HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0057401_Fact Sheet_20201027FACT SHEET FOR EXPEDITED PERMIT RENEWALS This form must be completed by Permit Writers for all expedited permits which do not require full Fact Sheets. Expedited permits are generally simple 100% domestics (e.g., schools, mobile home parks, etc) that can be administratively renewed with minor changes, but can include facilities with more complex issues (Special Conditions, 303(d) listed water, toxicity testing, instream monitoring, compliance concerns). Basic Information for Expedited Permit Renewals Permit Writer / Date Brianna Young 10/27/2020 Permit Number NCO057401 Facility Name / Facility Class The Hideaways WWTP / WW-1 Basin Name / Sub -basin number Catawba / 03-08-34 Receiving Stream / HUC Catawba River (Lake Wylie below elevation 570 North Carolinaportion) / 030501011505 Stream Classification / Stream Segment WS-V, B / 11- 123.5 Does permit need Daily Maximum NH3 limits? N/A for current permitted flow [A(1)] Already resent in expansion A 2 Does permit need TRC limits/language? Already resent Does permit have toxicity testing? IWC (%) if so No Does permit have Special Conditions? Yes — EAA expansion Does permit have instream monitoring? No Is the stream impaired on 303 d list)? Yes — PCB fish tissue advisory Any obvious compliance concerns? See Section 2 Any permit mods since lastpermit? None New expiration date 6/30/2025 Comments on Draft Permit? None Note to future permit writer: See email from Mike Templeton dated 9/21/2020 concerning ATC rule (02H .0138) that says: (3) If an Authorization to Construct has not been applied for in accordance with the requirements of the NPDES permit during the term of the permit, the permit shall be considered void upon expiration and future actions shall be considered as a new application. Section 1. Facility Overview: The Hideaways WWTP operates a rotating biological contact system with a permitted wastewater discharge of 0.002 MGD, with the possibility of expansion up to 0.200 MGD after an ATC is obtained. The RBC unit was rebuilt in the summer of 2018 (per renewal application cover letter) and the facility has a continuous discharge. The maximum, monthly average discharge between August 2015 and June 2020 was 0.001 MGD. Per the renewal application, the system serves one residential home. Sludge is removed typically every 6-8 months, when the operator can visually detect a significant sludge accumulation in the chlorine contact tank. In previous permit renewals, the permittee was granted dilution based on stream flows defined according to the control release from Mountain Lake. The 1983 WLA states no instantaneous release was available, so it 80 cfs was assumed, which was the minimum instantaneous release from Mount Island Lake, Lake Norman. The 1986 WLA used 80 cfs as the freshwater inflow from instantaneous release. The 1989 WLA used 80 cfs as the minimum instantaneous release from Mt. Island Lake. The 1993 WLA used 80 cfs as the minimum instantaneous release. Per a correction note in permit file, the 7Q 10 should be fixed to reflect 0 cfs as the minimum release from an upstream lake is not applicable at all discharges on Lake Wylie and there is no dilution. Per this note, the summer 7Q 10 in BIMS has been updated from 80 cfs to 0 cfs. Section 2. Compliance History (August 2015 — August 2020): The renewal application was due to the Division by January 2, 2020, but not received until July 16, 2020. An NOV-NOI (NOV-2020-PC-0338) was issued for the late application submittal. Additional compliance is below: • 1 NOV for BOD daily max exceedance • 1 NOV for BOD monthly average exceedance • 2 CPAs for BOD monthly average exceedances • 2 NOVs for late/missing DMR 303(d) listing: RIVER (Lake Wylie below elevation 570) North Carolina portion the upstream side of Paw Creek Arm of Lake Wylie to North Carolina -South Carolina State Line or Area II 4,2941Units IIFWAcres IlPreviousAU Criteria Status Reason for Rating Parameter of Interest Category Criteria Fish Consumption Advisory PCB Fish Tissue Advisory {Advisory, FC, NQ Section 3. Permit Limits: Total Phosphorus: Limit of 2 mg/L maintained in expansion [A(2)] per the 1995 Lake Wylie TMDL for existing dischargers. As the discharge location is not 303(d) listed for chlorophyll -a, quarterly monitoring may be maintained. Ammonia Nitrogen: Monthly average limit in current permit for expansion [A(2)] are based on a 1989 DWR memo that stated the limits were BPJ for Lake Wylie dischargers looking to expand (see memo in 1989 WLA). The 2010/2011 permit renewal fact sheet states that during original permit development, the current effluent page was assigned a year round ammonia nitrogen maximum monthly average limit in lieu of a toxicity test, and that to be consistent with Division guidance for establishing parameter limits, ammonia nitrogen was assigned daily max limit at 5 times the max monthly average limit. Per the 2009 DWR ammonia toxicity policy, North Carolina uses two instream criteria adopted from EPA research: • Summer instream criteria = 1.0 mg/L • Winter instream criteria = 1.8 mg/L However, it is Division policy to set limits no more stringent than 2 mg/L (summer) and 4 mg/L (winter) for small discharges (those < 1.0 MGD), which is based on the Division's determination of BAT (best -available technology) for these types of facilities. As such, ammonia nitrogen limits will remain at 4 mg/L (monthly average) and 20 mg/L (daily max) as currently permitted. BOD: Monthly average limit in current permit for expansion [A(2)] is based on a 1989 DWR memo that stated the limits were BPJ for Lake Wylie dischargers looking to expand. Limits will remain as currently permitted for BOD. Section 5. Changes from previous permit to draft: • Updated eDMR footnote inA(1) and language in A(4) • Updated outfall map • Added facility grade in A(1) and A(2) • Updated receiving stream information on the Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet • Updated facility address on cover sheet and Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet per renewal application • TRC limit updated in A(1) and A(2) per new WLA with 0 cfs 7Q 10 • Removed former A(4) requiring Riverpoint connection confirmation o Letter received by DWR on 4/10/2015 denying acceptance Section 6. Changes from draft to final: • None Section 7. Comments received on draft permit: • Clinton Cook (PWS; via email 10/8/2020): I have no appreciable expertise in implementation of the Clean Water Act requirements and have minimal understanding of the information provided. As a result, I have no basis for opposing the permit. NPDES Implementation of Instream Dissolved Metals Standards — Freshwater Standards The NC 2007-2015 Water Quality Standard (WQS) Triennial Review was approved by the NC Environmental Management Commission (EMC) on November 13, 2014. The US EPA subsequently approved the WQS revisions on April 6, 2016, with some exceptions. Therefore, metal limits in draft permits out to public notice after April 6, 2016 must be calculated to protect the new standards - as approved. Table 1. NC Dissolved Metals Water Quality Standards/Aquatic Life Protection Parameter Acute FW, µg/1 (Dissolved) Chronic FW, µg/1 (Dissolved) Acute SW, µg/1 (Dissolved) Chronic SW, µg/1 (Dissolved) Arsenic 340 150 69 36 Beryllium 65 6.5 --- --- Cadmium Calculation Calculation 40 8.8 Chromium III Calculation Calculation --- --- Chromium VI 16 11 1100 50 Copper Calculation Calculation 4.8 3.1 Lead Calculation Calculation 210 8.1 Nickel Calculation Calculation 74 8.2 Silver Calculation 0.06 1.9 0.1 Zinc Calculation Calculation 90 81 Table 1 Notes: 1. FW= Freshwater, SW= Saltwater 2. Calculation = Hardness dependent standard 3. Only the aquatic life standards listed above are expressed in dissolved form. Aquatic life standards for Mercury and selenium are still expressed as Total Recoverable Metals due to bioaccumulative concerns (as are all human health standards for all metals). It is still necessary to evaluate total recoverable aquatic life and human health standards listed in 15A NCAC 213.0200 (e.g., arsenic at 10 µg/l for human health protection; cyanide at 5 µg/L and fluoride at 1.8 mg/L for aquatic life protection). Table 2. Dissolved Freshwater Standards for Hardness -Dependent Metals The Water Effects Ratio (WER) is equal to one unless determined otherwise under 15A NCAC 02B .0211 Subparagraph (11)(d) Metal NC Dissolved Standard, µg/1 Cadmium,Acute WER*{1.136672-[lnhardness](0.041838)] e^{0.9151 [ln hardness]-3.1485} Cadmium, Acute Trout waters WER* {1.136672-[ln hardness](0.041838)] e^{0.9151 [ln hardness]-3.6236} Cadmium,Chronic WER* {1.101672-[ln hardness](0.041838)] e^{0.7998[ln hardness]-4.4451 } Chromium III, Acute WER*0.316 e^{0.8190[lnhardness]+3.7256} Chromium III, Chronic WER*0.860 e^{o.8190[lnhardness]+0.6848} Copper, Acute WER*0.960 e^10.9422[ln hardness]-1.7001 Copper, Chronic WER*0.960 e^10.8545[ln hardness]-1.7021 Lead, Acute WER* 11.46203-[ln hardness](0.145712)) • e^11.273 [In hardness]-1.4601 Lead, Chronic WER*11.46203-[ln hardness](0.145712)) • e^11.273[In hardness]-4.705} Nickel, Acute WER*0.998 • e^10.8460[ln hardness]+2.2551 Nickel, Chronic WER*0.997 • e^10.8460[ln hardness]+0.05841 Silver, Acute WER*0.85 • e^11.72[ln hardness]-6.591 Silver, Chronic Not applicable Zinc, Acute WER*0.978 e^10.8473[ln hardness]+0.8841 Zinc, Chronic WER*0.986 e^10.8473[ln hardness]+0.8841 General Information on the Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA) The RPA process itself did not change as the result of the new metals standards. However, application of the dissolved and hardness -dependent standards requires additional consideration in order to establish the numeric standard for each metal of concern of each individual discharge. The hardness -based standards require some knowledge of the effluent and instream (upstream) hardness and so must be calculated case -by -case for each discharge. Metals limits must be expressed as `total recoverable' metals in accordance with 40 CFR 122.45(c). The discharge -specific standards must be converted to the equivalent total values for use in the RPA calculations. We will generally rely on default translator values developed for each metal (more on that below), but it is also possible to consider case - specific translators developed in accordance with established methodology. RPA Permitting Guidance/WQBELs for Hardness -Dependent Metals - Freshwater The RPA is designed to predict the maximum likely effluent concentrations for each metal of concern, based on recent effluent data, and calculate the allowable effluent concentrations, based on applicable standards and the critical low -flow values for the receiving stream. If the maximum predicted value is greater than the maximum allowed value (chronic or acute), the discharge has reasonable potential to exceed the standard, which warrants a permit limit in most cases. If monitoring for a particular pollutant indicates that the pollutant is not present (i.e. consistently below detection level), then the Division may remove the monitoring requirement in the reissued permit. 