HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0100119_GEO THERMAL_20120518rw.r�umM��w NCDENR North Carol ina=Department-of_Environment and Natural Resources Division -of -Vllafer-Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild,.P...E. Governor Director May 18, 2012 Chris Hedden.- 10305 Bryson City Road Franklin, NC 28734 Subject: Notification of Rule Revisions Affecting Closed -Loop Geo6le-1111al Injection Well Permit Holders Permit Number: WI0100119 Dear Mr. Hedden: Dee Freeman Secretary Our records indicate that you currently hold a permit for a closed -loop geothermal injection well system. This letter is to inform you that on May 1, 2012, the North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C .0200 entitled "Well Construction Standards — Criteria and Standards Applicable Injection Wells" were revised. These revisions affect all permits issued for injection wells including geothermal wells. This letter is also to inform you that your closed -loop geothermal injection well(s) have become "permitted by rule." Therefore, you are no longer required to renew your current permit and the permit will be valid indefinitely as long as the wells are active and are operated in accordance with the revised rules referenced above. Please keep in mind that if you abandon the wells, a record of abandonment roust be submitted to the Division of Water Quality. You may view the revised rules on our website at http://por-tal.ncde-nr.org/web/wL If you have any questions regarding your current permit or the rule revisions, please feel free to contact our underground injection control staff at (919) 807-6464. Sincerely, Eric G. Smith, P.G. Hydrogeologist. cc: UIC Permit File AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 One Location: 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 NorthCarolina Phone:919-807-6464 ter FAX:919807{496 Naturally iri��� Internet: www.nL,nraterauali[y,org ��/ 6dS An Equal Opportunity %-Affirmative Action Employer N• sStnATlra } r F t. WELL CONTRACTOR: Christopher D Hedderl Well Contractor (individual) Name e den Brothers e l Dri '. n Well Contractor Company Name 73 Holly Hills Vista RD Street Address Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code (828 ) 369-9591 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: �r WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# IN.LO1 ,) I tj OTHERASSOCIATED PERMIT#!ifapplicable) SITE WELL ID #(if appllcabre) 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring ❑ MunicipailPublic ❑ IridustriallCvrnmercial ED Agriculturel C Recovery ❑ Injection t( Irrigation❑ other C (list use) Geothermal Heating DATE DRILLED Feb 4, 2011 h. WELL LOCATION: 14345 Bryson_C_ity RD--1N'eil.# l (Street Name, Numbers, Community Subdivision, IL No.. Pefoel, Zip Coda) CiTy. Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPC) GRAP HIC 1 LAND SETTING' (check appropriate boxy ❑ Slope ❑ Val ley ❑ Flat ❑ R1dge 2 Other LATITUDE 35 " OMS OR 3x.xxxxxxxxx DD LONGITUDE 63 �' " OMS OR 7x.XXXXXXXXX DD I-atltudellongitude source: L)GPS Qropographic map floCAflen of Weil rnust bQ shown on a Lis GS ro13o map andattached to this form if not using GPS} 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well Is located.) Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) Street Address City or Town State Zip Code t .hristnnh¢r n Hptirian _ _ _-- Contact Name 1030.9 Rrv-gQn City R❑ Mailing Address Franklin N 28714 City or Town State Zip Code (_8?8 524-0531 _ Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a, TOTAL DEPTH-.L�t1r b, DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES C NOW NONRESIDENTIAL ONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resourees- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2044 A d. TOP OF CASING IS _ _ FT. Above Land Surface' "Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .d11 & a. YIELD (gpmj: METHOD OF TEST C DISINFECTION; Type Amount g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom 'fop Bottom Tap Bottom Thlcknessf 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Tap Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. Tap Botterr Ft. S GROUT. Depth Material Ntettiod Top Bottom Ft Top Battam Ft._ _ Tap Bottom- Ft,T S. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Slze Materlei Top Bottom Ft. in in Top Bottom Ft in, In. Top Bottom Ft. In. In. 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth 8Ize Material Tap Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Fl. Tap Bottom Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Descrlptlon ! I TO HERESY RTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRLICTEDIN ACCORDANCE WITH 1SA NCAC 2 ELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS R= _ D H SE PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. SIGNATURE Or CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACT AT c. WATER LEVEL Below Tap of Casing: FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL �orrSubmit within 30 days of com letlon'to: Division,of Water Quality Informatlon Processing, Rev, Gw 1t Y p tY ' 9 Rev, 2109 1817 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27$99A61;,Ph ane :'(019) 907-8300 -- 0 yr,, k.1. A'v P 4-0 6 46 in 1 ■ ONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Depamnent of Environmcni- and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2044-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Christooher ❑ Hedden _ Well Contractor (individual) Name Hedden Brothers Well arillina. Inc. Well Contractor Company Name Street Address - Franklin - NC _?.