HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071843 Ver 1_Year 2 Monitoring Report_20100528• • Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank Annual Monitoring Report - Year 2 (Phase One) IR&EA7 Brunswick County, NC f4AY 2 8 2 1 Lumber River Basin OFNRM?ATER n (Cataloging Unit #03040207) wenArAWDrMRAlW4 a Prepared for: Decaro/ Williamson Enterprises, LLC Prepared by., LMG ??;\P?St A.1.i('.RStF\'s't:fii1l:P •. Wilmington, N.C. May 2010 0 R&NDi • TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................1 II. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................... 5 III. MONITORING RESULTS ................................................................................................................ 6 IV. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................. 7 LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES, AND APPENDICES • Figure 1 ........................................................................................................................................ Vicinity Map Figure 2 ....................................................................................................................Ditch Plug Location Map Figure 3 ....................................................................................................................Monitoring Plot/Well Map Table 1 .......................................................................................................................... Phase 1 Planting List Table 2 .................................................................................................................. Phase 1 Tasks Completed Table 3 ................................................................................. Summary of Year 1 Vegetative Monitoring Data Table 4 ............................................. Summary of Year 2 Hydrologic Monitoring Data (Phase I Restoration) Appendix A ....................... Appendix B ....................... Appendix C ....................... ............................................................................... Site Photographs .................... Individual Plot Data Sheets (Year 2 Monitoring - 2009) ..................................................... Hydrologic Monitoring Data (2009) 0 • 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW Introduction As approved by the Mitigation Bank Review Team (MBRT), the bank Sponsor began implementation of Phase One of the restoration project (the 145 ac. Carolina bay) in October 2007 (Figure 1). These activities included logging, plug installation, planting of characteristic seedlings, and installation of monitoring devices. Placement of fill material within existing ditches (Figure 2) was authorized under Nationwide Permit 27 issued by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on January 25, 2008 (Action ID# 2003-00682) and the corresponding 401 Water Quality Certification issued on January 2, 2008 (DWQ Project #20071843). Mitigation Goals and Objectives The proposed restoration project is intended to provide suitable, high-quality wetland and stream restoration to mitigate for authorized impacts within the Lumber River Basin (USGS 8-digit Hydrologic Unit 03040207; DWQ Subbasin 03-07-57). The objective of the project is to restore . natural vegetative and hydrologic conditions throughout the nonriverine, riverine, and Coastal Plain stream habitat that have been compromised by previous land use activities. The primary functions of the restoration project are to provide surface water storage, sediment retention, and organic carbon transport to downstream food-webs. This project provides an invaluable opportunity to restore an entire watershed within a region currently experiencing acute development pressures. Furthermore, the potential for nutrient removal and niche-habitat utilization will also be realized given the large scope of the project. Phase One of the project is intended to restore the hydrology and vegetation of a previously drained and timber-managed headwater Carolina Bay. Restoration of this upstream headwater area is essential to the overall health of the watershed, as nutrients and organic carbon will be transported downstream, providing valuable food web support within the aquatic habitat. The vegetative restoration component will reestablish a mixture of pond pine (Pinus serotina) and native hardwoods relative to existing topography and restored hydroperiod. The prescribed plantings and existing seed source will combine to develop an assemblage of canopy and sub- canopy species similar to undisturbed bays within the area. The development of these strata will 1 restore valuable refuge and feeding habitat for numerous species of birds and amphibians which was lost as a result of the previous land management practices. Project Implementation Restoration activities were initiated in October 2007 with the logging of the loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) within the bay. Logging crews were instructed to remove all loblolly pines, sweet gum, and other non-target species in preparation for planting in February 2008. Land Management Group, Inc. (LMG) staff supervised the logging crews to ensure that target species such as red bay (Persea borbonia) and sweetbay (Magnolia virginiana) were not removed. Earthwork initially included the installation of eleven (11) interior ditch plugs (approximately 30' in length) to facilitate logging activities throughout the site. These plugs were constructed using adjacent spoil material and tree debris from the logging operations. Prior to project construction, appropriate 401/404 authorization was received for placement of the plugs within the ditches. Once logging was completed, additional plugs were installed at the northern (#8) and eastern (#14) • outlets of the Carolina bay (Figure 2). These plugs exceed 100-ft in length and consist of fill material sourced from adjacent spoil piles and a permitted on-site borrow pit. All areas that were disturbed during the installation process were covered with a seed mixture to minimize erosion. Refer to the previously submitted mitigation plan for photographs of the initial post-construction conditions. Limited grading in the areas directly adjacent to the ditches was also conducting to direct drainage towards the bay. Prior to installation of these plugs, water was directed towards the Sandpiper Golf Course via the northern outlet and towards Old Georgetown Road via the eastern outlet. Approximately 77,000 hardwood tree seedlings were planted throughout the bay between March 3 and March 7, 2008. Seedlings were planted on approximate 9-ft centers, corresponding to an average density of 536 seedlings per acre. Planting was supervised by LMG personnel to ensure proper spacing and planting depths. Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) and bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) comprised a majority of the seedlings planted, totaling approximately 46,000. Species such as swamp tupelo (Nyssa biflora), tulip poplar (Liriodendron • tulipifera), and river birch (Betula nigra) were also planted (See Table 1 for a complete list and 2 • quantities). Tulip poplar and river birch were planted in slightly higher landscape positions near the rim of the bay, while the remaining species were planted in the central portions that will likely experience longer flooding durations. An additional 20,000 pond pine (Pinus serotina) seedlings were also planted throughout the restored bay area in April 2009. This supplemental planting increases the density of planted species to 674 stems/acre throughout the project area (Table 1). • Table 1. Stone Farm Mitigation Bank - Phase 1 Planting List (March 2008/April 2009) Carolina Bay/High Pocosin 145 ac. Nonriverine Restoration 2008 Planting Common Name Scientific Name % Composition # Planted Atlantic White Cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides 15% 14,400 Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 31% 30,000 Swamp Tupelo Nyssa biflora 13% 13,050 River Birch Betula nigra 13% 12,261 Ironwood Carpinus carolinium 5% 4,475 Tulip Poplar Liriodendron tulipifera 2% 2,000 Elderberry Sambucus canadensis 2% 1,600 2009 Supplemental Planting Pond Pine Pinus serotina 20% 20,000 TOTAL 97,786 Contingency Measures Based upon site observations and preliminary shallow groundwater level monitoring, installation of the plugs resulted in a discernible effect on the groundwater hydrology (i.e. groundwater levels observed closer to the soil surface). However, after subsequent site inspections in the months following the initial earthwork (including a site visit with Mickey Sugg of the USACE Wilmington Regulatory Branch Office), it was evident that some of the plugs were not functioning properly. Subsurface drainage was observed in certain plug locations, and water levels within the interior ditches were not being maintained. Therefore, it was decided that Plugs #2 through #4 would need to be replaced. These plugs were rebuilt between April 20-22, 2009 using clean fill material from the surrounding spoil piles. In 2010, a condition report for all plugs within the Carolina bay was prepared in response to • observations made during a site review by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on January 3 14th. Specifically, it was observed that Plug #4 exhibited evidence of surface erosion (i.e. down- cutting) subsequent to above normal rainfall and high flow events. Based upon conditions observed during the meeting, Plugs #2, #3, and #4 have been subsequently reinforced with clay, filter fabric, and rip-rap (Table 2). In addition, side-cast material has been backfilled along a 100- to 200-ft section