___ ./ ___ _ ----'-------'----___ / ___ _ : 12. REMARKS : ~ Casing Re,, 1oved Formatlort Descnptlon Dirt Granite Granite Broken Granite 40 GPM Granite ; I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WEU. WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCOROANCE WITH : i5A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. ANO THAT A COPY OF THIS • RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO "THE WELL OWNER ;~)-A ,'1( : ~ ,7<.. 1~ 1 0-25-11 : SIGNA1uRE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAC""fOR DATE : Iiroatbv B Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality • Information Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Ratelgh, NC 27699-161, Phone: (919) 807-8300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Ham by Well Contrac:1or (Individual) Name Mid south Geothermal Well Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament Pc Suite 185 Street Address Memohis TN City or TO'MI Stale 1 901 > 7 48-9095 Aree eode Phone num ber 2, WELL INFORMATION : 38125 Zip Code WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#_,W"""-'-'IQ,._1,_,Q=-=Q'-'1'-'4,_,1,_ ___ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applleable), _______ _ SITE WELL ID #(if applicable),""'C:....a-2=----------- 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring □ Municipal/Public □ Industrial/Commercial D Agricultural □ Recovery □ Injection □ Irrigation□ other llt'(llst use) Closed loop Geotherra DATE DRILLED 10-24-11 -'· WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotla Church Rd (Street Name, NumbelB, Community, SubdMslorJ , Lot No., Paroel . Zlp Code) CITY: Franklin couNTI Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (~eek appropnata bOx) □Slope □Valley liiFiat □Ridge □other ______ _ K@lfITCD 36_ IAAIIA!IIIIM/11111111 CL R OR 3XNIXJC~)C cc t<NM=ISTCD 75 IAAAA&AAAAAIIAAf CL ROR ~~~ cc Latllude/1011gltude source: [PPS OT'opographlc map (location of well muat ba ahown on a USGS topo map ■ndetteched to this form if not ua/ng GPS) II. FACILITY (Name of the buslnen where the well is located.) Macon Elementary Facility Name 1166 L otla Church Rd Street Addresa franklin City or Town Macon Cauotv Government Co11tac:1 Name Malling Address Franklin City or Town ( ) _________ _ Area code Pho11e 11umbar 6 . WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:._4""""5..,.0'-' ____ _ Facility fD# (lf applicable) NC 28734 state Zip Code NC 28743 State Zip Code b, DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D NO~ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 60 FT. (Use••• if Above Top of Casing) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASING IS 2 FT. Above Land Surface• : -Top of caslr,g termiriated at/or below land surface may requ ire : a variance iri accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : e. YIELD (gpm): 100 METHOD DF TEST Blow Down ~ f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 CZ : g, WATER ZONES /depth): ~ Top 250 Bottom 254 Top ___ Bottom. __ _ ;Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom __ _ ; Top Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ ; 1. CASINO: Depth Diameter ~ Top...±2._ Bottom~Ft. 6 1/8 : Top ___ Bottom ___ Fl __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft .. ___ _ : 8, GROUT: Depth Material ~ Topj)__ Bottom..,SL_ Fl Bentonite Thlckr,e•sl Weight ...JL M1teriaJ steel : Top..8L,_ eottom..A5.Q_ Ft washed stone Method pumped poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Fl.. ____ _ : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Matertal : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln, __ In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ I11. __ In , ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. 111. ___ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK; : Depth Size MaterlaJ ; Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft .. ____________ _ ; Top ___ Boltom ___ Ft. ___________ , : Top. ___ Bottom_ Ft .. ____________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom o ,_n __ _ 77 /_8=2 __ _ 82 I 250 250 /_.2.,.54...._ __ 254 /_4....,50....__ __ I ---,.----____ / ___ _ I I ---,---- : 12. REMARKS: . Formatior, Description Dirt G ranite Granite Broken Granite 40 GPM Granite : -jc~ares'T'lil""IQ~R~e""'l""l"'IO""v.,.e"'d-+------------- : I 00 HERESY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL. WAS CONS'mUCTl:O IN ACCORl>ANCE WITH ; ~CO~~:-~ ;:Ji:~~~~~~~::' THAT A COPY OF THIS ~ ~~ /<. ~ 10-24-11 : SlGNRE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAc'foR DA1E . Timothy B Hamby ; PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27899-161, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Fom, GW•1b Rev. 1108 7 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Notth Carolina Department of Environmenc and Narura! Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A ----------- 1. WELL CONTRACTOR : Timothy R Hamby Well Contractor (Individual) Name Midsouth Geothermal Well Contractor Company Name a2zs Tournament Dr Suite 1 ss Street Address Memphis TN 38125 City or Town State Zlp Code 1 901 > 7 48-9095 Area coda Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WIO 100141 .......,,-'-=--'-"-""--'--'-''------- OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#/lf eppllcable) _______ _ SITE WELL ID #{lfappllcable) ... C=---=3'----------- 3, WELL USE {Checl< One Box) Monitoring D Munlelpal/Publle D lndu1tr111I/Commereial □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ lnjactlon □ lrrigatlono other m( (llat use) Closed looo Geotherra DATE DRILLED 10-20-11 4, WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotla Church Rd (Slleel Name. Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No .. Paroel, Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC/ LAND SETTING: (cl'leok aPf)IOplfate bO)() □Slope □Valley ii(Flat □Ridge □Other ______ _ t<@,ISTco 36_ 1.AA,.8 ,. ......... 1 cL R oR aJC~iuu(«~x cc l(Nll,f=l$TCD 75 l""M&I\IIMAIIMf CL R OR h~~ cc Latitude/longitude ,ouree: [):;PS OTopographle map (locel/on of well must be shown on • USGS topo map andattached to this form If not using GPS) 5, FACILITY (Name of the buslneH where the well is located.) Macon Elementacv Faefllty Name 1166 I otla Cbuccb Rd Streat Address franklin City or Town Macon County Government Contact Name Malling Address Eraoklio City or Town ._ _ _,) ----------Area code Phone number e, WELL DETAILS: •· TOTALDEPTH:~4~5-Q_' ____ _ Faelllty JD# (If applicable) NC 28734 State Zip Code NC 28243 Slate Zip Code b, DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES □ NO r!/ c. WATl:R LEVEL Below Top of Casing; ~6_0 _____ FT. (Use••• If Above Top ol Casing) : d, TOP OF CASING IS 2 FT. Above Land Surface• : •Top of casing terminated al/or below rand surface may require : a variance In aCGOrctance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : •· v1eL0 (11pm): 40 METHOD oF TEST Blow Down ~ f . DISINFECTION: Type HTC AmO\lnt 12 OZ : g. WATER ZONES (depth): ~ Top 250 Bottom 254 Top ___ Bottom ____ _ : Top. ___ Bottom, __ _ Top. ___ Bottom __ _ ; Top Bottom __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ ! 7. CASING: Depth Diameter ~ Top..±,2__Bottom_..62__Ft. 61/8 : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.,_ __ : Top ___ Bottorn ___ Ft.. __ _ ; 8. GROUT; Depth Material j Top.J)_ Bottom....BL_ Fl Bentonjte Thlc:knes■/ Weight ...J..a8..._ Materl■I steel : Top...8.L_ Bottom~ Ft. washed stone Method pumped poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ____ _ : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ !n. __ In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ____ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In . ____ _ : 10, SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Size Material : Top ____ sottom ___ FL. __________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Fl __________ _ [ Top Bottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom ~l .... 7 ...... 7 __ _ 77 /...,8=2'----82 , ..... 2 .... s_o __ 250 /_,2...,5....,4 __ 254 /_4=5..,.,0 __ ----''-------·'----___ ./ ___ _ ----'----___ ./ ,---- ----' ; 12. REMARKS: ! Casi119 Removed Formation Description o·rt Granite Granite Broken Granjte 40 GPM Granite : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WM CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH • 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, ANO THAT A COPY OF THIS ; RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER : .~ 10-20-11 ·~~,,,,· : SIGNURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAC""fo'R DATE . Timothy B Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -Information Proce5$lng, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27899-181, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW•1b Rev. 1108 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Divis ion of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A ----------- 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Hamby Well Contractor (Individual) Name Mjdsouth Geothermal Well Contractor Company Name 8275 Tourn ament D r Suite 185 Street Address Memphi s T N 38 125 City Of Town State Zlp Code < 901 1 7 48-9095 Area coda Phone number 2 . WELL INFORMATION : WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#..,W ..... f Q=--1 .... 0,...0.._1 __ 4._1 _______ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lf applicable ), _______ _ SITE WELL ID #(If a.pplicable).--'C=-4~--------- 3. WELL USE (Checi< Ona Box) Monitoring D MU-niclpal/Publlc D lnduatnal/Commerclal D Agricultura l □ Recovery □ Injection □ Irrigation□ Other ri/(tiat use) Closed loop Geotherrn DATE DRILLED 10-19-11 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code ) c 1TY: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LANO SETTING: (checl( appropriate box) □Slope □Valley lifFlat □Ridge □Other ______ _ 1<@11STCO 36_ 11\1\AA .. A I\A I\AA l\llf CL R OR 3Jttll~X cc KN~ ISTCD 75 1MM&I\/\I\M /\I\I\! CL R OR 7':it:WJU~ CC Latitude/longitude sou~: CPPS 0Topographlc map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GP$) 5. FACILITY {Name of the bualneq wtiere the w ell is located.) Macon Elementary Facility Name Facility I D# (if applicable) 1166 L otla Church Rd Street Addreu Ecaoklio NC 28734 City or TOW!l State ZipC~ Macon County Government Contact Name Malllng Addreu Franklin City or Town NC 28743 State Zip Code ___ __,) ---------- Area code Phone number 8. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:_4-5_O_' ____ _ b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D NO 'ii c , WATER LEVEL Below Top of Caalng: 60 FT. (Use •+• If Above Top of Casing) : d. TOP OF CASINO IS 2 FT. Above Land Surface• : "Top of casing terminated al/or below land surface may requi re : a variance In accordance With 15A NCAC 2C .01 18. : e. YIELD (gpm): 40 METHOD OF TEST Blow Down [ f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 az : g, WATER ZONES (depth): ~ Top 250 Bottom 254 Top ___ Bottom._ __ : T op ___ Sottom. __ _ Top ___ Bottom. __ _ : Top Bottom __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ : 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter ~ Top..:t.2.__ Bottom.Jl2.._ Ft. 6 1/8 : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material ~ Top.Jl.._ Bottom_ar._ Ft . Bentonjte Thickness/ Welgt,t Materiel steel ~ Method pumped : Top....8L_ Bottom.A£)_ Ft . washed stone poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ____ _ : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft._in, in. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Fl __ ln. In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. In . ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: ; Depth Size Material : Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ ; Top Bottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Deacriptlon O /_7_7 __ Dirt 77 /-'8=2=----Gran ite 82 ,_ .... 2 ... 5..,.0c.....__ 250 /_.2_5._.4 __ Granite Broken Grantte 40 GPM 254 /_4~5-0 __ Gra nite I ---,---- ----'--------'----/ ---/_---- ; : 12. REMARKS: : C asit 19 Rei 1,ooed ; I DO HEREBY CERTIFY lliAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCOROANCc WITH • 1SA NCAC 2C, waL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF TH IS ; RECORO HAS BE.EN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER ; ~-,0 /I, : =...,......,..""=n~.,...~==~=:---:--::-c:-:-~ 10-19-11 ; S~RE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAcfoR DATE : Tjmothy R Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -tnfonnatlon Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Ralelgh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807--6300 Form GW•1b Rev. 1/08 1'f NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Nonh Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources• Division of Water QuaJity WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Hamby Wall Contractor (Individual) Name Midsouth Geothermal W all Contractor Company Name 8275 Tou rn ame nt Dr Suite 185 Street Address Memphis TN 38 125 City or Town State Z ip Code c 901 l 7 48-9095 Area coda Phone number :Z. WELL INFORMATION: W ELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WIQ100141 -'-"~---=-=----~------ OTHER ASSOCIATEO PERMIT#(ifapplicable), _______ _ SIT& WELL ID #(11 appUcabte), .... C ... -.... 5.__ _______ _ 3. WELL USE (Checl< One Box) Monitoring D Municipal/Public: D Industrial/Commercial D Agricultural D Recovery □ Injection □ Irrigation □ Other ~<ll•t u .. ) Closed loco Geotherra DATE DRILLED j 0-1 8-11 ,. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC/ LANO SETTING: (check appropnate box) □Stopa □Valley gFlat □Ridge o Othar ______ _ ~co 36_ 1-"'..,.&"''A"""""J cL ROR 3•~~~~~ cc 1<N~1STcors i"'A"&"""""AA"!CLRoR h~cc Lalltuda/longttuda source: !J;PS Ofopographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andetteched to this form if not using GPS) S-. FACILITY CName of the buainasa wt,ere the well ls located.} Macon flementarv FacHlty Name 1166 L atla Cb• 1ccb Rd Streat Addrau franklin City or Town Macon County Government Contact Name Mailing AddrHI Franklin City or Town ._ _ _,') ----------Area code Phone number 6 . WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:,_4~5 ... 0 .... ' ____ _ FacJllty 10# (if applieabla) NC 26734 State Zip Code NC 28743 State Zip Coda b, DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D NO~ c. WAT&R LEVEL Below Top of Caslng: 60 FT. (Uaa •+• if Above Top of Casing} ----------- : d . TOP OF CASING IS ? FT. Above Land Surface• 'Top of easing terminated at/or below land surface may requi re a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .01 18. : •· YIELD (gpm): 40 METHOD oF TEST Blow Oawo ~ f , DISINFECTION; ~ HTC Amount 12 oz : g . WATER ZONES (depth): ~ Top 250 Bottom 254 Top ___ Bottom __ _ ;Top. ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom. __ _ : Top Bottom __ _ Top Bottom,_ __ Thickness/ ; 7 . CASING: Depth Diameter Waight Material steel ! Top....±2_ Bottom...82._ Ft. 6 1 /8 .....1.8a... ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Oepth Material ~ Top.JL__ Bottom..az._ Ft. Bentonjte : Top_BL_ Bottom~ Ft. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ____ _ ; 9 . SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Met hod pumped poured Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. In. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. In. ____ _ : 10. SAHD/ORAVEL PACK: ; Deptt\ SIU Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top ___ Bottorn ___ ft .... ___________ _ ; Top Bottom ___ Ft. --- : 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation De,cnption 0 '~7~7 __ Dirt 77 , __ 8-2 __ _ 82 /_.2 ... 5 ... 0 ___ _ Granite Gr anite 250 ,_2_54 __ _ Broken Granite 40 GPM 254 '~4~50 __ Granite ---·'-------'·----I ---,---- ---'·----___ / ___ _ : 12. REMARKS: ' j -1c~ar-=s:-nil'"li1grt-tR+-e"""11,.,,o~vt11e0t1d1"1------------- : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WEU. WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WIT!i • 111A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION ST ANOARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS ; RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WEl.LOWNER. ~ r ~ ll 1+-10.15.11 : S~URE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAC""1'o'R" DAT E : Timothy 8 Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTI NG THE W ELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-181, Phone : (919) 807.f300 Form GW•1b Rev , 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department 9fEnvironment end Naiural Resources• Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Hamby Well Contractor (lndivldual) Name Midsouth Geothermal Well Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament Pr Suite 185 Street Address Memphis TN City or Town State < 901 I 7 48-9095 Area code Phone number a. WELL INFORMATION: 38125 Zip Coda WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# W 10100141 ~~~~~~----- 0 THE R ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lf apPllcable), _______ _ SITE WELL ID #(If appllcabt9)._C~-~6~--------- !. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring □ Munielpal/P\Jblle D lndustrial/Conimercial □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ Injection □ Irrigation□ Other W(llat use) Closed looo Geotherrp DATE DRILLED 10-17-11 ,, WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotla Church Rd (S treet Name, Nornbenl, Community, SubdMslon, Lot No .. Parcel. Zlp Code) crTY: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC/ LANO SETTING: (clleck appropriate box) □Slope □Valley i{Flat □Ridge OOth■r ______ _ K@;ISTCO 36_ ,A•••aA•••M••I CL R OR 3Jltl'Joui~ cc l<N~ISTCD 75 1•"""!AA•u•••I CL ROR ht.~~ CC Latitude/longitude source: [PPS [Jropographie map (focation of well mu$t be shown on • USGS topo map andattach~ to th/$ form if not U$ing GPSJ 5. FACILITY (Name of the bu1inesa where the well 11 located.) Macon e lementarv facility Name 1166 I atla Church Rd Street Address Franklin City or Town Macon Coi,ntv Government Contact Name MallingAddrets Franklin City or Town Area coda Phone number a. WELL DETAILS: 1. TOTAL DEPTH:,_4~5-0_' ____ _ faeiltty ID# (if applicable) NC 28734 State Zip Coda NC 28743 State Zip Coda b . DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTINO WELL 7 YES D NO~ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Cating; .. 6..,0..._ ____ FT. (Use •+• if Above Top ol Casing) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASINO IS~----FT. Above Land Surfaee• • -Top of casing terminated aVor below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : e . YIEl.D (gpm): 40 METHOD OF TEST Bfgw Down ~ ,. DISINFECTION : Type HTC Amount 12 az : g. WATER ZONES (depth): ~ Top 250 Bottom 254 Top. ___ Bottom, __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ _ Top ___ Bottom __ _ : Top Bottcm ---Top Bottom. __ _ : 7. CASINO : Depth Dlam•ter ; Top..±Z.,_ Bottom....8L.._ Ft. 6 1 /8 ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material : Top.Jl_ Bottom...8Z_ Ft. Bentonjte Thic:kneas/ Weight ~ Material steel : Top....az___ Bottom_A5L Ft. washed stone Method pumped poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ____ _ ; t. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. in. ____ _ : ToP. ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. In . ____ _ : 10. SAND/ORAVEl. PACK: ; Depth Slz• Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Fl. __________ _ ; Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft .. __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Bottom 0 I_V~-- 77 , __ 82~-- 82 1 ... 2 .. s .... o __ 250 /_.2...,54"'"--- ..2.M_/:-4-5~0 __ -----'----____ / ___ _ I ---,---- ----'--------'---- : 12. REMARKS: : Casi, 19 Rei, roved Formation Description Dirt Granite Granite Broken Granite 40 GPM Granite ; I 00 HERE8Y CERTIFY TtlAT THIS WaL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ! ~~~~:~~~~c;6~~=~~8N~DTHAT A COPY OF THIS ~ :::L~ R ~~ 1 a-1 z-11 : simia'GRE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAefciR""° DATE : Timothy 8 Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality • Information Proceulng, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161 , Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rell. 1108 '1 \ NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 31 18-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timoth y R Hamby Well Contractor (Individual) Name Midsouth Geothermal Well Contractor Company Nam, 82 7 5 Tourna me nt Dr Suite 1 as StrHt Addrn, Memphi s TN 38 125 City or Town Stat. Zlp Coda 1 901 ) 7 48-9095 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION : WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# Wl0100141 ---'-"'""'-="""-"'.=-a'-'--------- OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#,(11 appllcable)'-------- SITE WELL ID #(If appllcable), .... C ... -'""'7 ___________ _ 3. WEU USE !Check One Box) Monitoring D Municlpal/Publlc D lndusttjal/Commercial □ Agricultural □ RecoV8fY □ Injection □ Irrigation□ other mf (lhst uee) Closed looo Geotherra DATE DRILLED 10-14-11 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (Street Name, Numbel's , Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel , Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (clleck appropriate box) □Slope □Valley litflat □Ridge □other ______ _ l<@,t5TCD 36_ I•M•a•••••M•11 I CL R OR 3,cNuoo<~ cc l<NM"' ISTCD 75 1•11AA&A AAIIMM I CL R OR ~!)