$734 Clty or Town State Zip Code Sr 28 ) 369-9591 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION; WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# WzoiDal [9 OTHER ASSOCIATED PERM ITrr(ifappllcable) SITE WELL ID #(If BP01 Axle) 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring L—I Muniripal/Public ❑ Industrial/Commerclal ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ Inlection S( IrrigabonC other C {list use) Geothermal Heating DATE DRILLED Feb 5, 2011 4. WELL LOCATION: 10305 Brvson City R❑-_Welf1#2 (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdiv'slon. Lot No., Parcel, Tip Code) CITY. Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING' (check appropriate box) ❑ Slope Dvaliay Ci Fiat ❑ Ridge ❑dther LATITUDE 35 " DMS OR 3x.xxxxxxxxx DID LONGITUDE 83 " OMS OR 7x.xxxxxxxxx DD I.alitude/longitude source; E)GPS ❑Topographic map (location of well must he shown on a USGS top map andaffachad to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) Facility Name Facility 1D# (it applicable) Street Address City or Town State Zip Code Chr'-gMnher Q _Harlden Contact Name 10305 }3ry�nn CitV Ein Mailing Address Franklin _ , Nr- 28Z14 City or Town State Zip Code ( 828524-0537 Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS; a. TOTAL DEPTH: b, DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES Q NO d, TOP OF CASING IS FT. Above Land Surface" 'Top of casing terminated atlor below Sand surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e, YIELD (gpm) METHOD OF TEST f. DISINFECTION: Type Amount g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Bottom Top Bottom Tap Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thlcknessl 7, CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Top 8❑ltom Ft, Tap Bottom Ft Top Bottom Ft. 8. GROUT; Depth Material Method ToR Bottom Ft, Top Bottom Ft, Top Bottom _-___ Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top Bottom Ft. In. In. Top Bottom Ft. In, in. Top Bottom Ft. In. In. 10. SANDfGRAVEL PACK: Depth Site Materiai Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description I 1 1 1 r 1 I �FMvau z r I DO HEREBY CEPTiFy THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I5A NCAC 2G LL GON STR UCTI❑N STANDARDS, ANC THAT A COPY CF THIS REC--. H EEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED VVEL1 CONTRACTOR A E c, WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form GW-1b Submit within 30 days of comFletion to. DivisiDn of Water.Quality. - Infoirination Processing, Rev, 2/08 1617 Ma]I.Service Center, Raleigh, NC 2"09A'6! 0.hb66 : t410) 0143DO NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD t @ North Carolina Department of Envirotunent and Natural Resources • Division of Water Quality - 'y WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2044-A ..5 Vhwl 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Christofaher D Hedden Well Contractor (Individual) Name He I Ddling. log. Well Contractor Company Name 73 Hoily Hills Vista RD Street Address Franklin _ _._ _NC 287�4 City or Town state ZIP Code (.828 ) 369-9591 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: d. TOP OF CASING is FT. Above Land Surface' 'Tap of Casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): METHOD OF TEST f. DISINFECTION: Type Amount U. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thicknessf 7, CASING. Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITF Vy1l) 106 i 9 Top Bottom Ft. i OTHER ASSOCIATED PERM ITa(irapplicable) Top Bottom Ft. y SITE WELL ID 0(ir appl]cable) Tap Bottom Ft. 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring ❑ Municipal/Public E) 8. GROUT: Depth Material tndusinai/Commercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection N( Top Bottom Ft._ Irrigation❑ other ❑ (Ilst use) Geothermal Heatin❑ Top Bottom Ft. DATE 0RILLEOFeb 5,_2011 Top Bottom Ft. a. WELL LOCATION: 10305 Belson City RD--Well (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivialon. Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) ciTy: Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LAND SETTING- (check appropriate box) ❑ Slope ❑ Valley [:]Flat ❑ Ridge ❑ Other LATITUDE 35 " OMS OR SX.XXXXXXXXX OD LONGITUDE S3 " DMS OR 79.XXX&KXXX) DO Latitude/longitude source: BPS ❑Topographic map {locat)on ❑f well must be shown on a U S G S top map ancis rtacheof to MIS farm ifnot using GP5) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) Facility Name Facility 10# (if appllcabiej Street Address City or Town State ZIP Code ChrisInnbeE 17 Heriden Contact Name 10305 Rrvsnn _City R❑ Malling Address Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code L 828524-05a7 Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: �l�1 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO V S. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Top Bottom Ft, In. Top Bottom Ft. In. Top Bottom Ft. In, 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACK,. Depth Size Top Bottom Ft. Top 8ogom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 11. DRILLiNG LOG Top Bottom Method Slot size Material In. In. Material Formation Description 1 DQ AFrR E BY CF RT I FY THAT TH:s WELL WAS CONSTRICTED IN ACCORDANCE WM- I 5A NC' C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT ACOPY OF THIS j•`j AS BEEN ARpVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER SIGNATURE OF CERT(FIED-VVtLL CONTRACT— D E c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing; FT Christopher ❑ Ejedden (Use " 4 " If Above Top of Casing) PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to. -Division of Water -Duality - information Processln , Form GW-1b y P Rev.2/09 1.13.17 Mall Sarvice.Cen'ter, Rateigh, NC 2769.9m181; Phone : (919) 9074160 ' :�, SrA'Ig4- a R v6,NKp k ; NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Depananent of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality I WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 1044-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Christopher D Hedd!�n _ Well Contractor (Individual) Name hed den ([others Well 0d1ra. lnc. Well Contractor Company Name 73 [jolly Hi i i R Street Address Franklin NC 28734 City or Town State Zip Code (.828 ) 369-9591 Area code Phone number 2. WELL MFORMATION: d, TOP OF CA$fNG IS FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of Casing terminated allor below land surface may reoulre a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C 01 18. e. YIELD (gpm): METHOD OF TEST_ f, DISINFECTION: Type Amount g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Bottom Top Bottom Top 9cttom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness! 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# N ZI)1001 is Top Bottom Ft. OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(irappllcable) Top Bottom Ft, SITE WELL ld #(If applicable) ToP Bottom Ft. 3, WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring ❑ MunleipallPublle❑ $. GROUT, Depth Material Indusvial/Commercial ❑ Agriculturat ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection d Top Bottom Ft. Irrigation❑ other ❑ (list use) GeathIsrmat Heat! no Tor Bottom Ft. DATE DRILLED Feb 10. 2011 Tap Bottom Ft. 4. WELL LOCATION: 10305 Brvson ON RID —WO (Strael Name. Numbers, Community, Subdivision. Lot No„ Parcel, Zip Code) CITY Franklin COUNTY Macon TOPOGRAPHIC / LAUD SETTING: (Check appropriate box) Slepa ❑ Valley ❑ Ftai ❑ Ridge ❑ Other LATITUDE 35 " OMS OR 3x,XxxxxXXxx D❑ LONGITUDE B3 " OMS OR 7x.xxxxxxxxx D➢ Latltudellongltude source: []GPS [:Topographic map (location of well must be shown en a USGS lope map andattached to this corm isnot using GPS) S. FACILITY ;Name of the business where the well is located ] Facility Name Facillty IO# (if applicable) Street Address City or Town State -Zip Code Christnnher ❑ Hedden Contact Name Mailing Address City or Town State Zip Ceda Area eacoddee Phone number S. WELL flETAtl.s: ��V+ 1 a. TOTAL DEPTH: b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO V Method 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot size Material Tap Bottom R. in. In. Top Bottom Ft. in In. Top Bottom Ft.In. In. 10. SANDiGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Top Bottom Ft. Top Bcttom Ft. Tflp Bcttom Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom 1 r 1 I I 1 1 I U%R E Material Fermetien Description 1 DO HEREBY ERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 1 SA NCAC ELLCONSTRICTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS 3frrRD '� BEEN PROVIOEO7 THE WE OWNER. NATURE OF CERTIFIED �N _L CONTRAC-fO-R IDATEI c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT (Use'+' if Above Top of Casing) PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: DIvIsign' of Water Quality - Inforrhation Processing, Form GW-lb Rev, 2109 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC •27698a161, Phone : (94,9).867-6300 Centmal Filec APS SWP 10/28/10 Permit Number W10100119 Permit Tracking Slip Program Category Status Project Type Ground Water Active New Project Permit Type Version Permit Classification Injection Mixed Fluid GSHP Well System (5QM) 1.00 Individual Primary Reviewer john.mccray Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facility Name Chris D Hedden SFR 50M Permit Contact Affiliation Chris D. Hedden Owner 73 Holly Hill Vista Rd Franklin NC 287" MajorlMinor Region Minor Asheville Location Address County 10305 Bryson City Rd Macon Franklin NC 28734 Facility Contact Affiliation Chris D. Hedden Owner 73 Holly Hill Vista Rd Franklin NC 28744 Owner Owner Name Owner Type Individual Chris D Hedden Owner Affiliation Chris D. Hedden Owner 73 Holly Hill Vista Rd Franklin NC 28744 Scheduled Orig Issue App Received Draft Initiated issuance 10/14/10 09/09/10 Regulated Activities_ Heat Pump injection Private residence, single family Outfall N"Ji ti Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 10M 4110 10/14/10 09/30/15 Reauested/Received Events Reg ton comments on d raft f