1. To perform a RPA on the Freshwater hardness -dependent metals the Permit Writer compiles the following information: • Critical low flow of the receiving stream, 7Q 10 (the spreadsheet automatically calculates the IQ 10 using the formula IQ 10 = 0.843 (s7Q 10, CfS) 0.993 • Effluent hardness and upstream hardness, site -specific data is preferred • Permitted flow • Receiving stream classification 2. In order to establish the numeric standard for each hardness -dependent metal of concern and for each individual discharge, the Permit Writer must first determine what effluent and instream (upstream) hardness values to use in the equations. The permit writer reviews DMR's, Effluent Pollutant Scans, and Toxicity Test results for any hardness data and contacts the Permittee to see if any additional data is available for instream hardness values, upstream of the discharge. If no hardness data is available, the permit writer may choose to do an initial evaluation using a default hardness of 25 mg/L (CaCO3 or (Ca + Mg)). Minimum and maximum limits on the hardness value used for water quality calculations are 25 mg/L and 400 mg/L, respectively. If the use of a default hardness value results in a hardness -dependent metal showing reasonable potential, the permit writer contacts the Permittee and requests 5 site -specific effluent and upstream hardness samples over a period of one week. The RPA is rerun using the new data. The overall hardness value used in the water quality calculations is calculated as follows: Combined Hardness (chronic) _ (Permitted Flow, cfs *Avg. Effluent Hardness, mg/L) x (s7Q 10, cfs *Avg. Upstream Hardness, mjg/L) (Permitted Flow, cfs + s7Q 10, cfs) The Combined Hardness for acute is the same but the calculation uses the IQ 10 flow. 3. The permit writer converts the numeric standard for each metal of concern to a total recoverable metal, using the EPA Default Partition Coefficients (DPCs) or site -specific translators, if any have been developed using federally approved methodology. EPA default partition coefficients or the "Fraction Dissolved" converts the value for dissolved metal at laboratory conditions to total recoverable metal at in -stream ambient conditions. This factor is calculated using the linear partition coefficients found in The Metals Translator: Guidance for Calculating a Total Recoverable Permit Limit from a Dissolved Criterion (EPA 823-B-96-007, June 1996) and the equation: Cdiss = 1 Ctotal 1 + { [Kpo] [SS(l+a)] [10-6] } Where: ss = in -stream suspended solids concentration [mg/1], minimum of 10 mg/L used, and Kpo and a = constants that express the equilibrium relationship between dissolved and adsorbed forms of metals. A list of constants used for each hardness -dependent metal can also be found in the RPA program under a 4. The numeric standard for each metal of concern is divided by the default partition coefficient (or site -specific translator) to obtain a Total Recoverable Metal at ambient conditions. In some cases, where an EPA default partition coefficient translator does not exist (ie. silver), the dissolved numeric standard for each metal of concern is divided by the EPA conversion factor to obtain a Total Recoverable Metal at ambient conditions. This method presumes that the metal is dissolved to the same extent as it was during EPA's criteria development for metals. For more information on conversion factors see the June, 1996 EPA Translator Guidance Document. 5. The RPA spreadsheet uses a mass balance equation to determine the total allowable concentration (permit limits) for each pollutant using the following equation: Ca = (s7Q 10 + Qw)(Cwgs) — (s7Q 10) (Cb) Qw Where: Ca = allowable effluent concentration (µg/L or mg/L) Cwqs = NC Water Quality Standard or federal criteria (µg/L or mg/L) Cb = background concentration: assume zero for all toxicants except NH3* (µg/L or mg/L) Qw = permitted effluent flow (cfs, match s7Q 10) s7Q 10 = summer low flow used to protect aquatic life from chronic toxicity and human health through the consumption of water, fish, and shellfish from noncarcinogens (cfs) * Discussions are on -going with EPA on how best to address background concentrations Flows other than s7Q 10 may be incorporated as applicable: IQ 10 = used in the equation to protect aquatic life from acute toxicity QA = used in the equation to protect human health through the consumption of water, fish, and shellfish from carcinogens 30Q2 = used in the equation to protect aesthetic quality 6. The permit writer enters the most recent 2-3 years of effluent data for each pollutant of concern. Data entered must have been taken within four and one-half years prior to the date of the permit application (40 CFR 122.21). The RPA spreadsheet estimates the 95th percentile upper concentration of each pollutant. The Predicted Max concentrations are compared to the Total allowable concentrations to determine if a permit limit is necessary. If the predicted max exceeds the acute or chronic Total allowable concentrations, the discharge is considered to show reasonable potential to violate the water quality standard, and a permit limit (Total allowable concentration) is included in the permit in accordance with the U.S. EPA Technical Support Document for Water Quality - Based Toxics Control published in 1991. 7. When appropriate, permit writers develop facility specific compliance schedules in accordance with the EPA Headquarters Memo dated May 10, 2007 from James Hanlon to Alexis Strauss on 40 CFR 122.47 Compliance Schedule Requirements. 8. The Total Chromium NC WQS was removed and replaced with trivalent chromium and hexavalent chromium Water Quality Standards. As a cost savings measure, total chromium data results may be used as a conservative surrogate in cases where there are no analytical results based on chromium III or VI. In these cases, the projected maximum concentration (95th %) for total chromium will be compared against water quality standards for chromium III and chromium VI. 9. Effluent hardness sampling and instream hardness sampling, upstream of the discharge, are inserted into all permits with facilities monitoring for hardness - dependent metals to ensure the accuracy of the permit limits and to build a more robust hardness dataset. 10. Hardness and flow values used in the Reasonable Potential Analysis for this permit included: Parameter Value Comments (Data Source) Average Effluent Hardness No RPA necessary (mg/L) N/A [Total as, CaCO3 or (Ca+Mg)] Average Upstream Hardness No RPA necessary (mg/L) N/A [Total as, CaCO3 or (Ca+Mg)] 7Q 10 summer (cfs) N/A No RPA necessary 1 Q 10 (cfs) N/A No RPA necessary Permitted Flow MGD N/A No RPA necessary Young, Brianna A From: Karen Wynn <karen.wynn@isc-mail.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2020 8:58 AM To: Young, Brianna A; Steven Yager Subject: RE: [External] Re: Issued NPDES Permit NC0057401 CAUTIOrnal email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you yt Lify. Send all suslq�aMn attachmM We have received the document & were able to open/view and have saved/printed a copy for our records. Thank you, kw From: Young, Brianna A [mailto:Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2020 8:03 AM To: Steven Yager <steven.yager@isc-mail.com> Cc: Karen Wynn <karen.wynn@isc-mail.com> Subject: RE: [External] Re: Issued NPDES Permit NC0057401 Good morning, Thank you for your prompt response. Attached is the issued NPDES permit for The Hideaways WWTP (NC0057401). Please respond to this email confirming that you received the attached document, were able to open and view the document, and have saved/printed a copy for your records. Thank you, Brianna Young, MS Environmental Specialist II Compliance and Expedited Permitting Unit NC DEQ / Division of Water Resources Office: 919-707-3619 Brian na.Young(a ncdenr.gov (e-mail preferred during State of Emergency) Mailing address: 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. To accommodate these staffing changes, all DEQ office locations are limiting public access to appointments only. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. From: Steven Yager <steven.yager@isc-mail.com> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2020 10:52 PM To: Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Karen Wynn <karen.wvnn@isc-mail.com> Subject: [External] Re: Issued NPDES Permit NC0057401 External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov Yes,it is acceptable for me to receive documents electronically Sent from my iPad On Nov 9, 2020, at 10:57 AM, Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Good morning, In order to provide more convenience, control, and security to our permittees and assist them in processing their transactions, the Division of Water Resources is currently transitioning towards electronic correspondence. This will hopefully provide more efficient service to our permittees and other partners and will allow us to more effectively process and track documents. We are writing to ask you for your approval of the transmittal of documents related to your permitting and related activities with the Division in an electronic format. Documents will be emailed to the appropriate contact person(s) in your organization in a PDF format. Please respond to me through email with verification that transmittal of your documents in an electronic manner is acceptable to you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you, Brianna Young, MS Environmental Specialist II Compliance and Expedited Permitting Unit NC DEQ / Division of Water Resources Office: 919-707-3619 Brian na.Youncl(a�ncdenr.gov (e-mail preferred during State of Emergency) Mailing address: 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. To accommodate these staffing changes, all DEQ office locations are limiting public access to appointments only. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. 9 r • NORTH CAROLINA PUBLIC NOTICES WWW.NCNOTICES.COrn Username (Your Email) Password GO HOME (/) WHY PUBLIC NOTICES (/WHY -PUBLIC -NOTICES/) SEARCH THE NOTICES (/SEARCH/) REGISTER (/MEMBER/REGISTER) SUPPORT & CONTACT INFO (/SUPPORT/) MENU » Search Again (/search/) I Newest First Oldest First 0 Keyword Relevance Sort Archives (/search/archive/) Showing results 1 through 1 of 1 (1 Pages) Show results beginning at page: 1 Charlotte Observer, The Sept. 25, 2020 Miscellaneous Notices PUBLIC NOTICE North Carolina Environmental Management Commission/NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Notice of Intent to Issue a NPDES Wastewater Permit NC0057401 The Hideaways WWTP The North Carolina Environmental Management Commission proposes to issue a NPDES wastewater discharge permit to the person(s) listed below. Written comments regarding the proposed permit will be accepted until 30 days after the publish date of this notice. The Director of the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) may hold a public hearing should there be a significant degree of public interest. Please mail comments and/or information requests to DWR at the above address. Interested persons may visit the DWR at 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC to review information on file. Additional information on NPDES permits and this notice may be found on our website: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/water-resources- permits/wastewater-branch/npdes-wastewater/public-notices,or by calling (919) 707-3601. GoGo Properties, LLC has requested renewal of NPDES permit NC0057401 for The Hideaways WWTP in Mecklenburg County. This permitted discharge is treated domestic wastewater to the Catawba River (Lake Wylie) in the Catawba River Basin. This discharge may affect future allocations in this portion of the watershed. LP4763985 Show results beginning at page: 1 NCNotices.com is a service of the North Carolina Press Association. © 2018 North Carolina Press Service I Please be sure to read our User Agreement .(/static/mspn/docs/user agreement_nc.pdf). ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director MEMORANDUM To: Clinton Cook NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality September 22, 2020 NC DEQ / DWR / Public Water Supply Mooresville Regional Office From: Brianna Young Compliance and Expedited Permitting Unit Subject: Review of Draft NPDES Permit NCO057401 The Hideaways WWTP Mecklenburg County Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the draft permit and return this form by October 22, 2020. If you have any questions on the draft permit, please contact me at 919-707-3619 or via e-mail [brianna.young@ncdenr.gov]. §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ RESPONSE: (Check one) ❑Concur with the issuance of this permit provided the facility is operated and maintained properly, the stated effluent limits are met prior to discharge, and the discharge does not contravene the designated water quality standards. Fx_�Concurs with issuance of the above permit, r idea the following enditi „ s ae et: * *I have no appreciable expertise in implementation of the Clean Water Act requirements and have minimal understanding of the information provided. As a result, I have no basis for opposing the F-1 Opposes the issuance of the above permit, based on reasons stated below, or attached: Signed: UJE�U' Date: October 8, 2020 D E Q North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 N(1HTH f:Ai(1!