HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0100357_Application_20150330 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO CONSTRUCT OR OPERATE INJECTION WELLS Injection Well Type "Other—Enhanced Electrical Resistance Heating" These wells use potable water to hydrate an electrode emplaced in the subsurface that provides heat to promote volatilization of organic compounds for extraction from the subsurface. As provided for in 15A NCAC 02C .0230, enhanced electrical resistance heating wells are permitted according to the criteria for in situ remediation wells specified in 15A NCAC 02C .0225 Injection wells used for enhanced electrical resistance heating are `permitted by rule"and do not require an individual permit when constructed and operated in accordance with the rules of 15A NCAC 02C.0200. This form shall be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to infection. Print Clearly or Type Information. Illegible Submittals Will Be Returned As Incomplete. DATE: March 30,2015 PERMIT#: (to be filled in by DWR) A. STATUS OF WELL OWNER: Business/Organization B. WELL OWNER—State name of entity and name of person delegated authority to sign on behalf of the business or agency: Name: Northrop Grumman Guidance and Electronics Company, Inc. (Joe Kwan) Mailing Address: 2980 Fairview Park Drive City: Falls Church State:_VA Zip Code: 22042 County:Fairfax Day Tele No.: 703-280-4035 Cell No.: EMAIL Address: Joe.Kwanna,n%zc.com Fax No.: C. PROPERTY OWNER(if different than well owner) Name: Moog Components Group (Jon Leinbach) Mailing Address: 1995 NC Hwy 141 City: Mup2hy State: NC_Zip Code: 28906 County: Cherokee Day Tele No.: 828-837-4846 Cell No.: EMAIL Address: jleinbachgmoog.com Fax No.: UIC/EERH Notification(version 3/2/2015) Page 1 D. PROJECT CONTACT-Person who can answer technical questions about the proposed injection project. Name: Andrew Small Mailing Address: 85 Columbus Street City: Charleston State:_SC_Zip Code: 29403 County: Charleston Day Tele No.: 360-560-4846 Cell No.: EMAIL Address: dsmall(aDthermalrs.com Fax No.: E. PHYSICAL LOCATION OF WELL SITE (1) Physical Address: 1995 NC Hwy 141 County:Cherokee City: Murphy State:NC Zip Code: 28906 (2) Geographic Coordinates: Latitude": 0 "or 35 0.095097 Longitude": 0 "or -830.946869 Reference Datum:NAD 83/NAVD 88 Accuracy:<0.1'H and<0.25'V Method of Collection: Survey performed by Origin Land Surveying F. TREATMENT AREA Land surface area of contaminant plume: 21,000 square feet Land surface area of inj.well network: 21,000 square feet Percent of contaminant plume area to be treated: 100 % G. INJECTION ZONE MAPS—Attach the following to the notification. (1) Contaminant plume map(s) with isoconcentration lines that show the horizontal extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater, existing and proposed monitoring wells, and existing and proposed injection wells; (2) Cross-section(s)to the known or projected depth of contamination that show the horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater, changes in lithology, existing and proposed monitoring wells,and existing and proposed injection wells;and (3) Potentiometric surface map(s)indicating the rate and direction of groundwater movement,plus existing and proposed wells. Injection zone maps are provided as Attachment 1 to this notification. H. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED INJECTION ACTIVITIES — Provide a brief narrative regarding the purpose,scope,and goals of the proposed injection activity. This should include the rate,volume,and duration of injection over time. An electrical resistance heating ((ERH)system has been installed at the facility. One hundred and seventeen erection points within the ERH electrodes will be used to inject municipal potable water into the subsurface. The injected water will hydrate the electrode to earth interface and facilitate the flow of electrical current in the subsurface.Each injection point is also under vacuum to withdraw volatile organic compounds and water vapor. UIC/EERH Notification(version 3/2/2015) Page 2 The balance of water removal and water addition will be monitored daily and the water injection rate adjusted to ensure that the volume of water injected does not exceed the water volume withdrawn. The cumulative maximum water injection rate for all injection points will be 5 gallons per minute and the injection pressure for each well will be no more than 10 pounds per square inch.Injection activities are expected to take place for four months,from 1 May 2015 to I September 2015. I. INJECTANTS—Provide a MSDS and the following for each injectant.Attach additional sheets if necessary. NOTE: Approved injectants (tracers and remediation additives) can be found online at http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wd/aps/�wpro. All other substances must be reviewed by the Division of Public Health,Department of Health and Human Services. Contact the UIC Program for more info (919-807-6496). Injectant: Potable water sourced from municipal water supply Volume of injectant: 5 gallons per minute(maximum,)or 7,200 gallons per day Concentration at point of injection: 100%potable water Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: NA J. WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA (1) Number of injection wells: Proposed 117 Existing (2) Provide well construction details for each injection well in a diagram or table format. A single diagram or line in a table can be used for multiple wells with the same construction details. Well construction details shall include the following: (a) well type as permanent,direct-push, or subsurface distribution system(infiltration gallery) (b) depth below land surface of grout, screen,and casing intervals (c) well contractor name and certification number Well construction details are provided in Attachment 2 of this Notification. K. SCHEDULES—Briefly describe the schedule for well construction and injection activities. All well locations have been installed,construction applications and approvals are provided in Attachment 3 of this notification. Injection activities are planned between 1 May 2015 and 1 September 2015. UIC/EERH Notification(version 3/2/2015) Page 3 L. MONITORING PLAN-Describe below or in separate attachment a monitoring plan to be used to determine if violations of groundwater quality standards specified in Subchapter 02L result from the injection activity. The volume of water removed and iniected will be monitored on a daily basis. The system will be adjusted to ensure that the volume of water removed is greater than or equal to the volume injected. Other parameters monitored_daily will include injection pressure and vacuum.,The site and surrounding area are monitored as part of,a U.S.Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)approved Corrective Action Monitoring Plan(CAMP,). The CAMP requires semi-annual sampline of groundwater and surface water from monitoring welts and locations that are on-and off-site for volatile_organic compounds.The CAMP sampling locations are shown on Figure 4-1 in Attachment 4. M. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT AND PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT: "1 hereby certify, under penalty of late, that I am familiar ivith the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible far obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am atvare that there are significant penalties, including the possibility offines and imprisonment,for submitting false information. I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the 1 SA NCAC 02C 0200 Rules. " Joseph P. Kwan Signature of pplica Print or Type Full]Name PROPERTY OWNER if the proncrty is not owned by the Permit a licant : "As owner of the property on which the injection well(s)are to be constructed and operated, I hereby consent to allow the applicant to construct each injection well as outlined in this application and agree that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the injection well(s) conform to the Nell Construction Standards USA NCAC 02C.0200)." "Owner" means any person who holds the fee or other property rights in the well being constructed. A well is real property and its construction on land shall be deemed to vest ownership in the land owner, in the absence of contrary agreement in writing. JIDOCA�- Loi-L _ JVr4 trlly�a� Signature*of Property Owner(if different from applicant) Print or Type Full Name * An access agreement between the applicant and property owner may be submitted in lieu of a signature on this form. Submit the completed notification package to: DWR- UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919)807-6464 il1C-EERH Notification(version 3-:212015) Page 4 Attachment 1 Injection Zone Maps CDM Smith performed a comprehensive investigation of the Electrical Resistance Heating(ERH) area prior to the installation of the ERH wells.This investigation included the installation of temporary hydropunch borings and permanent wells in regolith and bedrock.The investigation results were included as part of the RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) Report(CDM Smith, 2013).With the exception of Figure 1-1,ERH Well Locations,the following figures in this attachment were adapted from the RFI Report.While several volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are present,trichloroethene (TCE) and tetrachloroethene (PCE) are the primary compounds of concern and have the highest concentrations among VOCs in the ERH area.The isoconcentration figures presented in this attachment are specific to these two compounds. The following injection zone maps are provided: Figure 1-1: ERH Well Locations Figure 1-2: Shallow Soil TCE Isoconcentration Contours Figure 1-3: Shallow Soil PCE Isoconcentration Contours Figure 1-4: Deep Soil TCE Isoconcentration Contours Figure 1-5: Deep Soil PCE Isoconcentration Contours Figure 1-6: Shallow Groundwater TCE Isoconcentration Contours Figure 1-7: Shallow Groundwater PCE Isoconcentration Contours Figure 1-8: Deep Groundwater TCE Isoconcentration Contours Figure 1-9: Deep Groundwater PCE Isoconcentration Contours Figure 1-10: Cross-Section Locations Figure 1-11: Geologic Cross-Section A-A' Figure 1-12: Geologic Cross-Section B-B' Figure 1-13: Geologic Cross-Section C-C' Figure 1-14: Regolith Groundwater Potentiometric Surface Map Figure 1-15: Bedrock Groundwater Potentiometric Surface Map Smith sit? 'V O oS18 W LE R1S 7r � S17O Rip Rr$ �+ R16 v7 Q15 R1g o Q16 QarO 0 0 25 50 O Q1e Scale in Feet o 019 0P14 OP1$ O OP�6 p1r O P18 W14 Ni KY5 J15 15 11 N17 K13 H14 H15 O a N18 O N20 O O O Kra 4 k16 � 13 N79O J13 (D J14 �dYe K17 O O K18 O O O G73 D KY9 H10 H13 JJ1 O 2 O�° D1 1¢ G7 6 r J2a G08 H 11 1 13 G09 J18 O ,g5 O G10 6 TG O J19O O G7 G72 P12 O1D11 ® H17 0 2 O H19 ' E11 O O8 F D1 Efq H18 �00'EsnMar�a 09 O Ff0 P11 O G18 DOS E06 O C12 G17 Oc�8B 6 O 07 0 @8 D15 E EY0n1Q f °F17 03 jj ors IP, CO 136 805 D0O co? g70 06 ° 06 D08 eon $09 O p 1308 C09 C 8 O 0 e i O Vertical Electrode Angled Electrode Bedrock Electrode {5uface Penetration and Figure 1-1: ERH Well Locations CDM Angle from Vertical) ERH Notification Former Clifton Precision Site Smith Murphy, North Carolina N m W E H P-20 S 0.05 1 0 35 70 Scale In Feet GW-8 0.02 O� � 1 0.HP 7-16 H P-32 0.064 •HP-15 H P-17 H P-25 13 N D GW-4 0.037 46 028 HP-7 HP-18 HPBB-$ y GW-3d 2.3 0.045 2.4 0.033 HP-13 i I N D H P-31 0.002 H P- 0.1 GW-2d H D 19 46 1.8 H P-24 y H P-28 0.006$ l 13 ND + HP-2 46 GW-7_+ $.4 HP-5 6.0 6 0 0 GW-1 d 9.4 H P-23 4.5 HP-10 I / HP-1 HPBB-9 HPBB-1 6.8 0.005$ HP-4 29,000 3.7 3.99 i -14 HP-9 0.096 46 HP-12 i 46190 �0.0031 H P-30 � - 0 8.2 00 HP-1 1 HP-3 15 H P-21 HPBB-2 ® ti0 250 ND HPBB-10 4.37 GW-5D i 1.04 � H1.�-29 � 42 Np 27 Notes: HP-26 1. TCE -Trichloroethene 57 HPBB-6 -� HPBB 3 HPBB-5 '` 0.0631 2. Concentrations are given in 4.1 6.48 I' 6.55 HPBB-4 milligrams� per kilogram. 1.59 p• HPBB-11 46 ND a 3. Shallow depth interval is from HP-22 GW-61D 20 to 45 feet below ground surface. gh_HPBB-12 ND ND 0.1833 HPBB-7� 4. Horizontal location of angle borings 0.572 are approximate. Vertical Hydropunch Boring Angle Regolith Monitoring Well A Angle Hydropunch Boring Phase ( Boring/Monitoring Well Figure 1-2: Shallow Soil TCE Isoconcentration Contours *Vertical Regolith Monitoring Well ERH Notification CDM Former Clifton Precision Site Smith Murphy, North Carolina N m W E H P-20 S 0.088 0 35 70 Scale In Feet GW-8 H P-15 0.0063 3.2 � H P-32 ND HP 25 HP-16 HP-17 i 0.027 1.0 ND GW-4 _ i 0.0022 H P-7 HPBB-8 H P-24 1.1 H P-18 0.0049 ND GW-3d / 4.7 0.025 46 HP-31 i HP-g HP-19 HP-13 ND GW-7 HP-8 0.0027 0.0027 �ND ND ND I GW-2d--, HP-2 0.012 H P-28 H P-9 3.0I HP-23 ND ND GW-1d HP-1 1.1 1200 HPBB-9 HPBB-1 ND HP-12 ND ND i N14 N ND ND D HP-5� 0.014 i 1.0 N HP-30 HP-4 HP-11 ND 0.026 HP-3 26 3.8 HP-21 HPBB-2 ® GW-51D ND ND $.2 HPBB-10 HP-29 HP-26 HP-27 i Notes: ND 4 ND 0.32 ND 1. PCE -Tetrachloroethene i ---�� HPBB-5 HPBB-3 1 HPBB-6 2. Concentrations are given in 1 HPBB-11 ND HPBB-4 0.123 milligrams per kilogram. ND � ND 3. Shallow depth interval is from HPBB-12 i ND HPBB-7 HP-22 GW-61D 20 to 45 feet below ground surface. 40 0.0159 ND ND 4. Horizontal location of angle borings are approximate. 