eq ues ted 10/11/10 Region comments on draft received 10114/10 Waterbedy Name Stream Index Number Current Ctass Subbasin Permit Number W10100119 Program Category Ground Water Permit Type Injection Mixed Fluid GSHP Well System [50M] Primary Reviewer john.mccray Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Central Files: AP3 SWP 10/14/10 Permit Tracking Slip Status Project Type In review New Project Version Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Aiflllation Chris D. Hedden Owner 73 Holly Hill Vista Rd Franklin NC 28744 Facility Name Major/Minor Region Chris D Hedden SFR 50M Minor Asheville Location Address County 10305 Bryson City Rd Macon Franklin NC 28734 Facility Contact Affiliation Chris D, Hedden Owner 73 Holly Hill Vista Rd Franklin NC 28744 D'xnwr Owner Name Owner Type Individual Chris D Hedden Owner Afflllation Chris D. Hedden Owner 73 Holly Hill Vista Rd Franklin NC 28744 rl �iac'C ram„+c Scheduled Orig Issue App Received Draft Initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 09/09/10 Retiulated Activities ;,r—aested/Received i\—Tits Region cum msnIs on draft requested 10/11/10 Region comments on draft. received 10/14/1 D Outfall NULL Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class 9ubbasin A;7441 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. SuHins Governor Director October 14, 2010 Chris Hedden 73 Holly Frill Vista Rd Franklin, NC 28734 Dee Freeman Secretary Subject: Issuance of Injection We11 Permit Permit No, W10100119 Issued to Chris D. Hedden Macon County Dear Mr. Hedden: 1n accordance with your application received September 9, 2010, I am forwarding Permit No. W10100119 for the construction and operation of a vertical closed -loop geothermal mixed -fluid heat pump injection well system located at 10305 Bryson City Rd., Franklin, Macon County, NC, 28734. This permit sball be effective from the date of issuance until September 30, 2015, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations stated therein. Please pay special attention to Part 1.7 of the permit and submit copies of the Well Construction Completion form (GW-1) after construction. Please submit all data within 30 calendar days of receipt of this letter to the address below: Aquifer Protection Section (APS) Underground Injection Control (UIC) Staff 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Additionally, your U1C system is subject to inspection by the APS and at the time of the inspection muse display a permanently affixed identification plate in accordance with requirements of 2C .0213(g). Please insure this is completed in accordance with permit condition Part 1.6 of this permit issued October 1, 2010. In order to continue uninterrupted legal use of this well for the stated purpose, you should submit an application to renew the permit three months prior to its expiration date. As indicated in the permit, this permit is not transferable to any person without prior notice to, and approval by, the Director of the Division of Water Quality. If you have any questions regarding your permit or the Underground Injection Control Program please call me at (919) 715-6168, Sincerely, ' John Mccray, Environmental Specialist cc: Landon Davidson - Asheville Regional Office Central Office File - WI0100119 Macon County Environmental Health Dept. Corbin and McMahan Euc: Permit WIO100119 anal] I'll M : 07:3 :Zi] 41041 31i►i11:1401►1uIDiaNEI413"MM4FluIN1 v 91814u113I1;I9CORI DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A WELL FOR INJECTION In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87; Article 21, Chapter 143, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Chris D. Hedden FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF 4 TYPE 5QM INJECTION WELL, defined in Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2C .0209(e)(3)(F), for the purpose of operating a vertical closed -loop geothermal -mixed -fluid heat pump system. This system is located at 10305 Bryson City Rd., Franklin, Macon County, NC 28734, and will be constructed and operated in accordance with the application received September 9, 2010, and in conformity with the specifications and supporting data submitted, all of which are filed with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and are considered a part of this permit. This permit is for Construction and Operation only, and does not waive any provisions of the Water- Use Act or any other applicable Laws, Rules, or Regulations. Operation and use of an injection well shall be in compliance with Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2C .0100 and .0200, and any other Laws, Rules, and Regulations pertaining to well construction and use. This permit shall be effective, unless revoked, from the date of its issuance until September 30, 2015, and shall be subject to the specified conditions and limitations set forth in Parts I through IX hereof. V_ Permit issued this the %� k day of 0&&V-r— , 2010, 'W' '�' vlp_� r�-Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission. PART I - WELL CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONDIT 0NS 1. The Permtttee must comply with all conditions of this permit and with the standards and criteria specified in Criteria and Standards Applicable to Injection Wells ( I5A NCAC 2C .0200). Any noncompliance with conditions of this permit constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and is Wounds for enforcement action as provided for in N.C.G.S. 87-94. ?. This permit shall become voidable unless the facility is constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 3. Each injection well shall not hydraulically connect separate aquifers. 