of ditch up-gradient from Plug #2 and Plug #4. The interior plugs observed were stable with little or no evidence of erosion. In general, these plugs are functioning to reduce discharge to pre-existing outlets of the bay. Some water movement and discharge is necessary to provide the required hydrology to the mainstem of the stream reach to be restored as part of Phase Two. The primary objective is to eliminate flow to the eastern and southern outlets that existed prior to the bay restoration. This has been effectively achieved via the plugs installed at these locations (Plug #8 and #14, respectively). There is no evidence of surface water exiting the bay at these locations, and there is no apparent risk to the long-term stability of these plugs. Plug #8 is approximately 175 ft in length. Plug #14 is over 200 ft in length. Plugs have been installed to direct water to the northwestern outlet (the upper reach of the coastal plain • stream). During periods of high rainfall and increased flow, surface flow over certain plugs (particularly Plugs #2, #3, and #4) has been observed and is desired. Additional plug reinforcements are planned up-gradient of Plug #4, #11 and #13 per recommendation of the USACE. Table 2. Summary of Tasks Completed on Phase I Description of Task Date Logging within Carolina Bay October 2007 Site Planting March 2008 Completion of Plug Installation June 2008 Year 1 Monitoring October 2008 Supplemental Planting (20,000 Pond Pine) April 2009 Additional Earthwork on Plug #2 and Plug #4 April 2009 Year 2 Monitoring October 2009 On-site Meeting with COE Staff January 2010 Plugs #2, #3, and #4 Reinforced (rip-rap, clay, filter fabric) February 2010 Plug Assessment Report Submitted March 2010 • 4 . 2.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Annual monitoring will be conducted near the end of each growing season for a period of five years. This monitoring will include both a vegetative and hydrologic component per the approved mitigation banking instrument. The vegetative component includes an assessment of the conditions within each of the 24 permanent monitoring plots that have been established throughout the project area (Figure 3). Vegetative planting will be deemed successful if survivorship of planted species meets or exceeds a target stem density of 320 stems/acre at the end of three years and 260 stems/acre at the end of five years'. The hydrologic component of the monitoring employs a total of six (6) shallow groundwater monitoring wells which record water table levels on a daily basis (Figure 3). Data from this equipment is downloaded every three months (i.e. once quarterly) and graphed with appropriate local precipitation totals and WETS table information to determine if the site has met the established hydrologic success criteria. Hydrologic monitoring will be deemed successful if the static water table is at, or within, 12" of the soil surface for 12.5% of the growing season (equivalent • to 32 days based upon SCS-established growing season dates, March 7th through November 28th) during periods of normal rainfall. Monitoring reports are being submitted annually to the USACE and the IRT. These reports include results of vegetative monitoring and photographic documentation of site conditions. Monitoring reports also identify any contingency measures that may need to be employed to remedy any site deficiencies (e.g. reinforcement of ditch plugs with filter fabric and rip-rap). 'Volunteer species can be counted toward meeting the success criteria upon evaluation of site-specific conditions and • concurrence by MBRT members. 5 • 3.0 MONITORING RESULTS (YEAR 2) Vegetation Monitoring Monitoring of the on-site vegetation was conducted on October 1St, 2nd, and the 6th of 2009. A total of 1,180 individuals of the planted species were counted throughout the twenty-four (24) plots, which correlates to an average of 492 stems/acre within the project area (Table 3). Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) was the most abundant woody species, with a total of 464 individuals. Other planted species such as black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) and Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) were also prevalent within the monitored plots. In addition to the planted species, numerous volunteers were also observed within each plot. A majority of these individuals were representative of the target vegetative community, including red bay (Persea palustris), sweetbay (Magnolia virginiana), and loblolly bay (Gordonia lasianthus). Shrub species such as American ti-ti (Cyrilla racemiflora) and bitter galberry (Ilex glabra) were also observed. When combined with the planted species, an average density of 1,932 stems/acre . exists within the project area. The combination of planted species and acceptable volunteers suggest that the site is progressing well towards the target community. During the Year 2 monitoring event, each of the 24 plots exceeded the minimum success criteria and contained a variety of shrub and tree species. This diversity of species and age classes will likely continue through the duration of the project due to the abundant native seed source and natural dispersal patterns. These results are also encouraging given the drought conditions that preceded the initial planting in March 2008. Refer to Appendix A for photographs of current site conditions and Appendix B for information regarding individual plot totals. Hydrologic Monitoring Per the approved mitigation plan, a total of six (6) shallow groundwater monitoring wells were installed throughout the site. Following the installation of the final plug in June 2008, discharge rates decreased throughout the site, and static water table depths have remained within 12" of the • surface for extended periods. Five of the six monitoring wells exceeded the minimum success criteria of 32 consecutive days during the early the portion of the growing season (Table 4). 6 • 0 rA F O a a z O F d W G9 N F y F •°?' U A q O a? ?qq d o U M ES 0 p F vi .- ? ? pp Y'1 ? ? 1A O VO' N V A aN- a00 F r O Ul) O O O O O N M N co 0 0 0 oo N J a O r- O M N O O N O 2 N 0 0 0 iNV J a 0 0 0 n O O O O O N N OO O N nn f •I N J a O O M O O O co N n M N 0 0 J a Of Q M O O O O N O M cq 'ct N O O N J a O O •- O O O t2 N O O O N CO J r 'r co •' a ti Q n O 0 0 N O N tC> 'n R O O V J a ? to o N M 0 0 0 0 cD N 0 0 a .- 0 O N O W O O O O m O co N O N O V ?VV a Q N n c0 0 0 v°i N ^ °v n 0 ° o iV a M O N O O ?' O O M O ? M ,d, r- co O O A a N O N O OO O N O O N w 0 0 0 J CL O M M o0 I .C) O O LO O ? N N aD N CO N O O J IL `m {IA N U • C L ` Y lD H f- in c0 N -Ji" O 2 to j L 7 W U y y m _ O m v U) IL N v m m m o a > m '1 ? cn ? LL Q a ¢ O N ' h c0 N ? r A OD C.- r _ 1? Npp c +> N H O N N O O O O j r- N M O J a i N O N n O 0 n 0 0 0 O N M 0 0 0 J a O ? O M V' O O O ? M c0 M O ? 0 0 J IL N O N ?fi M (O '- O N N O O O O O O N J a N O N n N O 0 0 0 0 1?f1 t?7 J a 0 m 'Cl co N N co N O .- N N 0 0 0 a o r' co .- n o N CD v M U'A O R J a O cD O ,0 c0 O 0 0 r- N N M O O co a O N O N O O O N N r- N O N J CL , N C O O O O O O M O O O pp M J a ?- O co O c'7 0 •- R N N N n O N R J a N W H VI r ? m « O c a L 2 Y ? 41 O 2 . U > co L > W CL C) cYi - 'p T N ca U 3 m ?X U N O Co m m c d Q m 0 (n j C LL H a m v E m ? ? a ?o 0 E N m cri 5 _D •V m CL m y ? CL C m ? fl IL a a O O N C m c R a 0 Table 4. Summary of Year 2 Hydrologic Monitoring Well 2009 Growing Number of Consecutive Days 12.5% Success Number Season Meeting Wetland Hydrology Criteria Criteria Well 1 March 7 - April 27 52 32 Well 2 March 7 - May 18 73 32 Well 3 March 7 - May 18 73 32 Well 4 March 31 * - April 22 23 32 Well 5 March 7 - May 18 73 32 Well 6 March 7 - May 18 73 32 *well malfunctioned from 1/6/2009 to 3/31/2009 The remaining well (#4) malfunctioned in January 2009 (and was subsequently replaced on March 31, 2009). Even with the absence of recorded data during the early part of the growing season, Well #4 documented the water table to occur within 12 inches of the soil surface for 23 consecutive days. Given the available data for 2009 and the entirety of the data set for 2008, it can be reasonably projected that a characteristic wetland hydroperiod has been re-established in this area. A summary of the results is provided in Table 4. Complete hydrologic monitoring data are provided in Appendix C. 4.0 CONCLUSION Based on the data collected in conjunction with the Year 2 monitoring event, the site appears to be progressing well towards the target Carolina Bay wetland community. Hydrologic data suggest that overall discharge from the pre-existing ditch network has dramatically declined as a result of the plug installation. Water table depths were observed at levels at or near the surface for long periods, exceeding the established success criteria. These data support the restoration of key hydrologic functions relating to water storage and groundwater recharge within the system. The vegetative component of the project has successfully restored a diverse array of species throughout the tree and shrub layers. Each of the 24 plots exceeded the minimum success criteria for planted species (492 stems/acre) during the Year 2 monitoring event. Observed species • heights and rigor among the planted and volunteer individuals indicate that suitable conditions for 7 • the establishment and growth of characteristic wetland species occur throughout the Phase One project area. Given the favorable hydrologic conditions and observed microtopography, it is anticipated that species densities and diversity will increase over time. Based on the results from the Year 2 monitoring, it is expected that the site will continue to evolve into a mature pocosin ecosystem which exhibits a vegetative structure and hydrologic regime similar to undisturbed examples found throughout southeastern North Carolina. E C] 8 • FIGURES • C] * ? \? " t 3Y:'[:At?klW'ef , 49 '. ?Ky4? WI L,a h ? FU- r OAx r0 ' IC',WLgSFG?ry # 7 !!! 