HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0002096_PRE WQ PERMIT NO. 6115_19800822.. • ` � r e 'r }, _ .. - s - Wit" f . -- ,. t, a •, ~ ' DIVISION OF -ENVIRONMENTAL MAIAGEI4EWT August 22011980 . r` ' Mr. Lawrence Meyeire, ',Owner., , ..; Pinewood Manor. Rest Home' :Route 14 Box 19-K' :� ; � : - " z. ti ..� �, Rom,• _ . ,' Ahoskie; Nortli,Car6lfna 27910 _ SUBJEdT = -Permit. No.' 6115 - 'Mr. Lawrence Meyers`,(Otaaer) ".. Y ,Pinewood Manic. Rest Home —Spray - E Txrigation ' , .. Heitford.County ..... Dear Mr..,Meyeree .. in accordance with`, your°application received June,-5,-1980,.-we:ire forwarding herewith Permit No.` 6115,' dated &ugust'22, -1980, te. **'-Lawrence, Meyar�,: for'the',construction and operation of .the subject non --discharger epray.,irrigation, :tgpe'waste' treatment facilities. , c ' This permit shall •,be effective•,from the -date -of issuance,. until. August-"1, 1983, and shall be`subj'ect.to the conditions and limitations,"as specified therein: If an ' arts ' re u`irements ar *limitations � contained is this ermit: era Y'.p, ,. q , ,. P.. unacceptable-.to•you, you have the.right _to an',adjudicatory hearing Vkodre^.a hearing, ; -office *upon written demand` to 'the Director within'thirty (30).. days','fgllowing` receipt�of thin permit,` identifying: the `specific iseiiee' to be"contended. Unless•such ded is made, this, permit shall be` final Wand tiiudiug: " • , ' Yin One, (1) `set Hof' :approved plans snd sp='' ications'-are being foicwarded" to you. • ;Y'ours •wery_:.truly, _ Original •Signed''bYENTO ' ,:.'., Nei Si, Grigg, Director ivision of..Environiaental Management - Enclosures .cctHealth Department _ -Hertford.County Speight And P.A." .Associates, • Washington Regional Super.,sor Mr. -A. d'' Jr..i, .1 7 ,Turnage;; Washington Regional Office Manager",". = } NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF - NATURAL RESOUiRCES '& -COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT _ ; RALEIGS . Y 'PER.,M-IT r For the Disc of Sewage,'IndustrialHWa�te�, or Other Wastes In accordance with the - provisions ;of Article ,21 of Chapter 143; Ge:nera Statutes of',North Carolina as •amended," and' 'other- applicable' LawB; Risley, Viand! Regulations w -PERMISSION IS'HERESY GRANTED.TO' = 'Mr: ,Lawrence -,Meyers (0s ner) - Hertford County' aFOR ,THE 4 t construction. and, operation of a 7;500-GPD spray -irrigations wastewater'system con- sisting of an influent pump station -with" dual 20 -GPM •grinder pumps; a' 500,000- gallon stabilization/holding lagoon,: a 115 GPM spray. pimp, a chlorine injection:' system, approximately,3.6'acres of•:irrigation area, and associated valves,'sprink- lers'and pipes to serve the -'Pinewood Manor Rest Home; with Ino discharge.of waste- water to the ;surface- waters of the.State, a pursuant to the application received"June 5,••1980;-'and in conformity with the project plans; specifications, and other'supportirig:data, subsequently,fi.led-and approved .by the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development and considered' a part of this -Permit. This,Permit shall be'effactive -from �tbe.data of issuance until August 1, 1983; and shall be subjectito the following specified conditions and limitations: 1. This permit ;shall become voidati- e- unless the, facilities are constructed.in `- accordance with the approved plans - specifications and- other supporting .data. 2. This permit ie effective only with respect to the nature=and,vo]u$e ofwastes described Lin the'applicatioia:and-other supporting data. 3., ' The facilities shall'. be properly, mai.ntaisied_ and operated at all times,. , 4: This,permit'is not transferable: ' • ' =' Termit' No. 6115 1 • . k 4 Page 2 5. _ The facilities shall be• effectively maintained and operr-ted at` all' times 'so �• .. that there is no discharge'to the surface waters, nor(any contamination of ground waters which � will' render them unsatisfactory for normal use.: • zn ,'e'v+eat. 'the facilities fail to perform 'satisfactorily, including the cireation-of nuisance conditions,'or failure of the irrigation area to adequately absorb the wastewater,, -the Permittee, shall take`•such,imediate,corrective action as may be required by the Division. -of ,Environmental Management. { 6• In event �tha facilities' fail io•.perform'satisfactioril' the' 'Permi.ttee shall take suck immediate corrective action as may be required by'this Department. 7. Solids, sludgesor other po7lutants;xemoved.or,resulting`fram the•,oastewater' treatment process shall.,be contained and disposed af, in • such a ;manner as to prevent, any contamination of ,the surface or ground waters of the -State. $•. This is a,Claes•:T Wastewater Treatmeiit Plant"And the person in responsible . charge mu9t•hold a valid Grade I Certificate. 4• Diversion or bypassing of'•the untreated wastewater from the spray irrigation facility Is -prohibited: - 10• The permittee shall provide and maintain monitoring facilities and.a ground ' water -monitoring program.such*as may be.required by .the Division:'of Environ- mental Management, 11. A auitable year. round vegetative cover shall: be. maintained. 12a lrrigation'shall"not-be performed during inclement veather'or.when the'grouiid is in'a•condition that will cause -runoff. 13.- Dikes shall -be constructed• •so,- as to prevent surface water runoff - from the spray field. 14. 'The Permittee,,,at'•least- six (6) months prior to -the .expiration of this`Permit, shall request its extension:.,,,;Upon-receipt of the. request ,tthe COMRUaion .will. reviews 'the . adequacy 'o the•,facilities described ,therein, and .if 'indicated, will extend the,Permit for such-period.of.time and under such conditions and limitations as .it .may deem appropriate'. � .V 15. Freeboard in the stabilisation/holding lagoon shali not.be-Iless than one,(l) foot- at- any.. time , . r• 16. The application rate .shall+ uot-exc6,d 0.6 inches/acre/week. , 17. The.minimaum buffer sep+oration`-fiom,thi� edge' of the vatted ..Area and theAest Home shall be 200 'felt. .. •• •1 ,.A .w.d •ySA Y•.` Yl • �•, N f • '.S •A y ••• ,' • • ' - ,, " 1 F ' F .t. • r S • is r .. .1 a 1 . j .f. - G q , Permit No. '6115. 4 - '✓ t "''' Page 2 18. Nd wastewater�'shail be sprayed within:75 feet of the adjacent property, ; owner's land.- �• . _ -' �, Permit issued -this _the 22nd''da' of August, ' 1980. r r `NORTH CAROLINA MMROHIKENTAL MANAGEWT COMISSION* Original Signed P.'BENTC)cd,'� JR'' No S. Grigg, Director. 'Division of Environmental Management By Authority'of-.the Secietary.of the DepartmemtA of Natural Resources . and Community-• Developm fxt Permit'No. 6ii5 M �