4. Each injection well shall not be located in an area generally subject to flooding, Areas that are generally subject to flooding include those with concave slope, alluvial or colluvial soils, gullies, depressions, and drainage ways. 5. Each injection well shall be afforded reasonable protection against damage during construction and use. 6. Each geothennal injection well system shall have permanently affixed an identification plate on a nearby building or other permanently fixed structure indicating the location and presence of underground UIC wells according to 2C .0213(g). 7. A completed Well Construction Record (Form GW-1 ) must be submitted for each injection well to: Aquifer Protection Section --- UIC Staff 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 �I Aquifer Protection Section — Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. 70 I-Iighway Swannanoa, NC 28778 (825)296-4500 GWA s must be submitted within 30 days of completion of well construction. Copies of the G W-1 form (s) shall be retained on -site and available for inspection. Well construction records must also be submitted for the existing water supply wells on -site as well as a site map showing any water supply wells on adjacent properties as specified in NCAC .021 1 (d)(I )(D). PART I1--- WELL CONSTRUCTION SPECIAL CONDITIONS At least forty-eight (48) hours prior to constructing system, the Permittee shall notify the Aquifer Protection Section's Underground injection Control (U1C) Program Central Office staff; telephone number (919) 715-6168 and the v shcv lie ReLnonal Office Aquifer Protection Section Staff, telephone number (828) 21W-. 4,00. W1a100119 1 Sorehoies shall not connect separate aquifers which have differences in water quality (e.g., shallow surficial aquifers, saprolite, fractured bedfock, etc.) as specified in 15A NCAC 2C .0213(d)(8)(C) and shall be filled with bentonite grout from the lowermost water bearing zone to land surface as specified in the permit application, PART III — OPERATION AND USE GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature, volume of matcrials and rate of injection. as described in the application and other supporting data. ?. This permit is not transferable without prior notice to, and approval by, the Director of the Division of Water Quality (Director). In the event there is a desire for the facility to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit amendment request must be submitted to the Director, including any supporting materials as may be appropriate, at least 30 days prior to the date of the change. 3. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility of complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by other local, state, and federal agencies, which have jurisdiction. Furthermore, the issuance of this permit does not imply that all regulatory requirements have been met. PART IV — PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The injection facility shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times s❑ that there is no contamination of groundwater that will render it unsatisfactory for normal use. In the event that the facility fails to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions or failure of the injection zone to adequately assimilate the injected fluid, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions including those actions that may be required by the Division of Water Quality such as the repair, modification, or abandonment of the injection facility. 2. The Permittee shall be required to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit even if compliance requires a reduction or elimination of the permitted activity. 3. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or groundwater resulting from the operation of this facility. PART X' — OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS The injection facility shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 2. The Pernittee must notify the Division and receive prior written approval from the Director of any planned physical alterations or additions in the permitted facility or activity not specifically authorized by the permit. 3. At least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the initiation of the operation of the facility for injection, the Permittee must notify by telephone the Aquifer Protection Section's Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program Central Office staff, telephone number (919) 715-6168. Notification is required so that Division staff can inspect or otherwise review the injection facility and determine if it is in compliance with permit conditions. W10100119 3 PART VI - INSPECTIONS ] , Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Water Quality may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the injection facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit, may inspect or copy any records that must he maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or injection fluids. 