_INA � n ­ro emoreowmen'e wQ� i 919,707,9000 Young, Brianna A From: Templeton, Mike Sent: Monday, September 21, 2020 12:33 PM To: Young, Brianna A Subject: RE: NPDES permit on Lake Wylie Thanks. The monitoring looks okay. I'd go ahead with it as is. That's interesting background, thanks. For what it's worth, there is a provision in the ATC rule (02H .0138) that says: (3) If an Authorization to Construct has not been applied for in accordance with the requirements of the NPDES permit during the term of the permit, the permit shall be considered void upon expiration and future actions shall be considered as a new application. In the early days of the program (1970s and '80s), some applicants applied for more flow than they needed -just in case! - and we gave it to them. Your permit seems to be a perfect example. Later on, we started requiring flow justifications and adopted this rule so we could reclaim those flows. As far as I know, we have never implemented the rule, so you don't have to worry about it here. But the rule is still there, so you might get to delete that 0.200 MGD limits page in a future permit cycle. From: Young, Brianna A Sent: Monday, September 21, 2020 7:53 AM To: Templeton, Mike <mike.templeton@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: NPDES permit on Lake Wylie I don't have the permit file, but electronic documents I have show 0.2 MGD has been present in the permit since at least 1996. A 1986 WLA states the following: This Office is in receipt of an NPDES Fermat application from Mr. Charles Gallant coecerning a modification to the Permit. Mr. Gallant is requeAting an increase ir, flora from th-e originally permitted flow of 0,002MCD to 0.200MM. This increase in flow will come from the proposed coaatructtnn of approximately 400 condominiums un nearby property.. The exirting WWPP serving the 8idewaya will be aban4oued once the proposed project has begun. Tar. Gallant indicates that the 0.2COMGD WWTP will he codstructed in stages until maximum flow has been aEtained. A rotDr disk type WWTP, similar to the one currently in apera- r.inrr. A rT,a 14-1 4- .ram,.., a .. _, Records I have indicate there are still only the 3 homes on the system. Based on your email, it sounds like the monitoring currently in place is sufficient (no TP monitoring for 0.002 MGD, quarterly monitoring with 2 mg/L limit for 0.200 MGD). Please let me know if I misunderstood. Brianna Young, MS Environmental Specialist II Compliance and Expedited Permitting Unit Division of Water Resources NC Department of Environmental Quality Office: 919-707-3619 Brian na.Young(a)ncdenr.gov Mailing address: 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Templeton, Mike <mike.templeton@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, September 18, 2020 1:01 PM To: Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: NPDES permit on Lake Wylie Brianna — Now I'm curious: what sort of operation is this? I see in the 2015 fact sheet that it only served three homes then, but they're proposing to expand by 100X? That's pretty unusual. Do you know if any other homes have been connected since the last permit? And, just for background, can you tell from the files when we added the 0.200 MGD page? As for the current permit (and I'm looking at the 2015 permit), it makes sense that a 0.002 MGD discharger to Lake Wylie has no TP monitoring or limit. They're too small to have a noticeable impact on nutrient loads to the lake. So the TP requirements on that page look fine. The TMDL says that if they expand to > 0.05 MGD, they must meet a 2.0 mg/L TP limit. And weekly TP monitoring is typical for facilities in that size range that have a TP limit. So the TP requirements on the 0.200 MGD page are also fine. You are correct in saying that the lake is not listed for chl-a in Category 5 of the 303(d) list. But that's doesn't mean we can let our guard down. Chl-a levels are good because implementing the TMDL was effective in restoring WQ. So we will continue to monitor the quality of the discharges in order to protect WQ in the lake itself. When I mentioned blooms, I was thinking of any anecdotal information that might indicate nutrient impacts: complaints about scummy boats, dogs getting sick from drinking the water, etc. We usually hear stories of blooms well before ambient monitoring detects the problem. I hope that helps, but let me know if you aren't sure about it. — Mike T From: Young, Brianna A Sent: Friday, September 18, 2020 8:00 AM To: Templeton, Mike <mike.templeton@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: NPDES permit on Lake Wylie Sorry, I just realized I responded with the ammonia nitrogen data and not total phosphorus. There is no TP data available to review because quarterly monitoring only kicks in upon their expansion. They are currently permitted for 0.002 MGD, and the expansion is permitted for 0.200 MGD. Would you recommend that quarterly monitoring is still appropriate to keep? The discharge location is not 303(d) listed for chl-a. Where would I go to check for bloom reports? Brianna Young Environmental Specialist II Compliance and Expedited Permitting Branch Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality Office: 919-707-3619 Brian na.Young(a�ncdenr.gov Mailing address: 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Templeton, Mike <mike.templeton@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 3:47 PM To: Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: NPDES permit on Lake Wylie Hi, Brianna — AII is going well here, and I'm trying to behave myself so it stays that way! I hope you are holding up well, too. The Lake Wylie TMDL focused almost entirely on the large dischargers, as you noticed. We have only required a nominal level of monitoring by the smaller facilities, just so we have a finger on the pulse of those discharges. We do the same in the Neuse and other basins with nutrient concerns. Unless you notice high TP numbers (say, consistently >10-15 mg/L) or the receiving stream shows signs of nutrient impacts (it's listed for chl-a or you see reports of blooms), it's fine to continue with the quarterly monitoring. Do you have any special concerns about this discharger and nutrients? Take care. —MikeT From: Young, Brianna A Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 8:45 AM To: Templeton, Mike <mike.templeton@ncdenr.gov> Subject: NPDES permit on Lake Wylie Hello Mike, I hope you are doing well! I am working on the renewal of a permit that discharges to Lake Wylie, and had a question about the Total Phosphorus monitoring frequency. The permit is for The Hideaways WWTP (NC0057401), and currently has quarterly TP monitoring with a 2 mg/L limit. Per the Lake Wylie TMDL, the limit should remain at 2 mg/L, but the TMDL is not clear on what the monitoring frequency should be for dischargers < 1 MGD. Should this permit remain at quarterly TP monitoring, or should the monitoring frequency be increased to monthly like larger dischargers (> 1 MGD)? Let me know if the above doesn't make sense. Thanks! Brianna Brianna Young Environmental Specialist II Compliance and Expedited Permitting Branch Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality Office: 919-707-3619 Brian na.Young(a)ncdenr.gov Mailing address: 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. NH3/TRC WLA Calculations Facility: The Hideaways WWTP PermitNo. NCO057401 Prepared By: Brianna Young Enter Design Flow (MGD): 0.002 Enter s7Q10 (cfs): 0 Enter w7Q10 (cfs): 0 Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) Daily Maximum Limit (ug/1) Ammonia (Summer) Monthly Average Limit (mg NH3-N/1) s7Q10 (CFS) 0 s7Q10 (CFS) 0 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.002 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.002 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.0031 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.0031 STREAM STD (UG/L) 17.0 STREAM STD (MG/L) 1.0 Upstream Bkgd (ug/1) 0 Upstream Bkgd (mg/1) 0.22 IWC (%) 100.00 IWC (%) 100.00 Allowable Conc. (ug/1) 17 Allowable Conc. (mg/1) 1.0 Ammonia (Winter) Monthly Average Limit (mg NH3-N/1) Fecal Coliform w7Q10 (CFS) 0 Monthly Average Limit: 200/100ml DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.002 (If DF >331; Monitor) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.0031 (If DF<331; Limit) STREAM STD (MG/L) 1.8 Dilution Factor (DF) 1.00 Upstream Bkgd (mg/1) 0.22 IWC (%) 100.00 Allowable Conc. (mg/1) 1.8 Total Residual Chlorine 1. Cap Daily Max limit at 28 ug/I to protect for acute toxicity Ammonia (as NH3-N) 1. If Allowable Conc > 35 mg/l, Monitor Only 2. Monthly Avg limit x 3 = Weekly Avg limit (Municipals) 3. Monthly Avg limit x 5 = Daily Max limit (Non-Munis) If the allowable ammonia concentration is > 35 mg/L, no limit shall be imposed Fecal Coliform 1. Monthly Avg limit x 2 = 400/100 ml = Weekly Avg limit (Municipals) = Daily Max limit (Non -Muni) NH3/TRC WLA Calculations Facility: The Hideaways WWTP PermitNo. NCO057401 Prepared By: Brianna Young Enter Design Flow (MGD): 0.2 Enter s7Q10 (cfs): 0 Enter w7Q10 (cfs): 0 Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) Daily Maximum Limit (ug/1) Ammonia (Summer) Monthly Average Limit (mg NH3-N/1) s7Q10 (CFS) 0 s7Q10 (CFS) 0 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.2 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.2 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.31 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.31 STREAM STD (UG/L) 17.0 STREAM STD (MG/L) 1.0 Upstream Bkgd (ug/1) 0 Upstream Bkgd (mg/1) 0.22 IWC (%) 100.00 IWC (%) 100.00 Allowable Conc. (ug/1) 17 Allowable Conc. (mg/1) 1.0 Ammonia (Winter) Monthly Average Limit (mg NH3-N/1) Fecal Coliform w7Q10 (CFS) 0 Monthly Average Limit: 200/100ml DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.2 (If DF >331; Monitor) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.31 (If DF<331; Limit) STREAM STD (MG/L) 1.8 Dilution Factor (DF) 1.00 Upstream Bkgd (mg/1) 0.22 IWC (%) 100.00 Allowable Conc. (mg/1) 1.8 Total Residual Chlorine 1. Cap Daily Max limit at 28 ug/I to protect for acute toxicity Ammonia (as NH3-N) 1. If Allowable Conc > 35 mg/l, Monitor Only 2. Monthly Avg limit x 3 = Weekly Avg limit (Municipals) 3. Monthly Avg limit x 5 = Daily Max limit (Non-Munis) If the allowable ammonia concentration is > 35 mg/L, no limit shall be imposed Fecal Coliform 1. Monthly Avg limit x 2 = 400/100 ml = Weekly Avg limit (Municipals) = Daily Max limit (Non -Muni) AMMONIA TOXICITY POLICY In 1990 the EPA decreed that each delegated State develop controls on ammonia as a toxicant (after years of considering it to be primarily an oxygen -consuming waste). North Carolina uses two instream criteria adopted from EPA research: • Summer instream criteria-7 1.0 mg/L • Winter instream criteria= 1.8 mg/L (Note: These are called "criteria" because standards have not been formally adopted for non -trout classified waters in North Carolina.) In order to evaluate whetherthe discharge has the potential to cause instreamtoxicity, the allowable effluent concentrations of ammonia (summer and winter) are calculated with the mass balance equation (using the IWC Excel Spreadsheet in Appendix A). Both summer 7Q 10 and winter 7Q 10 are used in the equation. Ammonia is the only toxicant that is limited differently for summer and winter seasons. An upstream concentration of 0.22 mg/L is assumed. If the allowable concentration is greater than 35 mg/L, no limit should be imposed. If the allowable concentration is less than 35 mg/L, potential toxicity may be occurring. If there was already an existing ammonia limit based on oxygen -consumption, the more stringent ammonia limit should be placed in the permit. If the mass balance calculation indicates the need for ammonia limits, it is Division policy to set limits no more stringent than 2 mg/L (summer) and 4 mg/L (winter) for small discharges (those less than 1.0 MGD). This is based on the Division's determination of BAT (best -available technology) for these types of facilities. Therefore, even if the calculation for a winter ammonia limit yields a 3.5 mg/L result, a 4 mg/L limit would be given. For any new or expanded flow, an ammonia limit should be given. However, for existing flows where potential toxicity may be occurring, the permit holder should be given the option to have the ammonia limit(s) placed in their permit or to have a quarterly chronic, WET test, pass/fail at the instream waste concentration using Ceriodaphnia as the test organism. Many times the facility will need a