(,et~ cc Latltuda/longltude source: Q3PS Qropographlc map (loc•tion of well must be shown on • USGS topo map andattached to thi:J ftmn If not using GPS) II, FACILITY (Name of the buelnese where the well is located.) Macon flementarv Facillty Name 1166 Latia Church Rd Streat Addrau Franklin City or Town Macon County Government Contact Name Malling Address franklin City or Town Area code Phone number 8. WELL DETAILS: ■. TOTAL DEPTH:_4~5_0_' ____ _ Facility ID# (If applicable) NC 28734 State Zip Code NC 26743 State Zip Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTINO WELL 7 YES D NO~ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: _6.......,.0 ____ FT. (Use•+• if Above Top of Casing) ----------- ; d . TOP OF CASINO IS 2 FT, Above Land Surface• "Top of casing terminated at/or batow land surface may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. ~ e. YIELD (gpm): 40 METHOD OF TEST Blow Down : ,. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 az ; g. WATER ZONES (depth): ~ Top 250 Bottom 25;4 Top ___ Bottom. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom:---Top ___ Bottom. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottorn._ __ ; 1. CASINO: Depth Dlametu ~ Top~Bottom-S2_Ft. 61/8 ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material ~ Top.JL__ Bottom.JU__ Ft. Bentonjte Thlcknesll/ Weight Material steel ~ Method pumped : Top~ Bottom....4fill_ Ft. washed stone poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft._in. in . ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. in . ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ In . ___ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Size Material : Top ___ .Bottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ F.._ _________ _ : Top ___ .Bottom ___ Fl'----_______ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Desctiption 0 '~99~--Dirt 90 /__,9...,2,....._ __ Granite 92 /__.2...,5..,.0 __ Granite 250 /....,2.,.5u;4 __ Broken Granite 40 GPM 254 /_4....,5.,.0 __ Grani te --~'------~'--------'----/ ___ / ___ _ ---'---- ; 12. REMARKS: ~ Cash 1g Remo ved ; I 00 HERESY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ; 10A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AHO THAT A COPY OF THIS • RECORO HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE W'Ell OWNER. ~ s~u'1 ~~FIED WELL CONTRAefc>R 10~lti 11 : Timothy R Hamby ; PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completlon to: Division of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh , NC 27699-161, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Fom, GW-1b Rev. 1/08 (;fl. NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department ofEnvironment and Narutal Resources• Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A 1 , WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Hamby Well Contractor (Individual) Name Mid south Geotherm al Well Contractor Company Name 8275 Tou rn ament Dr Sui te 185 Street Address Memphis TN 381 25 City or Town State Zip Coda c 901 l 7 48-9095 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#--..::W...::.:..;::IQ,._.1--=Q=Q_,_14_,_1_.__ ___ _ OTHER ASSOC IATED PERMIT#(if applicable ) _______ _ SITE WELL ID #(If applleable),....=C,._·-=8'---------- 3. WELL USE (Check Ona Box) Monitoring □ Municipal/Public □ lnduatrlat/Commarciat D Agrtcultural □ Recovery D Injection D lnigatk>ri□ other IW(llst UM) Closed loop Geotherra DATE DRILLED 10-13-11 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotta Church Rd (Street Name. Numbers. Community. SubdlVlalon . Loi No~, Parcel, Zip Code) c 1TY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (check appropriate bo~) □Slope □Valley ii(Flat □Ridge □other ______ _ K@i!STCD 36_ , .. ••a••M•M"I cLRoR ax~~xx~cc KNM= tSTCD 75 1••••a 11 " .. ,. .. ,., CL R oR 7'Jt:')(')ett~ cc Latitude/longitude source: 0:.PS OTopographlc map (location of well must be shown on • USGS topo map andaltached to thia form If not uaing GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the bu1lneu where the wall is located.) Macon E!ementarv Facility Name 1166 Latia Church Rd Street Address franklin City or Town Macon Cnuntv Government Contact Name Malllng Address franklin City or Town Area code Phone n umber 8 . WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:._4=--5,..0_' ____ _ Facility ID# (if applicable) NC 28734 State Zlp Code NC 28743 State Z ip Coda b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES □ NO r, c. WATER LEVEL Balow Top of Casing: ....,6....,0...._ ___ FT. (Uae •+• if Above Top of Casing) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASING IS 2 FT. Above Land Surface• •T9p of casing terminated at/or below !and surface may requi re a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. ~ e. YIELD (9pm): 40 METHOD OF TEST Blew Down : ,. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 az : g. WATER ZONES (depth): ~ Top.250 Bottom 254 Top. ______ Bottom. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top Bottom __ _ : Top Bottom'-----Top Bottom._ __ : 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter ~ Top_:t:2_ Bottom.JM.._ Ft. 6 1/8 : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft,_. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material ~ Top....Q..___ Bottom-99_ Ft. Bentonjte Thickneaa/ Weight Material _JM_ steel : Top...aa__ Botto~ Ft. washad stone Ma1hod pumped poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Sin Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ jn . In. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ l n. In. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom._ Ft. __ ln. --l (l. ---- : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Size Material : Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft., __________ _ : Top. ___ ,Bottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Bott0"1 Fonnatlon Oaacriptlon 0 /_.9..,.0'---Dfrt 90 /...,94 ........ __ Gran ite 94 , ... 2 .... s ... o __ Granite 250 /_.2.,.5....,.4 __ Broken Granite 40 GPM 254 /_45=-"'0 __ G ranite ----''----___ ./ ___ _ ---·'-------''--------''----__ ....;/ ___ _ : 12. REMARKS: : Casi11 g Reil 1oved : I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THI S WEU. WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE Willi : 15A NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANOAROS, AND TtiAT A COPY OF THIS • RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELi. OWNER. ;-~ ~ 4 ~ 10-13-11 : ~TURE OF <;IFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE : Jimatby 8 Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Divis ion of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NO 27699-161, Phone: (919) 807.f300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department ofEovironment and Natural Resources-DMsion of Water Qua)~ WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A. 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothv R Hambv Wei Conlraclor (Individual) Name Midsouth Geothermal Wei Contractor Company Name 82 75 Tourn amen t Dr STE 5 Street Address M e m phis CltyorTown < 901 ). 748--9095 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: T N 38125 State Zip Code WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT•--=W'-'--'-'10=-1-'--'Q=Q=-1.,_4..:..1..:..... ____ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PE~ITl(lf apPllcable). ______ _ sm: WELL ID #(If appHcable)..:_ ._· ~e'__,({t ____ -.,_,.q...__ __ _ 3. WELL USE (Check One Boll) Monitoring O MunlcipallPubllc □ lndustrtallComrner D Agriculural O Recoveiy D Injection D 1n1gation□ Other Fl Qi.t. UM) Closed Looo Geothera DATE DRllJ.EO_: -~ ... J+-/ __ ,. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (Street Name, Numbln, Community, Subdivision, Lat No., Parcal, Zlp Code) c 1TY: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (cha appn,pria111t baKJ □Slope □Valley~ □Ridge □Other. _____ _ LATITUDE 36 ____ • OMS OR 3x xxxxxxxxx oo LONGITUDE~ ___ ~ OMS OR 7X.)QOOOOOOO( OD LatitudellonglbJde source; [)3PS Dropographic map (location of we# must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the bumesa Where the well Is located.) Macon Eleroeotrv School Facillty Name 1166 I otla Gbuccb Rd Street Address Eraoklio City or Town Mamo C01mtv Govemroeot Contact Name Maffirig Address franklin CttyorTown ( ) ________ _ Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAi.DEPTH: ... J.f(S"° Faclllty IOI Of applicable) NC 28734 State Zip Code NC 28743 Stale Zlp Code b. DOES WELL REPUCE EXISTING WELL? YES D NOD c. WATERLEVELBelowTopofCaslng: -b(2 FT. (Use·+· if Above Top of Casing) ---------- : d. TOP OF CASING IS 2 FT. AbcNe. Land Sutface• : '"Top of casing lem1inafed at/or below land SUlface may requre : a variance In accontance wtf'I 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : •· Y1a.o <epm>: 1 oo MEllfOO OF TE8T Blow Dawn : f. DISINFECTION:~ HTC Amount 12oz : II• WATER ZONES (deplh): : T _; Bottom - ~Top~O Bottom~'4 Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ TiilckneNI j 7. CASING: Depth ¥':f Diameter ; Top_-t2_ Bottom illl Fl 61/8 Weight Material __J_8.8_ steef :Top __ Bott.om. __ Fl __ _ : Top __ Bottom __ Fl. __ _ : 8 . GROUT: Depth Material : Top_°CJ_ Bottom_ ~:_FLJL~ ·; ~Top..a_Bottcm~ FL!>,.w't.../~ :Top __ Bottom __ Fl ____ _ : t . SCREEN: Oeplll Dlal'MW Slot Sa ;TOP. __ Bottom __ Fl __ in. __ In. ___ _ : Top __ Bot1om. __ Fl __ in. In. ___ _ : TOP. __ Bottom __ Ft __ in. __ in. ___ _ : 10, SANOIGRAVB. PACK; : DepCtl s.m Matltrtal ;TOP. ___ Botlom ____ R . __________ _ : Top Bollom Fl __________ _ : TOP. Bottom R __________ _ : 11. ORfLllNGLOG : Top Bottom f ., ---- : 12. REMARKS: ~ Casi ng removed Fonnatlon Descnpllon : I 00 HERES\' CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH : 15A NCAC2C, WEU. CONSTRUCTIONSTAHOAROS,AHOTHAT A COPV OF THIS : RECOAO HAS BEEN PROIIIDEO JO THE W£LL OWNER. ~ '~ ;e ✓J/4.-'7 -----~_J : Sl~RE OF CERTIFIED WELL CON~ DATE : Timothy B Hamby ; PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit witfitn. 30 -days of completion to: Division of Water Quality • Information Processing.,. 1617 Mail service center,;Ralefgh-, NC 27699-161', Phone : (919) 807"6300.· FonnGW-1b Rev. 2109 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Notth Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Re1JOurces-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 3065-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Roaer L Wil liams wau Contractor {Individual) Name Tarheel Water Treatment Wall Contrac:1Df'Company Name 3494 Georg ia RD StreatAddrass Franklin City or Town C 828 l 369-07 40 Ar9a code Phone number :z. WELL INFORMATION: NC 28734 State Zip Code WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#...,W_._,_.IQ"""1'""Q'""Q"""1'-4a....;1'--___ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(IIJ!,P'lcable) SITE WELL ID #(If applical)ja),_c_~~~<---.... R ______ _ ). Wl:LL USE (Check Ona Box) Moni1oring □ Municipal/Public □ lnduatriaVCommarclal □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ Injection □ lrrioation □ Ottier (fiat u .. ) Closed looo Geothe rt'II DATE DRJLLED,__._O~-,4::.:.........t+-- '-WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotta Church Rd (Street Name, Numbeis. Community. SubdM,ion , Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LANO SETTING: (check appropriate box) □Slope □Valley .i,:iat o Rldge □~r ______ _ K@ilSTCo 36_ 1••Ma•••A M M ! cL ROR 3Ji:1)U(J(~J1 cc kN~tSTco 1s 1• .. ••a••••••,,., cL ROR 7-Jt.l)(,c)t-~ cc Lalltuda/longltude source: [PPS Qropographie map (toe.lion of _II must be wwn on • USGS topo ""'P endatt.chfld to th /a form i f not using GPS) &. FACILITY (Name of the businaM where the well is located.) Mar.on Elementary Facility Name Facility ID# (if 1ppllcabl1) 1166 Lotta Church Rd Street Addntss f ran kli n NC 28 734 City or Town Stata Zip Code Macon County Government Contact Name Malling Addrass Eraoklio CityOl'Town Area code Phone number &. Wl:LL. DETAILS: - •. TOTAL DEPTM:.__,_/...abS _____ _ NC 26743 Stat. Zip Cod• b , DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NO r¥ c . WATER LEVEL Below Top of Caal r,v: _..z,_c) ___ FT. (Use •+• if Above Top of Casi ng) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASINO IS ,2.. FT. Above Land Surface• : 'Top of casi ng termlnawd •tlor below land surface may require : a variance in accordance with 1 SA NCAC 2C .0 1 1 &. : •• YIELD <apm>: / Q C) METHOD oF TEsr Blew Down . . : t. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 QZ : g, WAT§R ZONES (dep!h~ ~ ~ Top /.{pC) Bot1om /~~ Top ___ Bottom __ _ ; Top, ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bollom_ ; Top Bottom __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ Thicllneu/ : 7, CASINO: Depth Diameter Weight Material : Top.!.2:.._ Bottom~ Ft. __ _ ; Top __ Bottom __ Ft __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom __ Ft. __ _ j 8. GROUT: Depth J~O Material : Top_Q_ Bottom~ Ft. Bentonjte i Top~ Bottom..lK:_ Ft, "'4{4,J ie,,. ;Top ___ Bottom __ Ft ____ _ : I . SCREEN: Depth Olamem Slot Siu Method Pumped Material : Top __ Bottom __ Ft. __ ln. __ In. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln . --In. ---- : Top __ Bottotn_Ft __ in , tn . ___ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Size M•t.rial :Top ___ Sottom __ Ft.. __________ _ ;Top ___ Bottom __ Ft __________ _ : Top. ____ Bottom __ f t., __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom 0 I q5 ,if ~ f~ I -----------·'-------~---- ---'-------'-------~---- ; 1:z. REMARKS: ~ Casi11 g Ren 1ovec, ; SI Fonnatlon Dascriptlon f:;t!f;i~ CONS"l'RUCTE1) IN -'CCOROANCE Wini ANO THAT A COPY OF THIS /(J-;J<-{/ ~ DATE 1'//~5 E OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -Information Processing, f617 Mall Servtc. Center, Raleigh, NC 2769&-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 FormGW-11) Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department o f Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3118-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR : Tim othy R Hamby Well Contractor (Individual) Name Mid south Geotherm al Wall Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament Dr Suite 185 Streat Addrau Memphis TN 38125 City or Town State Zip Code C 901 l 7 48-9095 Area coda Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# Wl0100141 ...a..a..a.=-.a...=.~ ........ ------ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lf app/lcable), _______ _ SITE WELL 10 #(If appllcable) __ ~G....-3....._ ______ _ 3 . WELL USE (Check Ona Box) Monitoring □ Munlclpal/Public □ lnduatrial/Commerclal □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ Injection □ lrrigatiort□ other 11i'(l f1t use) Closed looo Geotherra DATE DRILLED 11 -1 3 -I I -'• WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (Slfeet Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision. Loi No., Parcel, Zip Code) c1rv: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC/ LANO SETTING: (check approprtate bo~) □slope □Valley -fF11t OR!dge □Other ______ _ LATITUDE ~ ---· OMS OR 3x.xxxxxxxxx OD LONGITUDE 7!.__ ___ • oMs oR 7x,xxxxxxxxx oo Latitude/longitude 10urce: [};PS Qropographlc map (location of well must be irhown on II USGS topo map 11nd11ttached to this form If not using GPS) 5. FACILITY {Name of the buslneu where the well la located.) Macao Elementary Facility Name 1166 Latia Church Rd Street Addreu franklin City or Town Macon County Government Contact Name Malllng Address Eraoklio City or Town '--.,..,> ......,..--------Area code Phone number ti. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: __ __._f__,6,__0 __ Faoilfty 10# (If applicable) NC 28734 State Zip Code NC 28743 State Zip Code b. DOES WELL RE,PLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D 11. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: ---=-:;.."7cJ ___ _,FT. (U&e •+• if Above Top of Casing) ----------- ; d. TOP OF CASINO IS ~----FT· Above Land Surface~ •Top of ea1trig terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : e. YIELD (gpm): 3 0 METHOD OF TEST Blow Down ! f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 OZ : g, WATER ZONES (depth): :Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom, __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom, __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom __ _ ; 1. CASINO: Oepth Diameter ~ Top_Q_ Bottom..1'k.. Ft. 6 1 /8 : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ ; Top_ Bottorn_Ft.. __ _ Thickne11/ Weight _j_8.8_ Material steel ; 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method : Top..Q__ Bottom~ Ft. Bentonjte Pumped ~ Toplit!)_ Bottom~ Ft. washed stone poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ ; 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. in. ____ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ lrt. In . ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. __ In . ____ _ : 10. SANDIORAVEL PACK: ; Depth Size Matertal : Top ___ .Bottom ___ Ft.~--_______ _ : Top Bottom ___ Fl __________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Bottom (J I /6 2.../ ---'/ ___ _ ___ / ___ _ ___ /. ___ _ ___ .! ___ _ ---'/ ___ _ -_.....:I /----__ _, ___ / ___ _ ---'/ ___ _ : 12. REMARKS: : Casi119 Re111ooed ; I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELi. WAS CONSTRUCTa> IN ACCORDANCE WITH : 1M NCAC 2C, WELl CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, mo THAT A COF'V OF THIS : RECORD HAS BEEN PRO IDEO TO THE WELL OWNER. I : . £ ,. ;.2-, 3 -1 E OF C TIFIEO WELL CONTRAc'fc5R' DATE : Iiroctbv B Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality. tnfonnatlon Processing, 1817 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27899-161, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 2/09 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Rc:sources• Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 3065-A - 1. WELL CONTRACTOR : Roger L William s Well Contractor (lrtdlvtdual) Name Tarh eel Wate r Treatma nt Well Contractor Company Name 3494 Geo rgi a Rd Street Addre11 Franklin City or Town r 828 l 369-0740 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: NC 28 734 State Zip Code W ELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#"-'W.....,_,IO'-'1'-"O'-"O'-'1'-4'-'1'------- OTHER ASSOCIATED PERM IT#(if appltcable) _______ _ SITE W ELL ID #(II appllcable)_,G=--4-=---------- 3. WELL USE (Check One Boxl Monitoring o Munielpal/Publlc □ lnduetrial/Commerelal O Agricultural D Recovery □ Injection □ Irrigation □ Other •<list use) Closed Looo Geotherg DATE DRILLED~l-2 ..... -7_-~1-1 ___ _ ,. WELL LOCATION : 1166 lotla Church Rd (Street Name, Numbl!ns, Commun ity, SubdM&ion, Lot No., Parcel, Zlp Code) c1TY: Franklin couNTY Macon TO POGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (check appropnate box) OSio~ □Valley Q'i:lat □Ridge □Othe r ______ _ K@,1$TCO 3~ 111A••a•AAA AAAAI CL R OR ax~~ cc t<NM"l$TCD 75 1"•""&""""""'"'1 CL R OR 7'1'~~ CC Latitude/lo ngitude source: [)3PS Dropographlc map (location of well must be shown on • USGS topo m•p 1nd11tt11ch11d to this tbtm if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the bu1lnesa wnera the well i1 located.) Maeoo Elementary School Facility Name Facility 10# (if applicable) 1166 lctla Church Rd Street Address Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Z ip Code Macon Countv Government Contact Name Mailing Address Franklin NC 28234 City or Town State Zip Code ( ) ___________ _ Area code Phone number I. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:_4 .... 5 ... 0 ... ' ____ _ b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXlSTINO WELL? YES D NO~ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing ; 50 FT, (Use·+• If Above Top of Casing) ----------- : cl. TOP OF CASINO IS _____ FT. Above Land Surface• "Top of c:a1ing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance In accordanc:e with 15A NCAC 2C .0 118. ~ •· YIELD 111Pm1: 30 METHOD oF TEST Blow Down : ,. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 az : g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top ___ Bottom_ Top. ___ Bottorn._ __ : Top ___ Bottom.___ Top Bottorn._ __ _ : Top. ___ Bottorn __ _ Top ___ Bottorn, __ _ Tt,ickness/ ; 7, CASINO: Depth Diameter Weight Material j Top....Q..__ Bottom--162..__ Ft.. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Fl. __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ ; 8. GROUT: Depth Material ~ Top.Jl__ Bottom...16L_ Ft. bentonjte : Top-1§L Bottom~ Ft. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ : 9 . SCREEN : Depth Diameter Slot Si.ze . Method pumped poured Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. ln. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. In. ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Size Material : Top'---__ Bottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ ; Top ___ .Bottom ___ ft.. __________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom 0 /_1=6-2 __ 162 /_4=5~0 __ ---'----__ _,/ ___ _ ----'----_____ / ___ _ ----''----___ ./ ___ _ ---·'----___ ./ ___ _ ____ / ___ _ : 12. REMARKS : : Casi1 19 Re111oved Formation Description Sand and Clay Granite 30gpm .---------------------: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WEU. W/4S CONSTRUCTEI) IN ACCORDANCE WITH ; 15A ION STANDARDS, ANO THAT A COPY Of THIS • RE : :--..... : • 12-7-11 ; SIGNA E OF C RTIFIED WELL CONTRAC"'foR DATE : Roger L willlarns ; PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -lntonnatlon Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Ralelgh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev . 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3065 .. A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Roaer L Willia ms Well Contractor (Individual) Nama Tarhe el Wate r Treatment Well Contractor Company Name 34 94 Georaja Rd Street Address Franklin City or Town ( 828 l 369-07 40 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: NC 28734 State Zlp Coda WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#...:.W..:...:.:10'-'1'-"Q=Q'--'1'--'4'-'1 ____ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(ifappllceble) _______ _ SITE WELL ID #{lf appllcable),...aG=•....::5:;..._ _______ _ 3. WELL USE (Check Ona BoK) Monitoring □ Municipal/Public □ Industrial/Commercial D Agricultural □ Recovery O Injection D Irrigation□ Other r;/(11,1 uae) Closed Loo o Geothera DATE DRILLED_,1=2'---5-,._.,1....,.1 ___ _ 4, WELL LOCATION: 1166 lotla Church Rd (Street Name, Number&, Community. Subdivision, Loi No .. Parcel, Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin couNrv Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (che<:k appropriate box) □Slope □Valley '7Flat □Ridge □Other ______ _ K@>ISTCD 36_ 1MA•&•AAAAAI\AI CL ROR 3JC~ll)UO(~ cc t<1-I~ 1$TCO 75 1""''&"""'11 """1 CL R OR ~.')O~ltXAA~ CC Latitude/longitude source: [PPS Ol'opographlc map (/ocetfon of well must be shown on • USGS topo map andattached to th/a form If not using GPS) a. FACILITY (Name of the bualnau Where the well Is loca!Bd.) Macon Elementarv Schoel Faclllty Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 1166 loUa Church Rd Street Addren franklin NC 28734 City or Town Stata Zip Code Macon Cnuntv Government Contact Name Malling Addreas Franklin NC 28734 City or Town Slate Zip Coda Area code Phone number 8. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTALDEPTH:~4_5_0~'----- b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WEU? YES D NO(¥ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: __.5..,0..._ ____ FT. (Use •+• If Above Top of Casing) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASING IS _____ FT. Above Land Surface• *Top of casing terminated aVor below land surface may require a variance In accordance wlth 15A NCAC 2-C .0118. : e. YIELD (apm}: 30 METHoo oF TEST Blow Down ~ ,. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 oz : g. WATER ZONES (daptt,): :Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom __ _ : Top Bottom. ___ _ Top Bottom. __ _ Thleknus/ ; 1. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material \ Top~ Bottom-162,_ F.._ __ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft._ __ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material : Top~ Bottom-1.aL_ Ft. bentonjte ~ Top..i§L Bottom~ Ft. washed stone ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Fl ____ _ : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Method pumped poured Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ___ _ j Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ____ _ : 10. SANO/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Size Material : Top ___ .Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top. ___ ,Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top ___ .Boitom ___ F.._ _________ _ ; 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom 0 /_1..,,6=2 __ 162 /_4=5=0 __ I --------___ ./ ___ _ ____ / ___ _ ___ / ___ _ ---''-------'----___ / ___ _ ---'----___ / ___ _ : 12. REMARKS: i Casi, 19 Rei, 1oved Formation Description Sand and Clay Granite 30 gpm : I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY lliAT THIS WElL WM CONS7RUCTEO IN ACCORDANCE WITH • 15AIIICAC 2C EU. CONSTRUC~IOIII St: , AfjQ THAT A COPY OFTiilS i RECORO ~ ~C TOTH ER. : ~~~ t-12-5-11 : SltiNA RE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE : Racer L willieros : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1817 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27899-181, Phone ; (919) 807~300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3065-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Roge r L Willi ams Wall Contractor (Individual) Name Tarhe el Water Tre atmant Wall Contractor Company Name 3494 Georgi a Rd Street AddrellS Franklin NC 287 34 City or T O'M'I State Zip Coda 1828 l 369-0740 Ansa code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WEJ..L CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WIO 100141 ..:...:...:.::...a..==-:-'-''------- OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lf applk:able), _______ _ SITE WELL ID #{if appllcable),-'G=--'-6,.,__ ________ _ 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring D Munlclpal/Public D lndusbial/Commeroial □ Agricultural D Recovery O Injection D Irrigation □ other W(ll11 use) Closed Loop Geothera DATE DRILLED 11-21-11 (. WELL LOCATION: 1166 lotla Church Rd (Street Name , Numbe11, Community, Subdlvlslon , Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) c1rv; Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LANO SETTING: (check appropriate box) □Slope □Valley lit'Ftat □Ridge □Other, ______ _ l<@ltSTCD 38_ 1••••&•AA•AA••1 CL ROR 3JC~)IIJOO(~ cc KN~ ISTCD 75 , ... ••a•••• .. ••1 CL R OR 7-,e~~ cc Lalltude/longltude source: ();PS Ofopographle map (location of well must be shown on • USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of th• bu•inass where the well is localed.) Macon fleroeotac:v 5cbaol Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 1166 latla Church Rd Streat Address franklin NC 28734 City or To'M'I State Zip Code Macon County Government Contact Name Mailing AddreH Eraokllo NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code 1...-_ _,) --------- Area code Phone number a. WELL DETAILS: a . TOTAL DEPTH:_4~5_O_' ____ _ b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES □ NO f¥ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 50 FT. (Use ••• if Above Top of Casing) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASING IS _____ FT, AbOVa Land Surface• ; •Top of ca,ing tem,inatad at/or below land surface may require : a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : e. vrELD 10pm}: 30 METHoa oF TEsT Blow Down ~ ,. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 az : g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top. ___ Bottom,. ___ _ Top ___ Bottom, __ _ :Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom __ _ : Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom,...._ __ ThlckneH/ : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material j Top_Q__ Bottom....162_ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft .. ___ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material ~ Top_Q__ Bottom~ Ft. bentonjte : Top-1§1._ Bottom..Afill.._ Ft. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ____ _ : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Method pumped poured Material ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. in. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in .. In. ____ _ : Top ___ Boltom ___ Ft. __ !n. In. ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Slz.e Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft .. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Fl. __ _ : Top. ___ ·Sottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom 0 I 162 162 / 450 ,------------'----/ ---,---- --... '-------'----/ ---,---- : 12. REMARKS: : Casi, ,g Ren roved Formation Description s and and Clay Granite 30gpm ; I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE Wm! : 15A~CAC 2C EU CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, ANO TH'.T A COPY 01' 'THIS ; RECORD ~ENP~O~ : · p'~ --11-21-11 : SIG NAT(JREOFCE TiFlEOWELLCONTRAc'15R DATE Racer I williaros : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -tnfonnatlon Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-181, Phone: (919) 807.f300 FormGW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Narum! Resources• Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3065-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Roger L Williams Well Contractor (lndMdual) Nam, Tarheel Water Treatmant Well Contractor Company Nam• 3494 Georgia Rd Streat Addran F ranklin City or Town 1 828 l 369-07 40 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION : NC 287 34 State Zip Code WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WIQ100141 '-'-'""-=..a..:c=-"--'--'------- OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#/lf applicable), _______ _ SITE WELL ID #(ff applicable), ... G=-• 7'----------- 3. WELL USE (Checl< One Box) Monitoring □ MuniclpaVPubllc O lndustnat/Commercial □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ ll!jectlon □ Irrigation□ Other ttf 111,1 use) Closed Looo Geothera DATE DRILLED 11-22-11 4 . WELL LOCATION : 1166 lotla Church Rd (Streat Name , Numbers, Community, Subdivision , Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LANO SETTING: (cheok appropriate box) □Slope □Valley ii(Flal □Ridge □Other. ______ _ K@l$TCD 36_ ,••M&AAIIMAA/\I CL ROR 3,c~~l( cc KN~tsTco 75 111•11•&•11 ••AA•"1 CL ROR 7'9e.~~~ cc Latitudenongltude soun:e: [):;PS OTopographlc map (location of well f"()U$I be $hoWn on • USGS topo map andatteched to th/$ form if not U$/flg GPS) 5, FACILITY (Neme of the busineN where the well 11 located,) Macon Elementarv School Fac1l1ty Name Facility 101# (if applicable) 1166 lotl a Church Rd street Address franklin NC 28734 City or Town State ZJp Code Macon Countv Government Contact Name Mailing Addre111 Franklin NC 28Z34 City or Town State Zip Code ( ) _________ _ Area code Phone number 8. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:....;4 ...... 5...,Q.._' ____ _ II. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D NO f¥ e . WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 50 FT. (U&e ·+• i1 Above Top of Casing) ------------ ; d. TOP OF CASINO IS -.,....----FT. Above Land Surfac:a• •Top of casing teimlnated el/or below lend surfece may require a variance fn accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : •• vrELD (gpm): 30 METHOD oF TEST Blew Down i f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 OZ : g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top ____ Bottom. ___ _ Top ____ Bottom. ___ _ ; Top ____ Bottom._ __ _ Top Bottom ___ _ : Top ____ Bottom. ___ _ Top ____ Bottom,_ __ _ ThickneH/ : 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter Weight Materiel j Top.Jl._ Bottom~ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material ~ Top.Jl._ Bottom..1.ZL Ft. bentonjte : Top..1.ZL Bottom.A®_ Ft. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ Method pumped poured : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Fl __ ln. In . ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In, ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Size Material ; Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ___________ _ : Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ___________ _ : Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ___________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG • Top Bottom O /-'1'-'-72 __ 172 /_4=5=0 __ ___ ./ ___ _ -----'----/ ---,---- ----'-------''----___ / ___ _ I ------------'---- : 12. REMARKS: : Casir 1g Re,, 1oved Formation Oescnption Sand and Ctay Granite 30g pm : I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WEtl. WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH • 1'51' NCAC 2C, WEU. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, ANO THAT A COPY OF THIS j REC~RD EN PRO !j>;DT~ER. : ~~~~~~~~:,:-:-~~ 11-22-11 : s1GNATEOFCERT1FlEDWEU.CONTRAcTOR DATE : Racer L williaros : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Ralelgh, NC 27699-181, Phone : (919) 807~300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Nann-al Resources-Divi sion of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3065-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Ro ger L Williams Well Contractor (Individual) Name Tarhe el Water Treatmant Well Conlnlctor Company Name 3494 Geo rgia Rd Street Addre" Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code < 828 > 369-07 40 Area coda Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# Wl0100141 '-'-''-'-"'--'-"'-;.=-.'-'--'------ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#{if applicable) _______ _ SITE WELL ID #(ifappllcable) . ...,G=·...,8"----------- 3, WELL USE (Cheek One Box) Monitoring D MuniclpaVPubllc D lnduatriaVCommerclal o AgrteuJtural o Recovery □ Injection D Irrigation □ Other f!l(list use> Closed Looo Geother ■ DATE DRILLED 10 -26-11 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 lotla Church Rd (Streel N11me , Numbens, CommU11ity, Subdllllslon, Lot No., Parcel Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (check appropnate box) □Slope □Valley ii{Flat □Ridge □Other ______ _ K@>ISTCD 36_ 1••••&AAA•MAA! CL R OR 3JCN00(~)1 cc KN~ISTCD 75 ,•~AA&AIIMMAA! CL ROR 1'll~ cc l.atitude/longltude source: [)3PS OTopographlc map (/oa.tion of well must be shown on • USGS topo map 11ndatt11ched to this form If not using GPS) 5. FACILrTY (Name of the business where the well Is located.) Macon Elementarv Scbccl FacTiityName 1166 lctta Church Bci Streat Addre11 franklin Ci ty or Town Macon County Government Contact Name Mailing Addreu Franklin City or Town .__ _ _,) --------- Area code Phone number 8. WELL DETAILS: •• TOTAL DEPTH :,...;4 .. 5 ... Gw.'----- Facility ID# (if applicable) NC 28734 State Zip Code NC ?8734 State Zip Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NO ri/ c . WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: ... 6 ... 0.._ _____ FT. (Use •+• if Abo11e Top of Casing) ----------- ; d . TOP OF CASINO IS _____ FT. Above Land Surface• • •Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : e. YIELD (gpm): 60 METHOD OF TEST Ajr I 1ft ~ r. DISINFECTION: Type HIC Amount 1 /4 Cup : g. WATER ZONES {depth): ; Top Bottom Top . ___ Bottom._ __ _ : Top Bottom Top ___ Bottom __ _ : Top Bottom Top ___ Bottom,_ __ _ ThickneH/ : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material ! Top~ Bottom.....95__ Ft ... ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft ... ___ _ Method ; 8. GROUT: Depth Materiel i Top~ Bottom--1.QL Ft. bentonjte pumped : Top...1.QO._ Bottom..A.5.Q_ Ft. washed stone poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ____ _ : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Slz-Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. __ In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ l n, In. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln . In. ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Size Material ;Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft __________ _ i Top Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG : . Top Bottom 0 I 95 _9-5 __ ,_1~2=5 __ 125 I 450 ---'----____ / ___ _ I ---,----___ /. ___ _ ____ / ___ _ ____ / ,-------- ; 12. REMARKS: : Casing Ren ,ooed Formation Description Sand and Clay Loose Granite Gravel Hard Granite ; I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED l"I ACCORDANCE WITH • 15A NCAC 2C. WE.LL CONSTRUCTION STANOAAOS, ANO THAT A COPY OF THIS : RECORD HAS BEEN ~OVIOED TO THE WEU. OWNER : =~=~==-==-:-~~~=-:-. 10-28-11 ; SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAC~ DATE : Roger L williaros ; PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completlon to: Division of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Ralelgh, NC 27899-181, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3065-A ------------ 1. WELL CONTRACTOR : Roger L Willi ams Wall Contractor (Individual) Name Ta rheet Wate r Treatment Wall Contractor Company Name 34 9 4 Georgia RD Street Address Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Coda ( 828 ) 369-07 40 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WI0 100141 ..a....a=...a...:c..:..-'---'.-'------- OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lf a?l)llcable), _______ _ SITE WELL ID #{If appllcable),...aH .... -__ 1'---------- 3. WELL USE (Check Ona Box) Monitoring O MuniclpaVPubllc D lnduatriaVCommarclaJ □ Agriwltural □ Recovery □ Injection D Irrigation□ Other llt'u1,tuse) Closed loop Geotherra DATE DRILLED 11 -17-11 4 . WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (Street Name, Numbel'II, Community. SubdMaion. Lot No ., Parcel , Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (Check appropriate boK) D Slope □Valley lifFlat □Ridge □Other ______ _ 1<@1$TCo 36_ 1••••a•••M••"I CL R oR 3Jt~)O{~ cc KN~ tSTCD 75 1•M•&•••M•••1 CL R OR h~~ cc Latitudanongituda ■ource: 0:.PS Oopographlc map (location of wall must ba :shown on a USGS topo map and11tt11ched to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where Iha well ia located.) Macon Elementary FacUity Name Facllity ID# (if applicable) 1166 Latia Church Rd Streat Address franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code Macon County Government Contact Name Mailing AddreH franklin City or Town Area code Phana number 8. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:-'4_...5 ... 0..._ ___ _ NC State b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTINO WELL? YES O 28743 Zip Coda NO ~ e. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: ______ FT. (Use·+• if Above Top of Casing) : d. TOP OF CASINQ IS_.,.........,_.,.....FT. Above Land Surface• : 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require : a variance In accoroanca With 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : •· YIELD (gpm): 30 METHOD OF TEST Blow Down ! f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 OZ : g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top ____ Bottom ___ _ Top ___ Bottom. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top ___ BottX>m,_ __ _ : Top Bottom ___ _ Top Bottom. ___ _ ThiekneH/ : 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter Weight Material ! Top_Q__ Bottom.J.62_ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material j Top..JL__ Bottom....1§Z_ Ft. Benton!te : Top....1§Z_ Bottom~ Ft. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ : 9. SCREEN : Depth Diameter Slot Size Method Pumped poured Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft._ln, in. ____ _ ; 10. SAND/ORAVEL PACK: ; Depth Sin Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft.. ___________ _ ; Top Bottom ___ Ft. --- : 11. DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom _o __ ,_a-2 __ _ _8_2 __ , __ 1=6=2 __ 162 I 450 ---'----/ ---, ----___ ./ ___ _ ---'----/ ---,.---- -----c'---- ; 12. REMARKS: ~ Casing Rernoved Formation Descript1on Sand Clay Brol<en Rock Granite 30 GPM : I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH : 1M OTHAT ACOPVOFTHIS ; RE · ---~:=.:.,!--=-~"'-'=~~= 11-17-11 :SIG ~ DATE : BaCJec I Williams ; PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Ralelgh, NC 27899-161, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b R_ev. 1108 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department o f Environment and Natural Resources-Division o t'Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3065-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Ro ger L W illi am s Well Contractor (Individual) Name Tarheel Water Treatment Well Contractor Company Name 34 9 4 Georaia R D Street Address F r anklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code , 828 > 369-0740 Area code Pt,one number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#...:.W..:....:..:10 .... 1=-=Q=-=Q=-1-=-4-=-1-=------- 0THER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lf applicable ), ________ _ SITE WELL ID #{If applrcable),.._H..,_-..,2~--------- 3. WELI. USE (Check One Box) Monitoring □ Municipal/Public:□ Industrial/Commercial □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ Injection □ Irrigation□ Other rr/c11,1 Use) Closed looo Geotherra DATE DRILLED 11-15-11 •· W&LL LOCATION: 1166 Lotta Church Rd (Street Name, Numbers:, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (check approp~ete box) □Slope □Valley ii(Flat □Ridge o Olhet. ______ _ ~ISTCD 36_ I""""&""""""""! CL R OR 3J(NU(J(~)( CC l<NM=i5TCD75 1"11""&""""""""1 CLROR 7-it.~ cc Latltude/l ongituda source: ()3PS Ofopographic map (locatfon of we// must be shown on • USGS topo map andattached to this fonn if not usir,g GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where Ilia well is located.) Macao Elementarv Facility Name 1166 Lotta Church Bci Street Addres, Ecaoklio City or Town Macon County Government Contact Name Mailing Address Eraoklio City or Town Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:~4~5_0 ____ _ Facility ID# (!f applicable) NC 28734 Stete Zip Code NC 28743 State Zip Coda b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING W&LL? YES D NO r:;/ c:. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: _______ FT. (Use "1-" if Above Top cl Casing) ------------ ; d , TOP OF CASINO IS -.,....--,.---,.......,.. FT. Above land Surface• : •Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require : a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : e. YIELD (gpm): 30 METHOD OF TEST Blow Down j f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 CZ ; g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top ____ Bottom. ___ _ Top ____ Bottom _____ _ : Top Bottom ___ _ Top Bottom. ___ _ : Top Bottom ___ _ Top Bottom. ___ _ Thlcknus/ ; 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter Weight Material \ Top.JL_ Bottom....162._ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft . ._ __ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material i Top.JL__ Bottom_jfil_ Ft. Bentonjte : Top_jfil_ Bottom~ Ft. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ____ _ Method Pumped poyred : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Siz:e Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ tn. In , ____ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. in. ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: ; Depth Size Materlal : Top. ___ Bottom ___ F~--________ _ : Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ___________ _ : Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Bottom 0 /_8=2,___ __ 82 '.-1~6=2~_ 162 /_4_5_0 __ __ _,/ ___ _ ___ / ___ _ I --------____ / ___ _ ___ / ___ _ I ---,----__ _,/ ___ _ ; 12. REMARKS: l Cas i119 Reriio ved Formation Description Sand Clay Brok en Rock Granite ao GPM ; I 00 HEREBY C ERTIFY THAT THIS WEU WM CONSTRUCTEO IN ACCORDANCE WITH • 1l!A NCAC 2C. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COP'( OF 1)1IS i,• RECORD _. B PROVIC\ED, TO TH ~~ " µ.,/~~ 11-15-11 ; SIGNATU E OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAefc5R DATE : Roger L Williams : PRINTED NAME Of PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1817 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27899·161, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW·1b R•v-1108 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment ond Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3065-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Roger L William s Well Contractor (lndfvldual) Name Tarheel Water Treatment Well Contractor Company Name 3494 Georgia RD Street Address Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code c 828 l 369-07 40 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#_,W~IQ:..1.:..:Q:..:Q:...1.:...4..:..1..:.... ____ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lf applioable). ________ _ SITE WELL ID #(If appllcable) . .,,H.,_--=3=----------- 2. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring D MunlclpallPublic □ lndustr!al/Commen:lal □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ Injection □ Irrigation□ Other •c11,1 uae) Closed looo GeotheIT11 DATE DRILLED 11 -10-11 4. WELL LOCATION : 1166 Latia Church Rd (Street Name, Numbers, CommunllY, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel , Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (chedc appropriate box) □Slope □Valley itffal □Ridge □other ______ _ K@,ISTCO 3t_ 1••••& .... ••••1 CL R OR 3k!'~ CC KN1'5tSTCo75 l"" .. &•• ...... A•!CLROR h~~cc Latitude/longitude source: [)3PS Ofopographic map (location ofwe/1 must be shown on a USGS topo map andatteched to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well Is located.) Macon Elementary Facility Name Facility I0111 (If applicable ) 1166 L ctla Church Rd Str9et Addrese franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code Macon County Government Contact Name Malling Addrese Eraoklio NC 26743 C ity or Town State Zlp Code Area code Phone number 8. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL 0EPTH:_Af~S_0 ____ _ b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NO rJ/ e. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: ______ FT. (Use •+• if Above Top of Casing) ------------ ! d. TOP OF CASINO IS _____ FT. Above Land Surface• : 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require : a variance in accordance With 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : e. YIELD (gpm): 30 METHOD OF TEST Blow Down ~ f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 oz ; g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top ____ Bottom. ___ _ Top ____ Bottom ___ _ : Top Bottom. ___ _ Top Bottom,_ __ _ : Top Bottom. ___ _ Top Bottom. ___ _ ThlckneH/ : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material ( Top_Q__ Bottom...1§2-Fl __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material i Top_Q__ Bottom...12L._ Ft. Bentonjte : Top..lfiL Bottom.A5ll.._ Ft. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ : 9 . SCREEN : Depth Diameter Slot Size Method Pumped poured Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ \n. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in, In. ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Size Material : Top ___ .Bottom ___ Fl ___ -------- : Top. ___ Bottom ___ Fl ___________ _ j Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ___________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom 0 /_.,8..,,2._ __ 82 /_1.,...6,_2 __ 162 /..;;4;i;,,5""'0 __ ___ ./ ___ _ ___ ./ ___ _ ___ / ___ _ ------'--------''----__ ......,/ ___ _ ___ / ___ _ ____ / ___ _ : 12. REMARKS: i Casi119 Rerrroved Formation Description Sand Clay Broken Rock Granite 30 GPM ; I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WEll WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ; 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION ST.ll/OARDS, ANO THAT A COPY OF"TlilS ; RECORD EN AAOVI TO THE E ,r---,,,c..._.,<;..--.._ 11-10-11 DATE : Roger L Williams ; PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1817 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699,1e1, Phone: (919) 807~300 Form GW•1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Notunll Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3065-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Roger L William s Well Contractor (Individual) Name Tarheel Water Treatment Well Contractor Company Name 349 4 Georaia RD Street Address Frankli n NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Coda c 828 i 369-07 40 Area code Phone 11\Jmbar :z. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#~W_IQ~1-Q-Q_1_4~1 ____ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(it applleable,_ ______ _ SITE WELL ID #(If applicable) H-4 ----------- 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring D Municlpal/Publlc D Industrial/Commercial D Agricultural D Recovery D lnjec!lon D Irrigation □ Other a'(Hstuae) Closed looo Geotherrn DATE ORIU.ED_.1 ...... 1_-9,._•_.1-'-1 ___ _ ,. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotla Church Rd (Street Name, Numbe rs, Community, Subdivision. Lot No., Parcel, liP Code) c1rv: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LANO SETTING: (check appropoate boK) □Slope □Valley itF"lal □Ridge □Other ______ _ K@>ISTCD 36_ 1••••a••••AA••1 CL R OR 3Jt\\)U(JU(~" cc KNl'.f1STCO75 l""""8""""""••1 CL ROR 7'~!lOetJtn~ CC Latitudel1ongttude source: [)3PS Ol'opographic map (location ofwe/1 must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the bualnass where the well i• located.) Macon Elementarv Facility Name Facility ID# (If applicable) 1155 Lotla Church Rd Streat Address franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Coda Macon County Government Contact Name Malllng Address Franklin NC 28743 City or Town State Zip Coda ____ _,) --------- Area code Pt,ona number 8. WELL DETAILS: .a. TOTAL DEPTH :._4.._5.,.__O ____ _ b . DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NO ~ c:. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: ______ .FT. (Uae •+• if Above Top of Casing) ----------- ; d. TOP OF CASINO IS _____ FT. Above Land Surfaoe• "Top of casing terminated aVOf balow land surface may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. ~ •· YIELD (gpm): 30 METHOD oF TEST Blow □awn : ,. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 az : g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top Bottom Top ___ Bottom. __ _ : Top Bottom Top ___ Bottom __ _ : Top Bottom Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Thickneu/ ; 1. CASINO : Depth Dlamatar Weight Material ! Top_Q__Bottom~ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : 8 , GROUT: Depth Material ~ Top__Q___ Bottom--1.il_ A. Bentonjte : Top~ Bottom~ Ft. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ____ _ ; I. SCREEN: Depth Diam eter Slot Slza Method Pumped poured Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ in. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ In. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ In . ____ _ : 10. SANO/GRAVEL PACK ; Depth ; Top Bottom ___ Ft. : Top Bottom ___ Ft. : T op Bottom ___ Ft ; 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description Q I ~2 Sa nd C lay e2 I 1~5 Broken Rock 155 I !150 Granite 30 GPM I I I I I I I I ; 12. REMARKS: j Casil ,g Re, 11ooed ; I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCOR.CANCE Willi • 111A NCAC 2C aL CONSTRUCTION ST ARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS j RECfRO EN PRO\11 TOTH~ : d.o. I ~~ 11-9-11 : SIGNAT E OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRA~ DATE : Rager L Williams : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL . Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Wate.r Quality -Information Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Ralelgh, NC 27699-181, Phone : (919) 807--6300 Form GW-1 b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCITON RECORD Nonh Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources• Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 2185-A ----------- 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Stan ley K. Setzer Well Contractor (Individual) Name Mid South Geoth erma l Wall Contractor Company Name 8275 Tourn ament Or , Street Addrus Memphis I n 38125 City or Town State Zip Code (90 1 > 748-9095 Area coda Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WIQ 100141 ~~~~~~----- OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if ~pllcable) _______ _ SITE WELL 10 #(If applicable) H-5 ~~--------- i . WELL USE (Checl< One Box) Monitoring □ Municipal/Public □ lndusbial/Commerclat □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ Injection □ Irrigation□ other l!f' (list Ula) Closed Looo Geothera DATE DRILLED_,1...,1_-4_,_-_.1_.1 ___ _ 4, WELL LOCATION: 1166 lotla Church Rd {Street Name. Number&, Community, Subdivilllon, Lot No .. Parcel , Zip Code) c1rv: Franklin couNrv Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LANO SETTING: (c'1eck appropriate box) □Slope □Valley it'Aat □Ri dge □Other ______ _ LATITUDE ~ ---· OMS OR 3x.xxxxxxxxx OD LONGITUDE~------' OMS OR 7x.xxxxxxxxx DD Latitude/longitude source: ():.PS Dropographie map (/ooa/ion of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andatteched to thia form If not using GPS) 15. FACILITY (Name of the buslneaa where the well is located.) Macon Elementary Schoof Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 1166 latla Church Bd Strltet Addreu Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code Macon County Government Contact Name Melling Address Eraoklio NC 26734 City or Town State Zip Code ._ _ _,) --------- Area coda Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a, TOTAL DEPTH:-'4_..,5...._1.._ ___ _ b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXtSTINO WELL? YES D NO f¥ e. WATER LEVEL Balow Top of Casing: ______ FT. (Use •+• If Above Top of Casing) : d. TOP OF CASINO IS Beronved FT. Above Land Surface* •Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a vartanca In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. ! •. YIELD (gpm): _1 ... s .. o __ METHOD OF TEST Air Blow : f, DISINFECTION: Type Amount ___ _ ; g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top ___ Bottom~--Top ___ Bottom __ _ : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top Bottom, __ _ : Top Bottom __ _ Top Bottom __ _ ThlckneH/ : 1. CASINO: D8i>th Diameter Weight Material steel ~ Top.Jl_ Bottcm.Jl6__ Fl 6 5/8 ...2filL : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material ~ Top.Jl_ Bottom..Jgi_ Ft. Bentonjte : Top...10.L_ Bottom..ASL_ Ft. washed stone : Top_ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ Method Pumped Poured ; 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. in. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. in. ____ _ : 10. SAND/QRAVEL PACK: : Depth Size Material : Top. ___ .Bottom ___ ~----_______ _ ; Top Bottom ___ Ft .. __________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom 0 I 20 20 / 65 65 / 92 ~9~2....._-'/_1~0 ... 0~-- 100 I 142 142 I 150 150 I 280 280 I 320 320 I 451 __ _,! ___ _ __ ...,/ ___ _ : 12, REMARKS: Formation Oesenptlon Red Clay Brown Clay sandy sou Sand Rock Granite Broken Rock Granite Soft Grantte Granite : I 00 HERESY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH • 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS ; RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELl OWNER ~~~~~,c:_.4 11:4-11 : SIG URE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAc'fci'R"° DATE : Stanley K Setzer : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -lnfonnatlon Processing. 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Fom, GW-1b Rav. 2/09 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Nonh Carolina Department ofEnvironment and Natural Resources• Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 2185-A 1. WEU. CONTRACTOR: Stanley K. Setze r Wefl Contractor (Individual) Name Mid South Ge othermal Weil Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament Dr. Stl'Vet Address Memohi s City or Town 1 901 l 7 48-9095 Area code Phone number a, WELL INFORMATION: Tn 38 125 State Zip Code WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WIQ 100141 .......,...c.=.--'-=..=..c'---'----------- OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#{lf applic:able.,_ ______ _ SITE WELL ID fl{lf111ppllcable).~H~-6~A~-------- 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring □ Munlclpal/Public □ lndu11tri1111/Commercial □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ Injection □ Irrigation□ Other W(lllt u1e) Closed Looo Geothera DATE DRILLED 10-31 -11 -'· WELL LOCATION: 1166 lotla Church Rd (Street Name, Numbera , Community, Subdivial011, Lot No .. Parcel, l)p Code) cITY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LANO SETTING: (check appropriate box) □Slope □Valley gl=lat □Ridge □other ______ _ l<@il$TCD 36_ l"M"ll""11 MMAj CL ROR JJ(~~)( cc KNt.flSTCD 75 1""•"&1\Al\1\1\1\1\1\J CL R OR ]it.~~ cc Latitude/longitude source: ~PS Oopographie map (location of wall must be stiown on a USGS topo map and•lt•ched to this form if not using GPS) I . FACILITY (Name of the bu,lnen where the well 11 located,) Macao Elementarv School Facility NIJ'lla Facility 10# (If applicable) 1166 JotJa Church Bci Street Address franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zlp Code Macon County Government Contact Name Mailing Addras1 Eraoklio City or Town Area code Phone numbe r 8, WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:._,3..._6 ... 6 ____ _ NC 28734 State Zip Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WEU? Y ES D NO r, c, WATER LEVEL Below Top of C11ing: ______ FT. (Use "+• If Above Top of Casing) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASINO IS Removed FT. Above Land Surface• "Top of ca11lng temiinated at/or below land ,urfaca may require a variance In accordance With 15A NCAC 2C .0118. ~ •• YIELD (gpm): 100+ METHOD OF TEST Ajr Blow ; t. DISINFECTION: Type _____ Amount ____ _ ; g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top ___ Bottom._ __ : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom. __ _ : Top Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ ; 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Thicknese/ Weight Materiel steel .j Top~ Bottom_fil_ Ft. 6 5/8 : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ ; 8 , GROUT: Oapth Material ~ Top~ Bottom~ Fl Bentonjte .....2.filL : Top~ Bottom....36.§_ Fl Washed stom : Top ___ Bottom ___ Fl ____ _ : t. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Method Pumped Poured Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Fl __ ln. In, ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ In . ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ____ _ . : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK : : Depttl Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ___________ _ :Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft . ._ _________ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Bottom O 1..,2 ... 0 _____ _ 20 /_7~1~-- 70 /_,8.,..5:_ __ 85 /_1...,5..,0 __ 150 '~1~57~- 157 /_,34 ........ 5 __ 345 /_,3..,6..,.6 __ I ---,---- ----'--------'---- : 12 . REMARKS: Formation Description Red Clay Brown Clay sandy sou Granjte Broken Grani te Granite Granite Gravel ; J 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WEU. WAS CONSTRUCTEO IN ACCORDANCE Wini • 1M NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. ANO THAT A COPY OF THIS ; RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIOB:> TO THE WELL OWNER. i f~-fi -1;'• .,· _,~ :z:r.=-10-31-11 : SIGNA URE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRA1,;1 OR DATE : Stanley K Setzer : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality • Information Processing, 1817 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161 , Phone: (919) 807.f300 FormGW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 1185-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Stanley K. Setzer Well Contractor (lndlVidual) Name M id South Geothermal Well Connctor Company Name 82 75 Tourn ament Dr. Strwet Address Memph is City or Town 1901 > 748-9095 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: In 38 125 state Zip Code WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WIQ 100141 -'-"--=--'-=-~--'-'--------- O THE R ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) _______ _ SITE WELL ID #{if applicable)~H~-6--=· =B"---------- 3. WELL USE (Check Ona BoK) Monitoring □ Municipal/Public □ lndu,trtal/Commerclal □ Agricultural □ Rec;overy □ Injection □ Irrigation□ Other !W(li•t UH) Closed Looo Geothera DATE DRILLED_.1_.1_-j.,_-__.1 ...... 1 ___ _ 4. WELL LOCATION : 1166 lotla Church Rd (Street f"'ame, Numbe,a, Community. SubdiVlaion, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (check appropriate b()x) □Slope □Valley iii(Ftat ORldga □other ______ _ K@i/STCO 36_ ,.A .. A$AAAAAAAAf CL R OR 3JC!'>fl0(~ cc 1<NM"ISTCD75 IAAAA&AAAAAAAAI CLROR h~~ cc L-aiitud•llongitude souree: [)3PS Qropographlc map (location of w•II must~ shown on • USGS lopo map ftlldettach~ to this form if not using GPSJ 5. FACILITY (Name at the bus lnQ■ Where the well is located.) Macon Elementarv School Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 1166 latla Church Rd Street Address franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code Macon Countv Government Contact Name Mailing Addresr; Ecaoklia NC 28234 City or Town State Zlp Code Area code Phone number 8 . WELL DETAILS: a. TOTALDEPTH:.~8_9 _____ _ b, DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D NO r.-1 c. WATER LEVEL Below Top at Casing: 70 FT. (Use •+• If Above Top of Casing) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASINO IS Removed FT. Above Land Surface· : •Top of c111,lng terminated at/or below land surface may raqulre a varlanea In accordance With 1 SA NCAC 2C .0118. : •. v1ELD (gpm): ____ METHOD o, TEST Air Blow ; f. DISINFECTION: Typ• Amount ____ _ ; g. WATER ZONES (depth): :Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top ___ Bottom,._ __ _ ;Top. ___ Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom __ _ : Top Bottom,._ __ _ Top Bottom,_ __ Thlcknna/ ; 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter Weight Material j Top.JL_ Bottom ___ Ft. 6 5/8 ....250.. steel : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Mat■rlal ~ Top.JL_ Bottom-89__ Ft. Bentonjte Method Pumped ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ____ _ ; I. SCREEN: Depth Olametar Slot Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ in. ____ _ : Tap ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ In. ____ _ j Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ___ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Size Material : Top ___ Bo.ttom ___ Ft._ _________ _ : Top. ___ .Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top ___ .Bottom ___ Fl __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation DescripUon O /_.2'""0'----Red Clay 20 l_..7...,.0'----Brown Clay 70 '-8~9~--sandy Soil ___ ./ ___ _ ----'----___ / ___ _ ----'--------'-------'----___ / ___ _ ____ / ___ _ : 12. REMARKS: : I DO ME.REBY CERTIFY THAT THIS waL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH • 15A NCAC 20, WB.l CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, ANO THAT A COPY OF THIS : RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO Tl-IE wru OWNER. : i:4 ~C....-,K c:;,..../7 11-1-11 : SIGNAi'tJRE OF CEFfi'IREO WELL CONTRA~ DATE : Staolev K Setzer : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completlon to: Division of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON REsmENTIAL WELL coNsTRucnoN REcoRD North Carolina Department ofEnvironment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 2185-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Stanl ey K. Setzer Well Contractor (Individual) Name Mid South Geothermal Wall Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament Dr. Streat Addren Memohis T n 38 125 City or Town State Zip Code 1901 l 748-9095 Area coda Phone number 2, WELL INFORMATION : WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WIQ 100141 ~~~~~~------ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable), ________ _ SITE WELL ID #(ii appllcab4e),~H~-~7~A~-------- 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring □ Munlclpal/Publlc D Industrial/Commercial □ Agricultural □ Reeovery □ Injection □ Irrigation□ Other W (li1t use) Closed Looo Geothera DATE DRILLED 10-26-11 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 lotla Church Rd (Street Name, Numbers, COmmunity, Subdlviafon, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING; (Check approprtata box) □Slope □Valley i{Frat □Ri dge □other ______ _ ~CD 36_ IAMA&AAAAA'\I\AI CL ROR ax~~ cc !