2. Department representatives shall have reasonable access for purposes of inspection, observation, and sampling associated with injection and any related facilities as provided for in N.C.G.S. 87-90. 3. Provisions shall be made for collecting any necessary and appropriate samples associated with the injection facility activities. PART VII — MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Any monitoring (including groundwater, surface water, or soil sampling) deemed necessary by the Division of Water Quality to insure surface and ground water protection, will be established and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall be followed. ?. The Permittee shall report by telephone, within 48 hours of the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence, to the Asheville Regional Office, telephone number t8281296-4500, any of the following: (A) Any occurrence at the injection facility that results in any unusual operating circumstances; (B) Any failure due to known or unknown reasons that renders the facility incapable of proper injection operations, such as mechanical or electrical failures; 3. Where the Permittee becomes aware of an omission of any relevant facts in a permit application, or of any incorrect information submitted in said application or in any report to the Director, the relevant and correct facts or information shall be promptly submitted to the Director by the Pen ittee. 4. In the event that the permitted facility fails to perform satisfactorily, the Permittee shall take such immediate action as may be required by the Director. PART VIH — PERMIT RENEWAL The Permittee shall, at least 120 da q prior to the expiration of this permit. request an extension. PART LY — CHANGE OF WELL STATUS The Permittee shall provide written notification within 15 days of any change of status of an injection well. Such a change would include the discontinued use of a well for injection. If a well is taken completely out of service temporarily, the Permitter must install a sanitary seal. If a well is not to be used for any purpose that well must he permanently abandoned according to I5A NCAC 2C .0213(h)(1). Well Construction Standards. 2. When operations have ceased at the facility and a well will no longer be used for any purpose, the Permittee shall abandon that injection well' in accordance with the procedures specified in 15A NCAC 2C .0214, including but not limited to the following: (A) All casing and materials may be removed prior to initiation of abandonment procedures if the Director finds such removal will not be responsible for, or contribute to, the contamination of an underground source of drinking water. (B) The entire depth of each well shall be sounded before it is sealed to insure freedom from obstructions that may interfere with sealing operations. (C) Each well shall be thoroughly disinfected, prior to sealing, if the Director determines that failure to do so could lead to the contamination of an underground source of drinking water, (D) Each well shall be completely filled with cement grout, which shall be introduced into the well through a pipe which extends to the bottom of the well and is raised as the well is filled, (E) In the case of gravel -packed wells in which the casing and screens have not been removed, the casing shall be perforated opposite the gravel pack, at intervals not exceeding 10 feet, and grout injected through the perforations. (F) In those cases when, as a result of the injection operations, a subsurface cavity has been created, each well shall be abandoned in such a manner that will prevent the movement of fluids into or between underground sources of drinldng water and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. (G) The Permittee shall submit a Well Abandonment Record (Form GW-30) as specified in 15A NCAC 2C .0213(h)(1) within 30 days of completion of abandonment. 3. The written documentation required in Part rX (1) and (2) (G) shall be submitted to: Aquifer Protection Section-UIC Program DENR-Division of Water Quality 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 WIOIOOI19 Central Files: APS SWP 091200 Permit Number WIOIOO119 Permit Tracking Slip Program Category status Project Type Ground Water In review New Project Permit Typs Version Permit Classification Injection Mixed Fluid GSHP Well System (5OM) Individual Primary Reviewer john.mccray Cosstat SW Rule Permitted Flow Facility Name Chris ❑ Hedden SFR Location Address 10305 Bryson City Rd Franklin NC 28734 Permit Contact Affiliation Chris D. Hedden Owner 73 Holly HIII Vista Rd Franklin NC 28734 Major/Minor Region Minor Asheville County Macon Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Name Owner Type Individual Chris ❑ Hedden Owner Affiliation Chris ❑. Hedden Owner 73 Holly Hill Vista Rd Franklin NC 28734 Dates/Events Scheduled Drle Issue App Received Draft Initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 09/09/10 Rea ulated Activities OutfalI NY, I Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Close Subbasin Mccray, John From: Davidson,, Landon Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 10:26 AM To: Mccray, John Cc: Stepp, Jonathan Subject: RE: W10100119 Agreed G. Landon Davidson, P.G. NCDENR - ftklon of W atar Qua fity Aquifer PKAMtloa Se" on z Regmnal APS 5upervIsor F r f � Ash evil6 Regional Optics 2090 US. Hwy. 70 Sw�mnaaw, N.C.28771a ph.: M- 29rs-L4 (ax' 828.2"99-7 � web page: http.