111 _ •4 r ? t„ (.• i ?l _ yc ? i),t , hsit ,x, _ ?/O ? cS ? , ? 0 ? n 1 Z ? ? S A k €e . • " rte, - ? _ \{S /? ? ,/ ? t c-? ?fr \\ / t? fool Rrea p ?,..._ __ r,.d?-. Phase ® ?` / ?•-"; ?J??-?tis, t _ ? ?? ?31 Pr?'e?t Area •, L zt -ddl (7ao n:a4 \ `? t t 1 '. • ? } (}: ray ?i<' c: N ? t,< .,? Yr f !f n tl e r ?•, ??' ', Fa L n. Ve}.tt£ ;}. F t . J ? 1 1 tt. - x - '? (T t i?rn ,' \ottat \ 1aVk((t? iit?<fCft N Figure 1. Vicinity Map Stone Baran Regional Mitigation Bank Brunswick County, NC DeLorme Gazatteer Brunswick County 0 2 4 mi Land Management Group, Inc. i 4 ,a y a r ?? ern. P? ,s VIC + a tit a,+ ?r?2 * p 4? y? loll; J?"RK :. ? /'? Mt•?#"1i"?'?w? A ???r '??h! ? N$ ? 'I?III, k:1't? A ? - i -It 44 s "?^ _ ? " ; .,+J,? •.dMi y? i''??"? may", '? ? '? ? .: ,p„. t '?.-e, 4?„Y s? #^a 4 tY i t .r ?7t?' rs 40 s '14z !?~ 4f1Y Figure 2. Ditch Plug Locations L1VIG :.LSD 6f.LN.1GEBIEN i GAOGP x .. _nvrronmentai Cunsu!tanis y4 N 0 600 1,200 Feet Stone Farm Regional Mitigation Bank Brunswick County Figure 3. Well/Plot Locations LMG iA\D Et•.AAG&i1&N't GROI:P .,.. • APPENDIX A. SITE PHOTOGRAPHS 9 0 • • C? Stone Farm LMG Site Documentation Regional Mitigation Bank iaNDNIAN ?s, r; I V,111,1111-,2 ri;RI i f h, otoS April 2010 A view of existing conditions at Plot 6. A view of existing conditions at Plot 8. • ". ,+ rt a t?$ ?e .k x qua. n s f is '? ' Y `t'?x°' 8 y ATE J'a c ?.. nE# r'T,?t # x a,.? A view of existing con itions at Not 44. Stone Farm LMG Site Documentation Regional Mitigation Bank ANPn.IAN.I'(,-,iFnr PrlOt05 >....:., .., .. , r; ., . April 2010 d ?. $ * w i 4,11 KIII .r *?, 4? s • .:" , .rr-? yc-_,; ' k 9e Vot At A view of typical bald cypress seedling observed during Year 2. • • 0 Stone Faun Regional Mitigation Bank I'M Site Documentation IAN D „,,,NA.(F H? 1 1;!601 P . Photos April 2010 A view of existing conditions at Plot 20. A view of existing conditions at Plot 21. • • n U Stone Farm LMG Site Documentation Regional Mitigation Bank I.:S tiI'A7ANAt,1:i +31_IJI 1-?.f1Ui' - Photos April 2010 A view of surface ponding at Plot 1 (December 2009). A view of reinforced Plug #2. • APPENDIX B. INDIVIDUAL PLOT DATA SHEETS (YEAR 2 MONITORING EVENT) 0 • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 8 2 It Planted 8 Bald Cypress T 3 3ft Planted 3 Black Gum T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 1 4ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 3ft Planted 1 Red Maple T 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 loft Volunteer 0 Sweetgum T 1 1 ft Volunteer 0 Pond Pine T 5 1 ft Planted 5 Pond Pine T 2 2ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 1 4ft Planted 1 Sweetbay SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 2 2ft volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 5 3ft volunteer 5 Loblolly Bay SH 2 4ft volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 2 5ft volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 4 6 ft volunteer 4 Loblolly Bay SH 2 7 ft volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 3 8 ft volunteer 3 Loblolly Bay SH 2 loft volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 3 I ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 5 2ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 5 3ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 2 4ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 5 5ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 3 8 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 2 9 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 2 2ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 2 3ft Volunteer 2 American Till SH 50 6ft Volunteer 50 Gallberry SH 50 Eft Volunteer 50 American Holly SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL SHRUBS 159 184 (PER PLOT) TOTAL TREES OF OBSERVED DENSITY 17 1840 PLANTED SPECIES (PER ACRE) TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED 11 SPECIES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 187 0 • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS r 1 ?J is PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 5 2ft Planted 5 Bald Cypress T 4 3ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 2 4ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 2 2ft Planted 2 River Birtch T 1 4ft Planted 1 Red Maple T 1 3ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 4ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 2 5ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 3 loft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 5 15 ft Volunteer 0 Pond Pine T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 1 4ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 4 5ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 1 6ft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 5ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 2 4ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 3 6ft Volunteer 3 Loblolly Bay SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 4 8 ft Volunteer 4 Loblolly Bay SH 3 9 ft Volunteer 3 Loblolly Bay SH 2 loft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 4 1 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 5 2ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 7 3ft Volunteer 7 • r ? Red Bay SH 6 4 It Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 4 5It Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 1 6 It Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 2 loft Volunteer 2 Gallberry SH 20 2-3 ft Volunteer 20 American Titi SH 40 2-3 ft Volunteer 40 TOTAL SHRUBS 113 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER PLOT) 135 TOTAL TREES OF PLANTED SPECIES 14 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 1350 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED SPECIES 20 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 147 0 • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS • 0 PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 12 1 ft Planted 12 Bald Cypress T 7 2ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 1 3ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 4ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 8 1 ft Planted 8 Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 1 2ft Planted 1 Red Maple T 20 loft Volunteer 0 Sweetbay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 7 1 ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay SH 6 2ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 6 3ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 13 4ft Volunteer 13 Red Bay SH 4 5 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 4 6 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 2 1 It Volunteer 2 American Holly SH 3 2 It Volunteer 3 American Holly SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 40 1 ft Volunteer 40 Loblolly Bay SH 15 loft Volunteer 15 0 • Wax Myrtle SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Gallberry SH 30 5 ft Volunteer 30 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL SHRUBS 136 170 (PER PLOT) TOTAL TREES OF OBSERVED DENSITY PLANTED SPECIES 30 (PER ACRE) 1700 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED 24 SPECIES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 190 0 S STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS • • PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 10 2ft Planted 10 Bald Cypress T 10 3ft Planted 10 Bald Cypress T 3 Oft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 2 5ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 11 1 ft Planted 11 Black Gum T 3 2ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 5 1 ft Planted 5 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 2ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 3ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 1 2ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 2 3ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 1 4ft Planted 1 Sweetgum T 1 loft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 4ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 8ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 2 loft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 2 12 It Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 15 ft Volunteer 0 Wax Myrtle SH 4 1 ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 7 2ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay SH 6 3ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 12 4ft Volunteer 12 Red Bay SH 7 5ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 2 8ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 10 1 ft Volunteer 10 C? J Loblolly Bay SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 3 5 ft Volunteer 3 Loblolly Bay SH 3 6 ft Volunteer 3 Loblolly Bay SH 7 7 ft Volunteer 7 Loblolly Bay SH 1 9 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 3 12 ft Volunteer 3 Winged Sumac SH 3 1 ft Volunteer 3 Winged Sumac SH 2 2 It Volunteer 2 Winged Sumac SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 2 Winged Sumac SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Winged Sumac SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Winged Sumac SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay - SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 50 3 ft Volunteer 50 Gallberry SH 50 3 ft Volunteer 50 TOTAL SHRUBS 187 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER PLOT) 241 TOTAL TREES OF PLANTED SPECIES 48 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 2410 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED SPECIES 14 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 249 0 • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS is 0 PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 11 1 It Planted 11 Bald Cypress T 11 2ft Planted 11 Bald Cypress T 4 3ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 3 4ft Planted 3 Black Gum T 9 1 ft Planted 9 Black Gum T 2 2ft Planted 2 Red Maple T 20 loft Volunteer 0 Pond Pine T 5 1 ft Planted 5 Pond Pine T 2 2ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 1 3ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 6ft Planted 1 Red Bay SH 7 1 ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay SH 4 2ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 14 3ft Volunteer 14 Red Bay SH 20 4ft Volunteer 20 Red Bay SH 15 5 ft Volunteer 15 Red Bay SH 12 6ft Volunteer 12 Red Bay SH 5 7 ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 7 8 ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay SH 1 9 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 2 loft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 17 1 ft Volunteer 17 Wax Myrtle SH 4 211 Volunteer 4 Winged Sumac SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 • 0 Winged Sumac SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 50 2 ft Volunteer 50 Loblolly Bay SH 40 8 ft Volunteer 40 TOTAL SHRUBS 200 OBSERVED DENSITY 249 (PER PLOT) TOTAL TREES OF OBSERVED DENSITY PLANTED SPECIES 4U (PER ACRE) 2490 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED 29 SPECIES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 269 • • Sweetbay SH 4 1 It Volunteer 4 Sweetbay SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 TOTAL SHRUBS 147 OBSERVED DENSITY 190 (PER PLOT) TOTAL TREES OF OBSERVED DENSITY PLANTED SPECIES 34 (PER ACRE) 1900 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED 40 SPECIES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 221 • • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS 0 PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 7 1 ft Planted 7 American White Cedar T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Red Maple T 8 12 ft Volunteer 0 Pond Pine T 36 I ft Planted 36 Pond Pine T 4 2ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 2 3ft Planted 2 Red Bay SH 12 1 ft Volunteer 12 Red Bay SH 3 2ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 6 3ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 4 4 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 6 5 ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 6 6 ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 3 7 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 5 loft Volunteer 5 American Holly SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 3 3ft Volunteer 3 Sweetbay SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 2 Sweetbay SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 5 1 ft Volunteer 5 Loblolly Bay SH 11 6 ft Volunteer 11 Loblolly Bay SH 1 15 ft Volunteer 1 r? • Gallberry SH 25 4 ft Volunteer 25 TOTAL SHRUBS 97 OBSERVED DENSITY 147 (PER PLOT) TOTAL TREES OF OBSERVED DENSITY PLANTED SPECIES 8 (PER ACRE) 1470 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED 50 SPECIES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 155 • . STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS .7 PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 10 1 ft Planted 10 Bald Cypress T 1 2ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 12 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 28 1 ft Planted 28 Pond Pine T 3 2ft Planted 3 Red Maple T 15 loft Volunteer 0 Red Bay SH 3 1 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 8 2ft Volunteer 8 Red Bay SH 13 3 ft Volunteer 13 Red Bay SH 5 4 ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 4 6 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 2 8 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 1 9 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 2 loft Volunteer 2 Sweetbay SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 2 411 Volunteer 2 Sweetbay SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 4 6 ft Volunteer 4 Sweetbay SH 3 7 ft Volunteer 3 Sweetbay SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Gallberry SH 40 5 ft Volunteer 40 u 0 American Titi SH 30 5 It Volunteer 30 Loblolly Bay SH 15 5 ft Volunteer 15 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL SHRUBS 139 182 (PER PLOT) TOTAL TREES OF OBSERVED DENSITY PLANTED SPECIES 12 (PER ACRE) 1820 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED 46 SPECIES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 197 0 • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS • PLOT NUMBER SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 10 1 ft Planted 10 Bald Cypress T 3 2ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 32 I ft Planted 32 Pond Pine T 7 2ft Planted 7 Pond Pine T 1 4ft Planted 1 Red Maple SH 30 5 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple SH 60 loft Volunteer 0 Red Maple SH 30 15 ft Volunteer 0 Wax Myrtle SH 3 1 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 10 2ft Volunteer 10 Red Bay SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 12 6 ft Volunteer 12 Red Bay SH 10 8 ft Volunteer 10 Red Bay SH 8 loft Volunteer 8 Sweetbay SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 9 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 20 4ft Volunteer 20 Loblolly Bay SH 20 8 ft Volunteer 20 Loblolly Bay SH 40 loft Volunteer 40 Loblolly Bay SH 10 12 ft Volunteer 10 Gallberry SH 20 4ft Volunteer 20 • • TOTAL SHRUBS 281 OBSERVED DENSITY 214 (PER PLOT) TOTAL TREES OF OBSERVED DENSITY PLANTED SPECIES 13 (PER ACRE) 2140 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED 40 SPECIES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 334 0 • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS • E PLOT NUMBER 10 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Black Gum T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Red Maple T 1 3ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 3 7ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 loft Volunteer 0 Pond Pine T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Red Bay SH 24 I ft Volunteer 24 Red Bay SH 12 2ft Volunteer 12 Red Bay SH 6 3ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 6 4 ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 8 5ft Volunteer 8 Red Bay SH 5 6 ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 6 7ft Volunteer 6 Wax Myrtle SH 5 1 ft Volunteer 5 Wax Myrtle SH 5 2ft Volunteer 5 Wax Myrtle SH 10 3ft Volunteer 10 Wax Myrtle SH 4 4 ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 3 5ft Volunteer 3 Sweetbay SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 2 Sweetbay SH 1 5ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 1 I ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 5 1 ft Volunteer 5 Loblolly Bay SH 2 2ft Volunteer 2 Winged Sumac SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 20 loft Volunteer 20 • • Gallberry SH 60 4 ft Volunteer 60 TOTAL SHRUBS 186 OBSERVED DENSITY 193 (PER PLOT) TOTAL TREES OF OBSERVED DENSITY PLANTED SPECIES 3 (PER ACRE) 1930 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED 10 SPECIES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 199 0 • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS ft lft? PLOT NUMBER 11 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 34 1 ft Planted 34 Pond Pine T 3 2ft Planted 3 Red Maple T 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 loft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 2 12 ft Volunteer 0 Sweetgum T 1 2ft Volunteer 0 Sweetgum T 1 4ft Volunteer 0 Sweetgum T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 American Holly SH 4 1 ft Volunteer 4 American Holly SH 4 2ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 5 1 ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 7 2ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay SH 3 3 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 9 4ft Volunteer 9 Red Bay SH 4 5ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 3 6 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 13 7 ft Volunteer 13 Red Bay SH 5 8 ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 3 loft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 1 11 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 10 2ft Volunteer 10 Wax Myrtle SH 10 3 ft Volunteer 10 Wax Myrtle SH 3 4ft Volunteer 3 Loblolly Bay SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 3 3 ft Volunteer 3 • C? Loblolly Bay SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 5 5 It Volunteer 5 Loblolly Bay SH 3 6 ft Volunteer 3 Loblolly Bay SH 3 7 ft Volunteer 3 Loblolly Bay SH 2 8 It Volunteer 2 Sweetbay SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Fetterbush SH 20 loft Volunteer 20 Gallberry SH 100 4 It Volunteer 100 TOTAL SHRUBS 227 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER PLOT) 265 TOTAL TREES OF PLANTED SPECIES OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 2650 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED SPECIES 44 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 272 9 • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS • 0 PLOT NUMBER 12 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 18 1 it Planted 18 Bald Cypress T 15 2 ft Planted 15 Bald Cypress T 1 3ft Planted 1 River Birtch T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 1 4ft Planted 1 Red Maple T 1 lift Volunteer 0 Sweetgum T 1 lit Volunteer 0 Pond Pine T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Red Bay SH 17 1 ft Volunteer 17 Red Bay SH 7 2 ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay SH 5 3ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 8 4ft Volunteer 8 Red Bay SH 6 5 ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 4 7 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 9 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 2 lift Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 4 1 ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 12 2 ft Volunteer 12 Wax Myrtle SH 9 3ft Volunteer 9 Wax Myrtle SH 2 4ft Volunteer 2 Sweetbay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Fetterbush SH 60 2 ft Volunteer 60 American Titi SH 20 3ft Volunteer 20 • • OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL SHRUBS 163 (PER PLOT) 203 TOTAL TREES OF OBSERVED DENSITY PLANTED SPECIES 37 (PER ACRE) 2030 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED 5 SPECIES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 205 0 • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS • PLOT NUMBER 13 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 22 1 ft Planted 22 Bald Cypress T 12 2ft Planted 12 Bald Cypress T 1 3ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 1 ft Planted 1 River Birtch T 1 2ft Planted 1 Sweetgum T 1 2ft Volunteer 0 Sweetgum T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 Pond Pine T 16 I ft Planted 16 Pond Pine T 3 2ft Planted 3 Sweetbay SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 11 1 ft Volunteer 11 Red Bay SH 5 2ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 2 3ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 3 8 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 15 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 2 8 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Gallberry SH 100 6 ft Volunteer 100 American Titi SH 20 6 ft Volunteer 20 0 0 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL SHRUBS 152 (PER PLOT) 208 TOTAL TREES OF OBSERVED DENSITY PLANTED SPECIES 37 (PER ACRE) 2080 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED 21 SPECIES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 210 0 STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS 0 0 PLOT NUMBER 14 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 14 1 ft Planted 14 Bald Cypress T 21 2ft Planted 21 Bald Cypress T 3 3ft Planted 3 Black Gum T 11 1 ft Planted 11 Black Gum T 3 2ft Planted 3 Red Maple T 1 I ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 15 ft Volunteer 0 Pond Pine T 24 1 ft Planted 24 Pond Pine T 6 2ft Planted 6 Pond Pine T 1 3ft Planted 1 Water Oak T 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 3 1 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 4 2ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 2 3ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 9 4ft Volunteer 9 Red Bay SH 3 5 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Winged Sumac SH 4 I ft Volunteer 4 Winged Sumac SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 I ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 • Wax Myrtle SH 4 5 ft Volunteer 4 Loblolly Bay SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Fetterbush SH 20 2 ft Volunteer 20 Gallberry SH 40 4 ft Volunteer 40 American Titi SH 45 2 ft Volunteer 45 TOTAL SHRUBS 146 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER PLOT) 230 TOTAL TREES OF PLANTED SPECIES 52 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 2300 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED SPECIES 35 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 233 0 • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS • 0 PLOT NUMBER 15 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 7 1 ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 12 2ft Planted 12 Bald Cypress T 4 3ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 1 4ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Red Maple T 1 2ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 2 9 ft Volunteer 0 Pond Pine T 22 1 ft Planted 22 Pond Pine T 9 2ft Planted 9 Pond Pine T 3 3ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 4 4ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 3 5ft Planted 3 Red Bay SH 12 1 ft Volunteer 12 Red Bay SH 6 2ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 7 3ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay SH 2 4ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 3 5ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 2 8 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 3 2ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 3 3ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 5ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 4 4ft Volunteer 4 Loblolly Bay SH 1 5ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 3 7 ft Volunteer 3 Winged Sumac SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 • 0 Winged Sumac SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Winged Sumac SH 1 5 It Volunteer 1 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL SHRUBS 60 130 (PER PLOT) TOTAL TREES OF OBSERVED DENSITY 29 1300 PLANTED SPECIES (PER ACRE) TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED 44 SPECIES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 133 0 • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS 0 0 Wax Myrtle SH 3 3ft Volunteer 3 PLOT NUMBER 16 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 4 2 It Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 7 3ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 1 4ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 5ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 River Birtch T 1 I ft Planted 1 River Birtch T 1 4ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 2 2ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 4 3ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 3 4ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 1 6ft Planted 1 Red Maple T 1 1 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 3ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 4ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 2 6ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 4 7 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 4 8ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 10 loft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 13 12 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 3 15 It Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 2ft Volunteer 0 Red Bay SH 4 1 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 11 2ft Volunteer 11 Red Bay SH 12 3ft Volunteer 12 Red Bay SH 13 4ft Volunteer 13 Red Bay SH 3 5ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 10 6ft Volunteer 10 Red Bay SH 3 8ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 1 9 ft Volunteer 1 • • Wax Myrtle SH 3 4 It Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 3 5 If Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6 It Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 26 1 ft Volunteer 26 Loblolly Bay SH 1 2 It Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Fetterbush SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 TOTAL SHRUBS 100 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER PLOT) 129 TOTAL TREES OF PLANTED SPECIES 18 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 1290 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED SPECIES 52 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 170 u • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS • PLOT NUMBER 17 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Black Gum T 5 1 It Planted 5 Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 4 2ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 7 3ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 4 4ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 2 5ft Planted 2 Sweetgum T 2 1 ft Volunteer 0 Sweetgum T 1 4ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 12 81t Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 5 loft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 4 12 ft Volunteer 0 Pond Pine T 41 1 ft Planted 41 Pond Pine T 16 2ft Planted 16 Pond Pine T 3 3ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 2 4ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 3 5ft Planted 3 Live Oak T 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 5ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 2 2ft Volunteer 2 American Holly SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 4 1 ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 3 3ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 9 41t Volunteer 9 Red Bay SH 4 5ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 • • Red Bay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 7 1 ft Volunteer 7 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 7 It Volunteer 1 Gallberry SH 10 6 It Volunteer 10 American Titi SH 10 5 It Volunteer 10 Fetterbush SH 30 3 ft Volunteer 30 TOTAL SHRUBS 92 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER PLOT) 181 TOTAL TREES OF PLANTED SPECIES 23 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 1810 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED SPECIES 92 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 207 0 • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS r U PLOT NUMBER 18 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 9 2ft Planted 9 Bald Cypress T 7 3ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 2 4ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 2 I ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 3 2ft Planted 3 Black Gum T 2 3ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 1 4ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 4 I ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 1 3ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 