10 Vertical Hydropunch Boring Angle Regolith Monitoring Well A Angle Hydropunch Boring Phase IBoring/Monitoring Well Figure 1-3: Shallow Soil PCE Isoconcentration Contours Vertical Regolith Monitoring Well ERH Notification CDM Former Clifton Precision Site Smith Murphy, North Carolina H P-20 N 3.5 m o W E � m o• S 0 3°5 70 Scale In Feet GW-8 0.02 � HP-15 31 HP-16 GW-4 �0.1 ND HP-17 0 N H P-25 1.1 HPBB-8 6.1 HP-18 ND + jW15 GW-3D 46 25 90-7 HP-19 HP-13 HP-8 GW-2D 12 0.033 H P-31 0.17 _8.8 • 2.5 HP-6 H P-2 84 8.3 HP-5 ° 1 13 HP-1 0 HPBB-9 2 BHP-9 GWAD 280 0.0019 240 160 40 HPBB-1—* ^pp c ND HP 30 HP-4 -HP-3 N 11 $4 � 130 H P-2$ H P-21 D HP-10 110 HP-11 N 99— HPBB-10 HPBB-2� 2,300 �, HP-27 Notes: N D GW-5D ND 68 0.0013 1.TCE -Trichloroethene 4 � H P-29 1 � 2.1 HPBB-3 HPBB-5 — 2. Concentrations are given in 4.4 HPBB-4 HP-26-.�& 0.301 HPBB36 milligrams per kilogram. 0.88 6.7 0.001 HPBB-11 a 3. Deep depth interval is deeper than ND HPBB-12 HP-22 GW-6D 50 feet below ground surface. ND HPBB-7 ND ND 0.553 _ 4. Horizontal location of angle borings are approximate. Vertical Hydropunch Boring Angle Regolith Monitoring Well Angle Hydropunch Boring Phase I Boring/Monitoring Well ♦Vertical Regolith Monitoring Well Figure 1-4: WMU-B Deep Soil TCE Isoconcentration Contours CDM ERH Notification Former Clifton Precision Site Smith Murphy, North Carolina H P-20 N 0.35 W E S 0 35 70 Scale In Feet GW-8 HP 0.01 0.5 HP-25 HP-16 0.99 0.007 HP-17 GW-4 ND ND HP-7 HP-18 46 HPBB-$ ND 0.027 ND GW-3D 0.32 1 • iHP-31 GW-21D HP-19 HP-13 ND HP-8 HP-6 1.1 0 ' 0.003 —ND 1 0.035—� 0.71 H P-2 H P-9 0.13 N D GWA D HP-5 HPBB-9 0.0013 0.55 ND HPBB-1 ND � HP-30 �HP_4 HP-1 ND 0.69 HP-3 1.5 3.3 HP-28 HP-21 ND ND HPBB-10 HPBB-2 HP-10 ,% HP-11 Notes: ND ND ND o 2.2 1. PCE -Tetrachloroethene �_HP-29 � 27 CND HP-26 NDHPBB-5 2. Concentrations are given in 0.012 0.0091 GW-51D HPBB-6 milligrams per kilogram. HPBB-3 1 8.4 ND 4vNDBB 11 ND a 3. Deep depth interval is deeper than HPBB-7 �HP-22 GW-6D 50 feet below ground surface. NPDBB-12 HPBB-4� ND 0.017 ND ND 4. Horizontal location of angle borings are approximate. Vertical Hydropunch Boring 40 Angle Regolith Monitoring Well A Angle Hydropunch Boring Phase IBoring/Monitoring Well Figure 1-5: WMU-B Deep Soil PCE Isoconcentration Contours ♦Vertical Regolith Monitoring Well CDM ERH Notification Former Clifton Precision Site Smith Murphy, North Carolina N W E H P-20 0.0037 S 1 0 35 70 GW-8 Scale In Feet 0.12 0� HP-32 HP-25 4VHP-15 0.063 GW-4D 0.14 30 HP-16 0.36 1.3 HP-17 1 HP-18 0.15 HPBB-8 GW-3D 0.1 0!� 7.05 0.014 HP-7 HP-31 0 P 24 HP 8 r0.053 GW-2D 0.0015 �H P-13 0.0015 0.� 0.0049 0.011 46 I HP-2 GW-7 HP-6H P-28 0.6 HP-5 12 0.0054 0.00078-/ / / - 0• 74 HP-23 O HP-g Hp-10 1 HP-1 HPBB-9 11 jGW-1 D 160 1.164 HP-14 61 0.d0017 1.7 10 40 33 CO HP-12 HPBB-1 HP-30 �0.0037 2 � $.5 H P-4 0.02 HP-11 HP-3 0.0882 H P-21 HPBB-2 520 GW-5D 0.00034 7.8 0.00063 \ HP_27 40 Notes: 0.00078 1.TCE-Trichloroethene H P-26 ° 0.41 HPBB-5� HP 29 1.13 HPBB-6 2. Concentrations are given in HPBB-10 HPBB-3 0.042 0.0145 milligrams per liter. 0.023 11.1 HPBB-11 HPBB-4 3. Shallow depth interval is from 4k-ND 0.44 HPBB-7 HP-22 GW-61D 20 to 45 feet below ground surface. MH2BB-12 0.44 ND 0.0012 MF O 4. Horizontal location of angle borings are approximate. Vertical Hydropunch Boring 0 Angle Regolith Monitoring Well � Angle Hydropunch Boring Phase ( Boring/Monitoring Well Figure 1-6: Shallow Groundwater TCE Isoconcentration Contours ♦Vertical Regolith Monitoring Well ERH Notification CDM_ Former Clifton Precision Site Smith Murphy, North Carolina N W E H P-20 0.0087 S 1 0 35 70 Scale In Feet GW-8 0.062� H 1.9P-15 �r ° H P-32 � 0.00066 GW-4D HP-25 • ND 0.17 HP-6 HP-17 2.1 �0.0019 HPBB-8 H P-24 0.0596 GW-3D HP-7 0.00071 0.0023 0.067 HP-18 HP-31 6 1 F/ 2.9 HP-13 0.0019 GW-7 HP-8 HP-28 GW-2D �ND 1 0.1 0.00041- ND 0.014 _ 4D_HP-19 10 0.0034 HP-6 HP-2 H P-23 HP-9 0.0022 1.2 r 7 H9-5 GW-1 D HPBB-9 HPBB-1 0.091 0.1 ND = HP-10 HP-1 0.0107 0.0069 ND 0.27 19 HP-4 S�_H P-12 H P-30 H P-14 _0.0042 0.016 0.08 0.16 HP-1 1 HP-3 0.2 H P-21 HPBB-2 - - HP-26 7.5 0.00027 0.0094 GW-5D 0.095 HP-29 ND HP-27 Notes: i0.00037 ND 1. PCE-Tetrachloroethene 1 �HPBB-10 0.00049 jW_HPBB-6 2. Concentrations are given in 0 0.00445 milligrams per liter. .7 HPBB-3 HPBB-11 0.023 HPBB-4 ° HPBB-5 3. Shallow depth interval is from ND ND 0.53 -HP-22 GW-6D 20 to 45 feet below ground surface. �HPBB-12 -0.00015 0.00031 0.0023 HPBB-7 4. Horizontal location of angle borings 0.016 are approximate. Vertical Hydropunch Boring 0 Angle Regolith Monitoring Well Angle Hydropunch Boring Phase I Boring/Monitoring Well ♦Vertical Regolith Monitoring Well Figure 1-7: Shallow Groundwater PCE Isoconcentration Contours ERH Notification CDM_ Former Clifton Precision Site Smith Murphy, North Carolina N H P-20 0.053 W E S 0 35 70 GW-8 Scale In Feet 0.2 HP-15 2 H P-16 GW-4 0.23 H P-17 ND 4VHP-25 i 1 0.87 46 5.2 HP-18 HPBB-8 GW-3D 20 30 ND 3.1 0 r GW-2D HP 46 HP-8 12 38 w-HP-13 HP-19 0.017 0.006 0.45 HP-31 1 HP-6 HP-2 HP-5 3.4 130 37 490 0 HPBB-9 GWAD 100 HP-1 0.042 HPBB-1 HP-9 150 280 ND 150 HP-4 H P-12 H P-30 68 H P-3 0.057 0.36 H P-28 330 H P-21 HPBB-2 ® 0.36�HP-11 ND ND 5.3 i Notes: H P-29 5.1 0.000 1. TCE -Trichloroethene 1 4VH P B B-10 GW-5D .00036 1.4 ND o HP-26 2. Concentrations are given in HPBB-3 1 HPBB-5 HPBB-6 milligrams per liter. 4.6 HP BB-4 0.711 0.059 5.96 3. Deep depth interval is deeper than 4kHPBB-11 —ND HPBB-12 50 feet below ground surface. ND ND GW-6D ND 4. Horizontal location of angle borings HPBB-7 are approximate. 1.934 Vertical Hydropunch Boring 0 Angle Regolith Monitoring Well Angle Hydropunch Boring Phase I Boring/Monitoring Well ♦Vertical Regolith Monitoring Well Figure 1-8: Deep Groundwater TCE Isoconcentration Contours ERH Notification CDM_ Former Clifton Precision Site Smith Murphy, North Carolina H P-20 N 0.033 W E S 1 ° 0 35 70 Scale In Feet GW-8 0.084 H P-15 H P-25 0.72 GW-4 0.94 HP-16 ND 0.057 wHP-17 I HP-18 0.0075 HPBB-$ GW-3D 0.47 ND 0.18 HP-7 0.95 n HP-31 HP-19 HP-13 HP-8 N D HP-6 0.012 �0.00018 1 0.00029 1.2 1.3 -0 HP-2 i .3 1.4 HP-5 HP-9 24 ND GWA D HP-1 HPBB-9 HPBB-1 ♦ 0.59 12 0.00098 ND HP-3 H P-30 4.4 H P-12 0.0032 HP-4 0.072 0.16 H P-28 H P-21 0.001$ HPBB-2 ® i HP-11 ND ND HP-10 0.0017 0.2 HP-27 40 Notes: i o ND - 1. PCE -Tetrachloroethene �HPBB-10 HP-29 HPBB-5_ 1 ND HPBB-�� 0.0066 HP-26 0.033 2. Concentrations are given in 0.027 0.017 GW-5D HP0206 1 0 00206 milligrams per liter. 