//h2aenr.stote.4ic.us/aaw.hdn This e-mail contains a pudic record which is subject to disclosure to third parties and the public pursuant North Carolina's public Records law. N. C Gen. Stat 3132.1, et seq. This e-mail may contain materials prepared during or in anticipation of a legal proceeding as part of preparation for that legal proceeding, in which case third party or public access to it is subject to N.G Gen. 5tat. §132-1.9 and moy be denied until the conclusion of the legal proceeding, including the completion of all appeals and post Judgment proceedings, or in the rase where no legal proceeding has been commenced, upon the expiration of all applicable statutes of llmitoNons and periods of repose. From: Stepp, Jonathan Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 10:09 AM To: Davidson, Landon Cc: Mccray, John Subject: W10100119 I recommend that we proceed with permitting. I talked with Chris about the location of his repair area and it is located on an adjacent lot that he owns to the east of the lot that the geo wells will be located on. I have also checked the county web page to confirm that Chris owns the lot. Thanks, Jonathan Jonathan Stepp- Jonathan.Steppl)ncdenr.&ov North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regiona I Office Division of Water Quality -Aquifer Protection Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 Notice: E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and therefore may be disclosed to third parties. Map'RI/ W ebADF/PrintTaskLayotaTe... Map cL•ss� Mir-I�e:� pa . 'n�w,: - 411 %t t-" y• 41 r y. 1 .fir IL ' •� � �� � -'1 � :J ti:f' � doh i% ', ~ '; d' �L1� Y . r , f4 Yy�ti Clit RO-Y 4, Y, 6r F 'pp _ ]��?� �r -•t•� •_ ��j.� TIIIJY TN.IMCER PR f ti � � �. \_0 4AKt t " ; tx�L fir a�.o Ni Tax Parch Township Rip hYrfd. Cty Ltrnb t: ❑ Sheet Ctrtarlhe PrWM CtY LFnta Rr. D' b r ONO eT3 ID ) Redden Chris (1) Tax Pascals IL. _ _ 5HAlE� TAKfk ELEVATLOM AIR OEM 16'�7OWHSIQP_C04i TOWNBH>P_DEiC LO H! COO! 1AHE_17l4C SUE0III_00O1I3116O3Y_OESC Ki�kLDG ACk1AG[ I.ANL_9Q_1T OPO_LrOOl;TCPO_ POlygo 1I2513piZQ4fi _ __ _ RCIiY RDfGROV 11 .. — LL COWEE — — RESIDEPMAL ^� 1 _ _ _'1 .. ID ^_ R — ROLUM 1AK Pp�yEOn i14321�2417Y R0:11 COWEE kR RESI0CN77AL� 19 :1 9 R ROLLIN• Copyright ILdvenwd USG5 Typo: )font 1 of 1 10/14/2010 4:08 PM NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Colleen H. Sullins Governor Director September 21, 2010 Chris D Hedden 73 Holly Full Vista Rd. Franklin, NC 28734 Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No-W10100119 Chris D Hedden SFR Injection Mixed Fluid GSHP Well System (5QM) Macon Dear Mr. Hedden: Dee Freeman Secretary The Aquifer Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality (Division) acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on September 9, 2010. This application package has been assigned the number listed above and will be reviewed by John McCray. The reviewer will perform a detailed review and contact you with a request for additional information if necessary. To ensure the maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Division requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please be aware that the Division's Regional Dfftce, copied below, must provide recommendations prior to final action by the Division. Please also note at this time, processing permit applications can take as long as 60 - 90 days after receipt of a complete application. If you have any questions, please contact John McCray at 919-715-6168, or via e-mail atjohn.=crak@ncdenr.gov. If the reviewer is unavailable, you may Ieave a message, and they will respond promptly. Also note that the Division has reorganized. To review our new organizational chart, go to h_ttp://h2o.enr.state.ne.us/documents/dw�orichart.ndf. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION NUMBER WHEN MAKLKG INQUIII` ES ON THIS PROJECT. Sinc y, far Debra J. a s Supervisor cc: Asheville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Corbin & McMahan (7355 Sylva Rd., Franklin, NC 28734) Permit Application File W101001 19 AOt1IFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Smice Center. Raleigh, North Carolina 276994636 Location, 2728 Capital Einulavard, Ra"h, North CarDiina276134 Phone; 919-733-3221 %FAX 1: 919.715-05ft FAX 2: 919.715-BW8 i Customer Service: 1-877-623-6746 Internet; www.ncwe1qMuAliN.gra An Equal 6pportunlly + AfrRmeNe Arian Employer NocorthCarolina Naturally NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES (NCDENR) APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION WITH A GEOTHERMAL HEAT PUMP SYSTEM -FOR: TYPE 5QM WELLN New Permit Application OR Renewal (check one) DATE: Pin_ 30 20 JO PERMIT NO. _ _(leave blank if NEW permit application) A. PROPERTY OWNER(S)IAPPLICANT(S) List each Property Owner listed on property deed (if owned by a business or government agency, state name of entity and a representative wlauthority for signature): C�-R 1 S -D. H Dp t+J _ (1) Mailing Address: 073 (4a& i t ( Vi irx R'p City: f-� I�Ci,J State: NC- Zip Code: a73N County: fK+4C41^J _ Home/Office Teie No.: 8 z8 . 