2 4ft Planted 2 Water Oak T 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Water Oak T 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Sweetgum T 1 1 ft Volunteer 0 Sweetgum T 1 2ft Volunteer 0 Sweetgum T 1 4ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 6ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 loft Volunteer 0 Red Bay SH 3 1 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 5 3ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 8 4ft Volunteer 8 Red Bay SH 6 5 ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 6 6ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 7 7 ft Volunteer 7 Wax Myrtle SH 5 1 ft Volunteer 5 Wax Myrtle SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 4 4ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 3 5 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 2 2ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 1 611 Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 • • Sweetbay SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Gallberry SH 70 5 ft Volunteer 70 American Titi SH 70 5 ft Volunteer 70 TOTAL SHRUBS 196 OBSERVED DENSITY 233 (PER PLOT) TOTAL TREES OF OBSERVED DENSITY PLANTED SPECIES 28 (PER ACRE) 2330 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED 14 SPECIES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 238 n • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS r 1 ?J I PLOT NUMBER 19 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 3 <1 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 7 2ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 3 3ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 3 4ft Planted 3 Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 5 3ft Planted 5 Black Gum T 2 4ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 1 5ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 5 <1 ft Planted 5 Atlantic White Cedar T 30 1 ft Planted 30 Atlantic White Cedar T 9 2ft Planted 9 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 3ft Planted 1 River Birch T 1 1 ft Planted 1 River Birch T 1 2ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 1 3ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 2 4ft Planted 2 Water Oak T 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Water Oak T 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 2 2ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 4ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 3 8ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 loft Volunteer 0 Red Bay SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 2 2ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 4 3ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 8 5ft Volunteer 8 Red Bay SH 5 7 ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 1 8ft Volunteer 1 • L J Red Bay SH 3 loft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 1 It Volunteer 1 Gallberry SH 2 2 It Volunteer 2 Gallberry SH 3 3 It Volunteer 3 Gallberry SH 9 4 ft Volunteer 9 Gallberry SH 11 5 ft Volunteer 11 Gallberry SH 9 6 It Volunteer 9 Gallberry SH 3 7 ft Volunteer 3 Gallberry SH 1 9 It Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 10 3 ft Volunteer 10 American Titi SH 1 4 It Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 1 5 It Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 3 6 ft Volunteer 3 American Titi SH 8 7 ft Volunteer 8 Wax Myrtle SH 1 1 It Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 10 2 ft Volunteer 10 Wax Myrtle SH 6 3 It Volunteer 6 Wax Myrtle SH 4 5 ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 7 It Volunteer 1 TOTAL SHRUBS 113 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER PLOT) 195 TOTAL TREES OF PLANTED SPECIES 74 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 1950 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED SPECIES 15 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 202 0 • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS PLOT NUMBER 20 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Atlantic White Cedar T 32 1 ft Planted 32 Atlantic White Cedar T 9 2ft Planted 9 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 3ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 13 2ft Planted 13 Bald Cypress T 8 3ft Planted 8 Black Gum T 6 1 ft Planted 6 Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 2ft Planted 1 Red Maple T 1 3ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 6ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 7ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 Sweetgum T 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Red Bay SH 3 1 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 31t Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 51t Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 4 7ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 3 2ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 8 3ft Volunteer 8 Wax Myrtle SH 6 4 ft Volunteer 6 Wax Myrtle SH 3 5ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Amer. Titi SH 100 5ft Volunteer 100 Amer. Titi SH 50 6ft Volunteer 50 Gallberry SH 50 3ft Volunteer 50 Gallberry SH 50 5ft Volunteer 50 • • OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL SHRUBS 282 357 (PER PLOT) TOTAL TREES OF OBSERVED DENSITY PLANTED SPECIES 73 (PER ACRE) 3570 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED 7 SPECIES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 362 0 • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS r? • PLOT NUMBER 21 SPECIES STRATUM (1', SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 11 1 It Planted 11 Bald Cypress T 10 2ft Planted 10 Black Gum T 5 1 ft Planted 5 Atlantic White Cedar T 35 1 ft Planted 35 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 2ft Planted 2 River Birch T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 2 2ft Planted 2 Sweet Gum T 3 1 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 2 2ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 3ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 4ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 6ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 3 1 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 2 2ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 3ft Volunteer 0 Red Bay SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 7 2ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay SH 4 3ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 2 4ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 2 6ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 9 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 3 I ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 5 2ft Volunteer 5 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 5ft Volunteer 1 Gallberry SH 25 3ft Volunteer 25 Fetterbush SH 20 2ft Volunteer 20 0 American Titi SH 20 3 ft Volunteer 20 TOTAL SHRUBS 94 OBSERVED DENSITY 164 (PER PLOT) TOTAL TREES OF OBSERVED DENSITY PLANTED SPECIES 64 (PER ACRE) 1640 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED 21 SPECIES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 179 0 STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS • 0 PLOT NUMBER 22 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 6 1 ft Planted 6 Bald Cypress T 9 2ft Planted 9 Bald Cypress T 2 3ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 7 1 ft Planted 7 Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 3ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 25 I ft Planted 25 Atlantic White Cedar T 8 2ft Planted 8 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 3ft Planted 3 Pond Pine T 1 <1 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Pond Pine T 1 2ft Planted 1 Red Maple T 1 1 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 3ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 4ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 7ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 2 8 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 4 12 ft Volunteer 0 Sweetbay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 7ft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 9 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 8 I ft Volunteer 8 Red Bay SH 6 2ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 5 3ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 5 4ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 2 5 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 4 6 ft Volunteer 4 • Red Bay SH 3 7 ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 3 2 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 5 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 2 8 It Volunteer 2 American Holly SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 60 4 ft Volunteer 60 TOTAL SHRUBS 52 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER PLOT) 179 TOTAL TREES OF PLANTED SPECIES 62 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 1790 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED SPECIES 14 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 128 • • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS • PLOT NUMBER 23 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Black Gum T 5 1 It Planted 5 Black Gum T 2 2ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 4 1 ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 7 2ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 7 3ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 2 4ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 5ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 6ft Planted 1 Red Maple T 1 2ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 2 6ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 3 8ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 2 9 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 5 loft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 6 12 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 6 15 ft Volunteer 0 Pond Pine T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 4 2ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 4 3ft Planted 4 Pond Pine T 1 4ft Planted 1 Loblolly Bay SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 4 5ft Volunteer 4 Loblolly Bay SH 2 6ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 3 7 ft Volunteer 3 Loblolly Bay SH 2 8ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 2 loft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 1 12 It Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 7 1 ft Volunteer 7 Wax Myrtle SH 3 2ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 2 3ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 3 2ft Volunteer 3 Red Bay SH 3 3ft Volunteer 3 • • Red Bay SH 1 4 It Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 6 5 It Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 6 6 ft Volunteer 6 Red Bay SH 2 7 it Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 5 8 ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 TOTAL SHRUBS 60 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER PLOT) 99 TOTAL TREES OF PLANTED SPECIES 29 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 990 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED SPECIES 35 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 124 0 • STONE FARM MITIGATION BANK - CAROLINA BAY ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS 0 PLOT NUMBER 24 SPECIES STRATUM (T, SA, or SH) Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 9 1 ft Planted 9 Bald Cypress T 4 2ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 9 3ft Planted 9 Bald Cypress T 2 Oft Planted 2 Black Gum T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 3ft Planted 1 American White Cedar T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Pond Pine T 1 2ft Planted 1 Red Maple T 25 4 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 35 6 ft Volunteer 0 American Holly SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 1 Winged Sumac SH 2 3ft Volunteer 2 Winged Sumac SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 7 2ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay SH 8 3ft Volunteer 8 Red Bay SH 17 4 ft Volunteer 17 Red Bay SH 7 5 ft Volunteer 7 Red Bay SH 9 6 ft Volunteer 9 Red Bay SH 4 7ft Volunteer 4 Red Bay SH 2 8 ft Volunteer 2 E • Red Bay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Sweetbay SH 1 3 It Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 50 4 ft Volunteer 50 Loblolly Bay SH 10 r 8 ft Volunteer 10 TOTAL SHRUBS 124 OBSERVED DENSITY 155 (PER PLOT) TOTAL TREES OF OBSERVED DENSITY PLANTED SPECIES 29 (PER ACRE) 1550 TOTAL TREES OF VOLUNTEERED 62 SPECIES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 215 9 E APPENDIX C. YEAR 2 WELL MONITORING DATA (JANUARY 2009 - DECEMBER 2009) 0 0 0 • o 0 N U c 3 7 • 9?G nO 90G O On S 80" c? ?n O c? 80GOi' of 8 S! O, Cr, O! 80G 7n Y S (O, A? a 8 !CO 0 , A ( 80 o " M 90, c' o 8 ?9! C's lA o ?! 1 80'A ! a 190, O, o A!2! C', CE 190., m 8??a6 c? ? °b, p0, 16y 80,, ay 190, ay9 80? o rn ao ? cn ?n ? M N .- o ab, (S043ul) uOIILI!dl3GJd .7 A? W E 0 Cn rI Q CD _C O L Z Y U O a?i c f°a O c o 2?' m c D O .0.. Nm 3 0 CCG y OY U1 Or O N U .- J > O !0 sue. = Q 0 O U o ?Q"' °n viz L O d !4 CO _ E c c 0 O O O N O - M . 75 o rL Rt D. = U O'O *O'O V C; r- Cf) ?- oa =NN c O 3 ' r F CO 0 L 0 0 0 W~ 0 CL ° oar' 3 Precipitation (in) 0 M W n (O In ? M N r O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CO O ? I I I I I I I I I I I i I (D I I .O I I i I O I I I I I I I I I I I «. I I I I N I I I I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FL I I l4 C I I LL I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I cD O O N M V O w N N M M (Sayoul) lanai aa}eM aoetanS/PunoaE) 0 U O C _O c O C U o Z Myy c uy L ?. 3 d O N I CO Q. U CO 0 T t0 0 O 0 N N E U- 5 CV O O r M d 0 C C N d_ L. O O ?, L O 3 , c a) f? iD000n QUO m 9?G n0 nS' 00 80G ? 0S 9?G n0 80G ! O S SOS s ?!c" ° A? 9 'PO A?i9 sOl ! sO ?!! O' 80 A?! aye c' ay c' aZ9 ! ay (9 Ol ay9 ab T Q rn (D 0 N N m m 3 W o N ? 7 1 N I N Q m CO U o o 'ro CO co CC w w ?, r M O s U c Q. :3 O o = C3 Q. CD 00 wE tm w E td 3 tB C J • • • 00 O O N d E d Q d N A? W E CO NA, VJ _O O L 3: I I I I I u I I ryd I I I I I I S I I I I I ?+ I I I I I ? I I 80, ?' I I I I I I I I a? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 00 I I I I I I I I Qd I I I I I S I I I I I I I S (goa ! ' I I I I I I ? I I I I I I I a^ 7 u ;? ro 90 ! c C -? I I I I I ?.f,n I I I : I I I I Il V,V II I I I I I I I Vp I I I I I .li Y I I I I I I I nn V19 I I I 1- I I I I vO6 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ?/? n 0 90 0,- ' I I I I I I I I I S o 90 c' co I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ?? I I I I 1 I I I I ' I I I I ? O` ? :I O6 Q & A 9 r! II ? II ? ? ? II ? ObOb I I I I I I I f O! ' I I I I I I f> O6 I I I I I I I U7 I I I I I I I ?? 0) I I I I f I I I S I I I I L I I I m I I I I I P I I ?/n c I I I I I' I I I '/n .ro !n Cc I. l:- m I. I I I I I I I I I , /,>!1`n O I I I I I I I I I ? 91 10 ` (1) I I I I I I I I ? , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !? I I I I ? I I I I 19O, I I I I I i l l 0n `i.9! I I I I I I I I I i I I I O% ? I I I I I I ?? I I I I I I I !! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ? I %-Z9 I I I I I O O O ? cD In V C'7 N r O 80% r (sayoul) uoile)jdi38Jd Y U 0 a?icr v0 = O i ~ O C +. O +O. NmN 7 CCO Y N 0 p y C 00 J *- > O O N i C Q N O a f4 i - Z f0 C OTQ O.? p t?A y(nO V (nN C E 0 7 c W N 0 O O O +. a UU m 0 Precipitation (in) 0 rn o ? o u? v m N r o I I I I I I ? II I ? I ? I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ? ? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ? I ? I I I I I I I I I I ? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ? I I I I I I I I i i 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I W O cD N 00 V O (D N N M I? 7 (sayoui) iana-j jejoM eoepnS/punoaE) a L O U U tY N si O C O 2 C U O Z m M CO C OZf N L !'' O d O N p Q V E -x T CO Cl) a1 U N N Q co cc 3 O N d r(D 4) C? 0 O O G O_ d ti 4- L. (n 00 IL 0 CO 0 - C5 0 Rf 19°a aS 6 c' 80,C aS; 90,0 c? aS s 8°a { ?Sn 90,Q, ! dss ?0Q 806 fib, O 906 S 806 c' 0 906 c' S 906 ! 00 906 ! 0S 80, /0n 90 !? 9 c? !On !C? !0^ !! !? i9 9O, ! N Q G) N rn m O 0 CO C\j m 3: w o N 0 N ? N + a? U U ? c p p ro m m m W W ? M O U Q M O O ? Q = O L E CD ( E c 3 C J • • CO 0 0 N E O U d ?r W /E cn ^N a _C O L a0 O a0 S '9°i7 dO.900, & a d ? 8 OS! m 0J c ro a0o ? od Y OS 190, 'o 0 O° o A °1o,LS o `Q0'1CO 80 °a o 19° s? 1 -0 ° 'On', 0 CD S t° S°s 1J , m w 8Q ) ?J o O, ro OCN 0 9 e 80 f J Off! 00, 09 O O w r- c0 o ? co N .-- O J (sayouj) uoile;idioaJd V N C _ o .2 C(O U) 0 O y a 0 J r > a 0CO am (D ca C OrQ CLp 0 (/! o v- y ++ W ? (d O ltd U O a+'O 0 (n F- >+ _ N O O L Q r C-6 r- U) N C y E o 3 o +uF-oo 0 ?0 0 0 Wr- O a 4"- U CU M o 3: °-' ?: Precipitation (in) 0 M a0 n O ? <f M N .-- O (0 O cD N W d' O w N N M C? It (salloul) lanai aa}eM aoepnS/punoaE) O U O Cm O C O t4 = U O Z ca CO C oZf ? o N a) O N CO _ Q. V r CD CD E Y N r M C 1- 0 ca O N ?- N -0 Cu M Cu N 0 N?: "t d i O O V d O 3 1 O n nmom?Oa0 m a0 O °J a0 600 \0 S a0 O SOS c? dO SO J S/ a0 O a?S sO\ o? S SO7 80 °p°c' o? S °tis SOS JO{ ;eJ F 09 goy `, JO` J??9 SOS JO`s 80? J0?9 (9oi JO,/ M Q O U) rn °' 0 ro m m 30 N n a? C: > N Q m N U U 0) 0 0 Fu ? Ca ED Ww M O m a> '? U C Q. O O = ? Q. C O L E C C (a J a? • o 0 N U L - cc • O, O m w t? (D LO) It M N r O GAn (saysul) uo1lej1dlMd J S°?A 00, ?L. c? 60?A c? 6° ?A?L, m 60" Y 60 J ¦ so C, I 60" 0 '90 ' o M y 0 so C? n 6 9yse a y 60 Cl) 9d (D y's CD 00, ° 0° E' GAn o m 6°G cp Any ¦ 6°G n9 6?G A? 6 O,G n? W N AN W f?fA Vl Q O _ O L U N c Op o C O 21-- r - Cm .O. Rm(n 7 O C(D a 0 Y y O r p m m i 0 Q N ++ V Q M O Y •V O Z a;p?p C O ti Q Q 0 0 N O o i 3 M a. O ?. Ca U) C? ? 0 3 o +4 W CO V L O O O d 00 5 oar' ? Precipitation (in) O m o0 I? m to t M N r O (D O (D N C2 t c) (D N N M M t (sayaul) lana-1 aaleM aoelang/punaE) O U Q1 Q? O C O = U o Z M 0 O V N O C O G1 0- r- N N 0) 0 U- O N N O >, ., CO ? E 0 0 O N N d O a) O 0 7 _ U) m O m ? CO n C O m 00, s°?A c' ?G. sO?A z? 6'0.' IIP, 60" 9 y S s°9d c? y 0 s090 c? y e so9 s t 6o '9 a 6? yS G An, 6?G /I 00G c? ! 6?G 6 n9 A„ D,G 6n9 0,G A„ Q N a Q) 0 L) N CO 7 0 (n CO w o N Q > N >+ a? U U Cm CC w w ?, r CO 0 ro U C Q O O C 0 a 0. :3 C O QD L E Cm O E C 'a C t4 J 0 0 o N O C • 60' n0 OOG fin, S 60', c? O CO.' 6 S? M O,G a 7n m O SSG ? nS Y X07. ? A? o GO ?O T i 0 6° 9c' o T ro E°7A c, o 6' 91 ('a O, -o Ol 610. 0 m eo o? aye ay S°a all-Z9 60 o rn eo (o (n v co N o ?ab, (S043ul) uoilelidioaJd • ?r N AN ''V l VJ O 0 Ca 0 3 __o2F-m c3 O "gym 7 -0 C(G *O pY O Cn Or O N O V . J r > O O O i 'EL N V 0 a M O '? V L f0 va;CL L Z 00 E pr-Q _ Q O w O Ry M 'V c w R 0) N Asa- V C5 v+-0 r- N Q.N~ ~ ON C Q C 3 °? fA , ?E0 3? o n0 O o o w 0_0 :t Precipitation (in) 0 O CO n (D (n V M N r O (o O T N o0 7 O (o N N M M V (sayaui) iana-i jateM aaetang/punoaE) O U O O O O tl? U Z o m C O O O N O) c U rn Cl Cm CO V U O N N N N O E O Ca - N CO O 3 N O A d_ i C O N (z L- (nIM , M CD CO CL ?Q ? O N A s°G n0 SOG ?S O S°G ? ?S sOlG n0/ G° G, s°T 6O A?9 ?/Cc A?9 00' (T ° A?9 O? GO aye 6'°? tom, s°tyye ay9 ab a a a N Q 0 (13 m U) m o N .a 1? N t N 0) Q m N U U 0 0 CO m m m w w (D CO p CO c Q O O O ? Q. C O d i 0 E tCt 3 C m J • • • 0 0 0 N Q E d CL m Cn A? r/ 'V+ V? _O O L s°a as 6 600 a n s°q ? as 6 6°0 ? a asp ro a 6°0 ? ro aS,s ? Cn aS? Y 606 oy o °o 00 1 ?s 60'61 6 CO 16; 60 6 60 6 b, > 6 s! 00 , Ol' m ijb o S ? 60, a On,? F 190, O 96 60,? tq !6 60/O n9 O 190, n, 190, 9 O 60/ m - n M - 7 M N .