<N'-f 1$TCD 75 1AAAA&AAAAAAAAI CL R OR ~~lUl(,t')()()(-cc Latiludellonglt\J de source: Q:;PS OT'opographle map (location of well mu$t be $hown on a USGS Iopa map endettec:hed lo th/$ form if not u$/nQ GPS) I. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well ls located .) Macon Elementary School Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 1166 lotla Chmch Rd Street Address franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code Macon County Government Contact Name Mailing Address Franklin NC 28734 City or Town Stal& Zip Code Area code Phone number e. WELL DETAILS: •· TOTAL DEPTH:, .. 3...,3.,.0...,' ____ _ b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXIS'TINO WELL? YES O NO u/ e. WATER LEVEL Below Top af Casing: -----~fT. (Use·+· if Above Top of Casing) ------------ : d. TOP OF CASINO IS Removed FT. Above Land Surface• · •Top of cas ing terminated al/or below l and surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : e. YIELD(gpm): ____ ME™ODOFTEST Air Blow ; r. DISINFECTION: Type Amount ____ _ : g, WATER ZONES (depth): : Top ____ Bottom ___ _ Top ____ Bottom. ___ _ : Top. ____ Bottom ___ _ Top Bottom. ___ _ : Top Bottom ___ _ Top Bottom. ___ _ : 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter j T0p...o__ Bottom-6a_ Ft 6 5/8 ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft .. __ _ : 8 . GROUT: Oepltl Material : Top...o__ Bottom_wt_ Ft. bentonite Thickness/ Waight ~ Material steel ~ Top...aa.._ Bottom..3J.O_ Ft. washed stone M•ttiod pumped poured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. ln. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. 1n. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ A . __ in. In. ____ _ : 10. SAND/ORAVEL PACK: ; Depth Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ FL. __ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft.. ___________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft.. ___________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description ---'----___ / ___ _ ----'----___ / ___ _ I ---,---- / ---',---- / ---,.----___ / ___ _ ; 12. REMARKS: : I DO HERESY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WI™ : 151\ NCAC 2C, WELL CONSfflUCTlON STANOAADS, ANO THAT A COPY OF THIS , RECORD HAS SEEN PROVIDED TO THE WEU. OWNER. : •t., ), -z : o ... ., -<'. z__ -· 10-26-11 : SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAC"'roR DATE : Stant ev K Setzer : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality ~ Information Processing, 1817 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27899-161, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Fonn GW-1b Rev, 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Nonh Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources• Division ofWntcr Qunlity WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 2 185-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR; Stanl ey K. Setzer Well Contractor (Individual) Name Mi d Sou th Geot herm al Well Contractor Company Name 8275 Tourname nt Dr. Street Address Memphis City or Town , 901 > 7 48-9095 Area coda Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION : T n 3812 5 State Zip Code W l:LL CONSTRUCTION P ERMIT# Wl0100141 -'"-'--'-=-"-=-'""--..:.-..------ 0 THE R ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(ifapplicable,_ ______ _ SfTE WELL ID #(if appllcable).-'-H-'-•-'7-=B=----------- 3, WELL use (Check One Sox) Monitoring □ MunlclpalJPubllc o lnduatrial/Commercfal □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ Injection □ lmgatlono Other LV(llat UH) Closed Looo Geother ■ DATE DRILLED_.1...,1 .... -21-_1'-'1,..._ __ _ 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 lotla Church Rd (Street Neme, N1Jmbers. Community, Subc!Msion, Lot No .• Parcel, Zip Cade) c 1TY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (check awroprfsle box) □Slope □Valley ii'flat □Ridge □Other ______ _ K@/$TCD 36_ 1•• .. ct•AA•AA .. I CL R OR 3JC!')tJUIO(~)f)I cc KNfvf'ISTCD75 1•A .. ,!M .. •M•I C L ROR ~-'>OClUI~ cc Lati1ude/longlt1Jde sourai: [J3PS Qropographlc map (/oc.tlon of well must be :.hown on • LJSGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 5, FACILITY (N ame of the b1J1ineas where the well Is located.) Maron Eleroentarv School Facility Name 1166 lotla Church Rd Street Address franklin City or Town Macon County Government Contact Name Malling Address Franklin City or Town ma code Phone number e. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH :.__,,.12_0 ____ _ Facility ID# (if applicable ) NC 28734 State Zip Code NC 28734 State Zip Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NO f¥ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 70 FT. (Uae "+" if Above Top of Casing) ----------- ; d. TOP OF CASINO IS Removed FT. Above Land Surface• : •Top of easing terminated at/or below land surface may require : a variance In accordance with 1 SA NCAC 2C .0118. : e . YIEL.D (gpm): ----METHOD OF TEST Ajr Blow : f. DISINFECTION : Type Amount ____ _ : g. WATER ZONES (de pth): : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottorn __ _ : Top _____ Bottom __ _ Top Bottom __ _ : Top Bottom __ _ Top Bottom. __ _ Thtckneu/ : 7. CASINO: Depth Di•meter Weight Material steel ~ Top.JL._ Bottom....aL__ Fl 6 5/8 : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : 8 . GROUT: Depth Material ~ TopJL__ Bottom_BZ__ Fl Bentonite ~ : Top.JU._ Bottom...120_ Ft. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ ; 9. SCREEN: Depth Di.meter S lot Size Method Pumped poured M•terlal : To p ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. ln. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. __ ln. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Fl __ ln. in. ____ _ : 10. SAHD/ORAVEL PACK: : Depth Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ ; Top ___ .Bottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ : Top ___ .Bottom ___ Fl. __________ _ ; 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom 0 /....,2 ... 0....._ __ 20 / __ 7 ... 0....._ __ 70 /_9~0 __ 90 /_1 ... 2 ... 0 __ ___ ./ ___ _ I --------__ -'/ ___ _ ___ / ___ _ ---'----___ / ___ _ ----'---- : 12. REMARKS: Formation Description Red Clay Brown Clay sandy Soil Granite : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH : 16A NCAO 2C, wru CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF-"!)1IS ; RECORO HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WEU. OWNER. :/.4 '-i' / L c..__ -· 11-2-11 : SIGN,._l'U RE OF CE RTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE : Stanley K Setzer : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit with in 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -Information Proces.slng, 1817 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-181, Phone ; (919) 807-6300 Form GW•1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION I# 2185-A. ----------- 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Sta nley K. Setze r Well Contractor (lndlvldual) Name Mi d South Geothe rmal Wall Contractor Company Name 82 75 Tournament Dr. Street Addren Memphis Io 381 25 City or Town State Zip Code (901 l 748-9095 Area code Phor:,e number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#_,_W..:...:..:::10'-'1""'0=0:....:1'-'4:....:1'------- 0THER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lfappllcable) _______ _ SITE WELL 10 #(ii appllcable)..,_H..:..·--=8'---------- 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring □ Municipal/Public D l nduelrial/Commerclal □ Agricu ltural □ Recovery □ Injection □ lnigationo Other ilf (t11t UH) Closed Looo Geothera DATE DRILLED 10-24-11 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 lotla Church Rd (Street Name, Numbers, Community, SubdMsion , Lot No., Parcel , Zip Code) cITY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LANO SETTING: (check appropriate box) □Slope □Valle~ .(Flat □Ridge □Other ______ _ K@ISTCO 36_ 1 A•A<&AAA,MAAI CL R OR 3JC~~ cc t<Nl'vFISTC075 ,AA••&AAAAAAAAI CL ROR 7->t.~ cc latitude/longitude source: [)3PS Dropographlc map (location of well must be shown on II USGS topo map andetteched to this form If not ua/ng GPS) a. FACILITY (Name of Iha bu1lnBA where the well le located.) Macon Elementary School Facility Name 1166 lcUa Church Rd Streat Addreu franklin City or Town Macon County Government Contact Name Malling Address Ecaoklio City or Town Area code Phone number I. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:,_4_..5..,0..,' ____ _ Facility ID# (ff appllcabla) NC 28734 State Zip Code NC 28734 State Zip Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D NO~ c. WATER LEVEL Balow Top of Casing: 70 FT. (Usa •+• If Above Top of Casing) : d. TOP OF CASINO IS Removed FT. Above Land Surface· -r op of casing terminated al/or below lend surface may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. [ e . YIELD (gpm): _1.._0..,0 ___ METHOD OF TEST Ajr Bfow : f. DISINFECTION: Type Amount ____ _ : g. WATER ZONES (depth): ~ Top 70 Bottom 450 Top ___ Bottom. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom __ _ : Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom.._ __ _ Thickness/ : 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter Weight Material ~ Top_Q__ Bottom....a2.__ Ft. 6 5/8 .....2..50_ steel : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material i Top_Q__ Boltom_BL_ Ft. bentonite : Top...81__ Bottom~ Ft. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ____ _ ; 9. SCREEN: 0.pth Diameter Slot Size Method pumped poured Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ In. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ____ _ : 10. SAND/ORAVEL PACK: : Depth Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top __ -'Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Bottom O '~3_0 __ _ 30 /...,7..,.8 ____ _ 78 /_1._.9 ... 5 __ 19s ,.....;4..,s .. o __ ---''-------'-------'-------''----__ _,/ ___ _ ----'--------'---- : 12. REMARKS: Formation Description Red C!ay Brown Clay Mixture of soft and hard granite Blue granite ~ Hit water with broken ,ock@145' to 155' : I DO HERESY CERTIFY THAT THIS WEU. WAS CONSTRUCTED IN "CCOROANCE WITH • 16A NCIIC 20, WEU. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, ANO THAT A COPY Of nus : RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. : ~ 7 ,<'-L, < -10-24-11 : SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE : Stanley K Setzer ; PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -tnronnatlon Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27899-161, Phone : (919) B07-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Depanment of Environment and Natural Resour~s-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3065-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Roger L WIiiiams Well Contractor (Individual) Name T arheet Water Treatment Well Contractor Company Name 3494 Georgia RD Street Addrtst Franklin NC 28734 City or Town Slate Zip Code ( 828 I 369-0740 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WIQ 100141 ~~~~~~----- 0 THE R ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lf applicable), _______ _ SITE WELL ID #{if appllcable),~1--1~A~-------- 3, WELL USE (Chac:k One Box) Monitoring D Munlcipal/Publlc O Industrial/Commercial O Agricultural O Recovery O Injection O Irrigation □ Other •<list uae) Closed looo Geotherra DATE DRILLED 11-1 0-11 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotla Church Rd (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LANO SETTING: (cheok appropriate bo,c) □Slope □Valley iirt'lat □Ridge □Other ______ _ ~TCD 36_ l""""!IIAMMM( CLROR 3XN4)UO(~ cc l<Nt.'FISTCD 75 1""'"!"""''"""! CL ROR h~~ CC Latltudanongltude source: 03PS Of'opographlc: map (locatlon of well mu1Jt b& 1Jhown on • USGS topo map 11nd11ttached to thi$ l'onn If not u/Jlng GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the bu•lnesa Where the well is located.) Macon Eleroeotacv Facility Name Faclllty 10# (If applicable) 1166 Latia Church Rd Streat Addrese franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code Macon Gcuotv Government Contact Name Mailing Address Ecaoklio City or Town ( >-,---------Area code Phone number &. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:._,3"""8""'3...___ ___ _ NC 28743 State Zip Coda b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXIS11NO WELL? YES O NO ry o. 'NATER LEVEL Balow Top of Casing: 1"° 0 FT. (Use•+• If Above Top of Ca ■lng) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASINO IS _____ FT. Above Land Surface• : .,.op (I'! casing l!!rmlnated al/or below land surface may r~ulre : a vartanc:e In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : •• YIELD (gpm): 70 METHOD OF TEST Blow Down ~ f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 OZ ; g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top Bottom Top ___ Bottom._ __ _ ; Top Bottom Top ___ Bottom. __ _ : Top Bottom Top ___ Bottom __ _ Thlckneu/ : 7, CASINO: Depth Diameter Weight Material ! Top....Q._ Bottom..11.ll_ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Botlorn_ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Metartat ~ Top....Q._ Botlom__jjL Fl. Bentonite : Top...11L Bottom..Jaa_ Fl. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Siu Method Pumped poured Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ in. ____ _ : Top ___ Botlom ___ Ft __ in, __ in, ___ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. __ in. ____ _ : 10. SAND/ORAVEL PACK: D•pth Siz.e Meteri•I : Top. ___ Bottom_ Ft. __________ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top. ___ Bottom_Ft. __________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom 0 82 110 375 I 82 / 110 I 375 I 383 ____ / ___ ,---- / ---,.----____ / ___ _ --~'----___ , ___ _ : 12. REMARKS: l Casi119 Removed Formation Dnc:riplion Sand Clay Broken Rock Granite Broken rock 70 GPM : IOOHER THATTHISWELL STRUCTEOINACCORDANCEWlni • 1tlAN ,ANOTHATACOPVOFTHIS : RECO ER. ==4µ}1~~~*-~~~;::;: 11-10-11 : SIG N~AcTOR DATE : Boaec I Williams : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Subrnlt within 30 days of completlon to: Division of Water Quality-lnfonnaUon Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 l1 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Naturol Resources-Division of Waler Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION I# 3065-A 1 , WELL CONTRACTOR: R oger L W illiam s Well Contractor (Individual) Narne Tarheel Wa te r Tre atment Well Co111ractor Company Name 3494 Georgia RD Street Address Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code < 828 > 369-07 40 Area code Phone number 2. WELL. INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WfO 100141 ·~~~~-'-'-~------ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable)'--------- SITE WELL ID #(JI applicableJ,~l--1~8~--------- J. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring □ MunicipaVPublic □ Industrial/Commercial □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ Injection □ Irrigation□ Other llt'(H1t use) Closed looo Geotherra DATE DRILLED 11 -1 0-11 ,. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (Street Name. Numbers, Community, Subdlvislol'I, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) c11Y: Franklin couNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (checll appropriate bo~) □Slope □Valley .{Flat □Ridge □Other ______ _ l<@,ISTCD 36_ IAAAA&11 "'1111 •••1 CL R OR 3JCNO(JOC~ll cc l<NM'" ISTCD 75 1•"'11 &•11 M 11 • .. , CL R OR 1'lt~'-~ cc Latitude/longitude aouree: [)JPS Dropographlc; map (location ofwe/1 must be shown on• USGS topo map endstteof!ed to this form If not using GPS) 5. FACILITT (Name of the business where the well la located.) Macon Elementary Facility Name Facility 10# (If applicable) 1166 I otfa Cbuccb Rd Streat Address Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Coda Macon County Govemment C011taet Name Mailfng Address Ecaoklio NC 28743 City or Town State Zip Code Area code Phone number 8. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTALDEPTH:~6 ....... 7 ____ _ b, DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D NO f¥ c. WATER LEVEL Balow Top of Casing: @$# FT. (Use•+• if Above Top of Casing) I ------------ : d. TOP OF CASINO IS _____ FT. Above Land Surface• ; 'Top of easing terminated at/or below land surface may require : a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : •· YIELD (gpmt: O METHOD OF TEST Blow Down ~ r. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 OZ : g. WATER ZONES (depU,): : Top ____ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom._ __ _ ; Top Bottom __ _ Top Bottom, ___ _ : Top Bottom, ___ _ Top Bottom, ___ _ ThlckneHI ; 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter Weight Material \ Top_Q__ Bottom_6L_ Ft., __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft., __ _ : 8 . GROUT: Depth Materlal ~ Top_Q__ Bottom-6L,_ Ft. Bentonjte ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft .. _____ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ Method Pumped : t . SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. In. ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Size Material : Top, ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft,. ___ --------- : Top Bottom ___ Ft ________ _ ------ : 11 . DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom 0 I 67 ---'.----____ / ___ _ ____ / ___ _ ---'-----/ ---·'----/ ---,---- ---''----___ / ___ _ : 12. REMARKS: : Casis 19 Ren,oved Formation Deacrtptlon Sand Cla y : t 00 H£/WIY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH • 15A HATA COPY OF 'OilS ; RE 11-10-11 DATE : Roger L Williams : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit withlo 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -lntonnatlon Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27899-161, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTD'ICA TION # 1185-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Stanley K. Setzer Well Contractor (Individual) Name Mid South Geothermal Wall Contractor Company Name 8275 Tournament Dr. Street Address Memphis Tn 38125 City or Town State Zip Code < 901 > 7 48-9095 Area c.oda Phone number 2 . WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WIQ100141 ........ .....=....a...=..=-a.-'--'------- OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(tr applicable) _______ _ SITE WELL 10 #(ii appUcable)_,_1--"7 _________ _ 3. WELL USE (Checl< Ona Box) Monitoring O MunlclpaliPUbllc O lndu1tr1aVCommareial □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ Injection □ lnrigation□ Other nfc11stusa) Closed Looo Geothera DATE DRILLED 10-28-11 4 . WELL LOCATION; 1166 lotla Church Rd (Street Name, Number$, Community, SubdM1ion, Lot No .. Parcel, Zip Code) c1rv: Franklin couNrv Macon TOPOGRAPHIC/ LANO SETTING: (cllecl< ■PPIOPriate box) □Slope □Valley iit!=la1 □Ridge □other ______ _ K@,ISTCO 36_ 11\MA.tAMMAAIIJ CL ROR ax~~ cc KNll.f"ISTCO 75 1•111111 &1111111111111111 1 CL ROR h.~~ CC Latl!Ydallongil\4de •ource: [)3PS Qropographlc map (location of wall must be shown on • USGS topo m11p andattech&d to thie form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the buaineH where the well is located.) Mamo Elementarv School Facility Name 1166 lntla Church Rd street Address Eraoklio City or Town Macao Cmmtv Government Cont.ct Name Malling Addrau Ecaoklio City or Town ( \ ________ _ Area ooda Phone number S. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:_4.,.5,...0..._ ___ _ Facility 10# (if applicable) NC 28734 State Zip Code NC 2B734 State Zip Coda b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES Q NO f3/ c. WATER LEVEL Balow Top of Casing; -----~FT. (Use •+· If AboVe Top of Casing) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASING IS Removed FT. Above Land Surface• •Top of casing terminated-et/or below land surface may require a variance In accordance With 15A NCAC 2C .0118 . i e. YIELD (gpm): _.2 ____ METHOD OF TEST Ajr Blow : f. DISINFECTION: 1VPe Amount ____ _ : g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top ___ Bottom __ _ ;Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom __ _ : Top Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom __ _ Thlckneu/ : 1. CASINO: Deptl't Diameter Weight Material steel ~ Topi__ Bottom--6,Q__ Ft. 6 5/8 : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft .. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Oepth Material ~ Top.Jl_ Bottom..l.Q._ Ft. Bentonjte _.25.Q_ : Top__-m_ Bottom..!5.Q_ Ft. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ____ _ : t, SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Method Pumped poured Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft ___ in. __ In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom.._ __ Ft._ln. __ In. ____ _ : Top ___ B<>ttom_Ft. __ ln. __ In. ____ _ : 10, SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Size Material : Top ____ Sottom_ Ft.. __________ _ : Top. ___ .aottom ___ FL __________ _ j Top ___ Bottom__ Ft. __________ _ : 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom O 1~2=0 __ _ 20 '~6~9 __ _ 69 /...,8 .. 2......