compliance schedule to be placed in the permit in order for renovations to be made at the site. Such schedules should be coordinated with the regional office and the permit holder but should not exceed three years. Ammonia Toxicity Policy May 12, 1999 Page 1 of 1 Chapter 6 - Basinwide Goals, Water Quality Concerns and Recommended Management Strategies Lake Wylie TMDL 1995 Catawba River Basinwide Water Quality Management Plan 6.4 MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES FOR NUTRIENTS Control of nutrients is necessary to limit algal growth potential, to assure protection of the instream chlorophyll a standard, and to avoid the development of nuisance conditions in the state's waterways. Point source controls are typically NPDES permit limitations on total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN). Nonpoint controls of nutrients generally include best management practices (BMPs) to control nutrient loading from areas such as agricultural land and urban areas. Assimilative capacity for nutrients vary greatly in the Catawba Basin as the waters flow from stream to lake to stream. A 1992 report by DEM and South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (92-04) described the assimilative capacity of Lake Wylie as exhausted. Rhodhiss Lake and Lake Hickory are eutrophic lakes, but their short retention time mitigates the effect by somewhat controlling algal growth. Ongoing and planned studies will further detail the assimilative capacity for nutrients of Lake James, Rhodhiss Lake, Lake Hickory, Lookout Shoals Lake, and Mountain Island Lake. 6- 10 Chapter 6 - Basinwide Goats, Water Quality Concerns and Recommended Management Strategies 6.4.1 Lake Wylie Management Strategy The 1992 Lake Wylie Report (92-04) documented eutrophic conditions in Lake Wylie and several of its major tributaries. To address eutrophication in Lake Wylie, the state developed a point and non -point nutrient control strategy for the Lake Wylie watershed. For point sources, it required state-of-the-art nutrient removal for all new or expanding wastewater discharges in the vicinity of the lake. In addition, the nutrient management.strategy required existing facilities on tributaries to the three most highly eutrophic arms of the lake (South Fork Catawba River, Catawba Creek and Crowders Creek) to meet stringent nutrient removal requirements. For nonpoint sources, this strategy included targeting of funds from the state's Agricultural Cost Share Program for the Reduction of Nonpoint Source Pollution for implementation of best management practices on agricultural lands to highly impacted watersheds of Lake Wylie. In conjunction with the Catawba River basinwide planning effort, the existing Lake Wylie management strategy was reexamined using current water quality data to assess the strategy's consistency with the State's stated goal of managing problem pollutants while accommodating reasonable economic growth. The Lake Wylie nutrient management strategy presented below is designed to reduce and eventually prevent the occurrence of eutrophication-related water quality standard violations in Lake Wylie and is consistent with the general results and conclusions of the 1992 Lake Wylie report. The Lake Wylie Nutrient Management Area In order to control nutrient loading in Lake Wylie and its major tributaries, both point and non - point source controls need to be implemented. For the purposes of this document, the Lake Wylie Nutrient Management Area is considered to be Lake Wylie and its tributaries including the Catawba River and its tributaries below Mountain Island Dam and the South Fork Catawba River below its confluence with Long Creek. The upper watersheds of the Catawba River, above Mountain Island Lake Dam, and the South Fork Catawba River, above Long Creek, are not included in the management area due to both the distance of these waters from Lake Wylie and the presence of impoundments which trap some nutrients. Because distance from the lake and the presence of impoundments may somewhat mitigate the effects of nutrients released into the upper Lake Wylie watersheds, nutrient management will be focused within the study area as defined above. Future study will be conducted to reevaluate the extent of the defined management area. Point and non -point sources on the South Fork Catawba River upstream of Long Creek will be further assessed to determine what effect additional control of nutrients in the upper South Fork Catawba River basin may have upon eutrophication in Lake Wylie. Results of this study will be considered during the development of the next Catawba River Basin Plan. Recommended Point Source Nutrient Reduction Strategies To reduce nutrient enrichment of Lake Wylie, the following recommendations are made for point source discharges within the Lake Wylie Nutrient Management Area. These recommendations are summarized and compared with those from the 1992 Lake Wylie Report in Table 6.2, below. Reference is also made to Figures 6.1 and 6.2, below, and Figure 3.4 in Chapter 3. Figures 6.1 and 6.2 depict the average daily nutrient loading and predicted chlorophyll a concentrations in the four major tributary arms and the mainstem of Lake Wylie based on the nutrient management strategy described below. The key differences between Figures 6.1 and 6.2 pertain to nutrient loadings in the Catawba River arm and the lake mainstem resulting from possible future expansions and upgrading of the Mt. Holly and Belmont municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). In Figure 6.1, the nutrient loadings to the lake mainstem area, which are shown enclosed by a dashed box in the figure, would be 1077 lbs/day for total phosphorus (TP) and 9289 lbs/day for total nitrogen (TN). The predicted average chlorophyll a concentration would be 17.2 6- 11 Chapter 6 - Basinwide Goals, Water Quality Concerns and Recommended Management Strategies ug/l (compared to the state standard of 40 ug/1). Figure 6.2 shows conditions in which the Mt. Holly and Belmont WWTPs are enlarged. Even though their respective flows would increase by 2.0 MGD, their actual nutrient loadings are reduced because nutrient limits would apply to the plants upon expansion. As a result, the TP and TN loads and the predicted chlorophyll a concentrations in the mainstem of the lake are lower in Figure 6.2 than in 6.1. Finally, a comparison can be made between present and permitted nutrient loadings and chlorophyll a concentrations by comparing Figures 6.1 and 6.2 with Figure 3.4 in Chapter 3. Major nutrient loading reductions and predicted chlorophyll a concentrations can be seen in the Catawba Creek and Crowders Creeks arms when comparing existing conditions (Figure 3.4) and the recommended permitting strategies contained herein. The reductions in nutrient loadings and chlorophyll a in the two other lake arms and the lake mainstem are less dramatic but significant. New Discharges It is recommended that no new discharges should be allowed to the lake mainstem or its tributaries, unless an evaluation of engineering alternatives shows that it is the most environmentally sound alternative. For any new discharges that meet this requirement it is recommended that advanced treatment technology be required. It is further recommended that any new facility with a permitted design flow of greater than or equal to 1 MGD should be required to meet monthly average limits of 1.0 mg/l total phosphorus (TP) and 6.0 mg/1 total nitrogen (TN), (nitrogen limits to apply for the months April through October only). For new facilities with a permitted design flow of less than 1 MGD but greater than 0.05 MGD (50,000 gallons per day) it is recommended that they meet a total phosphorus limit of 2.0 mg/l. All industrial discharges will be handled on a case -by -case basis because attainable advanced removal technology cannot be clearly defined for them as a group. The Division will require the industries in the management area to control TP and TN to best available technology levels applicable to their industrial type. Existing Discharges Existing discharges to the lake mainstem and tributaries should be encouraged to be removed when alternatives become available. Programs such as the Charlotte -Mecklenburg Utility Department (CMUD) sewer line extension project should continue to be supported. Upon expansion or major modification, it is recommended that all existing discharges should be required to apply advanced nutrient removal technology. For all expanding facilities with a permitted design flow greater than or equal to 1 MGD, recommended monthly average limits are as follows: 1.0 mg/l TP and 6.0 mg/l TN, (nitrogen limits to apply for the months of April through October only). For expanding facilities with a permitted design flow less than 1 MGD but greater than or equal to 0.05 MGD, the recommended TP limit is 2.0 mg/l. No expansion should be allowed that increases the total nutrient load from the facility unless an evaluation of engineering alternatives shows that it is the most environmentally sound alternative. All existing industrial discharges will be handled on a case -by -case basis because attainable advanced removal technology can not be clearly defined for them as a group. DEM will require the industries in the management area to reduce TP and TN to best available technology levels. To reduce nutrient enrichment in the two most eutrophic arms of Lake Wylie, additional recommendations are made for point source discharges to the Catawba Creek and Crowders Creek watersheds. In both watersheds, incentives should be established to encourage the privately owned facilities to tie on to larger municipal WWTPs which have a greater resource base to draw on in order to consistently operate the state -of -art treatment facilities required to protect water quality in the above listed sensitive areas. In addition, specific nutrient management recommendations are presented below. 6-12 Table 6.2 Comparison of 1992 and 1995 Point Source Phosphorus Reduction Strategies for Lake Wylie 1992 STRATEGY Upon expansion, all facilities must meet BAT limits (defined as 0.5 mg/I TP, 4 mg/1 summertime TN and 8 mg/I wintertime TN) All industrial discharges will be handled on a case -by - case basis because best available technology (BAT) is not clearly defined for them. The Division will require the industries in the management area to reduce TP and TN to BAT levels. By 1998, all facilities must meet BAT limits (defined as 0.5 mg/I TP, 4 mcO summertime TN and 8 mg/I wintertime TN) By 1998, all facilities must meet BAT limits (defined as 0.5 mg./I TP, 4 mg/I summertime TN and 8 mg/I wintertime TN) By 1998, all facilities must meet BAT limits (defined as 0.5 mg/1 TP, 4 mg/I summertime TN and 8 mg/I wintertime TN) 1995 STRATEGY > 1 MGD, all new and expanding facilities must meet limits of 1 mgA (TP) and 6 mg/I (TN - summer only). <1 MGD, but >0.05 MGD, all new and expanding facilities must meet a 2 mg/I TP limit. No change By 2001, all facilities must meet a 1 mg/I TP limit and 6 mg/I summertime TN limit. By 2006, all facilities must meet a 0.5 mg/I TP limit and TN limits of 4 mg/l in the summertime and 8 mg/I in the wintertime. By 2001, all facilities must meet limits of 1 mg/I (TP) and 6 mg/I (TN - summer only). > 1 MGD, all new and expanding facilities must meet limits of 1 mg/I (TP) and 6 mg/l (TN - summer only). <1 MGD, but >0.05 MGD, all new and expanding facilities must meet a 2 mg/I TP limit. 'Defined as the Catawba River and its tributaries (unless otherwise noted) from the Mountain Island Lake dam to the Lake Wylie dam. Gastonia 16.0 MGD Lon Creek TP - 133 Ibs/d (1.0 mgA) TN - 801 Ibs/d (6.0 mg/l) JPS 4.0 MGD TP - 90 Ibs/d (2.7 mg/I) !7 TN - 293 Ibs/d (8.8 mg/1) LiQ '1. �i F� C9i $ 4 ❑% �L Nf Gastonia 9.0 MGD TP - 38 Ibs/d (.5 mg/I) TN - 300 Ibs/d (4.0 mg/1) ,,► Catawba Mt. Island River Lake Dam Mt. Holly 4.0 MGD TP - 1101bs/d (3.3 mgA) TN - 304 Ibs/d (9.1 mg/1) Belmont Idi�>r�s 5.0 MGD 801 Ibs/d TP- 345 ibsld T346 Ibs/d (8.3 mgA) 50% TN - 624 Ibs/d (15 mgA) LAKE WYLIE Nutrient loadings (Ibs/Z . I Catawba Creek ITP - 56, TN - 337 I����.....