023 HPBB-11 ° 3. Deep depth interval is deeper than ND HPBB-12 1� .HP-22 50 feet below ground surface. ND HPBB-4 ND GW-6D i 0.026 ND HPBB-7 4. Horizontal location of angle borings 0.0556 are approximate. Vertical Hydropunch Boring Angle Regolith Monitoring Well Angle Hydropunch Boring Phase I Boring/Monitoring Well ♦Vertical Regolith Monitoring Well Figure 1-9: Deep Groundwater PCE Isoconcentration Contours ERH Notification CDM_ Former Clifton Precision Site Smith Murphy, North Carolina N m W E S 0 35 70 ❑ Scale In Feet GW-8 HP-20 GW-8B HP-15 HP-16 HP-32 HP-17 GW� HP-25� MW-6 MW-5 % HPBB-8 H P-24 H P-1$ GW-3s/d HP 28 W_4� HP-7 HP-13 A A GW-7B \�- HP 8 GW-2s/d H P-31 H P-11 •� HP-10 HP- GW-1B o Ad HP-2 GW-5B HP-23 GW-7 HP-9 i HP-5 HP-11 HPBB-9 HPBB-1 HP-14 -1s/d GW-5D W-1s H P-4 HP-1 HP-12 H P-29 H P-26 HP-3 H P-30 H P-21 HPBB-10 --HP-2 HPBB-6 HPBB-2 �_ HPBB-5♦ Note: 1. Recovery well RW-1d is not an active recovery well HPBB-3 and is currently used as a monitoring well. i • 0--HPBB-11 HPBB-12l HPBB-4 GW-6B • � GW-6D HPBB-7 HP-22 44�__GW-6S 40 Vertical Hydropunch Boring ♦Vertical Bedrock Monitoring Well r Phase I Boring/Monitoring Well Angle Hydropunch Boring 40 Angle Regolith Monitoring Well ® Recovery Well *Vertical Regolith Monitoring Well ♦ Angle Bedrock Monitoring Well ♦ Existing Monitoring Well B B' Cross Section Location Figure 1-1U: Cross-Section Locations M_ ERH Notification CD Smith Former Clifton Precision Site Murphy, North Carolina 1 215 Partially Weathered Rock 7 ILL 001 OF X 00, OAP 67 1530- olite Estimated Water Saproli 1620- Table Elevation -1620 0 i1530 300 A (West) p � � � 100 IN 110 160 Section A . A. IBA NA IIA 310 � 2� A' (East) Notes:micrograms per liter(parts per billion) Horizontal Distance (Feet) Posted values are total volatile compoundslexwd ��� Posted values are from 2011 (excluding ' nesl in groundwater with the exception oixwe-s Figure 3-11: Geologic Cross-Section R-A' HPBB-8 was drilled MumgMin Norembvrlot] $11111�1 Contact dashed values nM1 a�e e .� lgFM inyedovaithe roP aMammtl mlanN or � C �m so. IGrassed --------------------- Saprolite 1620- Estimated Water 1620 Table Elevation /71 4) //'��/' ,/ 1 2, 201 1 2 1600 0) Q 018 370 ca RIO/ AA 400 560 FJF 15 F %i 1540-09 0 (West) Section B � e B (' 0' (East) Horizontal Distance (Feet) Units-micrograms per liter(parts per billion) Posted values are total volatile organic compounds(excluding trihalomethanes)in groundwater Posted values are from 2011 site ��dee ns nhathe im��awrvavzmbermion of HPBB-2 a�resce��Y Figure 112: Geologic Cmu-SeRERH x��� CDM a����mvManrzeinn�.aiurewndi�,cre:mw.ateryal aiftmnv�.mnsne Smith conrectwuna,.,e,� a, where inferred n�rmv. North Asphalt Wass Estimated Water F _ a ; 27 o -1590 /�Rlzl Partially Weathered Rock 00, OF 10 fir OF -1520 C (North) Units-micrograms per liter(parts per billion) Section C - C' �xp� ePosted values are total volatile organic compounds(excluding Horizontal Distance (Fee[) exceptionPosted values are from 2011 site investigations with the 0 Figure 1-13: Geologic Cross-Section 4G' N W E S 0 35 70 Scale In Feet O--G W-8 ,-- 1615.2 IbI4.f8 GW-4 MW-51614.80 1615.54-0 M W-4 ' GW-3s � 1615.66 1615.41 GW-3d.- GW-2s Note: 1G14.80 1014.58 GW-2d 11 1614.40 `v Groundwater elevations measured on 12/20/2011 �10. GW-7 ,�6 ? RW-1 s ? 1614.91 0 /1589.45 GW 1d 1610.8 GW-5d 1616.6 GW-1 s 1613.27 GW-6D GW-6S 1610.02 t-1622.81 I* Shallow Regolith Monitoring Well -I> - Angled Deep Regolith Monitoring Well Figure 1-14: Regolith Groundwater Potentiometric Surface Map 0 Deep Regolith Monitoring Well —1615.2— Potentiometric Surface Contour ERH Notification CDM National Geodetic Vertical Datum, 1929 Former Clifton Precision Site Smith + Recovery Well Interval= 1.4 feet Murphy, North Carolina N W -AE S 0 35 70 Scale In Feet GW-8B 1614. 0: W-6 1615A8 10 yti�`Cb • Note: GW-7B Groundwater elevations measured on 12/20/2011 1614.74 y'.V W-1 B 1615.97 o GW-5b 1616.43 Ile GW-6B 1617.02 Bedrock Monitoring Well —1515.2— Potentiometric Surface Contour Figure 1-15: Bedrock Groundwater Potentiometric Surface Map ��++ National Geodetic Vertical Datum, 1929 ERH Notification CDN1 + Angled Bedrock Monitoring Well Interval = 0.3 feet Former Clifton Precision Site Smith Murphy, North Carolina Attachment 2 ERH Well Construction Details ' mith Borehole Installation Total Depth Well ID Date Diameter Angle (ft. bgs) • • Bottom • • Bedrock Wells =A E09 9/8/2014 10 0 56 26 56 30 E10 9/8/2014 10 0 59 26 59 33 E12 9/22/2014 10 40 107 35 107 72 F10 8/27/2014 10 0 56 26 56 30 F12 9/9/2014 10 20 68 28 68 40 G12 9/15/2014 10 0 65 26 65 38 G14 9/24/2014 10 30 82 30 82 52 G15 8/27/2014 10 20 86 28 86 58 G16 9/30/2014 10 15 94 25 94 69 G17 9/15/2014 10 0 113 26 113 87 H13 9/10/2014 10 0 58 26 58 32 H14 9/25/2014 10 30 81 30 81 51 H15 9/4/2014 10 20 86 29 86 57 H16 8/26/2014 10 10 89 27 89 62 H17 9/16/2014 10 0 108 26 108 82 H18 9/17/2014 10 0 113 26 113 87 J14 9/11/2014 10 0 68 26 68 42 J15 9/29/2014 10 25 78 28 78 50 J16 9/3/2014 10 10 92 27 92 65 _DG'�',u ILCIGGL Borehole Installation Total Depth Well ID Date Diameter Angle (ft. bgs) • • Bottom • • Hollow B03 10/28/2014 10 40 39 34 39 5 B04 10/23/2014 10 30 40 29 34.5 11 B05 11/4/2014 10 30 45.5 30 39.5 15.5 B06 11/3/2014 10 30 62 29.5 54 40 B07 11/6/2014 10 30 59 30 Si 29 B08 9/16/2014 10 35 64 30 55 34 B09 11/11/2014 10 30 79.5 30 69 49.5 B10 11/12/2014 10 40 100 35 76.6 65 C04 10/30/2014 10 25 40 29 36 11 C05 10/23/2014 10 30 50 30 43.4 13.4 C06 11/5/2014 10 15 61.5 26 59.4 35.5 C07 12/2/2014 10 15 65 26 62.7 45 C08 12/3/2014 10 15 52 26 50 31.5 C09 11/10/2014 10 20 69 28 65 41 C10 12/10/2014 10 30 82 30 71 58.5 C12 10/21/2014 10 40 108 35 82.7 73 D05 10/28/2014 10 10 31 23 30.5 8 D06 10/30/2014 10 0 55 26 55 34 D07 11/6/2014 10 0 50 26 50 24 D08 9/30/2014 10 0 45.5 26 45.5 19.5 D09 9/16/2014 10 0 64 26 64 38 D10 11/18/2014 10 15 72.5 26 70 46.5 D11 11/17/2014 10 45 105 37 91 68 D12 11/20/2014 10 40 106.5 35 81.6 71.5 D13 11/19/2014 10 35 99.5 32 81.5 67.5 D14 10/14/2014 10 30 117 27 117 90 D15 9/2/2014 10 25 114.5 29 103.6 85.5 E06 10/16/2014 10 0 40 26 40 14 E07 10/21/2014 10 0 43 26 43 17 E08 9/11/2014 10 0 51 26 51 25 E13 12/3/2014 10 35 85 33 69.5 62 E14 11/21/2014 10 30 100 30 86.5 70 E15 10/9/2014 10 20 117 28 117 89 E16 8/28/2014 10 20 107 28 100.5 79 E17 8/27/2014 10 15 67.5 26 65 39 F07 10/15/2014 10 0 32.5 26 32.5 13.5 F08 10/28/2014 10 0 48 26 48 22 F09 10/7/2014 10 0 41 26 41 15 F11 10/22/2014 10 15 50 26 50 24 F13 12/9/2014 10 35 75.5 33 61.8 52.5 F13-B 2/11/2015 10 30 65 NA 65 NA F14 12/4/2012 10 30 79 30 68.5 56 _DG'�',u ILCIGGL Borehole Installation Total Depth Well ID Date Diameter Angle (ft. bgs) • • Bottom • • F15 11/20/2014 10 10 67 26 66 41 F16 9/8/2014 10 10 106.5 26 104.8 80.5 F17 8/21/2014 10 10 71.5 26 70.5 44.5 G08 