__ __ 82 /_1...,5_2 __ 152 '~1=62~-162 /_45....,..0 __ ____ / ___ _ ---~---- ----'-------'---- : 12. REMARKS: Formation Oaseliption Red Clay Brown Clay sandy Soil Granite Broken Granite Granite : I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH • 1M NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANOAROS, ANO TNAT A COPY OF THIS ; RECORO HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WaL OWNER. : ./L I • : .....---L C......-:Z: .. 10-28-11 : SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTAA~ DATE : Stanley K Setzer : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality. lnfonnatlon Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27899-181, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL ~LL C~NSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Deparunen1 ofEnvirorunenl and Natural Resources• Division of Waler Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATI ON# 3065-A 1 . WELL CONTRACTOR: Ro aer L William s Well Contractor (lndlvldual) Name Ta rh eel Wa ter Tre at ment Well Contractor Company Name 3494 Georgi a RD Street Address Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code ,828 > 369-0740 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WIQ100141 ..;....,...:.=..=..:....,'-'--'-------- 0 THE R ASSOCIATED PERMIT#/~ applicable), _______ _ SITE WELL ID ~If appllcable),...,J'--"""1 ________ _ 3. WEU. USE (Check One Box) Monitoring O Munlclpal/Publlc O lnduatrial/Commerc:ial □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ lnjec:tion □ lrr~atlon □ Other l!f wst use) Closed loco Geotherra DATE DRILLED 11 -11-11 <I. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotla Church Rd (Street Name, Numbe!&, Community, Subdivision . Lot No .. Parcel, Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LANO SETTING: (check appropriate box) □Slope □Valley itflat □Ridge □other ______ _ 1<@11STCD 3~ IMAA &AMI/I AM/lf CL R OR gJl(('lfXJ(~" cc KNM=ISTCO 75 1•11 AA &/I/I/IAAA/III! CL ROR 7'lt.~AA?OOC> cc Latil\.lda/longltude 50urce: C)3PS [Jfopographlc map (locatlor, of well mu:,t be shown on • USGS topo map endetteched lo this form If not using GPS) Ii, FACILITY (Name oftha buslnes, where the well la located.) Macon Elementary Faclilty Name 1166 Latia Church Rd Street Address Franklin City or Town Macon Gouotv Government Contact Name Malling AddreH Franklin City or Town '----') .,,-----------Area code Phone number 8 . WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:,_4=--5..,.O'----- Faclllty 10# (If appli cable) NC 28734 State Zip Code NC 28743 State Zip Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL 7 YES O NO f# c, WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 5 0 FT. (Use •+· If Above Top of Casing ) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASING IS ______ FT. Above Land Surface• 'Top of casing term inated et/or below land surface meiy require a variance In accordance wit/\ 1 SA NCAC 2C ,011 B. : •. YlELO (gpmt: so METHOD oF TEST Blow Pewo ~ f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 az : g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top. ___ Bottom. __ _ Top ___ Bottom, __ _ : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom. __ _ TOP. Bottom. __ _ Thickness/ : 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter Weight Material i Top.JL__ Bottom-11Q_ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft .. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft .. ___ _ : B. GROUT; Depth Material : TopJL_ Bottom~ ft. Benlonjte : Top..1..1.§._ Bottom...4filL. Ft. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ____ _ Method Pumped poured : 9 . SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. in. ___ _ ;Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft._jn. __ In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln, In. _____ , : 10, SAND/GRAVEL PACK: : Depth Size Material : Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft .. ____________ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____________ _ : Top. ___ Bottom ___ Ft •. __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom 0 67 110 I 67 I 11 0 I 450 I I I I I I I I : 12. REMARKS: : Casi! ,g Re, r ,oved Formation Description Sand Clay Broken Granite Granite ; 100 HERESY CeRTlFV THAT ffilS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH • 15A O THAT A COPY OF ffi!S : RECO i , 11-11-11 : SIG TRACTOR DATE : Roger L Williams : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days-of completion to: Division of Water Quality -lnfonnatlon Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-181 , Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 h5 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Departmenr of Environment and Natural Resources• Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3065-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Roger L Williams Well Contractor (Individual) Name Tarheel Water Treatment Well Contractor Company Name 3494 Georgia RD Street Address Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code < 828 > 369-07 40 Area code Phone r,umber 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#....:.W...:...:.;:I 0""'1""'0:..::Q:..:1'-'4'-'1'------ 0THER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lf applicable) _______ _ SITE WELL ID #(if appflcable)..,_K-=---=5'----------- :1.. WELL USE (Check One BoK) Monltollr,g O MUnleipal/Public 0 lndustrial/Commerclal □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ lnJectlon □ Irrigation□ Other llf (1111 use) Closed loop Geotherra DATE DRILLED~l~1_-8_-~1~1 ___ _ 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotla Church Rd (Street Name. Numbers, Commu"lty. SubdMslon. Lot No .. Parcel. Zip Code) c11Y: Franklin couNTV Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (oheok appropriate box) □Slope □Valley itFlet □Ridge □other ______ _ K@ilSTCO 36_ 1""••&AA••••""I CL R OR 3kNUOO(~){ CC l<N'-ftsrCD75 1••••a••,..•AA•1 CL ROR ~~~ cc Latitude/longitude source: [)3PS OfopographJc map (locetion of well must be shown on• USGS topo map andattached to this form If not using GPS) I. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well ls located.) Macao Eleroeotarv Facility Name Facility ID# (If applicable) 1166 Lotta Church Rd Street Addreaa Ecaoklio NC 28734 City or Town State , Zip Code Macon County Gnyemmeot Contact Name Malling Address Eraoklio NC 28743 City or Town State Zip Code ( )-,----,------ Area code Phone number &. WELL DEtAJLS: a. TOTALDEPTH:~4~5_0 ____ _ b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING W£LL? YES O NO~ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: ______ FT. (Usa ••• if Above Top of Casing) ----------- : d. TOP OF CASING IS _____ FT. Above Land Surface• •Top of casing te1TT1ir,a-tad at/or below land surface may require a variance in aceordanca with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : •• YIELD (gpm): 30 METHOD OF TEST Blow Down ~ f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 1? OZ : g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top ___ Bottom'----Top'--__ Bottom. __ _ : Top Bottom~---Top Bottom. __ _ : Top Bottom. __ _ Top Bottom __ _ ThlckneN/ ; 1. CASINO: D•pth Dlamotor W•lght M1torl1I I Top_Q___ Bottom...19,L Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ _ ; 8, GROUT; Depth Material ~ Top_Q___ Bottom~ Ft. Bentonjte : Top.2QO_ Bottom~ Ft washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ Method Pumped poured : 9. SCREEN: Depth Dlamete1 Slot SID M■ter111I : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft __ in. __ in, ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ____ _ : 10,SA.NDIORAVEL PACK: ; Depth Size Material ;Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top Bottom_Fl'---_______ _ : 11 , DRILLING LOG Top Bottom ~/~8=2~-- 82 /_1_8~5 __ .... 1a5_/_4...,5...,0 __ __ _,/ ___ _ ___ / ___ _ ---''----___ / ___ _ __ _./ ___ _ __ _./ ___ _ ___ / ___ _ ---'---- : 12. REMARKS: : Casi11g Rerr,oved formation Oesqiptlon Sand Clay Broken Rock Granite 30 GPM : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY Tl-iAT THIS WEU. WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH : 15A NCAC 2 CONSTRUCTION ST ANOARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS • RECORD EN PRO ED TO T.ca::.,,vi;u.,vW ER. i , d H_ ,-____,,,,-c-_ 11-8-11 : SIGNA RE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE : Bcaer L Williams : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submtt within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1617 Mall Service Centet, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone: (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 306S~A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Roger L Williams Well Contractor (Individual) Name Tarheel Water Treatment Well Contractor Company Name 3494 Georgia RD Street Address Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code , 828 > 369-07 40 Area code Phone number 2 . WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#~W~I0~1~0~0~1~4~1 ____ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable), _______ _ SITE WELL ID #(If appllcable).~K~-~6=A~-------- 3. WELL use (Check One Box) Monitoring □ Municipal/Public □ lndu1tl'ial/Commerciai □ Agricultural □ Recovery D lnjeetlon D Irrigation□ Other "(Ult use) Closed looo Geotherra DATE DRILLED.....,1_.1-'•3,._•_,,1_._1 ___ _ 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotla Church Rd (Street Name, Numbers, Community, SubdMslon, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LANO SETTING: (check approprlale box) □Slope □Valley iitFlat □Ridge □Other ______ _ K@,1$TCO 3~ I AA AA&A••··•--1 CL R OR 3JC~)tXJ(J(~ll cc 1<N~tsrcD75 1 .. ••a•M• .. ••t CL ROR 7'.it~~ cc Latitude/longttuda source: [)3PS Qropographlc map (location of well must ~ shown on • USGS topo map andetteched to this form If not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of Iha buslneas Where the well ls located.) Macon E!aroeotacv Facility Nam. Facility 10# (If applicable) 1166 Lotla Church Rd Street Address franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code Macon County Government Contact Name Mailing Addre11 franklin NC 28743 City or Town Stallt Zip Code Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:_.2.,.0"'0..__ ___ _ b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTJNO WELL? YES □ NO~ c . WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: ______ .FT. (Use ••• if Above Top ot Casing) ----------- ; d. TOP OF CASINB IS _____ FT.Above Land Surface• : "Top of ca.Ing terminated aVor below land 1wmce may reql.llre : a variance In accordance with 1SA NCAC 2C. .0118. : a , YIELD (gpm): 50 METHOD OF TEST Blow Down j f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 CZ : g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top Bottom Top ___ Bottom __ _ : Top Bottom ___ Bottom __ _ Top ; Top Bottom Top ___ Bottom. __ _ Thicknea•I ; 1, CASINO: Depth Diameter Weight ] Top.Jl_ Bottom...J.§L Ft, __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Fl, __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ ; 8. GROUT: Depth Material ~ Top.Jl_ Bottom-1.ZQ'._ Ft. Bentonlte : Top-1.ZQ_ aottom-2.QO_ Ft. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. ____ _ Melhod Pumped poured : t . SCREEN : Depth Diameter Slot Size Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. In . ___ _ : 10. SAND/ORAVEL PACK: ; Depth Siu Material : Top ____ Bottom ___ Ft._ _________ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __________ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft ___________ _ : 1 1. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description O /....,8=2'-----Sand Clay 82 '~1-=65,.____ Broken Rock 165 1 .... 2 ... 0 ..... 0 __ Loose Gravel so GPM ___ / ___ _ ____ / ___ _ I --------__ ....;/ ___ _ ----'--------'-------'--------'---- ; 12. REMARKS: ~ Casit,g Re111ooed ; I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS W El.L WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH • 1M OTHATACOPYOFTHIS ; R : Roger L Williams ; PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quanty -lnfonnatlon Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27899,181, Phone: (919) 807-e300 ForrnGW•1b Rev. 1/08 N oN REsmENTJAL wntcoNSTRucnoN ucoRO North Quolina Department of Environment and Narural ~ Division of Water Quality WELL CONTBACfOR. CERTIFICATION# 3118-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Timothy R Hamby Wei Contractor {Individual) Nana Midsouth Geothermal Wei Conmlc:tor Company Name 8 275 Tournament Dr STE 5 Street Address Memphis City OK Town ,901 ). 74~9095 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORIIAnoN: TN 38125 State Zip Code WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITI WIQ100141 ~~~~~----- OTHER ASSOC IA TED PEOA41T#(lf appllca~~ SITE WELL ID #(If appllGable)~ ·_· .._;)...,___-=4'_1$.__ ___ _ 3. VI/ELL USE (Chedt One Box) Monitoring D Municipal/Public 0 lndustriaUCommerda D Agrta.dtural D Recove,y D lnjedion 0 1n1gat1ono ottw J c,w. UN) Qlosed Loop Geothera DATE DRJU.ED~ 1.-:I0-1 ;t 4. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Lotta Church Rd (SlrNt Name, Num.,_., Community, SubdivlllDn, Lot No., Pa1011, Zip Code) cITY: Franklin couNTV Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (chadl 8l>fll'OPriul 11ml) □Slope OValay iiFfat □Ridge □other. _____ _ LATITUDE 36 _____ • OMS OR 3X..XXXXXXXXX DO LONGllVOE 75 -----· OMS OR 7x.xxxxxxxxx DO ta1ltudellongll source: [J3PS Ofopographlc map (location of wel must be .shoWn on a USGS topo map enclattac/l#Jd lo thJs form If not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of toe business where ltle well Is located.) Macon Eleroeotrv School Facility Name . 1166 I ofla Church Rd Street Address Eraoklio City or Town Macao Cm mtv Gnveroroeot Contact Name Matnng Address Franklin City or Town ( ) ________ _ Area code Phone number 8. WEU. DETAILS: L 'TOTAL DEPTH: 4i9::: l.$' Q Faclllty IOI (If applicable) NC 28734 State Zip Code NC 28743 Slate Zlp Code b. DOESWEU.REPLACEEXIS'TINGWELL? YES □ NOD c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: _6_0 ____ FT. (Use ·+· tr Above Top ~ casing) ---------- : d. TOP OF CASING IS ~ FT. Above Land SUlface• "Top~ casing ISfmNfed at/Of bekJw land suface may reqan . a varfance In accordance v.ith 15A NCAC 2C .0118. ~ .. Y1B..D <gpm>: 1 oo 11Ent00 or: TEST Blow Down : f. DISINFECTION: ~ HTC Amount 12oz : !J· WATER ZONES (deplh): ; TOI> -Bottom., Top ___ Bottom'--- ~ Top ). 4.0 Bottom 2,.Lf J. Top Bottom._ __ ;Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom~-- llltcknael : 7. CASING: Depth D!amewr W-'aht Mat.rial : Top__§__ Bottom_.__ R. 61/8 ....11HL. steel ~ Top_Ll__ Bottom_O_Fl __ _ : Top __ Bottom __ Ft. __ _ . : 8 . GROUT: Depth Material j Top_. <1.._ Bollom_~_ Ft_fif n~~ -:: Method Pv.,.,,_p"ed_ :Top~_Bottom __ Fl ____ _ : Top __ Botlom. __ Ft. ____ _ : t . SCREEN: Depth D..,,._. Slot Size : Top __ Bottom __ Fl __ in. --in. ---- : Top __ Bol1Dm __ Fl __ ln. __ In. ___ _ ! Top __ Bottom __ Fl __ ln. : 10. SANDt'GRAVEL PACK: : Depdl mm in. ___ _ Mldaltal : Top. ___ Bottom. __ Ft.. __________ _ : Top Bollom __ Ft. ---: Top Bollom __ Ft .. __________ _ ; 11 . DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Format!On~ . ti. I« -. • I If. . . • ,_ . -,_ a n : ... ,_ I 0 I J'.) ~A+,col * c14r : ~'.'.) I ~ c'.n::4::".'J ,?i:-£ : I : I I : 12. REMARKS: : Casing removed : I DO HEREB'I' CERT1FV THAT THIS 'NEU WAS (X)NSTR\JCTEO IN ACCORDANCE WITH ; 15A NCAC 2C, WB.l. CONSTRtJCTlOH STANWUlS, AHO THAT A C0P'f OF THIS : RECOAO HAS BEEN PRO\IIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. : ,~;.:_/ ef< ~ I ~!2-.. I :1.. _J : SIGNA:JlJRE OF CER~ CONTRACTOR DATE : :nrootbv B Hamby : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit .withlrt 30Jtayit oi1c(Hitpl~on ,to! Div isl~ .Qf.W8"'r Quality:-•, lnformatlon Ptoceur,nu. 1617 Matl'Servlce CeritllfiRal.,;gtt;-NC 276"-16f, Pho~{ ,(91°9) 807-6300 .. FormGW-1 b Rev. 2/09 ~ • --' + + NON RESIDENTIAL ~LL C~NSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department ofEnvironmer!I end Natural Resources-Divis_ioo of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3065-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Roae r L Williams Well Contractor (I ndividual) Name Tarhee l water Treat ment Well Contractor Company Name 3 4 94 Georgia RD Street Address Frankli n NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code c 828 > 369-07 40 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION : WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#..:W....:..:.::IQ._1:...;:Q:.;::Q....,1..,..4:....:1 ____ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lf applicable) _______ _ SITE WELL 10 #(jf appllcable)..:.K-=--...,,7 _________ _ 3. WELL USE {Check One Box) Monitoring □ MunlclpaVPublic; □ lnduatrial/Comrnercial □ Agrfeultural □ Recovery □ lnjeetlon □ Irrigation□ Other fW(llst UH) Closed looo Geotherra DATE DRILLED 10-31-11 ,. WELL LOCATION: 1166 Latia Church Rd (Street Name, Numbe111. Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin c ouNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LANO SETTING: (ch eck approPfit1te bo~) □Slope □Valley ii{Flal □Ridge OOl h er ______ _ K@>tsTCD 36_ 1•••"&""•"••••t CL R OR 3JC~~ll CC KNPvfts.TCD 75 ,··•"&••MAMAJ CL R OR 1"~JU(,C~ cc Latitude/longitude souroe: [):;PS Dropographle map (location of well must be shown on • USGS topo map endatt■ched to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well i• localed.) Macon Elaroeotarv FacilltyNama 1166 Latia Church Rd Streat Addreu franklin City or Town Macon County Government Contact Name Malling Address Ecaoklio City or Town '----'>-:----,-------Area c:ode Phone n umber I . WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:.~4_5_□~---- Faei ltty ID# (if applic;abla) NC 26734 State Zip Code NC 28743 State Zlp Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NO rJ/ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: _____ FT. (Use•+· If Above Top of Casing) ----------- , d. TOP OF CASINO IS _____ FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of ceslng terminated at/or below land surface may requlra a variance In acoordanee with 15A NCAC 2C .011 8. ~ e. v 1eLD (apm): 50 METHOD o F TEST Blow Down : f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 az ; g . WATER ZONES (depth): : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ Bottom,_ __ _ : Top ___ Bottom __ _ Top Bottom __ _ : Top. ___ Bottom __ _ Top ___ eottom. __ _ : 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter j Top_L_ Bottom~ Ft. __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ ; Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft .. __ _ : 8. GROUT: Depth Matertal ~ Top_L_ Bottom-88L_ Ft. Bentonjte Thickness/ W1tlght Material Method pymged : Top.JlL_ Bottom-4,®_ Ft. washed stone goured : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft.. ____ _ : t. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material : Top ___ Botfom ___ Ft. __ ln. in. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln, In. ____ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. In. ____ _ : 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: ; Depth Siu Material : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __________ _ : Top Bottom_ Ft. __________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Ft.. __ _ ; 11. DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom Fonnation Description 0 I 82 Sand Clay _8...,2,.___./_,2=0=0 __ water @192 so aom 300 I 450 Grarnte ___ ./ ___ _ ---·'----___ ! ___ _ ----'--------'--------'-------~---- : 12. REMARKS: : Casing Re111oved ; I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS wru WAS CON~UCTEO IN ACCORDANCE WITH • 15AN TliAT ACOP'YOFTHIS ; RE: 10-31-11 OR DATE : Bcaer L Williams : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality -Information Processing, 1817 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-181 , Phone : (919) 807-6300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Departmml ofEnvironmenl and Natural Resources• Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 3065-A ----------- 1 . WELL CONTRACTOR: Roger L Williams Wall Conttactor (Individual) Name Tarheel Water Treatment Well Contractor Company Name 3494 Georgia RD Street Addrau Franklin City or Town < 828 l 369-07 40 Area coda Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: NC 28734 State Zip Code WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# . ...,W~I0,._1...,,0'-"0'-'1'-'4'-'1'--___ _ OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(lf applicable) _______ _ SITE WEJ.L 10 #(II appllcable), ..... K .... -__.8.__ ________ _ 3. Wl:U. USE (Check One Box) Monitoring □ Municipal/Public □ lndu5trial/Commercial □ Agricultural □ Recovery □ Injection □ Irrigation□ Other ff (list use) Closed loco Geotherra DATE DRIUED 10-27-11 4. WELL LOCATIO~: 1166 Lotla Church Rd (Street Name, Numbent, Community, SubdlvlsJ011, Lot No .• Paroel. Zip Code) c1TY: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LANO SETTING: (check appropnate box) □Slope □Valley ii{Flat □Ridge □Other ______ _ K@ISTCO 36_ 1A•••&AAAMAAA! CL R OR 3JC~JUUU(~ cc KNM=ISTC075 IAAAA,tAAAI\AAAAI CLROR 7':>t~~ cc Latitude/longitude source: [):;PS Qropographlc map (focatlon of waif must be shown on • USGS topo mep endattached to this form if not using GPSJ 5. FACILllY (Name of the buslne111 Where the well ls located.) Macon Elementary Facility Name 1166 Lotla Church Rd Street Address Franklin City or Town Macon Countv Government Contact Name Malling Address Franklin City or Town '---..,.;>...,,..,..--....,....-----Atea code Phone number I. WELL DETAILS: •· TOTAL DEPTH:_4~5-0 ____ _ Facility ID# (lf applicable) NC 28734 State Zip Coda NC 28743 Stat4 Zip Code b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTINO WELL? YES □ NO G' o. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: ______ FT. (Use •+• if Above Top ol Cuing) : d. TOP OF CASING IS _____ FT. Above Land Surface• : "Top of ca&ing terminated at/or below land $Urface may ra~ulra a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : •. YIELD (gpm): ____ METHOD OF TEST Blow Down ~ f. DISINFECTION: Type HTC Amount 12 OZ : g. WATER ZONES (depth): : Top Bottom Top ___ Bottom~-- : Top Bottom Top ___ Bottom, __ _ ; Top Bottom ___ Bottom. __ _ Top Thickness/ ; 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter Weight Material j Top_Q__ Bottom~ Ft. __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft __ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft._ __ : 8 . GROUT: Depth Material l Top_Q__ Bottom....aa.__ Ft. Bentonjte : Top.Jlil.._ Bottom~ Ft. washed stone : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft., ____ _ Method Pumped poured ; 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size P,'latetial : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln. In . ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ ln . i n. ___ _ : Top ___ Bottom ___ Ft. __ in. in. ___ _ : 10. SANDfGRAVEL PACK: : Depth ; Top ___ Bo.ttom ___ Fl __________ _ : Top ___ B.ottom ___ Fl __________ _ : Top Bottom ___ Fl __________ _ : 11 . DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom 0 I 84 ..... 8:....4.__ __ /_,3..,.0=0 __ 300 I 450 __ ...,/ ___ _ ----'----___ / ___ _ ----'-------'----___ / ___ _ ___ / ___ _ ----'---- : 12. REMARKS: ; Casi, 19 Re11,oved Formation Oeacription Sand Clay D ; I DO HEREBY CERTIFY niAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE Wini • 15A NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION Sl'ANOAROS, ANO THAT A COPY OF nil$ : RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER :___________ 10-27-11 : SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAC~ DATE : Racier L Williams : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: DIVlslon of Water Quality • lnfonnatlon Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Ralelgh, NC 27899-1 &1, Phone ; (919) 807 ~300 Form GW-1b Rev. 1/08 Permit Number WI0100141 Program Category Ground Water Permit Type .. Injection Mixed Fluid GSHP Well System (5QM) Primary Reviewer michael. rogers Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow FaciJih FacllityName Macon County K-4 Elementary School Location Address 1166 lotla Church Rd Franklin Owner Owner Name NC Macon County Government Dates/Events 28734 Orig Issue 02/28/11 App Received Draft Initiated 02/14/11 Scheduled Issuance Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 03/03/11 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Version 1.00 Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Janice Scott 8275 Tournament Dr Memphis TN Major/Minor Minor Region Asheville County Macon Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Government -County Owner Afflllatlon Jack Horton County Manager 5 W Main St Franklin NC Publlc Notice Issue 02/28/11 Effective 02/28/11 381250851 28734 Expfration 01/31/16 -'-Rc.;;,e~a.;;;:u.:..:la=te-=--d:;:_:_A.:.:::c..::.;ti-'-v;.::itl;.::ec.:.s _______________ ~R=e=g=ues=t=e=d=/R=e=c=e=iv~e=d~E=v~e=n=ts~---------- Heat Pump Injection RO staff report requested RO staff report received Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class 02/18/11 02/24/11 Subbasin . I•• -~CDE No rth Carolina Dep artment of En vironm ent an d Natural Reso urces Beverly Eaves Pe rdue Governor Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Director February 28, 2011 C . Jack Horton, County Manager Macon County Government 5 W . Main St. Franklin. NC 28734 Ref: Issuance of Injection Well Permit WI0100141 Issued to Macon County Government Franklin, Macon County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Horton: Dee Freeman Secretary In accordance with the application received on February 14, 2011, I am forwarding perntit number WI0100141 for the construction and operation of a vertical closed-loop geothermal mixed-fluid heat pump injection well system to be located at Macon County K-4 Elementary School, 1166 Iotla Church Road. Franklin, Macon County, NC 28734. This pennit shall be effective from the date of issuance until January 31, 2016, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations stated therein, including the requirement to install well identification · tags as specified in Part Il.3 and to submit ·well C(]DStruction records as specified in Part Vll.2. Be sure to read the entire permit to ensure that you are aware of all compliance requirements of the permit. . You will need to notify this office at least 48 hours prior to beginning construction and operation of the injection well system. In order to continue unillterrupted legal use of the injection facility for the stated purpose, you must submit an application to renew the permit 120 days pnor to its expiration date . This permit is not transferable to any person without prior notice to and approval by the Director of the Division of Water Quality. Please contact me at (919) 715-6166 or michael.rof.!ers(ti 1ncdenr.1?ov if you have any questions about your permit. cc: L andon Davidson, Asheville Regional Of fi ce WIO 1001 41 Permit F ile Macon County Environmental Health Dept. AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 163C Mail Serv1et-Center, Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1636 l ocation: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh, North ~?Jolim:i 27604 Phone-:.919-733-3221 I fAX 1' 91 9-715-0583: FAX 2: 91 9,715-6048 \ CustomerSer;lre: 1.an-623-6748 Internet ww.v.ncwaterguality,org "..'toCrtu nm Afflrmallv~ P.c11e> Best Regards, /fdtd!.JJ ~...,___,c-. - 'Michael Rogers, P.G. (NC & {L ) One N,.pfthCarolma ;vatttral!!f NOilTB CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT FOR THE C ONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A WELL FOR INJEC TION In accordance with the provis ions of Article 7 , Chapter 87; Article 21, Chapter 143; and other-applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations · PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Macon County Govenunent FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF 96 TYPE 5QM INJECTION WELL(S), defined in Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2C .0209(e)(3)(F), for the purpose of operating a vertical closed loop geothermal mixed fluid heat pump system. This system is located at Macon County K w4 Elementary School, 1166 Iotla Church Road, Franklin, Macon County, NC 28734, and will be constructed and operated in accordance with the application received February 14, 2011, and in conformity with the specifications and supporting data submitted, all of which are filed with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and are considered a part of this permit. This permit is for Construction and Operation of an inJection well and shall be in compliance with Title 15A of the North· Carolina Administrative Code 2C .0100 and .0200 plus any other applicable Laws, Rule~, and Regulations pertaining to well construction and use. This_ permit shall be effective, unless revoked, from the date of its issuance until January 31, 2016, and shalJ be subject to the specified conditions and limitations set forth in Parts I through IX hereof. Permit issued this the 28th day of February. 2011. K'coleen H . Sullins, Director \ Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission. Perm it #W I0100141 UIC/5QM ver. 03/2010 Page 1 of 5 PART 1-WELL CONSTR UCTION GENERAL CONDITIONS l. The Permittee must comply with all condltions of this permit and with the standards and criteria specified in Criteria and Standards Applicable to Injection Wells (15A NCAC 2C .0200). Any noncompliance with conditions of this permit constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and is grounds for enforcement action as provided for in N.C.G.S. 87-94. 2 . This permit shall become voidable unless the facility is constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 3. Each injection well shall not hydraulically connect separate aquifers. 4 . Each injection well shall not be locat-ed in an area generally subject to flooding. Areas that are generall y subject to flooding include those with concave slope, alluvial or colluvial soils, gullies , depressions , and drainage ways. 5. Each injection weJl shall be afforded reasonable protection against damage during construction and use. PART II -WE LL CONST RUCTION SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. At least forty-eight (48) hours p rior to constructing system, the Permittee shall notify the Aqmfer Protection Section's Underground Injection Con trol (UIC) Program Central Office staff, telephone number (919) 715-6166 and the Asheville Regional Office Aquifer Protection Section Staff, telephone number (828 ) 296-4500. , 2 . The location of each of tfie system manifolds sh all be recorded by triangulation from three permanent features on the site (e.g., building foundation comers) and shown on an updated Site Map. The Permittee shall retain a copy of this record on 'site. 3 One well identification tag per grouping or 'cluster' of wells shall be permanently affixed to the heating and cooling unit or other nearby pennanentl y fixed location in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0213(g). PART ill -OPERATION AND USE GENERAL CO NDITIONS I. This permit is effective onJy with respect to the nature. volume of materials and rate of injection, as described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This permit is not trans ferable wi thout prior notice to , and approval by, the Director of the Division of Water Quality (Director). 1n the event there is a desire for the facility to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permitte e, a formal permit amendment request must be submitted to the Director, including any supporting materials as may be appropriate, at least 30 days prior to the date of the change. 3. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Pem1ittee of the responsibility of complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by other local, state. and federal agencies, which have jurisdiction. Furthermore, the issuance of this permit does not imply that all regulatory requirements have been met. Permit #WI010014J UIC/SQM ver. 03/2010 Pag e 2 of 5 PART IV-PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. The injection facility shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so that there is no contamination of groundwater that will render it unsatisfactory for normal use. In the event that the facility "fails to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions or failure of the injection zone to adequately assimilate the injected fluid, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions including those actions that may be required by the Division of Water Quality such as the repair, modification, or abandonment of the injection facility. 2. The Permittee shall be required to comply with the terms and conditions of this pennit even if compliance requires a reduction or elimination of the permitted activity. 3. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Pe~ttee of the responsibility for damages to surface or ground water resulting from the operation of this facility. PART V -OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. The injection facility shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 2. The Permittee must notify the Division and receive prior written approval from the Director of any planned physical alterations or additions in the permitted facility or activity not specifically authorized b y the permit. 3 . At least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the initiation o f the operation of the facility for injection, the Permittee must notify by telephone the Aquifer Protection Section's Underground Injection Control {Ulq Program Central Office staff, telephone number (919) 715-6166. Notification is required so that Division staff can inspect or otherwise review the injection facility and determine if it is in compliance with permit conditions. PART VI -INSPECTIONS 1. Any duly authorized _officer, employee, or representative of fhe Division of Water Quality may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the injection facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit, may inspect or copy any records that must be maintained under the term s and conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or injection fluids. 2 . Division representatives shall have reasonable access for purposes of inspection, observation, and sampling associated with injection and any related facilities as provided for in N.C.G.S. 87-90. 3 . Provisions shall be made for collecting any neces sary and appropriate samples associated with the injection facility activities. Permit #WI0100141 UIC/SQM ver_ 03/2010 Page 3 of 5 PART VII-MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. All required documentation shall be submitted to: Aquifer Protection Section -U IC Program DENR -Djvision of Water Quality ] 636 Mail Service Center and Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Ph# 919-715-3221 Aquifer Protection Section Asheville Regional Office 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 (828) 296-4500 2. A completed Well Construction Record (Form GW-1) for each injection well must be submitted to the Aquifer Protection Section Central Office and the Asheville Regional Office within 30 days of comp1etion of well construction. Copies of the GW-1 fonn(s) shall also be given to the Permittee and retained on site to be made available for inspection. 3 . A copy of the si t e map updated with manifold locations required in Part 11.2 of this permit shall be submitted to the Aquifer Protection Section Central Office and the Asheville Regional Office within 30 days of completion of well construction. 4 . Any monitoring (including groundwater, surface water, or soil sampling) deemed necessary by the Division of Water Quality to insure surface and ground water protection will be established and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall be followed. 5. T'ne Permittee shall report by telephone, within 48 hours of the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence. to the Asheville Regional Office, telephone number (828) 296-4500. any of the following : (A) Any occurrence at the injection facility that resul ts in any unusual operating circumstances: (B) Any failure due to known· or unknown reasons that renders the facility incapable of proper j:njection operations, such as mechanical or electrical failur es: (C) Any loss ofrefrigerant in the system, regardless of the origin of the loss; (D) Any recharging of the refrigerant system. 6. Where the Permittee becomes aware of an omission of any relevant facts in a permit application, or of any incorrect information submitted in said application or in any report to the Director, the relevant and correct facts or information shall be promptly submitted to the Director by the Pennittee. 7. In the event that the permitted facility fails to perform satisfactorily, the Perrnittee shall take such immediate action as may be required by the Director. PART V III -PERMIT RENEW AL In order to continue uninterrupted legal use of the inj ection facility for the stated purpose, the Permittee shall submit an application to renew the permit 120 days prior to its expirati on date . Perm i t #WI0100141 U IC/SQM ver. 03/2010 Pa ge 4 of 5 PART IX-CHANGE OF WELL STATUS I. The Permittee shall provide written notification within I 5 days of any change of status of an injecbon well. Such a change .would include the discontinued use of a well for injection. If a well is taken completely out of service temporarily, the Permittee must install a sanitary seal. If a well is not to be used for any purpose, then that well must be permanently abandoned according to 1 SA NCAC 2C .0213(b)(1 ). Notification shall be submitted to the addresses given in Part VII. l of this pennit. 2. When operations have ceased at the facility and a well will no longer be used for any purpose> the Permittee shall abandon that injection well in accordance with the procedures specified in 15A NCAC 2C .0214, including but not limited to, the following: (A) (B) (C) (D ) (E) (F) (G) All casing and materials inay be removed prior to initiation of abandonment procedures if tbe Director finds such removal will not be responsible for, or contribute to, the contamination of an underground source of drinking water. The entire depth of each well shall be sounded before it is sealed to insure freedom from obstructions that may interfere with sealing operations. Each well shall be thoroughly disinfected, prior to sealing, if the Director determines that failure to do so could lead to the contamination of an underground source of drinking water. Each well shall be completely filled with cement grout, which shall be introduced into the well through a pipe that extends to the bottom of the well and is raised as the well is filled. In the case of gravel-packed wells in which the casing and screens have not been removed, the casing shall be perforated opposite the gravel pack, at intervals not exc~eding 10 feet, and grout injected through the perforations. In those cases when, as a result of the injection operations, a subsurface cavity has been created, each well shall be abandoned in such a manner that will prevent the movement of fluids into or between underground sources of drinking water and in accordance with the tenns and conditions of the permit. The Permittee shall submit a copy of the Well Abandonment Record (Form GW-30) as specified in 15A NCAC 2C .0213(h)(l) with.in 30 days of completion of abandonment. Copies shall be submitted to the addresses given in Part VIL 1 of this permit. Permit #WI010014J UIC/SQM ver. 03/2010 Page 5 of 5 l ] 1 7 j t j 7 ' l AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION -GROUNDWATER PROTECTION UNIT REGIONAL STAFF REPORT Date: 02/24/2011 To: APS Central Office Central Office Reviewer: Michael Rogers Regional Login No: __ · Permittee(a): John C. Williama Permit No.: WI0100141 County: Macon Project Name: N. Macon Elem. L GENERAL INFORMATION 1. This application is (check all that apply): 0 SFR Waste Irrigation System (81 UJC Well(s) 181 New O Renewal 0 Minor Modification O Maj or Modification D Surface Irrigation O Reuse D Recycle O High Rate Infiltration D Evaporation/Infiltration Lagoon D Land Application of Residuals 0 Distribution of Residuals D Attachment B included D Surface Disposal D 503 regulated D 503 exempt D .Closed-loop Groundwater Remediation D Other lnjection Wells (including in situ remediation) Was a site visit conducted in order to prepare this report? (81 Yes or D No. a. Date of site visit: 02/24/2011 b , Person contacted and contact information: Teny Bell c. Site visit conducted by: Jonathan Stepp d. Inspection Report Attached: 181 Yes or O No. 2. Is the following information entered into the BIMS record for this application correct? D Yes or D No. If no, please complete the following or indicate that it is correct on the current application. For SFR Treatment Facilities: ll. Location: b. Dri ving Directions: c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and numl>er: __ d. Latitude: Longitude: __ Method Usetl (GPS, Google,.M, etc.); __ e. Regulated Activities/ Type of Wa'ltes (e.g., subdivision, food processing, municipal wastewater): __ For UIC Injection Sites: {If multiple sites either indicate which sites the information applies to. copy and paste a new section into the document for each site, or attach additional panes for each site) a. Location(s): Franklin, NC, Macon Co . b. Driving Directions: See Attached c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: __ ~~ d. Latitude: __ J Longitude: __ Method Used (GPS~ etc.); __ 3 s- 0 I 3 ., *' ~ fo )t) r13 ° ,,. -I I I) :1 'f s I~ 1 w APS-GPU Regional Staff Report (Sept 09) Page 1 of 6 Pages 1 1 j 1 AQillFER PROTECT~ON SECTION -GROUNDWATER PROTECTION UNIT REGIONAL STAFF REPORT IL NEW AND MAJOR MODIFICATION APPLICATIONS (this section not needed for renewals or minor modifications, skip to next secJion) Description of Waste System and Facilities J. Please attach c-0mpleted rating shee1. Facility Classif'i~tion: __ , Are (he nev.-treatment facilities 11deqtt,\te f~1r the type of waste and displ)S<li system? 0 Yes D Nn O NIA. t l'no, pJeaseexpfain: __ 3. Are the new site conditions (soils. topography, depth to water table, etc) ct>nsiste 111 with what was reported by tl1esoil scientist and/or Professional Eng ineer? D Yes O No D l:-IIA. If no, please explain: __ 4. Does the application (rmlps , pl&ns, etc.) represent the actual site (property line-s. wells, su rface drainage)? D Yes D No ON/A. lfno. please explain: __ 5. ls the proposed residual s management plan adequa1e and/or acceptable t<i the Divis ion. 0Yes0No0 N/A. lfno, please explain: __ 6 . Are the pmposed applicat ion rates for new sites (hydraulic or nutrie11t) acceptab le? D Yes D No D NIA . If uo, please explaiu: __ 7. Are the new trearment facilities or any new dispo!