�35 _g/I I 112% Crowders Creek Nutrient loadings (Ibs/dav]: ITP - 82, TN - 5zo jPred• Aga. Chl-a: 33 ug/I 12% INutrient Loadinas:l TP - 1077 Ibs/d TN - 9289 lbs/d Predicted average Chl-a: 17.2 ug/l I Bessemer City 1.5 MGD Gastonia 6.0 MGD TP - 13 Ibs/d (1.0 mg/1) TP - 50 Ibs/d (1,0 mgA) To Lake Wylie Dam TN - 75 Ibs/d (6.0 mg/I) TN - 300 Ibs/d (6.0 mgll) Legend/Explanation of terms i Majcr NPDES Discharger locations with facility name and predicted avg. daily nutrient loads for total nitrogen (TN) and phosphorus (TP) based on permitted flow and recommended nutrient concentrations. lr I Nutrient sensitive lake areas. L Note: Daily nutrient loadings in the 4 lake arms are based on 89-90 measured background levels plus actual average 93-94 loadings from dischargers. Nutrient loading in the main lake is based an percentages of the lake arm loadings that are thought to reach the lake based on a field -calibrated intake nutient transport model. Figure 6.1 Schematic Diagram of Lake Wylie Showing Nutrient Loadings and Predicted Chlorophyll -a Concentrations in the 4 Major Aims and the Mainstem of the Lake Under the 1995 Lake Wylie Nutrient Management Strategy Gastonia 16.0 MGD Lon Creek TP- 133 Ibs/d (1.0 mgA) 1► Catawba 9 TN - 801 lbs/d (6.0 mg/I) Mt. Island River Lake Dam Mt, Holly ,lPS 4.0 MGD 6.0 MG D� TP - 90 lbs/d (2.7 mgA)) TP - 50 Ib D ► TN - 293 Ibs/d (6.8 mgA) (1.0 mgA) 0�� (6.0 mgA) sId 47 01 61 40% �L Gastonia 9.0 MGD TP - 38 Ibs/d (.5 mg/1) TN - 300 Ibs/d (4.0 mg/I) Nutrient Loading Belmont TP-455lbs/d 7.0 MGD TN-7068 Ibs/d TP - 58 ibs/d (1.0 mg/1) 60% TN - 350 Ibs/d (6.0 mgA) LAKE WYLIE Catawba Creek ETP - 56, TN - 337 i PPr d, Ava. Chl-a :35 ug/1 1 2% Crowders Creek l Nutd,,tnt Ica6a (Ibs/day]: [ TP - 82, TN - 520 1 2 9'(0 Pred. �#. Chl-a: 33 ug/I r r------ I I TP - 825 lbs/d TIC - 8885 Ibs/d ` Predicted average I Ch1-a-a: 15.5 ug/I Bessemer City 1.5 MGD Gastonia 6.0 MGD TP - 13 Ibs/d (1.0 mg/1) TP - 50 lbs/d (1.0 mg/I) To Lake Wylie Dam TN - 75 Ibs/d (6.0 mg/1) Thl - 300 ]bs/d (6A mg/1) Legend/Explanation of terms Major NPDES Discharger locations with facility name and predicted avg. daily nutrient loads for total nitrogen (TN) and phosphorus (TP) based on permitted flow and recommended nutrient concentrations. r J Nutrient sensitive lake areas. Note: Daily nutrient loadings in the 4 lake arms are based on 89-90 measured background levels plus actual average 93-94 loadings from dischargers. Nutrient loading in the main lake is based on percentages of the lake arm loadings that are thought to reach the lake based on Z field -calibrated in -lake nutient transport model. Figure 6.2 Schematic of Lake Wylie Showing Nutrient Loadings and Predicted Chlorophyll -a Concentrations in the 4 Major Aryls and the Mainstem of the Lake Under the 1995 Lake Wylie Nutrient Management Strategy with Mt. Holly and Belmont Expanded by 2.0 MGD Chapter 6 - Basinwide Goals, Water Quality Concerns and Recommended Management Strategies Catawba Creek All existing surface water discharges in these watersheds with a permitted design flow of greater than or equal to 0.05 MGD should be required to apply state -of -art nutrient removal technology. Existing facilities have been notified of this strategy and will be required to meet permit limits of 0.5 mg/1 TP and TN limits of 4 mg/1 in the summer and 8 mg/1 in the winter by 2006. Interim limits of 1.0 mg/1 TP and 6.0 mg/1 TN (summer) will become effective January 1, 2001. Based on a comparison between Figure 3.4, in Chapter 3, and Figure 6.1, it can be seen that these recommendations would result in reducing the predicted chlorophyll a concentration in Catawba creek from 74 ug/1(Figure 3.4) to 35 ug/1(Figure 6.1). Crowders Creek By January 1, 2000, it is recommended that all facilities with a permitted design flow of greater than or equal to 1 MGD will be required to meet limits of 1.0 mg/1 TP and 6.0 mg/1 TN. The nitrogen limits would apply for the months of April through October only. Based on a comparison between Figure 3.4, in Chapter 3, and Figure 6.1, it can be seen that these recommendations would result in reducing the predicted chlorophyll a concentration in the creek from 43 ug/1 to 33 ug/l. Non point sources All tributaries to Lake Wylie should be targeted by the NC Division of Soil and Water Conservation for cost share funds for use in implementation of best management practices (BMPs). When possible, resources should be targeted toward implementation of BMPs in the Catawba Creek, Crowders Creek, and the South Fork Catawba River watersheds since a significant amount of the nutrients reaching these streams is from non -point sources. Since the South Fork Catawba River provides by far the largest nutrient load of any tributary to Lake Wylie, the South Fork should be considered the highest priority for implementation of BMPs. 6- 16 PERMIT NO.: dcoo c._- �7-�ZOI NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION FACILITY NAME: 7/,2e, v Facility Status: l F.X T MO pItOPOliI;p (circle one) Permit Status: AL M WICA'1'!OM 1A��1QRF.D l�W (circle one) Major Pipe No: Design Capacity (MGD): • a �'G• �`oZ' Domestic (S of Flow): Industrial (x of Flow): Comments: �2b0 -- .a, as d ? rd RECEIVING STREAK: r - � �'✓ Class:` 11 Sub -Basin: Reference USGS Quad: 1?/2�� (please attach) County:-�= v Regional Office: As Fa Mo . Ra Wa W1 WS (elrels ose) Requested By: Prepared By: Reviewed Date: Date: Date: J Modeler Date Rec. lz (5' sg Drainage A.rt..e,a11(mis) a�'f Avg. Streamflow (cfs):�' 7Q10 (cfa) , _Winter 7Q10 (cf9) 30Q2 (cfs) Toxicity Limits: IWC _ % (circle one) Acute / Chronic Instream Monitoring: Parameters Upstream N Location Downstream A/ Location Effluent Characteristics CAvL �fl-002M 7 w--&Z60 MGrJ /5 RODS (mg/0 30 NHS N (mg/0 N✓ D.O. (mg/0 Al S TSS (mg/0 30 36 F. Col. (/ 100ml) ZU 6 o v pH (SU) s..e�, g 4fi�"1'_ md'f1r'RNr' � 19 r 'tu✓dJ (� �� �„► � � N fi A)0".+ s; Comments: ltl, T 3 r'lcomm� ild ;6.L6 m xaf kf5f Yoft IMa rW f-PACA � $�1r(jM, -Vt1W1 d/r; *Srr;Aic± 44�( tX( ✓[ RECEIVE i al r j i 4MW OF ENv.1RONMENTAL MAA m Y r) � 17:- 1 -e I O O X F t - MAR 7 1989 RECEIVED E i I I hJ G r -Z a. E ol; P.. WORESVILLE MAN 16 i�o9 1 lit 1 .1. 1 L JMHAL Off= PERMITS & ENGINEERING _9 C4 .V W I G I N .7 14 ' 3 L I C r, t 5 ^ --1N I T* � . I N in rQ: 1 1 , l,j .1 'D V U L L N I 'i 0 tC E T P F E. 'S . i, 14 p P AN 0 = N C S I C. 1 ij ra faC; (jVC1 kWt @yjJ4j (ch., - I 4joK Joe*^" Cr-5 'Impok n a C -7. 1 r ARR 04 1989 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT F;�.bruar.y 28, 1989 MEMORANDUM TO: Arthur Mouberry FROM: Trevor ClementS6�C' SUBJECT: Best Professional Judgement (BPJ) Effluent Limits for Direct Dischargers to Lake Wylie Effective immediately, the Technical Support Unit will begin implementation of a new wasteload allocation strategy for direct dischargers into Lake Wylie.' As detailed in the February 17 memo- randum to the Water Quality Section Chief, we are recommending hest professional judgement (BPJ) effluent limits to help curb the impact of these point sources on water quality in Lake Wylie. Based upon my discussion with the Water Quality Section Chief, the following BPJ effluent limits will be routinely applied to proposed dischargers and existing dischargers seeking expansion that directly discharge into Lake Wylie: BOD5 = 15 mg/1 NH3-N = 4 mg/1 DO 5 mg/1 These limits will apply unless it is found that protection of water quality necessitates more stringent effluent limitations. In addition, the following condition will be recommended for all NPDES permits for direct discharges to Lake Wylie: "Division Statement of Concern - Advanced levels_of eutrophication have been observed in Lake Wylie by the States of North and South Carolina. In recognition of this problem, the Division will reserve the right to reopen the permit to add effluent nutrient limits upon designation of Lake Wylie as Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) or if deemed appropriate by the Division (or Environmental Management Commission) based upon further water quality analyses." Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions concerning this matter. JTC/JMN cc: Steve Tedder Rex Gleason Randy Dodd David Vogt _ .o7S�1K,,,r //, A4W 1�7A-) f Javo �> ZifsZf/oow Z J`o :.zoo AtAO * !o a a0 CA „a 9 Leff - = rL soo W�'!JE CehcbS r ! -tiCO :,-002X 40014 s--- - r r 0 g/3-ay.S --k TSS / a-' , /,4,3 -`) '. ,. `, ; .� � 35: S V Ye.. i1,Zb, DO y iyw °t D, Z o u VG� �•-- ar i ti4 + t 1 S ke;uunyt No, 001_ tM;,STE.LuAD ALLOCAIION ry,r•'i-'ROVAL F Ph ermi t Number ;:tCP05?40 f ( OO.i? i`Tv Name . THE HIL.:':AWnYw st_a, gas . 1XIST:t.Nu Peosiving ;tr•eam ; LAKE 1b'VLT .1 . rrr Class : W S• Z 1 i . E, : wbr:. z i r. : 030634 c lk kit y . MECKL ENBUiiG Dra i nSge Area t Sq mi 1 2010 Ic- uest''J• WIGU.'LN.S Suomer ? Q 10 (Cs(Cfsk i1o. Date of i :qu, s t i s/ 1 ?/88 Winter 7110 (Cfs) - 00. QUO,:, 30Q2 (CA $D EXIST. = XI.ST. W st-tlowr MY): Vu[ 2 0.2001 `'ilrlrlioh: N{'r':,•g;Pi 09/1 , . Nis N1 Dissolved '1x4gen NSA). ._ .5 t 0 / t) . 3'D 3 t:J Crit Wur'w L r 1 it : 00tFl I ) : 20P 20 pH (1u) : 0-9 G- 9 f T Ii :S•,I" w jy/yr N LoCaWn _Q"Ast: e,_m ' !/N) . N Luc at psi, r:EEO1:'Mr=ND �,MONIHLY EFFLENT MONITORIN . E,9P T i rAL. Ph,•.'_PH'.:I�rt:_ .�N FULL NIYR- _I•' 7 Da ecn rigupp. .`t tiLr !r v-. . n�yli RETURN T� TECHNICAL KAVICES BY 11�-... Utifitfes, Inc' a 4/10/2015 Ken Heaver Kace Environmental, Inc. 2905 Wood Road Mooresboro NC, 28114 Reference: Hideaway WWTP connection Dear. Mr Deaver, Thanks for your recent request to tie the Hideaway wastewater treatment facility into the Collection System at the Riverpoint Subdivision. After an evaluation of our treatment facility we will not be able to add this connection. If you need further clarification please do not hesitate to contact at the below number, Than Adam lames Area Manager Utilities, Inc 704-319-0500 auElies,w.oxrPm Carolina Water SeNice, Inc. of North Carolina P.Q. Box 240908 Chadottee, NC 2B224 R 704-52. -7990 - KK F: 704-525-8174 5701 WesW Dr., Suite 101 -.° Chadotte, NC 28217 , www.uiwater.com 47 7 �, -J �� C310'Ahr7r15 �d •�S o {. Pn151 1"a'COS SLaYas Or Pk �ai[" f9 f rn ;DATv;nRa%%a)rky R a �� Q a u U a CL m O r o erda'� a VI C c� Y q gyt�ltur n: I N in C g .11 K,UF"- , Yam' 7 m 4-Ai�l Q R = n' l0 ui IS R g T ro N Rd v r •. P f s E gu�i •�_ •� �V � jR9 O: ci L — O N v qs� LL O N # e s orNt $rpnCh O O y Z m41 GJ 4- ,may U m tines u p V I� _ y 4 r6 6 N t C m fD O (° � w ox'p'j a UL 0 0 �rT O = t r p M 00 = O O_ l7 +v+ roLA p� 4vvY N of U pys}sacs a C)3 c�L9' O Z Cf O = GJ 3 ro � oO v -c L m � o e� O C 4-_ a �ci. Oon C •W 4 00 de .re L L m L Z U V) m ' d Q r6 j c Xd m+�+ GJ Y s� O 00 4i f U C i 3 cu y lip, c �ry�.oJ ✓ z 'o 41 X L t d L N H � rs:PS 2 � +r M L u O U w— E 4 U Q ++ MONITORING REPORT(MR) VIOLATIONS for: Report Date: 08/14/2C Page 1 of 8 Permit: nc0057401 MRS Betweei 8 - 2015 and 8 - 2020 Region: % Violation Category:% Program Category: Facility Name: % Param Nam(% County: % Subbasin: % Violation Action: % Major Minor: % PERMIT: NCO057401 FACILITY: Go Go Properties LLC - The Hideaways WWTP COUNTY: Mecklenburg REGION: Mooresville Limit Violation MONITORING VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED % REPORT OUTFALL LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE Over VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 09-2017 001 Effluent BOD, 5-Day (20 Deg. C) - 09/06/17 2 X month mg/I 45 49.1 9.1 Daily Maximum Proceed to Concentration Exceeded Enforcement Case 09 - 2017 001 Effluent BOD, 5-Day (20 Deg. C) - 09/30/17 2 X month mg/I 30 49.1 63.7 Monthly Average Proceed to Concentration Exceeded Enforcement Case 07 - 2018 001 Effluent BOD, 5-Day (20 Deg. C) - 07/31 /18 2 X month mg/I 30 36.7 22.3 Monthly Average Proceed to NOV Concentration Exceeded 01 -2019 001 Effluent BOD, 5-Day (20 Deg. C) - 01/31/19 2 X month mg/I 30 35.95 19.8 Monthly Average Proceed to NOV Concentration Exceeded 08-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 08/03/15 2 X week ug/I 28 42 50 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 08-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 08/04/15 2 X week ug/I 28 39 39.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 08-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 08/10/15 2 X week ug/I 28 34 21.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 08-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 08/11/15 2 Xweek ug/I 28 29 3.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 08-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 08/17/15 2 X week ug/I 28 41 46.