3(pq - 9 S-9 r Cell No.: EMAILAddress: (2) Physical Address of Site (if different than above): tO 30S7 City: R+3 LC A) State: &C, Zip Code: County: A1,4c.a Home/Off ce Tele No.: 1 - .S Z�_ (,� Cell No.: 01— ©3C B. AUTHORIZED AGENT OF OWNER, IF ANY (if the Permit Applicant does not own the subject property, attach a letter from the property owner authorizing Agent to install and operate UIC well) Company Name: 14}" rA -BRAT, [, eri t k upj c . Contact Person: C,4ps- Hwy,- Address: Address: 01- City: !q� I�.0 p __ _ State: IBC Zip Code: ? 3 County: /1 Gor•� Office Tele No.: 8 7-6 • 3 Cy9 - 4 5 I / CeII No.: Website Address of Company, if any: C. STATUS OF APPLICANT Private; V-14 Federal: Commercial: State: Municipal: Native American Lands RECEIVED / OENR i DVVQ Aquifer Protection Section SEP 9 9 2010 GPUfUIC SQM Well Permit Application (Revised 712008) Page 1 D. WELL DRILLERINFORMATION Company Name: t-t �-Do l: meat• We'd Well Drilling Contractor's Name: C14 2i 5 l ACFWIIJ NC Contractor Certification No.: Z044 - Contact Person: C-8 ice`s 0 "0 6- a_ EMAIL Address: �7n S �► f1 ti+* h Address: 73 l W r3. City: k Lim Zip Coder County: M 14CaPJ Office Tele No.: - 3Lq ,901 Cell No.: E. HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR INFORMATION (lf different than driller) Company Name:.CORBJA) i (K S MAN �..] Contact Person, _ _ EMAIL Address: Address: _ I.A. City: rRAsl UW Zip Cade: ►J C County: %RAF s va Office Tele No.: 826- 30 •8 7So Cell No.: F. INJECTION PROCEDURE (briefly describe how the injection well(s) will be used) G. WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA {Skip to Section H if this is a Permit RENEWAL] (1) Proposed date to be constructed: �1" Zo 10 Number of borings: Approximate depth of each boring (feet): 2,? O (2) Chemical additives to a used in closed -loop system (only those chemicals indicated have been approved): R-22 1, propylene glycol ethanol other (other additives will need prior approval by NCDENR before use) (3) Type of tubing to be used (copper, PVC, etc): PC' (4) Well casing. Is the well(s) cased? (check either (a,) YES prr (b.) NO below) (a) YES if yes, then provide casing information such as IM_ee (steel, PVC, plastic, etc.), diameter, depth, and extent of casing appearing above ground: (b) NO J,/ (5) Grout (material surrounding well casing and/or piping): (a) Grout type: Cement Sentonite _V Other (specify) ' i C* S-oNp (b) Grout depth of tubing (reference to land surface): from to =y , (feet) If well has casing, indicate grout depth: from ___ --to_ (feet) H. INJECTION -RELATED EQUIPMENT Attach a diagram showing the engineering layout or proposed modification of the injection equipment and exterior piping/tubing associated with the injection operation. The manufacturer's brochure may provide supplementary information. GPUtWC 5QM Well Permit Application (Revised 7/2008) Page 2 I. LOCATION OF WELL(S) Attach two copies of snaps showing the following information: (1) Include a site map (can be drawn) showing: buildings, property lines, surface. water Bodies, potential sources of groundwater contamination and the orientation of and distances between the proposed well(s) and any existing well(s) or waste disposal facilities such as septic tanks or drain fields located within 1000 feet of the geothermal heat pump well system. Label all features clearly and include a north arrow. (2) Include a topographic map of the area extending one mule from the property boundaries and indicate the facility's location and the map name. J. POTABLE WATER WELL(S) Are there any potable water weII(s) on the subject property or adjacent properties? /YES NO If Yes, than indicate location on attached map(s). K. CERTIFICATION Note: This Permit Application must be signed by each person appearing on the recorded legal property deed. "I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to construct, operate, maintai , repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with t11e-� ppr� specifications and conditions of the Permit." Signature of Property Owner/Applicant Ri5 'Z�W.'y /4 cw-6 1 Print or Type Full Name Signature of Property Owner/Applicant Print or Type Full Name Signature of Authorized Agent, if any Print or Type Full Name Please return two copies of the completed Application package to; North Carolina DENR-DWQ Aquifer Protection Section UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone (919) 733-3221 RECEIVED 1 DENR / DWQ aquifer protection Section SEP 4 9 2010 GPUNIC 5QM well Permit Application (Reused 7/2009) Page 3 s a .rr }} � �r,M•'i'."�.kl•` ' a*.. ,1 Apr.,+ �� •;+ :.5, 'lr�. �i l �•� •t', _ -� �� ~!• ram'SA HMDEN 849.234 46 wCA a 84 E 170.00, Pa.T*o L40 M%n V,k�l HEDDDEN 6-18, ?.34 46 T.)LOT 1.CC 17&C