>al sites located in a I 00-year floodplain? D Yes D No D N/ A. If yes, please attach a map showing areas of I 00-year noodplain and please explain and recommend any mitigMive measures/special conditions in Part l V: __ 8. Are there ally buff~r wntlicts (new treatment facilities or ne\v disposal s ilcs)? D Yes or O No. If yes, please attach a map showing ctmflict areas or at1ach any new mHps you have received frt)fl1 the aprlicant to be incorpornled into the permil : __ Q. ls proposetl 1md/or existing groundwater monitoririg program (number of wells. frequc-ncy of mo1u.tori 11g, monito r ing parame1ers, etc.) adequate? D Yes D No O N/A. Attach map of existing monitoring well netwod, if applicab le. In dicate die review and l.!Omp liance boundaries . If No, explnin and recomml!nd any changes 1o the grotmdwater monitoring program: __ I 0. For r~id.uals, will seasonal or other restrictions be required ? D Yes D No O NIA If yes. attach list of sites with re.'ltrictions (Certificatio n 11?) Ill RENEW AL AND MODIFICATION APPLICATIONS {use previous section for new or maior modi(tcaJion svst.ems) Description ofWHte System and Facilities l. Are there appropriately certified OR.Cs for the facilities? 0 Yes m O No. Operator in Charge: __ Ce1tifkate #: __ _ Back ll p-Operator in CJ1arge: __ Certificate#: __ /\PS-GPU Regional Staff Report (Sept 09) Page~ of 6 Pages ~ I I I ; AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION -GROUNDWATER PROTECTION UNIT REGIONALSTAfFREPORT 2. ls the de-sign, maintenan~ and operation (e.g. adequate. aeration, sludge wasting, sludge storage, efflu.enl storage, etc) oft.he treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and dispo6al b')'&tem? D Yes or O No. Tfno, please explain: __ 3. Are the site conditions (soils. topogra1,hy, depth to w11.ter table, etc) maintained appropriately and adequately assimilating the waste? D Yes or O No. If no, please explain: __ 4 . Has t.be site changed in any way that may affect permit (drainage added, new wells inside the compliance boundary, new development, etc.)? If yes, please explain: __ 5. Is the residuals management plan for the facility adequate and/or a.cceptable w the Division? D Yes orO No. lfno, please explain: __ 6. Are the existing application ra1es • (hydrnulic or "utrient) still acceptable? 0 Yes or O No. lf nt\ please ex.plc1in : __ 7. ls the existing grom1dwater mouitorin.g program (nwnbet· of wells, frequency of moni1'orlng, mo nitoring parameters. etc.) adequate? 0 Yes D No D NIA. Attach map of ~xisting monitoring well network tf applicable. Indicate the review and comp li ance boundaries. JfNo, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwarer monitoring program: __ 8; Will seasonal or other restrictions be required fol' adde.d sites? D Yes D No O N/ A If yes, attach I ist of sites with restrictions (Certification B?) ' 9. Are there any buffer oontlicrs (treatment fucilities or disposal sites)? D Yes or D No. If yes, please attach a 1111,p showing oonflkt Meas 01· attach imy new maps you have received from the appticaut to be incorporated into the permit: _. __ I 0. -l s the description of the faciHties, type and/or volume of waste(s) as wiitten in the existing p em1it correct'? 0 Yes 01· D No. If no. please explain: ___ _ 11 . Were monitoring "vells properly construcred mid located? 0 Yes 01· 0 No D N/A . ff 110, plea.~e explain: 12. Has a revi~w of all self-monitoring dotl.l been conducted (GW, NDMR, and NDAR as applicable)'? 0 Yes or 0 No D N/ A. Please sunnnarize a.oy fiJid ings resulting from this review: __ _ 13. Checl-nil that. apply: D No compliance issues; D Notice(s) of violation with in the last pe1111it cycle; D Current enforcement action(s) D Currently under SOC; 0 Currently under JOC: 0 C1,1rrently un der moratorium. If any items checked. please explain and artuch any documents thnt may help c larify answer/comments (such a1s NO:V , NOD etc): ____ _ 14. Have all compliance dates/conditions in rhe existing permit, (SOC, JOC. etc.) been complied wich '? 0 Yes D No O Not Determined D N/A .. If no. please explain: __ 15. Are there any issues related to compliance/enforcement that should be resolved before isslling this pennit'? 0 Yes or O No D N/A. If yes, please explain: __ APS-OPU Regional Staff~ort (Scpt09) Page 3 of 6 Pages 1 l 1 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION -GROUNDWATER PROTECTION UNIT REGIONAL STAFF REPORT W. INJECTION WELL PERMIT APPLICATIONS (Complete these two sections for all systems that use injection wells, including closed-loop groundwater remediation effluent injection wel1s, in situ remediation injection wells, and heat pump injectton wells.) Description of WelJ(s) and Facilities -New, Renewal, and Mod.ifteatio11 l. Type of injection system: 0 Heating/cooling water return flow (SA7) [81 Close5'-loop beat pump system (SQM/5QW) □ In situ remediation (51) D Closed-loop groundwater remediation effluent injection (SL/''Non-Discharge") 0 Other (Specify: ___) 2. Does system use same well for water source and injection? 0 Yes l'8'J No 3. Are there any potential pollution sources that may affect injection? 0 Yes l'8'J No What is/are the pollution source(s)? . What is the distance of the injection well(s) from the pollution source(s)? ft. 4. What js the minimum distance of proposed injection wells from the property boundary? __ ..::ft;. 5. Quality of drainage at site: t8] Good D Adequate D Poor 6. Flooding potential of site: [81 Low O Moderate O High 7. ror groundwawr remediation systems, is the propose d and/or exi~ting gl'o und watcr monitoring pmgram · (nu mber of wel ls, frequency of monitoring, monitoring p,H"ameters, etc.) adequate? 0 Yes D No . Attu.ch map of existing moniLOriug well network. if <1pplicable. If Nu, explu:i:n and recomme11d any changes to the: groundwat1;1r mon itoring pro gram: __ 8. Does the map presented represent the actual site (property lines, wells, surface drainage)?~ Yes or O No. lf .oo or no map, please attach a sketch of the site. Show property boundaries, buildings, wells, potential pollution sources, roads, approximate scale, and north arrow. lnjection Well Permit Renewal and Modification Only: I. f-\>r heat pump systems, are there any ,tbnormalities in heat purn p M i,uection w~II operatio11 (e.g. tw·bid wt1tc r, l(,'ti lure to t1!isimilate i11jected lluicJ, poor-heating,'cooling)'? D Ye~ 0 No. ·1rves. exp lain : 2.. f.()r clo~ed-loop heat pump systems, has system l ost p ress ure or required make-up lluid since perm it issuance or last inspection'? 0 Yes O No. If Yes. explnin: J. Fo r renewal or modification of groundwater remediation permits (of anv type). wi ll contimi ed/additionalhnodifted injections have an adverse impact on migration of the plume or mana!lement of the contaminniion incideul'? D Yes O No. lfves, explain: APS-GPU Regional Staff Report (Sept 09) Page 4 of 6 Pages .J I i -~ AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION -GROUNDWATER PROTECTION UNIT REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 4. Drilling Co11tractor: NAme: __ Address: NC Certification nu mber: __ S. Complete 1md attach NEW Injection Farility Inspection Repol't, If ftJ)J>llcable V. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Provide any additional nmative regarding your review of the Application: 2. Attach new ln}tctlon FacJlity lnspecdo11 Form, if applicable 3. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? D Yes f.81 No. If yes, please explain briefly. __ . 4. List any item·s that'you would like APS Central Office to obtain through an additional information request Make sure that you provide-a reason for each item: Item Reason . 5. List specific Pemiit conditions that you recommend to be removed from the permit when issued . Make sure that you provide a reason for each condition: Condition Reason 6. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules that you recommend to be included in the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each special condition: Condition Reason APS-GPU Regional Staff Report (Sept 09) Page 5 of 6 Pages j AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION -GROUNDWATER PROTECTION UNIT REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 7. Recommendation: D Hold, pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office; D Hold, pending review of draft perm.it by regional office; D Issue upon receipt of needed additional infonuation; [8] Issue; D Deny. If deny, please state reasons: __ 8. SignatureofreportPreparer~-~ Signature of APS regional supervisor: ;.:;_ ;;. = ~ Date: VL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND SITE MAP (Sketch of site showing house and waste irrigation system, spra v or drip field, location of well(s), and/or other relevant information-SHOWNORTH ARROW) See Pennit App . APS-GPU Regional Staff Report (Sept 09) Page 6 of 6 Pages . J Driving Directions from 2090 Us 70 Hwy, Swannanoa, North Carolina to 1166 Jotla Church Rd, ... Page 1 of 1 mapquest· ma Trip to: 1166 lotla Church Rd Franklin, NC 28734-6542 79.48 mllea 1 hour 38 minutes Notes I ----· - I Meet with Terry BeU at 10:30am I 828-731-1234 2090 Us 70 Hwy Swannanoa, NC 28778-8211 ' ' as. Mlln Per Section Mllea Driven • 1. Start out going WEST on US-70 I BL.ACK MOUNTAIN HWY toward NEW SALEM • Go 2.4 Ml RD . 2.4ml •• • • ·-· --, .......... ·-• -· ·--·-·--... -••• ' • _,.. ....... , .... , • .,_,. • -, ......... -♦-• ,. ,-.. --··· ··-: "'" .... t , •• 2. Turn LEFT onto PORTER COVE RD. . 1 Go 0.1 Ml ·2.5mi ,. ■ PORTER COVE RD Is Just past BURLESON RD .. ,, ........ ,, -·-··---··"·· .................... ,_,,,., ... ,.,_,_ .. _..,..__.,_,_ 3. Merge onto l-40 W toward 1-26 / ASHEVILLE. 4, Merge onto US-74 Wvla EXIT 27 toward US-18 /CLYDE/ US-23/WAYNESVILLE / MAGGIE VALLEY/ FRANKLIN/ MURPHY/ ATLANTA. 5. Merge onto US-23 SI US-74 Wvla EXIT_ 107 towa~ E JONES COVE. 6. Merge onto US -23 S / US-441 S via EXIT 81 toward DILLSBORO I FRANKLIN/ ATLANTA. 7. Take the US-441-BR ramp toward FRANKLIN . 0. 4 miles past HUNTERS TRL . 8. Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto E MAIN ST I US-441-BR W. 9. Turn RIGHT onto HARRISON AVE/ NC-28. Continue to follow NC-28, NC-28 isjust past MACON AVE . 10. Tum LEFT onto IOTLA CHURCH RD. fOTLA CHURCH'RD Is 0.2 miles past PARRISH LN ,' 11. Turn RIGHT to stay on lOTLA CHURCH RD. 12. 1168 IOTLA CHURCH RD is on the LEFT. Your destination is Just past \I\OODHAVEN DR If you reach MCCALL CIR you'Ve gom about 0. 1 rrilles too 'far 1166 lotla Church Rd Franklin, NC 28734-6542 Total Travel Estimate: 79.46 miles -about 1 hour 36 minutes ~LdgJm; a:sen,ed Use subjec;t to uoensetC~ Go 27.4MI Go 1,4MI Go25.0 Ml Go 16.9 Ml Go 0.1 Ml 'Go 1.5MI Go3.5MI 29.9 rnl 31 .3 ml •· ., ., ·- [56.3ml i I ..... ,,_ ., - 73.2mi 73.3ml 74 .8ml 78.3ml L .. ···-··· ....... J.. ····- Go 0 .4 Ml i 78.7 mi Go0.8Ml 79.5ml 79.5ml 79.6ml 79.S ml Dlrectior,s and maps are Informational only. We make no w■mint!ea on the accuracy of their content. road conditions or rcute usability or expeditiousness. You asaume an risk of uae, MapQueet and \ti suppliers shall not be Uable to you for any losa or delay 1'$1\Jltlng from your use of MapQue1t. Your uae or MapQuest muns you ag_ree to our Terms of Ve http://www.mapquest.com/print?a=app.core.ce366ad5670033efa3a20796 2/23/2011 Rogers, .Michael From: Sent : To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Michael, Stepp , Jonathan Thursday, February 24, 2011 4 :23 PM Rogers, Michael Davidson, Landon WI0100141 Wt0100141.pdf; WI0100141-001 ,pdf Please find the regional staff report attached. Thanks, Jonathan Jonathan Stepp-Jonatha-n.Ste pp@ ncdenr.gov North Ca rolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Divisi on of Water Quality -Aquifer Protection Section 2090 U .S. 70 Highway Swannano,a, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax : 828-299-7043 ' Notice: E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and therefore may be disclosed to third parties. 1 AVA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Envi ronment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Coleen H. Sullins Director February 16, 2011 C. Jack Horton, County Manager Macon County Government 5 West Main Street Franklin, NC 28734 Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No. WIOI00141 Iotla Church Road Injection Mixed Fluid GSHP Well System (SQM) Macon Dear Mr. Horton: Dee Freeman Secretary The Aquifer Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality (Division) acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on February 14, 2011. This application package has been assigned the number listed above and will be reviewed by Michael Rogers. The.eviewerwill perform a detailed review and contact you with a request for additional information if necessary. To ensure the maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Division requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any addilional infonnation requests. Please be aware that the Division's Regional Office, copied below, ·must provide recommendat ions prior to final action by the Division, Please also note at this time; processing permit applications can take as long as 60 -90 days after receipt of a complete application. · If you have any questions, please contact Michael Rogers at 919-715-6166, or via e-mail at michael.rogers@ncdenr.gov. If the reviewer is unavailable, you may leave a message, and they will respond promptly. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRIES ON THIS PROJECT . Sincerely, o~~.~ for Debra J. Watts Supervisor cc: Asheville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section MidSouth Geothennll1 LLC (Janice Scott -8i75 Tournament Drive, Ste 185, Memphis, TN 38125 ) Permit Application File WIO 10014 l AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mall Service Center,,Raleig h, North Calt>lina 27599-1636 Location· 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh , North Carolina 27604 Phone : 919-733-3221 I FAX 1: 919-715-0588; FAX 2: 919-715-6048 I CustomerSm,ce: 1.STT-623-6748 Internet: www .ncwaterguality.org An Equ.1 upportuniiy \ Affirmallve Aot100 Employei rforth Carolina ;Natural~i; NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES (NCDENR) APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION WITH A GEOTH.EkMAL BEAT PUMP SYSTEM FOR: TYPE SOM WELL{S) _x ___ New Permit Application OR ____ Renewal (check one) DATE: __ __,l=0/2=6=--__ _, 2010_ PERMIT NO. \fgL Q~ 0 0 ~ 4 ) (leave blank if NEW petmit application) A. PROPERTY OWNER(S)/APPLICANT(S) List each PrQperty Owner listed on property deed (if owned by ~ business or government agenoJ. state name of entity and a representativ~ w/authority for signature): _ __..!;M~a~c:!!'on.!..:C,,..,02un~ty'-L.!,,G..,,O'~ve.,..mu:e,..n ______ _ (I) Mailing Address: __ ..:::5_,W"-'es,,,,t.e..:M=ain~Str"'"'e=ec:..t _______________ _ City: Franklin State: NC Zip Code: 28734 County:---'-'M=ac=o=n.,__ ___ _ Home/Office Tele No.: .....;8,<,:2,.,,,8·..:::3..!.,49"-·=20=0=0 _____ _,,C=e,_,_ll ....,N=o·=-=-: __ ..,__,n/=a _____ _ EMAIL Address:. ____ ~n/=a~-----,,-k~ ..... o_,~L..,- l., :r.o.ru (2) Physical Address of Site (if different than above): _l,...,1=66.=.=Lo=tl=a'"""C=h=ur=ch=R=o=ad~------- City: Franklin State:~ Zip Code: 28734 County: """M=a=co=n __ _ Home/Office Tele No.: ----------~C=e=ll~N=o~·=---------- EMAIL Address:. ______________ _ AUTHORIZED AGENT OF OWNER, IF ANY (if the Pennit Applicant does not own the subject property, attach a letter from th:i?operty owner_wthorizing Agent to install and operate UlC well) Company Name: /!la.ui tl Lg U rt ±v Contact Person: J a.ck H~ rf-.o~ r EMAIL Address: j ho rba @ mo..cc. n fl(_,,. crq Address: s We.~ I J r ()),,,, C, -Ire~ 1--.J City: 1-r a. ri k. i' (J State/V C. Zip Code: .;i. f 7 3 f County: ~--t--~"----'---- Office Tele No.: 8' do-8 -34C,.-;;._o ~2 Cell No .: Website Address of Company! if any: _____________ _ STATUS OF APPLICANT Private: Federal: State: Municipal:~ GPU/UIC SQM Well Permit Application (Revised 7/2008) Commercial: Native American Lands:_._ ~ ... .:. DI OENR I DV Aqu fP.r P ot ct n Se 1!> FEB 14 2011 Page 1 D. WELL DRil..LER INFORMATION Company Name : ______ M~i=d~So~u=th~G_eo~th_e~rm~al~L=L=C _____________________ _ Well Drilling Contractor's Name: ___ T=ar=h=e=e"-1 W=at=er.,_T=rea=tm=en""'t"--, I=n=c·=/Mi=· c=h=ae=l=M-=c=C=lur=e _____ _ NC Contractor Certification No.: __ __._N'""C:....-3::....4=2,._,_4~-A.,__ ________________ _ Contact Person,.,_: =Jan=ice=-'=S:.=c=ott=---------=E=MAIL==-=-A=d=dr=e=ss=:J,:,js""c=ott@m==id=s,,.ou=th=ge=o=therm===al=·=co=mee:-__ Address: __ ..,,,8,..2.,,.,75:c..T_.__o,.,u,...ma=m...,en=t D=r.__,S""te"---"-'18"'°5'--------------------- City: Mem phis Zip Code: 38125 County: --=Sh=e=lb...,.y _______ _ .Office Tele No.: ___ 9~0_1-~7~48~·~90=9 ...... 5 _______ Fax No·.: ___,_9 ____ 0~1-~74~8~-9~0~97 __________ _ E. HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR INFORMATION (if different than driller) Company Name: ___ M=i=d><eSo=u::.::th"'-'G=eo=th""e"'-rmal='-L-'='LL""'C=------------------- Contact Person . .,_: =Jan=.:ice"""--"S'-"'co=tt=----------10~"'-'MA""""'IL,=.,.A...,d,..,,d...,re.,.ss=:~js""c:x.ott@=.,,.m'-"id=s,.,.o=uth=ge=o=th=e=nn=al=·=co=m=- Address ; . 8275 Tournament Dr. Ste 185 City: Mem phis Zip Code: 38 125 County: ---'S=h=e=lb..,_y _______ _ Office Tele No.: ...,9'""'0=1--'-7~48=-·"-'90=9-=-5 _______ Fax No.: _,9'""0-=-1--'-7""'"'48"-·"'"'90=9-'-7 _______ _ F, INJECTION PROCEDURE (briefly describe how the mjection well(s) will be used) G. WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA (Skip to Section H if this ls a Permit RENEW AL) (l) Proposed date to be constructed: L{-1-{/ Number of borings: 9 U Approximate depth of each boring (feet): ry51_) { (2) Chemical additives to be used in closed-loop system (only those chemicals indicated have been approved): ___ R-22 --~propylene glycol --)Cethanol ________ other {other additives will need prior approval by NCDENR before use) (3) Type of tubing to be used .(copper, PVC, etc): fl:8PEC o·,ou (4) Well casing. Is the well(s) cased? (check either (a.) YES .2! (b.) b {etow) (a) YES ___ if yes, then provide casing information such as ~ (steel, PVC, plastic, etc.), diameter, depth. and extent of casing appearing above ground~ _______________ _ (b) NO (S) Grout (material surrounding well c~~ri~ (a) Grout type: Cement __ , Bentonite . Other (specify) ------- (b) Grout depth of tubing (reference to land surface): from a to VS(] (feet) JfweU has casing, indicate grout depth: from ___ to ____ (feet) H. 1NJECTION-RELA TED EQUIPMENT Attach a diagram showing the engineering layout or proposed modification of the injection equipment and exterior piping/tubing associated with the injection operation. The manufacturer's brochure may provide supplementary infonnation. GPU/UIC .SQM Well Pmnit Appli~tion (Revised 7/2008) Pagel L LOCATION OF WELL(S) Attach two copies of maps showing the following information: (1) Include a site map (can be drawn) showing: buildings, property lines. surface water bodies, potential sources of groundwater contamination and the orientation of and distances Qetween the proposed well(s) and any existing well(s) or waste disposal facilities such as septic tanks or drain fields located within 1000 feet of the geothermal heatpu~p well system. Label all features clearly and include a north arrow. (2) Include a topographic map of the area extending one mile from the property boundaries and indicate the facility's location and the map name. J . POTABLE WATER WELL(S) Are there any potable water well(s) on the subject property or adjacent properties? __ YES X-No If Yes, than indicate location on attached map(s). K. CERTIFICATION Note: This Pennit Application must be signed by each person apJ>earing on the recorded legal property deed. "I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that 1 have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all .attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to construct, operate, mai · repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the prov cification and conditions of the Permit." Print or Type Full Name Signature of Property Owner/Applicant Print or Type Full Name Please return two copies of the completed Application package to: North Carolina DENR-DWQ Aquifer Protection Section UICProgram REC EJVED I DEN I Dv\'O 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone (919) 733-3221 GPU/UIC SQM Well Pennit Application (Revised 7/2008) Aqu .... r ~!lnll'll!l'IIVI FEB 14 2011 Page3 .......... ♦S&ME Boring tocatlon Plan Macon County K-4 School S&MEJobNo.1411-07-111 ! I 1 I ! I I i I ____ , __ _ ·· .. " .... ., ~ ·~ .--·· Date: 10/9/07 Figure No: 1, i i j i i i i I I f ( . .. ...... -_! ·- \ -~ GEOT~RMAL WEU-·~IELD ' ~ 1· = 2a•-a· ._ ... I II i4, .[ 1��-. - - '•, - ' `_ •.'_•'�'•,. Fri ;•-- y . , , "r _ . `_ �� �' 1 !'lff'4kC''r _ �•- .• � 41 ! •r/ '' ti' ��: �. �c 4"Js: � .`,, -- "" _ 1 . � -y!` •',3'' � ^} J � � �-".n?�"r �. ' I+11. ' � •. "�ylYiC:i �i • L t _ ." _ cc�h�ii y� •-♦.. • � f � - AL iS� F y. . _ '' `Uti-';; s.y •:ti. { • r r" a= ,LFi�y!3` ��� �f �. 'ice - [ 't,�h 1� }l.•, w�� •! n. t i • _ _ - "� 1}Ap-I -1 _ �f.L •►. �, n L i �i i • • "•y .- _ " - • :^ygrillr 1. r Y' -�11 • r ' ' I' } y`�' Ala J{• - 1 - _ .. _ - 1 1 ' �? ! ,1` EI .e c.•"{I.I {.i T...�l �r. �l�• - .' ire -� �ti;;1 jIfj Illl..i •r.TMY fi.• 11 Ti 5 .-. 114 �..•11 ;{�., .• r{,,y_ 'I �/.• I-1 t r - .4 4 a� ,r•� sf. � .. .. t1.. Y.•��.F.fv �!►1 a-�• ���f.. ~•�.� �... � ..1 ��.—�.�. _ _ .+N. L—_ ,'tip , �. ..y - - F - y _ ' Y •^..i M . f [_ , .�����yy'���`._ +Y 79 � i:.. d\" 'ice � '��• '4L `_�f3 �'�{} � ` �_ _' - � .. # . •• � r' •. • V •� ice' •x7�_ � - . �� _ ��x�: l��e pH fl••+ 1�� 13 :; ?' fJ _r'- 7s - i. t � N - rw -it b