10/29/2014 10 0 29.5 26 29.5 6 G09 9/14/2014 10 0 48 26 48 22 G10 10/20/2014 10 0 43.5 26 43.5 17.5 G11 9/17/2014 10 0 60 26 60 34 G13 9/25/2014 10 20 64 26 64 38 G18 9/24/2014 10 10 114 26 114 88 G19 1/27/2015 10 10 79 26 79 53 H09 10/15/2014 10 10 24.5 19 24.5 6 H10 10/16/2014 10 0 45.5 26 45.5 19.5 H11 9/18/2014 10 0 43.5 26 43.5 17.5 H12 8/29/2014 10 0 56.5 26 56.5 30.5 H19 10/17/2014 10 10 91 26 90 65 J13 10/2/2014 10 0 58.5 26 58.5 32.5 J17 10/30/2014 10 0 87.5 26 87.5 61.5 J18 10/29/2014 10 0 99.5 26 99.5 79.5 J19 10/15/2014 10 0 103.5 26 103.5 77.5 J20 1/15/2015 10 10 92.5 26 92.5 66.5 K13 9/24/2014 10 0 57 26 57 31 K14 9/29/2014 10 0 60 26 60 34 K15 11/20/2014 10 10 67 26 66 47 K16 11/13/2014 10 0 75.5 26 75.5 49.5 K16B 11/22/2014 10 0 80 23 80 61 K17 10/30/2014 10 0 75 26 75 49 K18 11/4/2014 10 0 85 26 85 65 K19 9/22/2014 10 0 101 26 101 75 N14 9/11/2014 10 0 74 26 74 48 N15 10/2/2014 10 0 58 26 58 32 N16 11/19/2014 10 0 64 26 64 38 N17 11/18/2014 10 0 78 26 78 52 N18 11/4/2014 10 0 90 26 90 64 N19 11/11/2014 10 0 85 26 85 59 N20 8/25/2014 10 0 95 26 95 69 P14 9/15/2014 10 0 46.5 25.5 46.5 21 P15 9/15/2014 10 0 65.5 26 65.5 39.5 P15 10/1/2014 10 0 65.5 26 65.5 45.5 P16 10/7/2014 10 0 58.5 26 58.5 32.5 P17 11/5/2014 10 0 63 26 63 37 P18 11/11/2014 10 0 72.5 26 72.5 46.5 P19 11/6/2014 10 0 86 26 86 60 Q15 10/13/2014 10 0 56.5 26 56.5 30.5 _DG'�',u ILCIGGL Borehole Installation Total Depth Well ID Date Diameter Angle (ft. bgs) • • Bottom • • Q16 10/23/2014 10 0 64 26 64 38 Q17 9/9/2014 10 0 56.5 26 56.5 30.5 Q18 10/15/2014 10 0 64 27 59.5 37 Q19 12/9/2014 10 0 93.5 26 93.5 76.5 R15 11/22/2014 10 0 58.5 27 58.5 32.5 R16 10/22/2014 10 0 65.5 25 65 40.5 R17 9/8/2014 10 0 62 26 62 36 R18 9/10/2014 10 0 56.5 26 56.5 30.5 R19 10/23/2014 10 0 70.5 26 69 44.5 S16 1 10/21/2014 10 0 60 26 60 34 S17 12/9/2014 10 0 68 26 68 48 S18 10/27/2014 10 0 70 26 70 50 S18 10/27/2014 10 0 70 26 70 44 � �JG`u VERTICAL BEDROCK ELECTRODE (TYPICAL OF 9) GROUND SURFACE ELECTRODE CABLE — — 1/2" PEX PIPE NEAT CEMENT GROUT 5' (5 GAL/90 LB) — — 3" FIBERGLASS PIPE 1 OL 1/2" SHARKBITE CHECK VALVE 3" FIBERGLASS FEMALE ADAPTER 3" STAINLESS STEEL SCREEN — — 3" CAP SAPROLITE 2" BLACK IRON THREADED CAP WITH WELDED TAB 2 ' 2"X 3' STEEL PIPE 2 2" STEEL COUPLER #3 SAND — — 2"X 21' STEEL PIPE - - 3 ' 3 ' 4 ' 2" STEEL COUPLER 4 ' 2"X 21' STEEL PIPE J - Q - - 5 ' w - - z z w CONDUCTIVE ILL! 5 BACKFILL - - 6 ' 2" STEEL CAP - - 6 ' #3 SAND - - CONDUCTIVE - - 70L BACKFILL - - COPPER PLATE — — LEGEND AND NOTES SZ GROUND WATER 7 ' BORING WIDTH EXAGGERATED MARBLE FOR DETAIL BEDROCK ALL MATERIAL INSTALLED BY TREMMIE BELOW THE WATER - 80L TABLE EXTEND ELECTRODE 10' INTO 10 O.D. BEDROCK DESIGNED BY FOR J.SEEMAN FORMER CLIFTON PRECISION FACILITY DRAWN BY MURPHY,NORTH CAROLINA TRS A PEABODY CHECKED BY D.OBERLE VERTICAL BEDROCK ELECTRODE DETAIL Accelerating Volue PROJECT MANAGER D.SMALL APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE PROJECT 06/12/14 1 MUR55 CONFIDENTIAL:INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND THE BY I� /I f� PROPERTY OF TRS GROUP,INC.NO INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN MAY BE DUPLICATED,USED OR SHEET I\/I-L DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF TRS GROUP,INC.LONGVIEW'WA. DATE Y ANGLED BEDROCK ELECTRODE 10' (TYPICAL OF H16,J15,J16) 1/2"PEX PIPE GROUND SURFACE — — NEAT CEMENT GROUT(5 GAL/90 LB) ELECTRODE CABLE 5' S' 3"FIBERGLASS PIPE ' 1/2"SHARKBITE CHECK VALVE 1 3"FIBERGLASS FEMALE ADAPTER 3"STAINLESS STEEL SCREEN - - 1 , 16 I 2"BLACK IRON THREADED CAP WITH WELDED ' SAPROLITE — — 2 20, TAB #3 SAND - - - 2 , 26 — — 2"X 21'STEEL PIPE — — 3 ' 301 2"STEEL COUPLER - - 35L 36 — — 4 40, 4 , 45, 2"X 21'STEEL PIPE — — 5 ' 501 2"STEEL COUPLER — — 5 , 56 60' CONDUCTIVE a 6 L BACKFILL — — w z_ z - - W 65' — — 65' — — Q — — w o' - - H — — 2"X 21'STEEL PIPE — — 70, 70' — — 2"STEEL CAP — — 76 — — 75' #3 SAND MARBLE BEDROCK CONDUCTIVE _ BACKFILL 80' 80' COPPER PLATE LEGEND AND NOTES 851 Q GROUND WATER 85' BORING WIDTH EXAGGERATED FOR DETAIL g0, ALL MATERIAL INSTALLED BY TREMMIE BELOW THE WATER 90 TABLE MARBLE EXTEND ELECTRODE 10'INTO BEDROCK BEDROCK 10 O.D. DESIGNED BY FOR J.SEEMAN FORMER CLIFTON PRECISION FACILITY DRAWN BY MURPHY,NORTH CAROLINA TRS A PEABODY CHECKED BY D.OBERLE 100 ANGLED BEDROCK ELECTRODE DETAIL Accelerating Volue PROJECT MANAGER D.SMALL APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE PROJECT 06/12/14 MUR55 CONFIDENTIAL:INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND THE BY PROPERTY OF TRS GROUP,INC.NO INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN MAY BE DUPLICATED,USED OR SHEET I\Y/I S DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF TRS GROUP,INC.LONGVIEW,WA. DATE V ANGLED BEDROCK ELECTRODE 15' (TYPICAL OF G16) 1/2"PEX PIPE GROUND SURFACE — — NEAT CEMENT GROUT(5 GAL/90 LB) ELECTRODE CABLE 5' S 3"FIBERGLASS PIPE — — 1/2"SHARKBITE CHECK VALVE 10' gyp' 3"FIBERGLASS FEMALE ADAPTER —_ —_ 3"STAINLESS STEEL SCREEN — — 15L 15 — — 2"BLACK IRON THREADED CAP WITH WELDED TAB SAPROLITE — — 20L 20 #3 SAND 2 ' 25 2"X 21'STEEL PIPE 2"STEEL COUPLER — — 3 , 30 — — 35 - - 3 ' — — 40, 4 ' 45 4 ' 2"X 21'STEEL PIPE 5p 2"STEEL COUPLER — — 5 — — 55, — — 5 CONDUCTIVE — — BACKFILL — — 6p, - - w 6 — — z z Lu — — 65, — — a W — — 65' — — 2"X 21'STEEL PIPE — — j0' 70 2"STEEL CAP 15 #3 SAND — — 75' _ MARBLE BEDROCK bq CONDUCTIVE BACKFILL 80 LEGEND AND NOTES POAP PER SZ GROUND WATER $5, 85' BORING WIDTH EXAGGERATED FOR DETAIL ALL MATERIAL INSTALLED BY 9p, TREMMIE BELOW THE WATER TABLE 90' EXTEND ELECTRODE 10'INTO MARBLE BEDROCK pp. BEDROCK DESIGNED BY FOR J.SEEMAN FORMER CLIFTON PRECISION FACILITY DRAWN BY MURPHY,NORTH CAROLINA TRS A PEABODY CHECKED BY D.OBERLE 150 ANGLED BEDROCK ELECTRODE DETAIL Accelerating Volue PROJECT MANAGER eo D.SMALL APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE PROJECT 06/12/14 MUR55 CONFIDENTIAL:INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND THE BY I� A PROPERTY OF TRS GROUP,INC.NO INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN MAY BE DUPLICATED,USED OR SHEET I\/I�4 DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF TRS GROUP,INC.LONGVIEW,WA. DATE Y TT ANGLED BEDROCK ELECTRODE 20' (TYPICAL OF 4) GROUND SURFACE 1/2"PEX PIPE NEAT CEMENT GROUT(5 GAL/90 LB) ELECTRODE CABLE 5' S 3"FIBERGLASS PIPE 1/2"SHARKBITE CHECK VALVE 10' 10 3"FIBERGLASS FEMALE ADAPTER 3"STAINLESS STEEL SCREEN — — 15' 15, —_ —_ 2"BLACK IRON THREADED CAP WITH WELDED TAB SAPROLITE 20 — — 20' #3 SAND 25 25. 