-- O 7^ (sayaul) ualelidlaaJd ? Y U O m c 0 L I- t+ tO m ? .2 C fD + 'O Y U) ONE v 0 ?.J? > O .O C1 C ?.Z 6 Q"lC O M C v 0 o N C31 -0 (nh- > O OWN Q c 3 C °? c Cn V E O 7 CO + h V 0 0 0 a UU 0 w Cl) oar' Precipitation (in) 0 Q1 00 I? O L!7 V M N ? O c0 O (O N N V O cD N N M M V (say3ui) iana-1 aaleM aoe}jnS/punoa!D M O AV W a? O O = U O Z CD * Cl) O C o2j 04 s. O N p Q i E Y r- L C CL E u O 'zr y N cu O 04 E 4) CD C C 04 d r d O O 3 9 CwL? d ti fn CO o CO ? V/ O m s°a aS, 6 a 600 aS n 60,0 c? as 6 boa r a`Pn 600 ! 60' 142, a 6 sp 606 fib 0° sob , S 606 c' b, O 606 ? S 606 { O 606 { OS 60 iOn{ F 00, c? so 60, 60" ? 60, I> z9 60,, 7n Q O W rn °? N CO CO 3 w o N Q N + Q) Q m N U U o> Q r- c'I 0 O c0 CO CO Ir' W w ? ?- M o is Q :3 *. m O = O. O (D L- O? (D E i t0 C? G C ca • I• • rn 0 0 N O m E V O 0 A? W Y / V/ Q _0 0 L Z 60J a? 6O 0 J S a? 600 Sc' aO.o 60Ja c' o O, 6 S? o QJ c ap ac 0 oa Y O, S 60'00 60? 0 I oz's, 61 a ?0c' m o 0 6 1 o o 610, `s,e -o 0 6''00., 1 0 W Q S m 6Q?J Q a 610, {(9 2 rJO 0 o ro 6Ol U) e 60?J c' sQO9 /0. 610, oy J?Z9 60Y O Ol 00 h (O In V m N r O J O{ (S040ul) uoilelidioaJd U 0 m e 0 a O c 0 LF- y 0 3 +0• 5 m fn 3 O C (o N 0r O N O V > c0 O R " 0 p, y lf) O U rn C,) r V t cc Q O i .r Z l4 00 C 0 h Q M 0 0 ?w *= (A F- >+ O b y Cl) O i Q.C 3 U) N C ? E 0 :3 1-- 00 0 L 0 0 0 ° L1J I- U Precipitation (in) 0 MW tl-(D lA V' (`7 N r O (O O (O N a0 V O (D N N C? C? V (Sayoul) lanai aateM 9oe}jnS/punoa!D O U Q) d O O 2 r- U o Z O CO +?+ @7 O = ojf O s. 3 O N N 0 04 C0 - Q U r r" N Ch CD E 0 O C E tC - i Ca m U- 04 a) 4) a = N -O 0 d O Cf)000m?0Q0 m bob ap 19,- 10 a0 S 010.0 0 6O 00 a? 600 S/ dO 60 J 01 d?S 60 10 o 60,E C' o O 6+ dtio 6017o41, 0?0 60'1` '10 'l 600 00! sof ?' J?9 60Y C' J?9 6Ol ` JO, oy JOZ9 60. J0, Q O U1 am m 0 N m CO 3: W o N 9 C N m U U ?. .? 0 0 CO m m m W W co 0 7E) -6 M U) U C Q d O = 06- *- O O O E cm a) E CD -1: Cu 3 C to J i • • 0 T O N V 4 - Ca 2 N W N N Q O O i A? O{J ?' O{J ?' A? ro O ?! m ! A? CT 01 J F A Y O " ?1 0 o{ 9 ? o ysz I { 9 CO y 0 0/,g ys o O{ { ro 9d O r CO O{ 9a a y's O! G U An, m ! °!, oC O ? Gtn o O! G (n O{ n9 °{G A{, { 01 G ?9 O! o--- m- v - N r o GAn (segoul) uoilelldlOOM v O?: r 0 Precipitation (in) U 3 0 (D 70 0 O0 i F- N O m U) 3 .o C (O *- 0 Y N C; O r O N 0 .. ? ? > m rn O i 0 Q N to O a 0 Q M d a? Z !d C 0 ti Q E Q. 0 0 CO =ch >.C P- yU)p ?" ac fnN C O 7 o m F- CO 0 s.. O O O O W ti U d V 3 ? U M O W w r-(O In V m N r O (O O (O N c0 V O (O N N C? C? 7 (sayoul) lanai jateM aoepnS/punoal) .a O U d ?i ?O E O 2 = U o z Cl a C dS ? s- 7 O N O O r r d Q' U T 0 N `o CM V O O N r ?+ M E (6 tQ d = N " V O O O O, A = ti 4- 1. CD m 0M? cc m -.5 2 C 0 t0 O{ A? c? O{? ? A? O ?{ O{ r A? O ? O{ 9 ys O{9 C? y 0 O{9 yS 0{9 y0 ! o! 9 a ys 0 A{, O{G O!G A? O!G C' n9 O!G A!, O {! {G 19 O{G A^ { 00 Q Q) rn ? 0 N N 't m ? m ? w o N m c ? r 4- 1 Q CO N U (? 0) c o (a Ca CO Cc w w ?, r? o CO U C C. m *r d o ? ? Q O O W i E tm t C to J 0 0 0 N d C • SO,G On O S 80,G c' ?n O c? OOGOi 6 O S! m D,G a On, O! OOG 7n Y S cPO? A? o SO o CO 00TH c, o 8 ?9! CO 0, _0 T A O '0" ! C7 9 m 80,', a c A?! ro cc: 00, c ,9 qcc 80,E aye SO,? ad SO,, ! a9 19- O m W n O In V M N - O ab (setpul) uoijuj!dl3GJd • V? N a` _C O L T^ i / Y U ?0 2 F'a°i c?: a0. NCO 3 O C(D O+•-0Y V) R Or O 0 C U 'a J T > LID rncoC C do m d " Z Ca C p ? Q E Q p p wO O M r y L +, 3 m 'm CO O cl)F > C ti ONN C a c r- cn U °L'oo°OO3 0 -uur-0 CL =UU c°h oar' ?: Precipitation (in) 0 O W ? O 0 V CO N r O I I I I i I I I j I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CO O I I I I I I ? I I I I I I I I I ? I I I I I I O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I N C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ? 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Boa as 6 900' as m n cr, X00 ! ro ass ? 00a n 190 '01 as Y 06, i ?S ?Od' CO 1b, 90 0? m 60 0 b, > 9 r! a i 9 606! m 06 Ob, S CO 90/ ° fin, m 190% 9? 9 O, !? i9 / 190 7n !! 1900 n9 O CA M n cD to V M N +- O !? n ! (sespul) uoile)idioaad Y V 0 c O = 0 L ~ N C CO Cn .2 a (o O C .. J V- > R a>m 0 a0`n 0 ?CO Q-c"a ?+-Z as C 0. 0 CO 0 ++ f0 C m M y Co =1- >.C OC/)O i Q. I ++ C N N C Q C ?Eo03 0 W°?°v 0 0 0 ILvy()0 M oar' Precipitation (in) 0 O N I? CD In ? M N r O CD O cD N CO V O O N N C7 M V (sayaui) iana-i aateM aaetanS/punoa!q L O v O O C O r- U O Z (C +?+ CO CO m O ay N L O O O U U') p Q ch U R O y CO 0 0 LL "t 76 C? N M O _ C O N CL y C h cnin 0in ? (D C 7fnO (C I,- 190.10, 800, c? as CPO,0 c? as 6 a`P'zs 9oa ! ash' o°'a aS1 ;6 90fib, O 906 O fib, S 906 c' 0 906 ? S 906 ! ?b, O 906 ! SO, !7n !0 SO, OCN SO, !7n 90, LQ1 SO, SO, !nA !7n N m N 'G w L) D m 3: Q 0 L N + m _ 0) N CO Ca c 0 CO C0 N CC W Q d cfl o m a? ? 0 C Q 3 4- 0 Q C C7 a C O O i- E O E (C (B c Cu J • • • CO 0 0 N i E O 0 CD 0 ?0 C 0 E AN W _0 0 Ma 00? dO 0 ob 00 a? S 00 J 000 c, Jdd 0 S? p QJ c a ro O 00. oa Y O s 8a ¦ 1o 0 O o ?o j 190, ?S 00'1 0 M 00 ?q? m ?0 0 ti > 8Q s! ?O C70 0/ 1 O, a goy s ro 0oY ° JO ro 8Q {F N o 9 m 00 f ? t?i? JO ¦ 0oY ? JOQ 0oX JOB QoY J??9 OOY O M CO h (D In ? M N r o J (sayoul) uogelidloaJd Y U N a _ v O C O L F' _ +O. c?pm(n 7 •2 =O ?yaY? C;0 O = - J .- > cat= ao`n o U 0 CO a 0 a) co = O ?` Q a 0O O r -0 0 O w C/5 U) df = cn a= 3 0) E O 5? a .gF- cO 0 0 0 /o? w 1-- 0 D.WU V M 03: r' ?: Precipitation (in) 0 d1 a0 r O ? V M N r O cD o CD N CO d' O Co N N M M 'd (sayoul) lana-1 jejuM aoepnS/punoaE) O V O O C 0 ?El o U Z R 00 ? ? oil ? O L +' 3 N y O u7 CO 0. U E .Y N M c .V O y E d Q cC U. 76 c? a) 0 = N O O V d O 3 . O MCDCO 0 a 0 U) i ?A ? • • • ? • • • 00? aO 0 0 0 J ap S 00,J Z a? 0 00J c? ap s QoJ ` a? 0 0Q J ! a?S 10 0no0 a o? S ?a 00lo 00 ?ON 7 oIP, o S/ Qo7 41, 00? ohs 001 JO;! '90, 0 ,g J?{ 0oY J?9 0Ol JO{ 0oY JOZ9 80? J?{ M m d M N w M ? m Q o > N a> N Cu n r o) U s CC) m m N CC w ¢ a) v cD 0 m m ¦ ti C 0. O *' O N = Q = O O E tm O E R tC C t4 J • • CF) 0 0 N v u 2 T A= W E N 'W fCn V l O O mo 60 JA 60 JA 610, C m °'A ¢ m 00, c'{ oC ? Y 6° J ¦ 60, n 6 9yS? 0,9 0 y CO O 69y o S > 0, 9y o 60 °,, 1 9a Q) ys a 00" a An, m !0 60 m GA„ o 60G `9?1 t U) A? ¦ 60G nZ9 6°%, , 6 O,G n9 60 o- m - m- v - N r o ?An (sayaul) uoilejidlaaJd i U 0 c 3 a O ?0L?'a?i c3: 0) nsmN •o Cco n•-?Yy ?o rncoar o +-QM 0 ai tV a _&ca Z ca Q CO C7 A N In N C 0 C 3 as .? ? E o o? a mF-cO 0 o 0 o w 0 a."- 00 - C°) 0- Precipitation (in) O T CO r O LO V CO N r O I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I ? I m I I LO ui I I I I I W I ? I I I I I ? I I I I I M I I I I ? I I I I I ? ? I I I I I •` I I I ? I 5 ? 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G° A?{S 6' ?9,- o T M 60c? o s wee m T? o s°?A .r Cr s°? 9 W Cy. 66;? 4) s°abc r U) ad ? so C' e s°? ad 60" { aye s° J o rn oo n cD u7 v c-? N ? o ab, (sayauI) uoilelidIOOJd • A? W a _O O L. Z Y V a?i c 'a 0 o c 0 i F- d C ;a in m U) .2 cm C +-0 Y y o r O N C U ..J r > C3? (0 i Q y U) O ICaM U CD CL 0 Z a D I L M d (C C O~ a Q E O N O ; z c .r 3 0 1 cc 0) a" W M= d U 0 CL (nF- C dN0 i C. C fn N C E O 7 F- 00 0 L O 0 0 Lu a =UU r°i o Precipitation (in) 0 W a0 I- O In It M N r O cD O [D N 00 V O (D N N C? M It (sayoui) iGAG-1 aa}eM 9oe;anS/punoa!D O U Mm I.L O O a U O Z m a L *' 3 W O O L C. U E ,e R* m O 00 r - m V U O v? N CV O E - 3: Cm O C N _ d O O i O R Q N in in r O m = ?:: Q-3 C 0 cC 00G ?O SOG F n's 60,G c' ?O soG ? ?S 6?G ?O SSG ?S s0' s0 ??F o?. s 0?? c 6° so ?9 O," aye ay sow aye ad { aZ9 ay LO m N W cCz Q C CO Q o 1? N 1 m ? LO s °' w c M ¢ ? ?r co 0 a? a> ? U C Q d O C t? 6. C O L y E C ca • a? 0 0 N d Q m Q O tV/ W V? Q _o O Im boa as 6 60,0, c' as 60,0, c' as s 60aa n c° 0 c 00a m 60a w as Y 60, ¦ '0 i fib, o 6 rc' 06' CO 60 Oc' m 60 0 b, > 60 S'! -`a 0b i 00 , Ob a S 60/ a one ? F 60 ? 60 60, 9 60 60/0 9 O 6i CO f? O t!7 ? C+7 N r O 6O/?/? r ? (S043ul) uoilelidlaaJd N O O 3 a 0 0 3 C 0 21 .2 ?m(n 7 0 C(O .0 - d 0 0 O N C U . J T > to 0 m i 0 a d m O +rQC,.) O ai sU = o h Q a 0 0 0 *. 3 '++ W M C U o? 0 0 N *O 'C CL 0 Cl 0 i QN ~ ate. C fn N C yE6:3 E-cO0 o 0 o w o. U U Cl) l0 Precipitation (in) 0 O W I? O ,[1 t C7 N r O W O c0 N W t O w N N C? M t (sa43u() iana-i aateM aoepnS/punoa!E) .a O V i O C O 2 0 U Z m t0 O Sm _ N i ? d O to p Q E .Y p ci C y" 0 O to O d E M LL - * a) CV w '.7 E C3 C? Cl) = N N d Ql L. 0 C CD a) rz 0 CL cam om?-23 n 0 m 60a bo ash' a C? as 60 'C' as 6 boa ? asis 60a ! ash' 60a asn 606' O 606 ?n fib, S 606 c' , 6 fib0 6 02 fib 606 , S/ O 606 so ?O 60, 0 9 so ems, 60 ?Ql 60, 60, I>-6 60/ o„ MT W N N W- _ 0 cD ? CO 3 Q o LO -0 N + m m ? W ^ CD o " CO Cu CO IQ o ? co 0 a? CO Q O Mr O O = Q = O O i. E tm w E C c t3 J rn 0 o N O V (D 0 • 60"'00 0 so 01- ? S 60" J duo 00, r a s Os{ a O, 10 p0.- 00,0, Y O, s 00, s o,LS o 607o CO SO?°c' ?a ?0 0 ti > so S{ _ 00 0 7, 0 6 ', I 0' m C Doti ? 00, S a c JO CO JOO, ? 60Y `? U) JO ¦ s°?J c' 09 s°?,J O? { 6°! JO9 O O N n O In ":t M N r O O? (sayoul) uoilelidlOOM E E '0 Vl 0 V? 0 O O Y U U) O O O O 00 i I--' N C +O+ m = 7 .2 C fG a Y C4 m O r O U) C U ? _j r > O Cmm L O QNLO O Q C) 0 0 U 0) p r i td Z m CO r- '0 C OILQ a0 O w O o 4- - r- O t n V 0 O +O- O N U) O i QN CL C 3 C m N C E CO U O 7 1 0 0 0 W r` U a" U U - M o r Precipitation (in) 0 O) 00 h (O In ,TC) N r- O (0 O (O N o0 - O CO N N M CJ 7 (sayaui) iana-1 jejeM aoepns/punoaE) O U O w? W i O O 2 aU O Z +?. O O 'a Cm O in O Q N N CL C CD 1 E N M O V O O N T' d 'd E Ri i Q m i C N o O N O 3 O U d iz fnm o11 m ? () 0 a) a 00 'Cu ? _ 6° 7 dO 0 600 cn ap S 6010. 0 0 0° J a0 s s°J { ap SO J O{ a?S s0? s°'?°s 0 S' 0,70 c ? - O.N o? 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O O/ '9 y S O!9 a .r. 0 O! 9 ? yS O!9 ! °`o O!9 ! a yS O!G A!? ! O! n c? O!G 9 A!, O!G n9 ! O!G A!, O !! !G nS Oz, ! m CD 10 N W U E M d] <( o m ? > N >+ CO LU 00 Cz W Il- °' 10 M N V CO o N _,z CCO U C Q 3 *+ m o ? 6. O E a) E Rf 3 C? G tC J