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 08-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 08/18/15 2 X week ug/I 28 43 53.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 08-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 08/24/15 2 X week ug/I 28 31 10.7 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 08-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 08/25/15 2 X week ug/I 28 29 3.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 08-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 08/31/15 2 X week ug/I 28 46 64.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 09-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 09/09/15 2 X week ug/I 28 39 39.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 09-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 09/14/15 2 X week ug/I 28 31 10.7 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 09-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 09/15/15 2 X week ug/I 28 46 64.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded MONITORING REPORT(MR) VIOLATIONS for: Report Date: 08/14/2C Page 2 of 8 Permit: nc0057401 MRS Betweel 8 - 2015 and 8 - 2020 Region: % Violation Category:% Program Category: % Facility Name: % Param Nam(% County: % Subbasin: % Violation Action: % Major Minor: % PERMIT: NCO057401 FACILITY: Go Go Properties LLC - The Hideaways WWTP COUNTY: Mecklenburg REGION: Mooresville Limit Violation MONITORING VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED % REPORT OUTFALL LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE Over VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 09-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 09/21/15 2 X week ug/I 28 37 32.1 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 09-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 09/22/15 2 X week ug/I 28 31 10.7 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 09-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 09/28/15 2 X week ug/I 28 30 7.1 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 09-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 09/29/15 2 X week ug/I 28 41 46.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 10-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 10/05/15 2 X week ug/I 28 41 46.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 10-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 10/06/15 2 X week ug/I 28 31 10.7 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 10-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 10/12/15 2 X week ug/I 28 46 64.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 10-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 10/13/15 2 X week ug/I 28 29 3.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 10-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 10/19/15 2 X week ug/I 28 34 21.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 10-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 10/20/15 2 X week ug/I 28 48 71.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 10-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 10/26/15 2 X week ug/I 28 47 67.9 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 10-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 10/27/15 2 X week ug/I 28 39 39.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 11 -2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 11/02/15 2 X week ug/I 28 39 39.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 11 -2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 11/03/15 2 X week ug/I 28 37 32.1 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 11 -2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 11/09/15 2 X week ug/I 28 45 60.7 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 11 -2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 11/16/15 2 X week ug/I 28 39 39.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded MONITORING REPORT(MR) VIOLATIONS for: Report Date: 08/14/2C Page 3 of 8 Permit: nc0057401 MRS Betweel 8 - 2015 and 8 - 2020 Region: % Violation Category:% Program Category: % Facility Name: % Param Nam(% County: % Subbasin: % Violation Action: % Major Minor: % PERMIT: NCO057401 FACILITY: Go Go Properties LLC - The Hideaways WWTP COUNTY: Mecklenburg REGION: Mooresville Limit Violation MONITORING VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED % REPORT OUTFALL LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE Over VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 11 -2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 11/17/15 2 X week ug/I 28 32 14.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 11 -2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 11/23/15 2 X week ug/I 28 46 64.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 11 -2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 11/24/15 2 X week ug/I 28 34 21.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 11 -2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 11/30/15 2 X week ug/I 28 38 35.7 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 12-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 12/02/15 2 X week ug/I 28 29 3.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 12-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 12/07/15 2 X week ug/I 28 46 64.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 12-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 12/08/15 2 X week ug/I 28 31 10.7 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 12-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 12/14/15 2 X week ug/I 28 41 46.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 12-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 12/15/15 2 X week ug/I 28 32 14.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 12-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 12/21/15 2 Xweek ug/I 28 29 3.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 12-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 12/22/15 2 X week ug/I 28 34 21.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 12-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 12/28/15 2 X week ug/I 28 39 39.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 12-2015 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 12/29/15 2 X week ug/I 28 31 10.7 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 01 -2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 01/04/16 2 X week ug/I 28 42 50 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 01 -2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 01/11/16 2 X week ug/I 28 34 21.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 01 -2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 01/12/16 2 X week ug/I 28 36 28.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded MONITORING REPORT(MR) VIOLATIONS for: Report Date: 08/14/2C Page 4 of 8 Permit: nc0057401 MRS Betweel 8 - 2015 and 8 - 2020 Region: % Violation Category:% Program Category: % Facility Name: % Param Nam(% County: % Subbasin: % Violation Action: % Major Minor: % PERMIT: NCO057401 FACILITY: Go Go Properties LLC - The Hideaways WWTP COUNTY: Mecklenburg REGION: Mooresville Limit Violation MONITORING VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED % REPORT OUTFALL LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE Over VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 01 -2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 01/18/16 2 X week ug/I 28 47 67.9 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 01 -2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 01/19/16 2 X week ug/I 28 34 21.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 01 -2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 01/25/16 2 X week ug/I 28 39 39.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 01 -2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 01/26/16 2 X week ug/I 28 31 10.7 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 02-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 02/01/16 2 Xweek ug/I 28 41 46.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 02-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 02/02/16 2 X week ug/I 28 30 7.1 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 02-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 02/08/16 2 X week ug/I 28 46 64.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 02-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 02/09/16 2 X week ug/I 28 29 3.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 02-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 02/15/16 2 X week ug/I 28 34 21.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 02-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 02/16/16 2 X week ug/I 28 29 3.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 02-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 02/22/16 2 X week ug/I 28 43 53.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 02-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 02/29/16 2 X week ug/I 28 37 32.1 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 03-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 03/01/16 2 Xweek ug/I 28 41 46.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 03-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 03/07/16 2 X week ug/I 28 44 57.1 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 03-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 03/08/16 2 X week ug/I 28 36 28.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 03-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 03/14/16 2 X week ug/I 28 39 39.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded MONITORING REPORT(MR) VIOLATIONS for: Report Date: 08/14/2C Page 5 of 8 Permit: nc0057401 MRS Betweel 8 - 2015 and 8 - 2020 Region: % Violation Category:% Program Category: % Facility Name: % Param Nam(% County: % Subbasin: % Violation Action: % Major Minor: % PERMIT: NCO057401 FACILITY: Go Go Properties LLC - The Hideaways WWTP COUNTY: Mecklenburg REGION: Mooresville Limit Violation MONITORING VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED % REPORT OUTFALL LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE Over VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 03-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 03/15/16 2 X week ug/I 28 36 28.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 03-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 03/21/16 2 Xweek ug/I 28 29 3.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 03-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 03/22/16 2 X week ug/I 28 33 17.9 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 03-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 03/28/16 2 X week ug/I 28 46 64.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 03-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 03/29/16 2 X week ug/I 28 31 10.7 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 04-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 04/04/16 2 X week ug/I 28 46 64.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 04-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 04/05/16 2 X week ug/I 28 31 10.7 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 04-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 04/11/16 2 X week ug/I 28 39 39.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 04-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 04/12/16 2 X week ug/I 28 32 14.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 04-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 04/18/16 2 X week ug/I 28 42 50 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 04-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 04/19/16 2 X week ug/I 28 37 32.1 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 04-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 04/25/16 2 X week ug/I 28 32 14.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 04-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 04/26/16 2 X week ug/I 28 41 46.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 05-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 05/02/16 2 X week ug/I 28 39 39.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 05-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 05/03/16 2 X week ug/I 28 34 21.