2"X 21'STEEL PIPE - - - SZ 3p 2"STEEL COUPLER - - 3 ' - - 3 ' 4 ' 4 2"X 21'STEEL PIPE 2"STEEL COUPLER - - 5 ' — — 55, — — 5 LEGEND AND NOTES CONDUCTIVE — — BACKFILL ILL 0' — — ? SZ GROUND WATER 6 — — 1-- —_ —_ w BORING WIDTH EXAGGERATED a 6 L FOR DETAIL ALL MATERIAL INSTALLED BY r05 TREMMIE BELOW THE WATER — — TABLE 2"X 21'STEEL PIPE — — 65L EXTEND ELECTRODE 10' INTO BEDROCK IOC 2"STEEL CAP 7 ' — — 15 #3 SAND 7 �, CONDUCTIVE 8 MARBLE BACKFILL BEDROCK COPPER MARBLE PLATE 80L BEDROCK 5, 8 8 , 90, 10 Op. DESIGNED BY FOR J.SEEMAN FORMER CLIFTON PRECISION FACILITY DRAWN BY MURPHY,NORTH CAROLINA TRS A PEABODY CHECKED BY D.OBERLE 200 ANGLED BEDROCK ELECTRODE DETAIL Accelerating Volue PROJECT MANAGER D.SMALL APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE PROJECT 06/12/14 MUR55 CONFIDENTIAL:INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND THE BY I� r PROPERTY OF TRS GROUP,INC.NO INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN MAY BE DUPLICATED,USED OR SHEET I\/I �l DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF TRS GROUP,INC.LONGVIEW,WA. DATE Y VVV ANGLED BEDROCK ELECTRODE 30' (TYPICAL OF G14) GROUND SURFACE 1/2"PEX PIPE NEAT CEMENT GROUT(5 GAL/90 LB) ELECTRODE CABLE 5 3"FIBERGLASS PIPE — — + 1/2"SHARKBITE CHECK VALVE 10' 3"FIBERGLASS FEMALE ADAPTER 3"STAINLESS STEEL SCREEN — — 15' 2"BLACK IRON THREADED CAP WITH WELDED TAB 26 SAPROLITE — — 20' #3 SAND 2"X 21'STEEL PIPE - - 2 —_ —_ — 2 2"STEEL COUPLER — — 30 —_ —_ 3 ' 35 — — 2"X 21'STEEL PIPE — — 35L NIP — — 4 �� CONDUCTIVE BACKFILL 2"STEEL COUPLER 4 ' J - - 5 ' - - w — — ? 60 — — z — — w - - 2 - - a 5 w — — 65 2"X 21'STEEL PIPE —_ —_ 6 ' — — 'IQ3 2"STEEL CAP — — LEGEND AND NOTES 6 ' #3 SAND — — SZ GROUND WATER — — BORING WIDTH EXAGGERATED CONDUCTIVE FOR DETAIL BACKFILL —_ —_ ALL MATERIAL INSTALLED BY $� TREMMIE BELOW THE WATER COPPER TABLE PLATE EXTEND ELECTRODE 10' INTO 75' BEDROCK $ MARBLE BEDROCK MARBLE 9p BEDROCK 80' _ DESIGNED BY FOR J.SEEMAN FORMER CLIFTON PRECISION FACILITY DRAWN BY MURPHY,NORTH CAROLINA TRS A PEABODY CHECKED BY D.OBERLE 300 ANGLED BEDROCK ELECTRODE DETAIL Accelerating Volue PROJECT MANAGER D.SMALL APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE PROJECT 06/12/14 MUR55 CONFIDENTIAL:INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND THE BY I� /I /'� PROPERTY OF TRS GROUP,INC.NO INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN MAY BE DUPLICATED,USED OR SHEET I\Y/I�Y1 DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF TRS GROUP,INC.LONGVIEW,WA. DATE V ANGLED BEDROCK ELECTRODE 40' (TYPICAL OF El 2) GROUND SURFACE 1/2"PEX PIPE NEAT CEMENT GROUT(5 GAL/90 LB) ELECTRODE CABLE 5, 4j 3"FIBERGLASS PIPE 1/2"SHARKBITE CHECK VALVE — — 3"FIBERGLASS FEMALE ADAPTER 10' 3"STAINLESS STEEL SCREEN - - 1 ' �p 2"BLACK IRON THREADED CAP WITH WELDED TAB 2"X 21'STEEL PIPE SAPROLITE 2 `L`� #3 SAND — — 2"STEEL COUPLER - - - 36 2 ' Q - - 3 ' - - - NO 3 , 2"X 21'STEEL PIPE D. 2"STEEL COUPLER 4 L CONDUCTIVE � BACKFILL z z 1js a 4 ' LU af ~ IbO - - 5 ' — — 6Gj 2"X 21'STEEL PIPE 2"STEEL CAP - - 5 , 1ls —_ —_ #3 SAND — — 1l� 6 LEGEND AND NOTES CONDUCTIVE BACKFILL SZ GROUND WATER O COPPER PLATE BORING WIDTH EXAGGERATED 6 FOR DETAIL ALL MATERIAL INSTALLED BY TREMMIE BELOW THE WATER TABLE MARBLE70!- EXTEND ELECTRODE 10'INTO MARBLE 0's BEDROCK BEDROCK BEDROCK p� 1p DESIGNED BY FOR J.SEEMAN FORMER CLIFTON PRECISION FACILITY DRAWN BY MURPHY,NORTH CAROLINA TRS PEABODY B CHECKEDD BY D.OBERLE 400 ANGLED BEDROCK ELECTRODE DETAIL Accelerating Value PROJECT MANAGER D.SMALL APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE 06/12/14 PROJECT MUR55 CONFIDENTIAL:INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND THE BY PROPERTY OF TRS GROUP,INC.NO INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN MAY BE DUPLICATED,USED OR SHEET M�7 DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF TRS GROUP,INC.LONGVIEW,WA. DATE Attachment 3 Previous Notifications and Approvals 'Smith i NORTH CAROL INA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT S NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES-AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A MONITORING OR RECOVERY WELL SYSTEM PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY In accordance with the provisions of Article T Chapter 87,General Statutes of North Carolina and regulations pursuant thereto, application is hereby made for a permit!o construct monitoring or recovery wells. 1. Date: S7 O/ + FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 2. County: ce6nrae�--C- , _ PERMIT NO. ISSUED DATE 3. What type of well are you applying for?(monitoring or recovery): _/a wAn-4 4. Applicant: id e-� Telephone: r Applicant's Marling Address: Q rd.'r if to 2 Applicant's Email Address(if available): //]] /1 5. Contact Person(if different than Applicant): Ac/�- ra cu_ Telephone: w&A Sid !g� ,- Contact Person's Mailing Address: , b z?,, ,43 Lt'. Contact Person's Email Address(if available): ']Q 7 6. Property Owner(if different than Applicant): ��9 � c��f Telephone: 82C O Property Owners Malting Address: 9 s" /�� /i�w �/1Z2 /1Ay1- Ak Property Owners Email Address(If available): ,l�Q.IN K(4-i) ywoc C, . C-ADD----- --- t 7. Property Physical Address(including zip code)and PIN Number LS Vg � C?0=2 _ 8. Reason for Well(s): ['our, 41-- c r (ex: non-discharge permit req irements,suspected contamination,assessment,groundwater contamination,remediation,etc.) 9. Type of facility or site for which the well(s)Is(are)needed: (ex: non-discharge facility,waste disposal site,landfill,UST,etc.) 10. Are there any current water quality permits or incidents associated with this facility or site? If so,list permit and/or incident no(s). T iOs r W 00 11. Type of contaminants being monitored or recovered: 0bl,4i or - r9 , (ex: organics,nutrients,heavy metals,etc.) 12. Are there any existing wells associated with the proposed well(s)? If yes,how many? Existing Monitoring or Recovery Well Construction Permit No(s).: 13. Distance from proposed well(s)to nearest(mown waste or pollution source(in feet). r S Ov a ^- 14. Are there any water supply wells located less than 500 feet from the proposed well(s)? /V If yes,give distance(s): 16. Well Contractor: c CC M2±L Certification No.: O X Well Contractor Address: . of 13 2 S S�k jr= Pov 4-4_7 _ f"i C155-,-, nhL n j S` SCE PROPOSED WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION 1 As required by 15A NCAC 02C.0105(f)(7),attach a well construction diagram of each well showing the follows~g: a. Borehole and well diameter e. Type of casing material and thickness b. Estimated well depth f. Grout horizons C. Screen intervals g. Well head completion details d. Sand/gravel pack intervals Continued or,Reverse PROPOSED WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION(Continued) 2. Number of wells to be constructed in unconsolidated 5. How willthe well(s)be secured? material: /9 P S 3. Number of wells to be constructed in bedrock: �� 6. Estimated beginning construction date: $ / 4. Total Number of wells to be constructed: 7. Estimated construction completion date: (add answers from 2 and 3) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. As required by 15A NVCAC 02C.0105(f)(5),attach a scaled map of the site showing the locations of the following. a. All property boundaries,at least one of which is referenced to a minimum of two landmarks such as identified roads, Intersections,streams,or lakes within 500 feet of the proposed well or well system. b. All existing wells,identified by type of use,within 5W feet of the proposed well or well system. C. The proposed well or well system. d. Any test borings within 500 feet of proposed well or well system. e. All sources of known or potential groundwater cordaminadon(such as septic tank systems,pesticide,chemical or fuel storage areas,animal feedlots as defined in G.S.143-215.1013(5),landfills,or other waste disposal areas)within 500 feet of the proposed well or well system. SIGNATURES The Applicant hereby agrees that the proposed well(s)will be constructed in accordance with approved specifications and conditions of this Well Construction Permit as regulated under the Well Construction Standards(Tide 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2C)and accepts full responsibility for compliance with these rules Director, Environmental Remediation Signature of Applicant or*Agent Title of Applicant or*Agent Joseph P. Kwa n *if signing as Agent,attach authorization agreement staSng Printed name of Applicant or*Agent that you have the authonly to act as the Agent. If the property is owned by someone other than the applicant,the property owner hereby consents to allow the applicant to construct wells as outlined in this Well Construction Permit application and that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the wells) ntarm to he Well nstruction Standards(Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code,Subchapter 2C). _1z J t51J Le f tt.$4C4 Signature of Owner(if different than Applicant) Printed name of Property Owner(if different than Applicant) DIRECTIONS Please send the completed application to the appropriate Division of Water Resources's Aquifer Protection Section Regional Office: Asheville Regional Office Raleigh Regional Office Wilmington Regional Office 2090 U.S.Highway 70 3600 Barrett Drive 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Swannanoa,NC 26778 Raleigh,NC 27609 Wilmington,NC 28405 Phone: (828)296-4600 Phone: (919)791-4200 Phone: (910)796-7215 Fax. (828)299-7043 Fax (919)571-4718 Fax: (910)350-2004 Fayetteville Regional Office Washington Regional Office Winston-Salem Regional Office 226 Green Street,Suite 714 943 Washington Square Malt 585 Waughtown Street Fayetteville,NC 28301-5094 Washington,NC 27889 Winston-Salem,NC 27107 Phone: (910)433-3300 Phone: (252)946-6481 Phone: (336)771-5000 Fax: (910)486-0707 Fax: (252)975-3716 Fax (336)771-4630 Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue Mooresville,NC 28115 Phone: (704)663-1699 �'` f A• Fax: (704)663-6040 + w p rrr�� GW-22MR(Rev.MIS) A A T4jrA NDENit North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory John E. Skvarla, III Governor Secretary August 19, 2014 Ms. Amy B. Sullivan Northrop Grumman Corporation 2980 Fairview Park Drive Falls Church,VA 22042 Re: Well Construction Permit WM0100346 Moog Components Group Inc.Property Property PIN: 552201067480000 Cherokee County, NC Dear Ms. Sullivan, In accordance with the application submitted on your behalf by Andrew Small on August 14,2014, we are forwarding well construction permit numbered WM0100346 dated August 19, 2014. The permit is for the construction of ninety-three(93)electrical resistance heating wells, sixteen(16)monitoring wells, nine (9)temperature monitoring points, and four(4)vapor recovery wells on the Moog Components property as described in the application and the attached permit. The permit will be effective from the date of issuance for a period of one year and is subject to the _ conditions and limitations as specified therein, A Well Construction Record shall be completed and signed by the certified drilling contractor for each well. The forms shall be submitted to the Department upon completion of the wells and shall reference the permit number. Please review the attached permit conditions. If you should have any questions or need additional information contact Andrew Moore at 828-296- 4500. Sincerely, . X"_ G. Landon Davidson, P.G. Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section cc: Water Quality Asheville Files ec: Andrew Small,TRS Group, Inc. North Carolina Division of Water Resources--Asheville Reglanal Office 2090 U.S.Highway 70,Smnnanoa,N.C. 28778 Phone(828)296.4500 FAX (828)299-7043 Internet: htfp:ilporWI-ndenr.org/web/wqf An Equal opportunity/Affirrnative Action Employer NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF MONITORING WELL In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87, North Carolina General Statutes, and other applicable Laws,Rules and Regulations. PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Northrop Grumman Corporation FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WELL SYSTEM consisting of one hundred twenty-two wells owned by Northrop Grumman Corporation,2980 Fairview Park Drive,Falls Church,VA 22042. The wells will be located on property owned by Moog Components Group Inc. located in Cherokee County(PIN#552201067480000).This Permit is issued in accordance with the application received on August 14,2014, in conformity with specifications and supporting data, all of which are filed with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and are considered integral parts of this Permit. This Permit is for well construction only,and does not waive any provision or requirement of any other applicable law or regulation. Construction of any well under this Permit shall be in strict compliance with the North Carolina Well Construction Regulations and Standards (15A NCAC 02C .0100), and other State and Local Laws and regulations pertaining to well construction. If any requirements or limitations specified in this Permit are unacceptable,you have a right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days of receipt of this Permit. The request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such a demand is made,this Permit is final and binding. This Permit will be effective for one year from the date of its issuance and shall be subject to other specified conditions, limitations,or exceptions as follows: 1. Issuance of this Permit does not supersede any other agreement, permit, or requirement issued by another agency. 