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 05-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 05/09/16 2 X week ug/I 28 44 57.1 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded MONITORING REPORT(MR) VIOLATIONS for: Report Date: 08/14/2C Page 6 of 8 Permit: nc0057401 MRS Betweel 8 - 2015 and 8 - 2020 Region: % Violation Category:% Program Category: % Facility Name: % Param Nam(% County: % Subbasin: % Violation Action: % Major Minor: % PERMIT: NCO057401 FACILITY: Go Go Properties LLC - The Hideaways WWTP COUNTY: Mecklenburg REGION: Mooresville Limit Violation MONITORING VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED % REPORT OUTFALL LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE Over VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 05-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 05/10/16 2 X week ug/I 28 32 14.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 05-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 05/16/16 2 X week ug/I 28 36 28.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 05-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 05/17/16 2 X week ug/I 28 29 3.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 05-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 05/23/16 2 X week ug/I 28 39 39.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 05-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 05/24/16 2 X week ug/I 28 33 17.9 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 05-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 05/31/16 2 X week ug/I 28 41 46.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 06-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 06/01/16 2 X week ug/I 28 32 14.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 06-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 06/06/16 2 X week ug/I 28 34 21.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 06-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 06/07/16 2 X week ug/I 28 44 57.1 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 06-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 06/13/16 2 X week ug/I 28 31 10.7 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 06-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 06/14/16 2 X week ug/I 28 43 53.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 06-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 06/20/16 2 X week ug/I 28 47 67.9 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 06-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 06/21/16 2 Xweek ug/I 28 36 28.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 06-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 06/27/16 2 X week ug/I 28 47 67.9 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 06-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 06/28/16 2 X week ug/I 28 31 10.7 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 07-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 07/05/16 2 X week ug/I 28 37 32.1 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded MONITORING REPORT(MR) VIOLATIONS for: Report Date: 08/14/2C Page 7 of 8 Permit: nc0057401 MRS Betweel 8 - 2015 and 8 - 2020 Region: % Violation Category:% Program Category: % Facility Name: % Param Nam(% County: % Subbasin: % Violation Action: % Major Minor: % PERMIT: NCO057401 FACILITY: Go Go Properties LLC - The Hideaways WWTP COUNTY: Mecklenburg REGION: Mooresville Limit Violation MONITORING VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED % REPORT OUTFALL LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE Over VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 07-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 07/06/16 2 X week ug/I 28 32 14.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 07-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 07/11/16 2 Xweek ug/I 28 41 46.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 07-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 07/12/16 2 X week ug/I 28 34 21.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 07-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 07/18/16 2 X week ug/I 28 42 50 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 07-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 07/19/16 2 X week ug/I 28 34 21.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 07-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 07/25/16 2 X week ug/I 28 48 71.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 07-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 07/26/16 2 X week ug/I 28 31 10.7 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 08-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 08/01/16 2 X week ug/I 28 42 50 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 08-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 08/02/16 2 X week ug/I 28 31 10.7 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 08-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 08/08/16 2 X week ug/I 28 37 32.1 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 08-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 08/09/16 2 X week ug/I 28 29 3.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 09-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 09/15/16 2 X week ug/I 28 31 10.7 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 09-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 09/21/16 2 Xweek ug/I 28 30 7.1 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 10-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 10/19/16 2 X week ug/I 28 39 39.3 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 12-2016 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 12/14/16 2 X week ug/I 28 30 7.1 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 02-2017 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 02/15/17 2 X week ug/I 28 40 42.9 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded MONITORING REPORT(MR) VIOLATIONS for: Permit: nc0057401 MRS Betweel 8 - 2015 and 8 - 2020 Region: % Facility Name: % Param Nam(% County: % Major Minor: % Report Date: 08/14/2C Page 8 of 8 Violation Category:% Program Category: % Subbasin: % Violation Action: % PERMIT: NCO057401 FACILITY: Go Go Properties LLC - The Hideaways WWTP COUNTY: Mecklenburg REGION: Mooresville Limit Violation MONITORING VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED % REPORT OUTFALL LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE Over VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 02-2017 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 02/21/17 2 X week ug/I 28 31 10.7 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 03-2017 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 03/08/17 2 X week ug/I 28 30 7.1 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 04-2017 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 04/05/17 2 X week ug/I 28 41 46.4 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 05-2017 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 05/12/17 2 X week ug/I 28 36 28.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 07-2017 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 07/12/17 2 X week ug/I 28 33 17.9 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 09-2017 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 09/06/17 2 X week ug/I 28 30 7.1 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 05-2020 001 Effluent Chlorine, Total Residual 05/26/20 2 X week ug/I 28 40 42.9 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded Monitoring Violation MONITORING VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED % REPORT OUTFALL LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE Over VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 01 -2016 001 Effluent Flow, in conduit or thru 01/02/16 Weekly mgd Frequency Violation No Action, BIMS treatment plant Calculation Error 03 -2016 001 Effluent Flow, in conduit or thru 03/05/16 Weekly mgd Frequency Violation No Action, BIMS treatment plant Calculation Error Reporting Violation MONITORING VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED % REPORT OUTFALL LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE Over VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 07-2017 08/31/17 Late/Missing DMR Proceed to NOV 01 -2018 03/03/18 Late/Missing DMR Proceed to NOV Metwater 1 1000 Woodhurst Drive Monroe NC 28110 1 704.506,4255 Ic3�ntty=atc:rta-<c31.cn ri June 141h, 2020 Wren Thedord NC DENR/ DWR/ NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: Requesting Renewal of NPDES permit# NCO057401 and Approval of Sludge Management Plan for the Hideaway Wastewater Treatment Facility located in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Dear Wren Thedford, This correspondence is intended to serve as the required cover letter requesting renewal of the above referenced discharge permit. Although the RBC unit was rebuilt in the summer of 2018, to my knowledge, there has been no changes to the facility or its operations. Sludge management Plan The modicum of sludge generated at this facility is created from 100% domestic sewerage. Ultimate offsite disposal is determined to be necessary when the operator can visually detect a significant sludge accumulation in the chlorine contact tank. This waste and disposal cycle is typically every 6 to 8 months. Please find herewith attached the completed renewal application by Metwater, Inc. on behalf of our client. Thank you for your patience with regards to this matter. If you should have any question or need additional information or clarification, please don't hesitate to call. Sf?ater, Me 704.506.4255 CC: Steven Yager (via email) Emily Phillips (via email) NPDES APPLICATION - FORM D For privately -owned treatment systems treating 100% domestic wastewaters <1.0 MGD Mail the complete application to: NC DEQ / DWR / NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 NPDES Permit CO057401 If you are completing this form in computer use the TAB key or the up - down arrows to move from one field to the next. To check the boxes, click your mouse on top of the box. Otherwise, please print or type. 1. Contact Information: Owner Name GoGo Properties LLC Facility Name The Hideaways WWTP Mailing Address 1300 Altura Road City Fort mill State / Zip Code SC 29708 Telephone Number 803-518-7353 Fax Number ( ) e-mail Address Steven.yagert',,,isc-mail.com 2. Location of facility producing discharge: Check here if same address as above ❑ Street Address or State Road 16104 York Road City Charlotte State / Zip Code NC 28278 County Mecklenburg 3. Operator Information: Name of the firm, public organization or other entity that operates the facility. (Note that this is not referring to the Operator in Responsible Charge or ORC) Name Metwater Inc. Mailing Address 1000 Woodhurst Drive City Monroe State / Zip Code NC 28110 Telephone Number 704-506-4255 Fax Number ( ) e-mail Address dmetwater@aol.com 1 of 3 Form-D 6/2017 NPDES APPLICATION - FORM D For privately -owned treatment systems treating 100% domestic wastewaters <1.0 MGD 4. Description of wastewater: Facility Generating Wastewater(check all that applyft Industrial ❑ Number of Employees Commercial ❑ Number of Employees Residential X _ Number of Homes 1 School ❑ Number of Students/ Staff Other ❑ Explain: Describe the source(s) of wastewater (example: subdivision, mobile home park, shopping centers, restaurants, etc.): Subdivision Number of persons served: 2 5. Type of collection system X Separate (sanitary sewer only) ❑ Combined (storm sewer and sanitary sewer) 6. Outfall Information: Number of separate discharge points 1 Outfall Identification number(s) 001 Is the outfall equipped with a diffuser? ❑ Yes X No 7. Name of receiving stream(s) (NEW applicants: Provide a map showing the exact location of each outfallr Catawba River 8. Frequency of Discharge: X Continuous ❑ Intermittent If intermittent: Days per week discharge occurs: Duration: _ 9. Describe the treatment system List all installed components, including capacities, provide design removal for BOD, TSS, nitrogen and phosphorus. If the space provided is not sufficient, attach the description of the treatment system in a separate sheet of paper. Gravity Influent from septic tank at house. Flows to RBC unit, clarifier, tablet chlorination and de -chlorination, gravity discharge 2 of 3 Form-D 6/2017 NPDES APPLICATION - FORM D For privately -owned treatment systems treating 100% domestic wastewaters <1.0 MGD 10. Flow Information: Treatment Plant Design flow .002 MGD Annual Average daily flow .001 MGD (for the previous 3 years) Maximum daily flow .001 MGD (for the previous 3 years) 11. Is this facility located on Indian country? ❑ Yes X No 12. Effluent Data NEW APPLICANTS: Provide data for the parameters listed. Fecal Coliform, Temperature and pH shall be grab samples, for all other parameters 24-hour composite sampling shall be used. If more than one analysis is reported, report daily maximum and monthly average. If only one analysis is reported, report as daily maximum. RENEWAL APPLICANTS: Provide the highest single reading (Daily Maximum) and Monthly Average over the past 36 months for parameters currently in _your permit. Mark other parameters "N/A". Parameter Daily Maximum Monthly Average Units of Measurement Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) 44.0 8.0 mg/l Fecal Coliform 6 .59 # / 100ml Total Suspended Solids 11.0 1.9 mg/l Temperature (Summer) 31 26 Celsius Temperature (Winter) 28 14 Celsius pH 8.5 7.5 Standard units 13. List all permits, construction approvals and/or applications: Type Permit Number Type Hazardous Waste (RCRA) NESHAPS (CAA) UIC (SDWA) Ocean Dumping (MPRSA) NPDES NCO057401 Dredge or fill (Section 404 or CWA) PSD (CAA) Other Non -attainment program (CAA) 14. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION Permit Number I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. Dusty Metreveon Metwater, Inc. Printed r-wMe of PeAon SianinR Title of ADDlicant — 7 Date North Carolina General Statute 143-2Y5.6 (b)(2) states: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document files or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $25,000, or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more than $25,000 or imprisonment not more than 5 years, or both, for a similar offense.) 3 of 3 Form-D 6/2017 Young, Brianna A From: Weaver, Charles Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 12:25 PM To: steven.yager@isc-mail.com' Cc: ken@kaceinc.com'; Young, Brianna A Subject: NPDES permit NC0057401 annual fee is OVERDUE Attachments: 57401 annual fee invoice.pdf Importance: High The current annual fee for the subject permit is unpaid. The invoice is attached. Failure to pay the annual fee is a permit violation. Please remit the fee as soon as possible to avoid enforcement action. PLEASE NOTE: Please verify the correct contact name and mailing address for all such invoices. If the invoice was sent to the wrong person, please identify the correct person with: Name Mailing address Telephone number E-mail address If you have documentation that the fee was paid, simply reply to this message with the documentation attached. Thanks for your assistance with this matter. (Please don't feel like your facility has been singled out. Yours is among 170 unpaid fees I'm attempting to recover.) .................................................................. 0 E E E E E .............. ■ PLEASE NOTE: your permit is currently in-house for renewal. Due to a recent change in the NC Administrative Code, the Division cannot issue any permit with unpaid fees: 15A NCAC 02H .0105 APPLICATION: PERMIT FEES: ASSESSMENT FOR NEW SOURCES (a) Permit Applications. (b) Permit Fees. (1) Application Fees. [...] (2) Annual Fees. Except as provided in this Subparagraph, an annual fee shall be charged in each year of the term of every NPDES permit, according to the fee schedule in G.S. 143-215.3D. (F) Each application or notice of intent submitted pursuant to Paragraph (a) of this Rule shall be considered incomplete until annual fees due at the time of application, if any, are received by the Division. Please remit the fee so that your application can be processed. Charles H. Weaver Environmental Specialist N.C. DEQ / Division of Water Resources 919-707-3616 charles.weaver(ancden r.gov (mailing address) 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY INVOICE Annual Permit Fee Overdue This annual fee is required by the North Carolina Administrative Code. It covers the administrative costs associated with your permit. It is required of any person holding a permit for any time during the annual fee period, regardless of the facili operating status. Failure to pay the fee by the due date will subject the permit to revocation. Operating without a valid permit is a violation and is subject to a $10,000 per day fine. If the permit is revoked and you later decide a permit is needed, you must reapply, with the understanding the permit request may be denied due to changes in environmental, regulatory, or modeling conditions. Invoice Number: 2020PR003239 Permit Number: NCO057401 Mecklenburg County The Hideaways WWTP Steven Yager Go Go Properties LLC 1300 Altura Rd Fort Mill, SC 29708 Annual Fee Period: 2020-05-01 to 2021-04-30 Invoice Date: 04/02/2020 Due Date: 05/02/2020 Annual Fee: $860.00 Notes: 1. You may pay either by mail with check/money order OR by electronic payment (eCheck or Credit Card). 2. If payment is by check/money order, please remit payment to: NCDEQ - Division of Water Resources Attn: Animal/Discharge/Non-Discharge Billing 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 3. If payment is electronic, please see https://deg.nc.gov/epayments/wq to pay electronically. Payments by eCheck will debit your checking account. Credit card transactions will incur a convenience fee. 4. Please include your Permit Number and Invoice Number on all correspondence. 5. A $25.00 processing fee will be charged for returned checks in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 25-3-512. 6. Non -Payment of this fee by the payment due date will initiate the permit revocation process. 7. Should you have any questions regarding this invoice, please contact the Annual Administering and Compliance Fee Coordinator at 919-707-3698. (Return This Portion With Check) ANNUAL PERMIT INVOICE Invoice Number: 2020PR003239 Permit Number: NCO057401 Mecklenburg County The Hideaways WWTP Steven Yager Go Go Properties LLC 1300 Altura Rd Fort Mill, SC 29708 Overdue Annual Fee Period: 2020-05-01 to 2021-04-30 Invoice Date: 4/2/2020 Due Date: 5/2/2020 Annual Fee: $860.00 Check Number: DocuSign Envelope ID: 44CO8F13-4CF8-489A-87D9-7197OF3A6CF1 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director CERTIFIED MAIL #: RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Steven Yager Go Go Properties, LLC 1300 Altura Road Fort Mill, SC 29708 Dear Permittee: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality 8/12/2020 Subject: Notice of Violation — Notice of Intent NOV-2020-PC-0338 Failure to Submit Permit Renewal Application NPDES Permit NCO057401 The Hideaways WWTP Mecklenburg County The subject permit was issued to you on April 10, 2015 and expired on June 30, 2020. Federal [40 CFR 122.41(b)] and state [15A NCAC 02H .0105(e)] regulations require that permit renewal applications be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration of the current permit. The renewal application was due to the Division no later than January 2, 2020 and was not received until July 16, 2020. This is a violation of your permit per Part Il. B. 10., which states "Any Permittee that has not requested renewal at least 180 days prior to expiration, or any Permittee that does not have a permit after the expiration and has not requested renewal at least 180 days prior to exp iration, will subject the Permittee to enforcement procedures as provided in NCGS 143 -215.6 and 33 USC 1251 et. seq." Pursuant to 143-215.1(a)(1) and 143-215.1(a)(2), you are now in violation of making an outlet to waters of the State and operating a treatment works without a permit. In order to prevent an assessment of civil penalties, you must respond to the Division within 10 days of receipt of this notification. If you have questions, please contact Brianna Young of my staff at 919-707-3619, or via e-mail [branna. young@ncdenr. gov ] . Sincerely, EDo cuSigned by: 8B44CE9EB4A1... S. Daniel Smith, Director Division of Water Resources cc: NPDES Files Mooresville Regional Office D E Q�� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 11617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 tiOHrH CAPO!.INA oavae�e DIe,w.a����i a,:ory 919.707.4000 hr IOqld I II II I �� II IIII III II I IIII PSPS G N� 0 9590 9402 5137 9092 3375 33 United States • Sender., PI '-- ,x. Postal Service CI NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES M Attn: Wren Thedford r u' 1617 Mail Service Center a' Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 P� c� C w a I I I I 14 111II1I11I111111111I11*IIII II11$ 011111111 I II II 11t•^II II III ■ Cc,- ,Plate itemiri , 2, ■ Print your name and address on the reverse S'gnature so that we can return the card to you. X piece, ❑ Agent ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailJ ��{� Addre. or on the front if space permits. B. eceived by (Punted Namet C. Date of Deli GC Go PrD D. Is delivery address different from item 1? El yes YIar . , LLC If YES, enter delivery address Attu: St::.ven arger❑ No 1300 Altura Road Fort Mill, SC 29708 lllllllll !'40 ll!0'I IIIIIIII 3 Se vice Type ❑AdultSignature O Priority Mail Express® 9590 2 5137 92Adult Signature Restricted Dells Registered Mail* 3375 33 Certified Mail® Registered Mail Restricted Certified Mail Restricted DeliveryDelivery 7018 7 O 1 A ❑ Collect on Delivery Return Receipt far Merchandise 1830 0001 8037 15 : Delivery ry Restricted Delivery ❑ Signature Confirmation*'^ ail ❑ Si ail Restricted Del Signature Confirmation PS FDrm 3$11, JU'Y 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 (over $50o) ry Restricted Delivery Domestic Return Receipt Young, Brianna A From: Thedford, Wren Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 4:33 PM To: Young, Brianna A Subject: RE: Certified mail NOV Cerifified Mail 7018 1830 0001 8037 1592 From: Thedford, Wren Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 7:44 AM To: Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Certified mail NOV Got it. From: Young, Brianna A Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 7:28 AM To: Thedford, Wren <wren.thedford@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Certified mail NOV Hey Wren, I have an NOV that needs to be mailed by green card. Would you be able to add a green card and send this out for me? Thanks, Brianna Brianna Young Environmental Specialist II Compliance and Expedited Permitting Branch Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality Office: 919-707-3619 Brian na.Young(a�ncdenr.gov Mailing address: 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 8/19/2020 USPS.com® - USPS Tracking® Results ALERT: DUE TO LIMITED TRANSPORTATION AVAILABILITY AS A RESULT OF NATIONWIDE CO... USPS Tracking' FAQs > Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70181830000180371592 Remove X Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 2:17 pm on August 17, 2020 in FORT MILL, SC 29708. OV Delivered August 17, 2020 at 2:17 pm Delivered, Left with Individual FORT MILL, SC 29708 Get Updates u Text & Email Updates Tracking History u n August 17, 2020, 2:17 pm Delivered, Left with Individual FORT MILL, SC 29708 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 2:17 pm on August 17, 2020 in FORT MILL, SC 29708. August 17, 2020 In Transit to Next Facility m cD CD https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?gtc_tLabels1=7018 1830 0001 8037 1592 1/2 8/19/2020 USPS.com® - USPS Tracking® Results August 17, 2020, 10:22 am Arrived at Unit FORT MILL, SC 29715 August 16, 2020, 7:43 pm Departed USPS Regional Facility CHARLOTTE NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER August 15, 2020, 10:47 am Arrived at USPS Regional Facility CHARLOTTE NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER August 14, 2020, 8:42 pm Departed USPS Regional Facility RALEIGH NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER August 14, 2020, 5:45 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility RALEIGH NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER Product Information u See Less ^ Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. FAQs cD CD a v https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?gtc_tLabels1=7018 1830 0001 8037 1592 2/2