2. The well(s) shall be located and constructed as shown on the attachments submitted as part of the Permit application. - 3. Each well shall have a Well Contractor Identification Plate in accordance with I5A NCAC 02C .0108(0)where applicable. 4. The monitoring well shall be maintained in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C.0I08. 5. A Well Construction Record (GW-1) for each well shall be submitted to the Division of Water Resource's Information Processing Unit within 30 days of the well completion in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C.0114. 6. When the well is discontinued or abandoned, it shall be abandoned in accordance with I5A NCAC 02C .0113 and a well abandonment record (GW-30) shall be submitted to the Division of Water Resource's Information Processing Unit and the property owner within 30 days of the well abandonment in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .01 I4. Permit issued the 19th day of August,2014 FOR THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Landon Davidson, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit No. # WMO100346 i &MI NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory John E. Skvarla, III Governor Secretary August 25, 2014 Mr. Joseph P. Kwan Northrop Grumman Corporation 2980 Fairview Park Drive Falls Church,VA 22042 Re: Well Construction Permit WM0100347 Moog Components Group Inc.Property Property PIN: 552201067480000 Cherokee County,NC Dear Mr. Kwan, In accordance with the application submitted on your behalf by Andrew Small on August 21,2014, we are forwarding well construction permit numbered WMO100347 dated August 25,2014.The permit is for the construction of nineteen(19)electrical resistance heating wells to be installed into bedrock on the Moog Components property as described in the application and the attached permit. The permit will be effective from the date of issuance for a period of one year and is subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. A Well Construction Record shall be completed and signed by the certified drilling contractor for each well.The forms shall be submitted to the Department upon completion of the wells and shall reference the permit number. Please review the attached permit conditions. If you should have any questions or need additional information contact Andrew Moore at 828-296- 4500. Sincerely, G. Landon Davidson, P.G. Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section cc: Water Quality Asheville Files ec: Andrew Small,TRS Group,Inc. North Carolina Division of Water Resources—Asheville Regional Off Ice 2090 U.S.Highway 70,Swannanoa,N.C. 28778 Phone(828)296.4500 FAX (828)299-7043 Internet: http:i/portal.ncdeiir.org/web/wq/ An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF MONITORING WELL In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87, North Carolina General Statutes, and other applicable Laws,Rules and Regulations. PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Northrop Grumman Corporation FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WELL SYSTEM consisting of nineteen wells owned by Northrop Grumman Corporation,2980 Fairview Park Drive,Falls Church,VA 22042.The wells will be located on property owned by Moog Components Group Inc. located in Cherokee County(PIN#552201067480000).This Permit is issued in accordance with the application received on August 21,2014, in conformity with specifications and supporting data,all of which are filed with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and are considered integral parts of this Permit. This Permit is for well construction only,and does not waive any provision or requirement of any other applicable law or regulation. Construction of any well under this Permit shall be in strict compliance with the North Carolina Well Construction Regulations and Standards (15A NCAC 02C .0100), and other State and Local Laws and regulations pertaining to well construction. If any requirements or limitations specified in this Permit are unacceptable,you have a right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days of receipt of this Permit. The request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter I50B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such a demand is made,this Permit is final and binding. This Permit will be effective for one year from the date of its issuance and shall be subject to other specified conditions, limitations,or exceptions as follows: 1. Issuance of this Permit does not supersede any other agreement, permit, or requirement issued by another agency. 2. The well(s) shall be located and constructed as shown on the attachments submitted as part of the Permit application. 3. Each well shall have a Well Contractor Identification Plate in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0108(0)where applicable. 4. The monitoring well shall be maintained in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C.0108. 5. A Well Construction Record (GW-1) for each well shall be submitted to the Division of Water Resource's Information Processing Unit within 30 days of the well completion in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C.0114. 6. When the well is discontinued or abandoned, it shall be abandoned in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0113 and a well abandonment record (GW-30) shall be submitted to the Division of Water Resource's Information Processing Unit and the property owner within 30 days of the well abandonment in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0114. Permit issued the 25th day of August,2014 FOR THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Landon Davidson, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit No. #WM0100347 Attachment 4 Corrective Action Monitoring Plan Locations ' mith N w •}e ' •� t 11 7 t ,r !1 P 1 3 h w-6 A, r MW-61 * _ $ ` cm 8 41 k sW-fi #. '> .M Ae Mw- At a. r ♦ Regolith Monitor Well ® Regolith Recovery Well A Creek Monitoring Point Semi-Annual VOC Sampling Bedrock Monitor Well ® Bedrock Recovery Well A RFT Surface Water Station Annual VOC Sampling Scale in Feet Figure 4-1: CAMP Monitoring Locations CDMTransition Monitor Well Bedrock Supply Well Spring ERH Notification Smith 125 0 250 Former Clifton Precision Site Murphy, North Carolina